Re: libertarian vs. socialist (Im a libertarian socialist!)

2001-12-04 Thread jamesd

On 3 Dec 2001, at 8:06, mattd wrote:
 Disaster struck [anarcho socialism in Catalonia] for many
 reasons and it was not all as grim as the stories you put
 on the web.You could cite many more sources on your site
 that you wont thus letting people get away with questioning
 your honesty and motives.I simply agree with those that
 call you a liar on Spain

If you read through McKay's pages, he calls me a liar, but 
then concedes the important facts -- concedes that 
anarchist Catalonia was in fact a dictatorship that ruled
by terror, arguing not that I am lying because I say there
was terror and there was no terror, not that I am lying
because I say there was a dictatorship and there was no
dictatorship, but instead claiming I am a liar because I
imply there was unjust and oppressive terror whereas really
it was necessary and justified terror, that I am a liar
because I imply there was arrogant and cruel dictatorship
when really it was benevolent and kindly dictatorship.

For example in an 
McKay writes:

: : Moving on, James Donald presents one of his more 
: : outrageous statements.
: : : : then later, their leaders decided in 
: : : : secret, in cheerful defiance of the 
: : : : democratic procedures  to dissolve the 
: : : : militia committee, to officially 
: : : : recreate the state rather than 
: : : : unofficially

He then rants at great length that I am lying outrageously, 
and that what I say is completely contradicted by the very 
sources that I cite, but after all this ranting concedes:

: : [...] James Donald is right in that the CNT made 
: : the decision [...] in violation of its democratic 
: : principles, since the rank and file were not 
: : consulted.

The decision in question stripped the anarchist 
nomenclatura of its power, and fed it into the hands of their 
enemies.  If he concedes that the most important decision the 
anarchists ever made was made by a secretive elite, how 
then can my words be outragous?

 James A. Donald

Re: libertarian vs. socialist (Im a libertarian socialist!)

2001-12-03 Thread mattd

Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
would call anarchy

Who said I was normal? Normal for norte america Yes,maybe.(just say 'so')

Explanations of anarcho socialism are evasive, euphemistic
and full of equivocations

I dont remember seeing any,Its usually anarchism or libertarian socialism 
or anarcho-syndicalism Isnt it?

When they go into detail, for
example par-econ, they describe in pleasant sounding words a
system more centralized and authoritarian in form and theory
than Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more
centralized and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was
in actual practice.

I dont recall.Could you cite anarchist stalins and mao's,please?

before 1936 there were various unclear,
confused, self contradictory, but undeniably sincere
proposals as to how to implement anarcho socialism

Such as Italian factory occupations?Malatesta who predicted ww2 as ww1 
started was confused? What you say may be true but does it apply to 
Unclear,confused, self contradictory, but undeniably insincere seems to 
apply to someone.

disaster struck. They actually had a go at it, with entirely
predictable results.  The contradiction between socialism and
anarchism was demonstrated with the usual rivers of blood.
Some became disillusioned.  Some reinterpreted their now
inconvenient past positions as standard socialism. 

Disaster struck for many reasons and it was not all as grim as the stories 
you put on the web.You could cite many more sources on your site that you 
wont thus letting people get away with questioning your honesty and 
motives.I simply agree with those that call you a liar on Spain(you also 
have useful stuff elsewhere, so not being a dead loss)

The anarcho-capitalism you and tim seem so fond of would not survive long 
without all the instruments of state repression backing it up.How long 
would NIKE last in an anarchist world? McDonalds? Monsanto?

Thanks for responding,see you at the 'punks. matthew  proffr  taylor.

Ive just unpacked my PGP but have yet to read the user manual.The intro by 
phill is cool.Dig sig pending.

Re: libertarian vs. socialist (Im a libertarian socialist!)

2001-12-03 Thread jamesd

James A. Donald:
  Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
  would call anarchy

 Who said I was normal?

If you use the word anarchy to refer to something that is
very far from anarchy as it is normally understood, without
explaining that you are using a special and unusual meaning,
this is lying.  If you were to say:

: : I am an anarchist, but by anarchist I mean a
: : really really really democratic and decentralized
: : government exercising all power and total power
: : over every person's action and every good, with a
: : general committee to decide all matters of
: : general interest and authorize any truly
: : necessary use of force

most people would say:
: :  You are not an anarchist, you are a democratic
: :  socialist -- we already went through that stuff
: :  in the twentieth century. On those rare
: :  occasions when they were both actually
: :  democratic, and actually socialist, the economy
: :  collapsed and they got voted out the next
: :  elections.

James A. Donald:
 When they go into detail, for example par-econ, they
 describe in pleasant sounding words a system more
 centralized and authoritarian in form and theory than
 Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more centralized
 and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was in actual

 I dont recall.Could you cite anarchist stalins and

If you call the what the authors of ParEcon propose
anarchism, then PolPot was as much an anarchist as they were,
Stalin ten times as much an anarchist as they were, and Mao
one hundred times.

 James A. Donald

Re: libertarian vs. socialist

2001-11-30 Thread Tim May

On Friday, November 30, 2001, at 02:21 AM, mattd wrote:

 libertarian socialist is an oxymoron.
 Like anarcho-capitalist?
 I do use anarchist gerberally.Tim Im posting articles under your name 
 at Indymedia.When I do I try to be very exact with it.
 but sometimes Im cutting and pasting like a whirling dervish and dont 
 attribute.Thats usually with the more outre statements you make in your 
 less lucid moments.Im just telling you as a courtesy,Oh and thanks for 
 not popping me in the corn.
  Who wants to participate to help form what will be the LAST 
 revolution on earth, the one that'll take down ALL the governments?

You need to get back on your medications.

But thanks for helping with my defense: Tim Im posting articles under 
your name at Indymedia.

Persecutor: Mr. May, did you write these words?

Me: I don't know. Other people post things under my name. I really 
can't say for sure whether I wrote those words. What did the digital 
signature say?

(Note in general: Even without the forgeries from Detweiler, and now 
this admission from mattd, I expect that if asked if I wrote something 
I would say I don't know. Without checking my own archives, it would 
be hard to know if something attributed to me was actually written by 
me, was a clever forgery, or was a satirical forgery. It's why digital 
signatures, with flaws of their own, exist. And it's why I don't sign. A 
signature is giving away something of value, to a prosecutor in this 

--Tim May
That government is best which governs not at all. --Henry David Thoreau

Re: libertarian vs. socialist

2001-11-30 Thread jamesd

On 30 Nov 2001, at 21:21, mattd wrote:
 libertarian socialist is an oxymoron. Like

Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
would call anarchy -- see for example my web page Brief
explanation of anarcho capitalism

Explanations of anarcho socialism are evasive, euphemistic
and full of equivocations.  When they go into detail, for
example par-econ, they describe in pleasant sounding words a
system more centralized and authoritarian in form and theory
than Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more
centralized and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was
in actual practice.

If we go back to before 1936 there were various unclear,
confused, self contradictory, but undeniably sincere
proposals as to how to implement anarcho socialism.  Then
disaster struck. They actually had a go at it, with entirely
predictable results.  The contradiction between socialism and
anarchism was demonstrated with the usual rivers of blood.
Some became disillusioned.  Some reinterpreted their now
inconvenient past positions as standard socialism. 

 James A. Donald

libertarian vs. socialist

2001-11-29 Thread mattd

...libertarian vs. socialist ..From Tims epistle to the faithful.9-11 
certainly shook a few authoritarians out of the woodpile in both the 
libertarian and the socialist scenes.Nasty stuff.
What happened to libertarian socialist? An R.Crumb cartoon for the 
noughties,Im a libertarian socialist!

Assassination Politics
Convicted tax evader Jim Bell proposes a system of anonymous ecash awards 
for the murder of aggressors, such as IRS agents. See also Crypto-Convict 
Won't Recant. What he misses is that his system, if tolerated, would merely 
force government to operate secretly rather than openly.
They can do that?

Re: libertarian vs. socialist

2001-11-29 Thread Tim May

Fair Warning: I never, that I recall, responded to some of the inanities 
here that got a few people prosecuted. I think that this save me from 
being subpoenaed. I will respond below to the mattd rainman because I 
choose to. And if it results in a subpoena for me to fly to Australia 
for some trial, I will of course ignore it.

On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 10:42 PM, mattd wrote:

 ...libertarian vs. socialist ..From Tims epistle to the faithful.9-11
 certainly shook a few authoritarians out of the woodpile in both the
 libertarian and the socialist scenes.Nasty stuff.
 What happened to libertarian socialist? An R.Crumb cartoon for the
 noughties,Im a libertarian socialist!

I have no idea who you really are, mattd, except that I hear you 
deface McDonald's restaurants and may or may not be under indictment or 
whatever by the Australian cops. Your calls to have George Bush Jr. 
killed have likely drawn interest from the polizei.  From your posts 
here, you look to have the same mental state that C.J. Parker had/has, 
and that maybe other have. To wit: fragmented sentences, discombobulated 
logic, weird juxtapositions of words. I'm beginning to think there's a 
Rainman Syndrome at work.

But in the event that you are not too addled to think straight, the very 
idea of a libertarian socialist is an oxymoron.

It doesn't compute.

Sure, we are libertarian socialists in a sense within our families or 
circles of friends, in a manner of speaking, but we are not coerced by 
external agents to be nice, or socialist, to our family and friends. 
Therein lies the reason why libertarian socialist is such an oxymoron.

If you think about this in a lucid period, you will realize why this is 

--Tim May
That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize 
Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of 
conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are 
peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. --Samuel Adams