printer setup for hp laserjet 6L

1998-10-01 Thread Mrpeabody
I just got a hp laserjet 6L and I'm trying to set it up I got it to
print by doing a cat > /dev/lp0 ,but the printing is sloppy, how do I
further configure my printer?  I got gostscript from debian is there
anything else I can get to make setup easier.

Re: Dewbie Question: How can I install rpm package

1998-10-01 Thread Mike Carter
On Wed, Sep 30, 1998 at 10:08:36AM -0500, Jianbo Zhang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just download sybase ase, it is in rpm format. I do not know how to
> install it in Debian. I am using Debian 2.0. Any help would be highly
> appreciated.

There is a debian rpm package doesn't work on its own (not
being a distro which uses rpm we don't have the RPM package 
and databases it needs) but... you can install alien which uses rpm.

my advice...I have used alien only a few times...
do this:

alien -tc RPMFILE.rpm

then you will have a tarball (RPMFILE.tgz) in the directory.
make a new dir temp and untar it into temp (mv RPMFILE.tgz 
 xvf *)

This will give you a chance to look at it. I would recommend 
installin git
by hand into /usr/local


OTOH I used fvwm95 until I got kde working and if you open the 
rpm with alien in the gui it will create a deb then you can dpkg -i 
and install which I have done with both tgz and rpm, this is in deb 2.
Worked a treat which is fortunate as I know nothing about linux or 
unix.  Now I have to learn how to get loadlin working correctly so I 
can dual boot.  after that I need to learn how to set up ppp etcetra.  
I am finding moving from win95 an enjoyable process but the 
learning curve I am finding is pretty steep.  I should have learned 
how to program beforehand I think.  Hopefully I haven't restated 
what Steve said beforehand.  

Re: A True newbie here

1998-10-01 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Christopher Jay Stevenson wrote:

> I'm trying t figure out how I can install Debian Linux so that I can get
> it to receive the IP address and all the other jass automatically (just
> like Win95 does here [I have boot manager software] )

I'm assuming that your network uses DHCP to assign IP addresses, correct?
If so, you simply need to install the dhcpcd package.  Then Linux will
obtain an IP address automatically, as easily as in Win95.  

What you'll probably want to do (I'm assuming you're not installing from
CD-ROM) is install the base system, then download the dhcpcd package with
Win95, mount the windows partition from within Linux, copy over the dhcpcd
package, and install it.  Then you'll be able to complete the Debian
installation over the network.  Of course, if you're installing from CD,
then this won't matter.



  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


A True newbie here

1998-10-01 Thread Christopher Jay Stevenson
Hello there.

I'm a college student who's trying to install Debian Unix, and I'm trying
to figure some things out
(most of the people here use Red Hat)

I'm trying t figure out how I can install Debian Linux so that I can get
it to receive the IP address and all the other jass automatically (just
like Win95 does here [I have boot manager software] )

Thatx for any help you can give

Christopher J. Stevenson

time under Hamm

1998-10-01 Thread Ralph Winslow
The recent flurry of messages re time problems reminded me that although
I recently, with the help of the list, got my system time working fine,
one minor anomaly remains.  If I type date in an xterm, it shows the
correct time.  But if I look at the clock on my fvwm95 toolbar or the
little box at the right end of the toolbar, they show an hour one hour
in the future.   Not a big deal, but puzzeling.

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

Re: debian as secretary?

1998-10-01 Thread Phillip Neumann


I didnt understand very much what xringd do (i have read the man page...).
So far i understood that xringd whatch the ring and if that match a sequence tha
t it knows => take a given action.

If that is what it does, i have a question for the config file. There are come e
R 1-5 R 20-26 R 30 : command
Where R=`Ring'.

How can i make a phone call that makes different sequences of rings?? I have nev
er heard that before...or maybe that mean to call 1 time, hangup, wait 1-5 sec,
call 2time, wait   is that how it works??


Ole J. Tetlie wrote:

> *-Phillip Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |
> | I want to access my pc from univerisy. Of course i can, i have done it.
> | But I can only if my pc is connected to internet (obvious). I just
> | cannot getup on 8:00am, turn pc on, connet go to univ. and then back at
> | 5:00 becouse the phone-line must be paid..$$.. I would like to call my
> | pc:
> |
> | 244334565: ring ring
> | pc: ``hi Phillip is not here but you can leave a message. If you want to
> | connect me to internet after you hang up press 1.''
> | phillip: #1 [beep]
> | Phillip: hang up
> | time
> | time
> | --phillip go to the univ. computers that are with win95 (jik) and
> | ftp to his pc so he can print works at univ.
> |
> | (i have not a printer at home)
> | I could enter at univ. system from home and througt the work to printer,
> | so when i go there it would be printed, but thats not the idea...
> |
> | Exist a software that can do that?? or should i start with
> | development.
> Try this one:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/xtron-1.2> dpkg --print-avail xringd
> Package: xringd
> Priority: extra
> Section: comm
> Installed-Size: 43
> Maintainer: David Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Architecture: i386
> Version: 1.20-1
> Depends: libc6
> Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/comm/xringd_1.20-1.deb
> Size: 18074
> MD5sum: b44b557bd1238830b8c1ba6b53a7270e
> Description: Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take action.
>  xringd will monitor a serial line for RING signals and activate various
>  commands when specific "ring-delay sequences" are detected.
> --
> ...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
> and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /


1998-10-01 Thread Wilson Tuma

I need a utility that will automatically dectect my modem.

How can I do it manually. I am totally at a loss about what to do.


xntp problem....

1998-10-01 Thread Bruno Boettcher

my debian2.0 system has complete crippled time
Thu Oct  1 15:54:33 MST 1998
whilst my DCF77 module beneath reports: 00:54 an since its after midnight its
the 2 Oct

how do i get the system to show the correct time???
and is there a way to connect the xntpd to this DCF77 module? Its a module from
Conrad electronic, connected through serial port to the computer, on the
disquette with the DOS software are written WT-102SS DCF77PCF.

Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-01 Thread servis
*- Christopher D. Judd wrote about "Re: What causes single user boot?"
|This happens on my system since upgrading to Hamm.  The problem seems
| to be that fsck -A tries to check /fd0 (since I have entries for /fd0 in
| fsab) and fails since no disk is in the drive.  If that is the case then
| the FSCKFIX=yes won't help.  I have't had time to address this issue yet.
| Changing the /etc/fstab entries or the startup script may be necessary.
| -Chris

Make sure the sixth field in your /etc/fstab is set to 0(zero) or
empty for removable media. From 'man 5 fstab'

   The sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8)  pro­
   gram to determine the order in which filesystem checks are
   done at reboot time.  The root filesystem should be speci­
   fied  with  a fs_passno of 1, and other filesystems should
   have a fs_passno of 2.  Filesystems within a drive will be
   checked  sequentially, but filesystems on different drives
   will be checked at the same time  to  utilize  parallelism
   available in the hardware.  If the sixth field is not pre­
   sent or zero, a value of zero is returned  and  fsck  will
   assume that the filesystem does not need to be checked.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

rsync problems

1998-10-01 Thread justin honold
after many broken pipes on gzip, bad file descriptors, and corrupted downloads 
i've decided to switch from fmirroring debian to rsyncing it (from  i am having a totally unexplainable problem with my 
configuration, and i hope somebody out there can help.  i've attached a copy of 
my rsync script and my excludes pattern.  thanks in advance :-D

Get your free address at

Description: debian

Description: debian-rsync

Re: Soft reboot = hard drive not recognized

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West
At 04:41 PM 10/1/1998 -0400, Jeff Miller wrote:
>Hi all:
>I have had a problem ever since I installed Debian on my Dell P60
computer.  If I cold boot (power on) the computer Linux starts up with no
problems.  But, if I perform a warm boot (ctrl-alt-del etc.) my hard drive
isn't recognized.  It is almost as if the drive has been dismounted by the
BIOS.  The drive is nothing special (Western Digital 540MB) and it is
connected directly to the motherboard.  Anyone else experience this type of
>Jeff Miller
>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

Not specifically, but I've seen network cards get lost. It's related to
Plug&GuessAgain. The BIOS thinks it needs to reassign IRQs (for the HD
controller, maybe), but the hardware (HD Controller) never lost it's power
or got a reset signal, so it's holding onto the old IRQ. The BIOS sees that
IRQ is being used and so assigns a new one to the hardware but the hardware
doesn't accept it since it already has one.

Or something like that.


Kent West, Technology Support
Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!


1998-10-01 Thread Ruud de Bruin

I am having problems with running Quake2 (v 3.14) under Debian. Quake2
running under X-Windows runs fine, but the version running under SVGALIB
segfaults. I am running a MACH 64 video card. Haven't changed anything to
the standard Hamm setup, except installed the netscape wrapper.

Anyone a idea?

Regards, Ruud.

Money is the root of all evil. Send $20 for more information.

Re: An at question

1998-10-01 Thread Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

> What I am wondering is if at will wait for one job to finish before
> starting the next or will it start them at the appointed time?  What these
> are are a series of jobs which start and stop a process at appointed times. 
> One at to start the job, one at to stop it.
Well by the very nature of at the jobs will be run at the apointed 
times. The queue is just a way of showing you what jobs are awaiting
execution and allowing you the option to remove them from the queue
hence stopping there execution at the given time :)


An at question

1998-10-01 Thread Steve Lamb
Ok, I currently have a series of jobs queued up with at.  Here's the
current list:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/morpheus}atq
42  1998-10-02 04:00 a
25  1998-10-01 15:30 a
26  1998-10-02 12:55 a
27  1998-10-02 15:30 a
28  1998-10-02 20:55 a
29  1998-10-02 23:30 a
30  1998-10-03 20:55 a
31  1998-10-03 23:30 a
32  1998-10-04 18:55 a
33  1998-10-04 21:30 a
34  1998-10-01 19:55 a
35  1998-10-01 23:59 a
36  1998-10-02 19:55 a
37  1998-10-02 23:59 a
38  1998-10-03 19:55 a
39  1998-10-03 23:59 a
40  1998-10-06 19:55 a
41  1998-10-06 23:59 a
24  1998-10-01 12:55 =

What I am wondering is if at will wait for one job to finish before
starting the next or will it start them at the appointed time?  What these
are are a series of jobs which start and stop a process at appointed times. 
One at to start the job, one at to stop it.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

dselect error

1998-10-01 Thread Leon Breedt

am getting weird error messages with dselect under hamm:


internal error - no filename at -e line 12,  chunk 13.

installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.


erm, anyone know wot i'm doing wrong?  i've recently migrated
from slackware, so go easy on me :)



- -- -
Leon J. Breedt  : PGP Fingerprint
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  : B1 BC 1F DF A1 B7 36 6D 41 63 C8 13 
Valderen Sysadmin   : F1 1A C2 9B FD BF DF 08
- -- -

Soft reboot = hard drive not recognized

1998-10-01 Thread Jeff Miller
Hi all:

I have had a problem ever since I installed Debian on my Dell P60 computer.  If 
I cold boot (power on) the computer Linux starts up with no problems.  But, if 
I perform a warm boot (ctrl-alt-del etc.) my hard drive isn't recognized.  It 
is almost as if the drive has been dismounted by the BIOS.  The drive is 
nothing special (Western Digital 540MB) and it is connected directly to the 
motherboard.  Anyone else experience this type of problem?


Jeff Miller

Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-01 Thread Christopher D. Judd
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >I've got a webserver which is running constantly.  A few days ago
> >we had to reboot it, because of a SCSI problem with the JAZ drive.
> >(side note: can you imagine the load went up to 115 still growing!?)
> >
> >Well, after the reboot the system stopped at the prompt:
> >Press Ctrl-D or give root password.
> Can be 3 things:
> 1. You turned on sulogin on boot in /etc/default/rcS
> 2. A filesystem check failed because there were serious errors and
>the system wants you to run fsck manually
> 3. A filesystem check failed because the driver for a disk
>(say a SCSI driver module) wasn't loaded.
> If it was (2), you can prevent that by setting FSCKFIX=yes
> in /etc/default/rcS. It will forcibly check all file systems and
> repair them even if there are serious errors. This might result in
> dataloss, but usually there isn't anything else you can do even
> if you do run the fsck manually.

   This happens on my system since upgrading to Hamm.  The problem seems
to be that fsck -A tries to check /fd0 (since I have entries for /fd0 in
fsab) and fails since no disk is in the drive.  If that is the case then
the FSCKFIX=yes won't help.  I have't had time to address this issue yet.
Changing the /etc/fstab entries or the startup script may be necessary.

|   Dr. Christopher D. Judd  |
|   NYS Dept. of Health [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP   |
|   P.O. Box 509   518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509|

Re: tin charset problem

1998-10-01 Thread shaul
> Has anyone ever seem this error from tin?
> Error: Bad charset for non-7bit encoding (must not be us-ascii)
> I consistently get this error and it won't let me post because of it.

I am getting it, and I still hadn't look into it.

I am not sure but I think that in the last few weeks this problem has been 
raised, and probably discussed, on this list more then once.

Re: GCC profiling

1998-10-01 Thread Jimen Ching
On 1 Oct 1998, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> *-Jimen Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | I can't seem to get profiling to work on hamm.  Do I need to do
> | something special to get profiling to work?  Thanks in advance.
> It should be just a matter of compiling and linking with -pg
> (and running gprof afterwards). What exactly have you done?

I used -p.  I believe I also tried -pg and got the same result.  I'll try
again with -pg, but I know -p doesn't work.  I also installed the
profiling libs.  But it shouldn't matter, as profiling shouldn't depend on
the libraries.  This is with gcc package.  I haven't tried with the egcs
package yet.

Did you try -pg and generate the gmon.out file?


RE: Can't resist

1998-10-01 Thread Person, Rod
My 20 month old daughter has done the following.

totally erased my hard drive...

attempted to compile her own kernel...i left the room to answer the
phone and she start to answer the question in make config..

continues to unclean mount my file hard to teach here to
exit wmaker and type shutdown -h now!

and when she doesn't get her way she throws all my floppies all over the

Her mother calls her our 'little hacker'I guess I'm doing something

> --
> From: Peter S Galbraith[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 01, 1998 12:05 PM
> To:   Debian Users Mailing List
> Subject:  Re: Can't resist 
> Whenever I'm at the computer at home and my 14 month-old is around,
> she'll
> walk over and press the Control key.  Always the Control key.
> She does like to be in control...
> Peter

printcap entry for HP LaserJet 4000

1998-10-01 Thread Jeff McWilliams
Here's mine - it looks a bit hacked but it works fine.  


lj4000.acetech resolves to the IP address of the printer on our network.
Ours has a duplexer on it and anything I send to it automatically
prints in postscript mode and two sided.

Jeff McWilliams

Jeff McWilliams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
"The minstrel boy has gone to war,
 in the fields of death you'll find him" - author unknown

Get your free address at

Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-01 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Andy Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've got a webserver which is running constantly.  A few days ago
>we had to reboot it, because of a SCSI problem with the JAZ drive.
>(side note: can you imagine the load went up to 115 still growing!?)
>Well, after the reboot the system stopped at the prompt:
>Press Ctrl-D or give root password.

Can be 3 things:

1. You turned on sulogin on boot in /etc/default/rcS
2. A filesystem check failed because there were serious errors and
   the system wants you to run fsck manually
3. A filesystem check failed because the driver for a disk
   (say a SCSI driver module) wasn't loaded.

If it was (2), you can prevent that by setting FSCKFIX=yes
in /etc/default/rcS. It will forcibly check all file systems and
repair them even if there are serious errors. This might result in
dataloss, but usually there isn't anything else you can do even
if you do run the fsck manually.

The cause was undoubtedly on the screen, you should have asked the
operator to scroll back with SHIFT+pageup and write down all

  "Did I ever tell you about the illusion of free will?"
-- Sheriff Lucas Buck, ultimate BOFH.

printing problems

1998-10-01 Thread Bradley Bell
I need to print to an HP Laserjet 5Si printer which is hooked up to a
netware network,

Can anybody point me to any resources on printing to netware printers?

I've studied and tried every trick in the IPX- and Printing-HOWTO, and
the instructions there are pretty insufficient when it comes to this

At the moment, I can almost print text files using nprint, but they come
out staircased and sideways, and with no banner page.

If anybody else has gotten this working, can I see your printcap and
filter files?


Re: Another Dewbie question

1998-10-01 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Ed Cogburn wrote:
> John Watts wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I'm trying to do a stealth installation of Debian 2.0.34 on an old P75 
> > system at
> > work and am having some problems.
> '2.0.34' refers to the version of the Linux *kernel* being used, not
> the Debian distribution.  The most recent offical Debian is v2.0.  The
> latest kernel is 2.0.35 (2.0.36 Real Soon Now).
> > 1) Network card - it has a EthernetExpress10 card.  I got ahold of the 
> > source
> > code for the driver and compiled it.  Insmod says it's for kernel 2.0.33 
> > and -f
> > doesn't seem to do anything.
> Apparently, your current system is using the 2.0.33 kernel, but I'm 
> not
> quite sure what you mean here.  Are you sure that the driver isn't
> available in the kernel source package (as a buildable module)?  In
> general, drivers need to be compiled on systems running the same kernel
> as the driver will be used under.  I don't have enough experience
> compiling drivers separate from the kernel source to say any more here.

There is an Intel EtherExpress driver selectable from the install
menu.  I'm not sure of the file name but it should be in the base
installs of the system.


> > 2) Kernel source - where is it?  I can't find a /linux subdirectory 
> > anywhere.
> > The installation was done off of floppies.
> The kernel source is massive, about 7 meg.  This is why its not part 
> of
> the initial install (how many floppies would you need for 7 meg?  :-)
> ).  You can find the source (in a deb package) on or a
> mirror in the 'devel' section (if using the ftp method of dselect).
> Most CD venders will include the latest source packages in a separate
> location from the various distributions, but not likely in a deb format.
> >
> > Thanx for any help.
> >
> > Rgds
> > John Watts
> >
> I hope something above helps.
> --
> Ed C.
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

dpkg trouble...

1998-10-01 Thread Michael Stutz
My dpkg is broken:

# dpkg -S /usr/bin/brec
dpkg: fgets gave an empty null-terminated string from 

It first started the other day, when I tried to unintall Netscape 4 and then
install Netscape 3; it happened when during the install of
netscape3_3.04-3.deb (although I had the same error when trying to remove or
install any other package).

Nothing in the info, man or /usr/doc files allude to this error. And I
haven't touched these kernel-source packages in a long time. As a temporary
workaround, I moved kernel-source-2.0.30* from /var/lib/dpkg/info to a
different directory.

I want to fix this. What's going on?

Re: PS/VaulePoint Problem--Can't install.

1998-10-01 Thread Cap'n Fred
Actually my machine is a 486DX2 66, as far as I know it is not a MCA.  The
Adaptec card is AHA 2840VL, whis is the VESA model I think.  I've opened
my computer up a couple times and have yet to find a MCA.  Thanks for the
response though.  Just incase some one needs additional info, I have got
it running redhat linux 5.0 before they changed the installer, but with
the current installer for redhat 5.1 and debian, the kernel will not load.
I have a machine close by, it actually is a friends, but I may be able to
build a new kernel... if that is what I should do.  Please help... 

Cap'n Fred...

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998,  Raymond A. Ingles wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Cap'n Fred wrote:
> > At the moment I am not able to install debian or any other linux
> > distribution on my computer.  I believe that this problem is do to my
> > scsi hard drive, it is a AHA 2840VL, or maybe not.  It sees the hard drive
> > but the kernel panics and that is where it stops.  I never get to the
> > pretty ansi screens.  I've installed debian on my other computer and had
> > no problems, but...
> > 
> > If you can give any advice or need more info, let me know.
>  Is that an MCA (Micro-Channel Architecture) machine? You may need special
> disks for that...
>  Sincerely,
>  Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Anagrams of "FANUC Robotics":
>  baton of circus   curb not fiasco   crab of suction   count for basic
>  stoic cobra fun   torn cubic oafs   surf in tobacco   of arctic bonus
>so count fabric   brain of stucco

Re: CPU temp/fan tachometer for linux?

1998-10-01 Thread stephen . p . ryan
On  1 Oct, Paul Reavis wrote:
> My latest motherboard has a CPU temp sensor and fan tachometer feature.
> Are there any linux drivers/programs for reading these?

Try lm_sensors.
Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

cdrom: "hdc: unexpected_intr: status=0x80"

1998-10-01 Thread Johann Spies
For the last two days I get the message in the subject line from time to
time.  /dev/hdc is my cdrom.

Those "unexpected" signals interrup any program whether I am listening to
music on cd or whether I am reading data from cd or even when the cdrom is

Does anyone know what can cause this?


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be 
  ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."  
I Peter 4:16 

Re: CPU temp/fan tachometer for linux?

1998-10-01 Thread Matthew Tebbens

I think I have one listed on my page somewhere.


On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Paul Reavis wrote:

> My latest motherboard has a CPU temp sensor and fan tachometer feature.
> Are there any linux drivers/programs for reading these?
> -- 
> Paul Reavis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Design Lead
> Partner Software, Inc.
> --  
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Help ppp

1998-10-01 Thread john
Kent West writes:
> If you've only installed via floppy the base system, and don't have a CD,
> I'm not sure what you need to do. My guess would be that you'd have to
> download the pppconfig package to floppy from another machine that is
> networked, and then use the floppy method. Or perhaps you could download
> the pppconfig package to another partition (ie Windows) on your hard
> drive and install from it.

pppconfig is part of base in 2.0.  If he doen't have it he probably has
1.3.  pppconfig won't work with 1.3.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

CPU temp/fan tachometer for linux?

1998-10-01 Thread Paul Reavis
My latest motherboard has a CPU temp sensor and fan tachometer feature.
Are there any linux drivers/programs for reading these?


Design Lead
Partner Software, Inc.

Re: What causes single user boot?

1998-10-01 Thread Jens Ritter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andy Spiegl) writes:

> Hi!
> I've got a webserver which is running constantly.  A few days ago
> we had to reboot it, because of a SCSI problem with the JAZ drive.
> (side note: can you imagine the load went up to 115 still growing!?)
> Well, after the reboot the system stopped at the prompt:
> Press Ctrl-D or give root password.
> I wonder what could have caused this?  This is a huge problem,
> because the computer is many kilometers away and administered
> only over the net.  It was tedious to find someone up there to
> resolve this.  That's why I would really like to find out what
> caused this and how I can avoid it in the future.
> BTW: running Hamm incl.all updates

from slink?

Try downgrading modutils (far guess: it was broken a week ago).

You can't really tell what caused this, without seeing the messages
from bootstrap.


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
"This is the difference: Unix is an OS with tradition, the other are
 illogical from scratch."
-- free translation from Anselm Lignau's comment in

Testing -- Ignore waste of bw

1998-10-01 Thread Jeremiah Cornelius

Get your free address at

Re: printcap entry for HP LaserJet 4000

1998-10-01 Thread Max
> Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 15:50:52 +0200
> From: "Tomas Petersson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: printcap entry for HP LaserJet 4000
> Hello, can anyone help me with a correct printcap entry for HP LaserJet
> 4000?

I have a 4000N, but it's close enough.  Here's mine:


Note that I'm using LPRng.  Also note that the 4000N has a built-in
Ethernet card and print server, but I'm printing directly to port
9100.  That means that I need to send either PostScript or PCL.  Hence
the need for the CTI-Print filter.

Incidentally, the documentation that came with my printer provided
some (really bad) example printcap entries.  They work but are
suboptimal for several reasons.


Re: X server problems

1998-10-01 Thread servis
*- To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about "Re: X server problems"
| *- Stefan Nobis wrote about "Re: X server problems"
|| Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|| > Could Braden not simply try Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to a non-X virtual 
|| > I'm too new at Linux to know, but I'd at least try it.
|| No. If the X-Server isn't configured yet and you start xdm, xdm starts 
|| the X-Server. The Server exits at once and returns control to xdm
|| which then again tries to start the Server and so on. This happens so
|| fast that no keystroke will work (i tried this serveral time - no
|| way). If you have another computer at hand, connectd per TCP/IP you
|| will be able to kill xdm (after login per telnet).
|| The other solution is to boot in single mode (init mode 1), but that
|| method was described already.
| This behavior is supposed to be controlled by xresources but does not
| seem to work.  I looked for a bug report but didn't find one.  Hmmm,

I needed to look harder, it is bug #24406. There has been no action or
response on it.

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: X server problems

1998-10-01 Thread servis
*- Stefan Nobis wrote about "Re: X server problems"
| Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > Could Braden not simply try Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to a non-X virtual 
| > I'm too new at Linux to know, but I'd at least try it.
| No. If the X-Server isn't configured yet and you start xdm, xdm starts 
| the X-Server. The Server exits at once and returns control to xdm
| which then again tries to start the Server and so on. This happens so
| fast that no keystroke will work (i tried this serveral time - no
| way). If you have another computer at hand, connectd per TCP/IP you
| will be able to kill xdm (after login per telnet).
| The other solution is to boot in single mode (init mode 1), but that
| method was described already.

This behavior is supposed to be controlled by xresources but does not
seem to work.  I looked for a bug report but didn't find one.  Hmmm,
maybe I will submit one to add to the thousands that are already there
for xbase.

See the man page for xdm.

% man xdm



  These numeric resources control the behavior of xdm
  when   attempting  to  open  intransigent  servers.
  openDelay is the length of the pause  (in  seconds)
  between successive attempts, openRepeat is the num­
  ber of attempts to make, openTimeout is the  amount
  of  time to wait while actually attempting the open
  (i.e., the maximum time  spent  in  the  connect(2)
  system  call)  and  startAttempts  is the number of
  times this entire process is done before giving  up
  on the server.  After openRepeat attempts have been
  made, or if openTimeout seconds elapse in any  par­
  ticular  attempt,  xdm  terminates and restarts the
  server, attempting to connect again.  This  process
  is repeated startAttempts times, at which point the
  display is declared dead  and  disabled.   Although
  this  behavior  may  seem  arbitrary,  it  has been
  empirically developed and works quite well on  most
  systems.  The default values are 5 for openDelay, 5
  for openRepeat, 30 for openTimeout and 4 for  star­

"Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes." 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Supra 56K PNP Modem Not Working

1998-10-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
> Are you logged in as root?  pon/poff do require that, i seem to remember.
> --Evan

With the correct file permissions, pon/poff *can* be run by a normal,
non-root, user.

Ed C.

Re: Another Dewbie question

1998-10-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
John Watts wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to do a stealth installation of Debian 2.0.34 on an old P75 system 
> at
> work and am having some problems.

'2.0.34' refers to the version of the Linux *kernel* being used, not
the Debian distribution.  The most recent offical Debian is v2.0.  The
latest kernel is 2.0.35 (2.0.36 Real Soon Now).

> 1) Network card - it has a EthernetExpress10 card.  I got ahold of the source
> code for the driver and compiled it.  Insmod says it's for kernel 2.0.33 and 
> -f
> doesn't seem to do anything.

Apparently, your current system is using the 2.0.33 kernel, but I'm not
quite sure what you mean here.  Are you sure that the driver isn't
available in the kernel source package (as a buildable module)?  In
general, drivers need to be compiled on systems running the same kernel
as the driver will be used under.  I don't have enough experience
compiling drivers separate from the kernel source to say any more here.

> 2) Kernel source - where is it?  I can't find a /linux subdirectory anywhere.
> The installation was done off of floppies.

The kernel source is massive, about 7 meg.  This is why its not part of
the initial install (how many floppies would you need for 7 meg?  :-)
).  You can find the source (in a deb package) on or a
mirror in the 'devel' section (if using the ftp method of dselect). 
Most CD venders will include the latest source packages in a separate
location from the various distributions, but not likely in a deb format.

> Thanx for any help.
> Rgds
> John Watts

I hope something above helps.

Ed C.

Re: Can't resist

1998-10-01 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

peter wrote,

> Whenever I'm at the computer at home and my 14 month-old is around, she'll
> walk over and press the Control key.  Always the Control key.

> She does like to be in control...

#flasback on . . . .

The old keyboards, with reset buttons . . .  The reset on the apple was 
bad enough.  But a shop i worked at ended up with a cat.  The kitten 
was crying outside, he sent one of us off for milk, and got attached to 
it while failing to give it away.  THe chalkboard outside read, "free 
kitten with $20 purchase"

As time passed, he carried the compucolor, and took a class in it 
himself.  He'd been working for about 30 minutes when Fang, the former 
kitten, crawled up his left arm and curled around his neck for a nap.  
Another half hour, fang woke up, walked down the other arm, stepping on 
"cpu reset" on his way down . . . Fang lived, believe it or not . . .

The real irony is that though he didn't know it, there was a 2-key 
sequence that would recover  . . .



1998-10-01 Thread Default Debian Reader
I recently upgraded my talk and now it seems to be broken.  Whenever i try
to talk to someone on my machine it says waiting for [No connection yet]
then sits for a bit then says [Checking for Invitation on caller's
machine] then never moves.  Can anyone tell me what is the problem?

Re: problems with finger

1998-10-01 Thread dsb3
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Pere Camps wrote:

>$ ps ax | grep S1
>11680  S1 S0:00 /sbin/getty -L -f /etc/issue.ttyS1 ttyS1 9600 vt100
>$ finger
>castor25 Jose Castor pbOct  1 17:40 (
>ceo  Cercle d'Estudis Orien  S1 2  Oct  1 13:57
>david25  David Moya Rubiop1 6  Oct  1 13:52 (

looks like your utmp file is mangled.  the easiest way is to just wipe it
out entirely.  (try as root:  "> /var/run/utmp")  it's also possible to
fix the utmp file by manipulating it's contents - depending on the number
of users on your system this may be better, or simply wiping the utmp
immediately before rebooting.

- dave


   | oOOooO   /  
 --|oOobodoO/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --| ooOoOo   /
   |   II   / "Rocky Road," croaked the toad.
   |   II /  

Re: Can't resist

1998-10-01 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Whenever I'm at the computer at home and my 14 month-old is around, she'll
walk over and press the Control key.  Always the Control key.

She does like to be in control...


problems with finger

1998-10-01 Thread Pere Camps

$ ps ax | grep S1

11680  S1 S0:00 /sbin/getty -L -f /etc/issue.ttyS1 ttyS1 9600 vt100

$ finger

castor25 Jose Castor pbOct  1 17:40 (
ceo  Cercle d'Estudis Orien  S1 2  Oct  1 13:57
david25  David Moya Rubiop1 6  Oct  1 13:52 (

$ w
noone on S1

$ ps ax | grep ceo

11767   1 S0:00 grep ceo

Then I log on S1 and if run finger both 'ceo' and me appear.

Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. I don't know what's
going on.


Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\<;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

Re: Supra 56K PNP Modem Not Working

1998-10-01 Thread joseph evan porter
It seems that I am to be the doomsayer of Diamond modems.  Folks, if you
plan on using Linux, don't buy one!  You weren't very specific about your
modem.  Some of the older Diamond Supra modems are actually accessible to
Linux, but it's not easy to set them up.  The newer PCI modems are
memory-mapped.  That means that they don't use an ioport to do serial
communications (like the rest of the world).  The drivers are proprietary.
The Supra Express series is implemented all in hardware, so it may not be
too hard to write a driver for them -- though it still hasn't been done.
The SupraMax is a controllerless modem -- that means that everything
except the DSP is on the board, and the driver handles all of the raw data
at the CPU.  This would require a much more extensive Linux driver.  I've
contacted Diamond about getting some specs, but they haven't responded (I
don't expect much).  Anyway, I hope that your modem is one of the older
ones mentioned before.  Otherwise...


P.S.  You can search the debian-user archive for previous discussions of
this subject.  You're the third or fourth person I've told about this

> I am a new Linux User. I need Help!
> I am having Problems Setting up My Supra 56k PNP PCI modem with Debian. I
> can install the Base System from Floppy Fine. When I Tryed to connect to my
> ISP it told me that /usr/bin/pon: /usr/sbin/pppd: Permission denied. So I
> read the install manual and it told me to change config files for ppp. I did
> that and it still does not work. It just sits there doing nothing. No
> messages at all. When I checked to see if it was connected it was not. When
> I reboot and watch the screens of info go by I see one that says
> Initializing Com Ports... FAILED
> Manually Configuring Com Ports... Success. It tells info on the com ports
> that are set up on my computer. Is there a way to check and see if debain
> Has found my modem? I Had Problems in Windows 95 as well. I had to move the
> modem to a new  PCI Port before it found the modem. I am running a P150
> clone with 64MB of RAM.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Help ppp

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West
At 04:52 PM 10/1/1998 +, you wrote:
>Hello again.. More problems, i have tried to solve this myself but 
>things isnt getting any better :(.
>1. "pppconfig" doesnt exist, but "ppp" exists..
>2. What access method shall i choose? 

Since you presumably don't have any network connection (no ppp and
presumably no ethernet), you've probably installed the base system via CD,
in which case I'd use the CD method.

If you do have an ethernet connection, you can use either the CD or the FTP

If you've only installed via floppy the base system, and don't have a CD,
I'm not sure what you need to do. My guess would be that you'd have to
download the pppconfig package to floppy from another machine that is
networked, and then use the floppy method. Or perhaps you could download
the pppconfig package to another partition (ie Windows) on your hard drive
and install from it. In either of these latter two cases
(floppy/partition), I'm on virgin territory and don't know what I'm doing.
Hopefully you have a CD so you can do the install that way.

Alternatively, and I don't know if this will work, you could create the
/etc/ppp/peers/provider script and the /etc/chatscripts provider script by
hand. I *think* all pppconfig does is automate that process, but it may do
more; I just don't know. Look for those two files and if you can, modify
them to fit your situation (phone number, username, password, modem
location, etc) and then see if you can pon. If you don't find those files,
let me know and I'll send them to you and you can modify them for your


Kent West, Technology Support
Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!

Re: Printing Problem

1998-10-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Sep 29, 1998 at 09:20:20AM +, Kent West wrote:
> So, can I understand this to mean that lprng is a newer/better version
> of lpr?

As Spock might say, "that is by no means certain."

lprng has one feature I would like -- bounce queues. lpr can accomplish
this, but uses messy scripts to do so. Last time I tried to configure
this, it appeared to be poorly documented and I could not get it working.

I am very content with my shell scripts.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Moniter screen is wavy.

1998-10-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Sep 28, 1998 at 05:22:51PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
> This can be an impending failure of a power supply or it could be another

Indeed. Once when working IT someone called to report their screen
had wavy scrolling lines; when I saw it, I brought a replacement monitor
in but found their case was super-hot from the power supply fan not
running. Once it was power cycled, it worked fine, as did the monitor.

Off-topic, oops.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Re-`pon'-ing

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West
At 01:27 AM 10/1/1998 -0400, Phillip Neumann wrote:
>Kent West wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I have reinstall debian and now im in troubles with pon:
>> >
>> > 1) ponok. (connecting)
>> > 2) poff   ok  (deconnecting)
>> > 3) pon   NOT ok (*)
>> >
>> > For pass stage 3, i must put a stage 2.5 that said `reboot'... and i
>> > dont like to reboot linux.
>> > How can i fix that??
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > (*) when runnig plog:
>> > bla,, bla
>> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Terminating on signal 15.
>> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Connection terminated.
>> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
>> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Exit.
>> > Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: pppd 2.3.5 started by filsin, uid
>> > 1000
>> > Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: Failed to open /dev/ttyS2:
>> > Operation not su
>> > pported by device
>> >
>> > thanks,
>> > --
>> >  __
>> > / /
>> >/  Phillip  Neumann   /
>> >   / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
>> > _/_/
>> Just a guess, and probably not a very good one, but maybe you need to add
>> an initialization string to your script that resets the modem?
>> Kent
>such as ATsomething?? and where?  in /etc/ppp/peers/provider ???
>[i forgot all the commands used by and files runned by pon. (chatscript
somthing and
>some others i think ) i have configure it  1 time and then kept the
> __
>/ /
>   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

I believe it would be in /etc/chatscripts/(thenameofyourconnection-probably
Just above the ""   ATDTphone_num line, add
""   ATZ

I believe ATZ is the reset command. Hope this works.


Kent West, Technology Support
Abilene Christian Univ., Abilene, TX
915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
Amateur Radio: KC5ENO
Debian Linux: Ride the wave with the penguins!

What causes single user boot?

1998-10-01 Thread Andy Spiegl

I've got a webserver which is running constantly.  A few days ago
we had to reboot it, because of a SCSI problem with the JAZ drive.
(side note: can you imagine the load went up to 115 still growing!?)

Well, after the reboot the system stopped at the prompt:
Press Ctrl-D or give root password.

I wonder what could have caused this?  This is a huge problem,
because the computer is many kilometers away and administered
only over the net.  It was tedious to find someone up there to
resolve this.  That's why I would really like to find out what
caused this and how I can avoid it in the future.

BTW: running Hamm incl.all updates

Thanks a lot in advance for any hint or pointer!

 Andy Spiegl, University of Technology, Muenchen, Germany
 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\<,__`\<,__>(_) (_)/<_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_

Re: Can't resist

1998-10-01 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

Congratulations.  I can even spare some virtual sleep, since mine have 
been sleeping through the night for months.

And infant girls like debian.  But only choose two of the set 
{girl,laptop,beer} at anyone moment, or (girl) giggles at display on 
(laptop), kicks in delight, hitting (beer), which becomes (beer--) as 
it splatters on the  (keyboard--)  of the laptop.

rick, all four of whose girls use debian :)


Re: how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Kendall P. Bullen wrote:

 : On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Jan Krupa wrote:
 : > Could someone please tell how can I insert under
 : > Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
 : > I mean what sequence of keys ?
 : Er, insert it where?!  In EMACS, you would press control-Q control-D
 : (^Q^D) to insert a control-D into the file you're editing.  To close a
 : file you're cat'ing with `cat > 123' you would just press control-D
 : (^D).  I dunno how you'd insert a control-D into a file using VI.

ctrl-v ctrl-d

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "JK" == Jan Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JK> Could someone please tell how can I insert under
JK> Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
JK> I mean what sequence of keys ?

Control D is eof.


Re: [Debian]: Filesysteme bei make config bzw. make menuconfig

1998-10-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "WF" == Werner Fluegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

WF> Habe versucht, unter Hamm einen neuen Kernel zu kompilieren. Wo
WF> sind neuerdings die Filesysteme versteckt? Kein Iso9660, kein
WF> msdos, kein Vfat. Wie zum Geier soll man dann mit einem neuen

Du mußt zuerst die NLS Unterstützung einschalten. Von den
Sprachmodulen habe ich cp850, cp 437 und iso-8859-1 als Module gebaut
(falls du dich fragen solltest, was du davon brauchst).


Re: how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Kendall P. Bullen
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Jan Krupa wrote:

> Could someone please tell how can I insert under
> Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
> I mean what sequence of keys ?

Er, insert it where?!  In EMACS, you would press control-Q control-D
(^Q^D) to insert a control-D into the file you're editing.  To close a
file you're cat'ing with `cat > 123' you would just press control-D
(^D).  I dunno how you'd insert a control-D into a file using VI.


JDK1.16v4 Java.util not complete?

1998-10-01 Thread Mrpeabody
I recently download netbeans and when I tried to do the tutorial I ran
across the error that the Class GregorianCalender did not exist when I
tried to import it.  Furthur more I tried to compile another program
from the command line with GregorianCalender (make sure the paths
weren't just screwed up in netbeans) and still no GregorianCalender...Is
the Class with the JDK1.16v4 not complete is it missing classes like

Re: Iomega Zip

1998-10-01 Thread David Wright
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Adrian Bridgett wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 20, 1998 at 11:39:48PM -0500, dsb3 wrote:
> > [...]
> > 
> > Unless my memory fails me, I've formatted a zip disk in ext2 complete with
> > swap partition and installed linux.  I did this at the beginning of the
> > year when I had access to a zip drive - I still have the disk but alas
> > don't have a drive so can't verify exactly whats on there...
> > 
> > Anyway, the point of what I want to say is this.  Why bother with ext2 on
> > a zip disk.  You're most likely going to use it to move files between
> > computer 1 and computer 2.  Possibly to take files from computer 1 and
> > archive them offline someplace.  Why do you need ext2?
> Long file names, permissions, its far faster (linux much prefers ext2 to any
> other format).  Besides, I like showing the limitations of windows machines
> "I can read your disk but you can't read mine" - improved security I guess
> :-)

Well thank goodness somebody sorted the low/high level formatting argument.

I do use ext2 for my jaz disks, as I believe it's a more reliable 
filesystem, and that becomes increasingly important for large disks.

But I don't bother with anything but FAT16 for floppies and zips (used 
through the parallel port). However, I get long filenames, permissions

How? Well everything is zipped up in zipfiles. (That's infozip zip, not 
iomega zip, of course.) The great advantage is that you can view or unzip 
any file on anybody's PC, particularly if you make sure there's a copy 
of unzip512.exe on every disk.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Time is fouled

1998-10-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Steven Udell wrote:

> Hello Debian Users,
> I am having a difficult time with my system displaying the 
> current time.  I have checked my main boards bios and that 
> has the correct settings. I have used hwclock & date settings
> to bring the correct time to Linux, its ok if I keep the machine
> up, but If I shut down over night and bring it up again
> during the next day or whatever, time is again messed up.
> Things I have attempted to use:
> hwclock --set --date="9/22/96 16:45:05"
> hwclock --hctosys
> hwclock --systoch

Did you mean 'hwclock --systohc'?

That is the correct format for setting the hardware clock from the system

If it is not being kept reasonably close when rebooting, I would
suspect a hardware problem.  It might be a symptom that the battery is
nearing the end of its life (if so, the next thing to go will be the BIOS
settings).  However, since you said it looks correct in the BIOS, it is
probably a configuration problem (see below).

> date -s "Sep 23 HH:MM 1998" ; hwclock -w
> None of these keep the date nor time after a reboot.
> I am wondering whats screwed up, yes I'd like to
> have local time, as when I installed Debian,
> I chose for local time setting PSDT
> But if this is the reason for it messing up, or
> I should look somewhere where it might be messing up
> and edit it, (where would I look) I could change it
> or how would I fix this?

Does it always reboot with the same offset from local time?  If so, that
would indicate your system is misconfigured, in which case you should run
tzconfig.  It should work correctly with either local time or UTC.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Intel 740

1998-10-01 Thread Jim Crumley

> Bonjour,
> Je possède une carte graphique AGP Intel 740
> Est-ce que Debian supporte cette carte ?
> Cordialement,

Je ne sais pas.  C'est une list anglaise.  Essayez la liste
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon francais est pauvre.

Jim Crumley |
Work: 612 624-6804 or -1335 |

Re: how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Jeff Miller

>>> Jan Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/1/98 9:24:42 AM >>>

Could someone please tell how can I insert under
Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
I mean what sequence of keys ?



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Tin hangs on Debian 2.0

1998-10-01 Thread Niccolo' Rigacci
I installed a fresh Debian 2.0 system via FTP. The tin newsreader shows
the groups available, but when I press Enter to see the headers, the
program hangs.

I found this problem on two different systems.

I fixed the problem by purging tin_980226-3.deb and installing the old
version from a Debian 1.3.1 CD-ROM. The old package is tin_97.03.21-1.deb
which required the old lib ncurses3.0.

I noticed that tin has moved from the main directory to the non-free, does
this mean something? 

Is there anybody using the new tin on a new 2.0 Debian?

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

printcap entry for HP LaserJet 4000

1998-10-01 Thread Tomas Petersson
Hello, can anyone help me with a correct printcap entry for HP LaserJet

/Tomas Petersson

Re: keyboard issues

1998-10-01 Thread Peter S Galbraith

>   The automatic key repeat rate is a little
> too slow to my liking.

It's not an X issue:

$ /sbin/kbdrate -r 30

This annoyed me enough to add this to my boot-up sequence:

/etc/rc2.d/S30keyboard -> ../init.d/keyboard

where the /etc/init.d/keyboard script is as follows:

#! /bin/sh
# Set stupid Compaq keyboard

test -f /sbin/kbdrate || exit 0

case "$1" in
echo "Setting stupid Compaq keyboard"
/sbin/kbdrate -r 30
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/keyboard {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the GNU/Linux Counter -- 

Re: how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Jan Krupa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Could someone please tell how can I insert under
| Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
| I mean what sequence of keys ?

Under most circumstances ^D is considered the EOF mark.


how to insert EOF from keyboard ?

1998-10-01 Thread Jan Krupa

Could someone please tell how can I insert under
Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
I mean what sequence of keys ?



RE: X server problems

1998-10-01 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have always been able to get a virtural terminal by typing
 once the xdm process started.

Braden N. McDaniel writes:
 > Now when I boot the machine, my monitor goes to sleep as soon as the
 > sequence has completed. I *think* this is because I elected to being
xdm up
 > at bootup when I initially installed everything, and now that
setting is
 > kicking in. I suspect the problem may be that the X server has not
yet been
 > properly configured. How can I get to a prompt so I can run

Get your free address at

Re: Partitioning programs

1998-10-01 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
> Could someone send me the recent post(s) with URLs about partitioning
> programs? I seem to have deleted them in a fit of incompentency. 

Both fdisk and cfdisk are in the util-linux debian package, available at
...  If you reinstall this package, you should have
them.  By the way, how did you manage to delete specifically these
programs?  Or do you mean something else by `partioning programs'.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Getting back into X after C-Alt-Fn'ing out.

1998-10-01 Thread Stefan Nobis
Christopher Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Also, one other question. Is it possible to start two seperate X
> sessions, so that you could say have one X session running WindowMaker
> and the other one running E or something else, and switch between them
> via control-alt-fn or whatever?

If you use xdm, then take a look at /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers - just add a 
line like this:

:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt8

So you will get another xdm on virtual terminal 8 (switch to it with

If you use startx and i remember correctly, just say "startx -- :1 vt8" and
you will get a new X-session on the virtual terminal 8 (or, without
the "vt8", on the next free virtual terminal).

Until the next mail...,

Re: printcap rerouted filter

1998-10-01 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Sep 30, 1998 at 11:36:54PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> >   10.8.  Running an if for remote printers
> > 
> >   One oddity of lpd is that the if is not run for remote printers.  If
> >   you find that you need to run an if, you can do so by setting up a
> >   double queue and requeueing the job.  As an example, consider this
> >   printcap:
> > 
> >lj-5:remote-hplj:\
> >:lp=/dev/null:sh:\
> >:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lj-5:\
> >:if=/usr/lib/lpd/filter-lj-5:
> >lj-5-remote:lp=/dev/\
> >:rp=raw:sd=/var/spool/lpd/lj-5-raw:
> > 
> >   in light of this filter-lj-5 script:
> > 
> >#!/bin/sh
> >gs  -q -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- - | \
> >lpr -Plj-5-remote -U$5
> > 

Or use lprng  bouncing queue (not old lpr).

My working printcap:

pl8|toshiba|Toshiba PageLaser8:\

Partitioning programs

1998-10-01 Thread AJT60

Could someone send me the recent post(s) with URLs about partitioning
programs? I seem to have deleted them in a fit of incompentency. 

Andrew Tarr

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate"

emacs-20.3 and leim files

1998-10-01 Thread Alexander Zhuckov

Does anybody knows something about leim/* files in emacs20_*.deb
ans emacs20-el*.deb packages?

I've got emacs-20.3.tar.gz and leim-20.3.tar.gz 
and emacs20_20.3-1.diff.gz emacs20_20.3-1.dsc (from slink)
and then built both packages and then installed them. And found none of
leim files, so I installed them by hand.

But may be there is a more correct method to get emacs with mule
support on debian system (from debian package)?
Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

Thank You All - Ulisses, Wojciech, Johann

1998-10-01 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
Thanks very much for helping me get my HP5L working!

finally I used the script provided by Wojciech, and everything
is fine now.

Thanks again.

Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: differences/similarities between two files..

1998-10-01 Thread Michael Beattie
On 1 Oct 1998, Peter Makholm wrote:

> Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Lets say I have two text files... Both having several quotes, one per
> > line. Each file has unique quotes, but both also have some quotes which
> > are the same. What is a method to get from these two text files, a third
> > file, which has all of the unique quotes, and only one of each of the same
> > quotes.. i.e.:
> sort -u File1 File2 > File3
> [-u is for uniq]
> If File1 and File2 is sorted "sort -m -u File1 File2 > File3" might be
> faster.
> You better read the manpage for sort. Im sitting at a HP-UX and I
> don't think it's the gnu sort we have.

Yipeee :) thanks...  just what i needed... 

Yep, you had the right options, looks like HP-UX and gnu sort are similar.
-m would have been a negligible help, the files are only 10k or so each.

Thanks again,

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
   If at first you don't succeed, you must be using Windows.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Help

1998-10-01 Thread Peter Granroth
On Thu, Oct 01, 1998 at 09:51:37AM +0200, Wilson Tuma shared with us the 
following words of wisdom:
> Hi
>  Which command do I need to to make my system recognized my
> 1. the ip address
> 2. Default Gateway
> 3. broadcast address
> and how do I go about doing that.

these are set in /etc/init.d/network which on my box looks like:

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ "${GATEWAY}" ] && route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
(sans the star lines)

+ Peter Granroth +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+ +   The answer is NO+

Debian & Chinese & Netscape!

1998-10-01 Thread Shao Ying Zhang
Hi all,
I have downloaded the chinese package xfntbig5p-cmex24m_0.1-1.deb.

I then installed this package, and used the following commands to 
set font:

xset fp+ /usr/lib/X11/fonts/chinese
xset fp rehash

Now, my crxvt is working fine!

But I still cannot display chinese in netscape(3.0).

Is it alright for me to download other fonts and then install in
the same directory?? Because I know the fonts I need...

That's only a minor problem! My big problem is for some web pages,
especially those with java and frames, chinese cannot be displayed at

However, I can do this in NT...

So I must be able to do it in LINUX. So Who can teach me please??

You can try to display the chinese with the link below, if you can
see it, please tell me how


Shao Zhang \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE   OxO
PENSHURST 2035 //\
Sydney, NSW   ///\\
/ ^   _ \
   ( (o) (o) )
  *   *   *===oOOO=(_)=OOOo=*
   *  *  *|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  * * |   |
*   ***   ||
  * * *===Oooo.=*
   *  *  *.oooO   (   |
 * *  * * *(   )   ) /
   *  **\ (   (_/

Re: differences/similarities between two files..

1998-10-01 Thread Peter Makholm
Michael Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lets say I have two text files... Both having several quotes, one per
> line. Each file has unique quotes, but both also have some quotes which
> are the same. What is a method to get from these two text files, a third
> file, which has all of the unique quotes, and only one of each of the same
> quotes.. i.e.:

sort -u File1 File2 > File3

[-u is for uniq]

If File1 and File2 is sorted "sort -m -u File1 File2 > File3" might be

You better read the manpage for sort. Im sitting at a HP-UX and I
don't think it's the gnu sort we have.
Makholm d.y.

differences/similarities between two files..

1998-10-01 Thread Michael Beattie

Sorry about the slightly off-topic question, but sometimes people need a
good practical problem to keep them on their toes.

Lets say I have two text files... Both having several quotes, one per
line. Each file has unique quotes, but both also have some quotes which
are the same. What is a method to get from these two text files, a third
file, which has all of the unique quotes, and only one of each of the same
quotes.. i.e.:



to get File3:

This I guess can be done with grep/sed/xx, but I have no idea how to
do it... can someone help?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
WinErr: 00B Inadequate disk space - Free at least 500MB
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

keyboard issues

1998-10-01 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Hi all,

I've got a PC with an ASUS BX motherboard, a diamond viper 330 AGP, and
a PS/2 style connected keyboard.  The automatic key repeat rate is a little
too slow to my liking.  I have tried to change this using the Keyboard
section in /etc/X11/XF86Config, and with the xset command.  Neither
seems to have any noticeable effect on the repeat rate.  Another odd
thing that occurs is that every now and then the keyboard introduces an
extra ` (back quote) character when I'm typing.  Is there anyone on the
list who recognizes these things or knows what to do about them?

thanks in advance,

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054


1998-10-01 Thread Wilson Tuma

 Which command do I need to to make my system recognized my
1. the ip address
2. Default Gateway
3. broadcast address
and how do I go about doing that.

How can I get debian linux to use  a 2gif iomega gaz drive. I would be using
this to install the packages I downloaded from the internet using a  windows
95 computer.


non-root xcdroast?

1998-10-01 Thread Ferdinand Schinagl

there is a non-root version of xcdroast
available now. Is there anybody working
on this?


Time is fouled

1998-10-01 Thread Steven Udell
Hello Debian Users,

I am having a difficult time with my system displaying the 
current time.  I have checked my main boards bios and that 
has the correct settings. I have used hwclock & date settings
to bring the correct time to Linux, its ok if I keep the machine
up, but If I shut down over night and bring it up again
during the next day or whatever, time is again messed up.

Things I have attempted to use:

hwclock --set --date="9/22/96 16:45:05"
hwclock --hctosys
hwclock --systoch
date -s "Sep 23 HH:MM 1998" ; hwclock -w

None of these keep the date nor time after a reboot.

I am wondering whats screwed up, yes I'd like to
have local time, as when I installed Debian,
I chose for local time setting PSDT

But if this is the reason for it messing up, or
I should look somewhere where it might be messing up
and edit it, (where would I look) I could change it
or how would I fix this?

Steven Udell

Intel 740

1998-10-01 Thread Laurent HUSSENET

Je possède une carte graphique AGP Intel 
Est-ce que Debian supporte cette carte 

Color and Fonts Loss

1998-10-01 Thread Daniel Mashao
If I run netscape (or any color or font intensive app) I have problems
starting other applications. I have to restart my Xserver to be able to
start other applications. Does anybody know of a painless solution? 

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Re: Re-`pon'-ing

1998-10-01 Thread Jens Ritter
Phillip Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Kent West wrote:
> > On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
> > > I have reinstall debian and now im in troubles with pon:
> > >
> > > 1) ponok. (connecting)
> > > 2) poff   ok  (deconnecting)
> > > 3) pon   NOT ok (*)
> > >
> > > For pass stage 3, i must put a stage 2.5 that said `reboot'... and i
> > > dont like to reboot linux.
> > > How can i fix that??

Most modem see "+++" as a catchall for going into command mode.


KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
"Das ist halt der Unterschied: Unix ist ein Betriebssystem mit Tradition,
 die anderen sind einfach von sich aus unlogisch."
-- Anselm Lingnau in de.comp.os.unix.discussion

Re: GCC profiling

1998-10-01 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Jimen Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Hi,
|   I can't seem to get profiling to work on hamm.  Do I need to do
| something special to get profiling to work?  Thanks in advance.

It should be just a matter of compiling and linking with -pg
(and running gprof afterwards). What exactly have you done?

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: debian as secretary?

1998-10-01 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Phillip Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| I want to access my pc from univerisy. Of course i can, i have done it.
| But I can only if my pc is connected to internet (obvious). I just
| cannot getup on 8:00am, turn pc on, connet go to univ. and then back at
| 5:00 becouse the phone-line must be paid..$$.. I would like to call my
| pc:
| 244334565: ring ring
| pc: ``hi Phillip is not here but you can leave a message. If you want to
| connect me to internet after you hang up press 1.''
| phillip: #1 [beep]
| Phillip: hang up
| time
| time
| --phillip go to the univ. computers that are with win95 (jik) and
| ftp to his pc so he can print works at univ.
| (i have not a printer at home)
| I could enter at univ. system from home and througt the work to printer,
| so when i go there it would be printed, but thats not the idea...
| Exist a software that can do that?? or should i start with
| development.

Try this one:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/xtron-1.2> dpkg --print-avail xringd
Package: xringd
Priority: extra
Section: comm
Installed-Size: 43
Maintainer: David Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.20-1
Depends: libc6
Filename: dists/stable/main/binary-i386/comm/xringd_1.20-1.deb
Size: 18074
MD5sum: b44b557bd1238830b8c1ba6b53a7270e
Description: Extended Ring Daemon - Monitor phone rings and take action.
 xringd will monitor a serial line for RING signals and activate various
 commands when specific "ring-delay sequences" are detected.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Installing Xfree86 in debian Linux

1998-10-01 Thread Peter Makholm

> Hence i get a feeling that i am loading a wrong binary of xfree86 ( ie i
> dont know if i have to take a.out binary or whatever ).

Where did you find the binaries?

Was it the official debianpackages from (or a mirror
thereoff), or was it a package from Xfree86 themself ftp.xfree86.og
(?) (or a mirror)

Makholm d.y.

GCC profiling

1998-10-01 Thread Jimen Ching
I can't seem to get profiling to work on hamm.  Do I need to do
something special to get profiling to work?  Thanks in advance.


Re: Re-`pon'-ing

1998-10-01 Thread Michael Beattie

> > Just a guess, and probably not a very good one, but maybe you need to add
> > an initialization string to your script that resets the modem?
> >
> Hello,
> such as ATsomething?? and where?  in /etc/ppp/peers/provider ???
> [i forgot all the commands used by and files runned by pon. (chatscript 
> somthing and
> some others i think ) i have configure it  1 time and then kept the 
> configuration.]



""   AT <- HERE

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
WinErr: 010 Operating system overwritten - Please reinstall all
   your software. We are terribly sorry.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

debian as secretary?

1998-10-01 Thread Phillip Neumann

Im getting some work to do from university. I have my works in my pc
with latex or others. 
Now, i hate floppies, they allwais crash with the information inside
I want to access my pc from univerisy. Of course i can, i have done it.
But I can only if my pc is connected to internet (obvious). I just
cannot getup on 8:00am, turn pc on, connet go to univ. and then back at
5:00 becouse the phone-line must be paid..$$.. I would like to call my

244334565: ring ring
pc: ``hi Phillip is not here but you can leave a message. If you want to
connect me to internet after you hang up press 1.''
phillip: #1 [beep]
Phillip: hang up
--phillip go to the univ. computers that are with win95 (jik) and
ftp to his pc so he can print works at univ.

(i have not a printer at home)
I could enter at univ. system from home and througt the work to printer,
so when i go there it would be printed, but thats not the idea...

Exist a software that can do that?? or should i start with

/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

Re: Re-`pon'-ing

1998-10-01 Thread Phillip Neumann
Kent West wrote:

> On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I have reinstall debian and now im in troubles with pon:
> >
> > 1) ponok. (connecting)
> > 2) poff   ok  (deconnecting)
> > 3) pon   NOT ok (*)
> >
> > For pass stage 3, i must put a stage 2.5 that said `reboot'... and i
> > dont like to reboot linux.
> > How can i fix that??
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > (*) when runnig plog:
> > bla,, bla
> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Terminating on signal 15.
> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Connection terminated.
> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> > Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Exit.
> > Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: pppd 2.3.5 started by filsin, uid
> > 1000
> > Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: Failed to open /dev/ttyS2:
> > Operation not su
> > pported by device
> >
> > thanks,
> > --
> >  __
> > / /
> >/  Phillip  Neumann   /
> >   / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
> > _/_/
> Just a guess, and probably not a very good one, but maybe you need to add
> an initialization string to your script that resets the modem?
> Kent
> --
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null


such as ATsomething?? and where?  in /etc/ppp/peers/provider ???

[i forgot all the commands used by and files runned by pon. (chatscript 
somthing and
some others i think ) i have configure it  1 time and then kept the 

/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

Re: printcap rerouted filter

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, tony mollica wrote:

> Hi.  Just browsing through the list and found the following
> excerpt from your message:
> >It's like the input filter is never being called. If I set the printcap
> >entry so it remote prints to our network printer, like so:
> >beeper:\
> >:if=/etc/magicfilter/beeper-filter:\
> >:lp=:\
> >:sd=/var/spool/lpd/beeper:\
> >:rm=(the ip address):\
> >:rp=nimrod_2:
> I don't think this will work, regardless of what
> type of script you use for a filter,  the reason
> being the following from the printing HOW-TO:
> (the first sentence is the clue, and easily 
>  overlooked.  Someone previously brought this to
>  my attention after several days of fighting with
>  the remote filtering thing.)
> {
>   10.8.  Running an if for remote printers
>   One oddity of lpd is that the if is not run for remote printers.  If
>   you find that you need to run an if, you can do so by setting up a
>   double queue and requeueing the job.  As an example, consider this
>   printcap:
>   in light of this filter-lj-5 script:
>gs  -q -dSAFER -sOutputFile=- - | \
>lpr -Plj-5-remote -U$5
>   The -U option to lpr only works if lpr is run as daemon, and it sets
>   the submitter's name for the job in the resubmitted queue correctly.
>   You should probably use a more robust method of getting the username,
>   since in some cases it is not argument 5.  See the man page for
>   printcap.
> }
> Hope this helps.
> -- 
> tony mollica

Thanks! Yes, it does help; answers some problems I've been having.


Re: Re-`pon'-ing

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:

> Hello,
> I have reinstall debian and now im in troubles with pon:
> 1) ponok. (connecting)
> 2) poff   ok  (deconnecting)
> 3) pon   NOT ok (*)
> For pass stage 3, i must put a stage 2.5 that said `reboot'... and i
> dont like to reboot linux.
> How can i fix that??
> (*) when runnig plog:
> bla,, bla
> Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Terminating on signal 15.
> Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Connection terminated.
> Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
> Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Exit.
> Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: pppd 2.3.5 started by filsin, uid
> 1000
> Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: Failed to open /dev/ttyS2:
> Operation not su
> pported by device
> thanks,
> -- 
>  __
> / /
>/  Phillip  Neumann   /
> _/_/

Just a guess, and probably not a very good one, but maybe you need to add 
an initialization string to your script that resets the modem?


Re: unable to connect to ttyS1

1998-10-01 Thread Kent West

On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Perhaps your modem is a PLUG and PLAY modem or a winmodem of some thought ?
> > Hi.  I'm currently running a Debian 1.3 system, and I'm working on putting
> > together a Hamm system to replace it.  I'm trying to get a ppp connection
> > running on an external modem plugged into COM2 of the Hamm system and I'm
> > having no luck.
> > 
> > First, I defined the connection and then 'pon' to start the connection.  
> > No dice.  /var/log/ppp.log contained the following lines:
> > 
> > pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
> > tcgetattr: input/output error (5)
> > Exit.
> > 
> > Ok, I went back a few steps.  I pulled down the PPP-HowTo and slog
> > through the advice it has (which isn't 100% the same as the default Hamm
> > setup).  I discovered that using Minicom, I didn't get any response to AT
> > commands sent to /dev/ttyS1.
> > 
> > I rebooted the system and use Lilo to boot MS-Dog.  Kermit saw a modem on
> > COM2 and I was even able to use it to dial my ISP and transfer some more
> > stuff to my new system.  So the modem/serial port/phone line *do* work.
> > 
> > Back to Linux (stopping by the BIOS setup on the way to note COM2's I/O
> > address and IRQ: 2f8, IRQ 3).  I did a 'setserial /dev/ttyS1':
> > 
> > /dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
> > 
> > I searched the mailing lists, and everybody else who was having similar
> > problems was using Plug-n-Pray internal modems.  No responses seemed to
> > apply to a built-in serial port.
> > 
> > So I'm stumped.  I'm guessing it's a conflict of some kind, but it's a
> > little too subtle for my experience level.
> > 
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 

What speed is your modem? Perhaps the port is talking faster than modem 
can listen if it's a slow modem?


Installing Xfree86 in debian Linux

1998-10-01 Thread BALAJI VENKAT

Can you please help me in installing xfree86 in my linux system. I have
taken the binaries xfree86 version 3.3.

My problem is as follows

1. I already took one xfree86 v3.3 from a ftp site and installed it when i
ran startx i got an error message as follows" /usr/X11R6/bin/startx: line
66: 157 segmentation fault xinit $clientargs -- $serverargs"

Hence i get a feeling that i am loading a wrong binary of xfree86 ( ie i
dont know if i have to take a.out binary or whatever ).

Can you please advise what binaries to take and from where so that i can
have xfree86 running in my machine. My machine is a 586 machine.
Please advise.

Balaji Venkat

Re: Getting back into X after C-Alt-Fn'ing out.

1998-10-01 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, dsb3 wrote:

> On 30 Sep 1998, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> >*-Christopher Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >|
> >| I read some email in the Debian list a few minutes ago that said you can
> >| switch to a text mode virtual console from X by using Control-Alt-Fn and
> >| thought "cool, I always wondered if there was a way to do that... I
> >| think I'll try it right now!" So I did and then I could not for the life
> >| of me figure out how to get back into X.
> >
> >:-) Control-Alt-F7 should get you there unless you have done
> >something unusual.
> a better approach might be to use Alt-F1 followed by Alt-LeftArrow.  This
> will take you to the highest numbered vterm.
> unless I'm just odd in extending my virtual terminals to cover all 12
> function keys??

Not entirely, I have F1-F10 as consoles, which leaves F11 and F12 for two
X sessions (xdm/kdm - depending on my current whim...) then I use AltGr-F1
upwards for miscellaneous servers (i.e. Quake2 etc.. I use 'open' for

Somehow 6 consoles is not enough...

One other thing, if you want another X session, 'startx -- :1' is the
method recommended to me. If using xdm, add a line to /etc/X11/Xservers

:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt7
:1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt8

etc etc...

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with "pgpkey" as subject.
Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: unable to connect to ttyS1

1998-10-01 Thread Packy Anderson
> Perhaps your modem is a PLUG and PLAY modem or a winmodem of some thought ?

Sigh.  What's frustrating is this isn't the first person to ask this
question.  As I said in my post:

> > I'm trying to get a ppp connection running on an external modem
> > plugged into COM2 of the Hamm system and I'm having no luck.

In case it was missed in the opening paragraph, I mentioned it again:

> > I searched the mailing lists, and everybody else who was having similar
> > problems was using Plug-n-Pray internal modems.  No responses seemed to
> > apply to a built-in serial port.

Fortunately, I finally found the problem.  My WD8003EB Ethernet Adapter
(not a PnP device) was conflicting on IRQ3.  Unplug the adapter, serial
port works fine.  Now I just have to find the docs for the adapter so I can
shove that off onto another IRQ...

Thanks to everyone who actually READ my post and sent me _constructive_


Packy AndersonDardan Web Assoc. 518/266-1226
CEO/Webmaster PO Box 94
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Troy, NY 12181-0094
   Localized advertising solutions for a World-Wide Web.

Re: X server problems

1998-10-01 Thread Stefan Nobis
Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Could Braden not simply try Ctrl-Alt-F2 to switch to a non-X virtual console?
> I'm too new at Linux to know, but I'd at least try it.

No. If the X-Server isn't configured yet and you start xdm, xdm starts 
the X-Server. The Server exits at once and returns control to xdm
which then again tries to start the Server and so on. This happens so
fast that no keystroke will work (i tried this serveral time - no
way). If you have another computer at hand, connectd per TCP/IP you
will be able to kill xdm (after login per telnet).

The other solution is to boot in single mode (init mode 1), but that
method was described already.

Until the next mail...,


1998-10-01 Thread Phillip Neumann

I have reinstall debian and now im in troubles with pon:

1) ponok. (connecting)
2) poff   ok  (deconnecting)
3) pon   NOT ok (*)

For pass stage 3, i must put a stage 2.5 that said `reboot'... and i
dont like to reboot linux.
How can i fix that??

(*) when runnig plog:
bla,, bla
Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Terminating on signal 15.
Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Connection terminated.
Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep 28 21:14:14 computron pppd[132]: Exit.
Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: pppd 2.3.5 started by filsin, uid
Sep 28 21:15:23 computron pppd[252]: Failed to open /dev/ttyS2:
Operation not su
pported by device

/ /
   /  Phillip  Neumann   /

_POSTSCRIPT_ versions of the GNAT documantaion

1998-10-01 Thread shaul
>From where can I download _POSTSCRIPT_ versions of the GNAT documantaion (such 
as the GNAT User's Guide, GNAT Reference Manual) ?

Thank you.

Re: unable to connect to ttyS1

1998-10-01 Thread shaul
Perhaps your modem is a PLUG and PLAY modem or a winmodem of some thought ?

> Hi.  I'm currently running a Debian 1.3 system, and I'm working on putting
> together a Hamm system to replace it.  I'm trying to get a ppp connection
> running on an external modem plugged into COM2 of the Hamm system and I'm
> having no luck.
> First, I defined the connection and then 'pon' to start the connection.  
> No dice.  /var/log/ppp.log contained the following lines:
> pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
> tcgetattr: input/output error (5)
> Exit.
> Ok, I went back a few steps.  I pulled down the PPP-HowTo and slog
> through the advice it has (which isn't 100% the same as the default Hamm
> setup).  I discovered that using Minicom, I didn't get any response to AT
> commands sent to /dev/ttyS1.
> I rebooted the system and use Lilo to boot MS-Dog.  Kermit saw a modem on
> COM2 and I was even able to use it to dial my ISP and transfer some more
> stuff to my new system.  So the modem/serial port/phone line *do* work.
> Back to Linux (stopping by the BIOS setup on the way to note COM2's I/O
> address and IRQ: 2f8, IRQ 3).  I did a 'setserial /dev/ttyS1':
> /dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
> I searched the mailing lists, and everybody else who was having similar
> problems was using Plug-n-Pray internal modems.  No responses seemed to
> apply to a built-in serial port.
> So I'm stumped.  I'm guessing it's a conflict of some kind, but it's a
> little too subtle for my experience level.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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