Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-09-20 Thread Francois Boisson
Le Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:56:45 +0200
François Boisson a écrit:
 J'ai remarqué que la consommation correspondait approximativement à celle
 d'une mise en veille de l'ordinateur. Pourrait-on envisager un souci dans
 l'extinction même de l'ordinateur par le noyau, seul une extinction manuelle
 après le reboute permettant d'éteindre réellement la machine. Cela
 signifierait qu'il faudrait regarder dans l'extinction de la machine par le
 noyau. Celle ci se fait elle au niveau de l'ACPI? Toshiba est assez pénible
 de ce coté là, utilisant soit un ACPI personnel (toshiba_acpi) soit un
 firmware Phoenix (module omnibook) soit un bazar non supporté à ce jour
 (Toshiba L775).

Hum, je pense que je tiens un truc, dans les sources du noyau, dans
arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c, on trouve
 * If Linux enabled the LAPIC against the BIOS default disable it down before
 * re-entering the BIOS on shutdown.  Otherwise the BIOS may get confused and
 * not power-off.  Additionally clear all LVT entries before disable_local_APIC
 * for the case where Linux didn't enable the LAPIC.

pour la fonction lapic_shutdown.
Cela ferait pile poil les symptomes que j'ai: Extinction apparente mais 
consommation comme si la machine était en veille.
Dans ce cas, il va falloir éplucher cet aspect.

Si certais ont de l'expérience sur ce point...

François Boisson

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/19/2012 11:10 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:


J'aimerai avoir vos retours d'expériences sur les onduleurs et leur support par
debian pour une machine personnelle.

Un programme peut éteindre ton pc alimenté par un onduleur.
Ce programme ne débranchera jamais ton onduleur de la prise secteur.
Ton onduleur consomme donc exactement de la même manière, qu'il alimente 
un PC, écran, etc ou qu'il n'alimente rien du tout.

Ce n'est pas négligeable pour un onduleur qui consomme entre 600 et 1000 Wh.



Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:36:26 +0200
maderios wrote:

  Ton onduleur consomme donc exactement de la même manière,
 qu'il alimente un PC, écran, etc ou qu'il n'alimente rien du tout.
 Ce n'est pas négligeable pour un onduleur qui consomme entre 600
 et 1000 Wh.

NON, un onduleur offline ne consommera que ce qu'il lui faut pour
maintenir la batterie à 100% de charge (ou la recharger si besoin
Un onduleur online, qui est doté d'une technologie faisant qu'en
sus de la consommation ci-dessus, ne consomme que lorsqu'il est
sollicité (et qq µA sinon).
Le tout s'ajoutant, bien sûr à la consommation de veille du PC qd
son alim n'est pas coupée manuellement.

* Coy a été élevé sur les valeurs de y faut pas faire
  du mal gratuitement aux gens
 DarkSoul[Away] Coy: non, faut les faire payer

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Erwan David
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 11:36:26AM CEST, maderios said:
 On 09/19/2012 11:10 PM, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
 J'aimerai avoir vos retours d'expériences sur les onduleurs et leur support 
 debian pour une machine personnelle.
 Un programme peut éteindre ton pc alimenté par un onduleur.
 Ce programme ne débranchera jamais ton onduleur de la prise secteur.
 Ton onduleur consomme donc exactement de la même manière, qu'il
 alimente un PC, écran, etc ou qu'il n'alimente rien du tout.
 Ce n'est pas négligeable pour un onduleur qui consomme entre 600 et 1000 Wh.

C'est une blague ?

Bien sûr que l'onduleur va plus conommer s'il alimente un PC allumé ou pas !

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Erwan David
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:10:15PM CEST, Gaëtan PERRIER said:
 J'aimerai avoir vos retours d'expériences sur les onduleurs et leur support 
 debian pour une machine personnelle.

J'ai un eaton qqchose 800 (je peux regarder le modèle exact ce
soir). Parfaitement supporté par nut en USB.

En fait lors de l'achat j'avais regardé le site de nut pour voir ce
qu'il supportait...

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Re: zones horaires

2012-09-20 Thread Tanguy Ortolo
Rémi Vanicat, 2012-09-19 07:13+0200:
 Sauf que si je veux parler d'un rendez vous tout les jours à 10h, le
 décalage UTC pose problème: 10h en été n'est pas la même heure UTC que
 10h en hivers...

Effectivement, bien vu !

: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo
| `-'Debian Developer   irc://

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2012 11:48 AM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:36:26 +0200  wrote:

  Ton onduleur consomme donc exactement de la même manière,
qu'il alimente un PC, écran, etc ou qu'il n'alimente rien du tout.
Ce n'est pas négligeable pour un onduleur qui consomme entre 600
et 1000 Wh.

NON, un onduleur offline ne consommera que ce qu'il lui faut pour
maintenir la batterie à 100% de charge (ou la recharger si besoin
Un onduleur online, qui est doté d'une technologie faisant qu'en
sus de la consommation ci-dessus, ne consomme que lorsqu'il est
sollicité (et qq µA sinon).
Le tout s'ajoutant, bien sûr à la consommation de veille du PC qd
son alim n'est pas coupée manuellement.

J'utilise des onduleurs online et offline depuis 1997. Ces onduleurs 
consomment dès qu'ils sont branchés sur le secteur. Touche ton onduleur, 
il est aussi chaud, utilisé ou non. Ensuite le compteur électrique 
tourne de la même manière, que tu te serves de l'onduleur ou non. Les 
économiseurs en tous genres n'ont donc aucune utilité si le PC est 
alimenté par un onduleur.



Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: zones horaires

2012-09-20 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 07:13:06 +0200
Rémi Vanicat wrote:

 Sauf que si je veux parler d'un rendez vous tout les jours à 10h,
 le décalage UTC pose problème: 10h en été n'est pas la même heure
 UTC que 10h en hivers...

Ça doit-être pour ça qu'il existe un bit appelé DST...
(Daylight Saving Time).

JoJo: Nous, on parle doucement pour se dire un secret, mais
  les sourds muets, comment ils font ? Discrimination!
O_o: ils mettent des moufles

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 12:05:08 +0200
maderios wrote:

 J'utilise des onduleurs online et offline depuis 1997. Ces
 onduleurs consomment dès qu'ils sont branchés sur le secteur.
 Touche ton onduleur, il est aussi chaud, utilisé ou non. Ensuite
 le compteur électrique tourne de la même manière, que tu te serves
 de l'onduleur ou non. Les économiseurs en tous genres n'ont donc
 aucune utilité si le PC est alimenté par un onduleur.

Hé bien il serait temps de penser à changer de technologie...

Max le nouvel an c'est quand même international
Max enfin en france en tout cas

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2012 12:13 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 12:05:08 +0200  wrote:

J'utilise des onduleurs online et offline depuis 1997. Ces
onduleurs consomment dès qu'ils sont branchés sur le secteur.
Touche ton onduleur, il est aussi chaud, utilisé ou non. Ensuite
le compteur électrique tourne de la même manière, que tu te serves
de l'onduleur ou non. Les économiseurs en tous genres n'ont donc
aucune utilité si le PC est alimenté par un onduleur.

Hé bien il serait temps de penser à changer de technologie...

Mon onduleur ne date pas de 1997, c'est un MGE Pulsar Ellipse...
S'il s'agit de mon cas, tu peux vérifier de visu que ton propre 
onduleur, si tu en utilises un, se comporte comme je le décris 
ci-dessus. S'il s'agit des onduleurs en général, oui, les constructeurs 
devraient se préoccuper des économies d'énergie, insérer un relais par 
exemple, pour déconnecter l'onduleur du secteur s'il n'est pas utilisé.


Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:24:10 +0200
maderios wrote:

 Mon onduleur ne date pas de 1997, c'est un MGE Pulsar Ellipse...

Connaît pas MGE en exploitation, j'utilisais plutôt du Liebert ou de

 S'il s'agit de mon cas, tu peux vérifier de visu que ton propre 
 onduleur, si tu en utilises un, se comporte comme je le décris 

Soit tu te trompes, soit MGE c'est de la daube; sur un double-
conversion vieille génération la conso était en Gal ~
%100 - %rendement x KVA, par ex. pour un 25KVA @ 92%, ça donne:
1 - .92 = .08  .08 x 25000 = 2000VA, avec un cos.phi de faible
charge @ 0.8, ça fait 2500W consommés, même pas de quoi le rendre

* inpaucible_be a rejoint #informatique
AddiKT1ve inpaucible n'est pas français.

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread maderios

On 09/20/2012 02:44 PM, Bzzz wrote:

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:24:10 +0200  wrote:

Mon onduleur ne date pas de 1997, c'est un MGE Pulsar Ellipse...

Connaît pas MGE en exploitation, j'utilisais plutôt du Liebert ou de

S'il s'agit de mon cas, tu peux vérifier de visu que ton propre
onduleur, si tu en utilises un, se comporte comme je le décris

Soit tu te trompes, soit MGE c'est de la daube; sur un double-
conversion vieille génération la conso était en Gal ~
%100 - %rendement x KVA, par ex. pour un 25KVA @ 92%, ça donne:
1 - .92 = .08  .08 x 25000 = 2000VA, avec un cos.phi de faible
charge @ 0.8, ça fait 2500W consommés, même pas de quoi le rendre

Quel beau calcul...  Onduleur branché, vérifie simplement comment tourne 
 ton compteur EDF,  PC démarré et PC éteint. Quant à MGE, ex Merlin 
Gerin d'ailleurs, il a changé de nom, acheté par Eaton.


Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Thu, 20 Sep 2012 12:05:08 +0200
maderios a écrit:

 On 09/20/2012 11:48 AM, Bzzz wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:36:26 +0200  wrote:
Ton onduleur consomme donc exactement de la même manière,
  qu'il alimente un PC, écran, etc ou qu'il n'alimente rien du tout.
  Ce n'est pas négligeable pour un onduleur qui consomme entre 600
  et 1000 Wh.
  NON, un onduleur offline ne consommera que ce qu'il lui faut pour
  maintenir la batterie à 100% de charge (ou la recharger si besoin
  Un onduleur online, qui est doté d'une technologie faisant qu'en
  sus de la consommation ci-dessus, ne consomme que lorsqu'il est
  sollicité (et qq µA sinon).
  Le tout s'ajoutant, bien sûr à la consommation de veille du PC qd
  son alim n'est pas coupée manuellement.
 J'utilise des onduleurs online et offline depuis 1997. Ces onduleurs 
 consomment dès qu'ils sont branchés sur le secteur. Touche ton onduleur, 
 il est aussi chaud, utilisé ou non. Ensuite le compteur électrique 
 tourne de la même manière, que tu te serves de l'onduleur ou non. Les 
 économiseurs en tous genres n'ont donc aucune utilité si le PC est 
 alimenté par un onduleur.

Et c'est quoi qui fait que ça consomme ? Parce quand la charge (le PC) ne tire
pas dessus dans quoi débite-t-il pour consommer autant ???


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Re: debian et onduleur

2012-09-20 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Merci à tous pour vos réponses.
Pour l'instant je me suis arrêté sur un modèle d'APC (Black UPS Pro) et un
d'Eaton (Ellipse Max).

Celui d'APC a la fonctionnalité maître/esclave sur les prises mais n'en a que
6, alors que celui d'Eaton en a 8 et à l'avantage d'avoir un support linux par
le fabricant.

Que pensez-vous de ces deux modèles ? Le Black UPS Pro est-il bien géré sous
debian (sur le site de nut il est marqué comme dev par reverse engineering) ?


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Re: Organización y distribución de imagenes por red

2012-09-20 Thread Mariano Cediel
El día 20 de septiembre de 2012 09:01, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 ¿Alguien sabe de algún sistema para organizar y distribuir imágenes de
 equipos por red?.
 Ni que decir tiene que lo quiero con Debian (o como mínimo para Linux).
 La idea seria de poder meter los equipos estropeados en una vlan (eso ya
 lo tengo) y lo mas automático posible volver a pegarle la imagen del
 Para el arranque y el pegado de imágenes creo que lo podre organizar con
 PXE y parted, lo que mas me interesa es saber si hay algo que lo integre
 todo y sobre todo que lo organice (base de datos etc)

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buscas algo rollo CLONEZILLA ¿?


[o - -  -   --  -
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   (  \_('  c c s
   (__(=_) s o ?

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Re: Organización y distribución de imagenes por red

2012-09-20 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El jue, 20-09-2012 a las 09:59 +0200, Mariano Cediel escribió:
 El día 20 de septiembre de 2012 09:01, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:
  ¿Alguien sabe de algún sistema para organizar y distribuir imágenes de
  equipos por red?.
  Ni que decir tiene que lo quiero con Debian (o como mínimo para Linux).
  La idea seria de poder meter los equipos estropeados en una vlan (eso ya
  lo tengo) y lo mas automático posible volver a pegarle la imagen del
  Para el arranque y el pegado de imágenes creo que lo podre organizar con
  PXE y parted, lo que mas me interesa es saber si hay algo que lo integre
  todo y sobre todo que lo organice (base de datos etc)
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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 buscas algo rollo CLONEZILLA ¿?
Tiene buena pinta, le echare un vistazo 

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Re: Organización y distribución de imagenes por red

2012-09-20 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

Si quieres algo del rollo clonezilla lo puedes hacer de 2 formas:

Bien utilizas drbl -

Que incluye clonezilla entre otros aparte de partclone, 

Puedes hacerlo todo a pelo e instalarte los servicios:

dhcp - servir una ip cuando arranque por red
tftp - cargar la imagen de arranque, es lo que mostrará en pantalla al 
arrancar por red pxe

nfs - poder subir imágenes, recuperarlas...

Y bajarte el clonezilla de su web propia pero no la .iso, sino la .zip 
que viene con los archivos necesarios y googlear un poquito para saber 
dónde tienes que dejar esos archivos.

O puedes usar este proyecto, que yo cuando lo probé hará 2 años fallaba 
aveces, pero no tiene mala pinta. Es para hacer todo igual, pero 
administrarlo via web.

Luego sé de otro proyecto llamado PING que también puede hacer todo 
esto pero no lo he implementado. Yo probaría con drbl.

Espero te sirva.


El 2012-09-20 09:59, Mariano Cediel escribió:

El día 20 de septiembre de 2012 09:01, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

¿Alguien sabe de algún sistema para organizar y distribuir imágenes 

equipos por red?.
Ni que decir tiene que lo quiero con Debian (o como mínimo para 
La idea seria de poder meter los equipos estropeados en una vlan 
(eso ya

lo tengo) y lo mas automático posible volver a pegarle la imagen del
Para el arranque y el pegado de imágenes creo que lo podre organizar 
PXE y parted, lo que mas me interesa es saber si hay algo que lo 

todo y sobre todo que lo organice (base de datos etc)

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buscas algo rollo CLONEZILLA ¿?


[o - -  -   --  -
   (\   |  u d t
   (  \_('  c c s
   (__(=_) s o ?

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Re: Organización y distribución de imagenes por red

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:01:27 +0200, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 ¿Alguien sabe de algún sistema para organizar y distribuir imágenes de
 equipos por red?.
 Ni que decir tiene que lo quiero con Debian (o como mínimo para Linux).
 La idea seria de poder meter los equipos estropeados en una vlan (eso ya
 lo tengo) y lo mas automático posible volver a pegarle la imagen del
 Para el arranque y el pegado de imágenes creo que lo podre organizar con
 PXE y parted, lo que mas me interesa es saber si hay algo que lo integre
 todo y sobre todo que lo organice (base de datos etc)

Mi voto para Clonezilla, funciona muy bien, al menos en su versión LiveCD 
que es la que he probado.

También podrías echar un vistazo a Mondo Rescue, tengo entendido que es 
un clásico para estas cosas.



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Re: Posible problema al actualizar initrd

2012-09-20 Thread Angel Vicente
On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 01:19:53PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 El Mon, 17 Sep 2012 19:50:17 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:
  Llevo varios dias buscando como solucionar un problema que tengo al
  arrancar algunos de los nucleos que tengo instalados: tengo acualmente
  seis nucleos diferentes en /boot, algunos los he compilado yo y otros
  son instalados directamente desde los repositorios. Desde hace una
  semana o dos tengo el problema de que los nucleos a los que
  recientemente se ha actualizado el initrd que le corresponde, no son
  arrancables: siempre me sale el siguiente error
  ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/lista del uuid does not exist.
 ¿Cómo has compilado el kernel?

Lo compilo con make-kpkg, previamente preparo el .config con make menuconfig.

 Quizá generaste la imagen mal... Mira a ver si lo que te dice es cierto o 
 no, es decir, si el identificador de la partición apunta al lugar 
 Otro de los motivos habituales por los que aparece este mensaje es que te 
 falte algún módulo de gestión del disco duro (sata, ahci... o alguno 
 específico para tu controladora), o que no lo hayas compilado integrado 
 sino como módulo, y no lo pueda cargar.

Con lo que he observado puedo deducir que no seria el caso: el primer kernel
que empezó a fallar fue uno que tenia funcional desde el mes de junio, el 
siguiente ha fallado desde el primer momento y está compilado en fechas 
posteriores a la de la observacion del fallo, es decir, en este ultimo si 
cabe la posibilidad que indicas, pero en el otro no.

 Puedes comparar los dos .config de los kernels (de uno que funcione y 
 otro que no) para ver las diferencias :-?

Normalmente reciclo los .config: copio de un kernel para la siguiente
compilacion, y despues ajusto con make menuconfig, pero los he estado 
comparando y aparte de varios drivers de tarjetas de red retirados en el
ultimo y tambien en el ultimo, la opcion CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_CPU_AUTOPROBE,
estan iguales



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Re: OT: Migrar la mente de un anciano que usaba Clipper 5.3

2012-09-20 Thread Debian GMail

El 19/09/12 10:45, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message - From: Marc Olive
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Migrar la mente de un anciano que usaba Clipper 5.3

Muy bueno también, para mi son las 2 únicas opciones posibles.

- PostgreSQL muy potente pero un poco más complicado de trabajar y
mantener los sistemas. Con esto quiero decir que se necesita un
especialista con conocimientos para que lo administre.

- Menos potente (es decir con menos prestaciones de cosas, aunque yo en
lo personal no he encontrado nada que no se pueda realizar con el), pero
es muy seguro y muy simple de instalar y mantener. Se puede decir que
trabaja solo.

Saludos Reiterados
|| ISMAEL ||

Como alguna vez dije, mi opción, después de ver las alternativas, 
terminó siendo Python y PostgreSQL.


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Re: Posible problema al actualizar initrd

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 17:47:12 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:

 On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 01:19:53PM +, Camaleón wrote:

 ¿Cómo has compilado el kernel?
 Lo compilo con make-kpkg, 

Es decir:

fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=version kernel_imag


 previamente preparo el .config con make menuconfig.

Entonces generas un nuevo menú con cada compilación.

 Quizá generaste la imagen mal... Mira a ver si lo que te dice es cierto
 o no, es decir, si el identificador de la partición apunta al lugar
 Otro de los motivos habituales por los que aparece este mensaje es que
 te falte algún módulo de gestión del disco duro (sata, ahci... o alguno
 específico para tu controladora), o que no lo hayas compilado integrado
 sino como módulo, y no lo pueda cargar.
 Con lo que he observado puedo deducir que no seria el caso: el primer
 kernel que empezó a fallar fue uno que tenia funcional desde el mes de

¿Y dejó de funcionar sin más?

 el siguiente ha fallado desde el primer momento y está compilado
 en fechas posteriores a la de la observacion del fallo, es decir, en
 este ultimo si cabe la posibilidad que indicas, pero en el otro no.

Igualmente convendría que descartaras lo que te dice el mensaje de error 
(es decir, que el cargador de arranque apunta al disco/partición 
correcto), cosas más tontunas he visto.

 Puedes comparar los dos .config de los kernels (de uno que funcione y
 otro que no) para ver las diferencias :-?
 Normalmente reciclo los .config: copio de un kernel para la siguiente
 compilacion, y despues ajusto con make menuconfig, 

Una vez que ejecutas menuconfig y guardas los cambios sobreescribes 
(bueno, no, creo que lo renombra a .config.old) cualquier .config que 
tengas en la raíz donde están las fuentes, es decir, que te cargas todos 
los cambios que estuvieran en el .config original reutilziado.

 pero los he estado comparando y aparte de varios drivers de tarjetas de
 red retirados en el ultimo y tambien en el ultimo, la opcion

No creo que este valor te sirva para nada relacionado con los 
controladores del disco duro que sería lo que nos interesa ;-)



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Modificar imágenes de escaner en LibreOffice

2012-09-20 Thread Miguel Matos
Saludos al grupo. Esta duda me salió un tanto liberada. ¿Existe
alguna forma de poder modificar una imagen obtenida de un de escáner
en LibreOffice? O veamos si lo puedo plantear bien: inserto la hoja a
escanear, uso la función, obtengo la imagen. Esa imagen ¿cómo la puedo
modificar para obtener el texto en la misma posición del original?
Quizás lo haya, pero no sé cómo plantear la pregunta en Google, por
ello recurro de nuevo a la lista.

Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Modificar imágenes de escaner en LibreOffice

2012-09-20 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El jue, 20-09-2012 a las 11:38 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió: 
 Saludos al grupo. Esta duda me salió un tanto liberada. ¿Existe
 alguna forma de poder modificar una imagen obtenida de un de escáner
 en LibreOffice? O veamos si lo puedo plantear bien: inserto la hoja a
 escanear, uso la función, obtengo la imagen. Esa imagen ¿cómo la puedo
 modificar para obtener el texto en la misma posición del original?
 Quizás lo haya, pero no sé cómo plantear la pregunta en Google, por
 ello recurro de nuevo a la lista.

lo que estás buscando se llama ocr (reconocimiento óptico de
caracteres), no se si libreoffice puede hacer eso o no... pero en todo
caso ya tenés como afinar la búsqueda


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Re: Modificar imágenes de escaner en LibreOffice

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:38:52 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Saludos al grupo. Esta duda me salió un tanto liberada. ¿Existe alguna
 forma de poder modificar una imagen obtenida de un de escáner en
 LibreOffice? O veamos si lo puedo plantear bien: inserto la hoja a
 escanear, uso la función, obtengo la imagen. Esa imagen ¿cómo la puedo
 modificar para obtener el texto en la misma posición del original?
 Quizás lo haya, pero no sé cómo plantear la pregunta en Google, por ello
 recurro de nuevo a la lista.

Si necesitas manipular la imagen lo normal es que lo hagas dos pasos: 
edición (con importación) e inserción.

Puedes capturar la imagen desde un programa de retoque fotográfico (como 
The GIMP) que soporte TWAIN y que te permita hacer los cambios que 
necesites (voltear, espejar -vaya palabro- añadir textos, alterar 

Después guardas la imagen con los cambios y la insertas en LibreOffice. 
Más que nada porque las opciones de manipulación de imágenes que te 
ofrece LO no son muy avanzadas.



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Re: Posible problema al actualizar initrd

2012-09-20 Thread Angel Vicente
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 03:59:57PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 17:47:12 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:
  On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 01:19:53PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  ¿Cómo has compilado el kernel?
  Lo compilo con make-kpkg, 
 Es decir:
 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=version kernel_imag


  previamente preparo el .config con make menuconfig.
 Entonces generas un nuevo menú con cada compilación.

Reviso el .config del kernel anterior, generalmente no hay grandes cambios

  Quizá generaste la imagen mal... Mira a ver si lo que te dice es cierto
  o no, es decir, si el identificador de la partición apunta al lugar
  Otro de los motivos habituales por los que aparece este mensaje es que
  te falte algún módulo de gestión del disco duro (sata, ahci... o alguno
  específico para tu controladora), o que no lo hayas compilado integrado
  sino como módulo, y no lo pueda cargar.
  Con lo que he observado puedo deducir que no seria el caso: el primer
  kernel que empezó a fallar fue uno que tenia funcional desde el mes de
 ¿Y dejó de funcionar sin más?

No estoy seguro, pero creo que fue despues de actualizar algun paquete que
desencadeno el update-initramfs.

  el siguiente ha fallado desde el primer momento y está compilado
  en fechas posteriores a la de la observacion del fallo, es decir, en
  este ultimo si cabe la posibilidad que indicas, pero en el otro no.
 Igualmente convendría que descartaras lo que te dice el mensaje de error 
 (es decir, que el cargador de arranque apunta al disco/partición 
 correcto), cosas más tontunas he visto.
  Puedes comparar los dos .config de los kernels (de uno que funcione y
  otro que no) para ver las diferencias :-?
  Normalmente reciclo los .config: copio de un kernel para la siguiente
  compilacion, y despues ajusto con make menuconfig, 
 Una vez que ejecutas menuconfig y guardas los cambios sobreescribes 
 (bueno, no, creo que lo renombra a .config.old) cualquier .config que 
 tengas en la raíz donde están las fuentes, es decir, que te cargas todos 
 los cambios que estuvieran en el .config original reutilziado.

He arrancado con un CD de rescate y chequeado las particiones, como indicaba
el compañero Daniel, no se han hallado errores y los arranques siguen haciendo 
lo mismo.

Transcribo los errores de udev como sugeria el compañero Juan Antonio (mis
disculpas por no habe leido antes su mensaje)

udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family not supported by protocol
error initializing udev control socket (este mensaje sale dos veces seguidas)
udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family no supported by protocol
udevadm[364]: error getting socket: Address family not suported by protocol

¿Es posible que el error este relacionado con udev?, el udev lo actualice,
pero fue en agosto, no creo que tenga que ver.


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Re: Posible problema al actualizar initrd

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 18:28:35 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:

 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 03:59:57PM +, Camaleón wrote:


 ¿Y dejó de funcionar sin más?
 No estoy seguro, pero creo que fue despues de actualizar algun paquete
 que desencadeno el update-initramfs.


Hum... ¿has intentado iniciar el sistema directa y manualmente desde 
GRUB2? Esto te podría dar más pistas sobre el origen del problema. Tienes 
una guía con los pasos aquí:

 He arrancado con un CD de rescate y chequeado las particiones, como
 indicaba el compañero Daniel, no se han hallado errores y los arranques
 siguen haciendo lo mismo.
 Transcribo los errores de udev como sugeria el compañero Juan Antonio
 (mis disculpas por no habe leido antes su mensaje)
 udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family not supported by protocol 
 error initializing udev control socket 
 (este mensaje sale dos veces seguidas)
 udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family no supported by protocol 
 udevadm[364]: error getting socket: Address family not suported by protocol
 ¿Es posible que el error este relacionado con udev?, el udev lo
 actualice, pero fue en agosto, no creo que tenga que ver.

A ver... con ese mensaje en concreto no creo tenga relación tu problema, 
pero sí recuerdo que en las notas de la versión de Squeeze indicaban que en 
algunos casos concretos había que iniciar el kernel con el parámetro 
rootdelay=9 para darle tiempo a la partición raíz para que se montara pero 
no sé, este argumento parece un poco cogido con pinzas aunque probarlo no 
te costará nada.



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Re: OT: Migrar la mente de un anciano que usaba Clipper 5.3

2012-09-20 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia

El 19/09/12 10:45, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

- Original Message - From: Marc Olive
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Migrar la mente de un anciano que usaba Clipper 5.3

Muy bueno también, para mi son las 2 únicas opciones posibles.

- PostgreSQL muy potente pero un poco más complicado de trabajar y
mantener los sistemas. Con esto quiero decir que se necesita un
especialista con conocimientos para que lo administre.

- Menos potente (es decir con menos prestaciones de cosas, aunque yo en
lo personal no he encontrado nada que no se pueda realizar con el), pero
es muy seguro y muy simple de instalar y mantener. Se puede decir que
trabaja solo.

Saludos Reiterados
|| ISMAEL ||

Como alguna vez dije, mi opción, después de ver las alternativas, terminó 
siendo Python y PostgreSQL.


Debo acotar algo que se me fue en el mensaje anterior.

El punto 2 se refiere a Firebird, ósea el de menos prestaciones que 

Para mi los 2 son opciones excelentes, a la hora de escoger. Pues el más que 
te guste o con el que más comodo te sientas.

Saludos Reiterados
|| ISMAEL ||
PD: Eso sí, el que se dedique a mi mundo (desarrollo de soft) los debe 
conocer todos o el mayor número posible, ya que a veces el cliente te exige 
un motor de base de datos determinado. Y el cliente siempre tiene la razón.

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Re: Modificar imágenes de escaner en LibreOffice

2012-09-20 Thread Debian GMail

El 20/09/12 13:08, Miguel Matos escribió:

Saludos al grupo. Esta duda me salió un tanto liberada. ¿Existe
alguna forma de poder modificar una imagen obtenida de un de escáner
en LibreOffice? O veamos si lo puedo plantear bien: inserto la hoja a
escanear, uso la función, obtengo la imagen. Esa imagen ¿cómo la puedo
modificar para obtener el texto en la misma posición del original?
Quizás lo haya, pero no sé cómo plantear la pregunta en Google, por
ello recurro de nuevo a la lista.


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Re: Modificar imágenes de escaner en LibreOffice

2012-09-20 Thread Debian GMail

El 20/09/12 13:08, Miguel Matos escribió:

Saludos al grupo. Esta duda me salió un tanto liberada. ¿Existe
alguna forma de poder modificar una imagen obtenida de un de escáner
en LibreOffice? O veamos si lo puedo plantear bien: inserto la hoja a
escanear, uso la función, obtengo la imagen. Esa imagen ¿cómo la puedo
modificar para obtener el texto en la misma posición del original?
Quizás lo haya, pero no sé cómo plantear la pregunta en Google, por
ello recurro de nuevo a la lista.


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Re: Posible problema al actualizar initrd

2012-09-20 Thread Francisco Rafael Del Roio

El 20/09/12 13:52, Camaleón escribió:

El Thu, 20 Sep 2012 18:28:35 +0200, Angel Vicente escribió:

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 03:59:57PM +, Camaleón wrote:


¿Y dejó de funcionar sin más?

No estoy seguro, pero creo que fue despues de actualizar algun paquete
que desencadeno el update-initramfs.


Hum... ¿has intentado iniciar el sistema directa y manualmente desde
GRUB2? Esto te podría dar más pistas sobre el origen del problema. Tienes
una guía con los pasos aquí:

He arrancado con un CD de rescate y chequeado las particiones, como
indicaba el compañero Daniel, no se han hallado errores y los arranques
siguen haciendo lo mismo.

Transcribo los errores de udev como sugeria el compañero Juan Antonio
(mis disculpas por no habe leido antes su mensaje)

udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family not supported by protocol 
error initializing udev control socket
(este mensaje sale dos veces seguidas)
udevd[357]: error getting socket: Address family no supported by protocol
udevadm[364]: error getting socket: Address family not suported by protocol

¿Es posible que el error este relacionado con udev?, el udev lo
actualice, pero fue en agosto, no creo que tenga que ver.

A ver... con ese mensaje en concreto no creo tenga relación tu problema,
pero sí recuerdo que en las notas de la versión de Squeeze indicaban que en
algunos casos concretos había que iniciar el kernel con el parámetro
rootdelay=9 para darle tiempo a la partición raíz para que se montara pero
no sé, este argumento parece un poco cogido con pinzas aunque probarlo no
te costará nada.


Saludos lista.

He estado leyendo los mensajes, y les cuento que me pasó algo parecido, 
cuando instalaba paquetes relacionados con el HD, (cryptsetup, por 
ejemplo) y no podía, por alguna razón, iniciar el sistema por causa de 
algo mal en el initramfs.

Si tienes algún paquete de ese tipo, o instalaste algun driver, o algo 
que utilice el initramfs, podría ser la causa.
Otros paquetes pueden relacionarse con dispositivos que requieran 
funcionar en el initramfs, como alguna placa de red, etc.

Fijate con aptitude. Busca el paquete initramfs-tools y en los paquetes 
que dependen de él o lo sugieren tendrás pistas.
En caso de deducir el paquete, lo desinstalas y pruevas con algún kernel 
que no funcione.

Cuando tus fuerzas terminan, las de Dios comienzan...
attachment: francipvb.vcf

Nerladdnings länkar funkar inte

2012-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
Vet inte vad det beror på, men nerladdninglänkarna på sidan  verkar inte fungera.
Hinner just nu inte undersöka vidare.


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Re: Nerladdnings länkar funkar inte

2012-09-20 Thread Rolf Edlund
Den 20 september 2012 18:43 skrev Anton Eliasson
 On 2012-09-20 13:06, Rolf Edlund wrote:

 Vet inte vad det beror på, men nerladdninglänkarna på sidan  verkar inte fungera.
 Hinner just nu inte undersöka vidare.

 Rapporterat till ansvariga (på IRC-kanalen #debian-boot). Det bör vara fixat
 inom kort.

Bra! Såg nu att dom funkar på den nya orginalsidan. men inte på den
svenska sidan. Antagligen där problemet ligger. Att orginalsidan är
nyare än vår svenska sida.

Många sidor blir det.. :)

Ha det bäst.


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Re: saída de som via HDMI

2012-09-20 Thread Ednardo Lobo

Em 13-09-2012 21:32, Bruno Schneider escreveu:

Estou com um Debian Testing (Wheezy) notebook LG S425 e alguns problemas.

Não consigo fazer o som funcionar via HDMI. A imagem funciona
direitinho mas o som não. O som sai pelo auto falante do notebook
mesmo, o que não é bom. Achei na lista uma mensagem antiga do Fernando
Henrique Toledo e nenhuma resposta.

Alguém pode ajudar?

Tive problema igual, esta semana, quando precisei conectar meu notebook 
a TV via HDMI. Resolvi o meu problema com da seguinte forma:

echo 'pcm.!default hdmi:Intel'  /etc/asound.conf

Não tive tempo para aprofundar-me sobre a configuração e compreendê-la, 
coisa que ainda pretendo fazer. E se alguém puder indicar documentação, 
fico grato.


Ednardo Lobo

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Re: Acesso web caindo nas maquinas clientes

2012-09-20 Thread John Martius
Poisé até agora não caiu mais, mas o servidor continua a consumir muita
Sabe se é normal o bind e squid usarem em torno de 300mb cada serviço?


Em 19 de setembro de 2012 09:54, Gabriel Ricardo gricard...@gmail.comescreveu:

 é, o buraco é mais fundo.

 tenta verificar no log do squid, syslog, dmesg se relata alguma coisa na
 hora que ocorre a queda.

 *Gabriel Ricardo.*

 Em 19 de setembro de 2012 09:35, John Martius hax0...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Olá Gabriel,

 Não achei problema com isso, mas segue a saida do comando:
 $ df -i

 Sist. Arq.Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Montado em
 /dev/sda11222992  179860 1043132   15% /
 tmpfs 506776   5  5067711% /lib/init/rw
 udev  505566 622  5049441% /dev
 tmpfs 506776   1  5067751% /dev/shm
 /dev/sda613066240   26590 130396501% /home

 Em 19 de setembro de 2012 09:30, Gabriel Ricardo 

 já verificou os inodes da maquina??

 df -i

 *Gabriel Ricardo.*

 Em 19 de setembro de 2012 08:36, John Martius hax0...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Olá pessoal,

 Notei que as vezes está caindo o acesso web nas maquinas clientes da
 Porem, neste tempo, no servidor eu consigo acessar páginas (testei com
 o w3m).
 Então reiniciando o squid (proxy transparente), volta a funcionar o
 acesso web.
 Outra coisa que verifiquei é o alto consumo de memória:

 $ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers
 Mem:  3959   3925 33  0177
 -/+ buffers/cache:616   3343
 Swap:15257  1  15256

 Os serviços executados são:
 dhcp, iptables, squid, samba e tomcat (com openjdk).

 Alguem pode me ajudar com esse problema?


Re: Satellite P870 issues - Video + ethernet [SOLVED]

2012-09-20 Thread Julian DeMarchi
On 09/17/2012 10:41 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 Is the GT630M not supported? 

Yes it is supported. The methods I found for trying to switch did not work.

What I tried was to blacklist the i915 driver, load the nvidia driver
with the modeset=1 option.


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Mplayer-gui error

2012-09-20 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

I just updated mplayer with the official ppa from
, but the package mplayer-gui broke and it can't install now :(

Please see my error message here -

Thanks for all help

IA64 or AMD64?

2012-09-20 Thread Mauro
I have a HP proliant DL580 G5 server with 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7330
 @ 2.40GHz processors.
What architecture port I've to install, IA64 or AMD64?
Thank you.

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Re: IA64 or AMD64?

2012-09-20 Thread Markus Schönhaber
20.09.2012 09:44, Mauro:

 I have a HP proliant DL580 G5 server with 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7330
  @ 2.40GHz processors.
 What architecture port I've to install, IA64 or AMD64?

IA64 is for Itanium processors. You'd know if you had one.


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Re: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

2012-09-20 Thread Ralf Mardorf
I once had an USB stick with a broken controller and couldn't partitioning  
it anymore. It was brand new, gets broken at the day when I used it the  
first time. It was warranted and I got another USB stick.

Perhaps your drive isn't broken, but one cannot rule out the possibility  
that it's defect.

I would test different USB slots and another, very short USB cable.


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Re: IA64 or AMD64?

2012-09-20 Thread Mauro
On 20 September 2012 09:53, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
 20.09.2012 09:44, Mauro:

 I have a HP proliant DL580 G5 server with 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7330
  @ 2.40GHz processors.
 What architecture port I've to install, IA64 or AMD64?

 IA64 is for Itanium processors. You'd know if you had one.

Ok, thank you, I have only Xeon processors.

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Re: FN Key to Enable/Disable Touchpad

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 19 sep 12, 20:56:26, Dr Beco wrote:
 Sorry the delay, I was very busy these days. I tried xev, and here is
 what I got. I run the program, press once FN+F3, and quit. A lot of output,


 KeyRelease event, serial 41, synthetic NO, window 0x541,
 root 0xaf, subw 0x0, time 5589764, (607,535), root:(609,558),
 state 0x0, keycode 199 (keysym 0x1008ffa9, XF86TouchpadToggle),
 same_screen YES,
 XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
 XFilterEvent returns: False

Looks good. Now all that's left is to look up where the other keys are 
configured and add it there.

Kind regards,
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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 19 sep 12, 23:52:22, lee wrote:
 No, and I don't need to test them all because Cameleon said always:
 It takes only one which is different to disprove her.

So the point is to win an argument rather than do a meaningful test?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 19 sep 12, 23:28:37, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
 Warning: invalid flag 0x of partition table 4 will be corrected by 

Have a look in the syslog for any errors during the create. Make sure 
the drive has sufficient power. Try partitioning it from a different 
computer. You could also wipe the first few sectors with dd, maybe 
there's garbage there.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Lionel Trésaugues writes:

 First, thanks all of you to try to solve the issue I encounter with Debian.

 I will come back now to some of the points you mentioned in the discussion.

  How important is it to you to be able to run Debian? Would it be
  worth some spectacles, or some new ones if you already wear them?
  (This solution worked for me.)

  Have you tried any of the rpm distros?

 I can live with other distributions than Debian, but I would like to
 use it as a base to setup a very lightweight working environment.

You can probably have that with other distributions as well.

 I found that the Ubuntu distribution contain a lot of extra-tools that
 I would not need, and their use in cpu resources is slightly higher
 than pure Debian (on the same hardware).

Then don't install these tools or don't use them.  What do you actually
need?  A window manager like fvwm or a tiling one like i3?  Something
like gnome or kde or xfce?

 Nothing has really changed. This phenomenon appeared as soon as I
 started to boot into fresh Debian installation.

  A minimum refresh rate of 72Hz is recommended (same as average human
  heart rate) to minimize optical discomfort that you seem to be
  suffering. Less than that the screen will often jump about and make
  it difficult to see properly. See if you can do something about that.

 I am running Ubuntu-based distro at 60Hz (on the same hardware)
 without experiencing this problem.

So it comes down to figure out what the difference between Debian and
Ubuntu is in that regard.  You could show us some screen shots, one from
Debian, one from Ubuntu, showing the same thing (like a web page in a
web browser or whatever application you use most of the time).  Perhaps
someone notices a difference.

  Do the fonts look different in Debian? If so, in which way? If
  they do, you could try to find out how they are rendered and try to
  have them rendered the same in Debian.

 The fonts (with the same hinting and antialiasing settings) look very
 slightly blurrier on Debian than on Ubuntu.

So that is one difference, and it can be what causes your troubles.  Are
you using the same fonts?  Can you show us some screen shots and perhaps
a magnified part of the screen, produced with something like xmag?
Maybe looking at things through xmag reveals something that isn't
visible without magnification.

 Well, actually, I don't think the fonts might be the main
 reason. Because the phenomenon seems to be very subjective, I tried to
 explore this idea because I knew some major differences in how Debian
 and Ubuntu deal with fonts existed. But the unpleasant feeling is
 present (even if not so intense), just by looking at the background of
 an empty desktop. It seems that the light is too intense, too violent
 (even when I reduce the brightness) and that my eyes keep on adjusting
 the focus with no interruption in an almost imperceptible manner.

Are you using the same desktop backgrounds with the different

 this. I mean, if I agree that we can't exclude the personal preference
 issue, I am not physically allergic to the Debian environment ;)

Maybe you are ;)

  Mmmm... At a first glance I see nothing wrong from the xrandr output,
  I mean, technically speaking both resolution and refresh rate values
  are right.

 Yes. Me neither. The only parameter I couldn't check (due to my lack
 of knowledge) is the horizontal refresh rate. Any idea how I can get
 this value ?

Entries in /var/log/Xorg.0.log might give you some hints.  If you're
using the NVIDIA drivers, you can use the nvidia-settings program to
modify some settings.

Debian testing amd64

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Re: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi writes:

 lee wrote:

 There are some warnings when I tried to use fdisk to create a new empty DOS 
 partition table. Do you know how to eliminate the warning?

 $fdisk -v
 fdisk (util-linux 2.20.1)

 $sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
 Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF 
 Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x14879ac2.
 Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
 After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

 Warning: invalid flag 0x of partition table 4 will be corrected by 

 Command (m for help): p

 Disk /dev/sdb: 750.2 GB, 750156372992 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders, total 1465149166 sectors
 Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x14879ac2

Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System

 Command (m for help): m
 Command action
a   toggle a bootable flag
b   edit bsd disklabel
c   toggle the dos compatibility flag
d   delete a partition
l   list known partition types
m   print this menu
n   add a new partition
o   create a new empty DOS partition table
p   print the partition table
q   quit without saving changes
s   create a new empty Sun disklabel
t   change a partition's system id
u   change display/entry units
v   verify the partition table
w   write table to disk and exit
x   extra functionality (experts only)

 Command (m for help): o
 Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xe3c60b5a.
 Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
 After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

 Warning: invalid flag 0x of partition table 4 will be corrected by 

 Command (m for help): w
 The partition table has been altered!

 Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
 Syncing disks.

 So, I wrote the partition table but the warning keeps coming back if I run 
 fdisk again.

 $sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
 Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF 
 Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x2c2ba04d.
 Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
 After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

 Warning: invalid flag 0x of partition table 4 will be corrected by 

 Command (m for help): q

Now that's interesting.  It looks like either the new partition you have
been writing hasn't actually been written to the disk, or the kernel
didn't realise that the partition table has changed.

 What do you mean reboot after creating partitions? This is an external hard 
 drive that does not have any OS. So how can I reboot from it? Do you mean 
 disconnect and reconnect?

What I mean is reboot the computer (not boot from the new disk you're
trying to partition, just reboot it normally).  So:

1.) write the new partition table
2.) reboot the computer and run fdisk again and see if it still says the

If it still says the same, I'd try to connect the disk to an SATA port
and try it again.  If it still doesn't work, return it.  Or don't go the
lengths of connecting it to SATA and just return it ...

 2) Is msdos a valid option to choose for this hard drive?
 Is msdos a useful partition type for you?  Try Linux, and if it
 works, you can try to change it to msdos.

 There is no Linux option. In gparted - Device - Create Partition Table -
 Advanced - Select new partition table type, the available choices are

 msdos, aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, sun, loop

Hmmm, I don't know --- I found I need to read up about partition table
types and didn't get to do it yet.  What I had in mind is the partition
type code which applies to partitions and not to partition tables.

Debian testing amd64

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Re: What is playing videos in web browsers?

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Rob Owens writes:

 On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 05:30:29PM +0200, lee wrote:
 Rob Owens writes:
  Looks like gecko-mediaplayer is the replacement for mozilla-mplayer.
  Testing it now...
 Let me guess: It doesn't work.
 I couldn't get it to work, but I may have gotten a lead.  Several
 web articles talk about using FlashVideoReplacer add-on for Firefox
 (which looks like it no longer exists), or a Greasemonkey script (so far
 I haven't found one that works) in conjunction with one of these media
 plugins.  Apparently the add-on or Greasemonkey script is required in
 order to 1) tell the website that flash is installed, even though it may
 not be, and 2) grab the flash file and display it with mplayer, vlc, or
 something else.  It also seems from my reading that the scripts that
 handle this may be specific to particular websites, and may need
 updating as those websites change the way they do things.

 I don't have time to look into it any more right now, but maybe that'll
 help you in your quest.

Thank you!  It doesn't seem to reasonably lead to anywhere.  Maintaining
a library of scripts that deal with particular websites which even
continue to change how they present the videos to break such scripts
isn't something I would want to do, and I don't understand why websites
which are there to let people watch videos attempt to make watching them
so difficult for people that they can't watch the videos in the first

Maybe I'll just remove this gecko plugin; there's no point in having it
installed when it doesn't work or when it doesn't do anything.  Why are
people creating plugins that don't work or don't do anything?

Debian testing amd64

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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Andrei POPESCU writes:

 On Mi, 19 sep 12, 23:52:22, lee wrote:
 No, and I don't need to test them all because Cameleon said always:
 It takes only one which is different to disprove her.

 So the point is to win an argument rather than do a meaningful test?

No, the point is that someone says something which isn't true, and I
know from my own experience that it isn't.  I don't need to make any
tests for that.

Debian testing amd64

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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Celejar writes:

 On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 02:29:18 +0200
 lee wrote:

 Not familiar with gimp or x3; sorry.

You never used gimp?  X3 is a game --- could be really awesome if it
wasn't so buggy.

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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread lee
Celejar writes:

 If you have an OEM license, it can't be transferred to a different PC:

Why not?  I haven't signed any agreement with them.

Debian testing amd64

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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 06:31:52, lee wrote:
 Celejar writes:
  If you have an OEM license, it can't be transferred to a different PC:
 Why not?  I haven't signed any agreement with them.

You agreed to the EULA on install or first boot, same thing.

Kind regards,
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Re: What is playing videos in web browsers?

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 03:11:59, lee wrote:
 Thank you!  It doesn't seem to reasonably lead to anywhere.  Maintaining
 a library of scripts that deal with particular websites which even
 continue to change how they present the videos to break such scripts
 isn't something I would want to do, and I don't understand why websites
 which are there to let people watch videos attempt to make watching them
 so difficult for people that they can't watch the videos in the first

Hanlon's razor applies here as well.

Kind regards,
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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 18 sep 12, 23:31:21, Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
 I am experiencing a physical pain whenever I am in front of my
 computer running either Debian (Wheezy) or Debian-based distributions
 (such as Mint LMDE, XFCE or MATE edition). Switching from XFCE to MATE
 doesn't lead to any improvements .

Have you tried just a plain console?

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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-20 Thread Denis Witt
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:30:08 +0200
Martin Steigerwald wrote:

 your bug report is not yet there.

It's now filed, I also got an reply:

tags 688197 + pending confirmed

It's a known bug and it's already fixed in the package git repository.
The next upload will contain the fix.


Best regards
Denis Witt

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 9/19/

LCDs do not flicker.

I *explicitly* did not say flicker.  I do not mean flicker.  Flicker is
perceptible to the viewer.

Minitors *do* refresh.  They do not all refresh at the same rate.  The OP is
complaining of eye-strain and headaches.  These are real, and quite
reasonably he would like to do something about it.  They could easily be
explained by a tiny difference, far too tiny to be perceptible, or even
easily measurable.

This is the second time that you have contradicted me with the same irrelevant
comment, without offering anything constructive.  Nihilism is not going to
solve the problem for the OP.



Apparently, you don't understand the comment.

LCD do not refresh in the same sense as CRTs.  They project a continuous 
picture. If a pixel doesn't change, it stays lit.  No fading.  OPs 
problem is not due to refresh, unless it is a CRT.

His problem is probably due to environmental factors.  E.g. display too 
bright, viewing angle causing neck strain, or eye strain, color 
balance/gamma subtly off, etc.

You are obsessed with refresh rate, but it's a useless thing to focus 
on, because refresh rate is about flicker, and LCDs don't flicker.

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 9/19/2012 6:49 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 00:03 +0100, Lisi wrote:

On Wednesday 19 September 2012 23:38:48 Mark Allums wrote:

On 9/19/2012 5:33 PM, Lisi wrote:

On Wednesday 19 September 2012 22:40:30 Lionel Trésaugues wrote:

Yes. Me neither. The only parameter I couldn't check (due to my lack of
knowledge) is the horizontal refresh rate. Any idea how I can get this
value ?

I still feel that a very minor difference in the refresh rates might be
at the root of the problem, but do not know how to check this.  (I really
do mean minor: not large enough to be actually perceptible to you.)
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I might know how to investigate
this.  It probably depends on HAL - perhaps there is some minor
difference in the versions of HAL in the different distros.


LCDs do not flicker.

I *explicitly* did not say flicker.  I do not mean flicker.  Flicker is
perceptible to the viewer.

Minitors *do* refresh.  They do not all refresh at the same rate.  The OP is
complaining of eye-strain and headaches.  These are real, and quite
reasonably he would like to do something about it.  They could easily be
explained by a tiny difference, far too tiny to be perceptible, or even
easily measurable.

This is the second time that you have contradicted me with the same irrelevant
comment, without offering anything constructive.  Nihilism is not going to
solve the problem for the OP.

The refresh rate doesn't matter that much. If something changed than it
has to be changed, if nothing changed, than nothing happens. For a tube
monitor the picture is turned off and on and off and on. A LCD display
is always on.

just by looking at the background of an empty desktop. It seems that
the light is too intense, too violent (even when I reduce the
brightness) and that my eyes keep on adjusting the focus with no
interruption in an almost imperceptible manner.

I suspect a wrong sub-pixel order for the fonts. If you look long enough
at the bad fonts, then perhaps even a blank background that is ok, seems
to be bad.

Yes, an incorrect setting on the subpixel rendering might cause 
eyestrain.  Getting the RGB ordering in the right order would be helpful.

Good suggestion.

On Wed, 2012-09-19 at 16:22 -0600, Shane Johnson wrote:
Just a wild stab in the Dark here, could it be interlaced?

Computers don't use fields, so there only would be an effect for
interlaced videos, if no deinterlacing is done, but for the desktop
there is no interlace.

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Re: Bug#687804: installation-reports: users are not able to review external documentation while stuck in the installer

2012-09-20 Thread Jon Dowland
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 07:58:36PM +0200, lee wrote:
 Jon Dowland writes:
  The installer (in expert mode) supports an ssh client on an alternative
  VT, afaik.  One can connect to another machine with stuff already
  installed via this if necessary. Surely this is sufficient to address
  the request.
 It requires you to have a computer you can connect to, and it is exactly
 the need to have another working computer before installing Debian on
 one which I would like to see eliminated.

I see. Is this a genuine need, or a hypothetical one?  In my experience, the
kind of people who might desire a working environment during an install are the
types of power users likely to have a few machines lying around.  Personally,
I think you should just finish the install and use the machine you're
installing to. A perfect excuse to go and read a book for 10 minutes or so.

 Or can I connect to yours any time I might need to?  Can I put software on
 some storage media like a CD or DVD with that without having to come around
 to pick it up?

Of course you couldn't.

 In case I do have another working computer, I don't need ssh to connect to
 it.  It's easier for me to use it directly.

That rules out access to a remote server such as a VPS.

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Re: EXIM in Debian

2012-09-20 Thread Jon Dowland
Do you need split configuration? Are you wedded to it? My advice would be to
copy /var/lib/exim4/config.autogenerated to /etc/exim4.conf, at which point the
Debian exim configuration is overridden, and just edit that one file instead.

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 13:18:58 Mark Allums wrote:
 On 9/19/

  LCDs do not flicker.
  I *explicitly* did not say flicker.  I do not mean flicker.  Flicker is
  perceptible to the viewer.
  Minitors *do* refresh.  They do not all refresh at the same rate.  The OP
  is complaining of eye-strain and headaches.  These are real, and quite
  reasonably he would like to do something about it.  They could easily be
  explained by a tiny difference, far too tiny to be perceptible, or even
  easily measurable.
  This is the second time that you have contradicted me with the same
  irrelevant comment, without offering anything constructive.  Nihilism is
  not going to solve the problem for the OP.


 Apparently, you don't understand the comment.

 LCD do not refresh in the same sense as CRTs.  They project a continuous
 picture. If a pixel doesn't change, it stays lit.  No fading.  OPs
 problem is not due to refresh, unless it is a CRT.

 His problem is probably due to environmental factors.  E.g. display too
 bright, viewing angle causing neck strain, or eye strain, color
 balance/gamma subtly off, etc.

 You are obsessed with refresh rate, but it's a useless thing to focus
 on, because refresh rate is about flicker, and LCDs don't flicker.

 LCDs do not flicker.

I also used a Samsung SyncMaster (recognized as *CRT* by


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force_igmp_status does not work

2012-09-20 Thread Pietro Paolini
Hi all,

I am tryng to use the command :

echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/force_igmp_version under my Debian 6.0 
distribution but it does not work.

I tried also :

echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/force_igmp_version
echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/force_igmp_version

But without success, any suggestion ?

Pietro Paolini.

Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 07:18:58, Mark Allums wrote:
 LCD do not refresh in the same sense as CRTs.  They project a
 continuous picture. If a pixel doesn't change, it stays lit.  No
 fading.  OPs problem is not due to refresh, unless it is a CRT.
 His problem is probably due to environmental factors.  E.g. display
 too bright, viewing angle causing neck strain, or eye strain, color
 balance/gamma subtly off, etc.
 You are obsessed with refresh rate, but it's a useless thing to
 focus on, because refresh rate is about flicker, and LCDs don't

I have however seen LCD monitors behave significantly different 
depending on refresh rate. Entire areas were blury, but everything was 
fine when I switched to another refresh rate (60Hz - 75Hz if I remember 

Kind regards,
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Re: force_igmp_status does not work

2012-09-20 Thread Markus Schönhaber
20.09.2012 15:34, Pietro Paolini:

 I am tryng to use the command :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/force_igmp_version under my Debian 6.0 
 distribution but it does not work.
 I tried also :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/force_igmp_version
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/force_igmp_version
 But without success, any suggestion ?

Yes, some:

1. Don't hijack threads. If you want to start a new topic, create a
completely *new* mail to Do not simply
reply to a totally unrelated message, because regardless if you change
the subject line or not, your mailer will (or at least should) do as it
is told and create a reply to this message.

2. Don't use terms like without success or does not work. Rather
tell us what *exactly* happened (program output, console output etc.).

3. Try something like
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.eth0.force_igmp_version=2
You'll have to be root to be allowed to do this (applies to what you
tried, too).


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Re: ntpd crashes.

2012-09-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
 with ntpd crashes on my server.  Time jumps forward one hour every time
 this has happened.  However I'm not convinced it's the hardware causing
 Sounds like something is causing the one-hour jump, and that in turns
 causes ntpd to go bonkers.
 As for what causes this jump, I don't know.  Some cron job, maybe?
 No I have no cron jobs.

Not sure what else it can be.  The one-hour difference suggests it might
be linked to time-zone or DST issues, maybe some code that syncs
up the internal time with some external (could be an RTC) clock?


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Re: force_igmp_status does not work

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 13:34:57, Pietro Paolini wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am tryng to use the command :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/force_igmp_version under my Debian 6.0 
 distribution but it does not work.
 I tried also :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/force_igmp_version
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/force_igmp_version
 But without success, any suggestion ?

Two actually:

1. Start a new thread, don't reply to some random e-mail in another 
thread. This increases the visibility of your message.

2. Post the relevant error messages or syslog entries (if any) or at 
least specify if there aren't any

Kind regards,
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Re: What is playing videos in web browsers?

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:27:35 +0200, lee wrote:

 Camaleón writes:

 There is also the possibility that they come up with a new version for
 other OSs.  They could add features in the new version that make it
 impossible to play videos which are compatible with the new version
 with the old one.  Once the old version is incompatible, there's no
 point in continuing to provide security updates for it.

 Should that happens, you will have to choose: looking for a proper
 replacement of the plugin or simply avoid sites that make use of an
 unsupported feature in your system.
 And that isn't a good situation.

Sadly, we can't be sure on what the future will provide, so worrying know 
is useless and wasteful. The only we can do is having a Plan B, that's 

 Well, there's not point in worrying about it.  We'll see what happens.

 I never liked the Flash Player concept: it simply breaks the way html
 stands for. Anyway, which today standards in our hands, I do not see
 much future for what Flash Player is currently designed for and
 provides. Maybe it was nice and cool (sigh) 10 years ago but not know
 (and needless to say it's buggy as hell).
 That didn't prevent it from becoming widely used.  Almost nobody likes
 it, everyone uses it, and if you want to watch videos, you can't

Sure, that's why I have it installed but again, the fact is widely spread 
is not in my hands. The big question is: what would happen should Adobe 
Flash Player starts breaking _now_ for Linux? I wouldn't miss it, that's 
for sure, so if you ask me, I wish Adobe stopped their Linux flash 
support *today* because that will force me to find an alternative 

The main advantage (so to speak) I see for this plugin is that it's 
that self-compacted (a unique .so file) that installing it is very easy 
(a couple of clicks).

 Uh? Can you please point to a site where Adobe Flash Player does not
 work? This sort of problems are generated by wrong html coding for
 embedding the Flash Player plugin, nothing Adobe Flash Player can
 I don't have it installed anymore and I can't find one of these sites

Fine, then problem solved :-)

 It's awful, with gnash and vlc and the built-in player installed,
 there's no way to tell what the browser attempts to use to play
 something.  Try [1] maybe, it opens a player (vlc maybe, it doesn't look
 like gnash) and says I don't have a divx codec installed.  Try it a
 second time and it doesn't say that anymore.  I'm sure if I could
 download the video I could play it just fine with mplayer or vlc.

The source code of the URL has/points to none swf file so whataver 
problem you face with it in seems unrelated to the Flash Player plugin.

 Ok, then how do I do that?

 I usually go to Google and search for it :-)
 Well, I tried that years ago and just tried it again and still didn't
 find a solution.  You seem to know how to do it since you say there's no
 problem with it, so maybe you can enlighten us by telling us how to.


Better that you first start saying what you have tested and in what way 
it failed for you, don't you think?

But again, as I already said, my only recommendation for dealing with 
flash based websites is using the crappy Flash Player plugin from Adobe 
until it completely dissapears from the face of the Earth (hope this 
happens soon...).



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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 18:15:31 +0200, lee wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 On Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:52:14 -0400, The Wanderer wrote:

 And what about the users who *don't* want to learn, they just want to
 have and use a working computer?


 As I already mentioned, they should go for something that suit their
 needs, like a tablet or something prebuilt that provides the less
 hassle to their minds. Linux (as we know) is not for them (or yes, but
 then it has to be properly packaged, managed, delivered and supported
 by Google or any other company).
 Why would it have to be taken over by a company?  That wouldn't remove
 the need for learning.

Because companies have the necessary resources to provide the kind of 
support a newbie requires (e.g., IBM, HP, RedHat, Canonical or SUSE are 
good examples for this). No user-driven mailing list can help these kind 
of newbies in the same way that a company does, if someone told you so it 
wasn't being sincere.

 Because Windows OEM installations are always -regardless the version-
 quick and take little time but we are not talking here about this, you
 No, they aren't.

By your replies I can deduce that either:

a) You have never installed a OEMized version of Windows or,
b) You are not very skilled user because these versions provide a wizard  
that only asks you no more than 5 basic questions, or
c) You're simply joking...



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Re: Installation

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:25:34 +0200, lee wrote:

 Camaleón writes:
 Now seriously, I already mentioned that the OS installation process is
 not the problem for users to keep linux but the afterwards, the
 day-to- day issues. And here is where the user's attitude becomes so
 important and vital for the matter: well informed users (and users who
 are interested in learning how their systems work) will look into the
 proper places to solve their problems while careless users will just
 say blow it away (i.e., uninstall) when they suffer from any problem.

 And while this is true for both windows and linux users, the formers
 still have the advantadge of being around another windows users that
 solve their problems.
 Following your argumentation, which OS someone uses is only a matter of
 which OS other people someone chooses to surround themselves with are
 using when they do not want to learn or to solve problems.  


For the lazy users who are not interested in what their systems are or 
run, a big _sure_. If there were nobody solving their issues (and I'm 
quite confident that Windows users have *a lot of* problems) they will 
look for another solution that breaks less... it can be Apple (but 
their products are not affordable) or it can be -oh, what was the 
name...-, ah, yes, Linux.

 (Is it really $250 for a windoze license?  I have one I couldn't avoid
 getting; maybe I should sell it.  If you want to make an offer, please
 send it directly to me and not to the list.)

Last time I checked (at the time Windows 7 was out) that was the price 
for the stand-alone (non-upgrade) retailer box you can find at any shop 
but now, with the new upcoming product (Windows 8) this could have 
changed, of course. 



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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Mark Allums

On 9/20/2012 8:59 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Jo, 20 sep 12, 07:18:58, Mark Allums wrote:

LCD do not refresh in the same sense as CRTs.  They project a
continuous picture. If a pixel doesn't change, it stays lit.  No
fading.  OPs problem is not due to refresh, unless it is a CRT.

His problem is probably due to environmental factors.  E.g. display
too bright, viewing angle causing neck strain, or eye strain, color
balance/gamma subtly off, etc.

You are obsessed with refresh rate, but it's a useless thing to
focus on, because refresh rate is about flicker, and LCDs don't

I have however seen LCD monitors behave significantly different
depending on refresh rate. Entire areas were blury, but everything was
fine when I switched to another refresh rate (60Hz - 75Hz if I remember

I have never owned an LCD/LED monitor that one could change that setting 
on. And I've owned quite a few.

Not in any OS, Debian, Ubuntu, SuSE, Mandriva, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo, 
Slackware, PCBSD, FreeBSD, Haiku, Windows in any form or version, nv 
driver, Nvidia driver, Nouveau driver VESA, Matrox, Cirrus logic, Intel 
driver, Bare metal or native or Virtualbox or VMWare or Xen or QEMU, any 
version of Xfree86,, Wayland, KDE3, KDE4, GNOME 2, GNOME 3, MATE, 
Cinnamon, XFCE, Open box, bare X, LXDE, Unity, Moblin, LightDM, KDM,GDM, 

Never had that experience or heard of it or dreamt of it.

There do exist bad LCD panels.  Blotchy, dim in one quadrant, bad 
pixels, pixel memory, ghosting, terrible response time, bad contrast.

Live and Learn.

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:40:30 +0200, Lionel Trésaugues wrote:

 First, thanks all of you to try to solve the issue I encounter with
 I will come back now to some of the points you mentioned in the

(for the next time consider individual replies instead putting all the 
bunch in the same basket ;-) )

  Yes, but better if you describe in detail what kind of pain you are
  feeling because how the screen has to look like can be sometimes a
  matter of personal preference
 I tried to do so couple of lines above. Important point, I used to work
 with Debian as my main OS some time ago (on Sarge, as far as I remember)
 on another laptop with LCD screen, and never experienced this. I mean,
 if I agree that we can't exclude the personal preference issue, I am not
 physically allergic to the Debian environment ;)

Okay, but the given description is not enough. Can you upload a snapshot 
of what you see in your screen and what's what you find unpleasure? That 
way we will able to give you more hints.

  Mmmm... At a first glance I see nothing wrong from the xrandr output,
  I mean, technically speaking both resolution and refresh rate values
  are right.
 Yes. Me neither. The only parameter I couldn't check (due to my lack of
 knowledge) is the horizontal refresh rate. Any idea how I can get this
 value ?

The standard refresh rate for TFT/LCDs is set at 60 Hz. which is your 
current value (unless you have a very special or super high quality 



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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 15:37:54 Mark Allums wrote:
 Never had that experience or heard of it or dreamt of it.

You obviously feel that your experience is more valid than anyone else's when 
it comes to monitors.  But you appear to know nothing at all about 
eye/eyesight/eyestrain problems and headaches.

You couldn't have heard of it, since you discount any mention you *do* hear.  
And it is irrelevant whether you have experienced or dreamt of it.  There 
must be a good many disabilities, illnesses and physical problems about which 
you know nothing or very little, and hopefully many more of which you have no 


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Re: FN Key to Enable/Disable Touchpad

2012-09-20 Thread Dr Beco

 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Andrei POPESCU 
  KeyRelease event, serial 41, synthetic NO, window 0x541,
  root 0xaf, subw 0x0, time 5589764, (607,535), root:(609,558),
  state 0x0, keycode 199 (keysym 0x1008ffa9, XF86TouchpadToggle),
  same_screen YES,
  XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
  XFilterEvent returns: False
 configured and add it there.
 Kind regards,

Is there any tip on how to find such file and its syntax? Funny I googled
FN key debian and got here.
So, of course as always, our good answers and solutions is reference for
future users.

I can find the file if no one knows better. I just need some key words so I
can use find, or regular expressions, or even google again.


Dr Beco
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. (Groucho
Marx) Looks good. Now all that's left is to look up where the other keys are

Re: ntpd crashes.

2012-09-20 Thread John Hasler
Someone who Stefan failed to identify wrote:
 ...ntpd crashes on my server.  Time jumps forward one hour every time
 this has happened.

I doubt ntpd is crashing.  Most likely something else is jumping the
system clock and ntpd is behaving as designed and exiting when it sees a
one hour error.  Shut down ntpd, set the clock correctly, and wait.  I
suspect that eventually you'll see the clock jump even without ntpd
John Hasler

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Re: Mplayer-gui error

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 08:34:20 +0200, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:


Hi, but please, avoind sending html posts.

 I just updated mplayer with the official ppa from

Update or install?

 , but the package mplayer-gui broke and it can't install now :(
 Please see my error message here -

Just a hint: when installing packages from D-M you better do not mix with 
the official ones from Debian repos, that is, if you want mplayer from D-
M you also need gmplayer or any other related Mplayer packages from 
there. This way you'll avoid many problems and future conflicts.



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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 18 September 2012 22:31:21 Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
 I am experiencing a physical pain whenever I am in front of my
 computer running either Debian (Wheezy) or Debian-based distributions
 (such as Mint LMDE, XFCE or MATE edition). Switching from XFCE to MATE
 doesn't lead to any improvements .

 My eyes start to suffer and soon, I can feel that an headache is coming.

 I don't have this feeling at all when I am running either Ubuntu or
 any Ubuntu-based distribution (Mint XFCE or Cinnamon edition).

Is there any possibility that more of the ultra-violet end of the spectrum 
might be displaying in the Debian list of distros than in the Ubuntu list? 

If so, that could certainly cause the problems that Lionel mentions, but I 
know too little about the colour reproduction involved to know whether it is 
possible.  If this could be the case, how could Lionel change it?


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enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread lina

during boot I entered the F10 it came into the

Hewlett-Packard Setup Utility

with the

System BIOS 786D7 v01.02

I felt a bit frustrated after trying the possible keys like F1, ESC, Del.

Any suggestions? Please.


Best regards,

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 09:37:54, Mark Allums wrote:
 I have however seen LCD monitors behave significantly different
 depending on refresh rate. Entire areas were blury, but everything was
 fine when I switched to another refresh rate (60Hz - 75Hz if I remember
 I have never owned an LCD/LED monitor that one could change that
 setting on. And I've owned quite a few.
 Not in any OS, Debian, Ubuntu, SuSE, Mandriva, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo,
 Slackware, PCBSD, FreeBSD, Haiku, Windows in any form or version, nv
 driver, Nvidia driver, Nouveau driver VESA, Matrox, Cirrus logic,
 Intel driver, Bare metal or native or Virtualbox or VMWare or Xen or
 QEMU, any version of Xfree86,, Wayland, KDE3, KDE4, GNOME 2,
 GNOME 3, MATE, Cinnamon, XFCE, Open box, bare X, LXDE, Unity,
 Moblin, LightDM, KDM,GDM, XDM.

I can get you the exact model numbers if you insist, but from memory, 
it's an older 4:3 17 HP LCD, connected via VGA to an older HP desktop 
(P4) with integrated Intel VGA adapter, running Windows XP.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: force_igmp_status does not work

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:34:57 +, Pietro Paolini wrote:

Pietro, you've hijacked a thread, I'm opening a new one.

 I am tryng to use the command :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/force_igmp_version under my Debian
 6.0 distribution but it does not work.
 I tried also :
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/default/force_igmp_version 
 echo 2  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/force_igmp_version
 But without success, any suggestion ?

How about using the /etc/systctl.conf file instead? :-?



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Re: IA64 or AMD64?

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:44:35 +0200, Mauro wrote:

 I have a HP proliant DL580 G5 server with 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7330
  @ 2.40GHz processors.
 What architecture port I've to install, IA64 or AMD64? Thank you.

The available architectures are detailed and explained here:



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Re: FN Key to Enable/Disable Touchpad

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 11:51:59, Dr Beco wrote:
 Is there any tip on how to find such file and its syntax? Funny I googled
 FN key debian and got here.
 So, of course as always, our good answers and solutions is reference for
 future users.
 I can find the file if no one knows better. I just need some key words so I
 can use find, or regular expressions, or even google again.

As far as I recall you are using KDE, so it should be somewhere in its 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
My on-board ethernet chip is not working in Debian Squeeze.  I have installed 
a PCI card that is working, but I would like to have the (better) on board 
chip working.

I have used it from the Linux Format remastered Ubuntu 12.04 live CD, so there 
is  obviously a Linux driver for it.

I have Googled and found only references to how well it works in Linux.  I 
also found references to its being free and in the kernel.  I cannot find a 

I have installed 3.2.0 from Squeeze Backports without success.  (That is to 
say, the upgraded kernel has not helped the situation.  It installed without 
a hitch.)  I have done a cold reboot.

The video works without any problems and I have not so far done anything about 
the complaints that both Amarok and Kaffeine make about the lack of driver 
for sound, since I have not yet trouble-shot alsa.  For me, sound is a 
pleasant addition, not a necessary adjunct.

I must be missing something very simple, possibly in my Google-foo.  At 
anyrate, PEBKAC probably looms large.

Any suggestions as to what else I could try?

Thank you.


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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Hartwig Atrops

On Thursday 20 September 2012 17:10:15 lina wrote:

 during boot I entered the F10 it came into the

 Hewlett-Packard Setup Utility

 with the

 System BIOS 786D7 v01.02

 I felt a bit frustrated after trying the possible keys like F1, ESC, Del.

 Any suggestions? Please.


 Best regards,

I am not sure if I understand your problem.

On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

That _is_ the BIOS menu.

What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when you are 
used to Award BIOS or something like that.

The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS 



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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread Joey Hess
Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
 Debian and Ubuntu deal with fonts existed. But the unpleasant
 feeling is present (even if not so intense), just by looking at the
 background of an empty desktop. It seems that the light is too
 intense, too violent (even when I reduce the brightness) and that my
 eyes keep on adjusting the focus with no interruption in an almost
 imperceptible manner.

Two things I would consider are:

* The color temperature of the screen. Many LCDs have a very blue and
  bright tinge to them, which can be painful in large doses and is
  fixable by adjusting the color temperature and/or gamma correction.
  Some LCD monitors have gamma correction settings, but I use the
  redshift program to do it, as follows:
  gtk-redshift -l 35:-80 -r -t 5800:5800 -g 0.9
  (alternatively, try a pair of rose tinted sunglasses, same basic effect ;)

  While I can't imagine the color temp or gamma varying between
  distributions, different desktop backgrounds could involve more
  painful colors. IIRC Ubuntu's tend to be more red/brown than Debian's,
  which would tend to obscure this problem.

* Inaudible or barely audible noise from either the computer or the
  monitor, possibly created by specific clocks cycles of a particular
  software load. (TV sets do this to me all the time.)
  Try turning the monitor off and staying in front of the
  computer, or leaving it on but with the display obscured to check,
  or find a younger pair of ears who may be able to hear higher pitches.

see shy jo

Description: Digital signature

Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:10:15 lina wrote:

 during boot I entered the F10 it came into the

 Hewlett-Packard Setup Utility

 with the

 System BIOS 786D7 v01.02

 I felt a bit frustrated after trying the possible keys like F1, ESC, Del.

 Any suggestions? Please.

What's the problem?  

What were you trying to achieve?


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Re: FN Key to Enable/Disable Touchpad

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 20:56:26 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:


(please, no hmtl posts...)

 Thanks for the tip. Yes, I can turn it on/off manually.

Good, that means it could be a simple problem of key detection and/or 

 Is there a way to associate the Key with the Action?

If you are using KDE or GNOME -for other desktops I don't know- you can 
create a custom key combo binded to a command which is usually done from 
the keyboard configuration module at the control center but remember you 
need a toggle button (on/off) and key bindings are usually assigned 
individually so you'll need 2 (one for enabling the touchpad and another 
for disabling it). Anyway, that would be a work-around not a proper/clean 

 PS. A bug report was filled and got itself the number 688181

Ah, perfect then! :-)



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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread lina
 I am not sure if I understand your problem.
 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.
 That _is_ the BIOS menu.
 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when you 
 used to Award BIOS or something like that.
 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS 

Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

I wish to EnableIntel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions

Best regards,

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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Brian
On Thu 20 Sep 2012 at 16:27:12 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 Any suggestions as to what else I could try?

I suppose we could look at the specs for your motherboard to get an idea
of what the chipset is but you're going to tell us after doing 'lspci'.

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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

2012-09-20 Thread T Elcor
- Original Message from Lionel Trésaugues -

 Lowering the brightness helps a little bit to make the pain more bearable,
 but it is still unpleasant and hurtful after a while.

Another thing you may want to try is to connect your monitor through the VGA 
connector instead of DVI, if you have the right cable.

Not sure if that would help, just curious if that would make any difference.

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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Lisi wrote:
 My on-board ethernet chip is not working in Debian Squeeze.  I have installed
 a PCI card that is working, but I would like to have the (better) on board
 chip working.

 I have used it from the Linux Format remastered Ubuntu 12.04 live CD, so there
 is  obviously a Linux driver for it.

 I have Googled and found only references to how well it works in Linux.  I
 also found references to its being free and in the kernel.  I cannot find a

 I have installed 3.2.0 from Squeeze Backports without success.  (That is to
 say, the upgraded kernel has not helped the situation.  It installed without
 a hitch.)  I have done a cold reboot.

The Gigabyte specs say it is an Atheros chip, but there are several different
Atheros GbE chips out there, we need to know which one.

Please post the section for the chip from the output of lspci -v

Kelly Clowers

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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:10:15 +0800, lina wrote:

 during boot I entered the F10 it came into the
 Hewlett-Packard Setup Utility


Congratulations, you are inside your BIOS menu ;-)



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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:38:50 lina wrote:
  On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.
  That _is_ the BIOS menu.
  What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when
  you are used to Award BIOS or something like that.
  The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

Both figure 2 and figure 3 look fine to me.  Figure 2 is straightforward and 
Figure 3 suggests pressing any key to continue.  Did you try?

Those examples specifically are how to find out the version of the BIOS that 
is in use on your computer, but I see no problem in using other settings.


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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread lina
On Thursday 20,September,2012 11:49 PM, Lisi wrote:
 On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:38:50 lina wrote:
 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

 That _is_ the BIOS menu.

 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when
 you are used to Award BIOS or something like that.

 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,
 Both figure 2 and figure 3 look fine to me.  Figure 2 is straightforward and 
 Figure 3 suggests pressing any key to continue.  Did you try?
 Those examples specifically are how to find out the version of the BIOS that 
 is in use on your computer, but I see no problem in using other settings.

I tried every options there, no one leads me to the BIOS setup,

I am so confused, Thanks.


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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:42:11 Brian wrote:
 On Thu 20 Sep 2012 at 16:27:12 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  Any suggestions as to what else I could try?

 I suppose we could look at the specs for your motherboard to get an idea
 of what the chipset is but you're going to tell us after doing 'lspci'.

Doh.:-(  PEBKAC.  :-(

lisi@Tux-II:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Device 0150 (rev 09)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0152 (rev 09)
00:14.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Device 1e31 (rev 04)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Device 1e3a (rev 04)
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Device 1e2d (rev 04)
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Device 1e20 (rev 04)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 1e10 (rev c4)
00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 1e14 (rev c4)
00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev c4)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation Device 1e26 (rev 04)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Device 1e44 (rev 04)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Device 1e02 (rev 04)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation Device 1e22 (rev 04)
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Device 1083 (rev c0)
03:00.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 30)
04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)


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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:38 AM, lina wrote:

 I am not sure if I understand your problem.

 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

 That _is_ the BIOS menu.

 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when you 
 used to Award BIOS or something like that.

 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

 but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

 I wish to Enable Intel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions
 in BIOS

Well, you can't enable both of them! It looks to me like the bios you
mentioned goes with Intel processors, so of course VT-x is what you
want. It looks like many of these BIOSes have the VT-x option under a
tab relating to security. Check there and see what you can find.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Hartwig Atrops

On Thursday 20 September 2012 17:38:50 lina wrote:
  I am not sure if I understand your problem.
  On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.
  That _is_ the BIOS menu.
  What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when
  you are used to Award BIOS or something like that.
  The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

 but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

I've seen an HP with a BIOS like Figure 1 - many years ago. Design has 

 I wish to EnableIntel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions
 in BIOS

No idea, my HP's are  too old for that.



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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:43:10 Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Lisi wrote:
  My on-board ethernet chip is not working in Debian Squeeze.  
 The Gigabyte specs say it is an Atheros chip, but there are several
 different Atheros GbE chips out there, we need to know which one.

 Please post the section for the chip from the output of lspci -v

04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 19
I/O ports at d000 [size=256]
Memory at f7c0 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
Capabilities: access denied
Kernel driver in use: 8139too


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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread lina
On Thursday 20,September,2012 11:55 PM, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:38 AM, lina wrote:

 I am not sure if I understand your problem.

 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

 That _is_ the BIOS menu.

 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when you 
 used to Award BIOS or something like that.

 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

 but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

 I wish to Enable Intel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions
 in BIOS
 Well, you can't enable both of them! It looks to me like the bios you
 mentioned goes with Intel processors, so of course VT-x is what you
 want. It looks like many of these BIOSes have the VT-x option under a
 tab relating to security. Check there and see what you can find.

Yes, under the Security -- OS security I found the

Intel Virtualization Techology -- changed from disable to able.

I was quite silly, in the past I reboot more than 20 times.

Thanks again,

 Kelly Clowers

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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Lisi wrote:
 On Thursday 20 September 2012 16:43:10 Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Lisi wrote:
  My on-board ethernet chip is not working in Debian Squeeze.
 The Gigabyte specs say it is an Atheros chip, but there are several
 different Atheros GbE chips out there, we need to know which one.

 Please post the section for the chip from the output of lspci -v

 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
 Subsystem: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+
 Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 19
 I/O ports at d000 [size=256]
 Memory at f7c0 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=256]
 Capabilities: access denied
 Kernel driver in use: 8139too

Sorry, that is your other card. you want the one that goes with the line:
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Device 1083 (rev c0)

The extra info in the -v version shows what, if any, driver is
currently attached to the device.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:02 AM, lina wrote:
 On Thursday 20,September,2012 11:55 PM, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:38 AM, lina wrote:

 I am not sure if I understand your problem.

 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

 That _is_ the BIOS menu.

 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when you 
 used to Award BIOS or something like that.

 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

 but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

 I wish to Enable Intel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions
 in BIOS

 Well, you can't enable both of them! It looks to me like the bios you
 mentioned goes with Intel processors, so of course VT-x is what you
 want. It looks like many of these BIOSes have the VT-x option under a
 tab relating to security. Check there and see what you can find.

 Yes, under the Security -- OS security I found the

 Intel Virtualization Techology -- changed from disable to able.

 I was quite silly, in the past I reboot more than 20 times.

Well, it was a good thing I googled around, I would never have
expected it to be under security (though in retrospect I can see
why, though I still don't agree).

Kelly Clowers

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Re: enter BIOS menu

2012-09-20 Thread lina
On Friday 21,September,2012 12:11 AM, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:02 AM, lina wrote:
 On Thursday 20,September,2012 11:55 PM, Kelly Clowers wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:38 AM, lina wrote:

 I am not sure if I understand your problem.

 On (my) HP PC F10 starts the HP Setup Utility, as you wrote.

 That _is_ the BIOS menu.

 What do you expect? This BIOS menu looks a little bit different - when 
 you are
 used to Award BIOS or something like that.

 The key used to enter the BIOS Setup differes depending on the BIOS

 Seriously?! There is none BIOS setup.

 It more like Figure 2 and Figure 3,

 but not like Figure 1 or others BIOS menu.

 I wish to Enable Intel VT-x and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions
 in BIOS

 Well, you can't enable both of them! It looks to me like the bios you
 mentioned goes with Intel processors, so of course VT-x is what you
 want. It looks like many of these BIOSes have the VT-x option under a
 tab relating to security. Check there and see what you can find.

 Yes, under the Security -- OS security I found the

 Intel Virtualization Techology -- changed from disable to able.

 I was quite silly, in the past I reboot more than 20 times.
 Well, it was a good thing I googled around, I would never have
 expected it to be under security (though in retrospect I can see
 why, though I still don't agree).

Finally the virtualbox problem

... This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.
Unable to boot – please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU ...

was solved by this.

If without google-ing, I barely know the connections between above
message with the enable Intel Virtualization Techology.

Thanks again,

 Kelly Clowers

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Re: Drivers for ethernet chip on the Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H motherboard.

2012-09-20 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 20 sep 12, 16:42:11, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 20 Sep 2012 at 16:27:12 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  Any suggestions as to what else I could try?
 I suppose we could look at the specs for your motherboard to get an idea
 of what the chipset is but you're going to tell us after doing 'lspci'.

Just for the archives: the -nn option for lspci is very useful to 
identify devices ;)

Kind regards,
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Re: Wheezy managesieve segfault

2012-09-20 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Donnerstag, 20. September 2012 schrieb Denis Witt:
 On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 17:30:08 +0200
 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
  your bug report is not yet there.
 It's now filed, I also got an reply:
 tags 688197 + pending confirmed
 It's a known bug and it's already fixed in the package git repository.
 The next upload will contain the fix.

Now see, all well again ;)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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