1999-12-08 Thread Ismael Canales
El Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 02:46:07PM +0100, Emilio Hernández Martín dijo:

Bueno pues estoy siguiendo tu problema y yo me digo lo siguiente.
¿ No será un sector defectuoso que falla de forma intermitente ?
Ningun mail dice que se hayan buscado sectores defectuosos en las particiones
bajo linux. ¿ Has probado un fsck -c /dev/lo_que_sea ?



Fdo: Ismael Canales de Luis

Trantor is a debian 2.X
   KoreDumper 2.2.13

actualizar changelogs en paquetes debian

1999-12-08 Thread Paco Brufal

¿Los changelogs de los paquetes Debian se actualizan a mano o hay
algún programa para hacerlo? He estado buscando y no he encontrado nada... 

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Hakkuh. 3 Steps Ahead. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: http://www.linuxfreak.com/~r34_linux (2:346/3.68)

Re: actualizar changelogs en paquetes debian

1999-12-08 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Paco Brufal wrote:

   ¿Los changelogs de los paquetes Debian se actualizan a mano o hay
 algún programa para hacerlo? He estado buscando y no he encontrado nada... 

man dch (apropos changelog da buenas pistas ;-)

BASE DE DATOS La mas grande del pais

1999-12-08 Thread SPV Argentina
Aproveche esta oferta unica! y venda de todo.

81.000 E-mail Argentinos (la base más grande del país) POR SOLO $99.- (precio 
de lista 259.-)

ENVIE YA UN E-MAIL A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  con su telefono y nos contactaremos.


*oferta por tiempo limitado

Problemas de conexión a INTERNET

1999-12-08 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

Solicito la ayuda de algún alma caritativa que me ayude a hacer los
scripts que me permitan establecer una conexión decente a mi servidor de
Ya he probado diferentes configuraciones del pppconfig, incluso he
editado los correspondientes scripts siguiendo los ejemplos de las man
pages y de los COMOs y el resultado siempre es el mismo, el servidor me
echa fuera casi antes de entrar, es decir, que no acepta mi nombre de
usuario (del que ya he probado todas las variantes que se me han
ocurrido, con y sin el '.es' del dominio) ni mi password.
Si es necesario puedo mandar los archivos /var/log/ppp.log y
/var/log/messages, así como cualquier otro archivo que se me solicite,
por si sirven de ayuda para determinar dónde estoy metiendo la gamba
No hace falta que sea algo sofisticado, cuanto más sencillos,
genéricos, y eficaces sean los scripts mejor.

Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

Re: Problemas de conexión a INTERNET

1999-12-08 Thread Gustavo CR
On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 04:17:50PM +0100, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:
 Solicito la ayuda de algún alma caritativa que me ayude a hacer los
 scripts que me permitan establecer una conexión decente a mi servidor de

Bueno como yo di la lata a la lista con esto hace tiempo te respondo, he 
conseguido conectar al ISP (es verdad que al final con el kppp). 

Te envio el mensaje que mandó Daniel Ferradal, en el que daba una explicación 
definitiva, creo }:-)


La verdad, al final es tan dificil conectar con Uni2 como con cualquier otro 
proveedor, pero por si a alguien le sirve de ayuda le pongo lo que yo tengo:

Archivo /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

# ID y contraseña de Iddeo
ret009df * contraseña

# ID y contraseña de Uni2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * micontraseña

Archivo /etc/options.uni2
kdebug 1
asyncmap a
connect /etc/ppp/conexion.uni2

Archivo /etc/ppp/conexion.uni2

/usr/sbin/chat -V  AT\S95=44\+MS=56,0\DT900902030 CONNECT 

Archivo /etc/ppp/uni2  -- ha de ser ejecutable ;)

/usr/sbin/pppd user [EMAIL PROTECTED] file /etc/ppp/options.uni2

La razón por la que tengo un options.uni2, conexion.uni2, etc es porque tambien 
tengo una conexión igual en iddeo.
En el pap-secrets si os preguntais por qué las  es sencillo, si no las pones, 
no te chuta si tu id lleva @ o algún caracter extraño. Espero haber servidor de 
ayuda una vez más.


Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322 

Re: Me ha vuelto ha pasar

1999-12-08 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 10:41:25PM +0100, Ricardo Villalba escribió:
 Pues me ha vuelto a pasar de nuevo y la verdad es que me estoy empezando a

Ricardo, tu problema, tal como lo describes, supera por mucho mis
conocimientos, pero por si acaso, sólo por si acaso, te comento lo que me ha
estado pasando a mí.

Tengo linux instalado en la primera partición del segundo disco duro (hdb1).
Es un disco que me llevé del trabajo porque fallaba al arrancar (windox) y
supuse que quizá funcionaría bien como esclavo. En efecto así fue, arranco
el ordenata desde el windox de mi primer disco duro, y con loadlin _casi
siempre_ linux arranca desde hdb1 sin problemas.

Me llevó un tiempo saber en qué consistía ese casi... y resultó que siempre
que arrancaba bien linux había estado haciendo algo previamente en windox...
o me había ido a tomar un café ;-) Conclusión: Mi hdb funciona si y sólo si
se le deja calentarse unos minutos antes de pedirle nada, como un atleta de
los buenos :-)

Si has descartado totalmente un fallo de hard, (ne he seguido todo el hilo)
este mensaje puede ir tranquilamente a /dev/null, sólo quería hacer notar
que los fallos de hard pueden ser puñeteros de identificar.

Un saludote,
Roberto Ripio

Re: Problemas de conexión a INTERNET

1999-12-08 Thread daniel

 Te envio el mensaje que mandó Daniel Ferradal, en el que daba una explicación 
 definitiva, creo }:-)

Da gusto comprobar que sirve de algo lo que has puesto en esta lista
alguna vez :))
 Un saludo a todos y suerte al que tiene problemas con la conexión :)

   Daniel Ferradal
  Usuario Registrado de Linux # 128322 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas de conexión a INTERNET

1999-12-08 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 11:58 PM 1999-12-08 +0100, Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren wrote:
Cree los escripts sugeridos y al ejecutar /etc/ppp/uni2 (mi srvidors es uni2)
obtengo éste mensaje de error:
: No such file or directoryoptions file /etc/ppp/options.uni2

¿Tuviste algún problema parecido cuando lo probaste?
He probado a cambiar los nombres de los scripts por si las mosquis (nunca
se sabe cuando un punto lo escoña todo) y nasti de plasti, me da ese error
con el nuevo nombre.
¿Alguna sugerencia?

Renombraste /etc/ppp/options

_Debes_ tener un archivo /etc/ppp/options, así esté vacío (o por lo menos
eso fue lo que entendí la última vez que miré algo de pppd)

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa
A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 User.

Off-topic: Novo guia Linux

1999-12-08 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Terminei este final de semana a estrutura para divulgar o guia que 
estou desenvolvendo via Net. A primeira versão já está disponível e 
é voltada ao usuário iniciante. O endereço da página é:


Ele também traz explicações sobre os pontos fortes de cada distribuição, 
até agora somente tenho materiais sobre Debian, Corel Linux, e Libranet 
(as duas últimas baseadas na Debian). Em breve estarei incluindo as 
características das distribuições Suse e Conectiva.

Inclui também uma seção sobre ajuda onde consta um sub-capítulo 
listas de discussão de onde o usuário pode obter ajuda e suporte
no sistema linux, como se inscrever, etc.

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse http://ibest.mailbr.com.br e Vote!

RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-08 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Leandro Dutra escreveu:

   Não seria melhor chamar de Estados Unidos com acentos?  
US acentos mistura as duas línguas, dói no ouvido. 

US acentos foi somente como exemplo, segue abaixo os nomes corretos do 
idioma/teclado para localização usados no language-chooser:  
Brasileiro (teclado padrão US) 
Brasileiro (teclado padrão ABNT2) 
Portugal (teclado padrão)  -- Padrão é a palavra correta usada em 

Pelo que reparei, o language-chooser não usa ainda o código para 
redimensionamento automático de janelas na aprentação de mensagens 
(como na instalação), colocando Estados Unidos certamente a 
mensagem atravessaria a coluna limite da janela. 

No dbootstrap a seleção de teclados é feita no idioma Inglês (não me 
perguntem porque tiraram a seleção de teclados no idioma de origem, 
também fiquei sem entender nada...) a descrição ficou a 

Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
Brazilian (ABNT2 layout) -- usando o mapa de teclados br-abnt2 
Portugal -- usando o mapa de teclados pt-latin1



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse http://ibest.mailbr.com.br e Vote!

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-08 Thread Lalo Martins
On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 10:56:25AM +, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:


Sim :-) concordo que ``US'' fica estranho.

 Brasileiro (teclado padrão US) 
  (teclado padrão internacional)

 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 (international layout)

Ou alguma abreviação que caiba na janela. Ou deixa não caber
mesmo, assim eles consertam o bug ;-)

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --http://www.debian.org

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-08 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Lalo Martins wrote:
Sim :-) concordo que ``US'' fica estranho.

Certo, eu coloquei como US para não ficar parado em uma só parte do 

 Brasileiro (teclado padrão US) 
  (teclado padrão internacional)

 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 (international layout)

Gostei das duas :-) concordo que US fica mais estranho 
comparado a sua sugestão. O que vocês acham?

Ou alguma abreviação que caiba na janela. Ou deixa não caber
mesmo, assim eles consertam o bug ;-)

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse http://ibest.mailbr.com.br e Vote!

Re: RES: Status dos trabalhos com a Debian

1999-12-08 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Lalo Martins wrote:
Sim :-) concordo que ``US'' fica estranho.

Certo, eu coloquei como US para não ficar parado em uma só parte do 

 Brasileiro (teclado padrão US) 
  (teclado padrão internacional)

 Brazilian (US layout)-- usando o mapa de teclados br-latin1
 (international layout)

Gostei das duas :-) concordo que US fica mais estranho 
comparado a sua sugestão. O que vocês acham?

Ou alguma abreviação que caiba na janela. Ou deixa não caber
mesmo, assim eles consertam o bug ;-)

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- http://www.mailbr.com.br 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse http://ibest.mailbr.com.br e Vote!

Re: Logitech Wheelmouse and Netscape

1999-12-08 Thread Jonathan Heaney
Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:

 Hi all!

 I run potato with a logitech wheelmouse (M-C48) attached to /dev/ttyS0.
 The wheel works just fine in X with most of the aplications not with
 netscape though. Is there anyway to get the wheel working in netscape?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Are you using imwheel?


Where to find / generate /etc/devfs.aliases ?

1999-12-08 Thread Matthew Bloch
As the subject, really... I've worked out how the debian modutils stuff
works, but /etc/devfs.aliases seems to be absent so I'm not getting the
device aliases working properly; easily hacked but I'd like to do it
properly.  Any ideas?

Matthew   ( http://www.soup-kitchen.demon.co.uk/ )

Problem: dselect Select function stopped working, hangs

1999-12-08 Thread Serge Winitzki

I am having a problem that makes dselect unusable: when I go to the 
select option, it blanks the screen and consumes all cpu but never 
finishes. I have run lsof and found that during this it opens the file 
/var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i and nothing else of note. I have just 
performed a few (successful) apt-get operations by hand (apt-get install 
somepackage and apt-get update) and now dselect started acting this way.

- Maybe something in the downloaded package lists confused dselect. Can I 
somehow purge dselect's package lists so that it works again?

- I can't seem to uninstall dpkg or reinstall it either without risking to 
seriously break my setup. Is there another front-end besides dselect? Is 
there a front-end to apt?

I am using debian 2.1 upgraded from the unstable section to libc 2.1. Any 
help will be appreciated!


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

mountd on SPARC

1999-12-08 Thread Christopher S. Swingley
I recently installed Debian on an sun4u machine, upgraded to 2.2.13 and
potato.  Every so often I see this in my syslog:

Dec  7 14:55:47 foo mountd[19159]: unable to register (mountd, 2, udp).
Dec  7 14:55:47 foo inetd[115]: /usr/sbin/tcpd: exit status 0x1
Dec  7 14:55:47 foo rpc.mountd[19160]: connect from

The message is repeated many times.  What is strange to me is that
the IP address listed is the IP address for the machine itself (foo).
Why would a machine be trying to mount something on itself using
rpc.mountd, which I thought was restricted to NFS mounts?

/etc/fstab includes local filesystems (which are mounted just fine) and
two remote filesystems, which are also mounting just fine.  I am exporting
one filesystem to a few remote machines, but /etc/exports contains machines
other than the local machine.

Anyone know what's going on?

Christopher S. Swingley   tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbankswww.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/
Fairbanks, AK  99775 ~cswingle

PGP key: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/~cswingle/pubkey.asc

Re: Mozilla Warnings

1999-12-08 Thread Brian Neal

 When I start Mozilla a get the following warning:

 Are these warnings to be expected or is something missing?
 I have installed Mozilla, as well as the rest of my system from the first of 
 the two CDs that contains Debian v 2.1 r3.
 Hans Ekbrand


The browsers that come with the last official slink release are pretty
(except for lynx!!! it works nicely in a pinch.)

I paid the $7 and purchased the latest Netscape CD. It comes with a
Linux compatible
version of communicator. I installed it without any problems. I was also
glad that
its mail reader has built in pop3 support so I didn't have to try and
learn how to
configure fetchmail or something like that.


Re: su authentication failure

1999-12-08 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 02:16:47PM -0800, Michael Kevin O'Brien wrote:

 I finally took the plunge and pointed apt-get on to the unstable packages. So
 far, no major problems, wahoo. I am getting some weirdness, tho. When I run
 su, now, I get: 
 % su 
 su: Authentication failure
 Which I wouldn't expect with a root definition in /etc/passwd of:
 % grep root /etc/passwd
 I've got the following version of login:  
 ii  login   19990827-10System login tools
 Why would su be acting this way??? I used to have version 980403-0.3
 installed, and I did not have this problem.

Edit /etc/pam.d/su and add nullok to the end of the line that has
auth required pam_unix.so

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: [Linux: Router] What does I need ???

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Michelle Konzack wrote:
 Now, my Question is, WHAT DOES I NEED to install a simpel Router ???
 Curently I must work with IP-Masquerading only...
 ...but it runs.
 OK, I have a LRP 2.9.4 box running which is based on Debian 2.1 (2.0.36).
 I have no knowledge from ipchains and ...

If you have LRP, so what's the problem? All you need is to set it up.
I have a router machine which is a 486/8MHz running Linux that I
downloaded from www.linuxrouter.org.

The setup is pretty simple; you need to download the kernel from the
site, download the modules (according to the NICs you have), put the
image on a floppy, and then boot the machine. root login will lead you
to the lrcfg (a menu-based program for configuring the router); using
the program you can set what modules to load, the IP addresses, etc.
Don't forget to back-up the system; meaning, putting everything back
to the floppy.


upgrading 2.1r2 to glibc2.1

1999-12-08 Thread Ron Forrester

I have searched the archives for this, and have found (very
surprisingly) nothing -- perhaps I searched wrong?

I would like to upgrade my 2.1r2 system to glibc2.1, and dependent
packages. I would like to do so such that I maintain the consistency
of my package database. 

In otherwords, I want to upgrade only the minimum number of packages
possible, and leave my dselect (apt) pointed at the stable packages
lists from that point on.

Any suggestions?

power off

1999-12-08 Thread luis

i have a (for me) strange problem

when i shutdown the machine, after the Power Down. sentence i get more
than a page of strings, come of they say:

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 886f
current-tss.crt3=03d61000,%cr3 = 03d61000
*pde = 
CPU:  0
EIP:  0010:[c010a346]
EFLAGS: 00010083
/etc/rc0.d/S90halt: line 16: 177 Segmentation fault   halt -d -f -i -p

i am using a 2.2.13 kernel, with a k6-500, a K6XV3+ DFI motherboard,
64 mb ram
i have choosen for power off option in the kernel configuration
the motherboard says it supports ACPI power management

what does this error could mean and how could i solve it?

thanks a lot


Upgrade to slink killed telnet

1999-12-08 Thread Evan Moore
Please help, I just upgraded one of our servers from debian 1.3 to slink
and now i telnet is broken. I get an error when trying to telnet into the
telnetd: All network ports in use.
Connection closed by ...
what gives??


Re: Upgrade to slink killed telnet

1999-12-08 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, Evan Moore wrote:

 Please help, I just upgraded one of our servers from debian 1.3 to slink
 and now i telnet is broken. I get an error when trying to telnet into the
 telnetd: All network ports in use.
 Connection closed by ...
 what gives??

Permissions on /dev/pt* are wrong


Re: Upgrade to slink killed telnet

1999-12-08 Thread Steve Lamb
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 08:05:34PM -0500, Evan Moore wrote:
 telnetd: All network ports in use.
 Connection closed by ...
 what gives??

IIRC slink split telnet out of netstd into its own package.  You need to
install telnet and telnetd.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

locking the console

1999-12-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
Is there a program that will lock my text consoles for me if I'm idle
for a while?  Something like:

while !KeyboardInterrupt /* nobody's typing */
sleep 5m /* OK, they're really gone forever */
vlock --all

Or something.  xlock with the timer but without the X.


The three questions of greatest concern are -- 1. Is it attractive?
2. Is it amusing?  3. Does it know its place?
-- Fran Lebowitz, Metropolitan Life

Re: locking the console

1999-12-08 Thread Ethan Benson

On 7/12/99 Rob Mahurin wrote:

Is there a program that will lock my text consoles for me if I'm idle
for a while?  Something like:

while !KeyboardInterrupt /* nobody's typing */
sleep 5m /* OK, they're really gone forever */
vlock --all

Or something.  xlock with the timer but without the X.

this would be nice, but it would have to run in the background 
unattached to the tty, I don't think vlock will work properly if its 
started that way..

just as a quick test i tried:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ vlock 

and i my console was instantly being spewed with Password: prompts 
over and over again, I had to switch to another console and kill it 
:(  (hint: when playing with vlock don't use -a, unless you have a 
way in though the network, be prepared to press the reset button and 
fsck your filesystems to hell)

maybe if you ran a script in the foreground on another console you 
don't use but then it would probably see it as idle...

also what would it do if you were running a interactive program like say lftp?


Re: Mozilla warnings

1999-12-08 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 10:55:51PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The linux-i386.tar.gz releases found at mozilla.org, what distro are they
 compiled for? Is is possible to run them on debian? Is is very difficult to 
 from source?
 Tom Cato
I grabbed the M11 binary a little while back. It works fine on potato.
Don't think it'll work on Slink (not even building from source). I
needed to do two things to set it up nice:

1) export GECKO_FONT_SIZE_FACTOR=1.2 # in .bashrc to make fonts readable
2) create a startup script in /usr/local/bin consisting of:
  (cd /usr/local/mozilla/package ; ./mozilla  /dev/null 21 )

I didn't bother with a menu entry. Note: the dhtml demo reaked havoc!

| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Ethan Benson

On 7/12/99 Evan Moore wrote:

I am using R5 right now on my box at home. No seg faults (except in some
crappy c programs i have written).

i suspect alot of the instability to due to booting with bootx and 
broken kernels for my hardware.

 aherm well, this blue G3 i try to get GNU/Linux on is a fairly large
 chunk of Linux hostile hardware...  (ATI cards anyone?) so no you
 don't have to deal with finding compatible hardware your just stuck
 with the nice incompatible stuff you get :-)

If you want to try that blue G3 again there are now drivers for it.

I have tried them the results are still poor, and its not easy to try 
the newer kernels because the R5 compiler seems to be broken (i 
compile the same source with same config as a kernel BenH compiled 
with the R3 installer his boots my machine mine just hangs...)  i 
have found many other things fail to compile because R5 is broken and 
has missing .h files all over (despite installing all the proper -dev 

right now i only use the R5 install to try and test the new 
bootloader as soon as i have that working with a kernel from BenH and 
i have the time to do the download i am dumping linuxppc and getting 
debian.  the linuxppc-user list compared to the debian-ppc list 
speaks volumes of the problems in linuxppc.  (which could partly be 
blamed on it being based on redhat rawhide, the redhat unstable 
branch i would guess...)

besides that i just don't really want to run a redhat distro there 
are too many things that annoy me about it.

 one thing that really annoys me is I cannot go to kernel.org and get
 the latest kernel tarball, make config ; make dep ; make clean ; make
 whatever ; install and have it work on a PPC like you can on most
 other archs...

i've never tried it with my linux ppc box, but i never though that would
be a problem, i'm looking at the kernel source right now and here is ppc,
mabye someday when i have the time, I'll get around to compiling my own
kernel for my linuxppc box at home.

yes there is a ppc tree in the sources and it MIGHT work for older 
machines but for the newer ones you have to patch the hell out of it 
to get them to work, and unfortunately the patches are like running 
unstable dev kernels (because well when patches are stable enough 
Linus will include them)  but like I said above it looks very much 
like the R5 compiler is broken in regards to kernel compiling anyway

Anyways after using Debian/Linuxppc/Mandrake/WinXX(super yuck)/MacOs on my
boxes at home, it was my experience that Linuxppc was the easiest to
install (besides MacOS).

you only have to install once (usually).  and for me anyway i would 
rather a harder install and get something that works in the end then 
an easy install and something broken.

As for the Debian/Mandrake install on the i386,
well i can't get X to run at all either because my supper crappy video
card is not supported.

I could not get X to run on this G3 because of the super not 
supported ATI card, again this has nothing to do with any distro or 
the archetecture.

(well i did eventually get it to run, slowly(very), and unstably)

I'v installed debian on many many machines at
work and none of them have been as simple as linuxppc, but i have
installed linuxppc on only one box, so i stand by my point that
linuxppc is easy to install *only* on an 8600 maby other too.

try installing redhat, you will see it is the exact same installer 
and thus just as easy to install even in i386 (easier in fact since 
you can actually do silly things like booting the OS on i386 :) )

and IMO the
biggest pain in the ass OS to install is WinNT. Whenever the installer
died, it never told me why, just kept on dying.

a good example of why small simple console based installers are the 
way to go instead of big bloated pretty installers.


IP Masq not running?

1999-12-08 Thread fairfax
I have a 2.2.12 kernel with IP Chains, IP Masq, diald, etc.  I have determined 
that the server never dials out, when one of the workstations tries to access 
the internet, unless I type in the command ipmasq at the server prompt. 

I do have the file ipmasq in /etc/init.d (and in rcS.d, etc. as S41ipmasq), I 
have included the first portion of the file below.  I tried adding the line 
/sbin/ipmasq to this file, right below the line that starts out test, but 
this had no effect.  

What do I need to do to make the dialout process automatic?

# ipmasq.init   Set up IP Masquerading for Debian systems
#   v3.0 19 July 1998

test -x /sbin/ipmasq || exit 1

case $1 in
- END ---


Steve Martin

RE: dselect quit working

1999-12-08 Thread Pollywog

On 08-Dec-1999 Pollywog wrote:
 Is dselect broken?  Some time in the past two or three days, it quit working
 and it just hangs there when I enter dselect and then choose the option
 select.  Did this happen to anyone else? (potato)

I just upgraded dpkg and all is well now.


Broken cpan?

1999-12-08 Thread Robert L. Harris

I'm getting this now since I'm running debian.  Anyone know how to 
fix it without re-compiling perl?

cpan install Date::Calc
CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
Fetching with LWP:
Going to read /root/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
perl: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/auto/Compress/Zlib/Zlib.so: undefined symbol: 

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at Global Commerce Systems.   |  and defintely doesn't mean it should
 \_  be accepted.  Require quality.


  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

A bug in unstable /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst?

1999-12-08 Thread Shaul Karl
[05:26:34 /tmp]# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
Setting up kbd (0.99-6) ...
dpkg: error processing kbd (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
Errors were encountered while processing:
[05:28:18 /tmp]# /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst 
[05:29:19 /tmp]# tail /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst
# End automatically added section
# Automatically added by dh_installdocs
if [ $1 = configure ]; then
if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -e /usr/doc/kbd -a -d /usr/share/doc/kbd ]; then
ln -sf ../share/doc/kbd /usr/doc/kbd
# End automatically added section

[05:31:15 /tmp]# 

Does the error is caused simply because /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst does 
not return an exit code on successful exit, or is it something else?

BTW: How could I have the returned code of some script being printed to the 

Setting Path ENV variable

1999-12-08 Thread Andy Thomas
 Running Linux from O'Reilly says that the search path can be set in
 file, but the only .bashrc I'm finding is for a user I created, not root. 
 Is there a bash configuration file for root?  I'm trying to add some
 directories to the search path.
 I found a file named /etc/profile with a PATH statement in it, but
 to add to that don't work.   The comment at the top says it's the
 system-wide profile for bash(1)

Re: An open letter to the debian community

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

David Blackman wrote:
 I love Debian, I use Debian, I administer Debian at my
 school. Why do I use Debian? Because my school uses it. Why does my
 school use it? Because they didn't like the GUIness of RedHat, and
 Slackware is just too much of a hassle. Plus, they were drawn to apt-get.

Yes, I like apt-get...

 Okay, I've just installed Debian/GNU Linux (Don't forget the GNU!), it
 only took me 3 hours to get through all those cryptic installation
 questions. now where's my full featured web browser?
 Well, either you've got small broken browsers (arena, gozilla),
 or a broken version of Netscape called Mozilla.

Yes, I have downloade Mozilla, and it doesn't run (segfaulted).
I downloaded Netscape instead. The newsreader and mailreader not
included; well, I think it's still _much_ better than having to write
your own browser from scratch. 

 Now, can I edit my MS Office docs?
 You might be able to look at them, but definitely not edit them!
 What about this StarOffice thing I keep hearing about? 
 That's a 50 meg download.

Have you ever try to download MS Office (for Windows)...? (if it is
downloadable at all.)

 No, we don't include the sound modules, you'll need to
 recompile the kernel by hand.

Compiling kernel is not that difficult; make menuconfig and then make

 And my TNT2/VOODOO3/G400 will work under this X thing right?
 30 megs.

The X server for my ATI is about 800K.
I'm wondering how many megabytes do you need for installing, say,
Windows 95 (if it is downloadable at all).

 Get the picture? Here's approximatley 150 megs of downloads so far 
 sources + KDE + QT + SO51 + WP8 + X335). Add on top of this the lack
 of a packaged, up-to-date system, (Even Slackware is up to kernel 2.2.12, 
 X335, with KDE and GNOME, compared to Debian, this is light years ahead) with 
 a recent version of X, or
 a recent kernel, and you begin to wonder why people are still using

What's so difficult for apt-get'ing all those packages? All you need is
to know what package to download first (eg: if you don't have your X
running yet, it's not quite useful to install Gnome).

It's simple -- because we're a bunch of techno-snobs. Debian's
 hard to use, and we like it that way. We'll leave it to Corel to make
 Debian easy. We don't WANT everyday users. We like Debian the way it
 is. We like feeling superior, adhering to a higher standard of Free,
 and the warm and fuzzy feeling we get from whizzing around a cryptic
 console in front of a newbie.

Debian is easy to use, IMO. Well, the other Linux I have installed is
Slackware 3.5. I don't know what progress they have in Slackware, but
apt-get is much better than the tarballs (especially when the time comes
for you to _remove_ some program).
 Lately I've been thinking about forking Debian, into DWA,
 meaning Debian Without Attitude. We'll drop the attitude, and the
 pretenses, about what Free means, and get licensing deals with Corel,
 Netscape, and Sun, to include Wordperfect, Communicator, and
 Staroffice. We'll make the install process less cryptic, include
 non-free on the CD  and forget the Debian philosophy, that the only
 way to learn is by doing it the hard way.

I think having a free (moneywise) OS and some applications to buy is a
nice deal. Compared to, say, forking US$1K+ first and then wondering why
you have to buy everything later (simple converters, viewers excluded). 
 I'm going to get flamed for this. I know it. We don't want to
 think we're techno-snobs. We want to think our distribution is
 superior. We want to leave out KDE. We don't want Joe Blow to start
 with Debian, if he's not man enough to face up to Debian, he can go
 buy, (Ha! Buy!, we Debian snobs say) Red Hat.

I haven't visited www.linuxchix.com lately; I'm just wondering whether
any of them runs Debian.

BTW, I'm not so clear what you are trying to compare; Linux vs. Linux or
Linux vs. Windows.


Re: I want secrets of net

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Adriano Filipe wrote:
 My name is Adriano , i´m from Portugal and i wanted to now secrets of
 net , secrets from all types the more simples to the more complicated
 even does to get into web sites and chang it or go inside my best
Hmm... it's no wonder why many Indonesian sites get cracked by the
Portos; even the (said) newbie is intending for cracking some sites :-)

 friend´s cpu. Don´t get me wrong ,and don´t think that i wanna now
 this to make bad use , i only wanted to do  a perfect use from the net
 . Another subjet is the searching for channels in IRC , for example
 where do you stay . Please don´t get me wrong . whitout any subject
 for now and loobing foorword for an awnser i said good buy.

Well, you can start telling your friends to stop doing bad things on
Indonesian sites.

I think the text I was here would be sufficient (East Timor is now
free after all).


Re: Font in GNOME

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Sven Gaerner wrote:
 I'm running potato with GNOME and gmc with some icons on the desktop. The font
How did you do it?
I have tried to install gmc, but it complains about some libraries.
(Yes, I'm running potato).


Re: Setting up routing to share a modem

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Stuart Ballard wrote:
 I would like to be able to share the
 modem when both computers are on, but have the dual-boot box able to
 dial up by itself also.

There is a modem-share package in www.debian.org.
I have never used it, so I can't tell you how to set it up.


Re: hard drive not found

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Rick Dunnivan wrote:
 I have a Gateway PC with a PIII 450 and a 9GB western
 digital hard drive.  When I boot up with my Debian cd,
 my hard drive is not found.  I see in the install
 documentation that IDE-SCSI drives are not supported.
 How do I know if this is what I have? 

I think by seeing the BIOS messages you have during the booting up the
system would be helpful. If the disk is SCSI, usually there'll be a
Press ctrlA (well, all right, if this is SCSI and Adaptec). If the
disk is IDE, usually you have the size of the disk get spit out on the

If you are willing, just open up the case and count the cable that
attached into the disk (no, not the power cables which are colored). The
cable looks like a tape that consists of many small cables. If the small
ones are at least 50 of them, then the disk is SCSI.

 This is the
 first time I've attempted to install an operating
 system of any kind, so be gentle.

Am I gentle enough...?


Re: scsi hdisk bootup

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 I know you can specify which partition to boot off
 via lilo.conf, but i am not too sure how to tell linux to boot off a
 specific hard disk.  OS is redhat 5.0

If the partition is on the other disk (not the one booted by the
machine), then Linux will boot from that disk.

Question is, why do you need to boot from a specific harddisk?


Re: I didn't mean to offend

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Brigette Heffner wrote:
 Ok, this is me...the one who posted Why...
 I didn't mean to offend anyone...(everyone).  I really want to use
 Linux and It's making me nuts.  We have it a school and I love it.

People are complaining that Linux (or Unixes for that matter) is
difficult to use (install) in the first time. Well, it is _much_ more
difficult than installing DOS. But IMHO, it's okay, because it has a lot
to offer (eg: Internet daemons).
 I have an ARM laptop with an AMD K6-3 450 Mhz processor, 196 MB RAM,
 10 GB Hard Disk, 14.1 TFT XGA , ATI video with 4MB memory, Phoenix
 BIOS, and standart CDRom and Floppy.

I don't have laptops that run on Linux, but my desktop has an ATI card
on it. My X is running fine; it has Enlightenment (whoa, a click on the
mouse, and you have a different look of your desktop; something that
even a US$1K+ OS can't do) and Gnome. My only complaint is that the
refresh-rate used by the X server is slightly lower than expected, or in
other words, you have to sacrifice resolution or colors for refresh
rate. On Windows NT, the card can do 1280x1024/8bpp/76Hz. Using X, it is
restricted to 1024x768/16bpp/70Hz (ie: the X server can't be set on
1280x1024/even in 8bpp/70Hz). 

 I have Mandrake, Debian 2.1, and Slackware 7 to choose from.  I can
 boot from CD.
 Mandrake:  does good until the end, can't config video.
 Slackware: Has a keyboard problem and hits a loop after booting
 the kernal.
 Debian:  Didn't go there yet.

IMHO, try Debian and feel the ease of apt-get.


Gnome E [Re: Font in GNOME]

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Adam C Powell IV wrote:
 It may be more helpful to file this report at bugs.gnome.org, since it will 
 go more
 directly to the author that way; at bugs.debian.org it first has to go 
 through the
 package maintainer.  GNOME uses the Debian bug tracking system, just on a 

I use Gnome  Enlightenment and I'm wondering why Gnome doesn't
recognize the virtual desktops; ie: if you have several Gnome terms on
separate v. desktops and then you save the session, the next time you
logged in, the terminals will be piled up on the first desktop. Is this
a bug, or it just means that Gone and E don't work very well? (if you
have no virtual desktop, then there'll be no problem.)

BTW, have you ever drag your mouse past a screen border and see the
window server scrolls the desktop pointed by the mouse? (of course,
assuming that you have set up the virtual desktop wider than one). I
think this is neat. Have you ever drag a window (or terminal) past a
screen border and see the window server scrolls the desktop and put the
window in the newly pointed desktop...? I think this is very neat.
That's why I like E.

I think it would be nice if what Gnome does doesn't overlap with what E
(or other window servers) does. A simple example: Gnome has a feature
for setting the screen background, E has too. Gnome has a concept of
session, E has (something like it) too. Problem is, the features don't
always work together, and the duplications make the use of X is not
quite user-friendly (ie: slightly confusing). I believe if the
developers are willing to talk to each other and deciding the features
that are under their controls and that are not, would be great.


Re: bad hdisks blocks

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 is there anyway to label a particular block on a scsi hdisk as being bad?
 I am performing a mke2fs -c, which checks for bad blocksin this
 particular case it has found a bad block and has aborted the mke2fs process
 with an error message.


I had the same problem, but mkfs didn't just quit, but hung the system.
I don't understand why. Long ago, I had the same experience; on
Slackware 3.4 I think. The disk had more bad sectors, but the
formatting was done correctly.

It seems that mkfs couldn't handle the SCSI time out.

Since I didn't know how to built a filesystem on this particular
bad-sector'ed disk, I just skipped the block, and everything was fine.
Of course, about 50MB was lost on my 300MB disk.



1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Neil D. Roberts wrote:
 I'll start again. . .The configuration I have is the following:
 alias ne0 ne
 alias ne1 ne
 options ne0 io=0x320 irq=09
 options ne1 io=0x200 irq=03

If you have two NICs and use modules, in /etc/modules:
ne io=0x300,0x320

Assuming that those are your BIOS adresses.
 I presume that this means that it got the card, but, how do I make it
 as eth1 ? Do I need to configure ifconfig ?

ifconfig is used for setting which IP number goes to which ethercard.
If you need a particular card to become eth0 or eth1, you'd need to do
it on the card's configuration program (which runs on DOS I presume);
just set a BIOS address for each card, and the lower hex (?) number will
become eth0 (ie: it doesn't matter if you say: ne io=0x320,0x300,
because the 0x300 will be probed first and it'll be eth0.


Voodoo3 and mesag3-glide

1999-12-08 Thread Marshal Wong
Well, after 2 days of fiddleing, compiling and recompiling, I finally
got mesag3-glide to compile and installed it.  Things work good.  Most
of the demos that come with mesa work, and q3demoTEST also works,
kinda.  It's a bit jerky, and I don't know why.  Don't know whether
it's my computer, or something else.  Anyways, for those of you who
might be interested, I've attached a text file describing what I did.
It goes into a bit of detail, since I aimed it at newbie level, so
please don't be offended if it seems to go into excrusating detail.
Any comment and suggests are also welcome.


1. Download, compile, and install device3dfx-source.  I have a custom
kernel with both alsa and device3dfx modules.  kernel-package is so
2. Compile and install the Glide2x Packages.  The glide3x package
doesn't work with Mesa-3.0.  
i. Download source RPM from 
ii. Have alien and rpm installed.
iii. Install source rpm.  rpm -i Glide_V3-2.60-10.src.rpm.
This should install the sources under in /usr/src/redhat.
iv. edit /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/Glide_V2-2.60.spec.
a. Change the line 
  export CC=i386-glibc20-linux-gcc
  export CC=gcc
b. Change the line
  export CC=egcs
  export CC=egcc
Here are my diffs.
 /usr/src/redhat/SPECS$ diff Glide_V3-2.60.spec Glide_V3-2.60.spec~
  export CC=gcc
  export CC=i386-glibc20-linux-gcc
  export CC=egcc
  export CC=egcs
v. Make sure that you have xlib6g-dev installed.
vi. build the rpms.  rpm -ba
vii. assuming that works (I hope I haven't forgotten
anything.  I didn't write it down when I did it.) you should
have Glide_V3-2.60-10.i386.rpm and Glide2x_SDK-2.1-10.i386.rpm
sitting in /usr/src/redhate/RPMS/i386.  Debianize these with
alien.  alien Glide_V3-2.60-10.i386.rpm and 
alien Glide2x_SDK-2.1-10.i386.rpm.
viii. Install the debs.  dpkg -i glide-v3_2.60-11_i386.deb and
dpkg -i glide2x-sdk_2.1-11_i386.deb.
3. Now download and compile the mesag3 package.
   i. make sure that you have as deb-src line in
   /etc/apt/sources.list.  I have
deb-src http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian stable main contrib
   ii. get the source as root, otherwise the permissions will not be
   right.  In fact, do all of the following as root.
   apt-get source mesag3
   iii. cd mesa-3.0/debian
   iv. rename rules.bak to rules and control.bak to control.  Take
   appropriate backup precautions.  (Well, you don't have to.  You can
   always just re-download the source.  But it's good practice anyways.)
   mv rules.bak rules
   v. edit rules.  remove the comments from the first three lines
   after ifeq ($(ARCHITECTURE), i386).  Here are the diffs.
 /usr/src/mesa-3.0/debian# diff rules~ rules
# ( cd src  make clean  make linux-386-glide  make clean 
 make linux-386-glide-static )
# ( cd src-glu  make clean  make linux-386-glide  make 
clean  make linux-386-glide-static )
# mv lib/libMesa* lib/glide
( cd src  make clean  make linux-386-glide  make clean 
 make linux-386-glide-static )
( cd src-glu  make clean  make linux-386-glide  make 
clean  make linux-386-glide-static )
mv lib/libMesa* lib/glide
vi. make rules executable.  chmod +x rules
vii. cd .. (Change back into the mesa-3.0 directory)
viii. Make mklib.glide5 executable.  chmod +x mklib.glide5
ix. Make sure that you have the following package installed.
x. compile the package.  In the mesa-3.0 directory
dpkg-buildpackage -b
and wait.  Well, on a P200MMX it's quite a wait.
I get the following error at the end of all this waiting.
  dpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 2755 (must be =0755 
and =0775)
  make: *** [binary-arch] Error 2
To fix this I changed the permissions of
mesa-3.0/debian/tmp/DEBIAN to 0755.
chmod 0755 debian/tmp/DEBIAN (from the mesa-3.0
To finish off you have to manually run the debian/rules
makefile from the mesa-3.0 directory
make -f debian/rules binary
 xi. Now you should have the following debs in the directory above

Re: An open letter to the debian community

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

David Blackman wrote:
 I love Debian, I use Debian, I administer Debian at my
 school. Why do I use Debian? Because my school uses it. Why does my
 school use it? Because they didn't like the GUIness of RedHat, and
 Slackware is just too much of a hassle. Plus, they were drawn to apt-get.

Yes, I like apt-get...

 Okay, I've just installed Debian/GNU Linux (Don't forget the GNU!), it
 only took me 3 hours to get through all those cryptic installation
 questions. now where's my full featured web browser?
 Well, either you've got small broken browsers (arena, gozilla),
 or a broken version of Netscape called Mozilla.

Yes, I have downloade Mozilla, and it doesn't run (segfaulted).
I downloaded Netscape instead. The newsreader and mailreader not
included; well, I think it's still _much_ better than having to write
your own browser from scratch. 

 Now, can I edit my MS Office docs?
 You might be able to look at them, but definitely not edit them!
 What about this StarOffice thing I keep hearing about? 
 That's a 50 meg download.

Have you ever try to download MS Office (for Windows)...? (if it is
downloadable at all.)

 No, we don't include the sound modules, you'll need to
 recompile the kernel by hand.

Compiling kernel is not that difficult; make menuconfig and then make

 And my TNT2/VOODOO3/G400 will work under this X thing right?
 30 megs.

The X server for my ATI is about 800K.
I'm wondering how many megabytes do you need for installing, say,
Windows 95 (if it is downloadable at all).

 Get the picture? Here's approximatley 150 megs of downloads so far 
 sources + KDE + QT + SO51 + WP8 + X335). Add on top of this the lack
 of a packaged, up-to-date system, (Even Slackware is up to kernel 2.2.12, 
 X335, with KDE and GNOME, compared to Debian, this is light years ahead) with 
 a recent version of X, or
 a recent kernel, and you begin to wonder why people are still using

What's so difficult for apt-get'ing all those packages? All you need is
to know what package to download first (eg: if you don't have your X
running yet, it's not quite useful to install Gnome).

It's simple -- because we're a bunch of techno-snobs. Debian's
 hard to use, and we like it that way. We'll leave it to Corel to make
 Debian easy. We don't WANT everyday users. We like Debian the way it
 is. We like feeling superior, adhering to a higher standard of Free,
 and the warm and fuzzy feeling we get from whizzing around a cryptic
 console in front of a newbie.

Debian is easy to use, IMO. Well, the other Linux I have installed is
Slackware 3.5. I don't know what progress they have in Slackware, but
apt-get is much better than the tarballs (especially when the time comes
for you to _remove_ some program).
 Lately I've been thinking about forking Debian, into DWA,
 meaning Debian Without Attitude. We'll drop the attitude, and the
 pretenses, about what Free means, and get licensing deals with Corel,
 Netscape, and Sun, to include Wordperfect, Communicator, and
 Staroffice. We'll make the install process less cryptic, include
 non-free on the CD  and forget the Debian philosophy, that the only
 way to learn is by doing it the hard way.

I think having a free (moneywise) OS and some applications to buy is a
nice deal. Compared to, say, forking US$1K+ first and then wondering why
you have to buy everything later (simple converters, viewers excluded). 
 I'm going to get flamed for this. I know it. We don't want to
 think we're techno-snobs. We want to think our distribution is
 superior. We want to leave out KDE. We don't want Joe Blow to start
 with Debian, if he's not man enough to face up to Debian, he can go
 buy, (Ha! Buy!, we Debian snobs say) Red Hat.

I haven't visited www.linuxchix.com lately; I'm just wondering whether
any of them runs Debian.

BTW, I'm not so clear what you are trying to compare; Linux vs. Linux or
Linux vs. Windows.


Re: apt-get

1999-12-08 Thread Nathan York
  fixed:~# dpkg -P lm-sensors
  dpkg: error processing lm-sensors (--purge):
   Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
   reinstall it before attempting a removal.
  Errors were encountered while processing:
  and when i try to reinstall it i get the 
  depmod:  QM_MODULES: function not implemented.
 I had a quick look at the postinst script for lm-sensors, and all
 it does is 
 depmod -a /dev/null
 What do you see if you run depmod -a as root?
depmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented
 What do you get if you grep -4 QM_MODULES /etc/conf.modules?
 What's in /etc/modutils/lm-sensors?
file doesn't exist

does anyone know what QM_MODULES is and how i can get it on my system...
or maybe a work around on this...

Re: I want secrets of net

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Adriano Filipe wrote:
 My name is Adriano , i´m from Portugal and i wanted to now secrets of
 net , secrets from all types the more simples to the more complicated
 even does to get into web sites and chang it or go inside my best
Hmm... it's no wonder why many Indonesian sites get cracked by the
Portuguese; even a (said) newbie is intending for cracking some sites

 friend´s cpu. Don´t get me wrong ,and don´t think that i wanna now
 this to make bad use , i only wanted to do  a perfect use from the net
 . Another subjet is tX-Mozilla-Status: 0009els in IRC , for example
 where do you stay . Please don´t get me wrong . whitout any subject
 for now and loobing foorword for an awnser i said good buy.

Well, you can start telling your friends to stop doing bad things on
Indonesian sites.

I think the text I was here would be sufficient; East Timor is now
free after all (long ago, it wasn't that free).


Re: Font in GNOME

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Sven Gaerner wrote:
 I'm running potato with GNOME and gmc with some icons on the desktop. The font
How did you do it?
I have tried to install gmc, but it complains about some libraries.
(Yes, I'm running potato).


Re: Setting up routing to share a modem

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Stuart Ballard wrote:
 I would like to be able to share the
 modem when both computers are on, but have the dual-boot box able to
 dial up by itself also.

There is a modem-share package in www.debian.org.
I have never used it, so I can't tell you how to set it up.


Re: hard drive not found

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Rick Dunnivan wrote:
 I have a Gateway PC with a PIII 450 and a 9GB western
 digital hard drive.  When I boot up with my Debian cd,
 my hard drive is not found.  I see in the install
 documentation that IDE-SCSI drives are not supported.
 How do I know if this is what I have? 

I think by seeing the BIOS messages you have during the booting up the
system woX-Mozilla-Status: 0009 disk is SCSI, usually there'll be a
Press ctrlA (well, all right, if this is SCSI and Adaptec). If the
disk is IDE, usually you have the size of the disk get spit out on the

If you are willing, just open up the case and count the cable that
attached into the disk (no, not the power cables which are colored). The
cable looks like a tape that consists of many small cables. If the small
ones are at least 50 of them, then the disk is SCSI.

 This is the
 first time I've attempted to install an operating
 system of any kind, so be gentle.

Am I gentle enough...?


Re: scsi hdisk bootup

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 I know you can specify which partition to boot off
 via lilo.conf, but i am not too sure how to tell linux to boot off a
 specific hard disk.  OS is redhat 5.0

If the partition is on the other disk (not the one booted by the
machine), then Linux will boot from that disk.

Question is, why do you need to boot from a specific harddisk?


Re: I didn't mean to offend

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Brigette Heffner wrote:
 Ok, this is me...the one who posted Why...
 I didn't mean to offend anyone...(everyone).  I really want to use
 Linux and It's making me nuts.  We have it a school and I love it.

People are complaining that Linux (or Unixes for that matter) is
difficult to use (install) in the first time. Well, it is _much_ more
difficult than installing DOS. But IMHO, it's okay, because it has a lot
to offer (eg: Internet daemons).
 I have an ARM laptop with an AMD K6-3 450 Mhz processor, 196 MB RAM,
 10 GB Hard Disk, 14.1 TFT XGA , ATI video with 4MB memory, Phoenix
 BIOS, and standart CDRom and Floppy.

I don't have laptops that run on Linux, but my desktop has an ATI card
on it. My X is running fine; it has Enlightenment (whoa, a click on the
mouse, and you have a different look of your desktop; something that
even a US$1K+ OS can't do) and Gnome. My only complaint is that the
refresh-rate used by the X server is slightly lower than expected, or in
other words, you have to sacrifice resolution or colors for refresh
rate. On Windows NT, the card can do 1280x1024/8bpp/76Hz. Using X, it is
restricted to 1024x768/16bpp/70Hz (ie: the X server can't be set on
1280x1024/even in 8bpp/70Hz). 

 I have Mandrake, Debian 2.1, and Slackware 7 to choose from.  I can
 boot from CD.
 Mandrake:  does good until the end, can't config video.
 Slackware: Has a keyboard problem and hits a loop after booting
 the kernal.
 Debian:  Didn't go there yet.

IMHO, try Debian and feel the ease of apt-get.


Re: Setting Path ENV variable

1999-12-08 Thread ktb
Andy Thomas wrote:
  Running Linux from O'Reilly says that the search path can be set in
  file, but the only .bashrc I'm finding is for a user I created, not root.
  Is there a bash configuration file for root?  

To get to that file you have to be signed in as root or su to root and
cd to the /root directory.  

I'm trying to add some
  directories to the search path.
  I found a file named /etc/profile with a PATH statement in it, but
  to add to that don't work.   The comment at the top says it's the
  system-wide profile for bash(1)

I'm by no means an expert on this but I've found that /etc/profile
effects my console sessions and not my 'X' sessions.

Re: bad hdisks blocks

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 is there anyway to label a particular block on a scsi hdisk as being bad?
 I am performing a mke2fs -c, which checks for bad blocksin this
 particular case it has found a bad block and has aborted the mke2fs process
 with an error message.


I had the same problem, but mkfs didn't just quit, but hung the system.
I don't understand why. Long ago, I had the same experience; on
Slackware 3.4 I think. The disk had more bad sectors, but the
formatting was done correctly.

It seems that mkfs couldn't handle the SCSI time out.

Since I didn't know how to built a filesystem on this particular
bad-sector'ed disk, I just skipped the block, and everything was fine.
Of course, about 50MB was lost on my 300MB disk.



1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Neil D. Roberts wrote:
 I'll start again. . .The configuration I have is the following:
 alias ne0 ne
 alias ne1 ne
 options ne0 io=0x320 irq=09
 options ne1 io=0x200 irq=03

If you have two NICs and use modules, in /etc/modules:
ne io=0x300,0x320

Assuming that those are your BIOS adresses.
 I presume that this means that it got the card, but, how do I make it
 as eth1 ? Do I need to configure ifconfig ?

ifconfig is used for setting which IP number goes to which ethercard.
If you need a particular card to become eth0 or eth1, you'd need to do
it on the card's configuration program (which runs on DOS I presume);
just set a BIOS address for each card, and the lower hex (?) number will
become eth0 (ie: it doesn't matter if you say: ne io=0x320,0x300,
because the 0x300 will be probed first and it'll be eth0.


Re: A bug in unstable /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst?

1999-12-08 Thread Joey Hess
Shaul Karl wrote:
 [05:26:34 /tmp]# apt-get dist-upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Calculating Upgrade... Done
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 1 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
 Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
 Setting up kbd (0.99-6) ...
 dpkg: error processing kbd (--configure):
  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 [05:28:18 /tmp]# /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst 

It's be useful if you ran that command agian and then ran echo $?. If that
returns something other than 0, then you can reproduce the problem, and then
running sh -ex /var/lib/dpkg/info/kbd.postinst and mailing the output in
to a bug report would be useful.

see shy jo

Gnome E [Re: Font in GNOME]

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Adam C Powell IV wrote:
 It may be more helpful to file this report at bugs.gnome.org, since it will 
 go more
 directly to the author that way; at bugs.debian.org it first has to go 
 through the
 package maintainer.  GNOME uses the Debian bug tracking system, just on a 

I use Gnome  Enlightenment and I'm wondering why Gnome doesn't
recognize the virtual desktop and virtual screen; ie: if you have 
several Gnome terms on separate v. screens and then you save the
the next time you logged in, the terminals will be piled up on the first
Is this a bug, or it just means that Gnome and E don't work very well?
(if you
have no virtual desktop, then there'll be no problem.)

BTW, have you ever drag your mouse past a screen border and see the
window server scrolls the screen pointed by the mouse? (of course,
assuming that you have set up the virtual screens) I think this is neat. 
Have you ever drag a window (or terminal) past a screen border and see 
the window server scrolls the screen and put the window in the newly 
pointed screen...? I think this is very neat. That's why I like E.

I think it would be nice if what Gnome does doesn't overlap with what E
(or other window servers) does. A simple example: Gnome has a feature
for setting the screen background, E has too. Gnome has a concept of
session, E has (something not-so close to it) too. Problem is, 
the features don't always work together, and the duplications make 
the use of X is not quite user-friendly (ie: slightly confusing). 
I believe if the developers are willing to talk to each other and 
deciding the features that are under their controls and that are not, 
would be great.


ps: I believe I posted this twice with some editing.

Re: bad hdisks blocks

1999-12-08 Thread zdrysdal
I managed to deal with the problem in the same way... ie.  i just skipped a
few blocks and voila! :)
It's also interesting how when i created 3 partitions on the same
device...the start block on partition 3 overwrote the end block of
partition 2.  I had to leave a gap in between which resulted in a few more
unused blocks.

thanx for the help oki etc.

debian-user@lists.debian.org on 08/12/99 15:36:11

To:   debian-user@lists.debian.org
cc:(bcc: Zane Drysdale/Diagnostic labs/64)
Subject:  Re: bad hdisks blocks

 is there anyway to label a particular block on a scsi hdisk as being bad?
 I am performing a mke2fs -c, which checks for bad blocksin this
 particular case it has found a bad block and has aborted the mke2fs
process  with an error message.


I had the same problem, but mkfs didn't just quit, but hung the system.
I don't understand why. Long ago, I had the same experience; on
Slackware 3.4 I think. The disk had more bad sectors, but the
formatting was done correctly.

It seems that mkfs couldn't handle the SCSI time out.

Since I didn't know how to built a filesystem on this particular
bad-sector'ed disk, I just skipped the block, and everything was fine.
Of course, about 50MB was lost on my 300MB disk.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: hard drive not found

1999-12-08 Thread Rick Dunnivan

Actually I figured this one out.  The problem was my
Ultra66 ATA controller.  I unplugged my IDE cable from
it and plugged it into the IDE on my motherboard
instead.  Thanks for the help.

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Re: Setting Path ENV variable

1999-12-08 Thread Ethan Benson

On 7/12/99 ktb wrote:

I'm by no means an expert on this but I've found that /etc/profile
effects my console sessions and not my 'X' sessions.

this is because xdm is broken and does not load any environment, even 
your .profile or .bash_profile.

you have to force it by adding:

set -a ## this might be wrong something like this is needed to get 
/etc/environment to stick

source /etc/profile
source /etc/environment
source ~/.bash_profile

to your .xsession

either that or fix the global Xsession scripts to load the 
environment properly.  redhat uses #! /bin/bash -login (bash 1 need 
--login for bash 2) but that does not work with bash 2 i saw a bug 
against bash 2 for that but have not checked to see if its fixed or 
not.  the --login should make it load the environment like it would 
if you logged in on the console.

your MAIL variable is never set with xdm either, bad bad bad.


Re: locking the console

1999-12-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 05:32:05PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 7/12/99 Rob Mahurin wrote:
 Is there a program that will lock my text consoles for me if I'm idle
 for a while?  Something like:
 while !KeyboardInterrupt /* nobody's typing */
  sleep 5m /* OK, they're really gone forever */
  vlock --all
 Or something.  xlock with the timer but without the X.
 this would be nice, but it would have to run in the background 

like xscreensaver  xlockmore do, is what I had in mind.

 unattached to the tty, I don't think vlock will work properly if its 
 started that way..

 just as a quick test i tried:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ vlock 

Good point.  Instead you can use 'openvt -sw -- vlock' (which is not
really useful without the -a).  (the openvt man page says that this
should switch the console back when vlock is done, but it doesn't, bug

After some playing I have something that works from tty1 (would be
better without the -s -w bug):

23:15 ~ $ cat  t
openvt -w -s -- vlock
chvt 1
23:15 ~ $ chmod +x t
23:15 ~ $ chvt 2 ; sleep 1 ; ./t

So I could scan /dev/tty[1-9]* to make sure nobody has typed anything
recently, then run this from the background.  Or something.  If nobody
else has written it I'll do it over Christmas.


Today is what happened to yesterday.

Gateway name servers IP addresses

1999-12-08 Thread Rick Dunnivan

I use Gateway.net for an ISP and have been
unsuccessful in retrieving their IP addresses for
their name servers.  Does anyone else use gateway.net?
 And if so, do you know the IP addresses?

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Re: Gateway name servers IP addresses

1999-12-08 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I use Gateway.net for an ISP and have been
 unsuccessful in retrieving their IP addresses for
 their name servers.  Does anyone else use gateway.net?
  And if so, do you know the IP addresses?

Alas, I do not, but how about this for a solution:
 * install bind
 * change /etc/resolv.conf to make your name server

This makes your computer a cacheing name server.  All it does is look up
IP#s, and remember them (hence the 'cacheing' in it's description).  Very
easy to manage.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Gateway name servers IP addresses

1999-12-08 Thread Art Lemasters
 Here they are.


- From whois gateway.net|mailx -s ns [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Gateway 2000, Inc. (GATEWAY16-DOM)
[address and other impertinent info ommitted]

   Domain Name: GATEWAY.NET

   Record last updated on 04-Nov-1999.
   Record created on 23-Sep-1997.
   Database last updated on 7-Dec-1999 16:53:53 EST.

   Domain servers in listed order:


-  -

Re: locking the console

1999-12-08 Thread Ethan Benson

On 7/12/99 Rob Mahurin wrote:

vlock' (which is not
really useful without the -a).

which is annoying since -a is not very multiuser friendly, granted 
this is often not to big a problem since usually there is only one 
person at a time using the console.  (or preferably only trusted 

it would be nice if there was a way to lock only the ttys owned by 
that piticular user, i think that might not be easy to implement 

it would also be nice if i could lock the console while an 
intereactive program is running and still switch back to X and have a 
pretty screensaver g  (yes i know about lockvc, it just segfaults 
when you enter any old password on my system :( )


Re: Debian on a 386? Unlikely. (OT)

1999-12-08 Thread Sean Johnson
from Marathon Man :

..is it safe?...

Oleg Krivosheev wrote:
 ha !!! i will !!!
 i even compiled kernel on that monster...
 ps lousy translation from Russian:
  Do you feel the pain?
   No, doctor, i enjoy it...

A router with NAT behind a router with NAT

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ


Quite long time ago, I post a message about a LAN that couldn't connect
to the Internet via two routers. The picture was almost like the

  [NAT router](1
 |  LAN 1
   [router]   (2
   |LAN 2

I have solved the problem. The solution is quite easy, just install the
NAT on the second router. I use Linux from www.linuxrouter.org for
router 2 and have set up the NAT; now users in LAN 2 can have Internet

BTW, if I replace the LRP's kernel (it is 2.0.x) with Debian's (which is
2.2.13) would all the 2.0.x libraries work fine...?


Re: slink-only system, kernel version ceiling?

1999-12-08 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 02:35:08PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 At some point in the not-too-distant future I'm going to brave the wild 
 and wooly world of kernel recompilation. (mostly for sound card and 
 at some point a zip drive) If my system is still slink-only is there some 
 kernel version beyond which I should not try to go? (in other words, 
 is slink compatible with all the recent stable kernel versions out there?)
 Alice M. Pinard
 Casco Indemnity Company
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

If you intend to use kernel version 2.2, you can find a summary page at
http://www.debian.org/releases/slink/running-kernel-2.2 which sets out
what you need to upgrade.

For 2.3 kernels it depends on the specific version you have in mind,
and you're on your own.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Brigette Heffner wrote:
 Why is it so hard to get anywhere with Linux?

Well, it depends. In the beginning, it usually is.

BTW, my window manager now defaulted to Ice, and users other than root
will have gdm and no more.
I believe that I'm quite familiar with Linux, but problems (which I
don't know how to solve yet) arise oftentimes. But those problems
usually are due to misconfigured systems (as opposed to operating system
crashes) or because I touch things here and there.

 In plain English...how do I get help with the install?  Is there a
 book (written in HUMAN English) that I can buy?  I have read all kinds
 of how to's and I am missing something because I have tried to
 install THREE versions of Linux and can't get any to work (on my new
 $2300 paperweight of a laptop).
 Just tell me what to do...or should I buy windows 98 and forget it?
 The laptop has no operating system...now.

Well, it's up to you. But using Linux, you'd have things to talk about


Re: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

 Windows 98 is not an operating system.

So, what is it?
System (that) operating?


Re: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

Mark Wagnon wrote:
 She might seek out a LUG in her area. Where I live, we have a great
 LUG. There are frequent install-fests where new users are helped
 through the installation process.

What about www.linuxchix.com?


Re: source build cluelessness (prc-tools pppd)

1999-12-08 Thread Jonathan Lupa
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 07:47:07PM +1030, John Pearson wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 10:40:37PM -0500, Jonathan Lupa wrote
  Which kind of leaves me in a bind because it seems to me that I might
  need that -no-68881 flag. :)
 Just a wild guess, but I think this is trying to build a binary
 or object for the m68k-based Palm.  So, you may need to install
 some m68k cross-development tools; try binutils-m68k-linux and

These are very good leads which I will look into.  I would think that
the rules file would excplicitely ask for them if needed, but we'll see.

  I looked through the debian subdirectories but didn't find any doc on
  build dependencies.
 There isn't, and this can be a problem; it's a good idea to
 capture the output of debian/rules to a file, so you can check
 for missing libraries and so on

Wow. This is darned good advice and it helps.

apt-get -s install blahblahblah

It works. :)

 In this case, it looksa like you're missing a development library;
 # zgrep security/pam_appl.h /ftp/linux/debian/dists/slink/Contents-i386.gz
 usr/include/security/pam_appl.h devel/libpam0g-dev

This is handy, but I don't seem to have th Contents-i386.gz file
anywhere (which is, I presume, why you have it tucked under an ftp
directory). I guess I can keep one of those lying around somewhere. :)

 It's a minor but irritating deficiency in the source packaging
 system. I understand that one of the goals of 'dpkg v2' is to add
 proper source dependencies.

I for one look forward to it!

Thanks for all your help!


GPG public key available from http://www.jamdata.net/~jjlupa/gpg.asc

Description: PGP signature


1999-12-08 Thread Oki DZ

How do you run Mozilla?
Typing mozilla gives me segmentation fault.
I downloaded the application from www.debian.org.
Does anyone have it running? Does it have a mailer with it?
I have Netscape 4.7 running, but it has no mailer.

Actually, what I need is an X mailer that can do threading; basically
anything will do. Pointers please...


More details: PDF wont work with Potato and Acrobat... Anyone?

1999-12-08 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
One of the main problems I have with acroread is that fonts are
not displaying correctly.  That's the best I can make of it---two
words are overlaid on each other; a whole line may only be an inch or
two wide, but in letters 14 or 18 points high.

I am now trying xpdf and gv also.

Thanks for the several replies; the problems persist.

Alan Davis

An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt),
 or else his son)nn.

CD burning problems

1999-12-08 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Hi all,

I'm trying to burn data CD under linux using
mkhybrid (ver 1.12a4.7-3) and cdrecord (ver 1:1.6final-0.2)
on Traxdata CDR4120.

I have to read this CD under Win so I used the following:

mkhybrid -J -v -o image path of prototype
cdrecord speed=4 dev=00,03,00 -v -pad image

This commands' output seems to be all right. And the disk was readable.
The problem apper later (when I've burned several CDs).
Each CD contain one or several small files that were unreadable!
This file(s) was unreadable under Win and under Linux.
More overe when I try to issue dd if=/dev/cdrom of=some file
it report read error near (or at) the end of disk.

My last image created with mkhybrid was still on disk and when I try to
mount it through loop dev ALL files were readable.

My machine is also biitable under Win98 and when I burn CD with
CeQuadrat for Win9x
I have no problems with CDs.

can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I hope that it's possible to burn
CD without rebooting to Win.


Re: Mozilla

1999-12-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 12/08/99 02:07PM, Oki DZ wrote:
 How do you run Mozilla?
 Typing mozilla gives me segmentation fault.
 I downloaded the application from www.debian.org.
 Does anyone have it running? Does it have a mailer with it?
 I have Netscape 4.7 running, but it has no mailer.
 Actually, what I need is an X mailer that can do threading; basically
 anything will do. Pointers please...

Lat time I checked (a few months ago) Mozilla is really buggy. I
don't think they have the mail porgram running. I don't remember
seeing it. I basically installed it, ran it, and decided to wait
awhile on that one.

If you install the communicator packages, you get the mail program
in addition to navigator and some other stuff (an html editor).
Netscape mail does threading. I generally use mutt (text-based) so I
don't know what else is available. Anyway, look up the communicator
packages on the debian site.

 ) Mark Wagnon  ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  )
(  Chula Vista, CA (  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

Can't mount /home/kent and /usr

1999-12-08 Thread ktb
I've recently installed Slink and Redhat on the same HD.  I've been
mounting back and forth between the two and have noticed that I can't
access /home/kent.  I 'cd' to /home but when I 'ls' it, it shows an
empty directory.  /usr is also shown to be empty.  This is clearly not
the case.  I've been mounting Redhat with the following line in

/dev/hdb1   /mnt/rh ext2   noauto,rw,nouser 0 0

I've also tried,

mount -a -t ext2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/rh

after looking at the 'mount' man page and that didn't change anything. 
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Re: apt-get

1999-12-08 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 09:38:41PM -0600, Nathan York wrote
   fixed:~# dpkg -P lm-sensors
   dpkg: error processing lm-sensors (--purge):
Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
reinstall it before attempting a removal.
   Errors were encountered while processing:
   and when i try to reinstall it i get the 
   depmod:  QM_MODULES: function not implemented.
  I had a quick look at the postinst script for lm-sensors, and all
  it does is 
  depmod -a /dev/null
  What do you see if you run depmod -a as root?
 depmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented
  What do you get if you grep -4 QM_MODULES /etc/conf.modules?
  What's in /etc/modutils/lm-sensors?
 file doesn't exist
 does anyone know what QM_MODULES is and how i can get it on my system...

I think it's more likely to be a matter of getting something *off* your
system; you may have a corrupted or bad module on your system, that's
making depmod choke.

Try issuing the command 
 # depmod -av
as root; this will list your modules as depmod process them.
If there is a problem with one of them I'd be suspicious of either
the last name it shows you, or perhaps one of the next few that you don't
get to see... on my system, depmod seems to print out the names in reverse
directoy order (i.e., exactly the opposite of ls -1U).

If you can narrow down the directory in which the problem occurs,
check first that it's under /lib/modules (or somewhere else that
you have decided modules belong); if it isn't, then some package
or some one has put an entry under /etc/modutils to tell depmod
to look there, and if it doesn't contain modules then that will
be a problem.

Alternatively, try issuing the command
 # depmod -v file
on files in that directory until you find the one that causes the problem.

If you can't find the file this way, look in /etc/conf.modules for
lines that start
for a list of the directories that depmod will check; if depmod has
a problem with the first file in a directory then the last name you
see may be from a different directory.

Once you've identified the file that seems to be causing the problem,
issue a
 $ dpkg -S file

to find out which package to blame, so you can fix it properly later.
Check the documentation for this package, in case it tells you how to 
'properly' fix the problem.

Meantime, move the file aside to some other place where depmod won't
find it and try 
 # update-modules (if the problem was somewhere in /etc/modutils/)
and then 
 # depmod -a

If that works and you don't need whatever package owns the offending file,
 # dpkg --purge badbadpackage

and try 
apt-get install lm-sensors

If you need the package, you may want to try re-installing it -
it's possible that the file in question was OK, but became corrupted
somehow (or, that a fixed version is up now).

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: urgent

1999-12-08 Thread John Pearson
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 08:26:58PM -0500, Evan Moore wrote
 this upgrade has become a disaster. 
 dselect is trying to remove kernel-image-2.0.0 and kernel-image-2.0.6
 the ouput is as follows
 removing kernel-image2.0.0...
 dpkg (subprocess):unable to execute pre-removal script: No such file or
 dpkg: error processing kernel-image-2.0.0 (--removal)
  subprocess preremoval script returned error exit status 2
 dpkg (subprocess):unable to execute post-removeal script: No such file or
 dpkg: error while cleaning up
  subprocess postremoval script returned error exit status 2

What's on the first line of /var/lib/dpkg/info/kernel-image-2.0.0.prerm? 

It may be trying to run an interpreter that has been moved since
kernel-image-2.0.0 was installed, or is no longer installed.

If the former, you should be able to edit the path on the first line
of the script to reflect its new location.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: emacs20 apt-get upgrde problem

1999-12-08 Thread Svante Signell
I managed to solve this problem by the following link:
(parts of a mail sent Dec 3 to this list. I don't know if this problem
formally has been reported as a bug.)

Upgrading from slink emacs or xemacs resulted in an unfinished
configure phase. This was solved by:
ln -s /usr/share/dpkg/site-lisp/debian-changelog-mode.el

This .el file is from the dpkg-dev package.


Re: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Patrick Kirk
On Wed, Dec 08, 1999 at 01:14:22PM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
  Windows 98 is not an operating system.
 So, what is it?
 System (that) operating?

Its a part-time OS.  Sometimes it works half-heartedly doing a fraction of what 
is needed and sometimes it goes away for no apparent reason.



1999-12-08 Thread Paul Keenan
 Jason Winters wrote:
 does anyone know why packages would install right, then when I try to
 run them nothing happens?

Could you be any more vague ?


Re: hosts.allow and hosts.deny

1999-12-08 Thread Patrick Kirk
 this would not affect IMAP in any way. If you get connection refused that
 means there is no service listening on that port.  check your inetd.conf
 if you get a connection and then it closes, then inetd is listening but
 there still may not be a service there, or tcp_wrappers is not allowing
 you in, but since you are allowing everything in, looks like the problem
 is in inetd.conf.

It reads imap2  stream  tcp nowaitroot/usr/sbin/tcpd  

POP works but imap does not.  In /etc/services it says imap is on port 143.  
Does anyone know how I can make imap work again?  


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 3:12pm up 110 days, 2:55, 2 users, load average: 1.56, 1.59, 1.65

dpkg doesn't work offline?

1999-12-08 Thread W. Borgert

is it possible to install a package using dpkg without
sitting at the console, i.e. offline?  The system is

The problem is with a PC somewhere in the desert connected
via ISDN/PPP:  A friend wants to update the ISDN package.
Of course, if he tries to dpkg -i isdnutils_xyz.deb, the
connection to the PC would drop.  He tried to use dpkg with
`at' and `cron', that is firing the `at' job, logging out
and logging in after the `at' job.  A similar at script is:


export PATH
/usr/bin/dpkg -i /usr/local/archive/bsdgames_2.5-4.deb
sleep 60

Unfortunately, it didn't work.  There was always an error
message mail:

Subject: Output from your job2

dpkg-deb: wait for gzip -dc failed: No child processes
dpkg: error processing /usr/local/archive/bsdgames_2.5-4.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

What did he do wrong?  Are there any chances to dpkg a new
isdnutils package from remote?  Note: He can't definetily
not go and do anything at the console, the machine is a few
hundred kilometres away...

Thanks in advance,

Re: Error messages using Iomega ZIP

1999-12-08 Thread Martyn Pearce

| I've found that md5sum does a pretty exhaustive scan through a file
| and it'll find CD write errors.  I don't know if it actually searches
| every byte / block though.

It *does* search every byte of every file.  One may safely assume that
if two files md5sums the same, they're equal.


RE: Why

1999-12-08 Thread Paul McHale

 Its a part-time OS.  Sometimes it works half-heartedly doing a 
 fraction of what is needed and sometimes it goes away for no 
 apparent reason.

No thats funny :)

Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431


Re: locking the console

1999-12-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 08:22:35PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
 On 7/12/99 Rob Mahurin wrote:
 vlock' (which is not
 really useful without the -a).
 which is annoying since -a is not very multiuser friendly, granted 
 this is often not to big a problem since usually there is only one 
 person at a time using the console.  (or preferably only trusted 

Sorry, what I meant was that 'openvt -sw -- vlock' was not very useful
without vlock -a, since that lets you switch back to your unlocked console.

 it would be nice if there was a way to lock only the ttys owned by 
 that piticular user, i think that might not be easy to implement 

that could be done reading the owners of the tty devices, like reading
the modified times could tell you which ones are idle.

 it would also be nice if i could lock the console while an 
 intereactive program is running and still switch back to X and have a 
 pretty screensaver g  (yes i know about lockvc, it just segfaults 
 when you enter any old password on my system :( )

Ahh, that's the program that I was looking for.  Too bad about that
whole segfault thing.  The bug report is only a week old, though ...


The more things change, the more they stay insane.

Re: hard drive not found

1999-12-08 Thread Peter Ross
On 08-Dec-1999, Oki DZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rick Dunnivan wrote:
  I have a Gateway PC with a PIII 450 and a 9GB western
  digital hard drive.  When I boot up with my Debian cd,
  my hard drive is not found.  I see in the install
  documentation that IDE-SCSI drives are not supported.
  How do I know if this is what I have? 
Also for a gateway system you want to press the button that allows you
to see the boot up messages, not the gateway splash screen.

Re: An open letter to the debian community

1999-12-08 Thread Jillian-Beth Stamos-Kaschke
[lots of stuff snipped]

 I haven't visited www.linuxchix.com lately; I'm just wondering whether
 any of them runs Debian.

As far as I know, there are plenty of Linuxchix members around that 
use Debian, myself included. I first started using Linux in 1995, 
mucked around with a couple of distributions and stuck with Debian.
dselect took a little getting used to, but as soon as everything was
up and running, it stayed that way. Nothing was installed that I didn't
want, so there was none of the Oh God, what do I have to remove now?
that I got with other distributions (caveat: I never tried Slackware,
so my experience is limited to DLD [German distribution, my first],
Caldera and SuSE. I'm not knocking other distributions, if people want 
to use SuSE, great). I _liked_ Debian, it seemed to like me (it never
crashed or did abnormal things), simple as that. 

What I really want to know is: what does being female have to do with
running Debian? Or is it something only men do? Oh, and there are men
subscribed to Linuxchix too, so what point did you want to make?

Jillian, a tad puzzled.

Re: streaming audio? (Re: wav - conversion utility)

1999-12-08 Thread Frank Barknecht
aphro hat gesagt: // aphro wrote:

 On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, byoung wrote:

 b- i tried to get the LAME, but wasn't able to. i'll try that again.

 its a good player, and check into not-lame its a breakoff(?) of lame,
 and has a different homepage, although the lame page links to it.

The fastest LAME-spinoff I know is a
href=http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~shigeo/soft/gogo2/; GOGO /a,
that is optimized by using 3DNow, MMX and ISSE assembler. About 4 times
faster than LAME at the same quality.

 There is another option, ICECAST (http://icecast.linuxpower.com/)
 It is a open source project that aims to do the same as shoutcast i
 believe. Havent tried it myself yet.

Icecast rules! There even is a debian package in potato, but you can
easily compile this for slink from the debianized source.

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Finding left-over libraries

1999-12-08 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  7 Dec, peter karlsson wrote about Finding left-over libraries
 Is there any way in Debian to find out what packages no other packages
 depend on?
 When I install a couple of packages, all the libraries they depend on are
 installed as well, which is quite nice, but the reverse doesn't hold - when
 I remove packages, unnecessary libraries are not removed. Because of this, I
 would like to get a list of packages that no packages depend on (restricted,
 for instance, to packages starting with lib).

Unforunately there is no way to do this cleanly now.  There has been/is
active discussion on this very subject on the the -devel list.  One of
the issues to be concerned with is on a machine used for development
where nothing directly depends on a lib*-dev package except at build
time when you need to link to the headers. 

There is a Debian package called cruft that can do some system searching
and can give you a very rough idea of file usage. 

Brian Servis

Mechanical Engineering  |  Never criticize anybody until you  
Purdue University   |  have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  because by that time you will be a
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis   |  mile away and have their shoes.

Re: xconsole placement

1999-12-08 Thread ktb
To reply to my own message, what I figured out is I needed to move
-file /dev/console to the beginning of the command like so,
+ I exec xconsole -file /dev/console now it's working fine.


ktb wrote:
 I have a line in my ~/.fvwm2/init.hook file,
 + I exec xconsole -geometry 480x130+297+434 -bg gainsboro -exitOnFail
 -dae -notify -file /dev/console
 These are the permissions,
 ~$ l /dev/xconsole
 prw-rw-rw-   1 root adm  1951 Dec  7 00:10 /dev/xconsole|
 At any rate with this setup, xconsole appears on my screen for a second
 and then winks out.  I've looked through the various xdm files and found
 a place (/etc/X11/xdm/Xresources) it looked like geometry could be
 controlled but when I changed the geometry nothing happened at all even
 when I commented out the line, XConsole.text.geometry: 480x130.  The
 geometry I assigned xconsole and want, is 480x130+297+434.  With this
 geometry it would stay on my screen.  Otherwise the way it is it goes
 out of view when I deiconify it.  Anyone know how to fix this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Mozilla warnings

1999-12-08 Thread mheyes

I just downloaded M11 last night.


Marshal Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/07/99 04:13:30 PM

cc:   debian-user@lists.debian.org (bcc: Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/BerisfordPlc)

Subject:  Re: Mozilla warnings

I think it's expected.  The Mozilla you're using is M9, which is
really outdated and barely usable, in my opinion.  Don't know why
there aren't any new debs.  Probably because the maintainer's to
busy.  Oh well.

ISP says bad passwd

1999-12-08 Thread Rick Dunnivan
I just bought a Jaton 56K internal modem.  wvdialconf
set everything up for me.  When I use wvdial to
attempt a connection, It says looks like a login
prompt... sending login... looks like a password
prompt... sending PASSWORD


several times then gives up.  I have ensured the
passwd listed in /etc/wvdial.conf is the correct one. 
Any help?

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help i bombed my server

1999-12-08 Thread Evan Moore
i found out why telnet is not working after i upgraded from debian 1.3 ...
I can't login at all anymore even on a vc. the ttys are not respawning and
the available logins tell me that they are Unable to determine my tty
name. i am emailing the list from some other account that i have so please
reply to this message.(ps my boss is going to kill me)

thanks very much

Evan Moore
Cooperative Work Education Student U of Regina
Labour Operations Applications Development
Human Resources Development Canada

Re: streaming audio? (Re: wav - conversion utility)

1999-12-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Frank Barknecht wrote:

 aphro hat gesagt: // aphro wrote:
  On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, byoung wrote:
  b- i tried to get the LAME, but wasn't able to. i'll try that again.
  its a good player, and check into not-lame its a breakoff(?) of lame,
  and has a different homepage, although the lame page links to it.
 The fastest LAME-spinoff I know is a
 href=http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~shigeo/soft/gogo2/; GOGO /a,
 that is optimized by using 3DNow, MMX and ISSE assembler. About 4 times
 faster than LAME at the same quality.

I get a seg fault on slink with this gogo:



Re: dpkg doesn't work offline?

1999-12-08 Thread Colin Watson
is it possible to install a package using dpkg without
sitting at the console, i.e. offline?  The system is

The problem is with a PC somewhere in the desert connected
via ISDN/PPP:  A friend wants to update the ISDN package.
Of course, if he tries to dpkg -i isdnutils_xyz.deb, the
connection to the PC would drop.  He tried to use dpkg with
`at' and `cron', that is firing the `at' job, logging out
and logging in after the `at' job.  A similar at script is:


My guess is that the problem is due to some subtle difference between
the environment set up in the at job and the normal environment, though
I'm prepared to admit I might be wrong. If that's the case, then using
'dpkg -i isdnutils_xyz.deb ' (send to background) ought to do the

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Trinity College, Cambridge, and Computer Science [riva.ucam.org]

Re: Joysticks

1999-12-08 Thread Tom Allard

 Tom Allard hat gesagt: // Tom Allard wrote:
 What version of xmame are you using? Here xmame 0.36b6.1-1 runs without
 problem, but the xmamerc has another syntax than earlier releases.

Upgrading to xmame-x  0.36b6.1-1 has solved my josytick problems.

Thanks to all.

I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.

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