Re: perl is not working after migrating the server to AIX 7.2

2023-04-02 Thread Steven Lembark via dbi-users
On Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:42:38 +
"MK, Karthick" via dbi-users  wrote:

> Hello Brain,
> Thanks for your respond.. The server was  migrated from  6.1 TL9 SP12
>  to 7.2 TL5 SP3.  The DB2 version is 10.5 and Perl version before
> migration it was 5.8.8 and now it is 5.28.1

You ever got this working? 

If not one place to start is whatver .cpan directory the build
was done in. You can perform "make clean all" then "make -wk test"
and see if the tests give you anything odd. 

Steven Lembark
Workhorse Computing
+1 888 359 3508

Re: Perl script excessively executing statement

2020-02-17 Thread Steven Lembark
On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 06:58:37 +
JohnD Blackburn  wrote:

> The DBA pulled info from some cache that showed the SQL statement
> from the script was executed 12610 times.
> So if I were to add an “or die $!” statement after the
> fetchrow_array(), that might fix things?  (or prevent it from trying
> to continue if there are errors?) Or catch errors after the execute
> statement?

Q: What are you really trying to accomplish?

Basic rules:

If you need to run SQL more than once parepare it.

If you are not sure how well it runs then you can evaluate it
beorehand -- which also spots errors, can help track down un-used

As noted, generating a single query, preparing and running once,
then extracting the rows (preferably as arrays rather than hashes)
will be the most effecient way.

The database is going to do a much better job filtering anything it
can locally in native format beore you convert it to ASCII char 
strings and pull the same content across a LAN.

Steven Lembark3646 Flora Place
Workhorse ComputingSt. Louis, MO 63110 888 359 3508

Re: Fork DBD::mysql

2017-10-11 Thread Steven Lembark

> It is not as easy as it could appear. And also in some cases migration
> from MySQL/MariaDB to Pg could be problematic from performance point of
> view. One Pg developer already told us that for our use case is really
> MySQL better then Pg.

Q: What about your use case is more adapted to MySQL? 

There is no part of SQL that Pg does not support that MySQL does; there
should not be any serious performance issues with Pg that leave it 
slower than MySQL. There are a variety of ways that Pg can be faster
(e.g., partial indexes, exclusion constraints vs. triggers) and will
usually be less error-prone. You may have to refactor some sloppy design
that MySQL allowed but Pg does not, but that is also in your favor.

I really am curious to see any example of something in your database that
can be handled more gracefully in MySQL than well-designed Pg.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

Re: Perl crashing, citing libmsql__.dll as culprit(?)

2015-12-14 Thread Steven Lembark
On Mon, 7 Dec 2015 10:21:38 +0200
Meir Guttman <> wrote:

> Dear DBI users,
> I use Perl, DBI and DBD:mysql for years, without a problem. But working on
> my latest project I encounter Perl often, but *not always(!) *crashing with
> the Windows message "Perl interpreter has stopped working". As far as I can
> tell the script runs to its natural end.I must add that together with this
> phenomenon ("Poster hoc ergo prompter hoc...") I get, again some times but
> not always, an out-of-the-blue Devel::Peek report and sometimes two or
> rarely three of those. These I also don't know where did they come from.
>- Platform: Win-7 Pro
>- Perl: Strawberry Perl ver.
>- DBI: 1.63
>- DBD::mysql 4.025
> I extracted the crash report from the Windows Event log, below. If I
> understand it correctly, the culprit is libmysql__.dll.
> Can somebody give me directions as to how to narrow it down to the package
> and line?

One approach is running the thing with "perl -d". The debugger
may give you a bit more information on where in the perl code
you are failing. 

That or start dumping progress statements to stderr before and 
after each block of DBI statements that access MySQL. This is
a rather nice example of somplace Log4Perl works nicely: put
"debug" logs with statements and args all over the place.

As a last resort you can use "perl -d" and set DB::Trace = 1.

The problem is that if you're croaking in mysql's dll then 
there may not be much you can do about it from Perl's side.
Might be worth checking (or re-installing) the MySQL lib's
and DBD::mysql to make sure they are in sync.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

Re: Custom Configuration Best Practice

2015-03-30 Thread Steven Lembark
On Sun, 1 Mar 2015 17:05:59 -0800
David E. Wheeler wrote:

 On Mar 1, 2015, at 5:00 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

  Fellow mod_perlers,

 Oy vey, major autocomplete fail. Sorry about that, DBI folks, please

At least not an insult...

If foo is called with your package followed by the original stack
then maybe you could just to the entire job in foo, leaving the 
handler to return only OK:

sub foo
# do all of the work here

sub handler

Short of that, I think you are stuck.

The only way to constrain $foo would be something like:

my $foo = '';

sub foo

sub handler

and at least $foo is scoped reasonably.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

Re: Help with using Triggers MySql/Innodb

2015-02-26 Thread Steven Lembark
On Thu, 26 Feb 2015 15:31:56 +
Martin J. Evans wrote:

 I would actually suggest you don't use a trigger for this and also 
 that you don't store the count of people in a house in a column in 
 the house table. You can always calculate how many people there are 
 in a house but if you use triggers or some other mechanism to keep 
 the count you run the risk of the count not actually agreeing with 
 the rows with that house id. In other words, I think this is 
 generally bad design.

You could get a one-step summary using a view that does a select
with count(1) as people from a join of houses and people, grouped
by the house. That leaves the houses and people separate and still
gives you one-stop shopping for the houses with accurate counts.

Steven Lembark 3646 Flora Pl
Workhorse Computing   St Louis, MO 63110  +1 888 359 3508

Re: Can't locate object method connect via package DBI

2009-07-11 Thread Steven Lembark
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:42:58 -0500
Sanford Stein wrote:

 I am attempting to install a shareware library administration system 
 called koha which is written in perl.  I have used cpan to install a 
 large number of perl modules, including DBI.
 But when I try to connect to DBI I always get the message in the
 above subject line.
 I wrote a very simple perl script as a test, and always get the same 
 use DBI;
 my $dsn=DBI:mysql:koha:localhost:3306;
 my $user=kohaadmin;
 my $pass=whatever;
 $dbh = DBI-connect($dsn, $user, $pass) || die Couldn't connect to
 database ! $DBI::errstr\n;
 I have tried all the obvious things:
 1.  Assured that DBI in installed, with all prerequisites (based on
 the following site:;perl=latest)
 2.  Assured that my perl @INC include all the DBI stuff
 3.  Assured that I could connect to mysql from a command prompt,
 using the same
  username and password.  After connecting, I am able to do all
 the standard
  database command (create table, drop table, insert, select) so I 
 know that the
  account is valid and has the proper permissions.
 Any other ideas?

If you have a locally-installed copy of perl (vs. /usr/bin/perl)
then you may have installed the modules into another perl's ./lib.
If the modules were installed via O/S package manager (vs. CPAN)
then they may also be in the lib dir for /usr/bin/perl, not yours.

Convince yourself that the perl you are using can see DBI:

$ /absolute/path/to/perldoc -l DBI

Convince yourself that DBI is really being loaded:

$ /absolute/path/to/perl -d -e 0;

main::(-e:1):   0

  DB1 use DBI;

0  1.607

  DB3 x DBI-can( 'connect' )
0  CODE(0x8382780)
- DBI::connect in 

Q: Is the path what you expected it to be?

Steven Lembark  85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing   Woodhaven, NY, 11421 888 359 3508


2008-02-11 Thread Steven Lembark


We try.

Steven Lembark  +1 888 359 3508
Workhorse Computing   85-09 90th St
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Woodhaven, NY 11421

Re: Proposal for new $h-{ReadOnly} attribute

2007-05-09 Thread Steven Lembark

 Any thoughts?

Amen: Most of the perl I use only does reads and
the readonly locking could be a big savings.

Steven Lembark 85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing  Woodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1 888 359 3508

Re: Is Perl-DBI Slow?

2006-07-01 Thread Steven Lembark


I've heard that perl-DBI is slow. Is this true? If so, is it because of
Perl being an interpreted language?

Perl is compiled, always has been.

DBI is no slower than any other application that has to
talk to a database. This involves disk and/or network I/O,
transaction processing, and any latency involved in using
a time-shared system (just about all of them these days).

I have worked on large datasets with Perl using DBI for
years; in most cases my Perl runs no slower than C that
real programmers come up with and frequently runs faster.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Performance issue

2006-07-01 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Alexander Foken [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You generate a big number of open statement handles, each costing some
memory. Put the SQL statements (*NOT* the statement handles) into a hash,
like this:

use DBI;

my %statements=(
'find_users' = 'select foo,bar from users where baz=?',
'find_documents' = 'select * from documents where id=? and type=?',
'increment_counter' = 'update counter set n=n+',

The original posting doesn't say anything about
whether the statements are used more than once.

If they are all one-time use then preparing them
in advance will be an expensive waste. If they
are re-used then there might be some gain to
keeping the prepared handles around.

Thing is that in situations like this you
frequently do not use all of the statements in
each execution.

If so then you might get some improvement by
caching the statements that actually get used
via prepare_cached:

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached( $statemetnz{ $name } );

This avoids inundating the server with unnecessary
statement handle creation without adding overhead to
re-prepare the statements.

You can use two hashes, one with prepared statements
the other with one-time use if the balance isn't
skewed heavily one way or the other:

   my %reuse =
   foo = 'select ...',

   my %onetime =
   bar = 'select ...',

   while( my $line = $infile )
   my( $name, @argz ) = split; # whatever...

   # assuming the caller does an eval.

   my $sth
   = $reuse{ $name }
   ? $dbh-prepare_cached( $reuse{ $name } )
   : $dbh-prepare( $onetime{ $name } )
   or die Bogus query: unknown '$name';

   $sth-execute( @argz );

this'll keep the cached ones around for you while
still allowing the server to quickly give up resources
for one-shot queries.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Reg: auto_increment issue.

2006-01-29 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Dilly raja [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I created a table in mysql in which i  set a field id in that table to
auto_increment and this field is the primary key to this tabel. so each
time  a new record is added the id increment by 1. When i delete a last
record and insert the next record it increment the value from the deleted
record only instead of the last existing record. Is there any solution in
which i can set these values or reset the auto_increment so that it starts
from the first when i delete all the record.

This is not a DBI issue at all, but one for MySQL.
You'll probably get better answers in the future
on a MySQL mailing list than this one for database

Auto-increment fields are really indended for use
as surrogate keys. As such, they are not intended
for use on tables that will have records deleted
from them. You might do better to create a single
table, call it sequence with a single unsigned
integer and select its value for update, increment,
then store it using DBI when you add records. If
you are adding multiple records and have the count
in advance then increment the sequence by that
number instead of one to get a bulk list.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Statement handle side effects of swap_inner_handle?

2006-01-27 Thread Steven Lembark

 Umm, bind_columns is probably do-able if the DBI gave you a way to
 access the current row array. Then you could just bind the new columns
 to the old ones.

Any real odds?


Probably do-able

Q1: How likely?
Q2: Any timeframe?

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Statement handle side effects of swap_inner_handle?

2006-01-27 Thread Steven Lembark

Artistic Opinion: Would reconnecting the damaged handle
and keep it usable with an appropriate error then loosing
the transaction (and letting the caller deal with it
as an exception) seem reasonable?

Yes. That would possibly suffice is all code gets its statement handles
via prepare_cached(). But then if all code used prepare_cached() and
connect_cached() then you wouldn't need to go down this road at all :)

Trick is to have the caller avoid having to use
connect_cached for themselves each time they
access the database handle. Ideally they should
be able to:

   my $dbh = DBIx::Priaprism( @blah );

   sub foo
   $dbh-foo( ... );
   while( $@ =~ /Reconnected/ );

and have the connection up forever.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Error handling for auto-reconnect?

2006-01-26 Thread Steven Lembark

Is there any way to restart the failed transaction from
within the HandleError sub? I cannot find anything in 
the DBI doc's that allows me to tell what the last op
on the dbh was.


Steven Lembark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Management Phone:  888.IPSOFT8 
IPsoft, Inc.   Direct: 212.440.5529 Fax:212.353.2454 

Re: Error handling for auto-reconnect?

2006-01-26 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Henri Asseily [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Are you talking about $dbh-{Statement} ?
 If you want full transactional integrity and you've been sending multiple
 statements within the transaction, you could overload execute() and track
 every time there's an open tran or commit in the statement. Anything
 in between, you store in an array of statements so when there's an error
 you rerun all of them.

overloading execute doesn't deal gracefully with selectall_*,

Best odds I can find at this point is to add a reconnect
feture that uses swap_inner_handle to re-establish the dbh,
sth connections and (hopefully) re-bind the parameters. 

That would allow the error handler to effectively do
somthing like the pesudo-dbi below:

my $handle = $_[1];

if( $err =~ /$connection_lost_error/o )
$_[0] = 'Connection failure';

if( $handle-isa( 'sth' ) )
$_[0] .= ' Reconnected'
if $handle-reconnect_statement;
elsif( $handle-isa( 'dbh' ) )
$_[0] .= ' Reconnected'
if $handle-reconnect_database;
# give up;


The point is cataloging how much can be done using
the DBI interface to rebuild what was damaged. 

For statement handles the current issue is figuring out
how to re-bind the parameters. 

Transactions will proably be lost (for now at least),
but at least a downed database connection will leave 
all prepared statements still alive and re-usable.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Statement handle side effects of swap_inner_handle?

2006-01-26 Thread Steven Lembark

 Q: If the cached kids are stored in $new_dbh, wouldn't I
overwrite the statement handles when I performed the
$old_dbh-swap_inner_handle( $new_dbh )?
 True. If you swap_inner_handle for all ChildHandles then you'll
 automatically deal with CachedKids as well. Simple.

Some good news on the front...
 The only thing this doesn't pull across that I can think
 of is the current row state of each handle
 You could use $sth-rows and fetch to the same row count
 (but there's no guarantee you'll be getting the same values).

Artistic Opinion: Would reconnecting the damaged handle
and keep it usable with an appropriate error then loosing
the transaction (and letting the caller deal with it
as an exception) seem reasonable?

i.e., $dbh-rows is their problem if they know that the
transaction has failed.

 ParamValues and ParamTypes gives you a way to redo bind_param().
 But there's no equivalent for bind_param_inout(), nor for bind_columns.
 Umm, bind_columns is probably do-able if the DBI gave you a way to
 access the current row array. Then you could just bind the new columns
 to the old ones.
Any real odds?
 Q: From what I can see, $sth-{Type} doesn't give me
enough information to tell if a particular sth 
is cached or not. Am I missing something?
 No. $is_cached = grep { $_ == $sth } values %{$dbh-{CachedKids}};


 It's not restarting the query-from-hell that worries me, it's the fact
 that rows may have been added or deleted since the first select
 (assuming it is a select statement) so the application may process some
 rows twice and/or miss some rows.
 But if you proceed with this then I'd expect your nice CPAN module will
 give people lots of hooks to express what kinds of madness they're
 comfortable with :)

 Q: Is there any chance of getting a 'seek' to handle this?
 It would look sometehing like:

For the moment it seems as though I'd want to just abandon
the transaction and let the user restart it themselves. 
There is enough context in it that a Transaction failed +
reconnected exception would give them enough data to 
deal with it appropriately.
 Aside: How likely to change is dbh-clone as of 1.50?
 The clone method was added in DBI 1.33. It is very new and likely
 to change.
 The more widely it's used the less likely it is to change :)
 The 'big issue' is how to deal with attribute values that have changed
 since the $dbh was created.

Q: Which ones does clone use now?

thanks for the input.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Statement handle side effects of swap_inner_handle?

2006-01-25 Thread Steven Lembark

I'm using swap_inner_handle in a HandleError sub to re-connect
the existing database handle. The trick is to re-connect if 
the error warrants it, return false to the caller, which then
allows the caller to re-try the failed operation and keep 

Q: Do I need to use $if_active = 3 to re-prepare the cached
   statement handles if I use swap_inner_handle?


my $dbh = whatever;

my %queryz = 
foobar = q{select foo from bar where baz = ?},



my $runquery = 
my $name = shift
or croak ... ;

my $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached( $queryz{$name}, $queryargz )
or croak ... ;

my $data = 
my $d = '';

for( 1..$maxtries )
if $d = $dbh-selectall_arrayref( $sth, undef, @_ );


The selectall_* calls normally obviate the need for $if_active;
however swapping the database handles might require re-preparing
all of the file handles using

my $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached( $queryz{$name}, $queryargz, 3 )

after etching the database handle's brains with swap_inner_handle;
or setting some magic this needs to be re-prepared the next pass
flag on all of the statement handles?

Or is the best way to just

my $kidz = $dbh-CachedKids;

delete @{ $kidz }{ keys %$kidz };

and be done with it?

Or is some similar maintainence done automatically by the 



  $rc = $h1-swap_inner_handle( $h2 );
  $rc = $h1-swap_inner_handle( $h2, $allow_reparent );

Brain transplants for handles. You don't need to know about this
unless you want to become a handle surgeon.

A DBI handle is a reference to a tied hash. A tied hash has an
*inner* hash that actually holds the contents. The
swap_inner_handle() method swaps the inner hashes between two
handles. The $h1 and $h2 handles still point to the same tied
hashes, but what those hashes are tied to has been swapped. In
effect $h1 *becomes* $h2 and vice-versa. This is powerful stuff. Use
with care.

As a small safety measure, the two handles, $h1 and $h2, have to
share the same parent unless $allow_reparent is true.

The swap_inner_handle() method was added in DBI 1.44.

  $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached($statement)
  $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached($statement, \%attr)
  $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached($statement, \%attr, $if_active)

Like prepare except that the statement handle returned will be
stored in a hash associated with the $dbh. If another call is made
to prepare_cached with the same $statement and %attr parameter
values, then the corresponding cached $sth will be returned without
contacting the database server.

The $if_active parameter lets you adjust the behaviour if an already
cached statement handle is still Active. There are several

0: A warning will be generated, and finish() will be called on the
statement handle before it is returned. This is the default
behaviour if $if_active is not passed.
1: finish() will be called on the statement handle, but the warning
is suppressed.
2: Disables any checking.
3: The existing active statement handle will be removed from the
cache and a new statement handle prepared and cached in its place.
This is the safest option because it doesn't affect the state of the
old handle, it just removes it from the cache. [Added in DBI 1.40]

   CachedKids (hash ref)
For a database handle, CachedKids returns a reference to the cache
(hash) of statement handles created by the prepare_cached method.
For a driver handle, returns a reference to the cache (hash) of
database handles created by the connect_cached method.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: large updates and deletes

2006-01-25 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Robert Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Steven Lembark wrote:
 -- Robert Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have been handed a couple of requests to change some data. One is an
 update on 3.6 million records and the other is two different deletions
 of over 16 million rows of data. I need to be able to do these in
 batches as I am told that Oracle will blow up if I do them in one
 The issue is rollback/redo space. If you have too large 
 of a transaction pending you can run out of space and 
 it abort the transaction. You may have sufficient space
 to blow off this many records, but it'll be a True Pain
 to find out the hard way...
 The limit...10,000 and he had to increase the rollback space or some such
 to get it to work right.

One approach is to select the keys to be updated into a 
temporary table, then update the scratch table with new
values, use a join to udpate the records with a count  x
or rowid  x on the scrath space. After the update succeeds 
you update a finished flag.

This also has the advantage of bookkeping what was done.
Depending on how important the data is you might want to
select the existing records into scratch space, update 
the scratch records with 'new value' fields and use a
nested select to udpate the new table records. Net result
is a running history of what was updated when with the 
old and new values selectable.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Possible extension for DBI error handler (fwd)

2006-01-25 Thread Steven Lembark


 $dbh-connect_cached( @{ $meta{ $dbh } } );
 If the connection has failed then connect_cached() will return a new,
 different, $dbh which would be lost with the code above.
 To change the $dbh in the application to be this new $dbh you'd need to
 use swap_internal_handle(). If I was mad enough to try this I'd probably
   $new_dbh = $dbh-clone;

So much for hacking error handlers in my mail editor :-)

Why mad enough? The point is that if I have a long
running (months at a time) daemon then it'd be nice
not to have to restart it each time the databas is
restarted: just let HandleError deal with it and keep
on trukin...

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Statement handle side effects of swap_inner_handle?

2006-01-25 Thread Steven Lembark

 The inner handle carries all the DBI info, including CachedKids.
 So swap_inner_handle is a simple and total brain transplant.

Q: Any chance of getting $sth-clone?

From what I can see in the doc's, the clone method
is specific to database handles (the statement's clone
would account for cached queries). Matching up the 
cached vs. un-cached values is doable, but getting
the bound variables (especially lexicals) correct
is going to seriously difficult.

 Or is some similar maintainence done automatically by the 
 swap_inner_handle just does what it says - swaps handles. That's it.
 I suspect what you'll need to do (for maximum transparency) is perform a
 swap_inner_handle on each of the old dbh's kids to replace the now
 defunct sth's with new ones freshly prepared using the new dbh.

The trick will be matching the values of CachedKids 
to those in ChildHandles to cache the proper set of

  DB1 x $dbh-{CachedKids}
0  HASH(0x86900a4)
   ' select now() ' = DBI::st=HASH(0x868ff24)
empty hash

Otherwise someone using prepare and prepare_cached
on the same sql string would end up with mismatched
statements after the reconnect.

Q: If the cached kids are stored in $new_dbh, wouldn't I
   overwrite the statement handles when I performed the
   $old_dbh-swap_inner_handle( $new_dbh )?

i.e., wouldn't I get a wholesale duplication via:

# remake all of the old statement handles
# using the new database handle.

$new_dbh-prepare( $_-{Statement} )
for grep { defined } $old_dbh-{ChildHandles};

# replace the database handle wholesale.

$old_dbh-swap_inner_handle( $new_dbh );

(ignoring issues with prepare_cached and bound variables
for a moment)?

Or is it necessary to do something like:

# save the existing statement handles (assuming
# they don't survive the $dbh-swap_inner_handle.

my @old_sth  = grep { defined } @{ $old_dbh-{ChildHandles} }; 

my $old_kidz = $old_dbh-{ CachedKids };

my %cached   = reverse %$old_kidz;

# generate a new dbh and install it.  after the swap,
# the new kids are empty (based on $new_dbh having
# no prepared statements yet).

my $new_dbh  = $old_dbh-clone;

$old_dbh-swap_inner_handle( $new_dbh );

my $new_kidz = $old_dbh-{ CachedKids };

# at this point the swap has wiped out the ChildHandles
# and CachedKids of $old_dbh; now to regenerate them.

for my $old_sth ( @old_sth )
my $sql = $old_sth-{ Statement };

my $new_sth = $new_dbh-prepare( $sql );

$old_sth-swap_inner_handle( $new_sth );

# thankfully, this thing is writeable...

$new_kidz-{ $sql } = $new_sth
if $cached{ $old_sth };

The only thing this doesn't pull across that I can think
of is the current row state of each handle and the bound

Regenerating the cached queries only would simply
require saving the keys and running $old_dbh-prepare_cached( $_ )
for keys %$saved_kidz_hash; the messy part is going to
be making sure I have the un-cached ones handled properly.

Q: From what I can see, $sth-{Type} doesn't give me
   enough information to tell if a particular sth 
   is cached or not. Am I missing something?

 If so then it's kind'a handy that the DBI now has a $h-{ChildHandles}

 If you really want to get fancy you could each check $old_sth-rows and
 then fetch that many rows from the new $sth to leave it in the same
 'place' (hopefully!) as the original. Just how mad do you want to be?

Only risk there is accidentally restarting the query-from-hell,
but that could be avoided with a configuration parmeter
to DBIx::Viagra.

Q: Is there any chance of getting a 'seek' to handle this?

It would look sometehing like:

$sth-seek( $sth-rows );

and save me from retrieving the entire list of rows into
core on the local side just to discard them.

I'll leave bound variables until after I've had my morning

Thankfully I'm doing this in Perl; Heaven help the 
poor slob who tries this in Java...

Aside: How likely to change is dbh-clone as of 1.50?

The clone method was added in DBI 1.33. It is very new and likely
to change.


Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Possible extension for DBI error handler (fwd)

2006-01-23 Thread Steven Lembark

From DBI's pod:

This only works for methods which return a single value
and is hard to make reliable (avoiding infinite loops,
for example) and so isn't recommended for general use!
If you find a good use for it then please let me know.

The use of it would be returning a defined-but-false
value (probably '') on the way through. The use would

my $err_handler 
= sub
# boilerplate

if( $err =~ /$regex_for_connection_errors/o )
log_error 'Failed database connection:', $err;

$dbh-connect_cached( @{ $meta{ $dbh } } );

$_[-1] = '';

# short circut the handler logic and let the
# caller deal with the false return value.

# nothing I can do about it... let the exception
# take its course...


this allows a polling daemon to use code like:

if( my $now = $get_dbtime_t-() )
sleep $poll_int - ( $now % $poll_int );

my $rowz
= $dbh-selectall_arrayref( $sth, undef, @valuz ) )
or next POLL;


# at this point the connection error was rendered non-fatal
# by the handler. and the database handle [hopefully] re-
# connected to the database. in any case, we will find out
# about it on the next polling pass...

Thing about this approach is that I don't need an explicit
check for the error in my main code.

What'd really be sexy -- and seems doable from what I've
seen inside DBI -- is to use tristate logic to allow 
restarting the failed operation:

sub some_dbi_method
my $result = 
if( my $handler = $dbh-{meta}{err_handler} )
$handler-( $errstr, $dbh, $ret );

if( $result )
# caller dealt with it.

return $ret;
elsif( defined $result )
# retry the failed operation by jumping back into the 
# current subroutine.

goto foo;
# error handler set result to undef, which means
# to let RaiseError, etc, follow its normal course.


The user would have to manage their own timeouts in a place
accessable to the error handler (kwikhak, without boilerplate):

my %meta = ();

my $handle_error
= sub
my( $err, $dbh, $cruft ) = @_;

if( $err =~ /$regex/o )
my( $time, $trys, $argz )
= @{ $meta{ $dbh } }{ qw(timeout, retry_count, connect_args)

for( 1..$trys )
# carp would help the poor slob debugging
# this figure out WHICH dbh is causing
# the pain.

carp Retrying connection ($_)...;

$_[0] = DBI-connect( @$argz )
and last;

sleep $time;

# return false-but-defined if the connection was
# remade, otherwise give up.

$_[0] ? '' : undef;

# override the DBI constrctors with one that 
# saves the arguments for future use and then
# redispatches them to DBI.

for( qw(connect connect_cached connect_whatever) )
my $dbisub = DBI-can( $name );

my $ref = qualify_to_ref $_, __PACKAGE__;

= sub
my $proto = shift;

$_[ -1 ]-{ HandleError } ||= $handle_error;

my $argz = [ @_ ];

unshift @_, DBI;

my $dbh =  $dbisub;

$meta{ $dbh } = $argz;

This allows a derived class to reconnect and retry the 
operation without having to wrap the DBI class at all.
This also minimized the overhead since it doees not 
require an AUTOLOAD or re-dispatching every call: only 
the constructors are overloaded and they all pass the
result off to DBI as-is.

I could dodge overloading the DBI constructors by calling
a separate metadata storage routine. The only way to 
avoid wrapping all of the DBI calls in their own eval's
seems to be some way for HandleError to retry the failed
operation if it thinks the underlying issue has been 


Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Memoizing non-place-holding sql statements to place-holding

2005-09-25 Thread Steven Lembark

This coding may not be so difficult, but not easy for me.

The issue will be converting:

   insert into foo ( field, fields ) values ( ... );


   insert into foo ( field, fields ) values ( ?, ?, ? )

After that you can use prepare_cached on the
sql to get a re-usable statement handle and
reduce the preparation.

If the values being inserted are not too
convoluted (e.g., don't involve newlines,
commas, or quotes as data) then a few
splits and regexen should allow you to
standardize the queries and use prepare_cached.

I don't think can be used, :)

No, because you don't want to short-circut the
acutal call.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: Memoizing non-place-holding sql statements to place-holding

2005-08-28 Thread Steven Lembark

I've read DBI doc but I cann't understand prepare_cached.
Any difference between prepare and prepare_cached?

prepare_cached is useful if you are going to re-use
a statement handle. It stores the statement handle
in a hash keyed by the sql statement itself. This
saves re-preparing the statement if it is reused:

For example:

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare_cached( 'select foo from bar' );

Calls code like:

   my $dbh = shfit;
   my $sql = shift;


   $cached_statments{ $sql } ||= $dbh-prepare( $sql );

This only does the prepare once (when the ||= finds a
false value in %prepared_statements).

These are useful when you are going to re-run the same
query any number of times from different parts of the

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: DBI v2 - The Plan and How You Can Help

2005-08-04 Thread Steven Lembark

 Which is why major DBMSs are increasingly relying on SSO
 based solutions. (e.g., Kerberos/LDAP authentication).
 Not certain if DBI is the proper level to implement that,
 (probably needs to be down at the DBD = DBMS level).
 And in a standard way may still be wishful thinking.
 Also, I'm not sold on the idea that a ~/.dbi file is particularly
 secure in that regard. Not neccesarily opposed, just not convinced
 its the right solution. (I don't like cleartext passwords either,
 but due to the variance in DBMS's authentication methods, I don't know if
 DBI can solve that problem).

Could use an approach like LWP: Stock authentication hook
gets called if the remote side asks for authn data, 
something like:

RaiseError  = 1,
AuthnHook   = $coderef,

would let you cover it however you like.

And/or an automatic redirect via tunnel (basically something
like ssh -L with an ssh module handling the redirect) might
also work.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: DBI-1.48 bind_param_inout produces ORA-01461 colliding with a CLOB

2005-07-14 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Drozdowski, Catharine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is an Oracle sql function TO_LOB which can be used to convert the
input to a lob  You might also check out the Oracle 9i Application

Thanks. I'll check it out in If it works that will
be exactly what I need.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

DBI-1.48 bind_param_inout produces ORA-01461 colliding with a CLOB

2005-07-13 Thread Steven Lembark
/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/DML/ line 209
eval {...} called at /sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/DML/ line 
called at /sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/ line 146
'Activins are dimeric growth and differentiation factors which...', 
'LocusLink', '2005.06.16-00:00:00', 'undef', '2005.06.16-09:16:41', 
'G00462083') called at 
/sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/DML/ line 171
eval {...} called at /sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/DML/ 
line 171
called at /sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/ line 146
'Activins are dimeric growth and differentiation factors which...', 
'LocusLink', '2005.06.16-00:00:00', 'undef', '2005.06.16-09:16:41', 
'G00462083') called at 
/sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/DML/ line 93
called at /sandbox/lembark/lib/Plugin/Language/ line 146
'ARRAY(0x8ad1e70)', 'ARRAY(0x8b004dc)', 'ARRAY(0x8b00590)', 
'ARRAY(0x8b000e0)', 'ARRAY(0x8b00188)', 'ARRAY(0x8b00230)', 
'ARRAY(0x8b126e4)', 'ARRAY(0x8b1263c)', ...) called at copy-ccm-curation 
line 656
dest::entry_comment('dest=HASH(0x861a30c)', 'ARRAY(0x8b12c48)') called at 
copy-ccm-curation line 131

eval {...} called at copy-ccm-curation line 131

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: DBI-1.48 bind_param_inout produces ORA-01461 colliding with a CLOB

2005-07-13 Thread Steven Lembark

perl-5.8.7, DBI-1.48, Oracle-

I'm an idiot: DBD::Oracle-1.16

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: DBI-1.48 bind_param_inout produces ORA-01461 colliding with a CLOB

2005-07-13 Thread Steven Lembark



See the DBD::Oracle docs, section Handling LOBs. Basically, you need to
insert a EMPTY_CLOB(), return the locator, and then call ora_write_lob()
to push the data into the locator.

That's what I'm trying to avoid. The problem is that
doing so requires pre-checking every incomming SQL
to see if there is a CLOB in it. If there were some
internal Oracle function for insert the following
string as a CLOB then I could avoid the issue in
the SQL rather than dealing with it in the closure.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: DBI-1.48 bind_param_inout produces ORA-01461 colliding with a CLOB

2005-07-13 Thread Steven Lembark



See the DBD::Oracle docs, section Handling LOBs. Basically, you need to
insert a EMPTY_CLOB(), return the locator, and then call ora_write_lob()
to push the data into the locator.

This is a generic query handler. In order to do that I have to
investigate the data type of each '?' in the input sql, determine
if it is a LOB, and handle that field specially. If there were
something like convert for a clob then I could push the knowlege
of clob-ness up into the SQL.

This code is also used for other databases (e.g., MySQL, which
handles text fields more gracefully).

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Oracle schema comparison

2005-06-25 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Steve Sapovits [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does anybody know of any good tools (free or otherwise) for comparing
two Oracle schemas?  I'd want to be able to compare tables, indices,
sequences, etc. to see what one has and another doesn't.  In an ideal
world I'd also be able to compare the actual data in the tables, but
the primary need is to be able to see if tables and indices match.

- Alzabo.

- Query user_tab_cols.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: How can I...

2005-06-07 Thread Steven Lembark


The data dictionary is your friend ...

WHERE  table_name = UPPER(:name);

Depending on access you might be better off selecting
from user_tables: less likely to fail and the table
name is more likely to be useful in the current user's
context (i.e., fewer false hits).

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: /usr/bin/ls: 0403-027 The parameter list is too long

2005-05-24 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Vamsi_Doddapaneni [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

Thanks for your help.

I am facing a new problem.

Here is the code part:
 foreach $name(`ls $opt_i/*.xml`){
push @f, $name;
print pushing elements=$name\n;

Now in the directory $opt_i if there are some 10 , 20 or even 100 its
working  well. But now I have some 305 odd xmls and the code is EXITING

sh: /usr/bin/ls: 0403-027 The parameter list is too long.

In unix prompt ls *.xml is working (giving out those 305 xmls)

Could anybody help me out?

This has nothing to do with DBI.

Try File::Find and iterate them.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: db or file access?

2005-05-22 Thread Steven Lembark

It is interesting to me, how can be faster storing files on disk
versus database. If I have many pictures in database overall
db performance is slower?

Blob access tends to be less effecient due to
buffering and data transfer issues; huge tables
with images require more space and tend to be
slower for scanning (when necessary) due to
larger record overhead (depending on whether
the blobs are stored inline).

Grabbing a relative path (or URI) from the
database as a string doesn't rquire special
buffering or conversions, leaves the table

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Describe table

2005-05-22 Thread Steven Lembark

I just want the info describing the table that I can see in sqlplus.

my $typz =
   table_name = ?

my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $typz );


my $table = ... ;

my %name2type =
   my $a = $sth-fetchall_arrayref( $table );

or die Sorry, no data available for '$table';

# at this point you either have a name-type map in
# %name2type or died trying (e.g., due to bogus
# column or database failure).

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: inserting data coming from a hash

2005-05-22 Thread Steven Lembark


This is my hash structure:

Veterans Day = {
date= '2005',
type= 'US',
federal = 'true',
active  = 'true',

Would I just use a placeholder (?) in my statement and pass it in via
that?  It will be in a loop as I have quite a few.

Use a hash slice to extract the values in order:

   # @fields is the collection of keys from your
   # data that match the order of your query.
   # Nice thing about this trick is that you
   # can have more keys in the data than you
   # actually insert (e.g., the data may require
   # more than one query to insert).

   my @fieldz = qw( date type federal active );

   my $sth = $dbh-prepare
   blah blah
   ( ?, ?, ?, ? )


   # sometime later you set up a hash[ref] of
   # stuff to insert and just hash-slice it
   # to get what you need out:

   my $data =
   date= ... ,
   type= ... ,
   federal = ... ,
   active  = ... ,
   foo = ... , # these don't hurt anything
   bar = ... , # since @fields doesn't include them.

   $sth-execute( @[EMAIL PROTECTED] );

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: inserting data coming from a hash

2005-05-22 Thread Steven Lembark


This is my hash structure:

Veterans Day = {
date= '2005',
type= 'US',
federal = 'true',
active  = 'true',

Would I just use a placeholder (?) in my statement and pass it in via
that?  It will be in a loop as I have quite a few.

Thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated.

Aside: If you can live with re-popluating the same hash
you could also try binding specific hash values to the
placeholders via bind_inout and re-cycling the hash iteslf.
This may prove more trouble than just slicing out the
values, however.

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: Insert help...

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

OK...  I have been able to solve this problem, and it was no big
deal.  However, the problem I am currently facing is really hosing me
up...  Basically, a NULL field is getting converted to a 0 in the
database.  This causes a comparison of the same file and the database to
yield a lot of differences.  Please help.  I think this has got to be
related to the INSERT.  The table column is setup as 'smallint' allowing
NULLS with the default value set to NULL.  This column however is
getting a '0' if the input file is empty for that field.
Here is the pertinent code...
Simple fix: Don't store NULL's in your database. If you pick
an appropriate non-NULL value then the entire problem goes
away and you can tell what the outcome of joins really is.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Perl error in fetching data from Clob datatype.

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Rishi Bansal, Japan IT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am trying to fetch data from CLOB datatype in Database.
I am getting an Error as : error:ORA-03127: no new operations allowed
until the active operation ends (DBD ERROR: OCISessionEnd).
I guess I am not handling the data fetched properly.
The code snippet is pasted here.
$dbh-{LongReadLen} = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
Q: Do you really need a 1GiB buffer?
That alone may be causing you problems.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Unable to connect to Oracle on another Unix host in a perl programming using DBI

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Kairam, Raj [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To those who could help me with a problem connecting to an Oracle
database on HP-UX from within a perl script that uses DBI
I have a perl program on a unix (HP-UX) host(A) running Oracle 8.1.6
In the program I am trying to connect to another unix (HP-UX) host(B)
running Oracle 8.1.7 holding a table c1dwg.
The perl script that runs on host A contains these lines.
$ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = '/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6';
use DBI;
$dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Oracle:Mycad4prod', 'user', ''password') ||
Just for the fun of it try:
   my $dbh = DBI-connect
The point here is to bypass any other issues and see
if you can reach a tnslsnr on the IP address with an
explicit ORACLE_SID value.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

RE: A good Perl Book

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

1.  Programming Perl
2.  Perl Cookbook
3.  Object Oriented Perl
4.  Extending and Embedding Perl
5.  Writing CGI Applications with Perl
Watch O'Reilly Press' list for Perl Best Pratices by
Damian Conway.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: Should prepare_cached() manage its total size or memory usage?

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Mark Stosberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a database application that selects about 50,000 rows one by one,
does some process in Perl, and then executes a SELECT statement for each
one, with slight variations in the SQL and parameters.
I was using prepare_cached() on this repeatedly called SELECT statement.
Depends on how you're using the caching.
If it looks something like:
   my $sth =
   prepare_cached( 'select foo from bar where ( bletch = ?)' );
Then this should generate a single query and re-cycle it for
later use. If you are using ANYthing hardcoded specific to the
query then caching will just leave a huge number of row-specific
queries lying around; which is probably not what you want.
Q: Are the placeholders in the existing query(s) or do they use
  hard-coded values?
If you have a small number of placeholder queries then this
is odd behavior; if not then all you've done is generate the
non-recycled-cache-from-hell and the behavior is normal.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: [DBI] Re: What is wrong with select?

2005-04-03 Thread Steven Lembark

Basicly $StateProvince in a string value in you sql statement, so you
either single quote yourself, or let DBI do it.
Or use a placeholder and save yourself the pain of figuring
it out:
   select ...  where name_short = ?
will do the deed without your having to even think
about quoting.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: elegent way to handle pluggable backend servers?

2005-02-26 Thread Steven Lembark

Any opinions?  Is there another approach that I should think about?  Has
anyone encountered this situation before?
For most selects it isn't that hard to turn metadata
about the query into vendor SQL. The simplest fix may
be hiding the queries behind another object that takes
in generic selects and spits out SQL appropriate for
the particular DBD::Foobar.
I should have an alpha version of Plugin::Installer and
Plugin::Language::DML avaialble in a week. The plugins
could be various collections of metadata indexed by common
names (a.k.a. hash keys). You then use something like:
my $dblink = $dbhandler_class-construct;

$dblink-frobnicate( @argz );
With the various handler classes defining the
metadata-to-query handler for that particular
database. You only store the metadata once,
the if-logic is isolated into a single place.
That can easily be shoved into a single factory
sub construct
my $connect_meta = shift;
my $handler_class =
if( ... )
elsif( ... )
croak Bogus query: unable to determine class 
# caller gets back whatever the appropriate
# class constructs with the connection data.
$handler_class-construct( @$connect_meta );
The handler classes all implement a few hooks like
run_query and commit:
my $handler = Factory-construct;
$handler-run_query( query_name = [ query argz ] );
The run_query could either construct SQL from scratch
or munge ANSI to handle special cases.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Re: bind_param_inout

2004-10-21 Thread Steven Lembark

I wonder ... how about adding a method bind_params() like this:
sub bind_params {
my $sth = shift;
my $pos = (ref($_[0]) ? 1 : shift);
for my $param (@{$_[0]}) {
$sth-bind_param($pos++, $param);
So that this could be shortened to
$sth-bind_params([EMAIL PROTECTED]); # default position is 1
I know I can have the loop in the script, but this looks kinda more
readable to me.
Sorry if this was already rejected ;-)
I've already posted a working version of this to the list,
if you like I can send you a copy to test.
Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

How hard would it be for DBI to export a hash of data def's?

2004-08-23 Thread Steven Lembark
For example neat (see below for perldoc) 'knows' if a string
is numeric or char in the database. If I could get a hash keyed
by $sth-{NAME} that had, say, DBD-specific metadata it'd help
quite a bit on handling some error situaions. One use is returning
a copy of the query with placeholders filled in for cut+paste
troubleshooting; another is pretty-printing results where numeric
sequences stored as strings need to be quoted for further use
(i.e., /^\d+$/ is not a good enough test for quotishness when
Perl gets all the data back as strings).
If whatever neat uses were exported -- perhaps in DBD-specific
fashion to accomodate varying levels of metadata available in
the different databases -- it'd sure help...
$str = DBI::neat($value);
$str = DBI::neat($value, $maxlen);
  Return a string containing a neat (and tidy) represen-
  tation of the supplied value.
  Strings will be quoted, although internal quotes will
  not be escaped.  Values known to be numeric will be
  unquoted. Undefined (NULL) values will be shown as
  undef (without quotes).
  If the string is flagged internally as utf8 then dou-
  ble quotes will be used, otherwise single quotes are
  used and unprintable characters will be replaced by
  dot (.).
  For result strings longer than $maxlen the result
  string will be truncated to $maxlen-4 and ...'
  will be appended.  If $maxlen is 0 or undef, it
  defaults to $DBI::neat_maxlen which, in turn, defaults
  to 400.
  This function is designed to format values for human
  consumption.  It is used internally by the DBI for
  trace output. It should typically not be used for
  formatting values for database use.  (See also

Steven Lembark   85-09 90th Street
Workhorse ComputingWoodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Automatic handling of insert ... returning querys.

2004-08-22 Thread Steven Lembark
After noticing the syntax I've written a module that handles
the process. Before putting it on CPAN I'd like to get opinons
on the interface. The point is to avoid all of the
bind_param_inout setup by creating some per-handle metadata
with the bound array and fields to copy in from @_, out to
the caller. After that the caller only sees a prep step and
the execute calls.
One approach uses classes derived from DBI and DBI::st to
add prepare_bound to DBI and execute to DBI::st. The
resulting code looks somethingn like:
my $dbh = blah;
my $sql =
insert into
table ( ... )
values ( ?, ?, ?, ?)
returning idfield into ?
my $sth = $dbh-prepare_bound( $sql );
my $id = $sth-execute( @insert_values );
my @id = $sth-execute( @insert_values );
This seems nice in that the syntax for prepare (and
prepare_bound_cached) look rather DBI-ish.
Catch is that this makes deriving other classes and
using statement handles from oddly-derived classes
somewhat tricky.
Another approach is simply adding a post-processing
step to the statement handle:
my $dbh = blah;
my $sth = $dbh-prepare( $sql );
$sth-binderize( $sql );
my $id = $sth-execute_bound( @insert_values );
The downside here is extra steps to binderize the
handle and a separate execute command -- which
might interfere with the statement handle if
accidentally mixed with $sth-execute.
Personally, I'm leaning towards the first technique
even if the internals are a bit messier: NEXT makes
re-dispatching the execute and prepare steps
manageable and the syntax seems cleaner.
Any suggestions?
Steven Lembark 85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing   Woodhaven, NY 11421
[EMAIL PROTECTED]1 888 359 3508

Re: Oddity using placeholders w/ Oracle

2004-07-26 Thread Steven Lembark

I'm guessing it's a CHAR field. Thank blank-padded-comparison-sementics.
It's an FAQ. USe bind_param(..., SQL_CHAR);
Steven Lembark   9 Music Square South, Box 344
Workhorse ComputingNashville, TN 37203
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Oddity using placeholders w/ Oracle

2004-07-23 Thread Steven Lembark
Maybe I've just missed a known bug, but this seems kinda odd...
The code below is running againsed Oracle- on RHE-3.0.
Called with the same variable interpolated and as a placeholder
it works or doesn't. I have any amount of code floating around
here that uses placeholders and DOES work...
Any suggesions?
$ perl example;
DBI Version: 1.43
DBD Version: 1.15
Value is: 'Q8R2H7'
Result A: '133387'
Result B: ''
$ cat example;
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle;
use Data::Dumper;
print \n\tDBI Version: $DBI::VERSION\n;
print \n\tDBD Version: $DBD::Oracle::VERSION\n;
my @connect_args =
RaiseError = 1
my $dbh = DBI-connect( @connect_args );
my $value = 'Q8R2H7';
print \n\tValue is: '$value'\n;
my $a =
select entry_id
from entry
where  entry_accno = '$value'
my $b =
select entry_id
from entry
where  entry_accno = ?
# this works...
my $handle_a = $dbh-prepare( $a );
my @row = $handle_a-fetchrow_array;
print \n\tResult A: '@row'\n;
# this doesn't
my $handle_b = $dbh-prepare( $b );
$handle_b-execute( $value );
my @row = $handle_b-fetchrow_array;
print \n\tResult B: '@row'\n;

Steven Lembark   9 Music Square South, Box 344
Workhorse ComputingNashville, TN 37203
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Fix for problems installing DBD::mysql-2.9004 with mysql-4.0.20

2004-07-22 Thread Steven Lembark
Perl-5.8.5 compiled happily, now updating DBD::mysql with:
Catch is that newer mysql distro's use ./lib and ./include for
their files not ./lib/mysql or ./include/mysql. Fix is to symlink
'.' to mysql in the lib directory and use an explicit '-I' with
the cflags.
For example:
$ perl Makefile.PL
I will use the following settings for compiling and testing:
 cflags(mysql_config) = -I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql 
 libs  (mysql_config) = -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient 
-lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lc -lnss_files -lnss_dns -lresolv -lc -lnss_files 
-lnss_dns -lresolv
 nocatchstderr (default ) = 0
 nofoundrows   (default ) = 0
 ssl   (guessed ) = 0
 testdb(default ) = test
 testhost  (default ) =
 testpassword  (default ) =
 testuser  (default ) =

To change these settings, see 'perl Makefile.PL --help' and
'perldoc INSTALL'.
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lmysqlclient
Using DBI 1.43 (for perl 5.008005 on i686-linux-thread-multi) installed in 
Writing Makefile for DBD::mysql

EH??? No libmysqlclient?
$ find /usr/local/mysql/ -name 'libmysqlclient*' -follow
One hak fixes it:
cd /usr/local/mysql/lib;
ln -fs . mysql;
Now I get:
	cp lib/DBD/ blib/lib/DBD/
	cp lib/DBD/mysql/ blib/lib/DBD/mysql/
	cp lib/ blib/lib/
	cp lib/DBD/mysql/INSTALL.pod blib/lib/DBD/mysql/INSTALL.pod
	cp lib/Mysql/ blib/lib/Mysql/
	cp lib/Bundle/DBD/ blib/lib/Bundle/DBD/
	/opt/gcc/bin/gcc -c 
-fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FIL
	E_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm -O3 -march=pentium4 
-DVERSION=\2.9004\ -DXS_VERSION=\2.9004\ -fpic -I/opt/pe
	rl/5.8/lib/5.8.5/i686-linux-thread-multi/CORE   dbdimp.c
	`-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march=' instead.
	In file included from dbdimp.c:19:
	dbdimp.h:21:49: mysql.h: No such file or directory
	dbdimp.h:22:49: errmsg.h: No such file or directory
	In file included from dbdimp.c:19:
	dbdimp.h:106: error: parse error before MYSQL
	dbdimp.h:106: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
	dbdimp.h:117: error: parse error before '}' token
	dbdimp.h:146: error: parse error before MYSQL_RES
	dbdimp.h:146: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
	dbdimp.h:159: error: parse error before '}' token
	In file included from dbdimp.c:19:

Which was fixed via:
perl Makefile.PL  --cflags='-O3 -march=i686 -I/usr/local/mysql/include';
Steven Lembark   9 Music Square South, Box 344
Workhorse ComputingNashville, TN 37203
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1 888 359 3508

Help in testing new releases

2004-04-12 Thread Steven Lembark

Perhaps you could discuss it on dbu-users in the context of DBI.
Ever wish you could test a new module or version without
installing it in the default perl libs? Or set up different
sandboxes for various module releases to check them?
The main problem at most sites is control over the
default @INC dir's: they are reserved for the vendor
distribution modules. Modifying one of these, especially
for regression testing, requires an act of Congress (or
worse a SysAdmin).
Here's a fix: FindBin::libs. It walks the file tree
from $FindBin::bin to '/' looking for lib directories,
abs_paths them, and does a use lib of the distinct
paths found.
This allows you to create multiple sandboxes with
different versions of code found, or have a lib
directory for homegrown code outside of the vendor
@INC. You can happily install new modules into, say,
/usr/local/lib and run the code out of /usr/local/bin
without having to use lib in every #! or module you
This can also be used for quicker regression testing.
Say a new version of DBD::FooBar comes out and you
use two versions of DBI on site. If the two versions
are installed into /sandbox/DBD-test1 and /sandbox/DBD-test2
you can symlink a bin directory into each of them after
installing the code (the module's POD has examples of
Because lib's closer to $Bin have higher priority you
can also test a module under development by moving it
up the /sandbox path to test it on a wider range of
This also helps if you have multiple versions under
./sandbox/version-X/bin - ../bin
./sandbox/version-Y/bin - ../bin
you can now test anything in bin with version X or Y.

The module can be configured to search for different
dir's (e.g., mylib) or return an array of the paths
found (for explicit searching). The POD describes a
few ways to set up sandboxes for development and
The module is currently on CPAN as FindBin::libs.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Re: Problem with rename function call in perl

2004-04-12 Thread Steven Lembark

 Actually rename function call in perl can not span across the drives.
Wanted to know is there any solution for this.
Not necessary the fastest way, but this should work for
most situations:
sub copy
local $\;
local $/;
		print STDERR copy $_[0] - $_[1]\n if $verbose;

open my $src, '', $_[0] or die $_[0]: $!;
open my $dst, '', $_[1] or die $_[1]: $!;
# caller gets back the result of printing to
# the destination file handle, which is a
# reasonably way to check for roadkill on
# the output.
print $dst scalar $src

	copy qw( /foo/bletch /bar/bletch );

For really large stuff use Uri's slurp module (which
uses lower-level functions to perform the writes).
Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

RE: Using Perl to Source variables

2004-04-09 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Srikanth Madani [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When the script exists, this variable will no longer be available.
The variables are part of the currently running program:

   int main( int argc, char **argv, char **env )
the third paramter are the local var's. You can update them
within the current process, but they are data local to the
Updating the environment via

   $ENV{FOO} = 'bar'.

has the same effect as:

   export FOO='bar';

at the shell: it sets the variable for the duration of a
single execution.
If you want to modify the contents of ORACLE_SID or
ORACLE_ASK and then have oracle run with them you
need to set the environment up first then run the job:
   export ORACLE_SID = 'foobar';
   sqlplus scot/tiger;

   $ENV{ORACLE_SID} = 'foobar';
   system( 'sqlplus scot/tiger' );
will do the same thing. You could also fork/exec the
sqlplus instead of letting system do it for you.
Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Re: Simple Perl

2003-12-17 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Michael Higgins [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Khamneian, Mahtaj wrote:

I have a query that returns the following data from the db:
operid  emplid course

Noting that different courses are associated with the same oprid and
emplid, I need to format the output so that a single line is printed for
each oprid. e.g.,
SSPT490 12050971 37290 38380 38540 52320
I have used both fetchall_arrayref() and fetchrow_array() methods to
fetch the data. I can think of a quick and dirty way of doing this, but
was looking for an efficient/elegant way.
Any/all help is appreciated.

Maybe push them onto a hashkey?


my %results;

foreach (@$fetched){

push @{$results{$_-[0].' '.$_-[1]}}, $_-[2];


map {print $_ @{$results{$_}}\n} sort keys %results;
If the data can be sorted you can also just walk down the
list, printing items until the first field changes:
local $\;
local $,;
	my $last = '';

for my $row ( @$rowz )
if( $last ne $row-[0] )
print \n if $last;

print $last = $row-[0];
print join \t '', @{$row}[1,2];
	print \n;

i.e., print a newline if the last record has a different
$row-[0] than this one, then the new row header. for each
record print the fields pasted together with tabs and a
leading tab separator.
The hash trick is necessary if your data is not sorted or
if you have to accumulate it in one place to maniuplate it
before printing the stuff.
Aside: You could modify the loop above for a speed gain by
using fetchrow w/ bound values. That would leave you with
something like while( fetch... ){ ... }. If the list is
non-trivial then sorting it and returning the rows singly
may be less overhead (see the DBI book, DBI pod, and numerous
postings of Tim's for examples of how to use the bound values).

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Re: Query formatting problem

2003-06-19 Thread Steven Lembark

replacing ? for '500'
replacing ? for '500'
replacing ? for '12-Jul-2003'
AND value='500',
AND date='12-Jul-2003'
Sorry, but this fails in our database. See, the first
use of 500 is in a varchar, the second in an integer.
That's the problem: I cannot blindly replace literals
in this. The issue is finding a way to replace literal
'?' with properly [un]quoted values that are appropriate
for the underlying database.
With DBI and bind param's I don't have to worry about
quoting. If value is an int then the 500 gets dealt
with internally. As Tim pointed out earlier, this is
not trivial.
One thing that might work:



	$dbh-quotish( $sql_with_placeholders );

returns an array of true/false values, one per '?' in
the SQL string. If the array entry is true then the
bound value will be handled as a stringy value and the
literal '?' will have to be replaced with a quoted
copy of the bind parameter; false means unquoted.
This would be enough for generating a quotified string
with something like:
sub quotificate
my $sth = shift or croak missing statement handle;
my $sql = shift or croak missing sql statement;
		@_  or carp  Odd, no bind parameters...;

# no attempt is made here to validate that the
# bind parameters passed on @_ are valid for
# the types (e.g., hello, world! in an int
# field. since the point of this is generating
# SQL that matches the original bind parameters.
if( my @quotz = $sth-quotish )
for( 0..$#quotz )
# $a is either a quoted copy of the bind
# parameter or the original.
# could also use shift here if anyone's
# squeamish about $_[$_] :-)
my $a = $quotz[$_] ? qq{$_[$_]} : $_[$_];

$sth =~ s/\?/$a/;
# no bind parm's in the original, nothing
# more to do with it.
log_message No bind parameters to replace;
# caller gets back the original statement handle
# with '?' hacked into properly quoted strings --
# which may be the same string if there were no
# '?' in it.
Question: where in the guts of DBI is the mapping of bind
parameters to quotish behavior done?
Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Query formatting problem

2003-06-12 Thread Steven Lembark
I'm trying to find a way of using DBI's internal knowlege
of how bind var's are managed to format a working query
for error messages.
I normally use placeholders with execute or selectall*.
This works wonderfully and saves quite a bit of hassles
trying to interpolate the queries.
Catch is that if the query fails our sysadmin's don't
want a placeholder-ized string with some values but
a real query they can cut+paste into the system to
see what happend.
A truncated example (multiple sub-queries removed) is:

name = ?
value = ?
date = ?
run as:

	$sth-execute( $a, $a, $today );

Yes, $a is used twice, in one case it is compared to a
number, the other it used as a string.
Using the placeholders makes my life simpler since the
name and value are taken from the same variable but
DBI handles the stringy/numeric issues for itself. The
problem starts when admin's have to check why something
failed at 3am and don't know that the '?' are replaced
as '500' followed by a naked 500 (for $a) and then the
date in quotes.
What I need is something like:

	my $string = $sth-interpolated( $sql, @bindlist );

which called as:

	my $a = 500;

	my $date = '11-Jul-1999';

	$string = $sth-interpolated( $sql, $a, $a, $date )

gives me back:

name = 500
value = 500
date = 11-Jul-1999
The main issue is being able to walk the bind param. list
and check if the columns are numeric (naked copy of $a + 0
inserted) or not (quoted copy of $a).
The alternative is having to sprintf every query I use
for each combination of values and $dbh-do() them for
large datasets in case any one of them fails (ugh!).
Looking throught he DBI-1.38 pod, the Catalog Methods
don't have anything quite like this since there is no
way to query what DBI thinks of the bound parameters
(vs. things like column_info which are about the returned
data set).
An ideal would be some sort of $dbh-blah that returned
the stringified version of whatever query was run last:
die join \n,
'Bad news, boss:',
If there is someplace w/in the SQL modules that has this
please warn me, so far wandering through CPAN hasn't
gotten me anywhere.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Re: Query formatting problem

2003-06-12 Thread Steven Lembark

In Oracle, value and date are reserved words.  Name might be too.
The main issue is being able to walk the bind param. list
and check if the columns are numeric (naked copy of $a + 0
inserted) or not (quoted copy of $a).
The alternative is having to sprintf every query I use
for each combination of values and $dbh-do() them for
large datasets in case any one of them fails (ugh!).
If you don't know what the data types you are comparing to are, you
have bigger problems than the query format.
Actually, one if the nice thigns about bind parameters
is that I don't have to know much about the underlying
database fields. If 500 is use stringily in one place
and numerically in another perl just Does The Right
Thing and I don't really care about it.
However, this has nothing at all to do with running
the queries.
I can already run the querys perfectly with placeholders.
The placeholders are a pain for admin's, however, since
they can not simply paste the queries into the database
client shell for later testing if I report errors.
It is about reporting a cut+paste-able error string
that the admin's can use to test why the query failed.
Having to hand-edit out the '?' and then properly
quote them by hand is rather error prone.
What I need is something that will replace the original
input string '?' characters with properly [un-]quoted
values from the bind paramter list so that queries which
begin life as:
	select * from foo where field = ?

get turned into

	select * from foo where field = '500'

(if 500 is being used for a stringy comparision in the SQL
based on the underlying field types). The problem is that
admin's who are trying to deal with a problem at 3am are in
no mood to stumble around finding field types so that they
can put quotes around things when they cut+paste my bind
values to generate a valid query string that they can use
in the client shell to test why the database spat out a
particular error.
Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 888 359 3508

Re: Row Count failure

2002-11-15 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Ailes, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I get an error when I attempt a query for a specific CUST_ACCT using code
like this
	my $sth = $dbh-prepare(select * from CHSTX_WEB_INVOICE where
		or die Can't prepare SQL statement: $DBI::errstr\n;

The error looks like this in the apache web server log file
[Fri Nov 15 11:12:52 2002] [error] [client] DBD::ODBC::st
fetchrow_array failed: [Ardent][SQL Client][RPC] error code = 81001
(SQL-IM985)(DBD: finish/SQLFreeStmt(SQL_CLOSE) err=-1) at
F:/Perl/lib/ line 1108.

This particular CUST_ACCT number happens to have ~17,000 rows total in the
file.  All other customers are below 10,000 rows.

I am pretty new to this type of programming, but this appears to be
erroring at the datasource level.  Has anyone seen this before?  Is there
something I can set in DBI to overcome this apparent limit?

Thanks for any replies.

Does the query work in your database w/o DBI?

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 800 762 1582

RE: Sharing a DBH via IPC::Shareable.

2002-09-26 Thread Steven Lembark

 Guess it just caught me off guard.  I have been able to place reference to
 objects and such wihtout trouble.  What part of DBH makes it special?

You can store objects whose behavior is intended to handle
threads; otherwise the behavior becomes self-destructive.
Making something an object does not immediately make it

DBH stores a handle to the Oracle connection, which is not
intended for threading (or forking for that matter, although
it can be worked around). You have to be careful that the
handle is closed only once, for example, even if multiple
proc's/threads exit.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Error Handling in DBI Perl

2002-08-22 Thread Steven Lembark

-- arun arora [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi All,

I have seen some standard SybPerl programs that are using the


 for the error handling. This is i suppose the comcept of completion

 I am supposed to change these Programs to work with Oracle 9i on
 Solaris. I want to use DBI Perl. I am not able to decide that what would
 be the best way to handle errors when coding with DBI Perl . As per My
 current knowledge of DBI there is no concept of completion callbacks in

 If someone has handled this sort of problem please help me out here.

Errors are most easly handled with block eval's:

... # code here dies if there is an error

if( $@ )
... # code here can check $@ for the message

Whatever message the die passed out of the eval will be
in $@; which is guaranteed to be undef if nothing died.

This is the simplest way to deal with things since the
eval-ed code doesn't need to check for errors itself.

The DBI book and online doc's describe using this.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Query on DBI Perl

2002-08-16 Thread Steven Lembark

-- arun arora [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1. Is there some other better way to do this

Probably not.

 2. If i use Perl DBI which is the current most stable version of PERL DBI.

The current one on CPAN.

 3. Are these drivers used by DBI already installed on all SUN SOLARIS
 machines. If not then how do i get these drivers

You will have to install DBD::Oracle. See the README for
DBI and DBD::Oracle for information.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Off topic question on data modeling tools

2002-08-15 Thread Steven Lembark is a better place to start.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Backslashes

2002-08-13 Thread Steven Lembark


 Does anybody have a way to deal with user input containing a '\' from a
 cgi form into a mysql database?
 Or do I have to  do regex to escape user input, escape the database input
 and escape the database out  for every db query or insert ?

 Not a complaint but just looking for a better way.

Given that MySQL has to interpret the strings, there isn't
any way to insulate yourself at the Perl level (e.g., by
using single-quotes). Short of treating the data as blobs,
you're stuck escaping them for MySQL.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: CPAN Upload: T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.24.tar.gz

2002-06-04 Thread Steven Lembark

   file: $CPAN/authors/id/T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.24.tar.gz

You're getting nearly as bad as I am :-)

Any idea when you are going to update the DBI book (I'm
going to push hard on my company to buy copies when it
comes out )?

Chicago just hit summer: we traded cold  rainy for heat
and thunderstorms. Watching the puddles reminds me of
London :-) How is your place working out?

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Quick Question... I hope ;-)

2002-05-22 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Herbold, John W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I have a chance for Perl to take yet another deep foot hold in my company!

 However I need it to be able to hit IMS on the mainframe?  We have it
 hitting DB2 on the mainframe already, but for a new project, we need it to
 be able to read IMS tables.

 Any Ideas?

Look up IMS on CPAN:

You'll find (among other things)

IMS::ReleaseMgr Perl extension for managing IMS Release Manager packages

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Unix command in Perl

2002-05-16 Thread Steven Lembark

 chdir(/oracle);  -- for changing the dir to Oracle
 source ora_INST  -- for pointing the OPS$accnt to
 database INST

 how can I run these unix commands in a perl program?

 Any kind of help is Appreciated!

You don't want to run an external command:

perldoc -f chdir;

either (a) dot the shell setup before starting perl
or (b) set the environment up using %ENV or (c) use
system( . ora_INST; other commands here ) to set
the environment up for the commands.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Problem with DBD(Oracle)

2002-05-16 Thread Steven Lembark


 install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load
  module DBD::Oracle: No such file or directory at
 /opt/perl5/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC2.0/ line 206.
  at (eval 6)[/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/PA-RISC2.0/] line
 Compilation failed in require at (eval
 6)[/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/PA-RISC2.0/] line 3.
 Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected

 The file is there in path

Check that perl -V shows it looking in /opt/perl5/lib/.
You may have used another copy of perl to install the
module -- under that perl's ./lib. Also check that make
test succeeds in the original build directory and watch
the output of make install. It may have blown up and
you missed the message. If you used -MCPAN to insall the
module try doing it from the command line this time.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Concurreny

2002-05-07 Thread Steven Lembark

 what the DBI policy on concurrency is.

It's a very good thing when it works would probably sum
it up nicely.

The mechanism, however,  is left up to the underlying
database. MySQL implements row locking (I think?). At
that point you can get standard-issue read/write lock
level concurrency.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

RE: How to call stored procedure?

2002-04-29 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Stephen Keller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ed, you asked about stored procedures in DBD::DB2 land...

 According to the IBM CLI documentation, you can only call a stored
 procedure with parameter place holders, which implies that you must use
 bind_param() after you've prepared the statement instead of passing the
 values in directly (as you show).  I've not tried this with Perl, but I
 would expect it to work something like the following:

 $sth=$dbh-prepare( 'CALL MYPROC(?,?)' );
 $sth-bind_param(0, 'test');
 $sth-bind_param(1, 'missing');

 In the CLI Stored procedures use the same SQLExecuteDirect or
 SQLPrepare/SQLExecute C calls that regular queries use.  The Perl driver
 also uses these C calls, so using CALL in a prepare statement should work
 in the DBD::DB2 driver just fine.  One caveat, however.  IBM does not
 document any stored procedure call examples in its driver docs.  This
 suggests the possibility that the IBM driver does not support such calls.
 For confirmation or an example, you might try a search on the IBM DB2

If you prepare the query with placeholders and use
exec-with-arguments I thought DBI/DBD::Oracle dealt with
binding the parameters on the fly as the query was passed
through to Oracle (i.e., the bind_param, above, are
implicit). Might be worth checking the code if it saves a
lot of bind_param calls throughout the original perl code.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: What's the best book for learning DBI and DBD::Oracle?

2002-04-17 Thread Steven Lembark

 What about this one: Programming the Perl DBI (O'Reilly - by Alligator
 Descartes, Tim Bunce)? Did someone read it? Is it a good book?

This is certianly the best place to start. The 'eagle'
(mod_perl) book is another good thing to deal with.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: What's the best book for learning DBI and DBD::Oracle?

2002-04-17 Thread Steven Lembark

 What about this one: Programming the Perl DBI (O'Reilly - by Alligator
 Descartes, Tim Bunce)? Did someone read it? Is it a good book?

 Yes. Yes. Yes.

dbi-users mail archive also answers quite a few questions.

The DBI and DBD::Oracle POD are also useful (hey: documentation
that works!).

Examples that come with DBI  DBD stuff also might help.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: DBI :Installation problem

2002-03-31 Thread Steven Lembark



   when i am trying to install DBI-1.15 on Solaris 2.8 having Perl
 5.005 , during the execution of the command , am getting follwoing error

# make
 cc -c   -xO3 -xdepend -DVERSION=\1.15\  -DXS_VERSION=\1.15\ -KPIC
 -I/usr/per l5/5.00503/sun4-solaris/CORE -DDBI_NO_THREADS Perl.c
 sh: cc: not found
 *** Error code 1
 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `Perl.o'

cc: not found as caused by make being unable to find
the compiler in your path. You probably need to update
your path to include the compiler's directory.

One way is to export CC=/path/to/your/compiler before
running the ./Configure code.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Insert dates into oracle from perl

2002-02-01 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Jay Strauss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 With so little info provided, its anyone's guess, so mine is:

 You aren't casting a perl string to an oracle date with to_date:


 $date = 01/01/02
 $dbh-do(insert into table (datefield) values

That or just set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT and make sure the
strings agree.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

RE: how to install DBD-Oracle on linux

2002-01-08 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Sterin, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 You can't do it without having the Oracle client installed.  You must
 have the libs in order to compile and link with them.

The good news is that you don't need *all* of a runnable
oracle server, just the client libs. These take quite a
bit less luck + time to get working.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Anyone know of specific problems with the malloc in Sun's libc?

2001-12-31 Thread Steven Lembark

W/ current apache and mod_perl, perl-5.6.1, Solaris-2.8.
Been having problems with DBI dropping connections. One
suggestion was to override the default of no and use
the malloc that comes with perl-5.6.1.

Anyone know of problems or any obvious symptoms?


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: empty row sometimes?

2001-10-22 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Ronald J Kimball [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 if ($row1 ne ) {

You're using the wrong test. It should be:

if( defined $row1 )
# deal with the row
print Your row is empty.

If the operation may return undef at one level then you
have to check that level before checking further down to
avoid autovivication:

$referent-[0][1] ||= '';

automatically creates the [0] referent so that it has
someplace to store the [1] entry that's getting ''
stored in it. This means that if a caller wants to know
if something was stored at [0][1] it'll have to use
soemthing like:

if( defined $ref-[0] )
print You have a row


if( defined $ref-[0][1] )
print The value at row 0, field 1 is $ref-[0][1]
print Sorry, boss, nothing there.

Point is that checking for a false value misses some
things which would be present but false ('0', '') and
won't check properly for nested levels of array that
have defined values in them which are present to hold
undef or false.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Seems that IBM likes DBI as well...

2001-10-20 Thread Steven Lembark

Under Highlights of DB2:

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Paradox

2001-10-13 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Marco Schlünß [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 if you have a windows-environment around (BDE needs this) and still
 willing to a DBD::BDE, i would supply you with all the resources and
 knowledge i could provide.

Don't have windows here (have a DOS-3.3 floppy somewhere
I think if it's still good...).  I used the Boreland Engine
when it ran on DOS and the thing was fairly usable w/

Guess that Marco has answered it :-)

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Paradox

2001-10-12 Thread Steven Lembark


 Sorry, should have specified, under *nix. My bad. I don't think ODBC or
 ADO will help me much ...

If they still have an API available I'd be willing to try
and whip up a DBD::Paradox using it.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Installation DBI-package and DBD package : Need ur Help

2001-10-10 Thread Steven Lembark

-- anandha prassanna [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582


2001-09-25 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Casper van der Harst [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i'm running a Linux-server and need to get information from an Microsoft
 SQL-server. Is there a cheap possibility to do this.

dbi w/ odbc should do it.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

RE: Perl Questions

2001-09-13 Thread Steven Lembark


 while noone seems to want to give any detail,
 rule of thumb for me:-)
 make clean
 perl Makefile.PL
 make test
 make install

Save yourself some typing:

make test install;

dependencies build the thing and the build short-circuts unless the
test suceeds.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: strange perl problems....

2001-09-13 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Rajeev Nalluri [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,

 I am having a strange problem. I used to have few perl scripts working
 fine until recently I moved to AIX 4.3.3 from 4.3.1.

Make sure to re-compaile anything with C code in it.  You may have
run into a library mismatch.

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Keeping a database connection across a fork

2001-09-01 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Stephen Clouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hash: SHA1

 On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 03:23:39PM -0500, Jay Strauss wrote:
 I'm trying to write a daemon that accesses my database.  I thought I
 could create the connection in the parent, and use it in the child.  But
 that doesn't seem to work.  Below is the code.  Any help would be

 Initiate the database connect in the child.  You generally can't share
 database  connections across processes.  You *definitely* can't share
 Oracle connections  across processes.

Actually you can.  Trick is to turn on the NO-DESTROY option (forgot the
exact keyword) and let the children destroy things when they exit.  It's
actually fairly workable to share a database handle w/ the sub-proc's
preparing their own statement handles.  The main problem is that is a
True Pain (tm) to debug forks via the perl debugger and DBI isn't normally
the sort of thing you want to debug with printf's :-)

Steven Lembark   2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing   Chicago, IL 60647
+1 800 762 1582

Re: Keeping a connection open accross a fork

2001-08-30 Thread Steven Lembark

-- Jay Strauss [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I'm trying to write a daemon that accesses my database.  I thought I could
 create the connection in the parent, and use it in the child.  But that
 doesn't seem to work.  Below is the code.  Any help would be appreciated

Don't pass DBI objects across forks unless you're into wizardry.  Pass
info instead and have the child proc make its own connections.  Problem
is that when things go out of scope they are DESTROY-ed.  Value goes out
of scope in parent and poof, it's gone.  Leaves child with copy of dead
object.  There are ways around thi sin DBI but they require careful
manglement.  Mucho simpler to just create at least the statemnt handles
in your children -- just make sure that the parent never destroy's the
database handle (e.g., via wait).  dbh's aren't all that expensive so you
can probably just make the connection in the child proc -- also insulates
the child proc's from one another.


Re: SQL efficiency

2001-07-29 Thread Steven Lembark

- Stacy Mader [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/29/01 23:03:10 +1000:

 With our report/response database, fault_no's can have one, multiple or
 null response_no's. The SQL below returns distinct fault_no's regardless
 if it has one, multiple or null response's. The SQL does the job, but
 can you figure out it uses up a large amount of CPU (60% on an Ultra
 I'm only dealing with ~ 1400 rows.
 Is there a better method?
 SELECT s.fault_no, s.date_occurred, s.one_line_summary, s.category
 FROM stacy s
 WHERE (s.response_no =
 SELECT max(response_no)
 FROM stacy
 WHERE fault_no = s.fault_no
  )  OR response_no is null
 BTW: This is operating on an Oracle VIEW. I'm using Oracle 7.3.3 via

NULL's are evil in most cases -- C.J. Date explains why better than
I can.  You would be better off using a default value for the field
and simply selecting what you want.  After that the query breaks 
down to a simple join on -- hopefully -- indexed fields.


Re: DBI and HTML Display

2001-07-15 Thread Steven Lembark

- Kevin Diffily [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/15/01 19:52:15 -0400:

 Can anyone offer a simple example of retrieving information with DBI and
 displaying it in HTML?  I am simply looking for the basic syntax.
 I am new to DBI but have pretty extensive Perl and Website experience.


At its most basic:

my @html = ( 'table' );

push @html, join th', 'tr', qw( table header strings );

push @html,  map { join 'td', 'tr', @$_ } $sth-selectall_arrayref ;

push @html, '/table';

my $result = join \n, @html;

The array makes it a bit simpler to isolate changes between the 
sections.  Joining the result on newlines won't effect the final
display but makes reading / debugging things simpler.


Re: (Fwd) .MDX

2001-07-09 Thread Steven Lembark

- Bodo Eing [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/09/01 09:43:41 +0200:

 Date sent:Sat, 7 Jul 2001 20:28:27 +0100
 From: Tim Bunce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  (Fwd) .MDX
 Organization: Paul Ingram Group, Software Systems, +44 1 483 862800
 Apologies for unsolicited email, but I have been searching for any
 information that will tell me what database I'm using - with .mdx files in
 there  and found a message from you to a message board asking a similar
 looks like index files being part of a DBMS using files in Xbase format. Check 
 if there are .dbf and (perhaps) .dbt files around. Unfortunately, 
 this does not tell you anything about the DBMS using these files ( 
 dBASE, MS Access, FoxPro and many more I don't know about)

Thing is that most of the Xbase formats are pretty
interchangable.  If all you want to do is read the
stuff just pretend it's all from DBase and see what
happens, you stand a reasonable chance of reading
the beasties.


RE: Checking for the existence of a certain row.

2001-07-07 Thread Steven Lembark

- Steve Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/07/01 17:54:18 -0500:

 do a
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename WHERE ...
 A count is almost always faster than actually returning that row, and
 requires even less network bandwidth to return the result. Of course, it a
 result of 1 is returned - the row exists.

Don't try this in Oracle, it immediately degenerates into a 
table scan.  MySql may handle this differently but selecting
the key (or the first field with restriction on the PK) will
be equally fast w/o fewer risks.


Re: (Fwd) Just direct me where to go

2001-07-04 Thread Steven Lembark

 Our company is developing allot of Perl script using DBI and DBD::Informix,
 We want to send these scripts to our customers, along with compiled
 What is the best way to do this.

If all of your customers run the same versions of the O/S, Informix and 
Perl and DBI and DBD and system lib's then you can just send the bin's
squished in an archive on CD or over the net.

Problem is that the first customer who uses a different version of the
external lib's (e.g., Solaris vs HP-UX, Solaris 2.7 vs. Solaris 2.5) will
be unable to load your stock binary.  Your only recourse at that point
is to have a copy of every system setup your customers do in order to
generate bin's, which can get painful if there are a variety of hard-
and O/S-alternatives out there.

The installation process is not that difficult and you may find it simpler
to just help them install the Perly and DBI portions from scratch.


Re: fat slow program DBI?

2001-06-30 Thread Steven Lembark

 I'm making a small system using perl and PostgresSQL, but have some problem when 
clients access tables with abou 2000 rows.
 Well, I have a piece of code where I list all the data that comes from one table 
(the one with 2000 rows) and the perl process
 becomes a fat (13Mgs in RAM) and slow (can take about 7 minutes) to show the results.
 the program is not complicated, it's as simple as:
 $query=select * from table;
print trtd$data[0]/tdtd$data[1]/td/tr;
 I'm runing a RedHat 7.1 with a 2.4.2 SMP kernel on a dual Pentium III, 256M RAM pc.
 The clients are windows, but I have monitores the processes on a terminal and saw 
them fat, using quite some CPU but slow when
 giving data to the clients. The networks is not charged, I have transmited a 3Mg 
file in less than a second.

You might get better results -- especially with a list this small -- by sucking the 
results out in one pass:

my $qry = $dbh-prepare( 'select * from blah' );

print map { ... } $qry-fetchall_arrayref;

I don't know enough about postgres internals, but you might get some
improvement with something more like:

my $qry = $dbh-prepare( $blah );

sub handler
print map { ... } $qry-fetchall_arrayref;

i.e., prepare the thing once and just re-use it to get the data.

If you want to see where it's really sucking up the 7 minutes you can use
Benchmark to track the time and CPU use during each stage and see 
where the majority of time lies.


RE: Shorthand for $dbh-prepare and $sth-execute?

2001-06-26 Thread Steven Lembark

 Have you ever tried selecting about a thousand or so rows?  I just wonder
 if it still would work, since the db driver really can't know how many
 rows it fetched until they are all fetched.  As I mentioned some drivers
 fetch so many rows into a cache for better efficiency, but I don't know
 how DBD::mysql does it since I rarelly use it, but I wonder if that's the
 case for you.

I have code that regularly has to select 1000's of rows from oracle --
I normally use fetchall_arrayref w/ prepared queries.  There are quite a few
cases where preparing queries isn't all that helpful, however (e.g., when
table must be chosen at runtime).  

Proably need to benchmark what the system and particular config of mysql
can handle to find out for sure...