List Partners and Email Brokers

2018-02-16 Thread Noah Parker


Would you be interested in list acquisition specifically like Email list 
purchase, marketing list purchase, company profiling and email marketing?

We are a comprehensive data solutions provider, helping SMBs and large 
enterprises successfully manage data for marketing and communication. We 
provide with hand crafted, individual solutions to suit your business needs. We 
compile and maintain the 30 million US multi-channel business contacts with 
email addresses, 45 million Global multi-channel business contacts with email 
addresses and 210 million Consumer records with email addresses and over 300 
demographic, lifestyle, interest, and transaction fields.

Please let me know your interest and I'll get back to you with more information 
for your requirement along with few sample data to check the quality of our 

I look forward for your response,

Best regards,
Noah Parker
Business Development Manager

Multichannel Prospect Lists | Email Appending | Email Verification & Validation 
| Contact Finder | 360 Degree Profiling | B2B Modeling | Tier 1/Tier 2 
Real-time Tele-validation | Business Database

Multiple independent terminals on a single machinde

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett
I use the MATE desktop. I had originally thought I could achieve my 
goals using MATE's workspaces.

I found one reference stating explicitly that it cannot be done.

Workspaces in Mate can be individually named, but they share the same 
wallpaper and desktop icons with each other.

Therefore I'll change my metaphor.
It is routine for one machine to support multiple independent terminals.
Logically one expect that those terminals could appear on the host device.

How might this be done?

Re: debian sur clé

2018-02-16 Thread Georges

Le Fri, 16 Feb 2018 23:28:58 +0100,

SS a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> j'aimerais savoir comment faire pour mettre debian sur une clé USB
> mais avec le mode persistance. J'ai cherché sur beaucoup de forums
> mais, à part créer des clés boot, je n'ai pas trouvé comment
> installer debien avec le mode persistance
> Cordialement

 Si sa peu aider :


Re: Something eating diskspace in Testing

2018-02-16 Thread David Christensen

On 02/16/18 21:51, Johan DS wrote:

I have testing installed with a separete /Home partition.

My root partition /dev/sda2 is slowly filling up. In a few hours it goes
from 7GB to 15GB.
Until there is no more space. I used ncdu. And also did
ls and finds for big files and/or directories . But I can not find a file
or directory that eats up space.

Any body a clou?

Unix has a feature whereby a program can open a file, save the file 
handle, and then unlink the file.  Once unlinked, the file is 
inaccessible to most (all?) other programs, but the originating program 
can still access the file contents via the saved file handle.  When the 
program closes the file handle, the file contents on disk are freed. 
See unlink(2).

So, you could have a process that uses the above trick to create and 
write to a file (likely a temporary file), but never stops writing.

In any case, I would try lsof(8).


Something eating diskspace in Testing

2018-02-16 Thread Johan DS
I have testing installed with a separete /Home partition.

My root partition /dev/sda2 is slowly filling up. In a few hours it goes
from 7GB to 15GB.
Until there is no more space. I used ncdu. And also did
ls and finds for big files and/or directories . But I can not find a file
or directory that eats up space.

Any body a clou?

Remote Commands to mplayer Seem to Trigger Multiple Responses.

2018-02-16 Thread Martin McCormick
If I ssh from one jessie system to another, I am noticing that
keyboard commands that should be received by the remote system
seem to live on and cause secondary responses that generally do
nothing but produce odd error messages but something is not quite

As an example, I use one system as a terminal in to
another via ssh.  I will tell that system to start mplayer and
play a file and it does mostly just fine but if I, for example,
use the { or } to halve or double playback speed, I also see the
following message:

[AO_ALSA] Unable to find simple control 'Master',0.

Obviously, alsa thinks I am trying to do something to
that virtual pot in amixer but the system in question has no
control named 'Master',0 so nothing else happens but many
commands to mplayer cause that same message to appear even though
the desired effect also occurred.

I think this is not necessarily a mplayer or alsa issue
but may have something to do with the way the shell cleans up
after user input.

This is all relatively recent so it has me baffled.

Any ideas as to why or even better, what can one do to
prevent this behavior?

I almost forgot that the terminal type I am using is
Linux on everything.  For many years, I used vt100 or vt102 as
the terminal type but then discovered that it was probably better
to use linux which appears to be rather vt100-like.

Any ideas as to what is happening and best yet, how to fix it are
appreciated as this is not a show stopper but in the category of
kind of odd and not supposed to be happening.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ

[likely out of luck] was -- Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/16/2018 06:32 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I have no problem with different applications being open in each workspace.

What I would like would be to be able to do is have differing sets of 
applications available in each workspace.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access _identical sets_ of 

For example one might have one workspace having a set of tools for 
writing/debugging software, another with a set of tools for researching 
Mesopotamian Architecture, and one focused on creating a weekly blog 
discussing advances in fly fishing.

I chose disparate sets too convey an idea I couldn't describe well.
Is there a more appropriate tool that maintains the "look and feel" of 
the MATE desktop? Comments?


Doing a web search I found 2 references suggesting what I want can't be 

Workspaces in Mate can be individually named, but they share the same wallpaper 
desktop icons with each other.

post of "Jan 30 '15" asked:> I'm running MATE 1.8 in Linux Mint 17 
Qiana. I have three workspaces set up,

and panels at the top and bottom of the screen. I have a bunch of items in the
top panels that launch various applications and documents etc.

Is it possible to get the set of items to differ per-workspace, by having either
panels or items in them only show up in particular workspaces?

There has not yet been a response.

Both are good descriptions of what I want.
If it cannot be done in MATE, is there another desktop or approach that 
will accomplish my goal?


Re: debian sur clé

2018-02-16 Thread G2PC
Le 16/02/2018 à 23:28, saturne saturne a écrit :
> Bonjour, 
> j'aimerais savoir comment faire pour mettre debian sur une clé USB
> mais avec le mode persistance. J'ai cherché sur beaucoup de forums
> mais, à part créer des clés boot, je n'ai pas trouvé comment installer
> debien avec le mode persistance 
> Cordialement
> -- 
> des Bitcoins gratuit
> Stocké vos données en ligne, en toute sécurité dans un espace
> accesible depuis n'importe quel PC, depuis n'importe quel système
> d'exploitation; cliquer sur le lien si dessous

J'ai pu utiliser LILI depuis Windows, qui te permet de cocher, je crois,
une option de persistance des données. ( A confirmer. )

Avec Lili Linux Live USB Creator, depuis Windows, pour créer une clé
bootable permettant d’exécuter votre .iso (Os Live) au démarrage.

Source :

Re: Interface web host facile ?

2018-02-16 Thread G2PC
Le 16/02/2018 à 21:06, Pierre L. a écrit :
> Le 15/02/2018 à 03:04, G2PC a écrit
>> Installer un serveur avec AlternC
>> AlternC Suite logicielle de gestion de serveur web et mail
> Re bonsoir, petite remarque HS sur ce site "visionduweb", je vois le
> message en haut :
> /Ce mineur crée de la monnaie numérique Monero pour soutenir Vision du
> web.//
> //Merci de désactiver votre bloqueur de publicité.//
> //Aucune publicité ne sera affichée.//
> //Le mineur utilise les ressources de votre machine pour créer
> gratuitement de la monnaie numérique./
> J'imagine que si j'active les scripts sur cette page, mon ordi va se
> mettre à bouffer des Watts de manière irraisonnée ?! Pour "créer
> gratuitement de la monnaie numérique"... mais qui va payer la facture
> électrique (avec de la monnaie réelle, sonnante et trébuchante) ?
> Désolé de filtrer un minimum les octets qui arrivent dans mon
> navigateur, mais avec ce type de fistware qui traîne, je ne suis pas
> prêt de changer mes habitudes :/
> Merci tout de même pour l'aide apportée à ma question :)

Il semble être de bonne pratique pour la sécurité, de désactiver le

Pour ta question sur le mineur, j'ai cherché à comprendre comment on
pouvait se passer de publicité, et, tout de même espérer avoir un retour
financier, pour valoriser les milliers d'heures passées à se former.
La cryptomonnaie me semble / semblait / semblerait être intéressante (
Tout un débat, maintes fois déjà évoqué, ici et la. )

Toute fois, concernant ta crainte, le mineur de mon site n'est pas
chargé automatiquement, il s'agit du mineur de coinhive, pour générer du
monero, que tu peux lancer par toi même, sans obligation.
Dès lors, biensur, il y a un coût énergétique, certain concernant le
bien être de la planète ... Minime financièrement à titre personnel, si
il s'agit de remercier le travail de recherche effectué par un
développeur qui partage son travail avec toi, en t'évitant quelques
heures, jours, semaines, de travail.

Tu peux en lire plus, sur coinhive, ici :
Tu peux même tenter d'allumer le mineur, pendant que tu seras entrain de
lire l'article, mais, cela, c'est à ton bon vouloir, sans aucune obligation.

Sans être convaincu à 100 % , tout en pensant que la monnaie libre
serait une alternative plus juste et moins polluante, il reste certain
que les cryptomonnaies ont aujourd'hui de la valeur, du fait d'une
conversion possible réelle.
( Sujet évoqué notamment avec des actifs de la Quadrature du net, durant
leur campagne de financement, et, du choix des cryptomonnaies à
accepter, ou éventuellement à refuser. )

Bonne lecture, sur coinhive, sur tu souhaites en savoir.

Re: debian sur clé

2018-02-16 Thread err404
Hash: SHA512

il suffit d'installer debian sur une clef usb comme si c'était un disque dur.

il m'est arrivé une fois de ne pas parvenir à rendre la clefs usb bootable, 
mais je pense qu'il y avait un probleme matériel.
ça fonctionne très bien la plupart du temps.
- - il faut aussi optimiser le systeme pour minimiser les écritures (pour ne 
pas user la clef usb de façon prématurée)
- pas de partition d'échange, ou avec un réglage qui évite de s'en servir 
- des partitions de type ext2 (car non journalisées)

C'est le même genre d'optimisation que lorsqu'on installe sur des ordinateurs 
avec mémoire flash (avant l'époque actuelle des SSD)

entre autre...



debian sur clé

2018-02-16 Thread saturne saturne
j'aimerais savoir comment faire pour mettre debian sur une clé USB mais
avec le mode persistance. J'ai cherché sur beaucoup de forums mais, à part
créer des clés boot, je n'ai pas trouvé comment installer debien avec le
mode persistance



des Bitcoins gratuit

Stocké vos données en ligne, en toute sécurité dans un espace accesible
depuis n'importe quel PC, depuis n'importe quel système d'exploitation;
cliquer sur le lien si dessous

Re: /etc/X11/default-display-manager : quelle commande pour la modification ?

2018-02-16 Thread Jean-Marc
Fri, 16 Feb 2018 16:05:18 +0100
Jean-Marc  écrivait :

> debconf contient une valeur pour le default-manager :
> $ sudo debconf-show gdm3
> * shared/default-x-display-manager: gdm3
>   gdm3/daemon_name: /usr/sbin/gdm3

Apparemment, la solution serait un dpkg-reconfigure .

Voir à la fin de cette page :


Description: PGP signature

Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/16/2018 03:41 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

On 2/16/18, songbird  wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:

What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications
available in each workspace.

   i understood you the first time you wrote that.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of

   something is set to do that then, because i can set all of
my workspaces with different applications open in each of them.

   do you have "Always on Visible Workspace" set instead of
"Only on this Workspace"?  [right click on window or on item
at the bottom of the screen...]

   i never shutdown without checking all desktops for things that
need to be saved.  but more importantly remember that if you
don't use shutdown after the first time it will restart them all
as you had them when you did shutdown.

   my normal end of session routine is to use the "shutdown -h now"
command as root which kills everything and does not alter what is
opened next time.

   when i want to make changes to my desktops then i do use
the menu shutdown and that then records the changes as

What about a new personalized "panel"?


If PANELa was visible only in WORKSPACE1
IF PANELb was visible only in WORKSPACE2

That might be even a better solution -- leaving things you *ALWAYS* want 
available to reside on desktop.


Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/16/2018 02:51 PM, songbird wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:

What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications
available in each workspace.

   i understood you the first time you wrote that.

I beg to differ ;<

In my initial post I attempted to describe what I wanted.
In my last post I gave a concrete {even if contrived} example of goal.

This time I'll borrow from set theory.
*CAVEAT LECTOR* Last time I saw set theory was in Introduction to Logic"> circa 1962.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of

This may be crux of issue.
I used "set" in the set theory sense.
I said *nothing" about what was open anywhere/anywhen.
WORKSPACE1's desktop displays only launch icons from SETalpha
WORKSPACE2's desktop displays launch icons from SETbeta and SETgamma
WORKSPACE3's desktop displays only launch icons from the intersection of 
SETomicron and SETzeta

   something is set to do that then, because i can set all of
my workspaces with different applications open in each of them.

   do you have "Always on Visible Workspace" set instead of
"Only on this Workspace"?  [right click on window or on item
at the bottom of the screen...]

   i never shutdown without checking all desktops for things that
need to be saved.  but more importantly remember that if you
don't use shutdown after the first time it will restart them all
as you had them when you did shutdown.

   my normal end of session routine is to use the "shutdown -h now"
command as root which kills everything and does not alter what is
opened next time.

   when i want to make changes to my desktops then i do use
the menu shutdown and that then records the changes as


Re: Con ffmpeg... como puedo quitar peso a un vídeo y me quede con el castellano?

2018-02-16 Thread Jaume Barceló
Gracias por vuestros comentarios!

video.mkv con audio eng y esp de 36,2 GB

ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vcodec libx265 -map 0:v -map 0:a:0 videofinal.mkv

videofinal.mkv con audio esp de 1,6 GB

Con libx264 el vídeofinal quedaba de 4,1 GB

2018-02-16 3:15 GMT+01:00 Jaume Barceló :
> Tengo un vídeo con audio ingles y castellano.
> Paso el vídeo de 36,2G a un vídeo de 1,9G pero sólo me graba el audio en 
> ingles
> ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vcodec libx265 videofinal.mkv
> Alguna sugerencia
> Gracias

Salut i força!

Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 2/16/18, songbird  wrote:
> Richard Owlett wrote:
> ...
>> What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications
>> available in each workspace.
>   i understood you the first time you wrote that.
>> Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of
>> applications.
>   something is set to do that then, because i can set all of
> my workspaces with different applications open in each of them.
>   do you have "Always on Visible Workspace" set instead of
> "Only on this Workspace"?  [right click on window or on item
> at the bottom of the screen...]
>   i never shutdown without checking all desktops for things that
> need to be saved.  but more importantly remember that if you
> don't use shutdown after the first time it will restart them all
> as you had them when you did shutdown.
>   my normal end of session routine is to use the "shutdown -h now"
> command as root which kills everything and does not alter what is
> opened next time.
>   when i want to make changes to my desktops then i do use
> the menu shutdown and that then records the changes as
> desired.

What about a new personalized "panel"?

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: [HS quoi que...]c'est trolldi et mon SE n'est pas conforme :D

2018-02-16 Thread Haricophile
Le Fri, 16 Feb 2018 19:16:46 +0100,
Christophe De Natale  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Bon courage pour effectuer certaines démarches administratives en
> ligne ! Ayant changé de local, je veux modifier mon k-bis en ligne
> (et payer bien entendu).

Tu oublie une chose important : Le greffe du tribunal N'EST PAS UN

Le reste de tes questions est assujettie à ce fait.

Re: agetty on pts/2

2018-02-16 Thread Geert Stappers
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 09:04:17PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 08:46:24PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > 
> > Hoi,
> > 
> > ssh naar een LXC guest gaat. Even later slaat die ssh-sessie vast.
> > Waar ik het moet zoeken weet ik nog niet, vandaar deze posting.
> > 
> > Eerder heeft de combinatie wel gewerkt.
> > Wat er verandert is, dat de ssh-client een upgrade heeft gehad.
Waarschijnlijk geeft ie nu de voorkeur aan IPv6

> > De LXC host en LXC zelf zijn gelijk gebleven (hebben wel uitgestaan)
> > 
> > Hostnamen:
> >   paddy: ssh client
> >   yanur: fysieke host waar de LXC guest leeft
> >   bob: de LXC, de Linux container.  (LXC naam is '102')
> > 
> > Als ik in de container kijk, dan zie ik gelukte SSH-sessie.
> > Die sessie leunt op pts/2. Dan opvragen wat er allemaal op pts/2 gebeurd,
> > laat zien dat er ook een agetty aan het wachten is.
> > 
> > 
> > stappers@paddy:~
> > $ ssh yanur
> >  
> > Last login: Fri Feb 16 20:06:34 2018 from 
> > fd45:bd2a:bb0b:1800:e149:cc70:2ad9:6441
> > stappers@yanur:~
> > $ sudo -i
> > yanur:~# lxc-attach -n 102
> > root@bob:~# who
> > stappers pts/22018-02-16 19:34 
> > (fd45:bd2a:bb0b:1800:e149:cc70:2ad9:6441)
> > root@bob:~# ps -ef | grep pts/2
> > root   194 1  0 17:47 pts/200:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u 
> > --noclear --keep-baud console 115200,38400,9600 linux
> > stappers   754   748  0 19:34 ?00:00:00 sshd: stappers@pts/2
> > stappers   755   754  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
> > root   774   755  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 sudo -i
> > root   775   774  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
> > root   953   950  0 19:35 ?00:00:00 grep pts/2
> > root@bob:~# 
> > 
> > 
> > Die agetty op pts/2, dat vind ik vreemd. Maar is dat zo??
> > 
> > Ik bedoel:
> > * Die agetty had die niet ook ?, net als sshd, moeten zijn?
> > * Heb ik het probleem gevonden en kan naar een oplossing zoeken 
> > (bijvoorbeeld agetty niet meer laten starten)??
> } * Of is er een andere oorzaak, dus een andere hoek waar ik moet zoeken??
> > 
> Ssh sessie naar host yanur happert soms ook, lijkt netwerk ding te zijn.
> Dat is nu de hoek waar ik verder zoek ...

De ssh client heeft nu een statische IPv6 route naar het netwerk
met daarin LXC host en guest.
Hoe de verbinding zonder die route opgebouwd kon worden, begrijp ik niet.
Met de handmatig gezette IPv6 route loopt de ssh-sessie niet meer vast.

De getty op pts/2 vind nog wel vreemd, maar is voor nu geen probleem.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread songbird
Richard Owlett wrote:
> What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications 
> available in each workspace.

  i understood you the first time you wrote that.

> Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of 
> applications.

  something is set to do that then, because i can set all of
my workspaces with different applications open in each of them.

  do you have "Always on Visible Workspace" set instead of
"Only on this Workspace"?  [right click on window or on item
at the bottom of the screen...]

  i never shutdown without checking all desktops for things that
need to be saved.  but more importantly remember that if you
don't use shutdown after the first time it will restart them all
as you had them when you did shutdown.

  my normal end of session routine is to use the "shutdown -h now"
command as root which kills everything and does not alter what is 
opened next time.

  when i want to make changes to my desktops then i do use
the menu shutdown and that then records the changes as 


Re: [HS quoi que...]c'est trolldi et mon SE n'est pas conforme :D

2018-02-16 Thread Haricophile
Le Fri, 16 Feb 2018 20:40:58 +0100, a écrit :

> Tu connais « User agent switcher » ?
> Il est fort possible qu’il ne fonctionne plus avec le dernier Firefox.
> nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

Au pire, ça se règle dans la config, et en "navigation privée" je ne
sais pas s'il envoie l'user-agent. Je crains que le profilage moderne
des navigateurs ne se soucie plus vraiment de ce paramètre. Quoique ils
ne doivent pas être a la pointe en la matière vu le type d'entreprise...

De toute manière pour Java ça ne va pas aider.

Re: Interface web host facile ?

2018-02-16 Thread Pierre L.

Le 15/02/2018 à 03:04, G2PC a écrit
> Installer un serveur avec AlternC
> AlternC Suite logicielle de gestion de serveur web et mail
Re bonsoir, petite remarque HS sur ce site "visionduweb", je vois le
message en haut :

/Ce mineur crée de la monnaie numérique Monero pour soutenir Vision du
//Merci de désactiver votre bloqueur de publicité.//
//Aucune publicité ne sera affichée.//
//Le mineur utilise les ressources de votre machine pour créer
gratuitement de la monnaie numérique./

J'imagine que si j'active les scripts sur cette page, mon ordi va se
mettre à bouffer des Watts de manière irraisonnée ?! Pour "créer
gratuitement de la monnaie numérique"... mais qui va payer la facture
électrique (avec de la monnaie réelle, sonnante et trébuchante) ?
Désolé de filtrer un minimum les octets qui arrivent dans mon
navigateur, mais avec ce type de fistware qui traîne, je ne suis pas
prêt de changer mes habitudes :/

Merci tout de même pour l'aide apportée à ma question :)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: agetty on pts/2

2018-02-16 Thread Geert Stappers
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 08:46:24PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> Hoi,
> ssh naar een LXC guest gaat. Even later slaat die ssh-sessie vast.
> Waar ik het moet zoeken weet ik nog niet, vandaar deze posting.
> Eerder heeft de combinatie wel gewerkt.
> Wat er verandert is, dat de ssh-client een upgrade heeft gehad.
> De LXC host en LXC zelf zijn gelijk gebleven (hebben wel uitgestaan)
> Hostnamen:
>   paddy: ssh client
>   yanur: fysieke host waar de LXC guest leeft
>   bob: de LXC, de Linux container.  (LXC naam is '102')
> Als ik in de container kijk, dan zie ik gelukte SSH-sessie.
> Die sessie leunt op pts/2. Dan opvragen wat er allemaal op pts/2 gebeurd,
> laat zien dat er ook een agetty aan het wachten is.
> stappers@paddy:~
> $ ssh yanur
> Last login: Fri Feb 16 20:06:34 2018 from 
> fd45:bd2a:bb0b:1800:e149:cc70:2ad9:6441
> stappers@yanur:~
> $ sudo -i
> yanur:~# lxc-attach -n 102
> root@bob:~# who
> stappers pts/22018-02-16 19:34 
> (fd45:bd2a:bb0b:1800:e149:cc70:2ad9:6441)
> root@bob:~# ps -ef | grep pts/2
> root   194 1  0 17:47 pts/200:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u 
> --noclear --keep-baud console 115200,38400,9600 linux
> stappers   754   748  0 19:34 ?00:00:00 sshd: stappers@pts/2
> stappers   755   754  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
> root   774   755  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 sudo -i
> root   775   774  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
> root   953   950  0 19:35 ?00:00:00 grep pts/2
> root@bob:~# 
> Die agetty op pts/2, dat vind ik vreemd. Maar is dat zo??
> Ik bedoel:
> * Die agetty had die niet ook ?, net als sshd, moeten zijn?
> * Heb ik het probleem gevonden en kan naar een oplossing zoeken (bijvoorbeeld 
> agetty niet meer laten starten)??
} * Of is er een andere oorzaak, dan een andere hoek waar ik moet zoeken??
> * Of is er een andere oorzaak, dus een andere hoek waar ik moet zoeken??

Ssh sessie naar host yanur happert soms ook, lijkt netwerk ding te zijn.
Dat is nu de hoek waar ik verder zoek ...

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/16/2018 10:53 AM, songbird wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:

I have no problem with different applications being open in each workspace.

What I would like would be to be able to do is have differing sets of
applications available in each workspace.


   under System->Preferences->Personal->Options make sure
you have checked the box for automatically remembering
started applications.

   then, set up your workspaces and when you turn off the
machine use System->Shutdown->Shutdown and it should remember
all of your open windows and where they were located.

   works for me...

That's not quite what I'm trying to accomplish.
When I shut down the machine for the day I want to exit all apps.
I currently get pretty much that. If an application has modified a file 
but not saved it, I'm prompted for instructions.

What I would like would be to have differing sets of applications 
available in each workspace.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access *_identical sets_* of 

I wish each workspace to have a set of tools applicable for a specific 

For example:
Workspace 1 devoted to programming would have a programmer's text 
editor, compile/link/load utilities, and an IDE.
Workspace 2 devoted to a dissertation on Mesopotamian Architecture 
would have a word processor, note taking software, an outlining utility, 
and a link to a browser to bring up the university's online catalog.

Workspace 3 devoted to a fishing blog would have web authoring tools.

agetty on pts/2

2018-02-16 Thread Geert Stappers


ssh naar een LXC guest gaat. Even later slaat die ssh-sessie vast.
Waar ik het moet zoeken weet ik nog niet, vandaar deze posting.

Eerder heeft de combinatie wel gewerkt.
Wat er verandert is, dat de ssh-client een upgrade heeft gehad.
De LXC host en LXC zelf zijn gelijk gebleven (hebben wel uitgestaan)

  paddy: ssh client
  yanur: fysieke host waar de LXC guest leeft
  bob: de LXC, de Linux container.  (LXC naam is '102')

Als ik in de container kijk, dan zie ik gelukte SSH-sessie.
Die sessie leunt op pts/2. Dan opvragen wat er allemaal op pts/2 gebeurd,
laat zien dat er ook een agetty aan het wachten is.

$ ssh yanur
Last login: Fri Feb 16 20:06:34 2018 from 
$ sudo -i
yanur:~# lxc-attach -n 102
root@bob:~# who
stappers pts/22018-02-16 19:34 (fd45:bd2a:bb0b:1800:e149:cc70:2ad9:6441)
root@bob:~# ps -ef | grep pts/2
root   194 1  0 17:47 pts/200:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u 
--noclear --keep-baud console 115200,38400,9600 linux
stappers   754   748  0 19:34 ?00:00:00 sshd: stappers@pts/2
stappers   755   754  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
root   774   755  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 sudo -i
root   775   774  0 19:34 pts/200:00:00 -bash
root   953   950  0 19:35 ?00:00:00 grep pts/2

Die agetty op pts/2, dat vind ik vreemd. Maar is dat zo??

Ik bedoel:
* Die agetty had die niet ook ?, net als sshd, moeten zijn?
* Heb ik het probleem gevonden en kan naar een oplossing zoeken (bijvoorbeeld 
agetty niet meer laten starten)??
* Of is er een andere oorzaak, dan een andere hoek waar ik moet zoeken??

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: Interface web host facile ?

2018-02-16 Thread Pierre L.

Le 15/02/2018 à 03:04, G2PC a écrit :
> Pour les outils bien lourds, j'ai listé les suivants :
Merci beaucoup pour la réponse !
C'était plutot des outils "léger" que je recherchais ;)
Cependant Alternc ne me parait pas si "lourd" que ça justement... quand
j'aurai le temps, je tenterai de voir si ca fonctionne correctement,
cette interface parait justement assez simple pour des users un poil
novices ;)

Bon w-end

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re : [HS quoi que...]c'est trolldi et mon SE n'est pas conforme :D

2018-02-16 Thread nicolas . patrois
Le 16/02/2018 19:16:46, Christophe De Natale a écrit :

> Bon courage pour effectuer certaines démarches administratives en
> ligne !
> Ayant changé de local, je veux modifier mon k-bis en ligne (et payer 
> bien entendu).

> Pour ce faire, je me rend sur "infogreffe", on me demande de vérifier
> la compatibilité de mon système dans le but d’obtenir un certificat 
> "RGS**", je clique sur le bouton "vérifier la compatibilité de mon 
> système" et là, c'est le drame :

> **
> #Analyse du système => Votre système d'exploitation n'est pas conforme
> ##Je suis sous Stretch.
> Nous vous invitons à suivre les recommandations listées en bas de page
> ##Ahah, même Mac OSX n'est pas accepté.
> #Analyse du navigateur     Conforme (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; 
> rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0)
> #Analyse du plugin Java     Aucune version de Java détectée ! ##Et si 
> j'en veux pas ?
> Veuillez télécharger et installer Java disponible ici, puis rechargez 
> cette page.
> #Recherche des certificats     Aucun certificat détecté
> #Conclusion     Votre poste de travail ne peut pas exécuter CertSign
> de 
> manière correcte. Nous vous invitons à suivre les recommandations 
> listées en bas de page.
> En cas de difficulté, contactez le support technique de CertEurope au
> 08 99 700 046 ou par mail à l'adresse suivante:
> #Pré requis à l'utilisation de l'outil de signature CertSign
>    Système d'exploitation        Microsoft Windows Vista/Seven/8/8.1
>    Navigateur Internet        Mozilla Firefox 39 et supérieur, Microsoft 
> Internet Explorer 10 et 11
>    Machine virtuelle Java        1.7, 1.8
> **

> Voilà, je suis coincé et je verrai lundi mais ça me gave, je sens que
> ça  va se finir au téléphone :D

Tu connais « User agent switcher » ?
Il est fort possible qu’il ne fonctionne plus avec le dernier Firefox.

nicolas patrois : pts noir asocial

M : Qu'est-ce qu'il nous faudrait pour qu'on nous considère comme des humains ? 
Un cerveau plus gros ?
P : Non... Une carte bleue suffirait...

Re: capture d'ecran pendant l'installation

2018-02-16 Thread didier gaumet
je n'ai jamais utilisé mais les captures d'écran une fois réalisées sont
- durant l'installation pour une sauvegarde sur un support amovible, un
serveur web ou un système de fichiers monté sur l'installateur
- après l'installation sur le système installé dans /var/log/installer

infos honteusement pompées sur le wiki:

ltsp debian8 impresora lx-300

2018-02-16 Thread José Betancourt Mondeja
intento instalar una impresora epson lx300 en un cliente ligero.

1. en el fichero de configuracion

tengo agregada la impresora de esta forma:


2. entrando a la consola de dicho cliente logro imprimir con esto:
cat /etc/crontab > /dev/usb/lp0

El problema consiste en que despues que agrego la impresora mediante
cups en https://localhost:631 utilizando  AppSocket/HP JetDirect
(socket:// no imprime, dice que la impresora no


Re: Thunderbird + ClamAV

2018-02-16 Thread Robert Marsellés

El 15/02/18 a les 14:54, Joan ha escrit:
> I quin sentit te buscar virus a client de correu del teu ordinador
> linux (debian) ??
> Una altra cosa és que els busquis a nivell de servidor, perqè no arribin
> a usuaris windows (tot i que és justicia divina...).

Per començar, m'agrada saber com funcionen les coses.

Després, hi ha altres motius que no vaig voler ficar al missatge inicial
per no fer la cosa gaire llarga.

Per exemple, no vull enviar a un conegut un arxiu adjunt que a mi ni em
fa pessigolles pel que dius però a ell, en canvi, li pot fer passar un
mal rato. Excepte si algú dels que en sabeu més del tema em garantiu que
això no pot passar mai. I encara m'ho pensaria una bona estona.

> El Thu, 15 Feb 2018 10:04:14 +0100
> Àlex  va escriure:
>> On 15/02/18 08:29, Narcis Garcia wrote:
>>> potser aquesta característica estigui pensada per Windows (?)
>> No. Jo treballo amb Debian Testing, amb el Thunderbird 52.6.0, i
>> aquesta opció hi és al menú de seguretat, concretament a "editar ->
>> preferències -> seguretat -> antivirus"  

Jo uso el mateix amb el mateix sistema.

>> Crec que la pregunta que fa és a quina carpeta es guarda el correu
>> abans de ser analitzat. Jo no ho sé, però per lògica hauria de ser
>> dins del mateix arbre de carpetes on Thunderbird guarda tot.
>> Si busques a /home/el_teu_usuari/.thunderbird/ trobaràs el fitxer
>> profiles.ini on t'indica on és aquest arbre de carpetes.
>> Potser que a versions més antigues sigui a la carpeta ~/.icedove
>> enlloc de a ~/.thunderbird

Vaig buscar-ho abans d'escriure a tots els directoris on vaig veure
"thunderbird" i, per si un cas, fins i tot "icedoves". No he estat capaç
de trobar rés.

Després em va passar pel cap que potser creava aquest directori de forma
temporal quan baixava els missatges i l'eliminava posteriorment però com
que no sabia com buscar una cosa que apareix i desapareix de la que no
sabia el nom, vaig decidir preguntar.

Gràcies per les respostes, alguna idea més?


Re: /etc/X11/default-display-manager : quelle commande pour la modification ?

2018-02-16 Thread Jean-Marc
Fri, 16 Feb 2018 14:36:29 +0100 (CET) écrivait :

> Bonjour,
> Je veux modifier par script le "display manager" sous
> Stretch lors de installation par boot PXE. À installation,
> c'est 'gdm3" qui est actif et je veux "lightdm".
> Quelle est la commande de configuration à utiliser pour 
> modifier "/etc/X11/default-display-manager" ?

debconf contient une valeur pour le default-manager :
$ sudo debconf-show gdm3
* shared/default-x-display-manager: gdm3
  gdm3/daemon_name: /usr/sbin/gdm3

peut-être une piste à suivre.

> Merci pour votre aide et bonne journée.
> Randy11


Description: PGP signature

[HS quoi que...]c'est trolldi et mon SE n'est pas conforme :D

2018-02-16 Thread Christophe De Natale


Bon courage pour effectuer certaines démarches administratives en ligne !
Ayant changé de local, je veux modifier mon k-bis en ligne (et payer 
bien entendu).

Pour ce faire, je me rend sur "infogreffe", on me demande de vérifier la 
compatibilité de mon système dans le but d’obtenir un certificat 
"RGS**", je clique sur le bouton "vérifier la compatibilité de mon 
système" et là, c'est le drame :

#Analyse du système => Votre système d'exploitation n'est pas conforme 
##Je suis sous Stretch.
Nous vous invitons à suivre les recommandations listées en bas de page 
##Ahah, même Mac OSX n'est pas accepté.

#Analyse du navigateur     Conforme (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; 
rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0)

#Analyse du plugin Java     Aucune version de Java détectée ! ##Et si 
j'en veux pas ?
Veuillez télécharger et installer Java disponible ici, puis rechargez 
cette page.

#Recherche des certificats     Aucun certificat détecté

#Conclusion     Votre poste de travail ne peut pas exécuter CertSign de 
manière correcte. Nous vous invitons à suivre les recommandations 
listées en bas de page.

En cas de difficulté, contactez le support technique de CertEurope au 08 
99 700 046 ou par mail à l'adresse suivante:

#Pré requis à l'utilisation de l'outil de signature CertSign

  Système d'exploitation        Microsoft Windows Vista/Seven/8/8.1
  Navigateur Internet        Mozilla Firefox 39 et supérieur, Microsoft 
Internet Explorer 10 et 11

  Machine virtuelle Java        1.7, 1.8

Voilà, je suis coincé et je verrai lundi mais ça me gave, je sens que ça 
va se finir au téléphone :D

Bon week-end à vous,


Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Brian
On Fri 16 Feb 2018 at 16:58:49 +, Andy Smith wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:38:49AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the last
> > year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they get a
> > "403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all have in
> > common is a LACK OF DETAIL.
> I seem to recall some comments made by someone in the know that
> there is extensive IP-based blocking used on within
> the web server and this sometimes causes collateral damage, i.e.
> some people unable even to read the site, let alone modify it.
> Unfortunately I can't remember any more details than that.

IP-based blocking is most probably the cause. The reason for it is
to prevent the wiki being spammed and reducing its usefulness for all

> I was going to say that it could be worth OP's time to create a bug
> against the wiki, and I already see this one:
> I think this would tend to support the possibility of this being
> the culprit, though the lack of resolution here does suggest the OP
> may have a long road ahead if that is the case.

No bug reports, please. The preferred way is to report the details of
the issue by mail to


Re: Re (2): Configuration of router.

2018-02-16 Thread David Wright
On Fri 16 Feb 2018 at 07:28:45 (-0800), wrote:
> * From: David Wright €€
> * Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 15:18:45 -0600
> > Write bashrc ; wake ; sleep 5'
> > and give yourself 5 seconds to read what it says in the xterm.
> Interactively.
> peter@hertz:~$ declare -f wake
> wake () 
> { 
> input="";
> until [[ $input != "" ]]; do
> echo Beginning loop.;
> /usr/bin/play /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/ring.wav;
> read -n 1 -t 4 input;
> done
> }
> Therefore my .bashrc creates wake.
> Nevertheless,
> peter@hertz:~$ xterm -display :0 -e bash -c '. ~/.bashrc; declare -f wake; 
> sleep 5'
> shows a black xterm, which, after 5 s, closes.  Appears that this 
> declaration fails.

This is odd. The attached shows what happens here. I should explain
that my .bashrc is noisy when interactive, as you can see in the outer
window. I changed wake to inform as I have that self-defined function
available, and I gave myself 15 seconds for taking the screenshot.
(BTW I would normally use type, it's shorter.)

> That has become a secondary problem.  My current priority is to find 
> why at fails to open the xterm at the specified future time. None of 
> the at documents I've found mention error reporting.  Can a failure of 
> at be investigated without changing and recompiling the source?

I can't help you there as I've never used "at" in anger. My strategy
for a decade or more has been to use cron. Every minute cron runs a
python program which:

  Looks for directory entries of the form 2000-02-29-12-34-foo[-*]
  (where the year, month, day, hour and minute all match the current
  time) in the {crondir} directory and, if found, executes {bindir}/foo from
  the home directory thus:

. $HOME/{init} ; $HOME/{bindir}/foo -c $HOME/{crondir}/entry

  The entry can be a file, link, or any other kind of directory entry.
  Environment variables needed can be set in {init}.
  Any backup entries *~ are ignored.

Foo gets handed its commandline (to find out what symlink it was called
by) and extracts the [-*] information above to get its arguments, from
which it knows things like what channel the radio is tuned to (for
setting input gain), and how many minutes to record from it.

So it's a little similar to what I think you're doing, but more flexible.
In terms of simplicity, it has nothing to do with X etc and doesn't
use stdin/out. Instead, recording is controlled by its touching a file
at startup called "2000-02-29-12-34-stoprecording" which is processed
in exactly the same way. This allows recordings to be curtailed or
extended by renaming the file without having to communicate with the
recording program itself (normally running headless): it runs until
stoprecording pops up and kills it.

It's all integrated into my arrangements for recording vinyl/cassettes
to file, and making recordings of arbitrary length on the spur of the
moment. I have a showtimes program that checks all the files to make
sure there are no time overlaps, and estimates diskspace requirements.


Re: failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Anil Duggirala
> I tried "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration", choosing UK Int
> w/dead keys. I am still getting the same error. I had also before,
> tried setting the layout with the Gnome tool. My layout is working
> perfectly, but I keep getting the same error, "failed to set console
> font and keymap" at boot time.
> thanks

Actually, the error says. "Failed to start Set console font and

Re: failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Anil Duggirala
> Is this a place where "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" might
> come into play? I only know that one because of debootstrap. :)
> Cindy :)

I tried "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration", choosing UK Int
w/dead keys. I am still getting the same error. I had also before,
tried setting the layout with the Gnome tool. My layout is working
perfectly, but I keep getting the same error, "failed to set console
font and keymap" at boot time.

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 16 February 2018 11:53:44 Reco wrote:

>   Hi.
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:38:49AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:30:31AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > On Friday 16 February 2018 07:08:57 Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > > Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a 
écrit :
> > > > > On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques 
> > > > > > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > > > > > Forbidden
> > > > > > You are not allowed to access this!
> > > > > > is the message I get.
> > > > >
> > > > > I think we need more information--which wiki are you having
> > > > > trouble with? (What is its URL?)
> > > >
> > > > I first had this message on, then on
> > > > various problems.
> > >
> > > Old but uptodate wheezy install here. firefox had no problems
> > > navigating the site.
> > > Perhaps your http->S<- is defective somehow.
> >
> > The original message was so incredibly vague that it could mean
> > anything.
> >
> > But.
> >
> > If the actual complaint is "I get 403 Forbidden on
> >; then we need additional detail: what
> > version of Debian the OP is using, what browser, and any unusual
> > aspects of the OP's network that could be relevant (workplace
> > firewall, China firewall, etc.).
> My crystal ball says that OP is using home connection, and no, these
> details aren't needed. tcpdump/wireshark capture, combined with the
> SSL session key - that's what needed.
> Or someone from 11AS12322 willing to provide a temporary shell
> account.
> E-mail headers say that e-mail came from 11AS12322 belonging to some
> French provider:
> Received: from (unknown [])
> by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 154405FF27
> for ; Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:42:15
> +0100 (CET)
> With MUA which is uncommon in dull enterprise world:
> User-Agent: KMail/5.2.3 (Linux/4.9.0-5-amd64; KDE/5.28.0; x86_64; ; )
> I believe we can exclude such possibilities as China Great Firewall
> (unless they installed it in France for some reason), or workplace SSL
> Bump (else OP won't see HTTP 403).
> > There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the
> > last year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they
> > get a "403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all
> > have in common is a LACK OF DETAIL.
> Whose who know they way around don't have such problems. Whose who
> don't are unable to describe it. I see nothing unusual in this.
> My suggestion to OP - try Tor, see if it works.
> > At this point nobody knows how to diagnose the problem, because
> > nobody who HAS the problem is willing or able to come forward and
> > just say what is happening and why.  Is it a DNS resolution error,
> > in which they're getting the wrong IP address?
> No. Browsers do certificate validation, "wrong IP address" would be
> possible if the third party somehow produced a valid certificate for
> (you have to be a CA *or* the government to do this)
> and faked a DNS record (that's easy part).
> > Does the wiki or its front-end web server have a firewall that
> > blacklists certain IP address ranges?
> Even if it did, the firewall have not come into play.
> Since the user saw HTTP 403 it means that HTTPS connection was
> established successfully, and a front-end (or back-end) webserver gave
> 403 code, which was transferred to a user.
> >  Is it a web browser bug?  Nobody knows!
> Hardly. Of course OP could use some ancient toy browser that does not
> do SNI, but provides a correct certificate even for
> *those*. It's easy to check with (openssl does not use SNI unless you
> ask for it):
> openssl s_client -host -port 443
> Reco

That is quite a verbose tool, thank you Reco for enlightening me.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 16 February 2018 11:17:22 Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

> On 2/16/18, Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> > On 2/16/18, Anil Duggirala  wrote:
> >> All I did was change "us" for "gb" in my /etc/default/keyboard
> >> file. I am now getting a "failed to set console font and keymap"
> >> message at bootup. The default keymap appears to have been changed,
> >> and everything works well otherwise.
> >> please help.
> >
> > Is this a place where "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"
> > might come into play? I only know that one because of
> > debootstrap. :)
> I'm sorry, computer mouse must have stuck or double clicked again.
> It's just plum worn out. Will try to remember to tab over to the Send
> button if I send anything else

That is a classic mouse problem Cindy, one that I've had to repair at the 
tv station quite a few times. What happens is that the switch under the 
button was not seated in the pcb as it went thru the wave solder when it 
was originally made. So the switch may be sitting just a bit proud of 
the board. This leaves the solder joint at the only restriction of the 
switches movement. Eventually this breaks the bond between the copper 
foil of the pcb, and of course the foil then cracks at the edge of the 
blob of solder.

The cure is to take it apart, press the switches solidly to the board and 
put a teeny drop of cyanide glue into that contact to help immobilize 
the switch.  Give the glue time to work, an hour perhaps, then turn it 
over. Remove most of the solder on the switch legs, then scrape the 
green solder resist away from the now visible crack in the trace, form a 
short piece of stripped wrapping wire around the switch leg, extending 
out a bit past the crack, and resolder it, a solder with 2 or 3% silver 
is much tougher stuff, making sure to get the little bridging 
wire "wet". Put it back together and Voila! Brand new mouse again.

You may run with duct tape (I chuckle ever time I read your sig), but I 
am a C.E.T. and can walk with a hot soldering iron. But mine isn't a $20 
toy, its a $100+ workstation that can even do hot air soldering.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Andy Smith

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:38:49AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the last
> year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they get a
> "403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all have in
> common is a LACK OF DETAIL.

I seem to recall some comments made by someone in the know that
there is extensive IP-based blocking used on within
the web server and this sometimes causes collateral damage, i.e.
some people unable even to read the site, let alone modify it.
Unfortunately I can't remember any more details than that.

I was going to say that it could be worth OP's time to create a bug
against the wiki, and I already see this one:

I think this would tend to support the possibility of this being
the culprit, though the lack of resolution here does suggest the OP
may have a long road ahead if that is the case.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

Re: Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread songbird
Richard Owlett wrote:
> I have no problem with different applications being open in each workspace.
> What I would like would be to be able to do is have differing sets of 
> applications available in each workspace.

  under System->Preferences->Personal->Options make sure
you have checked the box for automatically remembering
started applications.

  then, set up your workspaces and when you turn off the
machine use System->Shutdown->Shutdown and it should remember
all of your open windows and where they were located.

  works for me...


Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Reco

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:38:49AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:30:31AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 16 February 2018 07:08:57 Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > 
> > > Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a écrit :
> > > > On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > > > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > > > > Forbidden
> > > > > You are not allowed to access this!
> > > > > is the message I get.
> > > >
> > > > I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble
> > > > with? (What is its URL?)
> > >
> > > I first had this message on, then on various
> > > problems.
> > 
> > Old but uptodate wheezy install here. firefox had no problems navigating 
> > the site.
> > Perhaps your http->S<- is defective somehow.
> The original message was so incredibly vague that it could mean anything.
> But.
> If the actual complaint is "I get 403 Forbidden on;
> then we need additional detail: what version of Debian the OP is using,
> what browser, and any unusual aspects of the OP's network that could
> be relevant (workplace firewall, China firewall, etc.).

My crystal ball says that OP is using home connection, and no, these
details aren't needed. tcpdump/wireshark capture, combined with the SSL
session key - that's what needed.
Or someone from 11AS12322 willing to provide a temporary shell account.

E-mail headers say that e-mail came from 11AS12322 belonging to some
French provider:

Received: from (unknown [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 154405FF27
for ; Fri, 16 Feb 2018 02:42:15 +0100 

With MUA which is uncommon in dull enterprise world:

User-Agent: KMail/5.2.3 (Linux/4.9.0-5-amd64; KDE/5.28.0; x86_64; ; )

I believe we can exclude such possibilities as China Great Firewall
(unless they installed it in France for some reason), or workplace SSL
Bump (else OP won't see HTTP 403).

> There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the last
> year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they get a
> "403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all have in
> common is a LACK OF DETAIL.

Whose who know they way around don't have such problems. Whose who don't
are unable to describe it. I see nothing unusual in this.

My suggestion to OP - try Tor, see if it works.

> At this point nobody knows how to diagnose the problem, because nobody
> who HAS the problem is willing or able to come forward and just say what
> is happening and why.  Is it a DNS resolution error, in which they're
> getting the wrong IP address?

No. Browsers do certificate validation, "wrong IP address" would be
possible if the third party somehow produced a valid certificate for (you have to be a CA *or* the government to do this) and
faked a DNS record (that's easy part).

> Does the wiki or its front-end web server have a firewall that
> blacklists certain IP address ranges?

Even if it did, the firewall have not come into play.
Since the user saw HTTP 403 it means that HTTPS connection was
established successfully, and a front-end (or back-end) webserver gave
403 code, which was transferred to a user.

>  Is it a web browser bug?  Nobody knows!

Hardly. Of course OP could use some ancient toy browser that does not do
SNI, but provides a correct certificate even for
*those*. It's easy to check with (openssl does not use SNI unless you
ask for it):

openssl s_client -host -port 443


Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 16 February 2018 10:38:49 Greg Wooledge wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:30:31AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 16 February 2018 07:08:57 Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a 
écrit :
> > > > On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > > > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > > > > Forbidden
> > > > > You are not allowed to access this!
> > > > > is the message I get.
> > > >
> > > > I think we need more information--which wiki are you having
> > > > trouble with? (What is its URL?)
> > >
> > > I first had this message on, then on
> > > various problems.
> >
> > Old but uptodate wheezy install here. firefox had no problems
> > navigating the site.
> > Perhaps your http->S<- is defective somehow.
> The original message was so incredibly vague that it could mean
> anything.
> But.
> If the actual complaint is "I get 403 Forbidden on
>; then we need additional detail: what version
> of Debian the OP is using, what browser, and any unusual aspects of
> the OP's network that could be relevant (workplace firewall, China
> firewall, etc.).
> There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the
> last year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they
> get a "403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all
> have in common is a LACK OF DETAIL.
> At this point nobody knows how to diagnose the problem, because nobody
> who HAS the problem is willing or able to come forward and just say
> what is happening and why.  Is it a DNS resolution error, in which
> they're getting the wrong IP address?  Does the wiki or its front-end
> web server have a firewall that blacklists certain IP address ranges? 
> Is it a web browser bug?  Nobody knows!

That also is spot on Greg. Which is why I specified my install in my 
comment, but failed to mention it is a 32 bit install. Thats linuxcnc 
driven because a context switch takes measurably longer on a 64 bit 

The changeover to 64 bit is forceing some of us to spend upwards of 200 
dollars to offload some of linuxcnc's work to fpga cards because even 
the rtai patched kernels just aren't fast enough to generate in 
software, the steady step signals the stepper motors need.  Thats about 
how much I have in the 4 card stack driving an 11x36 Sheldon lathe from 
a raspberry pi-3b. But we still need IRQ responses in not less than 
millisecond times. So we patch kernels, and on real machinery, then pin 
them so the software updater cannot kill the machine. But I think that 
has been discussed here previously.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: Re (2): Configuration of router.

2018-02-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 07:28:45AM -0800, wrote:
> peter@hertz:~$ declare -f wake
> wake () 
> { 
> input="";
> until [[ $input != "" ]]; do
> echo Beginning loop.;
> /usr/bin/play /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/ring.wav;
> read -n 1 -t 4 input;
> done
> }
> Therefore my .bashrc creates wake.

This only demonstrates that *something* defined your function.  It
doesn't prove that it was ~/.bashrc.  The obvious way to prove
whether it's ~/.bashrc doing it would be to read ~/.bashrc and see
what it says.

> Nevertheless,
> peter@hertz:~$ xterm -display :0 -e bash -c '. ~/.bashrc; declare -f wake; 
> sleep 5'
> shows a black xterm, which, after 5 s, closes.  Appears that this 
> declaration fails.

Use "type wake" instead of "declare -f wake", so that you at least get
an *error* if it's not defined.

wooledg:~$ declare -f wake
wooledg:~$ type wake
bash: type: wake: not found

> That has become a secondary problem.  My current priority is to find 
> why at fails to open the xterm at the specified future time. None of 
> the at documents I've found mention error reporting.  Can a failure of 
> at be investigated without changing and recompiling the source?

   An at - or batch - command invoked from a su(1) shell will  retain  the
   current  userid.   The  user will be mailed standard error and standard
   output from his commands, if any.  Mail will be sent using the  command
   /usr/sbin/sendmail.  If at is executed from a su(1) shell, the owner of
   the login shell will receive the mail.

This is rather poorly written, but if you ignore the leading and
trailing sentences about su, or if you simply *try* things and see
what happens, you should see that you will indeed be sent the stdout
and stderr from your at(1) jobs in email, just like with crontab jobs.

Testing now:

wooledg:~$ echo echo hello | at now + 1 minute
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 2 at Fri Feb 16 11:19:00 2018

And yes, I got the expected email.

Re: failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 2/16/18, Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> On 2/16/18, Anil Duggirala  wrote:
>> All I did was change "us" for "gb" in my /etc/default/keyboard file. I
>> am now getting a "failed to set console font and keymap" message at
>> bootup. The default keymap appears to have been changed, and everything
>> works well otherwise.
>> please help.
> Is this a place where "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" might
> come into play? I only know that one because of debootstrap. :)

I'm sorry, computer mouse must have stuck or double clicked again.
It's just plum worn out. Will try to remember to tab over to the Send
button if I send anything else

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re: failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 2/16/18, Anil Duggirala  wrote:
> All I did was change "us" for "gb" in my /etc/default/keyboard file. I
> am now getting a "failed to set console font and keymap" message at
> bootup. The default keymap appears to have been changed, and everything
> works well otherwise.
> please help.

Is this a place where "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" might
come into play? I only know that one because of debootstrap. :)

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

Re (2): Configuration of router.

2018-02-16 Thread peter
*   From: David Wright
*   Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 15:18:45 -0600
> Write bashrc ; wake ; sleep 5'
> and give yourself 5 seconds to read what it says in the xterm.

peter@hertz:~$ declare -f wake
wake () 
until [[ $input != "" ]]; do
echo Beginning loop.;
/usr/bin/play /usr/share/sounds/ekiga/ring.wav;
read -n 1 -t 4 input;

Therefore my .bashrc creates wake.

peter@hertz:~$ xterm -display :0 -e bash -c '. ~/.bashrc; declare -f wake; 
sleep 5'
shows a black xterm, which, after 5 s, closes.  Appears that this 
declaration fails.

That has become a secondary problem.  My current priority is to find 
why at fails to open the xterm at the specified future time. None of 
the at documents I've found mention error reporting.  Can a failure of 
at be investigated without changing and recompiling the source?

Thanks,  ... Peter E.


123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
Tel: +1 360 639 0202  Pender Is.: +1 250 629 3757  Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:30:31AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 16 February 2018 07:08:57 Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a écrit :
> > > On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > > > Forbidden
> > > > You are not allowed to access this!
> > > > is the message I get.
> > >
> > > I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble
> > > with? (What is its URL?)
> >
> > I first had this message on, then on various
> > problems.
> Old but uptodate wheezy install here. firefox had no problems navigating 
> the site.
> Perhaps your http->S<- is defective somehow.

The original message was so incredibly vague that it could mean anything.


If the actual complaint is "I get 403 Forbidden on;
then we need additional detail: what version of Debian the OP is using,
what browser, and any unusual aspects of the OP's network that could
be relevant (workplace firewall, China firewall, etc.).

There have been several similar complaints in #debian IRC over the last
year or two, with random people coming in and saying that they get a
"403 Forbidden" on the Debian wiki, but the one thing they all have in
common is a LACK OF DETAIL.

At this point nobody knows how to diagnose the problem, because nobody
who HAS the problem is willing or able to come forward and just say what
is happening and why.  Is it a DNS resolution error, in which they're
getting the wrong IP address?  Does the wiki or its front-end web server
have a firewall that blacklists certain IP address ranges?  Is it a
web browser bug?  Nobody knows!

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Gene Heskett
On Friday 16 February 2018 07:08:57 Rodary Jacques wrote:

> Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a écrit :
> > On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > > Forbidden
> > > You are not allowed to access this!
> > > is the message I get.
> >
> > I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble
> > with? (What is its URL?)
> I first had this message on, then on various
> problems.
> > Maybe you have to register and then login on that wiki.
> and I was never asked to register before you mention it.
>   Jacques

Old but uptodate wheezy install here. firefox had no problems navigating 
the site.
Perhaps your http->S<- is defective somehow.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

colord[xxxxx]: failed to get session [pid yyyyy]: No data available

2018-02-16 Thread Thomas Vaughan
I've noticed this message about once per day just after midnight.

Googling about it did not seem (to me) to produce anything definitive,
but perhaps I did not try hard enough.

Does anybody here know
1. why this is being printed to the system log
2. whether I should just tell logcheck to ignore it, or
3. whether I should do something to make it stop?

Thomas E. Vaughan

Re: capture d'ecran pendant l'installation

2018-02-16 Thread Luc Novales


Le 16/02/2018 à 12:53, G2PC a écrit :

Cette méthode ne fonctionne que si on utilise une machine virtuelle, non ?
Je ne vois pas comment faire un screen, si on est entrain d'installer
directement un hôte, car, les screens ne sont alors pas enregistrés.

Pourquoi ?
L'installeur est bien un OS, avec un serveur X (ou équivalent), 
lorsqu'on choisit une installation graphique. S'ils ont mis le bouton 
pour faire des copies d'écran, c'est que les outils doivent être en 
place pour le faire. Mais je dois reconnaître que je n'ai pas eu à m'en 
servir, c'est pourquoi la fin de mon message est une supposition sur 
l'endroit où elles sont stockées à la fin de l'installation, sur la 
machine fraîchement installée; Le rapport d'installation est bien copié 
dans /var/log/installer/.

Bonne soirée,

Re: IT decision makers leads

2018-02-16 Thread Jacob Matthew

Jacob Matthew

Inside Sales Executive

*Our services includes-* List Acquisition; Email Appending; Email Campaign;
Company Profiling and Web Designing

We respect your privacy. If you want to stop receiving emails from us,
please send a reply with the email subject line as *"Leave Out**”*

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Jacob Matthew 

> Hi,
> Would you be interested in acquiring our recently updated contact list of *“IT
> decision makers”* with emails address? If so, please let me know your
> target audience. I will get back to you with counts and best pricing option.
> Note: If IT decision makers is not relevant to you please reply back with
> your requirement, we have all type of lists that would meet your quality
> prospecting-
> *Target Industry:  _; Geography:  __; Job Title
> (Any):  _:*
> Look forward to hearing from you.
> Thanks,
> Jacob Matthew
> Inside Sales Executive
> *Our services includes-* List Acquisition; Email Appending; Email
> Campaign; Company Profiling and Web Designing
> We respect your privacy. If you want to stop receiving emails from us,
> please send a reply with the email subject line as *"Leave Out”*

Re: BIND and iptables config

2018-02-16 Thread Henning Follmann
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 04:26:14AM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> Le jeudi 15 février 2018, 11:44:36 CET Henning Follmann a écrit :
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 05:01:52PM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > With NetworkManager, /etc/network/interfaces has only the loopbak 
> > > interface, and I can't use wicd which can't deal with two wired 
> > > interfaces. And, Henning Follmann, my English is too poor to explain 
> > > clearly my setup which is the standard one when your ISP gives you one 
> > > routable address and you want your home LAN to have access to internet.
> > >   Thanks for your interest anyway.
> > >   Jacques
> > > 
> > 
> > Hello,
> > no your english was good enough to describe your setup. And I would say
> > that 90% of "us" have a form of "dialup" with on routable ip address and a
> > NAT setup.
> > First bind is not "standard" in this kind of situation and makes things
> > overly complicated. I would recommend dnsmasq instead. It is much more
> > staight forward for a NAT box to setup. It will also provide you with a
> > dhcp server.
> > And in your situation you also want to disable/avoid the NetworkManager. 
> I told before that wiced can't deal with two wired interfaces.

That is not true, but lets ignore this for now.

> > It is quite easy because evry device you list in /e/n/i 
> i don't know ( with my poor English :-)) what is /e/n/i

Again your English is fine it's me being lazy.
/e/n/i is short for /etc/network/interfaces
This is the "old" way to configure your network interfaces.
> > will be
> > automaticaaly ignored by the NetworkManager.
> > And clearly because you have difficulties in setting this up doesn't make
> > all of this a bug.
> I don't find it normal to try to use interfaces before they are up! It's 
> obvously not a bug, but it's just  telling  users they shouldn't  try to 
> understand. When I fist tried Debian in april 2016, with Jessie, I read in 
> the bind9 doc something like "there are some issues about changing bind9 
> configuration, as future upgrade will loose your changes". without any more 
> details. 

Again, everything is behaving as expected. It is how you do things. And to
repeat myself, bind is not best in this situation. But if you insist in
using bind make sure it listens on your inside network interface, which
should be up without delay. You do not want ( and most likely neither does
your ISP) a full recursive resolver on your public interface.

You insisting to stick to this setup because you already invested too much
time in it is kind of stubborn (and I thought that was a German trait). You
either have to invest a lot more time to understand this or you could
switch to something more suited like dnsmasq. 

> > Also I want to mention to setup a router with Red Hat or with debian is
> > possible but there a distributions which are much more suited for this 
> > purpose. 
> I switched to Debian not to find it easier (Redhat wasn't) but because of 
> safety and coherence.
> But NetworkManager, which was on Fedora long before that on Debian, did not 
> the stupid things it does with resolv.conf and interfaces.

You most likely have resolvconf installed which updates /etc/resolv.conf.
Anything you change in there will be overwritten whenever something happens
on any network device.

> > I personally like pfsense and opnsense. Both are based on BSD but
> > they are excellent for SOHO routing. 
> Thanks to Wikipedia, I understood SOHO :-Da

And have you looked up OPNSense or pfsense?


Henning Follmann   |

failed to set console font and keymap

2018-02-16 Thread Anil Duggirala
All I did was change "us" for "gb" in my /etc/default/keyboard file. I
am now getting a "failed to set console font and keymap" message at
bootup. The default keymap appears to have been changed, and everything
works well otherwise.
please help.

/etc/X11/default-display-manager : quelle commande pour la modification ?

2018-02-16 Thread randy11

Je veux modifier par script le "display manager" sous
Stretch lors de installation par boot PXE. À installation,
c'est 'gdm3" qui est actif et je veux "lightdm".

J'ai le script de test suivant :

/bin/sh -c "/bin/echo 'gdm3 shared/default-x-display-manager select lightdm' | 
/bin/sh -c "/bin/echo 'lightdm shared/default-x-display-manager select lightdm' 
| /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections"
/bin/sh -c "/bin/echo 'sddm shared/default-x-display-manager select lidhtdm' | 
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure -p critical lightdm

Mais le script ne modifie pas le contenu du fichier :

Pour le modifier par les outils Debian, il faut exécuter en
interactif 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'.

La commande 'dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive lightgdm'
ne résoud pas le problème.

La modification manuelle par un 'sed -i 's/gdm3/lightdm/' est
possible. Ce que je cherche c'est le faire avec les commandes

Quelle est la commande de configuration à utiliser pour 
modifier "/etc/X11/default-display-manager" ?

Merci pour votre aide et bonne journée.


Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

On 02/16/2018 06:08 AM, Rodary Jacques wrote:

Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a écrit :

On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:

Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
You are not allowed to access this!
is the message I get.

I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble with?
(What is its URL?)

I first had this message on, then on various problems.

Maybe you have to register and then login on that wiki.

and I was never asked to register before you mention it.

I checked, is up and it is not a site requiring 
a login to view.

The next set of questions:
  1. What browser are you using?
   Do have any extensions/add-ons/etc enabled?
   Does your browser have a "safe" mode that disables them?
  2. Do other sites work?
(e.g. can you access your preferred search engine?)
  3. Are there other sites with problems? Which?

Re: Con ffmpeg... como puedo quitar peso a un vídeo y me quede con el castellano?

2018-02-16 Thread Alberto Luaces
Jaume Barceló writes:

> Tengo un vídeo con audio ingles y castellano.
> Paso el vídeo de 36,2G a un vídeo de 1,9G pero sólo me graba el audio en 
> ingles
> ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vcodec libx265 videofinal.mkv

Aquí te ponen un ejemplo con la opción "-map", para coger la pista de
audio que desees:


Using MATE's workspaces effectively

2018-02-16 Thread Richard Owlett

I have no problem with different applications being open in each workspace.

What I would like would be to be able to do is have differing sets of 
applications available in each workspace.

Currently all workspaces have icons to access _identical sets_ of 

For example one might have one workspace having a set of tools for 
writing/debugging software, another with a set of tools for researching 
Mesopotamian Architecture, and one focused on creating a weekly blog 
discussing advances in fly fishing.

I chose disparate sets too convey an idea I couldn't describe well.
Is there a more appropriate tool that maintains the "look and feel" of 
the MATE desktop? Comments?


Re: Problmemas con validacion d eusuarios en Postfix

2018-02-16 Thread Matias Mucciolo
On Thursday, February 15, 2018 10:34:09 PM -03 Felix Perez wrote:
> El 15 de febrero de 2018, 18:06,   escribió:
> > Si el problema es el siguiente
> > 
> > Cualquier usuario desde su cliente de correo se puede cambiar su dirección
> > de correo y enviar correo, pues no valida usuario y contraseña, ese es el
> > problema
> > 
> > agradezo toda ayud ay grracias a todos listeros
> Revisa esto por mientras.
> >> On Thursday, February 15, 2018 2:47:31 PM -03 wrote:
> >>> Buenas tardes a todos
> >>> 
> >>> Tengo acá un problema con el servidor de correo y es la suplantación de
> >>> identidad.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> El servidor de correo está en Linux Debian, es Postfix el server de
> >>> correo
> >>> y Dovecot
> >>> 
> >>> Los usuarios están agregados en el mismo sistema, no uso MySql para
> >>> nada.
> >>> 
> >>> Alguna idea ???, Agradezco toda ayuda
> >> 
> >> Buenas
> >> 
> >> con solo esa poca info no sabemos(al menos yo) cual es el problema real.
> >> especifica un poco mas a que te referis con "suplantación de identidad"
> >> 
> >> si tenes logs mejor.
> >> 
> >> saludos
> >> Matias.-
> --
> usuario linux  #274354
> normas de la lista:
> como hacer preguntas inteligentes:


Ademas de usar SASL para evitar el spoofing tenes que configurar 
que hace que el 'From' del correo sea el de owner(sasl user)

te dejo la doc oficial de postfix que es bastante clara.
mira la seccion: 'Envelope sender address authorization'

otra nota es que el sasl auth deberia ir solo en el puerto 587(submit)
es decir los clientes se deben conectar al puerto submit y 
no al 25(se usa para mail exchange entre servidores.)


Re: squid ssl bump

2018-02-16 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 08:16:28AM +0300, Gokan Atmaca wrote:
> Hello
> I am installing as follows. But "ssl_crtd" is not found ...
> installation steps ?
> apt-get build-dep squid3
> apt-get install build-essential sharutils ccze libzip-dev libssl-dev
> apt-get install devscripts build-essential fakeroot
> apt-get install libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev  libssl1.0-dev
> apt source squid3
> cd squid3-3.5.23
> vim debian/rules
>  –enable-ssl (add)
> ./configure
> make all
> make install
> what can be the problem ? what do you recommend ?
You are editing the options in debian/rules and then not calling.  You
call ./configure directly.  After editing debian/rules, build with
'fakeroot debian/rules binary' or 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage'.  The
binary packages will be placed in the parent directory and you can see
them with 'cd .. ; ls *.deb'.  You can then install whichever of the
packages you need with 'dpkg -i .deb .deb ...'.

Additional information is available here:



Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread Rodary Jacques
Le vendredi 16 février 2018, 06:42:52 CET a écrit :
> On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> > Forbidden
> > You are not allowed to access this!
> > is the message I get.
> I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble with?  
> (What is its URL?)
I first had this message on, then on various problems.
> Maybe you have to register and then login on that wiki.
and I was never asked to register before you mention it. 

Re: BIND and iptables config

2018-02-16 Thread rhkramer
On Thursday, February 15, 2018 10:26:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> Le jeudi 15 février 2018, 11:44:36 CET Henning Follmann a écrit :
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 05:01:52PM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> > > With NetworkManager, /etc/network/interfaces has only the loopbak
> > > interface, and I can't use wicd which can't deal with two wired
> > > interfaces. And, Henning Follmann, my English is too poor to explain
> > > clearly my setup which is the standard one when your ISP gives you one
> > > routable address and you want your home LAN to have access to
> > > internet.

I don't understand--what are the two wired interfaces that you have connected 
to your computer?

> > Hello,
> > no your english was good enough to describe your setup. And I would say
> > that 90% of "us" have a form of "dialup" with on routable ip address and
> > a NAT setup.
> > First bind is not "standard" in this kind of situation and makes things
> > overly complicated. I would recommend dnsmasq instead. It is much more
> > staight forward for a NAT box to setup. It will also provide you with a
> > dhcp server.
> > And in your situation you also want to disable/avoid the NetworkManager.
> I told before that wiced can't deal with two wired interfaces.
> > It is quite easy because evry device you list in /e/n/i

Based on context, I would say that is a difficult to understand attempt at 
abbreviating /etc/network/interfaces, especially to offer for someone with 
limited English skills.

I hope you are not giving up (I got the idea you might based on your previous 
post)--I'm not sure I can help you, but I think someone will be able to.

Re: capture d'ecran pendant l'installation

2018-02-16 Thread G2PC
Le 16/02/2018 à 12:34, Luc Novales a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Le 15/02/2018 à 15:35, Frederic Robert a écrit :
>> Bonjour,
>> Comment allez-vous? Comment puis-je faire des captures d'écran lors
>> d'une installation de Debian sur un poste? Dois-je absolument le
>> faire dans une machine virtuelle pour avoir cette fonction?
> Personnellement, je vais bien, merci ;-).
> Si j'ai bien compris la question, peut être tout simplement, choisir
> la première ligne de l'installeur "graphical install" et utiliser le
> bouton "screenshot", en bas à gauche, à chaque fois que nécessaire.
> Ensuite, il doit bien les mettre sur la machine cible à la fin de
> l'install (avec le rapport d'installation ?).
> Bonne journée,
> Luc.

Cette méthode ne fonctionne que si on utilise une machine virtuelle, non ?
Je ne vois pas comment faire un screen, si on est entrain d'installer
directement un hôte, car, les screens ne sont alors pas enregistrés.

Mais, effectivement, avec VirtualBox, et, la machine invitée en
installation, on lance des screenshot, soit avec le bouton du clavier,
soit, avec un logiciel.
j'utilise le paquet qui permet de faire des captures d'écran, soit tout
l'écran, soit une zone de l'écran, soit, la fenêtre sélectionnée (
Dossier, logiciel, fichier ... ) pour avoir une capture propre sans
avoir à faire de retouche d'image.

Re: capture d'ecran pendant l'installation

2018-02-16 Thread Frederic Robert
On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 12:34:24PM +0100, Luc Novales wrote:
> Si j'ai bien compris la question, peut être tout simplement, choisir
> la première ligne de l'installeur "graphical install" et utiliser le
> bouton "screenshot", en bas à gauche, à chaque fois que nécessaire.
> Ensuite, il doit bien les mettre sur la machine cible à la fin de
> l'install (avec le rapport d'installation ?).
> Bonne journée,
> Luc.


Un grand merci pour les informations

Bonne journée,

Frederic Robert

Re: wiki

2018-02-16 Thread rhkramer
On Thursday, February 15, 2018 08:42:14 PM Rodary Jacques wrote:
> Why can't I access wikis from a Debian box:
> Forbidden
> You are not allowed to access this!
> is the message I get.

I think we need more information--which wiki are you having trouble with?  
(What is its URL?)

Maybe you have to register and then login on that wiki.

Re: capture d'ecran pendant l'installation

2018-02-16 Thread Luc Novales


Le 15/02/2018 à 15:35, Frederic Robert a écrit :


Comment allez-vous? Comment puis-je faire des captures d'écran lors d'une 
installation de Debian sur un poste? Dois-je absolument le faire dans une 
machine virtuelle pour avoir cette fonction?

Personnellement, je vais bien, merci ;-).

Si j'ai bien compris la question, peut être tout simplement, choisir la 
première ligne de l'installeur "graphical install" et utiliser le bouton 
"screenshot", en bas à gauche, à chaque fois que nécessaire. Ensuite, il 
doit bien les mettre sur la machine cible à la fin de l'install (avec le 
rapport d'installation ?).

Bonne journée,

Re: USB key and lost space

2018-02-16 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Rodary Jacques wrote:
> I did subscribe  in april 2016,

The mail header X-Spam-Status in your mail to the list does not contain
the test "LDOSUBSCRIBER". So currently your address is
not subscribed.

Consider to subscribe again and also to Cc: the debian-user list with
your replies.

> Where am I supposed to find firmware.tar.gz. It may be a very stupid
> question, I was used with .iso  image disks only.

Other people on debian-user probably have more experience with that.
I have to google.
For the current Debian release 9 "stretch" it is probably on

I wrote:
> > So use /sbin/fdisk to create partition 3.

> I used fdisk, cfdisk and partitionprobe and it seems my Key is  quite
> useless now

Which ISO image did you put onto the USB stick ?

Let's give current netinst a try:

  $ dd if=debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=1M
  $ /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdc
  Command (m for help): p
  Device Boot StartEnd Sectors  Size Id Type
  /dev/sdc1  *0 593919  593920  290M  0 Empty
  /dev/sdc23760   4591 832  416K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)

  Command (m for help): n
  Partition type
 p   primary (2 primary, 0 extended, 2 free)
 e   extended (container for logical partitions)
  Select (default p): p
  Partition number (3,4, default 3): 3
  First sector (593920-7864318, default 593920): 
  Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G,T,P} (593920-7864318, default 7864318): 

  Created a new partition 3 of type 'Linux' and of size 3.5 GiB.

  Command (m for help): p
  Disk /dev/sdc: 3.8 GiB, 4026531328 bytes, 7864319 sectors
  Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
  Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  Disklabel type: dos
  Disk identifier: 0x0347fd41

  Device Boot  Start End Sectors  Size Id Type
  /dev/sdc1  * 0  593919  593920  290M  0 Empty
  /dev/sdc2 37604591 832  416K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)
  /dev/sdc3   593920 7864318 7270399  3.5G 83 Linux

  Command (m for help): w
  The partition table has been altered.
  Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
  Re-reading the partition table failed.: Permission denied

The final error message comes because i did this as normal user, just
having rw-permission to /dev/sdc.
I unplug and replug the USB stick to let the kernel assess the new

  $ ls /dev/sdc*
  /dev/sdc  /dev/sdc1  /dev/sdc2  /dev/sdc3

> I will try dd, very carefully. to erase this new partition I finally
> created, and perhaps come back to you afterwards.

I would just copy the ISO again onto the USB stick base device 
and then run fdisk.

Have a nice day :)


Hotspot sous Stretch

2018-02-16 Thread Luc Novales


J'utilise le WIFI d'un portable en point d'accès autonome, notamment 
pour piloter les diaporama avec mon smartphone.

Le mode hotspot de Gnome fonctionnait très bien sous Debian 7. Sous 
Debian 8 on y arrivait encore en mode commande (nmcli), en collant une 
configuration de connexion dans le répertoire 

Sous Stretch, je n'arrive pas à le faire tomber en marche. Comme 
l'activation de la connexion doit effectuer un certain nombre d'actions 
comme l'activation d'un serveur dhcp, j'aimerais bien un retour 
d'expérience positif, ou un lien vers une doc, car ce que j'ai trouvé 
sur le net ne m'a mené nulle part.



Re: Debian9+Nvidia pascal = Fail ?

2018-02-16 Thread Luc Novales


Le 15/02/2018 à 11:54, David S. a écrit :

Le 14.02.2018 20:36, Michel Memeteau - EKIMIA a écrit :

Bonjour a tous , a ma grande suprise mon installation de debian 9.3.0 
( non free) sur une machine Intel + 1050ti a échoué .

- Je lance le live 9.3.0 et finit l'installation.
- Je lance la session GDM ( X11 + gnome classic parfait )
- J'installe le paquet nvidia-drivers et les headers comme indiqué ici
Je redemarre , les modules nvidia sont bien chargé , mais gdm échoue 
a démarrer avec le fameux message " quelque chose a planté " ( ou une 
truc du genre ) en mode graphique.

Je ne comprends pas ou j'ai échoué ??


Perso sur une configuration Ryzen 7 1800X + GeForce 1070Ti, j'ai du 
passer sur le driver version 384 dispo en backports et sid pour pas 
avoir de soucis de rendu, j'utilise cinnamon.

Cela confirmerait les problèmes sur tous les anciens GPU, uniquement 
supportés par le driver legacy :-(

Linux ne permettrait plus de sauver les anciennes machines ? Obsolescence...

Bonne journée,

Re: Con ffmpeg... como puedo quitar peso a un vídeo y me quede con el castellano?

2018-02-16 Thread Galvatorix Torixgalva
Si, y me parece que no te va a gustar.

ffmpeg tiene cuatro caracteristicas: es muy bueno, es muy potente, es muy
flexible, y la documentacion es para pegarse un tiro. O encuentras algun
ejemplo en internet (suerte!) o ten (mucha, pero mucha) paciencia con la



de virus.


Re: how to config usb wireless card?

2018-02-16 Thread Long Wind
Thank Deloptes!
i've tried "rfkill list", it says no to both hard and soft blocked 
my energy  is limited and i'll try other methods later on.

On Friday, February 16, 2018 3:21 PM, deloptes  wrote:

 Long Wind wrote:

> Thank bw!i've installed wicd-gtkit shows only wired interface, no wireless
> interface. i've not explored other methodsthey're likely more hard

        rfkill list

and see if something is blocked. Use rfkill to unblock it


to see if interface is available and use iwconfig to power up.



serpent cipher kernel module broken in sid

2018-02-16 Thread Tiarnán Ó Corráin

the serpent cipher is unusable at the moment in sid.

Linux pharoah 4.14.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.13-1 (2018-01-14) x86_64

# modprobe serpent
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'serpent_sse2_x86_64': Unknown symbol in
module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'serpent_avx_x86_64': Unknown symbol in
module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'serpent_avx2': Unknown symbol in module,
or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

syslog has:

Feb 16 10:18:44 pharoah kernel: [16131.500226] ablk_helper: Unknown symbol
__x86_indirect_thunk_rax (err 0)
Feb 16 10:18:44 pharoah kernel: [16131.520670] ablk_helper: Unknown symbol
__x86_indirect_thunk_rax (err 0)
Feb 16 10:18:44 pharoah kernel: [16131.548529] ablk_helper: Unknown symbol
__x86_indirect_thunk_rax (err 0)



Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous,
barren, boring.  Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new,
marvelous, intoxicating. - Simone Weil

Re: petit hs: récupérer une valeur avec JQ.

2018-02-16 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:01:41PM +0100, jérémy prego wrote:
> merci Bruno et Alexandre, il faut lui mettre le chemin complet, j'avais pas
> compris ça comme ça.

  PS pour extraire toutes les valeurs de la (ou des) clef(s) « url »
sans donner de chemin, tu peux aussi essayer ça :

$ jq '.. | .url?' json.txt

  Et pour supprimer les « null » :
$ jq '.. | .url? | select(. != null)' json.txt 

| $ post_tenebras ↲ | waouh!
| GNU\ /|\
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

Re: petit hs: récupérer une valeur avec JQ.

2018-02-16 Thread Alexandre Hoïde
On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:01:41PM +0100, jérémy prego wrote:
> merci Bruno et Alexandre, il faut lui mettre le chemin complet, j'avais pas
> compris ça comme ça.

  De rien. Et mes excuses à Bruno : je n'ai pas pris la peine de le
relire quand j'ai fini par trouver la solution… qu'il avait déjà donnée.

| $ post_tenebras ↲ | waouh!
| GNU\ /|\
|  -- * --  | o
| $ who ↲/ \|_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |