Re: XBean and QDox

2006-08-14 Thread Dan Diephouse

Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

James Strachan wrote:

On 8/13/06, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It seems that nobody work on QDox since several months.
Does anyone know of any replacement we could use to allow java 5 
parsing ?

I was thinking of introducing real annotations, but this would make
JDK 5 specific.

Any thoughts ?

We could compile the source with Java 5, use source-only annotations
maybe - then generate Java 1.4 compliant code via retrotranslator.

Can I debug retrotranslated code in JDK14?


Yes. Dain did a whole bunch of experiments on this if you want to know 
more details. From what I understand they went quite well.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: [VOTE] Servicemix 3.0 M1

2006-04-11 Thread Dan Diephouse

Guillaume Nodet wrote:

   * Which website is supposed to be the right one? or ?

I guess, we need to fix some links.


Can we get to redirect to the incubator site then? One is 
codehaus, one is apache...

Well, the XFire example sources are still available at
I removed it from the distribution because this is a pure XFire sample
and is in no way related to ServiceMix (it may be better to put it in
XFire distribution ;) )

Yeah, IIRC, Hiram just copied this from XFire CVS at one point, so I 
think we have it. I wanted to put together a true example that shows how 
to do some more stuff with xfire.

I guess we could write a pure xfire binding component: there are a
couple of enhancements that xfire would need to keep up with
servicemix-http ;) like jett6 continuations, accessing directly a stax
based jaxp source, use of commons-httpclient pooling on the client
side.  This would enable to use xfire handlers like the WS-Security
one directly.  But this deserves another thread ...


OK, yeah this does deserve another thread. I'll take a look into some of 
these issues soon and see what I can do.

None of these are necessariliy blockers as its a M1 release, so I am +0.
I would like to see SM-393 addressed and the soap binding link fixed,
but don't have time to do it myself at the moment.

I will fix the link (which is not a bad link actually, the doc has not
been written).

Ok, cool. Cheers,
- Dan

Dan Diephouse
(616) 971-2053
Envoi Solutions LLC

Re: ServiceMix and security

2006-04-20 Thread Dan Diephouse

Hiya Guillaume,

Some thoughts inlined...

Guillaume Nodet wrote:

Securing messages is not handled yet, but can be done using
WS-Security on soap enabled transports (servicemix-jms and
servicemix-http binding components).  Is there a need to secure
messages within the bus ?

Could there be a situation where multiple users are using the bus and 
they all have different levels of access? And also in that situation 
could there be a message broadcast where only certain users have access 
to the information? If so I think there may be some need for encrypted 

Securing services seems to be the most difficult part.  The JMS specs
only mention the use of the subject property on a NormalizedMessage
The main problem is how to set / use this information and how
informations about service authorizations.
Such security informations may be embedded in the service unit /
service assemblies deployment, or may be configured separately on the
container.  When a component sends a jbi exchange, the  container
could check the authorizations for the destination endpoint (or
service, interface ?).
However, I do not have any clue on how this information will be
provided by binding components when an external message comes in. HTTP
transport could leverage HTTP authentication, but what about the other
transports ?


I think I see two ways we could set the SecuritySubject:
- At the configuration level, i.e. configuring the username/password in 
the BC configuration
- The API of the Binding Component - say we have a BC which access a 
service on the bus that needs the SecuritySubject. When the user 
interacts with the API of the BC, they would need to provide their 
security information. The BC would then be responsible for setting the 
Subject on the NormalizedMessage
- Another option would be to do some sort of ThreadLocal type thing. If 
a BC doesn't have a way to set the security info, we could always create 
a custom API along the likes of 

I also have been doing some thinking about WS-Security/Policy 
integration. WS-Security is easy enough to hook in, we just need to wire 
in XFire to listen for requests then pass on the messages to the bus. 
I'm guess we can use the ws-sec security tokens and put those on the bus 
as well? XFire But there is the whole problem that ws-sec just sucks and 
is too damn slow, so I don't really like pushing it as a good option.

Also, it'd be really cool to just to write the policy or policy 
fragments and have the endpoint in servicemix enforce that. So we can 
require security or RM or whatever else real easily. Guess I need to get 
off my arse and do some WS-Policy integration with XFire.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

xbean 2.2.1 release?

2006-04-20 Thread Dan Diephouse
Are people up for a 2.2.1 XBean release? Guillaume fixed a critical bug 
with Spring 1.2.7 and XBean which prevent them from working together. 
I'd like to see it released soon so users can use it...

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: xbean 2.2.1 release?

2006-04-21 Thread Dan Diephouse

OK that sounds good.
- Dan

Guillaume Nodet wrote:
I'd like at least to be 
fixed before the release.

Just have to apply the patch.
There are also patches for XBEAN-4 (m2 plugin for mapping generation) and
XBEAN-6 (bad dependencies scope) pending.

Guillaume Nodet

Dan Diephouse wrote:

Are people up for a 2.2.1 XBean release? Guillaume fixed a critical 
bug with Spring 1.2.7 and XBean which prevent them from working 
together. I'd like to see it released soon so users can use it...

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Outstanding XBean Patches...

2006-04-26 Thread Dan Diephouse
I was wondering if someone could commit some patches for the XBean 
project. I just sent in a patch for two issues (XBEAN-8 and XBEAN-9) and 
would like to see those, and others, integrated in.

Here is a summary the outstanding issues with patches that need to get 

XBEAN-2: XBean should throw exceptions when a namespace can not be 
mapped or when an element / attribute can not be mapped

XBEAN-4: Create a maven 2 plugin for spring mapping generation
XBEAN-6: Fix dependencies scope
XBEAN-7: Inconsistent use of classloader when using spring 
configurations for xbean-server

XBEAN-8: Support flat collections
XBEAN-9: Support flat properties

It'd be great if someone could commit these and then we could get a 
release out! We at XFire would like to do a 1.1 release soon and really 
need some of these in there.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: Outstanding XBean Patches...

2006-04-28 Thread Dan Diephouse

Woohoo! Thanks Guillaume.
- Dan

Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I have checked in all outstanding patches.
I will do a release 2.3 asap, unless someone has any problems with it ...

Guillaume Nodet

Dan Diephouse wrote:

I was wondering if someone could commit some patches for the XBean 
project. I just sent in a patch for two issues (XBEAN-8 and XBEAN-9) 
and would like to see those, and others, integrated in.

Here is a summary the outstanding issues with patches that need to 
get committed:

XBEAN-2: XBean should throw exceptions when a namespace can not be 
mapped or when an element / attribute can not be mapped

XBEAN-4: Create a maven 2 plugin for spring mapping generation
XBEAN-6: Fix dependencies scope
XBEAN-7: Inconsistent use of classloader when using spring 
configurations for xbean-server

XBEAN-8: Support flat collections
XBEAN-9: Support flat properties

It'd be great if someone could commit these and then we could get a 
release out! We at XFire would like to do a 1.1 release soon and 
really need some of these in there.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: [VOTE] XBean 2.3 release

2006-05-01 Thread Dan Diephouse


Guillaume Nodet wrote:

I have put some binaries of the new xbean-2.3 release.
They are available at

[ ] +1 Release the binary as XBean 2.3
[ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)

If the vote passes, I will put the binaries in their official 
distribution repositories.

Guillaume Nodet

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: [RTC] XBEAN-13 and XBEAN-14

2006-06-06 Thread Dan Diephouse

Guillaume Nodet wrote: is a very minor patch to 
throw a meaninfull exception instead of an NPE at a later time when 
the xxx  tags are used in 
a spring configuration file and the specified location is not found. is a major enhancement 
of xbean-spring to support Spring 2.0-m5.
I have created a branch instead of a patch, because of the need to 
split the existing xbean-spring module into two parts.
The branch is available at 
and the revisions links

are availanble in the JIRA.
In addition I added integration tests to ensure that xbean-spring is 
fully compatible with all spring versions >= 1.2.4,
which was not the case, despite a modification I made for the latest 
xbean release.

Here's my +1 for applying the XBEAN-13 patch and merging the branch to 
trunk for XBEAN-14.

Please vote.

Guillaume Nodet
Great work Guillaume! definitely looking forward to using XBEAN-14. 
Here's my +1 (even though I'm not a committer).

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

SwA and JAXB in CXF [was Re: svn commit: r541462....]

2007-05-25 Thread Dan Diephouse

I was just talking to Dan Kulp and he mentioned that my latest commit broke
things for Geronimo because G is using JAXB 2.0.2 yet and this commit
depends on an API in JAXB 2.0.5. We're using this JAXB 2.0.5 feature because
we need a way to detect that there might be an attachment being written. The
problem is that we only know that there is an attachment after JAXB calls
AttachmentMarshaller.addSwaRefAttachment() though, which happens while we're
streaming the output message :-\

Short of caching the whole output message every single time and then
checking if an attachment was written (which would be disastorous to
performance) , the options seem to be:
1. Call JAXBContextImpl.hasSwaRef() which is only in JAXB 2.0.5 - This
checks to see if any classes in the context might have attachment references
that will be written.
2. Check to see if there is the SwA WS-I schema around (i.e. we would write
MIME messages if service.getSchema("";)
!= null)

The problem with #2 that I see is that I don't think it works for
"code-first" services. Although to be honest I don't 100% understand how
code first SwAs is supposed to work yet (how do we detect that an operation
argument is supposed to be an attachment? Do users always need to put

So I think we should stay with #1. If anyone has any better ideas, I'm all

I will be changing the code inside CXF today to use reflection. If we deploy
on Java6, then this hasSwaRef method won't be there, so we need to fail in a
more friendly manner for JAXB versions less than 2.0.5. While this may help
the G build breakage today, I would encourage the G team to update to
2.0.5for this feature in the future.

- Dan


Author: dandiep
Date: Thu May 24 15:33:40 2007
New Revision: 541462

Get basic SwA working. The SwA tests now ensure that both the swaRef and
the normal  attachment mechanisms work.

We still need to do the following:
1. CXF-677
2. Ensure the Content-Types are correct for the messages (i.e. no XOP
content types)
3. Ensure that code first (@XmlAttachmentRef?) attachments are working
4. Translate DataHandlers into Images, OctetStreams, etc and vis a versa
where appropriate.

Others can feel free to pick up any of these pieces, I'll be plugging away
at them more
tomorrow and next week.

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: [VOTE] Change ServiceMix version to 3.0-SNAPSHOT

2005-12-27 Thread Dan Diephouse

Guillaume Nodet wrote:

As we have to change the package names to org.apache.servicemix, i 
propose that we change
the version number of ServiceMix to 3.0 to reflect this, and also the 
fact that we are focusing

on full jbi compliance for both the container and components.

[ ] +1 Change version to 3.0-SNAPSHOT
[ ] -1 Keep 2.1 version number (provide specific comments)

Guillaume Nodet

Dan Diephouse
(616) 971-2053
Envoi Solutions LLC

Re: ANNOUNCE Geronimo Version 1.0 Available for Download

2006-01-05 Thread Dan Diephouse
 as a technology preview for both Jetty
 and Tomcat.  See for additional

Choice of Web container
Two versions of the Geronimo binary are available for download.
There is a version for the Jetty Web container and a version for
the Tomcat Web container.  Both distributions are fully supported
by the Geronimo team.  Please download the binary appropriate for
your installation.

Most configuration attributes can be updated in the
geronimo/var/config/config.xml file.  The attributes most likely
to be changed are already included in the supplied config.xml file,
while others may need to be added manually.

Overall Project Status
The current version release of 1.0 represents a significant step
for the Geronimo  project.  After a little over two years of effort
this distribution is a fully compliant and usable J2EE container
suitable for everything from development to Enterprise deployments.

The next version of Geronimo is focused on several areas, including:

 * continue to enhance the performance and usability of the server
 * improve cross-platform compatibility
 * improve integration with third-party development tools and
   server products

User feedback is critical for future released to be successful!
The Geronimo team is anxious to gather feedback to ensure we are
meeting the needs and expectations of the user community.

In addition to the goals mentioned above, several specific changes
are currently being considered:

 * Make the Geronimo kernel pluggable, to help ease integration of
   external components.
 * Enhance the ability to assemble customized servers (including only
   the services required by the applications to be run).
 * Enhance configuration, administration and management tools
 * Improve clustering support for web containers and ejbs

For more information on specific bugs or features, or to help with
testing efforts, please visit JIRA, our bug/issue tracking system, at

Certification Status

Geronimo 1.0 has passed the J2EE(tm) certification test suite.  We
will be filing the appropriate certification paperwork with Sun for
official J2EE certification.

Significant Missing Features

 * J2EE Application Client that works from a machine other than the
 * Full JSR-88 support for DConfig Beans (the current features are
   somewhat incomplete)
 * Offline deployment and assembly tools (expected shortly)
 * Installer program (expected shortly)

Known Issues

 * ActiveMQ (our JMS implementation) is not shut down in the right
   way and thus tends to generate exceptions to the console during
   the shutdown process.  This does not cause any actual problems
   as far as we know, but it sure doesn't look nice.
 * See also outstanding JIRA issues at

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions LLC

Re: [VOTE] accept donation of a business process engine into the ServiceMix project

2006-02-03 Thread Dan Diephouse

After some thought about this, I will give it a +1.

We're seeing a lot of overlap lately between the WS-* folks and the J2EE 
folks. Like lots of projects lately, I don't think this code donation 
fits strictly into one category. And to say that it strictly belongs one 
place or another is a mistake.

I think the Sybase and ServiceMix people have made it clear that they 
are dedicated to working on this. I know the ws-* people are stretched 
with the many many specs to implement, so from a practical standpoint I 
think the ServiceMix location works. Lets closely monitor the community 
and see where it goes. At a future date we can readdress the location.

Regarding other developers and overlapping projects, I would just like 
to make it clear that we still definitely welcome other people and their 
involvement. Accepting this donation into ServiceMix does not preclude 
any involvement with others. If we need to package things different or 
provide different interfaces or whatever, its all up for discussion and 

- Dan

James Strachan wrote:
We have received the generous donation of a complete and working BPE 
engine to the ServiceMix project...[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

the contributor has offered to donate to Apache & complete the 
necessary software grants & IP clearance and to work with us on 
integrating it into ServiceMix.

For those of you maybe not aware; ServiceMIx is an ESB project defined 
around JBI (JSR 208) the JCP standard API to integration components 
along with being the standard container model for a BPE. ServiceMix 
already has the JBI container and has a suite of JBI integration 
components already for smart routing, transformation, rules, 
scripting, auditing etc...

So it makes complete sense to add a BPE to that component suite. Note 
that since ServiceMix already has integration components to Apache 
Axis and Apache Tuscany, the integration of the BPE with ServiceMix 
should benefit those projects too (with Apache Synapse possibly too 
via the Axis integration - though we need to work on that one a bit).

Also having a BPE fully integrated into Geronimo via the JBI container 
would mean that we could start to orchestrate pretty much everything 
in the Geronimo stack! I'm certainly very excited by this move...

[ ] +1 accept the donation into the ServiceMix incubator project
[ ] 0  don't mind either way
[ ] -1 I object because: ...

Here's my +1


Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions LLC

Re: Message based web services

2006-02-23 Thread Dan Diephouse

David Blevins wrote:

On Feb 21, 2006, at 11:20 PM, Manu George wrote:

 I have a query regarding Axis. In Axis we can deploy message 
based web services with a WSDD as shown below";
xmlns:xsi=" ">

 Is it possible to do this in the geronimo axis 
implementation?  Also is this feature of axis an implementation of 
any Java spec?
Also the axis site says that it supports transports other than http. 
Is this supported in Geronimo?

Just going to throw out you may want to look at ServiceMix for your 
needs.  Overall, J2EE Web Services don't sound like what you are 
looking for.


If you want to go the non-J2EE route there is always XFire - You can just create a service class like:

public class MyService {
 public Document getCatalog();

See the docs or ping the mailing list for more detail.

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions LLC

Re: Switching to 3.0-SNAPSHOT and dropping spring 1.x release

2007-02-23 Thread Dan Diephouse

+1 as well. Spring (1.x) is dead, long live Spring (2.0)!

- Dan

On 2/23/07, Hiram Chirino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sounds good to me.  +1

On 2/21/07, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about switching to 3.0-SNAPSHOT
> and dropping support for spring < 2.0 release ?
> The code of xbean-spring is split into
> at least 4 modules, just to keep with the different
> milestones and the older 1.x release ...
> --
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet
> Architect, LogicBlaze (
> Blog:



Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: Geronimo 2.0 web services support table

2007-03-01 Thread Dan Diephouse

Cool - Question, what is meant by " Could use J2SE or J2ME" under the Client
section? AFAIK, the JAX-WS client apis won't ever work on J2ME...

- Dan

On 2/20/07, Lin Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

I have created a table for Geronimo web services support.   The page is
a child page of the Geronimo Java EE 5.0 report card page, but here is a
direct link anyway -
  Tried to break them down to JAX-WS 2.0, JAX-RPC 1.1, EJB and Client
and some of them may just mean test items or stuff we won't implement.
I invite you (Jarek, Dims, Lasantha, and others) to edit the page and
fill in the missing contents.

Thanks, Lin

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: JAXB upgrade

2007-03-01 Thread Dan Diephouse

I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately need it. I
believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the other day),
and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user perspective
in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things like WS-A
and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types, which
requires all sorts of hacks right now.

Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1? Any idea if
its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification require 2.0?
I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.

- Dan

(I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)

On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi again,

CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to figure
out what sort of implications that might have on Geronimo. First of
all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is shared by all applications
in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different components
using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we upgrade
JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make sure they
are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but potentially time
consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects JAXB
2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe nothing (as things
supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up. That's
another thing for us to worry about.

So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would it be
possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?


Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: JAXB upgrade

2007-03-01 Thread Dan Diephouse

I think we are all open to input on this particular point. Is there any way
we can figure out what the JEE5 requirements are though?

- Dan

On 3/1/07, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jarek Gawor wrote:
> Oh... I didn't even realize you guys are targeting JAX-WS 2.1. Now,
> I'm not sure how that affects things.

If the JavaEE5 TCK is only JAX-WS 2.0 compliant, this may be a problem.

> Jarek
> On 3/1/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately need it.
>> believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the other
>> day),
>> and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user
>> perspective
>> in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things like
>> WS-A
>> and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types, which
>> requires all sorts of hacks right now.
>> Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1? Any
>> idea if
>> its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification
>> require 2.0?
>> I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.
>> - Dan
>> (I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)
>> On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi again,
>> >
>> > CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to figure
>> > out what sort of implications that might have on Geronimo. First of
>> > all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is shared by all
>> > in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different components
>> > using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we upgrade
>> > JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make sure
>> > are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but potentially
>> > consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
>> > testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects JAXB
>> > 2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe nothing (as
>> > supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up. That's
>> > another thing for us to worry about.
>> >
>> > So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would it be
>> > possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Jarek
>> >
>> --
>> Dan Diephouse
>> Envoi Solutions
>> |

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: JAXB upgrade

2007-03-02 Thread Dan Diephouse

I'm OK with rolling back for now. However the spec itself is final and the
RI impl is already out:

Everyone else ok with it?
- Dan

On 3/2/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At this time Geronimo can only certify with JAXB 2.0 and JAXWS 2.0.
We're hoping that sun will update the tck to allow supporting the 2.1
specs, but as far as we can tell this has not yet happened.  Getting
information out of sun about this stuff can be difficult, but perhaps
if we started now and now and are sufficiently persistent we will
eventually find out something useful.

Are the 2.1 spec versions officially released?

Meanwhile we'd certainly appreciate it at Geronimo if you went back
to the 2.0 spec versions for now.

david jencks

On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Jarek Gawor wrote:

> Oh... I didn't even realize you guys are targeting JAX-WS 2.1. Now,
> I'm not sure how that affects things.
> Jarek
> On 3/1/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately
>> need it. I
>> believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the
>> other day),
>> and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user
>> perspective
>> in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things
>> like WS-A
>> and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types, which
>> requires all sorts of hacks right now.
>> Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1? Any
>> idea if
>> its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification
>> require 2.0?
>> I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.
>> - Dan
>> (I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)
>> On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi again,
>> >
>> > CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to figure
>> > out what sort of implications that might have on Geronimo. First of
>> > all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is shared by all
>> applications
>> > in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different
>> components
>> > using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we
>> upgrade
>> > JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make
>> sure they
>> > are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but
>> potentially time
>> > consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
>> > testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects JAXB
>> > 2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe nothing (as
>> things
>> > supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up. That's
>> > another thing for us to worry about.
>> >
>> > So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would
>> it be
>> > possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Jarek
>> >
>> --
>> Dan Diephouse
>> Envoi Solutions
>> |

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: JAXB upgrade

2007-03-05 Thread Dan Diephouse

Yes, I will try to take care of this today (granted it might not get checked
in until later today though). Cheers,
- Dan

On 3/5/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would it be possible for CXF folks to decide this issue soon? In
Geronimo land we are kind of stuck right now (we have CXF disabled
from the build because of the JAX-WS/JAXB issues) we are not making a
lot of progress now in terms of intergration and testing.


On 3/2/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm OK with rolling back for now. However the spec itself is final and
> RI impl is already out:
> Everyone else ok with it?
> Cheers,
> - Dan
> On 3/2/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > At this time Geronimo can only certify with JAXB 2.0 and JAXWS 2.0.
> > We're hoping that sun will update the tck to allow supporting the 2.1
> > specs, but as far as we can tell this has not yet happened.  Getting
> > information out of sun about this stuff can be difficult, but perhaps
> > if we started now and now and are sufficiently persistent we will
> > eventually find out something useful.
> >
> > Are the 2.1 spec versions officially released?
> >
> > Meanwhile we'd certainly appreciate it at Geronimo if you went back
> > to the 2.0 spec versions for now.
> >
> > thanks
> > david jencks
> >
> >
> > On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Jarek Gawor wrote:
> >
> > > Oh... I didn't even realize you guys are targeting JAX-WS 2.1. Now,
> > > I'm not sure how that affects things.
> > >
> > > Jarek
> > >
> > > On 3/1/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately
> > >> need it. I
> > >> believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the
> > >> other day),
> > >> and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user
> > >> perspective
> > >> in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things
> > >> like WS-A
> > >> and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types,
> > >> requires all sorts of hacks right now.
> > >>
> > >> Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1? Any
> > >> idea if
> > >> its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification
> > >> require 2.0?
> > >> I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.
> > >>
> > >> - Dan
> > >>
> > >> (I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)
> > >>
> > >> On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > Hi again,
> > >> >
> > >> > CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to
> > >> > out what sort of implications that might have on Geronimo. First
> > >> > all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is shared by all
> > >> applications
> > >> > in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different
> > >> components
> > >> > using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we
> > >> upgrade
> > >> > JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make
> > >> sure they
> > >> > are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but
> > >> potentially time
> > >> > consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
> > >> > testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects
> > >> > 2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe nothing (as
> > >> things
> > >> > supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up.
> > >> > another thing for us to worry about.
> > >> >
> > >> > So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would
> > >> it be
> > >> > possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?
> > >> >
> > >> > Thanks,
> > >> > Jarek
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> Dan Diephouse
> > >> Envoi Solutions
> > >> |
> > >>
> >
> >
> --
> Dan Diephouse
> Envoi Solutions
> |

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: JAXB upgrade

2007-03-05 Thread Dan Diephouse

Well that settles that!

Do you know: are they changing the spec? Or are they just pulling their

- Dan

On 3/5/07, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll pull the JAX-WS 2.1 stuff now.   I just received word from Sun that
they are pulling JAX-WS 2.1 anyway.  (they are respinning it to address
some issues with the WS-A stuff)Thus, it will be removed from the
maven repository ASAP and our builds will fail.   Give my 1/2 hour or so.


On Monday 05 March 2007 11:21, Jarek Gawor wrote:
> Would it be possible for CXF folks to decide this issue soon? In
> Geronimo land we are kind of stuck right now (we have CXF disabled
> from the build because of the JAX-WS/JAXB issues) we are not making a
> lot of progress now in terms of intergration and testing.
> Thanks,
> Jarek
> On 3/2/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm OK with rolling back for now. However the spec itself is final and
> > the RI impl is already out:
> >
> >
> >
> > Everyone else ok with it?
> > Cheers,
> > - Dan
> >
> > On 3/2/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > At this time Geronimo can only certify with JAXB 2.0 and JAXWS 2.0.
> > > We're hoping that sun will update the tck to allow supporting the
> > > 2.1 specs, but as far as we can tell this has not yet happened.
> > > Getting information out of sun about this stuff can be difficult,
> > > but perhaps if we started now and now and are sufficiently
> > > persistent we will eventually find out something useful.
> > >
> > > Are the 2.1 spec versions officially released?
> > >
> > > Meanwhile we'd certainly appreciate it at Geronimo if you went back
> > > to the 2.0 spec versions for now.
> > >
> > > thanks
> > > david jencks
> > >
> > > On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:43 AM, Jarek Gawor wrote:
> > > > Oh... I didn't even realize you guys are targeting JAX-WS 2.1.
> > > > Now, I'm not sure how that affects things.
> > > >
> > > > Jarek
> > > >
> > > > On 3/1/07, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> I'm happy to revert the change, but I think that we ultimately
> > > >> need it. I
> > > >> believe we're targeting JAX-WS 2.1 (we switched the API jar the
> > > >> other day),
> > > >> and that requires JAXB 2.1. There are many benefits from a user
> > > >> perspective
> > > >> in 2.1. For isntance it has a lot better functionality for things
> > > >> like WS-A
> > > >> and also makes it easier for people to use substitution types,
> > > >> which requires all sorts of hacks right now.
> > > >>
> > > >> Is Geronimo just looking to release JAX-WS 2.0 support or 2.1?
> > > >> Any idea if
> > > >> its possible to certify Geronimo with 2.1? Or does certification
> > > >> require 2.0?
> > > >> I'm not sure what the status is of the JAX-WS 2.1 TCK either.
> > > >>
> > > >> - Dan
> > > >>
> > > >> (I CC'd [EMAIL PROTECTED] in, hope thats ok)
> > > >>
> > > >> On 2/28/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >> > Hi again,
> > > >> >
> > > >> > CXF code was recently upgraded to JAXB 2.1 and so I tired to
> > > >> > figure out what sort of implications that might have on
> > > >> > Geronimo. First of all, JAXB is one of those libraries that is
> > > >> > shared by all
> > > >>
> > > >> applications
> > > >>
> > > >> > in the Geronimo server. We also have a bunch of different
> > > >>
> > > >> components
> > > >>
> > > >> > using JAXB to do deployment descriptor parsing, etc. So if we
> > > >>
> > > >> upgrade
> > > >>
> > > >> > JAXB in G, we have to retest all these subcomponents to make
> > > >>
> > > >> sure they
> > > >>
> > > >> > are ok. And I think in general  that should be ok but
> > > >>
> > > >> potentially time
> > > >>
> > > >> > consuming. Another potential issue that somebody raised was TCK
> > > >> > testing. We don't know what happens if for example TCK expects
> > > >> > JAXB 2.0 API but gets JAXB 2.1 API/implementation. Maybe
> > > >> > nothing (as
> > > >>
> > > >> things
> > > >>
> > > >> > supposed to be backwards compatible) but maybe it blows up.
> > > >> > That's another thing for us to worry about.
> > > >> >
> > > >> > So, if this JAXB upgrade is not a critical issue for CXF would
> > > >>
> > > >> it be
> > > >>
> > > >> > possible to switch back to JAXB 2.0?
> > > >> >
> > > >> > Thanks,
> > > >> > Jarek
> > > >>
> > > >> --
> > > >> Dan Diephouse
> > > >> Envoi Solutions
> > > >> |
> >
> > --
> > Dan Diephouse
> > Envoi Solutions
> > |

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727C: 508-380-7194

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

Re: [Fwd: What do people think about graduation ?]

2007-03-16 Thread Dan Diephouse

I would like to see SMX as a TLP.

On 3/16/07, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mar 14, 2007, at 11:51 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

> It may be time to consider it.
> The community is growing and diverse ...
> I don't see any issues left.

Seems like a good idea to me.

Do you guys think we should be a TLP?


Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

XPath and Drools routing with SXC?

2007-03-16 Thread Dan Diephouse

Hi All,

I think I wrote something which may be of use to ServiceMix, but
unfortunately I don't have time to integrate it myself - so I'm going to
throw it out there for everyone :-)

I started a project called SXC - simple xml compiler - which creates
optimized xml parsers for various things. There is one for JAXB. But, the
one of probably the most interest to this crew is the XPath frontend. SXC
can build a streaming xpath parser for you (at runtime). This means you can
listen for XPath events as you scan over the document. This allows for very
efficient XPath based routing. In my initial performance test it was about
100x faster than Jaxen for locating nodes (although thats a very rough
benchmark, real numbers may vary!)

We also integrated it with Drools so you can write XPath expressions right
in your rules.

Check out these links for more information:

The one caveat is that we support only a limited subset of XPath expressions
at the moment. But if you wanted to hack SXC, its easy enough to add more.
I'm happy to help where I can or give guidance to anyone who wants to
participate as well.

Anyone up for hacking it into servicemix? :-)

- Dan

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions |

CXF Geronimo Integration

2006-10-03 Thread Dan Diephouse
David and I chatted a little bit online this weekend as we tried to 
bring each other up to speed on the respective areas so we could have a 
meaningful conversation about this. [1] I thought I'd take a little bit 
to summarize.

As I understand it, we would need to integrate CXF at two points. First, 
the deployment. We need to support JSR 109 deployment descriptors. 
Second, we need to support invoking EJBs.

For deployment, we can wire in JSR 109 descriptors into the service 
construction. In CXF we have a Service, which holds a WSDL like service 
model and information about CXF can invoke the server (like databinding 
info, interceptors/handlers, etc). Generally you create a Service from a 
ServiceFactory [2][3]. The base service factory 
(ReflectionServiceFactoryBean) can actually construct the service from 
WSDL using the WSDLServiceFactory or from introspection.  During this 
construction, ServiceConfigurations [4] can provide values for the 
service. There can be many of these. For instance, lets say we want to 
determine the namespace of the service. We can have a 
JaxWsServiceConfiguration which takes the namespace from the @WebService 
attribute.  If there is no specified namespace, the service factory will 
move to the DefaultServiceConfiguration which will create a namespace 
from the package name. With that all said - its easy to envision how a 
Jsr109ServiceConfiguration could be created to override values in the 
JAX-WS attributes. I still don't know enough about JSR109 to say if this 
will be sufficient though - It would be good to come up with a list of 
areas that JSR 109 affects.

The second area - EJB invocation - is a bit simpler. In CXF we have the 
concept of Invokers [5][6]. Invokers allow you to control how your 
object is invoked. You can supply your own object, scopes, etc. XFire 
had an EJB invoker [7] which I think is similar to what needs to happen 
here (although I know jack about EJBs, so I could be wrong). While the 
Invoker interface in CXF is slightly different, all the same information 
is there.

Are there other integration areas that I missed here? Anyone able to 
provide a more comprehensive view of what exactly we need to do in terms 
of JSR 109?

- Dan



David Jencks wrote:
I'm starting to look into jee5 webservices integration in geronimo.  
So far I've got as far as locating some of the specs and starting to 
read them :-).  If anyone wants to help or take over aspects of this 
that would be great!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up with the dev lists for 
either axis or cxf so I'm not sure whether anyone has thought about 
this before nor how much of the appropriate specs are implemented 
already by either project.  I have been pointed to a cxf geronimo 
builder, but haven't determined how out of date it is, as there have 
been quite a few builder changes in geronimo since the builder was 

david jencks

Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

Re: Java EE schema license question

2006-10-30 Thread Dan Diephouse
CC'ing cxf-dev and apache legal, as it pertains to Geronimo, but I think 
it would be good for us (CXF) to hear from legal  The part of the 
license that concerns me is this:

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by any means 
without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any.

Does G have prior written authorization to include it as part of the 
source distro? Does Apache as a whole? Can we as an incubating project 
redistribute this in our source distribution? If not can we do so 
temporarily until we're able to obtain authorization?

- Dan

Bozhong Lin wrote:

re-sending with Java EE schema URL links included:


 Original Message 
Subject: Java EE schema license question
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:31:05 +0800
From: Bozhong Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Apache CXF currently use java EE 5 [1] schema, and would like to include
the schema in distribution if that is allowed from copyright
perspective. From the copyright statement included in the schema file,
it seems to be very strict for redistribution. I found that Geronimo
source distribution includes java EE 1.4 schema [2], which has similar
copyright statement. I just wonder if this ever was a legal issue for
you guys, and how you guys get around of this if so?

Thanks for the insight!


Dan Diephouse
Envoi Solutions

[jira] Created: (SM-408) Migrate common JAXP/StAX code to stax-utils

2006-04-20 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
Migrate common JAXP/StAX code to stax-utils

 Key: SM-408
 Project: ServiceMix
Type: Task

Reporter: Dan Diephouse
 Fix For: 3.0-M2

The org.apache.servicemix.jbi.jaxp code is quite common (for instance some of 
the classes are from XFire). We should move the package to the stax-utils 
project to share common code.

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[jira] Created: (XBEAN-8) Support flat collections

2006-04-26 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
Support flat collections

 Key: XBEAN-8
 Project: XBean
Type: New Feature

  Components: spring  
Versions: 2.2
Reporter: Dan Diephouse
 Assigned to: Dain Sundstrom 

I would like to be able to do 

instead of 

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[jira] Created: (XBEAN-9) Support flat properties

2006-04-26 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
Support flat properties

 Key: XBEAN-9
 Project: XBean
Type: New Feature

  Components: spring  
Versions: 2.2
Reporter: Dan Diephouse
 Assigned to: Dain Sundstrom 

Right now in servicemix we have to do:


It would be much better if we could do:

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[jira] Updated: (XBEAN-8) Support flat collections

2006-04-26 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
 [ ]

Dan Diephouse updated XBEAN-8:

Attachment: flat.diff

This patch fixes XBEAN-8 and XBEAN-9

> Support flat collections
>  Key: XBEAN-8
>  URL:
>  Project: XBean
> Type: New Feature

>   Components: spring
> Versions: 2.2
> Reporter: Dan Diephouse
> Assignee: Dain Sundstrom
>  Attachments: flat.diff
> I would like to be able to do 
> instead of 

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[jira] Commented: (XBEAN-9) Support flat properties

2006-04-26 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
[ ] 

Dan Diephouse commented on XBEAN-9:

I attached a patch for this to XBEAN-8. It can be used by doing:

 * @org.apache.xbean.Flat
 * @return
public Recipe getTopRecipe() {
return topRecipe;

The corresponding syntax will be:

  Mash together

> Support flat properties
> ---
>  Key: XBEAN-9
>  URL:
>  Project: XBean
> Type: New Feature

>   Components: spring
> Versions: 2.2
> Reporter: Dan Diephouse
> Assignee: Dain Sundstrom

> Right now in servicemix we have to do:
> It would be much better if we could do:

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[jira] Updated: (XBEAN-8) Support flat collections

2006-04-28 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
 [ ]

Dan Diephouse updated XBEAN-8:

Attachment: xbean8.diff

The test cases from last time didn't make it in...

> Support flat collections
>  Key: XBEAN-8
>  URL:
>  Project: XBean
> Type: New Feature

>   Components: spring
>     Versions: 2.2
> Reporter: Dan Diephouse
> Assignee: Dain Sundstrom
>  Attachments: flat.diff, xbean8.diff
> I would like to be able to do 
> instead of 

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[jira] Created: (XBEAN-11) JMX notification to SNMP converter

2006-05-15 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
JMX notification to SNMP converter

 Key: XBEAN-11
 Project: XBean
Type: New Feature

Reporter: Dan Diephouse

This patch adds an xbean-snmp module which converts jmx notifications to snmp 
messages. Everything is configured via beans. Here is a short sample:

SnmpEmitter em = new SnmpEmitter();

SnmpServer ss = new SnmpServer();

ss.setVarBindings(new ArrayList());

/* Bind the JMX notification type 
 * to the specified OID. The payload of the snmp message will be the 
 * attribute.
SnmpBinding binding = new SnmpBinding();

Set servers = new HashSet();


Then all you need to do as add the SnmpEmitter as a NotificationListener for 
your JMX events.

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[jira] Updated: (XBEAN-11) JMX notification to SNMP converter

2006-05-15 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
 [ ]

Dan Diephouse updated XBEAN-11:

Attachment: snmp.diff

> JMX notification to SNMP converter
> --
>  Key: XBEAN-11
>  URL:
>  Project: XBean
> Type: New Feature

> Reporter: Dan Diephouse
>  Attachments: snmp.diff
> This patch adds an xbean-snmp module which converts jmx notifications to snmp 
> messages. Everything is configured via beans. Here is a short sample:
> SnmpEmitter em = new SnmpEmitter();
> SnmpServer ss = new SnmpServer();
> ss.setHost("");
> ss.setPort(162);
> ss.setVarBindings(new ArrayList());
> /* Bind the JMX notification type 
> ""
>  * to the specified OID. The payload of the snmp message will be the 
> usage
>  * attribute.
>  */
> SnmpBinding binding = new SnmpBinding();
> binding.setOid("");
> binding.setPayload("usage");
> binding.setType("");
> ss.getVarBindings().add(binding);
> Set servers = new HashSet();
> servers.add(ss);
> em.setServers(servers);
> em.start();
> Then all you need to do as add the SnmpEmitter as a NotificationListener for 
> your JMX events.

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[jira] Commented: (GERONIMO-2781) Improved CXF-based POJO WebService support

2007-01-29 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)


Dan Diephouse commented on GERONIMO-2781:

Jarek - is there a way we can make our APIs more extensible so you don't have 
to redo functionality which is in CXF? Specifically the annotation processor 
which you refer to?

> Improved CXF-based POJO WebService support
> --
> Key: GERONIMO-2781
> URL:
> Project: Geronimo
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
>  Components: webservices
>Affects Versions: 2.0-beta1
>Reporter: Jarek Gawor
> Attachments: GERONIMO-2781.patch
> The attached patch contains numerous improvements to JAX-WS support for POJOs 
> (via CXF):
> 1) Annotation support for the service and handlers. The following annotation 
> are recognized: @Resource, @EJB, @WebServiceRef, @PreDestroy, @PostConstruct. 
> The values are injected if the given resource is defined in JNDI. The patch 
> includes a basic annotation processor. The processor itself is pretty basic 
> but is generic and pluggable and can be (re)used in other places. It was 
> necessary to add one because CXF annotation processor only handles @Resource 
> annotations and it was not very extensible.
> 2) WebServicesContext.getUserPricipa() and .isUserInRole() are now properly 
> implemented by delegating the calls to the Servlet class
> 3) Improved webservices.xml file parsing and information passing to the web 
> container. Information specified in the webservices.xml file can now 
> overwrite the information specified in the annotations. For example, 
> @HandlerChain can be overwritten by  element. Same with 
> wsdl-port, wsdl-service, and wsdl-file.
> 4) Switched to using Commons Logging API instead of Java Logging API

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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-2449) JSR 181 Specs Build

2006-09-29 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
JSR 181 Specs Build 

 Key: GERONIMO-2449
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Security Level: public (Regular issues)
  Components: specs
Reporter: Dan Diephouse

Geronimo needs a specs build for JSR181 2.0. This issues attaches a patch for 

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[jira] Updated: (GERONIMO-2449) JSR 181 Specs Build

2006-09-29 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
 [ ]

Dan Diephouse updated GERONIMO-2449:

Attachment: jsr181.patch

Here is the patch. This also includes the patch for GERONIMO-2450

> JSR 181 Specs Build
> ---
> Key: GERONIMO-2449
> URL:
> Project: Geronimo
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Security Level: public(Regular issues) 
>  Components: specs
>    Reporter: Dan Diephouse
> Attachments: jsr181.patch
> Geronimo needs a specs build for JSR181 2.0. This issues attaches a patch for 
> it.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Created: (GERONIMO-2450) geronimo annotation spec lack a LICENSE/NOTICE in the jar

2006-09-29 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
geronimo annotation spec lack a LICENSE/NOTICE in the jar

 Key: GERONIMO-2450
 Project: Geronimo
  Issue Type: Bug
  Security Level: public (Regular issues)
Reporter: Dan Diephouse

The geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec doesn't have a src/main/resources with LICENSE 
& NOTICE files. I have a patch for this in GERONIMO-2449

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[jira] Created: (XBEAN-55) Custom Map values aren't parsed properly

2006-10-01 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
Custom Map values aren't parsed properly

 Key: XBEAN-55
 Project: XBean
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: spring
Affects Versions: 2.6
Reporter: Dan Diephouse
 Attachments: mappatch

If you use the custom map syntax that I wrote, it only supports setting values 
which are Strings. This patch fixes that issue.

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[jira] Updated: (XBEAN-55) Custom Map values aren't parsed properly

2006-10-01 Thread Dan Diephouse (JIRA)
 [ ]

Dan Diephouse updated XBEAN-55:

Attachment: mappatch

> Custom Map values aren't parsed properly
> Key: XBEAN-55
> URL:
> Project: XBean
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: spring
>Affects Versions: 2.6
>Reporter: Dan Diephouse
> Attachments: mappatch
> If you use the custom map syntax that I wrote, it only supports setting 
> values which are Strings. This patch fixes that issue.

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