[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: A Veteran Remembers (ZINN)]

2006-11-13 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 13, 2006 7:02:14 AM PSTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: A Veteran Remembers  (ZINN)] From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 12, 2006 7:32:20 PM PSTSubject: [Fw: A Veteran Remembers  (ZINN)]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article15587.htm*A Veteran Remembers*By Howard Zinn11/12/06"ICH" -- Let's go back to the beginning of Veterans Day.  It used to be Armistice Day, because at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, World War I came to an end.We must not forget that conflict.  It revealed the essence of war, of all wars, because however "just" or "humanitarian" may be the claims, at the irreducible core of all war is the slaughter of the innocent, organized by national leaders, accompanied by lies. World War I was its epitome, as generals and politicians sent young men forward from their trenches, bayonets fixed, to gain a few miles, even a few yards, at frightful cost.In July 1916, the British General Douglas Haig ordered 11 divisions of English soldiers to climb out of their trenches and move toward the German lines.  The six German divisions opened up with their machine guns.  Of the 110,000 who attacked, more than half were killed or wounded -- all those bodies strewn on no man's land, the ghostly territory between the contending trenches.  That scenario went on for years.  In the first battle of the Marne, there were a million casualties, 500,000 on each side.The soldiers began to rebel, which is always the most heroic thing soldiers can do, for which they should be given medals. In the French Army, out of 112 divisions, 68 would have mutinies.  Fifty men would be shot by firing squads.Three of those executions became the basis for the late filmmaker Stanley Kubrick's antiwar masterpiece, "Paths of Glory."  In that film, a pompous general castigates his soldiers for retreating and talks of "patriotism."  Kirk Douglas, the lieutenant colonel who defends his men, enrages the general by quoting the famous lines of Samuel Johnson: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."The supposed moral justification of that war (the evil Kaiser, the Belgian babies) disintegrated quickly after it ended with sudden recognition of the 10 million dead in the mud of France and the gassed, shell-shocked, and limbless veterans confronting the world.The ugliness of that war was uncomplicated by the moral righteousness that made later wars, from World War II on, unsullied in our memory, or at least acceptable. Vietnam was the stark exception.  But even there our national leaders have worked hard to smother what they call "the Vietnam syndrome."  They want us to forget what we learned at the Vietnam War's end: that our leaders cannot be trusted, that modern war is inevitably a war against civilians and particularly children, that only a determined citizenry can stop the government when it embarks on mass murder.Our decent impulse, to recognize the ordeal of our veterans, has been used to obscure the fact that they died, they were crippled, for no good cause other than the power and profit of a few.  Veterans Day, instead of an occasion for denouncing war, has become an occasion for bringing out the flags, the uniforms, the martial music, the patriotic speeches reeking with hypocrisy.  Those who name holidays, playing on our genuine feeling for veterans, have turned a day that celebrated the end of a horror into a day to honor militarism.As a combat veteran myself, of a "good war," against fascism, I do not want the recognition of my service to be used as a glorification of war.  At the end of that war, in which 50 million died, the people of the world should have shouted "Enough!"  We should have decided that from that moment on, we would renounce war -- and there would be no Korean War, Vietnam War, Panama War, Grenada War, Gulf War, Balkan War.The reason for such a decision is that war in our time -- whatever "humanitarian" motives are claimed by our political leaders -- is always a war against children: the child amputees created by our bombing of Yugoslavia, the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children dead as a result of our postwar sanctions.  Veterans Day should be an occasion for a national vow: No more war victims on the other side; no more war veterans on our side.-- No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.14.3/530 - Release Date: 11/11/06 =
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Back to Iraq]

2006-11-09 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 9, 2006 7:48:01 AM PSTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: Back to Iraq]    We expect the Iraq Study Group to make a military and political recommendation. Militarily, the panel will argue for a slowdown in aggressive U.S. security operations and a redeployment of forces in Iraq, away from areas of unrest. Security will have to be worked out by the Iraqis or not at all.  Politically, the I.S.G. will argue that Washington will have to begin talking to the major Shi'ite stakeholder, and opposing power broker, in Iraq -- Iran.In short, the group will recommend a radical change in Bush's approach not only to Iraq but to the Muslim world in general. From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 9, 2006 4:09:59 AM PSTSubject: [Fw: Back to Iraq]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Stratfor: Geopolitical Intelligence Report - November 8, 2006*Back to Iraq*By George FriedmanThe midterm congressional elections have given the Democrats control of the U.S. House of Representatives. It is possible -- as of this writing, on Wednesday afternoon -- that the Senate could also go to the Democrats, depending on the outcome of one extremely close race in Virginia. However it finally turns out, it is quite certain that this midterm was a national election, in the sense that the dominant issue was not a matter of the local concerns in congressional districts, but the question of U.S. policy in Iraq. What is clear is that the U.S. electorate has shifted away from supporting the Bush administration's conduct of the war. What isnot clear at all is what they have shifted toward. It is impossible to discern any consensus in the country as to what ought to be done.Far more startling than the election outcome was the sudden resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld had become the lightning rod for critics of the war, including many people who had supported the war but opposed the way it was executed. Extraordinarily, President George W. Bush had said last week that Rumsfeld would stay on as secretary of defense until the end of his presidential term. It is possible that Rumsfeld surprised Bush by resigning in the immediate wake of the election -- but if that were the case, Bush would not have had a replacement already lined up by the afternoon of Nov. 8. The appointment of Robert Gates as secretary of defense means two things: One is that Rumsfeld's resignation was in the works for at least a while (which makes Bush's statement last week puzzling, to say the least); the other is that a shift is under way in White House policy on the war.Gates is close to the foreign policy team that surrounded former President George H.W. Bush. Many of those people have been critical of, or at least uneasy with, the current president's Iraq policy. Moving a man like Gates into the secretary of defense position indicates that Bush is shifting away from his administration's original team and back toward an older cadre that was not always held in high esteem by this White House.The appointment of Gates is of particular significance because he was a member of the Iraq Study Group (I.S.G.). The I.S.G. has been led by another member of the Bush 41 team, former Secretary of State James Baker. The current president created the I.S.G. as a bipartisan group whose job was to come up with new Iraq policy options for the White House. The panel consisted of people who have deep experience in foreign policy and no pressing personal political ambitions. The members included former House Foreign Relations Committee chairman Lee Hamilton, a Democrat, who co-chairs the group with Baker; former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican; former Clinton adviser Vernon Jordan; Leon Panetta, who served as White House chief of staff in the Clinton administration; former Clinton administration Defense Secretary William Perry; former Sen. Chuck Robb, a Democrat; Alan Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming; and Edwin Meese, who served as attorney general under the Reagan administration.Before Rumsfeld's resignation, it had not been entirely clear what significance the I.S.G. report would have. For the Democrats -- controlling at least one chamber of Congress, and lacking any consensus themselves as to what to do about Iraq -- it had been expected that the I.S.G. report would provide at least some platform from which to work, particularly if Bush did not embrace the panel's recommendations. And there had, in fact, been some indications from Bush that he would listen to the group's recommendations, but not necessarily implement them. Given the results of the Nov. 7 elections, it also could be surmised that the commission's report would become an internal issue for the Republican Party as well, as it looked ahead to the 2008 presidential campaign. With consensus that something must change, and no consensus as to what must change, the I.S.G. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Foreclosure USA ]

2006-11-05 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 4, 2006 1:27:31 PM PSTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw:  Foreclosure USA ]  "The power elite knows exactly what it's doing, keeping American  workers short of free time and too overworked to follow politics."      Foreclosures are rising faster in Nevada than in the rest of the country, where the rate went up 24 percent since May 2006.  In California, foreclosures have increased 43 percent since May.In Florida, the foreclosure rate is four times the national average  -- 39 percent higher than the same period last year.From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: November 4, 2006 8:25:01 AM PSTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [Fw:  Foreclosure USA ]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://informationclearinghouse.info/article15483.htmForeclosure USABy Joel S. Hirschhorn11/03/06"ICH" -- We the people once owned our democracy. We elected "representatives" to run it for U.S. Have you noticed? Somewhere along the way we lost our democracy.It was foreclosed by wealthy and power elites that corrupted our “representatives” who literally sold us out. Our homeland was foreclosed right in plain sight. Sure, we citizens still reside in the USA, but we no longer own our democracy. We pay rent through our taxes. But we no longer have any equity. Our democracy is owned by the rich, and their partner foreign elites and governments, which is why in a strict sense it no longer is a democracy, but rather a plutocracy.Modern day aristocrats -- an apt terms considering the many political dynasties in our ruling class -- maintain the charade that America is still a democracy by letting us vote. They also give us many freedoms to distract us from our dire political conditions. They’re smart, so they limit our choices to the main parties that constitute the two-party duopoly. Even smarter, they convert consumer spending (that they spur) into economic inequality, making them, the rich, even richer and everyone else, all of us, poorer.Donald Trump says we hardly have any middle class left. He ought to know. Lou Dobbs says there is a war on the middle class. He does not say what would only depress his audience, even more. We the people have already lost the war. We have a large Upper Class, for whom prosperity is real, and an expanding Lower Class, for whom economic slavery based on compulsive borrowing, debt and spending is all too real.How We Lost Democracy OwnershipPeople born into American citizenship or sworn into it have inherited a democracy debt -- a kind of political mortgage -- that requires payment, not in dollars, but in engaged and responsible citizenship, ensuring that those elected to manage the government do so in the public interest. People like Thomas Jefferson told us about the burden placed on Americans. But paying our democracy mortgage has declined over the past fifty years.I postulate that the decline started after World War II with the advent of urban sprawl, speeding up with accelerating suburban sprawl. Now, political divisiveness coexists with sprawl on steroids, with gated non-communities of McMansions for the Upper Class. As to the politics of sprawl, Americans traded democracy ownership for home ownership. They stopped paying for democracy through engaged citizenship and started paying for compulsive consumption. True citizenship was replaced by social isolation and loss of social capital as people cocooned themselves in their private space where they could gratify themselves with more and bigger possessions.With sprawl and all the enabling automobile addiction, roads and chain stores, the power elites knew exactly what they were doing. They made Americans time poor and too tired to be politically active. Through distraction based on borrowing and spending they suckered Americans into defaulting on their democracy debt. Democracy was foreclosed, without any notice letter being sent to us. Ownership was transferred to the rich and powerful elites sitting atop the corporate state and, not coincidentally, making tons of money from land development and home building. Wal-Mart was elected corporate wage-killer-in-chief.Delusional OwnershipWhich brings us to our current new twist on Foreclosure USA. Millions of Americans have experienced, or will soon experience, foreclosure on what once was hyped as the cornerstone of the ownership society -- they are losing their homes. The bursting of the housing bubble is often talked about in terms of slower home sales and lower prices. The latest data: In September, the number of existing single-family homes sold dropped 14.2 percent, compared to September 2005, and the median price dropped by $5,000.But something much worse is happening and accelerating in virtually every community in all the states. In a delusional democracy with delusional prosperity we now are witnessing the proof that the ownership society is also delusional. Apparently no one has 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: N.S.A. Murders, Worldwide Secret Cellphone Bugs]

2006-09-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 14, 2006 9:13:06 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: N.S.A. Murders, Worldwide Secret Cellphone Bugs] ___    http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/8/26/184241/405Two Whistleblowers Dead -- Ties to N.S.A. Spying?by Steven DSat Aug 26, 2006 at 03:42:40 PM PDTSometimes, in my internet research, I come across a story that reads like it came straight out of a Robert Ludlum novel.That was certainly my reaction when I recently came across this post by Joseph Cannon on August 22nd at Bradblog involving the deaths of two men, telecommunications experts in Italy and Greece, respectively.  Both men seemingly committed suicide within months after publicly revealing their discovery of two separate instances of an American led effort to eavesdrop on various governmental officials, businessmen and antiwar activists in Europe through the use of hidden spyware in their respective country's principal telecommunications' networks:Two whistleblowers -- one in Italy, one in Greece -- uncovered a secret bugging system installed in cell phones around the world.  Both met with untimely ends.  The resultant scandals have received little press in the United States, despite the profound implications for American critics of the Bush administration.Last month, Italian telecommunications security expert Adamo Bove either leapt or was pushed from a freeway overpass; he left no note and had no history of depression.  Last year (March, 2005), Greek telecommunications expert Costas Tsalikidis met with a similarly enigmatic end.  Both had uncovered American attempts to eavesdrop on government officials, anti-war activists, and private businessmen.Hardly surprising this story hasn't generated any attention in the American media.  The details of each case are ambiguous, and the facts have been obscured both by the deaths of the two men in question, by an apparently deliberate effort to destroy evidence of this illegal wiretapping, and because the relevant authorities in both countries shut down the official investigations into these men's deaths after they were both ruled to be suicides.  Furthermore, this happened in Europe, not America, and our American media is notoriously negligent in its coverage of important stories from overseas (as, for one example, its failure to cover this story I posted a while back involving the Bush administration's maddening refusal to assist the Swiss government in an investigation into a smuggling ring involving nuclear materials and technology).What we do know, based on the European reports cited in Mr. Cannon's post, however, suggests the existence of a massive, coordinated effort by the Bushadministration to violate the laws and sovereignty of other nations in its attempts to gather information, regardless of the tenuous connection such eavesdropping may have to the "War on Terror."  One that may have led directly to the death of two men who had exposed elements of this ongoing spy program operating in their countries: Adamo Bove in Italy, and Costas Tsalikidis in Greece.First, a report on the mysterious death of Adamo Bove from Indymedia Italia:Just after noon on Friday, July 21, Adamo Bove -- head of security at Telecom Italia, the country's largest telecommunications firm -- told his wife he had some errands to run as he left their Naples apartment.Hours later, police found his car parked atop a freeway overpass.  Bove's body lay on the pavement some 100 feet below.Bove was a master at detecting hidden phone networks.  Recently, at the direction of Milan prosecutors, he'd used mobile phone records to trace how a "Special Removal Unit" composed of C.I.A. and S.I.S.M.I. (the Italian C.I.A.) agents abducted Abu Omar, an Egyptian cleric, and flew him to Cairo where he was tortured.  The Omar kidnapping and the alleged involvement of 26 C.I.A. agents, whom prosecutors seek to arrest and extradite, electrified Italian media. U.S. media noted the story, then dropped it.The first Italian press reports after Bove's death said the 42-year-old had committed suicide.  Bove, according to unnamed sources, was depressed about his imminent indictment by Milan prosecutors.  But prosecutors immediately, and uncharacteristically, set the record straight: Bove was not a target; in fact, he was prosecutors' chief source.  Bove, prosecutors said, was helping them investigate his own bosses, who were orchestrating an illegal wiretapping bureau and the destruction of incriminating digital evidence.  One Telecom executive had already been forced out when he was caught conducting these illicit operations, aswell as selling intercepted information to a business intelligence firm.And the strangely similar tale of the death of Costas Tsalikidis as reported by the BBC's website:Last month, the government admitted that the mobile phones of the prime minister, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: 9/11~Where Is the Evidence?]

2006-09-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 15, 2006 10:59:04 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: 9/11~Where Is the Evidence?]   : Studies such as those referred to by the Popular Mechanics editors, are in fact not forensic studies of evidence but what the editor-in-chief of "Fire Engineering" called "paper- and computer-generated hypotheticals."The explanation that the three W.T.C. buildings collapsed as a result of damage and fire is a mere assertion. The assertion is not backed up with scientific calculation to demonstrate that the energy from the airliners, fire, and gravity were sufficient to collapse the buildings. A number of independent authorities believe that there is a very large energy deficit in the official account of the collapse of the buildings. Until this issue is resolved, the official explanation is merely an assertion no matter who believes it.The Canadian scientist Frank R. Greening has made the only independent scientific attempt of which I am aware to show that a gravity-driven collapse of one of the buildings, W.T.C. 1, was sustainable. His paper is published in the "Journal of 9/11 Studies," Vol. 3 (September 2006) and is available online. It is a reply to earlier calculations by Gordon Ross, who concluded otherwise, and is answered in the same issue by Ross, who shows that Greening's work actually demonstrates the existence of an energy deficit.It is instructive to read this exchange between competent authorities. Few readers will be able to follow the application of scientific principles and the calculations of the required and available energy. However, it will be clear that the issue is a scientific matter that is over the heads of members of a political commission, pundits, and bloggers, and that it is inappropriate for a pundit, who himself is incapable of following such a discussion, to call those participating in it "conspiracy nuts."Perhaps Greening is preparing an answer to Ross that will rescue the government's story from scientists' skepticism. There are many more skeptics than Ross and Professor Steven Jones. Frank Legge, for example, has shown problems with N.I.S.T.'s explanation that fire caused the buildings to fail. From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 15, 2006 1:52:28 AM PDTSubject: [Fw: 9/11~Where Is the Evidence?]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14963.htm*Where Is the Evidence?*By Paul Craig Roberts09/14/06"ICH" -- Readers are asking me to adjudicate the September 11 debate sponsored by "Democracy Now!" between "Loose Change" producers Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas, and Popular Mechanics editors James Meigs and David Dunbar, who have just published a Popular Mechanics' book, "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can’t Stand Up to the Facts."This is not my role. First of all, I am not an expert on 9/11. Second, I didn’t see the debate. Third, I don’t think it matters who won the debate.I have read the transcript of the debate, but written words do not convey the same impression as a visual presentation. As many, if not most, people who have been on debate teams will tell you, debates are not always won by who has the best facts and analysis. How one handles oneself, one’s demeanor, how one approaches the audience, and the audience’s predisposition can have more to do with the outcome of a debate than facts.My opinion of "Loose Change" and Popular Mechanics is independent of who won the debate. The "Loose Change" producers are more to be admired than the Popular Mechanics editors for the simple reason that the former are committed to opening a debate and the latter are committed to closing debate down. Indeed, Popular Mechanics was early on the scene trying to close off debate by defending the government line. Why?If I had been in the debate, I would have asked Meigs and Dunbar what’s conspiratorial about a thorough hearing and examination of an event that has been used to justify illegal invasions that are war crimes and have destroyed two countries and killed tens of thousands of people.The Popular Mechanics editors are convinced that any explanation other than the government's explanation is a conspiracy theory. However, the title of their new book applies equally to their view, as there is no more fantastic conspiracy theory than the view championed by the Popular Mechanics editors. How, for example, can it be possible that on one short morning of September 11, 2001, multiple failures occurred not only in airport security but also in F.A.A. and N.O.R.A.D. procedures? The probability of any one of these failures is low. The probability of all of these failures occurring on one morning is very low indeed. How is it possible that essentially all U.S. security failures of the last 5 or 10 years occurred on one morning? What probability do independent statisticians assign to such an event?The probability is also 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: JFK: The Ultimate Explanation..... #2 / MORE!!]

2006-08-06 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 6, 2006 9:10:08 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: JFK: The Ultimate Explanation. #2 / MORE!!] From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 3, 2006 9:38:01 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [Fw: JFK: The Ultimate Explanation. #2 / MORE!!]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.planetquo.com/The-George-H-W-Bush-JFK-Murder-ConnectionBUSH stated that he was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel and return to his residence on 11-23-63. His office telephone number is CA 2-0395.So, we have George H.W. Bush telling the F.B.I. that he did not know the source of the information but knew that a John Bircher named James Parrott, who was the same age as Lee Harvey Oswald (24), wanted to kill President Kennedy in Houston. Bush did not know much about Parrott but gave the name of two Republican Party officials in Houston. Of course, Bush's Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company had been a C.I.A. front since 1960 and had supplied the Bay of Pigs invasion (code named "Zapata") force with two of his company's ex-U.S. Navy landing craft, renamed the "Barbara J" and the "Houston." In any case, Bush's phone call to the F.B.I. was a false lead, and Parrott was cleared.However, Bush's phone call creates more questions about him than about Parrott. First of all, there is no evidence that Bush was in Tyler when Kennedy was shot. There was no Caller I.D. in those days that would have allowed Special Agent Kitchel to know, for a fact, that Bush was calling from Tyler. Bush's wife, Barbara, claimed he was in Tyler but Bush once said he may have been in Port-au-Prince, Haiti that day. But Bush himself admits to the F.B.I. that he was booked into the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas on November 22.Bush always had a keen interest in what files the government had on Kennedy's assassination. When he was C.I.A. Director in 1976, Bush wanted to see all the agency's files on the Kennedy assassination. His memos specifically requested information on Oswald, Jack Ruby, and others linked to the assassination. In her book, "The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty," author Kitty Kelley writes that "Years later, when [Bush] became president of the United States, he would deny making any attempt to review the agency files on the J.F.K. assassination… when he made this claim, he did not realize that the agency would release 18 documents [under the Freedom of Information Act] that showed he had indeed, as C.I.A. director, requested information -- not once, but several times -- on a wide range of questions surrounding the Kennedy assassination."Then there is the business of the November 29, 1963 memo from the Director of the Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research to J. Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. Director. The subject is "Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963." The memo states:"Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963, advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U.S. policy, which is not true."Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those who did not entirely agree with the President's policy concerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great loss not only to the U.S. but to all of Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba."An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that these individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination."The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to us, George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963 by Mr. W.T. Forsyth of this Bureau."A copy of the above memo was furnished to the Director of Naval Intelligence. That is important for reasons that will be explained in the following paragraph.Not only was George H.W. Bush, a known C.I.A. operative, in Dallas on November 22 but he was also keeping track of the stance of pro-Castroites in Miami. That would have been important because Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy's accused assassin was supposed to be a pro-Communist member of the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee." But he was also associated with the "Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean" and "Friends of 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: New Questions Over Death of David Kelly]

2006-07-25 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 24, 2006 8:40:00 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: New Questions Over Death of David Kelly] From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 24, 2006 11:58:30 AM PDTSubject: [Fw: New Questions Over Death of David Kelly]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Fwd from: A.C.New Questions Over Death of David KellyPosted by: "Mitchel Cohen"   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   mitchelcohen2001Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:24 am (PST)David Kelly was a world-reknowned microbiologist who was "suicided" in England after exposing Blair's lies about WMDs that were used by both Bush and Blair to invade Iraq.  There have been an excruciatingly high number of microbiologists that have died in unusual circumstances in the last six years, many of them with knowledge of the U.S. and Britain's Anthrax-related and secret biowarfare programs.-- Mitchel CohenOne commentator adds to the story, below:  Don't forget that the ambulance crew who found Dr. Kelly gave a press conference on a Sunday saying that the amount of blood at the scene was insufficient for them to believe that a severed artery was the cause of death.DAILY MAIL  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=397129in_page_id=1770*New Questions Over Death of David Kelly*By JONATHAN OLIVER, The MailSunday 22:00 p.m. 22nd July 2006David Kelly: Major investigation has cast doubt on the official verdict that he committed suicideAlarming new questions about the death of Iraq weapons inspector David Kelly have been raised as a major investigation cast doubt on the official verdict that he committed suicide.The inquiry by campaigning MP Norman Baker will spark renewed speculation about how the Government's leading expert on weapons of mass destruction was found dead in a field in Oxfordshire three years ago.In particular, the dossier compiled by the Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes shows that the method of suicide said to have been chosen by Dr. Kelly, far from being common as was claimed at the time, was in fact unique.Dr. Kelly was the only person in the United Kingdom that year deemed to have died from severing the ulnar artery in his wrist, a particularly difficult and painful process as the artery is deep and Dr. Kelly had only a blunt garden knife.The MP reveals that the Oxfordshire coroner held an 'unusual' meeting with Home Office officials before he determined the cause of Dr. Kelly's death.  And he claims that a 'cozy cabal' of Mr. Blair's friends, including Peter Mandelson and Lord Falconer, the Lord Chancellor, hand-picked Lord Hutton, a retired Law Lord from Northern Ireland, to lead the official investigation in 2003.Writing exclusively in The Mail on Sunday, Mr. Baker insists it is time to question the findings of the Hutton report.  He says: "I challenge the conclusion on the basis that the medical evidence cannot support it, that Dr. Kelly's own behaviour and character argues strongly against it and that there were grave shortcomings in the legal and investigative processes set up to consider his death."Dr. Kelly's body was found shortly after he was named as the source for a BBC report which claimed Downing Street 'sexed up' the official dossier on Saddam Hussein's chemical and biological arsenal.  The six-month inquiry that followed concluded that the pressure of being exposed prompted the scientist to take his own life through a combination of an overdose of painkillers and slashing his wrist.-- No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.3/395 - Release Date: 7/21/06 =
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: The Spirit of the King David Hotel]

2006-07-24 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 24, 2006 8:03:53 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: The Spirit of the King David Hotel] From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 23, 2006 10:16:57 PM PDTSubject: [Fw: The Spirit of the King David Hotel ]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]I highly recommend "1949 The First Israelis" written by Tom Segev - Judy Johns                   http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/741434.htmlThe Spirit of the King David HotelBy Tom Segev                The terror attack on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem was in its day the equivalent of the Twin Towers; yesterday was its 60th anniversary.  There are two historic plaques at the hotel, one of whose wings was used by the British Mandate authority.  On one of the plaques, which has been hanging there for some time, a few words note the terror attack: "On July 22, 1946, the Etzel underground bombed the southern wing."  The action is attributed to Etzel alone, but there is no condemnation. "Underground" generally has a positive connotation.The unveiling of the other plaque this week was meant to cap an academic conference held at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center on the issue of who is a freedom fighter and who is a terrorist . It was quite a week to clarify such a question.   They can be distinguished by organizational affiliation, goals, targets, means of combat and mode of operation.  They all assume that a freedom fighter is a good person and a terrorist is a bad one.  Nearly every terrorist defines himself as a freedom fighter, and vice versa: freedom fighters are usually defined as terrorists.  So was Begin.  He invested a lot of effort to convince history that he was not a terrorist.  Among other things, he emphasized that his organization did not harm civilians.  There's a thesis that could serve as an historic lesson from a moral standpoint: not harming civilians.The new plaque identifies the perpetrators of the attack as "Etzel fighters."  It's important for them to emphasize that they acted "under orders from the Hebrew rebel movement," in other words, the Hagannah, among others.  They called the hotel switchboard, the editorial offices of the Palestine Post, and the French Embassy (presumably they meant the consulate) "to prevent casualties."  In other words, they sought a terrorist attack without casualties, but something went wrong.  Twenty-five minutes went by and then "for some reason" the British did not evacuate the building "and as a result" 91 people were "regrettably" killed.  There were 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and five others.  To emphasize the military aspect of the operation, the plaque notes that one of the Etzel people was killed "in an exchange of fire."The British government is demanding the plaque's removal. Her Majesty's ambassador and the consul have written to the mayor of Jerusalem that such an act of terror cannot be honored, even if it was preceded by a warning.  To this day, it is not clear what made the bombing's planners believe the British would evacuate the building.  Would Benjamin Netanyahu, as prime minister, have ordered his bureau evacuated on the basis of telephone threat from a Palestinian terror group?Netanyahu spoke at the conference.  The difference between a terrorist operation and a legitimate military action is expressed, he said, in the fact that the terrorists intend to harm civilians whereas legitimate combatants try to avoid that.  According to that theory, the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier by a Palestinian organization is a legitimate military operation, and the bombing of Dresden, Hanoi, Haifa or Beirut is a war crime.  Of course, this is not what Netanyahu meant.  He learned only this from the bombing of the hotel: that the Arabs are bad and we are good.  Arab actions starting in 1920 and through the Iranian nuclear plan reflect, in his words, "a terrorist mentality." Israel, on the other hand, only harms civilians by accident or when there is no alternative.  For example, when terrorists hide among civilians.The historic truth is different: In the 60 years since the attack at the King David Hotel, Israel has hurt some two million civilians, including 750,000 who lost their homes in 1948, another quarter million Palestinians who were forced to leave the West Bank in the Six-Day War and hundreds of thousands of Egyptian civilians who were expelled from the cities along the Suez Canal during the War of Attrition.  And now tens of thousands of Lebanese villagers are being forced to abandon their homes, and air force pilots are once again bombing Beirut and other cities. Hundreds of civilians have been killed.  Regrettably.  It's all in the spirit of the King David Hotel.  One can always say there was a mishap.-- No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.10.3/395 - Release Date: 7/21/06 =

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: OPERATION CONDOR, 9/11-1973/2001]

2006-07-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 7, 2006 1:48:49 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: OPERATION CONDOR, 9/11-1973/2001] From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 6, 2006 9:08:58 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [Fw: OPERATION CONDOR, 9/11-1973/2001]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]OPERATION CONDOR, 9/11-1973/2001By Alex Constantine"The 9/11 attack was the parallel to the Pinochet coup... Operation Condor ... Pinochet also imposed extraordinary police powers ... After 9/11, thousands of Arabs and Muslims were also rounded up by the U.S. military and kept in prison in secret ... They were also tortured ... 9/11 was the equivalent of a coup for Bush. Its version of Operation Condor is being assembled in the Pentagon by Undersecretary of Defense Stephen Cambone and his military deputy, Lt. Gen.William G. Boykin ..."-- Maria Montelibre"'Counterterrorism' plus George Schultz's doctrine of 'preemptive counterinsurgency' equals revolutionary fascist insurgency..."-- Lyle Courtsal"In this world, in this strange world of covert overthrow of governments and clandestine armies and secret operations, the problem we're facing is that you are working with two realities: you're working with ... exchange of power, economic power, power over people, controlling their lives. In order to do that you disguise certain persons and send them into roles to influence. They become actors on a stage and they influence our minds in a way that is not real, but effect a reality that will touch us later."-- Mae Brussell, Dialogue Assassination, Broadcast no. 16,October 13, 1971--To Mussolini, "fascismo," a word he coined, had dual meanings. It is rooted in the Latin "fasces," a rather strange-looking axe with poles strapped to it, but the term also meant "Group."Christopher Deliso at Antiwar.com found the 9/11 group when he poked into the Plame investigation, "a relay team of hawkish officials providentially placed throughout various government agencies." The serpentine network wound through the C.I.A., Pentagon, Office of Special Plans, State Department, D.I.A., N.S.A., and other federal agencies. Deliso described operatives darkening the wings of the Libby investigation, but the same could be said of the 9/11 inquiry: the same "relay team" performed "a handoff of information from the point of origin (the CIA) to the ultimate 'commissioners' of the inquiry." Given the "intra- and inter-factional nature of all of these agencies, it is understandable why the highest officials in the land jostled to get their 'people' strategically inserted throughout the departments, where they could garner inside information and hinder the objectives of their ostensibly direct employers whenever they conflicted with the goals of their real minders..."[1]But the Kean Commission came at the end of the loop, and the unpublicized meetings at Hoover are the obvious place to pause and take stock of the hierarchy  the "minders" were represented by George Schultz and his Hoover "scholars" at the Bush grooming sessions before he assumed office. It's not widely acknowledged that the Rockefeller-Farben syndicate represented by Kissinger, Schultz and others in the Hoover group fuelled the Hitler regime and survived WW II, also various trading-with-the-enemy acts and monopoly dissolutions to take dominant position in turn-of-the-century covert operations down to the anthrax episode. The Morgan and Harriman empires sprawl, too. Skyscrapers have crumbled beneath their feet.These are the Royals. Royals set loose their hounds for the installation of a dictatorship in Chilé: Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, the C.I.A., and a military junta on September 11, 1973 ...___C.I.A. Acknowledges Involvement in Allende's Overthrow, Pinochet's RiseSeptember 19, 2000?WASHINGTON (AP) -- The C.I.A. is acknowledging for the first time the extent of its deep involvement in Chile, where it dealt with coup-plotters, false propagandists and assassins ...---Twenty-five years before the C.I.A. posted a public confession, Howard Zinn went ahead anyways and reported that Operation Condor, "the C.I.A. action to overthrow Allende, was approved by the 40 Committee, whose chairman [was] Henry Kissinger. And it was Kissinger who recommended that Rockefeller head the commission to investigate the C.I.A.Rockefeller summed up the commission report: 'There are things that have been done which are in contradiction to the statutes, but in comparison to the total effort, they are not major.' The same report can be made on the Corleone family ..."[2]How "in contradiction to the statutes" was Condor? So in contradiction that the river running through Santiago was dammed by headless bodies. How many statutes did that contradict?Regime change has long been a staple of U.S. foreign policy. Exactly 28 years later, it happened 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Michael Hayden's Ties to PSYOPS, etc...]

2006-05-14 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: May 13, 2006 9:36:16 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Fwd: [Fw: Michael Hayden's Ties to PSYOPS, etc...]   The NarusInsight is one type of domestic spying hardware.  Capable of monitoring 10 billion bits of data per second in real-time.  This means the NarusInsight can monitor an OC-192 in real-time.  For reference 10 billion bits is 10 million Kbts, divide that by the  average DSL user witch is 256 Kbts (1000/256) you get  monitoring of 39062.5 DSL lines in realtime for every piece of hardware.    After data capture Narus software can replay data. What does this mean?  Well, according to tghe Narus website:  "Capabilities include playback of streaming media (for example, VoIP),  rendering of Web pages, examination of e-mails, and the ability to analyze the payload/attachments of e-mail or file transfer protocols."    Think of it as Tivo for the internet, able to replay 39,000 US DSL users' activity in realtime for every piece of hardware.  From: "Jim S." [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: May 13, 2006 5:56:48 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [Fw: Michael Hayden's Ties to 9/11, Hookergate, PSYOPS, etc...]Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/20060509_hayden_bribery_scandal/C.I.A. Nominee Hayden Linked to Bribery Scandal CompanyPosted on May 9, 2006From nsa.gov[Air Force general and C.I.A. director nominee Michael Hayden]Gen. Michael Hayden, whom Bush has tapped to lead the C.I.A., contracted the services of a company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, reports TPM Muckraker.TPM Muckraker:EXCLUSIVE: C.I.A. Nominee Hayden Linked to MZMBy Justin RoodMay 8, 2006, 11:33 a.m.While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company.Hayden, President Bush’s pick to replace Porter Goss as head of the C.I.A., contracted with MZM Inc. for the services of Lt. Gen. James C. King, then a senior vice president of the company, the sources say. MZM was owned and operated by Mitchell Wade, who has admitted to bribing former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham with $1.4 million in money and gifts. Wade has also reportedly told investigators he helped arrange for prostitutes to entertain the disgraced lawmaker, and he continues to cooperate with a federal inquiry into the matter.See also:http://team8plus.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2890.10Hayden and the N.S.A. -- the Most-Ignored “9/11 Connection”05/10: Updates Pentagon-N.S.A. "C.I.A. Takeover"(Also linked via Arkin Blog, WPhttp://blog.washingtonpost.com/earlywarning/2006/05/military_intelligence_is_not_t.html )Ex-N.S.A. Hayden directly linked to C.I.A. Bribery Scandal via MZM -- C.I.A.'s Defense 'Contract affair' meets ex-N.S.A., ex-NGA James C King, MZM Inc.(plus "The Wilkes-Schwarzenegger connection")On March 21, 2003, MZM received a $1.2 million contract from the Defense Department to send 21 interpreters to Iraq… The contract also calls for MZM to "produce written and/or taped materials to support civil affairs and/or psychological operations (PSYOPS)."James C. King, senior vice president, is a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army, where he spent 33 years. King established and led the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. "...King, .. joined MZM after retiring in late 2001 as director of the Pentagon-based National Imagery and Mapping Agency.James C. King left NIMA 2 days after Bush 9/11 memohttp://www.defenselink.mil/releases/2001/b08082001_bt363-01.htmlAugust 8, 2001See also:Why “Trailblazer” Was the Real Codeword for 9/11http://team8plus.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?2890.10#post_2918Comment #8945 by robincalfornia22 on 5/09 at 7:38 p.m.How many wrongs have people committed in history by saying "I'm doing god's work here on earth." "Feel safe and warm I'm here to protect." "I am truth and justice because I wear the uniform." Just because it feels right doesn't make it so. Truthness!Comment #8939 by linda on 5/09 at 6:02 p.m.another crony? what do you think of when you first look at his face?Comment #8933 by robincalfornia on 5/09 at 4:58 p.m.==Narus ST-6400 and NarusInsight by Narus Ltd.==Under Gen. Michael V. Hayden the NSA has forced tecom companies to implement massive domestic spying hardware. Even though Gen. Hayden has said at the National Press Club that, "As the director, I was the one responsible to ensure that this program was limited in its scope and disciplined in its application." The NarusInsight is one type of domestic spying hardware. Capable of monitoring 10 billion bits of data per second in real-time. This means the NarusInsight can monitor an OC-192 in real-time. For reference 10 billion bits is 10 million Kbts, divide that by the average DSL user witch is 256 Kbts (1000/256) you get 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Bush Defector To Demolish  9/11 Lies On May 6]

2006-04-19 Thread RoadsEnd
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Bush Defector To Demolish 9/11 Lies On May 6

The former top economist in Bush's Department of Labor, Morgan Reynolds, 
will speak out on the 9/11 inside job at the State Historical Society, 
University of Wisconsin-Madison on Saturday, May  6th.  The film Loose 
Change will be shown, and refreshments served, starting at 1 p.m., and 
Reynolds will speak at 3:00 p.m.

Dr. Reynolds, who holds three U.W.-Madison degrees, and is currently 
Professor of Economics at Texas AM University, will present evidence 
that top Bush Administration officials orchestrated the controlled 
demolition of the World Trade Center, and the murder of almost 2,500 
Americans, as a pretext for initiating their pre-planned long war in 
the Middle East.

While more Americans doubt the 9/11 story every week, evidence abounds 
that many have a mental block against rational examination of the 
evidence about 9/11 writes Dr. Reynolds in a recent article.  This 
mental block, he thinks, amounts to willful ignorance -- not just about 
9/11, but about history.

Governments throughout history have provoked or staged attacks on their 
own people to serve the powers behind the throne ('the money power'), 
glorify themselves, engage in vast government spending, reward friends, 
exert domestic control, stimulate the juices of war, annex neighbors and 
pursue vast geostrategic rearrangements (the 'global domination 
project) Reynolds asserts.  He notes that every member of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff signed off on the Operation Northwoods plan to murder 
Americans in fake Cuban terrorist attacks in 1962.  The planned 
Operation Northwoods murders of ordinary Americans in fake terrorist 
bombings and a fake airliner shoot-down would have involved hundreds 
of military and intelligence personnel.  Yet the existence of Operation 
Northwoods was successfully kept secret from the American people for 
forty years until James Bamford revealed it in his book, Body of 
Secrets, published in January 2002.

Though government officials have historically been able to successfully 
conceal their fake or arranged war-trigger attacks long enough to avoid 
being hanged for treason, Reynolds thinks the 9/11 cover-up has already 

Skepticism about conspiracy, small or large, is somewhat beside the 
point in the case of 9/11 because the official 
'Osama-and-Nineteen-Young-Arabs' (ONYA) conspiracy tale is so farcical 
and impossible.  Nearly everyone in America has easy access to the 
internet and hundreds of websites expose the 9/11 fraud. (Morgan 
Reynolds, Conspiracy and Closed Minds on 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Freedom Dies Quietly in the U.K. -- Will it here!!???]

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Freedom Dies Quietly
The bill marks the end of true parliamentary democracy; it is as 
significant as Congress abandoning the Bill of Rights

By John Pilger

ICH --People ask: can this be happening in Britain?  Surely not.  A 
centuries-old democratic constitution cannot be swept away.  Basic human 
rights cannot be made abstract.  Those who once comforted themselves 
that a Labour government would never commit such an epic crime in Iraq 
might now abandon a last delusion, that their freedom is inviolable.  If 
they knew.

The dying of freedom in Britain is not news.  The pirouettes of the 
Prime Minister and his political twin, the Chancellor, are news, though 
of minimal public interest.  Looking back to the 1930s, when social 
democracies were distracted and powerful cliques imposed their 
totalitarian ways by stealth and silence, the warning is clear.  The 
Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill has already passed its second 
parliamentary reading without interest to most Labour MPs and court 
journalists; yet it is utterly totalitarian in scope.

It is presented by the government as a simple measure for streamlining 
deregulation, or getting rid of red tape, yet the only red tape it 
will actually remove is that of parliamentary scrutiny of government 
legislation, including this remarkable bill.  It will mean that the 
government can secretly change the Parliament Act, and the constitution 
and laws can be struck down by decree from Downing Street.  Blair has 
demonstrated his taste for absolute power with his abuse of the royal 
prerogative, which he has used to bypass parliament in going to war and 
in dismissing landmark high court judgments, such as that which declared 
illegal the expulsion of the entire population of the Chagos Islands, 
now the site of an American military base.  The new bill marks the end 
of true parliamentary democracy; in its effect, it is as significant as 
the U.S. Congress last year abandoning the Bill of Rights.

Those who fail to hear these steps on the road to dictatorship should 
look at the government's plans for I.D. cards, described in its 
manifesto as voluntary.  They will be compulsory and worse.  An I.D. 
card will be different from a driving licence or passport.  It will be 
connected to a database called the NIR (National Identity Register), 
where your personal details will be stored.  These will include your 
fingerprints, a scan of your iris, your residence status, and unlimited 
other details about your life.  If you fail to keep an appointment to be 
photographed and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Cheney's Iraq Connection]

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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Cheney's Iraq Connection

From the S.F. Bay Guardian:

Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
Date: Thursday, August 29 @ 14:04:11 GMT
Topic: Background
by Martin A. Lee, San Francisco Bay Guardian,

November 13, 2000 -- Here's a whopper of a story you may have missed 
amid the cacophony of campaign ads and stump speeches in the run- up to 
the elections.

During former defense secretary Richard Cheney's five-year tenure as 
chief executive of Halliburton, Inc., his oil services firm raked in big 
bucks from dubious commercial dealings with Iraq.  Cheney left 
Halliburton with a $34 million retirement package last July when he 
became the GOP's vice-presidential candidate.

Of course, U.S. firms aren't generally supposed to do business with 
Saddam Hussein.  But thanks to legal loopholes large enough to steer an 
oil tanker through, Halliburton profited big-time from deals with the 
Iraqi dictatorship.  Conducted discreetly through several Halliburton 
subsidiaries in Europe, these greasy transactions helped Saddam Hussein 
retain his grip on power while lining the pockets of Cheney and company.

According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1998 and 
last winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of 
business contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services 
to Iraq through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and 
Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged 
petroleum-production infrastructure.  The combined value of these 
contracts exceeded those of any other U.S. company doing business with 

Halliburton was among more than a dozen American firms that supplied 
Iraq's petroleum industry with spare parts and retooled its oil rigs 
when U.N. sanctions were eased in 1998.  Cheney's company utilized 
subsidiaries in France, Italy, Germany, and Austria so as not to draw 
undue attention to controversial business arrangements that might 
embarrass Washington and jeopardize lucrative ties to Iraq, which will 
pump $24 billion of petrol under the U.N.-administered oil-for-food 
program this year.  Assisted by Halliburton, Hussein's government will 
earn another $1 billion by illegally exporting oil through black-market 

With Cheney at the helm since 1995, Halliburton quickly grew into 
America's number-one oil-services company, the fifth-largest military 
contractor, and the biggest nonunion employer in the nation.  Although 
Cheney claimed that the U.S. government had absolutely nothing to do 
with his firm's meteoric financial success, State Department documents 
obtained by the Los Angeles Times 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Incredible New 9/11 investigation]

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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[[More sham, shame,  disinfo BS cover-up!!!]]

March 16, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was named 
yesterday to a bipartisan panel to examine the nation's involvement in 
the war in Iraq.

The bipartisan group will be headed by former Secretary of State James 
Baker III and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton and will consist of 10 

The panel, established by Congress, is being asked to assess the 
political, military, and rebuilding efforts in Iraq.

The mayor looks forward to working with the group, said Giuliani 
spokeswoman Sunny Mindel.

Other members of the group include former CIA Director Robert Gates, 
former Democratic Senator Chuck Robb of Virginia, former Clinton adviser 
Vernon Jordan, former Republican Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, former 
White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, and former Defense Secretary 
William Perry.  The 10th member was not identified.

We need a bipartisan group of men and women of honor who love their 
country more than their political party to go to Iraq and provide an 
independent assessment, Rep. Frank Wolf, a Virginia Republican, said in 
a statement.

Wolf, who has been critical of the Bush administration's handling of the 
war, had pushed for the creation of the panel to bring a fresh 
perspective to the country's war strategy.

The stakes have arguably never been higher, said Wolf, who cited 
recent news reports that painted a grim picture of the regional chaos 
that would likely ensue if the already fragile Iraq spiraled into civil 

[Glenn Thrush of the Washington Bureau contributed to this story, which 
was supplemented with wire reports.]

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Urgent ~ Dead Health/Science Researchers!!! ]

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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Please forward and post ..


HMBW, Hylack.


The Toxic Reverend


-- Forwarded message --
From: Prof. Garth Nicolson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mar 16, 2006 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: Trilateral deaths
To: Homeless Justice [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

There are much larger lists, for example,  of microbiologists involved 
in projects such as BW development or discovery of agents released in 
public tests.

The attached lists are the tip of the iceberg.  The actual numbers are 
much, much higher.  I know this because 5 who are not on the lists who 
were associated with me died under unusual circumstances or were 
outright murdered after we uncovered the BW testing programs in the 
prison system in TX.

Some of this is covered in our new book, Project Day Lily:

Prof. Garth Nicolson
The Institute for Molecular Medicine  

[End of forwarded e-mail from Garth Nicolson, PhD]

NOTICE:  Due to pResidential Executive Orders, the National Security 
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice.  
They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight.  You 
have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the 
current pResident, and the arrest of the entire BushCoup organized crime 

Alternatively, you could join the 1991 Gulf War Vets with their Beyond 
Treason posted at http://www.gulfwarvets.com

Regards, The Toxic Reverend
a.k.a. Justice Is Homeless

The Toxic Reverend
P.O. Box 391
Guerneville, CA 95446
Voice Mail 707-433-0104, box 2530
Alternate E-mail:

Dead Scientists and Microbiologists - Master List
Compiled by Mark J. Harper

Marconi Scientists Mystery

In the 1980's, over two dozen science graduates and experts working for 
Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, 
most appearing to be suicides.  The MOD denied these scientists had been 
involved in classified Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in 
any way connected.  Judge for yourself...

March 1982:  Professor Keith Bowden, 46 
-- Expertise:  Computer programmer and scientist at Essex University 
engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as an expert on super 
computers and computer-controlled aircraft.
-- Circumstance of Death:  Fatal car crash when his 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Was Lennon's Dooman His Real Assassin!???]

2006-03-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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[If Perdomo/Sanjenis wasmaturein 1961-62 (Bay of Pigs) and was presumed to have died of "natural causes" (=old age) in 1974, how does"the doorman"wind up beingdescribed as being (or looking)"27 years old" in 1980, when he'd have beenmaybe 50 years old? Maybe that's adescription of the misidentified desk clerk "Hastings," but still, one has to ask.]
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Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, John Lennon's True Assassin(?)
by Salvador Astucia, Dec. 30, 2004
(last updated Jan. 4, 2004)

Newly discovered information about doorman Jose Perdomo suggests he may 
have been John Lennon's true assassin and Mark David Chapman was merely 
a patsy who confessed to the crime while under the spell of relentless 
mind control techniques such as hypnosis, drug abuse, shock treatment, 
sleep deprivation, and so on. Perdomo was tasked to provide security for 
Lennon at the rock star's upscale apartment complex, the Dakota, the 
night of the murder. Records reveal a Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo 
(aliases: Joaquin Sanjenis and Sam Jenis) was an anti-Castro Cuban 
exile and member of Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 
1961, a failed CIA operation to overthrow Fidel Castro.

(Dec. 30, 2004) -- New information suggests the man tasked to protect 
John Lennon, on Dec. 8, 1980, may have in fact been his killer. Jose 
Perdomo is cited by multiple sources as the doorman on duty at Lennon's 
residence at the upscale Dakota apartment complex in Manhattan on the 
night the famous rock star was murdered. The following is a list of 
information I have collected about an individual named Jose Perdomo 
(also known as Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo) who sometimes uses the 
aliases, Joaquin Sanjenis and Sam Jenis:

-- Jose Perdomo was the doorman at the Dakota on Dec. 8, 1980, the night 
Lennon was killed.

-- Jose Perdomo was at the crime scene when the murder occurred.

-- Jose Perdomo asked accused assassin Mark David Chapman, immediately 
after the shooting, if he knew what he had just done. Chapman replied 
that he had just shot John Lennon.

-- Jose Perdomo told police Chapman was Lennon's assailant. One of the 
arresting officers, Peter Cullen, did not believe Chapman shot Lennon. 
Cullen believed the shooter was a handyman at the Dakota, but Perdomo 
convinced Cullen it was Chapman. Cullen thought Chapman looked like a 
guy who worked in a bank.

-- Jose Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile. Perdomo and Chapman 
discussed the Bay of Pigs Invasion and JFK's assassination a few hours 
before Lennon was killed. This suggests Perdomo was a member of Brigade 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: CIA Luai Sakra, 9/11, Al Qaeda Passports]

2006-03-17 Thread Kris Millegan
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Top al Qaeda operative, Sakra, 'worked for the CIA'.

Ercan Gun, at zaman.com 15 Agust 2005, reports on the Syrian 'Al Qaeda 
Militant' Luai Sakra who was arrested for organizing the double bomb 
attacks in Istanbul on 15-23 November 2003. Sakra has confessed to 
Turkish police that he provided the attackers of 9 11 with passports.

Sakra claims that he knew Muhammad Ata.

Sakra claims he drinks alcohol and does not pray.

Sarka reportedly said: I was one of the people who knew the 
perpetrators of September 11, and knew the time and plan before the 
attacks. I also participated in the preparations for the attacks to WTI 
and Pentagon. I provided money and passports.

Reportedly, some of the passports, which Sakra claimed to have provided 
himself, were found in the ruins of WTI.

Ercan Gun, on 15 August 2005 at zaman.com, wonders if Al-Qaeda is a 
Secret Service operation?

Sakra has been interrogated for 4 days at the Istanbul Anti-Terror 
Department Headquarters. Reportedly, this has provided some important 

According to Ercan Gun, Turkish intelligence specialists now believe:

1. Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation.

2. Al Qaeda is linked to a strategy of tension.

Operation Gladio: Turkey, terror bombs, the CIA, and Mossad

3. Sakra, the fifth most senior man in al-Qaeda, was offered employment 
by the CIA. The CIA gave him a large sum of money.

The CIA claimed it eventually lost contact with him.

Reportedly, in 2000 the CIA asked the Turkish security service MIT to 
capture Sakra. MIT caught Sakra in Turkey and interrogated him.

At a different period of time, Sakra was sought and caught by Syria's 
al-Mukhabarat. Syria, too, offered him employment. Sakra eventually 
became a triple agent for the secret services.

A ‘Strange’ Al Qaeda Leader: “I Don’t Pray, I Drink Alcohol’

Source: Sakra's Confession

ANKARA -- Luai Sakra, one of the 5 most important key figures in Al 
Qaeda, was captured last week by Turkish Police. Israel police was 
almost spoiling all operation, Turkish officials say. Sakra, who has 
been interrogated in Istanbul Police Department Anti-Terror Office for 4 
days has made many interesting
confessions. He noted that he knew Muhammad Ata [[sic]], planner of the 
attacks on the WTI and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: More Vote Mischief in Florida]

2006-03-01 Thread Kris Millegan
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The internal logs of at least 40 Sequoia touch-screen voting machines 
reveal that votes were time- and date-stamped as cast two weeks before 
the election, sometimes in the middle of the night.  Black Box Voting 
successfully sued former Palm Beach County (FL) Supervisor of Elections 
Theresa LePore to get the audit records for the 2004 presidential 
election.  After investing over $7,000 and waiting nine months for the 
records, Black Box Voting discovered that the voting machine logs 
contained approximately 100,000 errors.  According to voting machine 
assignment logs, Palm Beach County used 4,313 machines in the Nov. 2004 
election.  During election day, 1,475 voting system calibrations were 
performed while the polls were open, providing documentation to 
substantiate reports from citizens indicating the wrong candidate was 
selected when they tried to vote.  Another disturbing find was several 
dozen voting machines with votes for the Nov. 2, 2004 election cast on 
dates like Oct. 16, 15, 19, 13, 25, 28, 2004 and one tape dated in 
2010.  These machines did not contain any votes date-stamped on Nov. 2, 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Connecting John Snow, David Sanborn, the Carlyle Group, CSX, and Dubai Ports World

2006-02-28 Thread Kris Millegan
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28, 2006
Connecting Dubai Ports World, the Carlyle Group, CSX, 
John Snow, and David Sanborn
Dear Buzz, 
Remember these two names: John Snow and David Sanborn. Then remember these 
three companies: Carlyle Group, CSX, and Dubai Ports World.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
PART OF CSX -- namely, CSX Lines -- was sold to ...drum roll, please The 
Carlyle Group, early in Feb. 2003, for $300 million. 
One of the biggest customers of CSX Lines is the US military. 
John Snow, the CEO of CSX, was appointed Treasury Secretary by Bush jr. on 
Feb. 7, 2003. 
Read about this cozy deal at: http://www.bridgedeck.org/mmp_news_archive/2002/mmp_news021219.html 

and at: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,919897,00.html 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
David Sanborn was an executive with CSX and, then, a senior Dubai Ports World 
executive whom Bush appointed last month to be the new administrator of the 
Maritime Administration of the Transportation Department. Sanborn worked 
as Dubai Ports World's director of operations for Europe and Latin America. 
Gee, d'ya think Sanborn greased the skids for Dubai Ports World to get 
Bushite approval to run operations at six of our nation's ports? 
D'ya think? 

  Lawmakers from both parties have noted that some of the Sept. 
  11 hijackers used the United Arab Emirates as an operational and 
  financial base. In addition, critics contend the UAE was an important transfer 
  point for shipments of smuggled nuclear components sent to Iran, North Korea 
  and Libya by a Pakistani scientist.  
  Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/maq6x
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
More about DAVID SANBORN and JOHN SNOW at: http://tinyurl.com/gyflb 
 I am surprised that nobody here has mentioned the most 
  obvious connections -- Treasury Secretary John Snow, and 
  brand-spankin’-newbie-crony David Sanborn. 
  John Snow was formerly CEO of CSX ... David Sanborn was an executive with 
  CSX/Sea-Land division. 
  Then SANBORN left to become a director with Dubai Ports World and brokered 
  a deal for Dubai Ports World to purchase the South American and Asia port 
  operations from CSX. Now -- just two weeks ago -- Sanborn is introduced as the 
  new Assistant Secretary of Transportation -- Marine Administration. 
  Then the quasi-secret "Committee on Foreign Investment in the United 
  States" (CFIUS), which is chaired by John Snow, makes this 
And I would bet that the law firm Baker Botts, of which James A. Baker III is 
a major partner, had a hand in this. James A. Baker III is also 
affiliated with the CARLYLE Group. 
Why do we care about the Carlyle Group? I'll answer that by telling you who 
some of the investors are? Among the firm's multi-million-dollar investors were 

-- members of the family of Osama bin Laden-- George Bush Sr -- 
former British prime minister John Major -- Frank Carlucci - Ronald Reagan's 
defense secretary -- James A. Baker III
Read more about The Carlyle Group at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/wtccrash/story/0,1300,583869,00.html 

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =*MMP-contracted 
CSX Lines Purchased by the CARLYLE GROUP* 
Masters, Mates  Pilots Wheelhouse Weekly Feb. 2006 
(original date of this unknown, but it is around Feb. 2003) 
 MMP-contracted CSX Lines, the US-flag container shipping 
subsidiary of CSX Inc., will be sold to the CARLYLE GROUP, a private 
equity firm based in Washington, DC for $300 MILLION. The acquisition will give 
CARLYLE control over the nation's largest Jones Act container fleet and will add 
to the company's growing transportation portfolio. 
CSX Lines will be renamed Horizon Lines LLC, when the transaction 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: California certifying Diebold Voting Machines for 2006!

2006-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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The following is from Debra Bowen who is a Demo running for Secretary of 

I have just learned that Secretary of State Bruce McPherson has 
conditionally certified the use of Diebold electronic voting machines in 
California's 2006 elections.

Secretary of State McPherson's release of bad news late on a Friday 
afternoon before a holiday weekend is a blatant attempt to prevent us 
from learning about this decision. We were in a similar position the 
Friday before Christmas last year when the AP ran a story disclosing 
voting problems from last November's special election.

But, try as he might, Secretary of State McPherson is not going to 
succeed in burying this story from the people of California -- this is 
too critical an issue to go away quietly.

With the many problems that have plagued Diebold machines, as well as 
the complete lack of transparency into this certification process, 
McPherson's decision certainly does nothing to restore confidence in 
California's elections.

I'll have much more to say about this Diebold certification in the next 
few days, and I'll be inviting you to do your part as well, but for now 
I just wanted to share this information with you.

Thanks for your continued support.

Have a happy and safe Presidents'
Day weekend!


Debra Bowen
California State Senator

Peace Patriot (1000+ posts)
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Sat Feb-18-06 10:19 AM
Original message
Alert to all of D.U.: Diebold/Bush Junta To Rig Elections In California

Below is an assortment of articles regarding Diebold shill Bruce 
McPherson's sudden re-certification of Diebold election systems in 
California yesterday. McPherson is a Republican Schwarzenegger APPOINTEE 
to the Secretary of State's office, after our Democratic, ELECTED 
Secretary of State Kevin Shelly was forced to resign on bogus corruption 
charges last year. (Shelley had sued Diebold and decertified the worst 
of their election theft machines prior to the 2004 election--and got 
whacked for it.)

Diebold -- and its brother (literally) electronic voting corporation, 
ESS -- are highly political right-wing Bushite corporations, who are 
seizing control of our nation's election system, using TRADE SECRET, 
PROPRIETARY programming code, with virtually no audit/recount controls.

Until last month, Diebold was run 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: The US Dept of Torture

2006-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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As always, we feature the action links first!
http://www.trotm.com/no_conservative.htm (Supreme Court)
http://www.trotm.com/no_torture.htm (McCain Amendment)


The Senate amendment to the new Defense Appropriations Act would 
explicitly prohibit the U.S. government from subjecting those in its 
custody to cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment. It's 
pretty straightforward stuff. Yet despite a rousing 90-9 vote for its 
passage, there are still dark forces at work trying to subvert the 
intent of this measure, the language of which must survive the 
conference committee in the House of Representatives.

If the morality perverters have their way, there will be a carve-out to 
exempt the CIA from this prohibition. They are seeking this with the 
express knowledge that sadists (acting under the color of CIA authority) 
have been responsible for the horrific abuses which made necessary 
further action and clarification of existing law. This exemption would 
in fact turn the measure on its head to AUTHORIZE torture by a 
particular agency, diametrically contrary to the amendment's intent. 
They might as well appoint a Torture Czar and make it a cabinet level 

Actually, for all practical purposes we already have a torture czar . . 
. it's the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney. Yes, it is 
Cheney himself who is PERSONALLY pressuring the conference committee to 
rescind the McCain amendment in this way (just as he was pressuring CIA 
analysts in the cooking of the justification for war with Iraq). It has 
been Cheney himself who has taken a lead role from the beginning, 
talking in 2002 about the need to revive the dark arts. Since they 
could no longer keep the abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and 
elsewhere classified, they have prosecuted a couple of selected patsies 
for these crimes, while their agency handlers right up through the chain 
of command have continued in their unconscionable ways.

This is not to let the president himself off the hook. In the first 
place there is Bush's own overreaching lust for absolute dictatorial 
power. Indeed, his longtime attorney and ally, Alberto Gonzales, put his 
name on the infamous Jan 25, 2002 memo, referring to the Geneva 
convention as quaint. But what many people do not realize is that the 
heart of that reprehensible legal pretzel job was drafted by David 
Addington, the staff attorney closely associated with Dick Cheney. And 
would anybody like to guess Mr. Addington's current title in the White 
House? That's right. He just replaced the indicted 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bush Mental Health Care Reform Story Gets Project Censored Award

2006-02-19 Thread Kris Millegan
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[The Bushplan for mandatory mental health testing of Americans
(including children, without parental consent) and prescription of
psychiatric drugs]promotes the use of newer, more expensive 
--often experimental--drugs. 

Perhaps it is because Ely Lilly has several ties to the Bush family, 
where George Bush Sr. was a member of the board of directors. 

George W. Bush also appointed Eli Lilly CEO Sidney Taurel to a seat on the Homeland Security Council.

OfEli Lilly's $1.6 million political contributions in 2000, 
82 percent went to Republicans and George W. Bush

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MindFreedom International News ~ 24 Oct. 2005

Please forward!

Exposing President Bush's Plans for Massive Psychiatric Screening of the 
USA Wins a Project Censored Alternative Media Award

Project Censored is considered the alternative Pulitzer Prize by some 
journalists. This Saturday, 22 Oct., Project Censored awarded the Top 
25 Censored Stories of 2006 -- important news that mainstream media 
covers up.

Number 11 in the Top 25 is journalist Jeanne Lenzer whose series of 
articles in the British Medical Journal showed how President Bush is 
calling for mental health screening for children and adults in the USA 
in a plan that could result in hundreds of thousands of more citizens 
being placed on psychiatric drugs without adequate protection of human 

Even though President Bush calls for making this psychiatric screening 
common practice throughout the USA the corporate mainstream media has 
largely refused to inform their readers.

BELOW is the forwarded announcement from Project Censored including an 
UPDATE from Jeanne Lenzer:

#11 Universal Mental Screening Program Usurps Parental Rights
Asheville Global Report (British Medical Journal), No. 284, June 24-30, 2004
Title: Bush Plans To Screen Whole U.S. Population For Mental Illness
Author: Jeanne Lenzer

Truth News, September 13,2004
Title: Forcing Kids Into a Mental Health Ghetto
Congressman Ron Paul

In April of 2002, President Bush appointed a 22-member commission called 
the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health in order to 
identify policies that could be implemented by Federal, State and local 
governments to
maximize the utility of existing resources, improve coordination of 
treatments and services, and promote successful community integration 
for adults with a serious mental illness and children with a serious 
emotional disturbance.[1]  Members of this 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Al-Faisal, Bush's Friend

2006-02-07 Thread Kris Millegan
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Doesn't he qualify as an "associate" of Al Queda? Wouldn't that 
make GW an associate as well under the Attorney General's directive for tapping 

Bush's Troubling SOTU 
GuestBy Jeremy 
Scahill, AlterNetPosted on February 6, 2006, Printed on February 6, 
Cindy Sheehan was being dragged from the House gallery moments before President 
Bush delivered his State of the Union Address for wearing a T-shirt honoring her 
son and the other 2,244 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Turki al-Faisal was 
settling into his seat inside the gallery. Al-Faisal, a Saudi, is a man 
who has met Osama bin Laden and his lieutenants on at least five occasions, 
describing the al Qaida leader as "quite a pleasant man." He met multiple times 
with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. Yet, unlike Sheehan, al-Faisal was a 
welcomed guest of President Bush on Tuesday night. He is also a man that the 
families of more than 600 victims of the 9/11 attacks believe was connected to 
their loved ones' deaths.Al-Faisal is actually Prince Turki 
al-Faisal, a leading member of the Saudi royal family and the kingdom's current 
ambassador to the United States. But the bulk of his career was spent at the 
helm of the feared Saudi intelligence services from 1977 to 2001. Last year, the 
New York Times pointed out that "he personally managed Riyadh's relations 
with Osama bin Laden and Mullah Muhammad Omar of the Taliban. Anyone else who 
had dealings with even a fraction of the notorious characters the prince has 
worked with over the years would never make it past a U.S. immigration counter, 
let alone to the most exclusive offices in Washington." Al-Faisal was also 
named in the $1 trillion lawsuit filed by hundreds of 9/11 victims' families, 
who accused him of funding bin Laden's network. Curiously, his tenure as 
head of Saudi intelligence came to an abrupt and unexpected end 10 days before 
the 9/11 attacks."Nobody explained the circumstances under which he 
left," says As'ad AbuKhalil, author of "The Battle for Saudi Arabia: Royalty, 
Fundamentalism, and Global Power." "We know for sure that he was tasked by the 
United States government back in the late 1970s and on to assemble the kind of 
Arab Muslim fanatical volunteers to help the United States and the CIA in the 
fight against the Soviet Communist regime [in Afghanistan]. In the course of 
doing that, this man is single-handedly most responsible for the kind of menace 
that these fanatical groups now pose to world peace and security." Yet, there 
al-Faisal sat on Tuesday as President Bush spoke of his war on terror and Cindy 
Sheehan was being booked. At one point, the cameras even panned directly on 
al-Faisal listening intently to Bush.The 9/11 families' lawsuit charged 
that al-Faisal secretly traveled to the southern Afghan city of Kandahar twice 
in 1998, where he met with bin Laden's representatives and Taliban leader Mullah 
Mohammed Omar. Based on sworn testimony from Taliban intelligence chief, Mullah 
Kakshar, the lawsuit claimed that al-Faisal allegedly received assurances that 
al Qaida would not use "the infrastructure in Afghanistan to subvert the royal 
families' control of Saudi government." In return, according to the lawsuit, the 
Saudis promised not to seek bin Laden's extradition or the closing of his 
training bases. Al-Faisal also allegedly promised Mullah Omar financial 
assistance. Shortly after the meetings, the Saudis reportedly shipped the 
Taliban 400 new pickup trucks. According to the London Observer, Kakshar 
also said that al-Faisal "arranged for donations to be made directly to al-Qaida 
and bin Laden by a group of wealthy Saudi businessmen. 'Mullah Kakshar's sworn 
statement implicates Prince Turki as the facilitator of these money 


2006-01-18 Thread Kris Millegan
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Dear Freedom Activists,

BABA TRAVAIL has just appeared at: http://arkansas.indymedia.org/newswire/display/19393/index.php

Some find that science and religion can mix. But could they 
ever mix to this extreme?!

Please let me know of any activists, particularly in the 
Arkansas area who can assist in getting the word outto the media, politics 
etc., on thethe highly compromised medical scientist, Kanwaljeet Sunny Anand,who is so influential in the Bush 
Administration in the area of human fetal development.

Barry Pittard, Australia

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Saint George

2006-01-18 Thread Kris Millegan
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President George W. 
Bush was scheduled to visit the Methodist church outside Washington, DC as 
part of his campaign. Bush's campaign manager made a visit to the 
Bishop, and said to him, "We've been getting a lot of bad publicity among 
Methodists because of Bush's position on stem cell research and the like. 
We'd gladly make a contribution to the church of $100,000 if during your 
sermon you'd say the President is a saint."The Bishop thinks it over 
for a few moments and finally says, "The Church is in desperate need of 
funds and I will agree to do it."Bush pompously shows up looking 
especially smug today and as the sermon progresses the Bishop begins his 
homily: "George Bush is petty, a self-absorbed hypocrite and a nitwit. He is 
a liar, a cheat, a bully, and a low-intelligence weasel. He was a drunken 
cokehead for most of his adult life, and he had Rove scrub his cocaine 
arrest story by setting up and destroying the journalist who reported it, 
the late Jim Hatfield. He has lied about his military record and had the 
gall to dress up in a flight suit landing on a carrier posing before a 
banner stating 'Mission Accomplished.' Worst of all, he let his cabinet 
neocons and covert operators murder almost 3,000 Americans on 9/11 so he 
could invade two countries for oil and money—and he’s been lying about it 
ever since. He is the worst example of a Methodist I've ever personally 
known. But compared to Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard 
Pearle, Doug Feith, Scooter Libby, and the other neocons, George Bush is a 
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Al Gore really did beat George W. Bush in 2000

2006-01-12 Thread Kris Millegan
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Subject: Al Gore really did beat George W. Bush in 2000From 
Research in Review Magazine, Florida StateUniversity, Fall/Winter 
2005:Battlefield FloridaA Chat with Lance 
deHaven-SmithAl Gore really did beat George W. Bush in 2000. 
Sixyears on, this is still a problem? by Julian PecquetAfter 
spending 36 days in the fall of 2000 in thrallto politicians, pundits and 
the press, Americansprobably thought they knew all about the 
hanging,dangling and pregnant chads that helped decide thepresidential 
election.Turns out, those chads only distracted attention frommuch 
more grievous breakdowns during the 2000election. At least thats 
what longtime Florida politicalobserver Lance deHaven-Smith believes. His 
most recentbook, The Battle for Florida (University Press ofFlorida, 
2005), looks at the twilight of democracy inAncient Greece and draws 
disturbing parallels with theinstitutions in Florida and the nation during 
the 2000election and up until today. For the past 25 years, 
deHaven-Smith has been one ofjust a handful of observers of Floridas 
elections andpolitics. And while most of his colleagues dont go asfar as 
he does in finding fault with Floridas electedofficials, none question his 
stature as respectedresearcher who can be counted on to provide the 
presswith timely and pithy appraisals of just about anydevelopment in 
the colorful world of Florida politics.For this book (his ninth), 
deHaven-Smith compiledlegal documents, statistical analyses and 
publicrecords, and flavored them with his interpretation ofwhat it all 
means.Despite having grown up in the SouthdeHaven-Smithlived between 
Florida and Georgia until his departurefor graduate studies at Ohio Statehis 
expertise inthe Sunshine States election trends was greatly amatter of 
chance. In 1981, the year he came down to teach at FloridaAtlantic, 
the young political scientist was one of thenations top experts on a massive 
training program forpoor people until one fell flick of a bureaucratic 
penin Washington changed their life, and his.It eliminated my 
subject matter, he says, laughingnow. I started studying Florida public 
opinion andpolitics. I had gone to Ohio State, which is a bigschool in 
voting research and public opinion research,but it was all at the national 
level. The other fortuity was that he came down to Florida inthe 
first place. I had another job offer at Case Western inCleveland, he 
says, and then I went down tointerviewthis was in Boca Raton. It was in 
February.They took me to breakfast at a hotel where we ateoutside by the 
intracoastal canal. I mean, it wasright in the middle of winter, Ohio 
weather wasterrible, and there I was, outside. So, sign me up.There, 
he immersed himself in Florida politics, underthe tutelage of the famed John 
DeGrove, a nationallyrecognized expert in growth management. 
DeHaven-Smith moved on to FSU in 1994, where he headedthe Reuben 
Askew School of Public Administration andPolicy from 1995 to 
1998.Research in Review caught up with the professor whilehe was 
waiting for people to check out his bookandsimultaneously sighing in relief 
that its hardlygarnered any attention, yet.I think if it would have 
come out a year earlier, itwould have, he says. Im kind of glad it 
didnt,though, because of all the right-wing critics. J.P.RinR: 
One of the most interesting points you make inthe book is that the focus on 
undervotes (ballotscontaining no vote for president)the hanging, 
dimpledand otherwise pregnant chadswas misplaced. Instead,you explain 
that a study by the National OpinionResearch Center at the University of 
Chicago, whichlooked at all the ballots that were initially rejectedon 
election night 2000, revealed a surprise: most ofthese uncounted votes were 
in fact discarded becausethey were over-votes, instances of 

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fw: Bush's Pardongate: Khashoggi, Barrick, Gold Prices]

2005-12-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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Whistle Ass / George Bush 2004

Welcome to the Weblog dedicated to removing george whistleass bush: 
Check out our main site at:


« Republicans do a head-fake(all the terror they spewed about all week) 
and then Pass the Rest of American Democracy to the Oil 

| Main | whitehouse iraq group »

Repost from Jan 2004 Gold prices at Highest Rate since before George 
Bush Sr. left office after he had just sold $10 Billion in U.S. GOLD to 
foreigners with Saudi connections for only $10,000.

[Ed: Iran Contra Scandal may still not be over now in 2004.]

_*Bush the Elder’s Scheme to Sell Pardons and Get a Payoff – Where is 
the Outrage Over a 10 Billion Dollar Taxpayer Ripoff? *_

By Jock Gill, Democrats.com

Bill Clinton wasn't being either bold or creative in his use of the 
presidential pardon power. Compared to George Bush Senior's incredible 
pardon fiasco, Clinton's pardon scandal is boring. In his last days as 
President, Bush Sr. sold U.S. government asset worth $10 billion to a 
friend for a mere $10 thousand dollars, pardoned his business 
colleagues, and then went on the company’s payroll for seven years. At 
the very end of his presidency, Papa Bush gave a sweetheart
deal to the Canadian company Barrick Goldstrike. They got the rights to 
U.S. land worth $10 billion in return for a nominal payment to the 
treasury of $10,000. But that does not seem to be all they got -- or all 
they paid for, either. The money behind Barrick is from Saudi arms 
dealer and Bush family friend Adnan Khashoggi, who was identified as 
conduit in the Iran-Contra conspiracy. In 1986, he was arrested and 
charged with fraud but failed to be convicted.

In one of his last acts as president, Bush pardoned Khashoggi's alleged 
co-conspirators, who were key members of Bush's own cabinet. As a 
result, no case
could be made against Khashoggi – or against Bush himself. To express 
its gratitude for these favors Barrick Goldstrike hired Papa right after 
he left office and donated $148,000 to the Republican Party, at least 
that is the amount that can be traced. As reported by Gregory Palast 
this is hugely more consequential for justice than anything presidential 
pardon before or since, so slowly once again let's connect the dots:
1] Iran Contra blows up – Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh makes good 
progress at revealing the players and their deeds.
2] Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi's role at the center of it all is 
at risk of being exposed.
3] Bush sells $10B in gold rights for $10K to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Oakland Tribune Soliciting Your Copy of 1984 for Congress

2005-12-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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The Oakland Tribunesays "Big Brother 
  is Watching".The paper asks for donations ofcopies of "1984" 
  to send to all members of Congress.


Big Brother is watching

Inside Bay Area 

IT took 21 years longer than expected, but the 
  future has finally arrived. 
  And we don't like it. Not one bit. 
  We are fighting a war with no end to create a peace with no defined 
  We occupy a foreign land that doesn't want us, while at home our civil 
  liberties are discounted. 
  We are told that it's better not to know what our government is doing 
  in our name, for security purposes. Meanwhile, our government is becoming 
  omnipresent, spying on us whenever it deems it necessary. 
  War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. 
  George Orwell was right after all. 
  In 1949, Orwell penned "1984," a dark, futuristic satire in which the 
  totalitarian government used indoctrination, propaganda and fear to 
  enforce order and conformity. His "Big Brother" — the face of this 
  all-knowing regime — was never wrong, and to make sure of it, history was 
  constantly being rewritten. 
  Orwell wrote his book as a cautionary tale to underscore the insidious 
  danger of slowly eroded individual liberties. His Thought Police may not 
  yet be on the march, but it's not hyperbole to point out the eerie 
  parallels with today's America. 
  In America today, Big Brother is watching. 
  He's watching because President Bush told him to. Shortly after 9/11, 
  Bush secretly authorized warrantless wiretaps on U.S. citizens making or 
  receiving international calls and e-mails. 
  When it comes to fighting terror, Bush is totalitarian — remember, 
  you're either with us or against us. Trust me to get it right, he says. 
  Debate on the law is not only not needed, it's evil. 
  "An open debate about the law would say to the enemy, 'Here's what 
  we're going to do.'" Bush said recently. "The fact that we're discussing 
  this program is helping the enemy." 
  Then there's the Patriot Act, also created in the days immediately 
  after Sept. 11, 2001. The Senate and House of Representatives voted 
  Thursday to extend the law by a month. President Bush and Attorney General 
  Alberto Gonzales insist it's an indispensable tool in the war on terror 
  and want it extended permanently. 
  "I'm as concerned about the privacy of American citizens as anyone, but 
  we cannot allow libraries and use of libraries to become safe havens for 
  terrorists," Gonzales said in July, defending one of the act's most 
  controversial provisions. 
  Remember, too, that we invaded Iraq primarily because we were told 
  Saddam Hussein was an immediate threat with his weapons of mass 
  destruction. Now the Bush administration acknowledges that wasn't so, but 
  insists there were (are?) other reasons to invade. History is malleable. 
  Orwell wrote of war without end; we're told the war on terror will last 
  decades at least. Orwell wrote of a dumbed-down "Newspeak," and who could 
  argue that our national discourse hasn't slumped? Orwell's "Ministry of 
  Love" tortured dissidents real or imagined; our government decries Iraq's 
  secret torture prisons while arguing over whether to ban torture. 
  Meanwhile, we maintain our own secret CIA prisons. 
  Bush is unapologetic. The president believes he has the legal authority 
  to spy on American citizens without a warrant, and he plans to continue to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [ Fw: re London Please Read]

2005-07-12 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 9, 2005 2:37:41 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ Fw: re London Please Read]   no comment - its hard to tell whats real any more - Original Message -  From: "Linda Larkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 12:46 PM Subject: re London Please ReadOK, once again, this is far out stuff. But there are some ideas here  worth considering, since I am convinced that 9/11 had, at the very  least,  the passive compliance of our government.  Given all the  warnings to individuals and the warnings from other governments to  ours, the coincidental unavailability of the air force to do what it  has done so many times before, the only story I find absolutely  unbelievable in the end, is the official story. Also, it is uncanny  how timely this terrorist incident was, how distracting from the storm  of scandal gathering over DC and London. . . . adrien   [distracting from the G8 meeting in Scotland  with the Patriot Act in  U.S... maybe one for U.K. now too to limit people's freedom]   Begin forwarded message:     From: John Leonard [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Date: July 8, 2005 12:08:37 PM GMT+07:00  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]False Flag over London   By John Leonard     Today we saw a classic false-flag attack in the London underground,  organized by western secret services to distract attention from the  deepening political troubles of Bush and Blair, and perhaps even to  create the pretext for war on Iran. Of course, Bush and his poll  ratings have been sinking under the Valerie Plame scandal, with  rumblings of impeachment. Both Bush and Blair have been badly hurt by  the Downing Street memo.    The G-8 conference was also an ideal, high-profile event to mobilize  the sympathy of world leaders on their side. The home-team terrorists  even got their favorite base-eleven numerology working for them with  the 7/7 date, following on Madrid 3/11 and New York 9/11 (remember  Flight 11 and Flight 77?)    Cui bono. Even the stock market closed on an uptick.    How can I be so sure? The war-profiteer clique are not all that  inventive. In fact, false terror is the only trick they know. If they  had any idea of governance or statecraft, they wouldn't need to stoop  to these toxic tactics.    One of the classic trademarks of false-flag terror was on display  today with the "previously unknown" organization posting anonymously on  a website. Of course, western intelligence, using Echelon and other  tools, could track any webposting back to its source. If it wanted to.  "Real" terrorists have known organizations and make concrete demands.   Fake terrorists (covert psy-war units of western intelligence) always  use the name of an "unknown" group. They have to do this, of course. If  they had claimed that, say, the PLO did it, the PLO would energetically  deny it. So they use fictitious identities, which can be molded to suit  the target of convenience.   Today, the fiction was a "secret" group affiliated oh how wonderfully  convenient with Al Qaeda and Al Zarqawi. Yet the BBC itself has  established that Al Qaeda does not even exist, in its documentary "The  Terror Myth." And just yesterday Dahr Jamail  www.dahrjamailiraq.com  wrote of his trip to the town of Zarqa, on the trail of the fabled  Zarqawi. The man's family believe he died years ago - no recent photos  exist. Certain is only that the mythical Zarqawi always has his base of  operations wherever the Americans want to attack. Fallujah, Mosul,  wherever.    Some other dead giveaway signs:    - Scotland Yard warned Mr. Netanyahu not to go to the bomb site  half an hour beforehand, according to an AP wire from Jerusalem (a slip  that was subsequently denied of course, but it was still up at  http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/ earlier today).    - An MSNBC translator says an error in a quotation from the  Quran in a statement by the "unknown" group couldn't have been made by  Al Qaeda, and he thinks it's phony.   http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8496293/. Blair's proofreaders are falling  down on their dossiers again...  - Train bombings like London 7/7 are a speciality of NATO  psy-war units. The expert on this ever since 1978 has been Webster  Tarpley, who shows in his latest book, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, how the  bombing of Bologna Stazione Centrale in 1980 by the so-called Red  Brigades is of one cloth with the Madrid bombings. The supposed  "communist terrorist" Red Brigades were fakes, a patsy outfit created  by Lodge P2, the neofascist shadow government running Italy. Likewise,  the suspects in the Madrid train bombing were police agents, run by a  neo-fascist falange: as Tarpley notes, one suspect admitted he was  working for the old guard of the Guardia Civil Unidad Central  Operativa.    Another possible motive, says Tarpley, is the war party want to push  Bush into Iran, but America has no stomach for it. They need another  9/11 now so they can 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Linda Minor part one?? also public

2005-06-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

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-Original Message-
From: Linda Minor
Sent: Friday, June
 24, 2005 7:44 PM
To: 'Catherine Austin Fitts'
Subject: RE: Linda Minor part


As Richard Clarke's book, AGAINST ALL ENEMIES: Inside
America's War on Terror--which was released in March by Free Press--soars to
the best-seller list, National Security Advisor Condoleezaa Rice prepares for her
appearance before the same so-called independentpanel investigating
the 9/11 attacks before which Clarke testified on March 24. 

Clarkes testimony made headlines because it occurred almost
simultaneously with the release of his book and his interview on CBS 60
Minutes on March 21, 2004--almost as though the three coinciding
events were planned by the same invisible hand. We must ask: To whom
does that hand belong? 

-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 5:31 PM
To: Linda Minor
Subject: Re: Linda Minor part one??

Susan wrote:

 Would love to get that



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2004-11-14 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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From: David Manning 
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 16:37:33 -0700 (PDT)
To: Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Note: forwarded message attached.

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From: Ned Sloane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 18:48:31 -0700

British Develop Electric 'Force Field' To Protect Tanks

By Michael Smith The Daily Telegraph - London 8-21-2

LONDON - An electric force field for armored vehicles that vaporizes anti-tank grenades and shells on impact has been developed by scientists at Britain's 
Ministry of Defense. The electric armor has been developed in an attempt to make 
tanks and other armored vehicles lighter and less vulnerable to grenade launchers 
such as those used by Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan. 
It could be fitted to the light tanks and armored personnel carriers (APCs) that will replace the heavy Challenger II tanks and Warrior APCs in one of the two British 
armored divisions. 
The ubiquitous RPG-7, a rocket-propelled grenade, can be picked up for a mere 
$10 in many of the world's trouble spots and is capable of destroying a tank and killing its crew. When the grenade hits the tank, its shaped-charge warhead 
fires a jet of hot copper into the target at about 1,000 mph. It is capable of penetrating more than a foot of conventional solid-steel armor. 
The new electric armor is made up of a highly-charged capacitor that is connected 
to two separate metal plates on the tank's exterior. The outer plate, which is bulletproof and made from an unspecified alloy, is grounded, and the insulated inner plate is live. The electric armor runs off the tank's power supply. When the tank commander feels he is in a dangerous area, he simply switches on the current to 
the inner plate. 
When the warhead fires its jet of molten copper, it penetrates both the outer plate and the insulation of the inner plate. This makes a connection, and thousands of amps of electricity vaporize most of the molten copper. The rest of the copper is dispersed harmlessly against the vehicle's hull. Despite the high charge, the electrical load on the battery is no more than that caused by starting the engine on a cold morning. 
In a recent demonstration of the electric armor for senior army officers, an APC protected by the new British system survived repeated attacks by rocket-propelled grenades that would typically have destroyed it several times over. Many of the grenades were fired from point-blank range, but the only damage to the APC was cosmetic. The vehicle was driven away under its own power.. 
Professor John Brown of the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory, which developed the pulsed power system, said it was attracting a lot of interest from both the British Defense Ministry and the Pentagon. 
With the easy availability of RPG-7 rocket launchers, it only takes one individual on, say, a rooftop in a village to cause major damage or destroy passing armored vehicles, he said.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape

2004-10-31 Thread Kris Millegan
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- Original Message - 
From: CLG News 

To: CLG News 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 10:44 PM
Subject: Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape

UpdatefromCitizen for Legitimate GovernmentOctober 30, 

Cronkite: Rove likely set up bin Laden tape 
--CNN LARRY KING LIVE --Bin Laden Releases New Videotape Aired October 29, 2004 
- 21:00 ET (transcript) LARRY KING, HOST: OK, Walter. What do you make of 
this? [a new Osama bin Laden tape addressing the American people] ...WALTER 
CRONKITE, FMR. CBS NEWS ANCHOR: What we just heard. So now the question is 
basically right now, how will this affect the election? And I have a feeling 
that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to 
think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very 
clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this 
thing. The advantage to the Republican side is to get rid of, as a 
principal subject of the campaigns right now, get rid of the whole problem of 
the al Qaqaa explosive dump. Right now, that, the last couple of days, has, 
I think, upset the Republican campaign. 

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: TV 'Rewires' Childrens' Brains - Leads To ADD - pass it  on to new parents

2004-10-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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- Original Message - 
From: Aragon 
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 12:41 PM
Subject: TV 'Rewires' Childrens' Brains - Leads To ADD - pass it on 
to new parents

TV 'Rewires' Childrens' 
Brains - Leads To ADDhttp://www.whitedot.org/issue/iss_story.asp?slug=ADHD%20Toddlersby 

Jean Lotus10-23-4 

A study from the 
American Academy of Pediatrics shows that watching videos as a toddler may lead to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, 
also called ADD in UK) in later life.  TV watching "rewires" an 
infant's brain, says Dr. Dimitri A. Christakis lead researcher and director of 
the Child Health Institute at Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, 
Seattle, Wash. The damage shows up at age 7 when children have difficulty paying 
attention in school.  "In contrast to the way real life unfolds 
and is experienced by young children, the pace of TV is greatly sped up." says 
Christakis. His research appears in the April 2004 issue of Pediatrics. Quick 
scene shifts of video images become "normal," to a baby "when in fact, it's 
decidedly not normal or natural." Christakis says. Exposing a baby's developing 
brain to videos may overstimulate it, causing permanent changes in developing 
neural pathways.  "Also in question is whether the insistent noise 
of television in the home may interfere with the development of 'inner speech' 
by which a child learns to think through problems and plans and restrain 
impulsive responding," wrote Jane Healy, psychologist and child brain expert in 
the magazine's commentary. Babies brains grow 
rapidly  Even a child playing with its own fingers has the neural 
patterning that comes from bending, flexing, stretching and grasping. Scientists 
tell us that the brain develops in completely unique ways between birth and 
three years. As a kiddie viddie baby sits "mesmerized", neural paths are not 
being created. This is crucial brain development that stops by age three. 
 "You don't want to think that something as innocent as 
half-an-hour's peace and quiet could reduce your kid's chances later in life," 
says Claire Eaton, 27-year-old mother from Lewisham, Australia.  
Setting up baby for failure in school  Are parents who use 
infant videos such as "Baby Einstein" and "Teletubbies" putting their child at 
risk for a lifetime of Special Ed classes, school "behavioral therapy" and 
Ritalin?  In the study of more than 2,000 children, Christakis 
found that for every hour watched at age one and age three, the children had 
almost a ten percent higher chance of developing attention problems that could 
be diagnosed as ADHD by age 7. A toddler watching three hours of infant 
television daily had nearly a 30 percent higher chance of having attention 
problems in school.  Infant videos: They wouldn't sell them if 
they were dangerous --Would they?  An explosion of kidvids for the 
bouncy chair set has hit the market. These include Baby Einstein, Baby Mozart, 
So Smart etc. TV shows, such as Teletubbies, aim at 18-month-old toddlers. These 
videos are peddled as "educational tools" to "give your baby a head start." The 
truth is, they are a video-tether that keeps baby out from underfoot.  
"Max is learning German right now from a video"  Parents take 
away crucial life experiences from their child every time they pop in Baby 
Einstein. But they do love how it takes the baby out of their hair for awhile 
Listen to what parents say in testimonials about infant videos:  
 "I love spending time with my boy but let's face it, there are 
times when you just have to have 10 minutes or so to yourself so that you can 
wash the dishes or do laundry; that's when you pop this video in. It's 25 
minutes of entertainment that holds the attention of even very young children. 
," (son 10 months) Chris Hudson 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: John Mack Dead

2004-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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From: Ginger McCullough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Ginger McCullough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 11:36:54 -0700
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], K \(Kate Dixon\)
Subject: Fw:

- Original Message -
From: Kalani Hanohano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:15 AM

 September 28, 2004 - In Memory
 Psychiatrist and Author John E. Mack, M.D.,
 Hit By Car and Killed in London, September 27, 2004.

 John Edward Mack, M. D.,
 October 4, 1929, to September 27, 2004.

 John Edward Mack, M.D., was Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical
School and Cambridge Hospital, as well as Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer
for his work on Lawrence of Arabia. Yesterday afternoon in London, he spoke
before the T. E. Lawrence Society Symposium, in Oxford, England. According
to Will Bueche, Communications Director for the John Mack Institute in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dr. Mack's presentation was so well-received that
he was asked to do a second presentation yesterday evening. Afterward, he
went with colleagues to dinner. He had called the family with whom he was
staying after 10 p.m. to say he would arrive at their home around 11 p.m.,
London time. At 1 a.m., the London police confirmed that John Edward Mack,
M. D., had been pronounced dead on a street near the Symposium's location,
killed by a motor vehicle.

 Dr. Mack has been a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational
affects of alleged non-human entity encounter experiences (Abduction - Human
Encounters with Aliens © 1994). Dr. Mack received his medical degree from
the Harvard Medical School (Cum Laude, 1955) after undergraduate study at
Oberlin (Phi Beta Kappa, 1951). He is a graduate of the Boston
Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, was Board certified in child and adult
psychoanalysis and Director of the John Mack Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. His family will release a statement at

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: The Mind Control Cover-up 10-Page Summary

2004-09-20 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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- Original Message - 
From: Chris Osborne 

To: @onetel.com; 
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 6:11 PM
Subject: The Mind Control Cover-up 10-Page Summary

The Mind Control Cover-up 10-Page 
SummaryThe Secrets of Mind 
on Three Books by Top 
Mind Control Researchers

This summary is based on three landmark books: 
Bluebird by Colin A. Ross MD, a leading Canadian psychiatrist; Mind 
Controllers by Dr. Armen Victorian; and A Nation Betrayed by 
recovered mind control victim Carol Rutz. All three authors provide hundreds of 
footnotes to support their research. Weve included footnotes here as well. A 
significant amount of their work is based on 18,000 pages of declassified CIA 
documents on mind control. You can order these documents in CD format from the 
government by following the directions at the end of this document. 
Join in powerfully building a better 
world for all by spreading the word.
see following link

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Subject: Released CIA Documents Show Manchurian Candidate FilmMore Fact than Fiction

2004-09-16 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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- Original Message - 
From: MOM 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:26 PM
Subject: Subject: Released CIA Documents Show "Manchurian Candidate" 
FilmMore Fact than Fiction

Subject: Released CIA Documents Show "Manchurian 
Candidate" Film More Fact than Fiction

Dear friends,

The CIA has declassified over 18,000 pages of 
documents on extensive mind control programs carried out since the early 
1950s. Through the Freedom of Information Act, you canorder these documents in the form ofthree CDs directly from the US 
government for only $30. Below is a sample of just two of these documents and 
one scientific article taken from the excellent mind control summary on the 
informative website www.WantToKnow.info. This informationshows that the recently released 
film Manchurian Candidate is much more fact than fiction.By 
spreadingthis revealing information, we now have the opportunity to 
powerfully work together for a brighter future.A 
declassified CIA document dated 7 Jan 1953 describes the experimental creation 
of multiple personality in two 19-year-old girls: These 
subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state 
to a deep hypnotic state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the 
use of code, signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can be 
passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also 
been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling 
couriers for information purposes. (CIA Mori ID 190684, 
1/7/53)Another document dated 10 Feb 1954 describes an 
experiment on the creation of unsuspecting assassins:Miss 
[whited out] was instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms) 
that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken miss [whited out] (now 
in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol and fire it 
at Miss [whited out]. She was instructed that her rage would be so great that 
she would not hesitate to kill [whited out]. Miss [whited out] carried out 
these suggestions including firing the (unloaded) gun at [whited out], and then 
proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. After proper suggestions were made, 
both were awakened. Miss [whited out] expressed absolute denial that the 
foregoing sequence had happened. (CIA Mori ID 190691, 
2/10/54)In a 1971 Science Digest article, Dr. 
G.H. Estabrooks states,By 
the 1920s clinical hypnotists learned to split certain individuals into 
multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During WWII, I worked this technique 
with a Marine lieutenant Ill call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A 
and Jones B. Jones A, once a normal working Marine, became entirely different. 
He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by 
communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge. Jones B 
was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, and was 
imprinted to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was 
hypnotize him, get in touch with Jones B, and I had a pipeline straight into the 
Communist camp. (Science Digest, April 1971, pp. 
44-50)These are just three 
of the many disturbing experiments which reveal severe abuse of power on 
unsuspecting citizens for over 50 years now. To order these documents in the 
form of three CDs directly from the government, go to www.WantToKnow.info/mindcontrol10pg#ciadocs. The 18,000 pages of documents released are only the 
tip of the iceberg. There are many thousands of pages that the CIA refuses 
to release. There are even more documents that were ordered destroyed by CIA 
Director Richard Helms in 1973 when he was tipped off that there was going to be 
a Congressional investigation into the CIAs mind control activities. 
For more 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Clinton Call Leak Sabotaged Kerry

2004-09-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/9/04 1:16:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The day before Mr. Clinton entered the hospital for heart bypass surgery,

Which has effectively taken the Democratic number one draw on the sidelines for the duration of the campaign. 


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This is what happens when you trust a Clinton you get 
stabbed in the back! The Clinton's have one agenda and that is to get Hillary in 
the Oval Office in 2008 and letting Kerry win this election wouldn't work, so 
Kerry can kiss his ass goodbye, thanks to Bill and Hillary the NWO 
- Original Message - 
From: MOM 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:03 AM
Subject: Clinton Call Leak Sabotaged Kerry 

Source:NewsMax.comhttp://www.newsmax.com/Clinton Call Leak Sabotaged 
Kerry http://snipurl.com/8x9bTuesday, Sept. 7, 2004 
Panicked presidential candidate John Kerry had every reason to believe 
that the conversation he had with ex-president Bill Clinton on Saturday  
where the two discussed how to rescue his flagging campaign  would be kept 
confidential. But that expectation went up in smoke on Monday when Kerry 
and his campaign aides found explicit details from the Clinton strategy session 
splashed all over the New York Times and other media. Story Continues 
Below Among the most damaging details to surface: Clinton's strong 
recommendation that Kerry abandon the crown jewel of his presidential campaign 
 his service in Vietnam. Kerry himself was plainly mortified over 
the leak, desperately trying to downplay the significance of the Clinton call by 
describing the ensuing press coverage as "the most overblown thing." So, 
who was responsible for the loose lips? The Times cited only "officials 
with knowledge of the Clinton conversation." The Washington Post was no 
more helpful, sourcing "those familiar with the conversation." What is 
known is that "those familiar with the conversation" include just three 
individuals: Clinton, Kerry and former Clinton press aide Joe Lockhart. And 
Lockhart later told reporters he wouldn't comment. But somebody 
commented  and whoever it was certainly didn't seem to have Sen. Kerry's 
best interests at heart. While we don't pretend to know exactly who it 
was who spilled the beans, one tidbit that crossed our desk last week offers a 
clue. The day before Mr. Clinton entered the hospital for heart bypass 
surgery, the Associated Press reported: "With the national political 
conventions out of the way, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton embarks Friday on a 
two-day swing with her husband, the former president, that has the trappings of 
a personal campaign kickoff. "Sen. Clinton is gearing up for a 2006 
re-election bid seen by many as a prelude to a run for president in 2008 should 
John Kerry fail in his bid for the White House this year." Perhaps Sen. 
Kerry ought to think twice about answering the phone next time Mr. Clinton calls 
with fresh advice on how to save his campaign.
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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: NYC protest photos

2004-08-31 Thread Adam Bruce
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Album of photos from the NYC protests at


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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Amazing e-mail I just received...................

2004-07-23 Thread Kris Millegan
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- Original Message - 
From: Steve Tvedten 
To: Steve 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 3:02 PM
Subject: Amazing e-mail I just 

Bush has established guidelines for "suspending" 
the election in the event of a "terrorist attack" http://www.rense.com/general54/bushsguide.htmCredible evidence exists to indicate that Bush himself is the 
terrorist http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/VIS203A.htmlAt the end of this article are a large number of links showing 
details of the shadow government's intentions to trigger war on US Soil and to 
incarcerate dissidents in concentration camps a la Guantanamo. Included in these 
links is a detailed US Army Field Manual showing specifics pertaining to the 
Civilian Interment (concentration camps) Bush intends to put us in if we attempt 
to oppose the New World Order. Lest you scoff and attempt to say this 
could "never happen" on US soil, I solemnly remind you that it already HAS and 
IS happening. it happened during the Civil War with huge numbers of Union 
Troops being housed in Confederate Army concentration camps, it happened again 
during WW2 with huge numbers of innocent Japanese civilians on US soil, and its 
happening right now at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, and in prisons in the US where many 
alleged "terrorists" are being held without trials in total violation of their 
19, 2004 the British Medical Journal has documented Bush's plan to screen the 
entire US population for mental illness http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/328/7454/1458This is confirmed by World Net Daily http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39078 Both articles heavily document Bush connections 
with prominent psychiatric drug manufacturer Eli Lilly which contributed heavily 
to Bush's campaigns both as governor of Texas and in his run for Presidential 
office.Chapter 3 of the Unauthorized 
Biography of George Bush is titled: Race Hygiene- Three Bush Family Alliances 
http://www.tarpley.net/bush3.htm It 
heavily documents the Bush family's decades old standing in the global eugenics 
movement and ties the Bush family directly in with the shadow governments 
efforts to install Adolph Hitler into power.Those who do not learn from 
history are often doomed to REPEAT history. G.Edward Griffin's Issues Section is 
the best website I've seen in many years when it comes to providing an 
impeccably documented comprehesive overview of why none of us can trust either 
the Republicans or Democrats, clearly delineating the exact means by which the 
shadow government is attempting to manipulate us: http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Get Ready for the USSA

2004-07-20 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Get Ready for the USSA

 Get Ready for the USSA
 (The United Soviet States of America)
 Behind the Scenes in the Beltway is published regularly online at Al
Martin Raw, (http://www.almartinraw.com).

 (March 17) You will be happy to learn that the former head of the KGB (the
secret police of the former Soviet Union), General Yevgeni Primakov, has
been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security. Do you
think he will share his expertise in security to prepare US citizens for
domestic internal passports under the pretense of fighting the never-ending
War on Terrorism?

 CAPPS II is the name of the new program which is technically under the
auspices of the US Department of Transporation, but that's only technical
and the only reaosn they did that was to use the Transportation Department's
budget to buy the computer hardware and software they need.

 The way it works is you give them your credit card and they slide it
thorough like you would in a store and then they hit a button and the
monitor reads: CAPPS II, SS CTF. The SS CTF evidently stands for State
Security Citizen Threat File. But it has nothing to do with the Department
of Transportation. It goes directly to a division, which has been
established between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the
CIA and several other federal agencies. This is a new division, referred to
as the Office of Internal Security, which is coordinating the effort to
establish citizen threat files on every US citizen. It will be a huge
database including credit files, medical files, political and religious
affiliation, military history, attendance at anti-government rallies,etc.

 The newsclip didn't point out what information is being accessed.

 The only thing they'll tell you is they're going to access your credit
history, but like the guy giving the interview said they will be accessing a
whole lot more. They just don't tell you what it is. When the Department of
Homeland Security was asked about it, they wouldn't say but replied that it
would defeat the purpose if we told you what it was we were looking for.

 No announcement will be made to the public about what information exactly
is being accessed or exactly how much information or what type of
information is going to be included in each citizen's security threat file.

 What I liked about this segment is that they interviewed General Yevgeni
Primakov, who is now a consultant to the Department of Homeland Security
along with General Alexander Karpov.

 Primakov was laughing about it because he's getting paid a big fee to do
it. He doesn't care, of course. Primakov speaks beautiful English, as you
would expect a former head of the KGB to do. When he was asked what is this
CAPPS II program really about, because obviously even terrorists could
have credit ratings.

 Primakov said that this is one of the steps now being employed along with
NICA and new identity upgrade features which are coming to your driver's
license. It is being used to get the people used to new types of
documentation and carrying new types of identity cards pursuant to the
United States instituting a formal policy of internal passports.And he
actually used the words internal passports.

 It's like he said and he was pretty knowledgeable. When the NICA (National
Identity Card Act) gets passed, the Posse Comitatus Act gets overturned, a
few other pieces of legislation yet to be proffered get passed, the White
House will have more control over the American people than the Kremlin had


2004-07-19 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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- Original Message - 
From: spiker 
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 9:37 PM
BOHEMIAN GROVEhttp://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=7544 

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2004-07-13 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Edward Baud
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

- Original Message - 
From: Janice O'Donnell 
To: Joe McGarry;Tom O'Donnell
Sent: 7/8/2004 10:02:12 PM 

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 7:53 PM

This has to be one of the funniest things I've heard. I think this guy should have been promoted, not fired. This is a true story from the WordPerfect Helpline which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the customer care department. I think I know some people like this.Needless to say, the Help Desk employee was fired; however, he is currently suing the WordPerfect organization or "Termination without Cause."Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee (now I know why they record these conversations)!"Rich Hall computer assistance; may I help you?""Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect.""What sort of trouble?""Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away."Went away?""They disappeared.""Hmmm. So what does your screen look like now?""Nothing.""Nothing?""It's a blank; it won' t accept anything when I type.""Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out?""How do I 


2004-07-04 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 10:52 AM

Toby Rogers asked me to forward 
this to anyone I thought might be interested.  
Click Here: Check out "New York Daily News - Home - Lloyd Grove's 
Lowdown: A Bonesman's out of joint"http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/207967p-179277c.html-A Bonesman's out of 
It seems 
that folks in Skull  Bones - the Yale secret society that claims 
President Bush and Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) as members - don't always like what they're 
reading in Lowdown.Author and Bones expert Toby Rogers tells me that Manhattan 
real-estate lawyer David Richards, the Bonesman who "tapped" Yale undergrad George W. 
Bush into the elite club in 1967, is taking a lot of heat for his anti-Bush 
comments that appeared in this column in May.Last week, Rogers recounts, 
Richards and several other Bonesmen journeyed to Washington to watch their Bones 
Victor Ashe, the former mayor of Knoxville, Tenn., be sworn in as the 
U.S. ambassador to Poland.At a reception following the ceremony at the 
Metropolitan Club, according to what Richards has been telling people, a 
Bonesman nicknamed "Groggy" sidled up to him and complained about his remarks in 
this column (originally published in Rogers' book "Ambushed") in which Richards 
insisted that Bush doesn't deserve to be reelected President."I think it's 
pretty grim, I think he has trashed the economy, and I think he has conducted 
foreign policy badly, and I think he is a bad President," Richards said. "I 
don't know what he has done well.""Groggy" advised Richards: "Keep your f-- 
mouth shut."Rogers says Richards, who was in Europe and unreachable 
yesterday, also has received abusive E-mails from other Bush-supporting 
Bonesmen.Meanwhile, according to Rogers, the President recently joked to 
visiting Bonesmen, "If you want anything from me, you better ask for it now. I 
might not be here next year."Of course, if that's the case, they can still 
ask President Kerry
Trinday Press Release July 2nd 2004BONESMAN'S KIN 
Christopher Richards, Son of Bonesman David Richards, who tapped President 
George W. Bush into Yale Senior Secret Society, Skull  Bones, was involved 
in an incident July 1, in Scarsdale New York. There in a face-to-face 
confrontation, Chris Richards threatened to kill author Toby Rogers and his 
family. First there was a story in the Daily News gossip column LowDown by Lloyd 
Grove about 
some revealing items in Mr. Roger's book Ambushed: Secrets of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Top Illuminati Family Names

2004-06-28 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 6:31 PM
Subject: Top Illuminati Family Names

 These are the top of the Illuminati foodchain. These are the people that
 really run this world. The most powerful is Marquis de Libeaux then
 by the Rothschild's {Bauer}, Bruce, Cavendish{Kennedy},deMedici, Hanover,
 Hapsburg, Krupps, Plantagenet,Rockefeller, Romanov,Sinclair/ St. Clair,
 Warburg{delBanco},and Windsor families. These are the families that run
 NWO and all the stooges that work for them. They all worship Satan and
 all take part in human sacrifice and ritual child abuse. If you do your
 research you will see that these families have bred themselves since
 ancient times and they are obsessed with keeping their bloodlines pure.
 These are the sickest people on this planet and their hold is going to be
 broken as the world wakes-up to their murderous deception around the
 world. Remember the truth will set you free!

 PS. All the problems that have happened over the centuries and up to today
 have been planned and financed by these Illuminati families. Dianna got
 close to the truth and that is why she was ritually killed in Paris. It is
 time to turn over the rocks and let the sun shine on these maggots and
 expose them for who they really are!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Hamilton 2, Government 0 in US Court of Federal Claims

2004-06-16 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 10:19 PM
  Subject: Hamilton 2, Government 0 in US Court of Federal 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Include this full 
  email (particularly the headers).Message sent to you 
  NETWORKJune 15, 2004Solari is delighted to inform you that the US 
  Court of Federal Claims has once again ruled in Hamilton Securities favor. 
  Special thanks to Hamilton's lead attorney in this matter, Claude Goddard of 
  Wickire Gavin.We anticipate hearing within the next 60 days as to 
  whether the Commercial Litigation Branch within the Civil Division at the US 
  Department of Justice receives approval from the Office of the Solicitor 
  General at the Department of Justice to appeal Judge Braden's final 
  order.Catherine Austin 
  Order Denying Defendant's Motion for ReconsiderationFiled June 14, 
  2004The United States Court of Federal ClaimsJudge Susan G. 
  BradenNo 98-169Hamilton Securities v. The United StatesThe US 
  Court of Federal Claims has denied the motion for reconsideration filed by the 
  Department of Justice on behalf of the US Department of Housing  
  UrbanDevelopment in connection with with its final judgment issued on 
  April 19, 2004.Final JudgmentFiled April 19, 2004In the United 
  States Court of Federal ClaimsJudge Susan G. BradenNo 
  98-169Hamilton Securities v. The United StatesThe US Court of 
  Federal Claims issued a final ruling in Hamilton's caseagainst the 
  Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD")stemming from HUD's 
  withholding of payments from Hamilton basedon common law assertions 
  regarding Hamilton performance of financialadvisor contracts for HUD. In 
  issuing its ruling the Court stated in part:"...the court finds that 
  HUD breached the 18505 ContractAccordingly,the court enters judgement 
  for Hamilton in the amount of $1,505, 256,plus any interest according to 
  law"Hamilton ceased operation in 1998 but has been in litigation 
  related to the HUDmortgage loan sale program. Solari is providing 
  litigation support to Hamilton.For background on Hamilton's effort 
  tohold the government accountable:http://www.solari.com/gideon

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Have you seen how Reagan was forced to accept GW Bush as his  running mate in 1980?

2004-06-09 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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- Original Message - 
From: spiker 
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 3:02 PM
Subject: Have you seen how Reagan was forced to accept GW Bush as 
his running mate in 1980?
Excerpts from a talk given 
by Lt. Col. "Bo" Gritz in Mesa, Arizona on April 4, 
1992. http://www.ez-websites.com/grudge/bo.htmIn Mesa, I 
met with him [Cleon Skousen www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8oe=UTF-8sourceid=deskbarq=Cleon+Skousen 
, and I said, "Why in the world did Ronald Reagan sell us down the tube by 
taking George Bush as his running mate?" And I really didn't know that Cleon 
knew Ronald Reagan rather well. But he told me: He said, "Bo, George Bush was 
Ronald Reagan's greatest opponent," (if you'll remember, back in the 1980 
elections), "and Ronald Reagan said he would never have him. Then, Ronald Reagan 
was invited to New York to go see Rockefeller. When he saw Rockefeller, he was 
told, 'If you do not take my head of the Trilateral Commission'" (remember, the 
Council on Foreign Relations, George Bush) "'as your running mate, the only way 
you'll see the inside of the White House is as a tourist.'" Two months 
after he was inaugurated, two months is all that Ronald Reagan lasted. March 
30th, 1981, two months after his inauguration in January of 1981, he was shot -- 
was he not? And the news said that he was shot by John Hinckley, Jr., and that 
John Hinckley, Jr., was some kind of a Jodie Foster freak. And that he came out 
of nowhere, and that he shot Brady in the head, and he shot a policeman in the 
neck, and he shot a Secret Service man and blew him back over the vehicle, and 
he shot Ronald Reagan. Right? Well, remember the hardware. That's why I 
gave you a little introduction... I did. [Gritz had talked earlier about some 
sophisticated "tools of the trade."] Soon as I see this stuff I begin to wonder, 
because I've been a part of these kinds of operations. Let's just go back and 
review. It's all in the book [*Called to Serve*(?)], and so, very quickly I'll 
run down through you. When Brady was shot, no question. Here we've got 
John Hinckley, Jr., Oh, by the way, is John Hinckley, Jr., just some kind of a 
"weirdo?" Isn't it strange that John Hinckley, Sr., is the owner of Vanderbilt 
Oil? And, of course, George Bush is the owner of Zapata Oil. Was it a 
coincidence, then, that John Hinckley, Sr., and George Bush are neighbors *for 
years* in Houston, Texas, working together? Is it any coincidence that John 
Hinckley, Sr., when you go back through the FEC, the Federal Election 
Commission, his own record of giving maximum donations every year to Mr. Bush 
even when he started running for Congress. Well now, does that make his son, 
John Hinckley, Jr., seem a little bit less of a coincidence? I think it does. 
Here's why: When the President was shot, if you'll remember, he was 
pushed into the car by a man named Jerry Parr(sp?) that was his Secret Service 
guard. Jerry Parr fell on top of him and, I just saw in the *Reader's Digest* 
where Jerry Parr was telling his "valiant story." And the limousine tore off, 
didn't it? Now it was *five minutes later* that the ambulance arrived and they 
put the Secret Service man, the Washington, D.C. policeman, and Brady in the 
ambulance and *it* roared off. Using normal time-rate/distance, who should have 
arrived at George Washington University Hospital first? The President should 
have. Well, who did? You know it's a trick question. The ambulance arrived 15 
minutes before the President. When asked, "What happened?" the Secret Service 
simply responded, "We got lost." The Secret Service does not get lost in 
Washington, D.C. They don't get lost in most places of the world. And so, now 
the investigation starts to get a little interesting. When they take Ronald 
Reagan in, they can see 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Television: opiate of the masses.

2004-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan
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   - Original Message -  From: Chris Osborne   To: @onetel.com;  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 5:12 PM Subject: Television: opiate of the masses.   Television: opiate of the masses.http://100777.com/node/view/168 extractstelevision the brain begins to produce alpha waves, which indicatestorpid (almost comatose) rates of activity. Alpha brain waves are associatedwith unfocused, overly receptive states of consciousness.or moods within the viewer. The aim of commercialsis not to appeal to the rational or conscious mind (which usually dismissesadvertisements) but rather to implant moods that the consumer willassociate with the product when it is encountered in real life. When we seeproduct displays at a store, for instance, those positive emotions aretriggered. Endorsements from belovedathletes and other celebrities evoke the sameassociations. If you've ever doubted the power of television advertising, bearthis in mind: commercials work better if you're not paying attention tothem!Other Conditioninghttp://www.mercola.com/2001/aug/15/perception.htm Information Control For Social Manipulationhttp://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/InformationControl.html And for the Curious !!   THE PATENTS OFCONTROL see link below  http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.com/intelligence2.html  Perceptions..http://www.perceptions.couk.com/beebvbeeb.html   Why doesn't the BBC broadcast truth to theBritish people? see link above  Why is the internal BBC's standard so low? Whydo the corrupt pervertalways have vital `last word' in BBC debates? Incompetence?Corruption? 
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Presidential Humor...................

2004-05-26 Thread Kris Millegan
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:56 AM
Subject: Presidential Humor...

NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno": 
Last night President Bush announced his plan for Iraq. He called for the 
rebuilding of Iraq's economy, getting international cooperation, bringing in new 
leadership. The same thing Kerry is calling for here. 
First John Kerry fell off his bike. Then Bush falls off his bike. Is it too 
much to ask, can't we get someone who can pedal a bike and be president at the 
same time? 
You know when President Bush fell off his bike? The exact moment when he 
heard Michael Moore (director of the anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11") won the 
top prize at the Cannes Film Festival. 
CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman": 
President Bush has promised he's going to establish elections in Iraq, he's 
going to rebuild the infrastructure and he's going to create jobs. And he said 
if it works there, he'll try it here. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: More follows -- I did a lot of research on Skull and Bones

2004-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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The following was sent to Bill Meridian, astrologer 
for Dell Horoscope Magazine  financial astrological consultant to a number 
of people of the house of Saud ... I think he was the dude who sold UAL  
AMR short 9/10/2001 (see letter)
- Original Message - 
From: Sonja Foxe 
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: More follows -- I did a lot of research on Skull and 

If you imagine a Yale fraternity paddle hanging on 
the wall with Delta Kappa Epsilon/322 -- Dubya can't play chess and doesn't know 
what Shah Mat means.

I just queried Yale University Press about 
Tecumseh's Curse and the Zero Year Presidencies, From Jefferson to Bush -- I 
went to the University of Chicago -- Robert Maynard Hutchins, well, I've got a 
play in the works Snorky  Hooch -- Al Capone was 12 hours older than 
RMHutchins who godfathered e=mc2 ... 

I come from Niagara Falls -- which is a power place 
on the continent -- Anthropology the Sin of Solomon (and Herodotus) -- the 
native American spirit He No, the Thunderer -- cognate to Tlaloc -- indeed a 
voice divine of the continental spirit -- growing up as I did within the context 
of HeNo's Thunder. It is very funny (ironic deeply) how Iroquois/Iraqi ... 

The Ka of Ramses I -- the Pharoah of the Exodus -- 
in its mummy was resident in NF -- recently returned to Cairo -- the Jews of 
Niagara Falls are very strong -- politix making strange bedfellows -- they hate 
Moses (Robert Moses, tool of Nelson Rockefeller) -- well the Niagara Falls 
Public Library built by Rocky for his good friend Earl Brydges by architect Paul 
Marvin Rudolph (a very bloo movie of mine) -- the Library for some odd reason 
(check it out on the net, it is GORGIAS) is pyramoidal -- of course I call the 
Diasporic home of the Ka of Ramses -- as such it needs an important goat 
sculpture -- and it so happens the Chicago Cubs have a very big goat 

Yeah, like life is really a polish 

I went there to Goat Island 12 April 2004 to take 
advantage of the Saturn direct station -- it was an heroic journey that I intend 
to write up for Esquire magazine -- o, I might as well tell you I figured you 
were the guy or knew the guy who sold UAL and AMR short Sept 10 and checked with 
Mary Downing at Hartford who said she wouldn't be surprised. Well I ratted 
you out shortly thereafter to the SEC, who acknowledged receipt of the 
letter. Didn't seem to affect your health at all. -- 

I made commemorative shirts t-shirts for the 
occasion "Magickal Mystery Tour/Goat Island Niagara Falls, 8th Satyr (I left 
Easter PM on Greyhound) the proceeds of which will go to a Goat Fund to Cure the 
Curse of the Cubs -- you can check it out on Craigslist Chicago sports stuff for 
sale. I also brought some special 48th Ward Whirled Peas because I think 
that could happen should you invest in this project. Cheques to be cut to 
Friends of the Local History Department of the Niagara Falls Public Library -- 
I'll take care of s/h -- I have about 35 of them. If this happens, as I 
understand it the Feast of Abraham at the Haaj is a celebration of the saving of 
his son -- I suggest that the Cubs Fans of the 9th CD take care of teh Goat meet 
at the next Haaj.

A copy of this will be forwarded to my alderman 
Mary Ann Smith and Janice Schakowski -- 9th CD IL -- she's an astrotwin of 
Rudolph Guiliani and Richard Daley (R2D2) twenty minutes younger than Barbra 

Wanna buy a t/shirt?

Sonja Foxe
The Tecumseh Factor is worth 20 points Democratic 
November 2004 -- Manifesto/Chapter One available athttp://www.lulu.com/SalonSonja
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bit About Scarves Good Detail

2004-05-20 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Title: APFN
-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Bit About Scarves Good Detail

  Work At Home 


  jolting awareness that I crossed paths with Nick BergSun May 16, 2004 
  15:2064.140.158.10A jolting awareness that I crossed paths with 
  Nick Berg [ Post 1470113 ]http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=Board=news_internationalNumber=1470113page=view=collapsedsb=5o=21vc=1t=0#Post1470113Category: 
  News  Opinion Topic: International AffairsSynopsis: Jamie Francis has 
  made two trips to Iraq, most recently in April...Source: St Petersburg 
  TimesPublished: May 15, 2004 Author: JAMIE FRANCIS, Times Staff 
  WriterFor Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial 
  Use.Looks like two identical posts have wound up here, and I am 
  not sure if deleting one will get rid of the other. I do not have time to do 
  this over again. SandyOn a warm evening in Baghdad's old Jewish 
  quarter last month, I was taking photos in a crumbling building when I was 
  literally pushed toward a Westerner with ivory skin and a red beard. He was 
  lifting weights inside the Arnold Classic Gym. He wore black steel-toed boots 
  as he grunted out exercises beneath dozens of portraits of Arnold 
  Schwarzenegger.The Iraqis called him Mr. Nick.I was amazed to 
  meet another English speaker inside the local gym, but I was there to 
  photograph Iraqis and had little interest in being sidetracked with small 
  talk. But soon, I found myself in a casual conversation with an engaging young 
  man, whose intelligence and friendly nature allowed him to move easily in and 
  out of a strange culture.Now, more than five weeks after the chance 
  meeting, I have learned that Mr. Nick was actually Nicholas Berg, the 
  26-year-old Pennsylvania man who was beheaded by a group of hooded men in 
  Iraq. The grisly murder was videotaped, and it's now thought that Abu Musab 
  al-Zarqawi, an associate of Osama bin Laden, carried out the 
  execution.Times colleague Susan Taylor Martin and I were first lured 
  to the gym by a small sign along one of Baghdad's most traveled streets. The 
  sign, which showed a bare-chested man with rippling muscles, seemed out of 
  place in Arabic culture. The owner of the gym, Sabah Taleb Mehdi, hung the 
  advertisement for his business, which is an homage to Arnold Schwarzenegger, 
  his childhood idol.I suppose Mehdi felt compelled to push the two 
  Anglos together. He said Mr. Nick was a regular who had been coming for weeks, 
  and he seemed to enjoy shouting the American's name: "Mr. Nick, Mr. Nick, Mr. 
  Nick," he would say as if singing an 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Lest we forget !

2004-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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With apologies for invading your email uninvited, I 
hope that you will read this carefully and send it on to others.


from Washington
Donald W. Stacey

summary of a telephone conference with Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski USN 
conducted by a group of concerned citizens.

Wednesday, October 28, 1998, a group of citizens from various parts of the 
country talked with Kathleen Janoski. 
Chief Petty Officer Janoski was the Chief of the Forensic Photography 
Division at the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner in the Armed Forces 
Institute of Pathology (“AFIP”) and a 22-year veteran of the Navy. The subject of the discussion was the 
hole in Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown’s skull that looked like a bullet 


April 3, 1996, while transporting Mr. Brown and 34 others, an Air Force CT-43 
executive transport crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Thirty three of the bodies, including 
Ron Brown’s, were flown to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, where they were 
examined by AFIP personnel. At the 
time of the crash, Mr. Brown was under investigation by the Office of 
Independent Counsel (Mr. Daniel Pearson was the Special Prosecutor) and was 
under subpoena to produce documents concerning the sale of seats on trade 
missions in a civil law suit by Judicial Watch. 
The official determination of the cause 
of Mr. Brown’s death was blunt force trauma as a result of the plane crash.

November 24, 1997, shortly after the Air Force released a voluminous report of 
its investigation of the crash, an article concerning the report was published 
in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 
On December 3, another article included statements by one of the 
pathologists on the AFIP team, Lt. Colonel Steven Cogswell (USAF), that there 
was a perfectly round hole, inward-beveled, in Mr. Brown’s skull that looked 
like a bullet hole. However, no 
autopsy was performed.

December 5, Cogswell was put under a gag order. At about that time, he was escorted to 
his home by military police who seized all case materials on the Brown case.

December 9, Lt. Colonel David Hause (U.S. Army) another AFIP pathologist and a 
leading expert on gun shot wounds, confirmed Cogswell’s statements. The gag order was broadened to include 
all AFIP personnel.

January 8, 1998, the Department of Justice reported that it had looked into the 
matter and saw no reason to launch an investigation. No one from DOJ talked to Cogswell or 

January 9, the Washington Post reported that the AFIP had convened a review 
panel of all its pathologists that had unanimously concluded that Brown 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power

2004-04-26 Thread Kris Millegan
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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- Original Message - 
From: David Codrea 

To: 'Tom 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:52 PM
Subject: Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of 

In the United States, several 
million people have succumbed to an extraordinary delusion. In the 19th century, 
two immigrant preachers cobbled together a series of unrelated passages from the 
Bible to create what appears to be a consistent narrative: Jesus will return to 
Earth when certain preconditions have been met. The first of these was the 
establishment of a state of Israel. The next 
involves Israel's 
occupation of the rest of its "biblical lands" (most of the 
East), and the rebuilding of the 
Temple on the site 
now occupied by the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa 
mosques. The legions of the antichrist will then be deployed against 
Israel, and their 
war will lead to a final showdown in the 
valley of 
Armageddon. The Jews 
will either burn or convert to Christianity, and the Messiah will return to 
What makes the story so appealing to 
Christian fundamentalists is that before the big battle begins, all "true 
believers" (ie those who believe what they believe) 
will be lifted out of their clothes and wafted up to heaven during an event 
called the Rapture. Not only do the worthy get to sit 
at the right hand of God, but they will be able to watch, from the best seats, 
their political and religious opponents being devoured by boils, sores, locusts 
and frogs, during the seven years of Tribulation which follow. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Damning Circumstantial Evidence

2004-04-22 Thread Kris Millegan
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Why did 
Bush abolish information sharing and route all national security information to 
him, via Condoleezza Rice? 

By Margie Burns
August 2, 2003On February 13, 2001, George W. Bush, three weeks in the 
Oval Office, issued his first official White House document pertaining to 
national security. The document, called the National 
Security Presidential Directive (NSPD), partly 
reorganized the National Security Council that was established by President 
Truman in 1947 and put into the Executive branch in 1949. In light of subsequent 
events, a single sentence is perhaps the most dramatic statement in the NSPD: 
"The existing system of Interagency Working Groups is abolished." 
Thus ended, with one stroke of the pen, the chief existing structural 
mechanism for coordinating information among federal agencies including the 
intelligence agencies, transportation, and immigration.This NSPD was publicly 
released February 13, 2001, the same date a mini-symposium was held in Laurel, 
Maryland, on "homeland security," partly sponsored by Analytic Services, Inc. 
(ANSER), the company for which Hadley had served as a trustee. ANSER had formed 
a think tank and consulting operation called the "Homeland Security Institute" 
back in spring of 1999 and was heavily invested in pushing the idea of a "second 
Pearl Harbor" as a slogan for the military-intelligence establishment, both 
before and after September 11, 2001.How could the White 
House ever have thought that abolishing the inter-agency work groups was a good 
idea if security was the objective? Why was so much responsibility placed on 
the shoulders of one person, Condoleezza Rice, whose previous experience had 
been at Stanford University and Chevron Oil? Why was national security blended 
with commerce? 
Above all, why was virtually total control of national security 
taken over by a politically-preoccupied White House?http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-1.htm
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [apfn-1] New Zealand: Israeli 'Spies' Busted/How the trap was sprung

2004-04-16 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

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- Original Message - 
From: Milo 
To: George 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 9:06 PM
Subject: [apfn-1] New Zealand: Israeli 'Spies' Busted/How the trap 
was sprung

Foreign spy charges whip up top-level 
security storm
By Bridget Carter, Tony Stickleyand Eugene Bingham -- New Zealand 
HeraldSaturday, 17 April 2004

Two men believed by senior Government figures to be Israeli secret service 
agents have been arrested in Auckland trying to obtain a false New Zealand 

The case has set off alarm bells that Mossad spies may be masquerading as 
harmless New Zealand travellers abroad.

Prime Minister Helen Clark said last night she would not comment while the 
case was before the court, but confirmed the Government had raised the matter 
directly with the Israeli Government.

"There will be a strong and public response to this matter once the court 
action has concluded," she told the Weekend Herald.

Officials, lawyers, police and Helen Clark's spokesman refused to confirm 
or deny the Mossad link.

The acting Israeli Ambassador, Orna Sagiv, last night refused to 

The case is the first known example of foreign agents appearing in a New 
Zealand court since the 1985 arrest of two French agents who blew up the 
Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour, killing one 

It is understood the Israeli Government wanted the case kept out of the New 
Zealand court system, and this issue is likely to have been a point of 
diplomatic friction.

But the case has proceeded, indicating the Government has not bowed to 
pressure from Tel Aviv.

International security concerns are at an all-time high and New Zealand 
views the clandestine Israeli secret service activities here with grave 

Weekend Herald investigations into the case were stonewalled by New Zealand 
officials until the men appeared in the Auckland District Court yesterday.

Urie Zoshe Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50, have denied three joint charges 
including attempting to obtain a New Zealand passport and participating in an 
organised crime group to obtain a false passport.

Details that emerged in court revealed two other men were involved.

Zev William Barkan, 37, has fled the country and authorities concede they 
would not know where to find him. A fourth man is believed to be here but police 
say the others refuse to identify him.

The group had been in and out of the country since last November. Cara, who 
says he is a Sydney-based travel agent, has travelled in and out 24 times since 
October 2000.

The court heard the visits since last year were allegedly for the purpose 
of obtaining a false New Zealand identity for one of the men.

They allegedly made a passport application using a birth certificate of a 
cerebral palsy sufferer who authorities say was an innocent victim of the 

After being tipped off by Internal Affairs, detectives mounted a 
surveillance operation on March 23, dispatching a package meant to resemble the 
passport and watching to see who would pick it up.

In the meantime, Cara and Kelman were allegedly carrying out their own 
surveillance of the package.

Cara was approached by police as he sat in a cafe across the road from one 
drop-off point. Kelman was arrested after he was seen walking away from another 
point, throwing a cellphone into bushes.

Kelman and Cara first appeared in court late last month. At yesterday's 
appearance their case was fast-tracked in highly unusual circumstances. They 
were committed for trial by consent of the defence, although they did not admit 
there was a prima facie case.

The men were granted bail by Judge Chris Field who imposed reporting and 
curfew conditions after rejecting police applications to keep them in custody 
because of flight 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [cia-drugs] repentant arms dealer reveals 911 plot disgruntled US military on verge of revolt

2004-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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I think there has to be another way the Neocons can be 
stopped. We have to see that they are part of a bigger plan set up to 
accomplish this very goal. We have to see how that plan was 

- Original Message - 
From: Let's Make 

Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 10:44 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] repentant arms dealer reveals 911 plot  
disgruntled US military on verge of revolt


‘No hijackers for 9/11’Repentant arms 
dealer reveals disgruntled U.S. military on the verge of 
revoltBy John Kaminski
Back in May 2003, a journalist in Portugal reported on a 
sensational, marathon meeting of a group of U.S. pilots that issued a report 
concluding that the story told by the U.S. government about what happened on 
Sept. 11, 2001 was improbable and unlikely.Except for several notices on 
the Internet, that story was basically never reported in the U.S., and largely 
debunked when the reporter flubbed the name of the organizer, creating disbelief 
in the minds of many readers.The record was corrected in stunning 
fashion Feb. 25 on Alex Jones’ Prison Planet radio program when former Pentagon 
arms salesman Donn de Grand-Pre, author of three books that allege 9/11 was an 
inside job, set the record straight, because he was the man who organized that 
conference. That 72-hour non-stop symposium by a group of military and civilian 
pilots concluded the flight crews of the four passenger airliners involved in 
the 9/11 tragedy had no control over their aircraft.de Grand Pre, a 
retired Army colonel, is the author of “A Window on America,” “Confessions of an 
Arms Peddler” and his latest, “Barbarians Inside the Gates.” His thesis in the 
third book “is that the wars we have engaged in for whatever reasons since the 
end of World War II have not only been unconstitutionally waged, but have caused 
a net loss in political power. Each war was waged to divert our attention away 
from the true enemy within, and toward a contrived enemy outside our 
borders.”de Grand-Pre explained that his third book actually has three 
parts: “OK, I’ve got three books out under the title, "Barbarians Inside the 
Gates." Book 1 was "The Serpent’s Sting," Book 2 is "The Viper’s Venom," Book 3, 
which just came out is “The Rattler’s Revenge.”“And I’d like to quote 
from Book 2, which came out October of 2002. There is a very important paragraph 
there. It says,"The trigger for the 911 activity was 
the imminent and unstoppable worldwide financial collapse which can only be 
prevented temporarily by a major war, perhaps to become known as World War III. 
To bring it off one more time, martial law will probably be imposed in the 
United States."de Grand-Pre was the top U.S. arms dealer to the 
Middle East under the Ford and Carter administrations. What he saw caused him to 
leave government service and begin investigating the forces he saw warping our 
nation’s future.In the interview with Jones, de Grand-Pre made several 
stunning assertions, among them:• There were no hijackers on the 9/11 
killer jets. And he said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Richard 
Myers) agrees with him.In response to a caller to Alex Jones’ radio 
show, de Grand-Pre noted: “... the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs himself has 
agreed, there were no hijackers. There were no cell phone calls. Everybody 
aboard that aircraft, pilots and crew, were unconscious within 8 to 18 minutes 
after take-off. And you can take it from there. I’ve got it covered in books 2 
and 3, what actually happened.”“These planes were being piloted by 
remote control, probably an AWACs aircraft taking over that airplane or 
airplanes or drones, unmanned drones. And flying them at 5 and 8 G-force that no 
pilot could withstand. So, in short, and if 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: John Dean Says Impeach Bush

2004-04-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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  Published on Friday, April 2, 2004 by NOW with Bill Moyers 

  Ex-Nixon Aide John Dean Tells 
  Bill Moyers that Bush Should Be Impeached 



  Tonight on NOW with Bill Moyers , former counsel to President Nixon 
  John Dean tells Bill Moyers that he believes the Bush Administration's 
  secrecy and deception over the war with Iraq should result in impeachment. 

  "Clearly, it is an impeachable offense," he says. "I think the case is 
  overwhelming that these people presented false information to the Congress 
  and to the American people." 
  It is Dean's first television interview about his new book Worse 
  than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush. In the 
  interview, taped Friday in New York, Dean compares the Bush and Nixon 
  White Houses. 
  "There are many things worse than Watergate," he says. "Taking the 
  nation to war in a time when they might not have had to gone to war, and 
  people dying." 
  After becoming counsel to Nixon at the age of 31, Dean emerged as a 
  central figure in the Watergate scandal and is considered the chief 
  whistleblower that brought down Nixon's presidency. Dean has written many 
  articles and essays on law, government, politics, and has recounted his 
  days in the Nixon White House and Watergate in three previous books. 
  The NOW with Bill Moyers interview with John Dean airs tonight, Friday, 
  April 2, at 9 P.M. on PBS (check local listings at http://www.pbs.org/now/sched.html). 

  Partial Transcript 
  BILL MOYERS:You write that the administration has tried to block, 
  frustrate or control any investigation into 9/11 using, quote, 
  "well-proven tactics not unlike those used by the Nixon White House during 
  Watergate." What tactics? 
  JOHN DEAN:Stall. Stall. 
  We knew that at the Nixon White House. Some of these are time-tested 
  tactics. When the Congress put together a joint inquiry itself was 
  self-defeating because it's much more difficult for a joint inquiry with 
  its size -- the lack of attention its staff can give to a group that 
  large. It gets diffuse. And Cheney-- 
  BILL MOYERS:So when you testified in Congress -- in the 70's there 
  was a Senate Investigating Committee and a House Judiciary Committee, 
  JOHN DEAN:Right. Separate committees. Exactly. And they can get 
  much more focused. So it was very effective. And Cheney and Bush were very 
  involved. They didn't want any of the standing committees to do it. They 
  put them together. And that was one of the first signs I saw that they're 
  just playing it by-- I think they found an old playbook down in the 
  basement that belonged to Richard Nixon. And they said, "Well, this stuff 
  looks like it works." 
  BILL MOYERS:Be specific with me. What is worse than Watergate? 
  JOHN DEAN:If there's anything that really is the bottom line, it's 
  taking the nation to war in a time -- when they might not have had to go 
  to war and people dying. That is worse than Watergate. No one died for 
  Nixon's so-called Watergate abuses. 
  BILL MOYERS:Let me go right to page 155 of your book. You write, 
  quote, "The evidence is overwhelming that George W. Bush and Richard B. 
  Cheney have engaged in deceit and deception over going to war in Iraq. 
  This is an impeachable offense." 
  JOHN DEAN:Absolutely is. The founders in the debates in the 
  states-- I cite one. I cite one that I found -- I tracked down after 
  reading the Nixon impeachment proceedings when-- Congressman Castenmeyer 
  had gone back to look to see 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: The Armageddon plan

2004-03-21 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

  The Armageddon Plan
  By James Mann
  The Atlantic Monthly
  March 2004
During the Reagan era Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were key players in a
clandestine program designed to set aside the legal lines of succession and
immediately install a new President in the event that a nuclear attack
killed the country's leaders. The program helps explain the behavior of the
Bush Administration on and after 9/11.
  At least once a year during the 1980s Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld
vanished. Cheney was working diligently on Capitol Hill, as a congressman
rising through the ranks of the Republican leadership. Rumsfeld, who had
served as Gerald Ford's Secretary of Defense, was a hard-driving business
executive in the Chicago area-where, as the head of G. D. Searle  Co., he
dedicated time and energy to the success of such commercial products as
Nutra-Sweet, Equal, and Metamucil. Yet for periods of three or four days at
a time no one in Congress knew where Cheney was, nor could anyone at Searle
locate Rumsfeld. Even their wives were in the dark; they were handed only a
mysterious Washington phone number to use in case of emergency.
  After leaving their day jobs Cheney and Rumsfeld usually made their way to
Andrews Air Force Base, outside Washington. From there, in the middle of the
night, each man-joined by a team of forty to sixty federal officials and one
member of Ronald Reagan's Cabinet-slipped away to some remote location in
the United States, such as a disused military base or an underground bunker.
A convoy of lead-lined trucks carrying sophisticated communications
equipment and other gear would head to each of the locations.
  Rumsfeld and Cheney were principal actors in one of the most highly
classified programs of the Reagan Administration. Under it U.S. officials
furtively carried out detailed planning exercises for keeping the federal
government running during and after a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The
program called for setting aside the legal rules for presidential succession
in some circumstances, in favor of a secret procedure for putting in place a
new President and his staff. The idea was to concentrate on speed, to
preserve continuity of government, and to avoid cumbersome procedures; the
speaker of the House, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and the rest
of Congress would play a greatly diminished role.
  The inspiration for this program came from within the Administration
itself, not from Cheney or Rumsfeld; except for a brief stint Rumsfeld
served as Middle East envoy, neither of them ever held office in the Reagan
Administration. Nevertheless, they were leading figures in the program.
  A few details about the effort have come to light over the years, but
nothing about the way it worked or the central roles played by Cheney and
Rumsfeld. The program is of particular interest today because it helps to
explain the thinking and behavior of the second Bush Administration in the
hours, days, and months after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
Vice President Cheney urged President Bush to stay out of Washington for the
rest of that day; Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld ordered his deputy Paul
Wolfowitz to get out of town; Cheney himself began to move from Washington
to a series of undisclosed locations; and other federal officials were
later sent to work outside the capital, to ensure the continuity of
government in case of further attacks. All these actions had their roots in
the Reagan Administration's clandestine planning exercises.
  The U.S. government considered the possibility of a nuclear war with the
Soviet Union more seriously during the early Reagan years than at any other
time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Reagan had spoken in his 1980
campaign about the need for civil-defense programs to help 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: New history website

2004-03-05 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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  - Original Message - 
  From: Webmaster 
  Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:17 PM
  Subject: New history website
  I enjoyed your excellent series "From Harvard to Enron", which 
  wasjam-packed with interesting information. We've been attempting 
  to organize and cross-reference such historicalfacts at a new website that 
  you might find interesting:http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/It's 
  a user-edited database of timelines and relationships forsignificant 
  persons, organizations and events. Every entry can includenotes and links 
  to reference sources.The site is designed to be a front-end index and 
  search tool for allstudents of modern history. There's plenty of reference 
  material alreadyout there; we just make it a little easier to find. We 
  also welcomeanyone (especially the well-informed) who would like to help 
  update thedatabase.-- 

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2004-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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This is a joke that is circulating around Repugnantcan circles ...

--- Start of forwarded message ---

Organization: home
Subject: Fwd: Fw:  THE WHITE HOUSE
Date: 3/2/2004 8:05:08 PM

   January 29, 2004

   To: Mr. John Hinckley

St. Elizabeth's Hospital
Washington, DC

   Dear John:

Laura and I hope that you are continuing your excellent progress

in recovery from your mental problems. We were pleased to hear that
you are now able to have unsupervised visits with your parents. The

staff  at the hospital reports that you are doing fine.

I have decided to seek a second term in office as your president and I
   would appreciate your support and the support of your fine parents. I

   would hope that if there is anything that you need at the hospital,
   you will let us know.

  By the way, were you aware that both John Kerry and John Edwards
  are screwing Jody Foster?


   George W. Bush


  Do you Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster.
 End of forwarded message 

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Fw: [cia-drugs] HUD to hold house auction online

2004-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

  - Original Message - 
  From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: "Linda Minor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 7:06 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [cia-drugs] HUD to hold house auction
  The timing of their doing this
  is very interesting. At the same time, still the same yah-yah. Destroy
  the file, sell theproperty...much lower recovery rate. Allows all the high
  volume fraud togo on.On another note, it would be funny if this
  EDS-Lockheed fight soscrambles the systems that it hickups the
  fraudsOn Mon, 2004-02-16 at 23:42, Linda Minor
   - Original
  Message -  From:
  Bob To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday,
  February 16, 2004 11:50
  PM Subject: Re:
  [cia-drugs] HUD to hold house auction
   Linda Minor wrote:
Looks like
  Fitts' software which HUD stole will be used
  to  sell of some
  of HUD's portfolio of foreclosed
  Linda Her software
  made an open market in HUD loan
   The network employed
  hundreds of mostly black
  inner city people who
  were previously
   Using the network
  were other people empowered
  to make money trading
  in mortgages.
   The taxpayer got
  double what was raised by the
  former insider market,
  dominated by Harvard Endowment,
  which was Dyncorp,
  Capricorn, Pug Winokur. Dyncorp
  has another name
   What was at stake was
  a largely hereditary insider
  trading scandal
  masquerading as a market in problem loans,
  the info and
  opportunity both for trading and exposure
  of corruption, other
  dimensions of leverage enforcing
  a class system and a
  COINTELOP agenda not just
  against poor people
  but against the middle class and anyone
  else not a partner in
  Harvard Endowment, which is a
  for profit corporation
  like the British East India
   These internet
  auctions would not necessarily
  change anything
  because they would not open up the
  HUD loan and resale
  information or market and
  because the old
  insider trading system could be
  maintained with
  respect to deliberately accepting
  applicants. This is a touchy aspect, since we
  believe in opportunity
  and empowerment, but there is
  room for manipulation
  of HUD loans and Section
  Eight certificates so
  that HUD loans go to applicants
  who will default and
  Section Eight certs only go to
  those who pay bribes,
  leaving others on the waiting
  list for more than
  five years until somebody
  notices, records are
  shredded, a few people fired, and
  the cycle restarts.
  The advantage of failing loans
  is that new fees are
  generated every time a new
  loan is made for the
  same property, and loans
  are guaranteed by the
  taxpayer. This can only go
  on with a closed
  database, and that is why
  Catherine Austin Fitts
  ran into so much
   - Original Message
   From: "Catherine Austin
   To: "Linda Minor"
   Sent: Sunday, February
  15, 2004 4:39 PM
   Subject: [Fwd: Google
  News Alert - HUD]
   Monday, February 16, 2004
   HUD to hold house auction
   BY Dibya
   Feb. 11, 2004
   The Department of Housing
  and Urban Development
   sell up to 4,000 homes in
  a two-day Internet
   as a way to increase
   Using the Internet to
  sell homes is not new,
   the department will
  publicize the auction in
   newspapers throughout the
  country for increased
   exposure. Properties,
  which were acquired
   foreclosures, will be
  pulled from the

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: ** Washingtonian: Washington BUZZ

2004-02-17 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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 White House Press Secretary Lashes Out at Reporter: Theres a
 Difference Between Trashy Rumors and Journalism

 Scott McClellan finally lost it Friday, according to White House
 reporters. He doesnt see it that way.

 The White House press secretary had kept his cool all week as reporters
 pounced on him about President George Bushs 1970s service in the
 National Guard. Facing perhaps his toughest week as press secretary,
 McClellan got testy Tuesday under questioning by CBS correspondent John
 Roberts during the televised briefing. He then blew up at old pro Helen
 Thomas during the private gaggle for reporters on Friday.

 Thomas had gotten a tip that Bush might have been absent from duty in
 Alabama because he was performing court-ordered community service in
 Texas in 1972. She asked McClellan if that was accurate.

 According to reporters in the press room, McClellan got red-faced and
 became so angry, it looked to some as if he were ready to pounce. He
 characterized the question as coming from gutter politics.

 Thomas, who has covered every president since Dwight Eisenhower and now
 writes a column for Hearst, was not fazed. I think they are getting
 pretty nervous about this, she said Friday afternoon. Ive learned
 over the years that when you put out records, it often leads to more

 Some questions are out of bounds, McClellan told The Washingtonian:
 Helen was asking about trashy rumors. Theres a difference between
 trashy rumors and journalism. I will not dignify them from the podium.

 And he says hell try not to lose his cool. I hope to keep a smile on
 my face, he said.

 The confrontation created talk among White House correspondents as to
 whether McClellan could stand the pressure as it builds during the 2004
 campaign season.

 Scott is trashing reporters for asking questions, says one veteran
 correspondent. Hes dissipating the goodwill he had for not being Ari
 Fleischer. Hes proving to be as testy and disdainful as Ari.

 The White House press-secretary job is one of the most contentious in
 politics. Every day its holder has to stand in front of hostile
 reporters and give them enough information without giving them too much.
 McClellans job arguably is harder because the Bush White House has
 tried to control information and stay on message more than most
 administrations, according to veteran reporters.

 I think hes doing what they want him to do, says National Journals
 Carl Cannon, president of the White House Correspondents Association.
 But no matter how much you want to stick to the party line, the job
 entails thinking on your feet. They dont want their guy thinking on his

 Says CBS correspondent Roberts: We dont get our questions answered
 most of the time. Hes toeing the party line quite ably.

 McClellan was expected to be a kinder, smoother Ari Fleischer. Where
 Fleischer was a product of the capital and knew how to use back channels
 to help reporters at major papers, McClellan is part of Bushs Texas
 entourage, worked with the President when he was governor, and is not
 playing by Washington rules.

 Fleischer put on a tough public face, reporters say, but was willing to
 deviate from the message in private. McClellan sticks to the message
 all the time.

 He has a long relationship with these folks, John Roberts says of
 McClellan and the Bush people. He doesnt want to blow it.

 In Friday afternoons televised press conference, reporters pressed
 McClellan with questions about the coming presidential campaign. He
 parried each query by telling the reporter to ask Bush campaign officials.

 There reporters will encounter press secretary Terry Holt, who has a
 reputation of sometimes being funny and being less 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bush Will Lose (if you fwd this) even more AWOL dirt to stick

2004-02-14 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 8:25 AM
Subject: Bush Will Lose (if you fwd this) even more AWOL dirt to stick

Bush may lose and you can help.
Send this around and help bring about some needed regime change.

Y'see, Bush's avoidance of Vietnam is a lot worse than you may have thought.
Below are a lot more facts and questions than are currently on the table
foot/link-notes) from last time Bush dodged this AWOL bullet during his 2000
campaign. (In fact, I (Jim Kendall, hi!) have been sitting on this link for
nearly a year, waiting to send it to YOU to help get this to stick.) Most
all of
this stuff has been out on the public record since 1999.

NOTE: There's over a dozen new items here and each can be a big national

Bottom line: First, what Bush and his family and his friends did to get the
young man out of Vietnam was disgrace, even criminal. Then, since his
in politics started, what these same players have done by flat-out lies and
endless weaseling (and the likely destruction of evidence) compounds their
and criminalty. And most of all, knowing how the media-electoral complex
works, well, we got him. Feel this momentum building! Have no doubt: this
will resonate with voters.

Help tip the balance, and forward it fast.

If you doubt how serious this is getting for our president, you must have
seen or read the transcript of Scott McClellan's positively surreal
performance in his press conference as the conclusive pay records were
handed out. I
have never ever read ANYTHING so amazing in terms of lame political BS,
astonishing: even neonixonian! You can actually see the cracks opening and
widening in Bunker Bush.

(Google can get you there fast for a read or streaming. But, the best SHORT
update I've found on all these breaking developments is from the Nation's
washington correspondant, David Corn. Go to thenation.com, see W as in
AWOL: Case
Not Closed, 02/11/2. Corn also includes some of the most breath-taking
exchanges between McClellan and the press corps. Terribly enjoyable reading,
let me
tell you.)

KEEP the FAITH, my fellow americans...
we shall overcome

jim kendall

(ps. Most of the facts and questions below are also in Molly Ivin's amazing
book Shrub, also from 1999.
Plus, this Texan has a lovely sense of humor, hardballs and all.)


from http://www.realchange.org/bushjr.htm

(written during the first George W. Bush presidential campaign)

How Bush Avoided the Vietnam War

Most people have heard something about George W. Bush pulling strings to get
into the Texas Air Guard. But the press, while reporting lots of details,
done a poor job of communicating how consistently and shamelessly Bush Jr.
sought and received favorable treatment while he avoided Vietnam.
Furthermore, his story has repeatedly changed -- he has weaseled like
at his worst and even flat-out lied when explaining what happened.
To put it in perspective, here are 9 ways Bush got favored treatment in the
service due to his political connections (he was then son of a Congressman
grandson of a former Senator):

1) He got into the Guard by pulling strings, avoiding the year and a half
waiting list;
2) He took a 2-month vacation in Florida after just 8 weeks, (1 of 3
to work on a political campaign;
3) Bush skipped Officer Candidate School and got a special commission as a
2nd Lieutenant, without qualifications;
4) He was assigned to a safe plane (being phased out of active service), the
F-102 ;
5) During flight school, he was flown on a government jet to Washington for
date with President Nixon's daughter Tricia ;
6) Bush got an illegal transfer (later overruled) to a base with no work;
7) He simply 


2004-02-10 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

Kind of a funny item from a friend. Prudy
In a message dated 2/7/2004 7:48:38 PM Central Standard Time, CHERYLEAGLES writes:

Subject: GOVERNMENT Is it just me or does anyone else find it amazingthat ourgovernment can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington. Also they track her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Fwd: FW: GOVERNMENT
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 19:29:43 EST

 Check out the great features of the new MSN 9 Dial-up, with the MSN Dial-up Accelerator. 
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Note: forwarded message attached.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 2/7/2004 7:48:38 PM Central Standard Time, CHERYLEAGLES writes:

Subject: GOVERNMENT Is it just me or does anyone else find it amazing
that our
government can track a cow born in Canada almost 
three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the 
state of Washington. Also they track her calves to their 
stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal 
aliens wandering around our country.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Germany offers compensation to victims of Nazi experiments

2004-01-25 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Ginsberg 
To: Robert Lederman 
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 8:56 AM
Subject: Germany offers compensation to victims of Nazi 


Last Update: 25/01/2004 09:00 Germany offers compensation to 
victims of Nazi experiments By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz 
Correspondent NEW YORK - The German government 
has agreed to compensate Nazi concentration camp survivors who were subjected to 
medical experiments during the Holocaust. An official announcement on the new 
compensation program, to be administered by the New York-based Claims 
Conference, is expected to be released during the coming days. 
A symbolic, one-time compensation of 
8,300 DM (about $5,400) will be paid to each of the 1,778 survivors of the 
medical experiments, who were held in special blocks of the concentration camps 
set aside for this purpose. Most of these survivors are now in their eighties or 
older. Another 119 people whose family members died as a result of these 
experiments are also slated to receive this special compensation.

There are 389 survivors of the Nazi medical experiments who now live in 
Israel; the remaining survivors (or their heirs) are scattered among 33 other 

The proposal for this special program for the victims of Nazi medical 
experiments was first made by the Claims Conference in discussions with the 
German government that resulted in the Program for Former Slave and Forced 
Laborers, a global compensation agreement signed in 2000.

In recent years, the Claims Conference has administered the distribution of 
payments to Holocaust victims from several humanitarian funds. Some of the money 
for these funds came from the dormant accounts of Holocaust victims at Swiss 

The executive vice-president of the Claims Conference, Gideon Taylor, told 
Haaretz that a major effort was made to locate the surviving victims of Nazi-era 
medical experiments. Now that this effort has been concluded, he explained, the 
Claims Conference will begin distributing the compensation payments.

Part of this effort also included collecting testimony from the survivors. 
These testimonies will now be officially published; some of this documentation 
will be stored at the New York offices of the Claims Conference, and some will 
be transferred to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.

"Until now, there was little historic research focusing on the victims of 
medical experiments," Taylor said. "The information we found will make a huge 
contribution to investigating some of the most horrendous events in world 

According to the victims' testimonies, the Nazi doctors carried out 178 
different types of experiments on their human subjects in over 30 concentration 
camps. The most famous case is that of Josef Mengele, a physician and SS officer 
known as the "Angel of Death" at Auschwitz.

Mengele coordinated the "selection" process for those arriving at 
Auschwitz, and was known for his cruelty and pseudo-medical experiments, 
particularly those involving twins and midgets.

Many of the experiments entailed the amputation of organs without 
anesthesia. Others experiments included injections of viruses and attempts to 
find a way to change the color of eyes.

Most of the survivors who provided testimony asked to remain anonymous. A., 
an 83-year-old woman who now lives in Israel, was a prisoner at Auschwitz for 
two years (1943-45). "The experiment was done on my uterus," she said. "I 
received an injection in my uterus and, as a result, I suffered from terrible 
pain for a year and a half, and my uterus shrank to the size of a 

One of the victim who agreed to be identified by name, Hyman Torenstein, 
was the subject of sterilization experiments as a 13-year-old boy in 


2004-01-22 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: spiker 
To: Recipient list suppressed 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 7:02 PM
Source:Right On The Markhttp://rightonthemark.com/SEN. HATCH'S ATTORNEY 
SEES 16TH AMENDMENT AS BOGUS AFTER INVESTIGATIONhttp://rightonthemark.com/warren%20richardsom.htmWARREN 
S. RICHARDSON, J.D. Attorney at Law May 5, 2000 Mr. William J. 
Benson Constitutional Scholar 1128 East 160th Place South Holland, IL 60473 
www.thelawthatneverwas.comDear Mr. Benson: 
You may address me simply as Warren and I'll call you Bill. My first 
comment is to applaud you for the tremendous amount of work you have done in 
bringing to light the enormous volume of factual data-over 17,000 pages of 
certified government documents from each of the 48 states (the number in 1913) 
as well as from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. In fact, the whole 
project, which includes your two books, is truly monumental. In case you 
wish to know a little about my background, let me give you a brief overview. I 
was honored to serve my nation in World War II as a Naval Aviator. Since my 
college career at the University of Rochester had been interrupted by the war, I 
went back to the U. of R. and obtained my A.B. degree in history. That was 
followed by a B.S. in accounting. By then I was married and we moved to the 
Washington, D.C. area so that my wife could continue her college work while I 
attended law school. Upon receiving my law degree, I was honored to be chosen 
for the first class of Honor Law Graduates at the Justice Department. (This 
program was started in 1953 while Eisenhower was president.) Because of my law 
and accounting background, I moved to the legal department at the General 
Accounting Office. After 5 years as a government attorney, I left for the 
private sector, where I have been ever since. Two years of that time was spent 
in a law firm and the rest has been working in the lobbying profession. 
Before going to the subject of your books - the 16th Amendment to the 
Constitution of the United States of America was not properly ratified-I wish to 
lay some groundwork. In 1895 the United States Supreme Court ruled a direct 
income tax to be unconstitutional in the case of Pollock v. Farmer's Loan and 
Trust Company (158 U.S. 601). Since our forefathers who established our form of 
government (a republic, not a democracy) by splitting the federal power into 
three equal branches (legislative, judicial, and administrative), it was clearly 
within the Court's discretion to render their verdict in the Pollock case. 
The Supreme Court's decision in that case can only be changed by one of 
two methods: 1. The Supreme Court, assuming it has valid reasoning, 
could reverse the Pollock case; or, 2. An Amendment to the Constitution 
authorizing a direct income tax could be passed by a vote of two-thirds of both 
houses of Congress and then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the 
States. Following the procedure of item 2, above, the Secretary of State 
has the duty of announcing to the public, the President, and the Congress that a 
proposed amendment has been accepted or rejected. The people who wished 
to overturn the Pollock case chose the second alternative. In my 
professional opinion your two books demonstrate, at least to me, that the 16th 
Amendment was not properly ratified even though the Secretary of State made the 
public announcement that it had been properly ratified. When only four states of 
the required 38 ratified it properly, how could it be considered valid? In view 
of the facts, how could it become a valid part of our Constitution? Since the 
Pollock case has not been reversed by the Supreme Court, what is the legal 
framework upon which 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Right Attacks on Those Who Liken Bush to Hitler -- Remember Feminazis?

2004-01-18 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Title: AOL Email
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

To: undisclosed-recipients: 
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 7:09 AM
Subject: Right Attacks on Those Who Liken Bush to Hitler -- Remember 


  Introductory note: When moderates and liberals seriously 
  discuss how Bush/Ashcroft/congressional actions, a la Patriot Act and 
  Gitmo, are coming very close to fascism, the Right sneers and degrades and 
  says that's beyond the page. Yet Rush can call women "feminazis" and 
  accuse Hillary of being a Nazi.and THAT's OK. 
  I don't like irresponsible name-calling, either, but most discussions 
  from the left have been serious and come from a deep well of concern about 
  freedom and democracy and civil rights and not from an effort to simply 
  assassinate the character of a rivalThere IS a difference. We 
  should maintain that difference, but we should be armed with the 
  counter-references when the Right attacks.
   Fairness  Accuracy In Reporting
 Media analysis, critiques and 
  ALERT:When Are Nazi Comparisons Deplorable?For Fox News, only when 
  Republicans are the targetThe controversy over comparisons between 
  George W. Bush and Adolf Hitlerin two ads submitted to the anti-Bush 
  ad contest run by the onlineactivist group MoveOn.org says less about 
  the state of left discourse thanit does about the double standards at 
  Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.News Corp's Fox News Channel 
  started the controversy on January 4, airingRepublican National 
  Committee chair Ed Gillespie's complaint about theBush/Hitler 
  comparison. "That's the kind of tactics we're seeing on theleft today 
  in support of these Democratic presidential candidates,"Gillespie 
  charged, calling such tactics "despicable."The whole next day 
  (1/5/04), this was a major story on Fox News Channel. John 
  Gibson asked, "What about the hating Bush movement, the MoveOn.organd 
  George Soros sponsoring these ads that compare Bush toHitler?"--before 
  being corrected that the ads were not sponsored by MoveOn(or Soros, a 
  funder of the group), and were taken down in response 
  tocomplaints.Sean Hannity accused a guest: "You guys on the 
  left are going so far overthe cliff. You're making comparisons to the 
  president and Adolf Hitler."Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway said 
  on Hannity's show, "This is thehateful, vitriolic rhetoric that has 
  become the Howard Dean DemocraticParty." Bill O'Reilly cited the ads 
  as evidence that "right now in Americathe Democratic party is being 
  held captive by the far, far left."It should be noted that however 
  hyperbolic, comparisons to Hitler andfascism are not unknown in the 
  American political debate. Rush Limbaughhas routinely called women's 
  rights advocates "femi-Nazis," and referencesto "Hitlery Clinton" are 
  a staple of right-wing talk radio. Republicanpower-broker Grover 
  Norquist on NPR (10/2/03) compared inheritance taxesto the 
  Holocaust.Closer to home for Fox News, on the very same day that 
  Gibson, Hannity andO'Reilly were talking about the Hitler/Bush 
  comparison as evidence of theleft's extremism, a column ran in the New 
  York Post that describedDemocratic presidential candidate Howard Dean 
  as a follower of JosefGoebbels, referred to him as "Herr Howie," 
  accused him of "looking for hisLeni Riefenstahl," called his 
  supporters "the Internet Gestapo" andcompared them to "Hitler's 
  brownshirts."The New York Post, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Google News Alert - Bush AND Nazi

2004-01-08 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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Subject: Google News Alert - Bush AND Nazi

 OF Course They Think Bush Is a Nazi
 National Review Online
 ... that. The movie, featured on the website Takebackthemedia.com, begins
 with ominous music and the warning: The media will not tell you of the
 Bush family Nazi ...

 MOVEON Accuses RNC of 'Smear Campaign,' Asks Members to Report ' ...
 Men's News Daily, CA
 ... President George W. Bush with Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler, has
 responded to the criticism by blaming the media frenzy on the Republican
 National Committee. ...


 DON'T Give Up on the Media
 Democratic Underground
 In case you haven't noticed, even now the mighty pro-Bush-GOP Wurlitzer
 is well ... Third, unlike the press in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union,
 which was both ...

 ISAKSON Calls Anti-Bush Ads Despicable
 Duluth Weekly, GA
 ... would even think of comparing President Bush to one of the most evil
 and murderous dictators in human history. These ads trivialize the evil
 of the Nazi regime ...

 VETERAN Pundit Tells GOP Candidates: Be Yourself -- and Don't ...
 Cape Cod Common Sense, United States
 ... demagogues, right wing, racist, out of step, clueless
 worst of all: Nazis. or neo-Nazi's.. ...


 THIRTY seconds of insanity
 Town Hall, DC
 ... The result: priceless. Forget the highly publicized Bush/Hitler ads
 likening our president to the Nazi monster. Let's take the MoveOn ...

 SADDAM'S Defense
 Dissident Voice, United States
 ... Senior in the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung, but that does not
 mean the Bush ... Jacques Vergès will have to settle for the notoriety
 of defending the Nazi ...

 This once-a-day News Alert is brought to you by Google News (BETA)...
 Create another News Alert:

 Try Google News:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: US Intelligence was formed from Nazi Criminals - Far Worse than we were Told!

2004-01-05 Thread Kris Millegan
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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: US Intelligence was formed from Nazi Criminals - Far Worse than we
were Told!

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 Six decades of cover-up and still going strong...

 * US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
 The Nazi war crimes apparatus was recruited lock, stock and barrel and
secretly redeployed worldwide. It's much worse than we were told.

 Part 1: Primed not to hear

 by Jared Israel
 [Posted 4 January 2004]


 * Summary: Primed not to hear *

 The other day, someone called to make a donation to Emperor's Clothes, and
he asked, What's this article you're going to post about the origins of US
and German Intelligence?

 And I said, It's really shocking. The US foreign policy establishment
created both intelligence services by re-creating the Nazi war crimes
apparatus. Lock, stock and barrel.

 I expected the caller to be amazed but I was the one who was amazed
because he wasn't.

 Oh that, he said.  Yeah, they were working with some Nazis. Everyone
knows that.

 Notice that what he said is not what I said.

 I have had virtually the same exchange with other people. I now realize
that this reaction is common because over the past 20 years we have
gradually been inoculated against hearing the truth about US recruitment of
Nazi war criminals. We have been fed fragments of accurate information mixed
with lies. We have been taught a trivialized version of what happened. This
is worse than not knowing anything at all because when I say, The US
ferreted out and reconstructed the Nazi war crimes apparatus which then
*became* US foreign intelligence and covert political operations, people
hear, They were working with some Nazis.

 In this series of articles I will show you that the picture you have been
shown of the relationship between US intelligence and Nazism after World War
II is deliberately off-focus. I will dissect a few texts so you can see how
you were lied to.

 The truth is much worse than you think. Indeed, it is probably much worse
than what I presently think because the more research I do, the worse it

 Let's start with the caller's statement, that US intelligence was working
with some Nazis.

 Why is this wrong? Because the phrase, working with, implies equality of
power. A slave owner does not work with his slaves.  A jailer does not
work with his prisoners.  And US intelligence officers do not work with
Nazis who lost the war and are wanted for mass murder.

 The Nazis recruited by US intelligence were wanted for the most heinous
crimes. Many were members of the SS, the Gestapo and the Nazi Leadership
Corps. The Nuremberg Tribunal, whose decisions were binding under
international law, defined these groups as parts of the worst criminal
conspiracy in history. The fact that a person had been a member subjected
that person to arrest.  [1]

 The people sought out for recruitment by US intelligence had been involved
in war crimes all over Europe, especially in the East. The US was obliged
under the Moscow Declaration to turn over these Nazis so they could be tried
in the countries where their crimes were committed. [2]

 People hunted for war crimes are in no position to bargain with those
supposedly hunting them. If the US employed these criminals, then they
were employees whose alternative was the hangman's noose. If US operatives
treated these Nazis super-well, even deferring to their 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 9/11?

2003-12-31 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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- Original Message - 
From: chris.osborne 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 1:19 AM
Subject: Fw: Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 

Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 5:09 AM
Subject: Fw: Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 

Book Review: The New Pearl 

Was the Bush Administration Complicit in 
9/11?by Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether

Until recently I dismissed the suggestions that 
theBush administration might have been complicit inallowing 9/11 to 
happen as groundless "conspiracytheory." I regarded the federal 
investigativebureaucracies as suffering from a "lock the barn doorafter 
the horse has escaped" syndrome. Americangovernment agencies seemed to me to 
be full ofrepressive energy and exaggerated overreach after someatrocity 
had occurred, but remarkably incompetent whenit came to preventing something 
in advance. There is noquestion that the Bush administration has 
profitedgreatly from the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centerand the 
Pentagon, but I did not imagine that they couldhave actually known they were 
being planned anddeliberately allowed them to happen.

Thus it was with some skepticism that I agreed to 
readthe new book written by David Ray Griffin, a processtheologian from 
the Claremont School of Theology(Claremont, California), that argues the 
case for justsuch complicity. This book, The New Pearl Harbor:Disturbing 
Questions about the Bush Administration and9/11, is due for release in 
January, 2004. Griffinadmits that he too was skeptical toward 
suchsuggestions until he began to actually read theevidence that has 
been accumulated by a number of researchers,both in the United States and 
Europe. As he becameincreasingly convinced that there was a case 
forcomplicity, he planned to write an article, but thisquickly grew into 
a book.

The first startling piece of evidence that Griffin 
putsforward is establishing the motive among leaders in theBush 
administration for allowing such an attack.Already in 2000 the right-wing 
authors of the "Projectfor the New American Century: Rebuilding 
America'sDefenses," opined that the military expansion theydesired would 
be difficult unless a "new Pearl Harbor"occurred. They had outlined plans 
for a major imperialexpansion of American power that included a 
greatlyincreased military budget and invasions of Afghanistanand Iraq, 
primarily to secure oil supplies, but also tocontrol the region generally. 
But they believed thatthe American people would not have the will for 
suchactions without some devastating attack from outsidethat would 
galvanize them through fear and anger tosupport it. In short, they had 
already envisionedfacilitating a major attack on the United States 
inorder to gain the public support for their policygoals.

Griffin then shows the considerable evidence that 
theBush administration knew in advance that such an attackwas being 
planned, despite claims by the administrationthat such an attack was 
completely unanticipated. Asearly as 1995 the Philippine police conveyed to 
theU.S. information found on an Al-Queda computer thatdetailed "Project 
Bojinka" that envisioned hyjackingplanes and flying them into targets, such 
as the WorldTrade Center, the White House and the Pentagon. By Julyof 
2001 the CIA and the FBI had interceptedconsiderable information that such 
an attack wasplanned for the Fall. Leaders of several 
differentcountries, including the Taliban in Afghanistan, aswell as 
leaders of Russia, Britain, Jordan, Egypt andIsrael, conveyed information to 
the United States thatsuch an attack was being planned. It appears not 
onlythat all these warnings were disregarded, but thatinvestigations 
into them were obstructed.

The actual events of September 11 leave many 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Merry Christmas

2003-12-10 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/10/2003 2:01:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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  Click below on MerryChristmas.
  http://holidays.blastcomm.com/ MerryChristmas

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning

2003-12-01 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Sr. Benita Coffey, OSB wrote:

 Some of you have probably already seen this, but just in case you haven't.

 I met Kathy Kelly about 20 years ago and have watched her work as a
 non-volent activist all these years.  She went to Iraq several times to
 sneak in medicnes for children and stayed in Bagdad with the people during
 the time our country was bombng. I sat next to here at the Call to Action
 Conference when she received an award. It saddens and sickens me to know
 that a woman of peace has to endure this sort of thing.

 Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 8:45 AM
  Subject: Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning
   Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning
   By Kathy Kelly
   November 27, 2003 by CommonDreams.org
   On Sunday, November 23, I took part in a nonviolent civil disobedience
  action at
   Fort Benning, GA, to protest the U.S. Army´s School of the Americas
   called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation --
   Shortly after more than two dozen of us entered Fort Benning and were
   US Military Police took us to a warehouse on the base for processing.
   directed to a station for an initial search, where a woman soldier began
   shouting at me to look straight ahead and spread my legs. I turned to
   why she was shouting at me and was ordered to keep my mouth shut, look
   ahead, and spread my legs wider. She then began an aggressive body
   ordered to raise one leg a second time, I temporarily lost my balance
   still being roughly searched and, in my view, ‘womanhandled.’ I decided
  that I
   shouldn’t go along with this dehumanizing action any longer. When I
  lowered my
   arms and said, quietly, I’m sorry, but I can’t any longer cooperate
   I was instantly pushed to the floor. Five soldiers squatted around me,
   them referring to me with an expletive (this f_ _ _ er) and began to
   wrists and ankles and then bind my wrists and ankles together. Then one
   leaned on me, with his or her knee in my back. Unable to get a full
  breath, I
   gasped and moaned, I can’t breathe. I repeated this many times and
   begging for help. When I said, Please, I’ve had four lung collapses
   the pressure on my back eased. Four soldiers then carried me, hogtied,
   next processing station for interrogation and propped me in a kneeling
   The soldier standing to my left, who had been assigned to escort me,
   told me that soon the ankle and wrist cuffs, which were very tight,
  be cut
   off. He politely let me know that he would have to move my hair, which
   hanging in front of my face, so that my picture could be taken. I told
   appreciate that.
   I was then carried to the next station. There, one of the soldiers who’d
   part of pushing me to the floor knelt in front of me, and, with his nose
   two inches from mine, told me that because I was combative I should know
  that if
   I didn’t do exactly as instructed when they uncuffed one hand, he would
   spray me. I asked him to describe how I’d been combative, but he didn’t
   After the processing, I was unbound, shackled with wrist and ankle
   led to the section where other peaceful activists, also shackled,
   transport to the Muskogee County jail.
   At our bond hearing on Monday, Nov. 24, a military prosecutor told the
   judge that the military was considering an additional charge against me
   resisting arrest. I explained my side of the story to the judge,
   there are at least sevreal witnesses upon 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From Investigation!

2003-11-04 Thread Eric Stewart
-Caveat Lector-

Could you resend this?  I am having problems with the attachments.


Quoting Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 -Caveat Lector-

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From Investigation!

2003-11-03 Thread Kris Millegan
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: MOM 
To: carolyn T 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From 

Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From 
Investigation!A Licence To LootBy Richard CallandContretemps10-29-3


Tom Devine is a decent American. A fighter for what he calls 
"free speech dissent" -- whistle-blowing to you and me -- he 
conceals the steel of a lifelong professional commitment to 
whistle-blowers beneath a gentle, soft-spoken exterior. It seems like he 
could not hurt a fly. But when he talks about Executive Order 13303 a 
quiet rage gathers about him. 

Signed by United States President George W Bush in May, the order 
attracted only scant media attention when it was finally reported in 
August. Given that the order is a blank cheque for corporate anarchy in 
Iraq this is very curious indeed. 

A Web search reveals that apart from alternative media such as the 
Los Angeles Independent Media Centre, by and large the mainstream US 
media chose not to take the issue on, and with rare exceptions, the 
international media likewise. 

Either the executive order is unworthy of attention and comment or 
it offers the most abundant proof of what Bush is up to in Iraq. 
I will let you decide. 

The order prohibits the operation of the judicial process in respect 
of both the Development Fund for Iraq and "all Iraqi petroleum and 
petroleum products, and interests". Section 1(b) shields these interests 
"of any nature whatsoever" if it "arises from" or is "related to" the 
"sale or marketing of all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products that 
are or hereafter come within the possession or control of United States 

Section 3 confirms that "persons" includes entities such as 
corporations. In other words, it takes the operation of all US 
corporations involved in the Iraqi oil business, however indirectly, 
outside of the law. 

That means all corporate activities with roots or any connection 
to Iraqi oil. It includes commerce such as plastics in the 
petrochemical industry or anything else for which Iraqi oil becomes 
relevant, thus blending Iraqi oil with domestic supplies 
or industry. 

It is truly astounding. As a lawyer you sometimes interpret a legal 
document and then decide that you have given it a meaning that it can 
not possibly have. So you reread. This was such an occasion. But it is 

The order covers everything from extraction through to 
transportation, advertising, manufacture, customer service, corporate 
records and payment of taxes. 

As Devine's report for his pressure group, the Government 
Account-ability Project, puts it, "the executive order cancels the 
concept of corporate accountability and abandons the rule of law. 
Translated from the legalese, this is a license for corporations to loot 
Iraq and its citizens." 

It means that the oil industry is magically exempt from liability 
for a vast range of things, including health and safety violations, 
child labour, minimum wage and other employment rights such as equal 
opportunity, consumer fraud, clean environment duties, and shareholder 
accountability, to name but a few. 

For US companies such as Bechtel and Halliburton, there is a double 
beauty to this beast. They have 


2003-10-04 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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- Original Message - 
From: Les Lemke 

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@server-1.visp.net; 

Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 1:56 PM

Bush has continued toworke to 
expandClinton's NAFTA ( No 
American Firms Taking Applications )"free trade" policies thereby 
guaranteeing that MORE American jobs will be lost to Americans 
asbusinesses move their base of operations to Sri Lanka, Thailand, 
Cambodia, Vietnam, Banglesh, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Shanghai, Africa and 
to all countries OTHER THAN the United States.

Now, because of Bush's Tax  Spend policies of 
helping Iraq to rebuild THEIR NATION he is putting the screws to the 
AMERICANfamilies that lost their loved ones in the 9/11 attack on the 
World Trade center. Read article below.

Bush couldn't give a rat's ass about this country 
OR its peopleas was the attitude of Clinton.

Bush = Clinton
Republican Party = Democrat 



Saturday, October 4, 

"In a telephone interview, Beasley said Bush had 
taken away all the money Congress had intended for September 11 
victims, in this case allocating it for Iraqi 
and humanitarian 
needs."Source:http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/10/04/911.families/index.html9/11 families denied frozen Iraqi 

NEW YORK (CNN) --An appeals court ruled that 
families of those killed on September 11, 2001, who sought access to Iraqi funds 
frozen by the United States "must look elsewhere" to collect 

In a 16-page ruling, the 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals 
on Friday upheld a U.S. District Court decision last month denying the families 
any part of the $1.7 billion in funds frozen at the start of the first Gulf 

On September 11, 2003, U.S. District Judge Harold 
Baer ruled that families of the victims of the World Trade Center attacks cannot 
have access to Iraqi funds seized by the United States in 1990 because the money 
is "needed to rebuild Iraq."

Family members sought the funds to satisfy an 
earlier court ruling saying Iraq owed the families $63.5 

The lawsuit was brought by the estates of George 
Eric Smith and Timothy Soulas, who were killed in the attacks two years 

Baer said Iraq's frozen assets became property of 
the United States when President Bush signed an executive order to that effect 
in March, indicating that the money was earmarked for Iraq 

The judge ruled in May that the plaintiffs did 
show there was a link between Iraq and al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the 
World Trade Center attacks and that damages must be paid by bin Laden, Saddam 
Hussein and the Iraqi government.

"I conclude that plaintiffs have shown, albeit 
barely, 'by evidence satisfactory to the court' that Iraq provided material 
support to bin Laden and al Qaeda," Baer wrote in his May 7 

George Eric Smith, 38, was a senior business 
analyst for SunGard Asset Management Systems/Global Plus, and Timothy Soulas, 
35, was a managing director of foreign currencies for Cantor 

Smith was not married and had no children. Soulas 
is survived by his wife, Katy, and six children.

The families' attorney, James Beasley Jr., vowed 
to appeal the case to the Supreme Court.

In a telephone interview, Beasley 
said Bush had taken away all the money Congress had intended for September 11 
victims, in this case allocating it for Iraqi reconstruction and humanitarian 

"I represent a widow with six children. Another 
family lost a significant member of their family, " Beasley said. " How about the humanitarian needs of the people in this 
country? "

The September 11, 2001 attacks killed 3,016 people 
at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a those aboard a jetliner that 
crashed in a field in Shanksville, 


2003-04-05 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---

  Date:   Fri, 4 Apr 2003 23:46:43 -0800

  Dear Friends,

  While I applaud the effort to impeach Bush, who richly deserves it, I feel
  that Cheney is an easier target right now.  He lacks the personal
  of Bush, and is very vulnerable to charges of self-dealing.  He is still on
  salary with Halliburton, which is getting lucrative contracts to supply
  tents and other support to the troops in Iraq right now, and for

  and cleaning up later.

  Cheney is one of the principal hawks who pushed for this war.  Getting
  of him would do everyone a favor, and show that the administration is not
  monolithic a force as it likes to appear.  Bush may not be too fond of
  and may not fight too hard to keep him.  Cheney bragged a few days
  the invasion that it would be a piece of cake, and is partly responsible

  for the gross miscalculation and subsequent loss of life that this invasion
  has already cost to both the coalition forces and the Iraqi people.

  Many Republicans as well as Democrats are very upset and frustrated
with the
  administration's actions.  While they feel they have to support the
  commander-in-chief while the country is at war, they might be willing to
  start cleaning up the flagrant graft that is going on by impeaching

   Peace,  Carol Wolman
  - Original Message -
  From: Amanda Pahl
  To: carol wolman ; Anne Williams ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Cheryl Guttman ;
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Burrows, Sharon ; Bob Campbell
  Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:56 PM

  Despite protests from lawmakers citing conflict of interest, the U.S. Army

  has awarded a lucrative wartime contract to a subsidiary of the
  Corporation. In the past, the company has been investigated for over
  the U.S. government and just a year ago paid $2 million to settle fraud
  charges with the Justice Department.

  The contract, for oil field firefighting and rebuilding in Iraq, was awarded
  without competitive bids. Vice President Dick Cheney resigned as chief
  executive of the oil concern in 2000 to join the Republican Presidential
  ticket, but Halliburton is still paying Cheney deferred compensation of

  to $1 million a year.

  Its unseemly and unpatriotic for corporations with close ties to
  administrative officials like Vice President Dick Cheney to profit from
  Bushs decision to unilaterally attack Iraq.

  Call to action - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Tell David J. Lesar, CEO of Halliburton, to dispel the appearance of

  profiteering by donating the profits from its lucrative Army contracts to
  aid humanitarian relief efforts in the region.

  Deadline: Ongoing


Dear David J. Lesar,

With American servicemen and women dying in Iraq, its unseemly and
unpatriotic for corporations with close ties to administrative officials

like Vice President Dick Cheney to profit from Bushs decision to
unilaterally attack Iraq.

I hope you will demonstrate a commitment to the American people and
victims of this war by pledging to donate the profits from your lucrative
Army contract to aid humanitarian relief efforts in the region.

Please let me know how you intend to address this matter.


 End of forwarded message 

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sutra

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Get Ready for the USSA....(The United Soviet States of  America)

2003-04-02 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 05:01:14 PM

To: (Recipient list suppressed)
Subject: Get Ready for the USSA(The United Soviet States of America)
Get Ready for the USSA(The United Soviet States of America)http://www.impeach-bush-now.org/Articles/Americans/USSA.htm"Behind the Scenes in the Beltway" is published regularly online at Al Martin Raw, (http://www.almartinraw.com).(March 17) You will be happy to learn that the former head of the KGB (the secret police of the former Soviet Union), General Yevgeni Primakov, has been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security. Do you think he will share his expertise in "security" to prepare US citizens for domestic internal passports under the pretense of fighting the never-ending "War on Terrorism"?CAPPS II is the name of the new program which is technically under the auspices of the US Department of Transporation, but that's only technical and the only reaosn they did that was to use the Transportation Department's budget to buy the computer hardware and software they need.The way it works is you give them your credit card and they slide it thorough like you would in a store and then they hit a button and the monitor reads: CAPPS II, SS CTF. The SS CTF evidently stands for State Security Citizen Threat File. But it has nothing to do with the Department of Transportation. It goes directly to a division, which has been established between the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the CIA and several other federal agencies. This is a new division, referred to as the Office of Internal Security, which is coordinating the effort to establish citizen threat files on every US citizen. It will be a huge database including credit files, medical files, political and religious affiliation, military history, attendance at anti-government rallies,etc.The newsclip didn't point out what information is being accessed.The only thing they'll tell you is they're going to access your credit history, but like the guy giving the interview said they will be accessing a whole lot more. They just don't tell you what it is. When the Department of Homeland Security was asked about it, they wouldn't say but replied that it would defeat the purpose if we told you what it was we were looking for.No announcement will be made to the public about what information exactly is being accessed or exactly how much information or what type of information is going to be included in each citizen's security threat file.What I liked about this segment is that they interviewed General Yevgeni Primakov, who is now a consultant to the Department of Homeland Security along with General Alexander Karpov.Primakov was laughing about it because he's getting paid a big fee to do it. He doesn't care, of course. Primakov speaks beautiful English, as you would expect a former head of the KGB to do. When he was asked what is this CAPPS II program really about, because obviously even "terrorists" could have credit ratings.Primakov said that this is one of the steps now being employed along with NICA and new identity upgrade features which are coming to your driver's license. It is being used to get the people used to new types of documentation and carrying new types of identity cards pursuant to the United States instituting a formal policy of internal passports.And he actually used the words "internal passports."It's like he said and he was pretty knowledgeable. When the NICA (National Identity Card Act) gets passed, the Posse Comitatus Act gets overturned, a few other pieces of legislation yet to be proffered get passed, the White House will have more control over the American people than the Kremlin had over the Russian people when Stalin 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: PM under siege after committing Australian troops to Iraq war

2003-03-19 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

A resistance
begins and the doors open to a breadth and depth of civil disobedience never
seen in human history!



Mike Ruppert

From The Wilderness Publications

-Original Message-
From: Michael Leon
Sent: Tuesday, March
 18, 2003 6:07 PM
To: mruppert
Subject: PM under siege after
committing Australian troops to Iraq war

under siege after committing Australian troops to Iraq war

  Tuesday, 18-Mar-2003 6:00PM PST
  Story from
  Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

March 19 (AFP) - Australian Prime Minister John Howard was forced to leave home
by a back door Wednesday as anti-war protesters blocked the front gates of his
official residence here.

Up to 15
Greenpeace activists protesting the government's decision on Tuesday to commit
troops to a US-led invasion of Iraq moved in around dawn,
chaining themselves to the gates and to four-wheel drive vehicles blocking the
entrances of the residence.

carried banners proclaiming Howard's war -- a bloody outrage and
John Howard -- war criminal in a peak-hour protest that caused
major traffic congestion on one of Canberra's major arterial

dogged in recent days by protestors wherever he goes, came face to face with
the demonstrators as he left for his early morning walk.

challenged them when he returned, telling one: I'm entitled to my
opinion, you're entitled to yours.

Later the
protesters prevented Howard leaving for nearby Parliament House by car, forcing
him instead to use a pedestrian gate to reach a waiting car outside.

persuaded the protesters to end their protest two and a half hours later and
said they would not be arrested.

blue UN berets, 10 of the protesters used bicycle locks to chain themselves
underneath four-wheel drives mocked up to look like UN vehicles, and to
security gates.

spokesman Shane Rattenbury said the protesters were symbolically placing Howard
under house arrest.

prime minister said yesterday not to have an argument with the Australian
troops and to bring the beef to him, Rattenbury said.

what we have done here, we've brought it here to the PM's house to deliver the
message that Australians don't want this war in Iraq.

not our war. It's immoral, illegal, and Australians shouldn't be there.

The protesters
said they faced no opposition as they began their action. But soon afterwards
at least 20 police as well as official security guards and plain clothes
security officers arrived to guard the compound, about 500 metres (1,650 feet)
from Parliament House.



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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Oil and the dollar

2003-03-13 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-

To misquote Goebbels- we dont want higher oil
prices, we dont want lower oil prices we want dollar denominated oil



Although completely suppressed by the U.S. media and
government, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple
yet shocking -- it is an oil currency war. The real reason for this upcoming
war is this administration's goal of preventing further Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) momentum towards the euro as an oil
transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to
gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd
largest proven oil reserves. This essay will discuss the macroeconomics of the
`petro-dollar' and the unpublicized but real threat to U.S. economic
hegemony from the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency. The author
advocates reform of the global monetary system including a dollar/euro currency
'trading band' with reserve status parity, and a dual OPEC oil transaction
standard. These reforms could potentially reduce future oil currency warfare


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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: IVANWALD cult senators are:

2003-02-28 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Kate Dixon 


; batt ; Linda Minor 
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:53 AM
Subject: IVANWALD cult senators are:


IThe Senators mentioned are: Don Nickles (R-OK), Charles Grassley (R-IA), 
Pete Domenici (R-NM), John Ensign (R-NV), James Inhofe (R-OK), Conrad Burns 
(R-MT), and Bill Nelson (D-FL). 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Comments by Bob Chapman

2003-02-27 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message ---
From: carol wolman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: Comments by Bob Chapman
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 11:19:51 -0800
- Original Message - From: Don Stacey To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Comments by Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman writes The International Forecaster. He believes in the
conspiratorial theory of history. Our society discourages that theory and
emphasizes the accidental theory. If you believe that a small group of
wealthy and powerful people manipulate our government to their benefit,
then you are a conspiracy theorist and will be looked down upon by our
media. However the evidence that it is true is massive.
Don Stacey



22, February 2003 (#2)

Vol. 7 No.2-2 (46 Pgs.)

P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951

The economic vacuum in Washington continues to worsen under the Bush
administration. The reason for that is Mr. Bush and his Illuminati
cronies are carrying out a program instituted in 1971 to destroy the
financial system as part of a larger plan to bring about world
government. That's what the floating-exchange-rate system is all about.
That is what perpetual war for perpetual peace is all about. Central
bankers have voiced concern even though they are part of the problem.
They know what chaos we face. They know death and destruction is ahead.
Even the Russian central bank is concerned. They have $24 billion in US
dollar reserves, which they are selling off and they are buying gold and
euros with the proceeds. Even Zhu Min, of the Bank of China says the US
current account deficit is unsustainable. China and other Asian exporters
are not going to continue buying US Treasury bills, notes and bonds.
While all this quickly moves forward to a conclusion most of the world is
telling Napoleon Bush we don't want war. The US arrogance of power has
gotten so bad that even conservatives have abandoned the administration,
particularly Donald Rumsfeld, the embodiment of fascist, conspiratorial
We find it difficult to believe that President Bush continues to
bamboozle Republicans in the south and the west. The stress on the
primacy of American power and the superior virtues of the US is mindless.
We are with our country, but not when they create war for economic
advantage and kill our children in the process. There is no American or
universal value in such an approach nor is there any focus on
international law. The cabal that runs our country is intent in remaking
the Middle East to their advantage. This is not about weapons of mass
destruction; it is about stealing Iraqi oil and controlling the Middle
East oil flow and the price of oil. It's to break OPEC. It's about hedge
money over the entire world. It's also and very importantly about
bringing about a new world order. Doesn't anyone get it? What are people
thinking about? It's so obvious that a blind man could discover what they
are up to. The rest of the disinformation and gobblygook is nothing but
psywar, pablum for the people. This is a government in tandem with the
British Crown that could care less what the world thinks about their
future. They do what they want to do. Widespread disillusionment about
their policies means nothing to them. They use the boogeyman syndrome. If
you don't agree with us you are unpatriotic and the terrorists will get
you. You have to be a mindless meathead to believe that. There is no
conservative or right wing philosophy left in American politics. It's run
for both parties out of the Council on Foreign Relations, which you now
see several times a day on CNBC. These experts are there to enlighten us.
If you believe that you believe baboons are human. Even the Israelis say
there is no link between al-Qaida and Iraq, yet our president tells us
that everyday. The only way we'll see any evidence is after Iraq is
invaded; our government will present their manufactured evidence. What is
being done by George Bush is a disgrace to humanity. As far as he is
concerned every nation in the world that doesn't agree with his fascist
concepts is a rogue or an outlaw regime. Those who don't agree are held
in contempt. George Bush is about to go too far and the result will end
up in his political demise. Unfortunately, the elitists have millions of
self-serving slime to take his place.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests 

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: Pentagon drops cremation plan]

2003-02-16 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

From: Nancy

This administration says they don't look at polls or public opinion to make
policy.  No they just throw out the most outrageous stuff to see if they can get
away with it.  Then when the public outcry is loud enough they retreat and

Pentagon drops cremation plan

Items compiled from Tribune news services

February 16, 2003

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- After an outcry from the families of service members,
the Pentagon has backed off a proposal to cremate any U.S. troops killed by
biological or chemical attacks in a war against Iraq rather than bringing
their bodies home for burial, defense officials said.

The Pentagon also has decided not to bury in mass graves the corpses of U.S.
troops that might be health hazards.

The proposals were considered as a way to prevent the spread of chemical or
biological agents from contaminated bodies to people back home. But the
proposals raised concerns among veterans groups.

The Pentagon said late last week that cremation was not an option. Cases
involving contaminated remains will be handled with the dignity and respect
accorded to all remains.

Copyright (c) 2003, Chicago Tribune

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Mind Control Info

2003-02-03 Thread RoadsEnd
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

N, thanks again for everything.  this is an FYI. thought you would find
this forwarded email of some interest. I am not certain if I mentioned that
the rise of fundamentalism over the last 35 years in the middle east is an
NSA/CIA OP achieved by various sorts of electronic mindcontrol. I also
neglected to mention that the use of electronic mindcontrol most likely was
among the main strategies to produce the most recent market bubble, not to
mention give power to the very deliterious propaganda behind the 'new
economy' and what is producing the progress of globalism that continues to
reduce the American Republic and in turn our economy in front of the faces
of everyone. And yet as of on opiates, no one has taken action beyond 'half
measures' as virtually everyone is driven or manipulated to be driven by
strong self-interests.

Here is a smoking gun. Just as easily as the goons/spooks have used various
sorts of mind control on the peoples and even those in harlem and other
urban areas, easily another message can be sent through the technology. The
instability and other problems, however, have served and will continue to
serve the interests of a few unless we, if not eliminating the NSA and CIA,
then prohibiting such practices we associate with (fascist-communist)
tyrannies. If society functions, we have little need for police, and if we
are at peace with other societies around the world, there is no need for
military expenditures and 'secret state' organs such as the CIA/NSA to
practice 'espionage' on our behalf

By no means is this the practice of an open society and an elightened
people as it is so deceitful, defrauding, and corrosive to liberty and the
root necessary of what frames our Republic: the mind liberated and capable
to discern the truth and subtle issues, and practice necessary of deductive
reasoning/critical thinking at high levels of thought. Liberated minds
produce great and bountiful societies. Low/small mindedness produces the
serf's life. It was the ubiquituousness of the difference promoted under
our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution that produced our
great bounty here, and truly what seperated us from the Old World and its
dysfunction and tyrannical social and cultural realities. Whether it be via
mind control or some other equally disenguous and deceitful means, it is
the first way to erode and in time destroy the great liberty of a society
and the bounty such had produced. Today a most probable root for problems
in our society are the means of this repugnant practice of manipulating the
thoughts and interests of the people.

See you Monday!


And it reminds me of what enables the following to have any root in in the
minds of people in any society:

Naturally the common people don't want war... but after all, it is the
leaders of a country who determined policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fscist
dictatorship, or perliament  or a communist dictatorship.  All you have to
do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for
lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in
every country
Hermann Goering/Nazi Reichmarschall

 [Original Message]
 From: Advanced Technology [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Andrea Psoras [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 2/2/2003 10:27:01 AM
 Subject: Mind Control Info

 Hi Andrea,

 Here is the additional information you requested about our Mind COntrol

 Electronic Mind Control Machine

 Our machine is basically a type of converter box used to make subliminal
 recordings. These recording can be made using any music tape or compact
disc you may have. The machine comes with in the connectors to hook it up
to any tape

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [theseries] TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAM (Assassinations in South Viet Nam for Henry K.)

2003-01-25 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for this email. 

Where has that 'watch dog', the press been on this madness? self-censoring?, in bed with..? too much group think? 

Among other things, this previously is why CIA assissinations were prohibited, not to mention also having prohibitedthe CIA engaging in activities with criminals and subversive entities. It is abrainwashed pitbull to bekept on a very strong chain, which this Bush Administration has not, and actually has pushed to have 'repealed' and along with the Mossad (thanks UPI and Jon Rappoport) are now goingtoassassinate and as well as partner with criminals.

Actually, I have called to eliminatetheCIAand the NSA. If these twounits aren't organs of the secret state, along nowwith the verynazi -'Homeland Security' - I don't know what is. 

Looks like the 'sniper' was an OP, but I said that in the beginning, where perhaps these two 'captured' are patsies of some sort. 

Andrea Psoras
New York
Witness to hearing the explosives in thevicinity of the foundation of 6WTC on the morning of September 11, 2001. Photos of the hole created by explosives near the foundation of the US Customs House - 6WTC - seen onThePower Hour's website. 

- Original Message - 
From: william king 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:
Sent: 1/24/2003 10:18:39 PM 
Subject: Fw: [theseries] TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAM (Assassinations in South Viet Nam for Henry K.)

- Original Message -
From: Eastman 
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:51 PM
Subject: [theseries] TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAM (Assassinations in South Viet Nam for Henry K.)

TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAMFri Jan 24 17:26:46 2003208.152.73.181TOM RIDGE = HOMELAND SECURITY = PHOENIX PROGRAMDuring the Vietnam War, under the CIA's Phoenix Program --which is the model for the Homeland Security Office -- http://www.counterpunch.org/valentine2.htmlVietnam's Phoenix Programby Ralph McGehee http://www.vwip.org/articles/m/McGeheeRalph_VietnamsPhoenixProgram.htmIt should be noted that an article in the Washington Post of 1/28/97 re CIA's coercive interrogation manual also mentioned the CIA manual that taught CIA-backed, Nicaraguan contra rebels about "neutralizing" enemies. (The Washington Post noted that the Baltimore Sun obtained the manual under the Freedom of Information Act and published its article on 1/27/97).So we have documentary proof not only of CIA-sponsored torture but also assassinations - i.e. "neutralizations" not only in Latin America in the eighties but also in Vietnam earlier -- as cited below. This of course does not cover the gamut of CIA operations to sponsor torture and assassinations but does record a few of these operations.The CIA and its officers, retired and active, are loathe to admit to such but the evidence is overwhelming. I, can attest,to the agonies of accepting the truth about CIA and its activities. In Vietnam, I contemplated suicide as the only way out of my moral dilemma. I do not wish to be dramatic or confessional -- it took many years before I could admit this to anyone -- butit is extremely difficult to view your life's endeavorsas primarily a lie and a cruel, destructive hoax.This is one of the reasons why I protest -- can we expect that those subjected to CIA operations to forgive and forget?Should we expect them to? Should we excuse these operations? Should we continue these operations? Lastly, is this an intelligence organization?Ralph McGeheeCIABASE Operation PhoenixThe Phoenix or Phuong Hoang Operation was originally designed to "neutralize," that is assassinate or imprison, members of the civilian infrastructure of the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [LOCT] Report (1993): 2 Bush Sons Lobbied Kuwait

2003-01-15 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 1:39 AM
Subject: [LOCT] Report (1993): 2 Bush Sons Lobbied 

 Title: Report: 2 Bush Sons Lobbied 
Kuwait Date: 08/30/1993Publication: NewsdayAuthor: THE 
- Two sons of former President George Bush and several former top 
Bushadministration officials have tried to exploit Kuwait's sense 
ofgratitude toward Bush to gain business advantages, New Yorker 
magazinereported yesterday. Marvin and Neil Bush, former 
Secretary of StateJames A. Baker III and former White House 
chief of staff John Sununuhave sought out Kuwaiti officials 
on behalf of U.S. firms for post-gulfwar rebuilding, investigative 
journalist Seymour Hersh wrote. The storysays the former president has had 
no such dealings, nor in any way hassought to profit from his relationship 
with Kuwaiti leaders. It alsosaid no deals involving the former Bush 
officials or the family membershad as yet produced any business. 

According to Hersh, the lobbying beganalmost immediately after Bush 
visited Kuwait in April and was greeted asa hero for driving out Iraqi 
troops. Hersch wrote that Baker was hiredby the Houston-based Enron 
Corp., a large natural gas pipeline companythat wants to land the 
Kuwaiti contract for building a proposed$600-million electric power plant. 
Sununu, who left the White House in1991, was working on behalf of 
Westinghouse, which wants a part of a$1-billion Kuwaiti 
contract to build an electronic perimeter defensesystem, the report said. 
Neil Bush is involved with two privately 
heldHouston oil-equipment firms that have tried to do 
business in Kuwait,and Marvin Bush was hired as a consultant to 
Washington-based Murphy Associates, which also has sought work in 
Kuwait, Hersh wrote. Baker,Sununu and the Bush sons could not be located for 
comment yesterday.However, the Bush sons told the magazine through an 
intermediary theyhad no business dealings in Kuwait. A representative for 
Baker saidBaker was trying to direct some Kuwaiti business to the United 
States (2000 of 2262 Characters) Continue reading this article 
with your FREE TRIAL to eLibrary. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [LOCT] Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John McCain | PBS

2002-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 10:43 AM
Subject: [LOCT] Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John McCain | 

12.13.02 Transcript: Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John 
McCainBILL MOYERS: We turn now from money and the American economy 
to moneyand American politics. Faithful viewers of NOW know this is one of 
ourfavorite subjects. It's also a passion for my guest, Republican 
SenatorJohn McCain of Arizona. He's just written a new book in which 
hehonestly discusses how he got tripped up by too much money in 
politics,and about other subjects as well. It's called Worth Fighting For. 
Well, he has a fight on his hands with the campaign finance law that 
wasrecently passed which he sponsored along with Democratic Senator 
RussellFeingold of Wisconsin. That law is being attacked from many sides: 
bythe two political parties, by the Federal Election Commission, and 
inthe courts. Welcome to NOW. SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Thank you, Bill. 
BILL MOYERS: Were you able to follow the hearings before those 
threejudges in Washington last week? SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: I was briefed 
on it. I was back in Arizona, but mypeople were there, and they gave me a 
pretty good report. BILL MOYERS: I have with me some of 
the documents revealed in thosehearings. They confirm everything you've been 
saying for years now, howthe system really works: give us the money and 
we'll give you thelegislation. Do you think your colleagues will begin 
to listen to younow? SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, I don't know if 
they will or not. You know,this is a very addictive system. It's so 
much easier to raise money inhundreds of thousands or millions of dollars 
than in one thousand-dollaror two thousand-dollar contributions. But I think 
they're tired of it.There was recent comments by Senator Zell Miller of 
Georgia where hesaid after a period of fund raising he felt like a 
prostitute after abusy day. BILL MOYERS: Can a 
government run by prostitutes and addicts claim to belegitimate? 
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: I don't think so, and I think what happens is 
thatthe public interest is not served; the special interests are. We 
passeda homeland security bill, which was important. The House 
ofRepresentatives passed it and put some special interests provisions 
onit. One was, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [LOCT] Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John McCain | PBS

2002-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 10:43 AM
Subject: [LOCT] Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John McCain | 

12.13.02 Transcript: Bill Moyers Interviews Senator John 
McCainBILL MOYERS: We turn now from money and the American economy 
to moneyand American politics. Faithful viewers of NOW know this is one of 
ourfavorite subjects. It's also a passion for my guest, Republican 
SenatorJohn McCain of Arizona. He's just written a new book in which 
hehonestly discusses how he got tripped up by too much money in 
politics,and about other subjects as well. It's called Worth Fighting For. 
Well, he has a fight on his hands with the campaign finance law that 
wasrecently passed which he sponsored along with Democratic Senator 
RussellFeingold of Wisconsin. That law is being attacked from many sides: 
bythe two political parties, by the Federal Election Commission, and 
inthe courts. Welcome to NOW. SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Thank you, Bill. 
BILL MOYERS: Were you able to follow the hearings before those 
threejudges in Washington last week? SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: I was briefed 
on it. I was back in Arizona, but mypeople were there, and they gave me a 
pretty good report. BILL MOYERS: I have with me some of 
the documents revealed in thosehearings. They confirm everything you've been 
saying for years now, howthe system really works: give us the money and 
we'll give you thelegislation. Do you think your colleagues will begin 
to listen to younow? SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, I don't know if 
they will or not. You know,this is a very addictive system. It's so 
much easier to raise money inhundreds of thousands or millions of dollars 
than in one thousand-dollaror two thousand-dollar contributions. But I think 
they're tired of it.There was recent comments by Senator Zell Miller of 
Georgia where hesaid after a period of fund raising he felt like a 
prostitute after abusy day. BILL MOYERS: Can a 
government run by prostitutes and addicts claim to belegitimate? 
SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: I don't think so, and I think what happens is 
thatthe public interest is not served; the special interests are. We 
passeda homeland security bill, which was important. The House 
ofRepresentatives passed it and put some special interests provisions 
onit. One was, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: walk through history of corp. corruption

2002-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

At first he only hints at the "O" 
word--opium. But below indicates that it was rogues who did it. Not 
true; the rogues only competed with those in authority. He either doesn't 
grasp, or his editors have cut it, that the legal authorities are actually in on 
the take. It's not a rogue operation. Only the rogues get 

- Original Message - 
To: Linda 
Minor ; Catherine Austin Fitts ; kate 
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 7:51 AM
Subject: walk through history of corp. corruption


  December 16, 2002
  Corruption, Crime, Chicanery: Business Through the 
  AgesBy CHARLES P. 

  HE accounting scandals involving Enron, 
  Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, 
  Communications, Tyco 
  and other once highly regarded companies have caused a crisis of 
  confidence among many Americans. Some ask whether the problems are so 
  severe as to represent an irreparable fault in the economic system.
  From a historical perspective, the answer is that economies are capable 
  of recovering and making progress, even after near devastation — not only 
  from war, as in the case of Germany and Japan after World War II, but also 
  from economic chicanery, which is scarcely new.
  After bubbles collapse and interfere with economic growth, the 
  resulting loss of income stimulates efforts to maintain and increase 
  income, both honestly and in corrupt ways.
  Starting in 1600 with the establishment of the 
  British East India Company, followed by its Dutch counterpart two 
  years later, Europeans learned how to extract great wealth from the Far 
  East. Warren Hastings, the first governor-general of India, and Robert 
  Clive, a civil servant with the East India Company who became known as 
  "the conqueror of India," were perhaps the earliest private malefactors 
  of great wealth. Hastings accumulated £200,000 in India and 
  transferred it to England in the 18th century; in the same period Clive 
  transferred £280,000.
  Edmund Burke, the 18th-century statesman, argued that Clive ought to be 
  removed. At the same time Lord North, who served as Britain's prime 
  minister from 1770 to 1782, 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Re: PC Holiday Wishes

2002-12-11 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

--- Start of forwarded message ---
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit , my best wishes for an 
conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, 
celebration of the
winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the 
persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the
religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to 
religious or secular traditions at all . . . and a fiscally successful, personally 
fulfilling, and
medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar 
2003, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose
contributions to society have helped make America great (not to imply that America is
necessarily greater than any other country or is the only AMERICA in the western
hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, 
faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee. (By accepting 
greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or
withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It 
implies no
promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or 
and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the 
This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good 
for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, 
comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new 
at the sole discretion of the wisher.)

 End of forwarded message 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Hu's on First

2002-11-20 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

For those of you who haven't been exposed to Abbott  Costello, this may seem a little 
amusing.  AER

--- Start of forwarded message ---

By James Sherman

Playwright Jim Sherman wrote this today after Hu Jintao was named chief
of the Communist Party in China.  I thought you would get a chuckle out of it.

(We take you now to the Oval Office.)
George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Lay it on me.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
   ! gt;
George: The Chinaman!
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's who's name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need to ! know the name of the new leader of
China. Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No.
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And
then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: Milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: And call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: Will you stay out of China?!
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi.
George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone.
(Condi picks up the phone! .)
Condi: Rice, here.
George: Rice? Good idea. And a couple of egg rolls, too. Maybe we should
send some to the guy in China. And the Middle East. Can you get
Chinese food in the Middle East?

 End of forwarded message 

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: The op is moving assets offshore.

2002-11-18 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Chicago Sun-TimesFeb. 8, 2002By Tammy Williamson
Tagging recent market turmoil and a sagging stock price to investor "fear 
factor," Household International held an impromptu conference call with 
investors Thursday to assure them that Household was not having difficulty 
getting access to money to make loans.
The giant consumer finance company also said it has no problems with its 
auditing firm, Andersen LLP--the Chicago firm under congressional and 
legal scrutiny for its auditing of the now bankrupt Enron Corp.--though 
Household directors are closely monitoring Andersen.
The combination of events punished Household's bonds, and by Wednesday had 
dragged down the stock to $44.71, its lowest level since November 2000
Some investors became concerned back in December, after a Barron's newspaper 
story quoted an analyst as saying Household may have been using "aggressive 
accounting" to downplay loan losses--which the company denies.
Investors this week were concerned that Household will have difficulty 
selling commercial paper to raise money for future consumer loans. The company 
said it learned some hedge fund managers were "shorting" the company's bonds and 
stock, which pushed down the values of the bonds.
The fuss this week runs counter to Wall Street's typical view of Household, a 
124-year-old company that has earned rave reviews by analysts as a company 
that's well run by a management team with a lot of tenure. Household's chairman 
and chief executive officer, William Aldinger, has been with Household since 
1994. Chief Financial Officer David Schoenholz joined Household in 1985 as 
director of the company's internal auditing division, after spending nine years 
with Arthur Andersen.
Community banking activists, seeking to prevent companies like Household from 
making so-called predatory loans to consumers, are usually the only source of 
ruckus--and from time to time, litigation. Household was sued by two borrowers 
last week in California accusing the company of "fraud and misrepresentation," 
according to ACORN, a community activist group consistently critical of 
Household and other consumer finance companies. Household also last month 
settled a "predatory practices" lawsuit filed by California regulators and 
agreed to pay $11.9 million in fines

... At the time Marcinkus fled 
Italy for Chicago, Wallace Lieberman was scheduled to testify before a Federal 
Grand Jury in Chicago. His testimony together with that of others, was expected 
to be reportedly the basis for federal criminal indictment of top officials of 
Arthur Andersen, their attorneys, several bribe-taking Bankruptcy judges 
and their lawyer-cronies as bribe-arrangers. Also facing possible indictment 
were officials of the First National Bank of Cicero jointly with those of 
Household International, Household Bank, and Household 
In December, 1991, a few days before 
the murder of key witness Wallace Lieberman, I discussed (I thought in 
confidence) with a Chicago FBI official in the office of an assistant U.S. 
Attorney in Chicago. I related what our investigation, as a public interest 
group, had uncovered about Lieberman, the court-authorized bankruptcy 
auctioneer; the Bankruptcy court bribery; the crooked role of Arthur Andersen 
and their attorneys; and Household and the bank in Cicero and Paul Marcinkus; 
and secret Vatican funds in the Continental Bank of Chicago, a major owner of 
which and corrupt collaborator was Chief Judge Walter Cummings of the U.S. Court 
of Appeals, 7th 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [LOCT] Saudi 'payoffs' to bin Laden documented

2002-11-08 Thread RoadsEnd
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

The Committee created Saudi Arabia, and the 
Committee taketh away.


In 1983 Hugh Liedtke and Pennzoil began 
maneuvering to secure control of Getty Oil, 67% of which was owned by a trust 
set up by Jean Paul Getty's mother, which he managed on her 
behalf.Getty's Pacific WesternOilowned 50% of the 
concession in the Neutral Zone between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, in which the 
other 50% was owned by a syndicate called American Independent Oil Co. 
(Aminoil).(See Part 3 for a more 
detailed discussion of this.(Click.) 
 Getty won the Saudi concession by promising to make the usual payments 
and expenditures and offering to give King Ibn Saud record royalties for every 
barrel he pumped. Aminoil,shocked by Getty's high bid, used its 
connections to FDR through its association with Edwin Pauley to convince the 
U.S. Treasury to pay $50 million to Saudi Arabia in order to match the Getty 
offer.Two days after Pennzoil's announcement that it would 
purchase Getty Oil, Texacoconsummated a purchase of all the Getty Oil 
stock. Pennzoil reacted by bringing suit against Texaco for interfering with its 
agreement with Getty Oil. Pennzoil emerged with a $3 billion settlement 
after four years of litigation and a series of favorable court decisions. A 
major part of the Texaco settlement was used by Pennzoil to purchase shares of 
Chevron Corporation starting in late 1989 and continuing through the early 
1990s. In 1992 Pennzoil traded almost half of its Chevron stock for a $1.1 
billion package of domestic oil and gas properties owned by Chevron. You 
may recall from Part 3 that the Saudi Arabia consortium called Aramco was 
composed of the old Standard Oil company based in California--Socal--and 
Texaco. Socal would later be called Chevron and would merge with the 
Mellons' Gulf Oil, for which the Liedtkes' father had worked all his life. 

- Original Message - 


Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 8:23 PM
Subject: [LOCT] Saudi 'payoffs' to bin Laden documented
I always wondered why Saudi Arabia was never atacked even 
though theyousted bin Laden. Now we know. What a bunch of 
weenies. There must be more to this 
INTELLIGENCE BRIEFSaudi 'payoffs' to bin Laden documentedCIA says royal 
family faces 'increasingly open challenges to itscontrol''Posted: 
November 7, 20025:00 p.m. EasternEditor's note: WorldNetDaily brings 
readers exclusive, up-to-the-minuteglobal intelligence news and analysis 
from Geostrategy-Direct, a newonline newsletter edited by veteran journalist 
Robert Morton andfeaturing the "Backgrounder" column compiled by Bill 
Gertz.Geostrategy-Direct is a subscription-based service produced by 
thepublishers of WorldTribune.com, a free news service frequently linked 
bythe editors of WorldNetDaily. 
©2002WorldNetDaily.com Authorities 
in Saudi Arabia paid cash to terrorist leader Osama binLaden in the late 
1990s, according to intelligence sources. The moneywas traced from a bank in 
the kingdom to accounts run by Osama outsideof Saudi Arabia. The cash 
was intended as "payoffs" to bin Laden, who in the early 1990swas stripped 
of Saudi citizenship because of his backing for Islamistterrorism in Saudi 
Arabia. U.S. officials said the payments were not intended as support for 
binLaden's activities but were used as a payoff for al-Qaida not to 
conductoperations against the Saudi royal family. The amounts are said to 
havebeen in 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: A Case of Injustice  Press Releases

2002-10-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
From: Kate Dixon 

To: Linda 
Cc: Kate 
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 9:48 PM
Subject: A Case of Injustice Press Releases


Book review by Joel M. Skousenfrom World 
Affairs Brief Newsletter [December 21, 

This is a dramatic and powerful account of one feisty Texas 
businesswoman who wouldn't quit. I don't know why she is alive today, except by 
the grace of God. The powers arrayed against her were and still are ruthless. 
This real live story is set in south Texas, an area of the US which in the 1980s 
became an alternate source of drug importation for the CIA and other competing 
drug lords--after south Florida became too hot, politically. 
Anne Morrow had married into one of the first families of 
Dallas--the Parrino family. She had political connections and money. Life was 
good. After the death of her husband, she ran a successful gift shop and, in 
1984, decided to expand her business down into Corpus Christi. Like any normal 
unsuspecting business person, she entered into a standard lease for space at a 
new shopping center owned by one A. C. Gilmore--a seedy, unkempt king of 
the florist trade in south Texas (her first mistake). Readers of the book will 
note that as her account unfolds, Anne makes a series of little errors in 
judgment, each compounding her involvement in future bad situations, and each 
error accompanied by those subtle nervous feelings of conscience that forewarn 
of trouble. She doesn't heed the little warning signs, being positive and 
upbeat. This mistake is made by most people basking in the illusions of "good 
times." For Anne, it wouldn't take long for her experiences to shatter these 
illusions, a hard lesson in learning to listen better to these small warning 
After the absentee landlord failed to fulfill certain verbal 
agreements dealing with the critical issue of signage, Anne tried to 
sue for breach of contract. During her initial investigation she found out the 
seedy landlord had altered the lease document in order to justify his breach--an 
obvious and outright act of criminal fraud. Gotcha!--or so she thought. Little 
did she know, the seedy, overweight A.C. Gilmore was protected by a corrupt 
local judicial system, intrinsically linked with local law firms. Gilmore was in 
fact involved in the drug trade, and was using his investments in 
shopping centers and other legitimate businesses to launder the profits. How 
many of us do business with companies every day (sometimes national chains) who 
appear legitimate but which may be fronts for money laundering operations or 
secret government operations? You may never know, but it's a much bigger 
problem than you think. Even major airlines and banks are involved.
The truth about a company's linkage with organized government 
crime may only surface if you have a significant legal problem with them and 
find out, in your quest for a resolution, that this particular business is 
beyond the law. Most front businesses are smart enough to not make a major issue 
of small legal matters--they settle quickly to keep their profile low. But A.C. 
Gilmore was a slob--he didn't care how he handled the situation because he knew 
he was working for people bigger than even the state of Texas. He also 
had local judges in his pocket and was confident they would cover for 
whatever he did. He was right. 
This slowly started to dawn on Anne as she engaged one attorney 
after another in Corpus Christi. In each case, they 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: for immediate release?

2002-10-14 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 9:53 PM
Subject: for immediate release?
I didnt want to be the first to spill the beans. Matt Drudge just 
did,so:Regarding the Washington DC sniper, the bottom line is that 
the first 5shootings COULD NOT have escaped the eye of more than 100 full 
timesurveillance cameras on Georgia, connecticut avenues and on aspen 
hillroad and randolph road.the pertinent authorities know who the 
"sniper" is because theres no waythey could not know.So what is 
really going on?hint: its related to present world events and 
especially to sellinganti-terrorism to residents of DC area who happen to 
work on capitolhill.kthomas
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-10-14 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

Since I am facing a similar situation, with the 
same lack of legal protections,I am passing this on to allow you 
tolearn what is happening legally with this recent high profile case which 
made the front page yesterday in Portland's "Oregonian". The Sheeple are being 
conditioned to turn in anybody by the large Heading onyesterday's 
Oregonianpaper. The Heading to the front page story takes up a 1/4 of the 
page(!!) and says, "A parking lot attendant. A bagel-maker. A devoted mother. A 
student of international affairs. A restaurant manager. And a guy who used to 
sell Mary Kay cosmetics. As new details emerge, they look more like amateurs 
than terrorists... IS IT POSSIBLE THEY ARE BOTH?" (That's a long 

A woman in Washington who called the FBI because 
some of the people who were arrested asked her for directions. I listened to her 
interview. They were wearing Moslem clothes so she said they were suspicious 
looking and she didn't feel good about them so she called the FBI. And this lady 
is being treated as a hero.(!!) Obviously the controlled establishment media 
wants to encourageAmerica to be asnitch society. Stalinist Russia 
here we come. 

While all the coverage of me has been totally one 
sided, and I too have been labelled a terrorist; I have not had the widespread 
attention the following big case is getting. While I know nothing of the guilt 
or innocence of the following people, what our attention should be drawn to is 
that people like this no longer have legitimate legal protection, and it is 
sincerely questionablewhether real guilt will ever be determined when any 
snitch and any rumor can be paraded as fact. It was not that long ago that 
people who lived behind the Iron Curtain had to live in constant fear of 
everyone else. Everyone ratted on everyone else. No one could enjoy 

- Original Message - 
From: A Voice For 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Ombudsman 
Office ; office of inspector general ; US Attorney General 
Ashcroft ; A 
Voice For Children 
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 12:41 AM

Today: October 13, 2002 at 11:00:14 PDT 

Feds Creating 
"Terror" to enforce agenda in Oregon
No Evidence - 
no standard of law necessary in Fed Court Exploiting 

(note after AP 
Allowed in Conspiracy Cases


PORTLAND, Ore.- Two key exceptions to 
general criminal law may allow prosecutors to use even weak evidence to build a 
case against a dozen suspected terrorists charged in Oregon and New York, legal 
scholars say. 

Unlike most crimes, proof of conspiracy 
does not require an actual crime and hearsay is allowed. 

"In the legal world, conspiracy is called 
the 'darling' of prosecutors," said Robert Precht, a University of Michigan law 
professor and a defense attorney in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. 

"It's the closest American law comes to a 
'thought crime' because the paradox of conspiracy law is there need not be any 
crime at all," he said. 

Instead, all that is needed is evidence 
that two or more people agreed to commit a crime and took at least one step 
called an "overt act" - however trivial and even perfectly legal - toward 
planning that crime or carrying it out. 

"There have to be overt acts in pursuance 
of the conspiracy but those overt acts can be perfectly innocuous things, like 
getting on a plane at JFK, so you don't need a lot," said Abraham Sofaer, 
aStanford law professor, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and former 
legal adviser to the U.S. State Department. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Chronicles of American Wealth / Nr 8 / October 4, 2002

2002-10-04 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Title: Chronicles of American Wealth / Nr 1 April 2001
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message - 
To: Members Mailing List 
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: Chronicles of American Wealth / Nr 8 / October 4, 

Chronicles of American Wealth / Nr 8 / 
October 4, 2002


  Online : Chapter 
  7 – The Mining Bonanza Kings 
  profile of William Sharon : King of the Comstock 
  now for full access 

dear readers,

you still own some of these Internet stocks you bought two years ago for $100 
plus a share as they were touted by the country’s leading brokerage houses as 
the best investments you could ever make. Most of these brokerage firms no 
longer cover these stocks and the few who do, advise you to sell the same stocks 
now worth $1 or less. Well, don’t sell them off that fast though. For one 
thing, you could not do much good with the token money that remains anyway. And 
you might want to read into my new chapter “Mining Bonanza Kings” first. Oh, 
it’s not about Internet, but rather takes you back 130 years to the arid regions 
of Western Nevada, not so far from the “Biggest Little City in the World” and 
shows how large fortunes were made with (mining) stocks, right when the 
situation looked most desperate. In that respect, 19th century gold 
and silver mining was not much different than Internet and E-Business. 

Shouter, October 4, 2002
Mining Bonanza Kings
California Gold Rush started the epic of that state some 153 years ago, after a 
few nuggets of the heavy yellow metal were found near the saw mill of John 
August Sutter, a Swiss emigrant and Mexican citizen, who had hoped to establish 
an agricultural wonderland in the area of present days Sacramento. 500’000 
hopefuls followed the call of California’s Mother Lode, traveling be sea and by 
land to participate in the quest for gold, as placer miners, merchants or 
suppliers. Some of these men made a fortune, particularly those who converted to 
merchandising and banking. But the real bonanza, which created the far greater 
Californian fortunes took place some 20 years later and was based upon a less 
valuable metal mined in the arid dirt of Western Nevada : on the Comstock Lode. 
The silver riches of the Comstock Lode was discovered in 1859, as some 
astute miners started to question the composition of the heavy bluish dirt that 
so disturbed them, when washing out gold on the Washoe river, near Mount 
Davidson. It’s history is characterized by a series of booms and busts, 
otherwise called “Bonanzas” and “Borrascas”, mirroring the situation of its 
major mines, in the middle of a rich silver vein or surrounded by barren rock. 
The first Comstock Bonanza lasted from 1859-64 and supported Nevada’s admission 
to the Union. During the intermediate years of 1865-73, the Comstock lacked a 
major find, though it did produce considerable wealth, notably to the principals 
of the Bank of California, who seized the opportunity of failing enterprises to 
foreclose their properties and build a monopoly for milling, transportation and 
supplies. Then came the second and biggest bonanza. James Graham Fair, John 
William Mackay, James Clair Flood and William S. O’Brien discovered the main 
silver vein at 1’200 feet below earth on their Consolidated Virginia and 
California properties. They were multi-millionaires overnight and yet, they 
could heave easily failed like so many before them 
more about the silver kings of Nevada or other wealthy Americans of the past and 
their families at“A Classification of 
American Wealth”.


[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Lawsuit...

2002-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-



- Original Message - 
From: Catherine Austin 
To: Lyyisa Harris 
Cc: Carolyn Betts Esq. ; Linda Minor 
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:50 PM
Subject: Lawsuit...
Sued for Slave ReparationsDespite all the media hype about reparations 
for African-Americans, onemajor lawsuit involving reparations has not 
received much publicity. Findout why.Exclusive to American Free 
PressBy Michael Collins PiperIt hasn't made much of a 
splash in the mainstream media, but the world'swealthiest, most powerful and 
highly respected international bankingfamily-the Rothschilds-has been 
targeted in a lawsuit by African-Americanswho allege that numerous 
Rothschild empire-related corporations profitedfrom the African slave 
trade.Neither ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN nor Fox-all of which are owned by a 
clique ofpowerful, interconnected families and corporations with ties to 
theRothschild interests-have reported on this story.However, on 
Sept. 4 a brief item appearing in The Washington Post,referencing the 
Reuters news service, provided some specifics.African-American 
citizens-descendants of slaves-have filed suit against anumber of major 
global corporations demanding reparations for reapingprofits on the backs of 
slaves.The Post cited Deadria Farmer-Paellman, who is filing lawsuits 
against adiverse series of corporate targets demanding that they release 
corporatearchives which might shed light on how those corporations may have 
profitedfrom the slave trade.Farmer-Paellman had previously filed a 
federal class action suit against CSXrailroad, which used slave labor in 
building its lines, and Aetna, theinsurance giant. Aetna apologized for 
insuring owners against injured andrunaway slaves, but has refused to make 
restitution.What the story in the Post did not mention-but which is very 
much thecase-is that many (if not all) of the corporations targeted are 
corporationshistorically controlled by the wide-ranging international web 
primarilydominated by the Rothschild family.The diverse targets 
include: J. P. Morgan Chase  Co., Lehman BrothersHoldings, Inc., Brown 
Brothers Harriman, the Loews Corp, and Lloyds ofLondon among several others. 
These named corporations are all part of theRothschild sphere of influence, 
which includes such wealthy families as theBronfmans, the Reichmanns, the 
Belzbergs, the Newhouses, Murdochs,Sulzbergers and others.Other 
corporations named include American Inter national Group, Inc., theinsurance 
firm, as well as Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern Corp.railroads. 
WestPoint Stevens Inc., a textile firm, and such tobacco makersas R.J. 
Reynolds Tobacco Holdings Inc., Brown  Williamson Tobacco Corp. 
andLiggett Group, which is now indirectly owned by Vector Group 
Ltd.The interests, which dominate the American media, have downplayed 
thesignificance of these lawsuits, but the ramifications are far 
reaching:rather than asking every American taxpayer to "kick in" for 
reparations,those who are asking for payback are targeting those who 
actually profiteddirectly from the slave 
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[CTRL] Fwd: FW: Chip Berlet's Funding

2002-09-10 Thread RoadsEnd

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 02:20:05 -0400
To: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Chip Berlet's Funding

Good work. I am regularly attacked by Berlet, he even had one of his
minions in Toronto come to a lecture and slam me in a local rag called
The Sun. He likes to lump me in with the political right wing because I
used to speak to Fletcher Prouty. He does lots of guilt by association
and little association by guilt. He also was quoted in an LAT hit piece
linking me to Holocaust deniers falsely, where he said I am not even a
mainstream conspiracy theorist. In my reply I said that was an
oxymoron. He has slammed me in print in the Columbia Journalism Review,
among other publications, and basically tries to position PRA and
himself as the only credible sources of information about right wing and
fascist penetration of the government, at the cost of everyone else's
reputation. I see this same tendency in the bourgeois preeners at the
Institute for Policy Studies. By actively disassociating themselves from
conspiracy theorists they try to avoid the tar from the brush. Then
they use the same brush to paint us even blacker. He's one of theose
CT's, I'm not! Like those who named names for McCarthy. Beacon has a
history as a CIA conduit, including to Tom Hayden. Berlet also gets
funds from the ADL and was bucking for a leadership position there. He
was implicated in the ADL spy scandal on progressive groups because he
supplied information to them. I never saw parts one to five, could you
send them in one email please, sorry.

Alex Constantine wrote:
 Propaganda, Espionage  John Foster ³Chip² Berlet, Part Six
 Excerpt from ³Will The Real John Foster ŒChip¹ Berlet Please Stand Up?¹ By
 Ace Hayes, June, 1993.
 NOTE: An introduction to one of John Foster ³Chip² Berlet¹s primary
 benefactors, Richard J. ³Soy Bean King² Dennis -- Richard Dennis has
 conducted dirty business deals with Senator Fred Thompson (R, Tenn.)
 involving Hollywood film profits disguised as soybean deals. But this is a
 mild charge compared to some that have been directed Dennis¹s way. George
 Bush, Sr. and Ollie North have both been implicated in CIA drug trafficking
 and money laundering in the South. The pelf was also channelled through
 Chicago¹s Garfield Ridge Trust  Savings Bank. Garfield¹s chief shareholder
 at this time was Congressman Dan Rostenkowski -- who is currently serving a
 prison sentence for defrauding the House of Representatives¹ bank. The last
 stop for the dirty money raised by Bush and Thompson was the Chicago Board
 of Trade. -- AC
 Part Six
 ³While this may be the latest chapter in how JFB serves the same roll as
 John Rees and both work for the same ruling elite, there is also an old list
 of questions about JFB and PRA which also need to be public knowledge and
 which deserve answers.
 ³Why, precisely, is the ³Beacon Fund,² which is one of PRA¹s foundation
 donors listed on p. 17 of PRA¹s A Ten Year Report: 1981-1991, entitled
 Unmasking the Political Right. The director of PRA, Jean Hardisty, has
 refused to answer questions about this funder. She passed the buck to David
 Romeyn hunter who has also refused to answer questions about it. There is no
 Beacon Fund in any recent foundation directory. The last and only known
 Beacon Fund was a CIA dummy foundation which was exposed in 1967 by everyone
 from Ramparts to the Washington Post.
 ³Why does Richard Dennis seem to drop money on PRA in direct proportion to
 JFB¹s trashing of someone whom the US government loves to hate? When John

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: FT.com Home US

2002-09-05 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

  US housing executives offload stock
  By Peronet Despeignes in Washington
  Published: August 28 2002 22:59 | Last
  Updated: August 28 2002 22:59
  Executives across the US home-building industry have been
  selling shares in their companies at a record pace this year, suggesting they
  believe the country's housing market has peaked.
  Data compiled for the Financial Times show
  that corporate officers and board members in publicly traded US building
  companies sold a record $258m-worth of shares more than they bought in the
  second quarter.
  It is the largest net sale of stock in the industry in quarterly
  records going back to 1996, and was done either by exercising options or
  directly cashing in stock grants. In many cases, corporate officers have sold
  more than 50 per cent of their holdings over the past year.
  This is an anomaly, said Lon Gerber, a
  research director at Thomson Financial, the information services group,
  adding that in many industries such selling had fallen.
  The selling went on while home sales, home values and
  builders' stock prices were surging. In addition, most stock analysts were
  maintaining buy recommendations and economists were debating whether the
  industry was experiencing a bubble effect.
  Thomson Financial and The Washington Service, a consulting
  firm prepared the figures from corporate filings to the Securities and
  Exchange Commission. The data show that of the 16 homebuilders with the
  largest market capitalisation, seven had reduced their executive
  shareholdings by the largest amount seen in individual records going back two
  Executives at another three companies engaged in share selling
  well above their average in the last 30 days, according to Bernard Fulk, a
  senior analyst with The Washington Service.
  Debate has intensified in recent months about whether the
  housing market, a mainstay of growth for the US economy in the past year, is
  a bubble that will gradually deflate or abruptly pop.
  Policymakers such as Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve
  chairman, have dismissed the speculation, saying home values are supported by
  low mortgage rates and land shortages.
  Some analysts, however, fear home values may be
  increasingly fuelled by excess credit, a subsequent deterioration in lending
  standards and unsustainable expectations among prospective home buyers for
  more double-digit percentage gains. In some metropolitan areas, home prices
  have risen by more than 20 per cent over the past year.
  David Seiders, chief economist for the National
  Association of Home Builders, said the group expected housing numbers
  to top out sort of right around now - housing isn't going to be the big
  engine of growth forever - but we don't expect them to recede much.

  Rise in the value of the
  averagehome by metropolitan
  area (per cent change from 2001-Q2 to 2002-Q2)
  Source: National Association of Realtors
  Bergen-Passaic, NJ
  New York-North NJ-Long Island, NY
  San Diego, CA
  Monmouth-Ocean, NJ
  Washington, DC/ MD / VA
  Providence, RI

[CTRL] [Fwd: Fw: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control] (fwd)

2002-08-18 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:48:48 -0700
From: Tim Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Fwd: Fw: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control]

- Original Message -
From: James E. Gribble III mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 11:49 AM

Subject: Bush Obeys UN Mandates For OUR Control




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August 13, 2002

New Article Posted to Fight Terrorism ../../terrorism/index.htm Section.

Reporting to the UN reporting_to_un.htm

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.


Get US out! Starter Kit - $ 9.95


The Starter Kit is intended for beginners in the campaign to Get US out!
of the United Nations. The kit contains everything needed to learn more
about the United Nations and take necessary action to begin influencing
others. Comes in an attractive folder and includes a product catalog to
order additional materials. - Order

Reporting to the UN
by Steve Bonta

The Bush administration?s compliance reports to a new Security Council
committee show the extent to which we are now willing to let the United
Nations dictate terms to us.

UN Documents

(These links open in a separate window, PDF files require a free Adobe
Acrobat reader.)

UN Resolution 1373

U.S. Report to CTC - December 2001

U.S. Report to CTC - June 2002

With all the attention paid to the domestic war on terrorism and the
dangers it poses to our liberties ? the PATRIOT Act, the Department of
Homeland Security, the TIPS program, and so forth ? scant notice has
been given to the United Nations? international anti-terrorism campaign.
Yet below the American public?s radar screen, the UN Security Council?s
new Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) is trying to achieve on an
international scale what measures like the PATRIOT Act are doing
domestically: expand the reach and power of government ? in this case,
the UN?s embryonic world government ? in the name of fighting terrorism.
And the potential consequences for U.S. liberty are dire indeed.

The Counter-Terrorism Committee was created by paragraph six of Security
Council Resolution 1373, issued last September 28th in response to the
September 11th attacks. The purpose of the CTC, in the words of 1373, is
to monitor implementation of this resolution. To allow the CTC to
carry out this monitoring, UN member states are required to submit
regular compliance reports to the CTC. The first round of such reports
came in to the CTC from December 2001 through the early months of 2002
and, as we reported in the February 25th issue of The New American, the
U.S. government was one of the first member states to submit its report
on U.S. compliance with the Security Council?s new anti-terrorism
guidelines. The U.S. report, dated December 19th, depicted the USA
PATRIOT Act and other 

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: MIT Professor Chomsky's military ties

2002-07-30 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

From: Bob Feldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MIT Professor Chomsky's military ties
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 18:00:23 -0400

Regarding the documentation of  MIT Professor Chomsky's ties to the military
during the McCarthy era of the 1950s:

In 1955, Chomsky's friend Roman Jakobson arranged for him to work as a
researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Chomsky, in his
own words, `had no identifiable field or credentials in anything', but MIT,
`a scientific university which didn't care much about credentials,' was
willing to overlook his lack of certifiable `professional competence'.
Chomsky was made an assistant professor and assigned, ironically, to a
machine translation project of the type he had often criticized.  The
project was directed by Victor Yngve and was being conducted at the MIT
Research Laboratory of Electronics, which was subsidized by the U.S.

...He was...interviewed by laboratory director Jerome Wiesner for the
position...Chomsky was hired as a full-time faculty member, which meant that
he was required to spend half his time workin in the research lab...Here,
his ASPECTS OF THE THEORY OF SYNTAX was hatched...The funding for the
research published in ASPECTS was provided by `the Joint Services
Electronics Program (U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force), the Electronics Systems
Division of the U.S. Air Force, the National Science Foundation, the
National Institutes of Health, and NASA... (from NOAM CHOMSKY: A Life of
Dissent by Robert Barsky)

Jerome Weisner later became the head of JFK's Science Advisory Committee
during the early 1960s; and according to the 1965 annual report of the Ford
Foundation-subsidized Institute for Defense Analyses Pentagon
weapons-research think-tank, Jerome Weisner was an Adviser to IDA's Jason
Division group of university professors who performed counter-insurgency,
Vietnam War-related weapons research every summer during the 1960s Viet Nam
War Era.  When students shut down Columbia University in 1968 in support of
the demand that Columbia resign its institutional membership in IDA, MIT
Professor Chomsky constructed a left anti-war rationalization for opposing
the Columbia student revolt--but he did not disclose at the time that an IDA
Jason Division consultant, Jerome Weisner, was the person who hired him as
an MIT professor and military lab researcher during the McCarthy Era.  As
Barsky also notes in his NOAM CHOMSKY: A Life of Dissent book:  While he
admired `the challenge to the universities' that the students were so
vehemently presenting, Chomsky thought their rebellions were `largely
misguided,' and he `criticized [them] as they were in progress at Berkeley
(1966) and Columbia (1968) particularly.  Today, of course, MIT is still
the 12th-largest recipient of U.S. Air Force war research contracts.


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Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our
problem is that numbers of people all over the world have obeyed the
dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and
millions have been killed because of this obedience... Our problem is that
people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and
starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people
are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while
the grand thieves are running and robbing the country. That's our problem.
Howard Zinn, Failure to Quit, p. 45

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