Re: L'oeuf et la poule, version Build-Depends

2003-05-22 Thread Ahmed
Jeremie Koenig wrote:
Évidemment, pour compiler la libc, j'ai besoin du cross-compilo. Donc je
Build-Depends: c-compiler-i386-msdosdjgpp. Seulement, pour compiler gcc,
j'ai besoin des headers de la libc, donc je Build-Depends: djgpp.
Et hop, une build-dépendence circulaire.
Ca me tracasse quand même.
Est-ce un problème ?
Les build-dépendences circulaires existent:
- libxerces2-java: ant, libxalan2-java
- libxalan2-java: ant, libxerces2-java
- ant: libxalan2-java, libxerces2-java
La circularité n'est pas un problème. Y rentrer peut-être mais pas y être.
Il faut rentrer dans le cycle. Une fois dedans, se débarasser de ce qui 
a permis d'y entrer.

Re: ITO packages: ntop, apt-show-source

2003-05-22 Thread Ola Lundqvist
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 11:20:53PM +0200, Dennis Schoen wrote:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 05:03:47PM +0200, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
  On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 01:42:32PM +0200, Dennis Schoen wrote:
   Package: ntop
   Description: display network usage in top-like format
ntop is a Network Top program. It displays a summary of network
usage by machines on your network in a format reminiscent of the
unix top utility.
It can also be run in web mode, which allows the display to be
browsed with a web browser.
  I'd like to take this one. I have been using it for a long time and
  is quite experienced with the code.
 Ok, it's yours. I hoped you would step forward as you have already
 done some work on it. :)

Ok, thanks.

 Please try to upload a package in the next days.

I'll do that, hopefully today.


// Ola

 Wanting to kill yourself after loosing a game of Go is extreme, sure,
 but not unheard-of.
 Hell, it's practically a sign of progress.

 - Ola Lundqvist ---
/  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Annebergsslingan 37  \
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30  +46 (0)70-332 1551   |
| UIN/icq: 4912500 |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Colin Walters
On Sun, 2003-05-18 at 22:07, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
 [I've already asked a few relevant individuals about this, but am
 opening it up to the list at their suggestion.]
 I've recently been in touch with somebody (a lawyer and professor
 concerned with government open source policy) who is interested in
 sponsoring a Debian conference here in Washington, DC, next spring, in
 conjunction with an international conference on open source in

Sounds like a good idea to me!  If we have a sponsor, it makes sense to
use the opportunity.

Re: Firebird 0.6

2003-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Eric Dorland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 So unless you have a better reason
 then PCness, I'll use either as the mood strikes me :)

To be accurate, I don't think this is an example of PCness, but rather
of PR-speak, the same sort of thing that goes into press releases
(though I mean `public relations' when I say PR).  It's amazing how even
quite clueful people can end up producing a meaningless mush of
empty-but-safe-and-vaguely-positive-sounding adjectives when they write
a press release.

I must admit I got a bit worried when I saw the mozilla screed on
`promoting brand awareness'...

`Cars give people wonderful freedom and increase their opportunities.
 But they also destroy the environment, to an extent so drastic that
 they kill all social life' (from _A Pattern Language_)

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Simon Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Please don't hold the conference in the U.S.  I am a Canadian
 who has not stepped foot on American soil since your government declared
 it was at war.

You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
the U.S. governments acts or positions?

A zen-buddhist walked into a pizza shop and
said, Make me one with everything.

second for John's amendment

2003-05-22 Thread Jochen Voss

I think that John's modification is a good thing.
Hereby I second the amendment quoted below.


On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 12:19:33PM -0700, John H. Robinson, IV wrote:
 --- proposal-srivasta Fri May 16 09:42:59 2003
 +++ proposal-jaqque   Mon May 19 11:43:13 2003
 @@ -1,139 +1,139 @@
   Constitutional amendment: Condorcet/Clone Proof SSD  vote tallying:
  Under 4.2 Procedure [for developers during a general resolution or
  election], change item 3 to read:
  3. Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
 results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
 vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes cast. The voting
 period is 2 weeks, but may be varied by up to 1 week by the
 Project Leader.
  Under 5.2 Appointment of project leader, change item 7 to read:
  7. The decision will be made using the method specified in section
 A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.  The quorum is the
 same as for a General Resolution (s.4.2) and the default
 option is None Of The Above.
  Under 6.1 Powers [of the technical committee], change item 7 to read:
  7. Appoint the Chairman of the Technical Committee.  The Chairman
 is elected by the Committee from its members. All members of
 the committee are automatically nominated; the committee votes
 starting one week before the post will become vacant (or
 immediately, if it is already too late). The members may vote
 by public acclamation for any fellow committee member,
 including themselves; there is no default option. The vote
 finishes when all the members have voted, or when the voting
 period has ended. The result is determined using the method
 specified in section A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.
  Under A.2 Calling for a vote, change items 2 and 4 to read
  2. The proposer or any sponsor of a resolution may call for a vote on 
 resolution and all related amendments.
  4. The minimum discussion period is counted from the time the last
 formal amendment was accepted, or since the whole resolution
 was proposed if no amendments have been proposed and accepted.
  Replace A.3 with:
A.3. Voting procedure
  1. Each resolution and its related amendments is voted on in a
 single ballot that includes an option for the original
 resolution, each amendment, and the default option (where
  2. The default option must not have any supermajority requirements.
 Options which do not have an explicit supermajority requirement
 have a 1:1 majority requirement.
  3. The votes are counted according to the the rules in A.6.  The
 default option is Further Discussion, unless specified
  4. In cases of doubt the Project Secretary shall decide on matters
 of procedure.
  Replace A.5 with:
A.5. Expiry
 If a proposed resolution has not been discussed, amended, voted on or
 otherwise dealt with for 4 weeks the secretary may issue a statement
 that the issue is being withdrawn.  If none of the sponsors of any
 of the proposals object within a week, the issue is withdrawn.
 The secretary may also include suggestions on how to proceed,
 if appropriate.
  Replace A.6 with:
 A.6 Vote Counting
   1. Each voter's ballot ranks the options being voted on.  Not all
  options need be ranked.  Ranked options are considered
  preferred to all unranked options.  Voters may rank options
  equally.  Unranked options are considered to be ranked equally
  with one another.  Details of how ballots may be filled out
  will be included in the Call For Votes.
 - 2. If the ballot has a quorum requirement R any options other
 -than the default option which do not receive at least R votes
 -ranking that option above the default option are dropped from
 + 2. If the ballot has a quorum requirement R, and less then R votes are
 +cast, the entire vote is thrown out.  The amendment may be withdrawn,
 +or a discussion period may be resumed at the sponsor's discretion.
 + 3. Any option 

Re: Maintaining kernel source in sarge

2003-05-22 Thread Josselin Mouette
Le dim 18/05/2003 à 16:52, Martin Schulze a écrit :
 I also wonder if there are efforts in progress to unify the kernel
 source through more than two architectures?  This would require a
 group or architecture maintainers (current kernel package mantainers)
 to work collaboratively towards this goal.

Maybe the modules situation is even worse, as rebuilding the kernel may
or may not break some of them.
Is it possible to reliably guarantee the binary-compatibility of a newer
(patched) kernel-image with modules built against the previous one ?
Using explicit dependencies for the compiler, for example.

Otherwise, maybe it would be better to include *all* extra modules we
want to build in the kernel build process, and just provide them in
separate packages, as we already do for pcmcia-modules.
This would make these modules more difficult to maintain in sid, but it
would vastly improve the maintainability of the kernel itself.
 .''`.   Josselin Mouette/\./\
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Sven Luther
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 04:06:17PM +0900, Miles Bader wrote:
 Simon Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Please don't hold the conference in the U.S.  I am a Canadian
  who has not stepped foot on American soil since your government declared
  it was at war.
 You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
 U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
 the U.S. governments acts or positions?

I think he meant the war against terrorists, which could potentially
include anyone as ennemy.


Sven Luther

Re$B9f30(B! $B?M5$(B200 $B!s(BUP$BCf!*!*(B

2003-05-22 Thread drcxezeexwtc2fdq7u5v
$B"-"-(BAINO.COM $B"-"-(B

Re: [OT] Storms (Re: Do not touch l10n files (was Re: DDTP issue))

2003-05-22 Thread Tim Dijkstra
On Wed, 14 May 2003 09:28:53 +0200
Martin Godisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 09:02:20 +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
  Tormenta en un vaso de agua in Spanish. So it seems that french
  and spanish drink more water than tea.
 Sturm im Wasserglas in German. ;-)

Storm in een glas water in Dutch.


Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Hi Greg,

Now that you've got this release out, have you given any thought to the
message I sent earlier about merging gdb server versions?

Here it is again in case you've forgotten:


The current version of gdbserver in uClinux-dist only works on the m68k.
In my v850-specific version of uClinux-dist, I include a version of
gdbserver that works on the v850, which I created based on gdb-5.3.  I
think it should generally be much more portable than the old version, as
it's far less hacked up (the only changes I made to put it into the
uClinux-dist/user tree are to move the files around to fit the old
scheme better; I have a shell script that does that automatically).

I haven't yet sent my patches to gdb-central because I'm waiting to get
a copyright disclaimer, but perhaps you might want to include this newer
version in uClinux-dist?

I suppose it will work on other platforms too; the issues that I know
about are:

 (1) In linux-low.c, I do this to get the various address offsets
 (similar to the code in the old m68k gdbserver, which uses
 hard-wired constants):

text = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, (long)PT_TEXT_ADDR, 0);
text_len = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, (long)PT_TEXT_LEN, 0);
real_data = ptrace (PTRACE_PEEKUSER, pid, (long)PT_DATA_ADDR, 0);

 include/asm-v850/ptrace.h in the kernel:

/* These are `magic' values for PTRACE_PEEKUSR that return info
   about where a process is located in memory.  */
#define PT_TEXT_ADDR(PT_SIZE + 1)
#define PT_TEXT_LEN (PT_SIZE + 2)
#define PT_DATA_ADDR(PT_SIZE + 3)

 Could you add similar to defines to the other uClinux ports, so
 that the linux-low.c code will work on them too?  BTW, notice that
 I used `PT_TEXT_LEN' instead of `PT_TEXT_END_ADDR' (which is
 what the m68k uses), as addr-len pairs generally seem cleaner to
 me than addr-endaddr pairs (makes the code slightly simpler too).

 (2) Since stuff in uClinux-dist comes `pre-configured' (i.e. doesn't
 get to run the configure script), and I of course configured it for
 the v850, the gdbserver Makefile needs to somehow select the proper
 machine-dependent files to use.  Currently the only
 machine-dependent bits seem to be these:

DEPFILES = reg-v850e.o linux-low.o linux-v850e-low.o 

 Perhaps it would be good enough to change this to something like:

DEPFILES = reg-$(CPU).o linux-low.o linux-$(CPU)-low.o 

 But I'm not sure where I can get CPU from; is there something
 handy in the uClinux-dist Makefiles that could be used?  The set
 of CPU values used in (my version of) gdbserver are:

v850e, s390, arm, x86-64, i386, mips, ppc, sh, ia64, m68k

 So it seems that the most `obvious' value should work OK Hmmm,
 perhaps I ought to change `v850e' to be `v850' for compatibility
 with the kernel, etc... sigh.

What are your thoughts?



`To alcohol!  The cause of, and solution to,
 all of life's problems' --Homer J. Simpson

Bug#194280: ITP: dcraw -- This is a small utility which converts proprietary image formats used in various digital cameras into ppm

2003-05-22 Thread Steve King
Package: wnpp
Version: N/A; reported 2003-05-22
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: dcraw
  Version : 1.110
  Upstream Author : Dave Coffin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : Unknown free (see below)
  Description : This is a small utility which converts proprietary image 
formats used in various digital cameras into ppm

Alternative URL:

Copyright message:
From dcraw.c

   Raw Photo Decoder (formerly Canon PowerShot Converter)
   Copyright 1997-2003 by Dave Coffin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   This code is freely licensed for all uses, commercial and

From other components, messages similar to this:

 * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Thomas G. Lane.
 * Part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
 * See the file Copyright for more details.

[Copyright file MIA]

 * Copyright (c) 1993 Brian C. Smith, The Regents of the University
 * of California
 * All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1994 Kongji Huang and Brian C. Smith.
 * Cornell University
 * All rights reserved.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written
agreement is
 * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the
 * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.

This is a cool utility that turns incomprehensible, proprietary
RAW files from digital cameras into nice ppm files. 
For my own camera, the cpu time and quality is comparable to
the utility provided by the manufacturer (canon).

In case it shows, too much, This is my first interaction
with the debian project except as a happy user.

Steve King

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux eagle 2.4.18-xfs-evms #1 Fri Jan 10 16:29:33 GMT 2003 i686

Bug#194286: ITP: labrea -- a sticky honeypot and IDS

2003-05-22 Thread Samuele Giovanni Tonon
Package: wnpp
Version: unavailable; reported 2003-05-22
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: labrea
  Version : 2.5.beta1
  Upstream Author : Tom Liston [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Description : a sticky honeypot and IDS

  LaBrea takes over unused IP addresses, and creates virtual servers
  that are attractive to worms, hackers, and other denizens of the
  The program answers connection attempts in such a way that
  the machine at the other end gets stuck, sometimes
  for a very long time.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Architecture: i386
Kernel: Linux cthugha 2.4.21-rc2 #12 Sun May 18 19:59:00 CEST 2003 i686

When all the network has eyes, even if we were to send out minds turned into
light or electrons...  
It is a time when one is not able to make a solid, a complex, into 
data yet...

Error in upgrading libgd-perl?

2003-05-22 Thread Neil McGovern
Hi all,

While trying to upgrade libgd-perl I get the following error:

vivacia:/home/maulkin# apt-get install libgd-perl
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  libgd-perl: Depends: libgd-gd1-perl (= 1.41-6) but 1.41-5 is to be
E: Broken packages

vivacia:/home/maulkin# apt-get install libgd-gd1-perl
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
libgd-gd1-perl is already the newest version.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

This has been like this for a week or so.
Anyone have any more info?

16 Channels in mode 4
I disclaim everything I can under English law.
gpg key - ; 8DEC67C5

tagcolledit: first infancy of a GUI editor for package tags

2003-05-22 Thread Enrico Zini

I've started working at a GUI editor for package tags.  It's called
tagcolledit and you can find it in my apt repository:

deb unstable/$(ARCH)/
deb unstable/all/
deb-src unstable/source/

So far it has no editing functions, but it can be used to navigate the
tag database in an original, non-hierarchical way.  It can already be
useful as a way to have alternative views of the tag database, that
could help in having ideas for better tag informations, and then go and
input them at .

I welcome feedback and suggestions, both for navigating the database and
for editing functions.  Only one problem is already known: it's quite
slow when listing large groups of items.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Russell Coker
On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
 You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
 U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
 the U.S. governments acts or positions?

When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline industries 
suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this then it'll keep the 
American economy down.

If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government won't 
last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy people who 
lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.

--   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark SMTP/POP benchmark  My home page

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Stephen Frost
* Simon Law ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Please don't hold the conference in the U.S.  I am a Canadian
 who has not stepped foot on American soil since your government declared
 it was at war.

If we have a sponsor and there are enough interested parties to warrent
it I think we should do it.  I certainly think there's enough interest
and it sounds like we have a sponsor.  Those who have concerns or
political issues need not attend but that should not stop the conference
from happening if there are enough people who are interested.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Emile van Bergen

On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:39:02PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:

 On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
  You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
  U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
  the U.S. governments acts or positions?
 When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline industries 
 suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this then it'll keep the 
 American economy down.
 If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government won't 
 last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy people who 
 lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.

Hm, as could be seen in Iraq, boycotts only strenghen the position of
the rogue leaders (See? They are all against us! We need to protect
ourselves! You need a strong man to protect you! Etc.)



E-Advies - Emile van Bergen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153

Re: Firebird 0.6

2003-05-22 Thread Andreas Happe
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Eric Dorland wrote:
 Could you be more specific? If there's a permission problem I'd like
 to fix it :)

I've used the root account to install some mozilla - modules into
/usr/lib/mozilla-firebird/chrome. After i changed into my normal user
account I couldn't start mozilla, I could call 'mozilla' from shell, but
it would return me back into the shell without any information.

I've tried to strace mozilla and found out that I was lacking read
access to a module file and that crashed mozilla.

Dunno which specific module that was (the problem was resolved to
quick to remeber), but you could just try the standard get extensions


lintian: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath, --disable-rpath doesn't help

2003-05-22 Thread Sebastian Muszynski
Hello all!

I am getting a lintian error, binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath although i run
configure with --disable-rpath option. It is no automake problem... i've
remake all automake stuff to check this.

./configure --disable-rpath works in so far that it sets or unsets $KDE_RPATH
but -rpath appears nevertheless in the Makefile: 

$(CXXLINK) -rpath $(kde_moduledir) $(libkimagemapeditor_la_LDFLAGS) 
$(libkimagemapeditor_la_OBJECTS) $(libkimagemapeditor_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)

Is it a libtool problem?! What can i do?

At you can find sources, diff etc.

Many thanks,


Re: Error in upgrading libgd-perl?

2003-05-22 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
This is a consequence of its broken build-depends (Bug #193602).

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

Re: ITP: codestriker -- A web based collaborative code review tool

2003-05-22 Thread Nicolas THOMAS

 I know have a working package (lintian clean).

Can be found here :

deb sid main
deb-src sid main

Hope this helps,

ps: still looking for a sponsor..

Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Stefan Schwandter
[Please CC me!]
I have some packages left I'd like to orphan:
fltk, fltk1.1: The Fast Light Toolkit ( A C++ GUI toolkit.
spiralsynthmodular ( :  a modular 
software synth. Needs fltk.

aseqview: displays ALSA synthesizer events.
I'd be glad if someone could orphan the packages that nobody wants to 
take right now, because I don't have access to a debian system to do it 


Re: HylaFax

2003-05-22 Thread Diego Brouard
 I have heard that Hylafax has a Windows client available. (I am not sure
 if this just gives the ability to send faxes or if it also lets you view
 received faxes though).

Yes, there's WHFC ( ) a 
client program for windows to send faxes through a hylafax server. My clients 
use it normally. It includes a small addressbook, it asks for the fax number, 
a cover, and you can check and use the queue.


Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Mathieu Roy
Emile van Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

 On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:39:02PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
  On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
   You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
   U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
   the U.S. governments acts or positions?
  When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline industries 
  suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this then it'll keep 
  American economy down.
  If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government won't 
  last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy people who 
  lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.
 Hm, as could be seen in Iraq, boycotts only strenghen the position of
 the rogue leaders (See? They are all against us! We need to protect
 ourselves! You need a strong man to protect you! Etc.)

Both points of view make sense. 

Fact is selecting a location for an event which is outside USA seems a
good compromise for everybody.
People that do not want to go to USA are not forced to, others that do
not think USA should be avoided would surely agree to go elsewhere too.

Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker:

Re: Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Stefan Schwandter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd be glad if someone could orphan the packages that nobody wants to
 take right now, because I don't have access to a debian system to do
 it myself.

I'd be willing to adopt fltk1.1, and will also upload a new build of
spiralsynthmodular shortly unless somebody takes it before then.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Stephen Frost
* Mathieu Roy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Both points of view make sense. 
 Fact is selecting a location for an event which is outside USA seems a
 good compromise for everybody.
 People that do not want to go to USA are not forced to, others that do
 not think USA should be avoided would surely agree to go elsewhere too.

As one of the 200+ developers in the USA I don't feel it should be
avoided and I feel quite out in the cold most of the time when these
conferences come around because I don't have the funds to go elsewhere.
I don't see any problem with having conferences in the USA, or other
places for that matter, provided there are enough people who will go to
warrent it and there is someone willing to sponsor it.  Lots of people
might not be willing to go to the USA for political reasons, probably
more would find it cost prohibitive.  The same is true for conferences
outside the USA, I'm sure quite a few developers find that cost
prohibitive too, and I imagine there are USA developers who dislike the
actions of other countries and would avoid conferences there too.  This
doesn't mean we shouldn't have any conferences.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Russell Coker
On Fri, 23 May 2003 01:06, Mathieu Roy wrote:
   If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government
   won't last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy
   people who lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.
  Hm, as could be seen in Iraq, boycotts only strenghen the position of
  the rogue leaders (See? They are all against us! We need to protect
  ourselves! You need a strong man to protect you! Etc.)

 Both points of view make sense.

 Fact is selecting a location for an event which is outside USA seems a
 good compromise for everybody.
 People that do not want to go to USA are not forced to, others that do
 not think USA should be avoided would surely agree to go elsewhere too.

I have no objections to a conference in the US.  If there are enough people 
interested in attending to make it a good conference then it should be run.  
The US has a large population, they should be able to justify a conference 
without any visitors from other countries.

I can't rule out the possibility of attending myself.

I was merely pointing out one of the reasons why many people are avoiding the 

--   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark SMTP/POP benchmark  My home page

Re: Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Morgon Kanter
This one time, at band camp, Stefan Schwandter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 fltk, fltk1.1: The Fast Light Toolkit ( A C++ GUI toolkit.

I'd be interested in taking these over if no one else wants to, because 
one if my ITPs (Quat) depends on these.

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Thu, 22 May 2003 22:39:02 +1000, Russell Coker

 On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
 You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
 U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel
 about the U.S. governments acts or positions?

 When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline
 industries suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this
 then it'll keep the American economy down.

I see. You all are personally taking action to make it harder
 for my friends and relatives to find a job, or get decent health care
 (my ex-boss has been looking for employment for 27 months now, and my
 step daughter does not have a job with benefits), and you expect me
 to have sympathy for your views?

You are taking personal actions inimical to the standard of
 living of me and my loved ones in retaliation for actions by my
 government (which I have little control over), and you expect me to
 roll over and congratulate you all on your stance? Hell, my first
 instinct is to try and see how I can retaliate.

Let me clue all of you in: anyone who takes a stand and tries
 to hurt the US economy, I see as a taking action inimical to me, and
 my loved ones, and I do *NOT* see that as friendly action. 

A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. Ben
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Michael Banck
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 12:17:32PM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
 As one of the 200+ developers in the USA I don't feel it should be
 avoided and I feel quite out in the cold most of the time when these
 conferences come around because I don't have the funds to go elsewhere.
 I don't see any problem with having conferences in the USA, or other
 places for that matter, provided there are enough people who will go to
 warrent it and there is someone willing to sponsor it.  Lots of people
 might not be willing to go to the USA for political reasons, probably
 more would find it cost prohibitive.  The same is true for conferences
 outside the USA, I'm sure quite a few developers find that cost
 prohibitive too, and I imagine there are USA developers who dislike the
 actions of other countries and would avoid conferences there too.  This
 doesn't mean we shouldn't have any conferences.



Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Joey Hess
Stephen Frost wrote:
 I don't see any problem with having conferences in the USA, or other
 places for that matter, provided there are enough people who will go to
 warrent it and there is someone willing to sponsor it.  Lots of people
 might not be willing to go to the USA for political reasons, probably
 more would find it cost prohibitive.  The same is true for conferences
 outside the USA, I'm sure quite a few developers find that cost
 prohibitive too, and I imagine there are USA developers who dislike the
 actions of other countries and would avoid conferences there too.

It's really not any more expensive to travel to Toronto or Vancouver
than it is to travel a similar distance inside the US[1]. Once you get
there you'll find that the conference is cheaper since the Canadian
dollar is (still) weaker than the US dollar. And I know of approixmatly
zero Americans who have reason to boycott Canada. Sorry, argument does
not fly.

Anyway, I'd love to see a conference in DC, since I have family there,
and it's only 5 hours away by car. I'm looking forward to Oslo more
though, if I can find cheap plane tickets!

see shy jo

[1] If you're low on cash and it's on the right side of the continent, 
you go by car. Or greyhound!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 05:06:24PM +0200, Mathieu Roy wrote:
 Emile van Bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED] a tapoté :

  On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:39:02PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
   On Thu, 22 May 2003 17:06, Miles Bader wrote:
You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
the U.S. governments acts or positions?
   When tourism goes down the hotel, entertainment, and airline industries 
   suffer.  If enough people boycott the US because of this then it'll keep 
   American economy down.
   If the US economy stays down long enough then the current government 
   last.  Rhetoric about imaginary enemies in Iraq doesn't satisfy people 
   lose their jobs because of the economy sucking.
  Hm, as could be seen in Iraq, boycotts only strenghen the position of
  the rogue leaders (See? They are all against us! We need to protect
  ourselves! You need a strong man to protect you! Etc.)

 Both points of view make sense. 

 Fact is selecting a location for an event which is outside USA seems a
 good compromise for everybody.

The sponsors aren't *offering* to sponsor a conference outside the US.
Most of the arguments against holding a conference in the US are
therefore irrelevant.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Miles Bader dijo [Thu, May 22, 2003 at 04:06:17PM +0900]:
 Simon Law [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Please don't hold the conference in the U.S.  I am a Canadian
  who has not stepped foot on American soil since your government declared
  it was at war.
 You mean the iraq war?  What's the point?  How is avoiding the
 U.S. going to help anything, regardless of how strongly you feel about
 the U.S. governments acts or positions?

It may be too little if only one person does it... But I know *MANY*
people who simply will avoid (to de extent possible in Mexico, at least)
buying any American goods. 

In my particular cas -and I think many other developers will agree- this
did not suddenly start with the Iraqi war - The USA have long been a
country with little or none respect for privacy and freedom, standing in
the way of technological advance. 

How will it help anything? First of all, if they notice that they are
ceasing to be the focus of technological development, they might
understand that they are doing something wrong. And even if they don't,
at least I feel better ;-)

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: Accepted ptkei 1.18.0-4 (all source)

2003-05-22 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 21 May 2003 12:24:42 -0700, Brian Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 reopen 192068 thanks

 John O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Format: 1.7 Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:40:18 +0100 Source: ptkei
 Binary: ptkei Architecture: source all Version: 1.18.0-4
 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: John O'Sullivan
 Description: ptkei - Python TK Empire Interface Changes: ptkei
 (1.18.0-4) unstable; urgency=low .
 * Fixed Bug#192068

 ...another fine example of changelog abuse.

How is that changelog abuse? Methinks this is a case of hair
 trigger reopen closed bugs stupidly. Note that the changelog did not
 actually close the bug.

Smoking is, as far as I'm concerned, the entire point of being an
adult. Fran Lebowitz
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1024R/C7261095 print CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Stephen Frost
* Joey Hess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 It's really not any more expensive to travel to Toronto or Vancouver
 than it is to travel a similar distance inside the US[1]. Once you get
 there you'll find that the conference is cheaper since the Canadian
 dollar is (still) weaker than the US dollar. And I know of approixmatly
 zero Americans who have reason to boycott Canada. Sorry, argument does
 not fly.

It's alot cheaper if the conference is in DC for me since there'd be
basically no additional cost involved.  A conference in Toronto or
Vancouver would be more expensive due to travel time, hotel cost, etc.
Though I might be as willing to go to Toronto as NYC if there was
a conference there.  It seems the conferences are often in Europe though
which is definitely more expensive than pretty much anywhere on the east
coast for me.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Francesco Paolo Lovergine
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
 * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)

Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
Do it using BTS directly.

Francesco P. Lovergine

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Jarno Elonen
 As other people have said: I'm not going, but I don't object to a
 conference in the US per se.

Same here. Even if I had the money to attend, I wouldn't like to travel to the 
US because of the new copyright and anti-terrorist laws. Still, I think it's 
a good idea to arrange a conference for the American developers.

- Jarno

Re: Accepted ptkei 1.18.0-4 (all source)

2003-05-22 Thread Brian Nelson
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 21 May 2003 12:24:42 -0700, Brian Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 reopen 192068 thanks

 John O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Format: 1.7 Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:40:18 +0100 Source: ptkei
 Binary: ptkei Architecture: source all Version: 1.18.0-4
 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: John O'Sullivan
 Description: ptkei - Python TK Empire Interface Changes: ptkei
 (1.18.0-4) unstable; urgency=low .
 * Fixed Bug#192068

 ...another fine example of changelog abuse.

   How is that changelog abuse? 

Uhh, there's no description of the bug.  If you're not going to describe
any of the fixes in the changelog, why even use a changelog at all?

  Methinks this is a case of hair trigger reopen closed bugs
  stupidly. Note that the changelog did not actually close the bug.

Right, I did not realize that.  Nonetheless, it is still a very poor
changelog entry.

Poems... always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Morgon Kanter
This one time, at band camp, Francesco Paolo Lovergine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

Debian Developers' Reference actually recommends doing that on the first 
line of the new changelog entry.

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Michael Banck
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:49:52PM +0200, Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

Come on. This is getting a bit over the top, IMHO.

After all, he *did* merge those changes from the NMU into his local
tree. Or even if he just pulled the lastest debian source, it would
still be a change. I think it's entirely reasonable to do this.

What is the current consensus on this?


Re: Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Morgon Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This one time, at band camp, Stefan Schwandter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  fltk, fltk1.1: The Fast Light Toolkit ( A C++ GUI toolkit.
 I'd be interested in taking these over if no one else wants to, because 
 one if my ITPs (Quat) depends on these.

No offense, but are you actually a DD?  I can't seem to find you in
the database, or even the new-maintainer queue.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Stephen Frost
* Francesco Paolo Lovergine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

He's officially closeing NMU's because he's uploading an actual
maintainer upload.  I think that's very appropriate for the changelog.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
El día 22 may 2003, Francesco Paolo Lovergine escribía:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

  This use of changelog is fine, IMO.
  You make a mantainer upload using the modifications made in NMUs,
  which has yet the Closes line. But they only tag the bugs as fixed.

  I even think this is written somewore

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Andreas Barth
* Francesco Paolo Lovergine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030522 21:35]:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:

  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)

 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

The developers references tells that both methods are allowed in 5.11.4

I for myself prefer the changelog entry because it shows direct which
bugs are closed by the maintainer.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Wouter Verhelst
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:49:52PM +0200, Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
 Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
 Do it using BTS directly.

Uh, nope. See the developers' reference, chapter 5.11.5. The idea is: if
you're not uploading a new version, the NMU is still not 'worked away'.
By closing fixed bugs directly, one could forget to incorporate the
changes of the NMU...

Wouter Verhelst
Debian GNU/Linux --
Nederlandstalige Linux-documentatie --
An expert can usually spot the difference between a fake charge and a
full one, but there are plenty of dead experts. 
  -- National Geographic Channel, in a documentary about large African beasts.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Morgon Kanter
This one time, at band camp, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aaron M. Ucko) wrote:
   fltk, fltk1.1: The Fast Light Toolkit ( A C++ GUI toolkit.
  I'd be interested in taking these over if no one else wants to, because 
  one if my ITPs (Quat) depends on these.
 No offense, but are you actually a DD?  I can't seem to find you in
 the database, or even the new-maintainer queue.

None taken. And no, I am not.

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Josip Rodin
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 03:33:29PM -0400, Morgon Kanter wrote:
   * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
  Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
  Do it using BTS directly.
 Debian Developers' Reference actually recommends doing that on the first 
 line of the new changelog entry.

No, it does not _recommend_ that, don't misrepresent it!

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Morgon Kanter
This one time, at band camp, Josip Rodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
* Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)
   Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
   Do it using BTS directly.
  Debian Developers' Reference actually recommends doing that on the first 
  line of the new changelog entry.
 No, it does not _recommend_ that, don't misrepresent it!

It is an old tradition to acknowledge bugs fixed in non-maintainer uploads 
in the first changelog entry of the proper maintainer upload, for instance, 
in a changelog entry like this:

old tradition usually seems to mean good idea to me.

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:10:28PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
 * Francesco Paolo Lovergine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030522 21:35]:
  Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
  Do it using BTS directly.
 The developers references tells that both methods are allowed in 5.11.4
 I for myself prefer the changelog entry because it shows direct which
 bugs are closed by the maintainer.

There's another interesting approach: use 'dpkg-buildpackage -vlast
version you uploaded'. That way you don't even need to include another
changelog entry, but the generated .changes will include a Closes: line
for all the NMU-fixed bugs.


Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Josip Rodin
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 05:27:40PM -0400, Morgon Kanter wrote:
 * Acknowledge NMU (closes: #174301, #172803, #179036, #177616)

Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
Do it using BTS directly.
   Debian Developers' Reference actually recommends doing that on the first 
   line of the new changelog entry.
  No, it does not _recommend_ that, don't misrepresent it!
 It is an old tradition to acknowledge bugs fixed in non-maintainer uploads 
 in the first changelog entry of the proper maintainer upload, for instance, 
 in a changelog entry like this:
 old tradition usually seems to mean good idea to me.

For some people, rebooting machines at first sight of trouble is an old
tradition, too... :)

 2. That which causes joy or happiness.

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Brian Nelson
Guido Trotter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:31:14PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
   directory-administrator (1.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
 * New Upstream Version (closes: #176227, #188308, #90276)
 Changelog abuse.  This is only a valid entry if all 3 of these bugs were
 requests for a new version, which they were not.

 The features included in that version (and listed in upstream changelog)
 solve the problems reported in the other two report...

Then please use a changelog entry for each change, such as

  * New Upstream Version (closes: #176227)
- Fixes error after updating user entry (closes: #188308)
- Fixes segfaults on connect (closes: #90276)

If you don't do this, the original bug submitters will see a bug has
been fixed, but probably not remember what the bug was, especially if he
or she filed multiple bugs for the package.  Furthermore, it's a real
pain to have to look at the BTS, and then search through the upstream
changelog to find the corresponding fix.

This should be described in the developer's reference (as if anyone
actually follows it).

Poems... always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Brian Nelson
Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 11:55:36PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 It's much more helpful to write this as:

 yes of course, but the question is where the line between helpfulness and
 usefulness is :)

 At least I think it is not a good idea to talk about abuse if maintainers
 save themself some work. This might have the opposite effet than desired.

Well in that case, let's just use changelog entries like

  * Closes: #1234, #2345, #3456, #4567

That will save developers some work, right?  Or, even better, let's just
drop usage of that work and time-consuming BTS altogether.

To save developers even more work, let's allow them to never test, or
even build, a package before upload.  And, let's not fix security holes
either, because that takes too much effort.

Shall I go on?

Poems... always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.

Description: PGP signature

Re: lintian: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath, --disable-rpath doesn't help

2003-05-22 Thread Sylvain LE GALL
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 03:58:35PM +0200, Sebastian Muszynski wrote:
 Hello all!
 I am getting a lintian error, binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath although i run
 configure with --disable-rpath option. It is no automake problem... i've
 remake all automake stuff to check this.
 ./configure --disable-rpath works in so far that it sets or unsets $KDE_RPATH
 but -rpath appears nevertheless in the Makefile: 
 $(CXXLINK) -rpath $(kde_moduledir) $(libkimagemapeditor_la_LDFLAGS) 
 $(libkimagemapeditor_la_OBJECTS) $(libkimagemapeditor_la_LIBADD) $(LIBS)
 Is it a libtool problem?! What can i do?
 At you can find sources, diff etc.

I have the same problem with a ocaml compiled binary and i use chrpath
to remove the rpath ( seems to work great ).

Sylvain LE GALL

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Morgon Kanter
This one time, at band camp, Josip Rodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   No, it does not _recommend_ that, don't misrepresent it!
  It is an old tradition to acknowledge bugs fixed in non-maintainer uploads 
  in the first changelog entry of the proper maintainer upload, for instance, 
  in a changelog entry like this:
  old tradition usually seems to mean good idea to me.
 For some people, rebooting machines at first sight of trouble is an old
 tradition, too... :)

Point taken!

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

Re: Constitutional amendment: Condorcet/Clone Proof SSD vote tallying

2003-05-22 Thread Jochen Voss
Hello Raul,

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 04:57:18PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
 Hard to understand?  We'd require a certain level of voter approval
 before we'll consider an option -- options which don't achieve that
 can't win.  How is this hard to understand?
The thing which is hard to understand, is the following.
Dropping the option which nobody likes can change the
winner among the interesting options.

This is explained in detail at

There you will find an example, where voting in favor of an option B
will make this option loose, because of the quorum interferes.

I hope this helps,

Description: PGP signature

voting system overview

2003-05-22 Thread Jochen Voss

For those of you, who want to make a well-informed decision
in the upcoming general resolution about our voting system,
the following web page should be interesting.

There I put together pointers to all relevant information
which I did find.  Comments and suggestions for improvement are
always welcome.

I hope this helps,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Michael Banck
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 03:33:05PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
 Shall I go on?



-!- bunny is now known as trinityBunny
trinityBunny =)
* trinityBunny doubles flips in the room, slow motion rotates around
jbailey waves h at him in fast motion and stands still.

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 22 May 2003 01:26:27 +0200, Bernd Eckenfels [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 11:55:36PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
  It's much more helpful to write this as:
 yes of course, but the question is where the line between helpfulness and
 usefulness is :)
 At least I think it is not a good idea to talk about abuse if maintainers
 save themself some work. This might have the opposite effet than desired.

That's *very* useful, too. And that would save people a lot of work when
tracking problem causes, etc. It will not kill adding a few more details
when closing a bug, and that makes the changelog much more useful.
This is the way I do:

  * New upstream release
  - it seems like the lng CC is not a problem anymore
(Closes: #182003)
  - IMAP has gone through a lot of work, so I believe this should
be fixed. Also, this version is supposed to fix the 'io blocking'
thingy. (Closes: #164101)

Damn, it evens helps the submitter to understand what problem has
been fixed when he receives the notification.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Gustavo Noronha
Debian:  *
Dúvidas sobre o Debian? Visite o Rau-Tu:

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Brian Nelson
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:10:28PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote:
 * Francesco Paolo Lovergine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030522 21:35]:
  Ugh, also this one. Do not use changelog for closing fixed bugs. 
  Do it using BTS directly.
 The developers references tells that both methods are allowed in 5.11.4
 I for myself prefer the changelog entry because it shows direct which
 bugs are closed by the maintainer.

 There's another interesting approach: use 'dpkg-buildpackage -vlast
 version you uploaded'. That way you don't even need to include another
 changelog entry, but the generated .changes will include a Closes: line
 for all the NMU-fixed bugs.

This is the best method, I think.  IIRC, bug submitters don't receive an
acknowledgment for bugs fixed in an NMU; they only receive them when
closed by the maintainer.  Consequently, they only get an acknowledgment
that says something like

  * Acknowledge NMU (closes: xxx)

which is not informative at all.  I would much rather see the changelog
entry made by the NMU-er.

Poems... always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Constitutional amendment: Condorcet/Clone Proof SSD vote tallying

2003-05-22 Thread Raul Miller
 On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 04:57:18PM -0400, Raul Miller wrote:
  Hard to understand?  We'd require a certain level of voter approval
  before we'll consider an option -- options which don't achieve that
  can't win.  How is this hard to understand?

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 12:50:02AM +0200, Jochen Voss wrote:
 The thing which is hard to understand, is the following.
 Dropping the option which nobody likes can change the
 winner among the interesting options.
 This is explained in detail at
 There you will find an example, where voting in favor of an option B
 will make this option loose, because of the quorum interferes.

I'm going to focus only on your claim that this page shows an example
of the violation of monotonicity by Manoj's proposal.

Monotonicity ( requires
With the relative order or rating of the other candidates unchanged,
voting a candidate higher should never cause the candidate to lose,
nor should voting a candidate lower ever cause the candidate to win.

But, on your page, I don't see any examples of voting a candidate higher
with the relative order or rating of other candidates unchanged.

Instead, I see one example of an introduced vote where B, C and A
are all changed with respect to the default option.


Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Adam Heath
On Thu, 22 May 2003, Brian Nelson wrote:

 If you don't do this, the original bug submitters will see a bug has
 been fixed, but probably not remember what the bug was, especially if he
 or she filed multiple bugs for the package.  Furthermore, it's a real
 pain to have to look at the BTS, and then search through the upstream
 changelog to find the corresponding fix.

That's the wrong reason.

Consider the admin, who discovers some bug.  They look at the changelogs for
the problem package, seeing if it had a similiar bug.  Also, consider that
this system is not online, and the admin has no network connection.

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:11:23PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 Consider the admin, who discovers some bug.  They look at the changelogs for
 the problem package, seeing if it had a similiar bug.  Also, consider that
 this system is not online, and the admin has no network connection.

Well, an admin who is not online but do has changelogs which are more recent
that his installed packages is for sure quite seldom. I wonder is that is a
very common reason at all.

For those admins i would suggest to mirror mozilla bugtracker in addition to
mozilla archive. :)

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: Orphaning my packages

2003-05-22 Thread Aaron M. Ucko
Morgon Kanter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 None taken. And no, I am not.
[a DD]

OK, then, I'm going ahead and taking fltk1.1.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at
Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] (NOT a valid e-mail address) for more info.

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Glenn McGrath
On Thu, 22 May 2003 12:20:39 -0500
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Let me clue all of you in: anyone who takes a stand and tries
  to hurt the US economy, I see as a taking action inimical to me, and
  my loved ones, and I do *NOT* see that as friendly action. 

What you say is just bad, bad, bad, and you should be ashamed.

In the least it implies you personally are only friendly with people
when you are taking their money. In other words, you dont have any true

On the Australia-US trade deal thats being worked on.
If it worked out to be better for Australia than for the US, would you
bear a grudge against all individual Australians ? 
If it was more benificial to the US would you be friendlier to
Australians ?

If your countrymen share that sort of attitute it explains why the USA
is in so many wars.

There is a layer of abstraction been government and people, any action
by or against your government is not necesarily an action from or against
individual US'ians.

I hope you can see the obvious flaws in your comments, and can learn
from your mistakes.


Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  And I know of approixmatly zero Americans who have reason to boycott

Er, well.  I doubt there's a government in existance that hasn't done
something objectionable enough to piss off a foreigner somewhere (e.g.,
recent european attempts to export their censorship laws on the net).

I seem to recall Canada doing some very moronic things with respect to free
speech in the '80s that engendered a fair amount of anger among people I knew
(Americans), though I can't recall why it was of cross-border significance

[The U.S. has been unusually moronic lately though (the basic `anti-people'
stance of Bush's minions is pretty scary).]

Come now, if we were really planning to harm you, would we be waiting here, 
 beside the path, in the very darkest part of the forest?

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Adam Heath
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:

 On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:11:23PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
  Consider the admin, who discovers some bug.  They look at the changelogs for
  the problem package, seeing if it had a similiar bug.  Also, consider that
  this system is not online, and the admin has no network connection.

 Well, an admin who is not online but do has changelogs which are more recent
 that his installed packages is for sure quite seldom. I wonder is that is a
 very common reason at all.

You misunderstand.

Admin installs from cd.  Admin runs programs.  Admin finds something he thinks
is a bug.  Admin reads changelog to see if the bug existed previously.

Re: Debian conference in the US?

2003-05-22 Thread Russell Coker
On Fri, 23 May 2003 03:20, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 You are taking personal actions inimical to the standard of
  living of me and my loved ones in retaliation for actions by my
  government (which I have little control over), and you expect me to
  roll over and congratulate you all on your stance? Hell, my first
  instinct is to try and see how I can retaliate.

Great!  Now we are making some progress.  The US (both government and people) 
does this sort of thing routinely to other countries.  Most Americans can't 
understand why it will make people outside the US unhappy.

 Let me clue all of you in: anyone who takes a stand and tries
  to hurt the US economy, I see as a taking action inimical to me, and
  my loved ones, and I do *NOT* see that as friendly action.

It seems that a large portion of the US population is trying to hurt the 
economy of any country that doesn't follow the US line (see France as an 

What do you think of the boycots of French products?  Do you oppose them on 

PS  How exactly would you retaliate against the rest of the world?

PPS  Be grateful that you have more control over your government than I have 
over mine.  My government obeys yours.

--   My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages  Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark SMTP/POP benchmark  My home page

Re: Accepted directory-administrator 1.3.5-1 (i386 source)

2003-05-22 Thread Bernd Eckenfels
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 09:51:33PM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
 Admin installs from cd.  Admin runs programs.  Admin finds something he thinks
 is a bug.  Admin reads changelog to see if the bug existed previously.

hmm.. why would he do that? 

 ( .. )  [EMAIL PROTECTED],,}
  o--o *plush*  2048/93600EFD  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +497257930613  BE5-RIPE
(OO)  When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!

Re: Debconf 3

2003-05-22 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Pero si nos ponemos las pilas, se puede organizar en España. Al fin y
 al cabo, sólo es que alguien se mueva un poco para buscar un sitio y
 empezar a conseguir patrocinadores.
  Pues a mí se me ocurre hacer la en el sur, rollo Mérida, en plan
  colegio mayor y muy muy secta :-)
   No jodas. ¿En verano? A la playita de Cadiz, niña. En Extremadura
   paramos a comer, en todo caso. ;-)

Estimados, hagámonos un favor: Las veces que he estado en España en
verano, hace un calor insoportable. Si hace un calor insoportable, es
imposible pensar. Si es imposible pensar, lo único que lograríamos en
un DebCong (en español es congreso, no conference) es juntarnos a
emborracharnos. Y...

No, no, no, no digo que juntarnos a emborracharnos esté mal, pero es que
es mejor si también podemos trabajar :) Además, falta todo un año para
el próximo verano.

¿Primavera? ¿Fines de invierno? :)


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debconf 3

2003-05-22 Thread Jesus Climent
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 10:20:47PM +0200, Amaya wrote:
 No tiene por qué llamarse Debconf ;-)
 Le podemos llamar la European Debian Celebration si queremos ;-)

O DefCon en memoria de esa gran pelicula que nos intrudujo los terminos
anglosajones para denominar guerra nuclear inminente =)

(Estoy de coqa, porque al principio yo confuni el termino)

EuDeCo (European Debian Conference)

mooch aka data

Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid  Linux 2.4.20

The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?
--Leonard Shelby (Memento)

DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, sólo deciros que:

Algunos estamos intentando que la DebConf4 sea en nuestra tierra,
motivos hay suficientes:

* Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
  Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
* Un horizonte de proyectos a realizar, de los que se beneficiaría
  el Proyecto Debian de forma directa.
* Recursos económicos, materiales y humanos para realizarla.

Más otros motivos que ayudan:

* Buen clima (estoy con el amigo Gunnar, igual un cambio de fechas sería
* Buena gastronomía.
* Hombres bravos y mujeres hermosas X-

Pues eso, no estoy de broma en absoluto, esto va en serio. No quiero dar
más datos ni mover más el tema porque odio el ruido, cuando se tenga
algo más sólido lo haré saber. Obviamente se necesitará colaboración de
la comunidad de desarrolladores hispana y concretamente la de aquí para
arrimar el hombro pero bueno, eso lo doy por supuesto y sigo con mi
labor de gestión };-)

Saludos y ánimo, que esto se pone cada vez más interesante y en forma de
espiral ;-) 
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ingeniero Industrial - YACO S.L.   
Albareda 24, 41001 Sevilla - España
Tfno: 954293600 FAX: 954210326
GnuPG public key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On May/22, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
   Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.

Hombre, no creo que éste sea buen argumento. No sé cuántos
desarrolladores hay entre España y Sudamérica, pero supongo que habrá tantos o
menos que en USA o el resto de Europa :-m No lo he mirado para asegurarme,
pero esa es mi impresión O:-)

 * Buen clima (estoy con el amigo Gunnar, igual un cambio de fechas sería

Y sin duda será algo que les gustará a los desarrolladores de climas
más fríos :-) ¿Cuál era la fecha original? O:-?

 * Buena gastronomía.

Ah, ¿es que quieres que se celebre en Galicia? :-? };-D

 * Hombres bravos y mujeres hermosas X-


 algo más sólido lo haré saber. Obviamente se necesitará colaboración de
 la comunidad de desarrolladores hispana y concretamente la de aquí para
 arrimar el hombro pero bueno, eso lo doy por supuesto y sigo con mi
 labor de gestión };-)

A mí lo de viajar me molesta, pero si se trata de ayuda virtual, y
según qué fechas, a lo mejor puedo ayudar :-)

Roberto Suarez Soto Alfa21 Outsourcing

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread tapia
El jue, 22-05-2003 a las 10:24, Roberto Suarez Soto escribió:
 On May/22, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
   Hombre, no creo que éste sea buen argumento. No sé cuántos
 desarrolladores hay entre España y Sudamérica, pero supongo que habrá tantos o
 menos que en USA o el resto de Europa :-m No lo he mirado para asegurarme,
 pero esa es mi impresión O:-)

Ha puesto usuarios, no desarrolladores :-)

Debian GNU/Linux Sid

Llevamos cadenas aunque no las veamos,
y somos esclavos aunque nos llamemos hombres libres.
-- Oscar Wilde. 

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
El día 22 may 2003, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez escribía:
 Hola a todos, sólo deciros que:
 Algunos estamos intentando que la DebConf4 sea en nuestra tierra,
 motivos hay suficientes:
 * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
   Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
 * Un horizonte de proyectos a realizar, de los que se beneficiaría
   el Proyecto Debian de forma directa.
 * Recursos económicos, materiales y humanos para realizarla.

 Lo único que digo yo es que la próxima toca en el continente
 americano, por el acuerdo tácito que hay de hacer una un año en un lado
 y otra en el otro.

 Otra cuestión es que aquí se pueda organizar una cosa grande con mucho
 apoyo. Sería cosa de verlo.

 El thread sobre una posible conferencia en EE.UU. está aquí (d-devel)

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

Description: PGP signature

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread tapia
El jue, 22-05-2003 a las 10:52, Roberto Suarez Soto escribió:
   De todas formas, sigue habiendo más usuarios potenciales en USA
 Europa que en España/Sudamérica, simplemente porque un ordenador es
 asequible en USA y Europa que en Sudamérica. Y sí, otra vez es una
 personal no especialmente documentada :-D

Es una cuestión de proporción. En Extremadura todos los niños usan
debian en el colegio. No creo que los yankis puedan decir lo mismo. :-)

Debian GNU/Linux Sid

Llevamos cadenas aunque no las veamos,
y somos esclavos aunque nos llamemos hombres libres.
-- Oscar Wilde. 

Re: Un par de problemas empaquetando aplicaciones KDE

2003-05-22 Thread Eric Van Buggenhaut
Al mié 21 de may de 2003 a las 02:28 +0200, Alex escribió:
 Antes de nada, un par de cosas. En primer lugar, saludar a los miembros de la 
 lista (es mi primer correo aquí), y felicitar a todos los que ayudan a Debian 
 de cualquier forma. Esta distribución a mí me está encantando en muchos 
 sentidos, y veo que a mi alrededor muchos más se están apuntando. Por algo 
 En segundo lugar, disculparme si este mensaje está fuera de tema en esta 
 lista. Tal vez sea más apropiado preguntar en debian-mentors, pero como aún 
 me siento un poco perdido, prefería hacerlo aquí, y en castellano O:-). Llevo 
 unas semanas apuntado a la lista, y todavía no me he quedado bien con cual es 
 el topic, lo siento.
 Bueno, a lo que iva... Estoy intentado empaquetar KMess para una máquina con 
 Woody, más las actualizaciones de KDE (es lo que tengo yo, y casualmente he 
 visto que más gente tiene la misma combinación de paquetes). El código 
 compila sin problemas, y estuve probando el programa durante bastantes horas 
 ayer. Todo correcto.
 Luego me dispongo a empaquetarlo, y en el dh_make, uso -t 
 /usr/share/doc/kdelibs4-dev/dh-make como recomendaba Ralf Nolden, que por lo 
 que veo, usa las rutas correctas al ejecutar el configure. Reviso, corrijo y 
 añado lo que haga falta del directorio debian (siguiendo la Guía del Nuevo 
 Desarrollador de Debian), y luego lo intenté compilar, tanto con debuild, 
 como con dpkg-buildpackage, y usando el -rfakeroot. Entonces me da 
 errorres... ¡en los encabezados de las Qt!
 In file included from /usr/include/qt3/qtoolbar.h:42,
  from /usr/include/qt3/qmainwindow.h:43,
  from /usr/include/kde/kmainwindow.h:28,
  from kmessinterface.h:24,
  from kmessinterface.cpp:18,
  from kmess.all_cpp.cpp:11:
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h: At top level:
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:83: parse error before `2'
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:83: missing ';' before right brace
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:85: parse error before `='
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:86: parse error before `*'
 /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:87: destructors must be member functions


Que contiene el Build-Depends de debian/control ?


Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On May/22, Jesus Climent wrote:

  De todas formas, sigue habiendo más usuarios potenciales en USA o
 No da una.
 por kilometro cuadrado

¿Y eso? :-? Por extensión, es más grande el territorio de Sudamérica y
España sumado que el de USA o el resto de Europa. No creo que sea mucha
diferencia que diga por kilómetro cuadrado :-)

A menos que sea una broma, claro, pero entonces no la pillo ;-)

Roberto Suarez Soto Alfa21 Outsourcing

Re: DebConf4, Espaa si Espaa no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Tefilo Ruiz Surez
El 22-may-2003 a las 10:24:21, Roberto Suarez Soto escribió:
 On May/22, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
   Hombre, no creo que éste sea buen argumento. No sé cuántos
 desarrolladores hay entre España y Sudamérica, pero supongo que habrá tantos o
 menos que en USA o el resto de Europa :-m No lo he mirado para asegurarme,
 pero esa es mi impresión O:-)

En puedes hacer busquedas de desarrolladores, pero en
usuarios por Km² ganamos de fijo :)

  * Buen clima (estoy con el amigo Gunnar, igual un cambio de fechas sería
   Y sin duda será algo que les gustará a los desarrolladores de climas
 más fríos :-) ¿Cuál era la fecha original? O:-?

Creo que una fecha adecuada es a principios de mayo, por que en Abril suele
llover más a menudo. Véase la Guadec3.

  * Buena gastronomía.
   Ah, ¿es que quieres que se celebre en Galicia? :-? };-D

Jias, tu preguntale a los escoceses y portugueses que han estado en Sevilla
para la final de la Copa de la UEFA a ver si tenemos, o no, buena

  * Hombres bravos y mujeres hermosas X-

Repito, preguntale a los escoceces :-D

  algo más sólido lo haré saber. Obviamente se necesitará colaboración de
  la comunidad de desarrolladores hispana y concretamente la de aquí para
  arrimar el hombro pero bueno, eso lo doy por supuesto y sigo con mi
  labor de gestión };-)
   A mí lo de viajar me molesta, pero si se trata de ayuda virtual, y
 según qué fechas, a lo mejor puedo ayudar :-)

A mi lo de viajar me encanta O:-)
Teófilo Ruiz Suárez  ||(teo)||  Sevilla, España 


GnuPG Key ID: 420718E6
FPR: 0280 862C 064B FA76 9A1C  EB64 5755 A66C 4207 18E6

Description: PGP signature

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 11:20:42AM +0200, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
  Lo único que digo yo es que la próxima toca en el continente
  americano, por el acuerdo tácito que hay de hacer una un año en un lado
  y otra en el otro.

A ver, distingamos dos cosas:

1.- la Debconf que se hace todos los años, y a la que va (o quiere ir) los 
DDs. Esa se cambia de continente cada año, para evitar partidisimos, como 
las Olimpiadas. Es a nivel _mundial_.

2.- mini-Debconfs (llamadla X) que organiza alguien porque hay interés 
_local_ en hacerla. Esa es la que se hace en Australia. No quita que se 
invite a gente de fuera (y venga).

Yo creo que el  1) se puede plantear cuando toque otra vez Europa (se nos 
adelantó Tollef en proponerla esta año en Oslo) pero el 2) se puede hacer 
cuando se quiera. Por ejemplo, el próximo año. Si se hace en fechas que 
_no_ coincidan con la Debconf más posibilidades de poder traer a gente 
importante (con matices :-) como el DL. Yo propondí hacer una votación 
para ver cómo respiraría la gente en:

- lugar (aquí hay que tener en cuenta que si quieres que venga gente de 
fuera, como en 1) tienes que tener muy en cuenta las comunicaciones, 
hoteles, residencias...)

- fechas

Una vez decidido que hay gente que puede moverlo en el lugar decidido se 
pone en marcha. ¿No? :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Jesus Climent
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 12:03:52PM +0200, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:
 On May/22, Jesus Climent wrote:
 De todas formas, sigue habiendo más usuarios potenciales en USA o
  No da una.
  por kilometro cuadrado
   ¿Y eso? :-? Por extensión, es más grande el territorio de Sudamérica y
 España sumado que el de USA o el resto de Europa. No creo que sea mucha
 diferencia que diga por kilómetro cuadrado :-)

Hablamos de Andalucia+Extremadura = (pongamos 1 km)

Si en esa zona todas las escuelas y organismos publicos usan debian... OTTIA!
una densidad impresionante.


Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid  Linux 2.4.20

This was to be my final hit, but let's be clear about this. There's final
hits and final hits. What kind was this to be?
--Renton (Trainspotting)

Re: DebConf4,España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Roberto Santos
Mensaje citado por: Jesus Climent [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 10:52:12AM +0200, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:
  On May/22, tapia wrote:
 * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de
   Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
   Ha puesto usuarios, no desarrolladores :-)
  De todas formas, sigue habiendo más usuarios potenciales en USA o
 No da una.
 por kilometro cuadrado

Entonces la hacemos en mi casa, que tiene 45 m cuadrados y mis dos hermanos ya 
usan tb ;)

¿cuantos vendreis? lo digo para decirle a mi padre el numero de cochinos que 
tiene que criar este año ;)

Abrazos desde el frente

 data aka mooch
 Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
 GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
  Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid  Linux 2.4.20
 - ... todos necesitamos creer en algo.
 - Si, yo también creo... Creo... que me voy a tomar una cerveza.
   --Sor Trini (Año Mariano)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Re: DebConf4,España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Jesus Climent
On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 02:42:02PM +0200, Roberto Santos wrote:
 ¿cuantos vendreis? lo digo para decirle a mi padre el numero de cochinos que 
 tiene que criar este año ;)

Y para los que no comemos carne sin plumas, una ensaladita?


Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid  Linux 2.4.20

So much to do, so little time...
--Joker (Batman)

nuevo y pregunta

2003-05-22 Thread Jesús Roncero
Hola, llevo ya un tiempo lurking esta lista de correo. Así que sirva este 
mensaje de presentación. Hace ya tiempo que uso debian y cada día estoy más 

Tengo en mi casa un sistema de sensores de temperaturas conectados a una caja 
debian que me va registrando la temperatura y haciendo unas bonitas gráficas 
( Utilizo un programa que lee de los sensores y, al no encontrarse este empaquetado 
para debian ni tenerlo el autor en su web me gustaría crearle unos debs.

Teo Ruíz Suárez me animó a empaquetarlo y que si tenía algún problema le 
preguntase (gracias). Como veo que lee esta lista, hago mis preguntas aquí y 
así las comparto con todos vosotros (¿es la lista correcta?).

El programa en sí no es mucha cosa, se compone de un binario y poco más, algo 
de documentación y los readme. No tiene ni página man (se qu epara debian hay 
que hacer una). el fichero de configuración se guarda en el directorio que tu 
le especifiques (no tiene por qué ser el $HOME/), con lo cual es más fácil 
hacerlo. He estado haciendo un paquete siguiendo la guía del nuevo mantenedor 
de debian y, la verdad, no he tenido muchos problemas después de leerme casi 
todo el tema. Aunque tengo algunas dudas/problemillas que me gustaría 

La primera dificultad que le veo, es que los fuentes y el makefile están 
preparados para crear dos tipos de binarios. Resulta que el sistema éste de 
los sensores puede utilizar dos tipos de adaptadores (para el puerto serie), 
uno pasivo (que te puedes hacer tu si tienes maña y soldando) y otro activo, 
que le puedes comprar al fabricante (que lleva unchip para gestionar toda la 
comunicación con el bus). El makefile está diseñado para que construyas o 
bien un binario u otro, eligiendo algunos ficheros fuente en C u otros, 
dependiendo del tipo de adaptador que tengas. El resultado es que tienes un 
binario, con el mismo nombre pero preparado para un sistema u otro.
O sea, yo hago make ds9097 y tengo soporte para el adaptador pasivo. Si hago 
make ds9097u tengo soporte para el adaptador activo.

Para hacer unas pruebas, modifiqué el makefile para que hiciese sólo el 
binario para el ds9097, que es el adaptador que yo tengo. Y creé el deb. Sólo 
tuve un problema y es que no me incluyó la página man que están en 
debian/digitemp.1 (¿hay que ponerlo así, no?). De todas formas, la página era 
la de ejemplo y no se si hice algo mal. tengo que seguir investigando. 
Hacer un paquete único así, con este, me ha resultado en cierto punto fácil, 
pero supongo que la aproximación para tratar este software (los dos binarios) 
es un tanto diferente.

Primeramente, había pensado en hacer dos paquetes, uno para que tuviese cada 
binario, a partir de los mismos fuentes. Supongo que eso se hace eligiendo 
multiple package con el dh_make, ¿no? y luego modificando los ficheros 
debian/* en concordancia pero, si en ámbos paquetes el binario ses llama 
igual, tendrán que ser incompatibles, no? Otra forma sería que el binario se 
llamase de de distinta forma, ie digitemp y digitempu, pero eso debería 
depender del upstream, no?

Me gustaría recibir algún consejo de cómo hacer esto y/o alguna indicación al 
respecto para ir trabajando sobre el  paquete y,si tengo alguna duda, 
preguntarlo aquí.

Sin más, pues un saludo y muchas gracias.


Re: Un par de problemas empaquetando aplicaciones KDE

2003-05-22 Thread Guillem Jover
Hola Alex y Eric,

On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 11:29:28AM +0200, Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote:
 Al mié 21 de may de 2003 a las 02:28 +0200, Alex escribió:
  Bueno, a lo que iva... Estoy intentado empaquetar KMess para una máquina 
  Woody, más las actualizaciones de KDE (es lo que tengo yo, y casualmente he 
  visto que más gente tiene la misma combinación de paquetes). El código 
  compila sin problemas, y estuve probando el programa durante bastantes 
  ayer. Todo correcto.
  Luego me dispongo a empaquetarlo, y en el dh_make, uso -t 
  /usr/share/doc/kdelibs4-dev/dh-make como recomendaba Ralf Nolden, que por 
  que veo, usa las rutas correctas al ejecutar el configure. Reviso, corrijo 
  añado lo que haga falta del directorio debian (siguiendo la Guía del Nuevo 
  Desarrollador de Debian), y luego lo intenté compilar, tanto con debuild, 
  como con dpkg-buildpackage, y usando el -rfakeroot. Entonces me da 
  errorres... ¡en los encabezados de las Qt!
  In file included from /usr/include/qt3/qtoolbar.h:42,
   from /usr/include/qt3/qmainwindow.h:43,
   from /usr/include/kde/kmainwindow.h:28,
   from kmessinterface.h:24,
   from kmessinterface.cpp:18,
   from kmess.all_cpp.cpp:11:
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h: At top level:
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:83: parse error before `2'
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:83: missing ';' before right brace
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:85: parse error before `='
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:86: parse error before `*'
  /usr/include/qt3/qdockwindow.h:87: destructors must be member functions

 Que contiene el Build-Depends de debian/control ?

Hmmm, pero si le compila sin debianizar, las Build-Depends _tendrian_
que estar bien. Puede que el problema venga de los flags que se le
pasa al compilador o de que compilador se use, o ...

Alex puedes colgar el source del deb para que nos lo miremos ? Y tu
sources.list ?


Re: Debconf 3

2003-05-22 Thread Roberto Santos
El jue, 22-05-2003 a las 03:40, Gunnar Wolf escribió:
  Pero si nos ponemos las pilas, se puede organizar en España. Al fin y
  al cabo, sólo es que alguien se mueva un poco para buscar un sitio y
  empezar a conseguir patrocinadores.
   Pues a mí se me ocurre hacer la en el sur, rollo Mérida, en plan
   colegio mayor y muy muy secta :-)
No jodas. ¿En verano? A la playita de Cadiz, niña. En Extremadura
paramos a comer, en todo caso. ;-)
 Estimados, hagámonos un favor: Las veces que he estado en España en
 verano, hace un calor insoportable. Si hace un calor insoportable, es
 imposible pensar. Si es imposible pensar, lo único que lograríamos en
 un DebCong (en español es congreso, no conference) es juntarnos a
 emborracharnos. Y...
 No, no, no, no digo que juntarnos a emborracharnos esté mal, pero es que
 es mejor si también podemos trabajar :) Además, falta todo un año para
 el próximo verano.
 ¿Primavera? ¿Fines de invierno? :)

El VI Congreso de Hispalinux es en Octubre de este año, quizá hacerlo
tan cerca (pj fin de semana antes) que permitiese aprovechar el viaje

Solo es una idea O:-)

Un Abrazo desde el frente
 Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
 PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
 Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF



P.D. Conste que sé ortografía, pongo faltas para que veais que no lo
escribe un script ;-P

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread David Moreno Garza
On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 03:24, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:
 On May/22, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  * Unos proyectos en marcha que hace EMHO la comunidad de usuarios
Debian mayor del mundo, al menos por kilómetro cuadrado.
   Hombre, no creo que éste sea buen argumento. No sé cuántos
 desarrolladores hay entre España y Sudamérica, pero supongo que habrá tantos o
 menos que en USA o el resto de Europa :-m No lo he mirado para asegurarme,
 pero esa es mi impresión O:-)


¿Y si se celebrara en algún lugar con no muchos desarrolladores de
Debian, precisamente para difundir y predicar Debian? :-D

No sé... Me viene a la mente algún país de Latinoamérica, donde no hay
una gran cantidad de desarrolladores ;)


Saludos! ;)

* Perdónenme por ser pandroso y tener mal aspecto... Sólamente quiero
bailar ska. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 33111272 - M$N: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread David Moreno Garza
On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 04:20, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
  Lo único que digo yo es que la próxima toca en el continente
  americano, por el acuerdo tácito que hay de hacer una un año en un lado
  y otra en el otro.

¿Por qué no se intenta como con la Copa Mundial? ;) ¿O bueno, lo que se

Hacer una, cada año, en un continente. Ya es en Europa, luego en
América, luego en África, Asia, Oceanía. ;)

Sería un lindo juego mundial ;)


* Perdónenme por ser pandroso y tener mal aspecto... Sólamente quiero
bailar ska. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 33111272 - M$N: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Un par de problemas empaquetando aplicaciones KDE

2003-05-22 Thread Alex
El Jueves, 22 de Mayo de 2003 15:19, Guillem Jover escribió:
  Que contiene el Build-Depends de debian/control ?

 Hmmm, pero si le compila sin debianizar, las Build-Depends _tendrian_
 que estar bien. Puede que el problema venga de los flags que se le
 pasa al compilador o de que compilador se use, o ..

 Alex puedes colgar el source del deb para que nos lo miremos ? Y tu
 sources.list ?

Mi sources.list está algo liado :-(. Tengo debian woody más unos cuantos 
backports (puede que ahí esté el problema). Los backports eran los que había 
en el repositorio de Ralf Nolden, pero ahora están retirados algunos de esos 
paquetes. Según recuerdo, no solo eran de KDE, ya que también estaban 
versiones actualizadas de bash, autoconf, y automake. Ahí va el sources.list, 
y si sirve, he hecho un dpkg -l  paquetes, y lo he puesto en:

# Mirror de RedIris para kde (
deb woody main

#open office para woody (i386)
deb woody main 

# Fuentes de Debian _sid_ (ojo!)
#deb sid main contrib non-free
deb-src sid main contrib non-free

# Fuentes para Debian woody
deb woody main non-free contrib
deb-src woody main non-free contrib

deb woody/non-US main contrib non-free
deb-src woody/non-US main contrib 

deb woody/updates main contrib non-free

El resto que me pides... no estoy muy seguro de qué es O:-), pero ahí va un 
tar del directorio justo antes del dpkg-buildpackage:
(el directorio dentro del tar tiene el nombre cambiado, lo sé... cuando lo 
construía, tenía el correcto de nombre-versión).

El resto de ficheros generados:

Ahora que lo pienso... Cambié el valor que aparece en el changelog (siguiendo 
lo poco que ponía en el redme de Nolden para hacer paquetes para KDE), y le 
añadí 0woody, ¿es posible que falle por no haber cambiado también el nombre 
del directorio?

Muchas gracias por el interés :-).

Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01 - Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Teclado no encontrado. Para continuar pulse F1.

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

(por favor, no me incluyáis en el CC, leñe!)

El día 22 may 2003, David Moreno Garza escribía:
 On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 04:20, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
   Lo único que digo yo es que la próxima toca en el continente
   americano, por el acuerdo tácito que hay de hacer una un año en un lado
   y otra en el otro.
 ¿Por qué no se intenta como con la Copa Mundial? ;) ¿O bueno, lo que se
 Hacer una, cada año, en un continente. Ya es en Europa, luego en
 América, luego en África, Asia, Oceanía. ;)

  La cuestió es hacerlo cerca de la gente que va a ir. Y la mayor
  concentración de desarrolladores está en Europa y Norteamérica.
  Hacerlo en Australia o América del Sur significa viajes muy caros para
  mucha gente, lo que no se puede sufragar a menos que haya un
  patrocinador muy muy fuerte detrás. Sin esto, la mayor parte de los
  desarrolladores se abstendrán de ir.

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

Description: PGP signature

Re: nuevo y pregunta

2003-05-22 Thread Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo
El día 22 may 2003, Jesús Roncero escribía:
 Hola, llevo ya un tiempo lurking esta lista de correo. Así que sirva este 
 mensaje de presentación. Hace ya tiempo que uso debian y cada día estoy más 
 Tengo en mi casa un sistema de sensores de temperaturas conectados a una caja 
 debian que me va registrando la temperatura y haciendo unas bonitas gráficas 
 ( Utilizo un programa que lee de los sensores y, al no encontrarse este empaquetado 
 para debian ni tenerlo el autor en su web me gustaría crearle unos debs.
 Teo Ruíz Suárez me animó a empaquetarlo y que si tenía algún problema le 
 preguntase (gracias). Como veo que lee esta lista, hago mis preguntas aquí y 
 así las comparto con todos vosotros (¿es la lista correcta?).


 El programa en sí no es mucha cosa, se compone de un binario y poco más, algo 
 de documentación y los readme. No tiene ni página man (se qu epara debian hay 
 que hacer una). el fichero de configuración se guarda en el directorio que tu 
 le especifiques (no tiene por qué ser el $HOME/), con lo cual es más fácil 
 hacerlo. He estado haciendo un paquete siguiendo la guía del nuevo mantenedor 
 de debian y, la verdad, no he tenido muchos problemas después de leerme casi 
 todo el tema. Aunque tengo algunas dudas/problemillas que me gustaría 
 La primera dificultad que le veo, es que los fuentes y el makefile están 
 preparados para crear dos tipos de binarios. Resulta que el sistema éste de 
 los sensores puede utilizar dos tipos de adaptadores (para el puerto serie), 
 uno pasivo (que te puedes hacer tu si tienes maña y soldando) y otro activo, 
 que le puedes comprar al fabricante (que lleva unchip para gestionar toda la 
 comunicación con el bus). El makefile está diseñado para que construyas o 
 bien un binario u otro, eligiendo algunos ficheros fuente en C u otros, 
 dependiendo del tipo de adaptador que tengas. El resultado es que tienes un 
 binario, con el mismo nombre pero preparado para un sistema u otro.
 O sea, yo hago make ds9097 y tengo soporte para el adaptador pasivo. Si hago 
 make ds9097u tengo soporte para el adaptador activo.
 Para hacer unas pruebas, modifiqué el makefile para que hiciese sólo el 
 binario para el ds9097, que es el adaptador que yo tengo. Y creé el deb. Sólo 
 tuve un problema y es que no me incluyó la página man que están en 
 debian/digitemp.1 (¿hay que ponerlo así, no?). De todas formas, la página era 
 la de ejemplo y no se si hice algo mal. tengo que seguir investigando. 
 Hacer un paquete único así, con este, me ha resultado en cierto punto fácil, 
 pero supongo que la aproximación para tratar este software (los dos binarios) 
 es un tanto diferente.

 La página de manual la tienes que incluir tú mediante una orden en el
 debian/rules. Como supongo que estarás usando debhelper, mírate la
 página de dh_installman.

 Primeramente, había pensado en hacer dos paquetes, uno para que tuviese cada 
 binario, a partir de los mismos fuentes. Supongo que eso se hace eligiendo 
 multiple package con el dh_make, ¿no? y luego modificando los ficheros 
 debian/* en concordancia pero, si en ámbos paquetes el binario ses llama 
 igual, tendrán que ser incompatibles, no? Otra forma sería que el binario se 
 llamase de de distinta forma, ie digitemp y digitempu, pero eso debería 
 depender del upstream, no?
 Me gustaría recibir algún consejo de cómo hacer esto y/o alguna indicación al 
 respecto para ir trabajando sobre el  paquete y,si tengo alguna duda, 
 preguntarlo aquí.

  Lo de los dos paquetes es un poquillo complicado, porque tienes que
  hacer que el programa se compile dos veces, una con cada opción. No es
  que sea imposible, sólo digo que no es trivial y hay que entender el

  Dos ejemplos de cómo hacer esto los tienes en abiword y vim. Bájate
  las fuentes y mírate cómo lo hacen. Básicamente la cosa consiste en
  tener objetivos del debian/rules paralelos. Así tendrías un
  build-serial y un build-smart (por ejemplo), un install-serial y un
  install-smart y así. Lo que tienes que hacer es que el
  dpkg-buildpackage los llame en el orden correcto (clean, cofigure,
  build-serial, install-serial, clean-serial, build-smart,

  El problema de los nombres se soluciona o haciendo los paquetes con un
  conflicts o cambiando el nombre al binario. Lo más fácil es lo
  primero, porque en el otro caso, aunque cambiar el nombre es fácil (es
  un 'mv' en el debian/rules) te deberías meter con historias de
  alternativas para que haya un comando 'digitemp' que es el que espera
  el usuario.

  Un saludo y ánimo :)

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

Description: PGP signature

Problema con apt-get update

2003-05-22 Thread Daniel Firvida
Hola a todos

Hace una semana o asi que instale knoppix v3.2 en el disco duro y ademas de 
algun otro problema no tan grabe hoy no he conseguido actualizarla ya ke al 
hacer un apt-get update me responde tal ke asi..

Fetched 9546kB in 6m10s (25.8kB/s)
Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
E: Error occured while processing 3dchess (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList 
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

he probado comentando ese mirror en mi source.list .. pero da error en todos..
como lo arreglo??.. alguna idea??

Daniel Firvida
Linux user #279011

Re: Problema con apt-get update

2003-05-22 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Thu, May 22, 2003 at 06:49:47PM +0200, Daniel Firvida escribió:
 Hola a todos
 Hace una semana o asi que instale knoppix v3.2 en el disco duro y ademas de 
 algun otro problema no tan grabe hoy no he conseguido actualizarla ya ke al 
 hacer un apt-get update me responde tal ke asi..
 Fetched 9546kB in 6m10s (25.8kB/s)
 Reading Package Lists... Error!
 E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
 E: Error occured while processing 3dchess (NewVersion1)
 E: Problem with MergeList 
 E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.
 he probado comentando ese mirror en mi source.list .. pero da error en todos..
 como lo arreglo??.. alguna idea??

  Supongo que estás en sid, yo que tu descargaría la última versión del
  'apt' con el wget y la instalaría con el 'dpkg':

# wget

# dpkg -i apt_0.5.5.1_i386.deb

  Con esto creo que resolverás tu problema ...

Sergio Talens-Oliag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 29DF 544F  1BD9 548C  8F15 86EF  6770 052B  B8C1 FA69

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problema con apt-get update

2003-05-22 Thread Daniel Firvida
El Jueves, 22 de Mayo de 2003 19:14, Sergio Talens-Oliag escribió:
 El Thu, May 22, 2003 at 06:49:47PM +0200, Daniel Firvida escribió:
  Hola a todos
  Hace una semana o asi que instale knoppix v3.2 en el disco duro y ademas
  de algun otro problema no tan grabe hoy no he conseguido actualizarla ya
  ke al hacer un apt-get update me responde tal ke asi..
  Fetched 9546kB in 6m10s (25.8kB/s)
  Reading Package Lists... Error!
  E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
  E: Error occured while processing 3dchess (NewVersion1)
  E: Problem with MergeList
 i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or
  he probado comentando ese mirror en mi source.list .. pero da error en
  todos.. como lo arreglo??.. alguna idea??

   Supongo que estás en sid, yo que tu descargaría la última versión del
   'apt' con el wget y la instalaría con el 'dpkg':

 # wget

 # dpkg -i apt_0.5.5.1_i386.deb

   Con esto creo que resolverás tu problema ...

Pues .. no ;(  aunke efectivamente esto es Sid y tenia un apt-get version 
0.5.4.x sigue tal cual.. ami lo ke me descoloca un poco es Dynamic MMap ran 
out of room .. ke no tengo ni idea ke kiere decir.. pero ke suena mal

Daniel Firvida
Linux user #279011

Re: DebConf4, España si España no y tal y tal

2003-05-22 Thread Gunnar Wolf
David Moreno Garza dijo [Thu, May 22, 2003 at 09:15:06AM -0500]:
 ¿Y si se celebrara en algún lugar con no muchos desarrolladores de
 Debian, precisamente para difundir y predicar Debian? :-D
 No sé... Me viene a la mente algún país de Latinoamérica, donde no hay
 una gran cantidad de desarrolladores ;)

Ah, mi querido Damog... Creo que sí hace falta que haya un par más de
DDs por acá, por lo menos para la cuestión logística - ¿Recuerdas que no
quiero aventarme otro congreso este año? ;-)

Yo sugeriría fuertemente que fuera por acá, pero en un par de añitos.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF

Re: Problema con apt-get update

2003-05-22 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Thu, May 22, 2003 at 08:02:23PM +0200, Daniel Firvida escribió:
 El Jueves, 22 de Mayo de 2003 19:14, Sergio Talens-Oliag escribió:
  El Thu, May 22, 2003 at 06:49:47PM +0200, Daniel Firvida escribió:
   Hola a todos
   Hace una semana o asi que instale knoppix v3.2 en el disco duro y ademas
   de algun otro problema no tan grabe hoy no he conseguido actualizarla ya
   ke al hacer un apt-get update me responde tal ke asi..
   Fetched 9546kB in 6m10s (25.8kB/s)
   Reading Package Lists... Error!
   E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
   E: Error occured while processing 3dchess (NewVersion1)
   E: Problem with MergeList
  i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or
   he probado comentando ese mirror en mi source.list .. pero da error en
   todos.. como lo arreglo??.. alguna idea??
Supongo que estás en sid, yo que tu descargaría la última versión del
'apt' con el wget y la instalaría con el 'dpkg':
  # wget
  # dpkg -i apt_0.5.5.1_i386.deb
Con esto creo que resolverás tu problema ...
 Pues .. no ;(  aunke efectivamente esto es Sid y tenia un apt-get version 
 0.5.4.x sigue tal cual.. ami lo ke me descoloca un poco es Dynamic MMap ran 
 out of room .. ke no tengo ni idea ke kiere decir.. pero ke suena mal

  Pues no se que decirte, a un amigo mío le pasaba lo mismo y al
  instalar el apt lo solucionó, aunque creo que actualizó también el
  dpkg (yo tengo la 1.10.10, si tienes una más vieja prueba a actualizar

Sergio Talens-Oliag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 29DF 544F  1BD9 548C  8F15 86EF  6770 052B  B8C1 FA69

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problema con apt-get update

2003-05-22 Thread Isaac Clerencia
Daniel Firvida [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:

 El Jueves, 22 de Mayo de 2003 19:14, Sergio Talens-Oliag escribió:
 Pues .. no ;(  aunke efectivamente esto es Sid y tenia un apt-get version 
 0.5.4.x sigue tal cual.. ami lo ke me descoloca un poco es Dynamic MMap ran 
 out of room .. ke no tengo ni idea ke kiere decir.. pero ke suena mal

Estos mensajes deberían ir a debian-user-spanish en lugar de a 
debian-devel-spanish ... de todos modos para solucionar tu problema basta
con que crees un fichero /etc/apt/apt.conf y escribas lo siguiente en el:
Cache-Limit 141943904;


Isaac Clerencia  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Using Debian GNU/Linux   |  Software libre en la Universidad |

If I have been able to see further,
it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

Sir Isaac Newton (advocating Free Software since 1676)

Description: PGP signature