no sha sums in openstack testing

2022-06-28 Thread admin4

Dear Debians,

all sha sum files are empty?

best reg

php8.1 ?

2022-06-17 Thread admin4

Hello Debianers,

it's a great distro.

 * stable
 * fast
 * secure
 * minimalism (UNIX K.I.S.S)
 + constructive criticism is welcome

what is (still) missing are Debian/Ubuntu official php8.1 packages.

right now thanks to an maintainer @

it is still possible for Debian 11 to upgrade from php7.4 to php8.1

so the question is: where is it hanging?

just askin'

best regards :)

keep up the good work

Re: rewarding the good Open Source work :)

2022-05-14 Thread admin4

ok thought it through...

... the idea was, to reward those, that add value to society/all of mankind.

but then some might feel treated unfair? (because all work in this field 
is valuable, from coding, to compiling, to packaging, to documentation 

and all that contributed to Debian before 2023 would have to be granted: 
~ 10 Billion USD to make it fair.


"The cost of developing all of the packages included in Debian 5.0 Lenny 
(323 million lines of code) has been estimated to be about US$ 
<>8 billion, using one 
method based on the COCOMO <> 
<> As 
of 2016, Black Duck Open Hub <> 
estimates that the current codebase 
<> (74 million lines of code) 
would cost about US$1.4 billion to develop, using a different method 
based on the same model.^[247] 
<> ^[248] 
<> "

money can't buy love

On 5/10/22 22:02, admin4 wrote:

Dear Debian Developers,

the idea is to reward the good Open Source work :)

What about (could do that in PHP) reward system, that logs/makes 
transparent, what developer-contributor, contributed how much "work" 
(meassured in hours/lines of code/but also votes (rating the quality 
of the commit?))

and then give out rewards accordingly... ?

(can be money, could be hardware donations, could be club mate?)

(maybe every developer-contributor can make a "wishlist" and Debian 
tries to make that happen according to donations X-D)

what does thee think?

(probably not the first someone had that idea)


mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards  - enact the web
   connect the people

rewarding the good Open Source work :)

2022-05-10 Thread admin4

Dear Debian Developers,

the idea is to reward the good Open Source work :)

What about (could do that in PHP) reward system, that logs/makes 
transparent, what developer-contributor, contributed how much "work" 
(meassured in hours/lines of code/but also votes (rating the quality of 
the commit?))

and then give out rewards accordingly... ?

(can be money, could be hardware donations, could be club mate?)

(maybe every developer-contributor can make a "wishlist" and Debian 
tries to make that happen according to donations X-D)

what does thee think?

(probably not the first someone had that idea)


mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards - enact the web
   connect the users

Re: Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-09-23 Thread admin4
GoodDay Mates,

network connectivity dropping during package download is still there, it
is a major problem, sometimes it works, sometimes not, this used to work
very well.

it will especially annoy new users, so this issue need to be debugged &

will also write to SpaceX about it (if it has anything to do with their

the free version iso seems to have have a network problem during package
download: (after software selection)

trying non-free now.

tried yesterday and today installing ... 64/iso-cd/

on Lenovo t440

and the problem is still there... this time it downloaded 1388 packages
of 1491 before grinding to a halt...

  * after software selection (wanted to try the KDE Desktop, being big
MATE fan for it's simplicity) from the default debian package mirror <>

it just stops downloading packages after ~100 packages (loses
connectivity) and stays there until timeout[/list]

  * downloading isos via wget from just works fine

best regards

On 8/19/21 5:25 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 10:42 AM admin4  wrote:
>> is there a Debian "testing" team?
> That is composed of everyone who uses Debian and especially those who
> decide to report an issue they found.
>> that does test setups of Debian ISOs on a bunch of different hardware with 
>> priority on the most used CPUs like amd64 and i386, (free and non-free 
>> versions)),
> The Debian CD team do installation testing of each new Debian release
> and each new Debian point release. They don't do things like download
> RSS feeds or try to use less/vi in the installer though, they just
> follow the installer prompts.
>> 1) ask the user if everything works fine (rating from 1 to 5 stars)
>> and user can add a comment ( send some praise or comments what does/did not 
>> work )
> I don't think that Debian has enough people to monitor these, we have
> enough bug reports and mailing list/forum posts to keep up with as it
> is.
>> 2) scan the hardware specs of the system
> There is a shared cross-distro hardware database:
> Unfortunately the script used to upload to the database, called
> hw-probe, isn't yet integrated into the Debian installer nor the
> Debian live installer (calamares).
>> anonymized! without any serials and mac addresses or ip addresses or screen 
>> resolutions!, before uploading it to
> The above hardware database uses truncated salted hashes of some
> hardware identifiers, in order to aggregate repeat uploads of hardware
> probes of the same computer.
>> where the hardware is marked in green (works) orange (can be made to work 
>> with this (link) workaround) or red (fails, no fix available currently)
> There isn't any way to automatically check if hardware works, you
> would need the user to check each item of hardware, make sure they did
> the check correctly and only then report it working correctly. We
> could create a Debian Live distro for hardware
> testing/compatibility/reporting/certification, but no-one has done
> that yet, although there was an idea and discussion at DebConf to do
> something similar some years ago.
> There is a corner of our wiki where Debian users can report their
> experience with installing Debian, as well as the option to file
> installation reports, which feed back to the installer team.

mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards - enact the web
   connect the people

Re: Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-08-19 Thread admin4
Hello all valuable and constructive contributors :)

1) so thanks again for Debian it is just a lovely distro

2) forgot to mention: was using the net install ISOs for the test
(hardware used server hp proliant g6 (amd64) (the raid is detected
and lenovo laptop x60s (i386)

 1. because they are minimalism
 2. let me install just what is needed
 3. fit on a CD

testers are an important part of the team :)

best regards

On 8/18/21 12:33 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 12:25:58PM +0200, admin4 wrote:
>> Hello all, in short,
>>   * is there a Debian "testing" team?, that does test setups of Debian
>> ISOs on a bunch of different hardware with priority on the most used
>> CPUs like amd64 and i386, (free and non-free versions)),
>>   * before the ISOs spread across the world on all those nice download
>> servers, for further "public beta" testing?
>>   * script could
>>   o 1) ask the user if everything works fine (rating from 1 to 5 stars)
>>   + and user can add a comment ( send some praise or comments
>> what does/did not work )
>>   o 2) scan the hardware specs of the system
>>   + anonymized! without any serials and mac addresses or ip
>> addresses or screen resolutions!, before uploading it to
>>   # where the hardware is marked in green (works) orange
>> (can be made to work with this (link) workaround) or red
>> (fails, no fix available currently)
> Yes, testing the pre-release ISOs and filing installation-report bugs is
> encouraged during freezes.

Re: Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-08-18 Thread admin4
Hello all, in short,

  * is there a Debian "testing" team?, that does test setups of Debian
ISOs on a bunch of different hardware with priority on the most used
CPUs like amd64 and i386, (free and non-free versions)),
  * before the ISOs spread across the world on all those nice download
servers, for further "public beta" testing?
  * script could
  o 1) ask the user if everything works fine (rating from 1 to 5 stars)
  + and user can add a comment ( send some praise or comments
what does/did not work )
  o 2) scan the hardware specs of the system
  + anonymized! without any serials and mac addresses or ip
addresses or screen resolutions!, before uploading it to
  # where the hardware is marked in green (works) orange
(can be made to work with this (link) workaround) or red
(fails, no fix available currently)

just trying to help ensure the quality of Debian stays rock solid and
frustration free especially for new users, that might not want to wait
for days, until a fix is uploaded and then simply go to ubuntu

but as Debian is the basis for Ubuntu, if Debian is broken, so is then
probably Ubuntu

best regards

Re: Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-08-18 Thread admin4
Hello Andrey,

On 8/18/21 11:20 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 10:54:17AM +0200, admin4 wrote:
>>>> Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?
> Both are included, less has Priority: standard, vim-tiny has Priority:
> important.

after setup is complete yes, but during the setup / when doing a setup
of Debian 11 iso via

during the setup neither less nor vi are available in the consoles (what
gnu linux is used during setup? busybox?)

>> in theory yes... in reality try this:
>> wget
>> cat feed.xml |nano # wohooo it works
>> *Too many errors from stdin**
>> *
>> *Buffer written to*
>> *# argh, only works for small files!?*
>> can not handle large files?
> vi doesn't support this either. You just shouldn't pipe files to editors
> and call `nano feed.xml` instead.

but then nano can not replace less as stated by

best regards

Re: Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-08-18 Thread admin4
Hello Paul,

thanks for the timely reply.

On 8/18/21 4:33 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:39 AM admin4 wrote:
>> today was the day trying out the new Debian 11 with LTS (LTS is a reason for 
>> users consider switching to Ubuntu, so good choice there)
> Debian 11/bullseye is not in LTS mode yet. Debian 10/buster will be in
> LTS mode in a year's time when regular security support for it ends.

thanks for the info, alright, sounds good, Debian 10 runs just fine
right now :)

> Debian 11/bullseye will be in LTS mode one year after the release of
> Debian 12/bookworm in approximately two year's time.
>> 2) the problems:
>> E1: (error1) problem: Debian 11 won't install
> Please ask for help debugging this on Debian support channels and once
> you know what the problem is, then file an installation report.
>> S1: (suggestion1) there needs to be an easy way to report errors
> The Debian bug reporting tool is called reportbug, please file issues
> using it. If you don't know which package is at fault, you can ask on
> our support channels to find out.
is this tool available during setup? with no network connection?
>> Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?

in theory yes... in reality try this:


cat feed.xml |nano # wohooo it works

*Too many errors from stdin**

*Buffer written to*

*# argh, only works for small files!?*

can not handle large files?

> Sounds like a question for the support channel, but I assume it is
> because nano is available, which is a user-friendly alternative to vi,
> and can also replace less.

"Note that your installation report will be published in the Debian Bug
Tracking System (BTS) and forwarded to a public mailing list."

"Make sure that you *use an e-mail address that you do not mind being
made public*"

here we go admin4 into the spam database... for trying to report a
problem and improve a GNU Linux distribution.

will try that


Debian 11 Bullseye Setup Problems Error Report

2021-08-17 Thread admin4
Dear Debian Team,

*1) first (always) say something positive*

being a big fan of Debian since aprox 10 years

thanks for all your efforts making Debian a easy to install (universal)
reliable system, that lowers the bar for users trying to go Open Source
and GNU Linux and FreeSoftware (a migration via OSX might be a good
transition from Windows)

today was the day trying out the new Debian 11 with LTS (LTS is a reason
for users consider switching to Ubuntu, so good choice there)

*2) the problems:*

*E1: (error1) problem: Debian 11 won't install*

*tested on:*

  o hp server g6 proliant (amd64)
  o x60s laptop (i386)
  * *observed problem:*
  o network aka "the internet" (like ping works at the
  o then it loses network connection (on all nics even wifi)
  o *and setup will fail ***before "software selection" screen* with
screenshots that can be seen here*
  + *pwd: DebuggingDebian11*
  + *

  + got isos from

  # did the sha512sum -c on all downloaded isos (so it ain't
a download corruption problem)

*S1: (suggestion1) there needs to be an easy way to report errors*

S.1.) include a "report problem" button, that automatic generates a
report to store away any error logs (and dmesg) that is generated during
the setup on a usb drive, for easy upload to 


S2.) (even better if network works) include a "report problem" button,
that automatic generates a report and uploads it to for
further investigation (easily accessible as a link like

*Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?*

makes debugging things very very hard

please checkout this wonderful script that should run on some console
during setup per default

which would display all errors (currently via ccze) nicely in *RED*

*for easy visual detection of problems*

PS: thanks for rss feed btw this app

allows nice following of news such as

via rss feed

On 8/17/21 10:32 AM, wrote:


mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards - enact the web
   connect the people