Re: [api-dev] Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-22 Thread Mathias Bauer


sorry for being late. There have been a lot of mails to read in the last 
days. ;-)

On 15.10.2010 20:23, Ingrid Halama wrote:

I think the Chart does qualify for all those Usage scenarios.
Changes in Calc can lead to changes within the Chart that should be
offered as one UNDO action together. Further the changes made within the
Chart should be visible in the global UNDO stack also.

I'm not sure if that is a good idea.

IMHO an undo action only should record direct actions in the document 
core of the undo provider. If this action causes changes elsewhere (e.g. 
by a listener mechanism), they should not be recorded as it can be 
assumed that the opposite change in the core (when the undo action is 
executed) will cause the appropriate change in the listening component 

Doing that differently will create such a code mess we have in the 
Writer core when it comes to Undo. :-)

So the Chart would be an ideal candidate for a test implementation. I
would like to join your efforts, if time fits. :-)

There might be some extra complications to expect regarding the OLE
inplace editing mode and the OLE swapping mechanism. That could become
ugly, maybe ... .

Indeed, chart actions that are recorded while the component is 
activated, are dangerous, as executing them later when the component is 
no longer active and perhaps even disposed will at least make the 
implementation rather tricky - if not even a disaster.

As the other nice improvements we can bring to extension developers 
should be ready rather today than tomorrow, I would opt for a simple 
implementation that does not try to use combined undo stacks from 
different components.

Being able to group actions caused by API calls that - from the POV of 
the extension - should be one combined entry in the undo stack is worth 
the implementation already. Whether we want to use that for combined 
undo stacks also is something we should decide for version 2.0 of the 
implementation (it wouldn't influence the API, IMHO).


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Re: [api-dev] Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/22/2010 09:01 PM, Frank Schönheit wrote:

As a sketch for the later evolution, we think that the
XUndoManagerSupplier comes handy here: The chart model would be such a
supplier, and for the moment, it would return an own, model-local
instance of the XUndoManager. The later extension would be to let it
provide the XUndoManager of the embedding document.

In theory, this should be completely transparent to the client, which
would simply add its actions to another instance, without actually
noticing it.

In practice, the concrete XUndoAction implementations of course might
need to be adjusted (what if you do changes to the chart, then delete
the chart, then do Undo multiple times? The chart Undo actions might
have a reference to an outdated chart model then.). Also, you would not
want to provide, in the menu/toolbox, Undo actions of the embedding
document while the Chart is activated.

I'm still worried about the problem I foresee, but we can postpone that 
until things get more concrete.

Regardless of this, we agreed that in this first step, we will migrate
Chart's XUndoManager to the new one, laying a common ground in all
applications this way, which will also be prepared for the
above-mentioned changes.


PS: If only a Writer developer could lend me a hand for implementing the
new ::svl::IUndoManager interface on top of Writer's own home-grown Undo
implementation, the whole thing would be nearly finished :)

Sure. :-)
As promised, we will do our very best.


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Re: [api-dev] Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/22/2010 09:07 PM, Frank Schönheit wrote:

Hi Mathias,

I think the Chart does qualify for all those Usage scenarios.
Changes in Calc can lead to changes within the Chart that should be
offered as one UNDO action together. Further the changes made within the
Chart should be visible in the global UNDO stack also.

I'm not sure if that is a good idea.

IMHO an undo action only should record direct actions in the document
core of the undo provider. If this action causes changes elsewhere (e.g.
by a listener mechanism), they should not be recorded as it can be
assumed that the opposite change in the core (when the undo action is
executed) will cause the appropriate change in the listening component

Well, one scenario Ingrid and I discussed here is the deletion of
rows/columns which are part of a source range for a chart. If this is
undone, the best chart can currently notice is the insertion of a
row/column. Whether or not this column was part of the source range is
not part of the broadcast event - not much of a chance for Chart to find

This implies that chart source range handling/undo should be done in
Calc. On the other hand, this means Calc (or any application embedding
charts) needs to know pretty much details about Chart's handling of data
source ranges - imagine all the different chart types, and the degrees
of freedom you have for their defining their data sources.
Which means that extensions to the Chart core might require extensions
to the core of the embedding documents - not really desirable.

Those problems are probably solvable (and as said, we don't aim for
those solutions for 1.0), but I am not convinced it is as easy as saying
undoing an instigating change will automatically undo the resulting
change - simply because currently, listeners might not always transport
enough information for this.

Let me put it that way: undo actions should only record direct actions. 
If changes in a component cause indirect changes elsewhere (e.g. by a 
listener connection), these changes should not be recorded in an undo 
action. Or the other way around: if actions in a sub component are 
recorded, they should be made directly by the super component. Otherwise 
you will get ugly code that always needs to know whether it is currently 
in an undo action or not. This code is very prone to regressions. Been 
there, done that, got to hate that.

If the information provided to a listener is not sufficient, that should 
be changed.


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Re: [api-dev] Re: Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-26 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/18/2010 05:16 PM, Malte Timmermann wrote:

Or implementations w/o support for ref counting: For example, each
EditEngine Undo action needs to have an EditEngine*.
And EditEngines in OOo are destroyed and re-created quite frequently.

Maybe using an own Undo manager for the EditEngine is wrong. When we 
implemented Notes2, I finally ended up with letting the container 
(Writer) tracking the changes, I didn't create an additional undo 
manager for the note(s). That means, each time when an undo entry shall 
be created, the Writer just copies the content of the outliner object 
inside the note. For more complicated cases this could be improved by a 
better encapsulation of what needs to be copied by providing suitable 
methods in the Outliner class.

This way we got an Undo that is not prone to crashes and that doesn't 
depend on whether the user is editing the note or the text of the 
document. It also appeared that giving access to all entries of the undo 
stack while editing in a note doesn't create a problem if the 
implementation of the notes view is aware of sudden destruction 
(something that IMHO is necessary anyway).

I think that we could apply this idea to drawing objects also. For OLE 
objects OTOH this probably wouldn't help as copying the whole object 
each time it changes surely would be too much.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
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Re: [api-dev] DocumentLoader memory leaking on cleanup

2010-10-26 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/25/2010 07:10 PM, Chris Rider wrote:

We are using DocumentLoader to manage the opening of PowerPoint files,
and have recently discovered what appears to be a memory leak.

As a quick background, these are self-advancing presentations, created
using Microsoft by the end-user, who then uses our product (CentOS
based) to display the files.

When the cleanup routine is called, it appears to do its thing, but a
bit of time later, the machine is almost frozen from all of its memory
being used up... and after taking a look at the processes on the
machine, we tracked it back to this.

Below is from our log file...
It looks like it reaches the end of the slideshow (event
OnEndPresentation) and fires the Cleanup routine... but is it working
past that point? Appears to not be.

Are there any known issues with this sort of thing? Anyone else seeing

1288025660 : pid: 6935 - Acquiring lock...
1288025660 : pid: 6935 - Lock acquired!
1288025660 : pid: 6935 - Connected successfully to the office
1288025660 : pid: 6935 - XComponentloader successfully instantiated
1288025660 : pid: 6935 -
1288025660 : pid: 6935 - Document:
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Starting Presentation...
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Presentation Started!
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Frame:
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Frame:
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Frame:
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Releasing lock...
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Lock released!
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Wait for end!
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnUnfocus received
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnStartPresentation received
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnFocus received
1288025661 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnLoad received
1288025662 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnEndPresentation received
1288025662 : pid: 6935 - Ending!
1288025662 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnViewClosed received
1288025662 : pid: 6935 - Event : OnUnfocus received
1288025664 : pid: 6935 - Cleanup
1288025664 : pid: 6935 - Cleanup - close - dispose

I don't know how you created your logs, but at least in this log I don't 
see traces of the document being closed (Event OnClose, disposing etc.). 
But maybe that's part of the last line.

Besides that, the document being closed does not mean that it is removed 
from memory. It's possible that it is still referenced somewhere and so 
the object is not destroyed. I think that eating up the memory 
completely - as you described it - would require thousands of such 
dangling references, but you never know.

So look for references to documents (models) in your code. In case your 
application is implemented in Java, don't rely on the garbage collection 
doing the work for you, it might kick in just too late.


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Re: [api-dev] DocumentLoader memory leaking on cleanup

2010-10-27 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/26/2010 05:26 PM, Chris Rider wrote:

As you can tell from the log file, the close method is being called, but
not the dispose.

Do I need to dispose also? Couldn't really find enough documentation to
figure out *exactly* what those two methods entail. I kind of assumed it
was something like the difference between clearing the objects memory or

No, it a component supports XCloseable, you must call close(), otherwise 
dispose(). As close() will call dispose() internally, all you can get 
from an explicit dispose() call is a DisposedException.


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Re: [api-dev] Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-28 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/26/2010 03:07 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Although I am ignorant in much of this, I do have some random thoughts.

Mathias Bauer mentioned allowing the container to control changes for
some items (such as he did with notes2), but that this may be a problem
with larger objects such as graphics objects and even OLE objects.
Right, it doesn't work for OLE objects, but in case the object could 
provide undo actions that don't require to be in edit mode, it should 
work for even the largest graphic objects. The difference between 
graphic objects and OLE objects is that the graphic object does not 
vanish after editing - it just may be in a different mode. But that is 
also true for the container itself where different shell objects are 
created and removed depending on the current editing context.

On the other hand, I do not expect that an OLE object will have any ability
to actively participate in the undo process, which forces implementation
back to the container (or you simply state that changes made to an OLE
object internally are not undoable). For some reason, I keep thinking
about the implications of a linked sheet in a Calc document.

I think that editing of OLE objects (and linked sheets are just a 
variant of them) should stay as they are: while you are editing the 
object, you might be able to undo parts of the editing, but after 
leaving the OLE object all changes made in this session can only be 
undone as a whole. A new API can't remove the intrinsic limitations of 
this concept.


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Re: [api-dev] Attempt for an UNO Undo API

2010-10-29 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 10/28/2010 10:03 AM, Frank Schönheit wrote:

Hi Mathias,

I think that editing of OLE objects (and linked sheets are just a
variant of them) should stay as they are: while you are editing the
object, you might be able to undo parts of the editing, but after
leaving the OLE object all changes made in this session can only be
undone as a whole. A new API can't remove the intrinsic limitations of
this concept.

Not sure I'd sign this. Technically, I could imagine the embedded object
adding Undo actions to the Undo manager of the container document
(letting those actions survive/handle the temporary destruction of the
embedded object when it is deactivated is, well, a challenge only, not
an impossibility, I suppose :) ).

Whether this is desired from an UX point of view might be a different

This will break at least if the OLE object is not an OOo object. :-P
Besides that, of course nothing is impossible in software.


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Re: [api-dev] Document Server Memory Leak Suspicion

2010-11-03 Thread Mathias Bauer

Hi Chris,

On 02.11.2010 13:40, Chris Rider wrote:

I hope this is an active mailing list ~ we have a serious issue with the
document server and are trying to track down some more knowledge that
might exist about it.

I have new information from further testing, but here's a quick summary:
We have a program that calls the document server to load a PPT file (as
explained below). That goes fine, and then we call it to close the file
after some time... also goes fine -- mostly. The file will close, but
then the memory continues to be eaten up by document server until the
machine becomes non-responsive.

We've run strace and can't find anything.
We're calling the server over port 2803.
We're calling the close method (which I've learned also calls dispose,

We've got hundreds of products at customers and some are beginning to
doubt OpenOffice as a platform... please help!

We still don't have enough information, or perhaps not the right one. 
OOo in general definitely does not have a memory leak of that kind - you 
wouldn't be the first to find it in case of. I know that OOo is used as 
a server in a lot of installations without such huge problems. So there 
must be a particular issue that is special for your setup.

So let's summarize and see where we can make progress. We should try to 
describe everything exactly as possible.

You are talking about a document server and a DocumentLoader. The 
latter seems to be a C++ application and the former seems to be an 
instance of OOo that is talking with the C++ application though a remote 
UNO bridge.

The DocumentLoader seems to use this instance of OOo to load a ppt file 
and then it seems that something is eating up your memory.

Is that the correct picture? If not, can you describe it better? 
Especially we need to know most exactly how OOo is used in this scenario.

Next question - this something that eats up your memory - did you 
verify that it is the OOo process whose memory consumption goes through 
the roof?

Another question: did you try the same with other kinds of documents 
(not ppt)?


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Re: [api-dev] Footnote service not starting

2010-12-06 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 29.11.2010 09:27, Swati Soni wrote:

Dear Sir,

I tried executing the Following code. The mxDocFactory is unable to open the
footnote service.
How to resolve this error. 
Request you to please reply to this problem.

  // Create a new footnote from the document factory and get it's
  // XFootnote interface
  XFootnote xFootnote = (XFootnote) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
  mxDocFactory.createInstance ( ) );

I don't know what mxDocFactory is in your code. If I take it from a 
text document, creating a footnote works as expected, e.g. in Basic:

Sub Main

  obj = ThisComponent.createInstance(
  print obj.dbg_supportedinterfaces

End Sub

This will display all interfaces of the implementation class SwXFootnote.


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Re: [api-dev] Working with embedded OLE files/packages

2011-01-05 Thread Mathias Bauer

Hi David,

On 07.12.2010 12:24, David Roe wrote:

I have some Excel spreadsheets that contain files embedded as OLE packages
(Insert-Object- From file). I want to retrieve the data for those files.
I've managed to use the API to retrieve the Shape object and get at the OLE
data but I don't fancy writing my own OLE reading code. Is there an API to
get at the data inside? I saw css.embed.OLESimpleStorage but I can't seem to
get anywhere with that. My code so far is (in Python):

 # ... setting up of OOo ...

 sheet = doc.Sheets.getByName('Sheet1')
 draw_page = sheet.DrawPage

 shape = draw_page.getByIndex(0)

 # CLSID ---- is a file??
 print 'CLSID:', shape.CLSID

 obj = shape.EmbeddedObject

 # Create a storage object to hold the data from our embedded
 storage_factory =
 storage = storage_factory.createInstance()

 # Store the data into the Something entry of our storage object
 obj.storeToEntry(storage, 'Something', (), ())

 str_elem = storage.openStreamElement('Something', ElementModes.READ)
 stream = str_elem.getInputStream()

 sfa =
 sfa.writeFile(file_url('test.txt'), stream)

David Roe

As you are asking here, this code obviously doesn't work. Can you tell 
us where something goes wrong?


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[api-dev] Re: How to retrieve the state of the feature Format AutoCorrect While Typing in Writer ?

2011-03-15 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 28.02.2011 14:07, Thibault Vataire wrote:


I need to programmatically retrieve the state of the feature Format
AutoCorrect  While Typing in Writer.

I've tried two ways but none works properly :

1/ Reading the corresponding property in the Writer.xcu configuration
file. But this value don't seem to be updated when application is
running, only when the application is shutting down.

That's intended; you should see the xcu files as an implementation 
detail that shouldn't be accessed at runtime.

2/ I can read the state of the menu's entry :


 But this value is really updated only if the menu AutoCorrect is
displayed one more time after the value has changed.

This isn't a good idea.

Is someone known another way to retrieve this value ?

You could register a StatusListener for .uno:OnlineAutoFormat (IIRC). 
But this means that you have to do that at every frame.

It should be possible to register a ConfigurationUpdateListener for the 
corresponding key in the xcu file, but it's possible that it doesn't 
work either because Writer caches this setting internally. That would be 
a bug, but I assume that this doesn't make it better. I'm afraid you 
have to find that out.


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[api-dev] Re: Severe PrinterSettings Problems, need confirmation

2011-03-23 Thread Mathias Bauer

Hi Fernand,

AFAIK Philipp Lohmann (pl) is working on it or at least should know who 
else. If you prefer an open communication channel, please try dev@gsl.


On 16.03.2011 09:10, Fernand Vanrie wrote:


Any idea, who is working on or in what version we can do some testing ?



Hi Fernand,

On 09.03.2011 14:24, Fernand Vanrie wrote:


Sinds 3.3 (windows) all PrinterSettings except the Printer Name are no
longer persistent and not stored anywhere not in the profile, not in the
document. Within the settings we have the options who are not Printer
specific and we have Settings who are bound to a specific printer.
Both are all lost after reloading the document, but we can only use the
Printer specific settings during the printing itself.
So PageSizes set PrinterSettings must been redone while actualy

Setting the PageSizes using the API is also broken, please trye the
included code with a printer who accept to changes the PaperSizes

PLease can someone confirm this, so i can fill a issue

AFAIK the new printer dialog implementation brought this unfortunate
side effect. Also AFAIK this is already being worked on.


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[api-dev] Re: embed OO-Window in a Qt Window

2011-03-23 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 22.03.2011 09:59, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

19.03.2011, 17:08, Goran

Dear Sirs

We are developing a multi platform (Windows, Linux, Mac) software for
communication with our scientific instruments. Therefore we use the qt
framework. We would like to embed a spreadsheet or a writer window
within our qt window. Because we are developing for several operating
systems we think that Open Office could be appropriate for our needs.
After studying the UNO framework I haven't found the possibility to
integrate an Open Office window into another Application. As far as I
have seen, with an axtiveX component it should be possible, but then we
are restricted to Windows.

Could you please inform us if this is possible with Open Office for the
mentioned platforms.

Thank you very much

Best regards,

Dr. Goran Markic

Markic Scientific Instruments

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in OOo or UNO programming

Nevertheless your answers are excellent. :-)
I just want to add something.

3. On X11 platforms you can try to use QX11EmbedWidget to embed OOo

In general OOo can reuse system windows as OOo windows. We are using 
this technique not only for the ActiveX component that was mentioned 
above, but also for the Mozilla browser plugin that works on all platforms.


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[api-dev] Re: Toolbar items: how to get them to show the shortcut letter underlined ?

2011-05-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 25.05.2011 10:34, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

On 25.05.2011 08:35, Mathias Bauer wrote:

On 24.05.2011 22:31, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi there,

in the meantime I have been able to add shortcuts to the toolbar items
and they are operational. However, the shortcut letter is not
underlined, although using the tilde (~) before the letter to be
underlined in the Label property of the toolbar item.

Is there a different property that I would need to use for having OOo
underline the shortcut-key?
(Again it works, using SHIFT+ALT+letter, where ALT is the META2



What do you mean by again it works, using SHIFT+ALT+LETTER ?

Just that the defined shortcut-keys are operational. E.g. the shortcut
for the ~Import toolbar item gets defined as SHIFT+META2+I and if you
press SHIFT+ALT+I (META2 is ALT on my Windows keyboard) the toolbar item
gets executed. It is just the case that the I does not get underlined
in the toolbar item (a button where the text and the assigned icon get

Sorry for being dense ;-), where did you define the shortcut? If a 
shortcut is defined in a menu, it will executed only if the menu has the 
focus. I don't think that this works in toolbars. If I just ad a tilde 
to a toolbar item label, I don't see a way to execute this label as a 
command like in a menu.

Are you sure that you don't talk about accelerators (those who are 
assigned to commands using tools-customize-keyboard)?


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
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[api-dev] Re: Toolbar items: how to get them to show the shortcut letter underlined ?

2011-05-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 25.05.2011 12:06, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Are you sure that you don't talk about accelerators (those who are
assigned to commands using tools-customize-keyboard)?

O.K., I think the best is that I show you the code snippets then.

The code is in ooRexx but excersises the Java API behind the curtain.
The tilde in ooRexx is the message operator, so left of the tilde is the
receiving object, right of it the message. In case a queryInterface() is
needed, the ooRexx UNO support allows one to merely send the unqualified
interface name to the UNO object in order to retrieve that interface.

Line comments start with two consecutive dashes (--), block comments are
C-like (but can be nested in the Rexx language).

Having said that, here's the snippet, which should give you the exact
information, please look for the area after the comments lead in as /*


/* *** shortcut *** */
  -- got shortcut manager, define key with Shift+Alt combination

   modifiers =bsf.getConstant(, SHIFT)  
-- Shift-key
   modifiers+=bsf.getConstant(, MOD2)   
-- Alt-key

Exactly, these are accelerators, not shortcuts. This is not about the 
words (others might even use them the other way around), but about the 
way they are executed.

In OOo accelerators work independently from any other UI elements, e.g. 
menu or toolbar items. In the default configuration CTRL-O will always 
execute the command .uno:Open, even if no toolbars or menus are present.

OTOH, the *menu shortcut* (specified by putting a tilde in front of the 
letter O in a corresponding menu item label) for this function ALT-F, 
O  (in the English version) can only be used by operating the menu with 
the keyboard.

A comparable functionality does not exist for toolbar items. Thus, a 
tilde in a toolbar item label does not have any effect and is just 
considered as garbage.

OTOH, toolbar quickhelp texts can show *accelerators* that are 
configured for the same functionality, in the same way as the menus do.
(We don't do that in the item text as in menus as space in toolbars is 
more limited.)

The quickhelp for the Open button shows Open (CTRL+O) because 
CTRL+O is the accelerator for the .uno:Open command (in the default 
configuration that may be changed via tools-customize-keyboard). And 
the menu item for Open also shows CTRL+O.

There is some code in OOo's framework that adds the accelerators to the 
label or quickhelpt text. In menus this code works immediately as menus 
are always created at the very moment they are opened. Toolbar quickhelp 
texts need an update notification when the shortcut was changed. As it 
seems, this update notification is not sent. But the quickhelp text of a 
new document would be correct as the accelerator is already known when 
the toolbar is created.

As an example, I configured SHIFT-ALT-G for Insert-Gallery in the 
keyboard configuration. The view menu (don't ask me why the menu has 
it in view, the config in insert ;-)) immediately shows the new 
accelerator, the toolbar quickhelp doesn't. If I now open a new 
document, its toolbar shows the accelerator in the quickhelp text of the 
Gallery button.


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[api-dev] Re: Toolbar items: how to get them to show the shortcut letter underlined ?

2011-05-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 25.05.2011 14:32, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

How can I define a quickhelp text for each toolbar item? It seems that
by default the label of the toolbar item is used as the quickhelp
(tooltip?) text, and that does not exhibit the shortcut key by
underlying it.

Indeed the quickhelp text is the label. It *should* exhibit the shortcut 
key that is assigned to the same command as the toolbar item, if you 
make sure that the keyboard configuration was created before the toolbar 
was created. If not, this would be a missing feature ;-).

As I wrote, the accelerator key was shown for built-in commands and for 
basic macros. So I don't see a general reason why it shouldn't work for 

As an example, I configured SHIFT-ALT-G for Insert-Gallery in the
keyboard configuration. The view menu (don't ask me why the menu has
it in view, the config in insert ;-)) immediately shows the new
accelerator, the toolbar quickhelp doesn't. If I now open a new
document, its toolbar shows the accelerator in the quickhelp text of
the Gallery button.

Just tried this via Tools-Customize, but it did not work with the
toolbar item.

*what* did you try? My example with .uno:Gallery or your script/macro?

In case you didn't notice, it is necessary to create the toolbar *after* 
you have configured the shortcut, e.g. by opening a new document window.

P.S.: One observation: it is not possible to delete the programmatically
created toolbar using Tools -  Customize as the delete option is
greyed out. One can delete the individual toolbar items and make the
toolbar empty and on the next restart the toolbar seems to have gone.

I don't know if this is a bug or by intent, sorry.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
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[api-dev] Re: Toolbar items: how to get them to show the shortcut letter underlined ?

2011-05-25 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 25.05.2011 17:35, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

As an example, I configured SHIFT-ALT-G for Insert-Gallery in the
keyboard configuration. The view menu (don't ask me why the menu has
it in view, the config in insert ;-)) immediately shows the new
accelerator, the toolbar quickhelp doesn't. If I now open a new
document, its toolbar shows the accelerator in the quickhelp text of
the Gallery button.

Just tried this via Tools-Customize, but it did not work with the
toolbar item.

*what* did you try? My example with .uno:Gallery or your script/macro?

Your example.

In case you didn't notice, it is necessary to create the toolbar
*after* you have configured the shortcut, e.g. by opening a new
document window.

Did try that, even shut down all instances of OOo writer.

It's OOo 3.2.1 though, so maybe that does not work with that old version?

Hm, probable. I tested with 3.3. Maybe if I come across a 3.2.1 I might 
try it again.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
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[api-dev] Re: Displaying Multiple Dialogs from BASIC

2011-06-16 Thread Mathias Bauer

On 16.06.2011 09:22, Hal Vaughan wrote:

I've mentioned the sticky-note project I'm working on yesterday in two emails.

Now I'm running into a problem: I'd like to display a number of sticky-notes, 
but to display any kind of dialog in BASIC, I need to do something like this:

oSticky = createUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.HalLib.StickyNote)

And the program will stop until I close the dialog, either by the close button, 
a cancel, or OK, or another button.

That means the only way to have multiple dialogs open is to open one and from 
there, open the next, and then open the next and so on.

Is there some way, from BASIC, to display a dialog and leave it open without it 
stopping a script?

Execute() starts a modal mode, so it is not only understandable but also 
required that further *linear* execution of the script stops (handlers 
registered to buttons still we be called).

If you want to have more than one dialog, you have to execute them in a 
modeless way. I don't know if


works (I even don't know if UnoDialogs export an XWindow interface), but 
that's how it is done with C++ dialogs.

Besides that you will need to redesign your dialog a bit, modeless 
dialogs usually don't have OK or Cancel buttons, because they 
directly act on the document when their buttons are operated by the user.

If your dialog logic makes it necessary to have an OK button, most 
probably a modal dialog is recommended and no other dialogs (except sub 
dialogs) should be operable while it is visible.


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Oracle:
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