Re: [api-dev] IDL for the TextDocument service

2005-05-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns
Christian Junker wrote:
A text document does support the XMultiServiceFactory indirectly.
Directly the XMultiServiceFactory interface is supported by the
DrawingDocumentFactory which is a service that every document - that
contains a drawing page - has. This includes the text document. About
the other interface I don't know.
Sorry ... but the generic IDL for every document is 
css.document.OfficeDocument. The IDL css.drawing.DrawingDocumentFactory 
is deprecated and replaced by the IDL 
css.drawing.GenericDrawingDocument. Further this GenericDrawingDocument 
is the base of our draw/impress documents only and not the base of our 
writer/web/global nor of the calc or formula documents.

I dont know for which reason the XMultiServiceFactory interface is 
needed. But I know that an UNO implementation can implement more then 
the described interfaces ... e.g. to use it internaly in combination 
with some implementation helpers.

The other interface XScriptProviderSupplier is not described by any 
document service IDL. But if all office documents should be usable for 
scripting may be this interface should be added to 

On 5/3/05, Christoph Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a reason why the service TextDocument doesn't support the interfaces 
XMultiServiceFactory and XScriptProviderSupplier *in the IDL*?
Currently a TextDocument Service exports these interfaces, but that's not 
reflected by the IDL.
best regards,
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Re: [api-dev] Crash after detach and attach toolbar using XStorable

2005-07-15 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Bob !

See my comments inline ...



We have a Java client which interacts with OpenOffice. One of the 
functions is to have OpenOffice save the document as a PDF. This works 
fine, except in one odd case. If the user holds down the ctrl key and 
double  clicks on the toolbar, which detaches the toolbar, and then 
holds down the ctrl key down and double clicks again on the toolbar to 
reattach the toolbar, then the save PDF fails!  Without the detach 
toolbar and reattach toolbar the code works fine.

Do you attach/deattach the toolbar during the save operation is running 
or before/afterwards ... ?
The office isnt ready for concurrent using of UI and API(remote) at the 
same time. You should define the primary use case for your application.


The code looks like:



PropertyValue[] props = new PropertyValue[2];

props[0] = new PropertyValue();

props[0].Name = "FilterName";

props[0].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";

props[1] = new PropertyValue();

props[1].Name = "CompressionMode";

props[1].Value = "1";

storable.storeToURL(documentName, props);


For me the call "xFrame.activate() seams to be the problem. It influence 
the focus handling of the frame and so you work against the specification.
Normaly Frame.activate() is called within the activation/deactivation 
events of the window and shouldnt be used via API.


After this call, OpenOffice crashes and displays the Error Report 
dialog. The pdf file is created but the length is 0.

Please send the error report so we can have a look on that.
Of course you should fill out crash report formular, so we know that 
this error report is related to this problem here.


We are using OpenOffice 1.1.3 and Windows XP.


Does any body have any ideas?




Bob Crothers




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Re: [api-dev] Programming OOo as a Groupware App

2005-07-15 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Jürgen Schmidt wrote:


see my comments inline

Bradley Bolen wrote:

I asked the following on

about programming OOo as a groupware app.  There is a
reply that I received that I pasted below as well. The
responder (btw thanks Stephan Bergmann) suggested
asking on this mailing list.
Please excuse me if I am sending this to the wrong
  list.  This seemed to be the most appropriate.  I
  am wanting to modify OpenOffice to act similar to
  Microsoft's Netmeeting.  Specifically, I would like
  to modify it so that there would be a client and a
  server.  When OO starts up it would have a dialog
  asking for an Impress file to serve which would
  also be opened as normal.  The client OO would start
  with a dialog that would ask for the IP address of
  a server.  The client would then get the file and
 open it up.  And finally, the user of the server
  be able to click through the Impress document and
  change of slides would also occur on the client.

  My basic question boils down to, is this possible
  using UNO or will I need to change the base code?

yes, in general i would say it should be possible when you only allow 
read only access to the document. Everything else needs probably more 
changes in several places.
A further important point is that server and client have the same access 
rights to the document.

There may be exists another solution, where it's not required to share 
folders over the directory or install a complex infrastructure like 
ftp/http server. But you have to implement some helper may be ...

You can use the api to make a copy of the open document (opened on the 
server readonly or readwrite). You should connect your client to the 
remote server office using UNO. Then try to locate the document you need 
and call "XStorable.storeToURL()" there. Use "private:stream" as URL and 
a parameter "OutputStream" from type "XOutputStream". Doing so you 
should be able to retrieve a copy of the open document from the server 
and save it on your local machine. Afterwards you can use the stream 
implementation too, to open the document on your local machine. Of 
course the same stream implementation must provide an XInputStream 
interface too. The interface method 
XComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL() of the Desktop instance is your 
friend then.

  Specifically, is it possible to instantiate some
  object when OOo starts so that my dialog would pop

a job add-on is exactly what you need here

  up first and then I could return control to OOo is
  the user decided not to use the server or start up
  the server otherwise?  From what I understand from
the SDK, UNO provides the ability to get the remote
  document fairly easily.  I can then intercept any
  keystrokes and mouse-clicks on the "client" so to
  prevent the "client user" from moving around during
  the presentation.  I can use urp to get messages
  from the "server" about mouse-clicks so that the
  "client" will change slides when the server does. 

Everything you can control via API locally can be controlled remotely as 
well. I expect that you can attach a listener for this kind of changes 
but i am not 100% sure at the moment.

But the problem is that you must implement every set of functionality 
explicitly. There is no generic way as e.g. intercepting mouse events 
and transport it to the client. The reason for that: not every action 
which is done by the user on the server can be intercepted at one 
central place. And further not all functions can be reached via API.

  Are these valid ideas?  Am I completely off?  I have
  spent the past 3 or 4 weeks reading through the SDK
  trying to grasp all of the concepts.  However, I
  would like to try to avoid any unneccessary work by
  going down a path that is completely wrong.  From   what I 
understand from the SDK, I can do most of the

  above using UNO but the opening dialog is what I am   not sure 
about. I have looked at OOoBasic, but I

  really do not understand what is going on there yet.

  If it is possible to program this dialog, is it   possible to do 
this with C++?  Java is not my forte

  but seems to be what most of the documents in the
  use and it may be better if I go that route.

C++ can be used in the same way as Java. Java has the advantage that it 
will run on all supported platforms where as your C++ solution needs to 
be rebuild for each platform with the appropriate compiler.
For the dialog you can use the toolkit which is of 
course not the easiest task (it lacks of functionality, completeness, 
...). But it is also possible to use a Basic dialog and combine this 
Basic dialog + some Basic macros with your C++ or Java UNO component. 
You can trigger your own UNO component easily from Basic.
Or you use Java for the dialog and implement everything in Java with the 
disadvantage of a different look and fell because your Java dialog would 
look a little bit dif

Re: [api-dev] Crash after detach and attach toolbar using XStorable

2005-07-25 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Bob!

Regarding, "Please send the error report so we can have a look on that.
Of course you should fill out crash report formular, so we know that 
this error report is related to this problem here." - I sent a report about 9:40 A.M. July 15, 2005. I have also pasted the report into this message.

I've found the error report .. and it's funny.
It shows a crash inside a crash, which normaly shouldnt be possible.
An exception from this rule would be, if you saw the error report dialog 
more then once and used only the last one for sending.

Do you remember, how often the error report dialog cames up for one crash ?

BTW: I've sended the error report to our VCL team.
It seams to be a problem there.

I entered "abc". Detached the toolbar. Attached the toolbar. Entered "xyz". Our client Java code then did  
XStorable.storeToURL(documentName, properties);

The properties had a length of 2.
Properties[0].name = Overwrite
Properties[0].value= true
Properties[1].name = FilterName
Properties[1].value= writer_pdf_Export

Currently there is no fix available ... and further there is no 
workarund from our side possible. But may be you can do something:

Dont use the UI of the office if you script via remote UNO.
Question: Why attach/deattach of a toolbar manually done by an user is 
needed in parallel to scripting the office via UNO ?

Dont use the PDF filter in this scenario. Because the PDF filter is 
bound to the UI of the office more then any other filter.

And so you do something "dangerous" here .-)


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Re: [api-dev] Crash after detach and attach toolbar using XStorable

2005-07-26 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Bob !

Regarding, "Do you remember, how often the error report dialog cames up for one 
crash?" - one time.

??? The stacktrace show another sceanrio.

Regarding, sending the error report to our VCL team - thanks Andreas.

But fixing of this bug needs some time ... so I cant say anything about 
the timeframe. And currently there is no workaround ... excepting dont 
usingthe UI of the office (which isnt an option for you).

So you have to live with this situation for a while :-(

Regarding the using both UNO and the UI - that is how our system works. We have 
a Java application which houses OpenOffice. The Java application, starts 
OpenOffice, shows/hides, inserts text, retrieves the document, stores the 
document in a database, and uses OpenOffice to create a PDF among other tasks. 
We use UNO to drive OpenOffice from our application. The user uses the 
OpenOffice UI to do his work. Our system requires both parts. We can't just 
remove UNO.

But how do you synchronize using the UI and storing documents via API ?
Further you should use the API very carefully. E.g. you should make sure 
that your java client cant be killed and the office stands alive.
Every click to the UI will kill the office because dead UNO objects are 
referenced inside the office ...

As I said: not the best idea. But it can work, if you know all the 
"possible problems" and prevent your code against these.


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Re: [api-dev] OOo C++ FAQ ?

2005-09-20 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Galmes Pierre-Andre wrote:


Is-there a kind of FAQ about all the C++ questions that someone may have (like 
for example the Try-catch problem in gcc) ? Should we use the codesnippets 
page for that ? Would it be an idea to create a FAQ page ?

As Stephan already described .. the CodingGuidelines document seams to 
be your frined. For problems related to the OOo API you should have a 
look on ""; or for general problems 
with OOo on "";.



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Re: [api-dev] OOoBasic : Open a new base document

2005-10-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Laurent Godard wrote:

Hi paolo

just randomly tried with "private:factory/sdatabase"
and... it works!! :-)
(OOo 1.9.128)

i've tried during my long train trip and found this
but not randomly :)

randomly, i tried sbase and not sdatabase

btw, the info is stored in

You are right ... these special URLPattern's are registered for filters.
But the right place to find out, how an empty document related to an 
office module can be created, is our configuration file "Setup.xcu".
You can find it inside your installation on 
"share/registry/data/org/openoffice/Setup.xcu" and 

There you will find a property "ooSetupFactoryEmptyDocumentURL", where 
every registered office module define it's own "Empty Document URL".

Thanks again paolo



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Re: [api-dev] Simple question - How to maximize a window

2005-10-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Andrew Jensen wrote:
I have searched the SDK, spent a lot of time moving up and down paths 
using Xray, and keep coming up dry.

All I want to do is create a maximized window, actually not create it, I 
wan't to maximize an open window. Not one that is the same size as the 
desktop, a Maximized window state.

If there really is no such thing in the API, then how do I get a Hwnd, I 
saw mention of it once but now can't find it, to a top level window so 
that I can call a win32 function. Kind of hate to make this OS specific 

You are right ... currently there is no function on the window API to 
maximize nor minimize a toolkit window.

May be we should change that next time it's possible.
But you can retrieve the native window handle (e.g. HWND on windows).

Cast the window to the interface css.awt.XSystemDependentWindowPeer
and call it's method getWindowHandle(). The parameter ProcessId can be 
ignored (use an empty array) ... but the second parameter SystemType 
must be from type css.lang.SystemDependent.

The return value itselfs depend from the used SystemType parameter.
Please read the document of the interface.

Here a basic macro, which shows the needed steps:

sub maximize

frame  = StarDesktop.getActiveFrame()
window = frame.getContainerWindow()
handle = window.getWindowHandle(dimarray(), 1) ' 1=WIN32
msgbox handle

end sub

Any help would really be appreciated.

From: 2.0 Office Suite
Guide to New Features

testtool: new commands to min/max/restore windows

Quality Assurance

Added the following methods for Document-Windows + .Close + BOOL .IsMax 
+ BOOL .IsMin + BOOL .IsRestore + .Minimize + .Maximize + .Restore.

Drew Jensen

Guanahani - not Ahmedabad...only missed it by that much.. ~ Chris. Columbus


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Re: [api-dev] Simple question - How to maximize a window

2005-10-16 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Andrew Jensen wrote:

My code snippet was an example only ... and I've shown you a way, which 
isnt the preferred one for myself


The problem behind getActiveFrame() / getCurrentController() is the 
dependenc against the focus. If the application is loosing it's focus it 
can happen that your macro doesnt work any longer. The better way is to 
make it explicitly.

Every macro should "know it's frame/controller/model" on which it can 
work. E.g. you can create your own frame - load the right component into 
it and work with it. Or you can use the desktop to iterate over all open 
document frames and ask for some properties to find out, which of these 
frames/models can be interesting for you.

At least it depends from your requirements.
On the other side you can work with ActiveFrame/CurrentController ... 
but you should be aware that it can fail .-)



I changed one line

   frame = thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame

and it is working for the Data Etnry form also.

Thanks again


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Re: [api-dev] problem with OfficeBean and JInternalFrame

2006-01-18 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Markus Plessing wrote:

Hello Roberto,

Roberto Battistoni schrieb:

I'm trying to add an OfficeBean to a  JInternalFrame, but Oo start in a
without-frame window in a full-screen mode, not in the JInternalFrame.
Why this?

The Java-Window has to provide a system window handle using a
java.awt.Canvas and some JNI-Methods. For further information see the
corresponding part of the DevGuide : 6.1.7 Java_Window_Integration

That's true ...
The implemented JNI-methods retrieves the system window handle from the 
java.awt.Canvas ... but they work only in case the java-windows was 
already shown. Otherwhise they are not able to return such window handle.

But if then the office is asked to create a new document window it get's 
0 as parent instead of a valid window handle. And so it creates a window 
on the system desktop instead of creating a child window placed into the 
java environment.

Two solutions:
- make sure that your java window was shown before you create the office 

- wait for the fix inside the bean (which is currently in progress)




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Re: [api-dev] quickstarter / storeToURL problem (python)

2006-01-18 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Daniela Garling wrote:

Please dump the URL you created on demand to the console.
May be it will be generated wrong in such case.
As next try you should dump the error message given by the catched 
exception. May be it shows the problem already.


Hello list,

I have encountered a problem that I cannot understand no matter how hard
I try:

I have  a python app that calls openoffice to create a writer document.
it then saves it to disk
using model.storeAsURL where model is the current document. So far so good.
Then I want to extract the raw text from the document using this function:

# code snippet 
def rawText(self, model, storepath):
   cwd = systemPathToFileUrl( getcwd() )
   filename = os.environ['TEMP'] + '\\' + storepath + '.txt'
   storeUrl = absolutize( cwd, systemPathToFileUrl(filename) )
   filterName = "Text (Encoded)"
   storeProps = PropertyValue( "FilterName" , 0, filterName , 0 ),
   model.storeToURL(storeUrl, storeProps)
# end of code snippet ##

now - this code works. everytime. EXCEPT for, when i just restarted the
so the way to reproduce the problem is:
quit quickstarter. start quickstarter. start python app. initiate
creation of document. save
document to disk, thereby initiate extraction of rawtext. ->
the way to "solve" this problem is:
quit python app. start python app. initiate creation of document. save
document to disk,
thereby initiate extraction of rawtext. -> success.

i suspected it might have something to do with how fast the office gets
done with the
saving of the document and all and tried working around that by using
this code:

# code snippet ###
def rawText(self, model, storepath):
   cwd = systemPathToFileUrl( getcwd() )
   filename = os.environ['TEMP'] + '\\' + storepath + '.txt'
   storeUrl = absolutize( cwd, systemPathToFileUrl(filename) )
   filterName = "Text (Encoded)"
   storeProps = PropertyValue( "FilterName" , 0, filterName , 0 ),
   open(os.environ['TEMP'] + '\\'+ storepath, 'r')
   model.storeToURL(storeUrl, storeProps)
   except ErrorCodeIOException:
   rawText(self, model, storepath)
# end of code snippet ##

to no avail though. :/ if there's anybody with any explanation or
workaround or
even fix for this problem, please respond.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: [api-dev] quickstarter / storeToURL problem (python)

2006-01-19 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Daniela Garling wrote:

I don't quite know how to. What I do with python is a try: something 
except ErrorCodeIOException: do something else.
Now, how would i "catch" the exception in order to get to its ErrCode? 
My debugger tells me that
ErrorCodeIOException is a class-object consisting of a __doc__ string 
(which is None), __module__ (which is
"uno"), __pyunointerface__ (""), 
__pyunostruct__ (""),

and typeName (also a string "").
No ErrCode to be found. What am I doing wrong?

I dont know how exceptions are handled in python ...
But on other languages (e.g. C++) you write the following one:

catch(const ErrorCodeIOException& ex)
long nError = ex.ErrCode;
printf("error = %d\n", nError);

As to the idea of inserting a little break between saving the document 
to disk and extracting it's raw text:
I had implemented a little test to try that. the function rawText would 
try "storeToURL" and upon an errorcodeioexception
I had it wait for 2 seconds before calling itself again and so trying to 
extract it again. I had it running for a couple of

minutes to no avail. :/

Implementing a "timeout-retry" scenario makes no sense.
Because it will run into trouble everytime you:
a) start the executable on another machine
b) or your machine is used by other processes too

Doing so can be a workaround only.


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Re: [api-dev] Document is loaded in a background window

2006-01-19 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Andreas Schlüns wrote:

This feature(!) was requested by the community ... but may be sligthly 
different from the scenario you describe :-)

The old bahviour of OOo was to call Frame.getContainerWindow().toFront() 
after loading of the document was finished.

But some poeple requested to change that. The reason:
If you load a big document (which needs several seconds or minutes) ... 
may be the user select another window of its desktop and may be started 
working on it. But then these poeple was displeased by the OOo window, 
which interrupts working on the other window.

So the request was the following one:


window = createWindow()


window = createWindow()

After looking into the code I must correct myself.
The mentioned fix was tried, but disabled afterwards.
So the current behaviour of the master will be:

window = createWindow()

BTW: Issue ID for the community request was #19976#.


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Load Excel file (.xls)

2006-02-16 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Vincenzo Giuliano wrote:

Vincenzo Giuliano wrote:

my name is Vincenzo. I have a problem.
I try to load excel file (.xls) via java code:

PropertyValue[] props = new PropertyValue[2];
props[0] = new PropertyValue();
props[0].Name = "FilterName";
props[0].Value = "MS Excel 97";
props[1] = new PropertyValue();

props[1].Name = "Hidden";
props[1].Value = new Boolean(false);
XComponent comp= 

But the XComponent interface is null.
So I retry with this code:

XComponent comp= 

The file is loaded in Writer/Web.
Someone can tell me the why?

Because it's may be an HTML file in real (with wrong extension) ?

Thank you ALL.

In Path>/share/registry/modules/org/openoffice/TypeDetection/Filter/fcfg_calc_filters.xcu

the "MS  Excel 97" Filter exists.
Moreover, if i try to start the file with double click, Calc load the 
file in tranquil way.

If you make a double click (I guess you make it inside your windows 
explorer ... right ?) it calls not soffice.exe ... it calls scalc.exe.

And this special binary calls "soffice.exe -calc " internaly.
So you preselect the calc application.
And then your file inst loaded as "MS Excel 97" inside calc.
It's opened then as "calc_HTML_WebQuery" instead.

Pleas make sure that your file is a real xls file.


PS: You can try the following ... which is a "workaround" only :

PropertyValue[] props = new PropertyValue[3];
props[0] = new PropertyValue();
props[0].Name = "FilterName";
props[0].Value = "MS Excel 97";

props[1] = new PropertyValue();
props[1].Name = "Hidden";
props[1].Value = new Boolean(false);

props[2] = new PropertyValue();
props[2].Name = "DocumentService";
props[2].Value = "";

XComponent comp= 

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Re: [api-dev] Re:Re: Re: Load Excel file (.xls)

2006-02-20 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Vincenzo Giuliano wrote:

I come to a conclusion.
This code start a .xls file (if it exists).
I accept any advice.

public class LoadExcel {
 /[EMAIL PROTECTED] null if url don't exists*/
   public static XModel startExcelFile(String urlExcelFile)throws 

   /**Bootstrap*/ contestoRemoto =;

   System.out.println("Connected to a running office ..."); serviceManager = 
   String available = (serviceManager != null ? "available" : "not 

   System.out.println( "remote ServiceManager is " + available );
 Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
   Process p = r.exec("soffice -calc "+urlExcelFile);

Does this solve your problems realy ?
If it's so - please make realy sure your file is a real xls - file.
Your code isnt realy a fix ... it has some other disatvantages.
Please use the normal API of OOo - not the command line.

As Jürgen already mentione: please file an issue on OOo containing your 
test document (if it's not private).


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Re:Re: Re: Load Excel file (.xls)

2006-02-20 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Vincenzo Giuliano wrote:

Hi Andreas,
I already answered in another mail. The file was corrupted probably or
was not maybe an excel file in real.
I paste the mail below.

I've readed this email too.
But I've tried to mention that using the command line in combination 
with using the UNO API isnt realy an option.

The command line of OOo supports very(!) simple requests only.
You should prevent it and use the OOo API instead.

Especialy "Process.execute(soffice -calc )" can be written as:

PropertyValue[] lArgs = new PropertyValue[1];
lArgs[0]   = new PropertyValue();
lArgs[0].Name  = "DocumentService";
lArgs[0].Value = "";
xDoc = xDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_default", 0, lArgs);


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Re: [api-dev] Java Snippet Suggestion: how to convert documents - please review

2006-03-02 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Tobias,

You shouldnt post "a complete application" as code snippet.
It's better to show some parts of you approach only.
E.g. loading a CSV file, exporting any file to PDF etcpp.

See my further comments inline ...

Hi ML,

I want to add another code snippet. This snippet bootstraps an
OpenOffice and converts a specified document to a specified format.

Here the code. If noone has suggestions, I will post it as a snippet
next week.

Greetings, Tobias

package de.twc.oocom.snippets;


public class ConvertDocument {

public ConvertDocument(){
// Empty Constructor

// The file that should be processed, e.g. "/tmp/hello_world.ods"
private String source_File = "/home/tobias/test.odt";
// The file that is the target of a conversion, e.g. "/tmp/hello_world"
private String target_File = "/home/tobias/test.pdf";
// Format of the target_File. This snipped allows "pdf", "doc", "xls"
private String conversion_Format = "pdf";

// Value not really needed
private String ooport = "9000";
// Commandline parameter can equal these value
public final static String CONVERT = "-convert";

public final static String[] EXPORTS = { "writer_pdf_Export",
"calc_pdf_Export", "draw_pdf_Export", "impress_pdf_Export" };
public final static String DOC_EXPORT = "MS Word 97";
public final static String XLS_EXPORT = "MS Excel 97";

// OpenOffice Desktop
Object desktop = null;

 * Main method. For commandline start values see method
 * setCommandlineArgs(args).
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args){

ConvertDocument myOOComNG = new ConvertDocument();


 * This method sets the import values for .csv files.
 * @return
public PropertyValue[] csvImportProperties(){
PropertyValue[] csvPropertyValue = new PropertyValue[2];

PropertyValue xProperty = new PropertyValue();
xProperty.Name = "FilterName";
xProperty.Value = "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)";
csvPropertyValue[0] = xProperty;

xProperty.Name = "FilterOptions";
xProperty.Value = "44,34,0,1,1/1";
csvPropertyValue[1] = xProperty;

return csvPropertyValue;

 * This method collects all properties for the document an concatenates
 * them.
 * @param myProperties
 * @return
private PropertyValue[] constructProperties(PropertyValue[]
// Getting properties for .csv files
PropertyValue[] csvPropertyValue = csvImportProperties();

// Initializing the properties
PropertyValue[] documentProperties
= new PropertyValue[myProperties.length +

for(int i = 0; i < myProperties.length; i++){
// Load myProperties.
documentProperties[i] =  myProperties[i];

if (source_File.toLowerCase().endsWith(".csv")){
// If source_File is a .csv file, csv import Properties are
for(int i = 0; i < csvPropertyValue.length; i++){
documentProperties[myProperties.length + i] =
return documentProperties;

 * This method converts documents to other formats.
private void convertDocument()
// Constructing the document properties
PropertyValue[] myProperties = new PropertyValue[1];
PropertyValue xProperty = new PropertyValue();
xProperty.Name = "Hidden";
xProperty.Value = new Boolean(true);
myProperties[0] = xProperty;

PropertyValue[] documentProperties =

// Open document
XComponent openDocument = openDocument(documentProperties);

XStorable xStorable = (XStorable)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, openDocument);

// Set properties for conversions
documentProperties = new PropertyValue[2];
PropertyValue bProperty = new PropertyValue();
bProperty.Name = "Overwrite";
bProperty.Value = new Boolean(true);
documentProperties[0] = bProperty;
bProperty = new PropertyValue();
bProperty.Name = "FilterName";

// Conversion starts
if (conversion_Format.equals("pdf")) {
// Convert to pdf
for (int i = 0; i < EXPO

Re: [api-dev] Java Snippet Suggestion: how to convert documents - please review

2006-03-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi Andreas,

You shouldnt post "a complete application" as code snippet.
It's better to show some parts of you approach only.

yes and no. For one part I agree. If you are an expert, it is useful for
you to see only the relevant part of an application.
But I disagree because I am a newbie. And I waste 90% of my time with
finding out the conditions for code snippets and how to get them to
work. And you can imagine, this work is really discouraging.

I suggest a solution: I post the relevant part of the code as a snippet
and add a link to my homepage where you can find a sample application
for the snippet. Is this useful?

Do it as you like ...
At least my comment on this was not a "must" - it was a hint only.
But I know from my own experience: if an example shows more then two
facts at the same time, the "newbie" does not see the important things.

Trying all possible PDF export filters and catching occuring exceptions
isnt realy "good style" .-)
The better approach: xMM =

Here I have my first problems. Please give me a hint: what is the type
of xSMGR? How can I creat xSMGR? (I'm sure it is a very simple answer,
but I already searched about 4 hours for the solution...).

It's the remote service manager of the office cou can use to create 
needed UNO services. In your example you used the following code to 
create the Desktop service:

 XMultiComponentFactory xRemoteServiceManager
= xRemoteContext.getServiceManager();
Object desktop = null;
desktop = xRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", xRemoteContext);

So my example must be rewritten as:

  XModuleManager xMM = (XModuleManager)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

String sOOoApp = null;
sOOoApp = xMM.identify(openDocument);

// Now you know the application name of this document
// e.g. "" for writer
// And you can select the right filter:
String sPDFExportFilter = null;
if (sOOoApp.equals(""))
sPDFExportFilter = "writer_pdf_Export";

This is very good! Thank you, I will do it this way as soon as I find
the xSMGR.

see before .-)

Construction of URL's isnt realy platform independend here. You should
the JAVA classes File/URL/URI to create real URL's.
But be aware of a bug inside these JAVA classes. They construct file
URL's like "file:/test/file.txt", which does not represent valid file
URLs. You have to establish a workaround for that and convert "file:/"
hardly to "file:///".

On the other side I currently dont know, if OOo accepts such "wrong
formated" URL's too and convert it internaly .-)

Well its working -> I think OO will accept it. But I will use following
code for the snippet:
public String createUNOFileURL(String filelocation)
String myUNOFileURL = null; newfile = new;
try {
 = newfile.toURL().toString().replace("file:/", "file:///");
catch (MalformedURLException e) {

return myUNOFileURL;

Better use the helper service ... as Stephan Bergmann mentioned !


catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("OpenOffice runs, but error opening

if (openedDocument == null) {
System.err.println("I found the document but cannot open

System.exit() isnt realy an option, if you work remote with OOo using
UNO. Your JAVA process will be killed hardly - fine . But the OOo
instance will stay alive inside memory ... Furhtermore it might contain
dead UNO objects (forgotten JAVA listener etcpp). And if you use this
office instance from it's normal UI it can happen that it crashes by
using these dead objects.


Terminate the office from JAVA before you call exit()

If I understand right, this will exit all my offices or just this
instance. I even have no xDesktop -> I think I cannot add a
terminateListener. Am I right?

You used the desktop service already. It's the component you called
"loadComponentFromURL()" on it. And this object can do some 

Re: [api-dev] Connecting two OpenOffice Process

2006-03-07 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Vincenzo Giuliano wrote:

this is my problem:
I started up OpenOfficeProcess on remote host, then I started up
OpenOfficeProcess on my computer.
I load a file on remote host and I take the XModel reference.
I want seen on my computer the document, how can I do?

I try to do this

XFramesSupplier xfs =
XFrames xf = xfs.getFrames();

but it has not effect.

Not really right ...
It has an effect - on the remote PC.
Because the window resists there and you show it there.
You use an UNO reference to a remote object. All operations will be 
forwarded to the rmeote object (on the other PC) and executed there.
If you whish to do something on a local object - you have to create this 
object localy too.

In your case you have to create an XWindow localy and combine it with 
the remote retrieved XFrame 

The problem here is reasoned by the internal implementation of OOo.
Internaly it does not use UNO completly. So it requires a C++ pointer to 
a VCL::Window class instead of using the XWindow UNO reference.

And that's why you wont be able to make such things if UI is involved.

And sorry again. I do not know when OOo will be ready for these.
It's a huge task and cant be made in some months.
So you have to find another solution for your problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [api-dev] Java: adding functionality to newly created menu item

2006-03-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi Matthias,

Menu commands are command strings that are handed over to the so called
Dispatch Framework. You can place "internal" commands there and then
some OOo code will be called or (if an "interceptor" is placed into OOo)
also some "external" code. You can also place "external" commands there
that can trigger code you provide in your component.

To make OOo call such "external" code you have to use commands with your
own naming scheme and implement and install a so called "protocol
handler" that handles commands using the scheme. All this is described
in the Developers Guide in the chapters about Dispatching and Add-Ons.

Up to now I read a lot in the Dev-Guide. Please let me ask you some
further questions whether I understood the Dev-Guide right and my
concept is OK.

What I want to do after starting OO from a Java application:

1. adding a menu and toolbar item with the commandURL
"vnd.twc.oo.oocom:SaveACopy" (I did this already and the menu item is
grey - it is not known up to now).

The menu item is gray, because there is no code bound to this command.
You have to register a ProtocolHandler or establish an Interceptor
for this URL.

But an Interceptor is normaly designed to intercept (and overwrite) 
existing functionality ... not to bring in new functions.

So the ProtocolHandler mechanism is the best way doing this.

2. after clicking on the menu item, I want start external code that pops
up a window with a selection menu. After selecting and clicking OK, the
selection is printed on System.out.println(). After closing OO the
command URL should be no more available for OO.

Showing the UI is no problem. System.out.println() can be a problem (at 
least on windows). Because there OOo supress all command line activity.
You wont see anything .-) But for me it seams that this println() 
statmenet is temp. solution only ... isnt it ?

Complete removing of this command after OOo was restarted can be reached 
only by patching the configuration of the office during runtime. Because 
a ProtocolHandler can be registered inside our configuration only. And 
then it exists after an office restart too ...
So you have to deregister it manually. Our dispatch framework should be 
ready for that. Because such "live-deployment" of ProtocolHandler 
objects will be supported. The only thing which can happen is that the 
current view wont be updated immediatly. May be only new views will 
reflect the changed menu.

Solution possiblity for 2.:
As far as I read, using Jobs as described in 4.7.2 is not a good
solution, because I can't display a user interface from synchronous job.

You can do that ... but if such UI is e.g. written in JAVA and not using 
e.g. basic dialogs you will hinder the office on repainting itself .-)

A asynchronous job has problems with model interfaces so I shouldn't use it.

Which problems do you mean ?

It can happen that a Job does not get a model reference ... but that 
depends from the fact, that jobs can be bound to events, which are not 
bound to models in general. So the job get it's context as set of 
parameters. And one of these parameters can be the model .. or the frame 
... or any other resource.

Solution possiblity for 2.:
Other solution is to use protocol handlers. But if I understood right, I
have to install them and they will be available after closing OO.
If there is no other solution, I have to check at startup whether the
commandURL is availible. If not, can I install a protocol handler during
runtime from my java application? (In this case I have to accept that
the commandURL will be available after closing OO.)

I'm not sure how do you whish to "establish" all your features inside 
OOo. As an AddOn ... or using basic ... or JAVA-remote ?

a) If you use an AdddOn, you are right. Such Protocolhandler will live 
as long as the AddOn-installation for this component exists.

b) But if use JAVA-remote you can add/remove such ProtocolHandler during 
an instance of OOo runs. But believe me: patching of the ProtocolHandler 
configuration is an easy task (and will work of course) ... but 
registration of an UNO component at runtime isnt so easy .-)
And I know - removing of such component at runtime isnt realy possible 
in general. Because you cant be sure that such ProtocolHandler instance 
is not cached (e.g. by the toolbar implementation) !

Are there other solutions?

I dont see a realy good solution. Sorry.
On the other side: is it realy needed to make such "transient changes" 
on a running OOo instance ? Or wouldnt be better to install an AddOn and 
enable/disabe the corresponding menu entries on demand ?

Currently I dont see any use case, which would require such feature.

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] Java: adding functionality to newly created menu item

2006-03-17 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hallo Andreas,

To make OOo call such "external" code you have to use commands with your
own naming scheme and implement and install a so called "protocol
handler" that handles commands using the scheme. All this is described
in the Developers Guide in the chapters about Dispatching and Add-Ons.

1. adding a menu and toolbar item with the commandURL
"vnd.twc.oo.oocom:SaveACopy" (I did this already and the menu item is
grey - it is not known up to now).

The menu item is gray, because there is no code bound to this command.
You have to register a ProtocolHandler for this URL.


b) But if use JAVA-remote you can add/remove such ProtocolHandler during
an instance of OOo runs. But believe me: patching of the ProtocolHandler
configuration is an easy task (and will work of course) ...

Although it sounds very good, I have no idea and found no hints how to
do this. I have to fall back to your second solution. Or may be you have
some hints for me...

You have to use the configuration API of OOo directly and change the cfg 
package "org.openoffice.Office.ProtocolHandler".

Please read the Developers Guide to get further informations.

registration of an UNO component at runtime isnt so easy .-)
And I know - removing of such component at runtime isnt realy possible
in general. Because you cant be sure that such ProtocolHandler instance
is not cached (e.g. by the toolbar implementation) !

I did now following:
// Conditions:
// opened OO Document
// XMultiComponentFactory xRemoteServiceManager
XMultiServiceFactory xMultiServiceManager = (XMultiServiceFactory)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XMultiServiceFactory.class,
xRemoteServiceManager );

Object oProtocolHandler = xMultiServiceManager.createInstance(
"de.twc.oocom.SaveACopy" );

// get the XDispatchProvider and XInitialization interfaces

XDispatchProvider xDispatchProvider = (XDispatchProvider)
XDispatchProvider.class, oProtocolHandler );

XInitialization xInitialization = (XInitialization)
XInitialization.class, oProtocolHandler );

The Object oProtocolHandler always is null. If I understand right, I
need a class de.twc.oocom.SaveACopy. I created it and you can find it at
the end of the mail (it is nearly the same as

How can I tell UNO where to find the class de.twc.oocom.SaveACopy?

You have to register it inside the ooo/program/services.rdb file using 
the tool unopkg tool (provided by OOo also).
But .. ups ... I've forgot: you cant change the installations of you 
client PCs ...

But an UNO service must be registered also .-)
Why you dont use a central installation of OOo, which can be patched
with your extensions, and is used from many other client installations ?

Then there is no need for you to make so many "transient" changes on an 
OOo installation ... which btw. seams to be impossible for me now.

Greetings, Tobias

package de.twc.oocom;


/** SaveACopy service implementation */

public class SaveACopy extends ComponentBase
implements XServiceInfo, XDispatchProvider, XInitialization

private XComponentContext xContext;

private XFrame xFrame;

/** Dispatch object as inner class */
class OwnDispatch implements XDispatch {

/** take over all necessary parameters from outside. */
public OwnDispatch(XComponentContext context, XFrame frame) {
xContext = context;
xFrame = frame;

   /** execute the functionality, which is described by this URL. */
   public void dispatch(URL aURL, PropertyValue[] lArgs) {
   System.out.println("Hallo Dispatcher Welt!");

/** register a new listener and bind it toe given URL. */
public void addStatusListener(XStatusListener l, URL url) {

/** deregister a listener for this URL. */
public void removeStatusListener(XStatusListener l, URL url) {


/** initialize a new instance of this class with default values. */
public SaveACopy( XComponentContext context ) {
xContext = context;


/** XInitialization implementation */

public void initialize(Object[] object)
throws {


Re: [api-dev] XComponentLoader event onload

2006-03-23 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Antoine POURCHEZ wrote:

I want to load and next update an ODT in a java program. To do that, i 
write this code :

Object vDesktop = OoBootstrap.createDesktop();
XComponentLoader vCompLoader = (XComponentLoader) 
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, vDesktop);

String vUrl = "_file://".concat(((File_) 

PropertyValue vProps[] = new PropertyValue[1];
vProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
vProps[0].Name = "Hidden";
vProps[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
Object vDocSrc = vCompLoader.loadComponentFromURL(vUrl, 
"_blank", 0, vProps);

XFrame  vFrameDoc = ((XModel) 

XDispatchHelper vDipatchHelper = 

vFrameDoc), ".uno:UpdateAllIndexes", "", 0, null);

In some big documents, this generate a crash of openOffice : i think 
that the document is not totaly load when "executeDispatch" is execute.

The document is loaded completely after loadComponentFromURL() returned 
the model. But might be there are some asynchronous layout routines.
On the other side such asynchronous layout must deal with the situation 
that it will be disturbed from outside. And further you loaded the 
document with HIDDEN=TRUE so there is no need for such operations after 

For me it looks like a "simple .-)" bug. If it can be reproduced by you 
with some special documents, please file an issue attaching one or two 
test documents.

Can XComponentLoader generate an event when all the document is load?

There is already such event. But it's not generated by the component 
loader itself. It's generated by the document, which was loaded and will 
be broadcasted by another singleton instance named (which implements the 
interface css.document.XEventBroadcaster.

The callback css.document.XEventListener.notifyEvent() contains a 
reference to the model. For loading (or creating empty) documents exists 
different events.

OnNew  => for creating a new empty (visible) doc
OnLoad => for loading an existing doc (visible) from disc

OnCreate => for creating an empty (hidden) doc
OnLoadFinished => for loading an existing doc (hidden) from disc

Thank you.


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Re: [api-dev] New component: instead of ".uno:SaveAs" ".uno:SaveTo"

2006-03-27 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi again,

I now had success with creating my first component. I can register it
and use in in the menus. Thank you all!

But now I want to write a second component: it should be the same as
already exists: ".uno:SaveAs". But the functionality should be
different: it should store the object's persistent data to a URL and
continues to be a representation of the old URL.

It is the same difference as in XStorable.storeAsURL() and

My question: is it the easiest way to develop a complete new component
or can I reuse the main parts of ".uno:SaveAs"?

You can reuse main parts of ".uno:SaveAs" ... if you link your code 
against the core libraries of OOo .-)

But there is no way doing so in case you wish to use the UNO API.
So you have to do the full implementation again.

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] How to tell a component the current XComponent?

2006-03-27 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais wrote:

Hi together,

I created my first component and have now a big problem:
private XComponent openDocument = null;
// Querying for the interface XPrintable on the loaded document
XPrintable xPrintable = (XPrintable)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, openDocument);

I want to print the current document, but I don't know how to tell the
component the XComponent the user used when clicking on the item of the

Can anybody tell me how to do this?

Or generally: how to give variables to components?

If you implemented a ProtocolHandler (e.g. as part of an AddOn), which 
is used within a menu/toolbar click, you will be queried for an option 
al interface "XInitialization". If this optional interface is supported 
it's called and the frame (where the menu/toolbar exists) is provided 
there as first parameter.

Such frame can be used then to get access to the controller/model.

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] DocumentConfiguration

2006-03-27 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tuomas Räsänen wrote:

Hi again,

My goal is to prevent user from using default styles in textdocs. 
Apparently those default styles cannot be "disabled", so I need to make 
everything manually. One thing I have to do is to remove accelerators 
modifying styles. (e.g. CTRL + 1 = Heading 1).
I tried to remove that accelerator with the code below, but nothing 
happened. CTRL+1 was still working. What did I do wrong?

Object conf =  
XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier confMngrS = 

XUIConfigurationManager xConfMngr = 

Object shortcutConfManager = xConfMngr.getShortCutManager();
XAcceleratorConfiguration ac = 

KeyEvent[] keys = ac.getAllKeyEvents();


And is there easier way to achieve my goal? Can I include a 
configuration file in my template to setup accelerators for my document? 
( just like menubar.xml ) And if, where should I put it? There is 
configuration file for global and module accelerators 
and e.g. 
for the whole OpenOffice but in template files there is only 

The path to a document-accelerator configuration inside a document is 
This path is fixe, because there is no need to differ between modules 
and locales.

Curious regards,
Tuomas Räsänen

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Re: [api-dev] Restarting a frozen OOo

2006-06-26 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

see my comments inline ...


Tobias Krais wrote:

just now my OOo had a dealock again. And I followed your advice. Here is
the comandline output:

thanks for taking the time :-)

[126] [EMAIL PROTECTED]> soffice

Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x1e3a)!

and here the gdb output. Do you need more?

(gdb) t 2
[Switching to thread 2 (Thread -1564783696 (LWP 20246))]#0  0xa7235199
in __lll_mutex_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) bt
#0  0xa7235199 in __lll_mutex_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/
#1  0xa7231f13 in _L_mutex_lock_148 () from /lib/tls/
#2  0xa2baa774 in ?? ()
#3  0xa76aba2d in typelib_typedescriptionreference_release ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#4  0xa750d295 in osl_acquireMutex ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#5  0xa7739428 in vos::OMutex::acquire ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#6  0xa418c2d9 in SalYieldMutex::acquire ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#7  0xa3db4eee in framework::LockHelper::acquire ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#8  0xa2e5c3f6 in ?? () from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#9  0xa2e5c415 in ?? () from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#10 0xa2e88d59 in component_writeInfo ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#11 0xa0ad8d72 in GetModuleFieldUnit ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#12 0xa0adb590 in GetModuleFieldUnit ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#13 0xa0ad9c48 in GetModuleFieldUnit ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit---
#14 0xa0bf3cdd in SvxUnoDashTable_createInstance ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#15 0xa0bf4431 in SvxUnoDashTable_createInstance ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#16 0x08069ca5 in desktop::impl_callRecoveryUI ()
#17 0x0806ab5c in desktop::Desktop::SaveTasks ()
#18 0x0806b07e in desktop::Desktop::Exception ()
#19 0xa7d8e906 in DeInitVCL () from
#20 0xa7740927 in vos::_cpp_OSignalHandler_Function ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#21 0xa7740944 in _OSignalHandler_Function ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#22 0xa75145c3 in osl_getVolumeInformation ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#23 0xa7514901 in osl_setErrorReporting ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#24 0x0017 in ?? ()
#25 0x081576f0 in ?? ()
#26 0x0001 in ?? ()
#27 0x in ?? ()

This is interesting, it seems that somehow an asynchronous signal has 
arrived, trying to acquire the Solar Mutex before saving all 
tasks/documents and terminating the office ...

This is not an asynchronous signal only ...
it's our crash handling. That means: one of these threads
produced a crash and here we try to save all currently open documents. 
So the deadlock is a follow up of a crash in a remote use case of the 

a) Fix the reason for the crash .-)
b) Disable Recovery in your use case by using the command line parameter 
"-norestore" by starting the office.

(gdb) t 1
[Switching to thread 1 (Thread -1508009760 (LWP 20207))]#0  0xa6fdc819
in poll
() from /lib/tls/
(gdb) bt
#0  0xa6fdc819 in poll () from /lib/tls/
#1  0xa728e7f3 in _XEnq () from /usr/lib/
#2  0xa728ec69 in _XRead () from /usr/lib/
#3  0xa728fcd5 in _XReply () from /usr/lib/
#4  0xa7271845 in _XGetWindowAttributes () from /usr/lib/
#5  0xa72719c2 in XGetWindowAttributes () from /usr/lib/
#6  0xa4168478 in X11SalGraphics::getBitmap ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#7  0xa7e55ff7 in SalGraphics::GetBitmap ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#8  0xa7df3861 in OutputDevice::GetBitmap ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#9  0xa7df5650 in OutputDevice::DrawImage ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#10 0xa7df6a25 in OutputDevice::DrawImage ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#11 0xa7df6df8 in OutputDevice::DrawBitmapEx ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#12 0xa7dceea0 in GraphicReader::~GraphicReader ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#13 0xa7df52ff in OutputDevice::DrawImage ()
   from /usr/lib/openoffice/program/
#14 0xa7eb986b in ToolBox::Docking ()
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit--

Re: [api-dev] Regarding XJobExecutor.

2006-07-18 Thread Andreas Schlüns

bharathy b wrote:

Hi i wanted to know if the following is possible using the XJobExecutor.
  Is it possible to have more than one trigger method for an XJobExecutor?
  At present i have added a toolbar button to the writer document using an Addon. (Using an UNO Component in Java).

  Onclick of the button creates an htm file in C drive.
  But now i need to add more buttons to the writer document using a Addon. Suppose i want to add 3 buttons using a single addon. how can i specify the trigger method for the remaining 2 buttons. 

If you implement an XJobExecutor you use an URL like 
"service:". You can use "service:?argument".
In such case your implementation will be called within 

Some examples:

Button 1 URL = "service:YourService?button1" => trigger('button1')
Button 2 URL = "service:YourService?button2?somethingspecial" => 

You will get the whole string from the first "?" till the end as one 
string argument. Parsing these string value is up to your code.

  Are there any better ways of doing this?
  I tried using ProtocolHandlerAddon but i am still not able to understand 
dispatcher implementation and how to  get the Add-on register itself for the 
protocol part of the command URL.

Implementing a ProtocolHandler is the better way ...
Because you can specify your own URL schema as e.g. 

Further a ProtocolHandler will be initialized with the right 
environment. It will get the current frame/controller/model so it can

start working directly, without the need fort searching those resources.

  Please reply and suggest me how to accomplish this..

  With Regards,

  Bharathy B

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Re: [api-dev] Regarding XJobExecutor.

2006-07-20 Thread Andreas Schlüns

bharathy b wrote:
Hi Andreas thank you, i tried the solution you specified. 
  In the Addons.xcu i made the following changes.



  and in i made the following change

  public void trigger(String buttonName)

  if (buttonName == "button1")
URL yahoo = new URL("";);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
 new InputStreamReader(
  String inputLine;
File outFile = new File("c:\\button1.htm");
FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outFile);
  while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)


  if (buttonName == "button2")
 URL google = new URL("";);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
  new InputStreamReader(
 String inputLine;
 File outFile = new File("c:\\button2.htm");
 FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outFile);
 while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)


  catch( e){}

   The buttons appear but dont get triggered. Whats wrong in this method?

If this method will be called ... nothing was wrong.
If it's not called you may be implement your service wrong.
Then the optional interface XJobExecutor couldnt be queried on your 
implementation and isnt used.

Was your methor trigger() called ... even with right or wrong arguments 
? If not - please check your service implementation and registration.

  Regarding the ProtocolHandlerAddon method..
  I want to know where should i define sayHello( ).

public String sayHello() { return "Hello world"

  This is XTestFunction1.idl in C:\ProtoToolbar\Code\com\sun\star\demo

  module com { module sun { module star { module demo {
  interface XTestFunction1 : com::sun::star::uno::XInterface {
 String sayHello();
  This is TestFunction1.idl in C:\ProtoToolbar\Code\com\sun\star\demo
  #include "XTestFunction1.idl"

module com { module sun { module star { module demo {
  service TestFunction1 

   interface com::sun::star::demo::XTestFunction1;
  C:\ProtoToolbar\Code\com\sun\star\demo also contains TestFunction1.urd, XTestFunction1.urd and demo.rdb
  Should i define sayHello( ) in or so that sayHello( ) gets called onclick of the button

  Should the value of the URL in the Addons.xcu be
  I am not able to understand this one point..

Implementing a ProtocolHandler isnt so different against implementation 
of a JobExecutor. All interfaces are still defined and can be used.

But your implementation has to support and implement it.

A Protocolhandler has to implement the existing interfaces:

  With regards,

  Bharathy B


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Re: [api-dev] OOo 2.0.3 (Linux & Windows), OOoBean, printing does not work when doc loaded with loadFromByteArray()

2006-07-27 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Mathias Bauer wrote:

Harald Weyhing wrote:

Hi all,

I still can't print with OOo 2.0.3 using the OOoBean, when documents are
loaded via loadFromByteArray(). There is no error message, printing
silently fails.

A workaround for that is calling storeAsURL(url,null) on the document
(which is a before calling
print. Is there any way to avoid saving temporary files to be able to
print in my scenario?

Possibly you have found a bug. Until nobody has found the root cause for
 it we can't suggest any workarounds or alternatives.

Best regards,

The corresponding issue is #65519#.
Printing without a valid title isnt possible. Otherwise you cant see
your job inside the printer queue of your OS.
The fix is on the way into the master. Please stay tuned.


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Re: [api-dev] LoadComponentFromURL using an XInputStream in Basic

2006-08-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

I am using OOo 2.0.3 on Linux FC4.

I store a binary file into a database - Base document if it matters. 
First I tried to use a stream:

oStatement.setBinaryStream(2, oStream, oStream.getLength())

The error message said that there was an error from the ODBC driver 
stating that the stream was NULL. I found that the following works:

lLen = oStream.getLength()
ReDim oData(0 To lLen-1)
oStream.readBytes(oData(), lLen)
oStatement.setBytes(2, oData(), lLen)

I can extract the data from my database to a file.

oSimpleFileAccess.writeFile(sURL, oStream)

Rather than writing the file to disk, I would prefer to load the file 

Dim oProp(0) As New
oProp(0).Name  = "InputStream" : oProp(0).Value = oStream
REM oProp(1).Name  = "ReadOnly": oProp(1).Value = True
REM oProp(2).Name  = "FilterName"  : oProp(2).Value = "writer8"
StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl("private:stream", "_blank", 0, oProp())

When I try this, however, soffice locks up and I have to manually kill 

The closest that I could find to a solution is in Java, but it uses a

The speculation is that the XInputStream does not support XSeekable. 

 An "InputStream" property of the MediaDescriptor has to support 
XSeekable also. Otherwhise OOo cant deal with it.

But normaly that shouldn't produce a "locked" office instance.
The load request should fail.

But a locked office can be produced by the content you try to load.
Might be the used filter does not match to the type of content you wish 
to load. You said that you tried to load a Base document ... but you use 
a writer filter ("writer8"). That can produce trouble.


a) Let your stream provide the interface XSeekable.
b) Use another filter or dont specify any filter so 
loadComponentFromURL() can search for it's own one.
c) Try to load several other contents, to make sure that your problem is 
not related to these.


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Re: [api-dev] how to dispatch ".uno:ClosePreview" from java ?

2006-08-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Oliver Brinzing wrote:

Hash: SHA1


at the moment I am trying to convert some of my basic macros into a java 
component :-)
but get stuck with the following problem:

dispatching ".uno:ClosePreview" from java seems not to work in all cases,
if I open a message box directly after the "xDispatch.executeDispatch" the 
box will be displayed in the preview mode ... after closing the message box, we 
still in the preview mode  ... the dispatch got lost ???

I think this i caused due to the async behaviour of the dispatching framwork ...

I also tried xNotifyingDispatcher.dispatchWithNotification() without success 
... :-(

In Basic I used the following:

Function ClosePreview()

Dim oView as Object
Dim oDispatcher as Object
Dim mNoArgs()
Dim i as Integer

oView = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()

If Not hasUnoInterfaces(oView, "") 
oDispatcher = 
".uno:ClosePreview", "",
0, mNoArgs())
While Not hasUnoInterfaces(oView, 
"") and i < 10
oView = ThisComponent.getCurrentController()
i = i + 1

MsgBox "Hello World..." & CStr(i)
End Function

Any hints ?

Using of the interface XNotifyingDispatch does not make the dispatch 
itself synchron ... it guarantees only, that the given listener will be 
called. Becausde normal XStatusListener used for a XDispatch call are 
not guaranteed to be used !

If you wish to force a synchronous execution of your dispatch you should 
try the argument "Asynchron" as [bool] with a valud "false".
But note: Forcing the synchron mode for an asnychronous operation can 
make trouble. E.g. closing of such preview will destroy resources, which 
are used by your own java code. In such case Disposed- or 
RuntimeExcception can occure, which of course must be handled by your 
code. You have to make sure that all references to these preview was 
released by yourself

/Hint: GarbageCollector .-)

- --


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Re: [api-dev] how to dispatch ".uno:ClosePreview" from java ?

2006-08-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Oliver,

If you wish to force a synchronous execution of your dispatch you should
try the argument "Asynchron" as [bool] with a valud "false".

are you sure, this works ?
I can see no difference ... the preview is not closed even if I use

xProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
xProps[0].Name = "Asynchron";
xProps[0].Value = Boolean.FALSE;

Object oDispatch = xDispatch.executeDispatch(xProvider, ".uno:ClosePreview"l, 
"", 0, xProps);

It's not guaranteed that such parameter will be supported by this 
dispatch. It depends from it's internal implementation. On the other 
side I do not know if this dispatch is realy asynchron internaly. It's 
not a must.

BTW: Most of our ".uno:" dispatch implementations support that parameter 
... but might be not this special one .-)

Dispatches "can be" asynchron or synchron !
The dispatch API should be used in cases only, where a result of an 
operation is not realy needed. The intention of these API was a smal l 
binding between a generic UI and the core API (based on URL's) - nothing 
more. Normaly a menu or toolbar entry has not to deal with the result of 
such dispatch request !

Next possible solutions:

close these preview using another API

use XNotifyingDispatch in combination with a XDispatchResultListener.
But note:
This interface is an optional one. If the returned dispatch object does 
not support it ... it's not usable .-)
In case these interface will be supported you can provide a listener 
there. These listener must be called by the dispatch object if the 
internal operation was finished (normaly that means if the preview was 
clsoed - even if it was executed asynchronous). But you have to wait for 
this notification, The return of the dispatch call is not enough !

If b) does not work only a) can solve your problem.

- --

Best Regards

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Re: [api-dev] LoadComponentFromURL using an XInputStream in Basic

2006-08-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Andrew,

Andreas Schlüns wrote:

I store a Write document into a Base document. I am storing Binary date 
in a Base Document, which uses the internal database. I know how to use 
a macro to open the file, read the file into a byte array and store the 
document into the database. I also know how to get the data out of the 
Base document and store it back onto disk using a normal stream.

What I want to do, is to extract the Write document from the database 
(Base) and then open it for editing. I can store the Write document on 
disk and then load it from disk, but I am trying to skip that step. I 
obtain a stream as follows:

 oResult = oStatement.executeQuery(sSQL)
 If Not IsNull(oResult) Then
   oStream = oResult.getBinaryStream(1)
 End If

I can not use this stream to open the document because it does not 
support XSeekable.
 From Basic, I can obtain an array of bytes, but I do not know how to 
use that to open the document directly.


a) Let your stream provide the interface XSeekable.

In Java, I can use the to convert a 
byte array to an appropriate stream, but this does not appear to be 
available in Basic.

Perhaps this is a problem that can not be solved directly using Basic.

It can be solved ... if you implement an UNO Service which accepts a 
Sequence< sal_Int8 > as IN parameter and returns an 
XSeekable/XInputStream as result. Such service can be used in Java, C++, 
Basic, Phyton etcpp.

Currently I do not know if such help service still exists .-)

b) Use another filter or dont specify any filter so 
loadComponentFromURL() can search for it's own one.

I have tried specifying, and not specifying, the filter.

Then it does not depend on your content. It seams realy a problem of 
your non-seekable stream. But I don not understand then why the office 
locked up. Normaly the call loadComponentFromURL() should return without 
 loading this content.

May be you can provide some stacks (produced with an attached debugger), 
which shows us, where the office is hanging ?


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Re: [api-dev] how to dispatch ".uno:ClosePreview" from java ?

2006-08-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Oliver Brinzing wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Andreas,

thanks for the detailed explanation ...
I always try to avoid using dispatches ...

Next possible solutions:
a)  close these preview using another API

but I can not find an api for closing the calc preview ...

There exists only an API to close the whole document/frame ...
switching from one view to another one can be reached currently only
by the dispatch ... if I'm not wrong .-(

Did you try the XNotifyingDispatch solution ?
If your listener will be called before the operation was realy done,
it seams to be a bug.

- --


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Re: [api-dev] HoTo disable "Close Document" icon

2006-09-14 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Harald Weyhing schrieb:

Carsten Driesner wrote:

Harald Weyhing wrote:

Hi everybody,

I need to disable or better remove the small "x" like icon on the 
upper right. I tried to intercept .uno.CloseDoc, but this will only 
intercepts Ctrl-W, but not when you click the "x".

I am using OOo 2.0.3 and OOoBean.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Harald,

Unfortunately this is currently not possible. We working on a solution 
for OOo 2.1, where you could intercept ".uno:CloseFrame". There won't 
be an option to remove the small "x" on the menu bar.

The fix is on the way to an OOo 2.1 version ...
but instead of ".uno:CloseFrame" the URL, which has to be intercepted 
will be ".uno:CloseWin".


Hi Carsten,

thanks for your quick reply, even though this is not good news. Well, 
Seems that I have to wait for 2.1 then or find some nice workaround. If 
so, I will post it to the list.

There is no workaround available .-)

BTW: If you disable the function behind this special closer, +
you redefine the whole shutdown scenario of OOo.
E.g. closing of the last open office window will shutdown the whole
process ...
You should know, what you are doing there before you disable this 
functionality .-))



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Re: [api-dev] OnCloseApp not dispatched by OO 2.0.1

2006-10-16 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Julien Galand schrieb:


I have noticed with an add-on I have written that the global event 
"OnCloseApp" is not dispatched by OO 2.0.1 (or maybe OO disconnects 
global event listeners too early when quitting).

With the same add-on and OO 2.0.3, this event is correctly received.

I have searched in the issue tracker for "OnCloseApp", I haven't found 
any related issue. Maybe I haven't searched rightly.

Is this bug known (if it is one) ?
Has it been fixed in OO 2.0.2 or 2.0.3, so that I can warn my customers ?

I dont know if this was a known issue on 2.0.1 ...
but as you already wrote: it works for versions > 2.0.1.
On the other side ... if we find out that it's realy a bug inside 2.0.1 
- we cant fix it there .-)

Anyway: your customer has to use versions > 2.0.1.
Otherwise your add-on doesnt work right.
But if customer does not have a problem with 2.0.1
(because they does not detect the problem by herself)
why you should unsettle your customers ?

Julien Galand

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Re: [api-dev] CloseVetoException vs. TerminateVetoException

2006-11-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais schrieb:

Hi together,

I wrote a little cute java program that is converting documents via OOo.
This conversion machine is running hidden. It will fail, even crash down
if someone uses OOo in foreground and closes the last opened window. For
this reason I registered a TerminateListener that throws a
TerminateVetoException, which prevents my lovely program from crashing.
But this exception even prevents the user to close his visible document(s).

So I search for a better solution and thought a CloseListener throwing a
CloseVetoException could be one. But it works only half. Here is the
code I use:
public void addCloseListener() {
// initial close listener
xCloseListener = new XCloseListener() {
public void queryClosing(EventObject arg0, boolean arg1)
throws CloseVetoException {
throw new CloseVetoException();

public void notifyClosing(EventObject arg0) {}

public void disposing(EventObject arg0) {}
The result is, that I again cannot close the visible OOo Desktop - but I
can close my document!

Is there a solution, to use the CloseListener (or any other Listener)
that allows the user to close the visible OOo desktop, but prevents my
hidden document and OOo to close?

No ... currently not (not realy).

You can listen for closing events on every document opened by YOUR code
and prevent them from closing. Then the desktop should close all 
documents not throwing an exception (which should be the UI opened 
documents only) and ignore your documents ... which will result into a 
failed terminate operation.

But there is a "small time frame", where you cant control the situation 
... the time between loadComponentFromURL() returned a document and you 
will be registered as close listener. OK - the chance that an UI office 
terminates during these 200 ms is very small ... but this possibility 
exists .-)

Fact is: the office isnt prepared for such "concurrent uses cases".
There exists two simple uses cases only:
a) UI Office (as normaly used on the desktop
b) API Office (as you use it)

There is another solution for you ...
If you start the office with an own user layer, you will get an own 
office instance independed from the normal UI desktop office.

"soffice -env:".
Problem here: all settings made inside the desktop office has to be done 
twice. There is no synchronization .-)

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] CloseVetoException vs. TerminateVetoException

2006-11-07 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Mathias Bauer schrieb:

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Schlüns wrote:

I wrote a little cute java program that is converting documents via OOo.
This conversion machine is running hidden. It will fail, even crash down
if someone uses OOo in foreground and closes the last opened window. For
this reason I registered a TerminateListener that throws a
TerminateVetoException, which prevents my lovely program from crashing.
But this exception even prevents the user to close his visible document(s).

Is there a solution, to use the CloseListener (or any other Listener)
that allows the user to close the visible OOo desktop, but prevents my
hidden document and OOo to close?

No ... currently not (not realy).

Andreas, do you remember what was the reason for the current design
decision to prevent the tasks from being closed just because a
TerminateListener opted against termination?

Yes ... e.g. the QuickStarter wish to disagree with closing of the 
office ... but not to supress closing of frames. But the (old) 
Desktop.terminate() API doesnt have an option to differ between these 
two modes: closing app / closing frames.

So the QuickStarter implementation is well known to the desktop (by 
checking the implementation name of every terminate listener and using 
the QuickStarter-TerminateListener object explicitly). But this is more 
a "workaround" then a solution.

The problem of Tobias lets me think that the current way of doing things
isn't helpful for those who use a termination listener. Or let's put it
the other way around: what kind of evil things would/could happen if we
first closed all tasks and then called queryTermination() as we do for
the Quickstarter?

As I said ... the QuickStarter is used differently to all other 
terminate listener .-)
Of course I can change this behaviour ... but we dont know, which "real" 
terminate listener whish to have the old behaviour.

By the way ... there is an example, why terminate shouldnt close any 
document before asking all registered listener:

I know OOo programmer who wrote scripts/addon's, which open several 
documents at the same time. And they whished to supress closing of this 
set of documents. But instead of listen for close events on every 
document/frame ... they decided to listen for terminate events only. So 
these terminate listener uses the "shortest way" to hinder the office on 
closing these frames .-)

Yes ... that's wrong - but it's public. An yes: there is no guarantee 
that these frames wont be closed by other objects (other then the desktop).

Of course we would be at the mercy of the listener that he will
terminate OOo later and so prevent a running OOo instance without any
visual elements that allow to close it. But isn't that the idea behind
the TerminateListener anyway?

I dont like the idea that Desktop.terminate() is used for closing a 
"visible office" only. Internal it does not differ between hidden and 
visible documents. Terminate closes it all.

Mathias: Do you realy like to open the "Büchse der Pandora" here .-)



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Re: [api-dev] Enable toolbar items if dynamic protocol handler

2006-11-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Julien,

What about my other proposed solution? Use a job and register your 
service before any UI is visible.

I will remember this solution. I have set it aside for the time being, 
because a job must be registered again in some OO configuration file 
(typically in the .xcu of a package), and that is precisely the kind of 
thing we try to avoid. We want to register everything dynamically.

They only way to get a notification about the first opened visible 
document is using of the job mechanism. OK - you can register any UNO 
listener on the gloabl css.document.GlobalEventBroadcaster instance 
(such broadcaster provides any notification about 
loading/storing/changing office documents) ... but how you will trigger 
your own listener registration ? Hardly coded inside main() ?

But there exists a direct binding between the GlobalEventBroadcaster and 
the job execution. Jobs can be registered for events (e.g. OnStartApp).
Of course registration of such jobs can be done using the configuration 

You said (some postings before) you dont install an AddOn .. you wish to 
patch the office "dynamicly at runtime". How do you do that ?

Julien Galand


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Re: [api-dev] CloseVetoException vs. TerminateVetoException

2006-11-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Mathias,

Andreas Schlüns wrote:

Yes ... that's wrong - but it's public. An yes: there is no guarantee 
that these frames wont be closed by other objects (other then the desktop).

As you said: it isn't a good solution anyway as it doesn't help in all
cases and it is not a documented behavior. And it looks painful. Why not
drop it? We can't always refrain from fixing bugs or API usability
issues just because somebody could rely on the wrong behavior.

"... Why not drop it? ..."
Because registration of close listener directly on the frame has a small 
timing problem. Calling of loadComponentFromURL("_blank"/"_default") 
will might create a new frame and load the component inside. During 
loading time the frame cant be closed (because the load environment will 
reject such requests) ... but the component must be returned to the 
calli. And between returning the component and registering the listener 
it will be possible to have a close request on this frame.

Yes - I know: the chance to close such new created frames seams to be 
small ... but it exists (and we had similar bugs for our command line 
handling already).

So dropping this functionality isnt enough ... We need more changes in 
this area.

Mathias: Do you realy like to open the "Büchse der Pandora" here .-)

I think Pandora's box is already open. :-)
But I'm still not sure what is the right behavior. Bug whatever will
come out of this discussion we should document it and we should have two
defined ways to terminate the desktop: one with trying to close all
tasks and one without. At the end it doesn't matter which choice the
current terminate() call will take.

Of course its a question of documentation and definition.
But as I`ve already said - there are some other design problems around 
which must be refactored also.

Currently there exists only two solutions:
a) ignore problems regarding multi-used office instances
b) use your own office instance
(with an own user layer ... "soffice -env:*")



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Re: [api-dev] Jobs

2006-11-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tabish F. Mufti schrieb:

I read in the developer guide Chapter 4 under Jobs:

"A central problem of external components in is their
lifetime control. Every external component must deal with the possibility
that the environment will terminate. It is not efficient to implement
lifetime strategies in every job, so the job execution environment takes
care of this problem. "

Can I get any java example related to this ?

The job execution service of OOo make this. Why do you wish to know
how it works. You wish to implement a job -  not to reimplement the 
existing job execution service - right ?

But if you need the source code of the DevelopersGuide examples ...
you should have a look here:

... AddOn examples here:

... and Jobs here:


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Re: [api-dev] Jobs

2006-11-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tabish F. Mufti schrieb:

I read in the developer guide Chapter 4 under Jobs:

"A central problem of external components in is their
lifetime control. Every external component must deal with the possibility
that the environment will terminate. It is not efficient to implement
lifetime strategies in every job, so the job execution environment takes
care of this problem. "

Can I get any java example related to this ?

By the way: if you have a look on the image "4.2: Processing command 
URLs and the job execution environment" of the DevelopersGuide it should 
be clear how the job execution service works. It's part of the dispatch 
queue and prevents frame/desktop service(s) from closing or termination.


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Re: [api-dev] Server inside a Protocol Handler

2006-11-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tabish F. Mufti schrieb:

I have an Addon in Java and using the ProtocolHandler scheme I start a
Socket Server. Once the protocol handler is executed the server is created
inside a Thread and left on the jvm to be executed but I think I lose a
reference to this server as the ProtocolHandler will just execute a 

and return.

Is this behaviour ok or is the server a zombie process now which can exit
anytime the garbage collector comes and picks up the server object.

ProtocolHandler are designed to be multi-instance UNO components.
Means: everytime an URL (where a ProtocolHandler is registered for) is 
triggered by the UI a new instance of such handler will be created, used 
and released.

There is a special hint inside the DevelopersGuide ... saying:

"A protocol handler can be implemented as a singleton, but this poses 
multithreading difficulties. In a multithreaded environment it is most 
unlikely that the initial frame context matches every following dispatch 
request. So you have to be prepared for calls to initialize() by 
multiple threads for multiple frames. A dispatch object can also be used 
more then once, but must be bound to the target frame that was specified 
in the original queryDispatch()call. A change of the frame context can 
cause trouble if the protocol handler returns itself as a dispatch 
object. A protocol handler singleton must return new dispatch objects 
for every request, which has to be initialized with the current context 
of the protocol handler, and you have to synchronize between 
initialize() and queryDispatch(). The protocol handler would have to 
serve as a kind of factory for specialized dispatch objects.
You can avoid these problems, if you write your protocol handler as a 
multi-instance service."

If you create a thread and return from the dispatch() nobody inside OOo 
knows your implementation any longer. Only the Java VM hold your thread 
alive. So it can happen that the office trys to terminate and your VM 
will be terminated also (hardly!).

Solution: implement an asynchronous job (where the job execution service 
make sure that OOo doesnt terminate) ... or register a listener inside 
OOo to be notified in case the frame or the whole office will be closed.


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Re: [api-dev] Server inside a Protocol Handler

2006-11-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Tabish,

Solution: implement an asynchronous job (where the job execution service
make sure that OOo doesnt terminate) ... or register a listener inside
OOo to be notified in case the frame or the whole office will be closed.

If I use asynchronous job can I reference my Server class and call 

on it from within openoffice ?

I you wish to access your "server" everytimes a menu / toolbar item is 
clicked ... you have to implement your ProtocolHandler / Job as 
singleton. Means: every UNO service manager createInstance() call will 
return the same object - the same reference.

So every dispatch() request will reach the same service instance.

But then you will have the problems as described inside the 
DevelopersGuide. You has to deal with several initialization calls; 
several environments.

Please look here:


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Re: [api-dev] Document title

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Paolo Mantovani schrieb:

Hi Bernard,

Alle 19:37, domenica 12 novembre 2006, Bernard Marcelly ha scritto:

Bonjour Paolo

There is a solution, using getArgs() from the document. 

Please note: The property "Title" of the list of arguments of a model
isnt better (means more stable) then using the "Title" property of the 

E.g. database documents (more over her "sub documents" a'la formulars, 
designs etcpp.) wont support this argument currently (not in every 

That's why I've started to refactor the whole title feature.
As Mathias mentioned: cws[titles01] is your friend.


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Re: [api-dev] Server inside a Protocol Handler

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tabish F. Mufti schrieb:

You can avoid these problems, if you write your protocol handler as a
multi-instance service."

So how can I write a multi-instance service ?

The difference between multi-instance and one instance service 
(singleton) will be made on creation time.

Every java service must have a statuc function called 
"__getServiceFactory()". Here you decide, if you return a factory 
creating new instances of your classes every time ... or if you create 
one singleton of your service only and return always the same instance.

Please read the devlopers guide:
especialy chapter 4.5 "Simple Component in Java".

I you wish to access your "server" everytimes a menu / toolbar item is
clicked ... you have to implement your ProtocolHandler / Job as

I need to access my "server" from the menu/toolbar as well as through the
ooimpress slide, it'll probably be some button placed on every slide on
which click event I want to contact the server. So would it work for both
cases ?

Yes; that's possible. You need:

a) a singleton UNO service implementing your server
b) a multi UNO service as ProtocolHandler

What's happen then ?

Every times you click into the menu/toolbar a new instance of your
ProtocolHandler will be created. These ProtocolHandler internaly will 
create the server (as UNO service!). But everytimes you will get the 
same server instance (because it's a singleton). So the ProcotolHandler 
can work on these server and if the dispatch() call was finished the 
ProtocolHandler can "die". The server will stay alive (because it's hold 
alive by UNO and the factory).

So you will have 1 Server and N ProtocolHandler.

Please note: the server will live for the whole time the office runs.
So the server must be informed in case the office will shutdown.
The best way is to implement the interface 
on the server. UNO will call it's dispose() method then. So the server 
knows when the office will die.

BUT: You shouldnt make expensive things inside this dispose() call.
Because if this call reach you most parts of the office was already
released. If you whish to have a "more featured" environment on shutdown 
you must register your server as listener on the right places.

The communication between your ProtocolHandler services and your UNO 
service implementation can use UNO interfaces only. Two solutions are 

i) You design zour own set own interfaces and methods using IDL files.
ii) You "recylce" existing interfaces of the namespace "" .-)
E.g. the XDispatch API seams to be flexible enough to implement every 
communication between two objects .-))

Hopefully this helps you a little bit.

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Re: [api-dev] Problems with User text fields

2006-11-16 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Cedric Bosdonnat schrieb:

Hi Christoph, Oliver,

Christoph Neumann a écrit :

The property is "MacroExecutionMode":

PropertyValue[] DocArgs = new PropertyValue[1];
PropertyValue DocArg = new PropertyValue();
DocArg.Name = "MacroExecutionMode";
DocArg.Value = new Short(;
DocArgs[0] = DocArg;

so you can:

loadComponentFromURL(DocURL, "MyDoc", "_blank", DocArgs);

I'm already using it: the macro first opens a Basic dialog and then
changes the value of some User TextFields. The Basic dialog is correctly
shown and I can trace the macro. But the ThisComponent.getTextFields()
returns no field at all instead of 4 or 5 contained in the document.

The basic property "ThisComponent" is'nt a realy stable feature.
It referrs to the "current document" ... and that can be the problem 
here. Do you realy know which of your documents is the "current one" at 
the time you call "ThisComponent.getTextFields()" ?

In general "ThisComponent" should be used only in the following case:
(my personal opinion !)

a) You have one document containing macros.
b) You register these macros to the event "OnLoad", so they are started
c) Then ThisComponent referrs to THESE document.
d) You dont open any other document or do any action, which can set 
ThisComponent to other currently open documents. E.g. a 
Frame.ControllerWindow.ToFront(true) (which set the focus to this 
window) can make trouble. Because the ThisComponent will be changed to 
the document owned by this frame .-)

Why do you spread the code of "one operation" on two documents ?
Might be you should make it more explicit. How ?
You should know which frames/models are interesting for you and use it 
explicitly. E.g. the desktop service provides easy access to every open 
frame. You can iterate over all these frames and search for your and all 
other interesting models there. Or you cache all opened documents 
(opened by your basic macro) and forward these references to all the 
code you trigger ...


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Re: [api-dev] soffice.bin still alive after closing the applet

2006-11-28 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello joan,

Hi everybody,

I managed to put into an applet, but sometimes when I
close the applet there's this soffice.bin process still alive. Is it
normal? Is there a way to clear the memory, kill it, etc. through the

Yes - that is normal. There wont be an "automatic shutdown" if you 
script an office via API. You have to terminate it explicitly.

Please use the one instance service "".
It's interface method XDesktop.terminate() will try to terminate the 
office. "Try" means: modifgied documents will show the well known 
message box (saving ? yes/no) ... even a quickstarter can hinder these 
method on doing it's job. But under normal circumstances it will do the 
same then "File->Exit".

Another "kill" without any UI, ignoring modified documents etcpp. does 
not exists ... excepting "kill -sighup " .-)



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Re: [api-dev] Adding a new URL Protocol without wildcards

2006-12-18 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais schrieb:

Hi together,

one more question: I already succeeded adding a new URL Protocol with
wildcards (CommandURL was ".Judas:"). Now I would like to add a URL
Protocol without a wildcard. The CommandURLs should be ".Judas:Saveto"
and ".Judas:PrintTrays".

Here is the relevant part of my ProtocolHandler.xcu:

.Judas:Saveto .Judas:PrintTrays


I now added two items to the menu with the two CommandURLs above. Both
items are enables, but the CommandURL that is received by the Component
is only ".Judas:" Where is the rest gone? How can I define a CommandURL
without wildcard?

This should work (even it was not thought to work this way).
And your protocol handler will be called (if I understand you right).
So this indicates that matching of the real URL to the protocol
supported by your handler still works fine.

I have no idea, why the URL is not complete at the time you will be 
called. Did you checked the right property of the css.util.URL struct ?

It seams that ".Judas:" is the protocol part of the URL. Did you
looked on the "Complete" part of the URL ? Please check it.

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] officebean : NoRestore Property and document Recovery

2007-01-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns schrieb:

I'm using the OfficeBean in a java project in windows, and I'd like to 
disable document recovery after a crash for some documents.

I've tried to use the NoRestore Property, with no success.
If I close the application after loading the document, and then I 
terminate soffice.bin, on the next start of openoffice I get the 
Recovery window.

Any ideas?

Here's an extract from my code, look down for the complete working code 
if you want to test:

PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
loadProps[0].Name = "NoRestore";
loadProps[0].Value = new Boolean(Boolean.TRUE);
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " - Loading blank 

String docUrl = 
createUNOFileURL("mobyv01\\test\\HP_DX2200_uT_P4_524.doc", oBean);
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " - Loading document: " 
+ docUrl);

oBean.loadFromURL(docUrl, loadProps);

The property "NoRestore" is unknwon and so not supported by 
loadComponentFromURL(). The only way to disable recovery is using

of the command line parameter "-norestore" on starting the office.

But that can be a problem for you. I do not know if the bean provide
a way to influence the start process of an used office instance ...


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Re: [api-dev] Protocol handler and Thread.sleep()

2007-01-08 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Tobias Krais schrieb:

Hi together again,

I implemented a protocol handler for the CommandURL .Judas:PrintTrays.
The target of this new protocol is to print a document on different
printer trays (page one on tray with letter paper, the others on the
tray with normal paper). After sending the print command via API I added
a PrintJobListener:
// Querying for the interface XPrintable on the loaded document
XPrintable xPrintable = (XPrintable)

// Adding a print job listener
XPrintJobBroadcaster selection = (XPrintJobBroadcaster)
OOPrintJobListener ooPrintJobListener = new OOPrintJobListener();

// Setting the property "Pages" so that only the desired pages
// will be printed.
PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[1];
printOpts[0] = new PropertyValue();
printOpts[0].Name = "Pages";
printOpts[0].Value = myPages;

try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}

// Watch print process and continue if done.
// TODO: see OO Bug id 72240; don't print a non-existing page, other-
// wise here is a loop.
while (ooPrintJobListener.getStatus() == null ||
   ooPrintJobListener.getStatus() == PrintableState.JOB_STARTED)
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {}

In the line where I wait send the Thread sleeping, I send the whole OO
sleeping and my protocol handler throws an exception. Is this a bug or a

I solved this problem by creating another thread printing my document.
Then it works. But this other thread won't show my dialog if the print
failes. How can I show the dialog if my print failes from an other thread?

All dispatch objects (and ProtocolHandler are such dispatch objects) 
will be called synchronous from the main thread of the office. This is 
reasoned by the history of the code of OOo. So you are right: your 
sleep() call blocks the whole office.

The only solution is forwarding of all dispatch requests, which arrive 
your ProtocolHandler object to a special thread. There you can do 
anything you like ... even calling sleep().

Greetings, Tobias


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Re: [api-dev] officebean : NoRestore Property and document Recovery

2007-01-22 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Harald Weyhing schrieb:

The property "NoRestore" is unknwon and so not supported by 
loadComponentFromURL(). The only way to disable recovery is using

of the command line parameter "-norestore" on starting the office.

But that can be a problem for you. I do not know if the bean provide
a way to influence the start process of an used office instance ...

I use the following property:

System.setProperty("", "-norestore");

OK - you set the value "-norestore" on another place ..
But are you sure that the bean use this system property
realy within a command line starting the office ?

The only way to disable AutoRecovery currently is "soffice.exe -norestore".


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Re: [api-dev] officebean : NoRestore Property and document Recovery

2007-01-30 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Harald Weyhing schrieb:

I use the following property:

System.setProperty("", "-norestore");

OK - you set the value "-norestore" on another place ..
But are you sure that the bean use this system property
realy within a command line starting the office ?

Yes, here is a code snipp from

sOption is the variable you are interested in.

OK - seams that OOBean uses this property on starting an office.
An office started with such parameter wont use AutoRecovery and friends 
then. But (!) ... what will happen if an office instance already is 
running ? Then the bean uses this office (by establishing an UNO 
connection) ... and dont start a seond instance. So these office 
instance will have a functional AutoRecovery.

Please make sure you will start a new office instance
instead of reusing an existing once.


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Re: [api-dev] Closing OO after the last document was closed

2007-04-22 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Mathias Bauer schrieb:

Reinhold Merk wrote:

Hi again,

assuming several documents re opened. To prevent the user close *all* 
documents at once i can disable the exit menu item. So the user must use the 
close menu item to close the docs one after the other.
After closing the last document an empty application window remains - what i 
want to avoid.

You should use the upper closer, the big one above the smaller one. If
you dislike the small closer: IIRC there was a configuration setting to
remove it so that closing the last window automatically shuts down OOo.

Which configuration setting do you mean ?
They only way to hide these "special window closer"
is to remove the StartModule entry inside Setup.xcu.



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Re: [api-dev] Closing OO after the last document was closed

2007-04-22 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Reinhold,

Hi again,

assuming several documents re opened. To prevent the user close *all* 
documents at once i can disable the exit menu item. So the user must use the 
close menu item to close the docs one after the other.
After closing the last document an empty application window remains - what i 
want to avoid.

If the user closes the last document window the application will 
shutdown autoamticly. The special StartModule (you name it empty window)
will appear only in case you used the special "second" window closer at 
the right side of the menu.

Everything you have to do is to intercept the URL ".uno:CloseWin" which 
is triggered by this special control. But note: same URL will be 
dispatched by using the menu entry "Close Window".

To close this window with the last close operation, i used a variable which 
counts the closed docs (by means of a windowListener).
If there is only one doc left, i've tried out to execute xDesktop.terminate(), 
but this yields in a app.crash ... seems to be the wrong way.

Calling desktop terminate() automaticly by closing the last open 
document window is exactly the functionality implemented by OOo.

The only thing you need is to "ignore" the special closer control.
(As I said: it's call can be intercepted and ignored by doing nothing.)

Is there any other possibility to close the application window, something like  
XClosable for xComponent? The application must not necessarily terminate, it 
would be enough, if the window becomes invisible.



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Re: [api-dev] Closing OO after the last document was closed

2007-04-24 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Mathias Bauer schrieb:

OOo 1.0 did exactly what you want: shut down OOo when the last 
document is closed. If you are interested I can look

up the configuration setting you have to set.

That would be an interesting alternative! Would be very nice, if you look up.

Andreas, do you remember how the start module is disabled? BTW: a side
effect of this will be that starting "soffice" will always open a blank
new Writer document by default.

You have to install an extension containing the following configuration 
file: (Setup.xcu)";
oor:name="Setup" >

The following will happen:
a) Starting an office without any parameter will open an empty
writer document.

b) The "black closer" inside menu will disappear.

c) Office will terminate immediatly after closing of last
visible document.

... btw: there seams to be a small problem .-)
Using menu entry "Window->Close Window" will produce a gray window
looking similar to the start module window. But there wont be any menu
nor a toolbar available. It's a pure XFrame without any component
inside. Issue will follow.



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Re: [api-dev] Closing OO after the last document was closed

2007-04-24 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Reinhold ,

Hi Mathias, Hi Andreas,
 thanks for your great help! After making some tests, i agree that terminating

 the office is the wrong way in this case... i haven't taken this 'side
 effect' into consideration. Now i have to start over. I won't annoy you, but
 let me once again get back to my initial question: if the last document was
 closed (via File-Close or the second, smaller window closer), is there any
 possibility to close the StartModule via the java app, i.e. to simulate a
 additional File-Close operation to make this window invisible?
 Once again thanks in advance!

If I understand you right you whish to let the office in memory
even if the last visible document was closed - right ? Further
you are not interested on the special StartModule window - right ?

a) You should disbale the StartModule as I've described in one
of my previous postings. (setup.xcu)

b) You should register a XTerminateListener on the global Desktop
service instance. On calling queryTermination() you have to throw an
exception ... and as a result of that the office wont terminate.

Of course ... you have to decide then when the office will
realy terminate.



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Re: [api-dev] Writer: canceling dispose event

2007-05-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Michael,


I have a listener on a Writer document, which gets triggered, when the
document gets closed by the user. The file should then be transferred to a
database, but it is still locked by OpenOffice. When I try to manually
dispose Writer in the event, OpenOffice crashes, which is not a surprise
considering that it is already disposing. Can I cancel the disposing or
release the file in another way?

Does anyone has an idea?? Thanks in advance!

It depends from the type of listener you registered ...

If you used an css.util.XCloseListener you can hinder the document from 
being closed by throwing a veto exception in method 
XCloseListener.queryClosing(). But if you called within method 
XCloseListener.notifyClosing() it's to late .-)

If you registered a normal css.lang.XEventListener its not possible at all.

Please note: independed from the type of listener you use ...
You shouldnt start closing the document by yourself within those special 
listener callback. You should accept or reject close requests only - the 
rest is done by the document itself. Otherwhise it will crash - as you 
saw it already .-)




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Re: [api-dev] problem removing XDispatchProviderInterceptor ...

2007-07-31 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Oliver,

I had a look on your example (because dispatch interception is more my 
area then Carsten ones).

One question ... is the demo you sent the real application or a demo only ?

The problem is that your main() method does the following one:

a) bootstrap an office
b) retrieving the UNO context from the office
c) retrieving important UNO services
   (a'la Desktop, CurrentComponent etcpp)
d) register the dispatch interceptor
e) disable all macro-commands by returning NULL inside queryDispatch()
f) leaving main
g) terminating the JVM !

And thats exactly your problem. Nobody hold the client process alive.
So you register some UNO listener inside the office, shutdown the JVM 
and all these listener are dead.

Please make sure your demo application will wait for an event which 
indicates that all processes are finished. Or better: write an AddOn 
instead of a client application. Such AddOn is used inside the office 
process and lives till all UNO-Java objects are gone or the office 
process will be terminated explicitly.

Best Regards

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Re: [api-dev] Interrupt document loading if it takes too long?

2007-08-05 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Mirko,


I was wondering if there is any way to tell OOo to stop loading a
document - i.e. XComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL() - after starting
the operation?

I drive OOo from Java/Uno, but some documents can take a very long time
to load - see e.g.

and in some applications it would be better to cancel the operation
after a timeout and tell the user "sorry, this document is unsupported"
rather than make the user wait for several minutes.

You are right - it would be nice to have such feature in OOo ...
but currently OOo does not have such feature .-)

There are already interface supporting canceling of load requests.
css.frame.XFrameLoader and css.document.XFilter.
So it seams that only XComponentLoader needs some new functionality.

But - please dont forget that those cancel request must be supported
by the code implementing the interface. If e.g. the filter is blocked by
a system call nobody can cancel these request.

The only way I can think of is to terminate the OOo process. Anybody has
a better idea?

Solution a) XDesktop.terminate() wouldnt help. Because it finds the new
created frame used for the load request. And those frame hinder the 
office on termination. So this API call will return "false".

Solution b) Kill the office hardly. Then you will trigger the mechanism
behind AutoRecovery and CrashSave. Also not an option to be used realy.

Seams you need the new interface 
XComponentLoader2.cancelLoadComponentFromURL() .-)




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Re: [api-dev] Interrupt document loading if it takes too long?

2007-08-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Mirko,

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Schlüns wrote:

I was wondering if there is any way to tell OOo to stop loading a
document - i.e. XComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL() - after starting
the operation?

You are right - it would be nice to have such feature in OOo ...
but currently OOo does not have such feature .-)

There are already interface supporting canceling of load requests.
css.frame.XFrameLoader and css.document.XFilter.
So it seams that only XComponentLoader needs some new functionality.

Interesting. Maybe there is a way to obtain a frame from the Desktop and
then use XFrameLoader to load the document instead of using
XComponentLoader then?

Of course it is ...

But then you will duplicate the whole code behind loadComponentFromURL().

And thats not so easy. You have to create the frame and the window,
you have to deal with typedetection, you have to make sure that some 
resources (e.g. progress/interaction handler) will be created right, you 
have to set some additional properties automaticly (macro execution mode 

At least we are talking about nearly 2000 lines of code / it's not a 
joke .. current implementation of loadComponentFromURL() uses ~2000 
lines of C++ code .-)

The only way I can think of is to terminate the OOo process. Anybody has
a better idea?

Solution b) Kill the office hardly. Then you will trigger the mechanism
behind AutoRecovery and CrashSave. Also not an option to be used realy.

What if OOo is started with -norestore and -nocrashreport?

Data lost .-)
Its your decision.




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Re: [api-dev] executeDispatch from java UNO client

2007-08-07 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello ashok,

you forgot to define the needed set of properties.
Where InsertText should retrieve the text for inserting ?

BTW: Using the dispatch API in combination with ".uno:" URLs
isnt a stable feature. Means the dispatch API itself will be
stable ... but the implementation of such ".uno:" Command
can be changed ... because it's a direct link to the underlying 
application core.

The right way to work with a model is using of it's normal UNO API.


Hello there:

I have a Java UNO client application, which connects to an instance of
OOo and sends dispatches using executeDispatch().  Unfortunately
nothing happens, and I dont get an exception or an error message, in
fact everything seems to run smoothly only that nothing happens to the
document (I tried sending simple .uno:StyleApply and .uno:InsertText

What could be the problem? Is it something to do with the Java UNO
client and OOo running as different processes ?

Here is the code for the dispatch :

try {
final XModel docModel = this.getDocumentModel();
XController docController = docModel.getCurrentController();
final XFrame docFrame = docController.getFrame();
XDispatchProvider docDispatchProvider =
final Object oDispatchHelper =

if (oDispatchHelper == null )
log.debug("executeDispatch oDispatchHelper is null!!");

XDispatchHelper xdispatchHelper =
xdispatchHelper.executeDispatch(docDispatchProvider, cmd, "",
0, oProperties);

} catch ( ex){
log.debug("error in exeucteDispatch "
+ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);



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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Urgent!)

2007-09-10 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Tobias & Hal

I think I've been told, and likely here, that in 2.0.x, print
listeners like this are no longer necessary, but I'm having a bit of
a problem searching and finding this comment and what the background

In 2.0.x, can I print, then close the document without listening for
when the print job is done?  Can someone confirm this for me?  I've
been stuck on this problem for about a month (I thought it was other
possibilities, and had another couple issues as well) and I'm at a
point where I need to solve it and my client is, understandably,
anxious about it.

Tried it without the print listener and it crashed.  Guess it still
needs listeners.

I wrote a little Java program being able to do the same you want to do.
It opens a document, prints it and closes it. Calling the program again
prints the next document,...

I also ran into troubles without the print listener. Closing the
document too fast will crash the print job. A print job listener is good
for other reasons, too.

I can send you my code if needed. Its an easy thing. But well, its late
in Europe and you wont get much help around this time...

You do not need realy a print listener to know when printing of the 
document will be finished and you can close the document.

The real problem you have ... printing is by default an asynchronous 
operation. And of course - if you try to dispose a document which is 
currently in printing state it can crash (at least it shouldnt ... but 
it can).

The best solution: start the printing job with a well documented 
parameter "Wait=true". see css.view.PrintOptions for further details.

On the other side it can be important how do you close the document.
Do you use dispose() or close(). Documentation say you have to preferr 
XClosable.close(). Further its always a good idea to control the 
lifetime of a document without any exception and call close(false).

Means - please do not deliver the ownership to the document itself.
It can work for a while ... but if you close the application it can make 
trouble. Because all documents not finished within her jobs ... but 
closed with "false" does not know how they should handle these situation 
right. They can of course handle it right ... but mostly they dont do it :-)

Greetings, Tobias

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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Urgent!)

2007-09-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Hal,

The real problem you have ... printing is by default an asynchronous
operation. And of course - if you try to dispose a document which is
currently in printing state it can crash (at least it shouldnt ...
but it can).

The best solution: start the printing job with a well documented
parameter "Wait=true". see css.view.PrintOptions for further details.

So I can set a print option of "Wait" to "true" and my program will wait 
until the document is printed?  Do I understand that properly?  That 
would simplify several questions I've had along the way.

It makes your XPrintable.print() call synchron !
If your call returns the document was printed (at least the content
was transfered completely to the underlying print queue of your system).
That means you can close the document afterwards without any problems
and you can shutdown the whole office without any problems.

On the other side it can be important how do you close the document.
Do you use dispose() or close(). Documentation say you have to
preferr XClosable.close(). 

That's what I'm using.

OK. ... with close(true) I hope :-)

Further its always a good idea to control 
the lifetime of a document without any exception and call

close(false). Means - please do not deliver the ownership to the
document itself. It can work for a while ... but if you close the
application it can make trouble. Because all documents not finished
within her jobs ... but closed with "false" does not know how they
should handle these situation right. They can of course handle it
right ... but mostly they dont do it :-)

But if I use "Wait=true" for printing, then close immediately after the 
doc has been printed, and only load in one at a time, then that should 
eliminate any problems, right?

Yes - and your code will be more readable and easy.
There is no need to use polling code, sleeps, threads or listener.
Only 3 lines of code are needed ...


... OK - excepting some further stuff to define all needed parameters :-)


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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Solved?)

2007-09-11 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Hal Vaughan,

Oh, and I am using XCloseable.close(true) to close a document.

mmm ... in my last mail I've mentioned to use close(false) .-)
It's always better to errors on closing documents by yourself instead
of delivering the owner ship to any other and ignore errors here.
Lates on closing the whole application you will find such "not realy 
closed documents" and will run into trouble.

1) Is there a problem with OOo using a dual CPU system with version 
2.0.2?  Is there a problem with the Java interface using a dual CPU 
system in the same version?

"Multi CPU systems" have a different timing then single CPU machines.
Thats a fact. So you will be able to find bugs inside OOo which will 
might be never occure on a single CPU system.

On the other side OOo has some problems with threading. Most times 
deadlocks occure ... but sometimes also crashes reasoned by non 
synchronized code sections will occure.

That does not mean "you cant use OOo on multi CPU machines".
That means only - the chance to find bugs in OOo will be a little bit
higher then on single CPU machines :-)

2) How can I keep the Document Recovery Window from popping up and get 
Java to throw an error instead?

You can disable the whole recovery stuff be passing an option 
"-norecovery" to your command line if you start the office.

3) Is there any other way to find out what problem is causing the 
Document Recovery issue?

Yes - dont cancel recovery and have look on the last dialog. There you 
will find button which show you the stacktrace. Another idea: attach a 
debugger to the running office and let your operation run till it 
crashes. The debugger will show you all threads and stacks. On windows 
you can use the free Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005 edition.

But note: A debugger will also change the timing so it can happen that 
the problem does not occure then :-)

Best Regards

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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Solved?)

2007-09-12 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Hal ,

2) How can I keep the Document Recovery Window from popping up and
get Java to throw an error instead?

You can disable the whole recovery stuff be passing an option
"-norecovery" to your command line if you start the office.

Okay.  What happens then?  Does it throw an error instead?  Do I get any 
notice?  Is there a way to disable recovery form within Java?  I've had 
a few issues with running from the command line and using multiple 
arguments.  (Long story on that...)

You will get an exception from the bridge you used to connect the 
office. But those exception can tell you "office has died" only. Nothing 
more in detail.

I know that our boostrap class isnt ready for passing any command line 
parameter to the office currently. Hopefully that will be changed asap.
But sorry - currently the command line way is the only one how recovery 
can be disabled. mmm ... in the moment I'm thinking about that I had 
 an idea. Might be I can establish a configuration entry which disables 
recovery at all. On the other side such configuration entry will have 
some other disadvantages ! If you client application uses the normal 
user layer of the installed office it will also disable recovery for the 
UI use case - which might was not expected. Only solution here - use a 
different configuration layer ... which requires another command line 
parameter too :-)

In one trail, I got the recovery window, closed it, and let my program 
continue.  It then tried to close the document and I got an error 
because the document had already been disposed of.  If I stop the 
recovery window, it'd be nice to have some other error thrown so I 
don't find out there's a problem until I try to close it.

Hint: you should write your code for closing resources of OOo more 
gracefully. If you e.g. whish to dispose() a component ... you should 
catch any css.lang.DisposedException. It doesnt matter if you or some 
others has destroyed those resource. Same for XCloseable. If you get a 
DisposedException on close(false) it does not mean a real error !

If there were a way to catch an error or know a document had been lost, 
that would be a HUGE help and, as long as the document is lost *after* 
printing, I could program around it.

As long as you hold a reference to these document it wont be "lost".
But yes - it can be already marked as "disposed". So you have to handle 

3) Is there any other way to find out what problem is causing the
Document Recovery issue?

Yes - dont cancel recovery and have look on the last dialog. There
you will find button which show you the stacktrace. Another idea:
attach a debugger to the running office and let your operation run
till it crashes. The debugger will show you all threads and stacks.
On windows you can use the free Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005

I don't have access to Windows development tools.  The other issue is 
that I'm self taught.  I've never used any kind of debugger other than 
print statements.

Then you should have a look on the stacktrace shown by the recover 
dialog as I've mentioned.

But note: A debugger will also change the timing so it can happen
that the problem does not occure then :-)

That's a consideration.

Right now my client is quite happy printing to the other printer, but I 
still want to figure out what is going on here so I can solve it and 
don't have the same problem again with other clients.  I'm going to 
have to space out my use of her computer for debugging for a while 
because she's had to give up a lot of time on it for me to debug 
everything.  I will be looking at what I can do along the way and hope 
that I don't have to ask for time on her system until I have a clear 
idea of what I can do and have the code completely done.

Without a debugger it will be difficult to find such type of problems.
Analyzing Java stacktraces of your client application wont help - 
because they show the request started by your code only. But they cant 
show you the stacktrace of the remote process (means OOo).

Our recovery feature can show you the stack which crashed ... but it 
doesnt show you all threads. But exactly that can help on analyzing 
synchronization problems.

So the one and only solution to find such problems ... will be a 
debugger :-)


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Re: [api-dev] Print Listeners in OOo 2.0.2 (Solved?)

2007-09-12 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Hal,

Here's the weird part: On this client's computer, when I get the 
recovery window, OOo is STILL running and if I close that window, my 
program can still connect to OOo.

You must differ between the "crash save" and the "recover files" dialog.
First one is shown directly after the crash occured and try to save all 
currently open documents. After saving of those documents was done the 
whole office process will be restarted ... and then you will see the 
"recover files" dialog. To make such reboot possible we use a second 

If you have a look on your task manager you will see two processes 
(soffice.bin and soffice.exe). Soffice.bin is the "real" office process 
... soffice.exe is a small wrapper executable only. The wrapper 
executable will never crash [hopefully :-)] and so it will stay alive 
for the whole time. But soffice.bin can crash and will be restartet 
automaticly by the wrapper.

So for an outside user it looks like the office stays alive.
On the other side your bridge connection was established directly to the 
soffice.bin process ... so it should be killed by such reboot also. I do 
not know anything about smoothless reconnecting such bridges. So I'm 
wondering how it should work. Are you realy sure that your bridge stays 
alive ?

If I even got just, "OOo is dead," I can deal with that by restarting 
it.  If I could get, "Print successful" from the print function call, I 
could use that and an "OOo is dead" to know if the doc printed before 

"OOo is dead" should be signaled by a suitable RuntimeException of the 
bridge thrown by every remote request on any UNO object your client knows.

"Print successfully" can be detected if your synchron print call does 
not throw an exception and you reach your next line of code. Of course 
real notification of successfully print jobs are done by using a print 
listener :-)

Do you mean a registry entry as in a Windows registry, or in an OOo 
config file?  If it's in a config file, I could make the change when I 
start and change it back when I'm done, or find another work around.

I mean "an OOo config file" of course - otherwise I have to make my code 
system dependend (linux, windows etcpp) which wont be an option anyway 
:-) But making such changes at runtime isnt a realy good idea ... 
Because you must make sure that your client application enever crashes 
without reseting those option !

Everytime such requests about client-office-scripting use cases occure I 
have the same tip: configure a special user configuration layer for that 
use case (different from the normal one). That will make persistent 
changes possible. You can configur that office instance as you like - 
you wont need bootstrap code to make all those changes at runtime.

See it as a seperate application - different to the normal UI case of 
OOo. And in fact - its a different application with it's own definitions 
and settings.

From what you're saying, though, the problem is that the recovery flag 
is not something that can be changed in a running instance.  It has to 
be set as on or off when the program is run.  Is that right?

Right. It cant be done another way ... otherwise it can happen that a 
crash occure on starting the office before the configuration setting was 
realy read from the configuration. Do you know "Münchausen" ? :-)

One thing I like about working for myself is that my boss would rather 
me take longer on a program and produce elegant code than to rush and 
have something ugly that's hard to maintain. ;-)

Best decision you boss ever had :-)



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Re: [api-dev] Document reflow and updating the ToC

2007-09-20 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Sander,

I am using OOo in headless mode together with PyODConverter 
( I made a little change to the 
script so it will update the Table of Contents before outputting the 
resulting document:
document = self.desktop.loadComponentFromURL(inputUrl, "_blank", 0, 
_unoProps(Hidden=True, ReadOnly=True)

   indexes = document.getDocumentIndexes()
   for i in range(0, indexes.getCount()):
   index = indexes.getByIndex(i)
document.storeToURL(outputUrl, _unoProps(FilterName=filterName))
However, the indexes aren't updated correctly. I.e. some entries in the 
ToC point to the wrong page number.
It seems OOo needs some time to figure out how many pages are in the 
document and what title is on what page. I see the same when I open my 
document in OOo. When I open my document, it starts out saying that 
there are 10 pages, a second later it's 11 and another second later 12. 
It seems to be "reflowing" the document several times before everything 
is layed out correctly (to borrow that term from web browsers).
If I delete the layout-cache file from the ODF container (and it's entry 
in manifest.xml) then it starts out at a pagecount of 18 and reduces 
back to 12.
if I add a 10 second sleep between opening the document and updating the 
ToC, it does work correctly. But I don't want to add an arbitrary pause 
in the document conversion.
Is there a way to force a reflow through the Python Uno API? Or is there 
a way to get notified when OOo has finished reflowing and laying out the 
document, so I can wait for it?

Sorry - but the answer is "no". The asynchronous layout of our 
applications is an optimization to perform loading documents.
In an UI use case you will see the document asap ... and layout will 
come later. But you are right ... loadComponentFromURL () is a 
synchronous API (btw: the office itself uses the corresponding 
dispatch() for loading documents) .. and so the document should be ready 
after this method returns - but it isnt.

I will try to find a solution. Please file an issue on OOo and send it 
to me ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]"). There exists two ideas:

a) loadComponentFromURL () make sure that layouting was done (my favorit)

b) a special event (send by the GlobalEventBroadcaster) will notify 
finishing the asynchronous layout operation.

Kind regards,

Best Regards

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Re: [api-dev] Consume event OnPrepareUnload

2007-12-03 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Robert,


is there a way how to consume event receieved from document's XEventListenrr?

I can listen for events, but I have no idea how to consume them. The
goal is simple  - when I have non-modal JFrame opened, I would like to
remove possibility to close document until my JFrame disappears.

Seams that XEventListener and OnPrepareUnload isnt right doing your job.
Such document events are thought to be used for jobs based on the 
document itself. E.g. changing it's content at runtime depending from 
external stuff ... or doing something in parallel.

Hindering a document on closing has to be done by using the interface 
XClosable provided by the model (use queryInterface() to retrieve it) 
and registere a XCloseListener. Such listener will be called also if the 
document should be closed and it can disagree with that by throwing a 
suitable CloseVetoException. Note: if such exception was thrown one 
times might be the source of this exception has to make sure the 
document will be closed later. Read the interface description carefully.

Best regards,


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Re: [api-dev] OO 2.4rc1 disposing(EventObject) on XTerminationListener

2008-02-18 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Cornelis,


When I connect to 2.4 RC1, with the Java UNO bridge 
(Bootstrap.bootstrap()), I can get the XDesktop and store it in a variable.

Now, I add a XTerminateListener to the desktop.
After that, I call XDesktop.terminate(). This returns true.
At the termination listener I see that queryTermination and 
notifyTermination is called. So far so good. Openoffice is really closed 
now, I do not see a process any more.

But the disposing(EventObject) is not called.

In 2.3 and lower, the disposing is called just before 
OpenOffice dies. Is this a new behaviour or is this a bug?

The Desktop service is a special one ... it's designed and implemented 
as a singleton instance. And those singeltons are disposed by the 
context service manager directly. Might be here is the reason for the 
new behaviour. Whats happen on shutdown ?

-> calls XTerminateListener.queryTermination ()
-> calls XTerminateListener.notifyTermination ()
-> signals shutdown to process (asynchron !)
<- returns result (migtht be TRUE)
async shutdown will be initiated
-> UNO deinitialize
-> ServiceManager.dispose()
-> XDesktop.dispose()
  -> XEventListener.dispose()
  ... bridge already closed ?

Now is the question: Can UNO report those notifications over bridges 
even if it stands in its own deinitialization request ?

Might be deinitialization of UNO was changed last time ?
Stephan ... seams you know more about those details ?

Kind regards,
Cornelis Hoeflake


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Re: [api-dev] OO 2.4rc1 disposing(EventObject) on XTerminationListener

2008-02-19 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Cornelis,

Hello Andreas,

We need to restart the office from our code, but the process will 
deadlock when we bootstrap while another office process is terminating. 
So we need a reliable way to determine wether the office is terminated. 
By the disposing call, we could know that. Is there another way to 
detect that?

If you call for example XDesktop.getCurrentFrame() just after you have 
terminated it, the OpenOffice process and the Java process will hang.

The following workaround seems to work, but is dirty:
if (desktop.terminate()) {
   while (true) {
   try {
   } catch (DisposedException e) {
} else {
   // could not terminate

Stephan already accepted that the missing disposing() event is a bug.

On the other side even the disposing() event of XDesktop isnt a real 
indicator that new office processes can be started. Those function is 
missing at the moment. From my point of view those events (office 
context started/terminated) must be provided by the bridge you are 
using. But it might be impossible to do so ... because the UNO Service 
Manager and it's context are one part of the office only. So there 
exists other parts which do not synchronize her doing with the UNO 
service manager.

I do not know if, how and when we can solve that issue realy.
But might be there exists a workaround ...

Because it's even not a good idea to start the office in the same way 
then it's started as UI office on the desktop you should use one "user 
layer" for every instance you start. Exactly those "user layer" (which 
resists in you home folder) makes the trouble you found out if two 
office processes are started.

a) Use a special prepared user layer as template.
b) Copy those layer to a temp location on disc.
c) Start every new office with a parameter 

d) Delete those layer after the office was terminated.

That will make it possible to create a pool of running office instances 
for several purposes without the need to synchronize it.


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Re: [api-dev] Can I use XDispatchProviderInterceptor in an extension?

2008-04-28 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Giuseppe,

with the Job component implemented and configured it seems to work, thanks.

In the meantime, reading the documentation I found this sentence in the
DevGuide [1], at the beginning:
If both are available, the synchronous service AsyncJob is preferred by
the job execution environment.

The words "synchronous service" and "AsyncJob" seem a little out of
'sync' here.

Not sure which of the job possible type takes precedence over the other.
I'll use a XJob interface only, so I don't need that deep understanding,
but that sentence needs to be corrected, I think.

Unfortunately I don't know which way to correct it...

Or may be it's just me not understanding :-).

Seams to be a simple typo ...
The sentence should be:
"If both are available, the synchronous interface is preferred by
the job execution environment."

On the implementation side it's more easy than you think :-)
For you there exists two possibilities to implement a job:
a) the synchronous way using XJob or
b) the asynchronous way using XAsynchronousJob.
It depends from our use cases which interface should
be used/implemented and supported by your job implementation.

Sometimes it happened that a programmer decided to support BOTH 
interfaces at the same implementation. Dont ask me why ? :-)

So I've decided to implement a mechanism which preferres one interface
in such case - and thats the synchronous interface XJob.

Best Regards

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Re: [api-dev] About XDispatchProviderInterceptor and XFrameActionListener:frameAction()

2008-05-05 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Giuseppe,

Hi all,

I implemented an XDispatchProviderInterceptor (as a Java object not a
UNO one) it's instantiated when a XJob (synchronous job) is fired by an
OnViewCreated event.

The interceptor works correctly and and it unregisters as frame event
listener and as interceptor when it receives in
its frameAction() method.

I'm worried about what would happen when another interceptor register
itself at the same frame.

On the DevGuide I haven't find anything useful.

Are there other frame events that need to be detected?

The developers guide mention to register one interceptor for one URL 
only. Ambigous registrations will result in ambigous reactions :-)

Of course it can happen that different extensions wish to intercept the 
same functionality (e.g. .uno:Save) .. but then the last registered 
interceptor wins the race.

A better solution cant exists. Even if any already registered 
interceptor will be informed about the new interceptor ... what should 
be done then ? If every "old" interceptor try to register itself again 
... its also undefined which one will win the race :-)

So I think extensions should define her own URL namespace and bring new 
functionality to OOo ... not redefining existing functionality.
The interceptor mechanism should be used for well known office 
installations (e.g company installations) not for generic and widely 
used extensions.


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Re: [api-dev] Getting the document name displayed in the title bar of the window

2008-10-23 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hello Stefan,


a year ago Matthias B. helped me out, by pointing me to


Unfortunately things have changed in OOo 3.0, so that the title of the 
frame is no longer equal to the name of an unsaved document, that OOo 
would pass to the printer driver as the name of the printing job.

See also

Can anyone help me out again? I need to retrieve the name OOo 3.0 would 
deliver to the printer driver as the name of the document to print, 
using OOo Basic.

Thanks for any help!


There is a complete new title API available providing different 

a) You can get the title of the document directly from the model.
Query a model to its XTitle interface and call getTitle() there.
You will get e.g. "Untitled 1" or "".
Those title are given without (!) any extra informations like 
"StarOffice" or "Writer" !

b) Same interface is provided by controller and frame.
And every of those objects provides the title of the underlying object 
plas addtitional informations.

model_title ="Untitled 1"
controller_title="Untitled 1:2" (if two views exists)
frame_title ="Untitled 1:2 StarOffice Writer ..."

OK - now you should be able to get your favorit title ...
but it wont help you regarding the printer queue problem you have !

Why ?

Because it's a title and not any unique document ID used for any 
purpose. So it seems that printer API and title API uses the same values 
... but at least they dont do that in real. So e.g. the title API does 
not show you the difference between two documents using the same name 
but different directories. "dir_1/file_1" and "dir_2/file_1" will have 
the same title "file_1". I do not know how the printer API deal with 
that. But for a simple UI title it's not interesting.

On the other side the printer API of OOo does not provide any operation 
regarding the printer queue. So currently I do not see any chance to 
match document titles against items of a system wide printer queue.

One last question ...
Can you describe more in detail what are you doing ?
Might be there exists another (might be more elegant) solution.


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Intercepting commands ""

2008-11-03 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Carlos,

(I'm using Automation Bridge to communicate with OOo)

After reading again all the stuff and trying to digest the java sample, 
this is what I conluded:

I need to implement my own "DispatchProvider" as a COM object an pass it 
as a parameter to "registerDispatchProviderInterceptor", in the same way 
I do to register listeners, am I right? (is this the reason why Ariel 
said this can't be achieved with Basic?)

Exactly. You "register" your interception in the same you register a 
listener. registerDispatchProviderInterceptor() is the right method 
doing that.

And yes ... OOo basic do not support complex structures as e.g. classes
and so it's not possible to implement an interceptor in basic.

Then (e.g. using VB) I must define the dispatch() method to be called by 
OOo and react accordingly to the URL - let's say, if I want to handle 
".uno:SaveAs" myself I must return null, or else I must return...what?

If you call registerDispatchProviderInterceptor() the framework will 
call setMasterDispatchProvider() and setSlaveDispatchProvider().

Do nothing there excepting caching those two dispatch objects.
From this point your interceptor is part of the double-linked 
interceptor chain.

Note: NULL will be a valid parameter for those master/slave dispatch 
objects provided to you. Such null value will happen in case you 
deregister your interceptor ... and the framework creates a new chain 
without you ...

If you want to handle the request return "this" or any other suitable 
instance (e.g. a helper object) ... if not forward the request to your 
slave dispatch ! Master dispatch can be ignored. I've never seen a use 
case where it was rely needed .-)

Sorry, I'm lost

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Re: [api-dev] Where to register MouseClickHandler in an Add-On?

2008-11-03 Thread Andreas Schlüns

wheelsdong wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Thank you very much for your advice. I followed the links you provided and
tried to run the example, but I failed. My steps are below.

I read the chapters on Jobs of the developer guide. Then I tried the example
JobsAddon provided by SDK. The path is
There are three files in this example: Addons.xcu,, Jobs.xcu.

I created a simple Add-on using the OpenOffice plugin for
NetBeans, we call it NewAddon. Then I did the following: 
1, copied the configuration code in Addons.xcu of JobsAddon to Addons.xcu of

2, copied the file Jobs.xcu to the project NewAddon
3, extended XAsyncJob interface in NewAddon and copy the code in
executeAsync() to the same method in NewAddon.

After building successfully, I made a breakpoint in executeAsync() and tried
to debug the NewAddon. But executeAsync() was never called. 

I am afraid I am not using Jobs correctly. Would you please share me some
examples or give me more advice? Thank you very much.

Did you changed the Jobs.xcu so it uses the right event ?
Example Jobs.xcu file uses e.g. "onFirstVisibleTask" where you should 
use "OnViewCreated" for your special purpose.


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Re: [api-dev] Where to register MouseClickHandler in an Add-On?

2008-11-04 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi wheelsdong,

Your jobs.xcu contains a non existing UNO implementation name.
If I'm not wrong your class will be "com.example.MyAddon" ... but you 

"" inside Jobs.xcu.
That cant work ... of course :-)

BTW: Your job name is "AsyncJob". You should use something more 
unambigous ... Because ALL jobs written for OOo will be merged together 
into ONE single Jobs.xcu file at runtime ... "AsyncJob" only will be not 
enough. I thgink more then one developer will use it too .-)

You should use YOUR namespace here also (e.g. com.yourcompany.addons.MyJob).


Hi Andreas,

Thank you very much for your advice. I changed onFirstVisibleTask to
OnViewCreated, but when I debug it, the executeAsync() is still never
called. I am afraid there is something wrong with the configuration files.

The Attachment is a simple TestAddon created using the OO plugin with
NetBeans, which only implements the XAsyncJob interface. And I copied the
related information from the example AsyncJob provided by the developer

If you have time, would you please help review the project? 

I much appreciate your help.

Andreas Schlüns-2 wrote:

wheelsdong wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Thank you very much for your advice. I followed the links you provided
tried to run the example, but I failed. My steps are below.

I read the chapters on Jobs of the developer guide. Then I tried the
JobsAddon provided by SDK. The path is
There are three files in this example: Addons.xcu,,

I created a simple Add-on using the OpenOffice plugin for
NetBeans, we call it NewAddon. Then I did the following: 
1, copied the configuration code in Addons.xcu of JobsAddon to Addons.xcu

2, copied the file Jobs.xcu to the project NewAddon
3, extended XAsyncJob interface in NewAddon and copy the code in
executeAsync() to the same method in NewAddon.

After building successfully, I made a breakpoint in executeAsync() and
to debug the NewAddon. But executeAsync() was never called. 

I am afraid I am not using Jobs correctly. Would you please share me some
examples or give me more advice? Thank you very much.

Did you changed the Jobs.xcu so it uses the right event ?
Example Jobs.xcu file uses e.g. "onFirstVisibleTask" where you should 
use "OnViewCreated" for your special purpose.


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Intercepting commands ""

2008-11-05 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Paolo,


Andreas Schlüns ha scritto:

Hi Carlos,

(I'm using Automation Bridge to communicate with OOo)

After reading again all the stuff and trying to digest the java 
sample, this is what I conluded:

I need to implement my own "DispatchProvider" as a COM object an pass 
it as a parameter to "registerDispatchProviderInterceptor", in the 
same way I do to register listeners, am I right? (is this the reason 
why Ariel said this can't be achieved with Basic?)

Exactly. You "register" your interception in the same you register a 
listener. registerDispatchProviderInterceptor() is the right method 
doing that.

And yes ... OOo basic do not support complex structures as e.g. classes
and so it's not possible to implement an interceptor in basic.

Why not? You can register your own dispatch-interceptor in Starbasic and 
you can even define your custom dispatches in order to react to user 

Please find the small example document in attachment.

You are right ... it's possible ... but I wouldnt do that !
Why ?

Method createUnoListener() was not thought to be used that way.
If you call it a temp object will be cerated inside memory (using 
refelection) which maps your basic methods to an simulated UNO API.
Its very tricky doing so ... and at least you need more then one 
instance because it's not possible to simulate more then one interface 
for the same basic instance.

On the other side I believe you can run into trouble with lifetime of 
your basic objects. They are bound to the document ... if it's removed 
from memory your basic bindings are gone ... but might be the dispatch 
objects are well known outside. (Not only menus and toolbars are 
interested on dispatches!) Such reflection-proxy-objects will run into 
dead bindings ... an idea whats happen then ? - crash !

If you know what are you doing there you can try it ... but at least I 
think it's one for OOo-API-experts .-)

Paolo Mantovani


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Intercepting commands ""

2008-11-05 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Paolo,

My example was contained into a document, but it could be run even from
a shared library.
AFAIK a global variable into a shared library lives for all the ooo session.
Perhaps using global vars for referencing basic objects would make
things safer?

It's not needed to make it a global variable (because it's an 
implementation detail of OOo Basic how long such variables will be valid 
... isnt it ?)

But it can help to listen for several further events (e.g. 
FrameAction.DETACH/ATTACH or Frame.close/Frame.dispose) so an 
interceptor can be deregistered and dispatch objects can be removed.

BTW: Thats always a good idea ... even if an interceptor/dispatch was 
implemented e.g. in Java !

Of course you're right! The next time I'll add:


Paolo Mantovani


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Re: [api-dev] Where to register MouseClickHandler in an Add-On?

2008-11-06 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi wheelsdong,

First you should try to use your job implementation manually to see if 
your implementation was registered successfully as valid UNO service 
inside services.rdb of OOo.

Please start the Basic IDE and type in the following small macro:

myjob = createUnoService ("com.example.MyAddOn")
msgbox myjob.dbg_supportedInterfaces ()

If it runs without errors it shows you the list of supported UNO 
interfaces provided by your MyAddOn implementation. If creation of such 
service fails ... you should check if your class name (including 
namespace) is the right one and match the configured value !

Further you should check (if creation of your service was successfully) 
if XJob or XAsyncJob are listed as supported interfaces. If not please 
check your implementation.

 btw: Seems there is a further small mistake inside your Jobs.XCU file.

You should try oor:op="fuse" instead of "replace". Replace works for 
STILL existing entries only. But I'm sure that your job was never 
registered before inside OOo .-)
Replace do not mean(!) "add or replace" ... that's why "fuse" was 
introduced later.

... same for other places where you used oor:op="replace" !


Hi Andreas,

Thank you for finding the errors in the configuration files. 
I made modifications according to your suggestions. I changed the name of

Job to com.example.MyAddOn.MyJob, and put the proper implementation name of
my project. And registered the event OnViewCreated and onFirstVisibleTask. I
also add in the Addons.xcu file.
I wish that the job will be trigged by the event onFirstVisibleTask. But
When I debug the program, the execute() function is not called at all.

I am afraid I am not understanding the Developer Guide correctly. I also
googled for tutorials or sample code, but didn't find any useful resources.
Would you please help review the code? Thank you very much!
Attachment is the project zip file.

The new Job.xcu file is as follows:";



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Re: [api-dev] XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL throws IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.

2009-01-09 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Albert,

Why do you load the file using "private:stream" instead of using the 
original file:///-URL ? Let OOo do that stream stuff internaly. Loading 
via stream is supported but detection of pure streams without any hint 
about the URL or the mime type will fail very often ... especialy if 
ambigous formats like Text/Html or XML will be used :-)


Hi Albert,

your code works fine for me. Of course, I used only a simple odt 
document. Perhaps the filter for loading the docx document cannot be 
determined. You can add this to the properties for loadComponentFromUrl, 
the name of the property is FilterName, the value the name of the filter 
you'd like to use.

Regards, Steffen

Albert Law wrote:

Me, again.  :)

I'm having problems with XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL where it is 
loading from an XinputStream.  I'm a bit paranoid and don't
want this to be a reoccurance of bug 75191 ( ).  Can anyone 
see what I could

have possibly done wrong in the following code?  Thanks!

ps: The ultimate goal is to load from a byte[].  This seemed to be a 
good first step.

pps: Nothing is null and the file does exist.  In fact, I have 
successfully loaded from a URL via "XComponent xComponent =
"_blank", 0, loadProps);" where "loadProps" is empty.

ppps: I'm using the most recent version of everything.

XComponentContext xContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
XMultiComponentFactory xServiceManager = xContext.getServiceManager();
Object desktop = 
XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = 
XSimpleFileAccess xSimpleFileAccess = 
XInputStream xInputStream = 

PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
loadProps[0].Name = "InputStream";
loadProps[0].Value = xInputStream;
XComponent xComponent = 
xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL("private:stream", "_blank", 0, 


leads to (line numbers are off, of course): URL seems to be an 
unsupported one.







at $Proxy3.loadComponentFromURL(Unknown Source)
at com.snowbound.testOOUno.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


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Re: [api-dev] XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL throws IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.

2009-01-12 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Albert,

The right FilterName is "MS Word 2007 XML".
And no ... you dont have to provide a XComponent.
It should work if you use "private:stream" + FilterName + XInputStream.

On the other side your example code showed me you have a valid URL ... 
and I was wondering why you dont used it here .-)

Please note: Loading documents into OOo only by using streams (means 
URL=private:stream) wont have the same detection rate then using real 
and valid URL's ! As I've already mentioned ... some formats are 
ambigous. Providing a stream only wont solve that ambigous state. You 
have to provide MORE informations as e.g. 
MimeType/Extension/FilterName/TypeName/TargetApplicationName to make 
sure things will happen right.


Hi Steffen,

Okay, that's worth a try... .  Ya, it didn't work.  
Perhaps I'm using the wrong filter name.  I've used the
following filter names to no success.

"Microsoft Word 2007 XML"

Did I use the proper one?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 02:50

Subject: Re: [api-dev] XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL throws 
IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.

Hi Albert,

your code works fine for me. Of course, I used only a simple odt 
document. Perhaps the filter for loading the docx document cannot be 
determined. You can add this to the properties for loadComponentFromUrl, 
the name of the property is FilterName, the value the name of the filter 
you'd like to use.

Regards, Steffen

Albert Law wrote:

Me, again.  :)

I'm having problems with XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL where it is loading 
from an XinputStream.  I'm a bit paranoid and don't
want this to be a reoccurance of bug 75191 ( ).  Can anyone see what I


have possibly done wrong in the following code?  Thanks!

ps: The ultimate goal is to load from a byte[].  This seemed to be a good first 

pps: Nothing is null and the file does exist.  In fact, I have successfully loaded 
from a URL via "XComponent xComponent =
xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL("file:///c:/test.docx", "_blank", 0, loadProps);" 
where "loadProps" is empty.

ppps: I'm using the most recent version of everything.

XComponentContext xContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
XMultiComponentFactory xServiceManager = xContext.getServiceManager();
Object desktop = 
XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = 
(XComponentLoader)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktop);
XSimpleFileAccess xSimpleFileAccess = 
XInputStream xInputStream = 
PropertyValue[] loadProps = new PropertyValue[1];
loadProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
loadProps[0].Name = "InputStream";
loadProps[0].Value = xInputStream;
XComponent xComponent = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL("private:stream", 
"_blank", 0, loadProps);

leads to (line numbers are off, of course): URL seems to be an unsupported one.
at $Proxy3.loadComponentFromURL(Unknown Source)
at com.snowbound.testOOUno.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(


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Re: [api-dev] XComponentLoader.ComponentFromURL throws IllegalArgumentException: URL seems to be an unsupported one.

2009-01-13 Thread Andreas Schlüns

Hi Albert,

I've debugged your problem and found out (as I've already mentioned) 
that some detection services dont work correctly in case pure input 
stream is provided only .-)

An issue was filed by me so you can track if and when it will be fixed.


Hi Andreas,

I tried "MS Word 2007 XML", but that didn't help.  

So I'm willing to add extra hints.  Though I'm a bit confused as to how I would 
set the MIME type information.  How do I do so?  And
what should it be set to?  


ps: I wish to use "XinputStream"s so that I may load from memory and avoid 
going to disk.  It is a security requirement of the
end-product.  I would love to load files from URL and save myself the hassle of 
XInpuStream (and late XOutputStream).  :)


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