On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  One step further :
> - all the response have been migrated
> - all the ldap-api response messages have been removed and replaced by the
> shared-ldap response messages
> We now have one singe set of classes to manage responses, all over the
> server, except in the dsml-parser module (to be done)
> The next step is to add the missing toString() methods in the Message (each
> codec message had a toString method), then to continue the migration of
> requests (compare, extended, modify, modifyDn, and search).
> When done, we will be able to rename the Internalxxx to xxx (no reason
> anymore to have 'Internal' in front of each message).
> I'm still wondering if it's a good idea to have an interface for each
> message. Not sure...
IMO not required, i don't think this part of the server is so
extendable and used anywhere else
> A few more thing we would like to do : there are many fields which are
> exposed as public (the various length, used to encode the messages), and I'm
> wondering if we could not hide them or at least keep them package protected.
> To be investigated.
> All in all, this cleanup has removed 24 512 slocs (from 351 355 slocs down
> to 326 443 slocs). Not bad !
yeah, a LOT of cleanup indeed

thanks Emmanuel

Kiran Ayyagari

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