Re: Evolution & ThunderBird

2024-06-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.06.2024 um 13:57:11 Uhr schrieb CHRIS M:

> And I like how for POP3 accounts, each email is stored as an
> individual file, vs being shoved into a binary .mbx file that could
> get corrupted at any time! 

This is possible for IMAP too, e.g. with the Maildir format.


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Re: can't connect to eduroam due to SSL3 unsupported protocol

2024-06-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.06.2024 um 11:05:10 Uhr schrieb Vincent Lefevre:

> I've got a confirmation that their Radius servers still use SSL3,
> and they said that they could not upgrade them.

Then they have very, very outdated stuff. Talk to the security
department at your site, maybe they make them hurry up.

Re: network question

2024-06-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am Wed, 19 Jun 2024 10:14:32 +0800
schrieb Jeff Peng :

> when my server is a vps who has floating IP (that means, the server's
> iP is an internal IP, the public ip is bond on provider's
> router/firewall devices), then my ssh client connecting to the server
> will never disconnect even if I changed my local gateway (for example
> switching VPN).

If you enable a VPN tunnel traffic may go through, but it is also
possible to bind it to a specific interface tat doesn't care about the
Use a network sniffer to investigate that.

> if the vps is a normal IPv4 box then switching localnet will always 
> disconnect.

Please specify exactly what are you doing here.

Re: CD/DVD is obsolete or deprecate at 2025?

2024-06-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.06.2024 um 10:51:38 Uhr schrieb Joe:

> No, no problems booting UEFI from USB stick. I need to do that to get
> back to grub every time I boot Windows on my netbook, which isn't very
> often.

You should be able to change the boot order in the UEFI setup or inside
of Windows.


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Re: CD/DVD is obsolete or deprecate at 2025?

2024-06-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.06.2024 um 02:44:46 Uhr schrieb Vitold S:

> More and more I see that people usually use USB flash drives everyday
> and some large companies (like Microsoft) today provide an image with
> a USB stick.

Most new computers don't have an optical disc drive, customers don't
request it and if they want one, they can buy one and add it.
USB is available every time, thumb disks with 16 GB are available at
the supermarket and can be used for many purposes.

> Is there a chance to change in next versions i.e. Debain 13 or other
> versions an assembly specifically for a USB flash drive as primary
> download? Do you think the time has come? When do you think this
> moment will happen?

The images provided are hybrid, they can be used on CD/DVD (if the
image is small enough, e.g. netinstall) or USB thumb disks.
Just write it there using dd.


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Re: can't connect to eduroam due to SSL3 unsupported protocol

2024-06-17 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.06.2024 um 14:07:13 Uhr schrieb Vincent Lefevre:

> Anyone knows what's wrong?

If they really rely on SSL3.0 it is the fault of the network operator
because that protocol is outdated, has some vulnerabilities and is
deprecated for years. Most systems have it disabled by default.


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Re: DNS query question

2024-06-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.06.2024 um 10:51:45 Uhr schrieb Jeff Peng:

> Do you know what's the reason behind this?

Spamhaus restricts queries from public resolvers.


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Re: Help! secure boot is preventing boot of debian

2024-06-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.06.2024 um 20:01:43 Uhr schrieb Richmond:

> Should I disable secure boot temporarily? will that allow booting?

That should allow booting it.

Have you changed anything at the keys in the EFI (maybe UEFI
firmware update)?


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Re: After upgrade, what do you do about "removed" and "obsolete" packages ?

2024-05-28 Thread Marco Moock
Am 28.05.2024 um 20:38:46 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schmitt:

> today i upgraded a Debian 11 system to 12 and am now scratching my
> head over the final steps as described in

Packages have dependencies. Those will be marked as automatically
installed. They can be removed if no other package depends on them.

You can do that with the autopurge/autoremove apt command.

Be aware: If you install software beyond apt/dpkg that depends on files
in installed packages, you need to mark them as manually installed to
avoid being removed by autoremove. dpkg doesn't care about stuff
manually installed.

> What does "[residual-config]" mean ?

Packages include system-wide configuration files. If packages are
removed, this configuration will not be deleted. You need to purge such
packages to remove it.


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Re: "Repeaters", etc.

2024-05-27 Thread Marco Moock
Am 27.05.2024 um 17:09:02 Uhr schrieb Paul M Foster:

> At some point this year, I'm moving into a new house, and it is not
> wired for internet (WHY aren't new houses wired with Cat5/6/7?). The
> local internet provider will likely provide a wireless router, as
> they all do. My idea is to put a device which receives wireless
> signal from the router/modem, and has an RJ45 jack in it in each
> room. So each room would have one of these, and the devices in it
> would be hooked to that device via cat 5e. I hope that's clear.
> I'd like to shop for such a device, but I don't know what it's
> called. Can anyone provide advice, and possibly preferred brand
> names? I'd appreciate it.

Some repeaters have exactly that feature.

Although, I don't recommend that, the bandwidth won't reach 1GBit/s
that Cat5e can easily do and maybe the signal will be that bad that it
doesn't work at all.


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Re: Address

2024-05-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am 24.05.2024 um 17:17:45 Uhr schrieb

> On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 04:49:18PM +0200, Marco Moock wrote:
> [...]
> > If you operate mail servers, you must have a FQDN. .lan can't be
> > used for the global DNS stuff, so set a proper FQDN that belongs to
> > you.  
> I think this is wrong in that sweeping generality.

In the case it should communicate with other MTAs in the internet, this
will be true because many of them require a resolvable (also reverse)
FQDN in HELO/EHLO that matches the IPv4/IPv6 addresses of the server.


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Re: Address

2024-05-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am 24.05.2024 um 08:05:43 Uhr schrieb Paul M Foster:

> In my /etc/hosts file, there's a line:
> yosemite.mars.lan yosemite
> I think Debian put it there.

Should be there so the hostname is resolvable - even when not in DNS.

> Later in the file, I've got:
>  yosemite.mars.lan   yosemite

Check which program put that in here. I don't see a reason to have that

> So there are two entries for the same (my) machine. Is this a problem?
> Specifically, could it cause problems with email (Exim4 or OpenSMTPD)?

If you operate mail servers, you must have a FQDN. .lan can't be used
for the global DNS stuff, so set a proper FQDN that belongs to you.


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Re: Will te UUID or blkid of a device change?

2024-05-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.05.2024 um 21:19:35 Uhr schrieb Hans:

> Whenever I dd to the target stick, does the UUID change? I know, the
> UUID of the partitions are changing, but what is with the device
> itself?

No. The UUID is part of the file system and will just be copied.
Mounting based on the UUID will be ambiguous in that case, so you
should generate a new UUID for each file system that supports that.
Be aware that in a GPT the disk itself has a GUID and each partition a
PART-UUID that you maybe also want to change.


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Re: And another Dell Vostro 1700 question

2024-05-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.05.2024 um 12:59:40 Uhr schrieb Van Snyder:

> When I boot, there's junk (mixed graphics and text that seems to be
> out of sync) on one, and the other is dark. When I reboot, it's
> almost the same, except the monitors' roles have switched.
> The graphics chip is NVidia G58M (GeForce 8400M) and the NVidia 340
> driver is running.
> Would the nouveau driver work for the USB monitors?

Try it.
I've already experienced issues with the nouveau driver with multi
cards. It was a 6200TC and the internal Intel HD graphics.
Sometimes graphics card break (memory or GPU issue), but aren't
completely broken. This was especially the case for the older ones.
Many laptops with 7xxx, 8xxx and 9xxx had graphics issues.


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Re: Dell Vosto 1700 and NVidia

2024-05-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.05.2024 um 12:22:48 Uhr schrieb Van Snyder:

> How do I switch to try nouveau instead?

Completely uninstall it.

Then reboot.
If you have problem with nouveau, tell about them and maybe they can be

kind regards

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Re: Dell Vosto 1700 and NVidia

2024-05-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.05.2024 um 11:10:27 Uhr schrieb Van Snyder:

> I installed the NVidia 340 driver

Is there a special reason to use it instead of nouveau?


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Re: Suspicious "invoice" email?

2024-05-17 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.05.2024 um 15:28:35 Uhr schrieb PMA:

> I received the following today from (Jerry Henley at) Ella White 
> .

That is spam.

> I suspect fraud here, so have not opened the invoice he/she attached.

Done well.

> Can you possibly tell me whether the message is legitimate?

No. There is also no logical reason to send an invoice to a public
mailing list. If I receive it that way, I know that it is definitely
not legitimate mail.


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Re: Knocking on the door

2024-05-17 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.05.2024 um 15:49:52 Uhr schrieb Maurizio Caloro:

> Please i know that this arn't the Dovecot forum, but let me try, on
> the log's i have always knocking "unknown user" attempts.

Best place should be the f2b list:

> > May 15 22:39:31 Dovecot/auth-worker(2602036): Info: conn
> > unix:auth-worker (pid=2602030,uid=113):
> > auth-worker<49>:sql(, unknown user
> yes i try with fail2ban, but i didn't see or found the right regex,
> so that this will be blocked please has any from you solve this
> knocking task?

Then post your current configured regex and the result of

> Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Please disable such advertisement.


Re: sanity check for /etc/ssl/certs?

2024-05-14 Thread Marco Moock
Am 14.05.2024 um 16:44:05 Uhr schrieb Harald Dunkel:

> is there a sanity check for /etc/ssl/certs included in Bookworm?

Is ca-certificates installed?
If so, reinstall it.

kind regards

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Re: OpenARC

2024-05-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sat, 11 May 2024 10:39:20 +0200
schrieb "Maurizio Caloro" :

> Please try to search OpenArc to implementant to my mail system.
> Running with Postfix, Dovecot and so on.
> I need to take this from source?

Is available on experimental.

Re: strange colors during boot

2024-04-30 Thread Marco Moock
Am 30.04.2024 um 18:33:24 Uhr schrieb

> i use a vga to hdmi converter

Test it without it.


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Re: mouse wheel

2024-04-26 Thread Marco Moock
Am 26.04.2024 um 15:50:05 Uhr schrieb tony:

> Thank you very much. It was indeed the mouse that had failed.

Open it and check if there is dirt in the spokewheel. This will block
the light for the optomechanical sensor.


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Re: mouse wheel

2024-04-26 Thread Marco Moock
Am 26.04.2024 schrieb tony :

> My mouse wheel seems to have (suddenly) stopped working and will not 
> scroll. Anyone come across this? Help much appreciated.

Run xev and the scroll the wheel and check the output.

You should see something like this:
ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45498783, (88,110), root:(400,614),
state 0x10, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45498783, (88,110), root:(400,614),
state 0x810, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45500535, (88,110), root:(400,614),
state 0x10, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45500535, (88,110), root:(400,614),
state 0x1010, button 5, same_screen YES

If that occurs, the mouse itself is working.

Re: Debian 12.5 i386 sudo returns "Illegal instruction"

2024-04-25 Thread Marco Moock
Am 25.04.2024 schrieb Vic tor :

> On a fresh installation of Debian 12.5, i386 I receive "Illegal
> instruction" when executing sudo. Is there any way to debug and
> workaround this; should I take this to another list as a bug?

Here it is described with gdb:

> This is on a Soekris net5501 powered by an AMD Geode LX which is the
> only oddball factor.

Debian requires i686 compatibility - even when the arch is being
displayed as i386 due to compatibility reasons.

According to this thread, the Geode LX lacks some i686 instructions.

Re: Debian, Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, and argon2 password hashing scheme?

2024-04-25 Thread Marco Moock
Am 25.04.2024 schrieb David Mehler :

> Since changing systems to Debian 12.5 I can't send, though checking
> the password with a manual login to Dovecot works fine.

Sending mails is SMTP and therefore postfix on your machine.
It can use PAM for auth. Do you use PAM?

Re: youtube-dl blocked?

2024-04-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am 24.04.2024 um 22:31:44 Uhr schrieb Bret Busby:

> An unmaintained package, that is three years since last updated, for 
> accessing web sites on the World Wide Web?

Development of original youtube-dl ceased, yt-dlp is now the thing to


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Re: youtube-dl blocked?

2024-04-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.04.2024 um 23:15:17 Uhr schrieb Markos:

> The site
> is blocked?

Please specify that more precisely.



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Re: youtube-dl blocked?

2024-04-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.04.2024 um 20:40:25 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> It does not appear to be blocked from here (North America).



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Re: minor change to apt-mirror

2024-04-19 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.04.2024 um 23:06:59 Uhr schrieb

> two possible changes to apt-mirror
> if bash is available make that the default shell
> restrict the program so that it is only run as the apt-mirror user
> i forgot and ran it as root once and had to chown everything

Please suggest that to the developer of the packet.

kind regards

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Re: LibreOffice removed from Debian

2024-04-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.04.2024 schrieb Erwan David :

> What scares me is seeing part of 18 ongoing transition, and 4 "coming 
> soon transitions" with "please do not upload if it is not related to
> the transition".

That is Debian unstable. There will be changes that break things and it
is intended to find and fix them.

Re: LibreOffice removed from Debian

2024-04-17 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.04.2024 um 15:12:39 Uhr schrieb Vincent Lefevre:

> Is there any reason why LibreOffice has been removed from Debian???
According to the tracker, it specific release got removed from
experimental. This is a special repo for testing and should only be
used by people who want an unstable testing system.

It is still available in stable and also in unstable.


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Re: is broken

2024-04-16 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.04.2024 um 05:26:57 Uhr schrieb

> is it broken or just me

Works here.

Please give more details and run
sudo traceroute -T -p 80 -6


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Re: Internet Access Problem

2024-04-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 11.04.2024 um 09:53:30 Uhr schrieb Stephen P. Molnar:

> I followed the How To (HowTo.txt, attached) without any warning or
> error messages. However, when I pinged I got the result:
> Reply from Destination host unreachable.

You have to specify how your network is being attached to the VM. I
recommend a network bridge to your NIC, so the virtual PC is a normal
client in your network.


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Re: Debian 12, Pyzor, Razor, DCC?

2024-04-08 Thread Marco Moock
Am 08.04.2024 um 07:52:34 Uhr schrieb David Mehler:

> This is to any users running Debian 12 as a mail server. I am
> wondering if you have some, most, all, or none of these packages
> installed, Pyzor, Razor, DCC? If so how did you get them going and
> how did you get them to start?

No, I haven't. apt can't find ddc, what is the correct packet name?

I only have installed Cyrus, sendmail and opendkim.

If you have problems setting up other services, specify which server
packages you use and how they should interact.

kind regards

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Re: Debian 11 PHP 7.4 – Mysql 8 - Can’t get Mysqli_connect to work

2024-03-26 Thread Marco Moock
Am 26.03.2024 um 10:33:59 Uhr schrieb Bernard:

> I have the two // in the displayed error messages. However the file
> is where it should be, without double //

The this seems to be a bug because if it searches for //file it will
definitely not find it.
Can you use strace to verify that?


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Re: filesystem info

2024-03-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am 24.03.2024 um 13:19:54 Uhr schrieb

> sysfs, proc, udev, devpts, tmpfs, securityfs, cgroup2, pstore, none,
> systemd-1, hugetlbfs, mqueue, debugfs, tracefs, sunrpc, fusectl,
> configfs binfmt_misc, portal

apropos sysfs to find manpages relevant.
Be ware that only the manpages will be searched that are installed on
your system, so maybe have a look at or
search that site with your preferred search engine.


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Re: Debian 11 PHP 7.4 – Mysql 8 - Can’t get Mysqli_connect to work

2024-03-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sun, 24 Mar 2024 19:51:05 +0100
schrieb Bernard :

> '//usr/lib/php/20190902/'

Is that really the path in the message?
The 2 // must not be there.

Re: How does the 64bits time_t transition work?

2024-03-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.03.2024 um 09:29:12 Uhr schrieb Erwan David:

> Since I begin to have this in tetsing : and what should we do when a 
> package tries to remove other (except wait) ?
> eg, now in testing upgrading nextcloud-desktop would remove 
> plasma-discover, and fwbuilder would remove cups.

Be aware that unstable or testing is, as the name says, unstable. :-)
You can file a bug report, but it will take time until every dependency
problem is fixed.

It did take ~ 2 weeks for my system to fulfill all dependencies.

kind regards

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Re: How does the 64bits time_t transition work?

2024-03-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 20.03.2024 um 08:22:16 Uhr schrieb Detlef Vollmann:

> It currently has "871 not upgraded" and it's nearly impossible to
> install new packages.

The libs will have a suffix of t64, so you need to use dist-upgrade to
upgrade the packages if they depend on the t64 libs.

Although, carefully read what it wants to remove. If it wants to remove
packages you need, don't hit y.

Then upgrade the packages manually and look which package creates
dependency problems.

kind regards

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Re: Root password strength

2024-03-19 Thread Marco Moock
Am Tue, 19 Mar 2024 17:42:55 +0300
schrieb Jan Krapivin :

> The thing is my password is very easy now

The simplest thin is to change that now.

, and i haven't thought about *"automated connection attempts"*,
> that sounds rather... scary?

Those attempts happen if a server software (like SSH, Telnet, rlogin)
is running on you machine and reachable from the Internet.
The IPv4 address range can be iterated easily (only 4 billion
addresses) and the ports too.

> My password is easy because i am not afraid of direct physical access
> to the computer.

As long as it isn't connected to a network or running any services
reachable from the outside, there is no danger.

I recommend choosing a good password anyway because if you intent to
have remote access in the future, you might forget to choose long
passwords for ALL users.

Re: After installing no access to the installed system.

2024-03-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.03.2024 um 16:17:55 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schweikle:

> EFI. While not installing grub, no boot entry is created too.

This is to be expected.

> It seems the installer fails silently at some point, after having
> installed all packages. Maybe it fails installing grub?

This doesn't explain the users not being set up.
Debian can be installed without GRUB (especially useful on BIOS systems
when a boot manager from another OS already exists).

Can you go to the other virtual consoles to investigate the situation?
Maybe there is an error message.


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Re: After installing no access to the installed system.

2024-03-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.03.2024 um 16:07:15 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schweikle:

> I know. The bog tracking system wants me to use reportbug, but since
> I do not have access to the installed system i cant use reportbug to 
> report a bug.

It simply sends a pre-formatted email to You
can do that manually.


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Re: After installing no access to the installed system.

2024-03-18 Thread Marco Moock
Am 18.03.2024 um 15:49:29 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schweikle:

> And: after rebooting without any CD/DVD it just boots into an error:
> no system found.

EFI or old BIOS system?
If EFI: Does a boot entry exist?


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Re: Bookworm Networking Issues

2024-03-17 Thread Marco Moock
Am 17.03.2024 um 16:54:27 Uhr schrieb David:

> Can anybody suggest how to get the networking running?

You have to tell us what doesn't work in your network.

Also show the output of
ip a
cat /etc/resolv.conf


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Re: OT: End the Phone-Based Childhood Now

2024-03-15 Thread Marco Moock
Am 15.03.2024 um 18:16:50 Uhr schrieb Jeffrey Walton:

> Fascinating reading here:
> <>.
> It completely explains why GenZ are having so many problems with
> adulthood. Smartphones and Social Media are the culprits.

I am from Gen Z and I can't understand why a smartphone should be
guilty here. It might be a device that is part of the problem like
alcohol can be when used wrong.

> The problem was not limited to the U.S.: Similar patterns emerged
> around the same time in Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand,
> the Nordic countries, and beyond. By a variety of measures and in a
> variety of countries, the members of Generation Z (born in and after
> 1996) are suffering from anxiety, depression, self-harm, and related
> disorders at levels higher than any other generation for which we
> have data.

I can understand anxiety (oncoming war, economy problems), but not the
From school I remember many people who followed the words "Why do we
learn? We will die because of climate change anyway".

> The decline in mental health is just one of many signs that
> something went awry. Loneliness and friendlessness among American
> teens began to surge around 2012. Academic achievement went down,
> too. According to “The Nation’s Report Card,” scores in reading and
> math began to decline for U.S. students after 2012, reversing decades
> of slow but generally steady increase. PISA, the major international
> measure of educational trends, shows that declines in math, reading,
> and science happened globally, also beginning in the early 2010s.

I know many people in school who really asked why they should learn
that because they never gonna need that.
I was the misfit because I did mostly computer-related stuff in my free
time (not gaming), but at the end it definitely was and is still worth


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-14 Thread Marco Moock
Am 14.03.2024 um 17:13:12 Uhr schrieb

> After rebooting the problem remains. 

What does dmesg say?


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-14 Thread Marco Moock
Am 14.03.2024 schrieb

> auto eth0

remove that.

Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-14 Thread Marco Moock
How is /etc/network/interfaces now configured?

Unconfigure your interface there and only use the NetworkManager.

Then it should log about autoneg.

What does 
dmesg |grep r8169

Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-13 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.03.2024 um 17:53:40 Uhr schrieb Franco Martelli:

> Sadly the useful information of the command output is truncated,
> could you post it again maximizing the window before you copy? For
> the journalctl command use this synta

Call journalctl with --no-pager and the full line will be shown and
wrapped where needed.


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-13 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.03.2024 um 16:14:22 Uhr schrieb

> mar 13 11:55:20 debian NetworkManager[569]:   [1710327320.4031]
> dhcp4 (en> mar 13 11:55:20 debian NetworkManager[569]: 
> [1710327320.4152] dhcp4 (en>

Use journalctl --no-pager -t NetworkManager
to get the complete lines.


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Re: Difference between bookworm installation files?

2024-03-13 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.03.2024 um 07:36:09 Uhr schrieb John Conover:

> What is the difference between:
> debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-xfce.iso

Contains a live system with the Xfce desktop that can be booted without

> And:
> debian-12.5.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

Doesn't contain a live system.


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-13 Thread Marco Moock
Am 13.03.2024 um 10:19:04 Uhr schrieb

> So I give a try to ask to ChatGPT what does it mean that command and
> this was the answer:

This was already clear.
The question is now: Why does autoneg fail?

Please check dmesg and journalctl for any messages from Networkmanager.


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.03.2024 um 10:17:05 Uhr schrieb

> it is connected via a Switch (Netgear) to the modem-router. 
> If I use this cable with other computers it works without problems.

Please test another cable and another switch if available. We need to
track down the problem.


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Re: Ethernet not working on a Dell notebook

2024-03-12 Thread Marco Moock
Am 12.03.2024 um 09:11:20 Uhr schrieb

> Finally while trying to find the solution I tried this command and
> after some seconds I was online:
> sudo mii-tool enp19s0 -F 10baseT-FD

That seems to be an autoneg problem.

Please tell us more about your cabling (direct, via sockets etc.) and
the device (switch, router) the laptop is connected to.

kind regards

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Re: 404 Not Found Error Problem

2024-03-06 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.03.2024 schrieb "Stephen P. Molnar" :

> The requested URL was not found on this server.
> Apache/2.4.57 (Debian) Server at Port 80

Check the apache config.
What is the Webroot?

Is the file you are looking for available in the webroot?

Re: how to wiki

2024-03-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 05.03.2024 um 16:15:20 Uhr schrieb

> how do i access the debian wiki
> all i get is

Works for me.


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Re: systemd-resolved resolving fails sometimes on Debian12

2024-03-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.03.2024 um 15:06:01 Uhr schrieb Victor Sudakov:

> In my case the problem seems related to IPv6. That is, when I disable
> IPv6 via "sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" the problem
> disappears.

Please run 

that shows the resolvers available.

Check each of them with
dig @

If that doesn't work for one of them, this must be fixed and is not a
problem of IPv6 nor of systemd-resolve.


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Re: {OT] Mailing lists etc for postmasters

2024-03-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.03.2024 schrieb "Gareth Evans" :

> I am subscribed to mailop (though don't read it as often as I
> should!) but from a mail search there doesn't seem to have been
> anything there about this recently.

That topic has been discussed there, you can find those discussions in
the archive (you need to be subscribed to read it).

Re: Reportbug Assisance

2024-02-26 Thread Marco Moock
Am Mon, 26 Feb 2024 22:49:55 -0500
schrieb Tom :

> I originally filed this bug with the KDE team, but they asked me to
> file with Debian. There was a decent amount of discussion which I
> will link here: I need
> to know how to file this bug. Will I be filing under a package or one
> of the other categories?

bugreport kinfocenter

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sat, 24 Feb 2024 14:42:39 +0100
schrieb Emanuel Berg :

> I think the reason is black people shouldn't be associated
> with everything negative that is black in language.

I can't understand why people draw that association.
Black as a color is different from the skin and different from illegal
activities on black markets.

Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-24 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:59:41 +0100
schrieb Frank Weißer :

> First of all: I use german during installation; but I doubt that is 
> relevant.

Try to reproduce it in English if you like.

> Marco Moock:
> > Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Frank Weißer :
> >   
> >> I only choose ext2 for formatting the encrypted partition, because
> >> nothing else is offered.  
> > 
> > That is really strange. If I did install Debian 12, it offered me a
> > list of different file systems, including ext2/3/4.
> >   
> It does on non-crypt partitions, but not if I choose 'physical volume 
> for encryption' there; then afterwards I only have the choices to use
> it as ext2, swap or lvm or leave it unused for the encrypted
> partition.

I chose manual partitioning and I created the LUKS container manually
and then created an ext4 partition inside.

> >> Despite that the partition in fact is getting formatted ext4, so
> >> the entry ext2 in /etc/fstab leads into emergency mode.  
> > 
> > Does the installer format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places
> > that in fstab?
> > Or do you format it manually?
> >   
> The installer does format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places that
> in fstab, what ends up in emergency mode. That's why I'm here

That is definitely a bug.

Re: Where to report print driver bug

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:47:41 -0500
schrieb James Klaas :

> "Generic PCL 6/PCL XL Printer Foomatic/pxlcolor (recommended)"

Do you know the file that provides that?
If so, you apt-file search "file" to find the package that provides it.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 um 12:51:59 Uhr schrieb Dan Ritter:

> 1. The terminology is bad, and I'm willing to work on fixing it.
> 2. The terminology is bad, but I can't work on it myself.
> 3. The terminology does not bother me, but I don't care if someone
> else wants to fix it.
> 4. The terminology is good and we should not fix it.

5. The terminology is completely different, because machines are
involved and not people.
Many languages have words that are used in many ways for completely
different things.

Just check what different meanings GIMP has.
Maybe some more people now feel uncomfortable with using it.


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Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Frank Weißer :

> I only choose ext2 for formatting the encrypted partition, because 
> nothing else is offered.

That is really strange. If I did install Debian 12, it offered me a
list of different file systems, including ext2/3/4.

> Despite that the partition in fact is getting formatted ext4, so the
> entry ext2 in /etc/fstab leads into emergency mode.

Does the installer format it as ext4, but shows ext2 and places that in
Or do you format it manually?

> I think the partitioning tool in installer should offer to format the 
> encrypted partition in ext4, as LUKS (?) does, instead of ext2 and
> must write ext4 to /etc/fstab, as this is, how it ends up.

LUKS is only a container and doesn't care about the file system inside.
After opening it, it is a file under /dev/mapper that can be formatted
like /dev/sdXY.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb Arno Lehmann :

> If there's a single person in the world who feels existing
> terminology to hurt them, I consider my usage of such terms.

Everytime there is somebody who doesn't like something.
I mostly care about technology and not the feelings a small amount of
users has.
It is free software - everybody can create a fork and change the stuff.

> If it makes one person feel better, I think I did something good.

I simply don't care about those feelings.

> If it makes others feel worse, I have to balance arguments. Arguments 
> such as "it was always thus" or "it's too much effort" are not strong
> ones.

The amount of work needed to change it is of course a really strong
argument because there need to be people who are willing to change it
and spend their time on it.
The technical gain of that is exactly zero, it doesn't solve any bug,
it doesn't add a feature, it doesn't make it easier to use, it simply
makes some tiny amount of users feel better.

> As it happens, I prefer being called "woke" above being rude.

Feel free to do so. I like the freedom in free software, so everybody
can create software without "problematic" terms.

> Oh, and tech and culture can not be separated, but that's probably
> also a loaded topic.

It cannot be completely separated because there is a language that is
being used and that language is part of a political discussion.

Although, it doesn't mean that a developers needs to change something.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb Alain D D Williams :

> It is "fixing" an issue for today's English speakers. Should we scour
> our systems looking for similar issues in other languages ? Then in,
> say, 20 years time when different words will then be considered
> offensive, by some, do this all again ?

In Germany, some organizations do that as well - and most people are
annoyed by that because it has no benefit.

The most important thing is that the upstream projects would need to
change that - including all the translators.

This is always a PITA - for no realistic benefit.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> I know this is a loaded topic. I really don't want to discuss the
> political aspects of the "why", but just want to know the facts, i.e.
> how far this has been progressed in Debian.

Debian is mostly a collection of many packages that are packed in the
Such changes are normally done upstream.

> Is there anything planned to get "master/slave" terminology out of
> network bonding/LACP in Debian (or Linux kernel or whoever decides
> this terminology)? I know these things are slow to change, just
> wondering.

I don't know why somebody should waste time for changing terms there.
There is almost no technical benefit and the amount of people who
operate Ethernet bonds is small, so the probability that somebody feels
disturbed by those terms here is also small. Most people don't care
about master/slave either, they simply use that and don't let the wokes
spoil the party.

If you like to change that, feel free to create a fork of the upstream
projects and use the terms you prefer.

I don't think that spending time on that is a valuable thing, there are
more important tasks like testing or adding functionality.

The only package I am aware of that changed some terms is sendmail.

They decided to use blocklist_recipients instead of
backlist_recipients, but blacklist still works.

Re: Inclusive terminology (instead of master/slave) for network bonding/LACP

2024-02-23 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.02.2024 schrieb :

> On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 10:33:08AM +0100, Mariusz Gronczewski wrote:
> > On 22.02.2024 11:19, Ralph Aichinger wrote:  
> > > Hello!
> > > 
> > > I know this is a loaded topic. I really don't want to discuss the
> > > political aspects of the "why", but just want to know the facts,
> > > i.e. how far this has been progressed in Debian.  
> > 
> > There is no good reason *why*. It's entirely US political feel-good
> > activism  
> [...]
> Oh, goody. A culture warrior.

I'm sure you have good reasons for changing the terms. Feel free to
provide some real arguments that have a benefit for the users.

Re: which package to file a bug report ?

2024-02-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.02.2024 um 13:18:48 Uhr schrieb Frank Weißer:

> I use to encrypt my swap and /var/tmp partitions during installation.

That is LUKS.

> the partition tool in debian installer offers me randomized keys for 
> that and has 'delete partition' set to 'yes', which costs lot of
> time, not necessary on new hdd/ssd and - my opinion - on randomized
> keys. I propose switching to 'no', when selecting randomized keys.

A user can rather easy select what he wants.

> Further I can select ext2 or swap for partition format.

That is really strange. swap is only for the special-purpose swap

> I use ext2 for /var/tmp, but
> - in /etc/crypttab the marker 'tmp' is missing for the /var/tmp
> partition

Which marker?
crypttab is only for decrypting the partition and creating a device
file for the encrypted one.

> - in /etc/fstab ext2 is set instead of ext4, that cryptsetup defaults 
> to. So on reboot I end up in emergency mode.

If you format it in ext2, choose that.
Or was that an automatic decision by the installer?


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Re: Debian bookworm 12.4 installation wifi card not being detected

2024-02-11 Thread Marco Moock
Am 10.02.2024 um 14:41:42 Uhr schrieb Exeonz:

> /03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries 
> BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)
>      Subsystem: Apple Inc. BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter 
> [106b:0117]
>      Kernel driver in use: wl
>      Kernel modules: bcma, wl/

> During debian install it's same result but without /kernel driver and 
> kernel modules/

Install the package broadcom-sta-dkms

> I use an iOS device and I don't think tethering feature is supported
> there.
It seems to be supported.


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Re: Debian bookworm 12.4 installation wifi card not being detected

2024-02-10 Thread Marco Moock
Am Sat, 10 Feb 2024 05:55:17 -0600
schrieb Exeonz :

> I'm trying to install debian bookworm 12.4 on MacbookAir7,2 that
> doesn't have an ethernet port and the installer doesn't recognize
> it's wifi card and what drivers it needs for the card to work. From
> searching the web I found that it uses Broadcom BCM 4360 wireless
> network adapter and requires broadcom-sda-dkms firmware drivers to
> function.

Please run 
lspci -nnk
and post the result of the network card here.
That includes the ID and that makes it possible to identify it and find
the right driver/firmware.

Do you have a smart phone with a USB cable?
You can connect that and use tethering to get internet connection.

Re: Mixing HDD and SSD in lvm

2024-02-06 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.02.2024 um 08:54:18 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:

> Marco Moock  writes:
> > Am 06.02.2024 um 07:17:02 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:
> >  
> >> Should I worry about anything (speed differences or sth)?  
> >
> > Speed differences will occur because reading and writing from/to the
> > SSD will be much faster.  
> Of course, but can it make any data damage to lvm?
> I am asking because some time ago was a (different) story  about SMR
> drives whose can make problem when in RAID. And I am wondering if
> here I can similar problems.

That was because they have a significant decrease in writing
performance when shingled data needs to be rewritten.
Some RAID controllers treated that as a drive failure.
SSDs normally have a constant write speed, so I don't think this
problem occurs here.


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Re: Mixing HDD and SSD in lvm

2024-02-05 Thread Marco Moock
Am 06.02.2024 um 07:17:02 Uhr schrieb Kamil Jońca:

> Should I worry about anything (speed differences or sth)?

Speed differences will occur because reading and writing from/to the
SSD will be much faster.

kind regards

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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-04 Thread Marco Moock
Am 04.02.2024 um 07:12:50 Uhr schrieb Gremlin:

> I also slay all the mDNS non sense.

mDNS works fine if the host names are properly set and no other way of
setting the addresses (Unicast DNS, /etc/hosts) is being used.

kind regards

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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 17:12:06 Uhr schrieb Gremlin:

> On 2/2/24 16:28, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 02:03:46PM -0700, Charles Curley wrote:  
> >> root@hawk:~# host samba
> >> samba.localdomain is an alias for hawk.localdomain.
> >> hawk.localdomain has address  
> > 
> > host(1) looks in DNS only.  It doesn't do the standard name
> > resolution that applications do.
> >   
> host gremlin
> has address
> has IPv6 address fe80::a940:6c49:a620:4c09

You have to check from where the other IP address comes.


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Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-03 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 15:10:32 Uhr schrieb Greg Wooledge:

> It's dying, I would say.  Not all the way dead just yet.

That's why I think it's time to change to amd64 before it is
completely dead.

> The next release will not offer an *installer* for i386, but upgrades
> from Debian 12 i386 to Debian 13 i386 might continue to work.

IIRC those packages will still exist for backwards compatibility for
certain application, but I read the rumor that no current i386 kernel
will be available.


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Re: what keyboard do you use?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 2 Feb 2024 20:25:09 -0500
schrieb Lee :

> I figure there's a high percentage of keyboard jockeys here so ..
> which keyboard do you like and why?

IBM Model M.
They are still made by the company Unicomp, with PS/2, DIN or USB.

Re: what keyboard do you use?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am Fri, 2 Feb 2024 20:09:09 -0600
schrieb Nate Bargmann :

> I have several of the now classic IBM Model M keyboards I procured in
> the '90s.  Modern BIOSes don't like them even with a PS/2 to USB
> adapter so I gave up on them.

They need more power that normal keyboards, so not every converter

I have a mainboard from 2019 wit PS/2 and the model M works fine.

Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 14:03:46 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> root@hawk:~# host samba
> samba.localdomain is an alias for hawk.localdomain.
> hawk.localdomain has address

> root@hawk:~# ping samba
> PING samba ( 56(84) bytes of data.

Sorry for the first post.
Your problem is located in the name resolution.

Show /etc/nsswitch.conf

kind regards

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Re: Network Problem: Redirection

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 14:03:46 Uhr schrieb Charles Curley:

> From apt-proxy ( icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New
> nexthop: hawk.localdomain (

Check the routing table on apt-proxy.
ICMP redirect happens if you have 2 routers on the same ethernet link
and the router you try to contact know a better route to the
Although, both routes need to point to the same direction.


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Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 um 18:03:47 Uhr schrieb

> I am not sure what do you mean by "install that architecture". I have
> been using i386 versions of Debian, and I do not plan to reinstall it
> now just because the CPU may allow that. So instead, I ask whether it
> was expected and properly when Synaptic installed lots of 64-bit
> stuff during Wine installation from repo. Was it ok or not? Or shall
> I remove it and follow instructions from WineHQ website?

According to documentation I found in the internet, it is possible to
upgrade a Debian system to the amd64 architecture.
Maybe do that, but do a full backup before.

i386 is dead for Debian, the next release won't be available for i386.

As long as you have a i386 kernel, you can't use amd64 software on it.


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Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> On Fri, 2024-02-02 at 14:28 +0100, Marco Moock wrote:

> > # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64
> > # nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.token ::deca:fbad:c0:ffee  
> This is not permanent, is it?

It should be if you enter "save" in the nmcli.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Dmitry :

> I want OS at the SSD.

Then the ESP should be on that SSD too.

Re: IPv6, ip token, NetworkManager and accept_ra

2024-02-02 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Ralph Aichinger :

> In my quest to advance the IPv6 preparedness of my home LAN I want to
> find a solution to use IP tokens on all my clients. IP tokens (keeping
> the host part of the IPv6 address static while getting the subnet part
> by SLAAC) seem very elegant to me, because it avoids DHCPv6
> completely, and still makes mostly working DNS records possible.
> Opinions on SLAAC+IP tokens are welcome ;)

The process of the automatic generation is called SLAAC, regardless of
the identifier being used.
In the past the default was to use EUI-64 and have the MAC address in
the address. If that is suitable for you (privacy!), use that.

> One of my clients is a surface laptop running Debian sid, Gnome, 
> NetworkManager and getting connection via WiFi. The first hickup with
> this is, that seemingly ra is disabled on my NetworkManager configured
> device wl0:
> root@surface:~# ip token set ::5fac dev wl0
> Error: ipv6: Router advertisement is disabled on device.
> This can easily corrected with 
> echo 1 >  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wl0/accept_ra
> But: Is this a misconfiguration on my machine, or to be expected, when
> using NetworkManager? I am using the following settings in the GUI:
> IPv5: "Disable", IPv6 "Automatic". Do I risk messing up other stuff by
> manually setting this eg. with the help of /etc/sysctl.conf? 

Use the NetworkManager to configure that.
Automatic means using SLAAC (if available in the RA) and DHCPv6 (if
available in the RA).

> But what is the correct way to do this "ip token set" with
> NetworkManager (or in spite of NetworkManager ;)?

# nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.addr-gen-mode eui64
# nmcli c mod enp4s0 ipv6.token ::deca:fbad:c0:ffee

You need EUI-64 for that. Disable the Privacy extensions completely if
you don't like an ADDITIONAL address with a randomly generated
interface identifier that changes time to time.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock

Max Nikulin schrieb:
On a *removable* drive EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi (that is actually 
/usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed that loads grubx64.efi) may allow to 
boot without modification of boot entries in NVRAM.
Yes, UEFI can (and must be able) to boot from a device without a boot 
entry in the UEFI. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to install an OS.
You can boot such a device by simply selecting the device in the UEFI 
boot manager. Often it shows the model number of the device.
Likely it is implementation-dependent whether a drive with GPT 
partition table is considered as a removable. For regular (internal) 
drives UEFI requires GPT.

MBR should also work.

Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 um 19:20:01 Uhr schrieb Tim Woodall:

> $ cat /boot/efi/EFI/XEN/xen.cfg
> [global]
> default=debian
> [debian]
> options=console=vga smt=true
> kernel=vmlinuz root=/dev/mapper/vg--dirac-root ro quiet
> ramdisk=initrd.img
> menuentry "Xen EFI NVME" {
>  insmod part_gpt
>  insmod search_fs_uuid
>  insmod chain
> #set root=(hd1,gpt1)
>  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root C057-BC13
>  chainloader (hd1,gpt1)/EFI/XEN/xen.efi
> }

Then this file tells the boot loader about the /boot or / partition.
Is that the Xen virtualization software?


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 01:46:06 Uhr schrieb Dmitry:

> 2. ==>BAM<== some how that binary knows the system partition.

That information is on the EFI partition, where the GRUB bootloader
binary also resides.

root@ryz:/boot/efi/EFI# cat /boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg
search.fs_uuid 5b8b669d-xyz root hd0,gpt2 #boot partition
set prefix=($root)'/grub'
configfile $prefix/grub.cfg

If that information is loaded, the kernel can be loaded from the boot


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 02.02.2024 um 00:09:56 Uhr schrieb Dmitry:

> I made experiments with a FlashDrive, and create GPT there,
> if I want to use standard Debian Image how I should partition that
> flash drive (MBR, GPT)?

Do you want to install the OS on it?
For the partition table, I recommend GPT.

Do you want an encrypted system?

>  > Do you need a special configuration here or is the default just
>  > fine?  
> Need just working one. But I am confusing about how GRUB would get a
> plenty of things related to filesystem, kernel location and so on.

That is being done be the installer. If you don't need special
configuration, use the install process. It does everything for you.


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Re: install Kernel and GRUB in chroot.

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb Dmitry :

Why don't you use the normal setup?
It does many tasks for you.

> After:
> 1. Creating GPT table and GPT partition with fdisk.

Use gdisk for that.
You can create an EFI partition there.
Choose Type EFI (EF00), 100MB.
Format it with FAT32.

> And at the point two (Install GRUB) I a little bit confused.
> 1. Need to create ESP

Do that before the install with gdisk.

> and put GRUB there.

That is done automatically if it is mounted at /boot/efi.

> 2. Need to configure GRUB to select appropriate kernel and ramdisk.

Do you need a special configuration here or is the default just fine?

> How to create a ESP partition and mount it to /boot?

That must be mounted to /boot/efi.

If you create a separate boot partition (do you really need it?), it
must be mounted at /boot.

> How GRUB would understand where to be install and where is the kernel?

It chooses by the path.
grub-install is the command, no device as parameter.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb

> CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Model name: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500

That processor can run amd64 Debian, so install that architecture.

Re: Wine in bullseye, which way to go?

2024-02-01 Thread Marco Moock
Am 01.02.2024 schrieb Miroslav Skoric :

> This time I was puzzled when noticed that Synaptic installed lots of 
> amd64 packages even though my system is i386.

uname -a

and post it here.

If your system is i386 only, amd64 software can't run on it.
Remove that architecture from dpkg.

Re: Debian 12 System Requirement

2024-01-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 23.01.2024 um 04:09:14 Uhr schrieb CHENG YING KIT KEITH:

> Can I install Debian 11 or 12 with "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2699 v3 @
> 2.30GHz" CPU?

The amd64 images support that processor.

Re: OT: Is there any size limit for ISO's?

2024-01-22 Thread Marco Moock
Am 22.01.2024 um 21:07:55 Uhr schrieb Hans:

> I copied the file using dd to an usb stick, but it does crash at boot.

Is the USB stick equal or bigger than the ISO?
If not, the writing process will just stop at the end of the device and
the stick data will be corrupted because they are incomplete.

Re: rfkill list wlan, Hard blocked: yes

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 18:58:43 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> It does report "hard blocked", but rfkill can't change it.

Look for a hardware switch or a keystroke (mostly combined with FN) to
enable it.

Re: Regarding: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 17:21:13 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> It was a firmware thing.

How did you solve it?

Re: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 16:36:09 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> Even better   :-)
> It doesn't exist in /etc/network

Is system-networkd being used?

How did you configure it in the past?

Re: ip link versus nmcli device, WIFI

2024-01-21 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 15:58:18 Uhr schrieb Geert Stappers:

> How to make NetworkManager aware of a WIFI device?

Is the device commented out in /etc/network?

Re: I've an editable .pdf form I need to fill out

2024-01-20 Thread Marco Moock
Am 21.01.2024 um 00:35:13 Uhr schrieb gene heskett:

> The AG has sent me a form letter PDF with fill in the blanks for all
> the info.
> Do we have an editor in our arsenal that can do that to a pdf?

If the fields are technically a form, evince can fill them out.
If not, you can use Libreoffice, but format might break.

Re: Debian 11 & Debian 12

2024-01-16 Thread Marco Moock
Am 16.01.2024 um 22:25:40 Uhr schrieb Jeff Jennings:

> Recently, I decided to download Debian 12.4 and was alarmed to notice
> that Debian 12 downloads are no longer through https connections.

https works fine here.

Re: No Release file for Security Update

2024-01-16 Thread Marco Moock
Am 16.01.2024 um 11:30:09 Uhr schrieb Thomas George:

> The result was  bookworm InRelease, bookworm-updates InRelease, 
> bookworm-secutity Relesse 404 Not Found [IP: 80]

There seems to be a typo!

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