On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:40 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Hi guys,
> just to give you some info about the ongoing merge (I'm removing the
> MessageCodec hierarchy, replacing it with the InternalMessage hierarchy, in
> the server and on the client api).
> So far, I have successfully been able to use the InternalMessage classes to
> decode the AbandonRequest, BindRequest, UnbindRequest, DelRequest. However,
> the associated Codec messages are still present, as the API is using them.
> OTOH, and because it's easier, I'm removed completely the AddResponse,
> BindResponse and DelResponse codec classes. They have been replaced by their
> equivalent classes from InternalMessage. This has been done in the clinet
> API and in the server.
> It's going fast, as all those data structure are simular.
> There are two things to be done when all those response messages will have
> been merged :
> - remove the API Response message classes, to use the InternalMessage
> response classes
> - Fix the dsml-parser which is using the codec hierarchy
> A third step would be to get rid of all the Request codec classes, this
> will come next.
> I think that I have 4 more days to get all this done. It's not exactly fun,
> but at least, we will have some cleaner implementation...
What exactly is cleaner? What I am afraid of is that this might be a bit
more personal perspective. Also is this being done in a branch so the net
affect on the API can be evaluated?

Alex Karasulu
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