Re: Integration of Wicket Servlet within C2.2 Block with servlet service - Problem

2007-10-11 Thread Mats

Given the java code and the output I would say that Daniel is correct.
In the init-method of your Application-class you could do:

 protected void init() {

This will remove the wicket:id attributes from the rendered output.


Daniel Fagerstrom skrev:
I don't have much knowledge about Wicket. But AFAICS you got the output 
that I would expect: The Label instruction in the Java code sets the 
content of the span and the TextArea and Buton instructions doesn't give 
any visible results, but are probably added to your server side model, 
ready to take care of post data.

What output would you expect?


Gabriel Gruber skrev:

hmm, thanx Daniel that helped.

the url-context correctly redirects to the wicket-servlet. however it 
seems the xhtml wicket tags are not beeing rendered correctly by the 
wicket servlet.

the returned output is:
?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?
titleWicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage/title
strongWicket Quickstart Archetype Homepage/strong
span wicket:id=messageIf you see this message wicket is 
properly configured and running/span

Input field:br/
textarea wicket:id=yourinput name=yourinput/textarea
button wicket:id=PressMe name=PressMe 


which is actually the unmodified homepage.xml

my looks like this:

import org.apache.wicket.PageParameters;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextArea;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;

 * Homepage
public class HomePage extends WebPage {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

// TODO Add any page properties or variables here

 * Constructor that is invoked when page is invoked without a 

 * @param parameters
 *Page parameters
public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {

// Add the simplest type of label
add(new Label(message, If you see this message wicket is 
properly configured and running));

   // TODO Add your page's components here
add(new TextArea(yourinput));
add(new Button(PressMe));
   public String getMarkupType() {
return xml;

any ideas?  I recall some guys at the cocoon GT wanted to showcase a 
Wicket integration...

thanx in advance..


Mag. Gabriel Gruber
Senior Consultant
Workflow EDV GmbH, Dannebergplatz 6/23, A-1030 Wien

*Daniel Fagerstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]*

11.10.2007 18:13
Please respond to


Re: Integration of Wicket Servlet within C2.2 Block with servlet 
service - Problem

Gabriel Gruber skrev:
  Dear C2.2 Dev-Community!
  I just played around with Wicket and wanted to integrate a HelloWorld
  Wicket application within a C2.2 Block as a servlet service:
  beans xmlns=;
   bean id=com.mycompany.block2.service
  servlet:context mount-path=/block2
   bean id=com.mycompany.block2.wicketapp
entry key=applicationClassName
  servlet:context mount-path=/block2-wicket
  While this seems generally ok, there seems to be a problem with the
  spring namespacehandler for the servlet service tags. When i start
  spring an exception is thrown like this...
  Caused by:
  org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unable
  to read spring configurations from classpath*:META-INF/cocoon/spring;
  nested exception is

  *Configuration problem: Cannot locate BeanDefinitionDecorator for
  element [init-params]*

  What is wrong here?
  Any suggestions?
The servlet:context element must be the root element of the elements in
the servlet: namespace. The error

Re: [M10N] JCL and webapp classloader issues

2006-01-12 Thread Mats Norén

Torsten Curdt wrote:

Reading Ceki Gülcü's trashing of commons-logging [1], i'm wondering if
we have other options as to what our usage of JCL is concerned (slf4j
[2] ?).

I'm by no means an expert on classloaders and logging , but Ceki's
wording at the end is clear enough for everyone to understand :

As demonstrated above, JCL's discovery mechanism invents new and
original ways of shooting yourself in the foot. For example, with JCL
you can shoot yourself in the foot while aiming at the sky. Thanks to
JCL you can be hit by lightning in the middle of the desert when it's
not raining. If your computing life is too dull and trouble is what
you are looking for, then JCL is the way to go.

Thoughts? (has this been hashed over before?)

sl4j offers a compability/migration layer for JCL so there's really no 
reason not to try it... :)




2006-01-09 Thread Mats Norén
Just a quick question to the developers list, how similar are the 
dependencies for building 2.2 and 2.1.8.
More to the point, how much work is required to modify the pom.xml for 
2.2 to be able to get all the dependencies for a minimal 2.1.8?

Is there an easy way to see the differences?
I noticed that there is a cocoon-2.1.8.jar at ibiblio but no 
dependencies in that pom... :(


Re: Dependencies

2006-01-09 Thread Mats Norén

Jorg Heymans wrote:

Mats Norén wrote:

Just a quick question to the developers list, how similar are the
dependencies for building 2.2 and 2.1.8.
More to the point, how much work is required to modify the pom.xml for
2.2 to be able to get all the dependencies for a minimal 2.1.8?
Is there an easy way to see the differences?
I noticed that there is a cocoon-2.1.8.jar at ibiblio but no
dependencies in that pom... :(

Not that much different IIRC. A few lib versions changed, a few were
added/removed. You'ld have to go through them manually to see what is
different really.

Ok! Thanks.

Ask on the user list first though, i got the impression that a few users
have built pom descriptors for 2.1.x already (i can send you my maven1
descriptors if it helps)

They have? I did a quick search for pom.xml in the users list archive 
and came up with nothing. I'll take a closer look then.

Anyway, I'd be grateful for your maven1 descriptor as a starting point :)

/Regards Mats

Re: [FFT] Kitchen Sink

2005-12-15 Thread Mats Norén

Leo Sutic wrote:

Took a look at it.

It still requires a lot of knowledge of the underlying EJB platform.

It does? I looked at the samples in CVS and in 
jboss-seam-1.0beta1/examples/noejb there is an example with POJO:s and 
Hibernate. The platform *could* be J2EE but doesn't have to be.
The problem with it is in my mind the choice of JSF for rendering. For 
me to be interested the renderingkit should be pluggable.
The lightweight JBoss microcontainer used in the examples is configured 
with a ripoff of spring-configuration.

I for one would love to see something similar to the idea you outlined 
within Cocoon NG or whatever it will be called in the end. :)

Do you have any thoughts on how such a language could be developed?


Re: [FFT] Kitchen Sink

2005-12-14 Thread Mats Norén

Hmmm...have you looked at JBoss SEAM?  ;)

Leo Sutic wrote:

I pretty much agrees with what Berin has been saying - and I also
agree with Stefano.

Berin is right in that we must strive for simplicity.
Stefano is right in that a (somewhat) complex system is required to
solve even more complex problems.

The problem with Cocoon as I see it is this:

Think about Java. It is a fairly simple language, right? You can do a
Hello World pretty easily. But you can also do some fairly complex
things with it.

The thing is this: You don't need to know the internal workings of the
JRE or compiler in order to do this. You are abstracted away from it.
Sometimes you have to look a thing or two up, but then you're doing
some pretty advanced stuff.

Cocoon lacks this abstraction. You need to know about its internals to
do even basic stuff.

If I can write both a blog and Cocoon in Java, why can't I use Cocoon
for writing a blog? Why this that problem is too simple for Cocoon.
Maybe it is, but is that the problem's fault?

So what's my recipe for success? Get that abstraction in place. Cocoon
should be *a language for writing web apps*. Now we have XML, XSL,
Javaflow, JSFlow, and a host of other languages. What if Java wasn't
one language, but you had to write a JCL file to go with you java
Hello World, a bunch of headers, and so on.

That language can then be modularized so that it can be extended, or
so that parts of it can be reused - but I think the facade that has to
be presented to the user has to be focused on one thing, and the user
shouldn't have to look behind it (in 99.9% of the cases).

package sample;

class MyHomepage {

// Set by runtime execution environment.
protected Translator translator;

@uri ({/, /index.html})
public Response mainPage () {
return new StreamResponse (new File (index.html));

@uri ({/hello})
@pipeline (MyLookAndFeel)
public Response helloWorld (String who, String language) {
// Must be called /hello?who=...language=...
return new StringResponse (
translator.translate (Hello  + who + !, language));

class MyLookAndFeel {

I skip things like how do you use XSL and so on - I'm making this up
as I type, and it will take months to architect a proper language.

I see the system as having two parts:

1. A language for writing webapps. It can (should perhaps) be java
with annotations or other facility for extending it.

2. An *embeddable* execution environment that will run webapps written
in (1). This ***must*** be decoupled from any specific servlet
container, and should not try to be an app server in itself. For
example - class loading should not go here.

By having this one language, writing tools for it is simpler. If an
AST parser is provided for tool writers, it is even easier, and
anything you can do in XSL with the current XML sitemap or xsp or ...
can be done. You can also have code generators for websites.

I think this is what Cocoon has been evolving toward, and a lot of the
pain is that the problem (make up a language for webapps) is just so
*hard*. Cocoon has gone from XSP to Logic Sheets (which I never
understood) to XSL to JavaFlow to... We have tried to create the one
language for the web, but done so incrementally and under pressure to
deploy. Let's take C. Let's add some macros... let's add some more

Stefano also noted that there is a whole lot of talk and not much code
being hammered out. True. In no way am I demanding that you develop
the above. I might write it myself, given time. See this as just food
for thought.

Anyway, my two cents.


Re: [Vision] Knowing When We are Done

2005-12-07 Thread Mats Norén

Ross Gardler wrote:

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

Le 7 déc. 05, à 09:10, Ross Gardler a écrit :

...I envision being able to build a Cocoon application by saying 
given these input types, I want this output type and to have the 
resulting application automatically tested against my test inputs...

Not sure if I understand what you mean, could you give an example?

Most businesses are made up of common business processes. The odd one 
will be unique to that business, but most are common. In the case of the 
unique practices the software needs to be customised, but in the case of 
common practices an off-the-shelf solution is sufficient.

Each common practice has a set of inputs, a set of intermediate states 
and a set of outputs. If the new Cocoon provides a series of components 
for transforming from an input to an ouput we can use these components 
to build complete applications.

Here's a simple example:

- purchase order

Intermediate Docs:
- customer details
- credit approval
- stock level

Required outputs:
- Invoice
- Packing slip

It is possible to describe this process as a series of components, i.e. 
to get from a purchase order document to a customer details document 
use component ABC, to get from a purchase order to a credit approcal 
use component XYZ etc.

It is possible to automate the discovery of these components and thus to 
automatically configure an application to move from document A to 
document B.

This seem a lot like the concepts of an ESB, someone mentioned 
ServiceMix [] in a recent thread. It's an interesting 
vision but is Cocoon NG really going to compete in that arena?


Re: Transparent and automatic AJAX support for CForms

2005-04-17 Thread Mats
Great initiative!
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Hi all,
I've been thinking for a few weeks to add AJAX support to CForms. Ajax 
is the current buzzword in the blogosphere since Google maps [1] started 
and the folks at Adaptivepath found this name for the XmlHttpRequest + 
JS + XML combo [2].

Two days hacking, most of which dedicated to writing client-side JS and 
solving cross-browser compatibility problems and here we are: adding 
ajax=true on ft:form-template turns on the magic.
I was just wondering if you considered using any of the cross-browser 
libraries for doing the XHR stuff?

Dojo []
Sarissa []
I guess the problem with Sarissa is the licensing, it´s GPL'ed :(
Best regards,

Re: [CocoonInAction] 2 new articles

2005-04-17 Thread Mats
different people have different needs and different visions on how to 
develop applications. There is no right or wrong. The comparison at 
orbeons site may or may not be correct, but Erik and the developers over 
at Orbeon are trying to market their product. In doing that they made a 
comparison that, in my view, isn´t particularly objective. A lot of 
statements about cocoon have no description of the functionality or the 
possibilities, instead they focus on Not recommended, yes, but 
limited, possible but not encouraged, Undocumented. May be possible 
with TrAX.
To me this is pure marketing junk. :)
However, Erik has the right to voice his opinion on this list as has 
everyone else.
I may not agree with him and I believe most of his claims that Orbeon is 
a better tool than Cocoon are based on his subjective views and 
nothing else.

I certainly don´t want you to get offended by this mail, Erik.
I merely wanted to point that people have different perspectives on 
things, there are probably things that are great about Orbeon and there 
are probably things about Cocoon that suck.
However, a more in-depth comparison between the two would be 
interesting, maybe you could describe the process you used when you did 
your comparison?

Best regards,

Orbeon Presentation Server - OXF Rebuttal needed again?

2004-09-06 Thread Mats Norén
Hi all,
I saw an announcement of the Open
Integration Suite [] on the 
XForms-list, their presentation server is a spinoff of the cocoon 
concepts. I think their marketing has been discussed earlier on the this 
but I was just wondering if any of the Cocoon developers are interested 
in taking a look at the current state of the comparison between their 
Presentation Server and Cocoon and maybe come up with more accurate 
descriptions of cocoons capabilities?

Regards Mats

Re: J.A.D.E. - specifically RealtimeParser, SAX2-like XML Parser component

2004-08-19 Thread Mats Norén
From JavaDoc:
In order to avoid String allocation, the SAX2 interface classes had to 
be slightly modified with String being replaced by CharSequence.

Because of these changes RealtimeParser is not SAX2 compliant. If a SAX2 
or a JAXP parser is required, you may consider using the wrapping class 
XMLReaderImpl (fast but allocates temporary String objects).

Question is, how fast is the XMLReaderImpl? :)
Jon Evans wrote:
Java Addition to Default Environment
Anyone seen this?  Don't know if it could be used in Cocoon.  From a 
license point of view its LGPL.

public final class RealtimeParser
extends java.lang.Object
This class provides a real-time SAX2-like XML parser; this parser is 
/extremely/ fast and *does not create temporary objects* (no garbage 
generated and no GC interruption).

This parser is light (less than 15Kbytes compressed) and maintains a 
very small memory footprint while parsing (e.g. less than 16Kbytes while 
parsing 32Mbytes files). Typical applications include SOAP messaging, 
embedded/realtime systems, web servers (possibly thousands instances 
running concurrently), etc.


Mats Norén  |  Systems Designer
Phone: +46 (0)73 332 32 51
Curalia AB  |
Tjärhovsgatan 21, SE - 116 28 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8-410 064 40

Re: [Fwd: whirlycache]

2004-08-12 Thread Mats Norén
Yes, it would be interesting to see what could come out of that:
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
Don't recall if I ever pointed out this one:
The basic algorithm/principle seems applicable in general...

-Original Message-
From: Stefano Mazzocchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 3:57 PM
To: Apache Cocoon
Cc: Phil Whirlycott
Subject: [Fwd: whirlycache]




Mats Norén  |  Systems Designer
Phone: +46 (0)73 332 32 51
Curalia AB  |
Tjärhovsgatan 21, SE - 116 28 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8-410 064 40

Caching strategy

2004-06-04 Thread Mats Norén
I stumbled across this paper about ARC [1] and wondered if this was 
something that could be useful as a caching strategy in Cocoon.
I remember Stefano talked about adaptive caching several years ago on 
this list [2] but I don´t remember the result.

[1] Adaptive Replacement Cache.


Re: Caching strategy

2004-06-04 Thread Mats Norén
A better url:
Mats Norén wrote:
I stumbled across this paper about ARC [1] and wondered if this was 
something that could be useful as a caching strategy in Cocoon.
I remember Stefano talked about adaptive caching several years ago on 
this list [2] but I don´t remember the result.

[1] Adaptive Replacement Cache. 


[OT] Fabrique

2004-04-20 Thread Mats Norn
From Jetbrains homepage (the creators of Intellij IDEA):
Fabrique is a Rapid Application Development environment for developing 
sophisticated web and enterprise applications.

This hasnt really that much to do with Cocoon but one can dream about a 
similar IDE based around Cocoon and some kind of persistence layer like 
Hibernate and OJB.


[OT] Fabrique

2004-04-20 Thread Mats Norn
From Jetbrains homepage (the creators of Intellij IDEA):
Fabrique is a Rapid Application Development environment for developing 
sophisticated web and enterprise applications.

This hasnt really that much to do with Cocoon but one can dream about a 
similar IDE based around Cocoon and some kind of persistence layer like 
Hibernate and OJB.


Re: [RT] Future of the Slide Source

2004-04-14 Thread Mats Norén
I've been following the discussions on both the repository API and the 
Slide Source and I have a few questions to consider.
The Source IF is an abstraction layer but not a particularly good one in 
this context.
I agree that the Slide Source should be dropped but I don´t agree that 
another source is the complete solution.
A source in this context is (in my POV)  a data object and you need ways 
to manipulate data objects in the scope of a transaction, this is not 
possible with a Source as it stands to day.
I´ve been a part of  a project that built a CMS on top of Cocoon (flow), 
Slide and the *unstable* Slide Source.
The biggest problem with the Source abstraction is the manipulation of 
properties and content and the lack of transactions spanning over 
several source actions when doing these manipulations.
Sources were designed for reading information and not for manipulating them.
Naturally one could build something on top of a Source abstraction that 
encapsulated Source operations within a transaction but what´s the point 
in that when you could have a repository IF working directly with Slide 
which supports transactions?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that a WebDAV Source +  a Repository 
IF that doesn´t overlap is what I would have liked if I were to build 
yet another CMS on top of Cocoon and WebDAV. :)

Best regards,
Stephan Michels wrote:


I currently think about the Slide/WebDAV access layer, since I
need it for my next project. The access to the Slide repository was my
first approach in the past, and perhaps not the best. The Slide API is
some parts very beautiful, but not intended to be used outside of Slide.
Nevertheless running Slide and Cocoon side by side is pretty cool.
So, I think the WebDAV access is the way to go. The Source IF is 
already an abstraction layer, so I don't need another like JSR170(in my

The Repository IFs seems be more helper classes than components. And I
think we should using the Source objects instead to reflect all aspects
like locking, property handling etc.
My proposal is to drop the Slide Source, but leave the Slide server as
option, and using the Slide block in the same sense as the hsqldb block.
So that we can use Slide as WebDAV server for our WebDAV examples.


BTW, the WedDAV client of SN is really nice, see

Re: Changing response targets with flow

2004-01-04 Thread Mats Norén
Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

On 1 Jan 2004, at 23:25, Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Upayavira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hunsberger, Peter wrote:

Any idea if it would be possible to devise a way to alter 
the target 

frame for a response in the flow?  In particular, we have
some search

screens that show their results in different frame. If a
request fails

validation I'd like it to return to the original frame and
not show the

results in the other frame.  So, in this case I'd just like
to remove

the target frame if the request fails validation.

Peter Hunsberger

I might be wrong, but I think your thinking is wrong here.

You cannot control (from in flow) the frame that a page is 

in, because the browser does a request for a specific frame, and 
that's where the result will be shown.

To achieve what you want, you'd have to do it with some 
client side 

javascript. Send back a response including some javascript 
that makes 

the browser reload the other frame.

Hope this makes sense.
Yah, that makes sense, probably a little too much grog 
last night to 

be thinking straight...  I was hoping there might be some header or 
other http level setting that the browser would use to 
determine what 

the target frame was for.
Nop, there is no such thing. This is yet another of the two thousand 
reasons on why you should never be using frames but you 
should be doing 
server side aggreation (where you *do* have full control on what 

That's a bit of a pain in this particular case, not impossible, but a
lot more work than just setting up the frame and calling an existing
page.  It's probably pretty easy to detect the error in this case and
display just the error message in the second frame and that will work
ok, not quite as pretty, but that's what you get for being lazy...

Another approach which we´ve found quite useful is to use an iframe in a 
div with visibility set to hidden. A clientside javascript alters the 
src-attribute for the iframe which causes it to reload.
In the result from the webserver we use the onload event to call a 
callback-function which copies the content from the hidden div to the 
visible output when to frame loads.
This may not be applicable in your case but it´s another way of using 
frames. The application uses more logic on the clientside so it´s not 
for evenyone.

An introduction to inner-browsing from DevEdge:

Re: code ethics on js-java integration

2003-12-23 Thread Mats Norén
PS Many tools (read: IDEA) will search in text files for your Java 
identifiers when renaming/deleting.
A little offtopic but wouldn´t it be possible to use the OpenAPI in IDEA 
to create a flowscript editor with command completion, class lookups etc 
 etc. Is anyone else interested in pursuing this idea?
I may have some spare cycles between christmas and new years... :)


Maybe there already exists such an editor, if so, then ignore this post ;)

Re: [RT] Converging the repository concept in cocoon

2003-12-01 Thread Mats Norén
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I'm working on Doco and I finished my first phase: I have a repository 
that I like and does what I need. It's Slide, in case you haven't 
noticed ;-)

So, now I have a WebDAV/DeltaV/DASL/ACL repository and I want to 
connect to it.

There has been a lot of work in the area of Repository API lately, 
both inside and outside cocoon.

Cocoon currently hosts four different repositories concepts:

 1) two in the linotype block
 2) one in the slide block
 3) one in the repository block (which is a refactoring of the 
SourceRepository in linotype)

the linotype repository is a big time hack: it does what linotype 
needed, but it's not reusable outside (concerns overlap in its 
interface). The SourceRepository is an implementation of the linotype 
Repository over a source instead that over a file system. While nicer, 
it inherits all the problems of the original interface. It does 
versioning but it doesn't do properties or property querying.

the repository in the slide block uses slide directly and, mostly, for 
authentication purposes... it's based on an older version of slide, 
doesn't handle versioning, doesn't handle file properties. It's based 
on actions, generators and transformers. To me, looks old and the need 
to have the repository on the local machine (and keep it opaque to the 
outside world) makes it impossible to use in what I need. 
Not entirely true,  there is some versionable stuff in there, and it 
uses a CVS version of slide2.0 I think. We´ve been using it for a simple 
We´re using a relational backend (mysql) instead of  the 
XMLFileDescriptorStore, we store both properties and content and they 
are all versioned.
But if the C2 team could come up with something better I would be more 
than happy to switch to it :)

the one in the repository block is the cleanest one, but IMO, its 
design is backwards. I'll explain what I mean in a second.

For now, I think it's a must that, just as we did with forms, we take 
a look at the various approaches and choose one to follow and ignore 
the other ones.

I think the repository block is the best effort, but it needs 
substantial redesign.

 - o -

First of all, let me introduce what I mean with a repository.

A repository is a place where I store my content.

Functionality I need is:

 1) open/save document
 2) create collection of documents
 3) attach metadata to documents (externally to them!!)
 4) query the repository against document metadata
 5) versioning (autoversioning on saving and version update)
Things that could prove useful:

6) observation - add listeners to specific events in the repository 
based on both the type of event and on the location in the repository.
7)  visitable nodes in the tree - do batch processing on nodes in the 
repository, etc. For example to set specific properties on nodes in a 
specific branch.

From a flow (or more correctly from a rhino) perspective I´ve been 
thinking about some kind of  scriptable node to make it possible to 
script certain tasks against the repository. This could of course be 
used from the flow-layer as well.
Anyone else out there that´s been experimenting with this idea?

I´m aware of the fact that these functionality requirements are not the 
first to consider when converging the repository concept in Cocoon, but 
I still think they can be useful. :)

/Regards Mats

Re: Blocks build question

2003-11-28 Thread Mats Norén
Geoff Howard wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 25.11.2003 14:22, Mats Norén wrote:

I´m trying to integrate an application of ours as a block, and I 
have a simple buildquestion:
I want to filter the contents of the files which are copied to 
web-inf how do I go about it?
If I look at the generated blocks-build.xml I can see that filtering 
is turned on, but I can´t see where the tokens are defined (if at all).
So my question is, which property file should I put my tokens in?

Also see


Thanks! We adopted your way of doing things and it works great!


Blocks build question

2003-11-25 Thread Mats Norén
I´m trying to integrate an application of ours as a block, and I have a 
simple buildquestion:
I want to filter the contents of the files which are copied to web-inf 
how do I go about it?
If I look at the generated blocks-build.xml I can see that filtering is 
turned on, but I can´t see where the tokens are defined (if at all).
So my question is, which property file should I put my tokens in?


Re: Portlet environment (JSR168)

2003-11-21 Thread Mats Norén
Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Hi all,

I'm working on Portlet (aka JSR168 aka Pluto) environement for Cocoon 
so that Cocoon can be deployed as a Portlet. Is there any interest at 
all for this functionality? I'm thinking about dumping it into 
scratchpad or separate block...
I´m interested in what progress you have done so far. I couldn't find 
anything in scratchpad, how is it coming along?


[OT] create thumbnails of html

2003-10-10 Thread Mats Norén
I know this is slightly off-topic but does anyone on the list now of an 
open source component that can create an image thumbnail of a html page 
like the HTML2JPG blackbox component?

I thought about doing some weird stuff with pipelines in cocoon to 
achieve this but it seems to much of a hassle.

/Regards Mats