Re: [lepido] squatting Cocoon's wiki

2005-04-15 Thread gounis

hi sylvain

i'm sure that community will accept this request

but just in case, we (osmosis) can offer hosting for a wiki as long we 
need it in this lepido phase.



On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

 Hi all,
 The Lepido project is in the proposal phase at Eclipse, and during that 
 phase the only provided resource is a newsgroup. We need however to 
 setup plans, feature list, participants, etc.
 That's why I kindly ask the Cocoon developers if we can create a few 
 pages for this on the Cocoon wiki. That will hopefully allow more Cocoon 
 users to provide feedback on what they expect from a Cocoon IDE.
 So, what do you think?

Re: [poll] Seeking eclipse plugin development skills for an opensource Cocoon IDE

2005-03-31 Thread gounis

hi Sylvain 

i dont know the level of eclipse skills are you looking for
but last months i'm working on an Eclipse RCP application

and i will be happy to contribute something to cocoon's community

-- stavros

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

 Hi folks,
 Cocoon is now a mature framework and is more and more used in corporate 
 environments. And more and more people are asking for some tools. 
 Several people also experienced lost projects because Cocoon doesn't 
 have a minimal opensource tooling.
 Building an opensource IDE for Cocoon not only requires some Cocoon 
 knowledge, but also some Eclipse plugin development skills.
 That's why I'm sending this poll to the whole user and developper community:
 - do you or your company have Eclipse plugin development skills?
 - if some opensource project is setup to develop a Cocoon IDE, would you 
 like to join and invest time and effort?
 Thanks for your answers,

Re: Website update for 2.1.7

2005-03-28 Thread gounis

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Antonio Gallardo wrote:
  We released 2.1.7 - congrats! :-)
  But, our site is outdated.
 Yes, I will not have time to update the site in the next week - can
 someone else please update? And take care that @version@ and @date@ are
 properly replaced as Joerg reported?

since there is no reply to your post carsten I'm offering to try to do
that (I'm not sure if i will succeed)

are the instructions here up to date?



RE: Question on CForms - relevant for 2.1.7 - translations requested

2005-03-15 Thread gounis

hi helma

i have create an entry in bugzilla

with the greek version of
FormsMessages.xml, OtherMessages.xml

plus one more .xml (MoreMessages.xml) contain the extra messages you have 
request for

let me know in your need more help



On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Linden H van der (MI) wrote:

 THANKS a lot.
 I'm putting some i18n text in to make the localized samples more interesting. 
 It would be great if you could provide a translation of the following in your 
 native language:
message key=titleTitle/message
message key=MRMr./message
message key=MSMs./message
message key=MRSMrs./message
message key=MISSMiss./message
message key=firstnameFirst Name/message
message key=surnameSurname/message
message key=birthdateBirthdate (dd/MM/)/message
message key=birthdate.failmessageDead and not born yet should not 
 bother filling this form/message
message key=emailEnter your bemail/b address/message
message key=email.helpAn email address must be in i[EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]/i format./message
message key=remembermeRemember me/message
message key=addressAddress/message
message key=usernameUsername/message
message key=username.hintThe username must contain exactly 5 
message key=countryCountry/message
message key=passwordPassword/message
message key=password.verifyRetype Password/message
 I'm sorry it's not yet complete, but every bit helps.
 Bye, Helma
  -Original Message-
  From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2005 15:06
  Subject: Re: Question on CForms - relevant for 2.1.7
  Le 12 mars 05,  14:52, Linden H van der (MI) a crit :
   ...So at least the styling will remain the same, but are there 
   differences (big or small) in the widget definitions etc. 
  that require 
   a rewrite of the current form samples?..
  Like you I haven't been able to follow everything.
  File comparison, however, shows very few differences, it 
  seems like the 
  branch and trunk are well in sync. You might want to look at the 
  status.xml file in the trunk for more info.

RE: Question on CForms - relevant for 2.1.7 - translations requested

2005-03-12 Thread gounis
On Sat, 12 Mar 2005, Linden H van der (MI) wrote:
hi helma

do you want a grrek translation too, or it would be difficult to handle 
greek language?



 THANKS a lot.
 I'm putting some i18n text in to make the localized samples more interesting. 
 It would be great if you could provide a translation of the following in your 
 native language:
message key=titleTitle/message
message key=MRMr./message
message key=MSMs./message
message key=MRSMrs./message
message key=MISSMiss./message
message key=firstnameFirst Name/message
message key=surnameSurname/message
message key=birthdateBirthdate (dd/MM/)/message
message key=birthdate.failmessageDead and not born yet should not 
 bother filling this form/message
message key=emailEnter your bemail/b address/message
message key=email.helpAn email address must be in i[EMAIL 
 PROTECTED]/i format./message
message key=remembermeRemember me/message
message key=addressAddress/message
message key=usernameUsername/message
message key=username.hintThe username must contain exactly 5 
message key=countryCountry/message
message key=passwordPassword/message
message key=password.verifyRetype Password/message
 I'm sorry it's not yet complete, but every bit helps.
 Bye, Helma
  -Original Message-
  From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, 12 March 2005 15:06
  Subject: Re: Question on CForms - relevant for 2.1.7
  Le 12 mars 05,  14:52, Linden H van der (MI) a crit :
   ...So at least the styling will remain the same, but are there 
   differences (big or small) in the widget definitions etc. 
  that require 
   a rewrite of the current form samples?..
  Like you I haven't been able to follow everything.
  File comparison, however, shows very few differences, it 
  seems like the 
  branch and trunk are well in sync. You might want to look at the 
  status.xml file in the trunk for more info.

RE: IntelliJ Open Source developer's license

2005-02-09 Thread gounis
On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Hugo Burm wrote:

 Hello Ralph,
 Can you comment on how you debug Cocoon with IDEA (isn't IntelliJ/Jetbrains
 the name of the company?)? Can you set breakpoints and step through  the
 Just for your reference, this is how I debug a Cocoon block:
 Have to do this one time:
 - Build the whole Cocoon thing with Ant (the default build) and deploy it.
 - Remove the jar of the block from WEB-INF/lib
 - Create an IDEA project, set the src dir to the src dir of the block. Set
 the output dir to WEB-INF/classes.
 And repeat this many times:
 - Modify some code . Add some print statements
 - Compile
 - Restart the container (Tomcat)
 - Test the result in a browser (and check the print statements)
 This is brain damaged (debugging source code with print statements while we
 are living in 2005). So any comments on how I can improve this workflow is
 Hugo Burm, also a big fan of IDEA by the way
hi huge

i dont know about IDEA but is very easy to do this in NetBeans


 BTW, I bought a personal license for IDEA. IntelliJ/Jetbrains offer these
 licenses mostly during a short period at 50%.
  -Original Message-
  From: Ralph Goers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 9:38 PM
  Subject: Re: IntelliJ Open Source developer's license
  Yeah, that is annoying.  I happen to have a commercial
  license through
  my employer, but I can use this on a different machine then I use for
  that.  I find that if I have two Cocoon projects open (1 for
  2.1.x and 1
  for trunk) it is kind of pointless to open any others. Cocoon
  is rather
  huge as a project.  But IntelliJ has been great for debugging Cocoon.
  Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
   Le 8 fvr. 05,  21:20, Ralph Goers a crit :
   For anyone who is interested, you can now use IntelliJ for
  free to do
   Cocoon development
   I had a look
  says You
   may: (i) save and use the Software for the purpose of open source
   development only;
   I'm wondering if there are many such pure open source
  developers who
   never write a line of commercial code, or if people are
  really going
   to switch to another environment when they do commercial (or just
   company internal) work ;-)
   -Bertrand, big fan of IDEA by the way

Re: IntelliJ Open Source developer's license

2005-02-09 Thread gounis

hi ralph

could you please add a wiki page (LoadInIDEA) with your instructions?



On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Ralph Goers wrote:

 This can be done fairly easily. I'll outline the steps I use.
 1. Create a directory named cocoon.
 2. Do svn co;. This 
 will create a BRANCH_2_1_X subdirectory.
 3. Build Cocoon.
 4. Create an idea project in cocoon/BRANCH_2_1_X. Use that as the source 
 directory.  You can set the output path to 
 cocoon/BRANCH_2_1_X/build/cocoon-2.1.7-dev/classes, but I don't thnk it 
 matters much (I don't ever compile Cocoon in IntelliJ).
 5. Open the project settings.
 a. If you have installed and configured subversion then add it as 
 the source control.
 b. In Paths select the libraries tab.
 c. Click on add jars.
d.  Select all the jars in lib/core and lib/optional and add them.
e.  Back under paths mark the build directory as excluded (this 
 speeds things up a bit). You can also exclude other non-source stuff if 
 you want.
 6. Select Run/Edit Configurations.
 a. Select the Remote tab.
 b. enter a name (Cocoon works).
 7. export JPDA_OPTS to match the arguments shown in the IntelliJ window.
 8. Set some breakpoints. 
 9. Open the debug window for the Cocoon task you just created.
 10. Start tomcat using jpda start.
 11. Start the debug task in IntelliJ.
 Now everytime you want to debug you only need to do steps 8-11.
 This works whether you are running Cocoon in Tomcat, Weblogic or 
 something else. You just have to make sure the JVM Cocoon runs in has 
 the remote options that IntelliJ tells you to set.
 If you want to be able to build Cocoon inside of IntelliJ you should be 
 able to set up as an external task to run.  Another option 
 would be to modify Cocoon's build to build a module for each block, but 
 I'll convert the build to use maven before I'd bother with that. Then I 
 could just do maven idea:multiproject.
 Hugo Burm wrote:
 Hello Ralph,
 Can you comment on how you debug Cocoon with IDEA (isn't IntelliJ/Jetbrains
 the name of the company?)? Can you set breakpoints and step through  the
 Just for your reference, this is how I debug a Cocoon block:
 Have to do this one time:
 - Build the whole Cocoon thing with Ant (the default build) and deploy it.
 - Remove the jar of the block from WEB-INF/lib
 - Create an IDEA project, set the src dir to the src dir of the block. Set
 the output dir to WEB-INF/classes.
 And repeat this many times:
 - Modify some code . Add some print statements
 - Compile
 - Restart the container (Tomcat)
 - Test the result in a browser (and check the print statements)
 This is brain damaged (debugging source code with print statements while we
 are living in 2005). So any comments on how I can improve this workflow is
 Hugo Burm, also a big fan of IDEA by the way
 BTW, I bought a personal license for IDEA. IntelliJ/Jetbrains offer these
 licenses mostly during a short period at 50%.

possible bug in flow related with encoding

2005-01-24 Thread gounis
hi people 

after many tests i think that this is about a small bug than a 
misconfiguration so i post it in this list

i have configure all serializers encoding in sitemap to UTF-8
and i try to post greek charakters

in my main scenario where cforms post data and flow grab them and call 
custom java classes i have no problem

in one case i have a simple form (web form) that post just a string
i try to grab this in a flow function 

function searchProjects(){
var searchstring   = cocoon.request.get(searchstring);
var DAO = new;
var projects= DAO.getProjectDAO().findProjectByText(searchstring);

var viewData;
viewData = {
list : projects

cocoon.sendPage(listProjects.form, viewData);


here the searchstring is comming as , one ? for each charakter

i have test bot get and post methods in my webform with the same result

i have try to use an .xsp page 
to grab this post and generate a simple .xml.

   String searchstring = xsp-request:get-parameter name=searchstring/;

here everything work fine and my posted string (greek charakters) is 
displayed corectly

the way i use to set form encoding 
is to add this action in my pipeline

map:act type=set-encoding
  map:parameter name=form-encoding value=utf-8/

to summarize:
posting data from cforms to flow work fine
posting data from simple forms to .xsp work fine
posting data from simple forms to flow _loose_ encoding

is this realy a bug or i miss something



Re:producing arabic pdf

2004-12-23 Thread gounis

hi nafise

did you set the font in your fo-xsl?

fo:block text-align=left font-size=10pt font-family=Arial 
line-height=14pt border-bottom=black solid



On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:

 I did all the things that gounis said
 my config.xml file look like this:
 ?xml version=1.0?
 font metrics-file=D:/fop-fonts/arial.ttf.xml 
   font-triplet name=Arial style=normal
   font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal
 Also in my sitemap.xmap I edit the fo2pdf serializer
 like this:
 map:serializer name=fo2pdf
 And in D:\fop-fonts I have the arail.ttf.xml and put
 my config.xml file there too 
 BUT its make no difference
 (my arabic pdf is attached to this mail too)
 is there any fault in charachter setting not fonts??
 I think the serializer has a problem with my charset
 not font
 any suggestion ???
 please help
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hi nafise
  you have to use compiled fonts
  and then force cocoon to use those fonts
  for this you have to create a fop-config.xml
  in web-inf
  for example the content of my fop-config:
  font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arial.ttf.xml 
  font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
  font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
  font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialb.ttf.xml 
  font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
  font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
  font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialbi.ttf.xml 
  font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
  font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
  font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/ariali.ttf.xml 
  font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
  font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
  and finaly you have to register this fop-confing in
  your sitemap:
  mime-type=application/pdf name=fo2pdf
  [cocoon doc]
  On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:
   I use cocoon as a framework and I want to output a
   using fo2pdf serializer also I want to create
   content in my pdfs I set the charencoding in my
   file(src for generator) to UTF-8 and prepare
   content in them
   but outputted pdf can't display the arabic char
   any suggestion???
   is there any fault in cocoon fo2pdf serializer
   showing charachters in languages like arabic
   Do you Yahoo!? 
   Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
 Do you Yahoo!? 
 Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 

Re:producing arabic pdf

2004-12-23 Thread gounis
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:

hi nafise

sorry but all this in your new pdf are to greek for me 
so i cant realise the problem

i understand only that you have now arabic fonts


 thanks, really thanks
 but now another problem arise alll the arabic
 printed separately please have a look at new
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hi nafise
  did you set the font in your fo-xsl?
  fo:block text-align=left font-size=10pt
  line-height=14pt border-bottom=black solid
  On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:
   I did all the things that gounis said
   my config.xml file look like this:
   ?xml version=1.0?
 font-triplet name=Arial style=normal
 font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal
   Also in my sitemap.xmap I edit the fo2pdf
   like this:
   map:serializer name=fo2pdf
   And in D:\fop-fonts I have the arail.ttf.xml and
   my config.xml file there too 
   BUT its make no difference
   (my arabic pdf is attached to this mail too)
   is there any fault in charachter setting not
   I think the serializer has a problem with my
   not font
   any suggestion ???
   please help
   --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi nafise

you have to use compiled fonts

and then force cocoon to use those fonts
for this you have to create a fop-config.xml
in web-inf

for example the content of my fop-config:
font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 

and finaly you have to register this fop-confing
your sitemap:
mime-type=application/pdf name=fo2pdf



[cocoon doc]

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:

 I use cocoon as a framework and I want to
  output a
 using fo2pdf serializer also I want to
 content in my pdfs I set the charencoding in
 file(src for generator) to UTF-8 and prepare
 content in them
 but outputted pdf can't display the arabic
 any suggestion???
 is there any fault in cocoon fo2pdf
 showing charachters in languages like
 Do you Yahoo!? 
 Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do

   Do you Yahoo!? 
   Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile
 Do you Yahoo

Re:producing arabic pdf

2004-12-23 Thread gounis

now i have figure the problem 
and thats because you are writing from right to left 

but i can't help you any more (hands up)


On Thu, 23 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:

 I attach 2 files with name : right arabic.doc and
 wrong arabic.jpg the right one is the format that I
 want my produced pdf to show and the wrong one is the
 image of the outputted pdf which I got 
 any suggestion??? 
 --- nafise hassani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I look at the arail.ttf.xml file which
  org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader makes it I found
  that some charachter's unicode does'nt exist in it
  example arabic lowercase charachres
  this leads to showing lowercase chars same as
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 23 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:
   hi nafise
   sorry but all this in your new pdf are to greek
   for me 
   so i cant realise the problem
   i understand only that you have now arabic fonts
thanks, really thanks
but now another problem arise alll the arabic
printed separately please have a look at new
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi nafise
 did you set the font in your fo-xsl?
 fo:block text-align=left font-size=10pt
 line-height=14pt border-bottom=black
 On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:
  I did all the things that gounis said
  my config.xml file look like this:
  ?xml version=1.0?
font-triplet name=Arial
font-triplet name=ArialMT
  Also in my sitemap.xmap I edit the fo2pdf
  like this:
  map:serializer name=fo2pdf

  And in D:\fop-fonts I have the arail.ttf.xml
  my config.xml file there too 
  BUT its make no difference
  (my arabic pdf is attached to this mail too)

  is there any fault in charachter setting not
  I think the serializer has a problem with my
  not font
  any suggestion ???
  please help
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   hi nafise
   you have to use compiled fonts
   and then force cocoon to use those fonts
   for this you have to create a
   in web-inf
   for example the content of my fop-config:
 font-triplet name=Arial
 font-triplet name=ArialMT
 font-triplet name=Arial
 font-triplet name=ArialMT
 font-triplet name=Arial
 font-triplet name=ArialMT
 font-triplet name=Arial
 font-triplet name=ArialMT
   and finaly you have to register this
   your sitemap:
   mime-type=application/pdf name=fo2pdf



Re: producing arabic pdf

2004-12-22 Thread gounis

hi nafise

you have to use compiled fonts

and then force cocoon to use those fonts
for this you have to create a fop-config.xml
in web-inf

for example the content of my fop-config:
font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arial.ttf.xml 
kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arial.ttf
font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialb.ttf.xml 
kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arialb.ttf
font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialbi.ttf.xml 
kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arialbi.ttf
font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/ariali.ttf.xml 
kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/ariali.ttf
font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 

and finaly you have to register this fop-confing in your sitemap:
map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.fo2pdf 
mime-type=application/pdf name=fo2pdf 



[cocoon doc]

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:

 I use cocoon as a framework and I want to output a pdf
 using fo2pdf serializer also I want to create arabic
 content in my pdfs I set the charencoding in my xml
 file(src for generator) to UTF-8 and prepare arabic
 content in them
 but outputted pdf can't display the arabic char
 any suggestion???
 is there any fault in cocoon fo2pdf serializer for
 showing charachters in languages like arabic
 Do you Yahoo!? 
 Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Re: producing arabic pdf

2004-12-22 Thread gounis
one note (correction)

you dont need to put your fop-config.xml in web-inf
put it were you want and point to it when you configure the serializer in 

On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi nafise
 you have to use compiled fonts
 and then force cocoon to use those fonts
 for this you have to create a fop-config.xml
 in web-inf
 for example the content of my fop-config:
   font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arial.ttf.xml 
 kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arial.ttf
   font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
   font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
   font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialb.ttf.xml 
 kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arialb.ttf
   font-triplet name=Arial style=normal 
   font-triplet name=ArialMT style=normal 
   font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/arialbi.ttf.xml 
 kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/arialbi.ttf
   font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
   font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
   font metrics-file=c:/fop-fonts/ariali.ttf.xml 
 kerning=yes embed-file=c:/fop-fonts/win/ariali.ttf
   font-triplet name=Arial style=italic 
   font-triplet name=ArialMT style=italic 
 and finaly you have to register this fop-confing in your sitemap:
   map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.fo2pdf 
 mime-type=application/pdf name=fo2pdf 
 [cocoon doc]
 On Wed, 22 Dec 2004, nafise hassani wrote:
  I use cocoon as a framework and I want to output a pdf
  using fo2pdf serializer also I want to create arabic
  content in my pdfs I set the charencoding in my xml
  file(src for generator) to UTF-8 and prepare arabic
  content in them
  but outputted pdf can't display the arabic char
  any suggestion???
  is there any fault in cocoon fo2pdf serializer for
  showing charachters in languages like arabic
  Do you Yahoo!? 
  Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Re: Proposed ImageReader patch

2004-12-08 Thread gounis
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Torsten Curdt wrote:
hi george

i have already this patch file (diff), so i can add the patch in bugzilla 
for you, if you dont mind.


 george georgovassilis wrote:
  Dear All
  I was thinking of changing the org.apache.cocoon.reading.ImageReader 
  (from the release) to accept any input image type supported by 
  the j2se. Of course, due to the lack of available encoders the output is 
  still jpeg. I'm attaching the source to this email, if you're happy with 
  it let me know so I can commit it to bugzilla.
 please create a diff -u patch and file it to bugzilla

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-22 Thread gounis
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, David Crossley wrote:

 Upayavira wrote:
  I see you've fixed some of these on the wiki. Thanks. Also, the page 
  refers to a file. I can't find such a file, nor can I 
  find any reference to it in Cocoon's build target files. Am I supposed 
  to use a property to set it, or environment variable, or a
 Hmmm, i don't know. The best way is to set
 FORREST_HOME and PATH as described when you install
 Forrest. Then the Cocoon build script will use that.


i have post my experiences in wiki

i have try to follow those instruction (unsuccesfull)



Re: site update - please review

2004-11-22 Thread gounis
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, David Crossley wrote:

 Upayavira wrote:
  David Crossley wrote:
  Upayavira wrote:
  Okay. My request was more to do with have I run Forrest right. I 
  should have made that more clear.
  There are two aspects.
  * The person who ran the 'forrest' command
  would have seen the Build Successful note.
  * Any of us can review Upayavira's staging site
  to see if it looks okay.
  For the latter, i just glanced at a few pages
  and it seems to be fine. I see from the dates
  in the footers, that you updated both the
  top-level site docs and the 2.1 docs ... good.
  Great. But, as you said elsewhere, I need to use Cocoon's 'build docs', 
  rather than 'forrest site', as Cocoon needs to prepare some source files 
  for Forrest.
 Yes. The jars.xml and the generated component documentation
 which is integrated with the Userdocs.
  I did eventually see Build successful from Forrest, after having 
  worked through a few validation issues.
  Thanks for checking this.
 Anything that can help keep our docs more up-to-date.

the site must be build using tha latest svn checkout or the latest release 


still are references 

here are the same pages building the site using the release:

if the latest release must be used
then must we  wait for where the patched jpath.xml live, or not?


sorry for the inconvenience about the jpath.xml path and site-build 
validation errors:

-duplicate bug report
-wiki page (CocoonWebsiteUpdate)  modification (i will remove my 

but i  dont have notice that you have solve the problem at saturday


Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-21 Thread gounis
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, David Crossley wrote:

 Upayavira wrote:
  Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  Le 19 nov. 04,  17:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
  On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  Le 19 nov. 04,  16:05, Upayavira a crit :
  ...Thus, the site needs to be regenerated with Forrest, which, to
  date, I haven't done.
  You probably know this already: there are instructions at
  the site is not moved to SVN?
  here the instructions are talking about CVS?
  You're right, it's svn instead of cvs now. We need to update that page.
  I'll do that too, if I can get Forrest to work. Unfortunately the above 
  link doesn't entirely make sense.
 Would you please explain that obscure comment.
 Let us all help to fix the instructions then.

hi david

there is problem with ant

when you try build site in cocoon 2.1.6 you will get some errors
i'll post the details.


Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis

the pages that must be updated are :

i can prepare a path tonight, if nobody else has done something until now

but .. if i remember correctly the gif/link to apacheCon is hard coded in 
produced html page and not in sources?

-- stavros 

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 can anyone please update the website? The release is out; I just send
 the announcement mail.
 I'm not able to update the site in the next four weeks, as I will go
 on vacation (hurray) without a computer or internet connection. So I
 will remain silent within the next weeks :)
 See you
 Carsten Ziegeler 
 Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Ralph Goers wrote:

 the pages that must be updated are :
 i can prepare a path tonight, if nobody else has done something until now
 but .. if i remember correctly the gif/link to apacheCon is hard coded in 
 produced html page and not in sources?
 How does get updated?

i can't find the sources for this 
i have look at:

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Upayavira wrote:

 Ralph Goers wrote:
  the pages that must be updated are :
  i can prepare a path tonight, if nobody else has done something until 
  but .. if i remember correctly the gif/link to apacheCon is hard 
  coded in produced html page and not in sources?
  How does get updated?
 I suspect that this is generated by Forrest from the status.xml file.
 Thus, the site needs to be regenerated with Forrest, which, to date, I 
 haven't done.
 I may have a play to see if I can get this going, as I'd like to be in a 
 position to update the site itself, but as yet cannot make any promises.

if you decide to play with that consider
the patch for the news page in bugzilla


 Regards, Upayavira

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le 19 nov. 04,  16:05, Upayavira a crit :
  ...Thus, the site needs to be regenerated with Forrest, which, to 
  date, I haven't done.
 You probably know this already: there are instructions at

the site is not moved to SVN? 
here the instructions are talking about CVS?


 I might try it tomorrow if you don't beat me to it, not sure if I'll 
 find time though. I'll indicate here if I get to doing it.

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Upayavira wrote:

 the pages that must be updated are :
 i can prepare a path tonight, if nobody else has done something until now
 but .. if i remember correctly the gif/link to apacheCon is hard coded in 
 produced html page and not in sources?
 Which doesn't matter as ApacheCon is over now.
 Do create a patch, and I'll try to work out how to produce the site.

2.1/index.html's sources are in cocoon's release_2_1_6 repository
and are created after build

i have it in my local directory now but i dont know if i have to put it 


 On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
 can anyone please update the website? The release is out; I just send
 the announcement mail.
 I'm not able to update the site in the next four weeks, as I will go
 on vacation (hurray) without a computer or internet connection. So I
 will remain silent within the next weeks :)
 See you
 Carsten Ziegeler 
 Open Source Group, SN AG

Re: Release and updating the website

2004-11-19 Thread gounis
On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Upayavira wrote:

 Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  Le 19 nov. 04,  17:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
  On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
  Le 19 nov. 04,  16:05, Upayavira a crit :
  ...Thus, the site needs to be regenerated with Forrest, which, to
  date, I haven't done.
  You probably know this already: there are instructions at
  the site is not moved to SVN?
  here the instructions are talking about CVS?
  You're right, it's svn instead of cvs now. We need to update that page.
 I'll do that too, if I can get Forrest to work. Unfortunately the above 
 link doesn't entirely make sense.

i'm trying to build site all this time too
but i think that they are many issues that make this impossible .. i'll 
keep trying, and i'll reply here with a summary.


 Regards, Upayavira

Re[4]: CForms, mattkruse-lib, dreamteam sample

2004-11-04 Thread gounis


i have test it too and i think its ok but 
i have a question here:

i have try to follow 

*-display-pipeline match pattern in forms/sitemap
here the forms-samples-styling.xsl is called

this .xsl include forms-advanced-field-styling.xsl

and the second one include forms-calendar-styling.xsl

in the last .xsl live the resources-uri parameter 
but where and when is this parameter specified ? (or is something that i 


On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello H,
  A long time ago I made improvements that you are talking
  about. I'm not sure if
  they are still up-to-date, but I can do some investigation 
  and send the patch :-)
  Please do!
 I have done little tests, seems to work fine :-)

Re[5]: CForms, mattkruse-lib, dreamteam sample

2004-11-04 Thread gounis

so in a scenario where we have more than one directory for forms
(more than one sitemap.xmap) then we need multiple copies of mattkruse-lib

so is it better to have a common place for this library files or not ?
if those files are in a cocoon's common place we dont need a selective 
javascript import mechanism in .xsl



On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello gounis,
  i have a question here:
  i have try to follow 
  *-display-pipeline match pattern in forms/sitemap
  here the forms-samples-styling.xsl is called
  this .xsl include forms-advanced-field-styling.xsl
  and the second one include forms-calendar-styling.xsl
  in the last .xsl live the resources-uri parameter 
  but where and when is this parameter specified ? (or is something that i 
 this parameter is not specified anywhere, default value is being used:
 xsl:param name=resources-uriresources/xsl:param
 the content of the element (resources) is the default value of this parameter

Re[6]: CForms, mattkruse-lib, dreamteam sample

2004-11-04 Thread gounis

hi grek

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello gounis,
  so in a scenario where we have more than one directory for forms
  (more than one sitemap.xmap) then we need multiple copies of mattkruse-lib
  so is it better to have a common place for this library files or not ?
  if those files are in a cocoon's common place we dont need a selective 
  javascript import mechanism in .xsl
 I'm not sure what you mean. Multiple copies of cforms resources (including
 mattkruse-lib) would be solution for relative urls?
in our forms samples:

dreamteam sample has its own resources directory. so if this sample 
require a date picker, then a copy of mattkruse-lib must be placed in this 
recources directory.

if the mattkruse-lib was in /webapp/stylesheets all sub-sitemaps will be 
able to access those files.

 Selective javascript import is useful for reducing loading unnecessary
 resources. It was the reason for improving xsls.
for this perspetive i have just to agree with you 


CForms, mattkruse-lib, dreamteam sample

2004-10-31 Thread gounis

hi people

There is some javascript code that live in any produced CForm


script type=text/javascript 
  // Setup calendar
  var forms_calendar = CalendarPopup('forms_calendarDiv');

This code produce javascript error (internet explorer display a dialog) in 
forms that live outside samples/blocks/forms directory and does not have a 
resources directory contain all this mattkruse-lib javascript files 

This error is appeared in DreamTeam sample 

Dirty solution here is to add mattkruse-lib under dreamteam/resources 
directory and touch dreamteam's sitemap (add one more map:match pattern):

  map:match pattern=resources/**.js
map:read src=../resources/{1}.js/

A most pretty solution is to put all this libraries (if they are so 
critical/required) in a common place and use more generic map:mathc 
pattern using context// or cocoon// protocol


I have prepared a patch for DreamTeam sample that fix this error in a 
dirty way.

I think that is Helma's choice to let me add the patch to bugzilla or will 
fix the problem by himself.

-- stavros 

cforms sample

2004-10-27 Thread gounis
hi people

ihave a cform sample where the form work as a navigator into a 
tree-structured element (composite pattern)

i would like to see this sample in cforms sample area

what i have to do is to add a PATCH entry to bugzilla with sample's files 
or i have to modify existings files (sitemap, etc) and add them as 

-- stavros 

Re: Questions to be answered for link request - V2

2004-10-26 Thread gounis
On Fri, 22 Oct 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le 22 oct. 04,  15:49, Hunsberger, Peter a crit :
  ...Would an Intranet applications section also make sense?  As I see 
  this list would be a list of organizations and applications with a 
  description of the application.  Perhaps a screen shot or two would 
  be encouraged or even required?...
 +1, having more success stories is certainly good.
 Requiring an image (screenshot, architecture, whatever makes the thing 
 more real to outsiders) is a good idea IMHO.

for light cocoon usage and preview purposes they  are cocoon's samples 
area. what if they are people that want to share a biger project with the 
public but they dont want to setup an open source project (web site, CVS, 

Will an area that host those projects force people to share the work they 
have do?


Re: [OT] tagline (was: Cocoon usage in Medical Informatics)

2004-09-10 Thread gounis
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le 9 sept. 04,  22:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
  ...I'm currently in San Francisco for a conference on Medical 
  Informatics and I
  noticed at least two other projects (excluding mine) where Cocoon was 
  either as a presentation layer or as an intermediate layer between
  distributed data sources...
 Hehe...makes me think a cool Cocoon - the Swiss Army Knife of the Web 


let me add here that 

we have develop a database desktop application that is based 
on cocoon, and this because we hate many points  in WinForms (resizing, 
look'n'feel, binding ... ). The only thing the GUI do is to open a GUI 
application with 
a IE control in the main view. All the rest are handled by cocoon.

except the point that you have to run a webapp container we like very 
mutch this way of desktop(???) application development.

When you try cocoon, then there is no way to escape from it
-- stavros

 (note that the Cocoon movie tagline It is everything you've dreamed 
 of. It is nothing you expect  is also not bad depending on one's point 
 of view ;-)

new wiki, editing permissions

2004-07-23 Thread gounis

hi people

how can someone obtain editing permissions for the new cocoon's wiki

i want to update some pages i have add in the previews system, and add 
some examples

-- stavros 

Re: [RT] The Cocoon Handbook

2004-06-24 Thread gounis
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

 Tony Collen wrote:
The Solution 
  I propose we create a free, high-quality electronic book (entitled 
  _The_Cocoon_Handbook_), which will eventually replace the mess of docs 
  we currently have.  It will be in DocBook (possibly simplified) format.
 Let's not make this a technology issue, it's a people issue.
 IOW, it's not (only) the doc system that sucks, but it's the doc writers 
 that are missing.
 1 - The first thing we need IMNSHO is to define a structure of this 
 book: The sections, the chapters.
 2 - Then we can take the existing docs and put them into place in this 
 structure till there are no more, eventually enlarging the structure to 
 make them get in.
 3 - Finally, we need to fill in the missing gaps. Only at this point do 
 we really need an easier documentation system ala DOCO.
 What I would suggest doing is to make a new documentation directory from 
 Forrest and fill in the tabs.xml and site.xml files (step 1). The copy 
 the docs from the current documentation and link them in the site.xml 
 file (step 2).
 [Note that at this point we should be using SVN, and users can then be 
 given fine grained access only to the docs even without having a Unix 
 account. In this way we can give away SVN access just for documenters 
 that don't need to become part of the project.]
 I would also suggest to use simple html files (that Forrest can read), 

why not xhtml that are structured?

using a simple subset of xhmtl tags will be easy to tranform to PDF

-- stavros

 so that users can use any editor to create them without running Forrest, 
 and they can be seen also in ViewCVS too.
 What I can help to do is to set up the initial Forrest doc space in the 
 Cocoon CVS where this can start happening.

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28834] - [PATCH] flow example for supersonic tutorial

2004-06-18 Thread gounis
On 4 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [PATCH] flow example for supersonic tutorial
What|Removed |Added
 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-06-04 09:23 ---
 Patch applied with slight modifications (simpler Flow code), please cross-check.
its ok with better english


 Thanks very much for your contribution!

Re: [WIKI-UPDATE] CocoonUserGroupChicago HTMLTidy MikWanna MalcolmCleaton LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004 ANewPage Manfred LeftMenu WoodyScratchpad LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments .NET HowTos People Fri J

2004-06-18 Thread gounis

i'will make a try to clean up the spammed pages

the spammer is comming  from61.170.195.13
is it possible to deny the access to wiki from this ip?


On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Tony Collen wrote:

  Page: , version: 6 
  on Thu Jun 18 15:15:54 2004 by
 snip what=spammers owning our wiki
 Man, that does it, let's just shut off all editing for now.

Re: [WIKI-UPDATE] CocoonUserGroupChicago HTMLTidy MikWanna MalcolmCleaton LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004 ANewPage Manfred LeftMenu WoodyScratchpad LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments .NET HowTos People Fri J

2004-06-18 Thread gounis
spammed pages are clean now but i think that we have loose content

the pages we have to check out are:
WoodyScratchpad 18:18:47JoergHeinicke
Manfred 18:17:12StavrosKounis
HowTos  18:16:11StavrosKounis
LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004Comments   18:15:17StavrosKounis
LenyaUserMeetingSpain2004   18:12:00StavrosKounis
People  18:11:21StavrosKounis


On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i'will make a try to clean up the spammed pages
 the spammer is comming  from
 is it possible to deny the access to wiki from this ip?
 On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Tony Collen wrote:
   Page: , version: 
   6 on Thu Jun 18 15:15:54 2004 by
  snip what=spammers owning our wiki
  Man, that does it, let's just shut off all editing for now.

Re: [Plan] The future of Cocoon

2004-06-14 Thread gounis
On Wed, 26 May 2004, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

 On 26 May 2004, at 10:17, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
  Some things that come to my mind for 2.2:
  - first finished version of CForms.
  - deprecate XSP (and provide a viable alternative)
many people talking about deprecate XSP but can i ask something?

is any better alternative to produce xml quering databases?

i think that until now the way ESQL--XML-- any tranfrormation -- .. 
has no better alternative 


  - cleaning up the caching/store mess
  - remove deprecated blocks etc.
 I like it, I like it! :-) (yep, twice).
 Starting on 2.2 to bring the current 2.1 to a level of complete 
 solidity of contracts and features is, IMVHO, an optimal idea, and puts 
 us in the position (also) to start using the Linux-like versioning 
 2.2 will be our stable tree, and all crummy development (real blocks, 
 and you name it) can easily happen in 2.3 which will always be kept as 
 unstable, to end up with a 2.4 release! :-P
 Now, the only thing I'm horrified about is that voice about a BRANCH in 
 our current CVS (aaag)... I'd say we clear out the 2.2 CVS 
 repo and do a clean re-import of 2.1.5, or switch to Subversion now, 
 but purlllease don't add any branch in the tree...
 If someone wants, I can rename the 2.2 repository into a 2.3 straight 
 away (so that we ain't going to lose anything)...

Re: [ANN] Thanks for it...

2004-05-21 Thread gounis

congratulation pier


On Fri, 21 May 2004, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

 It is with great pleasure I can announce that after 4 years of working 
 on/with/around Cocoon, _my_ first real site has gone live...
  From this morning at 8:32 AM (BST) is running 
 off a standard 2.1.5 (head) distribution of Cocoon, Apache 2.0.49 w/ 
 mod_cache, Jetty 4.2.19, and a hint of my take on the Cocoon kernel 
 empowering the backend XML data repository...
 I'd like to thank personally Luminas, ProNetics and Orixo's Jeremy 
 (Quinn), Andrew (Savory) and Gianugo (Rabellino) for helping us making 
 this project a realiiy, especially when no-one thought it would have 
 been possible (given our deadlines).
 And I would like to thank personally every single one of you who wrote 
 the code now powering our website... We wouldn't have been able to put 
 this live today without every single one of you...
 Really _really_ tired...

new flow example [was: Supersonic block has landed (Power Trio tutorial/example app)]

2004-05-07 Thread gounis
hi Bertrand

i have add one of my flow examples in the same sturcture with your's in 
flow example in supersonic block.

this example use java classes for bussines logic calculations. those 
classe are colled from flow.

do you want to add this example insupersonic block?


Re: new flow example [was: Supersonic block has landed (Power Trio tutorial/example app)]

2004-05-07 Thread gounis

i like very much the sitemap structure for the flow examples area
i think that there is a very good place to put very simple and small flow 
examples that help people understand and work with flaw.

i'll prepare the patch 


On Fri, 7 May 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le 7 mai 04,  14:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
  ...i have add one of my flow examples in the same sturcture with 
  your's in
  flow example in supersonic block.
  this example use java classes for bussines logic calculations. those
  classe are colled from flow.
  do you want to add this example insupersonic block?...
 My idea was to keep the supersonic tour minimal so that people stay 
 focused on the absolute essentials.  It's hard to define essential, 
 but do you think your sample adds essential information?
 If so, can you prepare a patch and submit to bugzilla? I'd be happy to 
 look at it.

Re: Supersonic block has landed (Power Trio tutorial/example app)

2004-05-06 Thread gounis
On Wed, 5 May 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le 5 mai 04,  21:23, leo leonid a crit :
  ...And it seems extensible, possibly a chance to demonstrate some O/R 
  practices with our lovely web glue...
 Yes, maybe providing an alternate version of the beans using OBJ to 
 save themselves to a database would be a nice improvement.

that's exactly what is missing from cocoon sample. if anyone has 
somenthing to contribute will be great. 


  ...noticed you're using a deprecated syntax at some places in your 
  Form Model,  fd:validation shouldn't be nested within fd:datatype 
 Thanks for the info, and feel free to patch at will!


2004-05-04 Thread gounis
On Tue, 4 May 2004, Jorg Heymans wrote:

  Cool, my company appears in the Google ads :-)
 I find it surprising that nobody has purchased the cocoon Adword Ad on 
 Google. outherthought, orixio, anyware ... they all seem like good 
 potential buyers for this :)
you are not right... we have an add in google for cocoon word
:-) [osmosis networks  consulting]

(but out web site is only in greek yet )



Re: Supersonic block has landed (Power Trio tutorial/example app)

2004-05-04 Thread gounis
i know that we must not use this list for just for say thank you

but this tutorial is great 

A big thank you from all to Bertrand!

Absolute work Just fine!!!

lets translate this tutorial to several languages

-- stavros

On Tue, 4 May 2004, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 I've just committed the new supersonic block, a tutorial/example app 
 called Supersonic Tour of Apache Cocoon, focused on Pipelines, Flow, 
 Forms (aka the Power Trio).
 It is accessible from the blocks with samples page if you run the 
 current Cocoon CVS version.
 The tutorial is meant to be studied independently of other docs, and 
 give a quick overview of the most important components of Cocoon.
 There are probably a few typos here and there, and I'm no Forms guru 
 (yet..) so enhancements are certainly possible (for example: why does 
 this Calendar link show up next to the date entry fields ;-)
 Enjoy, and as always feedback and contributions are very welcome!

Re: [QVote] remove JStyle

2004-04-15 Thread gounis

hi joerg

sorry for the delay (i was out of the office)
yes you have right, Jstyle is commented in all cocoon instances i use, but 
xsp/java generated code is nicely idented. So there is no objection from 


On Wed, 7 Apr 2004, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

It does not provide much value - how many times have you looked into the 
generated XSP code? And how important for you was formatting of this 
generated code? I'm ok with keeping it, but, for myself, I have it 
disabled (and jstyle.jar removed).
   So let's start a quick vote: If anybody has objections when removing 
   jstyle.jar, the JStyleFormatter and its conf, please comment.
 gounis at writes:
  i think that they are users (i'm one of those) that use to take a quick 
  look at gennerated from xsp .java files. For me is the best way to debug 
  this code.
 Of course, but are you sure you have jstyle in use? Have a look into your
 cocoon.xconf and search for JstyleFormatter. Is it activated or in comments?
 If it is activated, your objection will count of course and I will not remove it.
 The generated Java code is most probably more or less nicely indented because it
 is already indented in the XSP.

Re: Back button of my navigator

2004-04-13 Thread gounis

hi leo

let me ask you something:

just adding this action in a map:match and set the parameter Cache-control 
to no-cache can you know serve pages that are not cached from client?

or is somenthing more that i'm missing?



On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

 Hey, Leo
 E U R E K A !
 In my country it say Eres un solete, in english it would be something so
 you are a sun ;P
 Best desires
 - Original Message - 
 From: Leon Widdershoven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: Back button of my navigator
  Though I'm quite sure the previous information is enough (provided I got
  the question right), I think
  the following link is usefull:
  With special attention to the set-header action and the map:act part:
   map:action name=set-header
  !-- Lot's of code - see webpage --
 map:match pattern=listing
  map:act type=set-header
  map:parameter name=Pragma value=expires/
  map:parameter name=Expires value=0/
  map:parameter name=Cache-Control value=no-cache/
map:generate  type=serverpages src=docs/searchresults.xsp/
map:transform src=stylesheets/listing.xsl
   map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
map:serialize type=html/
  Leon Widdershoven wrote:
   I'm no wizard but I think the problem is that browsers cache the page.
   The browser should request the page again when Back is pressed.
   There is a HTTP1.1 header no-cache which should be set on the page.
   I don't really know how to do that - something like
   response.setHeader( Cache-Control, no-cache);
   response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache );
   a no-store, or must-revalidate header could also be an option but I'm
   not at home with those headers.
   If there's a wizard around to (s)he might tell you how to set those
   in the sitemap, xsp or flowscript (I don't know what you use - but the
   is a good option I think; maybe a configuarion of the html serializer?)
   Hope this is at least a pointer in the right direction,
   Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:
   I use session variable to save the links navigation that the user
   press during his permanence in my web site.
   But, if the user press the back button of the navigator, my session
   don't update and the next link that he press appear the step that it
   had to undo when back button of the navigator was pressed.
   do you understand me?... i hope yes.
   best desires

Re: [QVote] remove JStyle

2004-04-07 Thread gounis

i think that they are users (i'm one of those) that use to take a quick 
look at gennerated from xsp .java files. For me is the best way to debug 
this code.


On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

 On 06.04.2004 13:52, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
  It does not provide much value - how many times have you looked into the 
  generated XSP code? And how important for you was formatting of this 
  generated code? I'm ok with keeping it, but, for myself, I have it 
  disabled (and jstyle.jar removed).
 I think so too, but I have never really used XSP. Only some tests for 
 some bugs. And there the code looked not that bad when you have it 
 already formatted in the XSP.
 So let's start a quick vote: If anybody has objections when removing 
 jstyle.jar, the JStyleFormatter and its conf, please comment. IMO a 
 deprecation phase is not really needed as this feature was never (?), at 
 least since a long time not activated by default.

Re: [Proposal] Web based GUI development environment for Cocoon

2004-04-05 Thread gounis

hi people
i'm not a developer in cocoon community but i want to say somenthing about 
this thread. A GUI will be a great step forward in cocoon proj. many 
people that use cocoon use allready an IDE. so why this GUI will be an 
stand alone WEB-based or not application and not just a part of an 
existing IDE. A netbeans module for example?


On Mon, 5 Apr 2004, Leszek Gawron wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 11:25:33AM +0200, Jens Maukisch wrote:
   I propose we create a web based GUI development environment for Cocoon
   build using Cocoon technology, such as CForms, flow, portals, etc.
  Hmm, a webapplication for developing webapplications seems a little
  bit strange for me :-)
  Wouldn't it be better to have a 'real' ide (e.g. based on eclipse).
  Maybe the upcoming Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project (with some
  nice contributions form IBM: and other available tools
  are a good point to start/extend.
 There is a tool that uses both (commercial). It's called W4Toolkit. Strange
 really :))
 I am also in favour of eclipse as one would have one place to 
 - code in Java
 - edit XML files
 - edit sitemap (sunBow)
 - build up forms (cocoon GUI)
 using a non-web IDE would make the implementation much simpler I think as
 after the application reaches some point of complexity it is a nightmare to
 provide a good and flexible GUI.
 Remember that developers usually do not use the mouse so often - keyboard is
 much faster if you know the shortcuts. The standard application can also make
 use of other features like drag'n'drop or executing external applications.

Re: IDE for cocoon with hot code replace

2004-04-01 Thread gounis

i do the same using netbeans
just mounding webapp folder

break points works fine in the same way: puting sources files in 


On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Jean-Christophe Kermagoret wrote:

 I have cocoon in Eclipse 3.0M7 with Tomcat 5.0.19.
 I deleted the cocoon-portal.jar and I put the sources instead. When I 
 put a breakpoint, the IDE becomes crazy and shows anything but the real one.
 If I modify the code, the system asks me to relaunch tomcat...
 Is it possible to develop cocoon with hot code replacement and debugging ?
 How do you do ?

Re: Sentiment and gratitude to all Cocoon developers

2004-02-07 Thread gounis
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Alfredas Chmieliauskas (junior) wrote:

 Hi, everyone!
 I just wanted to share my sentiment and express my gratitude to all Cocoon
 developers for a wonderful piece of technology!
 The first site (w/ content management system) I built on Cocoon has (as of
 today) been running Cocoon 1.x for 3 years: the document load has since
 increased 50 times (!); the number of users has increased at least twice. And to
 my surprise there hasn't been a single breakdown or any kind of technological
 problem related to stability or increased usage for those three years. 
 Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
 Alfredas Chmieliauskas  
 PS. the site is at


just a question:
how do you have implement the searching ?


 Stockholm School of Economics
 phone: +46735739889

Re: AW: Cocoon performance results

2004-01-27 Thread gounis


for a typical system (server) with 1Gbyte ram
which are the perfect settings?

or there is not one-only answer ?

if here are people that have setup production servers at the  past it will 
be good to publish some configuration as examples for other people 

we use the default values because we dont know what will hapned otherwise


On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 Rottmann, Lars wrote:
 Hi Vadim,
 sorry, I don't see it. Where is the problem if I set the JVM memory to 2536M
 = 2,536,000,000 and heapsize and freememory to 80,000,000 and 20,000,000?
 Can you give me a hint?
   | Store Janitor: the store garbage collector and memory usage controller.
   | WARNING: Be careful with the heapsize and freememory parameters.
   |   Wrong values can cause high cpu usage.
   | Example configuration:
   | Jvm settings:
   | store-janitor settings:
   |parameter name=freememory value=500/
   |parameter name=heapsize value=19600/
   | It is recommended to have heapsize equal to -Xmx, especially on Sun's
   | JVM which are unable to shrink its heap once it grows above minimum.
   | Freememory should be greater than amount of memory necessary for normal
   | application operation.
   | BUT: The heap size of the memory of the JVM is a little bit less than
   |  the value you specify for -Xmx, so you have to set the heapsize
   |  for the store janitor to a value which is lower (2% less seems
   |  to be a working value).
 It advises to have heapsize set to the -Xmx value. In your particular 
 situation (-Xms has same vaue as -Xmx) it might not cause any problem, 
 but I it is not generally advised to have conflicting values.
 Actually, it is more hazardous to specify heapsize which is just one 
 byte more than really possible heapsize - this could turn off janitor.
 -Ursprngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Vadim Gritsenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 You know that you've got conflicting settings, right?
  From the page:
 -Xms2536M -Xmx2536M
 store-janitor's /heapsize/ set to 80,000,000, /freememory/ set to 
 20,000,000 (cocoon.xconf)

Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans

2004-01-23 Thread gounis

for what R U looking for ?

running cocoon under NetBeans is very easy 
just mound cocoon's directory


On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

 Hello all!
 Do you know of a cocoon module for IDE NetBeans?
 Thank u
 Best desires

Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans

2004-01-23 Thread gounis

i think not, but if you find something will be usefull for many people 


On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

 I understand you but i want the same that sunBow plugin for Eclipse and to
 developer sitemaps of Cocoon, for example.
 Do you understand me now?
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans
  for what R U looking for ?
  running cocoon under NetBeans is very easy
  just mound cocoon's directory
  On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:
   Hello all!
   Do you know of a cocoon module for IDE NetBeans?
   Thank u
   Best desires

Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans

2004-01-23 Thread gounis

they are those files in cocoon's CVS (maybe in last stable release too)
look for 


in documentation/xdocs/drafts/

On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:

 Ooops!,  well, i'll to continue searching it.
 An idea it can be what i can specific a schema or RNG file of Cocoon sitemap
 xml. In fact, this is the form what sunBow work in Eclipse, isn't it?
 Do you think?
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:36 AM
 Subject: Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans
  i think not, but if you find something will be usefull for many people
  On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:
   I understand you but i want the same that sunBow plugin for Eclipse and
   developer sitemaps of Cocoon, for example.
   Do you understand me now?
   - Original Message - 
   Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 11:23 AM
   Subject: Re: Cocoon Module for NetBeans
for what R U looking for ?
running cocoon under NetBeans is very easy
just mound cocoon's directory
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Elvira Nieto Carretero wrote:
 Hello all!

 Do you know of a cocoon module for IDE NetBeans?

 Thank u

 Best desires


Re: [Bug 24319] Template-based web site

2003-12-18 Thread gounis
On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, bernhard huber wrote:

  My reasoning is that Cocoon seems to have a hard time maintaining
  the existing xdocs. If we duplicate some of that content, then
  that makes it even harder. If some people are committed to keeping
  this template-based web site in sync, then all is okay.
 hmm i see,
 perhaps we might come along about the content of othello, let's discuss.
 As much as I understand othello should be a showcase about
 Easy Content Publishing Using Cocoon.
 So I would suggest the content of Othello should be a mixture of explanation
 of the inner working of Othello, and some example pages.

that's i'll try to do next days

 If I look at Othello for the first time, I would ask following questions:
 * How can I add my own content, new page, new links?
i've put in bugzila some change where i describe how to add your content 
in the simples way

 * How can I change the styling, new colours, new images?
 * What tools/editor do I need to publish new content?
 regards bernhard

Re: [Bug 24319] Template-based web site

2003-12-17 Thread gounis

there is no reason to talk about this 
we have put just a description about cocoon and a reference to people 
working on that, just to have a reference to the cocoon project
when the project was outside cocoon's samples


On 17 Dec 2003, David Crossley wrote:

 bernhard huber wrote:
  David Crossley wrote:
   I am not real happy about the content being a copy from some
   Cocoon xdocs. This will create a maintenance nightmare.
  Why do forsee a maintenance nightmare?
  Do I miss something?
 My reasoning is that Cocoon seems to have a hard time maintaining
 the existing xdocs. If we duplicate some of that content, then
 that makes it even harder. If some people are committed to keeping
 this template-based web site in sync, then all is okay.

Re: [Bug 24319] Template-based web site

2003-12-16 Thread gounis

they are many updates in this sample 

new functionalities 
- get(read) content from html, xhtml
- blocks with static content or content from a pipeline
- outoff the box upload form
- out of the box sendmail form

and new content offcourse

all these will be post before new year as patch


On 16 Dec 2003, David Crossley wrote:
  an example to create template-based web sites. templates are .xhtml files.
  the content come through pipelines.
 I am not real happy about the content being a copy from some
 Cocoon xdocs. This will create a maintenance nightmare.

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 25242] - sendmail logicsheet generate syntax error .java

2003-12-06 Thread gounis

the produced java code look like 





normalize space maybe is not the solution

but just make it work because then the produced code look like

(  +  body.toString + )


On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

 sendmail logicsheet generate syntax error .java
What|Removed |Added
   Component|sitemap components  |general components
 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-12-05 15:43 ---
 wrong copy paste in  previous post 
 in BODY case a solution is to change (in sendmail logicsheet)
  _sendmail_mms.setBody(String.valueOf(xsl:copy-of select=$body/));
 No, IIRC, normalize-space should not be used there. Problem is somewhere 

RE: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/blocks/slide/java/org/apache/cocoon/components/source/impl

2003-12-03 Thread gounis
On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Unico Hommes wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Andrew Savory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: woensdag 3 december 2003 12:26
  Subject: Re: cvs commit: 
  On 3 Dec 2003, at 11:18, Joerg Heinicke wrote:
   When does this happen? At compile time there is a mock class, 
   furthermore you have a NoClassDefFoundError, that means as 
  much as the 
   class was there, but is no longer. At Cocoon deploy/start 
  time? This 
   would be really bad. It would be the second block not working by 
   default. Or at runtime? Then it's up to you. The jta.jar is missing.
   There is also a note in the slide samples.
  It's at startup. Basically, Cocoon and Jetty fail to start. 
  I've disabled slide in and Cocoon 
  starts again.
  I don't appear to have a copy of jta.jar or jta-spec1_0_1.jar 

i have found a jta.jar in tomcat\common\lib

tomcat 4.1.24

btw in slide samples usernames and passwords for test are invalide?


  - is this something that should be added to the slide lib 
  directory in CVS?
 Well we can't for legal reasons. Maybe we should just copy the mock
 classes to the webapp classpath. Anybody know if that is legal?

Tree widget

2003-12-02 Thread gounis
several times in the past i was try to represent xml data in a tree view

they are different appraches to this problem

looking around in the internet i have found greate javascript trees just 
like at

but the problem with this approach is that you have to create the whole 
tree in javascript nand then play this code in browser

at least i have deside that is more clean to have a [xml (tree) -- html]
and a generic js code make the html output behave as tree 

the best solution (i thing) is using behaviors (.htc) but are supported 
only from IE

i dont know i something similar is suported from mozilla

i have something that work in this way using a simple js but 
its very-very simple


RE: Tree widget

2003-12-02 Thread gounis

that's exactly what i'm talking about 


On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, [iso-8859-1] Velle Andr wrote:

 I standard html and the display style element. This javascript works like a charm 
 i IE/Mozilla/Opera:
 function toggle(id) {
 var element = document.getElementById(id);
 with ( {
 if ( display == none ){
 display = 
 } else{
 display = none
 An example
 With an XML menu like this:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
menugroup name=aviser id=avis
   menuitem href=;VG/menuitem
   menuitem href=;Dagbladet/menuitem
menugroup name=cocoon id=cocoon
   menuitem href=;Wiki/menuitem
   menuitem href=;Cocoon 2.1/menuitem
 ...the following XSLT creates the output
   xsl:template match=menu
   div class=menu
xsl:template match=menugroup
   a onclick=javascript:toggle('[EMAIL PROTECTED]') class=menybedrimg 
 src=/images/plus.gif style=padding-left: 5px;border: 0/
  xsl:value-of select=@name//abr/
  xsl:attribute name=styledisplay:none/xsl:attribute
  xsl:text /xsl:text
xsl:template match=menuitem
   a style=padding-left: 10px
  xsl:copy-of select=@*/
  xsl:text - /xsl:text
  xsl:value-of select=./
 ... Where the menugroups are expandable
 Andr Velle
  -Original Message-
  Sent: 2. desember 2003 10:49
  Subject: Tree widget 
  several times in the past i was try to represent xml data in 
  a tree view
  they are different appraches to this problem
  looking around in the internet i have found greate javascript 
  trees just 
  like at
  but the problem with this approach is that you have to create 
  the whole 
  tree in javascript nand then play this code in browser
  at least i have deside that is more clean to have a [xml 
  (tree) -- html] and a generic js code make the html output 
  behave as tree 
  the best solution (i thing) is using behaviors (.htc) but are 
  only from IE
  i dont know i something similar is suported from mozilla
  i have something that work in this way using a simple js but 
  its very-very simple

RE: Moving docs from Wiki

2003-11-26 Thread gounis
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

 From: David Crossley
  Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
   Reinhard Poetz wrote:
   No problem, that was not the difficult part - I had more problems 
   with the publishing process itself:
  I presume that you know about
  Agreed, the process could be easier. Thank your lucky stars 
  that you were not struggling with Cocoon docs a couple of years ago.
 1) complete build of Cocoon including documentation
 2) use forrest to generate 'real' documentation
   build docs does these two items.
 3) then I used 'forrest run' and and XML editor to edit/create
my docs (it took me very long until I found out *where* I
can edit my docs)
  Sorry. The cvs head version of Forrest is leaving source and 
  skins in-place and not copying them around. (But Cocoon is 
  using 0.5 ATM.)
BTW: an XML editor is the *worst* thing to edit 
  content at all 
  Why do you say that? We should fix it then.
 The only fix which will help me is a WYSIWIG-editor - otherwise it is
 always painful to edit content.

altova's  authentic can provide a WYSIWIG but every time i had to try to 
setup an XML/XSL/SPS (SPS is a autheintic  xml file that drive the 
WYSISWG) i have no reluts.

maybe a authentic view of xdocs can help

-- stavros

 4) then I had to copy the changed docs *manually* back into
the Cocoon docs to check them in
  Yes, see answer to 3). In Forrest-0.5 there is the 'forrest 
  backcopy' target for that.
 5) then I had to generate the 'site' and copy them *manually*
into cocoon-site
   build docs does (5) too.
 6) then I checked in cocoon-2.1
 7) then I checked in cocoon-site
  Cannot be avoided.
 8) then I updated our website using the CVS client on
   Yes, these are manual steps.
  Some projects have a cron job to do that automatically,
  say every 12 hours.
 thanks for your explanations - I'll look them up when I add/change some
 docs in the future!

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/documentation/xdocs features.xml book.xml index.xml

2003-11-24 Thread gounis
how is marked that a wiki page is ready to move to CVS?


On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

 On 24.11.2003 18:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  reinhard2003/11/24 09:40:41
Modified:src/documentation/xdocs book.xml index.xml
Added:   src/documentation/xdocs features.xml
- add features list from
  to CVS
 Cool. I guess it's the first content moved from Wiki to CVS.

Re: cvs commit: cocoon-2.1/src/documentation/xdocs features.xml book.xml index.xml

2003-11-24 Thread gounis

so why not start to rate  wiki pages so if anyone want to do something 
start  with most wanted pages ?

-- stavros

On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

 On 24.11.2003 20:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  how is marked that a wiki page is ready to move to CVS?
 I guess almost every page has valuable content to be moved to the CVS. 
 The only question is: Who does the work? Reinhard simply started with 
 the maybe most wanted page for the official documentation. If someone 
 else provides other pages we are glad to add it to the CVS.

Re: othello in cocoon's samples

2003-10-28 Thread gounis
On Mon, 27 Oct 2003, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 Le Dimanche, 26 oct 2003,  01:33 Europe/Zurich, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
 crit : it possible to be this an example in cocoon distribution in 
 The best might be to add this to an existing block as a new sample, do 
 you see a block that would be appropriate?
 Maybe you could add an othello-based view to the petstore block sample, 
 which already shows several different view mechanisms?
  if yes what we have to do?
 Create a PATCH on bugzilla, for review by committers.

how ? (can you give me some hints?)


othello in cocoon's samples

2003-10-25 Thread gounis

hi cocoon developers

for the last years we have finalize a mechanism to build small to medium 
template based web sites

we call our approach Othello

is it possible to be this an example in cocoon distribution in samples 

if yes what we have to do?

-- stavros