Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers
On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 21:12:06 +0100 (CET)
Jean Bernon  wrote:

> Il y a des choses intéressantes dans votre échange, mais il y a un
> truc que je n'arrive pas à comprendre depuis le début. La demande de
> départ semble être de pouvoir tchater via Signal. Or j'ai installé
> depuis longtemps le paquet signal-desktop sur mon portable (en
> utilisant les paquets standards de Bookworm) et je peux échanger des
> messages et des appels téléphoniques avec mes correspondants Signal.
> Que veut faire de plus Jean-Louis ? Jean 
je m'aperçois que je n'ai pas bien expliqué le problème : mon amie
habite dans une résidence en habitat partagé : les autres personnes qui
y habitent utilisent Signal pour communiquer donc dans l'idéal je
voudrais lui installer Signal sur son ordi portable (car elle n'a
pas de smartphone) mais jusqu'à présent je n'y suis pas arrivé (et
c'est pour ça que j'ai lancé le fil "alternative à Signal..."). 
Mais je viens de percuter que zbar me permet de flasher un code
sans avoir de smartphone donc peut-être que du coup je pourrai utiliser
directement signal-desktop ? ou sinon j'utiliserai la manip indiquée
par Sebastien Nobili avec extrepo. 


Jean-Louis Giraud-Desrondiers

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers
On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:21:21 +0100
NoSpam  wrote:

> Bonjour. Je n'ai rien de plus à ajouter, il s'agit d'une manipulation 
> basique d'un rajout de dépôt sous Debian.
> Ce qui par contre pourrait aider est de donner un sens compréhensif à
> "j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure"
donc j'avais bien compris dans ton message qu'il fallait modifier le
sources.list mais je ne savais pas ce qu'il fallait exactement rajouter
et ne voulant pas faire quelque chose qui bloquerait totalement la
machine de mon amie je n'ai rien fait. 


Jean-Louis Giraud-Desrondiers

Re: Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread David Wright
On Mon 20 Nov 2023 at 08:24:11 (-0500), Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
[ … ]
> inspired an "apt-cache search wake from" search for some reason.
> That highly generic query only received 10 results for Trixie. Maybe
> there's still something in there that's useful. Two of those results,
> etherwake and nvram-wakeup, look interesting. Since they already exist
> as packages, they must be being used somewhere... which might help
> short track figuring out how to apply them to one's own computing
> needs.

etherwake looks like a slightly more functional package than
wakeonlan, which turns on a computer by addressing its MAC.
My Dell desktops all have that facility, which I use regularly.
You configure it in the BIOS, where the setting sits alongside
the time-triggered configuration.

I used to use time-triggered on one of them, but now that I encrypt
/home, it's not so useful just to boot up at a given time each day.

I assume that nvram-wakeup allows you to choose or change a wakeup
time while the machine is still running. Without it, you'd need
to reboot into the BIOS to set the time, and then switch off.

Unfortunately I've not seen these facilities in any laptop I've used.


mpv "some-gif-file.gif" fullscreen and quit, auto exits/kills wayland/ "logs out"

2023-11-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Using mpv for media - videos, music and gifs.

Running mpv to view a gif, e.g:

mpv /usr/share/cups/doc-root/images/wait.gif

 - then immediately type "L" to loop (so mpv does not exit too quickly)

 - then type "f" to make mpv full screen

 - then type "q" to quit mpv

this causes wayland to die/ auto "logout" to occur, losing all my
terms and other apps, and having to log back in.

Any ideas?

Re: IMAP vs POP was Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

2023-11-20 Thread David Wright
On Sat 18 Nov 2023 at 08:58:41 (-0800), Peter Ehlert wrote:
> thread back from the dead:
> first, thanks for all of the input and wise suggestions
> I am going crazy with Thunderbird, and Claws too.
> Now Claws has a calendar add-on, did not try it but maybe it will suffice.
> My longtime web and email host support have been struggling to help
> me, Kudos to webmasters dot com
> IMP vs POP ...the "web" seems to reverse the definitions! I don't know
> who to trust
> I really want to keep messages on their server, space is Not an issue.
> Question: with IMAP is it feasible for a mail client to Leave messages
> on the server?

Well, sorting by Date, mutt lists your post at position:

  33858   L  231118   Peter Ehlert   (1.2K) Re: IMAP vs POP was 
Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

out of a total of 33910 on the server (in the UK). The posts are also
all on this machine here:

  ~/.cache/mutt/$ ls -1 | wc -l
  ~/.cache/mutt/$ du -sh

(Some posts in my cache are orphaned, for straightforward reasons
I won't bother to explain here.)


screen lock shuts down attached HDDs, they don't start up again

2023-11-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Every time the screen lock kicks in, and I return to my debian gnome
desktop, I press Enter, wait for 20 seconds, press Enter again,
eventually the monitor wakes up and I enter the password.

The desktop displays, but my external HDDs have been put to sleep, and
they do not wake up.

One of them is zfs. The zfs mounts list shows, but any attempt to
view/ls a zfs mount, just hangs permanently until a reboot.

The other drive is an ext4 filesystem, and it has been completely
un-mounted and the HDD spun down, and it does not spin up again -
until a reboot.

This seems rather drastic, and unexpected. Surely others have
forgotten to dismount external drives, or taken too long to return to
the computer and had the screen lock kick in, and the external drives
"permanently" shut down?

Any ideas on how to stop this, without disabling the Gnome screen
lock? (I do want the screen to lock if I forget to lock it, or if I
manually lock it, if I'm away from my pc for a while)

Re: Why is bullseye-backports recommended on bookworm?

2023-11-20 Thread David Wright
On Mon 20 Nov 2023 at 11:12:03 (+0100), Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2023-11-18 23:43:34 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > On Sat 18 Nov 2023 at 23:33:59 (+0100), Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > > On 2023-11-18 09:18:56 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > > The "6.1.0-" part comes from the upstream release series.  All the
> > > > kernel images containing "6.1.0-" in this section should come from the
> > > > same upstream series (6.1.x), and should have basically the same feature
> > > > set, with no major changes.
> > > 
> > > BTW, since this is for 6.1.x, I've always wondered why Debian uses the
> > > "6.1.0-" prefix instead of "6.1-". The "6.1.0" is a bit confusing.
> > 
> > So as not to confuse and break software that's hardwired to expect
> > three numbers in any linux kernel version.
> But these numbers in the package name are not the correct ones.
> If the 3 numbers matter, this could yield a potential breakage too.

There aren't really three numbers, and it's the software that's wrong,
perhaps written back in the days of 2.6.26 (lenny) or earlier.


Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread Max Nikulin

On 21/11/2023 04:56, wrote:

it seems my bookworm doesn't have a daemon log

Chapter 5. Issues to be aware of for bookworm
5.1.9. rsyslog creates fewer log files

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Yves Rutschle
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 08:36:20AM +0100, Olivier wrote:
> J'ai découvert que le format SVG avait l'air bien adapté à la
> production par programme d'un dessin mais je n'ai pas l'impression
> s'il soit possible d'y intégrer "un fond de carte".

Je ne suis pas sûr de voir le problème: on peut tout à fait
importer un PNG dans le SVG (et peut-être directement un PDF
aussi, je ne suis pas certain) et rajouter du texte dessus,
et sauvegarder tout ça dans le SVG XML.

Tout ça est faisable programatiquement (la plupart des
langages ont des librairies de manipulation de SVG).

On doit pouvoir aussi créer le SVG dans Inkscape, indiquer
des ID aux objets textes, et changer ceux-ci avec des outils
d'édition XML (je connais mal, je commencerais à regarder
par XPath).

En version crade, on doit pouvoir positionner les éléments
de la carte dans Inkscape en mettant des textes "ancres"
puis changer les textes avec sed: ça peut marcher pour des
textes très simples (sur une seule ligne).


[Debian/Bullseye] - Come far scattare il 'fallback relayhost'?

2023-11-20 Thread Ennio-Sr
Visto che è passato il mio precedente messaggio circa Majordomo, invio
subito l'altra domanda, alla quale non ho trovato risposta, tanto è vero
che imiei messaggi alla lista non 'passavano'.

Nel file /etc/postfix/sasl_pwd avevo queste due righe:

lle quali seguivano altre, che peròerano commentate con '#'.

Ebbene, perché quado i messaggi alla lista venivano respinti da,
come mai non veniva usata la seconda riga contenente il 'fallback_relay'?

Grazie dell''attenzione, ennio

[Perché usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.  \\?//
 Fà qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.   .)=(. 
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say)]  /_\ 

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Dan Ritter
Karen Lewellen wrote: 
> I personally am in the majority of those experiencing sight loss, and do not
> read braille.
> I also use Linux via a shell service, fear losing my years of gmail content
> etc.
> Add the captcha test for gmail and well.

Those are reasons to use gmail via their IMAP interface instead
of their website:

- use gmail via IMAP to mutt to get a fast, keyboard-driven, pure
  character-cell mail client

- mutt runs very well on shell services, and is probably already

- gmail never imposes a CAPTCHA while using the IMAP interface.

You should try it; it might be exactly what you need.

But I notice that you appear to be using pine right now. Why not
switch to alpine, which is substantially the same but

As a bonus, it has IMAP support, so you can point it at gmail.
Now you don't even have to learn a new client.


Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Karen Lewellen
You know, I have come to  appreciate that alpine is only as solid as the 
service providing alpine.

For example my work Linux shell access is provided by dreamhost.
Who uses Alpine on their workspace service.
The inbox closes regularly, there is no spam filtering that allows you to 
move spam back to the inbox,
the alpine interface freezes..all the time, especially if I follow a link 

I may let someone test drive mutt on my other gmail account so I can 
discover how it works before tampering with my personal gmail account, 
but alpine is a no based on the mess I deal with at work using the program.

Speaking personally of firmly course.

On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, Dan Ritter wrote:

Karen Lewellen wrote:

I personally am in the majority of those experiencing sight loss, and do not
read braille.
I also use Linux via a shell service, fear losing my years of gmail content
Add the captcha test for gmail and well.

Those are reasons to use gmail via their IMAP interface instead
of their website:

- use gmail via IMAP to mutt to get a fast, keyboard-driven, pure
 character-cell mail client

- mutt runs very well on shell services, and is probably already

- gmail never imposes a CAPTCHA while using the IMAP interface.

You should try it; it might be exactly what you need.

But I notice that you appear to be using pine right now. Why not
switch to alpine, which is substantially the same but

As a bonus, it has IMAP support, so you can point it at gmail.
Now you don't even have to learn a new client.


in Debian bookworm /var/log/syslog is empty

2023-11-20 Thread John Covici
Hi.  I am using bookworm with latest updates and /var/log/syslog is
empty, even though rsyslog is runniing.  I am also using logwatch and
not getting at least some responses I should get such as fail2ban.
These may be separate problems, but any help on those would be
appreciated.  I saw a previous thread, but it does not seem to apply
to my situation.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

 John Covici wb2una

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread fxkl47BF
On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, Marco Moock wrote:

> Am 20.11.2023 um 17:54:27 Uhr schrieb
>> 2023-11-19T07:24:45.772306-06:00 honey smartd[858]: Device: /dev/sdb
>> [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from
>> 111 to 112
> Looks good. Can you check logwatch for any error messages?

i ran
logwatch --service smartd --range Yesterday --detail high -debug 5

i see
export LOGWATCH_LOGFILE_LIST='/var/log/daemon.log '

it seems my bookworm doesn't have a daemon log

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Karen Lewellen
I personally am in the majority of those experiencing sight loss, and do 
not read braille.
I also use Linux via a shell service, fear losing my years of gmail 
content etc.

Add the captcha test for gmail and well.

On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, Dan Ritter wrote:

Gareth Evans wrote:

Alpine and Mutt, amongst others, are terminal-based email clients, though I 
can't vouch for their accessibility.  I can't remember if or how they handle 
graphics either.

There are definitely people who use mutt through a braille
terminal. I don't know if there are people using it through a
screen reader.


Re: Teams via firefox

2023-11-20 Thread Frederic Zulian
Solution toute simple : Installation de l'extension "Refined Microsoft
Cela fonctionne nickel.

Frédéric ZULIAN

Le lun. 20 nov. 2023 à 14:18, Sébastien NOBILI <> a écrit :

> Le 2023-11-20 13:57, Frederic Zulian a écrit :
> > "La version de votre navigateur n’est pas prise en charge. Les
> > navigateurs suivants sont pris en charge :
> >
> > Microsoft Edge - Installation gratuite
> > Google Chrome - Installation gratuite"
> >
> > Une idée  (tout en restant sous Firefox)  ?
> Changer le "User-Agent" pour faire croire au site qu'on utilise Chrome :
> Sans garantie de succès, ça permettra peut-être juste de passer le
> vigile
> à l'entrée…
> Sébastien

Re: IMAP vs POP was Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

2023-11-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:15:56 -0600
Mike McClain  wrote:

Hello Mike,

>A second item that's slightly off topic, I've had no luck setting
>up claws-mail to send out through and if anyone knows how
>to do that I'd appreciate the claws-mail setup for it.

Without knowing what you've done, or what errors you receive I can only
suggest you start here;

Specifically the part Verify POP or IMAP settings.

 Regards  _   "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
 / )  "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
/ _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
You can't go in if you don't look right
Outlaw - Chron Gen

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Get running time of child process

2023-11-20 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 20 Nov 2023 20:55 +0100, from (Franco Martelli):
> ~$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime | grep 1620
>1620 Mon Nov 20 16:12:47 202301:22:39
> 1620 is the PID of the parent process, the command returns the date when the
> parent process had started and the elapsed time as I expected. But if I do
> the same command for the its child process (PID 3507):
> ~$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime | grep 3507
> the command returns nothing.

Try using ps -q instead of grep to get information on a specific PID:

$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime -q 1620,3507

If that doesn't return anything for the child process, maybe it simply
has exited?

Michael Kjörling 
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Jean Bernon
En relisant le sujet de la discussion, je revois le "SANS smartphone" que 
j'avais un peu oublié. Dans ce cas, pourquoi ne pas utiliser Jitsi qui 
fonctionne avec un simple navigateur ? 

- Mail original -

> De: "Jean Bernon" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Lundi 20 Novembre 2023 21:12:06
> Objet: Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

> Il y a des choses intéressantes dans votre échange, mais il y a un
> truc que je n'arrive pas à comprendre depuis le début. La demande de
> départ semble être de pouvoir tchater via Signal. Or j'ai installé
> depuis longtemps le paquet signal-desktop sur mon portable (en
> utilisant les paquets standards de Bookworm) et je peux échanger des
> messages et des appels téléphoniques avec mes correspondants Signal.
> Que veut faire de plus Jean-Louis ?
> Jean

> - Mail original -

> > De: "NoSpam" 
> > À:
> > Envoyé: Lundi 20 Novchembre 2023 15:21:21
> > Objet: Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

> > Bonjour. Je n'ai rien de plus à ajouter, il s'agit d'une
> > manipulation
> > basique d'un rajout de dépôt sous Debian.

> > Ce qui par contre pourrait aider est de donner un sens compréhensif
> > à

> > "j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure"

> > Le 20/11/2023 à 14:28, Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers a écrit :
> > > Salut,
> > > j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure que tu
> > > as
> > > indiquée ci-dessous :
> > >> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list
> > >>
> > >> deb [arch=amd64
> > >> signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg]
> > >> xenial main
> > >>
> > >> sudo apt update
> > >>
> > >> sudo apt install signal-desktop
> > >>
> > > Est-ce que tu pourrais détailler les différentes étapes de la
> > > procédure
> > > stp ?
> > > D'avance merci
> > >
> > >

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Jean Bernon
Il y a des choses intéressantes dans votre échange, mais il y a un truc que je 
n'arrive pas à comprendre depuis le début. La demande de départ semble être de 
pouvoir tchater via Signal. Or j'ai installé depuis longtemps le paquet 
signal-desktop sur mon portable (en utilisant les paquets standards de 
Bookworm) et je peux échanger des messages et des appels téléphoniques avec mes 
correspondants Signal. Que veut faire de plus Jean-Louis ? 

- Mail original -

> De: "NoSpam" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Lundi 20 Novchembre 2023 15:21:21
> Objet: Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

> Bonjour. Je n'ai rien de plus à ajouter, il s'agit d'une manipulation
> basique d'un rajout de dépôt sous Debian.

> Ce qui par contre pourrait aider est de donner un sens compréhensif à

> "j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure"

> Le 20/11/2023 à 14:28, Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers a écrit :
> > Salut,
> > j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure que tu as
> > indiquée ci-dessous :
> >> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list
> >>
> >> deb [arch=amd64
> >> signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg]
> >> xenial main
> >>
> >> sudo apt update
> >>
> >> sudo apt install signal-desktop
> >>
> > Est-ce que tu pourrais détailler les différentes étapes de la
> > procédure
> > stp ?
> > D'avance merci
> >
> >

Get running time of child process

2023-11-20 Thread Franco Martelli

Get running time of child process
I've Picom running on my system with these PIDs:

~$ pstree -hpan | grep picom
  |   |   |   |   `-grep,6199 picom
  |-picom,1620 -b --config /home/myuser/.config/picom.conf
  |   `-{picom},3507

If I do:

~$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime | grep 1620
   1620 Mon Nov 20 16:12:47 202301:22:39

1620 is the PID of the parent process, the command returns the date when 
the parent process had started and the elapsed time as I expected. But 
if I do the same command for the its child process (PID 3507):

~$ ps -eo pid,lstart,etime | grep 3507

the command returns nothing.
So, is it possible to have the starting time and the elapsed time of a 
child process?

Thanks in advance, kind regards
Franco Martelli

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 17:54:27 Uhr schrieb

> 2023-11-19T07:24:45.772306-06:00 honey smartd[858]: Device: /dev/sdb
> [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from
> 111 to 112

Looks good. Can you check logwatch for any error messages?

Re: IMAP vs POP was Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

2023-11-20 Thread Roy J. Tellason, Sr.
On Monday 20 November 2023 11:15:56 am Mike McClain wrote:
>  Seeing several messages complaining about fetching messages from
> I'd like to point out that gmail can be set to forward all
> messages to a gmail account to another account on a different server.

That's exactly what I'm doing here...

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James 
M Dakin

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Dan Ritter
Gareth Evans wrote: 
> Alpine and Mutt, amongst others, are terminal-based email clients, though I 
> can't vouch for their accessibility.  I can't remember if or how they handle 
> graphics either.

There are definitely people who use mutt through a braille
terminal. I don't know if there are people using it through a
screen reader.


Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread fxkl47BF
On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, Marco Moock wrote:

> Am 20.11.2023 um 15:14:51 Uhr schrieb
>> if i look in /var/log/syslog i see many entries
> What is the name of the entries?
> For me it is smartd.

2023-11-19T07:24:45.772306-06:00 honey smartd[858]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 
SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius changed from 111 to 112

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Gareth Evans

> On 20 Nov 2023, at 16:23, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> ...

>  thinking of Debian shells or Ubuntu ones, how would you find a path to gmail 
> firmly?

Hi Karen,

Alpine and Mutt, amongst others, are terminal-based email clients, though I 
can't vouch for their accessibility.  I can't remember if or how they handle 
graphics either.

Roundcube, a browser-based client, may also be of interest:

but I'm not sure how it compares to Google's HTML interface for your 

Best wishes,

Re: IMAP vs POP was Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

2023-11-20 Thread Tixy
On Mon, 2023-11-20 at 10:15 -0600, Mike McClain wrote:
> Seeing several messages complaining about fetching messages from
> I'd like to point out that gmail can be set to forward all
> messages to a gmail account to another account on a different server.
> I saw a message making that point several years ago,

I'm sure I've mentioned that here before. I did it in my last job as my
employer used Google for mail, so I just forwarded everything to an
email account on my email server at home.


Re: Temporary failure in name resolution error when I try to ping Debian 12 / DomU running on top of the Devuan 5 host os / Dom0

2023-11-20 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 10:54:08PM +0100, Mario Marietto wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to configure Debian 12 / DomU on my (Arm32) Chromebook because I
> want to use the Internet and I want its IP address to be seen from
> "outside" of my LAN.
> This is the tutorial that I'm following :

I'm pleased for you that it now appears to be working so this comment comes
after the fact.

You are asking three separate questions here, in some sense:

You have a Chromebook - so ChromeOS underlying everything, potentially

A Xen subsystem running Devuan - note, not Debian

A Debian 12 as the guest OS?

The number of folk on this list with a Chromebook is small, potentially.
The number with Xen experience is a subset of that.
The number with Devuan experience is a subset of that.

You were very fortunate indeed that someone here was able to resolve anything.

For the future:

* For Devuan, please ask their support channels on IRC -
 or their mailing lists on DNG -

* Ask _their_ experts for expertise with Xen under Devuan

After you have exhausted Devuan expertise, please write up what advice
you have already received and then come to Debian.

As often reiterated here: this mailing list only has significant expertise
in Debian, and  not necessarily every Debian-derived distribution. Please use
appropriate sources for advice if you practicably can

With every good wish, as ever,


> A) on the host os (Devuan 5)
> Linux devuan-bunsen 6.1.61-stb-xen-cbe+ #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov  4 13:46:17
> EDT 2023 armv7l
> root@devuan-bunsen:~# ifconfig
> lo: flags=73  mtu 65536
>inet  netmask
>inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10
>loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
>RX packets 2729  bytes 8279984 (7.8 MiB)
>RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>TX packets 2729  bytes 8279984 (7.8 MiB)
>TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> mlan0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>inet  netmask  broadcast
>inet6 fe80::8839:239b:9b37:cf84  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
>RX packets 19694  bytes 2193230 (2.0 MiB)
>RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>TX packets 18757  bytes 10464406 (9.9 MiB)
>TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> vif4.0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
>inet  netmask  broadcast
>ether fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>RX packets 359  bytes 94924 (92.6 KiB)
>RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>TX packets 42  bytes 1764 (1.7 KiB)
>TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> nano debian.cfg :
> kernel = '/Dati/xen/kernels/zImage-6.1.61-stb-xen-cbe+'
> memory = '768'
> name = 'Debian-bookworm'
> vcpus = '1'
> disk = [ '/Dati/xen/debian.img,,xvda,w' ]
> vif = [ 'type=vif,mac=00:16:3e:12:34:56,script=vif-route' ]
> extra = 'console=hvc0 root=/dev/xvda rw init=/sbin/init
> nano /etc/xen/scripts/vif-route-local :
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # ${XEN_SCRIPT_DIR}/vif-route
> #
> # Script for configuring a vif in routed mode.
> #
> # Usage:
> # vif-route (add|remove|online|offline)
> #
> # Environment vars:
> # dev vif interface name (required).
> # XENBUS_PATH path to this device's details in the XenStore (required).
> #
> # Read from the store:
> # ip  list of IP networks for the vif, space-separated (default given in
> # this script).
> #
> dir=$(dirname "$0")
> . "${dir}/"
> #netdev=$(mlan0)
> main_ip=$(dom0_ip)
> case "${command}" in
> add|online)
> echo $dev
>   echo $ip
> echo $main_ip
> ifconfig ${dev} ${main_ip} netmask up
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/${dev}/proxy_arp
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/${dev}/forwarding
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/mlan0/forwarding
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/mlan0/proxy_arp
> /usr/sbin/arp -i mlan0 -Ds $main_ip mlan0 pub
> ipcmd='add'
> cmdprefix=''
> ;;
> remove|offline)
> do_without_error ifdown ${dev}
> ipcmd='del'
> cmdprefix='do_without_error'
> ;;
> esac
> case "${type_if}" in
> tap)
> metric=1
> ;;
> vif)
> metric=2
> ;;
> *)
> fatal "Unrecognised interface type ${type_if}"
> ;;
> esac
> # If we've been given a list of IP addresses, then add routes from dom0 to
> # the guest using those addresses.
> for addr in ${ip} ; do
> ${cmdprefix} ip route ${ipcmd} ${addr} dev ${dev} src ${main_ip} metric
> ${metric}
> done
> handle_iptable
> call_hooks vif post

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Karen Lewellen

My guess is that you cannot understand as you are not personally embodying 
a few combination of disability experiences.
There are many paths to inclusion fortified by the web interface that, to 
my understanding, are not equally provided by imap.


On Mon, 20 Nov 2023, Marco Moock wrote:

Am 20.11.2023 um 11:22:52 Uhr schrieb Karen Lewellen:

This morning google began circulating a plan to force standard gmail
on users still keeping basic html spite of posts on their
own accessibility list from members around the world experiencing
disabilities who still need basic html.
I personally have a great deal of content, for work and otherwise in
this inbox.
making it worse for me is that one must solve a captcha to prove
yourself, something I physically cannot do.
so,  thinking of Debian shells or Ubuntu ones, how would you find a
path to gmail firmly?

I cannot understand why people use Google's web interface when IMAP is
available. They can choose the IMAP software they want and Google
doesn't change the GUI.

Re: IMAP vs POP was Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

2023-11-20 Thread Mike McClain
Seeing several messages complaining about fetching messages from I'd like to point out that gmail can be set to forward all
messages to a gmail account to another account on a different server.
I saw a message making that point several years ago, probably here,
and seldom log into gmail but get all messages sent to my gmail
accounts by others.

A second item that's slightly off topic, I've had no luck setting
up claws-mail to send out through and if anyone knows how
to do that I'd appreciate the claws-mail setup for it.

Telling pious lies to trusting children is a form of abuse,
plain and simple. - Daniel Dennett, 2010-01-12

Re: no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 15:14:51 Uhr schrieb

> if i look in /var/log/syslog i see many entries

What is the name of the entries?

For me it is smartd.

Re: it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.11.2023 um 11:22:52 Uhr schrieb Karen Lewellen:

> This morning google began circulating a plan to force standard gmail
> on users still keeping basic html spite of posts on their
> own accessibility list from members around the world experiencing
> disabilities who still need basic html.
> I personally have a great deal of content, for work and otherwise in
> this inbox.
> making it worse for me is that one must solve a captcha to prove 
> yourself, something I physically cannot do.
> so,  thinking of Debian shells or Ubuntu ones, how would you find a
> path to gmail firmly?

I cannot understand why people use Google's web interface when IMAP is
available. They can choose the IMAP software they want and Google
doesn't change the GUI.

it: perhaps? gmail issues.

2023-11-20 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi folks,
Admit my hands are shaking a bit as I write.
This morning google began circulating a plan to force standard gmail on 
users still keeping basic html spite of posts on their own 
accessibility list from members around the world experiencing disabilities 
who still need basic html.
I personally have a great deal of content, for work and otherwise in this 
making it worse for me is that one must solve a captcha to prove 
yourself, something I physically cannot do.
so,  thinking of Debian shells or Ubuntu ones, how would you find a path 
to gmail firmly?


no smartd in logwatch

2023-11-20 Thread fxkl47BF
since i upgraded to bookworm there is no smartd section in logwatch
logwatch runs every night using default settings
if i run
logwatch --service smartd --range Yesterday --detail high
i get nothing
if i look in /var/log/syslog i see many entries

[SOLUCIONADO]Re: plasma-discover no se abre

2023-11-20 Thread Adolfo R.

El 1/10/23 a las 15:04, Camaleón escribió:

El 2023-10-01 a las 10:25 +0200, Adolfo R. escribió:

El 30/9/23 a las 17:24, Camaleón escribió:

El 2023-09-30 a las 13:22 +0200, Adolfo R. escribió:

Saludos a la lista. ... Suelo actualizar mi sistema
mediante apt; pero a veces me resulta cómodo tirar del actualizador de
plasma que aparece como icono en la bandeja del sistema; pero desde hace
unas semanas, éste no funciona y me dice: The PackageKit daemon has crashed
Si abro plasma-discover, se cierra y, en la traza inversa de Dr.konqui
aparece: Application: Discover (plasma-discover), signal: Segmentation
fault...Muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia. Adolfo R.

Hay muchos informes de fallo abiertos en el bugzilla de KDE¹ para ese
tipo de fallo (segfault) relacionados con ese applet, widget o como
lo llamen :-)

Puedes probar a crear un usurio nuevo e interlo desde ahí, para
descartar un problema de confgiración pero tratándose de Debian testing,
yo esperarría a que lo actualicen, seguramente lo resuelvan


Gracias por la idea. He creado un nuevo usuario y con él he podido abrir
Discover y, con el applet de la bandeja, he actualizado el sistema;

pero al acabar la actualización, de nuevo me ha salido el error del
"demonio" de packagekit. A partir de este momento, tampoco puedo acceder a

No creo que se trate de un problema de la distribución de Linux sino
del paquete en sí mismo, es decir, de KDE. En los informes de bugzilla
no se indica el sistema de los usuarios pero los errores con ese applet
son siempre los mismos.

        He tardado un poco en dar con la solución al problema... 
tampoco era algo que me molestara mucho.

Llevo utilizando Debian como unos veinte años y, la gran mayoría de los 
problemas que he tenido, han sido porque el hardware daba errores o

porque el usuario hacía barbaridades.  En este caso aplica lo segundo.

Hace unos meses me trajeron una tableta de las que se utilizan, por 
ejemplo, en los bancos para firmar, para que programara una aplicación

que permitiera recoger las firmas y generase un pdf con la firma y el 
documento firmado.

La tableta era un modelo antiguo, descatalogado por el fabricante, y 
necesitaba instalar - Archivo obsoleto hasta para la old 
old estable de Debian.

 Me descargué de  las bibliotecas que 
incluían ésta de ssl y las copié en /usr/lib

La tableta funcionaba, hice la aplicación y me olvidé de borrar estas 
bibliotecas... pero Debian no.

El problema que daba tener estas bibliotecas obsoletas de ssl es que KDE 
la detectaba y no cargaba los Certificados del Sistema. dichos 
certificados los

utiliza KDE para entrar en sus propios recursos: Discover moría en el 
intento y Preferencias del Sistema no me permitía descargar Temas 
globales, ni estilos,

ni iconos...

Solución: Borrar y todo ha vuelto a la normalidad.

Perdón por el ruido.

Muchas Gracias.

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread NoSpam
Bonjour. Je n'ai rien de plus à ajouter, il s'agit d'une manipulation 
basique d'un rajout de dépôt sous Debian.

Ce qui par contre pourrait aider est de donner un sens compréhensif à

"j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure"

Le 20/11/2023 à 14:28, Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers a écrit :

j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure que tu as
indiquée ci-dessous :

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list

deb [arch=amd64
signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] xenial main

sudo apt update

sudo apt install signal-desktop

Est-ce que tu pourrais détailler les différentes étapes de la procédure
stp ?
D'avance merci

Re: Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> Speaking as a user who has been "bitten" by this many times, finding a
> way to have alarms wake the laptop back up is on my own to-do list.

Well then, here's the rest of that paragraph, which I didn't include in
the previous message:

   If WakeSystem= (see below)
   is enabled a calendar time event elapsing while the system is
   suspended will cause the system to wake up (under the condition the
   system's hardware supports time-triggered wake-up functionality).

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le 2023-11-20 14:28, Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers a écrit :

Est-ce que tu pourrais détailler les différentes étapes de la procédure
stp ?

Voilà une méthode un peu différente mais qui arrive aux mêmes fins
via l'utilisation d'outils disponibles dans Debian :

Installer extrepo (lancer en tant que `root`) :

apt install extrepo

Éditer le fichier `/etc/extrepo/config.yaml` et décommenter les deux
dernières lignes (contenant "contrib" et "non-free").

Activer le repo de Signal et installer l'appli (lancer en tant que
`root`) :

extrepo enable signal
apt update
apt install


Re: Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread Cindy Sue Causey
On 11/20/23, Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:48:24PM +0100, Erwan David wrote:
>> What happens when a timer should have been triggered at a time the
>> computer
>> was sleeping ?
> systemd.timer(5):
>When a system is temporarily put to sleep (i.e. system suspend
> or
>hibernation) the realtime clock does not pause. When a calendar
>timer elapses while the system is sleeping it will not be acted
> on
>immediately, but once the system is later resumed it will catch
> up
>and process all timers that triggered while the system was
>sleeping. Note that if a calendar timer elapsed more than once
>while the system was continously sleeping the timer will only
>result in a single service activation.

Speaking as a user who has been "bitten" by this many times, finding a
way to have alarms wake the laptop back up is on my own to-do list. It
just seems like that I played with that type of feature a very long
time ago.

In my usage case, the affected program is alarm-clock-applet. My
experience is that any and all alarms will start going off audibly as
soon as the laptop's lid is lifted post [hibernation]. Since this has
only ever involved bidding on auctions (aka spending money), finding a
work-around has never had high priority on that to-do list, lol.

As an afterthought, it came to mind that one of the video players at
least used to let users toggle an option to keep a laptop from going
to sleep until after a video, e.g. a long movie, stopped playing. That
inspired an "apt-cache search wake from" search for some reason.

That highly generic query only received 10 results for Trixie. Maybe
there's still something in there that's useful. Two of those results,
etherwake and nvram-wakeup, look interesting. Since they already exist
as packages, they must be being used somewhere... which might help
short track figuring out how to apply them to one's own computing

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

Re: [HS] alternative à Signal sous Debian et SANS smartphone

2023-11-20 Thread Jean Louis Giraud Desrondiers
j'ai tenté sans succès ce matin d'appliquer la procédure que tu as
indiquée ci-dessous : 
> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/signal-xenial.list
> deb [arch=amd64 
> signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/signal-desktop-keyring.gpg] 
> xenial main
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install signal-desktop
Est-ce que tu pourrais détailler les différentes étapes de la procédure
stp ? 
D'avance merci


Jean-Louis Giraud-Desrondiers

Re: Teams via firefox

2023-11-20 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le 2023-11-20 13:57, Frederic Zulian a écrit :

"La version de votre navigateur n’est pas prise en charge. Les
navigateurs suivants sont pris en charge :

Microsoft Edge - Installation gratuite
Google Chrome - Installation gratuite"

Une idée  (tout en restant sous Firefox)  ?

Changer le "User-Agent" pour faire croire au site qu'on utilise Chrome :

Sans garantie de succès, ça permettra peut-être juste de passer le 

à l'entrée…


Re: Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread Erwan David

Le 20/11/2023 à 13:10, Greg Wooledge a écrit :

On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:48:24PM +0100, Erwan David wrote:

What happens when a timer should have been triggered at a time the computer
was sleeping ?


When a system is temporarily put to sleep (i.e. system suspend or
hibernation) the realtime clock does not pause. When a calendar
timer elapses while the system is sleeping it will not be acted on
immediately, but once the system is later resumed it will catch up
and process all timers that triggered while the system was
sleeping. Note that if a calendar timer elapsed more than once
while the system was continously sleeping the timer will only
result in a single service activation.

Thanks, I was looking at the wrong place.

Erwan David

Teams via firefox

2023-11-20 Thread Frederic Zulian

Tentative d'accès à une visio via  Teams  sous testing  avec  firefox 115.4

"La version de votre navigateur n’est pas prise en charge. Les navigateurs
suivants sont pris en charge :

Microsoft Edge - Installation gratuite
Google Chrome - Installation gratuite"

Une idée  (tout en restant sous Firefox)  ?

Frédéric ZULIAN

Re: Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:48:24PM +0100, Erwan David wrote:
> What happens when a timer should have been triggered at a time the computer
> was sleeping ?


   When a system is temporarily put to sleep (i.e. system suspend or
   hibernation) the realtime clock does not pause. When a calendar
   timer elapses while the system is sleeping it will not be acted on
   immediately, but once the system is later resumed it will catch up
   and process all timers that triggered while the system was
   sleeping. Note that if a calendar timer elapsed more than once
   while the system was continously sleeping the timer will only
   result in a single service activation.

Systemd timer and sleeping laptop

2023-11-20 Thread Erwan David


What happens when a timer should have been triggered at a time the 
computer was sleeping ?

I see that wit Persitent=true it is triggered at restart when it should 
have been triggered when the computer was off, but in case of sleep (or 
deeep sleep) the timer unit is not restarted, so what happens ?

Re: Une distribution Debianesque avec beaucoup de code source et information DWARF de deboguage

2023-11-20 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 12:36:10PM +0100, hamster wrote:
> Le 20/11/2023 à 12:18, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
> > Je cherche une distribution Debian dont la plupart -ou la totalité- des
> > paquets sont aussi disponibles sous forme sources, et dont la plupart
> > des bibliothèques et executables ELF sont compilés avec les informations
> > DWARF de debugging (donc, si compilés par GCC, ayant été compilés avec
> > -O2 -g)
> Pour DWARF je sais pas, mais j'ai remarqué qu'un bon nombre de paquets ont
> une variante avec -dbg a la fin du nom et on m'a dit que c'est des paquets
> qui contiennent les informations de débogage.
> Pour les sources rien de plus simple. Active les lignes qui commencent par
> deb-src dans ton /etc/apt/sources.list et tu aura toutes les sources
> disponibles au téléchargement dans ton gestionnaire de paquets favori.

Il y a aussi Debuginfod [0] et les dêpots debian-debug [1].


Roberto C. Sánchez

Re: Une distribution Debianesque avec beaucoup de code source et information DWARF de deboguage

2023-11-20 Thread hamster

Le 20/11/2023 à 12:18, Basile Starynkevitch a écrit :
Je cherche une distribution Debian dont la plupart -ou la totalité- des 
paquets sont aussi disponibles sous forme sources, et dont la plupart 
des bibliothèques et executables ELF sont compilés avec les informations 
DWARF de debugging (donc, si compilés par GCC, ayant été compilés avec 
-O2 -g)

Pour DWARF je sais pas, mais j'ai remarqué qu'un bon nombre de paquets 
ont une variante avec -dbg a la fin du nom et on m'a dit que c'est des 
paquets qui contiennent les informations de débogage.

Pour les sources rien de plus simple. Active les lignes qui commencent 
par deb-src dans ton /etc/apt/sources.list et tu aura toutes les sources 
disponibles au téléchargement dans ton gestionnaire de paquets favori.

Une distribution Debianesque avec beaucoup de code source et information DWARF de deboguage

2023-11-20 Thread Basile Starynkevitch

Bonjour la liste

Je cherche une distribution Debian dont la plupart -ou la totalité- des 
paquets sont aussi disponibles sous forme sources, et dont la plupart 
des bibliothèques et executables ELF sont compilés avec les informations 
DWARF de debugging (donc, si compilés par GCC, ayant été compilés avec 
-O2 -g)

En gros, une distribution Debian "developer-friendly".

J'ignore quel est le volume (en gigaoctets) de la majorité du code 
source des paquets Debian

Ou bien dois-je renoncer à Debian et son apt et m'orienter vers archlinux?

J'ai trois tera octets de libre sur mon disque. Je suis prêt, si besoin, 
à investir dans un autre disque dur.

(mon souci, c'est que je suis peu familier avec pacman)


PS je cherche toujours des contributeurs, des partenaires et/ou un peu 
de financement pour (un moteur d'inférences sous 
licence GPLv3+ en logiciel libre)

Basile Starynkevitch
(only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
web page:

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Tixy
On Mon, 2023-11-20 at 11:21 +0100, wrote:
> (and oh, it hasn't been mentioned: make super-sure some smart and
> overly helpful automounter has got hold of the USB).

That's a good point. I tend to use an Ubuntu live image to do things
like cloning my main disk, and I've wasted quite a few hours after not
noticing it's auto-mounting the disk I'm copying too and so trashing my
clone. (I find out the copy is bad when doing a binary compare after
the multi-hour copying is done.)


Re: le bluez de la doc de bluez (+wireplumber)

2023-11-20 Thread Erwann Le Bras


chez moi, la commande bluetoothctl --help donne toutes les commandes 
applicables :

$ bluetoothctl --help
bluetoothctl ver 5.66
    bluetoothctl [--options] [commands]
    --agent     Register agent handler: 
    --endpoints     Register Media endpoints
    --monitor     Enable monitor output
    --timeout     Timeout in seconds for non-interactive mode
    --version     Display version
    --help         Display help
    list        List available controllers
    show        Controller information
    select        Select default controller
    devices        List available devices, with an optional property as 
the filter

    system-alias    Set controller alias
    reset-alias    Reset controller alias
    power        Set controller power
    pairable    Set controller pairable mode
    discoverable    Set controller discoverable mode
    discoverable-timeout    Set discoverable timeout
    agent        Enable/disable agent with given capability
    default-agent    Set agent as the default one
    advertise    Enable/disable advertising with given type
    set-alias    Set device alias
    scan        Scan for devices
    info        Device information
    pair        Pair with device
    cancel-pairing    Cancel pairing with device
    trust        Trust device
    untrust        Untrust device
    block        Block device
    unblock        Unblock device
    remove        Remove device
    connect        Connect device
    disconnect    Disconnect device

Le 20/11/2023 à 11:48, Erwann Le Bras a écrit :


mémo rapide bluetoothctl :

  * liste des périphériques :  bluetoothctl devices
  * scan : bluetoothctl scan on
  * appairer : bluetoothctl pair 
  * rendre un périphérique sécurisé/connu : bluetoothctl trust 

c'est les commandes que j'utilise couramment.

aide complète : bluetoothctl --help


Le 17/11/2023 à 19:49, Marc Chantreux a écrit :

salut à tous,

Je tente de connecter un casque USB. Pour le moment, j'ai réussi
à enregistrer le périphérique

# bluetoothctl devices |grep W
Device 14:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX WH-XB900N

et il me faut maintenant le pairer. Et là surprise: toutes ces
commandes ne servent à peu pret à rien:

man bluetoothctl
bluetoothctl --help
apropos bluetoothctl
apropos bluez

"il me manque un paquet de doc", me dis-je, mais

# aptitude search '~nbluez ~ndoc'
libkf5bluezqt-doc - documentation files for bluez-qt

bon ... je me résigne:

apt-cache show bluez |
sed '/^Homepage: /!d;s///;q' |
xargs chromium

ce qui me fait visiter Sauf que même ici

* pas d'onglet doc.
* la FAQ est moins longue que celle de la WTFPL (

dans la page download, je trouve "User Space BlueZ Package". Cool!

curl  |
tar xz
grep -F bluetoothctl blu*/doc

et là encore je ne trouve rien (ou plutôt une ligne).

Y'a pas de docs ou c'est moi qui ne sais plut chercher?


Re: le bluez de la doc de bluez (+wireplumber)

2023-11-20 Thread Erwann Le Bras


mémo rapide bluetoothctl :

 * liste des périphériques :  bluetoothctl devices
 * scan : bluetoothctl scan on
 * appairer : bluetoothctl pair 
 * rendre un périphérique sécurisé/connu : bluetoothctl trust 

c'est les commandes que j'utilise couramment.

aide complète : bluetoothctl --help


Le 17/11/2023 à 19:49, Marc Chantreux a écrit :

salut à tous,

Je tente de connecter un casque USB. Pour le moment, j'ai réussi
à enregistrer le périphérique

# bluetoothctl devices |grep W
Device 14:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX WH-XB900N

et il me faut maintenant le pairer. Et là surprise: toutes ces
commandes ne servent à peu pret à rien:

man bluetoothctl
bluetoothctl --help
apropos bluetoothctl
apropos bluez

"il me manque un paquet de doc", me dis-je, mais

# aptitude search '~nbluez ~ndoc'
libkf5bluezqt-doc - documentation files for bluez-qt

bon ... je me résigne:

apt-cache show bluez |
sed '/^Homepage: /!d;s///;q' |
xargs chromium

ce qui me fait visiter Sauf que même ici

* pas d'onglet doc.
* la FAQ est moins longue que celle de la WTFPL (

dans la page download, je trouve "User Space BlueZ Package". Cool!

curl  |
tar xz
grep -F bluetoothctl blu*/doc

et là encore je ne trouve rien (ou plutôt une ligne).

Y'a pas de docs ou c'est moi qui ne sais plut chercher?


Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 11:27:45AM +0100, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

> wrote:


> > all blocks of the block device get overwritten,
> Not all. Only as far as the new image reaches. That's how the GPT backup
> can survive (xorriso-dd-target would explicitely overwrite the last block
> by zeros).
> EFI firmwares are not known to react on GPT backups, although this cannot
> be ruled out completely.

Indeed, thanks for the correction :-)

t "all generalizations suck"

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Thomas Schmitt

Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > all of the grub menu options (Graphical
> > > install, Graphical expert install, Expert install, etc) give 2 errors:
> > > 1) "..invalid buffer alignment... " with some long number beginning with
> > > minus.
> > > 2) kernel fail to load error, presumably due to error 1

Before discussing the tanget about copying bootable ISOs to USB stick:

I suspect that something is wrong with the software in the ISO or with
the hardware or with the involved firmware.
The mailing list for such problems would be
but some maintainers of debian-cd are subscribed to debian-user, too.

Tom Furie wrote:
> > You can't just copy the iso to the stick and get it to boot. wrote:
> Actually... if you copy to the whole device (not to a partition), as
> OP seems to have done, it should work.

The only pitfall would be a GPT backup block at the end of the device's
writable capacity. Some software could take it as indication that a
clueless user damaged the GPT. Perky software might try to re-create
the old GPT and thus hide the EFI partiton of the ISO.

But since Zenaan Harkness reports GRUB to have started and offering the
expected installation menu, it's improbable that such a mishap occured.

> all blocks of the block device get overwritten,

Not all. Only as far as the new image reaches. That's how the GPT backup
can survive (xorriso-dd-target would explicitely overwrite the last block
by zeros).
EFI firmwares are not known to react on GPT backups, although this cannot
be ruled out completely.

Have a nice day :)


Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 11:17:15AM +0100, wrote:


> For reference, what I do is
>   sudo dd if=image.file of=/dev/sdX bs=1M oflag=sync status=progress

(and oh, it hasn't been mentioned: make super-sure some smart and
overly helpful automounter has got hold of the USB).


Description: PGP signature

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 09:13:01PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Monday, November 20, 2023,  wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 08:59:02AM +, Tom Furie wrote:
> >> Zenaan Harkness  writes:
> >>
> >> > Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
> >> > debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
> >> > deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the
> >>
> >> You can't just copy the iso to the stick and get it to boot.
> >
> > Actually... if you copy to the whole device (not to a partition), as
> ...
> Thank you both. I tried dd first, then cp, then ubuntu-disk-creator (?) --
> then I tried a different usb stick.

For reference, what I do is

  sudo dd if=image.file of=/dev/sdX bs=1M oflag=sync status=progress


Description: PGP signature

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Monday, November 20, 2023,  wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 08:59:02AM +, Tom Furie wrote:
>> Zenaan Harkness  writes:
>> > Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
>> > debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
>> > deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the
>> You can't just copy the iso to the stick and get it to boot.
> Actually... if you copy to the whole device (not to a partition), as

Thank you both. I tried dd first, then cp, then ubuntu-disk-creator (?) --
then I tried a different usb stick.

Used that old stick many times and never had a problem before now...

Thanks heaps, I'm on track again now.

(Last night ubuntu snapd would not start, so ffox, chrome, blender, nothing
worked. apt update, snap refresh, reboot. Had to wait till the bug got
fixed in the repos today! That was the straw that broke this camel's
back... returning to debian)

Re: Why is bullseye-backports recommended on bookworm?

2023-11-20 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2023-11-18 23:43:34 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Sat 18 Nov 2023 at 23:33:59 (+0100), Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > On 2023-11-18 09:18:56 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > > The "6.1.0-" part comes from the upstream release series.  All the
> > > kernel images containing "6.1.0-" in this section should come from the
> > > same upstream series (6.1.x), and should have basically the same feature
> > > set, with no major changes.
> > 
> > BTW, since this is for 6.1.x, I've always wondered why Debian uses the
> > "6.1.0-" prefix instead of "6.1-". The "6.1.0" is a bit confusing.
> So as not to confuse and break software that's hardwired to expect
> three numbers in any linux kernel version.

But these numbers in the package name are not the correct ones.
If the 3 numbers matter, this could yield a potential breakage too.

Vincent Lefèvre  - Web: 
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: 
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread elguero eric
qgis peut lire des fichiers provenant d'autocad
et permet d'ajouter des annotations à un plan
par programme. Mais c'est un peu prendre un
marteau pour écraser une mouche.


Le lundi 20 novembre 2023 à 08:59:31 UTC+1, Olivier  a 
écrit : 

Je pense que l'architecte et ses contacts travaillent avec AutoCAD.
Les fichiers PDF que je reçois sont, j'imagine, produits avec AutoCAD.

Je peux demander s'il est possible de recevoir ces plan dans un autre
format (en SVG, par exemple).

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Sébastien NOBILI


Le 2023-11-20 10:18, Hugues MORIN-TRENEULE a écrit :

Je n'ai jamais teste mais il peut mettre un filigrame sur un document

Si ça peut aider, voilà un exemple d'ajout de filigrane (texte) sur
un document :

Ça peut s'adapter sans trop de difficulté pour poser une borne Wi-Fi
sur un plan.


Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Olivier
Le lun. 20 nov. 2023 à 09:40, Bernard Schoenacker
 a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Pourquoi ne pas vouloir essayer d'employer xournal ?
> Merci
En effet, xournal permet d'annoter des PDF.
Peut-il aussi le faire par programme ?
L'idée est de pouvoir mettre à jour automatiquement un plan quand les
données d'origine changent (exemple: j'alloue une nouvelle fréquence à
une borne WiFi)

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Jean-François Bachelet

Hello :)

Le 20/11/2023 à 08:36, Olivier a écrit :


Je travaille régulièrement des plan d'architecte au format PDF sur
lesquels je souhaite superposer par programme des symboles ou du texte
(extraits d'un fichier CSV).

J'ai découvert que le format SVG avait l'air bien adapté à la
production par programme d'un dessin mais je n'ai pas l'impression
s'il soit possible d'y intégrer "un fond de carte".

Que conseillez-vous pour produire ces cartes ?


avec gimp tu charges la page pdf (au moins à 300 dpi) sur un calque et 
sur un autre calque tu insère tes symboles, ensuite tu applti les deux 
calques et exporte la page en image ou pdf. :)


Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 08:59:02AM +, Tom Furie wrote:
> Zenaan Harkness  writes:
> > Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
> > debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
> > deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the
> You can't just copy the iso to the stick and get it to boot.

Actually... if you copy to the whole device (not to a partition), as
OP seems to have done, it should work. The only advantage of dd over
cp is that you have more control over the buffer cache (oflag=sync).

>   This stick
> must have already had an image written to it, the leftovers of which is
> getting as far as GRUB. all blocks of the block device get overwritten, including the
boot loader.

> I noticed you posted a follow-up saying you're on Ubuntu - in which case
> you should be able to use dd to write the image to the stick.

Cp should be the same than dd; with dd you can control block size (with
sticks, my experience is that bs=1M is much faster than the default of
512), turn off buffer cache (oflag=sync), so no more waiting for a sync
to come back without knowing how long it's going to take) and a progress
indicator (status=progress), which is nice.

The result should be the same (if you wait for sync to finish its job,
that is).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Hugues MORIN-TRENEULE

Pour la manipulation des PDF, j'utilise pdftk (

Apres un peu d'habitude, il est facile a utiliser.
Je n'ai jamais teste mais il peut mettre un filigrame sur un document PDF.

Bonne journée

Le lun. 20 nov. 2023 à 10:01, Olivier  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Je travaille régulièrement des plan d'architecte au format PDF sur
> lesquels je souhaite superposer par programme des symboles ou du texte
> (extraits d'un fichier CSV).
> J'ai découvert que le format SVG avait l'air bien adapté à la
> production par programme d'un dessin mais je n'ai pas l'impression
> s'il soit possible d'y intégrer "un fond de carte".
> Que conseillez-vous pour produire ces cartes ?
> Slts

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Tom Furie
Zenaan Harkness  writes:

> Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
> debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
> deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the

You can't just copy the iso to the stick and get it to boot. This stick
must have already had an image written to it, the leftovers of which is
getting as far as GRUB.

I noticed you posted a follow-up saying you're on Ubuntu - in which case
you should be able to use dd to write the image to the stick.


Parts for sports cars

2023-11-20 Thread Edmond Borom

I'm reaching out to you on behalf of a manufacturer of automotive parts 
dedicated to BMW drift car modifications.

We are active drivers who participate in races and automotive events. Our 
product range includes a variety of parts, from engine components and 
suspension systems to body modifications. We can supply everything that sports 
car enthusiasts may need.

For wholesale customers, we offer competitive prices, enabling our partners to 
achieve attractive margins while maintaining affordability for their customers.

Are you interested in expanding your product offerings with high-quality parts 
for sports cars?

Edmond Borom

Re: debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
In case it's useful, my laptop is currently running Ubuntu - I'm
wondering if it's possible to do some sort of chroot from Ubuntu into
the USB stick, so that I can format the laptop's SSD and begin the
install process that way? Surely that has been thought of before?

(That said, I ought ensure I can boot the USB stick, so that I can do
a rescue install if needed for any fat finger reason...)

I notice the package debian-installer-launcher - should I be able to
use that, with the debian netinst image, and by using that, can I get
a "clean" install i.e format the laptop's SSD?

On 11/20/23, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:
> Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
> debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
> deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the
> grub graphical screen, but all of the grub menu options (Graphical
> install, Graphical expert install, Expert install, etc) give 2 errors:
> 1) "..invalid buffer alignment... " with some long number beginning with
> minus.
> 2) kernel fail to load error, presumably due to error 1
> Any ideas of how I can boot this usb stick and install debian?
> I'm on a laptop...

Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

2023-11-20 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

Pourquoi ne pas vouloir essayer d'employer xournal ?



- Mail original -
De: "Olivier" 
À: "ML Debian User French" 
Envoyé: Lundi 20 Novembre 2023 08:58:54
Objet: Re: Comment superposer par programme, du texte sur un PDF ?

Je pense que l'architecte et ses contacts travaillent avec AutoCAD.
Les fichiers PDF que je reçois sont, j'imagine, produits avec AutoCAD.

Je peux demander s'il est possible de recevoir ces plan dans un autre
format (en SVG, par exemple).

Il n'empêche qu'il m'arrive aussi d'avoir besoin de superposer ces
symboles ou ces textes (qui représentent des bornes WiFi) sur de
simples photos quand le client n'a pas de plan informatisé de ses
locaux mais qu'il existe des plans d'évacuation affichés aux murs: on
prend ces plans en photo (JPG ?) et j'y ajoute des infos.
Avec un peu de recul, c'est même le cas le plus fréquent.

Le lun. 20 nov. 2023 à 08:44, Basile Starynkevitch
 a écrit :
> On 11/20/23 08:36, Olivier wrote:
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Je travaille régulièrement des plan d'architecte au format PDF sur
> > lesquels je souhaite superposer par programme des symboles ou du texte
> > (extraits d'un fichier CSV).
> Quel logiciel utilisez vous pour ces plans d'architecte?
> Ce logiciel peut-il générer du SVG?
> Ce logiciel stocke-t-il les plans dans un format ouvert, normalisé et
> documenté? Lequel? Il devrait exister un standard ISO propre au métier
> d'architecte du bâtiment! Lequel?
> Ce logiciel tourne-t-il sous Linux ou Debian?
> >
> > J'ai découvert que le format SVG avait l'air bien adapté à la
> > production par programme d'un dessin mais je n'ai pas l'impression
> > s'il soit possible d'y intégrer "un fond de carte".
> >
> > Que conseillez-vous pour produire ces cartes ?
> Tout dépend du format utilisé pour ce plan ou dessin.
> On pourrait imaginer étendre pour vos besoins.
> Pouvez vous convaincre votre cabinet d'architectes du bâtiment
> d'utiliser Inkscape?
> >
> > Slts
> >
> --
> Basile Starynkevitch
> (only mine opinions / les opinions sont miennes uniquement)
> 92340 Bourg-la-Reine, France
> web page:

debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso usb grub boot error "invalid buffer alignment"

2023-11-20 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Attempting a fresh Debian stable install with
debian-12.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso (latest default amd64 boot image), `cp
deiban-...iso /dev/sdX; sync`, and rebooted to the usb stick with the
grub graphical screen, but all of the grub menu options (Graphical
install, Graphical expert install, Expert install, etc) give 2 errors:

1) "..invalid buffer alignment... " with some long number beginning with minus.
2) kernel fail to load error, presumably due to error 1

Any ideas of how I can boot this usb stick and install debian?

I'm on a laptop...