Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-12 Thread peter reilly
On Friday 09 May 2003 04:08, Costin Manolache wrote:
 peter reilly wrote:
  Using property files is nice but with new attributes
  to typedef (adaptor for example) it would be better to
  use an xml file/resource.

 I think we already agreed on XML - there is no reason to continue
 adding arguments.

  This should be independent of using antlibs/jars or XML ns.
  Hence I think that the root element name should not be
  antlib as this implies more baggage.
  (Also my work in progress implementation uses an ant task
  for the xml parsing and the root element name is the task
  name ;-)).

 That's what I would do too ( and why I suggested using ant xml
 processing for the antlib descriptor ) :-)

 What baggage are you talking about ? Antlib is what we are
 trying to do, it would be confusing to use another name for
 the root element.

The baggage is that lib is normally associated with
jar files.

   1) the code to handle XML namespaces in ProjectHelper2 is
   not yet complete.
 -  namespaces of attributes is not handled yet - the
code uses getQName() on the attributes and does
not pass the URI of the attributes to the attribute list
   given to
  Easy to fix it to localname, but I don't want to get into ns +
  attributes, let's leave it for ant1.7 :-)
  ( or at least wait for the component creation to be done ).
  The NS standard
  allows one to do somthing like this:
  project  xmlns:html=''
 target name=t
 echo html:class=reallyimportantmessage/echo
  of course it is up to the ant software to understand the xml file,
  but unsupported attribute 'class' is not a usefull error message
  in this case.

 Yes - but let's first implement namespaces on the elements.

 We can add code to ignore ( for now ) attributes that are in a different
 namespace than the element - that would allow various annotations or
 3rd party tools.

 After we see how people use namespaces - we can add more features for the

  Attribute + NS affects the introspection.
 - the uris for project/target elements/attributes are not
  Project and target are owned by ant, you can't redefine them in
  This is true, but using namespaces one could do:
  project  xmlns:html=''
 html:target name=t
 echohello world/echo
  which is clearly wrong - but with the current code gives the
  misleading error:
  Could not create task or type of type: target

 There are plenty of wrong things one can do :-)

Is True...

 We can fix the message to say html:target or use the URI, it's not
 a show stopper.

 - the ns standard allows different types of software processing
   for the different namespaces, if this is to be supported
   ProjectHelper2 would need to look at the uri before handing
   the element to the ElementHandler object (see my previous e-mail on
   the subject)
  Not sure I agree ( or understand ) this.
  The idea is to allow a xml ns to be used for purposes other that defining
  Unknown Elements. My example was an antdoc xml ns.

 Still don't get it. PH2 creates an object tree - and various element in the
 tree can access the tree and do whatever they want. PH2 itself shouldn't
 be involved in this.

My idea is to get PH2 to ignore name spaces it does not understand - they
then will not form part of the tree.

   3) In what ns will the introspected attributes and nested elements of
   the new
   elements reside? Some of the previous e-mails assume that they
   belong in the antlib's namespace - but what about datatypes that
   ant's datatypes - e.g mypath. (This is assuming that the
   attributes/nested elements are found by introspection - for jmx:...
   this may not be the case - or a different Class than
   IntrospectionHelper may be used).
  Those created by IntrospectionUtil - it doesn't matter, it's set by the
  It does matter from a build script point of view.
  path refid=x/
  remoteurl url=http://; retry=no/
  is different from:
  addon:path refid=x/
  addon:remoteurl url=http://; retry=no/

 The first case is simple - the current rules cover it.

 For the second - I don't know how could we handle it with the simple
 patterns ( createPath / addPath ).

 What's your proposal ? To apply the simple patterns to the local name ?

I propose using the first case.

  introspection rules. For the new polymorphic tasks - probably the same
  rules of component creation as in top-level tasks. ( still not sure if
  we agreed on how many lookup tables we'll use )
   4) the proposed polymorphic element type substitution
   element type=newtype/ will need to be made ns-aware. either
   newtype for-element=element/ or the 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-09 Thread Costin Manolache
peter reilly wrote:

 Using property files is nice but with new attributes
 to typedef (adaptor for example) it would be better to
 use an xml file/resource.

I think we already agreed on XML - there is no reason to continue
adding arguments.

 This should be independent of using antlibs/jars or XML ns.
 Hence I think that the root element name should not be
 antlib as this implies more baggage.
 (Also my work in progress implementation uses an ant task
 for the xml parsing and the root element name is the task
 name ;-)).

That's what I would do too ( and why I suggested using ant xml 
processing for the antlib descriptor ) :-)

What baggage are you talking about ? Antlib is what we are 
trying to do, it would be confusing to use another name for
the root element.

  1) the code to handle XML namespaces in ProjectHelper2 is
  not yet complete.
-  namespaces of attributes is not handled yet - the
   code uses getQName() on the attributes and does
   not pass the URI of the attributes to the attribute list given

 Easy to fix it to localname, but I don't want to get into ns +
 attributes, let's leave it for ant1.7 :-)
 ( or at least wait for the component creation to be done ).
 The NS standard
 allows one to do somthing like this:
 project  xmlns:html=''
target name=t
echo html:class=reallyimportantmessage/echo
 of course it is up to the ant software to understand the xml file,
 but unsupported attribute 'class' is not a usefull error message
 in this case.

Yes - but let's first implement namespaces on the elements.

We can add code to ignore ( for now ) attributes that are in a different
namespace than the element - that would allow various annotations or
3rd party tools. 

After we see how people use namespaces - we can add more features for the

 Attribute + NS affects the introspection.

- the uris for project/target elements/attributes are not

 Project and target are owned by ant, you can't redefine them in
 This is true, but using namespaces one could do:
 project  xmlns:html=''
html:target name=t
echohello world/echo
 which is clearly wrong - but with the current code gives the
 misleading error:
 Could not create task or type of type: target

There are plenty of wrong things one can do :-) 

We can fix the message to say html:target or use the URI, it's not 
a show stopper.

- the ns standard allows different types of software processing
  for the different namespaces, if this is to be supported
  ProjectHelper2 would need to look at the uri before handing the
  element to the ElementHandler object (see my previous e-mail
  on the subject)

 Not sure I agree ( or understand ) this.
 The idea is to allow a xml ns to be used for purposes other that defining
 Unknown Elements. My example was an antdoc xml ns.

Still don't get it. PH2 creates an object tree - and various element in the 
tree can access the tree and do whatever they want. PH2 itself shouldn't 
be involved in this.

  3) In what ns will the introspected attributes and nested elements of
  the new
  elements reside? Some of the previous e-mails assume that they
  belong in the antlib's namespace - but what about datatypes that
  ant's datatypes - e.g mypath. (This is assuming that the
  attributes/nested elements are found by introspection - for jmx:...
  this may not be the case - or a different Class than
  IntrospectionHelper may be used).

 Those created by IntrospectionUtil - it doesn't matter, it's set by the
 It does matter from a build script point of view.
 path refid=x/
 remoteurl url=http://; retry=no/
 is different from:
 addon:path refid=x/
 addon:remoteurl url=http://; retry=no/

The first case is simple - the current rules cover it.

For the second - I don't know how could we handle it with the simple
patterns ( createPath / addPath ). 

What's your proposal ? To apply the simple patterns to the local name ?

 introspection rules. For the new polymorphic tasks - probably the same
 rules of component creation as in top-level tasks. ( still not sure if we
 agreed on how many lookup tables we'll use )

  4) the proposed polymorphic element type substitution
  element type=newtype/ will need to be made ns-aware. either
  newtype for-element=element/ or the ns prefix - ns uri mapping
  at the parse time when processing type=newtype will need to be

 Probably using the prefix in newtype would be the most intuitive (
 element type=antcontrib:if / ), but that will require some tricky
 change in PH2 to implement.
 Actually I think change is easy enough. :-)

Sorry, I don't understand 

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I think you started with wrong assumptions here.
 There is no need to change anything in the core or optional tasks, 
 you can have an antlib that uses multiple jars ( and most 
 likely antlibs
 will eventually use some dependency mechanism and have 
 mutliple jars ).

So you want to continue with the aberration of allowing having
tasks in the descriptor that cannot be loaded or fail to resolve 
due to lack of dependencies? This is what we have to allow today
in order to have those magic property files that contain all the
optional tasks. At least I was striding to get rid of it.

But if you impose the rule one antlib one URI (as it was suggested)
then you have to continue with this aberration just for backward compatibility.

Let me just make clear that I am assuming the content of an antlib
is defined by its XML (or whatever) descriptor.

  I have no problem using XML namespaces as long as they are 
  of the antlib and under complete user control (not antlib designer
  control). In other words the user should be able to decide 
 if s/he wants
  to load the library on some particular namespace or in the 
  namespace which is the one used by core.
 The namespace is not under user control - by definition. Read 
 the W3C spec,
 it is designed to be fixed, stable, durable, etc. 
 And there is no point in the user changing the namespace URI 
 - the ns is 
 the id or name of the library.

There is definetly nothing on W3C about antlib libraries. The URI
is just a string and W3C imposes no meaning to it. Whether it is 
universally unique or not is just suggested not impossed,
the same as public-ids for DTDs. As long as you can distinguish
between two diferent things that is all that is required.

 Regarding use of the core namespace if no name conflicts: +1

So I am an antlib writer and have a shitch/ task and because
it does not conflict with core I fix it in the core namespace.
So ANT 1.7 comes along and decides to add a switch/ task to core.
Now what, did 1.7 broke backward compatibility? My antlib is now
incompatible with the new version of ANT eventhough no APIs where
mofified. Is gonna monitor all 3rd party
antlibs to make sure core never uses a name someone else
already used?

This is a administration nightmare. This is why I am saying
let the user resolve the conflicts, if he decides to use two
antlibs with clashes, then allow him to load them is separate
namespaces to resolve its own conflicts.

  So if I say:
  antlib location=antcontrib.jar/
  I will be able to use: if/, switch/, etc. But is I do:
  project xmlns:cont=mylibs
 Again - the URI is not under user control, but under the antlib author
 control. Just like the if and the other task names. 
 Allowing the user to
 rename tasks would be very wrong and confusing. ( let's 
 rename delete
 to copy, then import few files - and figure out what the 
 build file is
 actually doing ). 

Tell me where in the introspection engine this is required.
This is just your idea. Antlib could pick the namespace dynamically
at loading time. 

And lets just say that today I could rename all tasks to french
names if I wanted just need to write a properties file.
(granted the inner-elements will continue in english, but hey).

Jose Alberto

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread Conor MacNeill
On Thu, 8 May 2003 12:30 am, Costin Manolache wrote:

 The URI however should be chosen by the antlib author ( maybe based on some
 rules specific to ant ), and should serve as an ID of the library.

 My proposal is to use the (main) package name. There are other options -
 but I don't think every end user using it's own name for an antlib is a
 good one.


I believe the URI should be defined by the antlib builder, not the user. It 
should be opaque - no semantic structure, at least from Ant's processing. An 
antlib should just declare to what namespace URI it belongs and then that 
antlib's defs would be accessible through that namespace in the build file.

This would allow multiple antlibs to belong to a single namespace, which might 
be useful for extension purposes. So, something like this

antlib uri=blah

Antlibs could potentially declare themselves to belong to the default 
namespace. This would handle Ant's existing optional tasks. This facility 
might be restricted to antlibs found in a particular location.

A classloader could probably be associated with the URI, picking up all 
antlibs declaring the URI. 

Just some thoughts

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread Costin Manolache
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 As someone already said, it's about not reinventing the
 wheel, not about
 enabling the use of fancy tools.  But as ubiquitous and
 accepted as XML
 namespaces are, I see many things that could be gained from using
 namespaces.  Also, I suspect most users familiar with XML
 will have had some
 dose of contact with namespaces.
 But ANT is not for experience XML users but for Java programmers
 or C or .NET (with the new tasks). ANT is popular because
 it is simple to use you do not have construccions that require
 you to read a full spec to understand. I am not against NS, but
 I am against forcing people to use them just because.

And you instead propose to use something as complex - but different.

Your rewriting task names to resolve conflicts is in no way better than
use namespace to resolve conflicts. User of ant will be far better
learning the standard way to resolve conflicts than learning your 
syntax and rewriting. 

We do force people to use XML, and we force them to use a specific 
DTD ( copy ... ) and semantics. Even Perl forces people to use 
a certain syntax and rules. 

If you have a solution to the name conflict that is far better than using
the standard solution - then we can consider it. But renaming task names is 
certainly not.

 So again you have a two tier world where some things are more core
 than others. Me as a library provider need to decide now whether
 to ship my library with a property file so that it can be incorporated
 seemingly into ANT namespace or use an XML definition and force
 my users to learn NS. Hu

Yes. In the first case you'll need to be very carefull to avoid naming
conflicts, and you may not be able to benefit from some tools.

In the second - you'll force users to use NS - which is a standard used in
almost all XML specifications today. We already forced them to learn XML
in the first place, and learning NS won't be a waste of time.  

 project xmlns:cont=urn:uri-supplied-by-ant-user
 antlib location=antcontrib.jar
 I thing this is what I meant (in escense), with the understanding
 a) the user can use the same URI on several antlibs
 (any conflicts are his problem)

The namespace is _not_ under user control, at least according to W3C. 
You can't just use whatever URI you want for XSLT or XHTML - 
the URI of a specification/DTD is defined by that specification.

The equivalent of a namespace in a programming language is the 
package. What you are suggesting is equivalent in letting users 
pick whatever package they want for a java class, at runtime. 

BTW, if we are still talking about java programmers using ant - I doubt
we'll have that many users who don't understand how package work and 
have a big shock learning about XML namespaces.

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread Costin Manolache
Conor MacNeill wrote:

 On Thu, 8 May 2003 12:30 am, Costin Manolache wrote:

 The URI however should be chosen by the antlib author ( maybe based on
 some rules specific to ant ), and should serve as an ID of the library.

 My proposal is to use the (main) package name. There are other options -
 but I don't think every end user using it's own name for an antlib is a
 good one.

 I believe the URI should be defined by the antlib builder, not the user.
 It should be opaque - no semantic structure, at least from Ant's
 processing. An antlib should just declare to what namespace URI it belongs
 and then that antlib's defs would be accessible through that namespace in
 the build file.

Can you explain why you don't want a semantic structure ?

I don't understand why using a java package name - i.e. the base package of
the library - as ns is worse than using an arbitrary string.  

And I don't unserstand why not using the URI in a meaningfull way - to
locate the descriptor. 

If we use an arbitrary string - we'll still have to use a declaration to
associate it with a resource. 

Of course - using the URI as a file is bad, using it as a HTTP is not very
good either. But a java package name has all the characteristics that a
namespace name needs, and it's intuitive for java developers.

 This would allow multiple antlibs to belong to a single namespace, which
 might be useful for extension purposes. So, something like this

What would be the benefit ? 

IMO it would be more confusing. Even if we don't care about tools - having 
a namespace associated with a clear set of elements and tags is good for 

 antlib uri=blah
 Antlibs could potentially declare themselves to belong to the default
 namespace. This would handle Ant's existing optional tasks. This facility
 might be restricted to antlibs found in a particular location.

+1 - the default namespace is a special case. My problem is with
spaghetti-namespaces ( that change names or can be combined ). 

project xmlsns:antcontrib=ant:net.sf.antcontrib 
  antcontrib:if ... 

would become:
  antlib uri=ant:net.sf.antcontrib 

In the first case - if's namespace can be used to locate/load the lib.
In the second - an explicit load into the default namespace.

 A classloader could probably be associated with the URI, picking up all
 antlibs declaring the URI.

For advanced uses - ok.

For common use - I think using the main class loader and adding the antlibs
( and their dependencies ) to the main loader is far better.

By advanced use I mean the case where you want to use multiple versions 
of an antlib at the same time, or antlibs that have conflicting deps,


 Just some thoughts

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread Gus Heck

Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
But ANT is not for experience XML users but for Java programmers
or C or .NET (with the new tasks). ANT is popular because
it is simple to use you do not have construccions that require
you to read a full spec to understand. I am not against NS, but
I am against forcing people to use them just because.


I had never touched xml when I  first encountered Ant. But rather than 
saying: Yuck, I have to learn XML, my reaction was rather, 
Excellent... I have been meaning to learn about XML anyway.

All this talk of namespaces gave me a good reason to go read up on them 
in case they do become part of ant. But if a custom solution is coded 
where can I go read up on it... where can I get a second book, or web 
info on it ifi the  manual doesn't seem adequate? If standards are used, 
then lots of information will be available to make sense of them.

I am in favor of using a standards based approach because it will save 
me work in the long run. Time spent learning namespaces is likely to be 
time well spent, useful elsewhere.  If I have to learn something I'd 
much rather learn something I might see again.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
peter reilly wrote:
The NS standard
allows one to do somthing like this:
project  xmlns:html=''
   target name=t
   echo html:class=reallyimportantmessage/echo
of course it is up to the ant software to understand the xml file,
but unsupported attribute 'class' is not a usefull error message
in this case.
I would make elements from namespaces without associated code
in certain positions legal (silently ignored by Ant) or a warning
level problem. Same for attributes from namespace which is not the
default namespace nor the namespace of the element. This allows
buildfile editors to put stuff for other tools into the buildfile
in a structured way. This is used for example in XSLT, which allows
elements  from non-default, non-xslt namespaces as immediate children
of xsl:stylesheet, for various purposes, the most oviously
useful is extended documentation:
 xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
   doc:titleA sample stylesheet/doc:title
 xhtml:pThe template matching doc:subst what=match/
   is used for...
  xsl:template match=foo
Attributes could also provide interesting use cases:
  task crossref:author=J. Random Hacker ...
Well, You could achieve the same with PIs and the like, but
atributes are much easier to process with XSLT. For example
the above could provide an overview of which authors are
responsible for which tasks.

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-08 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
Is there a DTD for XSLT? Can I validate an XSLT template against a DTD?
Not in general. This is a restriction of DTDs, which can't cope with
XML namespaces. DTDs are a SGML heritage and predate XML namespaces.
You can always construct a DTD which a certain class of (useful)
XSL style sheets validates against.
You can partially validate arbitrary style sheets against an XSD or
a RNG schema.
I thought that was not possible given that most of the elements in the 
template wil be the things I am trying to generate. In the case of XSLT
the the URI is really for the XSLT processor, but not XML as such.
Well, the p and div element names are for the browser (HTML renderer,
to be more precise), not for (X)HTML as such. After all, any XML
document is most useful if it is ultimately processed by some software,
which necessarily has to have some knowledge on how to handle the
information embedded in the pointy brackets.
Java packages are global. NS spaces are hyerarchical I can change the 
meaning of ANT: twenty times inside the same buildfile depending
on where I make the xmlns declaration.
You confuse the namespace, which is fix and (hopefully) unique
which the qname prefix. Don't do this. Read the spec or a good
book about this topic.
actually I think it is quite complicated in general.
The XML namespace syntax is a compromise between providing unique
long names to the processor and reasonably short names to human
readers. Yes, you can use this to obfuscate XML documents. You
don't *have* to obfuscate XML documents though.
Many people complained about the potential problems ill written
but valid XML documents can pose to unexperienced users as well as
for qd hackers (for example, you can't use simple perl regex
matching to grab some tuff from the middle of a big XML document,
you'll have to parse the whole doc in order resolve prefixes to
namespaces). Interestingly, when namespaces were introduced to C++
there weren't much bitchmoan, while it posed exactly the same

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Costin Manolache
Let's not reinvent the wheel here.

The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting. 

If we use a prefix, let's stick with what everyone else is using. Inventing
some original solution ( that may or may not be easier or more flexible 
than the W3C solution ) won't make things better for the user. 

antlib location=antcontrib.jar prefix=myxyz- /
  myxyx-if ...

is not easier than 

project xmlns:myxyz=ant:net.sf.antcontrib 
  myxyz:if ... 


Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I was away on vacation so hasn't been around to make comments about the
 entire discussion. I will try to sumarize here some comments that go
 across several messages I have read today.
 The current antlib provides a way for the user of a particular antlib to
 rename one or more elements that are in conflict with elements of some
 other antlib it tries to use. As the renaming is local to the project
 there is no problem; it is up to the user of the antlib to decide what
 names to use to refer to the loaded things. For example I may use the
 foreach class of antcontrib but for reasons of my project being in need
 to also use a foreach defined by some other third party which works
 diferently. So I could just load it and rename it lets say to forall and
 use it in my project using that name.
  It is up to me as the user of the antlib.
 From the discussion this last few days I like the idea from (I think)
 Peter/Nicola of having short and long names where the long names are form
 by adding a prefix defined not by the antlib writer, but by the antlib
 antlib location=antcontrib.jar prefix=myxyz- /
 which would allowme to use either:
 if/ or myxyz-if
 it is upto the user to decide what to use. Of course the same would be for
 the tasks (i.e., taskdef) that allows loading individual tasks into
 roles. The same rules of collisions and conflict resolution apply.
 The important point is for the user (which is the one who has to
 deal with name clashes) to have control of the final naming scheme used in
 his/her buildfile. And we are not impossing any wierd semantics or making
 assumptions, if I decide to use the same prefix for two antlibs it is up
 to me to make sure there are no conflicts.
 -Original Message-
 From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 02 May 2003 14:35
 Subject: Re: Roles (was: antlib)
 On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez
  The problem you are overlooking is the case of weblogic element
  in ejbjar, jspc, serverdeploy, etc.
 Maybe not really overlooking but understimating.
 The alternative would be to use weblogicjspc and weblogicdeploy
 for the different interfaces.  If they come from different antlibs, we
 really should use XML namespaces to resolve this.
 But I now understand that having a table per interface may be
 convenient (though not strictly necessary).
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Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 06 May 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
 The important point is for the user (which is the one who has to
 deal with name clashes) to have control of the final naming scheme
 used in his/her buildfile.

 Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
 The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting. 

+1 to both.  Make the use choose the namespace for the antlib he/she
wants to use.


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Wannheden, Knut
 Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
 The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting. 

I agree.  With the new ProjectHelper2 everything should be in place to start
using namespaces.

This would also allow antlibs to have a DTD or XML Schema which could be
used in XML editors or for validation.

Also namespaces lets the antlib user specify what prefix to use.  But it
doesn't allow two antlibs to use the same prefix in the context of the same
element, which I think is good.

If you really want you can use short names with namespaces as well.  Just
set the default namespace locally.


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Wannheden, Knut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
  The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting. 
 I agree.  With the new ProjectHelper2 everything should be in 
 place to start
 using namespaces.

I have no problem on allowing people to use namespaces, but I do 
have a problem on forcing people to use them just because some others
want to use some fancy XML tool. The buildfile belongs to the
user and s/he should be in charge.

 This would also allow antlibs to have a DTD or XML Schema 
 which could be
 used in XML editors or for validation.

Well ANT's XML is the result of introspection, and we already know
our object model cannot be represented by a simple DTD. I see no way
or reson to enforce 3rd party libraries to define their objects
to be DTD-able. 
I am not sure about XMLSchema but my hopes are not too high.

 Also namespaces lets the antlib user specify what prefix to 
 use.  But it
 doesn't allow two antlibs to use the same prefix in the 
 context of the same
 element, which I think is good.

This sounds proper in theory, but in practice lets see:

 1) Lets assume that we still want to be able to chop ANT jars
between core and different optional jars which have specific
dependencies of diferent packages and such.

 2) Now because they are in different antlibs it would mean I am
forced to use different namespaces for each.

 3) So now you have people using 3rd party tasks like antcontrib
without problem and without conflicts, but they would have to
change not just one line (to use the antlib) but every bloddy
use of the tasks just because they are forced to use name spaces.

I doubt many people will be fill happy about that, and the backward
compatibility consequences.

 If you really want you can use short names with namespaces as 
 well.  Just
 set the default namespace locally.

I have no problem using XML namespaces as long as they are independent
of the antlib and under complete user control (not antlib designer control).
In other words the user should be able to decide if s/he wants to load
the library on some particular namespace or in the default  namespace
which is the one used by core.

So if I say:

antlib location=antcontrib.jar/

I will be able to use: if/, switch/, etc. But is I do:

project xmlns:cont=mylibs
   antlib location=antcontrib.jar usens=cont/


then I can use cont:if/, cont:switch/, etc.

Which means that the default value for the 'usens' attribute is  which assumes
some implicit namespace definitions like:

xmlns=ant-namespace and probably xmlns:ant=ant-namespace

which uses as kosher namespaces as possible, I think.

Jose Alberto

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Wannheden, Knut
   Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
   The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting. 
  I agree.  With the new ProjectHelper2 everything should be in 
  place to start
  using namespaces.
 I have no problem on allowing people to use namespaces, but I do 
 have a problem on forcing people to use them just because some others
 want to use some fancy XML tool. The buildfile belongs to the
 user and s/he should be in charge.

As someone already said, it's about not reinventing the wheel, not about
enabling the use of fancy tools.  But as ubiquitous and accepted as XML
namespaces are, I see many things that could be gained from using
namespaces.  Also, I suspect most users familiar with XML will have had some
dose of contact with namespaces.

  This would also allow antlibs to have a DTD or XML Schema 
  which could be
  used in XML editors or for validation.
 Well ANT's XML is the result of introspection, and we already know
 our object model cannot be represented by a simple DTD. I see no way
 or reson to enforce 3rd party libraries to define their objects
 to be DTD-able. 
 I am not sure about XMLSchema but my hopes are not too high.

With roles I think XML Schema could very well be used to validate a
buildfile.  But I'm not saying that a schema should be enforce.  It would be
a gain of using XML namespaces.

  Also namespaces lets the antlib user specify what prefix to 
  use.  But it
  doesn't allow two antlibs to use the same prefix in the 
  context of the same
  element, which I think is good.
 This sounds proper in theory, but in practice lets see:
  1) Lets assume that we still want to be able to chop ANT jars
 between core and different optional jars which have specific
 dependencies of diferent packages and such.
  2) Now because they are in different antlibs it would mean I am
 forced to use different namespaces for each.

Is that really so?  As I understood it antlibs wouldn't be a requirement for
providing Ant tasks and types.  I thought the normal taskdef/ and
typedef/ would still work as they do now.

I suppose it would also be possible to let one antlib extend another one,
thus letting it use the same namespace.

  3) So now you have people using 3rd party tasks like antcontrib
 without problem and without conflicts, but they would have to
 change not just one line (to use the antlib) but every bloddy
 use of the tasks just because they are forced to use name spaces.

To use antcontrib as an antlib they would at the very least have to replace
the taskdef/s with an antlib/ element or something, no?  But the tasks
should still work as they do now using taskdef/.

  If you really want you can use short names with namespaces as 
  well.  Just
  set the default namespace locally.
 I have no problem using XML namespaces as long as they are independent
 of the antlib and under complete user control (not antlib 
 designer control).
 In other words the user should be able to decide if s/he wants to load
 the library on some particular namespace or in the default  
 which is the one used by core.
 So if I say:
   antlib location=antcontrib.jar/
 I will be able to use: if/, switch/, etc. But is I do:
   project xmlns:cont=mylibs
  antlib location=antcontrib.jar usens=cont/
 then I can use cont:if/, cont:switch/, etc.

I think the antlib/ shouldn't define the prefix, but the namespace URI
instead .  Something like:

project xmlns:cont=urn:uri-supplied-by-ant-user
   antlib location=antcontrib.jar

Of course if the antlib would provide its own namespace in the descriptor.
Ant could do some kind of automatic loading when a namespace declaration
matching the namespace URI is encountered.  But I'm not sure that's a good

 Which means that the default value for the 'usens' attribute 
 is  which assumes
 some implicit namespace definitions like:
   xmlns=ant-namespace and probably xmlns:ant=ant-namespace
 which uses as kosher namespaces as possible, I think.

But this would require that the project/ element would define the default
namespace like this:

project xmlns=ant-namespace

Why not use the empty namespace for Ant core?


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Costin Manolache
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

 On Tue, 06 May 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
 The important point is for the user (which is the one who has to
 deal with name clashes) to have control of the final naming scheme
 used in his/her buildfile.

 Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
 The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting.
 +1 to both.  Make the use choose the namespace for the antlib he/she
 wants to use.

If you're reffering to the prefix - of course, that's how NS works.

The URI however should be chosen by the antlib author ( maybe based on some
rules specific to ant ), and should serve as an ID of the library.

My proposal is to use the (main) package name. There are other options - 
but I don't think every end user using it's own name for an antlib is a good


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Costin Manolache
 format of the definition file.
 I would propose a root element of antdef and nested elements of
 typedef and taskdef and a possible description nested element
 and/or attribute.

Or antlib as root element ?

I'm pretty sure sooner or later we'll have some conditions or 
echo or even paths :-)

And also dependencies in one form or another.

But for start typedef should be enough.
I wouldn't use taskdef - just a typedef and the fact that implements Task
or has an adapter that implements task 

 2: either extend the typedef/ task to use the definition file in the
 same way as property files are deal with at the moment or provide
 a task - antdef [resource=... | file =...]  [classpath attributes
 and nested elements from typedef/

Again - antlib ...  :-)
 3: release/document the classloader/ task to manipulate the classpath.

Sorry - tomcat took much more than I expected last weekend. 

 4: Implement the XML ns changes to use the xml definition file possibly
using a predefined filename and using a package name.

Not sure I understand - which part are you talking about ?


 On Wednesday 07 May 2003 06:14, Costin Manolache wrote:
 Let's not reinvent the wheel here.

 The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting.

 If we use a prefix, let's stick with what everyone else is using.
 Inventing some original solution ( that may or may not be easier or
 more flexible than the W3C solution ) won't make things better for the

 antlib location=antcontrib.jar prefix=myxyz- /
   myxyx-if ...

 is not easier than

 project xmlns:myxyz=ant:net.sf.antcontrib 
   myxyz:if ... 


 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  Hi guys,
  I was away on vacation so hasn't been around to make comments about the
  entire discussion. I will try to sumarize here some comments that go
  across several messages I have read today.
  The current antlib provides a way for the user of a particular antlib
  to rename one or more elements that are in conflict with elements of
  some other antlib it tries to use. As the renaming is local to the
  project there is no problem; it is up to the user of the antlib to
  decide what names to use to refer to the loaded things. For example I
  may use the foreach class of antcontrib but for reasons of my project
  being in need to also use a foreach defined by some other third party
  which works diferently. So I could just load it and rename it lets say
  to forall and use it in my project using that name.
   It is up to me as the user of the antlib.
  From the discussion this last few days I like the idea from (I think)
  Peter/Nicola of having short and long names where the long names are
  form by adding a prefix defined not by the antlib writer, but by the
  antlib user:
  antlib location=antcontrib.jar prefix=myxyz- /
  which would allowme to use either:
  if/ or myxyz-if
  it is upto the user to decide what to use. Of course the same would be
  for the tasks (i.e., taskdef) that allows loading individual tasks
  into roles. The same rules of collisions and conflict resolution apply.
  The important point is for the user (which is the one who has to
  deal with name clashes) to have control of the final naming scheme used
  in his/her buildfile. And we are not impossing any wierd semantics or
  making assumptions, if I decide to use the same prefix for two antlibs
  it is up to me to make sure there are no conflicts.
  -Original Message-
  From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 02 May 2003 14:35
  Subject: Re: Roles (was: antlib)
  On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez
   The problem you are overlooking is the case of weblogic element
   in ejbjar, jspc, serverdeploy, etc.
  Maybe not really overlooking but understimating.
  The alternative would be to use weblogicjspc and weblogicdeploy
  for the different interfaces.  If they come from different antlibs, we
  really should use XML namespaces to resolve this.
  But I now understand that having a table per interface may be
  convenient (though not strictly necessary).
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RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Costin Manolache
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 From: Wannheden, Knut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Let's not reinvent the wheel here.
  The solution for names conflicts is namespaces - not rewriting.
 I agree.  With the new ProjectHelper2 everything should be in
 place to start
 using namespaces.
 I have no problem on allowing people to use namespaces, but I do
 have a problem on forcing people to use them just because some others
 want to use some fancy XML tool. The buildfile belongs to the
 user and s/he should be in charge.

Namespaces are the common solution used to resolve name conflicts.

I have a big problem on using some original solution like renaming 
tasks with some prefix. 

This has nothing to do with fancy XML tools ( in fact, very few 
editors are able to deal nicely with namespaces ). We have a problem - name
conflits - and one solution. 

I like Perl and the there is more than one way to do things, but in
this case we have a standard solution that everyone uses, and it would be
very confusing and wrong to force the user to learn a different one.

 This would also allow antlibs to have a DTD or XML Schema
 which could be
 used in XML editors or for validation.
 Well ANT's XML is the result of introspection, and we already know
 our object model cannot be represented by a simple DTD. I see no way
 or reson to enforce 3rd party libraries to define their objects
 to be DTD-able.
 I am not sure about XMLSchema but my hopes are not too high.

I agree with you on this one. XMLSchema is one of the worse things
I've seen. 

However it is possible to associate a DTD/schema with (most) of the
ant ( we even have a dtd generator, that works great with emacs, I use 
the DTD every day ). And some users may choose to create build files
with editors using only the subset of ant that is supported by the editor
( i.e. fits the restrictions of the DTD/schema ).

 Also namespaces lets the antlib user specify what prefix to
 use.  But it
 doesn't allow two antlibs to use the same prefix in the
 context of the same
 element, which I think is good.
 This sounds proper in theory, but in practice lets see:
  1) Lets assume that we still want to be able to chop ANT jars
 between core and different optional jars which have specific
 dependencies of diferent packages and such.
  2) Now because they are in different antlibs it would mean I am
 forced to use different namespaces for each.

Why ? I think most people agreed that using the jar file name as a 
namespace URI is not the best solution.

If we go with the package name ( or other solution where the ns is fixed 
by the antlib creator ) - you can have the files in multiple jars.
For package name - the descriptor will have to be in that package.

  3) So now you have people using 3rd party tasks like antcontrib
 without problem and without conflicts, but they would have to
 change not just one line (to use the antlib) but every bloddy
 use of the tasks just because they are forced to use name spaces.

I think you started with wrong assumptions here.

There is no need to change anything in the core or optional tasks, 
you can have an antlib that uses multiple jars ( and most likely antlibs
will eventually use some dependency mechanism and have mutliple jars ).

 I doubt many people will be fill happy about that, and the backward
 compatibility consequences.
 If you really want you can use short names with namespaces as
 well.  Just
 set the default namespace locally.
 I have no problem using XML namespaces as long as they are independent
 of the antlib and under complete user control (not antlib designer
 control). In other words the user should be able to decide if s/he wants
 to load the library on some particular namespace or in the default 
 namespace which is the one used by core.

The namespace is not under user control - by definition. Read the W3C spec,
it is designed to be fixed, stable, durable, etc. 
And there is no point in the user changing the namespace URI - the ns is 
the id or name of the library.

Regarding use of the core namespace if no name conflicts: +1

 So if I say:
 antlib location=antcontrib.jar/
 I will be able to use: if/, switch/, etc. But is I do:
 project xmlns:cont=mylibs

Again - the URI is not under user control, but under the antlib author
control. Just like the if and the other task names. Allowing the user to
rename tasks would be very wrong and confusing. ( let's rename delete
to copy, then import few files - and figure out what the build file is
actually doing ). 

 antlib location=antcontrib.jar usens=cont/
 then I can use cont:if/, cont:switch/, etc.


 Which means that the default value for the 'usens' attribute is  which
 assumes some implicit namespace definitions like:
 xmlns=ant-namespace and probably xmlns:ant=ant-namespace
 which uses as kosher namespaces as possible, I think.
 Jose Alberto

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Wed, 07 May 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you're reffering to the prefix

I was.

 - of course, that's how NS works.

I know.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
I have no problem on allowing people to use namespaces, but I do 
have a problem on forcing people to use them just because some others
want to use some fancy XML tool. The buildfile belongs to the
user and s/he should be in charge.
The buildfile belongs to the user, but the vocabulary belongs to
the Ant/Task developers.
Do you complain about XHTML/XSLT/SVG/XSLFO/XForm etc. as well?

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-07 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stefan Bodewig wrote:
  On Tue, 06 May 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  The important point is for the user (which is the one who has to
  deal with name clashes) to have control of the final naming scheme
  used in his/her buildfile.
 If you're reffering to the prefix - of course, that's how NS works.
 The URI however should be chosen by the antlib author ( maybe 
 based on some
 rules specific to ant ), and should serve as an ID of the library.

Why? What has the URI to do with the classes or elements defined in the
antlib? You are impossing an arbitrary tie to a uri namespace
that has no real meaning whatsoever, since the meaning is on the classes

 My proposal is to use the (main) package name. There are 
 other options - 
 but I don't think every end user using it's own name for an 
 antlib is a good

What I suggest is to let the user of the antlib define whatever URI
it wants to whatever antlib it wants and it that way giving him
control of which libraries s/he wants to use toguether on the same
namespace. The antlib will just load the definitions there
and that's it. There is no reason to force people to use different
spaces or to enforce rules to administer diferent spaces.

Jose Alberto

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-06 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
Hi guys,

I was away on vacation so hasn't been around to make comments about the entire 
I will try to sumarize here some comments that go across several messages I 
have read today.

The current antlib provides a way for the user of a particular antlib to 
one or more elements that are in conflict with elements of some other antlib
it tries to use. As the renaming is local to the project there is no problem;
it is up to the user of the antlib to decide what names to use to refer to the
loaded things. For example I may use the foreach class of antcontrib but
for reasons of my project being in need to also use a foreach defined
by some other third party which works diferently. So I could just load it
and rename it lets say to forall and use it in my project using that name.
 It is up to me as the user of the antlib.

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-05 Thread Conor MacNeill
On Fri, 2 May 2003 09:55 pm, peter reilly wrote:

 Ant does not have the infrastructure at the moment to support XML
 namespaces, and their associated contexts.

It may be better to add that infrastructure then :-) It may also be better to 
use XML Schema's syntax for Polymorphism as the build file could then be 
validated against a schema.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-03 Thread Costin Manolache
peter reilly wrote:

 Yes, but more infrastructure is needed.
 (Also, in current ant cvs, ComponentHelper is not used).

It's not used because I wanted some feedback on its interfaces.
The code is (almost) the same with the one in Project, and it 
requires one little step to be enabled and pass the ns.

 My knowledge on this subject is very small, but here
 is my understanding (based on looking at jelly source
 To support XML ns one needs to know the uri associated
 with the namespace prefix.

If you look in ProjectHelper2, in the inner ElementHandler - 
the onStartElement() is called with the URI, tag, qname.
It creates UnknownElement().

All that's missing is an unknownElement.setNamespace( uri )
( and adding the getter and setter in UE ).

 The same prefix may be associated with different uri in
 the course of processing an xml file.

The prefix is usually not relevant. ElementHelper gets it,
but I don't think it should use it in any way.

 By overriding sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#startPrefixMapping
 and #stopPrefixMapping, one can find out when the prefix
 mapping space is active and when it is terminated. This is what
 jelly does.

I'm not sure what jelly does, but SAX2 startElement() callback has
the info we need ( i.e. the URI ), I don't thik we really need
the prefix.

 It would be more difficult (I may be wrong here) for ant to use
 this information as resolving of most of  tags is done after the xml
 parsing has completed.

When the UE is created we have the URI - and it's trivial to add it.

 It is not necessary to do this as .DefaultHander#startElement
 does pass the uri that is associated with the element. This
 could get stored in the UnknownElement and used for
 name resolution. (Attributes would also be be considered).
 Since namespace processing is active, the code should
 use getLocalName and not getQName.

True ( actually there is no getLocalName/getQName - the sax
callback has both ). 

 To support antlibs, I am thinking that one could have a
 mapping table per uri (for element tags), either within
 the ComponentHelper, or have a ComponentHelper per uri.

ComponentHelper's role is to create components - using URI or whatever else
it wants. It can maintain one table per URI - or you can have one CH per
URI ( I preffer the first option ).

One use case I had in mind for CH was a namespace like jmx:..., 
where the JMXComponentHelper would use the JMX metadata to create the
task ( no ant table ). That's clearly outside the scope of antlib or ant (
it's just a custom task ).


 On Friday 02 May 2003 15:42, Costin Manolache wrote:
 peter reilly wrote:

 \  example:
   typedef myfileset mypath anttest etc ..
   copy todir=output
 fileset ant-type=myfileset dir=src
 newattribute=MyFileSet attribute/
 path ant-type=mypath path=build.xml
   newattribute=MyPath attribute/
  I assume you meant to write ant:type instead of ant-type...
  Ant does not have the infrastructure at the moment to support XML
  namespaces, and their associated contexts.

 AFAIK ant _does_ have now the infrastructure to support and use
 XML namespaces.

 It is not using it - because we don't know yet what's the best way
 to do it, but AFAIK the infrastructure exists.

 ProjectHelper2 uses SAX2, it preserves namespaces in UnknownElement and
 the code for creation of tasks/types (ComponentHelper) receives the
 namespace and the name. CH allows plugins - i.e. any task can hook
 into the component creation and provide it's own mechanism, so you
 should be able to implement whatever namespace policy you want.


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Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-02 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stefan Bodewig wrote:
 I don't see a need for separate namespaces depending on the
 interfaces, so only using the child's element name (and namespace)
 could be enough.  I'm not sure whether I'm overlooking a problem.
 Not sure I understand.  Namespaces are not required to solve the
 polymorphism problem.

Me neither, two overloaded meanings for namespace.  Let me try to

I don't see the need for a different mapping of names to classes
depending on the interface, one mapping should be enough.  This would
mean the child's element name (and XML namespace) should suffice and
we don't need the interface the child is expected to implement to
determine the class.

 My concern was the API used by ComponentHelper - I would rather 
 add the parent parameter, even if it's not used now, if we expect
 we'll find some use cases that will require it ( say in 1.7+ ).


 An alternative to a magic namespace would be magic attribute names.
 We can use attributes that contain dashes
   zipfileset use-as=srcfileset
 use-as quite clearly states the user's intent and it is impossible
 to have an existing attribute for tasks or nested elements.
 Sounds good ( not use-as, but magic attribute ). Maybe ant:type
 would be better ?

This introduces a magic attribute name and a magic namespace.  Works
for me.

 The attribute should be optional

Of course.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-02 Thread peter reilly
I have done a little further work on my patch
to allow nested elements to have Project type
as a constructor.

If the object contains both addElement() and createElement(),
the addElement() method is used.

typedef myfileset mypath anttest etc ..
copy todir=output
  fileset ant-type=myfileset dir=src
  newattribute=MyFileSet attribute/

  path ant-type=mypath path=build.xml
newattribute=MyPath attribute/

I will upload the modified  patch over the weekend.


On Friday 02 May 2003 10:07, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can you explain again what's wrong with create ? I think I missed

 You can't pass in a subclass of the type returned by the createXYZ
 method as the object creation happens inside the task.  If you want to
 use a subclass of Path named mypath, you can't use it in tasks that
 use createPath for the nested path element.

  My understanding was that whatever is in use today will continue to
  work the same, we just add a new pattern at the end.

 Yes, with the caveat that polymorphism doesn't work for the createXYZ


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RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-02 Thread Wannheden, Knut

 typedef myfileset mypath anttest etc ..
 copy todir=output
   fileset ant-type=myfileset dir=src
   newattribute=MyFileSet attribute/
   path ant-type=mypath path=build.xml
 newattribute=MyPath attribute/

I assume you meant to write ant:type instead of ant-type...

I suppose in both examples all further attributes are for the target class.
E.g. both attributes dir and newattribute are for myfileset/.  Or
would the dir attribute be required for types of copy/'s fileset/


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-02 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez

 The problem you are overlooking is the case of weblogic element
 in ejbjar, jspc, serverdeploy, etc.

Maybe not really overlooking but understimating.

The alternative would be to use weblogicjspc and weblogicdeploy
for the different interfaces.  If they come from different antlibs, we
really should use XML namespaces to resolve this.

But I now understand that having a table per interface may be
convenient (though not strictly necessary).


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-01 Thread peter reilly
On Wednesday 30 April 2003 18:17, Costin Manolache wrote:
 All the discussions so far were about adding an addSomething() - while
 leaving all existing use cases unmodified.

Stefan introduced the concept of a typedef attribute, which allows
the ant core code to substitute a different class (named type) without
adding code to the current tasks/datatypes.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-05-01 Thread peter reilly
Ok, I have coded ant-type magic attribute over lunch.

  target name=run depends=init
typedef name=myfileset classname=MyFileSet classpath=classes/
mkdir dir=output/
copy todir=output
  fileset ant-type=myfileset dir=src newattribute=Hi/

I will update Patch 19446 over the weekend with
the changes.


On Thursday 01 May 2003 09:24, peter reilly wrote:
 On Wednesday 30 April 2003 18:17, Costin Manolache wrote:
  All the discussions so far were about adding an addSomething() - while
  leaving all existing use cases unmodified.

 Stefan introduced the concept of a typedef attribute, which allows
 the ant core code to substitute a different class (named type) without
 adding code to the current tasks/datatypes.


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Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We are still left the problem of the Type createName() pattern.

I don't think that it was solvable.  Almost any soltion world require
cooperation of the classes implementing the create method.

What we can do is adapting all core classes that use the createPattern
to also provide the add pattern (with modifications along the lines
you suggest) - and make IntrospectionHelper favor addXYZ over
createXYZ just as it setXYZ(SomeType) over setXYZ(String) now.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it is, with an addXYZ(Condition) method marking it up - I'm not
 really fond of any of the proposed naming conventions so far.
 Whats wrong with add(Condition) ?

Nothing so far.

 We still need a solution for the ambiguos cases, though.
 1.7+ ?

Which makes things even more difficult to explain.

You can use zipfileset everywhere where fileset is documented,
except for task that happen to also have another nested element that
is implemented by FileSet such as ..

We shouldn't rush 1.6 but get it right now.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stefan Bodewig wrote:

 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class? 
 Should we use (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ?
 I'm not sure what the difference is, here.
 In the second case, the parent class is also used when constructing
 the child - i.e. introspection or some other info could be used.
 BTW, by parent I mean parent namespace + parent element name (
 even if we don't use ns yet ).

OK.  I think we'll need ParentClass to apply proper interface
resolution.  I'm somewhere on the fence, to be honest.

I don't see a need for separate namespaces depending on the
interfaces, so only using the child's element name (and namespace)
could be enough.  I'm not sure whether I'm overlooking a problem.

In a previous mail I said child alone would already break down
today.  What I had in mind are things like the fail element nested
into sound clashing with the fail task - all those things that
make a DTD impossible to write for Ant.

But these existing name clashes only exist for the non-overloaded
cases that we are still going to support.  I.e. they exist because
SoundTask defines addFail(SomeObject) which is fine as it is not
ambiguos at all.

 For overloaded methods - one way or another we'll need additional
 info from the user. I'm fine with either syntax - I would preffer
 the type attribute ( which could be an ant:type when we add
 namespaces ), but I'm ok with either solution.

An alternative to a magic namespace would be magic attribute names.
We can use attributes that contain dashes

  zipfileset use-as=srcfileset

use-as quite clearly states the user's intent and it is impossible to
have an existing attribute for tasks or nested elements.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread Costin Manolache
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

 On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stefan Bodewig wrote:
 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class?
 Should we use (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ?
 I'm not sure what the difference is, here.
 In the second case, the parent class is also used when constructing
 the child - i.e. introspection or some other info could be used.
 BTW, by parent I mean parent namespace + parent element name (
 even if we don't use ns yet ).
 OK.  I think we'll need ParentClass to apply proper interface
 resolution.  I'm somewhere on the fence, to be honest.

Same here :-)
 I don't see a need for separate namespaces depending on the
 interfaces, so only using the child's element name (and namespace)
 could be enough.  I'm not sure whether I'm overlooking a problem.

Not sure I understand. Namespaces are not required to solve the
polymorphism problem. 

My concern was the API used by ComponentHelper - I would rather 
add the parent parameter, even if it's not used now, if we expect
we'll find some use cases that will require it ( say in 1.7+ ).

 In a previous mail I said child alone would already break down
 today.  What I had in mind are things like the fail element nested
 into sound clashing with the fail task - all those things that
 make a DTD impossible to write for Ant.

Adding namespaces could reduce this problem. The fail inside
sound could use a different namespace than the core fail element.

Without namespaces - the context ( i.e. parent ) seems to be required.
In any case - making it available to the helpers that creates the components
can't hurt :-)

 But these existing name clashes only exist for the non-overloaded
 cases that we are still going to support.  I.e. they exist because
 SoundTask defines addFail(SomeObject) which is fine as it is not
 ambiguos at all.
 For overloaded methods - one way or another we'll need additional
 info from the user. I'm fine with either syntax - I would preffer
 the type attribute ( which could be an ant:type when we add
 namespaces ), but I'm ok with either solution.
 An alternative to a magic namespace would be magic attribute names.
 We can use attributes that contain dashes
   zipfileset use-as=srcfileset
 use-as quite clearly states the user's intent and it is impossible to
 have an existing attribute for tasks or nested elements.

Sounds good ( not use-as, but magic attribute ). Maybe ant:type would
be better ?

The attribute should be optional - i.e. required only for overloaded elements,
i.e. 2 methods with the same addXXX signature, and it should be matched 
against the method name. 
   use-as=srcfileset  -  addSrcfileset()

I'm +1 on this solution for the overloading problem, can't think of anything




Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread peter reilly
On Wednesday 30 April 2003 17:54, Costin Manolache wrote:
 Stefan Bodewig wrote:
  On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We are still left the problem of the Type createName() pattern.
  I don't think that it was solvable.  Almost any soltion world require
  cooperation of the classes implementing the create method.
  What we can do is adapting all core classes that use the createPattern
  to also provide the add pattern (with modifications along the lines
  you suggest) - and make IntrospectionHelper favor addXYZ over
  createXYZ just as it setXYZ(SomeType) over setXYZ(String) now.

 Can you explain again what's wrong with create ? I think I missed it...

The problem is that create returns an object created by the class. Thus
the use-as attribute would not be able to substitute a different object.
The solution is to get for example Javac to implement a new addClasspath()
method, with (minor) mods in the ant framework to allow path objects to be
created by the framework.

 My understanding was that whatever is in use today will continue to work
 the same, we just add a new pattern at the end.


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-30 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: peter reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Wednesday 30 April 2003 16:24, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
  On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   it is, with an addXYZ(Condition) method marking it up - I'm not
   really fond of any of the proposed naming conventions so far.
   Whats wrong with add(Condition) ?
  Nothing so far.
 The only problem I can think of is that it clashes with
 Collection.add(Object) and thus the problem is that
 classes may implement it by accident. I my
 implementation (bugzilla 19446), I use the signature
 nestedElement(Class), but I would be happy with anything.

how about addConfigured(Class), we already use this prefix
so it should not be too much clashes to worry about.

Jose Alberto

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread peter reilly
First, I must say that it would be nice to have
context dependent element names - my core example
is the element name containsregexp - is this a condition,
filter or selector ? , the different meaning  may mean
that different classes should implement them.

However, I think that expressing this in ant xml dialect is
difficult and would result in needless complexity and restrictions.
For example if the containsrexexp implemenations are project
components which one should be used at the top level?
project ...
   containsregexp id=contains.script .../

Or the example I gave previously:

public class MyTask extends Task {
   public void add(FileSet fileset) {   filesets.add(fileset);}
   public void add(ZipFileSet ignore) {
throw new BuildException(Not able to deal with zipped files);

does one need to do:
role name=fileset class=..FileSet/
fileset name=fileset class=...Fileset/
fileset name=zipfileset class =...ZipFileSet/
fileset name=libfileset class=...LibFileSet/

public class MyTask extends Task {
   public void add(FileSet fileset) {
   if (fileset instanceof ZipFileSet)
 throw new BuildException(Not able to deal with zipped files);

I think that having context dependent script defined names is a
bridge to far at this stage in ant's developement.

Having unique ant script defined name - class is easy to use,
describe, implement and it is what ant does at the moment.

Adding context dependent names is not necessary to achieve the
goal of user defined conditions, selectors, filters, user classes.
(mappers are a little different as the current implemenation uses
attributes and not nested elements)


Some comments in-line
On Monday 28 April 2003 19:55, Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  Use java rules, (try all interfaces)

 The parent will tell you what interfaces to use. No need for wild searches.

Sorry, when I said try all interfaces, I meant check the parent class
for all the interfaces/classes provides by the add() and addConfigured()
methods. This is not a wild search ;-)

   - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
   I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support
  multiple roles,
   or one add method per role ?
  add(ElementClass) to be consistent with other ant method
  matching patterns.

 I prefer just supporting addConfigured, the reason being that makes little
 sense passing a non configured object of an unknown implementation to the
 parent. What does it possible can do to it, before it gets configured?

It makes as much sense as the current differences between addName() and
addConfiguredName(). I do not think that many people make use of the
differences (and the addName() pattern is used by default).

Using add is usefull for containers to override defaults on contained objects
- for example
onError = new OnError(ignore)
void add(Definer definer) {

The definer's object default onError may be fail , this would set it to


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  Assume class C implements role intrefaces P, Q, and R then
  typedef name=C1 classname=C/
  typedef name=C2 classname=C/
  will cause two definitions for P and Q each. There is no way to
  assign different names separately. On the other approach:
  role name=p classname=P/
  role name=q classname=Q/
  p name=C1 classname=C/
  q name=C2 classname=C/
  here you can get different names for different roles if you so wish.
 If C implements both P and Q, then it can be used as either P or Q. 
 Whetever name you give it. What's the use case for having p useable
 only in the P role ( when the class supports both roles ), but not in
 Q role ? 
 Let's not add restrictions and rules just because we can.

No one is restricting you. What I am giving you is the chance to 
use diferent names if you wish to do so.

  What is the meaning of:
  condition property=x
  istrue value=yes/
  istrue value=yes/
  x should be set, but shall yes be echoed? Although if
  implements the contract of condition, the meaning of if is to
  execute its nested tasks also, but for that condition will have to
  call the execute() by looking at if as a task and not as a 
  So the whole construct falls appart.
 What do you mean falls appart ? 
 If if implements the contract of condition, it means it 
 should be used 
 as a condition. If it has side-effects - that's part of the 
 and you should expect them when you use it. If I add a println() in 
 istrue constructor - that will be displayed.
 If you don't want if to be useable as a condition - don't make it
 implement condition.

It sounds very nice, but the reality is that if already exists and has 
existed for a long time. Hence we can not go and change it just because
it does not fit the pattern you would like. Heck, it is not even our code
and there is a BC contract we need to fulfill.

The proposal as defined in antlib covers this issues satisfactorily.
That is why the proposal is the way it is, we do not have a black sheet of
paper, we have an evolving product that imposes constraints on us.

   Secondly, since classes do not need to implement the 
 interface but
   may be adapted, you cannot assume much there either.
  I think I mentioned - this is a special case and it clearly
  requires a
  special declaration ( which associates the adapter with 
 the class ).
  Something like:
taskdef name=tomcatEngine
 adapter=org.apache.commons.modeler.ant.JMXTaskAdapter /
  So, how you manage the current data-types which can be used 
 as tasks?
  Backward compatibility says it needs to be treated 
 internally, but your
  notation suggests we would have to declare them passing a 
  otherwise we keep the special cases around in core.
 Yes, TaskAdapter and taskdef will need to remain special cases for
 backward compat.
 And probably tasks will need to be special cases for backward compat.
 IMO a typedef with a class that implements Task should make that
 class a task, and be equivalent with a taskdef. 

The antlib proposal solves this without requiring special cases.
It just all naturally falls into place.

  With the way the proposal does it, we get the cruft out of core
  and the declarations will continue to be as before because the
  adaptor association occurs at the role-name level.
 I think the proposal adds far more cruft and complexity to the core.
 Backward compat will require special cases anyway. 
 And associating the adapter with the role is completely wrong 
 use of the

What is wrong with been able to define a default value for the adaptor.
That is all what the role declaration is doing, indicating what adaptor
to use by default if the class does not implement the interface.
This is a generic concept and there is no special cases of anything.

  The case of the if for starts. I would like to get an error if I
  tried to use an if as a condition because if was not designed to
  be used that way. And we have to deal with the code we already have.
 Then don't implement the condition interface. 
 That's how OO programming works - if you implement an 
 interface, java allows
 that class to be passed as parameter to a method. 

The class is already out there, we cannot go changing it, we cannot
go breaking peoples buildfiles. We need to support what is already

  My argument is more for the common or simple case - 
 which I want
  to be as simple as possible.  For your particular use case 
 - using the
  interfaces would require the least ammount of work and seems very
  natural. You declare that a task implements an interface - 
 that means
  ( usually ) it can be used in that role, just like 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread peter reilly
On Tuesday 29 April 2003 10:46, Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  If you don't want if to be useable as a condition - don't make it
  implement condition.

 It sounds very nice, but the reality is that if already exists and has
 existed for a long time. Hence we can not go and change it just because
 it does not fit the pattern you would like. Heck, it is not even our code
 and there is a BC contract we need to fulfill.

if is defined using taskdef/. This places a TaskAdaptor around
the class (as the class does not extend TaskDef). So it does not get
matched to the add(Condition) method in my local build of ant.

The if task had to extend ConditionBase to get the condtions, with the
new proposal it could just something like:

   private ConditionBase conditions;
   public void add(Condition condition) {

In any case there will always be cases where both proposals will
fail ;-)


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

4. public void add(NestedElement anInner)
5. public void addConfigured(NestedElement anInner)

Make NestedElement a FileSet and explain how you'd support accepting
ClassFileset or ZipFileSet as either srcfiles or destfiles in

Your approach, simple and concise as it is doesn't address the
situation where the same interface maps to more than one kind of
nested element.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If ParentClass has no addMyChild()/createMyChild() method, we'll
 need to look up in some table and find a class associated with

OK, well, maybe, see below for an alterbative view.

 We'll then look in ParentClass for an add method with that
 particular interface as parameter.

The use-case is too simple as the ParentClass could have more than one
method with that interface (or even different interfaces implemented
by the class mapping to myChild).

 - should we add a separate table for child-class association - or
 just use the typedef ?

A single table.

 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class? Should
 we use (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ?

I'm not sure what the difference is, here.

 Or just child name - i.e.  context-free ?

No, would already break down today.

 - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?

I assume you are taking MyRole as the name of the interface here, as
I'm not convinced that we need formal roles at all.

 I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support multiple
 roles, or one add method per role ?

Neither is enough IMHO.

 - should setComponent be used to indicate single-child ?

No.  Let's keep set* for Attributes.

 ( of course, all primitives that can be used as attributes will
 remain attributes )

Path can already be used as Attribute and as nested element.

Let's take DependSet as an example.  It has two kinds of nested
FileSets, srcfileset and destfileset.  For the sake of discussion lets
assume that placing ClassFileSet or ZipFileSet for either kind of
FileSet was useful - I think it is at least for ZipFileSet.

dependset ...

with the approach you describe, 

If we follow the name determines implementation route you've
described here, both addSrcfileset(FileSet) and
addDestfileset(FileSet) would be candidates for methods to call.  We
need a way to resolve this - probably via an extra attribute that
explicitly says I'm a srcfileset.  Something like

dependset ...
  zipfileset element=srcfileset/

The alternative approach (taken by Mutant IIRC) would look like this

  srcfileset type=zipfileset/

Here the approach is to look up the expected interface by the method

I feel this second approach is easier in the (rare?) cases where
things are ambiguous, but it also forces people to always explicitly
state the type.  I'm not sure that the later is a drawback, though.

With this approach the parent completely determines which element
names are supported as nested elements and at the same time clearly
states which interface is expected from the child element.

This makes documenting stuff a lot easier.  Imagine the nested
elements of copy.  copy accepts nested filesets or any element
whose name maps to a class that extends

I think the learning curve for beginners to grok

copy ...
  classfileset .../
  zipfileset .../

is steeper than the alternative

copy ...
  fileset type=classfileset .../
  fileset type=zipfileset .../

I'm not really sure myself, I've argued the first approach myself when
we discussed it the last time around (because the non-ambiguos case
requires less typing 8-)


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread peter reilly
On Tuesday 29 April 2003 12:49, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 4. public void add(NestedElement anInner)
 5. public void addConfigured(NestedElement anInner)

 Make NestedElement a FileSet and explain how you'd support accepting
 ClassFileset or ZipFileSet as either srcfiles or destfiles in

 Your approach, simple and concise as it is doesn't address the
 situation where the same interface maps to more than one kind of
 nested element.

For the dependset problem something allow the lines that you
suggested may be possible:

   srcfileset typedef=zipfileset ../
targetfile .../

Where typedef is a ant magic attribute for element type.
This will need a little bit of fiddling with UnknownElement -
there would need to be an addition to getTag() - getTypeDef()
which would be the same as getTag() in the normal case.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread peter reilly
On Tuesday 29 April 2003 13:12, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

 I think the learning curve for beginners to grok

 copy ...
   classfileset .../
   zipfileset .../

 is steeper than the alternative

 copy ...
   fileset type=classfileset .../
   fileset type=zipfileset .../

This is debatable as the new type can take completly different attributes
and nested elements. Beginners would get equally confused by both

 I'm not really sure myself, I've argued the first approach myself when
 we discussed it the last time around (because the non-ambiguos case
 requires less typing 8-)

I think we should allow both approaches. Each is valid for some set
of use cases.

For example condition/ takes a set of conditions,
it makes sense for new conditions to be added cleanly :
outofdate .../

Rather than (to take a perverse example)
os type=outofdate

This could be stopped by having two new introspection rules:
  6. public void addOverridableNestedElement(NestedElement anInner)
  7. public void addOverridableConfiguredNestedElement(NestedElement anInner)

But this does mean changing public methods


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, peter reilly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is debatable

I said I wasn't sure 8-)

 I think we should allow both approaches.

The main difference between them is that in approach 1 the child
determines the name of the element while it is the parent who does so
in the second approach.  This makes the second approach consistent
with existing functionality.

allow both doesn't sound like a good idea to me, sounds like a foul
compromise because we couldn't get to a decision ;-)

 Rather than (to take a perverse example)
 os type=outofdate

Ouch.  I'd rather envision

  condition type=outofdate ...

with a new public addCondition(Condition) method.  The duplication of
Condition is pure incidence, the one in the method name determines the
element name, the argument the acceptable types.

 This could be stopped by having two new introspection rules:

One new rule should be enough, and will be enough no matter which
route we are going to take.

 But this does mean changing public methods

No way. 8-)


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
Hi Stefan,

Let me start by saying that the roles proposal had not in mind
solving the polimorphism issue (which I think is what is at the bottom 
of your points here). I have no problem on arriving to a solution that
covers this aspect, but I do not want it to be the stumbling block
on the whole thing. 

 From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
 I assume you are taking MyRole as the name of the interface here, as
 I'm not convinced that we need formal roles at all.

I agree with you here, the main problem I see with adding a MyRole
name to the name of the method is that it will hardcode this name
in the code of everyone. Moreover this will be a global name which
will complicate any handling of 3rd party roles and implementations.
I think this would be a name administration nightmare.

In the antlib proposal the name of the role (or as I would like to call it
the alias for the role is only to help on declarations but with
respect to the code of programmers such names are irrelevant, 
the only thing they care is Java types.

 Let's take DependSet as an example.  It has two kinds of nested
 FileSets, srcfileset and destfileset.  For the sake of discussion lets
 assume that placing ClassFileSet or ZipFileSet for either kind of
 FileSet was useful - I think it is at least for ZipFileSet.
 dependset ...
 with the approach you describe, 
 If we follow the name determines implementation route you've
 described here, both addSrcfileset(FileSet) and
 addDestfileset(FileSet) would be candidates for methods to call.  We
 need a way to resolve this - probably via an extra attribute that
 explicitly says I'm a srcfileset.  Something like
 dependset ...
   zipfileset element=srcfileset/
 The alternative approach (taken by Mutant IIRC) would look like this
   srcfileset type=zipfileset/
 Here the approach is to look up the expected interface by the method
 I feel this second approach is easier in the (rare?) cases where
 things are ambiguous, but it also forces people to always explicitly
 state the type.  I'm not sure that the later is a drawback, though.

As I said at the begining roles where not design for doing this.
There are several things we need to consider, first is whether
the task uses create or add[Configured], certaintly the use 
of create will disallow we passing a different object.
But if you look at ANT today you will see that in both cases we allow
passing a different instance via refids (actually is upto
the data-type to support this).

Now if the datatype where to allow specifying something equivalent
to a refid but in place, we could get the desired effect without
major changes. So lets assume we add to the FileSet class a new method

addConfigured(FileSet inplaceref){ 
// do something similar to what setRefid() does.

now we can write the above as follows:


which it does not look too bad, and does not need special attributes.

 With this approach the parent completely determines which element
 names are supported as nested elements and at the same time clearly
 states which interface is expected from the child element.
 This makes documenting stuff a lot easier.  Imagine the nested
 elements of copy.  copy accepts nested filesets or any element
 whose name maps to a class that extends
 I think the learning curve for beginners to grok
 copy ...
   classfileset .../
   zipfileset .../

This is what you would get with the current roles as long as copy 
has something like:

addConfigured(Fileset fs){...}

 is steeper than the alternative
 copy ...
   fileset type=classfileset .../
   fileset type=zipfileset .../
 I'm not really sure myself, I've argued the first approach myself when
 we discussed it the last time around (because the non-ambiguos case
 requires less typing 8-)

I do not like the type attribute, type is already use on several places
like available an I really think the buildfiles from the first one are more 
easy to understand and write (once you know how to use it).

It means that we would need to do a better job describing how things
work genericaly and explain better the concept of generic nested elements.
But we had always had this problem of explaining how nested things work.

Jose Alberto

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Costin Manolache
Stefan Bodewig wrote:

 On Mon, 28 Apr 2003, Costin Manolache [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If ParentClass has no addMyChild()/createMyChild() method, we'll
 need to look up in some table and find a class associated with
 OK, well, maybe, see below for an alterbative view.

 We'll then look in ParentClass for an add method with that
 particular interface as parameter.
 The use-case is too simple as the ParentClass could have more than one
 method with that interface (or even different interfaces implemented
 by the class mapping to myChild).

You're right. With addConfigured() proposal - it can have only one method
with a particular interface, so this is not a case.

Let me think about this use case.

 - should we add a separate table for child-class association - or
 just use the typedef ?
 A single table.

Good :-) 

 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class? Should
 we use (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ?
 I'm not sure what the difference is, here.

In the second case, the parent class is also used when constructing the
child - i.e. introspection or some other info could be used. 
BTW, by parent I mean parent namespace + parent element name ( even
if we don't use ns yet ).

 Or just child name - i.e.  context-free ?
 No, would already break down today.

In this case I think the first change should be in ComponentHelper
signature, which now creates the tasks/types/etc based only on NS and 
element name. 

 - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
 I assume you are taking MyRole as the name of the interface here, as
 I'm not convinced that we need formal roles at all.

Not even the name of the interface - just allow the user to use an intuitive

But you're right - this open the case where multiple interfaces with the
same parameter are used, and we'll not know what to call.

 I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support multiple
 roles, or one add method per role ?
 Neither is enough IMHO.
 - should setComponent be used to indicate single-child ?
 No.  Let's keep set* for Attributes.


 Let's take DependSet as an example.  It has two kinds of nested
 FileSets, srcfileset and destfileset.  For the sake of discussion lets
 assume that placing ClassFileSet or ZipFileSet for either kind of
 FileSet was useful - I think it is at least for ZipFileSet.
 dependset ...
 with the approach you describe,
 If we follow the name determines implementation route you've
 described here, both addSrcfileset(FileSet) and
 addDestfileset(FileSet) would be candidates for methods to call.  We
 need a way to resolve this - probably via an extra attribute that
 explicitly says I'm a srcfileset.  Something like
 dependset ...
   zipfileset element=srcfileset/

Well, the child is still created by the element name - you are solving
what method to call problem.
 The alternative approach (taken by Mutant IIRC) would look like this
   srcfileset type=zipfileset/

 I feel this second approach is easier in the (rare?) cases where
 things are ambiguous, but it also forces people to always explicitly
 state the type.  I'm not sure that the later is a drawback, though.

Not allways, only for tasks that have overloaded/ambiguous methods.

The type could be the local part of the add method ( addZipfileset ),
which sounds  intuitive.

 With this approach the parent completely determines which element
 names are supported as nested elements and at the same time clearly
 states which interface is expected from the child element.

 This makes documenting stuff a lot easier.  Imagine the nested
 elements of copy.  copy accepts nested filesets or any element
 whose name maps to a class that extends
 I think the learning curve for beginners to grok
 copy ...
   classfileset .../
   zipfileset .../
 is steeper than the alternative
 copy ...
   fileset type=classfileset .../
   fileset type=zipfileset .../
 I'm not really sure myself, I've argued the first approach myself when
 we discussed it the last time around (because the non-ambiguos case
 requires less typing 8-)

For non-overloaded case - which in the original antlib proposal doesn't seem 
to even be possible - I think determining the method to call is simple, and
no extra info is needed.

For overloaded methods - one way or another we'll need additional info from 
the user. I'm fine with either syntax - I would preffer the type attribute
( which could be an ant:type when we add namespaces ), but I'm ok with
either solution.

Not sure I understand your position on how to create the child class, the 
overloaded method is related to what add method to call. You seem to 
preffer use parent element name and child element name. I'm ok with this - 
we'll just need to figure what syntax will be used to express this, and 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez

 This continues with the two-tier issue, the core conditions of ANT
 you can just named, but the third party ones need to use some funny

core conditions would use the same funny syntax, if it wasn't for
backwards compatibility, that is.

But then again this funny syntax for potentially highly dynamic
things like the condition or linereader framework makes me back away
from it.  I think it also is what made me argue against it about nine
months back 8-)

OK, so


it is, with an addXYZ(Condition) method marking it up - I'm not really
fond of any of the proposed naming conventions so far.

We still need a solution for the ambiguos cases, though.


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-29 Thread peter reilly
On Tuesday 29 April 2003 16:50, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Jose Alberto Fernandez

  This continues with the two-tier issue, the core conditions of ANT
  you can just named, but the third party ones need to use some funny

 core conditions would use the same funny syntax, if it wasn't for
 backwards compatibility, that is.

 But then again this funny syntax for potentially highly dynamic
 things like the condition or linereader framework makes me back away
 from it.  I think it also is what made me argue against it about nine
 months back 8-)

 OK, so
I will upload an implementation of my proposal to night. (minus the
adaptor stuff)


 it is, with an addXYZ(Condition) method marking it up - I'm not really
 fond of any of the proposed naming conventions so far.

Whats wrong with add(Condition) ?

 We still need a solution for the ambiguos cases, though.
1.7+ ?


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  What does it all mean? It means we can now write a task, 
 well typed, which
  can be accept different XML subelements depending on the 
 declarations of
  other objects present on the build. The vendor specific elements of
  ejbjar, jspc and others are typical examples of where 
 this capability
  can be very useful. Other parts of core could benefit of course.
 Let me see if I understand corectly what you want. 
 You'll have a task TaskA, with a method addRoleB. 
 And in XML:
   taskA ...
 TaskA doesn't know anything about the implementation - it 
 will only use an
 interface ( or base class ) RoleB as parameter.
 I assume you will need some way to associate the tag 
 implementationB1 with 
 a particular class - and this can be very well be done currently with 
 taskdef or typedef ( or with the new role declaration 
 if you want ).

The declaration of the class for implementationB1 as a member of the
role is what you do equivalent to taskdef or typedef.

 In any case, all you really need is the tag name and the 
 class name - the
 roles will be available as interfaces or superclasses. 
 Nothing special for
 this association.

No. If you do it this way it would mean that you cannot expose diferent names
for the same class depending on the role. It will also mean that thing that
just happen to implement a role (just because of some inheritance) will be
made available even though it makes little sense doing so. Ex. if.

if is a task. It makes little sense to allow it as a condition,
 but because it is implemented by subclassing ConditionBase
which would implement the role for conditions, it would mean you will
declare it in the condition role. (This seems wrong in principle).

Secondly, since classes do not need to implement the interface but
may be adapted, you cannot assume much there either.

 The second part is making IntrospectionHelper recognize  a child that
 doesn't fit the current patterns ( i.e. no addImplementationB1 ), and
 instead of reporting an error look up the child by the name 
 and create the
 type, then check the interfaces implemented by the class and 
 see if any
 method in the parent matches. 
 Is there anything else ?

You can only check for those interfaces where the class was registered
to use that element name (you cannot blindly look at all possible

  2) What do they do that is no possible in ANT:
  They allow IntrospectionHelper to connect an XML subelement 
  introspection cannot find a create or add/Configured method for it.
  It is a well typed methanism, the parent object will only be passed
  objects that it knows how to deal with. And the parent 
 object does not
  need to have any knowledge of what currently available 
 members are on the
 Yes, parent needs one addXXX method with a typed parameter, 
 and the child 
 needs to be matched against it. 
 What I don't understand is why should we just use the 
 existing typedef and
 just add this new pattern to IntrospectionHelper.

Because the proposal declares on a Role by role basis. There is
no assumption the same name will be used for all roles,
nor that you want to always register all possible roles.

  Also notice that Roles do not supercede 
 DynamicConfigurator. On one hand
  roles let external implementations to be considered as possible
  subelements of a parent object, on the other hand, 
  allows a node to decide given its current state what is the 
 meaning of a
  particular element. This cannot be done by roles in the 
 general case, and
  that is good.
  Usage of Roles:
  The principle is very simple:
  a) A role is defined by an interface. This interface is the 
  for a new special family of addConfigured(interface) methods.
 +1 on role defined by an interface ( or base class - I don't 
 see any reason 
 to restrict it to only interfaces ).

Looks neater :-). But I have no big hangups as long as we can clearly
distinguish between named element add/create methods and the ones for roles.

 I'm not sure a special name is actually required ( 
 addConfigured) - just an
 add or set method with the interface/class as parameter, and 
 then match
 them on type.

the idea of using addConfigured as the name in because I think we
need to be clear on the parsing rules for this objects. Allowing
passing not configured objects seem to make little sense since
the implementation is completely blackboxed to the parent node.
Also, set methods are for attributes only (has that changed?)
so they do not apply here.

  b) When IntrospectionHelper fails to find a create/add 
 method for the
  element, it will look at all the roles used in the addConfigured
  methods and on each of those roles will try to find an 
 object declared
  with that element-tag name. If one and only one 

RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Costin Manolache
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 You'll have a task TaskA, with a method addRoleB.
 And in XML:
   taskA ...
 TaskA doesn't know anything about the implementation - it
 will only use an
 interface ( or base class ) RoleB as parameter.
 I assume you will need some way to associate the tag
 implementationB1 with
 a particular class - and this can be very well be done currently with
 taskdef or typedef ( or with the new role declaration
 if you want ).
 The declaration of the class for implementationB1 as a member of the
 role is what you do equivalent to taskdef or typedef.

Why is this required ? 

typedef should be enough for most common cases - the role declaration is
already included in the .class ( i.e. interfaces implemented by the class )

 In any case, all you really need is the tag name and the
 class name - the
 roles will be available as interfaces or superclasses.
 Nothing special for
 this association.
 No. If you do it this way it would mean that you cannot expose diferent
 names for the same class depending on the role. It will also mean that

That's not true. You can declare a class with as many names you want. You
can have multiple typedef and taskdef, each with a different name, but same 

 thing that just happen to implement a role (just because of some
 inheritance) will be made available even though it makes little sense
 doing so. Ex. if.
 if is a task. It makes little sense to allow it as a condition,
  but because it is implemented by subclassing ConditionBase
 which would implement the role for conditions, it would mean you will
 declare it in the condition role. (This seems wrong in principle).

Not sure I understand the if example. My feeling is that if should
be useable in a condition role. 

In general - if you extend a class or implement an interface you assume 
a specific contract. Implementing an interface ( directly or by inheritance)
and not supporting that particular role is wrong from an OO programming
point of view.

 Secondly, since classes do not need to implement the interface but
 may be adapted, you cannot assume much there either.

I think I mentioned - this is a special case and it clearly requires a 
special declaration ( which associates the adapter with the class ).

Something like:
  taskdef name=tomcatEngine
   adapter=org.apache.commons.modeler.ant.JMXTaskAdapter /

 The second part is making IntrospectionHelper recognize  a child that
 doesn't fit the current patterns ( i.e. no addImplementationB1 ), and
 instead of reporting an error look up the child by the name
 and create the
 type, then check the interfaces implemented by the class and
 see if any
 method in the parent matches.
 Is there anything else ?
 You can only check for those interfaces where the class was registered
 to use that element name (you cannot blindly look at all possible

Why do you think it is blindly ? You have a parent that has a:
   setFoo( Interface1 )
and a child that implements Interface1. 

We could have both the redundant role and the interface - if you want
explicit control ( for example prevent a class for working in a role,
even if it implements that interface ). I don't see the use case, but
if you really need it. 

My argument is more for the common or simple case - which I want 
to be as simple as possible.  For your particular use case - using the
interfaces would require the least ammount of work and seems very 
natural. You declare that a task implements an interface - that means
( usually ) it can be used in that role, just like any other class
 that implements that interface.

If you implement Runnable - it is supposed that you can be used as 
a parameter to Thread. I feel it's a programming error to implement an
interface but not support its contract, and it's wrong to require 
an additional declaration (I really implement the interface). 

  2) What do they do that is no possible in ANT:
  They allow IntrospectionHelper to connect an XML subelement
  introspection cannot find a create or add/Configured method for it.
  It is a well typed methanism, the parent object will only be passed
  objects that it knows how to deal with. And the parent
 object does not
  need to have any knowledge of what currently available
 members are on the
 Yes, parent needs one addXXX method with a typed parameter,
 and the child
 needs to be matched against it.
 What I don't understand is why should we just use the
 existing typedef and
 just add this new pattern to IntrospectionHelper.
 Because the proposal declares on a Role by role basis. There is
 no assumption the same name will be used for all roles,
 nor that you want to always register all possible roles.


My point is that implements can be used to solve the proble you
describe. You can also solve it as in the proposal ( by using the 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread peter reilly
On Monday 28 April 2003 17:28, peter reilly wrote:
 An object of Cimpl gets method 3, An object of ABImpl is ambiguous and is
That should be not allowed 


RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:
  In any case, all you really need is the tag name and the
  class name - the
  roles will be available as interfaces or superclasses.
  Nothing special for
  this association.
  No. If you do it this way it would mean that you cannot 
 expose diferent
  names for the same class depending on the role. It will 
 also mean that
 That's not true. You can declare a class with as many names 
 you want. You
 can have multiple typedef and taskdef, each with a different 
 name, but same 

The point is that with your approach typedef will tie the name to that
class on ALL interfaces implemented by the class. On the other hand,
in my approach the mane is tie to the class on a role by role basis.

Assume class C implements role intrefaces P, Q, and R then

typedef name=C1 classname=C/
typedef name=C2 classname=C/

will cause two definitions for P and Q each. There is no way to
assign different names separately. On the other approach:

role name=p classname=P/
role name=q classname=Q/

p name=C1 classname=C/
q name=C2 classname=C/

here you can get different names for different roles if you so wish.

  thing that just happen to implement a role (just because of some
  inheritance) will be made available even though it makes 
 little sense
  doing so. Ex. if.
  if is a task. It makes little sense to allow it as a condition,
   but because it is implemented by subclassing ConditionBase
  which would implement the role for conditions, it would 
 mean you will
  declare it in the condition role. (This seems wrong in principle).
 Not sure I understand the if example. My feeling is that if should
 be useable in a condition role. 
 In general - if you extend a class or implement an interface 
 you assume 
 a specific contract. Implementing an interface ( directly or 
 by inheritance)
 and not supporting that particular role is wrong from an OO 
 point of view.

What is the meaning of:

condition property=x
istrue value=yes/
istrue value=yes/

x should be set, but shall yes be echoed? Although if
implements the contract of condition, the meaning of if is to
execute its nested tasks also, but for that condition will have to
call the execute() by looking at if as a task and not as a condition.

So the whole construct falls appart.

  Secondly, since classes do not need to implement the interface but
  may be adapted, you cannot assume much there either.
 I think I mentioned - this is a special case and it clearly 
 requires a 
 special declaration ( which associates the adapter with the class ).
 Something like:
   taskdef name=tomcatEngine
adapter=org.apache.commons.modeler.ant.JMXTaskAdapter /

So, how you manage the current data-types which can be used as tasks?
Backward compatibility says it needs to be treated internally, but your
notation suggests we would have to declare them passing a TaskAdapter
otherwise we keep the special cases around in core.

With the way the proposal does it, we get the cruft out of core
and the declarations will continue to be as before because the
adaptor association occurs at the role-name level.

  The second part is making IntrospectionHelper recognize  a 
 child that
  doesn't fit the current patterns ( i.e. no 
 addImplementationB1 ), and
  instead of reporting an error look up the child by the name
  and create the
  type, then check the interfaces implemented by the class and
  see if any
  method in the parent matches.
  Is there anything else ?
  You can only check for those interfaces where the class was 
  to use that element name (you cannot blindly look at all possible
 Why do you think it is blindly ? You have a parent that has a:
setFoo( Interface1 )
 and a child that implements Interface1. 

The case of the if for starts. I would like to get an error if I
tried to use an if as a condition because if was not designed to
be used that way. And we have to deal with the code we already have.

 We could have both the redundant role and the interface - 
 if you want
 explicit control ( for example prevent a class for working in a role,
 even if it implements that interface ). I don't see the use case, but
 if you really need it. 

I think we need it. But I wouldn't mind to provide syntactic sugar to allow
saying add this class to every possible role it implements (as far as the 
system knows).

 My argument is more for the common or simple case - which I want 
 to be as simple as possible.  For your particular use case - using the
 interfaces would require the least ammount of work and seems 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread peter reilly
My comments in-line:

On Monday 28 April 2003 16:35, Costin Manolache wrote:
 To keep things simple and make it easier to get an agreement -
 let's let adapters out, and focus on the core issue.

 IMO it seems what everything leads to is the need to extend
 the introspection patterns with another case. Let's agree
 on this pattern first.



 If ParentClass has no addMyChild()/createMyChild() method, we'll need
 to look up in some table and find a class associated with myChild.
 ( it can be the roles table, or just the typedef table, or some other
 table that uses the context info or adapters ).

 Then we'll find some interfaces associated with MyChildClass - either all
 interfaces, all interfaces and base classes, or only an explicit set
 declared in some other data strucutures. Each of the interface will be
 a potential role.

 We'll then look in ParentClass for an add method with that particular
 interface as parameter.

 The points of disagreement:

 - should we add a separate table for child-class association - or just
 use the typedef ?

We should use the contents of typedef

 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class? Should we use
 (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ? Or just child name - i.e.
 context-free ?

The name should be context-free.

 - try all interfaces - or have some data structures to restrict to only a
 subset ?

Use java rules, (try all interfaces)

 - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
 I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support multiple roles,
 or one add method per role ?

add(ElementClass) to be consistent with other ant method matching patterns.

 In the second case, we'll need some additional metadata to associate
 the role interface with the suffix of the add method.
 ( MyRole - )

 - should setComponent be used to indicate single-child ? ( of course, all
 primitives that can be used as attributes will remain attributes )

No, setComponent() should just of an attribute 'component=value' as per
current ant method pattern matching/


Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread peter reilly
On Monday 28 April 2003 18:40, Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

   condition property=x
   istrue value=yes/
   istrue value=yes/

This particular example does not get through the  rules,
If extends ConditionBase, but does not extend Task, it
is declared by a taskdef/ and thus gets the implicate
TaskAdapter wrapper. Thus the object presented to the
add(Condition condition) method does not extend Condition.

In general however, this is a problem. One example in
the current code is uptodate, this can be used in condition/
and as a task.

When used as a task, it can set a property, when used as
a condition, the property attribute is ignored.



RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To keep things simple and make it easier to get an agreement - 
 let's let adapters out, and focus on the core issue.
 IMO it seems what everything leads to is the need to extend
 the introspection patterns with another case. Let's agree 
 on this pattern first. 
 If ParentClass has no addMyChild()/createMyChild() method, we'll need
 to look up in some table and find a class associated with myChild.
 ( it can be the roles table, or just the typedef table, or 
 some other
 table that uses the context info or adapters ).
 Then we'll find some interfaces associated with MyChildClass 
 - either all 
 interfaces, all interfaces and base classes, or only an explicit set
 declared in some other data strucutures. Each of the interface will be
 a potential role.
 We'll then look in ParentClass for an add method with that particular
 interface as parameter.

I think my main point of disagreement is the assumption that you can assume
a unique definition for myChild. As with the jboss example of my previous
message there may be several definitions depending of the context of usage.

What this means is that you first need to look at the parent to get the context
of usages and then look for myChild given that context. Once you do that
the rest is trivial. 

This means that there should be one table per role-interface. This is all
introspection has to do. How we fill this tables we can treat separately, I 

 The points of disagreement:
 - should we add a separate table for child-class 
 association - or just
 use the typedef ? 
 - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the class? 
 Should we use
 (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ? Or just child name - i.e.
 context-free ?

As I said, it should be (ParentClass, childname) -- (RoleInterface, 
If there is no unique answer we have an ambiguity. 
After this use method implementing RoleInterface and pass 

 - try all interfaces - or have some data structures to 
 restrict to only a
 subset ? 
 - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
 I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support multiple roles,
 or one add method per role ?
 In the second case, we'll need some additional metadata to associate 
 the role interface with the suffix of the add method. 
 ( MyRole - ) 

I prefer a fix method, there is no need to add a name that would have
to be global forever because it will be ingrane on every class implementation.

 - should setComponent be used to indicate single-child ? ( of 
 course, all
 primitives that can be used as attributes will remain attributes )

I do not like giving special priviledges to one and not the other.
If and when we change so that setFoo can be used to signal just one Foo
element, then we can do the same for roles.

Otherwise it is just as simple to ask users to do their own checking
like they do for addFoo today.

 The syntax used to create the data structures, adapters, antlib, etc 
 can be resolved separately - let's just add the extra 
 introspection pattern.


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RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Jose Alberto Fernandez
 From: peter reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My comments in-line:
 On Monday 28 April 2003 16:35, Costin Manolache wrote:
  To keep things simple and make it easier to get an agreement -
  let's let adapters out, and focus on the core issue.
  IMO it seems what everything leads to is the need to extend
  the introspection patterns with another case. Let's agree
  on this pattern first.
  If ParentClass has no addMyChild()/createMyChild() method, 
 we'll need
  to look up in some table and find a class associated with myChild.
  ( it can be the roles table, or just the typedef table, 
 or some other
  table that uses the context info or adapters ).
  Then we'll find some interfaces associated with 
 MyChildClass - either all
  interfaces, all interfaces and base classes, or only an explicit set
  declared in some other data strucutures. Each of the 
 interface will be
  a potential role.
  We'll then look in ParentClass for an add method with that 
  interface as parameter.
  The points of disagreement:
  - should we add a separate table for child-class 
 association - or just
  use the typedef ?
 We should use the contents of typedef

This will not do for vendor cases and such.
See my comments to Contin.

  - Should we use (parent, child) tuple to find the 
 class? Should we use
  (ParentClass, parent, child) tuple ? Or just child name - i.e.
  context-free ?
 The name should be context-free.
-1 you need the context of usage.

  - try all interfaces - or have some data structures to 
 restrict to only a
  subset ?
 Use java rules, (try all interfaces)

The parent will tell you what interfaces to use. No need for wild searches.

  - addComponent( MyRole ) or addMyRole( MyRole ) or both ?
  I.e. a fixed-name method, with overloading to support 
 multiple roles,
  or one add method per role ?
 add(ElementClass) to be consistent with other ant method 
 matching patterns.

I prefer just supporting addConfigured, the reason being that makes little
sense passing a non configured object of an unknown implementation to the
parent. What does it possible can do to it, before it gets configured?

  In the second case, we'll need some additional metadata to associate
  the role interface with the suffix of the add method.
  ( MyRole - )
  - should setComponent be used to indicate single-child ? ( 
 of course, all
  primitives that can be used as attributes will remain attributes )
 No, setComponent() should just of an attribute 
 'component=value' as per
 current ant method pattern matching/

Jose Alberto
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RE: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-28 Thread Costin Manolache
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 Assume class C implements role intrefaces P, Q, and R then
 typedef name=C1 classname=C/
 typedef name=C2 classname=C/
 will cause two definitions for P and Q each. There is no way to
 assign different names separately. On the other approach:
 role name=p classname=P/
 role name=q classname=Q/
 p name=C1 classname=C/
 q name=C2 classname=C/
 here you can get different names for different roles if you so wish.

If C implements both P and Q, then it can be used as either P or Q. 
Whetever name you give it. What's the use case for having p useable
only in the P role ( when the class supports both roles ), but not in
Q role ? 

Let's not add restrictions and rules just because we can.

 What is the meaning of:
 condition property=x
 istrue value=yes/
 istrue value=yes/
 x should be set, but shall yes be echoed? Although if
 implements the contract of condition, the meaning of if is to
 execute its nested tasks also, but for that condition will have to
 call the execute() by looking at if as a task and not as a condition.
 So the whole construct falls appart.

What do you mean falls appart ? 

If if implements the contract of condition, it means it should be used 
as a condition. If it has side-effects - that's part of the implementation,
and you should expect them when you use it. If I add a println() in 
istrue constructor - that will be displayed.

If you don't want if to be useable as a condition - don't make it
implement condition.

  Secondly, since classes do not need to implement the interface but
  may be adapted, you cannot assume much there either.
 I think I mentioned - this is a special case and it clearly
 requires a
 special declaration ( which associates the adapter with the class ).
 Something like:
   taskdef name=tomcatEngine
adapter=org.apache.commons.modeler.ant.JMXTaskAdapter /
 So, how you manage the current data-types which can be used as tasks?
 Backward compatibility says it needs to be treated internally, but your
 notation suggests we would have to declare them passing a TaskAdapter
 otherwise we keep the special cases around in core.

Yes, TaskAdapter and taskdef will need to remain special cases for
backward compat.

And probably tasks will need to be special cases for backward compat.
IMO a typedef with a class that implements Task should make that
class a task, and be equivalent with a taskdef. 

 With the way the proposal does it, we get the cruft out of core
 and the declarations will continue to be as before because the
 adaptor association occurs at the role-name level.

I think the proposal adds far more cruft and complexity to the core.
Backward compat will require special cases anyway. 

And associating the adapter with the role is completely wrong use of the

 The case of the if for starts. I would like to get an error if I
 tried to use an if as a condition because if was not designed to
 be used that way. And we have to deal with the code we already have.

Then don't implement the condition interface. 

That's how OO programming works - if you implement an interface, java allows
that class to be passed as parameter to a method. 

 My argument is more for the common or simple case - which I want
 to be as simple as possible.  For your particular use case - using the
 interfaces would require the least ammount of work and seems very
 natural. You declare that a task implements an interface - that means
 ( usually ) it can be used in that role, just like any other class
  that implements that interface.
 If you implement Runnable - it is supposed that you can be used as
 a parameter to Thread. I feel it's a programming error to implement an
 interface but not support its contract, and it's wrong to require
 an additional declaration (I really implement the interface).
 Remember part of the problem is that we need to deal with the code that is
 already out there which is not neat at all on these respects.

However we shouldn't add complexity and make things harder just because some
old code is bad. If we think that if shouldn't implement condition - and 
preventing it to be used as a condition is very important - then we should
fix if.

BTW, another solution is to enhance the pattern and have a setParent()
method in the child. Then if impl. can check the parent and if it's not 
a task container then throw an exception. 

 If you have an addFoo() and a foo child - I assume the old pattern
 will be used, not the roles ( backward compat, etc ).
 The roles would apply if you have a foo child and no addFoo() -
 you first create foo using the typedef/taskdef/componentDef, then
 look at the interfaces and find the addInterface() method.
 You cannot do it this way. Because foo may mean different classes
 depending on the roles of interest. 

Re: Roles (was: antlib)

2003-04-26 Thread Costin Manolache
Jose Alberto Fernandez wrote:

 What does it all mean? It means we can now write a task, well typed, which
 can be accept different XML subelements depending on the declarations of
 other objects present on the build. The vendor specific elements of
 ejbjar, jspc and others are typical examples of where this capability
 can be very useful. Other parts of core could benefit of course.

Let me see if I understand corectly what you want. 

You'll have a task TaskA, with a method addRoleB. 
And in XML:

  taskA ...

TaskA doesn't know anything about the implementation - it will only use an
interface ( or base class ) RoleB as parameter.

I assume you will need some way to associate the tag implementationB1 with 
a particular class - and this can be very well be done currently with 
taskdef or typedef ( or with the new role declaration if you want ).
In any case, all you really need is the tag name and the class name - the
roles will be available as interfaces or superclasses. Nothing special for
this association.

The second part is making IntrospectionHelper recognize  a child that
doesn't fit the current patterns ( i.e. no addImplementationB1 ), and
instead of reporting an error look up the child by the name and create the
type, then check the interfaces implemented by the class and see if any
method in the parent matches. 

Is there anything else ?

 2) What do they do that is no possible in ANT:
 They allow IntrospectionHelper to connect an XML subelement eventhough
 introspection cannot find a create or add/Configured method for it.
 It is a well typed methanism, the parent object will only be passed
 objects that it knows how to deal with. And the parent object does not
 need to have any knowledge of what currently available members are on the

Yes, parent needs one addXXX method with a typed parameter, and the child 
needs to be matched against it. 

What I don't understand is why should we just use the existing typedef and
just add this new pattern to IntrospectionHelper.

 Also notice that Roles do not supercede DynamicConfigurator. On one hand
 roles let external implementations to be considered as possible
 subelements of a parent object, on the other hand, DynamicConfigurator
 allows a node to decide given its current state what is the meaning of a
 particular element. This cannot be done by roles in the general case, and
 that is good.

 Usage of Roles:
 The principle is very simple:
 a) A role is defined by an interface. This interface is the parameter
 for a new special family of addConfigured(interface) methods.

+1 on role defined by an interface ( or base class - I don't see any reason 
to restrict it to only interfaces ).

I'm not sure a special name is actually required ( addConfigured) - just an
add or set method with the interface/class as parameter, and then match
them on type.

 b) When IntrospectionHelper fails to find a create/add method for the
 element, it will look at all the roles used in the addConfigured
 methods and on each of those roles will try to find an object declared
 with that element-tag name. If one and only one match is found then
 the instantiation is successful and the new object will be configured;
 otherwise it is an error and parsing stops.

I disagree here. If the role is associated with an interface, then the 
declaration is part of each task/type class. If you implement/extend that
interface/class - then you have this role. Any extra declaration is
redundant - unless you want to declare a wrapper ( see below ).

 c) The configured object may or may not implement the Role interface,
 if it does not, an Adaptor object may be instantiated as a proxy
 for the object. Which adaptor is used depends on how the implementation
 was declared.

+1 here - I think the taskdef/typedef declarations ( which I would like
merged in a single component declaration ) should take an extra adapter=
attribute, to allow this wrapping. 

 d) The resulting object is passed as an argument to the addConfigured()

+1 ( with the comments above ).

 Declaration of roles:
 A role definition associates a name with an (Interface,Adaptor) pair.
 The only reason for associating a name with the role is to ease notation
 when declaring members of a role.

Why ? 

All the user needs to do is associate a name with an implementation class.
You need the impl. class anyway - and so the name, but the roles will
be available as soon as you have the impl. class. You only need an
additional attribute if you want to wrap.

 Notice that the same interface or the same Adaptor may appear in multiple
 declarations. This only means that depending on the name used the adaptor
 of choice will be different.
 There can only be one pair associated with each name.

I don't see any reason for that. A class can implement multiple interfaces,
so it can have multiple roles. No need to add arbitrary restrictions.