Re: Conectar cliente Debian a servidor Nt

2001-04-25 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 11:53:02PM +0200, Pedro Magín wrote:
 Buenas, me gustaria conectar una maquina Debian a la red local de mi empresa
 (NT) para poder salir a Internet a traves de esta. ¿me podeis ayudar?
 Soy bastante novato así que porfavor no deis nada por sabido.
 Tengo un debian instalado con disquetes y espero terminarlo de instalar a
 traves de internet cuando consiga salir por la red de NT.
No hay problema. Dinos cómo es la red de tu empresa. Pregunta al administrador
si usa dhcp, etc.
Javier Fafián Alvarez   | La planificación es el secreto
en un Pentiun 166   |   del éxito.
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.18 | Extraido de :
Con Linux Debian sid unestble ! |

Debian como servidor novell netware

2001-04-25 Thread josep . roca

Ya se que cuando se habla de linux i novell se suele recomendar
caldera, pero es posible hacer que una debian funcione como un
servidor novell? Si es posible, es muy complicado? Alguien lo ha
conseguido. Gracias i saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Servidor de correo (SMTP/POP3)

2001-04-25 Thread Jorge Gil Torres
Hola a todos,
Necesito instalar un servidor de correo para dar servicio a varios dominios.
Que me recomendais instalar? Sendmail y algn pop, qmail, otros?. Necesito
poder tener en la misma maquina cuentas como [EMAIL PROTECTED] y
[EMAIL PROTECTED], o sea algo de vhosting pero no s si con sendmail y
solid-pop3d lo podria hacer.
Cualquier consejo es bueno. Muchas gracias.

Jorge Gil

Re: Servidor de correo (SMTP/POP3)

2001-04-25 Thread Jaume Sabater
Si lo quieres muy seguro, qmail, si no, con postfix puedes hacerlo bastante 

A Dimecres 25 Abril 2001 12:50, Jorge Gil Torres va escriure:
 Hola a todos,
 Necesito instalar un servidor de correo para dar servicio a varios
 dominios. Que me recomendais instalar? Sendmail y algn pop, qmail,
 otros?. Necesito poder tener en la misma maquina cuentas como
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], o sea algo de vhosting pero no s si con sendmail y
 solid-pop3d lo podria hacer.
 Cualquier consejo es bueno. Muchas gracias.

 Jorge Gil


   Jaume Sabater Lleal
   ARGUS Serveis Telemtics

   Sant Pere, 39 - 08911 Badalona
   Avgda. Marqus de Comillas, s/n 
   (Recinte Poble Espanyol) - 08038 Barcelona

   Tel: 93 292 41 00
   Fax: 93 292 42 25

Re: Modulos

2001-04-25 Thread marmolejo
On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 10:59:02PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Estoy buscando la manera de que linux inserte los modulos cuando los necesita 
 y los saque cuando ya no los está usando.
 Los mas parecido que logre hacer fue agregar los modulos linea a linea en el 
 archivo /etc/modules con el parametro --autoclean pero me parece que este 
 parametro no hace lo que yo me estoy imaginando, no se.
 Mi pregunta es como puedo hacer para que se agreguen y quiten solos los 
 modulos a medida que la maquina los precisa?.

Si usas kernel 2.2.x no es necesario hacer nada, sólo usar kerneld. Si
usas serie 2.4.x se cargan solos (deberían) y si los tienes con autoclean
se descargan con rmmod -a si no están usados, así que añade enel cron la
tarea de rmmod -a cada cierto tiempo.

man cron
man crontab

Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).

  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo at  ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problemas con los locales y el man

2001-04-25 Thread marmolejo
On Sat, Apr 21, 2001 at 01:30:28PM +0200, Joaquin Ferrero wrote:
 A raíz de esto, tengo una cuestión:
 Tengo la misma configuración que Miquel indica. Todos los programas
 funcionan y salen bien en castellano, pero... el man no sale bien.
 Ya sabeis que en realidad, el man vuelca la salida a less para salir en
 pantalla de forma paginada. En la última linea de la pantalla, indica el
 nombre del fichero o página del manual que estamos viendo.
 Pero ete aquí que si tienes activo el LC_ALL=es_ES, sólo sale una 'P'.
 Pensé que el fallo está en la definición del lesskey y demás opciones del
 less, pero si hago un simple
 export LC_ALL=en_EN
 las páginas del manual salen bien (con la última línea bien).
 Además, como tengo puesto como alias man=man -a, sólo salen las páginas en
 inglés. Cuando lo tengo puesto como LC_ALL=es_ES sale primero la página en
 castellano y luego la de inglés, pero con la 'P' famosa en la última
 Curiosamente, si pongo
 export LC_ALL=en_US
 que debería ser lo correcto, también falla.
 He llegado a la conclusión de que el fallo está en el propio man, en sus
 mensajes de locale. ?O es algún efecto del less?
 ?Alguna idea?
 Joaquín F.

A mí además de la famosa P lo que me ocurre con el man es lo siguiente:

por ejemplo; 
#man bash
#cargando y tal y cual
#   Group 1003.2).

A?n se est? grabando la p?gina, aguarde por favor...

Nunca he conseguido arreglarlo, es molesto aunque no importante,
peroa que jode??a ver si alguien sabe algo.

En una organización jerárquica, cuanto más alto es el nivel, mayor es la 
-- Ley de Dow. 

  - Debian GNU/Linux Sid Linux User #162799 - 
   -  PGP Pub Key en ID:0x64438485  -
  - marmolejo at  ICQ: 65833679 -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Servidor de correo (SMTP/POP3)

2001-04-25 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez
El 25 de abr de 2001, a las 12:50 +0200, Jorge Gil Torres escribio:
 Necesito instalar un servidor de correo para dar servicio a varios dominios.
-- Fin de mensaje original --
Yo personalmente te recomiendo postfix. Es un mta bastante majo,
muy facil de configurar y que tiene todo lo que quieres y mas, como no ;)

Javier Coso Gutierrez   Centrocom:
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Agencia de Comunicación Interactiva

Avoid the Gates of Hell.  Use Linux

Modem Interno SmartLink 56 PCI

2001-04-25 Thread Arale

para empezar decir que ya he arreglado todos mis problemas con las XWindows
y el Frame Buffer y el ratoli :-))

En segundo lugar he encontrado en  la red un driver para el modem del
asunto, esta en formato
en RPM, segun pone esta probado en SUSE y funciona , esta hecho por los
fabricantes parece ..
Esta tarde lo alienizare y ya os dire si me arranca ( es el modem que viene
con los Airis ),
si alguno quiere le envio el fichero.

Un saludo,


* Este e-mail es personal, cualquier persona o empresa   *
* que lea este mensaje sin ser destinatario del mismo,  *
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Re: Configuración del monitor

2001-04-25 Thread Enzo Alberto Dari
José Luis Fernández Barros wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 April 2001 07:53, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tengo un monitor Viewsonic E771 ...
  Señal de entradafh : 30 - 70 kHz , fv : 50 - 120 Hz
 Con XF86Setup o xf86config en algún momento te pregunta esos datos. En el
 /etc/X11/XF86Config te aparecerán unas líneas como:
 Section Monitor
Identifier  Primary Monitor
VendorName  Unknown
ModelName   Unknown
HorizSync   30-70
VertRefresh 50-120
 Sobre la tarjeta de vídeo valdrá con decirle que es una Voodoo3. X en el
 arranque detecta sus capacidades, no hay que especificárselas.
 Si quieres afinar los Modeline utiliza la aplicación xvidtune.
 En versiones antiguas de X estos Modeline podían no exprimir tu tarjeta o
 monitor. Yo leí un fichero que se llamaba Modeline.gz y que creo que ya no
 está localizable en Debian. Es un documento de texto muy breve que te explica
 qué significa cada numerito y cómo calcularlo. Si quieres te mando una copia.
Te puede resultar útil el XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO
Es un poco pesado de leer, pero a veces hace falta (como
cuando tienes un monitor de 24 que es más ancho de lo
común, y quieres usarlo en resolución de 2048x1280...)
Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-S. C. de Bariloche, Argentina | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Sid y apt-get upgrade

2001-04-25 Thread October
Hola a todos!!
Pues parece que sólo hablo para poner problemas !!
Resulta que normalmente me actualizo la Sid cada día o dos días. Pues hace 
cosa de 4 días hice un apt-get update, apt-get upgrade (desde dselect, aunque 
supongo que será esto lo que haga el dselect) y como siempre se bajó los 
paquetes actualizados, pero se quedó en Preconfiguring Packages, sin hacer 
nada más; esto es, sin dar ni un triste mensaje. Lo dejé unas 15 horas (por 
si tenía un timeout muy alto o algo así) y seguía igual. Luego pensé que 
igual era algún paquete que no estaba bien empaquetado, y me actualicé la 
lista otra vez. Nada. Volví a hacerlo al día siguiente y nada tampoco. Y ya 
es hoy. No sé que puede ser. Si a alguien le ha pasado alguna vez, 
agradecería que me contase como lo solucionó.
Muchas gracias !!


Problemas al instalar ...

2001-04-25 Thread Oscar Ramos Moreno

BUenas compañeros poetas:

Hace poco escribí a la lista explicando un problema q gracias a las 
respuestas reparé (Aunque no el problema completo si lo q yo creia q era la 
causa). La movida surge cuando actualizo o instalo algo con apt-get, aunque 
no creo q sea un fallo de este último. Dado q no tengo ni P idea de cual 
puede ser el problema os mando el chorro q me suelta el apt-get y haber si 
lo sloucionasmos:

4 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Configurando libpaperg (1.0.5) ...
Can't locate Debconf/Client/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5 
.) at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpaperg.config line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpaperg.config 
line 3.

dpkg: error al procesar libpaperg (--configure):
el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 

dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de mpage:
mpage depende de libpaperg (= 1.0.5); sin embargo:
 el paquete libpaperg no está configurado todavía.
dpkg: error al procesar mpage (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de psutils:
psutils depende de libpaperg (= 1.0.4); sin embargo:
 el paquete libpaperg no está configurado todavía.
dpkg: error al procesar psutils (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de task-tex:
task-tex depende de mpage; sin embargo:
 el paquete mpage no está configurado todavía.
task-tex depende de psutils; sin embargo:
 el paquete psutils no está configurado todavía.
dpkg: error al procesar task-tex (--configure):
problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Espero no causar muchas molestias pero no sé q pasa.

Un saludo y a pasarlo bien.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Problemas al instalar ...

2001-04-25 Thread Miguel Cavazos
apt-get -f install igual y te pueda ayudar

On 25 Apr 2001 22:58:28 +0200, Oscar Ramos Moreno wrote:
 BUenas compañeros poetas:
 Hace poco escribí a la lista explicando un problema q gracias a las 
 respuestas reparé (Aunque no el problema completo si lo q yo creia q era la 
 causa). La movida surge cuando actualizo o instalo algo con apt-get, aunque 
 no creo q sea un fallo de este último. Dado q no tengo ni P idea de cual 
 puede ser el problema os mando el chorro q me suelta el apt-get y haber si 
 lo sloucionasmos:
 4 packages not fully installed or removed.
 Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
 Configurando libpaperg (1.0.5) ...
 Can't locate Debconf/Client/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 
 /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5 
 .) at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpaperg.config line 3.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libpaperg.config 
 line 3.
 dpkg: error al procesar libpaperg (--configure):
 el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 
 dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de mpage:
 mpage depende de libpaperg (= 1.0.5); sin embargo:
   el paquete libpaperg no está configurado todavía.
 dpkg: error al procesar mpage (--configure):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
 dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de psutils:
 psutils depende de libpaperg (= 1.0.4); sin embargo:
   el paquete libpaperg no está configurado todavía.
 dpkg: error al procesar psutils (--configure):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
 dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de task-tex:
 task-tex depende de mpage; sin embargo:
   el paquete mpage no está configurado todavía.
 task-tex depende de psutils; sin embargo:
   el paquete psutils no está configurado todavía.
 dpkg: error al procesar task-tex (--configure):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
 Se encontraron errores al procesar:
 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 Espero no causar muchas molestias pero no sé q pasa.
 Un saludo y a pasarlo bien.
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Preguntillas de novatillo

2001-04-25 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
  Hola,a todos.
 Tengo unas consultas... 
 Por que me aparece el Notescapes con unas letras enormes en sus menus?
 Como se cambian?
 Uso exim + fetchmail + mutt y tengo varias cuentas de correo en ISPs
 dieferentes Fetchmail los recuperra pero mutt no los recoje
 donde se lo puedo indicar que los recoja?

OT: politicas de seguridad

2001-04-25 Thread Roberto Meyer

Intento comenzar con la redaccion de las politicas de seguridad de
nuestra empresa, en lo que al rubro informatico se refiere.

Quisiera saber si alguno tiene algo a mano para utilizar como guia.

Me refiero a la politica general, no a las guias tecnicas respecto de
temas como plan de contingencias, copias de respaldo y demas (aunque
tampoco me vendrian mal por si se me escapa algo)

Gracias de antemano,


Re: OT: politicas de seguridad

2001-04-25 Thread Lic . Ramiro Rodríguez
No conozco mucho del tema de sguridad, al menos no en la práctica, pero te 
recomiendo el
libro: Guía Avanzada, Administracion de Sistemas Linux, de M. Carling, Stephen 
Degler y James
Dennis, de New Rides / Prentice Hall, lo estoy leyendo de momento y me parece 
muy bueno.

Espero te sea de utilidad.

Roberto Meyer wrote:


 Intento comenzar con la redaccion de las politicas de seguridad de
 nuestra empresa, en lo que al rubro informatico se refiere.

 Quisiera saber si alguno tiene algo a mano para utilizar como guia.

 Me refiero a la politica general, no a las guias tecnicas respecto de
 temas como plan de contingencias, copias de respaldo y demas (aunque
 tampoco me vendrian mal por si se me escapa algo)

 Gracias de antemano,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Lic. Ramiro Rodríguez Rodríguez
CSI Consultoría en Soluciones Informáticas
Tel./ Fax  01 35-85-15-28
Cel. Locales 044 3 189-27-01   Foráneos  01 3 189-27-01
Página WEB:
Correo Electrónico: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Configurar exim

2001-04-25 Thread Román

Yo lo hago así pero varios servidores me dan errores que me remiten a 
mail-abuse, tal vez una opción pueda ser que a esos servidores los 
redirecciones al smtp de mi isp ¿se puede hacer así?

Manuel J. Román Estrade

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001 02:50:24 +0200
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Y digo yo ¿para qué quieres usar teleline para el correo? Mándalo por ti mismo
 y ya está.

Re: OT: politicas de seguridad

2001-04-25 Thread Rusty^_^
On 25 Apr 2001 16:55:23 -0600, Lic.Ramiro wrote:
 No conozco mucho del tema de sguridad, al menos no en la práctica, pero te 
 recomiendo el
 libro: Guía Avanzada, Administracion de Sistemas Linux, de M. Carling, 
 Stephen Degler y James
 Dennis, de New Rides / Prentice Hall, lo estoy leyendo de momento y me parece 
 muy bueno.
 Espero te sea de utilidad.
 Roberto Meyer wrote:
  Intento comenzar con la redaccion de las politicas de seguridad de
  nuestra empresa, en lo que al rubro informatico se refiere.
  Quisiera saber si alguno tiene algo a mano para utilizar como guia.
  Me refiero a la politica general, no a las guias tecnicas respecto de
  temas como plan de contingencias, copias de respaldo y demas (aunque
  tampoco me vendrian mal por si se me escapa algo)
  Gracias de antemano,
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Lic. Ramiro Rodríguez Rodríguez
 CSI Consultoría en Soluciones Informáticas
 Tel./ Fax  01 35-85-15-28
 Cel. Locales 044 3 189-27-01   Foráneos  01 3 189-27-01
 Página WEB:
 Correo Electrónico: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Apoyo la moción estoy leyendo ese libro y me parece bastante bueno para
comenzar con la administracion de sistemas.

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Re: swedisch texts in emacs (auctex) and latex

2001-04-25 Thread Peter Makholm
Andreas Schuldei [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I use latex to write documents, normaly.
 I would like to start writing swedish texts, now.

I have the following in the start of my LaTeX files:


For getting swedish characters you need the last two lines (I think
thats is the *correct* way to do it, but there are other ways). The
second line is mainly for getting danish hypernation and danish texts
for Chapter, Tabel of Content and so on. (Well, you should probaly
change it to swedish instead of danish)


Re: swedisch texts in emacs (auctex) and latex

2001-04-25 Thread Karolina Lindqvist
On Wednesdayen den 25 April 2001 07:35, Peter Makholm wrote:
 Andreas Schuldei [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I use latex to write documents, normaly.
  I would like to start writing swedish texts, now.

 I have the following in the start of my LaTeX files:


 For getting swedish characters you need the last two lines (I
 think thats is the *correct* way to do it, but there are other
 ways). The second line is mainly for getting danish hypernation
 and danish texts for Chapter, Tabel of Content and so on.
 (Well, you should probaly change it to swedish instead of

I have not done it myself, but looking at a Swedish LaTeX file in 
emacs, I find the following:

In the beginning of the file is:

And my guess is that 'isolatin1' is the secret here.

Emacs mule says:

Coding system for saving this buffer:
  1 -- iso-latin-1-unix

For getting the Swedish letters, I have a Swedish keboard, and in 
the emacs files they have the character values: 
å (aa) 0x8e5
ä (ae) 0x8e4
ö (oe) 0x8f6
 and so on. 

If you don't have a Swedish keyboard, I don't know exactly what 
to do. The easiest is probably to change the keyboard encoding in 
X. If you use KDE, you can easily configure a Swedish keyboard, 
and it can be changed by pushing a button. I just tried to 
reconfigure KDE for a german kezboard, and it was verz easz. 
üÜ... (german keyboard swaps z and y). If you don't have KDE, 
there are probably other ways. Actually, I can put in the dots 
separately, but first pushing the double dot (diaresis) key, and 
then an 'a' or 'o', this works in emacs and creates the correct 

-- Karolina

Re: swedisch texts in emacs (auctex) and latex

2001-04-25 Thread Andreas Schuldei
* Karolina Lindqvist ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010425 11:43]:
  I have the following in the start of my LaTeX files:

I used allmost the same setup for german documents, but had the
babel line in the end. Then I got latex errors. I moved it to the
beginning and now it works. I am not sure, why. I thought it did
not make a difference.

 In the beginning of the file is:

this was not necessary for me.

 If you don't have a Swedish keyboard, I don't know exactly what 
 to do. The easiest is probably to change the keyboard encoding in 
 X. If you use KDE, you can easily configure a Swedish keyboard, 
 and it can be changed by pushing a button. I just tried to 

I had that set up, too. Now it works fine and emacs displays
everything nicely now. not so yesterday night.

I am sorry for the confusion.

Re: duvidas

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 Eu desinstalei o debian para testar o FreeBSD, portanto por enqto não

Desnecessário.  Você podia ter colocado o FreeBSD em outra partição.

 posso testar, mas com certeza deve haver uma solução debian, nem que seja
 versão 'customisada', não??

Já procurou na página de pacotes,

 Você já testou o Saint? ele gera relatórios em html (ou seja qq browser,
 nas se é Netscape ou não, acho que é um detalhe...[na segurança] ...)

Não é detalhe não.  Programas tão grandes e complexos quanto o
Netscape Navigator, ou mesmo o Mozilla, dificilmente serão seguros.  Ainda
mais quando ele inclui linguagens de extensão como o JavaScript ou o Java, e
ainda por cima uma camada de portabilidade como a XPCOM, todos componentes
que já apresentaram problemas no passado.  Aliás já reparou que o Navigator
está na versão 4.77, e todas as versões dele costumam ter várias liberações
menores, como 3.04 ou 4.62, sei lá?  São os problemas de segurança que
aparecem e vão sendo corrigidos, com o agravante de que sendo de código
fechado não dá para fazer uma boa auditoria.  O Mozilla pelo menos é livre,
dá para auditar.

Agora, se você realmente quer segurança, esqueça o FreeBSD, vá
direto para o OpenBSD.  Ou fique com o Debian, que me parece ser a versão
mais segura do GNU/Linux.

 Mas... existe um navegador de HTML seguro? Ou vc está falando da utlização
 de chaves de encriptação 'forte' de 128 bits?

Não, a encriptação só é importante quando se fala de transações,
como por exemplo o fornecimento de informações confidenciais a um servidor
externo.  A questão de se rodar o navegador como superusuário está mais na
qualidade do código, para evitar portas do fundos, estouro de buffers,
coisas assim.  De maneira geral é mais fácil garantir a qualidade de código
em programas menores e mais focados em suas tarefas principais, enquanto o
Netscape faz zilhões de coisas: ambiente de programação, correio eletrônico
e grupos de notícias, colaboração, calendário, composição de HTML e
JavaScript, etc.

Faz mais sentido como superusuário usar um navegador enxuto e
simples como o lynx, o links ou o w3m, mesmo o Galeon seria melhor.

 ?, mas ? s? ir ver o site-lisp do emacs 21 para se ter a resposta... ?
 o ahead-in-time-bug-squashing-mode.

Não existe ainda o Emacs 21... você quis dizer XEmacs?  Ou era parte
da brincadeira mesmo?

 Vejamos quem é o cego... Ai, meu Deus...

Era bom parar com essa atitude maldosa.  Não faz bem para ninguém,
nem para você.

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Clusters em sistemas de arquivos

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 As informações abaixo se referem a sistemas de arquivos da Microsoft. E no

 caso do ext2fs e do reiserfs, senhores? Alguém tem alguma informação a 
 Cluster - Um conjunto de setores do HD que são endereçados pelo sistema

Só um detalhe, creio que fora da Microsoft isso se chama bloco, não?

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Configuração final...

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 Estou auxiliando uma amiga na instalação do Debian potato 2.2rev2 porém

Parabéns, é desse tipo de atitude construtiva que a gente precisa!

 - A placa de vídeo 3Dfx Voodoo 2 (ou 3, não me lembro) é 'configurável'
 o XFree 3.3.6 e kernel 2.2.18pre21?

Veja o README do 3.3.6,, que
você encontra procurando em  Ou o 3Dfx HOWTO,, que você encontra procurando em diretamente ou através de ou ou

 - Os módulos para modem 56k (provavelmente motorola) já estão compilados
 kernel 2.2.18pre21 padrão?

Winmodem ou modem de verdade?  Se for modem de verdade basta
instalar os módulos da porta serial, se for modem emulado por programa
(winmodem) veja o Hardware HOWTO citado acima, seção modems:  Lá também tem uma
nota sobre um modelo específico de modem de verdade da Motorola.

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help on LILO!

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 'Cortei' o HD em três pedaços: 10Gb (em hda1 p), 200mb (hda2 p) e 10Gb (em
 hda3 [modo lógico]). Instalei o Linux em hda1, deixei o hda3 para a
 do DOS e coloquei o LILO no MBR. No princípio estava tudo bem, ambas as

Na minha experiência o melhor é instalar o Windows primeiro, e
evitar usar o modo lógico.  Isso porque a instalação do Windows bagunça a
tabela de partições e tenta matar o Lilo.

Mas não sou especialista em Lilo, então pediria para alguém mais na
lista fornecer dicas melhores.

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-get atraves do Wingate ?

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 Eu tenho acesso a uma REDE Windows com ADSL e gostaria de 
 plugar meu Debian nesta Rede para colocar o apt em acao.
 Wingate como compartilhador da conexao ADSL (Obs: O unico 
 servico que esse Wingate tem habilitado é o http na porta 80).

O Wingate é simplesmente um proxy, correto?

 A placa de rede é uma ENCORE, e nao esta configurada ainda), e 

Você instalou o Debian sem configurar a rede?

Para todos os efeitos é uma rede TCP/IP como qualquer outra, mas eu
não me lembro como configurar uma placa de rede no Debian depois da
instalação final.  Alguém mais na lista se prontifica?

 mandar um apt-get dist-upgrade ??

Se o Wingate for um proxy simples, basta definir (por exemplo em
/etc/profile ou coisa assim) as variável de ambiente relevantes para http,
https, etc assim:
export http_proxy=http://wingate.http.proxy.ip:80
export https_proxy=https://wingate.https.proxy.ip:porta

E vai por aí afora.


 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: duvidas x certezas

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
 Olá Shay!

Desculpem repetir, mas não sou o Shay, só estou obrigado a usar o
endereço de correio eletrônico dele até esta sexta, depois volto à minha
identidade na vida real conforme assinatura abaixo...

 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Alocaçãodinâmica...

2001-04-25 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Raphael DephiNit Pereira wrote:

 Olá novamente,

 Desculpem o offtopic e a besteira que escrevi. Logo após enviar o email,
 descobri que ainda estava tudo errado. A resolução correta é

 float ** gera_matriz(int i, int j)
   int contador;
   int **matriz;

   if(!(matriz = malloc(sizeof(float *) * i)))

voce declarou a matriz como int e esta alocando float?

acho que ainda não está tudo correto!

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: duvidas sanadas ;-)

2001-04-25 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:18:33AM -0300, Carlos Laviola wrote:
 P.S.: Pra voc?, Ma?an e uns outros: configurem melhor os mailers de voc?s,
 todos os acentos aparecem como interroga??es.

Tem certeza que não é o seu? Eu fiz uns testes por aqui,
e todos os meus e-mails estão normais, e meus acentos estão sendo
corretamente lidos, por mim, por meus colegas que usam outros 
sistemas... Se mais alguém notar este problema, por favor me mande
um e-mail privado.

Tem um ditado antigo que um ex-chefe me passou um dia que eu guardo
com carinho... Carregamos dois sacos, um com qualidades e outro com defeitos,
o das qualidades carregamos à nossa frente, o dos defeitos carregamos em
nossas costas. ;)

Pega um espelho e dá uma olhada nas suas próprias costas aí ;)

If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then you 
 and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I have 
 an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
George Bernard Shaw 

Re: apt-get atraves do Wingate ?

2001-04-25 Thread Vinicius De Mario

Shay Moreno wrote:

Eu tenho acesso a uma REDE Windows com ADSL e gostaria de 
plugar meu Debian nesta Rede para colocar o apt em acao.


Wingate como compartilhador da conexao ADSL (Obs: O unico 
servico que esse Wingate tem habilitado é o http na porta 80).

O Wingate é simplesmente um proxy, correto?

A placa de rede é uma ENCORE, e nao esta configurada ainda), e 

Você instalou o Debian sem configurar a rede?

Para todos os efeitos é uma rede TCP/IP como qualquer outra, mas eu
não me lembro como configurar uma placa de rede no Debian depois da
instalação final.  Alguém mais na lista se prontifica?

Se o kernel esta identificando corretamente a placa (dmesg), basta usar 
ifconfig pra testar e acertar a configuração definitiva em 
etc/network/interfaces, colocando a identificação da interface (ex. 
eth0) e endereço IP, DNS, mascara de rede, etc:

corte aqui---
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian 

# (network, broadcast and gateway are optional)
iface eth0 inet static



Campanha pela privacidade na Net: desabilite a recepção de cookies no seu navegador

RES: Expressao regular

2001-04-25 Thread Shay Moreno
   Estou tendo dificuldade de identificar a expressao
 regular que devo utilizar para selecionar o seguinte padrao:
   3 a 9 numeros + sinal . + 2 a cinco numeros
   que peguem por exemplo:

g750663!amdba:~ [47] grep [0-9]\{3,9\}\.[0-9]\{2,5\} temp.txt
grep [0-9]\{3,9\}\.[0-9]\{2,5\} temp.txt


 / \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra+55 (11) 3040 8913
 \ / Amdocs Brasil Ltda at Tele Danmark+45 3387 5214
 / \ Campanha fita ASCIImailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ja chega

2001-04-25 Thread Carlos Laviola
Hash: SHA1

Tenho criado muita confusão na lista, então resolvi que, apesar de não me
desinscrever dela, não vou falar mais nada. É melhor assim.

- -- 
carlos laviola - icq #55799523
$ chown us:us /your_base -R
chown: what you say!!

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: duvidas

2001-04-25 Thread Frederico S. Muñoz
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 10:01:18AM +0200, Shay Moreno wrote:
  ?, mas ? s? ir ver o site-lisp do emacs 21 para se ter a resposta... ?
  o ahead-in-time-bug-squashing-mode.
   N?o existe ainda o Emacs 21... voc? quis dizer XEmacs?  Ou era parte
 da brincadeira mesmo?

Existe sim :) J? existe at? um .deb; ? uma vers?o n?o-oficial, mas
nunca me deu problemas... fa?a uma busca por emacs 21 no sec??o Linux
do google, deve encontrar l?.



Frederico S. Mu?oz  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian - SDF Public Access Unix Systems

Description: PGP signature

Re: Alocaçãodinâmica...

2001-04-25 Thread DephiNit
Bem, já percebi que não posso tentar fazer isso de noite!!!

No meu programa eu declarei corretamente, só passei errado pra cá...

Valeu pela correção...

Em Qua 25 Abr 2001 09:05, Mario Olimpio de Menezes escreveu:
 On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Raphael DephiNit Pereira wrote:
  Olá novamente,
  Desculpem o offtopic e a besteira que escrevi. Logo após enviar o email,
  descobri que ainda estava tudo errado. A resolução correta é
  float ** gera_matriz(int i, int j)
  int contador;
  int **matriz;
  if(!(matriz = malloc(sizeof(float *) * i)))

 voce declarou a matriz como int e esta alocando float?

 acho que ainda não está tudo correto!

 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Raphael DephiNit Pereira

Vamos dar um basta!

2001-04-25 Thread Gustavo Franco

Ola Ricardo!

Gostaria de dar um basta em toda essa situacao!
Gostaria que vc respondesse a essa msg diretamente para o meu e-mail, soh estou
colocando a mesma aqui para todos da lista ficarem cientes que estou lhe
respondendo.O que acho no seu caso desnecessario.
O que me intrigou eh que um usuario de Conectiva Linux 6.0, que desinstalou a
Debian de uma outra maquina e colocou FreeBSD no lugar poderia estar fazendo
enviando diversas mensagens para esta lista de discussao ! Esse foi o motivo da
assinatura ironica.Nada contra o FreeBSD (e somente ele), pois eh um excelente
sistema como pude constatar, agora o outro eu prefiro nao comentar...
Acredito que mesmo assim eu e o Gleydson (que constatou o mesmo fato que eu no
wrapper) tenhamos esclarecidos a sua duvida.E que um dia vc utilize a
distribuicao Debian na sua maquina de producao e que tenha uma melhor 
experiencia do que a

Gustavo - a.k.a _Stratus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Spruce - Insert your GNUpg fingerprint here! :)

Placa de Rede???

2001-04-25 Thread Ricardo Melo
 Olá pessoal,

Finalmente estou com os meus dois computadores
funcionando, só esta faltando configurar a placa de rede de um deles que
eu não sei a marca e que não teve jeito de fazer fucionar no Debian  com
suporte a NE2000. Entretanto  instalei o Conectiva 4.0 (o disco rigido é
de 128M) e com NE2000 a placa funciona .No Conectiva peguei o IRQ e E/S
da placa e pergunto , com estes dados em mãos posso fazer ela fucionar
no Debian?. Se a reposta for positiva como posso fazer?


Re: Placa de Rede???

2001-04-25 Thread Neko Firsts

 Olá pessoal,

 Finalmente estou com os meus dois computadores
 funcionando, só esta faltando configurar a placa de rede de um deles que
 eu não sei a marca e que não teve jeito de fazer fucionar no Debian  com
 suporte a NE2000. Entretanto  instalei o Conectiva 4.0 (o disco rigido é
 de 128M) e com NE2000 a placa funciona .No Conectiva peguei o IRQ e E/S
 da placa e pergunto , com estes dados em mãos posso fazer ela fucionar
 no Debian?. Se a reposta for positiva como posso fazer?
Olha  na minha maquina eu compilei o suporte a Ne2000 no Kernel, um detalhe
importante é que o modulo ne2k é só pra pci se sua placa for isa o modulo é
o mesmo da ne1000.
Eu não tenho certeza , mas se não me engano vc edita o arquivo
/etc/modules e inclue  a linha
depois  vc cria no diretorio modutils  um arquivo chamado ne onde
vc põe as opções:
option ne io=ox irq=00
Ai é só configurar a rede.
Espero ter ajudado.

Re: Compiling ghostscript 5.50 on woody : HELP !!!

2001-04-25 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 11:48:46PM +0200, Dominique Deleris wrote:
 I know that configuring my /etc/printcap with magicfilterconfig is OK,
 but then I don't have access to my newly compiled driver...
 I've seen that you are the package maintainer for printtool, so I guess
 you're the right person to ask :)

First current version on woody only works for LPRng (I know what it
saids in package description.)  If you want to use lpr(BSD) then
installing from Stormix may be a choice (Not tested but program has been

You can set up with similar printer and edit entry for your needs.
/etc/printcap is basic.

For printtool /var/spool/lpr... are places to look.

Whatever filter program you use, GS does PS to printer format conversion
and that the only thing needed for new printer not listed in these
convienience packages.  gs -v or something print out usable drivers.

Good luck.

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  For my debian quick-reference, peek into:  +
+  +

Re: Mutt is best

2001-04-25 Thread John R Lenton
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:27:51AM +1000, Mark wrote:
 Currently I am using Netscape for my emails.  I know that Mutt will
 handle gnupg signitures and encryption etc which Netscape doesn't seem
 to.  But will Mutt allow me to open .jpg, pdf and word files.  Currently
 I have Netscape set up to open word files with Abiword, and pdf files
 with xpdf.  Will this be possible with Mutt.

yes. on console, even. Or no --- not directly. You need to know
what helper apps to install, and also install mime-support.

The helpers you need for viewing what you mentioned on console
on i386 are zgv, xpdf (which includes pdftotext), and word2x.
Some hand editing is needed for the pdftotext to work (is this a
bug? probably.)

 I am willing to withstand the learning curve, but I must be able to
 QUICKLY open pdf and abiword files while reading the email.  If not,
 would evolution be the best bet.

No. mutt in X is probably the best bet for good solid MIME
support. Makeing it work on console is for extra hack points :)

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began
to suspect Hungry.
-- a Larson cartoon

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian newbie tip-of-the-day signature script

2001-04-25 Thread John R Lenton
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:32:43AM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 [ ... about fiddling with mutt to get fancy signatures ...]

What I'd really like (and implement if I had the time) is for
mutt to have an option to check on startup if .signature is a
pipe, and if so to write into it the header of the email before
reading the sig (mutt has some idea of to:, cc:, and subject:
headers *before* reading the sig).

Thus a small modification of the one sig program makes it spew
content-specific signatures :)

hmm. take that back. If I have to open .signature O_RDWR the
select() call goes crazy :(.

Ok, so have two pipes, a .signature-ctl and a .signature, and
have mutt check in... erm...

...have a listener on port N...

...on a central server

...connected to a postgres database.

Ok, so this has gotten out of hand. More coffee, please.

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Hoje eu tentei desenhar minha própria sombra. Não consegui! :(
Meu braço não parava de se mexer...

Description: PGP signature

gnu-pop3d log messages

2001-04-25 Thread Stephen E. Hargrove
Hash: SHA1

i'm getting flooded with messages from a recently installed gnu-pop3d:

Apr 24 21:45:32 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line
6: can't verify hostname: gethostbyname(firestarter.lawnet) failed
Apr 24 21:45:32 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line
6: can't verify hostname: gethostbyname(firestarter.lawnet) failed
Apr 24 21:45:32 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: connect from
Apr 24 21:45:32 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: Incoming connection opened
Apr 24 21:45:32 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: User 'stephen' logged in with
mailbox 'stephen'
Apr 24 21:45:35 cx633007-b gnu-pop3d[657]: Session ended for user: stephen

i /thought/ that my hosts.allow was set up correctly, but apparently not.
here it is:

# cat /etc/hosts.allow
ALL: LOCAL,,, 209.42.193.
gnu-pop3d: ALL

what do i need to change to stop gnu-pop3d from flooding my log files?

- -- 
linux :
buck  :
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [perl] glob() and filenames w/ spaces

2001-04-25 Thread John R Lenton
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 01:37:39AM +0200, Sven Burgener wrote:
 How do I deal with the situation where glob(*) is used and where there
 are files that contain spaces in their file names?

what situation?

$ touch a\ b c\ d
$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r--1 john john0 Apr 25 01:25 a b
-rw-rw-r--1 john john0 Apr 25 01:25 c d
$ perl -w
my @files = glob(*);
foreach my $f (@files)
open(F, $f) or die $!;
print F hello\n;
close F or die $!
$ cat a\ b

so the problem is...?

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite.
-- Winston Churchill, on formal declarations of war

Description: PGP signature

Package Installation Problem (Debian Linux)

2001-04-25 Thread sujit_pandit
Dear Sir, 
I have a PC with 20GB Hard disk, 810 Intel Chipset Motherboard and P-III 700 
In my hard disk, there are two partition, First partition (i.e Pri. Dos 
contain Windows'98 OS. I have already installed Debian Linux in my Second 
after installation I am facing various problem, please solve my proble. 
Problem 1: After Installation ( your mentioned procedure which was avalable in 
CD) , I found that all the files are not installed. 
Problem 2: Xwindow is not working.There I found a error message. 
Thanking you 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a free web based e-mail service that also pays!!!

Package Installation Problem (Debian Linux)

2001-04-25 Thread sujit_pandit
Dear Sir, 
I have a PC with 20GB Hard disk, 810 Intel Chipset Motherboard and P-III 700 
In my hard disk, there are two partition, First partition (i.e Pri. Dos 
contain Windows'98 OS. I have already installed Debian Linux in my Second 
after installation I am facing various problem, please solve my proble. 
Problem 1: After Installation ( your mentioned procedure which was avalable in 
CD) , I found that all the files are not installed. 
Problem 2: Xwindow is not working.There I found a error message. 
Thanking you 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - a free web based e-mail service that also pays!!!

Re: HOWTO? Fix a term that has space junk

2001-04-25 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: HOWTO? Fix a term that has space junk
Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 04:58:56PM -0500

In reply to:will trillich

Quoting will trillich([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:51:11AM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
  Subject: HOWTO? Fix a term that has space junk
  Date: Sun, Apr 22, 2001 at 10:47:22PM -0400
  In reply to:Mark Hurley
  it clears the screen if you type   reset  but
  I do it so often I added this to my .inputrc file
  # Reset terminal on F1
  \033[[A: reset\C-M
  So now a F1 does it.
 cool! mind if i add that to my newbie tips? :)
 Go ahead, thats what its for.  :)
 Would you like RXVT to have more than 80 COLUMNS or 24 ROWS? For an
 rxvt session, running under X, specify how many rows and columns
 you want:
   rxvt -g 132x30 
 Try man rxvt for more info.

The problem with program verifiers is that they tend to cheat at toy
problems in order to get results.

Re: Package Installation Problem (Debian Linux)

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 04:34:42AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Sir, 
 I have a PC with 20GB Hard disk, 810 Intel Chipset Motherboard and P-III 700 
 In my hard disk, there are two partition, First partition (i.e Pri. Dos 
 contain Windows'98 OS. I have already installed Debian Linux in my Second 
 after installation I am facing various problem, please solve my proble. 
 Problem 1: After Installation ( your mentioned procedure which was avalable 
 in your 
 CD) , I found that all the files are not installed. 
 Problem 2: Xwindow is not working.There I found a error message. 

Your going to have to provide more information here.  

1. What files weren't installed?  Any error messages?
   To install additional packages use apt-get  See the man page for
   more info but -
   # apt-get install package name
   You might also want to run -
   # apt-get update
   # apt-get upgrade

2. What is the error message you found?  
   Run -
   to create 

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Debian install on RAID hardware

2001-04-25 Thread Jason Pepas
hey raf

I dont know that much about this kind of thing, but it looks like no one
else with more knowledge has stepped up to bat.

 The most recent megaraid driver available for 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels
 megaraid-1.14g-ac, as found in Alan Cox's kernel 2.4.2-ac24.

that 2.4.2-ac24 is probably a kernel patch (by alan cox).  If so, you
need to patch the 2.4.2 kernel source with that patch, compile it, then
load it onto the debian installer floppy and configure the debian
installer floppy to use that kernel instead of the default one.

unfortunately, I have no idea how to patch a kernel or to make a custom
installer floppy.

but surely, someone else on this list does, and perhaps this will
motivate them to speak.


- Original Message -
From: Rafael Hinojosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 10:47 PM
Subject: Debian install on RAID hardware

 Here I go again, one more time.  This time I'm only asking a simple

 How does one go about installing drivers from a floppy to install
 from the CD?

 Booting from the CD gets us to:

 megaraid: v1.11 (Aug 23, 2000)
 megaraid: found 0x8086:0x1960:idx0:bus1:slot10:func1
 scsi2: found MegaRAID controller at 0xd0004008, IRQ:11


 trying to boot from floppies gets us to the installer, but if we try
 initialize the HD or load drivers, or configure modules, we can't
 it says we need to to initialize the HD first.  I think we got the
 floppies :-(

 From Matt Domsch's Linux Page:
 The most recent megaraid driver available for 2.2.x and 2.4.x kernels
 megaraid-1.14g-ac, as found in Alan Cox's kernel 2.4.2-ac24.

 I'm rather new at kernel hacking...  Can we load this to a floppy? or
 append it to the CD to get it to recognize the HD's attached to the

 Any, ANY, help would be appreciated.


 Rafael A. Hinojosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Original Message:

 Hello everyone,

 I'm not exactly sure if this question should be posted to this list,
or to
 another more specific list.  If so, do let me know.

 The organization I belong to just received a new Dell PowerEdge 1400
 the PercRAID 2/DC dual channel RAID card.  Current plans are to use
 machine to replace an old server.

 This question has probably been addressed before but I'll go ahead and
 ask.  We would like to know what needs to get done for Debian to see
 install on this machine...  I've had a previous experience with a
 config on a seperate Dell server with RedHat (in fact very similar).
 solution there was to use RH7 or a 2.4 kernel.  Where would I get a
 install disk that ran 2.4?

 We've already scoured the web for information pertaining to the
 phase.  In fact, we were able to download driver disks to successfully
 the RAID card during boot.  Before that, the machine just hung while
 probing the card.

 Once we were able to get to the installer screen, the other problem we
 into came during partitioning.  The installer didn't even see a disk.
 not quite sure what we are missing.  My guess is that we would have to
 partition the logical RAID volume to be recognized by the installer.
 haven't had the time to search through /dev or dmesg to see if a
 comes up.  I'm guessing that I could try doing it that way, finding
 device and then trying to initiallize the drive from a console shell
 the installer has come up...  Yes?

 My other approach is to find a spare disk, insert it into the machine
 attempt to install on a non-RAID volume.  This brings me to the
 can Debian be installed on a RAID volume?

 If anyone has had any previous experience getting this card to work
 Debian, some advice would be appreciated.

 Sorry for the long-winded e-mail; Thanks,


 Rafael A. Hinojosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: help with php4 and horde (now working)

2001-04-25 Thread John Baillie

Thanks for the tip.
I also edited /etc/apache/srm.conf
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 and
AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source

All is functional.


- Original Message -
From: Kevin Easton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: John Baillie [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: help with php4 and horde


 As it happens, I did just this the other day.  All I had to do to get
 horde/IMP working with php4 (apart from installing the additional packages
 required by IMP such as php4-imap) was to edit the file
 /etc/apache/mime.types, commenting out the line:

 application/x-httpd-php3   php3

 and then adding 'php3' to the end of the existing

 application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php


 This means that files ending in .php3 (like the scripts that make up horde
 and IMP) will be executed by the php4 module.  This works for horde and
 but it's _possible_ that other php3 scripts will need tweaking to work

 - Kevin.

 From: John Baillie
 Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:12 AM
 Subject: help with php4 and horde
 We have horde/IMP setup with php3, UWIMAP, LDAP and mysql and all works
 There is some school management software we would like to test
 Schoolmation requires php4 The Debian default is to install horde with
 php3. If we do decide to use schoolmation it will sit on the same machine
 as horde. Does anyone have pointers they can share on configuring horde
 php4 before I get started.
 Thank you,

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Getting package from testing for potato

2001-04-25 Thread Mark
Mike Fedyk wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:18:46PM +1000, Mark wrote:
  OK, I still don't understand how to do this properly.
  I am running a 2.4.3 kernel on potato using Adrian Bunk's extra packages
  for 2.4.x kernels.
  Lets say I need the package hotplug (which allows me to setup my usb
  Now do I do the following to get this:
  1.  Change my sources.list to contain this:
  deb-src testing  main contrib
  2.  Type:
  apt-get update
  apt-get source --build hotplug
  Is this how to do it?
 Yes, and if you get errors, make sure you have all of the build-depends

I can't seem to figure out what the build-depends are.  I tried doing apt-cache
show hotplug, but it can't find it because I only have deb-src pointing to
testing.  (The rest is pointing to stable and Adrian Bunk's stuff).

How do I use apt-cache to find out about source packages?

And I still have further questions:

When testing becomes stable later will it automatically upgrade to that version
of hotplug over my compiled version when I do an apt-get dist-upgrade?

Also, where does it put the source package and the compiled stuff if I do it
this way?

And how would I remove it later if I need to do this?  Would apt-get remove
hotplug work for that?

Sorry that I can't work this out from the man pages.

Thanks for help.


change e-mail address to

2001-04-25 Thread Kine Seng

cheers,Just Me!!

Re: Apsfilter for HP Deskjet 959C

2001-04-25 Thread Andreas Klemm
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:06:32AM +0200, Dominique Deleris wrote:
 Does anybody have an experience with the setup of apsfilter with a DJ 959C
 printer ?
 I use the following :
 gs 5.50 compiled with driver hpijs 0.95 from HP
 apsfilter 6.0.0
 I'd like to setup a rought ascii printer, a normal mode (say 300x300 color),
 and a photo-quality mode.
 Thanks for your help. It already took me 2 days to have my driver compiled,
 I would certainly appreciate to be able to use it perfectly :-)

You need to checkout apsfilter-current using remote CVS.
Look at the apsfilter homepage, it tells you how to do it.

Don't download apsfilter-current from the download section,
I didn't roll a new one... So you have to checkout from CVS.
But thats easy. You only need to have CVS installed locally,
so that the CVS command is available for you.

Andreas ///

Andreas Klemm
Apsfilter Homepage
Support over mailing-lists (only!)
Mailing-list archive

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt and the running emacs

2001-04-25 Thread N. Raghavendra
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 08:12:54AM -0700, Jim McCloskey wrote:

 Within mutt, I have the editor set to emacs. But I always have
 emacs running anyway, so there's an annoying duplication when
 mutt starts its own emacs session. Is there any way to cause
 mutt to use an already running emacs as its editor?


I don't use Emacs with mutt, but the following may be of some

First the Emacs part: in your .emacs file put the line


This starts the Emacs server. Now you can use the 'emacsclient'
program to make your principal Emacs visit any file. To test that
it works, you can do

emacsclient foo.txt

in an Xterm. This should open a buffer containing foo.txt in your
main Emacs. When you've finished editing the buffer, type 'C-x #'
to tell 'emacsclient' that you are through.

Now for the mutt aspect: in your .muttrc put the line

set editor=emacsclient

Now whenever you want to compose a message, mutt will open a
buffer in your principal Emacs. To finish editing the message,
type 'C-x #' as above.

Note that this will work only if you start your Emacs session
before invoking mutt.


N. Raghavendra| GnuPG signed/encrypted mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| welcome.  Key ID: 03618806.
Harish-Chandra Research Institute |C75D D0AF 457E 7454 BEC2   |37AD C6E1 0407 0361 8806

patching kernel versions

2001-04-25 Thread Robert Epprecht
I have a potato system, upgraded to r3, but not yet replaced the kernel.
I'd like to compile a 2.2.19 kernel. Being on a slow modem connection
I don't want to download the whole source but got patch-2.2.18.bz2 and
patch-2.2.19.bz2.  I'm not clear how to apply this patches without
messing up with the apt-get database.  How do I proceed?

Thanks for your time,  Robert Epprecht.

need help configuring hosts.deny

2001-04-25 Thread Sebastiaan

I have reason to belive that my computer is used as a relay host for
spam. Walking through the logs, I found one ip number which has no ip
name, but it connects the computer every hour or so and sends some mail.

I want to block this address, but I have not succeeded in configuring the
hosts.deny file correctly. This is what I have:

hosts.allow: empty

where is the spammers' address. I want to deny him smtp access (or
all access to this machine).

I tried to do this with my own ip, but I was still able to connect to port
25. Telnet access was forbidden however.

I use Postfix as maildaemon.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Gnus as email client (was: GUI Email program)

2001-04-25 Thread Glyn Millington
On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Admittedly, Gnus has the learning curve from hell, but I don't know of
 many people to switch away from it after it's working.

Yep - switched to Gnus, got homesick for Mutt so reverted to that and
couldn't stand it! so am back with Gnus.  If you have a high volume of
mail (500-700 - seems like a lot to me!) then the scoring system is a
real plus, especially adaptive or (moderately) intelligent scoring.

And, as with Debian, the support is terrific ;-) gnu.emacs.gnus is the
group to go for.

so here we are then
   Running Debian/Gnu Linux  
   8:38am  up 48 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.05, 0.13

howto identify missing stdlib.h after compile?

2001-04-25 Thread Osamu Aoki
Unless I compile with -Wall, following code compiles with no warning
with gcc -g -o example example.c.

How should I tell that this code is broke after compile?
# include stdio.h
/*# include stdlib.h*/ /*Not to have this for atof is the bug*/
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
float x=0;
return 0;

$ ./example

nm example produces: (Same with or without bug.)
080482bc ? _init
08048350 T _start
 U atof@@GLIBC_2.0
080494c8 d completed.4

The only difference with correct program is:
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 08048374 t Letext
-08048452 t Letext
+08048457 t Letext
 08049504 ? _DYNAMIC
 080484ac R _IO_stdin_used

I can not tell from this that this program is broke. gdb print same as
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  For my debian quick-reference, peek into:  +
+  +

Re: Does anyone know what this is ?

2001-04-25 Thread Curtis Hogg
Hash: SHA1

daytime, i'm not sure on.

chargen, as it's name suggests, generates characters
echo, echos any characters it receives.

there have been some really fun denial of service attacks back in the
olden-days, caused by spoofing a tcp session and linking the echo and
chargen ports together =)

my whole builtin services section is commented out, so i don't worry about

hope this helps.

- -- Curtis Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- --

Quality control, n.:
Assuring that the quality of a product does not get out of hand
and add to the cost of its manufacture or design.
- --
WWW - [in transit]

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 11:58:26PM +0100, Gavin Hamill wrote:
  On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Benj wrote:
   I run top, and see this process:
   7705 0.0 %  -discard [164.138.*.*]
   What is this process -discard ?? The IP (from which i've hidden the last 
   numbers) is totally unknown, its not my servers's or mine.
  discard is a TCP service provided by inetd itself which just ignores any
  input fed to it. That IP is connecting to your machine and spewing data
  into inetd. It's not harming your machine, but it will be wasting
   Do you think I should kill it ?
  More than that, I'd disable discard, and it's friends daytime, echo, and
  chargen in /etc/inetd.conf. then '/etc/init.d/inetd restart'

 okay, now for the Big Question -- why? i.e. is there a danger
 in offering the 'daytime','echo', etc services from xinetd?

 Looking to use your Debian machine as a FIREWALL? No problem!
 Try apt-get install ipmasq... After you've got your
 /etc/network/interfaces file set up properly, ipmasq will
 save you lots of work, setting up firewall and routing
 tables automatically.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


Re: Gnus as email client (was: GUI Email program)

2001-04-25 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hello Jan,

* Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote:

 Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I would like to know what is it that you like so much about
 I used mutt for years. Now I change to gnus, because I want to use my
 newsgroups and my mailinglists in the same way. Without the usenet and
 without high-traffic mailinglists like debian-user I would stay with
 mutt. It sucks less. ;-)

There is a fine patch out for giving Mutt NNTP-abilities.
Yeah it's great.

I've made some unofficial deb's:
# Packman
deb unstable/i386/
deb-src unstable/src/

same for stable.


It's naive to assume that just installing a firewall is going to protect 
you from all potential security threat. That assumption creates a false 
sense of security, and having a false sense of security is worse than having 
no security at all.
-- Kevin Mitnick

Re: Getting package from testing for potato

2001-04-25 Thread Harry Henry Gebel
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 04:15:09PM +1000, Mark wrote:

 I can't seem to figure out what the build-depends are.  I tried doing
 apt-cache show hotplug, but it can't find it because I only have deb-src
 pointing to testing.  (The rest is pointing to stable and Adrian Bunk's

Use the command

apt-get build-dep hotplug

to fulfill hotplugs's build dependencies. Sometimes this will give you an
error that it can't find one (or more) of the packages needed to fill the
build dependancies; if this is the case build them from source first (using
`apt-get build-dep` and `fakeroot apt-get -b source`).

Harry Henry Gebel
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
GPG encrypted email gladly accepted. Key ID: B853FFFE
Fingerprint: 15A6 F58D AEED 5680 B41A  61FE 5A5F BB51 B853 FFFE

Description: PGP signature

Re: Can't find modules - but they work

2001-04-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Glyn Millington ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:10:40AM +0100, Glyn Millington wrote:
  On boot up I get messages relating to several modules eg
  lp modprobe  can't locate module  lp.
  ppp modprobe  can't locate module ppp
  When you rebuilt your kernel, you built these things into the kernel
  instead of keeping them as external modules, but modules.conf didn't
  get told about it, so your system is still trying to load the modules
  it no longer needs.  I just ignore it, but you should be able to get
  rid of the messages by updating the files in /etc/modutils/ and then
  running update-modules.
 Great!  Many thanks for this - its been puzzling me for some time.  Can I
 add another question - how _should_ modules.conf be told about it?

You've probably got modules listed in /etc/modules that you no longer
need as you've built them in. This file got written when you
originally installed Debian, and must be maintained manually.

/etc/modutils/modules.conf can contain all sorts of redundant info
without any noticeable effects.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

SMTP problem!!

2001-04-25 Thread timohart


My Mailprogram (kmail) works very well, only if i like to send with SMTP
it refuses to work. I'm shure that the configuration of kmail is correct.
So i think tere must be another tool of Woody that is not configured for
work with SMTP protocols. Does anybody know which it is and wchich file
i have to edit?

Will hope so!


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Description: Binary data

Re: How to remove messages from mbox based on relative date?

2001-04-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting Mike Fedyk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 I've looked into this, and neither procmail nor formail have any facilities
 to process mail based on date, unless it's the current date.
 You could have mail put in a folder 04-2001 for instance, but that is based
 on the current date and not the date in  the message.  You could probably do
 some matching on the date: header but I don't want to do that.

Your two paragraphs appear to contradict each other.

If you process email using the Date: header, then you're basing
your processing on the date it was allegedly sent.

If you process email using the output of the date command, then
you're basing your processing on the current date.

Obviously the examples in man procmailex concentrate on the latter
because people use procmail to process their live incoming mail (and
some of it will have bizarre Date: headers anyway).

OTOH man formail's example uses the Date: header, partly as an excuse
to warn of the dangers of using the -a switch which writes From_
lines in what is probably going to be a format that mailers can't grok.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


2001-04-25 Thread timohart

Hey You!! :-)

Is there any possibility to install a tool on my HD which i can use to
send SMS'es directly fom my machine by using my ISP?

If yes please tell me! I use Woody. Is there any package?


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

Description: Binary data

cron: nth weekday of month?

2001-04-25 Thread Karsten M. Self
I've got a job I'd like to run once a month, on a set day of the week,
say, the first Sunday of the month.  Suggestions as to how to do this
with cron?

My understanding is that I can specify day of month, or weekday, but if
both are specified the condition is treated as an OR (if first week of
month OR Sunday, then do...).  


48 2 1 * 7 do-stuff

...would run on the first of the month, and each Sunday.

I could set a job to run either each Sunday, or each of the first seven
days of the month, and test the appropriate other condition.  Or
schedule an 'at' job for the first coming Sunday (at a later time than
the cron job runs).  Actually, this last is probably the cleanest

1 0 1 * * echo command -args | at 1:07 sunday

...should do the trick.

You're scheduling a command to schedule a command.

For the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of the month, change the day to the 8th,
15th, or 22nd, respectively.

Thoughts, anyone?

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian newbie tip-of-the-day signature script

2001-04-25 Thread Karl E. Jorgensen
On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 05:26:57PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
   BTW --
   i got this idea from the postgresql pg-general mailing list; they
   append a random tip to each outgoing message. (i've only seen five
   distinct tips, which ain't too impressive, but the concept is gold.)
  Sounds like a signify to me :-)
 hey, have i been slighted? :) what's a signify? i'm not familiar
 with its use as a noun.

Debian package name signify - semi-random signature creator.
Yep. English it the only language I know where you can verb a noun 
*as well* as nouning verbs :-)

Karl E. Jørgensen
 Today's fortune:
How do I type for i in *.dvi do xdvi i done in a GUI?
(Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of interfaces.)

Description: PGP signature

gnapster packages for potato

2001-04-25 Thread Mike Markley
Hi all,

I've gotten a few comments, emails, and even a bug report about the gnapster
packages in potato. Specifically, 1.3-5 doesn't support connections to the
official servers (not that they're terribly useful anymore), and in general
just kinda sucks. But, just kinda sucking doesn't really make for point
release material. Therefore, I've built the current 1.4.2 packages on potato
and uploaded them to .
Please email me if you have problems with 'em...

GPG: 0x3B047084 7FC7 0DC0 EF31 DF83 7313  FE2B 77A8 F36A 3B04 7084

Spock: We suffered 23 casualties in that attack, Captain.

Re: swapping hard disks

2001-04-25 Thread Barry Mathieu
I am definitely a casual GNU/Linux user and a newbie, so please don't
take take this suggestion as absolutely correct.

When I first used Linux it was RHat, and I definitely wanted to keep
Windows working without incident. My approach was to load Linux on a
second hard drive  physically switch the IDE cable to dual boot. Yes, I
know, primitive.

I did a bit of reading and found that I could leave the Linux disk as
primary,  use LILO to boot Windows on the second drive.

You will need more information on bootable partitions and drive
addressing (that is, hda  hdc). I'm very foggy in those areas. The
command 'fdisk' can make partitions bootable. I believe that wherever
LILO is located must be a bootable partition.

The lilo.conf file that achieved booting from selected disks follows: 

disk = /dev/hdc
sectors = 63
heads = 255
cylinders = 784

map-drive = 0x80
to = 0x81
map-drive = 0x81
to = 0x80
label = win95
table = /dev/hdc


I hope this was some help,  good luck!

On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 10:24:56AM -0500, Brian Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I just got Debian installed (potatoe), and due to the way I had to get
 the old machine up and gonig to install from CD rom, the hard disk on
 which I installed is connected to the second IDE master, not the
 primary.  The installation routine located it as /dev/hdc1.
 How can I modify my configuration so I can physically disconnect this
 disk and connect it to the primary IDE channel, and make it bootable.
 I'm booting from floppy right now.  When I tried to make the disk
 bootable during install, I got some error incorrect geometry or
 something like that, I could load LILO on either hard disk for some
 Any help is appreciated, I've got on old Pentium 100, 72 Mb RAM, windoze
 disk is 800 Mb, Linux disk is 1 Gb.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems Configuring X w/ GForce 2

2001-04-25 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:50:04AM -0700, John and Kristy Woodill wrote:
 I have just bought a GForce 2 graphics card and now i can't seem to
 get x to configure and load correctly.  I just get a black and white
 screen all scrambled up.  I have a Riva TNT 2 before and had zero
 problems with that.  This is one of the best graphics cards out and i
 would think that there would be some way configuring it correctly.
 Thanks to those who respond.

Well, I just installed a new Geforce2 MX a couple days ago and had no
problems, so I'll tell you what I did.

This is using unstable and already having X 4 installed.  If you don't
have X 4 installed, you should probably upgrade to it; and if you're not
using unstable, these instructions may not help you (in which case I
recommend following the decent instructions on nvidia's website).

It would help you if you would describe your system (which version of
Debian you're using, which version of X, what you tried to do to set up
the card, etc.)  I'll go ahead and post what I did anyway in case it
benefits anyone.

First, prereqs:
Make sure you have the kernel-package package installed, along with the
source for your kernel (the appropriate kernel-headers package may work;
I don't know), and the usual stuff needed to compile stuff (like gcc,
dev versions of typical libraries, etc.).

Anyway, once you're ready:

1. Assuming you're running X 4, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
and choose nv for the video card driver.  Start X and make sure it
works (you'll have 2D but no 3D hardware acceleration).

2. apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src

3. Switch to the directory with your kernel source or headers (hopefully
this will work with just kernel-headers; I haven't tried it since I
compile my own kernels) and run make-kpkg modules_image

4. You now have a package with the kernel module in the directory above
the dir with your kernel source; cd.. and install it with dpkg -i

5. cd to /usr/src/nvidia-glx-# (where # is a version number like
0.9.769) and type dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

6. Again, you'll have a built package in the parent directory, so cd..
and dpkg -i it.

7. Edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and:
In the Module section Comment out these two lines:
Load dri
Load GLcore
In the Device section change
Driver nv
Driver nvidia

Restart X and pray. :)  I'm in a rush so apologize for any mistakes,
I'll check over what I said later.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

problem with making system bootable during installation

2001-04-25 Thread Arto


I have problems in installing Debian Woody. Everything goes fine until 
Make System Bootable, which failed. Also Make a Boot Floppy failed, 
even floppy is not write protected and I have only one floppy drive.

I have app. 12 GB harddisk, which have three partitions /boot (bootable), / 
and swap. My bios is AMIBIOS (Bios Version 1.00.09.CS1), which have Ide 
Translation Mode options (auto detect selected) Standard CHS and Extended 
CHS, so this shouldn't be problem.

I use compact boot floppies from 
and install from net.

Before I have used Caldera, but I'm new with Debian. It would be nice, if 
the installation program could make some kind of default partitioning for 
the harddisk to avoid this problem.

Thanks for your help,


Re: howto identify missing stdlib.h after compile?

2001-04-25 Thread Kevin Easton

You can't, because it's not.  As long as your program is linked with a
library that exports atof (in this case, glibc), and you call it correctly,
there's no problem.

Of course, if you don't include the declaration of atof (which is what's in
stdlib.h), then the compiler can't check the type and number of parameters,
and the type of the return value of the function.

That's obviously bad - which is why you should always compile with -Wall.
then warn you that you're using a function it knows nothing about.

- Kevin.

- Original Message -
From: Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:59 PM
Subject: howto identify missing stdlib.h after compile?

 Unless I compile with -Wall, following code compiles with no warning
 with gcc -g -o example example.c.

 How should I tell that this code is broke after compile?
 # include stdio.h
 /*# include stdlib.h*/ /*Not to have this for atof is the bug*/
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 float x=0;
 return 0;
 $ ./example
 nm example produces: (Same with or without bug.)
 080482bc ? _init
 08048350 T _start
  U atof@@GLIBC_2.0
 080494c8 d completed.4

 The only difference with correct program is:
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  08048374 t Letext
 -08048452 t Letext
 +08048457 t Letext
  08049504 ? _DYNAMIC
  080494e0 ? _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
  080484ac R _IO_stdin_used

 I can not tell from this that this program is broke. gdb print same as
 ~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~
 +  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
 +  For my debian quick-reference, peek into:  +
 +  +

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Does anyone know what this is ?

2001-04-25 Thread Kevin Easton

From: Curtis Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: will trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Does anyone know what this is ?

 Hash: SHA1

 daytime, i'm not sure on.

daytime returns the system date and time.  Eg:

beernut:~$ telnet localhost daytime
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Wed Apr 25 21:52:25 2001
Connection closed by foreign host.

- Kevin.

 chargen, as it's name suggests, generates characters
 echo, echos any characters it receives.

 there have been some really fun denial of service attacks back in the
 olden-days, caused by spoofing a tcp session and linking the echo and
 chargen ports together =)

 my whole builtin services section is commented out, so i don't worry about

 hope this helps.

 - -- Curtis Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - --

 Quality control, n.:
 Assuring that the quality of a product does not get out of hand
 and add to the cost of its manufacture or design.
 - --
 WWW - [in transit]

 On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:

  On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 11:58:26PM +0100, Gavin Hamill wrote:
   On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Benj wrote:
I run top, and see this process:
7705 0.0 %  -discard [164.138.*.*]
What is this process -discard ?? The IP (from which i've hidden the
last two
numbers) is totally unknown, its not my servers's or mine.
   discard is a TCP service provided by inetd itself which just ignores
   input fed to it. That IP is connecting to your machine and spewing
   into inetd. It's not harming your machine, but it will be wasting
Do you think I should kill it ?
   More than that, I'd disable discard, and it's friends daytime, echo,
   chargen in /etc/inetd.conf. then '/etc/init.d/inetd restart'
  okay, now for the Big Question -- why? i.e. is there a danger
  in offering the 'daytime','echo', etc services from xinetd?
  Looking to use your Debian machine as a FIREWALL? No problem!
  Try apt-get install ipmasq... After you've got your
  /etc/network/interfaces file set up properly, ipmasq will
  save you lots of work, setting up firewall and routing
  tables automatically.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

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 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OT: palms vs hp49

2001-04-25 Thread Sergio E. Schvezov
* Daniel Freedman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 24, 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
  first of all hello and sorry bout the off-topic but i have nowhere to ask,
  sometime earlier in this month i asked about what came to be octave, 
  it was really cool. 

 I've had an HP48 for about 7-8 years, and while I enjoy its RPN and
 like it as a calculator, it is amazingly(!) slow in processing or
 anything computationally heavy.  I tend to believe the HP49 is not
 much faster.  Contrast that with the 30MHz(???, faster maybe?) RISC
 processors (strongarm??? others, maybe) that are found in many PDA's

 Hope this helps,
well first of all as in palm i mean Palm Top or handheld as in the device 
and i want to know if you know of any that run with something like octave
or can replace some of or most of hp49's functions
orry about the ambiguity in my grammar.

Killing session remotely?

2001-04-25 Thread Pad Bambury
Hey all,
someone, somehow at my workplace left a gnome session
running on a pc while managing to get back to the
login screen.  Now nobody can login to that particular
pc, except remotely.  Is there a way of remotely
terminating this session?  Any help would be welcome.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

Re: Killing session remotely?

2001-04-25 Thread punt45ACP
Get in remotely, do an su - and a kill -9 pid
That should do the job!

Pad Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey all,
 someone, somehow at my workplace left a gnome session
 running on a pc while managing to get back to the
 login screen.  Now nobody can login to that particular
 pc, except remotely.  Is there a way of remotely
 terminating this session?  Any help would be welcome.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Bootable Linux-on-a-CD

2001-04-25 Thread Mats Eriksson
Hi !

I am frequently confronted with MS Windows-infected PC's that I
have to use for simple tasks. It would be cool if I just could load
such a PC with a CD, boot Linux from the CD (not using the hard-
disk) and have the root file system on the CD, stuffed with common
Linux SW. It would be even cooler if I automatically could down/up-
load my /home from/to a file in my Yahoo briefcase or something like
that. There are Linux-on-a-floppy's like tomsrtbt. Where can I get a
bloated Linux-on-a-CD.

/Mats Eriksson

Re: X gone all goofy

2001-04-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
 First time this has happened in some time, but after a
 fairly minor apt-get dist-upgrade, X no longer seems to
 want to work. I have attached the full output of the
 command (I don't know whether it is relevant), but the tail
 end of it is as follows:

 Fatal server error:
 could not open default font 'fixed'

Odd ... I had the same problem late last week. I hadn't seen anyone else
post about it so I did, asking for help. Got zero responses.

Oh well, I figured it out in the meantime. Do this:

apt-get remove xfonts-base
apt-get install xfonts-base

Good luck

Re: patching kernel versions

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:18:39AM +0200, Robert Epprecht wrote:
 I have a potato system, upgraded to r3, but not yet replaced the kernel.
 I'd like to compile a 2.2.19 kernel. Being on a slow modem connection
 I don't want to download the whole source but got patch-2.2.18.bz2 and
 patch-2.2.19.bz2.  I'm not clear how to apply this patches without
 messing up with the apt-get database.  How do I proceed?
 Thanks for your time,  Robert Epprecht.

Unless you have the source for 2.2.18 which I'm guessing is the kernel
you are using now your going to have to download the source.  You don't
have to worry about the apt-get database in this instance.  At least I

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

installing latest version of Lyx...

2001-04-25 Thread Hannu Virtanen
on 'Potato'

There is one guy, who has made unofficial 'deb'  package of the current
version of Lyx.
After asking, if I could run this package on 'Potato' I got the
following instruction:


Here are te main dependencies:
libc6 (= 2.2.1-2), libforms0.89, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, xlibs (=

Please, check if debian/potato can be upgraded to libc6 (= 2.2.1-2) and

xlibs (= 4.0.1-11)
then let me know your results


Now,  is there anybody who knows if Potato can be upgreded to:

libc6 (= 2.2.1-2), libforms0.89, libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, xlibs (=

Hannu Virtanen

configuring two outgoing gateways

2001-04-25 Thread Erik Reuter
I have two DSL lines which each have a different gateway and use a
different static IP address. I have both lines multiplexed onto the same
wire using a switch and cross-over cables, but I only connect to one DSL
line at a time on the ethernet card in my Debian box. Sometimes one of
the DSL lines will go down and I want to switch to the other one, so I
just swap in a different /etc/network/interfaces file:

cp /etc/network/interfaces.dsl2 /etc/network/interfaces 
ifdown eth0
ifup eth0

It seems to me there must be a better way to utilize the two DSL
lines. But I'm not sure where to start looking.

The ultimate would be to utilize the bandwidth of both lines
simultaneously to simulate one bigger bandwidth line, but I imagine this
will be difficult to set up.

The next best thing would be to have outgoing packets try the first
gateway, and if that fails, automatically try the second gateway. But
I'm not sure how to even begin to configure this.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on where I should start reading?


Re: need help configuring hosts.deny

2001-04-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
 I have reason to belive that my computer is used as a
 relay host for spam. Walking through the logs, I found
 one ip number which has no ip name, but it connects the
 computer every hour or so and sends some mail.

 I want to block this address, but I have not succeeded in
 configuring the hosts.deny file correctly. This is what I have:

 hosts.allow: empty

I believe that the hosts.deny and hosts.allow file only control services
that are launched by the inetd daemon. It's possible that postfix starts
on it's own and won't be affected by any changes to these files.

Just in case it is, do you kill and restart inetd ?? You need to for the
changes to take effect.


Re: SMTP problem!!

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:34:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My Mailprogram (kmail) works very well, only if i like to send with SMTP
 it refuses to work. I'm shure that the configuration of kmail is correct.
 So i think tere must be another tool of Woody that is not configured for
 work with SMTP protocols. Does anybody know which it is and wchich file
 i have to edit?

You will have to configure exim if that is your Mail Transfer
Agent.  Which it probably is.
See man exim and /etc/exim.conf is the file you edit.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: SMS-Mailing

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:42:41PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey You!! :-)
 Is there any possibility to install a tool on my HD which i can use to
 send SMS'es directly fom my machine by using my ISP?
 If yes please tell me! I use Woody. Is there any package?

Configure exim to use your isp as a smarthost.  Basically your mail will
be sent there.  You can use fetchmail to snag your mail from your isp.
Don't know exactly how sms works.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke


2001-04-25 Thread Ales Jerman
Is there any Debian package for eZpublish?


Re: SMTP problem!!

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 07:28:14AM -0500, ktb wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:34:00PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My Mailprogram (kmail) works very well, only if i like to send with SMTP
  it refuses to work. I'm shure that the configuration of kmail is correct.
  So i think tere must be another tool of Woody that is not configured for
  work with SMTP protocols. Does anybody know which it is and wchich file
  i have to edit?
 You will have to configure exim if that is your Mail Transfer
 Agent.  Which it probably is.
 See man exim and /etc/exim.conf is the file you edit.

On second thought I think you can configure kmail to use your isp
just by configuring it to use your isp which can be done from one of the
menus.  It's been a long time since I have set kmail up.  

I shouldn't answer mail first thing in the morning.  My brain is a
little foggy:)

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Bootable Linux-on-a-CD

2001-04-25 Thread Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier
On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Mats Eriksson wrote:

 Hi !
 I am frequently confronted with MS Windows-infected PC's that I
 have to use for simple tasks. It would be cool if I just could load
 such a PC with a CD, boot Linux from the CD (not using the hard-
 disk) and have the root file system on the CD, stuffed with common
 Linux SW. It would be even cooler if I automatically could down/up-
 load my /home from/to a file in my Yahoo briefcase or something like
 that. There are Linux-on-a-floppy's like tomsrtbt. Where can I get a
 bloated Linux-on-a-CD.

Does anyone know of a live-image Debian on CD? 

I know that Slackware Linux and, I think, SuSE Linux both
ship with a CD that can be used to run a full system off
of CD-ROM. I've never actually used them, but I've always
thought it was an interesting concept. Not sure if they
can do the Yahoo briefcase thing, but it'd make a good
HOWTO for the NewbieDoc project if you figure it out.

(I think I just channelled Will...)

Good luck,

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -=- ICQ: 43599611
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

Re: Bootable Linux-on-a-CD

2001-04-25 Thread ray p
Check out it is just what you are asking for. 
They have ISO's there for download or just talk your LUG into ordering a bunch 
and giving you one of the really cool small ones. :) One of the really cool 
things about this CD is that it just happens to be mostly Debian! In any case 
have fun. 
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 02:05:30PM +0200, Mats Eriksson wrote:
 Hi !
 I am frequently confronted with MS Windows-infected PC's that I
 have to use for simple tasks. It would be cool if I just could load
 such a PC with a CD, boot Linux from the CD (not using the hard-
 disk) and have the root file system on the CD, stuffed with common
 Linux SW. It would be even cooler if I automatically could down/up-
 load my /home from/to a file in my Yahoo briefcase or something like
 that. There are Linux-on-a-floppy's like tomsrtbt. Where can I get a
 bloated Linux-on-a-CD.
 /Mats Eriksson
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Random numbers are to computers what freewill is to humans. RAH
I'm afraid it is you who are mistaken about a great many things. Palpatine

Description: PGP signature

Re: SMS-Mailing

2001-04-25 Thread Brian Potkin
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 12:42:41PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey You!! :-)
 Is there any possibility to install a tool on my HD which i can use to
 send SMS'es directly fom my machine by using my ISP?
 If yes please tell me! I use Woody. Is there any package?

SMS?  Are you referring to sending a text message to a mobile phone?  If
so neither a special tool nor a Debian package is not required as you
generally access a web page providing such a service.

You could search for `free SMS' on Google.  In the UK I use  Or have look at



Re: need help configuring hosts.deny

2001-04-25 Thread Sebastiaan

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Hall Stevenson wrote:

  I have reason to belive that my computer is used as a
  relay host for spam. Walking through the logs, I found
  one ip number which has no ip name, but it connects the
  computer every hour or so and sends some mail.
  I want to block this address, but I have not succeeded in
  configuring the hosts.deny file correctly. This is what I have:
  hosts.allow: empty
 I believe that the hosts.deny and hosts.allow file only control services
 that are launched by the inetd daemon. It's possible that postfix starts
 on it's own and won't be affected by any changes to these files.
 Just in case it is, do you kill and restart inetd ?? You need to for the
 changes to take effect.
yes, I tried that. I noticed that telnet access has been denied, but not
smtp access. 


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem with disk space

2001-04-25 Thread Jenner Almánzar

Hi Everybody!!!

I'm still having problem with the my new computer's 
disk installing linux, it only recognize 8Gb from 40Gb disk. I try enabling 
large disk through the BIOS?

In the BIOS i got these options:
- Normal
- Auto

Which of these three should i use?

Thanks in advance,

Internet  TelecomunicacionesCalle Padre 
Emiliano Tardif No.36, Evaristo MoralesSanto Domingo, Dominican 
RepublicOffice (809) 541 5652Cell Phone (809) 222 5053E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 3c509 and 2.2r2 installation

2001-04-25 Thread Tony Crawford
Harry Newton wrote (on 24 Apr 2001, at 23:15):

 I'm having a little trouble doing an NFS install on a machine with a
 3com 3c509 card ( 3 ports ) for Debian 2.2r2.

Stupid 3c509s. I just got one working after lots of headaches. 
In the end, I enabled Plug-n-Pray in the 3com EEPROM setup (but 
not in the computer's BIOS), then nailed all the other cards to 
fixed IRQs in the BIOS PCI/PnP settings, leaving 9, 10, 12 and 
15 free. The 3c509 came up on IRQ 10 and that was the end of 
hours of struggle. Kernel 2.4.2.

-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

Re: The Perfect Debian / Personal Computer

2001-04-25 Thread W. Paul Mills
News to me! Realtek chip works fine for me. But 3com often not easy.

- Original Message -
From: Debian User Jean-Baptiste Note [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: The Perfect Debian / Personal Computer

 And if we come to talk about network cards,
 avoid like hell the chipset realtek 8139, especially if you have a K7/VIA
based motherboard.
 avoid like hell DFE-530TX, only if you have a K7/VIA confguration.
 I can tell you from experience on 3  computers that they either, do not
run in a useable way (ie, have to ifup/ifdown every 30 sec when using the
 or run bad (slowdowns all of a sudden, yet no intervention is required to
get them back to work) or fill your kernel logs with tons of messages
(netdev watchdog, I didn't try to modify the kernel source =))

 Intel / 3Com rules.

 I'm an occurence of the I love GNU virus.
 Please help me spread.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: need help configuring hosts.deny

2001-04-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
   I have reason to belive that my computer is used as a
   relay host for spam. Walking through the logs, I found
   one ip number which has no ip name, but it connects the
   computer every hour or so and sends some mail.
   I want to block this address, but I have not succeeded in
   configuring the hosts.deny file correctly. This is what I have:
   hosts.allow: empty
  I believe that the hosts.deny and hosts.allow file only control
  services that are launched by the inetd daemon. It's possible
  that postfix starts on it's own and won't be affected by any
  changes to these files.
  Just in case it is, do you kill and restart inetd ?? You need to
  for the changes to take effect.
 yes, I tried that. I noticed that telnet access has been denied, but
 not smtp access.

Sounds like postfix isn't controlled by the inetd daemon then. Telnet
certainly is, at least in normal setups.


Re: OT: palms vs hp49

2001-04-25 Thread Daniel Freedman
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
 * Daniel Freedman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On Tue, Apr 24, 2001, Sergio E. Schvezov wrote:
   first of all hello and sorry bout the off-topic but i have nowhere to ask,
   sometime earlier in this month i asked about what came to be octave, 
   it was really cool. 
  I've had an HP48 for about 7-8 years, and while I enjoy its RPN and
  like it as a calculator, it is amazingly(!) slow in processing or
  anything computationally heavy.  I tend to believe the HP49 is not
  much faster.  Contrast that with the 30MHz(???, faster maybe?) RISC
  processors (strongarm??? others, maybe) that are found in many PDA's
  Hope this helps,
 well first of all as in palm i mean Palm Top or handheld as in the device 
 and i want to know if you know of any that run with something like octave
 or can replace some of or most of hp49's functions
 orry about the ambiguity in my grammar.

Hi Sergio,

Yes.  I know what you meant.  I was speaking generically about PDA's
(Personal Digital Assistants, like Palm) just because there might be
others with similar functionality that might be better for you than
Palm (with the proprietary Palm OS): for example, the Compaq PocketPC
can run Linux with even some X-Windows (or so I've heard), so I guess
it should be quite feasible to run Octave in that environment (though
I'd be hesitant myself to buy it considering MS would get royalties
from the deafult WinCE it ships with).  Instead, Sharp is supposedly
bringing out a similar PDA that natively ships with some form of
Linux.  Regardless, I chose not to comment on Palm simply because I
know very little about it (including whether or not anything like
Octave runs on it).  Instaed I shared my (somewhat negative)
experiences with the alternative you cited, an HP48/49.

Hope this helps and take care,


Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

Re: Problem with disk space

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:14:23AM -0400, Jenner Alm?nzar wrote:
 Hi Everybody!!!
 I'm still having problem with the my new computer's disk installing linux, it 
 only recognize 8Gb from 40Gb disk. I try enabling large disk through the BIOS?
 In the BIOS i got these options:
 - CHS
 - LBA
 - Normal
 - Auto
 Which of these three should i use?

Try auto.  You might have to upgrade your bios.  Here is a link for you

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Problem with disk space

2001-04-25 Thread Hall Stevenson
 I'm still having problem with the my new computer's disk installing
 linux, it only recognize 8Gb from 40Gb disk. I try enabling large
 disk through the BIOS?

Take a look at the Large Disk HOWTO here:

Specifically, sections (5) and (4), talk about BIOS options, using LILO
to override the BIOS, etc.

Good luck

Re: Gnus as email client (was: GUI Email program)

2001-04-25 Thread Ilya Martynov

JS I would like to know what is it that you like so much about
JS Emacs+Gnus?  I am not trying to be sarcastic or something like that.
JS I have tried to configure gnus a few times for using with email and
JS found it a frustration to get working.  In which ways would gnus be
JS better than mutt and pine for example?  Maybe I never saw it working
JS properly.

JS I like emacs and use it regularly, but could never understand why the
JS gnus users are so enthusiastic about using gnus for mail.

I'm happy Emacs+Gnus user. I've used pine before. One reason why I've
changed my mail reader was:

1) I want one client for both mail and news.

2) I use Emacs for almost everything. Gnus is convenient for me
   because I got used to Emacs keybindings. Gnus is convenient for me
   because it is integrated in Emacs.

Many people seems to dislike Gnus a lot because it forces them to read
their mails in quite specific way. This is because in first place Gnus
is newsreader. First time after my transition I also found it quite
confusing but now I got used to it.

Some other pros I've found later against pine:

1) Gnus have support for threading (I know recent version of pine also
   have support for this but last version I've used did not have it)

2) With help of supercite it can make very complex quoting

3) With help of mailcrypt it has *integrated* support for PGP

4) I like adaptive scoring which I use to filter Debian and FreeBSD

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

RE: cron: nth weekday of month?

2001-04-25 Thread Lewis, James M.

 -Original Message-
 From: Karsten M. Self [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:58 AM
 To: debian-user
 Subject: cron: nth weekday of month?
 I've got a job I'd like to run once a month, on a set day of the week,
 say, the first Sunday of the month.  Suggestions as to how to do this
 with cron?
 My understanding is that I can specify day of month, or 
 weekday, but if
 both are specified the condition is treated as an OR (if first week of
 month OR Sunday, then do...).  
 48 2 1 * 7 do-stuff
 ...would run on the first of the month, and each Sunday.
 I could set a job to run either each Sunday, or each of the 
 first seven
 days of the month, and test the appropriate other condition.  Or
 schedule an 'at' job for the first coming Sunday (at a later time than
 the cron job runs).  Actually, this last is probably the cleanest
 1 0 1 * * echo command -args | at 1:07 sunday
 ...should do the trick.
 You're scheduling a command to schedule a command.
 For the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of the month, change the day 
 to the 8th,
 15th, or 22nd, respectively.
 Thoughts, anyone?
It is messy, isn't it.  What I did was to put the day of the week in the
cron file and then tested (using date) in the script to see if it is
the right one.  Unfortunately, this splits the logic of when the thing
runs into two places.  I thought using the day of the week in cron made
it a little clearer as to what was going on.  I have a dislike for at
since it is a little harder to get to if you want to cancel it.  I don't
think there is a clean way to do this.  I hate having the logic split
like that but life goes on anyway.  It works and there are other battles...

 Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Re: Problem with disk space

2001-04-25 Thread punt45ACP
Choose LBA!
Make sure that your /boot mountpoint is somewhere BEFORE the 8GB point!!

Jenner Almánzar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Everybody!!!
 I'm still having problem with the my new computer's disk installing linux, it 
 only recognize 8Gb from 40Gb disk. I try enabling large disk through the BIOS?
 In the BIOS i got these options:
 - CHS
 - LBA
 - Normal
 - Auto
 Which of these three should i use?
 Thanks in advance,
 Internet  Telecomunicaciones
 Calle Padre Emiliano Tardif No.36, Evaristo Morales
 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
 Office (809) 541 5652
 Cell Phone (809) 222 5053
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: Bootable Linux-on-a-CD

2001-04-25 Thread Brad Cramer
Take a look at this site it might be what you are looking for:

- Original Message -
From: Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mats Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Bootable Linux-on-a-CD

 On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Mats Eriksson wrote:

  Hi !
  I am frequently confronted with MS Windows-infected PC's that I
  have to use for simple tasks. It would be cool if I just could load
  such a PC with a CD, boot Linux from the CD (not using the hard-
  disk) and have the root file system on the CD, stuffed with common
  Linux SW. It would be even cooler if I automatically could down/up-
  load my /home from/to a file in my Yahoo briefcase or something like
  that. There are Linux-on-a-floppy's like tomsrtbt. Where can I get a
  bloated Linux-on-a-CD.

 Does anyone know of a live-image Debian on CD?

 I know that Slackware Linux and, I think, SuSE Linux both
 ship with a CD that can be used to run a full system off
 of CD-ROM. I've never actually used them, but I've always
 thought it was an interesting concept. Not sure if they
 can do the Yahoo briefcase thing, but it'd make a good
 HOWTO for the NewbieDoc project if you figure it out.

 (I think I just channelled Will...)

 Good luck,

 Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -=- ICQ: 43599611
 Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

How to download a package?

2001-04-25 Thread -
This may seem like a stupid question but how do you download a Debian
(Yes, I'm a really low level newbie)
 My hangup concerns these preliminaries before performing a

 1.   Should all downloads be done by  root user or can any user do it?

 2.   What directory should be set as the active directory in the
command line?

 I've done a lot of web searching, read many books and haven't found any
information about preparation BEFORE downloading a package..  I have
downloaded a few packages as root user and downloaded to root's home
directory ' /root' but haven't yet tried installing because it just
doesn't seem right to do it from  /root for fear of screwing up the
system.  I know how to move a package to a different directory if that
will help, but to which directory?

Is /root a good directory to download into or is there a better choice?

It seems that Debian has some good commands for downloading packages but
here again, what preliminary preparations such as mentioned above are

Am I tilting at windmills?

Re: How to download a package?

2001-04-25 Thread ktb
On Wed, Apr 25, 2001 at 09:54:42AM -0400, - wrote:
 This may seem like a stupid question but how do you download a Debian
 (Yes, I'm a really low level newbie)
  My hangup concerns these preliminaries before performing a
  1.   Should all downloads be done by  root user or can any user do it?
  2.   What directory should be set as the active directory in the
 command line?
  I've done a lot of web searching, read many books and haven't found any
 information about preparation BEFORE downloading a package..  I have
 downloaded a few packages as root user and downloaded to root's home
 directory ' /root' but haven't yet tried installing because it just
 doesn't seem right to do it from  /root for fear of screwing up the
 system.  I know how to move a package to a different directory if that
 will help, but to which directory?
 Is /root a good directory to download into or is there a better choice?
 It seems that Debian has some good commands for downloading packages but
 here again, what preliminary preparations such as mentioned above are
 Am I tilting at windmills?

Downloaded deb packages can be installed with -
# dpkg -i package.deb

I would recommend you read the man page for apt-get installing a
package can be as easy as -
# apt-get install package_name

In regards to your other question.  I usually download programs as a
regular user into my home directory and then move them to /usr/src to
install.  I'm talking about non debian source code here.  Debs can be
installed from anywhere in your directory tree, as root.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

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