CS: Crime-man murdered in Lancashire

2001-02-22 Thread Steven Kendrick

Thursday 22 February 2001 6:51pm 

A man has died and three people have suffered minor
injuries after a shooting incident at a house. 
Darren Bell died after he was shot by three men in
balaclavas who burst into a house on Mona Road in
Blackburn, Lancashire.

An 11-month-old baby was in the house at the time of
the shooting but was not injured.

Three other men received minor injuries and were taken
to hospital but one was later released.

Mr Bell was taken to the Blackburn Royal Infirmary but
died on the operating table.

The three masked men fled after the shooting in a grey
or silver Vauxhall Carlton or Cavalier.

An incident room has been set up at Accrington police
station and detectives are appealing for witnesses.

A police spokesman described the killers, who shot
through the door before entering the house and firing
again, as reckless and ruthless.

He said it was only by chance that no one else was
killed or injured.

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CS: Target-Rem 700 problems

2001-02-22 Thread tuffkuke


I must disagree with you Steve, I cant see putting firearms in the same
class as a used car,in my humble opinion the individual in question
should have notified Remington for repair, then traded the rifle or at
the very least disclosed the unsafe condition of the rifle to the new
owner.my conscience wouldn't allow me to do any less were this my

My point was there are plenty of people out there selling dodgy
used cars that can kill you too!


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CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-22 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I've just finished putting the finishing touches to the end of my
>involvement with the shooting sports;
>Returning my Certs to the police, handing in what ammo I had, put my
>shotguns in the local shop for sale etc.

Steve, & Jim,

Jim: You'll be sorely missed.

Not in the way of a contributor, but in the way of being in
the ranks of active, and interested members of the shooting community.
Experience is something that takes personal attention, and
Sometimes you walk the lonely road by yourself, wondering
if you'll ever meet another soul -- a companion to share the thoughts of
fun, exasperation, contemplation, preparation, and pregnant anticipation.

Here's hoping that you'll have second thoughts, and return to
sport that no one has ever mastered, but merely professed a love of and
cussed out their competitors behind their backs, only to return and be
decimated once again!

Where else can you compete against yourself and win?
Where else can you have so much fun losing?

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
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CS: Target-Reloading Kit & Questions

2001-02-22 Thread andrew

From:   andrew, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've not dealt with reloading solutions myself but i know people who
have and they are very happy with them. Not only do they appear to
actually have the stock they advertise available but delivery is very

For portable kit using standard dies you cannot beat the Lee hand press.
I know several shooters who use them and none have any complaints. For
the bottle neck cartridges buy the collet die set: easy to use, no
bother with lube and they load superb ammo. The Lee "perfect" powder
measure is also worth looking at to save the hassle of trying to use a
scale on range. They are cheap, accurate, robust and have a well
graduated charge bar.

The Lee turret press is a superb piece of kit, particularly for the
price. I have a Lee turret and a Forster Co-Ax press and cannot detect
any difference in the quality of ammo loaded on them. I also use a Lee
1000 progressive and it loads ammo far more accurate than I am. I have
no problem getting consistent 2 moa from my M94 with ammo loaded on the

So far I have not found a single item of Lee kit that has not performed
as well, or in most cases better, than the more expensive competition.
And it's all covered by a simple, no quibble, if you are not satisfied
in any way, money back guarantee. Cannot tell you if that is worth
anything or not as I don't know anyone who has been dissatisfied enough
to make a claim against it.

I am going down to visit the new Kynock (Kynamco?) at Mildenhall on
saturday and will be taking 80 rounds of .375 H&H to play with. This
will be loaded with a Lee collet resizing die and Forster bench rest
seater on my forster Co-Ax press with bullets cast from an NEI mould
lubed and sized in an RCBS lubresizer. Powder is thrown from an RCBS
measure. Depending on load and how the nut behind the trigger is
feeling, I get accuracy of between .6 and 1.8 moa.

You can never have too much kit!

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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Several things spring to mind here:
> Over the last couple of weeks I have be researching the apparent problem
> with the trigger mechanism on Remington 700's. 

There's a fairly continuous thread on this at rec.guns. Not having a
Remy, I admit to not actually reading any of the many posts involved. 

> my own older style 700's went off inside my
> house as I was unloading it to clean it, (without touching the trigger).

Can't often imagine taking a loaded gun into the house myself.

>  I have since traded
> the gun, but have kept the serial number and would like to report this to
> someone that is keeping track of these numbers. 

Er... I can understand the desire to be rid of the problem but how
responsible was this?


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CS: Misc-SA Website

2001-02-22 Thread Norman

From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I admit my error - I plead fatigue, my brain was not
working properly - the SA does indeed have a domain
name, even if it doesn't currently lead to their

In fact I regularly buy Gun Mart magazine and I've
been following the various changes in the SA's
internet situation (as given in that magazine) for
some time.

I point out the two domain names used so far
(sagbni.org and sportsmans-association.org) and the
variety of other non-domain name website addresses and
email addresses.

What I do myself is to register my domain name with a
company which just forwards punters to wherever the
website files are kept and doesn't supply ISP services
or webspace. That way you can move your files wherever
you like and you can change the web forwarding details
online, immediately, for nothing. The SA has got that

You don't have to keep your website files on your
ISP's storage, which seems to be the SA's current
mistake and the reason why their website is not
currently accessible. 

Rather a lot of the cheapo ISPs don't seem to give
good service, as Steve mentions.

I repeat, I'm not impressed by the SA's performance on
the internet. I think the internet is important. I
think they could do better. I ask again - what else
are they doing wrong?

Norman Bassett

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CS: Pol-Emigrate!

2001-02-22 Thread LHardley


>...Stuff about the system 
> Emigrating what a loverly idea!
> roger hardley

>And you think this system and the people it manipulates are unique to this
>country do you?

>Neil Francis
>Trowbridge, UK
>That's exactly what I was thinking.  Moving to New Zealand sounds
>wonderful but they have a tendency to copy the laws of places like
>the UK and Australia.  Look at how much stuff Thorp quoted in his
>report in New Zealand from sources like the Dunblane Public Inquiry.

>If things get worse here they will likely get worse in many other
>places, especially Commonwealth countries.  Probably not quite as
>bad as here but worse nonetheless.

>Still, if Switzerland joins the EU I'm off!


I think that all systems manipulate to one degree or another, but does that 
make this country right? 
Does it give them the right to behave in such a manner? Saying that 'this' or 
'that' is worse in 'so and so' country is nothing more than a cheap cop out 
excuse, that is used to show how 'better off' we are, and to shut us up.
Why do they get way with it?  Because most people just want a quiet life and 
to be left alone, it is easier to let 'them' do what they want, elections are 
nothing but hassle, and people seem to be learning that labour are just the 
same as the tories when it comes to lying, hence 'big tony's' worry about the 
publics apathy towards the next election.
Do you think you will get sport pistol shooting back in this country? Get 
real. It will not happen.  Its been banned!!! It was based on a lie, bad law 
is always based on lies and this country has never retracted bad law. The 
politicians wanted it. The police wanted it. The media wanted it.  They got 
it. All for their own reasons, which had nothing whatsoever to do with 
realism or truth.  None of them care about the firearms crime in this country 
or the people who are killed, you may say that it's only the bad guys killing 
more bad guys, well if these bad guys aren't stopped, they may start shooting 
ordinary people and that would be just too bad wouldn't it? Especially as we 
are powerless to defend ourselves against them, sitting ducks ring any 
bells?What they do worry about is that it might damage their political 
If europe says that the ban is illegal what then?  I reckon that the ban 
would be modified into new law which will make it totally impracticable to 
actually shoot, thus still a ban, there is more than one way to skin a cat, I 
can think of many ways to stop pistol shooting as a sport whilst still 
allowing it to be legal.
Likewise as Steve says I think the commonwealth countries will follow the 
same bullshit as this country, it is only a matter of time. So while NZ may 
be a nice country, we have friends who have emigrated there this year Lynn 
and I are the last of our group of couples actually in this country now, it 
isn't a place I would emigrate to.
The only commonwealth country I would go to is canada.  Most people need to 
be 'pushed' to emigrate, what broke the camels back for me was the pistol 
ban, but before that I've thought the uk 'was a waste of space' and for a 
very long time.
This place enjoys putting you down, and taxing you to the nuts if you're 
successful it's even worse. In my heart I'm a pilot before a pistol shooter, 
but I'm just a rich bastard who flies a plane, nobody sees the fact I don't 
drink\smoke, have no children work 15hrs a day, and then the bullshit\expense 
you have to go through just to fly,  I'm pissed of with this kind of 
mentality, you could move next door to a small aiport in this country and 
eventually get it shut down, when what should happen is the officals should 
ask 'What was there first, you or the airport?'
This is the kind of public we have and it isn't confined to flying, you can 
keep them, the system helped create them, the system can have them.

You leave a country because there is something about it you do not like.
You go to another country because is something about it you do like.

Please do not engage in 'but is there anything better?' conversations off 
list, because, yes there is, that is our choice and I've had these chats 
already, if you like this country that's ok by me, but I don't and I'm 
leaving just as soon as I can manage it.

We're going to florida for two weeks tomorrow and we're damn well going to 
enjoy ourselves

Take care all
roger hardley 

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CS: Crime-Bodyguard killed

2001-02-22 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Times 19.2.01
>By Stewart Tendler
>Crime Correspondent
>A MOTHER and her two children are in hiding after a
>wealthy nightclub owner was shot and injured and his
>bodyguard killed.
>Arthur de Sousa, 33, was found lying sprawled on a road
>while Al el-Hachadi, 27, his bodyguard, was killed in
>the village of Pangbourne, Berkshire, on Saturday evening.
>The two were ambushed after arriving to visit a house in
>the village.
--rest snip--

Steve, & Rusty,

Amazing, ain't it?
Take away the lawfully held arms, and the criminals
are empowered beyond their wildest dreams.
The cops complain, and politicians elevate their noses
in disdain when they are reminded that few registered arms have
ever been used in a crime. But, how many unregistered arms are
now being used in crime?

The argument, it seems, is that the police and politicians
commented that removing those lawfully held arms would make
for a 'safer' community. Safer? For what? From what? For whom?

If lawfully held arms were not involved in but a few,
highly sensational, and largely isolated instances of crime, then
what of the illegally held arms?
At least before, the police  who was in possession,
and who had been through the wringer of 'approval'.
Now they know nothing, and the criminals are verily
laughing in their faces.

The police want to know every aspect of the lawful owners
of firearms, yet as these owners who brave the veritable assault upon
their privacy -- which opens them to insult, innuendo, and suspicion,
virtually nothing the police discover has every STOPPED a crime.
It may have prevented the lawful acquisition of a firearm,
but it most certainly NEVER stopped a crime from happening.

It seems that those who deprive the lawful of their rights --
because the unlawful flaunt the law at every turn --  would have the
enforcers of the law deprive everyone of every right, in order to prevent
anyone from exercising a right in order to capture the law breakers.
But if the law breakers disregard the laws now, what makes
the law makers and enforcers believe that by totality they will achieve
their end?
When every right is reduced to a prohibition, then everyone
will disregard the law, and everyone will become an outlaw, merely because
it will become fashionable to break the law. Sound familiar?

If those who would distrust the average citizen from possession
of an arm because the arm 'might' be misused by either the owner or
someone who comes by it illegally, then it must be said that by virtue of
the historical record, the concern is not well founded, merely because
it cannot be shown certifiably that lawfully held arms have ever been used
criminally in such a quantity as to raise the concern of the police, that the
populace itself was at risk of mass lawlessness.

All one need do is quantify the number of lawfully held arms,
and balance that against the number which have been used in a crime:
the number of misused arms pales into insignificance, elevated by only
the most salacious and malicious lies to a veritable tempest in a teapot.

When such insidious, hateful, and despicable assertions are
employed to make law, it is found that whatever was legislated against
was not cured, but rather elevated in the status of concern. And further,
that additional restrictions were asserted as necessary in order to confound
the increase in criminality -- which restrictions unto themselves further
exacerbated the 'problem.'

By what manner of logic does one propose to deny lawful members
of a community a right, just because periodically one of them manages to
become less than stable mentally, whereas the criminal element -- which is
virtually uncontrollable in any sense -- is given free gratis to enthrall the
community at large with gratuitous violence? Simply because the lawful
obey the laws?
Or is it perhaps a more insidious, and less understood act
by the inner reaches of government itself, that operates to invite ever more
laws against every liberty, by allowing the criminals to freely acquire arms,
conduct murderous sprees, inviting an outcry for ever more stringent
laws that will eventually strangle liberty in the name of 'law and order'?

If criminals with unregistered firearms have committed more
crime than the absolute largest number of lawful firearms owners who
subsequently committed a crime, then I venture so say that even the most
unlawful of firearm owners who were registered with the police also pales
into utter, complete, and total insignificance.
By what measure and reference to past law does government
propose to punish the populace at large, for the criminal acts of so few?

By banning their guns, I guess.


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CS: Field-Siberia's top wolf hunter

2001-02-22 Thread E.J. Totty

From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Times 17.2.01
>Woman aged 62 is Siberia's top wolf hunter
>From Giles Whittell in Moscow
>A SIBERIAN woman aged 62 has been awarded L50 and an
>unlimited hunting licence for killing more wolves than
>any man in her province.

>What is it with journalists, accurate reporting and Russian smallarms?
>Accurate to 2,000 metres?  200 maybe!

Steve, & Rusty,

I'm shocked, SHOCKED! And, maybe just a little bit
appalled, that the Russian Government has  one of
their citizens to have a dread <<>>.
Good lord! Don't they know that merely possessing
one of those things will cause her to WANT to go on a murdering
I have one of those terrible 'weapons' in a safe along
with several other variety of rifles. I'm wondering if I shouldn't
place it in a separate safe all by its lonesome, just to be sure that
it doesn't give those other rifles some 'bad ideas'.
It's bad enough that I have to force myself to be reeducated
every time I dare touch that , and I have been told
that touching one more than a few times a month will cause hair to
grow on your palms, as well as cause you to sweat bullets (not sure
what caliber though). On the other hand, it could solve a logistics
problem . . .

In Liberty,
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
"Whenever we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember 
that virtue is not hereditary." --Thomas Paine 
By way of the The Federalist http://www.Federalist.com/
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

But it's not an "assault weapon", it doesn't have a detachable
mag, that's why they're still legal to import into the US (provided
they're not Russian or Chinese, Bulgarian are okay though ;) )


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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread Tony Jeeves

From:   "Tony Jeeves", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but one really has to ask: What was a "safety professional" doing
cleaning a loaded rifle in a domestic environment?

Tony Jeeves

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CS: Target-Modern Pentathlon

2001-02-22 Thread steve_w


A friend of mine has recently started training a group
of local youngsters in the skills needed for the Modern
Pentathlon, and he asked my advice about the shooting
element of the competition.

I have a copy of the rules, but can anybody out there
give me any information about training techniques,
setting up an indoor practice range, suitable (low cost)
practice pistols, etc, etc, etc.

Please email me off-line with anything that may be useful.

Thanks & regards
Steve Walding

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CS: Field-Siberia's top wolf hunter

2001-02-22 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 She favours an SKS Russian-made carbine accurate
to 2,000 metres, and a Russian shotgun in case of
surprise attacks by bears.

Accurate to 2,000 metres?  200 maybe!

I bought two brand new Chinese SKS's (UKL 60 each) here in NZ and with
Norinco ammo off a sandbag neither of them would group much better than 3
inches at 50 yards! Accurate? I don't think so!!


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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread David M

From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Litigation is not my intent,
however, myself as a safety professional, I feel certain ethics are

"Certain ethics" !? Like trading the gun on to another unsuspecting buyer?
That doesn't quite tie up with the definition of "ethics" in my book.

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CS: Target-Florida

2001-02-22 Thread Alistair Shutt

From:   "Alistair Shutt", [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I seem to recall the range off I drive closed last time I
was there. The illuminated sign on I drive was lit but the
range wasn't.

CS: Legal-Section 5(1)(b)

2001-02-22 Thread Jonathan

From:   Jonathan Spencer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>My understanding is that strictly speaking the Act only applies to barrelled
>weapons discharging toxins. 

Not true.  Section 5 prohibits "any weapon of whatever description
designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or
other thing; and ...".  So it is immaterial whether there's a barrel or

>Apparently a Jif lemon container full of ammonia
>solution was not covered by Section 5. 

That's by case law (i.e. a judgement of the Courts of Appeal).  The
detergent container was neither designed for the discharge of a noxious
liquid, nor was it adapted.  So it fell outside the prohibition.

>Come to think of it, is CS in an
>aerosol spray covered?

Is it designed or adapted for the discharge of a noxious liquid, gas or
other thing?

--Jonathan Spencer, firearms examiner

"Justice is open to everybody in the same way as the Ritz Hotel."
Judge Sturgess, 22 July 1928
Was that Jif lemon container employed as a weapon, though?


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CS: Target-Carl Zeiss Scope help

2001-02-22 Thread Neil Roberts

From:   "Neil Roberts", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there anyone who might be able to give me any info
on a Carl Zeiss scope I have. I've uploaded them onto
my web site at


Any help much appreciated

The Swiss are pretty keen on Zeiss scopes, designed for
a Stgw 57 maybe?  Bit of an odd mount.


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CS: Misc-Mother's Magnum

2001-02-22 Thread Paul

From:   Paul Bartomioli, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bart Skelton is the son of gun writer Skeeter Skelton, who wrote for
Shooting Times as well as Guns & Ammo in the states.  Skeeter has passed
away, but sonny has some stellar memories of an old cowboy, that was his

BTW, I remember reading Skeeter talking about his wife's shooting
prowess.  Can't recall the .44 mag story, but it falls in line.

My wife prefers a shotgun and her Ruger Mark I.

paul bartomioli

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CS: Target-Reloading Kit & Questions

2001-02-22 Thread Jeremy

From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't start with an automatic press like the Dillon, just
too much going on to supervise everything if your not used
to reloading.

Basic kit from one of the leading manufacturers is probably
a good start and with a small/medium O-ring press it can be
mounted on a board that clamps to a substantial table or
fitted to something like a Black and Decker Workmate.

Your kit should include :-

A good reloading manual (or even more than one)

Dies and shellholders in each calibre
priming tool*
primer pocket cleaning tools
Shooters scales/Powder scales
Powder thrower*
Mirometer or vernier calipers**
Case trimming tools***
Loading blocks
Case lubricating kit***

* not essential as most presses come with a basic priming
tool, but it helps if you inspect each primer.

** always good practice to check the widths and lengths
of your cartridges, just in case

*** not essential for the pistol calibres but important
for the rifle ones.

Best to read a couple of the good reloading manuals or
articles in magazines.  Even better get an experienced
reloader to show you.



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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread George

From:   "George", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You should have retained the rifle until it has been repaired. Remington has
contact information on their web-page. I have a M-700 with that problem
myself. I haven't had the time to contact Remington about it.

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CS: Legal-gun trafficker sentenced

2001-02-22 Thread Mike Burns

From:   "Mike Burns", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr Steer said Haase was arrested more than a month later in October 1999
when he arrived at Liverpool Lime Street Station from London. Grimes was
detained at his home in Liverpool a day later. A search of a Big Brother
office in Liverpool's Stanley Market uncovered more weaponry including a
double-barrelled sawn-off shotgun, a Colt full-loading pistol and

A colt full loading pistol?  What the hell do they mean by that!  Almost as
funny as the "SKS accurate to 2000m"!!!


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CS: Misc-population density

2001-02-22 Thread jonathan


> By Terry Pendrous,
>  With such stringent controls in Japan--how
> much criminal activity do they suffer with firearms? Anyone know?

CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-22 Thread Earl W

From:   "Earl W", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did anyone else see "Murder Detectives" on Tues eve on Channel 5?

The Forensic Entomologist (I think!) was called in to deal with the
forensics surrounding a corpse that had been found in Hawaii.

To do this he looks at the insects life cycle in order to ascertain the date
& time of death.

The scientist drove up to the site, on...a Harley Davidson...with the
uniform of a Biker - Leather jacket "Live To Ride", long white hair, gold
chain earring.

Not the stereotypical "Forensic Scientist" maybe, but he is one of the best
in his field of expertise.

Freedom of expression obviously needs to be "acceptable" in certain area's
of life. We get bad press because the media see "Gun & Camo = Soldier"

What would our press say about this scientist?

"Biker peels bugs off dead body"
"Hell's Scientist or Hell's Angel?"
"Bug crazy biker"

In business, people wear a smart suit - that's the expected uniform it is an
identifying characteristic that you see & think "Business Person"

In the lab, Volcanologists wear white coats, but when climbing the volcano,
they wear the (practical) uniform of a mountaineer

In this society, we are what other people see & assume, correctly or not,
the uniform can also be a commanding, intimidating or selling factor

eg. An Army officer, Policeman's uniform = commanding
The SAS black coveralls uniform in the Iranian Embassy Assault =
The clothing of a "Lady of the Night" = selling

The clothing worn at a Trap shooting competition / Olympics/ IPSC etc all
state "Sportsman" the media may not have covered the Olympic shooting (only
mentioning Richard Foulds after he won gold), BUT They cannot denigrate
because the "Uniform" clearly states "SPORTSMAN"

The Antis could never attack a Sportsman in Uniform at the Olympics with
their lies & have them stick

But if Mr Foulds was not in uniform.What happened after the
OlympicsA newly moved in resident (moved in from a town!) to his
village, complained of the "Noise Shooting Makes"  -  Does she want to live
near a WORLD CHAMPION or not? or does she want to live next to an Ex-World
Champion & claim credit for making him an Ex-World Champion (I hear she's
moving away now?)

Herein lies our problem, we are INDIVIDUALS who are a family in a sport, WE
HAVE NO UNIFORM Except at competitions.

Maybe whenever we shoot, we should wear the Competitive Clothing that is
designed for shooters & be proud of it as a Uniform

Maybe we should all wear the Competitive Clothing on the March In March then
we would all be promoting the visual impact of SPORTSPERSONS on all Media
coverage we receive. (Views?)


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CS: Target-Reloading Kit & Questions

2001-02-22 Thread jonathan


> And also views on fully automated presses/loading systems
> eg Dillon RL 550B vs competitors equipment
> Or what to mix & match!
> I'm thinking calibers - .223/ .308/ .45-70(BP & Nitro)
> .45LC .454 Casull
> EW

Can't comment on the automatic presses as I've never 
been one to use huge ammounts of ammo. The best 
single stage press in the World however is the Corbin 
Series 2, expensive as single stages go but the best 
dosen't come cheap.

Jonathan Laws
I didn't realise Dillon made an automatic press!

I think the word they use is "progressive", i.e. you
get more with your pull of the lever.

Progressive presses were invented because of the demand
from practical pistol shooters, I wonder whether anyone really
needs one in this country anymore, though they do make a
progressive shotshell press as well.

There are a lot of fun though if you get all the widgets,
I had great fun playing around with one at the SHOT show
a couple of years ago :)


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CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread jonathan


>  I have since traded
> the gun, but have kept the serial number and would like to report this to
> someone that is keeping track of these numbers.  I have not been able to
> find any contact information for anyone and thought you might have a name
> with a contact number or email address.  Litigation is not my intent,
> however, myself as a safety professional, I feel certain ethics are involved.

I don't want to appear as though I'm trying to start some 
sort of slanging match here but, iIs trading off a gun in 
this condition "ethical"? Surely getting in touch with the 
manufacturer should be the first course of action they 
may actually buy it back from you?

Jonathan Laws
First thing I tell anyone who takes up shooting is "caveat emptor" or
whatever it is, I don't want to start another thread on this subject
but gee whiz is there some junk out there being sold off as being
in good condition.

Bit like buying a used car really.


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CS: Pol-Face values. etc

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not think that we are going to be that far behind you. It is said that
the "line in the sand" for the Conservatives is stalking rifles and game
shooting shotguns and that ALL else is negotiable in terms of it being

Said by whom?


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CS: Pol-Proliferation of Small Arms

2001-02-22 Thread Richard Loweth

From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At risk of starting another "I didn't know that but" whilst Robin Cook may
not know about the expert of Birmingham made "cutlasses" as they are
sometimes called in the West Indies or, as we know them, "machetes" he would
know about the export of leg irons!
The very same beloved of chain gangs and those that indulge themselves in
certain sexual proclivities, for, "I didn't know that but" the export of leg
irons (but not handcuffs) is prohibited from UK.
However enterprising firms are alleged to market a "large diameter" handcuff
the end user simply chops and lengthens then chain between them!

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CS: Misc-instant incapacitation

2001-02-22 Thread relwell


re. twitching of the trigger finger.

Experience 1.

Unhappy man, puts muzzle of rifle in mouth, 7.62mm, FMJ, pulls trigger.

Removes about a 5" diameter hole from right of skull, blood and brains all
over ceiling.

He lives for about 20 minutes! Says he is uncomfortable but not in pain. Says
(mostly) "I wish I hadn't done it."

Experience 2 to hundreds

a. decapitate magpies caught in Larsen trap. Have twisted head off. The body
moves, the wings flap and the feet twitch.

b. rabbits shot with .22 hornet (I find 22LR wounds and lets too many of them
hop away) even with vast area of carcass removed, including much of spine,
feet may still twitch.

After complete decaptitation and removal of any connection between
forebrain/midbrain/hindbrain and rest of body, bits still twitch. One of the
twitching bits could be on a trigger or a deadman's switch.


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CS: Misc-antique and military show, Bisley

2001-02-22 Thread Kenneth

From:   Kenneth Wyatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Obviously adhering to the old adage"if you can't say owt good, say nowt"
I'm looking for a specific military rifle.
Is the antique and military show at Bisley, March 25th ish worth the
See you in London( & possibly in Bisley)
I suppose that would depend on which specific rifle.


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CS: Target-muzzle energy limits, definitively

2001-02-22 Thread Martin's Email

From:   "Martin's Email", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think there has been a crossing of wires here, with some people "mixing
and matching" figures from various sources.

The limits for Gallery Rifle are set by the range safety parameters for the
ranges concerned, and are simply the limits for pistol ranges both outdoor
and indoor. The limits are:

Outdoor Ranges.

Maximum muzzle velocity:  655 m/s=   2150 ft/sec
Maximum muzzle energy:2030 Joules   =   1496 ft Lbs

Indoor Ranges.

Maximum muzzle velocity:  520 m/s   =   1706 ft/sec
Maximum muzzle energy:645 Joules=   475 ft lbs

The reason for the NRA spec is exactly as you say - it is for use on outdoor

Hope this helps.

Yours ever,


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