Re: Suggestion for XHTMLSerializer

2005-08-08 Thread Roy G. Biv
Forgive me for jumping in, but people seem to be talking past one 
another. I don't think you are talking about the same issue(s). Correct 
me if I'm wrong.

Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 08.08.2005 21:30, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Completely wrong. If you find a 1:1 relation between a svg and a 
bitmap, go
ahead man, you're rich. For me a svg serialization is not 
reversible, you

loose layers, labels, structure and of course scalability.

Man, 1:1 does not mean that you can go in both directions!

You just proved Eric's point.

In which way?

XSLT serialization (as per spec Eric quoted) provides a way for one 
way 1:1 transformation of xml into the desired view format exactly in 
the same way as batik transforms svg into png. XSLT has more 
capabilities, one even might say that it allows for arbitrary xml 
transformations - but another will say that's exactly the 
transformation he needs for his view.

From Vadim and Eric: Many (most?) serializers are not reversible and 
therefore there should be no prohibition on yet another seemingly useful 
serializer based upon XSLT and its output element.

From Joerg: An XSLSerializer (or TRAXSerializer) would require a src 
attribute and so depend on something outside the sitemap for its 
behavior. This is a question of side effects.

These are two separate and distinct design/implementation issues.

Furthermore there were reasons for not using xsl:output information, 
but putting it into serializer component declaration. Shall they no 
longer be valid?

Design of the Cocoon components does not force you into using 
xsl:output instruction. Moreover, you are encouraged to split up your 
transformations into multiple logically separated stages, some of them 
transforming xml data and some of them applying view, layout, etc 
details, (and some of them even doing LDAP or SQL DB lookups) and 
finally, you have an option to serialize this xml into the output 
format of your choosing.

TraxSerializer does not break above design in any single place. It 
just gives you additional serialization option, which is, 
coincidentally, explores well documented and understood option of the 
XSLT specification, which is a plus in my book.

That well documented and understood option of the XSLT specification 
was categorically rejected when designing Cocoon 2.x. It was obviously 
intended for standalone use just as processing instructions in XML to 
determine the XSLT or CSS stylesheet. It is fundamentally at odds with 
the Cocoon pipeline, as has been mentioned on the mailing list for years.

TraxSerializer does not force you to put your final view xslt 
transform into the serializer. And I'd even discourage you to do it - 
as it, in some scenarios, reduces possibilities of reuse - but in some 
scenarios it'd be advantageous to add small xslt based serialization 
instead of writing yet another java serializer.

Can you enumerate these scenarios? What could you do for this that you 
cannot do with a trax transformer followed by one of the existing 
serializers? What advantage is there over, say, a virtual serializer 
made up of an xslt transform and a serializer? What is the specific use 

Use cases that currently cannot be handled easily = excellent reason.
But some scenarios sounds like (dare I say it?) Flexibility Syndrome.

Now, to add some more fodder to this discussion... Are there any other 
serializers that rely on non-sitemap assets such as template files for 
operation? Batik uses AWT behind the scenes and the system fonts for 
example, but does this count? Wouldn't something like a TRAXSerializer 
add side effects to the concept of sitemap serializers? Currently the 
sitemap is as much a processing contract as it is a processor. By 
looking at the sitemap pipeline, you can see what should be read, what 
the schema/format is at each stage of the pipeline, and exactly what is 
sent out.

The svg2jpeg serializer is not 1:1 as Vadim and Eric have pointed out. 
They are not equal. However, this does not invalidate Joerg's point. It 
is a *completely different* point. A better, clearer statement is that 
serializers are not 1:1 (to be clear, nothing in Cocoon 2 is) but rather 
1-1. There have been no end of emails equating reversibility (1:1) to a 
processing anti-pattern. Currently, what you see in the sitemap 
serializer declaration is what is output. Introducing a trax serializer 
means that what you see in the sitemap serializer declaration is only 
*part* of what is output. There is a huge difference between the two, 
and I can see why Joerg was so upset.

* The svg2jpeg serializer always requires SVG input and always provides 
JPEG output -- including the mime type of image/jpeg.
* The fo2pdf serizalizer always requires XSL:FO input and always 
provides PDF output -- including the mime type of application/pdf.
* A hypothetical trax serializer would require a specific input 
(elements that the stylesheet is expecting) but the 

[RT] MVC Contexts (Was Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (generator and transformer, same template syntax?))

2004-12-08 Thread Roy G. Biv
This one is long folks.  Sorry, can't be helped.
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Sure, but the question is: once the syntax starts to get ugly for 
both because of changes we made to the language that make sense only 
on transformation and not on generation, would it still be the case?

remember that the generation stage has a scripted population stage 
first, the transformation stage does not!
I don't see this distinction: if you look at the global processing 
chain, there is always a population stage in front of the template 

1/ template as a generator
 ++  +---+
 + Flowscript |--(objects)--| Template  | ...
 +   data |  | generator |
 ++  +---+
 Template file
2/ template as a transformer
 +---+   +-+
 | Generator |--(xml data)--|  Template   | ...
 |   |   | transformer |
 +---+   +-+
  Template file
Where is the difference? The template lays out some data. In the case 
of the generator, it's controller-provided data, in the case of the 
transformer, it's pipeline-produced data. Note that is not limited to 
a generator, but can also be aggregation, prior transformation, etc, 
or even some preliminary processing of some controller-provided data.


Is this indeed the case?  The flow data is, strictly speaking in this 
case, the model?  The template *may or may not* follow the flow data 
structure closely.  In fact, the flow data is merely a hint or an 
indicator.  The template file has the final say on the data structure.  
You can send the exact same flow data via sendPage* to two different 
JXTG template pipelines and get functionally different XML structures 
(depending on which objects are accessed and how).

MVC contexts.  That's my new buzzword for the day.
When you pull an RSS feed from another site for inclusion in your own 
site, what is that RSS feed to you?  A model right?  But to the remote 
site, the RSS is a view (to a remote database for example), not a 
model.  It's the final form for others to use.  But it's still RSS data 
isn't it?  How can it be both a model and a view?  Because it's used in 
a different context.  The web browser is the same thing.  To Cocoon, 
HTML is absolutely the view.  But to a web browser, it's the model.  The 
HTML renderer+CSS is the view, and the client-side Javascript is clearly 
the controller.  Isn't this all true and MVC is actually dependant upon 
the scope of the problem at hand.

In a high-level view of Cocoon, the model is the object model (Hibernate 
et al.), the view is the pipeline, and the controller is Flow.  But what 
is a generator in a pipeline?  The model?  But the model from Cocoon 
came from Flow?  But the pipeline is under no obligation to use that 
data from Flow.  It can use a subset of that data, iterate a data 
structure multiple times or ignore the data altogether.  In addition, it 
has access to data that Flow didn't give it (Actions).

So while it is the view for Cocoon at large, it is in fact it's own MVC 
context that grabs data as needed just as a client-side Javascript can 
grab updated information from the server without refreshing the main 
page (GMail).  Who decides if that data is to be used?  The pipeline 
logic as controller.  (Ack!)  The generator determines which template to 
use.  In the case of JXTG, it loads the template file *and* injects 
data.  The difference between displaying a template file raw or with 
data is the choice of pipeline components in the sitemap, not Flow.  
Flow can only produce it's view of the working data set and request a 
particular pipeline that presumably would put that data structure to 
good use.  The pipeline is the controller here.

A browser makes separate requests for the HTML, Javascript files and CSS 
stylesheets to produce the final view for your pleasure.  You don't see 
the MVC in a browser, you see the result of the MVC, the view.  Wasn't 
this the entire point of the last ten years of the W3C?  To specify HTML 
as a model, Javascript as a controller and CSS as a view?  In a 
different MVC context of course.  ;-)

So in a pipeline MVC context you have a model, the inital XML (static or 
a template) that determines the initial structure of the data events 
(generating SAX events where there previously were none), the controller 
with modular logic (pipeline-specified transformers and actions), and 
the serializer as view (what the outside world sees).

Cocoon had MVC before the advent of Flow.  It simply had a single 
complete MVC context.  Flow gave rise to a new concept I've heard on 
this list repeatedly, MVC+.  But are we really defining M, V, C and some 
new, unnamed 

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (generator and transformer, same template syntax?)

2004-12-07 Thread Roy G. Biv
I'm almost afraid to bring this up since I'm coming from a point of view 
where I actually like XSLT.  Yes, I'm one of *those* people.  ;-)

But when I saw this:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Then, Bob, who's in charge of the final presentation, writes another 
template to convert this logical document to, say, lightweight 
HTML, for an embedded terminal (no CSS). This gets processed by the 
XYZTransformer, which uses the same template and expression engines, 
and the same syntax as the XYZGenerator (again, don't worry about 
syntax details):

  tr tl:iter=p in page/person-list

Aside from missing the tl namespace declaration, I was curious if 
people are keeping in mind that the equivalent XSLT stylesheet is:

html xsl:version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=;
 headtitlexsl:value-of select=page/title//title/head
 xsl:for-each select=page/person-list
   tdxsl:value-of select=name//td
   tdxsl:value-of select=age//td
This is an XSLT 1.0 literal result element as stylesheet.  

I wanted to point out that XSLT can be used in the same (procedural) 
model as is being proposed in the two-step template models.  More 
elements and fewer dollar signs though.  It also leaves the door open 
for more complex transformations if needed (using full XSLT) and allows 
the documentation load to be distributed by other projects.  That and 
XSLT transformers have already been performance tuned.

Don't get me wrong, I like the attribute syntax as much as the next guy.
Just saying...
- Miles Elam

Re: [RT] do me a favor, don't call them taglibs

2004-12-05 Thread Roy G. Biv
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Still, CSS is not enough because is not able to change the layout of 
things and, even worse, sometimes the style dictates the markup 
(example: if you want to use stuff like rounded boxes).
For rounded corners at tabs you can use :before and :after pseudo 
unfortionally it only works in modern browsers and not in the popular 
broken one that our custommers tend to have :/
- Miles Elam

Re: [OT] Roy G. Biv vs Miles Elam

2004-12-05 Thread Roy G. Biv
Haha!  I had a friend in college (who I had a crush on at the time) who 
gleefully pointed out that my name backwards was conspicuously similar 
to male slime.

...she didn't live long.
- Miles Elam
Then again
the 'male smile' anagram isn't much better

Re: [RT] Attribute Driven Templates (Was: [RT] do me a favor, don't call them taglibs)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
All I ask from a template language:
 1) something that HTML designers can edit with Dreamweaver
 2) something that doesn't use namespaced tags to identify dynamic 
scopes (clashes with #1)
 3) something that doesn't use the name taglib

That's pretty much all you have to do to make me happy.

Dreamweaver friendly means basically that it should be attribute 
driven I guess?
Any prohibition on (non-HTML) namespaced tags would imply to me that 
arbitrary namespaced attributes would be a no-no in Dreamweaver as 
well.  Stefano, as I haven't ever used Dreamweaver for more than ten 
minutes, is this limitation a rendering issue or data entry issue?  I 
question the position though.  Taking two obvious possibilites:

1. Velocity syntax: just plugs in in the best-case scenario as text but 
suffers from the danger of having the text #foreach wrapped in a tag 
by the editor.  Well-formedness is not guaranteed.  (I think.  Correct 
em if I'm wrong.)

2. Namespaced tag or attribute: may not be compatible with Dreamweaver 
(strikes me as a serious limitation that needs to be addressed by the 
Dreamweaver developers IMHO), but can guarantee well-formedness.

I don't think any solution will be perfect.  The best we can hope for is 
straightforward workarounds.

I'll give some background info and then I'll show how an attribute 
driven template language for Cocoon could look. The discussion is 
based on TAL, 
Tapestry and some of the 
functionallity in JXTG.
Lucky me, I just made my first site with Plone a couple of months ago.
We need two kinds of constructions: expressions and directives.
Expressions are the ${expr} stuff in e.g. JXTG and should be use 
able both in text in attributes and element content. Do we need the 
$? Couldn't we just use {expr} as in XSLT?
I'm glad someone else said this.  I totally agree.  If I understand 
correctly, the reason behind the '$' character was to differentiate 
JXPath and JEXL expressions.  Since the current thought is that we'll 
standardize the lookup syntax, why the extra character.  It can be said 
that people are used to JXTG, but far more people are used to XSLT-style 
attribute value substitution.

Also bear in mind that JXTemplateGenerator is already written and code 
complete.  Any new syntactic sugar would presumably be in a different 
sitemap component (even if it were abusively named 
org.apache.cocoon.transformation.JXTemplateGeneratorV2).  Everyone used 
to the old syntax just uses the old JXTG implementation in their sitemap 
declarations (I love Cocoon's design for this by the way).

IIUC TAL doen't use embeded expressions but instead replace element 
and attribute content with replace directives (in attributes). It 
might make it even more Dreamweaver friendly as you can look at 
example content instead of expressions in your design window. But it 
makes template writing much harder IMO. We could have such replacement 
directives if people want it but, I would prefer having embeded 
expresions as well.
I as well.  In addition, I think that the optimum template language 
would be as close to the appearance of the output document as possible.  
(Yet another reason I don't personally care for explicit forEach, if and 
chose elements; they make it harder to see at a glance how it will look 
after processing.)

TAL uses one name spaced attribute for each directive, e.g.:
p tal:condition=here/copyright
   tal:content=here/copyright(c) 2000/p
Other than the fact that I would have rathered the attribute were 
tal:test instead of tal:condition for brevity's sake, this syntax had 
proven to be extremely powerful and easy to understand in my experience.

Tapestry instead uses only one attribute, jwcid, with the directive 
name as content.

tr jwcid=loop
  tdspan jwcid=insertFirstNameJohn/span/td
  tdspan jwcid=insertLastNameDoe/span/td
I'm a big fan of namespacing the attribute for reasons of versioning as 
well as clearly marking which directives belong to which processor -- 
both for the processor and for the template author.

A problem with attribute name as directive is that xml attributes 
are unordered. So in the case you need e.g. a double loop over an 
element, test if you want to perform a loop or do a loop and test each 
element, a mechanism for deciding the order is needed. TAL uses a 
predetermined order for the directives. That is far to implicit for my 
taste and it doesn't solve the double loop. I would prefer to do 
something more explicit like:

p tal:define-1=x /a/long/path/from/the/root
   tal:attributes-4=class x/classEx Text/p
Sounds good on paper, sounds like a royal PITA in practice.  Determining 
whether attribute  A should be set before the first condition but after 
the second condition which determines the content...  

Re: [RT] do me a favor, don't call them taglibs (TAL-like two-step templating?)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
And it might make a big difference, from the users point of view, by 
making it possible to use a single tool for the whole presentation 
pipeline, and making presentation templates way easier than raw XSLT, 
which is a major stumbling block for many people.

We might want to make it work first, to see how much people like it. 
If they like it, I'm sure someone will find a way to make it fast, if 

You're right no need to optimize until we know if it is needed. AFAICS 
the only reasonable way of accessing the XML input is things like 
XPath that in general need access to the complete XML-tree. And in 
that case we can reuse XSLT processor technology if needed. Going for 
something like STX-style access would be far to complecated for the 
intended audience.
Why is STX considered more complex than XSLT?  Sure it doesn't have 
arbitrary source tree access, but the syntax is very similar to XSLT by 
design.  Instead of xsl:template, you have stx:template.  I still 
think that STX would act as an effective macro expansion mechanism 
instead of having macros in Java/SAX.

- Miles Elam

Re: [RT] do me a favor, don't call them taglibs (TAL-like two-step templating?)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
What we need is a template language. Period. Something that converts 
data *structures* into SAX events. Whether you use it for data or 
presentation or whatever else, it's up to you.
Once again, it looks like I should have just read all the comments 
before replying again.  *sigh*

For what it's worth, concept resonation has occurred. (aka I agree 

- Miles Elam

Re: [RT] Attribute Driven Templates (Was: [RT] do me a favor, don't call them taglibs)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Roy G. Biv wrote:
2. Namespaced tag or attribute: may not be compatible with Dreamweaver 
(strikes me as a serious limitation that needs to be addressed by the 
Dreamweaver developers IMHO), but can guarantee well-formedness.
Nevermind.  Forget I said this.  Dreamweaver supports namespaced attributes.
- Miles Elam

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (Just my opinion)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
That's what I mean - having a transformer that can use the same 
template syntax as used in the generator, so that the template 
language can be used for both the generation and transformation steps.
Aren't you really talking about just a transformer then?  The current 
role of generator would be handled by a FileGenerator loading the 
template for processing by the transformer.  The processing model would 
be kept with the SourceValidity object -- possiblity for reuse whenever 
the previous parts of the pipeline are cacheable.

Then the generator simply becomes a virtual one:
 map:generator name=template
   map:absolutize param=templatename/
   map:generate type=file src={templatename}.xml/
   map:transform type=template/
A two for one!  Only one codebase to maintain.  Nothing to keep in sync.
- Miles Elam

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (Just my opinion)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
I see the idea, but I think the same thing can be done quite easily in 
code by reusing the same processing code in the generator and 
To what advantage?
- Miles Elam

[RT] Formatting and Macros: A tangent on the template/taglib discussion

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Here's where I'm at on templates.  Feel free to critique.
Goals (in order of importance):
1. Get data from an object model
2. Minimize or eliminate programmatic logic inside the template
3. Make as simple to read/write templates as possible
4. Give feedback on all possible errors
5. Make the data presentable -- follow established Java data formatting 
rules where possible
6. Speed
7. Allow extensibility without altering core code

Things to avoid:
1. Making a turing complete programming language out of the template 
2. Avoid tags that simply duplicate programmatic language structures 
(eg. if else forEach)
3. Second-guessing the data model (eg. getInt, getFloat, getString)
4. Programmatic tag libraries for macros (ie. Just use STX, stx:include 
and aggregate tranforms)

While I doubt my goals will draw much criticism, the latter group may.  
In my opinion, once you fall into if/else/forEach land, you've just 
rewritten XSP with attribute markers instead of xsp:logic markers.  
I'm probably a broken record here, but there is no difference between 
if test=x/ and if(x){}.  If the templating process inevitably falls 
to them, assumptions about the template tools or that template authors 
must write them must be reconsidered.  Simplicity and being terse are 
key.  If an operation can be done with one attribute what would require 
three attributes (or one attribute with three directives) for 
Turing-completeness, pick the single, simple attribute that is not 

In addition, I'm wondering what folks think of the following:
Template Typing/Formatting
Data structures are largely uniform.  If I query a bean for a user's 
age, it is highly unlikely that sometimes I will receive an integer and 
other times receive string or a date during the same data iteration.  So 
in the efforts toward template simplification, how do we feel about 
these two items?

1. No explicit data typing by default (eg. 
${user/sallary::#,###.00'/yr'} instead of something like 
${formatNumber(user/sallary, '#,###.00\'/yr\'')}) or the current crop of 
formatNumber/ and its ilk.

rationale: promotes the use of appropriate data types by the programmer 
and relieves the template author of needing to know about typing.  The 
persistence mechanism most likely has a type specified (especially if a 
relational database is in use) and objects in Flow as well.  Why force 
restatement in the template byt the person arguably least likely to make 
an informed decision on the subject?  Just pass a format parameter and 
be done with it.  If the format parameter doesn't fit, report the error 
(and location in the template).

2. Use and extension of the java.text.Format hierarchy for data formatting.
rationale: code reuse is maximized and avoids the proliferation of 
Cocoon-only APIs.

As was mentioned before, there are only so many formatting variants 
needed.  I think this covers the bases:

boolean: a selection from two possibilities eg. true/false, yes/no, on/off.
integer (byte, short, int, long): separator placement, percentages, 
currency (precision with decimals by division), other bases (hex, octal, 
decimal (float, double): separator placement, percentages, currency, 
decimal precision
date/time: basically the SimpleDateFormat syntax featureset
strings (including char and char[]): substring, lowercase/uppercase (Is 
this a CSS concern?), xml fragments
unhandled objects: Object.toString() should cover this

Also, integer, decimal, and date/time parameters would have to handle 
locale.  (Or would a template-wide locale setting in the sitemap be more 

Missing(?) items are formatters for java.math.BigInteger and 
java.math.BigDecimal.  Also perhaps support for InputStreams/Readers for 
larger content (treated as a string or xml InputSource I would assume).  
Also a mechanism to add/register new formatters.

By factoring out this code concern and relying upon java.text.Format 
implementations, the amount of Cocoon-specific code could be reduced 
while referencing standard formatting parameters.

Getting the appropriate format could be accomplished with a 
FormatFactory (for lack of a better name) with the following interface:

   interface FormatFactory {
   public java.text.Format getFormat (String params, Locale 
   public java.text.Format getFormat (String params, Locale 
defaultLocale, Object value);

The first is called to see if the Format can be determined by the 
parameters.  The second is called when no formatter was returned from 
the first so that the Object's type determines the formatter.  As I said 
earlier, the types are usually uniform in any given data structure.  
Once the type is determined and the format set once, further iterations 
could skip this type check and just use the formatter.  If there is no 
appropriate formatter for the type, a default formatter that simply 
calls .toString() would be 

Re: [RT] Formatting and Macros: A tangent on the template/taglib discussion

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Thank you for the reply.  I realize that I'm trying your patience.  I 
appreciate you bearing with me.

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Roy G. Biv wrote:
Goals (in order of importance):
1. Get data from an object model
2. Minimize or eliminate programmatic logic inside the template
3. Make as simple to read/write templates as possible
4. Give feedback on all possible errors
5. Make the data presentable -- follow established Java data 
formatting rules where possible
6. Speed
7. Allow extensibility without altering core code
Seem reasonable. Point 4. seem complicated, care to expand on this. 
Concerning point 7., I'm curious, wasn't you in strong oposition 
against extensibillity?
Point 4: JXTG does it already.  Basically it amounts to saying what went 
wrong and what line/column the error in the template occurred on.

Point 7: I was referring to data formatters.  Sorry about that.
1. Making a turing complete programming language out of the template 
Things to avoid:
The important point is not Turing compatibility, BTW I woudn't think 
that the attribute language I proposed it Turing compatible.

The important things is IMO, that the language is side effect free and 
and has access to the things but not more. What that means is an 
important point to discuss. It is also important that the directives 
are so well designed so that it is easy to perform common tasks.
2. Avoid tags that simply duplicate programmatic language structures 
(eg. if else forEach)
Is this a syntax or semantics question? I.e. does it mean that you 
think they are ok as attributes but not as tags or does it mean that 
you will rule out such constructs completely?
It means I would try to stop thinking as a programmer and focus on the 
problem.  I know that seems in contradiction on its face since no matter 
what, we're dealing with a computer.  But I know for myself, I've spent 
so much time with C/C++/Java/Perl/Javascript that if, else, foreach, 
while, switch, etc. are all part of my natural language.  I like many 
many others on this list think in code.  The distinction between a class 
constant and an instance variable is clear and distinct on an almost 
instinctive level due to years of repetition.  Singleton and facade 
are in our daily vocabulary.

*We as programmers are odd.*
When designing template languages for example, I try to think as someone 
who hasn't taken an introductory programming or data structures class in 
college.  I try to think of my friends who think of if, else, while, 
etc. as just a few arbitrary words out of thousands in the English 
language.  Then add only what logic is necessary to get to a 
well-defined target.  Since if, else and foreach are all general 
programming directives, I consider their presence in a template language 
suspect until proven otherwise necessary.  Nothing nefarious or 
complex.  Just a reflex so that I can empathize with the target audience.

4. Programmatic tag libraries for macros (ie. Just use STX, 
stx:include and aggregate tranforms)
As said before I don't share your love for STX, I find it rather cool 
for applications where I need to do simple things for huge amount of 
repetetive data, but otherwise its far to complicated for my taste.
I guess I'm coming from the point of view of the samples for JXTG -- not 
the most complex material to work with.  Then again, that's the type of 
thing that I think of when I hear the term template macro.  With the 
calendar example, I found the complexity to be the bean and the raw 
template directives necessary to iterate that bean.  The macro expansion 
portion never occured to me to be anything but the most trivial portion 
of the equation.

While I doubt my goals will draw much criticism, the latter group 
may.  In my opinion, once you fall into if/else/forEach land, you've 
just rewritten XSP with attribute markers instead of xsp:logic 
markers.  I'm probably a broken record here, but there is no 
difference between if test=x/ and if(x){}.
Yes you are, so I try to avoid repeating my answer ;)
Haha!  Sorry about that.
In addition, I'm wondering what folks think of the following:
Template Typing/Formatting
Yes, what do we think? Take a look at: [RT] Attribute Rendering and 
CForms Convertors,
all the 78 posts are not about that but many are ;)
A...  This makes it clear for me.  This also explains why I missed 
the discussion.  I may just be slow, but I never considered that email 
subject line to be about JXTG template replacements.  I have been in 
general quite pleased with CForm work thus far and saw no need to get 
involved with implementation discussions about it.  I'm working my way 
through the discussion now to catch up.

Miles, it seem that you propose things that are very close to things 
that I and others have discussed the design for in previous e-mails. 
If there are things that I fail

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (first stab after reading the archives)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Bruno Dumon wrote:
On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 12:15 +0100, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
CForms Convertor Integration

Here is the Convertor interface:
AFAICS we don't need the formatCache in a convertion component, each 
convertor will only be needed to be defined once

The purpose of the formatCache is if a lot of values need to be
converted using the same convertor, which is (or can be) the case in
selection lists. Java's DateFormat and NumberFormat classes are not
Ok. didn't know that, disturbing :/
so they need to be recreated for each conversion, and this
can be quite heavy (eg the number or date formatting pattern must be
reparsed each time). The format cache allows to store the prepared
Date/NumberFormat instance, but is completely optional.

Yes, now it makes perfect sense. Would it be possible to let the 
convertor manager handle some thread local Date/NumberFormat cache, so 
that the user of the convertor doesn't have to manage that?
Wasn't this precisely why java.text.Format implements Cloneable?
eg. formatter.clone().format(...)
The idea was that the pattern would not have to be reparsed.  In addition,
threadsafe formatters could simply return this as the return value to
Would this be less efficient than a format cache?  It would definitely be
simpler code and a modern generational garbage collector should make short
work of the short-lived object.
- Miles Elam
P.S. Yes, reading the discussion makes me feel more at ease.  I still
think the email subject could have been clearer though.  ;-)

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (Just my opinion)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
No, I disagree: there is a place for generation and there is a place 
for transformation. They are different things and both have a reason 
to exist.
I see where the statement comes from, but doesn't processing begin by 
loading the template file?  Data injection from flow is step 2.  Loading 
the template file seems like the generation step to me, not the data 

With XSLT/STX, the stylesheet is the manipulative/transformative 
vector.  With a flow template transformer, it's the flow object model.  
With the i18n transformer, it's the l10n catalog(s).

Your dividing line seems somewhat arbitrary.  What am I missing?
- Miles Elam

Re: [RT] Attribute Driven Templates

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
For the record: my focus is on having a template language for cocoon 
that is as powerful as XSP but avoids all the problems.
Is that realistic?  I can see logicsheets, but XSP was arbitrary Java 
code.  I find it hard to believe that *anything* will be as 
powerful/flexible as that.

Dealing with strict constrains is also a very good exercise of design 
because it forces you to think rather than just work by symmetry.
Indeed.  My constraint has been a Simplified DocBook variant which I 
find to be a much stronger data model than XHTML, but that doesn't make 
me right.

For example:
and the page it produces
Just trying to find the cleanest, most maintainable way there.
- Miles Elam

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (Just my opinion)

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Ralph Goers wrote:
Why would it begin with loading the template?  The process begins with 
the controller accessing the model and then making a determination of 
what to do next. It might need to go back to the model to obtain 
another piiece of information to display an alternate screen before 
displaying the one it collected the inital data for, for example.

The template should only be accessed when the data is ready to be 
manipulated, not before.
However useless the action may be, calling sendPage* on a pipeline 
without JXTG still produces (generates) output doesn't it?  I'm not 
trying to be difficult, even though it may seem so.

If you can have a pipeline that ignores the object model passed from 
Flow, how can that object model be automatically considered an intrinsic 
part of generation?  The Flow object model is available to components 
further down the pipeline too isn't it?

With XSLT/STX, the stylesheet is the manipulative/transformative 
vector.  With a flow template transformer, it's the flow object 
model.  With the i18n transformer, it's the l10n catalog(s).

I don't understand this. With these examples the 
manipulative/ransformative vector is the template, not the object 
model. That is what is being operated upon. All of the above are 
transformers and the all operate the same way; they are fed SAX events 
and output SAX events based upon the XSLT Stylesheet, the template, or 
the I18n elements.
Okay, aside from my obfuscated terminology, how is that true of the 
I18Transformer?  It takes SAX events (just like a template transformer 
would if the template file were read in from the FileGenerator), but 
it's catalog data, while stored on the filesystem in XML files, is not 
read in as a SAX stream; it's an injected data model.  The fact that the 
catalog files are stored as XML is an implentation detail, not part of 
the SAX processing pipeline.

If you were to load a .jx template in the FileGenerator, it's still 
data.  It's still a starting point whether or not there's a Flow bean 
awaiting iteration.  Does JXTG start processing by handling the Flow 
objects or by reading and parsing the template file.

Data injection is secondary.  Important, but secondary.
- Miles Elam

Re: [RT] Formatting and Macros: A tangent on the template/taglib discussion

2004-12-04 Thread Roy G. Biv
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
2) at the end, the template is not a file, but the result of a 
pipeline fragment. In short, the template that DW designers will have 
to use is a pipeline view, not a file on a disk.
How so?  The preliminary step(s) before data injection include such 
items as macros before expansion.  In short, the file on disk looks 
conspicuously like the template generator that does macros internally.  
I would absolutely expect the DW designer to be referencing the macros 
pre-expansion, not post-.

Whether it's
 map:generate type=jxtemplate src=template.jx/
 map:generate type=file src=template.jx/
 map:transform type=stx src=macros.stx/
 map:transform type=template/
This means that in order to allow DW designers to edit their pages, 
you have to create a special section of the website, hopefully webdav 
enabled, so that they can open/edit/save those virtual files... 
also, you need the ability for your first transformation stage to be 
It's the origin template (template.jx) that would be edited in DW, not 
the output of the macro transformer or data injection.  If you don't 
require reversal after data injection to get to HTML for the generator, 
why would you require it in this transformation model?  template.jx is 
the editable source in either case.

I may be working with a Simplified DocBook variant (and have to deal 
with some WebDAV trickery for editing), but nothing here requires it any 
more than if I created the file with JXTG to produce said Simplified 
DocBook variant.  XSLT transformation to HTML is the precursor to 
reversal, not a data injection transformer.

- Miles Elam
P.S.  I use the term data injection, but if that is turning some folks 
off, is there a preferred term that I should use on this list instead?

Re: [Design] JXTG 2.0 (Just say yes!)

2004-12-02 Thread Roy G. Biv
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
The only difference compared to the SQLTransformer would be that I 
can combine it with JXTG constructions and insert query params in a 
convinient way.
This is exactly the point that makes me say just say no to taglibs 
because, as I explained before, no matter what syntax, putting query 
parameters in a SQL string is not something that should be in a template!
Thank you.
Sure, that's a better syntax, but the fundamental problem remains: 
template designers don't know nothing about SQL, nor care, nor know 
anything about request parameters, not know anything about dynamic 
tags nor know how to debug something in case somebody screws up with 
the order of those tags!

let me rewrite the above:
  var query = SELECT name,description  +
  FROM projects  +
  WHERE project=  + +
  ORDER BY name ;
  var results = cocoon.datasources.gump.execute(query);
view.template (content style):
   #foreach project in projects
   lia href=projects?name=${}${}/a - 

or view.template (attribute style):
  ul x:foreach=project in projects
   lia href=projects?name=${}${}/a - 

note how SoC also allows you to use a different technology (example, 
O/R or straight OODBMS or even RDF triple stores!) to populate the 
beans without the template designers know anything about this!
Thank you!  If this isn't a case study of what to do with simple 
queries, I don't know what is.

Personally I like:
ul x:test=projects
 li x:context=projectsa href=projects?name=${name}${name}/a - 

Where each item in projects becomes the reference scope.  ;-)  If there 
are no projects, no list tags are written.  But then, I'm one of those 
weird guys who doesn't mind seeing things like ${.} occasionally to 
refer to the current iterated item.  I also have to admit a love for 
test conditionals that don't require the explicit != null grammar.  
Hey!  We can all dream, right?

One concern though: Is that results variable a result set or just a 
collection of data.  If the former, how is the database connection 
handled (closing or returning to the pool)?  If the latter, how can 
large result sets be returned without exhausting memory from a few 
queries?  That's the one case where I see ESQL winning out.  All other 
cases where you aren't dumping the contents of a table, this seems like 
an excellent idea.  If a web developer can't handle that much scripting, 
what chance do they have with an ESQL taglib?

Sure, I agree with all that. Only question is: where do I put my SQL 
queries in the above scenario?
this is the whole stinking point: *never* in the template!
Thank you.
But the whole point of this discussion is: do we need taglibs?
I'm sorry, but I agree with Miles, we don't: all we need is a 
velocity/garbage-like template system and recompilable java 

If you by this mean that you don't see any need in writing special 
purpose taglibs as a typical part of normal webapp development, I 
couldn't agree more.

No, not only that: I think that the person responsible for doing 
writing the logic that drives the flow *and* the content population of 
the page is *NOT* the same person that does the design of the template.
Thank you.
- Miles Elam

Re: [OT] EJB 3.0 in JBoss

2004-11-23 Thread Roy G. Biv
Peter Hunsberger wrote:
We've brought Cocoon up under JBoss 4 and it behaves a litte
strangely.  Haven't figured out exactly what is going on but it
appears that -- with no other configuration changes being made --  
Sitemap serializers must now have all elements declared (eg.
doctype-public, doctype-private, encoding, etc.).  It's as though some
DTD or Schema was saying everything is mandatory.  I know the Sitemap
doesn't declare a DTD or schema directly so I can't understand why
this would suddenly show up...

That's a shame.  I could see a future where one drops an .ejb3 file into 
the deploy directory and then immediately starts using the object in 
flow without a restart or extra deployment descriptor/mapping file hassles.

I'd be interested to hear if othes also run into this and what the
cause might be.

As would I.
- Miles Elam