Re: SF BAY CPUNK call for volunteer lecturers

2002-03-18 Thread Anonymous

I am interested in discussing further. Please respond to this list in 
encrypted PGP email to the following key:

Nothing here is secret. The goal is just to provide certain anonymity
to those that may wish it.

I cannot authenticate you and therefore secret communication makes no
sense (and you could be Gordon and messaging to your private key has
same legal consequences as e-mailing directly to you, soliciting you
to commit a crime ... is teaching crypto a crime yet ?)

We* plan to start 3-5 weeks from now.

The event will be a series of 2-hour afternoon/evening sessions, with
computer video projector and a whiteboard. The goal is to enable
typical crypto-illiterate computer users to use PGP and disk encryption
software. CDs with free crypto software will be distributed to those that
swear that they are US subjects (we plan to make it requirement for all
attendees - the aim is to educate, not to challenge laws.)

There will probably be 3 sessions - introduction, demonstration, hands-on
with Q  A.

All suggestions welcome.

* we is a figure of speech, there are no official organisers

Re: More Codex Docs

2002-03-18 Thread Anonymous

John Young wrote:
  A PowerPoint presentation on H.O.P.E. was among the

Worth getting just for those sexy-hype-gifs alone... Surely it's d4 \/\/4r3Z 
3|V|p1R3 though. I'm afraid, anyway. Pesky punk terrorist paedophile piraters. 
Stop pointing your leet hacker death rays at me!

  The HOPE program itself was not leaked, but perhaps will be
  in the future. Mainly what a HOPE-rigged server does is
  conceal a DIRT tracking and reporting bug in deliberately
  publicized documents with snoop-appeal, called dangles,
  to ensnare the unwary and to trace the distribution of the
  dangles as well as to assign an ID to every machine that
  handles the docs.
  As anonymous noted, a fair amount of the material seems
  designed to exploit the gullible, with a fully panoply of
  security scare stories and promises of products to
  deal with any wet dream of intelligence and law enforcement
  for ballooning budgets and preparing plans for defending
  against imaginary enemies. Pretty well emulating the
  digital security market as if Codex was avidly reading
  this list.

Without dismissing the validity of the leaked code entirely... But an 
interesting proposition. Some quick thoughts on the possible origins and reasons 
for disclosure...

Case 1; the archives are from an old repository of marketing bumph - a directory 
used by, say, Terrance L Knawles as a store for external yet confidential 
documents - press releases, financial reports, fancy slideshows and product 
demos. Possible sources are internal employees disgruntled by the 
company/management that have discovered old material, or morally-justified 
hackers playing Codex at their own game. The former is backed up by the 
reputation and public portrayal of Frank Jones, the latter by the (superficial, 
at least) seeming absence of technical presentation or knowledge in any of the 
witnessed documentation (again, I have not run the executables, so am reluctant 
to comment on them) or associated resources (see website constructed by monkey 
on remote-access riddled Mac server).

Outcome - CDS discredited yet further, world saved.

Case 2; the archives are from an old respository of since-expired and/or 
worthless and/or superceded documents, agreements, reports and programs. To stir 
up some business, CDS (ignoring possible Baiting tactics, although the irony is 
almost unbearable) decides to use the established information dissemination 
network to make DIRT and HOPE household names. After all, people buy things 
simply if they've heard a name before, no matter the context. In addition to 
increased sales and interest, CDS can monitor industry speculation as to current 
technology/possible implementations (of bugs, HOPE, DIRT v3.0, etc) - minimal 
effort RD, effectively.

Outcome - HOPE becomes a reality in some aspects, or under some governments.

Without further, more recent evidence, it is hard to have much faith in case 1.
As a note, the apparent lack of bugs within released docs should not be taken 
for granted in any repetitions. I suspect CDS would have been watching the 
spread of the first lot with interest, bugged or not.
Both technically and politically, little has been gained from the material seen. 
However, one would hope that the cat is partially out of the bag, and that 
material worthy of discussion would be released soon, to fly in the face of the 
powerpoint propaganda. Maybe it's time to dust off my video of Hackers, 
jack-in to the cyberunderground and go hunt some orc.

ADV: Your Internet Rankings

2002-03-18 Thread register13

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800-636-6773 EXT.1114

[Reformatted] Reichstag Anthrax Theatre: BBC on CIA

2002-03-18 Thread Anonymous

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Major Variola ret) writes:

 A Newsnight investigation raised the possibility that there was a
 secret CIA project to investigate methods of sending anthrax through
 the mail which went madly out of control.

 The shocking assertion is that a key member of the covert operation
 may have removed, refined and eventually posted weapons-grade anthrax
 which killed five people.

 In the wake of Sept 11th, the anthrax attacks caused panic throughout
 the States and around the world. But has the FBI found the whole
 case too hot to handle? Our science editor Susan Watts reported from


Re: fractional reserve banking as economic parasitism

2002-03-18 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

would be interested in any feedback. due to the contents, am also
attempting to maximize its exposure, please help me spread the word.

Somehow I can't escape the feeling that you're taking the parasite analogy
a bit too seriously. Especially in the context of fractional-reserve
banking -- the problems I see with that system boil down to:

 -government licencing of banking operations, limiting competition and
 -the shedding of risks to central banks or inadequate knowledge of the
  risks on behalf of the depositors, inviting malinvestment
 -inadequate propagation of information on actual risks when loans are
  reinvested as deposits, again a cause for malinvestment

If depositors are fully aware of the risks they're taking, and actually
have to carry them, I see no reason why deposits couldn't be seen as a
straight-forward extension of other means of investment. In such
conditions, I'd say fractional-reserve free banking is *quite* possible,
and certainly shouldn't be equated with parasitism. Rather, it seems more
like an eminently usable hybrid of private investment and insurance.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
openpgp: 050985C2/025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Ok, I give.

2002-03-18 Thread Black Unicorn

Signal to noise ratio unacceptable even from (once the only reason
c'punks was bearable).

Between Major Areola's altered and tainted news stories, the slew of
reformatted repeats of the AP wire, the return of the three blithering
idiots who started wasting all our time back in 1998 or so and, of course,
the 30 addresses of that moron Choate... my filters can't keep track anymore
and something like 40 messages a day are ending up in the trash to perhaps 2
which actually hit my inbox (and usually prompt the creation of a new
filter).  Nah, that's about it for awhile.

I think it's time for yet another break from c'punks- unless someone can
tell me where I can find a decent moderated node.  If so mail me directly
(thanks).  I'm unsubscribed.


Assassinating larry slight return.

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

Has anyone killed larry yet? my 2$.
Oracle profits drop
Michael Liedtke in San Francisco
MARCH 15, 2002

ORACLE has reported another disappointing quarter, amplifying concerns that 
the stumbling software giant might not regain its footing as quickly as the 
rest of the industry...More at,7204,3955595%5E15316%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html

1857 address Douglass proclaims (quote): If there is no struggle, there is 
no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom,  yet deprecate agitation, 
are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain 
without thunder  lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of 
its many waters. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did  it 
never will. 

Re: CDR: Jim Darling Stop bending the truth

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Jim Darlig 
 Why do you lie,Vulis was a problem 
 like you are.
 Sandy started to moderate,but that fell by the wayside
 But the list at TOAD.COM.kept going and going.

Only because he was too lazy to carry through with this threat to close
it. He admitted this himself, just ask him.

 Jim Darling you act like a spoilt stupid little boy
 when the feds came you tried to blame all of us.


 John and Decland spent their own time money to help
 the list members,you ran away singing to the feds.
 grow up.



Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Re: gods

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, matthew X wrote:

 Now choates claims he stared this list.

Liar, only claimed to help keep it alive while others tried to kill it.

Where were you again? You run which node?

Pah. You're insecurity is showing...and that's funny.


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


NSW net censorship It is just not going to work.

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

Public eyes censorship plans
Karen Dearne
MARCH 13, 2002
NSW plans to censor the internet have been under scrutiny during two days 
of public hearings in Sydney.
The Standing Committee on Social Issues is inquiring into whether the 
Classification Enforcement Amendment Bill provides an effective and 
enforceable way to regulate online material.
But a number of industry and consumer groups warned that the proposed 
legislation discriminates against material published online and was 
Australian Computer Society vice-president Phillip Argy said the NSW 
legislation went much further than the federal model legislation.
This criminally prohibits the making available of matter that would be 
classified as objectionable or unsuitable for minors, basically without 
exception, Mr Argy said.
It's like saying, you cannot make this material available to adults in NSW 
in case children get to see it.
Electronic Frontiers Australia executive director Irene Graham said the 
Bill tried to force internet content into a regime designed for the 
commercial sale and distribution of movies, videos and games.
The internet is not a movie, it is not a computer game and it is nothing 
like television, she said. It is just not going to work.
The legislation treated people using the internet quite differently, less 
fairly and less justly under criminal law than that applicable to speech 
and distribution of information offline.
There is a vast amount of material that this Bill can catch, she said.
This is going to cover actual discussions in chatrooms and on email lists.
We are especially concerned about what is, in effect, a complete ban on 
information that would be classified as 'R' rating.
Office of Film and Literature Classification director Des Clark said he was 
unaware of any censorship board anywhere having regulated the internet.
He agreed that such legislation would be ground-breaking. Computer games 
were not widely regulated worldwide, he said, but they are in Australia.
Arts Law Centre of Australia legal officer Elizabeth Beal was concerned 
that an authorised officer could deem content offensive and issue a 
penalty notice, given the complexity and subjective nature of censorship 
Although a defendant issued with one of these notices can elect to go to 
court, that involves considerable inconvenience and cost to obtain advice, 
not to mention fear and humiliation, she said.
Internet Industry Association chief executive Peter Coroneos said the IIA 
was totally committed to helping families manage internet content so that 
children were not exposed to inappropriate material.
But in the case of pornography, where so much of the material is created 
and posted by people outside Australia, passing legislation will do nothing 
more than show the community you are concerned about the issue, he said.
The hearings took place last week. The committee is due to report to the 
NSW Parliament by June 7. FROM,7204,3942637%5E15319%5E%5Enbv%5E15306,00.html
Kill them all and let satan sort them out.

Indian government closes down cellphone messaging for rioters

2002-03-18 Thread Ken Brown  

 A total of 8_000 preventive arrests were made during last
 Friday in Mumbai_ the financial center of India_ the Press
 Trust of India (PTI) reported_ quoting Joint Commissioner
 of Police (law and order) V.N. Deshmukh.

 As a result_ the local cellphone networks were asked to
 disable their SMS service during the day to help reduce
 social unrest. The SMS service in the city was shut down
 following a directive received from police commissioner
 M.N. Singh_ which blamed malcontents for using the SMS
 service to arrange illegal demonstrations. Both Orange and
 BPL Mobile blocked their SMS service from 11.30 am to 6 pm_
 although it is not clear if MTNL complied with the
 instruction. No users within the Mumbai license area were
 able to receive or send SMS's during the day and any
 attempt got an error message. BPL Mobile did send out a
 broadcast message to its subscribers warning them of the
 block however.

 There is ethic unrest in the city between Hindus and
 Muslims over plans to build a Hindu temple on the site of a
 demolished Muslim Mosque in the holy town of Ayodhya.

 Posted to the site on 18-Mar-2002

Ok, I give.

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

I'm only up to early 98 but it was obvious then what a fucking dud you 
were.good riddance asshole,dont let the door...

You don't have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to 
be an intelligent human being.Malcom by any memes necessary,X.

Detweiller writes a money-crank paper...

2002-03-18 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Yeah, I know, pot-kettle-black. :-).

For those who *don't* know, and it seems like there a lot who don't these
days, Lance Detweiller is a famous net.loon, then from Colorado, who
infested the cypherpunk list in its early years with paranoiac screeds
about evils of anonymity and pseudonymity. He was more or less kicked off
the list by court-order -- we'll pause here for the irony impaired to get
the joke -- in 1994/5 or so. Googling cypherpunks and detweiller will
keep you entertained, or at least emeticized, for hours.

Now, Lance, in his current guise as vznuri (V.Z. Nuri = visionary, get
it?  hyuk!, or, as Lance would put it, tee hee), uncorks a screed on
money and the evils of fractional reserve banking. He also seems to throw
in a gas-law or two, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Labor Theory of
Value is in there somewhere, for good measure.

I would have missed it because I've killfiled him, but Leitl zinged it to
the cpunx-news list, and I'm a sucker for punishment, I guess.

At least he had the sense to put it in pdf and stick it on the web. In the
old days, he'd have zinged the whole damn thing to cypherpunks, or
someplace. ;-).

It makes me wonder what Washington University in St. Louis has come to
these days, and the 6-week compulsively bit I have no problem believing
at all. Here's hoping he's taken a bath since.



R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'


2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

Title :Star War Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones
Genre :Dramas, Science-Fiction  Fantasy
MPAA Rating :Not Rated
Theatrical Release :May 22, 2002
Release Company :20th Century Fox

The plot of Episode II is a secret. Not a well kept one, but still a
secret. If you're avoiding spoilers, here's the most you probably want to
 It takes place around 10 years after Episode I.
 Anakin and Padme begin to develop their relationship.
 We discover more about Padme's family and background.
 Anakin returns to Tatooine and meets up with Shmi, Watto, Owen Lars, and
Beru Lars.
 We learn the origin of Boba Fett and Stormtroopers.
 Episode II reveals information about the Clone Wars mentioned in A New
 The film is darker than Episode I and is closer to The Empire Strikes Back.

Re: gods

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, matthew X wrote:
   Now choates claims he stared this list.
  Liar, only claimed to help keep it alive while others tried to kill it. 
Where were you again? You run which node? Pah. You're insecurity is 
showing...and that's funny.

HAHAHA! Good one 'matt'.

RE: Cyber war

2002-03-18 Thread Trei, Peter

Jim: Do you really think articles from a humor magazine are
of any interest?

 Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:11 PM
 Subject:  Cyber war

Re: Jim Darling Stop bending the truth

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

  Jim Darling you act like a spoilt stupid little boy  when the feds 
came you tried to blame all of us.
  John and Decland spent their own time money to help  the list 
members,you ran away singing to the feds.  grow up. Liar.
You will have to answer for CJ,jimmy.I promise you.

It's time to take anarchies seriously,as the solon said, the truth
comes out by hammer blows, not sweettalk.

[retraction] RE: Cyber war

2002-03-18 Thread Trei, Peter

Sorry Jim:

Clearly mattd is pissing where we drink again

Peter Trei

 Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:11 PM
 Subject:  Cyber war

Re: Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist critique

2002-03-18 Thread Sunder

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, matthew X wrote:
  the stomach to wade through all the marxist shite around,glad you have time 
  on your hands.
 I don't have 'time on my hands' I'm just hyperactive and only sleep about
 4-6 hours a day. I also happen to read like a screaming deamon.

That explains why you live inChoate' most of the time, instead of reality.  
IMHO, you'd probably do better at getting that sleep by cutting down on
the caffeine intake, and failing that a few beers or a nice fifth...

It does wonders for the brain to get a good night's sleep.  You'll find
that you won't halucinate quite as much once you get 7-8 hours of sleep a

As for your speed reading skills, my hat goes off to you. :)

Sacred bull test

2002-03-18 Thread Steve Schear

A funny political commentary disguised as a test.


Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-03-18 Thread Insight on the News

Well, not really. That's because we had a double issue last week, which carries 
into this week. The good news is that our double issue won't affect Daily 
Insight one lick.  On a daily basis we will continue to mix breaking news and 
commentary from Insight writers.

A for the print edition, well, that just means you get to read it a little bit 
closer. Here's the table of contents again:

This Week's Table of Contents

With all this discussion about Iraq in the news, be sure not to miss Ken 
Timmerman's look at Iran:

The Truth About Iran

And we're still having fun with the Pentagon's Torie Clarke, the spokeswoman who 
refuses to answer our questions:

Day 18: Where's Torie?

I'll keep you posted of any developing stories throughout the week.

Hans Nichols

on-line editor, Insight Magazine

You have received this newsletter because you have a user name and password at 
Insight on the News.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter, visit;. You may also log into 
Insight on the News and edit your account preferences on the Web.

If you have forgotten or don't know your user name and password, it will be 
emailed to you after visiting the following link:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SF BAY CPUNK call for volunteer lecturers

2002-03-18 Thread Anonymous

 Nothing here is secret. The goal is just to provide certain anonymity
 to those that may wish it.


 I cannot authenticate you and therefore secret communication makes no

Nor can I authenticate you. I have no idea if you are the original 
anonymous poster, nor do I know that you are really what you claim to be.

 sense (and you could be Gordon and messaging to your private key has
 same legal consequences as e-mailing directly to you, soliciting you
 to commit a crime ... is teaching crypto a crime yet ?)

It does make sense that I would wish to communicate in secret -- it allows 
for more freedom in the exchange of information between us. In chosing 
this particular forum for holding this discussion, you have guaranteed 
that many people who might otherwise be willing to respond to such a 
solicitation are unwilling to reveal themselves.

Saying fuck you to the silent watchers is easy if you're anonymous.

Alas, it looks like we'll be doing this the hard way...

 The event will be a series of 2-hour afternoon/evening sessions, with
 computer video projector and a whiteboard. The goal is to enable

Who is funding this? Are these sessions free?

 typical crypto-illiterate computer users to use PGP and disk encryption
 software. CDs with free crypto software will be distributed to those
 that swear that they are US subjects (we plan to make it requirement for
 all attendees - the aim is to educate, not to challenge laws.)

What laws would you be challenging? Teaching classes on PGP to citizens of 
countries to which PGP can be legally exported shouldn't be challenging 

It appears that you think you are doing something far more naughty than 
you really are.


2002-03-18 Thread Collection Department

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Paying bills should not be a chore, and your life should
be as easy and simple as possible. So take advantage of
this great offer!

To be removed from our mailing list, please visit

Information about your website/East Bay Technologies

2002-03-18 Thread support

In searching for multimedia-content and multimedia related websites/content we 
recently came across your site CDR: American Death -, 
and wanted to let you know it (a link to your page -similar to a search engine) has 
been included in our search engine.
This database/search engine can be searched using MediaGrab!, a new type of search 
engine program that we have developed for searching for multimedia files and websites.

This is not from an email list so you will not receive another email.

East Bay Technologies

Information about your website/East Bay Technologies

2002-03-18 Thread support

In searching for multimedia-content and multimedia related websites/content we 
recently came across your site CDR:RE: Are you serious about... -
CDR:The Latest News from the King of Pop! -, 
and wanted to let you know it (a link to your page -similar to a search engine) has 
been included in our search engine.
This database/search engine can be searched using MediaGrab!, a new type of search 
engine program that we have developed for searching for multimedia files and websites.

This is not from an email list so you will not receive another email.

East Bay Technologies

Learn to place 20-30 people in your group per day 4478iBKj7-563al13

2002-03-18 Thread ultimatebizbuilder

$100,000 or more a month is very doable for a heavy-hitter, but what about the 98% of 
us who aren't?

Is there a business for an average person to make $2000 to $5000 a month or more part 
Without recruiting 200+ people? 


*Learn the Strategies of the Heavy Hitters that will put you in their income bracket. 
*Learn to close 100% of your prospects in 45 seconds or less. 
*Learn to place 20-30 people in your group per day. 
*Be in a positive cash flow in less than 48 hours. 
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Would it be worth 22 minutes of your time to get the secrets of the Top Marketers?

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Please let us know if you would like more information..Reply by saying 



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This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill:SECTION 301Per Section 301, 
Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, furthertransmissionsto you by sender of this email may 
be stopped at no cost to you.

Re: SF BAY CPUNK call for volunteer lecturers

2002-03-18 Thread Nomen Nescio

Replying to the relevant stuff:

Who is funding this? Are these sessions free?

Sessions are free. Venue is *supposed* to be donated/secured for free.
I will know more in a week.

Are you interested in lecturing and on what subject ?

Army chooses MIT to help create the new nano-equiped U.S. soldier

2002-03-18 Thread Steve Schear


By Candace Stuart
Small Times Senior Writer
March 13, 2002 – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a research 
university with small tech expertise and a history of developing 
technologies for the military, will receive $10 million annually for the 
next five years to turn nanotechnology into useful products for the United 
States Army.

The U.S. Army selected MIT on Wednesday to create the Institute for Soldier 
Nanotechnologies (INS). The university-affiliated research center will 
focus on potential military applications ranging from lightweight, 
bulletproof uniforms to wearable health-monitoring sensors. The award 
allows MIT, based in Cambridge, Mass., to collaborate with industrial 
partners such as DuPont and Raytheon Co. as well as physicians from 
Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

More at



2002-03-18 Thread Sunder

And what is the CACL theory?  I'm still waiting for you to post that one.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

 On 18 Mar 2002, D.Popkin wrote:
  It would be amusing if Eric Hughes' old dream of PGP authentication on
  all cypherpunks postings comes to be forced by MattX's forgeries of
 I look forward to the day, it would be prima facia evidence that CACL
 theory doesn't work.
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

How to deal with Jack Valenti

2002-03-18 Thread keyser-soze

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, here's a reminder that one of Ireland's
other patron saints, Saint Columba, may have pioneered the anti-copyright
movement way back in the sixth century (A.D. 555, to be exact):

 St. Columba had borrowed from the monk a fine manuscript of the
Gospels, and Columba had made a copy of the borrowed book, before returning
it.  The monk claimed the copy also as his; the saint disputed this.  His
argument in defence reads not unlike the defence made by modern infringers
of copyright:  I confess that the book in question was copied from the
manuscript of Finnen.  But it was with my own industry and toil and burning
of the midnight oil.  And it was copied with such care that Finnen's
manuscript is in no way injured by the act of copying.  Moreover, my object
was to preserve more surely the best parts of the book and employ them for
the greater glory of God.  Hence I do not admit that I have done any injury
to Finnen; nor am liable for restitution, nor am at fault in any way.  But
Dermot, the judge, as manuscripts were then new in Ireland, had no exact
precedent, and he cast about for the nearest analogy.  He found the Brehon
maxim, With every cow goes its calf, Le cach boin a boinin; and so his
judgment was in favor of the monk, because Le cach lebar a lebran, With
every book goes the young of the book. (But the saint, it is recorded, was
very angry at this judgment, invoked the power of a rival chieftain against
Dermot, and thrashed him well in battle.)  [Wigmore, John H., _A Panorama of
the World's Legal Systems_, Washington DC, 1936, p. 677]

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Jim Darling you are such a foolish little boy

2002-03-18 Thread jill jill

Jim Darling
Your words

  the list was killed by its sponsor
  the next post you say he was to lazy to kill it
  which is it.

John and Decland spent thir own time and money
   again you say this is a lie

  Jim darling when you are in a corner you act like a
silly little boy and try to lie your way out.

 If you was my son I
put you over my knee and spank you for lies to me

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, [iso-8859-1] jill jill wrote:

 Jim Darling
I see you are still mad at Tim,you know Jim
 Tim did help start the list,maybe you should go and
 start your own list,you could call it Jim's list.

I'm not 'mad at Tim'. I just think he's a dumbass.

He didn't start this list. The list he helped start
was killed by its
sponsor (which wasn't Tim). I did start a list, it is
this one.

Do You Yahoo!?
Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts


2002-03-18 Thread Anonymous

On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 07:51:29PM -0800, Sandy Sandfort wrote:
 Because of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION's Cypherpunk connection, I thought it would be
 appropriate to present you with a unique opportunity.
 The adult film market has been flat for some period of time and I see no
 signs of an upturn any time soon.  I'm tired of waiting for the right market
 and so are some of my shareholders.  So we've decided to bring this chapter
 to a close--even at a loss--rather than drag it on any longer.  So have
 decided to sell off the movie and dissolve the company as soon as possible.

I'll add that to my list, You know the .com bubble is bursting when...


Ginger:  I'm not going to suck your dick Stanley.
Cinemagoer:  That's it, I want my money back!

Re: CDR: [retraction] RE: Cyber war

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 Sorry Jim:
 Clearly mattd is pissing where we drink again

Accepted, I retract my earlier reply.

Have a nice day.


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement (fwd)

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 08:54:03 -0500
From: PA List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement

Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement
March 17, 2002

The U.S. Government continues to receive credible reports that extremist
individuals are planning additional terrorist actions against U.S.
interests. Such actions may be imminent and include suicide operations. We
have no further information on specific targets, timing or method of attack.
We remind American citizens to remain vigilant with regard to their personal
security and to exercise caution.

Terrorist groups do not distinguish between official and civilian targets.
The March 17 attack on worshippers at the Protestant International Church in
Islamabad underlines the growing possibility that as security is increased
at official U.S. facilities, terrorists and their sympathizers will seek
softer targets. These may include facilities where Americans are generally
known to congregate or visit, such as clubs, restaurants, places of worship,
schools or outdoor recreation events. Americans should increase their
security awareness when they are at such locations, avoid them, or switch to
other locations where Americans in large numbers generally do not
congregate. American citizens may be targeted for kidnapping. In late
January 2002, an American journalist was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan.

U.S. Government facilities worldwide remain at a heightened state of alert.
These facilities may on occasion temporarily close or suspend public
services to review their security posture and ensure its adequacy. In those
instances, U.S. Embassies and Consulates will make every effort to provide
emergency services to American citizens. Americans are urged to monitor the
local news and maintain contact with the nearest American Embassy or

The Department will continue to develop information about potential threats
to Americans overseas and to share with them credible threat information
through its Consular Information Program documents. These documents are
available on the Internet at In addition to
information on the Internet, U.S. travelers may hear recorded information by
calling the Department of State in Washington, D.C. at 202-647-5225 from
their touch-tone telephone, or receive information by automated telefax by
dialing 202-647-3000 from their fax machine.

This Public Announcement - Worldwide Caution supersedes the previous
Worldwide Caution of February 1, 2002 to note the imminent threat of
terrorist actions which may target civilians and include suicide operations.
This Public Announcement - Worldwide Caution expires on August 17, 2002.


See for
State Department Travel Warnings

To change your subscription, go to

Re: CDR: RE: Cyber war

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate


A dollar short and a day late. Can you say 'spoof', no I didn't think so.

Just so you know what is happening, there are at least two (and possibly
three) individuals who are submitting posts as other posters.

At least now you can claim a half a clue...

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:

 Jim: Do you really think articles from a humor magazine are
 of any interest?
  From:   Jim Choate[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Saturday, March 16, 2002 7:11 PM
  Subject:Cyber war


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Re: Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist critique

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

So that is why you had time to start this list.
You and AL Gore on the web.

On 18 Mar 2002 at 17:39, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Sunder wrote:
  That explains why you live inChoate' most of the time, instead of reality.  
  IMHO, you'd probably do better at getting that sleep by cutting down on
  the caffeine intake, and failing that a few beers or a nice fifth...
 What caffeine? I don't drink tea, coffee, or more than about 8-10 oz. of
 softdrink a day. Otherwise I do H2O all day. Don't even take aspirin
 (then again I haven't had a headache in about 20 years either).
 I do it the old natural way...genetics. I sleep when I'm sleepy, I don't
 when I'm not. Works for me.
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

Re: Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist critique

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Sunder wrote:

 That explains why you live inChoate' most of the time, instead of reality.  
 IMHO, you'd probably do better at getting that sleep by cutting down on
 the caffeine intake, and failing that a few beers or a nice fifth...

What caffeine? I don't drink tea, coffee, or more than about 8-10 oz. of
softdrink a day. Otherwise I do H2O all day. Don't even take aspirin
(then again I haven't had a headache in about 20 years either).

I do it the old natural way...genetics. I sleep when I'm sleepy, I don't
when I'm not. Works for me.


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Re: CDR: Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement (fwd)

2002-03-18 Thread measl


On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 17:31:10 -0600 (CST)
 From: Jim Choate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: CDR: Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement (fwd)
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 08:54:03 -0500
 From: PA List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement
 Worldwide Caution - Public Announcement
 March 17, 2002
 The U.S. Government continues to receive credible reports that extremist
 individuals are planning additional terrorist actions against U.S.
 interests. Such actions may be imminent and include suicide operations. We
 have no further information on specific targets, timing or method of attack.
 We remind American citizens to remain vigilant with regard to their personal
 security and to exercise caution.
 Terrorist groups do not distinguish between official and civilian targets.
 The March 17 attack on worshippers at the Protestant International Church in
 Islamabad underlines the growing possibility that as security is increased
 at official U.S. facilities, terrorists and their sympathizers will seek
 softer targets. These may include facilities where Americans are generally
 known to congregate or visit, such as clubs, restaurants, places of worship,
 schools or outdoor recreation events. Americans should increase their
 security awareness when they are at such locations, avoid them, or switch to
 other locations where Americans in large numbers generally do not
 congregate. American citizens may be targeted for kidnapping. In late
 January 2002, an American journalist was kidnapped and murdered in Pakistan.
 U.S. Government facilities worldwide remain at a heightened state of alert.
 These facilities may on occasion temporarily close or suspend public
 services to review their security posture and ensure its adequacy. In those
 instances, U.S. Embassies and Consulates will make every effort to provide
 emergency services to American citizens. Americans are urged to monitor the
 local news and maintain contact with the nearest American Embassy or
 The Department will continue to develop information about potential threats
 to Americans overseas and to share with them credible threat information
 through its Consular Information Program documents. These documents are
 available on the Internet at In addition to
 information on the Internet, U.S. travelers may hear recorded information by
 calling the Department of State in Washington, D.C. at 202-647-5225 from
 their touch-tone telephone, or receive information by automated telefax by
 dialing 202-647-3000 from their fax machine.
 This Public Announcement - Worldwide Caution supersedes the previous
 Worldwide Caution of February 1, 2002 to note the imminent threat of
 terrorist actions which may target civilians and include suicide operations.
 This Public Announcement - Worldwide Caution expires on August 17, 2002.
 See for
 State Department Travel Warnings
 To change your subscription, go to

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: fractional reserve banking as economic parasitism

2002-03-18 Thread vznuri

hi mr syreeni

if you take a look at the paper, I cover the situations
you refer to, namely free market competition of banks
 why it is not very workable. its true I am taking the parasite analogy
quite far  few are likely to take it very seriously.
I dont really expect anyone to pay much attn to the paper
in the short run (humans are like that..).

re: your response,
the problem is that banking is not a free market activity
in the sense that depositors demand government bailouts
if their funds are lost due to too much of a gamble
on the reserves by banks. i.e. everyone pays. this can take
international scale proportions with e.g. world bank or
IMF. (re stiglitz accusations) 

not to rain on the libertarian parade, but imho this is one area that
free market competition does not seem to work. it just seems
to turn into competition for corruption, re: history of
wildcat banks in the US.

I disagree that inadequate propagation of information about risks
has much to do with the problem at all. the public puts
money in a bank not as a speculative activity but typically as
a deposit for safekeeping.

another problem, as I show in the paper, a bank that debases
its own currency into a larger system is actually leveraging
against all money holders in the economy, even those who do not involve
themselves with that bank. gresham's law which I give some
mathematical formulas for.

as for fractional reserve banking, I dont think bankers
actually understand the econophysics of it. mathematical
analysis has never really been done from the angle I pursue.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

would be interested in any feedback. due to the contents, am also
attempting to maximize its exposure, please help me spread the word.

Somehow I can't escape the feeling that you're taking the parasite analogy
a bit too seriously. Especially in the context of fractional-reserve
banking -- the problems I see with that system boil down to:

 -government licencing of banking operations, limiting competition and
 -the shedding of risks to central banks or inadequate knowledge of the
  risks on behalf of the depositors, inviting malinvestment
 -inadequate propagation of information on actual risks when loans are
  reinvested as deposits, again a cause for malinvestment

If depositors are fully aware of the risks they're taking, and actually
have to carry them, I see no reason why deposits couldn't be seen as a
straight-forward extension of other means of investment. In such
conditions, I'd say fractional-reserve free banking is *quite* possible,
and certainly shouldn't be equated with parasitism. Rather, it seems more
like an eminently usable hybrid of private investment and insurance.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
openpgp: 050985C2/025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

A story about a successful wholesale mortgage lender

2002-03-18 Thread Askcredit

A mid-sized wholesale mortgage lender based in California recently incorporated 
Askcredit’s automatic underwriting technology on it’s web-site to provide it’s brokers 
with a complete underwriting decision service that is available 24-7 to it’s brokers.  
 The system processes an applicant’s credit and 1003 information against all 
proprietary program guidelines and renders a decision within 30 seconds.  It also has 
the ability to offer your brokers with optimized pricing and program recommendations 
based on the applicant’s background.  This feature is saving both lenders and brokers 
significant costs in training and eliminating the need to memorize new program 
guidelines and changes.
Askcredit’s system comes standard with a credit connectivity feature with reduced 
prices on credit reports($10.00 for tri-merge w/ FICO).  Using Askcredit’s system, 
this California lender also offers additional discounts on credit reports to it’s 
brokers.  The result?  This lender has become the first choice for many brokers and is 
attracting new brokers to sign up.

The Cost?  Minimal. Credit Reports are included in our prices - a little more than 
what you are already paying for in credit reports alone.

Interested in finding out more?  Please call me directly – Bobby Yoo, V.P. of Business 
Development, at 619-232-0197 ext. 1108  or  e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*To be taken off the e-mail list, simply reply to this e-mail with a request to remove 
you from the e-mail list  

(old note contd.) lotus-notes NSA key as PGP key

2002-03-18 Thread Adam Back

I was looking for a file in my collection of archived stuff recently
and came across my attempts to reverse engineer the NSA's RSA public
key out of lotus notes.  I think I never did publicly post the RSA key
that I found.

So here it is as a PGP key, the name associated with this key in Lotus
Notes visible under the debugger was:

O=MiniTruth CN=Big Brother 

where O is X.500 naming for Organization, and CN for Common Name (the
key owners name).

The PGP key is:

Type Bits/KeyIDDate   User ID
pub   760/13629D8D 1998/10/25 Director, NSA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: 2.6.3i


It's a 760 bit RSA key with a public exponent of 3.

I found it a little odd that it was 760 bits rather than 768 bits, but
I think I got the endianness and encoding right as the number is not
trivially factorizable (I left a computer running pollard-rho for a
few weeks at the time and didn't come up with anything).  One possible
explanation for 760 bits rather than 768 bits is the 768 bit 32 bit
aligned area of memory ended with with a 0 byte, and ASN.1 encoding
for big integers is to include a leading 0 if the most significant bit
of the number is otherwise a 1 (to prevent it being considered a
negative number).  I know it's not prime as it fails primality checks,
but I think it's fairly unlikely is that a randomly chosen number (if
there is a mistake in the reverse engineering or interpretation of the
encoding) would be both composite and that hard to factor.

More details about the key at:

(A quick google shows that this was probably originally reported
around Sep 99.)

I wonder how many copies of export versions of lotus notes and
similarly us export weakened products are still being used unknowingly
by users.


Re: gods

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, Mark wrote:

 The only thing I was responding to was your attempt to paint someone a liar by
 claiming you hadn't said something you had stated publicly only a day earlier.

No Mark, what you DID was misconstrue. They lied, and if you support their
view then you're right along with them...

The original mailing list died. I created the SSZ node. Igor created
algebra. The CDR is NOT the original list, was not meant to be an
extension thereof either. The CDR *IS* meant for discussion of crypto,
civil liberties, and economics in no particular mix.

You're intentional misrepresentation of those FACTS speaks for itself.


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Slashdot | 34-byte Universal Machine

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Where to stick news items

2002-03-18 Thread Steve Furlong

Greetings, all, but especially the prolific forwarders of news articles
and links.

You may not be aware of a mailing list Eugene Leitl started, cpunx-news.
It's ideal for news articles which may be of interest to c-punks but
which may also just piss off readers who either don't care or have
already seen them elsewhere.

You can subscribe by mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
The full archive is at but the
yahoogroups interface isn't too good, so you can see my archive for the
past few weeks at .

Steve FurlongComputer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.  -- George Bernard Shaw

The Register - Board member sues ICANN

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Slashdot | No More Unrestricted Internet At Work

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate



Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


The Register - Canada mulls blank CDR, MP3 player tax

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Fooling Ourselves With the Help of Higher Authorities

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


Re: Two-bit gods

2002-03-18 Thread Tim May

On Monday, March 18, 2002, at 07:49  PM, Tim May wrote:
 His recent claims that his new node has a different charter and 
 different focus from past stages of the list is silly. And the 
 discussion topics bear out my claim: the range of topics is the same as 
 range of topics in 1998, as in 1995, and as in 1991. To be sure, some 
 new topics arise and some old topics fade. But not because SSZ or 
 Algebra or some other cabal decided what was appropriate and what was 

I meant to type 1992.

--Tim May
If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third 
hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're 
around. --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet

The Ultimate Business Tax Deduction

2002-03-18 Thread Belman Klein
Title: The Ultimate Business Tax Deduction



are against spam and don't want anybody to receive our mailings who does 
not wish to receive them. This is not spam. This is professional communication 
sent to insurance professionals. To be removed from this mailing list, 
DO NOT REPLY to this message. Instead, go here:


Cypherpunks Cabal

2002-03-18 Thread Jim Choate

Actually the CDR has been very effective at keeping anybody from deciding
who can and can't participate. Especially things like the list operator
creating alternate lists and moderation policies at their liesure.

Yeah, no policy change at all...


Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
shall be sold and what we may buy?
   Thomas Jefferson


More shit

2002-03-18 Thread 5of4

On 18 Mar 2002 at 21:58, Jim Choate wrote:
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

JIMBO cut out the shit

2002-03-18 Thread 5of4

On 18 Mar 2002 at 22:07, Jim Choate wrote:
 Are we to have a censor whose imprimatur shall say what books
 shall be sold and what we may buy?
Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous Reformatter goes on hiatus

2002-03-18 Thread An Metet

The Anonymous Reformatter would like to thank everyone who took the time
to comment on his efforts.

The Anonymous Reformatter is going on hiatus. Any further [Reformatted]
postings are not the Real Thing(tm).

Re: CDR: Anonymous Reformatter goes on hiatus

2002-03-18 Thread measl

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, An Metet wrote:

 The Anonymous Reformatter would like to thank everyone who took the time
 to comment on his efforts.
 The Anonymous Reformatter is going on hiatus. Any further [Reformatted]
 postings are not the Real Thing(tm).

Vacation?  Who told you that you could go on vacation?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Kill Files, another way

2002-03-18 Thread fiveofour

Kill files is one way you can stop the stupid posts,but this does not 
help the list,forwarding his post back to him can do a much better 
job,that way he has to keep a kill file.

Re: Anonymous Reformatter goes on hiatus

2002-03-18 Thread fiveofour

Thank you kind sir.

On 19 Mar 2002 at 0:22, An Metet wrote:

 The Anonymous Reformatter would like to thank everyone who took the time
 to comment on his efforts.
 The Anonymous Reformatter is going on hiatus. Any further [Reformatted]
 postings are not the Real Thing(tm).

Account Overdrawn IZCKUOXUB

2002-03-18 Thread Accounting Dept

Think about this...A $10,000 debt at 19% interest could take you more than 45 years to pay off and cost you over $40,000.

Imagine how much more money you'll waste if you don't change the way you handle the payment of your debts.

Being Harassed by Your Creditors?
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Do yourself a favor, take control of your finances.

By filling out a FREE quote form, you will have taken the FIRST step on your way to debt-free, financial freedom.

The information you will receive is free, and there is absolutely no obligation on your behalf! Don't wait any longer.

To be removed from future mailings, please Click Here.

Re: fractional reserve banking as economic parasitism

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

I wandered lonely as a clone...Title :Star War Episode 2 - Attack of the
Genre :Dramas, Science-Fiction  Fantasy
MPAA Rating :Not Rated
Theatrical Release :May 22, 2002
Release Company :20th Century Fox

The plot of Episode II is a secret. Not a well kept one, but still a
secret. If you're avoiding spoilers, here's the most you probably want to
 It takes place around 10 years after Episode I.
 Anakin and Padme begin to develop their relationship.
 We discover more about Padme's family and background.
 Anakin returns to Tatooine and meets up with Shmi, Watto, Owen Lars, and
Beru Lars.
 We learn the origin of Boba Fett and Stormtroopers.
 Episode II reveals information about the Clone Wars mentioned in A New
 The film is darker than Episode I and is closer to The Empire Strikes Back.

Re: Copyleft vs. Copyright: A Marxist critique

2002-03-18 Thread matthew X

I wandered lonely as a clone...Title :Star War Episode 2 - Attack of the
Genre :Dramas, Science-Fiction  Fantasy
MPAA Rating :Not Rated
Theatrical Release :May 22, 2002
Release Company :20th Century Fox
The plot of Episode II is a secret. Not a well kept one, but still a
secret. If you're avoiding spoilers, here's the most you probably want to
 It takes place around 10 years after Episode I.
 Anakin and Padme begin to develop their relationship.
 We discover more about Padme's family and background.
 Anakin returns to Tatooine and meets up with Shmi, Watto, Owen Lars, and
Beru Lars.
 We learn the origin of Boba Fett and Stormtroopers.
 Episode II reveals information about the Clone Wars mentioned in A New
 The film is darker than Episode I and is closer to The Empire Strikes Back.