Re: Message data structure merge heads up, take 3

2010-08-14 Thread Alex Karasulu
On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 3:35 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny elecha...@gmail.comwrote:

  One step further :
 - all the response have been migrated
 - all the ldap-api response messages have been removed and replaced by the
 shared-ldap response messages

 We now have one singe set of classes to manage responses, all over the
 server, except in the dsml-parser module (to be done)

 The next step is to add the missing toString() methods in the Message (each
 codec message had a toString method), then to continue the migration of
 requests (compare, extended, modify, modifyDn, and search).

 When done, we will be able to rename the Internalxxx to xxx (no reason
 anymore to have 'Internal' in front of each message).

+1 to remove Internal designator.

 I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to have an interface for each
 message. Not sure...

I favor the use of interfaces especially for API exposed elements other than
helper classes. We cannot foresee all the use cases in advance and
interfaces give us the greatest flexibility.

A few more thing we would like to do : there are many fields which are
 exposed as public (the various length, used to encode the messages), and I'm
 wondering if we could not hide them or at least keep them package protected.
 To be investigated.

Yeah I would imagine many things can be hidden.

 All in all, this cleanup has removed 24 512 slocs (from 351 355 slocs down
 to 326 443 slocs). Not bad !

Wow great job! Less code is always good.


Alex Karasulu
My Blog ::
Apache Directory Server ::
Apache MINA ::
To set up a meeting with me:

Re: Message data structure merge heads up, take 3

2010-08-13 Thread Kiran Ayyagari
On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
  One step further :
 - all the response have been migrated
 - all the ldap-api response messages have been removed and replaced by the
 shared-ldap response messages

 We now have one singe set of classes to manage responses, all over the
 server, except in the dsml-parser module (to be done)

 The next step is to add the missing toString() methods in the Message (each
 codec message had a toString method), then to continue the migration of
 requests (compare, extended, modify, modifyDn, and search).

 When done, we will be able to rename the Internalxxx to xxx (no reason
 anymore to have 'Internal' in front of each message).

 I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to have an interface for each
 message. Not sure...
IMO not required, i don't think this part of the server is so
extendable and used anywhere else

 A few more thing we would like to do : there are many fields which are
 exposed as public (the various length, used to encode the messages), and I'm
 wondering if we could not hide them or at least keep them package protected.
 To be investigated.

 All in all, this cleanup has removed 24 512 slocs (from 351 355 slocs down
 to 326 443 slocs). Not bad !
yeah, a LOT of cleanup indeed

thanks Emmanuel

Kiran Ayyagari

Re: Message data structure merge heads up

2010-08-12 Thread Alex Karasulu
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny elecha...@apache.orgwrote:

  On 8/12/10 1:50 AM, Alex Karasulu wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Emmanuel

 What exactly is cleaner?

 Cleaner = less class, less conversion from class X to class Y.

 If we consider a request sent from a client using the clinet API to the
 server, here are the conversion we are doing atm :

 client - AddRequest (API class) creation --- converted to AddRequestCodec
 --- converted to byte[] ---
 ( -- network -- ) --- converted to AddRequestCodec --- converted to
 AddRequestImpl (internal structure used in the server --- Add processing
  --- AddResponseImpl creation --- conversion to AddResponseCodec ---
 converted to byte[] ---
 ( -- network -- ) --- converted to AddResponseCodec --- converted the
 AddResponse (Cient API class) !

Ahh OKIE you're 100% right about cleaner without this freaking mess.

 As we can see, there are mandatory conversions (from message to byte[] or
 byte[] to message), but every message --- message conversion are totaly a
 waste of time, CPU and code.

 I'm cleaning this.

Excellent thanks Em.

  What I am afraid of is that this might be a bit
 more personal perspective.

 Nope. This has been discussed lately, and it's a decision we took in order
 to be able to modify the client API, as we can't transform the lookup()
 method to make it returning an Entry, just because of those spurious

Yep yep I was not completely aware of exactly what you meant. Now I'm on the
same page. Thanks for taking the time to update me. God bless you for
undertaking this boring and dirty task.

 Anyway, this is a 5 years old task whch has been postponed for ever, and
 august is a good period to do such modifications.

Heh yeah nothing happens in Aug.

   Also is this being done in a branch so the net
 affect on the API can be evaluated?

 Of course ! Follow the commits ...

Excellent thanks again!

Alex Karasulu
My Blog ::
Apache Directory Server ::
Apache MINA ::
To set up a meeting with me:

Re: Message data structure merge heads up

2010-08-12 Thread feezelr

I've been exploring and working my way through getting the Subversion 
checkout and Maven builds working reliably so that I'm comfortable with 
that process.  I've been working on two different systems (I have a day 

My home system is Fedora Core 13 Linux with the Sun JDK 1.6_20, 
Subversion, Maven 2.2.1, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.  On this system I had 
little trouble following the steps suggested:

1)  Checkout trunk-with-dependencies
2)  mvn clean install -DskipTests
3)  mvn eclipse:eclipse

I was able to import that projects into Eclipse without difficulty after 
the above steps.

Back at a command prompt I tried running the following to make sure 
everything was working.

4)  mvn test

Only one test testSaslGssapiBind is failing, and, looking at the test 
code, it appears that the author doesn't expect this one to work yet.

At my day job I have a Windows XP SP-3 with Sun JDK 1.6_17, Maven 2.2.1, 
Subversion, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.

Access to the Internet from this system is restricted to using an HTTP 
proxy that requires NTLM authentication.  I've had a bit of a struggle 
getting Maven and Subversion working through this but finally seem to have 
it (except for m2Eclipse which still seems unable to access anything 
through the proxy).  I have noticed though that the proxy is either 
overloaded or just plain unreliable.  I did finally succeed in getting a 
clean checkout, however.

Again the same three steps mentioned above were completed successfully 
(despite the erratic operation of the proxy server).

When I tried mvn test, however, I got several failures.

One of the failures, testSaslGssapiBind, is the same as on Linux.  For 
now I'm assuming this is a known problem that is being worked on.

Using Eclipse to investigate each of the others I've discovered that two 
of them are related to Windows's use of the \ character as the path 
separator and one is related to incorrect handling of escaping of 
characters in filenames.  I'm developing fixes for these issues now and 
will post suggested patches after I complete testing.

The only remaining test failure, is testSearchUTF8 in 
ClientSearchRequestTest which is not throwing the expected Exception.  I 
haven't investigated this one yet but plan to when time is available.

Thanks for the guidance.

Richard Feezel


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Re: Message data structure merge heads up

2010-08-12 Thread Emmanuel Lecharny

 On 8/12/10 4:24 PM, wrote:



My home system is Fedora Core 13 Linux with the Sun JDK 1.6_20,
Subversion, Maven 2.2.1, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.


Back at a command prompt I tried running the following to make sure
everything was working.

4)  mvn test

Only one test testSaslGssapiBind is failing, and, looking at the test
code, it appears that the author doesn't expect this one to work yet.

Strange. All the tests are passing on our linux machines.

Have you tried mvn clean install -Dintegration ?

At my day job I have a Windows XP SP-3 with Sun JDK 1.6_17, Maven 2.2.1,
Subversion, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.

Access to the Internet from this system is restricted to using an HTTP
proxy that requires NTLM authentication.

Thanks a lot, M$ ...


Again the same three steps mentioned above were completed successfully
(despite the erratic operation of the proxy server).

When I tried mvn test, however, I got several failures.

One of the failures, testSaslGssapiBind, is the same as on Linux.  For
now I'm assuming this is a known problem that is being worked on.

Using Eclipse to investigate each of the others I've discovered that two
of them are related to Windows's use of the \ character as the path
separator and one is related to incorrect handling of escaping of
characters in filenames.  I'm developing fixes for these issues now and
will post suggested patches after I complete testing.
Great ! We don't use W$ at all, so it's likely we have some tests 
failure if we are not cautious enough. That's the price to pay for being 

The only remaining test failure, is testSearchUTF8 in
ClientSearchRequestTest which is not throwing the expected Exception.  I
haven't investigated this one yet but plan to when time is available.

H... I don't find this class. In which module did you found it ?

Emmanuel Lécharny

Re: Message data structure merge heads up, take 2

2010-08-12 Thread Kiran Ayyagari
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:41 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
  Hi guys,

 it's going faster than I was expecting.

 40% of the messages have been merged (almost all the response though, and
 the resquest are a bit more complex, especially the SearchRequest)

 It resulted in some code shrinking :
 - trunk contains 351 355 slocs
 - branch contains 328 119 slocs

 This is 23 236 less slocs !
great, a lot if code shredding ;)

 I also expect the performance to be slightly better...
for sure IMO

 We will see ...

thanks Emmanuel

Kiran Ayyagari

Re: Message data structure merge heads up

2010-08-11 Thread Alex Karasulu
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny elecha...@gmail.comwrote:

  Hi guys,

 just to give you some info about the ongoing merge (I'm removing the
 MessageCodec hierarchy, replacing it with the InternalMessage hierarchy, in
 the server and on the client api).

 So far, I have successfully been able to use the InternalMessage classes to
 decode the AbandonRequest, BindRequest, UnbindRequest, DelRequest. However,
 the associated Codec messages are still present, as the API is using them.

 OTOH, and because it's easier, I'm removed completely the AddResponse,
 BindResponse and DelResponse codec classes. They have been replaced by their
 equivalent classes from InternalMessage. This has been done in the clinet
 API and in the server.
 It's going fast, as all those data structure are simular.

 There are two things to be done when all those response messages will have
 been merged :
 - remove the API Response message classes, to use the InternalMessage
 response classes
 - Fix the dsml-parser which is using the codec hierarchy

 A third step would be to get rid of all the Request codec classes, this
 will come next.

 I think that I have 4 more days to get all this done. It's not exactly fun,
 but at least, we will have some cleaner implementation...

What exactly is cleaner? What I am afraid of is that this might be a bit
more personal perspective. Also is this being done in a branch so the net
affect on the API can be evaluated?

Alex Karasulu
My Blog ::
Apache Directory Server ::
Apache MINA ::
To set up a meeting with me:

Re: Message data structure merge heads up

2010-08-11 Thread Emmanuel Lécharny

 On 8/12/10 1:50 AM, Alex Karasulu wrote:

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Emmanuel Lecharnyelecha...@gmail.comwrote:

What exactly is cleaner?

Cleaner = less class, less conversion from class X to class Y.

If we consider a request sent from a client using the clinet API to the 
server, here are the conversion we are doing atm :

client - AddRequest (API class) creation --- converted to 
AddRequestCodec --- converted to byte[] ---
( -- network -- ) --- converted to AddRequestCodec --- converted to 
AddRequestImpl (internal structure used in the server --- Add 
processing  --- AddResponseImpl creation --- conversion to 
AddResponseCodec --- converted to byte[] ---
( -- network -- ) --- converted to AddResponseCodec --- converted the 
AddResponse (Cient API class) !

As we can see, there are mandatory conversions (from message to byte[] 
or byte[] to message), but every message --- message conversion are 
totaly a waste of time, CPU and code.

I'm cleaning this.

What I am afraid of is that this might be a bit
more personal perspective.
Nope. This has been discussed lately, and it's a decision we took in 
order to be able to modify the client API, as we can't transform the 
lookup() method to make it returning an Entry, just because of those 
spurious classes.

Anyway, this is a 5 years old task whch has been postponed for ever, and 
august is a good period to do such modifications.

  Also is this being done in a branch so the net
affect on the API can be evaluated?

Of course ! Follow the commits ...

Emmanuel Lécharny