
I've been exploring and working my way through getting the Subversion 
checkout and Maven builds working reliably so that I'm comfortable with 
that process.  I've been working on two different systems (I have a day 

My home system is Fedora Core 13 Linux with the Sun JDK 1.6_20, 
Subversion, Maven 2.2.1, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.  On this system I had 
little trouble following the steps suggested:

1)      Checkout trunk-with-dependencies
2)      "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
3)      "mvn eclipse:eclipse"

I was able to import that projects into Eclipse without difficulty after 
the above steps.

Back at a command prompt I tried running the following to make sure 
everything was working.

4)      "mvn test"

Only one test "testSaslGssapiBind" is failing, and, looking at the test 
code, it appears that the author doesn't expect this one to work yet.

At my day job I have a Windows XP SP-3 with Sun JDK 1.6_17, Maven 2.2.1, 
Subversion, and Eclipse 3.6 installed.

Access to the Internet from this system is restricted to using an HTTP 
proxy that requires NTLM authentication.  I've had a bit of a struggle 
getting Maven and Subversion working through this but finally seem to have 
it (except for m2Eclipse which still seems unable to access anything 
through the proxy).  I have noticed though that the proxy is either 
overloaded or just plain unreliable.  I did finally succeed in getting a 
clean checkout, however.

Again the same three steps mentioned above were completed successfully 
(despite the erratic operation of the proxy server).

When I tried "mvn test", however, I got several failures.

One of the failures, "testSaslGssapiBind", is the same as on Linux.  For 
now I'm assuming this is a known problem that is being worked on.

Using Eclipse to investigate each of the others I've discovered that two 
of them are related to Windows's use of the "\" character as the path 
separator and one is related to incorrect handling of "escaping" of 
characters in filenames.  I'm developing fixes for these issues now and 
will post suggested patches after I complete testing.

The only remaining test failure, is "testSearchUTF8" in 
"ClientSearchRequestTest" which is not throwing the expected Exception.  I 
haven't investigated this one yet but plan to when time is available.

Thanks for the guidance.

Richard Feezel


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