Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy writes:
 I think a properly designed site should insist on its host name, i.e. I 
 see you think I'm gobbledygook.bleh, but I'm going to redirect you to because that is my true name. This is very 
 common with sites that respond to both and, but 
 insist on only one of those by redirecting.

As I said in my previous email to the list, I *think* if you use
virtual hosts and your real sites are NOT the first real host, then
you are forcing clients to speak HTTP/1.1, thus forcing the Host
header to be sent.  If you then put in your first, default

  RedirectPermanent / http://realserver/

then you protect yourself from gobbledygook.bleh because that will
be sent to the default virtualhost which will redirect.

Right?  If so, a bit convoluted and not accessible to the novice.
Perhaps a Tips  Tricks chapter to the manual?

Daniel Popowich

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jorey Bump

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

I don't know what the specific issue is with parsed_uri, if this is a 
mod_python bug it should just be fixed BUT if this is an issue with 
httpd, I don't think we should cover the problem up by having 
mod_python fix it. Since we are part of the HTTP Server project, we 
should just fix it in httpd.

Either way, it should be fixed.

I think maybe it's not really broken.

In case anyone is not familiar with the issue, a request for currently gives a tuple that 
looks something like this:

That's not true. That's what you might see in your client browser, but 
(usually) it only asks for /tests/mptest?view=form, regardless of the 
name it used to find the server. It may use the Host: header to 
negotiate the right virtual host, but the Host: header is not part of 
the string that parsed_uri is actually parsing.

(None, None, None, None, None, None, '/tests/mptest', 'view=form', None)

which is not what we expect. This is what the mod_python docs have to say:

Tuple. The URI broken down into pieces. (scheme, hostinfo, user, 
password, hostname, port, path, query, fragment). The apache module 
defines a set of URI_* constants that should be used to access elements 
of this tuple. Example:

fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]


This is all correct. I think the problem is that developers are hoping 
to use parsed_uri in a use case for which it is inappropriate. Those 
values are populated *if present* in the supplied request URI, but the 
only *minimal* requirement would be a / for the path.

If you want to know what resource the client *really* requested (and 
inquiring minds do), you *must not* attempt to rewrite or repopulate this.

Re: PHP testing - problem with php libraries loading

2005-11-30 Thread Chris Shiflett

Filin A. wrote:

But after I read your question I made an experiment
whith my system httpd.conf and php.ini and checked
phpinfo() output.

I've set the extension_dir in php.ini to the wrong
directory and assigned correct value in the
httpd.conf. It's strange but though phpinfo()
acknowledges my httpd.conf extension_dir as a
'Local Value', extensions are not loaded.

That rules out Apache-Test as the root cause of the problem. If I were 
trying to debug this, I'd very carefully compare the output of phpinfo() 
in an environment that works with the output of phpinfo() in an 
environment that doesn't.

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett
Brain Bulb, The PHP Consultancy

[STATUS] (httpd-test: flood) Wed Nov 30 23:52:58 2005

2005-11-30 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
flood STATUS:   -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2004-11-24 19:36:41 -0500 (Wed, 24 Nov 2004) $]


1.0:   Released July 23, 2002
milestone-03:  Tagged January 16, 2002
ASF-transfer:  Released July 17, 2001
milestone-02:  Tagged August 13, 2001
milestone-01:  Tagged July 11, 2001 (tag lost during transfer)


* Everything needs to work perfectly

Other bugs that need fixing:

* I get a SIGBUS on Darwin with our examples/round-robin-ssl.xml
  config, on the second URL. I'm using OpenSSL 0.9.6c 21 dec 2001.
* iPlanet sends Content-length - there is a hack in there now
  to recognize it.  However, all HTTP headers need to be normalized
  before checking their values.  This isn't easy to do.  Grr.

* OpenSSL 0.9.6
  Segfaults under high load.  Upgrade to OpenSSL 0.9.6b.
   Aaron says: I just found a big bug that might have been causing
   this all along (we weren't closing ssl sockets).
   How can I reproduce the problem you were seeing
   to verify if this was the fix?

* SEGVs when /tmp/.rnd doesn't exist are bad. Make it configurable
  and at least bomb with a good error message. (See Doug's patch.)
   Status: This is fixed, no?

* If APR has disabled threads, flood should as well. We might want
  to have an enable/disable parameter that does this also, providing
  an error if threads are desired but not available.

* flood needs to clear pools more often. With a long running test
  it can chew up memory very quickly. We should just bite the bullet
  and create/destroy/clear pools for each level of our model:
  farm, farmer, profile, url/request-cycle, etc.

* APR needs to have a unified interface for ephemeral port
  exhaustion, but aparently Solaris and Linux return different
  errors at the moment. Fix this in APR then take advantage of
  it in flood.

* The examples/analyze-relative scripts fail when there are less
  than 5 unique URLs.

Other features that need writing:

* More analysis and graphing scripts are needed

* Write robust tool (using tethereal perhaps) to take network dumps 
  and convert them to flood's XML format.
Status: Justin volunteers.  Aaron had a script somewhere that is
a start. Jacek is working on a Mozilla application, codename
Flood URL bag (much like Live HTTP Headers) and small
HTTP proxy.

* Get chunked encoding support working.
Status: Justin volunteers.  He got sidetracked by the httpd
implementation of input filtering and never finished 
this.  This is a stopgap until apr-serf is completed.

* Maybe we should make randfile and capath runtime directives that
  come out of the XML, instead of autoconf parameters.

* We are using apr_os_thread_current() and getpid() in some places
  when what we really want is a GUID. The GUID will be used to
  correlate raw output data with each farmer. We may wish to print
  a unique ID for each of farm, farmer, profile, and url to help in

* We are using strtol() in some places and strtoll() in others.
  Pick one (Aaron says strtol(), but he's not sure).

* Validation of responses (known C-L, specific strings in response)
   Status: Justin volunteers

* HTTP error codes (ie. teach it about 302s)
   Justin says: Yeah, this won't be with round_robin as implemented.  
Need a linked list-based profile where we can insert 
new URLs into the sequence.

* Farmer (Single-thread, multiple profiles)
   Status: Aaron says: If you have threads, then any Farmer can be
   run as part of any Farm. If you don't have threads, you can
   currently only run one Farmer named Joe right now (this will
   be changed so that if you don't have threads, flood will attempt
   to run all Farmers in serial under one process).

* Collective (Single-host, multiple farms)
  This is a number of Farms that have been fork()ed into child processes.

* Megaconglomerate (Multiple hosts each running a collective)
  This is a number of Collectives running on a number of hosts, invoked
  via RSH/SSH or maybe even some proprietary mechanism.

* Other types of urllists
a) Random / Random-weighted
b) Sequenced (useful with cookie propogation)
c) Round-robin
d) Chaining of the above strategies
  Status: Round-robin is complete.

* Other types of reports
  Status: Aaron says: simple reports are functional. Justin added
  a new type that simply prints the approx. timestamp when
  the test was run, and the result as OK/FAIL; it is called
  easy reports (see flood_easy_reports.h).

[STATUS] (httpd-test: perl-framework) Wed Nov 30 23:54:11 2005

2005-11-30 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
httpd-test/perl-framework STATUS:   -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2004-11-24 19:36:41 -0500 (Wed, 24 Nov 2004) $]

Stuff to do:
* finish the t/TEST exit code issue (ORed with 0x2C if
  framework failed)

* change existing tests that frob the DocumentRoot (e.g.,
  t/modules/access.t) to *not* do that; instead, have
  Makefile.PL prepare appropriate subdirectory configs
  for them.  Why?  So t/TEST can be used to test a
  remote server.

* problems with -d perl mode, doesn't work as documented
  Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 12:58:33 +0800
  Subject: Re: perldb

Tests to be written:

* t/apache
  - simulations of network failures (incomplete POST bodies,
chunked and unchunked; missing POST bodies; slooow
client connexions, such as taking 1 minute to send
1KiB; ...)

* t/modules/autoindex
  - something seems possibly broken with inheritance on 2.0

* t/ssl
  - SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:
  - SSLRandomSeed exec:

Problem building httpd 2.0.55 with openssl 0.9.8a

2005-11-30 Thread Stephen Collyer

[Aside - I posted a similar query to the users list and got a
couple of suggestions but no solution, so I'm reposting here]

In brief:

I'm trying to build http 2.0.55 against openssl 0.9.8a.

I've built (but not installed) a local copy of openssl, with
shared libraries. I've built http like this:

cd httpd-2.0.55/

./configure \
--with-ssl=/home/stephen/apache/openssl-0.9.8a \
--enable-mods-shared=all   \

make install

i.e. with an attempt to link it against the openssl libs
in the indicated directory.

httpd build and installs fine, but when I try to start it
I get this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ bin/apachectl startssl
Syntax error on line 251 of /usr/local/apache2-ssl/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache2-ssl/modules/ into server: 

/usr/local/apache2-ssl/modules/ undefined symbol: X509_STORE_CTX_set_depth 

and ldd shows that bin/httpd is linking against openssl 0.9.7
in /usr/lib:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ldd bin/httpd =  (0xe000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40018000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40048000)

However, I'm baffled as to how I can get it to link against
my local openssl-0.9.8a libraries, if not with --with-ssl.

Any suggestions ?


Stephen Collyer
Netspinner Ltd

AW: problems with ssl in balance/proxy mode

2005-11-30 Thread Matthias Behrens

this seems to be the proper fix, but
how do i apply it? which tool do i need for patching the sourcecode?

sorry for asking such newby questions. i am new to opensourcedevelopment.

alos: can u tell me if my way of fixing the problem was wrong and why? 
what is it with brigades and buckets anyway? they seem to be pretty unrelieable 
since it is possible to make a bucket that contains a pointer to your local 
char variable and pass it to another function which gives the pointer to 
another bucket in another brigade! 
thats very dangerous - especially since the guy who programmed the code 
responsible for this bug, used the proper functions which indicate proper use 
of his data.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Ruediger Pluem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. November 2005 23:26
Betreff: Re: problems with ssl in balance/proxy mode

On 11/29/2005 01:27 PM, Matthias Behrens wrote:
 hi everyone 
 i am new to this list. 
 since there is no faq available i simple post my request and see what happens.
 sorry if i miss any rule.
 i have a apache 2.0 in loadbalncing mode using mod_rewrite and mod_proxy.
 there have allways been problems with https/ssl requests that where longer 
 than 8192 bytes.


I don't get the exact problem right now. Are you using httpd 2.0.55? If yes, 
please have a look at
PR37145 ( and the 
attached patch to fix it.
Maybe this hurts you.




Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Nick Kew wrote:

On Tuesday 29 November 2005 20:49, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
  --On November 29, 2005 3:40:11 PM -0500 Paul A Houle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   * prefork and worker seem to be about equally fast on linux?
  Yup - this is because forking and threading are equivalent (by and large)
  on Linux.

That's the conventional wisdom for static stuff.  If DBD catches on
it'll change.

Also, 2.2 proxy stuff works much better with worker in Linux.  Anything 
that uses pooling (apr_reslist) seems to work better under worker. 
This may be because the fallback (ie, no threads) in most modules is 
kind of nasty.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Nick Kew wrote:

Hmmm, how about an early adopters page?  We could *imply* the
organisations by featuring mugshots and brief profiles of both
Brian and Colm as having successfully beta-tested 2.1.x in
very-high-volume production environments.

Perhaps, as long as it wasn't tied directly to turner/cnn.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

Well, lets not even come close to risking that.

I'm in the process of having an internal whitepaper I did being 
sanitized for public consumption.  Once that's done -- hopefully this 
week or next -- everything in it is quotable.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: Problem building httpd 2.0.55 with openssl 0.9.8a

2005-11-30 Thread Joe Orton
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:05:19AM +, Stephen Collyer wrote:
 [Aside - I posted a similar query to the users list and got a
 couple of suggestions but no solution, so I'm reposting here]
 In brief:
 I'm trying to build http 2.0.55 against openssl 0.9.8a.
 I've built (but not installed) a local copy of openssl, with
 shared libraries. I've built http like this:

If the previous suggestions didn't help please capture the output of 
running configure and make from a freshly unpacked tarball and upload 
them along with the config.log file somewhere.


Re: httpd-2.1.7 Connection-pooling Problem w/ ReverseProxy, Loadbalancer

2005-11-30 Thread Hansjoerg Pehofer
Jim Jagielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can you try HEAD on httpd-trunk for a fix until something
 more robust as far as the connections are implemented...

It gets the backend-connections right, but segfaults in the new code in

I got the following out of a coredump: 

dbx: warning: Some symbolic information might be incorrect.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) terminated by signal SEGV (Segmentation 
0xfefd42cc: strcasecmp+0x0024:  ldub [%o2], %o3
Current function is ap_proxy_determine_connection
 1837(strcasecmp(conn-hostname, uri-hostname) != 0) ) ) {
(dbx) where  
current thread: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  [1] strcasecmp(0x0, 0x198238, 0xfef183b4, 0xfef183b8, 0xfef183c0, 
0xfef183c4), at 0xfefd42cc 
=[2] ap_proxy_determine_connection(p = 0x18dd58, r = 0x19bdc8, conf = 
0x14be88, worker = 0x14b320, conn = 0x14c1e0, uri = 0x1981f0, url = 0xfea7ba20, 
proxyname = (nil), proxyport = 0, server_portstr = 0xfea7b9a8 , 
server_portstr_size = 32), line 1837 in proxy_util.c
  [3] proxy_http_handler(r = 0x19bdc8, worker = 0x14b320, conf = 0x14be88, url 
= 0x198258 /images/xpop-1.jpg, proxyname = (nil), proxyport = 0), line 1690 
in mod_proxy_http.c
  [4] proxy_run_scheme_handler(0x19bdc8, 0x14b320, 0x14be88, 0x19d6f0, 0x0, 
0x0), at 0xfeefc8e8 
  [5] proxy_handler(r = 0x19bdc8), line 740 in mod_proxy.c
  [6] ap_run_handler(0x19bdc8, 0x14, 0x19cc4d, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x5e014 
  [7] ap_invoke_handler(r = 0x19bdc8), line 373 in config.c
  [8] ap_process_async_request(r = 0x19bdc8), line 241 in http_request.c
  [9] ap_process_request(r = 0x19bdc8), line 281 in http_request.c
  [10] ap_process_http_connection(c = 0x18de80), line 182 in http_core.c
  [11] ap_run_process_connection(0x18de80, 0x18dd90, 0x18dd90, 0x2, 0x18de78, 
0x191d68), at 0x6a7ac 
  [12] ap_process_connection(c = 0x18de80, csd = 0x18dd90), line 180 in 
  [13] process_socket(p = 0x18dd58, sock = 0x18dd90, my_child_num = 0, 
my_thread_num = 2, bucket_alloc = 0x191d68), line 532 in worker.c
  [14] worker_thread(thd = 0xedea0, dummy = 0xdefc0), line 878 in worker.c
  [15] dummy_worker(opaque = 0xedea0), line 138 in thread.c

hope this is useful,

IT ServicesUniversity of Innsbruck
CFB4 D6E7 33F4 34C0 18B9  6661 E355 4337 3F8B D9C2

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Paul A Houle

Jess Holle wrote:

So if one uses worker and few processes (i.e. lots of threads per), 
then Solaris should be fine?

   That's what people think,  but I'd like to see some numbers.

   I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in a 
threaded configuration.

   Now that I think about it,  there is a common situation where people 
with modest web sites (at the 50,000 ranking in Alexa) have performance 
problems with Apache...  That's the case of people doing downloads of 
big (1 M files.)  Conventional benchmarking,  which fetishizes a large 
and constant number of connections on a LAN doesn't model the situation 
well (it doesn't model any real-world situation well.)

   The trouble you have a population of people with really bad 
connections that take forever to download things...  Back when I had 
dialup,  I used to download ISO images,  I'd just use a download manager 
and have my computer running overnight to do it.  For one project I work 
on,  we have people uploading files that sometimes are in the ~1 M 
range,  then we do processing on the files that is sometimees 
extensive.  We were worried that some processes were running for 20, 30, 
40 minutes,  but we discovered that many of our users have horrible 

   The result is that a site with a modest number of hits per day can 
have  1000 simultaneous connections.  With prefork you end up burning a 
lot more RAM than really seems fair -- although it's not so bad if you 
can afford to load your machine with 8G.


Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:01:55AM -0500, Paul A Houle wrote:
 So if one uses worker and few processes (i.e. lots of threads per), 
 then Solaris should be fine?
That's what people think,  but I'd like to see some numbers.
I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
 systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in a 
 threaded configuration.

Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust?

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

  I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in a 
threaded configuration.

Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust?

PHP, or it's extensions or whatever they call them, are not thread safe. 
So until that's fixed, nothing we can do.  Probably the same with other 

worker wokrs for me, though.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 08:01:41AM -0500, Brian Akins wrote:

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

It's public knowledge that runs Apache 2.2, would it cause you
a lot of trouble for that to be referenced?

As long as it's from public sources (netcraft, HTTP headers, etc) and no 
one within the orginization is quoted, it shouldn't be a problem, I 
suppose. I would be hesitant to say yes -- it's my job on-the-line if 
somebody here doesn't like it :(

Well, lets not even come close to risking that.

I have been given word that our statements can appear in a press release 
or testimonial, it just has to be passed through legal here.  So what 
type of statements are we looking for?

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

[PATCH] httxt2dbm backport to 2.0

2005-11-30 Thread Rich Bowen
Hash: SHA1

I'd like to copy httx2dbm back into 2.0 from 2.1.

This is primarily because I'm tired of telling folks that they can
generate RewriteMap dbm files using httxt2dbm if they happen to be
running 2.1 or 2.2, which, of course, they aren't.

There are no changes from the 2.1 version. It Just Works in its new
home. This also fixes the problem that the documented way to generate
these hash files doesn't always work for everyone, depending on what
particular dbm libraries they happen to have built against.

- --
Rich Bowen
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Joshua Slive

Brian Akins wrote:
I have been given word that our statements can appear in a press release 
or testimonial, it just has to be passed through legal here.  So what 
type of statements are we looking for?

Let's bring the Apache Public Relations Committee into this to see what 
advice they have.

We (the Apache HTTP Server Project) would like to put together a press 
release announcing the release of version 2.2.  We can highlight the 
obvious market penetration numbers and some of the features listed here:

But we would like to put particular emphasis on the performance and 
scalability of httpd.  We have two people (Brian Atkins at CNN and Colm 
MacCárthaigh at HEAnet) who run httpd under extremely high load and are 
willing to give us some quotes on this topic.

Can the PRC give advice on how we should proceed?  I am willing to start 
a draft, if that helps.  Is there a template or some advice on 
format/content?  What else should we be doing?

Re Brian's question above, I think we want a statement emphasizing 
performance and scalability.  It doesn't need to be extremely precise, 
spec-wise.  Most people reading a press release wouldn't care.  We just 
want to transmit the message that you use apache httpd in a very-high 
load situation and that it perfoms very well.  By the way, are you using 
2.0 or 2.1?


Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

Joshua Slive wrote:
By the way, are you using 
2.0 or 2.1?

BOth. 2.1 in higher traffic now.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Paul A Houle

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust?

   It's not Apache's fault.  It's not even PHP's fault.  It's a much 
bigger problem with the open source libraries that people link into 
PHP,  Perl,  Python and the like.

   The problem is particularly perceived as a PHP problem because (1) 
PHP is the market leader,  and (2) the PHP developers are a lot more 
responsible than,  say,  the Python developers,  who tell you to go 
ahead and write threaded apps in Python anyway.

   I suppose that the PHP developers could set up some system where 
extensions are marked as being threadsafe or not,  and there's a lock on 
every untrusted module,  then do a program of certifying modules as 
safe,  but that's a ~big~ project:  race conditions and deadlocks are a 
bitch to debug,  particularly when the problems are in somebody else's code.

   PHP's market position is as a product that any idiot can download 
and install,  just following the instructions,  and get a system with 
good reliability and performance -- a painful phase of shaking out 
threading bugs would endanger that perception.

   The best thing I can see Apache doing is some kind of hybrid model 
which works like mod_event for static pages,  and passes off (some or 
all) dynamic requests to something like prefork.  Dynamic requests would 
eat more memory than worker,  but you don't have the  problem of using a 
heavyweight mod_perl or mod_php process spending two hours blasting bits 
out of a file to somebody on dialup.

   A process-based model is always going to be more reliable than a 
thread-based model.  A hand grenade can go off in an server process,  a 
server process can hemorage memory terribly,  and nobody gets hurt.  The 
user on the other end just hits 'reload' and goes on hs way.

Re: svn commit: r349979 - /httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh

These might also be useful in patches-to-apply upon release :)

 --- httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS (original)
 +++ httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS Wed Nov 30 08:27:14 2005
 @@ -67,8 +67,16 @@
 +* Backport Win32 build fixes for mod_dbd and mod_authn_dbd
 +  colm: +1

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Wayne S. Frazee

Brian Akins writes: 

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote: 

  I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in a 
threaded configuration.

Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust? 

PHP, or it's extensions or whatever they call them, are not thread safe. 
So until that's fixed, nothing we can do.  Probably the same with other 

worker wokrs for me, though. 

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Exactly.  I run a website for a former employer which still gets 
considerable traffic in terms of downloads of large files and runs a 
medium-to-heavy use forum system based on PHP.  Multiple sites built with 
the LAMP stack (P being PHP in this case, although there is some PERL 

Right now, in order to keep from bogging a particular server down with 
latent or slow connections, I have had to impliment a load balanced 
configuration with multiple servers in a case where one or two could easily 
suffice if I could trust a multi-threaded model. 

We have actually discussed this a couple other times on the list.  There is 
(at the very least) a percieved slowness in migration to the 2.0 apache 
setup and indeed slower to multi-threaded MPMs, even in situations that 
would absolutely benefit from them.  Why?  PHP is one of the biggest reasons 
I have been hearing from colleagues. 

Has any kind of extensive testing been done against a multi-threaded 
implementation of a PHP-based testing sled to find out what (if anything) is 
breaking in a threaded environment?  Do we have hard data to offer the PHP 
community to encourage additional specific work and move towards thread-safe 
certification of some of the underlying PHP core and modules? 

Wayne S. Frazee
Any sufficiently developed bug is indistinguishable from a feature. 

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich

 As for the larger issue at hand: the reason req.parsed_uri is not
 filled in is because browsers don't send the info in the GET...

Disclaimer: What follows is not an exhaustive, conclusive search by
tracing running code, but rather searching source code and watching
apache behaviour with tools like curl, telneting to the apache port
and using a browser.


As mentioned already, req.parsed_uri is a tuple wrapping of a
request_rec.parsed_uri which is an apr_uri_t.

The contents of this struct are touched in many places, but the
primary functions setting this structure are in
srclib/apr-util/uri/apr_uri.c: apr_uri_parse() and
apr_uri_parse_hostinfo().  Doing a search within apache to see where
these functions are called I discovered a number of modules making use
of these functions, but probably not of concern to this issue.  The
primary caller is ap_parse_uri() in server/protocol.c.

ap_parse_uri() is called numerous times in server/request.c to deal
with sub-requests; it is also called in modules/http/http_request.c
for internal redirects.  The main calling stack which is of concern to
this issue is:

Function Called Function defined in
= ap_read_request()[server/protocol.c]
   = read_request_line()   [server/protocol.c]
  = ap_parse_uri() [server/protocol.c]
 = apr_uri_parse() [srclib/apr-util/uri/apr_uri.c]

ap_parse_uri is called with a request_rec and the uri (as a string);
the string is what read_request_line delivers; this is whatever is
specified with GET during the protocol exchange with the client.  If
the uri is full then the whole struct is properly filled in (BTW,
the apr_uri_t is zero'd out with memset in apr_uri_parse).


I wrote a handler to return, as text/plain, the setting of various req
members of interest to this discussion.  I set up apache to run on a
non-default port and required basic auth to access the page so the
full uri will be parsed (theoretically).

When I type the following into my browser (firefox):

   http://foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8000/~dpopowich/py/parsed?a=bc=d#here

Here's the output:

req.hostname: localhost
req.unparsed_uri: /~dpopowich/py/parsed?a=bc=d
req.parsed_uri: (None, None, None, None, None, 8000, 
'/~dpopowich/py/parsed', 'a=bc=d', None)
req.uri: /~dpopowich/py/parsed
req.args: a=bc=d

It appears only /PATH?QUERY has been passed to the server and I
confirmed this by sniffing the packets.  It's interesting that the
port is set and hostname is not...I think this has to do with some
code in the virtual host handling.

Here's the output with a verbose call with curl (same uri as above):

* About to connect() to localhost port 8000
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 8000
* Server auth using Basic with user 'foo'
 GET /~dpopowich/py/parsed?a=bc=d#here HTTP/1.1
 Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==
 User-Agent: curl/7.15.0 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8a 
zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.5.18
 Host: localhost:8000
 Accept: */*

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 15:43:19 GMT
 Server: Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_python/3.2.5b Python/2.3.5 
mod_perl/2.0.1 Perl/v5.8.7
 Connection: close
 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
 Content-Type: text/plain
req.hostname: localhost
req.unparsed_uri: /~dpopowich/py/parsed?a=bc=d#here
req.parsed_uri: (None, None, None, None, None, 8000, 
'/~dpopowich/py/parsed', 'a=bc=d', 'here')
req.uri: /~dpopowich/py/parsed
req.args: a=bc=d

* Closing connection #0

Notice how /PATH?QUERY#FRAGMENT is passed with this client.

Now if I type the following into a telnet session (telnet localhost 8000):

GET http://foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8000/~dpopowich/py/parsed?a=bc=d#here 
Authorization: Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==
Host: localhost:8000

Then the output is:

req.hostname: localhost
req.unparsed_uri: http://foo:[EMAIL 
req.parsed_uri: ('http', 'foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8000', 'foo', 'bar', 
'localhost', 8000, '/~dpopowich/py/parsed', 'a=bc=d', 'here')
req.uri: /~dpopowich/py/parsed
req.args: a=bc=d


 o req.hostname is set by the contents of the full URI, or in absence
   of a full uri, the value of the Host header (this is what is
   actually said in the mod_python docs).  As mentioned before, in the
   case when HTTP/1.1 AND the full URI are not specified, req.hostname
   can be None.

 o req.unparsed_uri is set to the uri specified with GET

 o req.parsed_uri is the parsing of req.unparsed_uri (although the
   port may appear even if it's not in req.unparsed_uri and if it's
   not 80).  Definitely there's inconsistencies in how apache handles
   this struct.  A bug?  Maybe not, but 

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Jess Holle

Paul A Houle wrote:

Jess Holle wrote:

So if one uses worker and few processes (i.e. lots of threads per), 
then Solaris should be fine?

   That's what people think,  but I'd like to see some numbers.

   I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in 
a threaded configuration.

That's understandable if you're in that boat.

We bundle and support our own Apache builds with our products.  Our only 
dynamic content comes from mod_jk (and thus will come from the proxy AJP 
module in 2.2), so threading is all well and good.  Given that most of 
our content is dynamic and thus via AJP, Apache performance is never 
really the issue -- if anything above the application code itself is 
ever an issue it is the extra hop involved with AJP, but there are clear 
load-balancing, security, etc, benefits from this architecture.  
Customers seem to consistently assume that using Apache is giving 
(substantively) lower overall performance than they'd get with something 
else, though -- chalk that up to good marketing by Microsoft, Sun, et al.

As for the big file issue you note, that would only seem to be a big 
issue when coupled with slow connections -- which are getting rarer 
these days -- and much more of an issue with prefork than worker.

Jess Holle

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Olaf van der Spek
On 11/30/05, Colm MacCarthaigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:01:55AM -0500, Paul A Houle wrote:
  So if one uses worker and few processes (i.e. lots of threads per),
  then Solaris should be fine?
 That's what people think,  but I'd like to see some numbers.
 I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our
  systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% in a
  threaded configuration.

 Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust?

I recently started a thread with (IMO) a potential solution: Any
'official' Apache FastCGI-like alternative planned?
Even if PHP is thread-safe it's still not safe. One (bad) script can
kill the entire server.
The solution would be to run PHP (and other 'request processors') in a
separate process.

Re: [PATCH] httxt2dbm backport to 2.0

2005-11-30 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:17:13AM -0500, Rich Bowen wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 I'd like to copy httx2dbm back into 2.0 from 2.1.
 This is primarily because I'm tired of telling folks that they can
 generate RewriteMap dbm files using httxt2dbm if they happen to be
 running 2.1 or 2.2, which, of course, they aren't.
 There are no changes from the 2.1 version. It Just Works in its new
 home. This also fixes the problem that the documented way to generate
 these hash files doesn't always work for everyone, depending on what
 particular dbm libraries they happen to have built against.

+1.  -- justin

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Nick Kew
On Wednesday 30 November 2005 16:30, Paul A Houle wrote:

 PHP's market position is as a product that any idiot can download
 and install,  just following the instructions,  and get a system with
 good reliability and performance -- a painful phase of shaking out
 threading bugs would endanger that perception.

That looks a lot like Windows' market position.  And I suspect it's no 
accident: both products have heaped on new 'goodies', all too often
at the expense of other considerations.  It's IMO also no accident
that PHP is moving towards a Windows-like security track record.

Which leads me to pose the question: can and should the PHP folks learn
anything from how Microsoft are dealing with their tarnished image?
And even, how closely should we @apache be watching, lest we ourselves
stray from the straight-and-narrow and find ourselves at the wrong end of
a bunch of real-life exploits, and/or get tarnished by fallout from elsewhere?

Nick Kew

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:25:06AM -0500, Joshua Slive wrote:
 Re Brian's question above, I think we want a statement emphasizing 
 performance and scalability.  It doesn't need to be extremely precise, 
 spec-wise.  Most people reading a press release wouldn't care.  We just 
 want to transmit the message that you use apache httpd in a very-high 
 load situation and that it perfoms very well.  By the way, are you using 
 2.0 or 2.1?

Here's what we've come up with anyway; has been using Apache httpd 2.1/2.2 for over 6 months
  and has handled up to 27,000 concurrent downloads from a single
  webserver, while delivering terabytes of content per day. Large-file
  support, graceful-stop and mod_cache have improved our level of
  service dramatically.

That hasn't been approved approved just yet, so please don't use it, but
tomorrow when our PR person is back I'll hopefully get it, or something
approximating it, approved.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 05:13:07PM +, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:25:06AM -0500, Joshua Slive wrote:
  Re Brian's question above, I think we want a statement emphasizing 
  performance and scalability.  It doesn't need to be extremely precise, 
  spec-wise.  Most people reading a press release wouldn't care.  We just 
  want to transmit the message that you use apache httpd in a very-high 
  load situation and that it perfoms very well.  By the way, are you using 
  2.0 or 2.1?
 Here's what we've come up with anyway; has been using Apache httpd 2.1/2.2 for over 6 months
   and has handled up to 27,000 concurrent downloads from a single
   webserver, while delivering terabytes of content per day. Large-file
   support, graceful-stop and mod_cache have improved our level of
   service dramatically.
 That hasn't been approved approved just yet, so please don't use it, but
 tomorrow when our PR person is back I'll hopefully get it, or something
 approximating it, approved.

I'll just remind everyone this is a public list and its archived too.  =)

If you wish to keep things private, we can use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and possibly
the PMC list.  Yes, there's a difference between including it in a PR and
in an informal email, but you never know with press types.  -- justin

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Eli Marmor
Let my try to contribute my $.02:

Usually, a PR item which tells about company X delivered product Y to
customer Z, is signed by both - X and Z. Since most of the
organizations don't exist for charity but for business, Z must earn
something out of this PR. Sometimes, the fact that Z agreed to be an
early adopter and even to put its name on the PR, gives Z a small
discount (irrelevant in our case). But the usual case is that only by
using the product Y, customer Z succeeded to execute its extraordinary
service, and here come some impressive numbers which could not be
achieved without Y, and so on.

In other words, while the interest of X is clear, the interest of Z is
more tricky, and usually Z uses this opportunity to tell the world how
great he is.

We owe Brian something, not only to pay him for putting the name of
CNN here, but also to help him pass his legal staff.

So this is, more or less, how I see the PR (not the announcement about
2.2, but specifically the CNN case) (and excuse me for my bad

-- Just an example, only to demonstrate what I mean --

After gaining more than 70% of the market (according to market research
companies such as NetCraft and Security-Space), the future of the
Apache web server looks brigher than ever, and it seems that it has no
competitors anymore.

But there is still one huge competitor that even Apache can't beat:
Previous versions of Apache.

It just works, 7 days a week, 24 hours a days, serving millions of
requests, without losing even one says John Doe, a webmaster with the, which is ranked #0 among the hosting providers: After all,
even Steve Ballmer said 'Apache is simply better', so why should I
upgrade?!  If it ain't broken, don't touch it!.

But now, with Apache 2.2 coming soon, more and more people argue:

We succeeded to hire the best reporters and journalists, but in order
to keep our status as the most popular news site, it is not enough to
create the best content, but we must find creative ways to deliver the
enormous load required by our on-line readers says Brian Akins of CNN.
Apache 2.2 allowed us the break even our own records, and reach an
amazing number of 77 billion hits, although we started to use it only
several days ago. I know no other way to deliver one billion pages per
day summarizing Akins.

This is the message that the Apache Software Foundation tries to make
these days: Apache 1.3 is still the power behind most of the leading
websites, but the new release combines the advantages of the old one
with new fabulous features and abilities says XXX, a member of the
Apache Software Foundation, and as an Open-Source product, it's free,
so why not upgrade?!.

What are these new features and abilities?

XXX tries to shorten his answer, but the new release is so
revolutionary, so the list looks infinite: (and here comes an infinite
list of the goodies of Apache 2.2).

The Apache web server is available for download from,
free of charge.
This was only an example, but I hope you got the idea.

The only problem with this direction is that some of the newspapers and
TVs which should publish it, are direct competitors of CNN, and may
prefer to edit it (bad) or even to ignore this PR (bad too).

Eli Marmor
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020  8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314  P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-5237338  Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Paul A Houle

Nick Kew wrote:

That looks a lot like Windows' market position.  And I suspect it's no 
accident: both products have heaped on new 'goodies', all too often

at the expense of other considerations.  It's IMO also no accident
that PHP is moving towards a Windows-like security track record.

   You'll find skeletons if you go looking in CPAN.

   Market share is a lot of the reason why people target malware at 
Windows.  If you wrote an email virus for the mac,  one mac would infect 
the other mac and that would be the end of your fun.

   The real trouble with PHP is that it's sparked a revolution in web 
server software:  code reuse.  Before PHP,  you couldn't find affordable 
web hosting for dynamic sites:  cgi-bin was so expensive and problematic 
that mass hosting facilities couldn't afford to host it.  Mod_perl would 
be out of the question.

   If you wanted to start a weblog or a wiki four years ago,  you 
couldn't find reliable software that would hold up in the real world 
unless you were willing to put a lot of work in it.  Today you can 
download Drupal,  Wordpress or any of a large number of packages.  So 
now there are tens of thousands of site running the same software with 
predictable URLs that people can mess around with and find bugs in the 
underlying software.  If there were any Perl or Java apps of the same 
popularity,  we'd be seeing the same thing.

   The difference is you can get a shared web hosting account for $10 / 
month if you want to run a Wordpress site on PHP,  but you really want a 
dedicated server,  more like $200 /month if you want to run mod_perl or 

   If you wanted to match the functionality of PHP,  in mod_perl or 
Java,  you'd have to install twenty or so framework modules -- everybody 
is going to pick a different set of modules,  so attackers aren't going 
to have a consistent profile to hit,  but on the other hand,  this 
inconsistency makes it harder to incorporate other people's code into 
your site.

Re: httpd-2.1.7 Connection-pooling Problem w/ ReverseProxy,

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Jagielski
Ahh... no doubt conn-hostname is NULL

Hansjoerg Pehofer wrote:
 Jim Jagielski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can you try HEAD on httpd-trunk for a fix until something
  more robust as far as the connections are implemented...
 It gets the backend-connections right, but segfaults in the new code in
 I got the following out of a coredump:=20
 dbx: warning: Some symbolic information might be incorrect.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) terminated by signal SEGV (Segmentation 
 0xfefd42cc: strcasecmp+0x0024:  ldub [%o2], %o3
 Current function is ap_proxy_determine_connection
  1837(strcasecmp(conn-hostname, uri-hostname) !=3D 0) ) ) {
 (dbx) where=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=
 current thread: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [1] strcasecmp(0x0, 0x198238, 0xfef183b4, 0xfef183b8, 0xfef183c0, 0xfef18=
 3c4), at 0xfefd42cc=20
 =3D[2] ap_proxy_determine_connection(p =3D 0x18dd58, r =3D 0x19bdc8, conf =
 =3D 0x14be88, worker =3D 0x14b320, conn =3D 0x14c1e0, uri =3D 0x1981f0, url=
  =3D 0xfea7ba20, proxyname =3D (nil), proxyport =3D 0, server_portstr =3D 0=
 xfea7b9a8 , server_portstr_size =3D 32), line 1837 in proxy_util.c
   [3] proxy_http_handler(r =3D 0x19bdc8, worker =3D 0x14b320, conf =3D 0x14=
 be88, url =3D 0x198258 /images/xpop-1.jpg, proxyname =3D (nil), proxyport=
  =3D 0), line 1690 in mod_proxy_http.c
   [4] proxy_run_scheme_handler(0x19bdc8, 0x14b320, 0x14be88, 0x19d6f0, 0x0,=
  0x0), at 0xfeefc8e8=20
   [5] proxy_handler(r =3D 0x19bdc8), line 740 in mod_proxy.c
   [6] ap_run_handler(0x19bdc8, 0x14, 0x19cc4d, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0x5e014=20
   [7] ap_invoke_handler(r =3D 0x19bdc8), line 373 in config.c
   [8] ap_process_async_request(r =3D 0x19bdc8), line 241 in http_request.c
   [9] ap_process_request(r =3D 0x19bdc8), line 281 in http_request.c
   [10] ap_process_http_connection(c =3D 0x18de80), line 182 in http_core.c
   [11] ap_run_process_connection(0x18de80, 0x18dd90, 0x18dd90, 0x2, 0x18de7=
 8, 0x191d68), at 0x6a7ac=20
   [12] ap_process_connection(c =3D 0x18de80, csd =3D 0x18dd90), line 180 in=
   [13] process_socket(p =3D 0x18dd58, sock =3D 0x18dd90, my_child_num =3D 0=
 , my_thread_num =3D 2, bucket_alloc =3D 0x191d68), line 532 in worker.c
   [14] worker_thread(thd =3D 0xedea0, dummy =3D 0xdefc0), line 878 in work=
   [15] dummy_worker(opaque =3D 0xedea0), line 138 in thread.c
 hope this is useful,
 IT ServicesUniversity of Innsbruck=20=20=20=20
 CFB4 D6E7 33F4 34C0 18B9  6661 E355 4337 3F8B D9C2

 Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
   If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

This is cool stuff, thanks!

I'm quessing that perhaps req.parsed_uri makes a lot more sense when 
Apache is used as a proxy, in which case what follows GET is the full URL.

Perhaps we can add something to the docs that says this attribute gets 
its data from the argument to the HTTP GET method, which is usually just 
the path in the URL and does not include the protocol, hostname and port. 
It is only filled in completely when the server is used as a proxy..?

(the wording could use improvement)


On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Daniel J. Popowich wrote:

As for the larger issue at hand: the reason req.parsed_uri is not
filled in is because browsers don't send the info in the GET...

Disclaimer: What follows is not an exhaustive, conclusive search by
tracing running code, but rather searching source code and watching
apache behaviour with tools like curl, telneting to the apache port
and using a browser.



Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread Nick Kew
On Wednesday 30 November 2005 18:27, Paul A Houle wrote:
 Nick Kew wrote:
  That looks a lot like Windows' market position.  And I suspect it's no
  accident: both products have heaped on new 'goodies', all too often
  at the expense of other considerations.  It's IMO also no accident
  that PHP is moving towards a Windows-like security track record.

 You'll find skeletons if you go looking in CPAN.

 Market share is a lot of the reason why people target malware at

That's offtopic and largely untrue.  But a counterexample is ontopic:
if market share were really the determinant, what webserver would
Nimda, Code Red, Code Blue et al have hit?   The truth is that
Mac, Linux and others have *ample* market share.  Even a real
minority-system like RiscOS has been targeted.

 The real trouble with PHP is that it's sparked a revolution in web
 server software:  code reuse.

Like, libwww-perl, DBI/DBD et al never did?  Erm 

 Before PHP,  you couldn't find affordable 
 web hosting for dynamic sites:  cgi-bin was so expensive and problematic
 that mass hosting facilities couldn't afford to host it.  Mod_perl would
 be out of the question.

I had no trouble finding cheap CGI hosting before moving to my own server.

Actually that's not entirely true: my first host was not competently run.
But moving to in IIRC May '96 got me something that worked well.

 If there were any Perl or Java apps of the same
 popularity,  we'd be seeing the same thing.

There are cultural reasons that are more important.  If you post a Perl
script that omits perl's taint checking, you'll predictably get flamed for it.
So the newbie programmer has to figure out whats going on, and take
in some basic principles of security in the process.  Of course you can't
guarantee that'll work, but it makes a better environment for safety-
awareness than PHP.  And it's not as if Perl is, in general, something
I'd hold up as a role model for good practice, either:-)

Nick Kew

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich
Jorey Bump writes:
 Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:
  Perhaps we can add something to the docs that says this attribute gets 
  its data from the argument to the HTTP GET method, which is usually just 
  the path in the URL and does not include the protocol, hostname and 
  port. It is only filled in completely when the server is used as a 
 How about: This attribute gets its data from the client-supplied 

I'd prefer something more explicit (because I'm dense and need 2x4s
about the head).  I humbly offer the following to the editorial board:

String.  The URI without any parsing performed. This is the
argument passed to, e.g., the HTTP GET method, and so is
completely dependent on the value submitted by the client; you
have been warned.  Clients typically send a partial uri containing
only the path and query with no hostinfo, e.g.:
GET /path/to/handler?query=value HTTP/1.1.  (Read-Only)

Tuple. The value of unparsed_uri broken down into pieces. (scheme,
hostinfo, user, password, hostname, port, path, query,
fragment). The apache module defines a set of URI_* constants that
should be used to access elements of this tuple. Example:

fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]

Please note: as stated for unparsed_uri, the value is completely
dependent on the uri submitted by the client.  Since it is typical
for clients to only submit the path and query components the rest
of the elements in the tuple will often be None.  This is not a
bug.  (Read-Only)

String. Same as parsed_uri[apache.URI_QUERY] (and CGI
QUERY_ARGS). (Read-Only)

String.  The path portion of the URI. Same as
parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH].  (Read-Only)

String. Host, as set by a full URI from, e.g., the HTTP GET
method, or in absence of a full URI, the value of the Host header.
In either case, the value is provided by the client; you have been
warned.  Note: when set by the Host header (which is typical) this
value will differ from parsed_uri[apache.URI_HOSTNAME] (which will
be None).  See unparsed_uri and parsed_uri.  Also, in rare cases
(no full URI, no Host header) this value can be None.  (Read-Only)

Re: httpd-2.1.7 Connection-pooling Problem w/ ReverseProxy, Loadbalancer

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Nov 29, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 11/29/2005 04:12 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Can you try HEAD on httpd-trunk for a fix until something
more robust as far as the connections are implemented...

Just for convenience:

Has someone found out out why we close the connection if
r-proxyreq == PROXYREQ_PROXY || r-proxyreq == PROXYREQ_REVERSE?

I fear that this is something that has survived from 2.0.x.
I am also wondering why mod_proxy_http is storing the connection
in the module config. Is this something from 2.0.x days where we  
had no connection
pool or is it a security problem to share one keepalive http  
backend connections across

different client connections and vice versa?

Doubtful, since this aspect of the code didn't exist
in 2.0. IIRC, it had to do with some aspects of
pooling and threads, but it's been awhile since it
was folded in. Likely it has to do with AJPs connection
pool, but that's a wag.

Anyway, I'm likely going to rework that area a bit and move
some things around to try to optimize the flow a bit...

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:19:25AM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 I'll just remind everyone this is a public list and its archived too.  =)
 If you wish to keep things private, we can use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and possibly
 the PMC list.  Yes, there's a difference between including it in a PR and
 in an informal email, but you never know with press types.  -- justin

Thanks, and just to make the prc aware of one more thing; our release of
2.2.0 will be done ten years to the day (well in as much as a day can be
put on it) since Apache 1.0.0. The first ever Apache httpd GA. There may
well be some PR in that too :)

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Jagielski
Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
 Thanks, and just to make the prc aware of one more thing; our release of
 2.2.0 will be done ten years to the day (well in as much as a day can be
 put on it) since Apache 1.0.0. The first ever Apache httpd GA. There may
 well be some PR in that too :)

I feel old... :)

 Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]
   If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:52:38AM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 --On November 30, 2005 7:39:08 PM + Colm MacCarthaigh [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thanks, and just to make the prc aware of one more thing; our release of
 2.2.0 will be done ten years to the day (well in as much as a day can be
 put on it) since Apache 1.0.0. The first ever Apache httpd GA. There may
 well be some PR in that too :)[EMAIL 
 Figures that it'd take us 10 years to go from 1.0-2.2.  ;-)  -- justin

It's a great display of our commitment to stability, long-term strategic
planning and thinking, enterprise-grade development and trustworthy
convervatism. Right? ;-)

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
2005/11/30, Jim Gallacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

At this point I think we should leave parsed_uri alone, as it seems todo the correct thing - if not the desired thing. At a minimum we shouldexpand the documentation to warn people of the limitations. I still

think it would be useful to have a tuple similar to parsed_uri, butwhich is fully populated. Or maybe everyone just continues to roll thereown.Regards,Jim
Well, I'm still interested in writing a function that would return a
fully populated parsed_uri-like structure, even in the absence of an
absolute URL in the request path. Call me stubborn, but I still feel
that using a configuration item to tell mod_python the supposed
protocol, server name and listening port is a blatant breach of the DRY
principle. Plus, it would force me to change the configuration file
between my development, test and production platform...Yeah, I'm that lazy :).

So, based on Daniel's excellent posts (thanks, Daniel), here what we have so far :

1) Protocol : http:// or https:// ?
 For now the best way to get this is to call
req.add_common_vars() and test whether req.subprocess_env.get('HTTPS')
== 'on'. Using req.is_https() which was proposed in the other thread
Calling APR optional functions provided by modules may be more
elegant, but right now we don't have this method.

2) Server name
Thanks to Daniel's excellent posts, I can see that req.hostname is
the best way to get the server name so far. Unfortunately, it depends
on data sent by the client, but hey, so does the rest of the request
handling ;).

One thing that would be nice is to let Apache sort out this mess and
tell us what is the virtual host name it choose to serve the request.
This is my Holy Grail and I shall seek it from now on.

Ah, while I'm at it, knowing the DocumentRoot of the current VirtualHost would be great, too. But that's another story.

3) Port number

port = req.connection.local_addr[1]
'nuf said.
4) URL or URI or whatever you choose to name the part of the
resource one the physical matters of protocol, server and port are
sorted out

uri = req.uri

Note that this uri can in turn be splitted in something which is lost by the publisher and the req.path_info field, that is IIRC that we can 
assert(req.uri.endswith(req.path_info)). I don't know what req.path_info is before the publisher kicks in, though.

Anyway, the length of this thread shows that a bit of clarification is
required. A page named something like What's in an URL ? and
explaining the client-side and server-side view of the various
components of a URL are would be great. I'll try to write a draft this


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
Ooops from your definition it looks like this holds :

req.unparsed_uri = req.uri + req.path_info

So we'd better use unparsed_uri to reconstitute the original absolute URL.

Before the publisher computes path_info it must be empty, so in this case req.unparsed_uri == req.uri. I'll check this.

Nicolas2005/11/30, Daniel J. Popowich [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Jorey Bump writes: Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:  Perhaps we can add something to the docs that says this attribute gets  its data from the argument to the HTTP GET method, which is usually just
  the path in the URL and does not include the protocol, hostname and  port. It is only filled in completely when the server is used as a  proxy..? How about: This attribute gets its data from the client-supplied
 Request-URI.I'd prefer something more explicit (because I'm dense and need 2x4sabout the head).I humbly offer the following to the editorial board:unparsed_uriString.The URI without any parsing performed. This is the
argument passed to, e.g., the HTTP GET method, and so iscompletely dependent on the value submitted by the client; youhave been warned.Clients typically send a partial uri containingonly the path and query with no hostinfo, 
e.g.:GET /path/to/handler?query=value HTTP/1.1.(Read-Only)parsed_uriTuple. The value of unparsed_uri broken down into pieces. (scheme,hostinfo, user, password, hostname, port, path, query,
fragment). The apache module defines a set of URI_* constants thatshould be used to access elements of this tuple. Example:fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]Please note: as stated for unparsed_uri, the value is completely
dependent on the uri submitted by the client.Since it is typicalfor clients to only submit the path and query components the restof the elements in the tuple will often be None.This is not a
bug.(Read-Only)argsString. Same as parsed_uri[apache.URI_QUERY] (and CGIQUERY_ARGS). (Read-Only)uriString.The path portion of the URI. Same asparsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH
].(Read-Only)hostnameString. Host, as set by a full URI from, e.g., the HTTP GETmethod, or in absence of a full URI, the value of the Host header.In either case, the value is provided by the client; you have been
warned.Note: when set by the Host header (which is typical) thisvalue will differ from parsed_uri[apache.URI_HOSTNAME] (which willbe None).See unparsed_uri and parsed_uri.Also, in rare cases
(no full URI, no Host header) this value can be None.(Read-Only)

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 30, 2005, at 11:56 AM, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:52:38AM -0800, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On November 30, 2005 7:39:08 PM + Colm MacCarthaigh  


Thanks, and just to make the prc aware of one more thing; our  
release of
2.2.0 will be done ten years to the day (well in as much as a day  
can be
put on it) since Apache 1.0.0. The first ever Apache httpd GA.  
There may

well be some PR in that too :) 

Figures that it'd take us 10 years to go from 1.0-2.2.  ;-)  --  

It's a great display of our commitment to stability, long-term  

planning and thinking, enterprise-grade development and trustworthy
convervatism. Right? ;-)

Yes and we should milk that for all it's worth.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Nick Kew
On Wednesday 30 November 2005 20:09, Sander Temme wrote:

  It's a great display of our commitment to stability, long-term
  planning and thinking, enterprise-grade development and trustworthy
  convervatism. Right? ;-)

 Yes and we should milk that for all it's worth.

There was talk of an Apachecon-Stuttgart release date.  The extra six months
demonstrates our committment to quality and stability ...

... or could look like a Microsoft release schedule.

Nick Kew

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Gallacher

Daniel J. Popowich wrote:

Jorey Bump writes:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Perhaps we can add something to the docs that says this attribute gets 
its data from the argument to the HTTP GET method, which is usually just 
the path in the URL and does not include the protocol, hostname and 
port. It is only filled in completely when the server is used as a 

How about: This attribute gets its data from the client-supplied 

I'd prefer something more explicit (because I'm dense and need 2x4s
about the head).  I humbly offer the following to the editorial board:

String.  The URI without any parsing performed. This is the
argument passed to, e.g., the HTTP GET method, and so is
completely dependent on the value submitted by the client; you
have been warned.  Clients typically send a partial uri containing
only the path and query with no hostinfo, e.g.:
GET /path/to/handler?query=value HTTP/1.1.  (Read-Only)

Tuple. The value of unparsed_uri broken down into pieces. (scheme,
hostinfo, user, password, hostname, port, path, query,
fragment). The apache module defines a set of URI_* constants that
should be used to access elements of this tuple. Example:

fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]

Please note: as stated for unparsed_uri, the value is completely
dependent on the uri submitted by the client.  Since it is typical
for clients to only submit the path and query components the rest
of the elements in the tuple will often be None.  This is not a
bug.  (Read-Only)

String. Same as parsed_uri[apache.URI_QUERY] (and CGI
QUERY_ARGS). (Read-Only)

String.  The path portion of the URI. Same as
parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH].  (Read-Only)

String. Host, as set by a full URI from, e.g., the HTTP GET
method, or in absence of a full URI, the value of the Host header.
In either case, the value is provided by the client; you have been
warned.  Note: when set by the Host header (which is typical) this
value will differ from parsed_uri[apache.URI_HOSTNAME] (which will
be None).  See unparsed_uri and parsed_uri.  Also, in rare cases
(no full URI, no Host header) this value can be None.  (Read-Only)

Everything you've stated above is true except when it's not. :)

Using an internal_redirect messes with some of these attributes but not 
others. Those that change get their new values from the new_uri used in 
the redirect. Unchanged values are from the initial request.


unparsed_uri   new
parsed_uri new
args   new
hostname   unchanged


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Gallacher

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Using an internal_redirect messes with some of these attributes but not 
others. Those that change get their new values from the new_uri used in 
the redirect. Unchanged values are from the initial request.


unparsed_uri   new
parsed_uri new
args   new

  urinew (oops - wee typo there)

hostname   unchanged


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Joe Orton wrote:

It's pretty silly for anybody to suddenly wake up and declare some 
random bug as a showstopper for 2.2.  Nobody has cared enough about the 
problem to fix it in the six months and four(?) 2.1.x alpha/beta 
releases that mod_dbd has been in the tree.  So it clearly isn't really 
very critical to anybody, and isn't showstopper material.

Exactly.  I've stopped testing httpd-2.1.x because there was nobody interested
in testing apr-iconv 1.1.1, a prereq to httpd-2.1/2.2.  Without any community
interest, httpd on Win32 is clearly my toy, not a project port.

I have no intention of rolling any 2.2, voting on any 2.2, until httpd
will either correctly build on unix against apr 1.2, or emit a sensible
failure.  REGARDLESS of whether apr 1.0/1.1 is installed in the system

I'm voting -1 until the issue of packaging apr/apr-util/apr-iconv in the
httpd tarball is resolved.  The last I heard, there were folks voting AGAINST
this, yet I saw these trees in httpd-2.1.10 tarball.  Why?

And the suggestion to have an httpd-2.x.x-bundle.tar.gz was raised, that we
include apr/apr-util/kitchen sink.  That never saw a resolution, with several
of those against apr being rolled into httpd, also being against this proposal.
No legitimate counterproposals were offered.

There's no way that this list has agreement/concluded vote on if srclib/ should
include apr/apr-util/expat, and when it's present ./configure is doing the wrong
things.  So we perpetuate (nay - it's made worse) the 2.0 just to push this out
the door.

Roy's point of how f'ed up many fink distributions are is rather funny, it's the
reason my Mac isn't building httpd-2.2 from svn, and the reason I'm building new
toolchains on Win32.  The last thing I want is for httpd to be as much of a mess
as most of the packages out there, today :-)


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Jim Jagielski wrote:

Joe Orton wrote:

Win32 is not special.  It's a second-class citizen if anything because 
it gets so little developer attention.

Now *that's* a statement for the Release Notes :)

Absolutely, add to this list AIX, OS2, Netware, BeOS, HPUX and many others.
Not to mention OS/390, BS2000 and several others I don't think we can build
on since 1.3.

Perhaps the Apache HTTP Server for Linux 2.6/Solaris 10/BSD 4 would be a more
appropriate name for this project, based on the current community participation,
as long as we are going for Truth in Advertising.

Of course there are maintainers for each of those 'others', but since active
development has become nothing but Linux/Solaris/BSD we should specify supported
platforms, not bother to list the dozens of platforms that are not as closely


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Joost de Heer wrote:
Win32 is not special.  It's a second-class citizen if anything because 
it gets so little developer attention.

And how many people compile the thing on Windows anyway, except the msi 
builder? My guess is that I need about 2 hands to count them

Au contrare, I get feedback personally from about 25 people a year, that ping
me personally about something, and about 5 folks who maintain their own bin
distributions that include 'other things'.  I count 10 people on this list
alone who build for win32 when they have a reason to.  And there are several
posts a month to users@ or entries in the bugzilla from folks having problems.

The question isn't how many you know are building, the question is how many
we don't know.  Success == silence :)


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich
Jim Gallacher writes:
 Jim Gallacher wrote:
  Using an internal_redirect messes with some of these attributes but not 
  others. Those that change get their new values from the new_uri used in 
  the redirect. Unchanged values are from the initial request.
  unparsed_uri   new
  parsed_uri new
  args   new
urinew (oops - wee typo there)
  hostname   unchanged


Really, I don't mean to be obtuse, but I'm not groking your point.
Are you clarifying that for internal redirects the *source* for these
attributes is different than what I was saying in my documentation or
is there something more subtle than that?

Are you suggesting a change or is this academic?

Slow, but sure,

Daniel Popowich

Re: svn commit: r349752 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk/modules/database: mod_dbd.c mod_dbd.h

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Nick Kew wrote:

On Tuesday 29 November 2005 16:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-AP_DECLARE(void) ap_dbd_prepare(server_rec *s, const char *query,
+DBD_DECLARE(void) ap_dbd_prepare(server_rec *s, const char *query,
const char *label)

OK, other modules do this.  Yet the #defines for DBD_DECLARE et al
are identical to AP_DECLARE, aren't they?  What is supposed to be
the purpose of namespacing different modules?

Search the archives for DAV_DECLARE, I had a lengthy explanation.

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Gallacher

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

2005/11/30, Jim Gallacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

At this point I think we should leave parsed_uri alone, as it seems to
do the correct thing - if not the desired thing. At a minimum we should
expand the documentation to warn people of the limitations. I still
think it would be useful to have a tuple similar to parsed_uri, but
which is fully populated. Or maybe everyone just continues to roll there


Well, I'm still interested in writing a function that would return a 
fully populated parsed_uri-like structure, even in the absence of an 
absolute URL in the request path. Call me stubborn, but I still feel 
that using a configuration item to tell mod_python the supposed 
protocol, server name and listening port is a blatant breach of the DRY 
principle. Plus, it would force me to change the configuration file 
between my development, test and production platform...Yeah, I'm that 
lazy :).

That's not lazy, it's smart. Test and production should be as similar as 
is possible.

Ah, while I'm at it, knowing the DocumentRoot of the current VirtualHost 
would be great, too. But that's another story.

I don't know that story. Is there a problem with req.document_root()?

4) URL or URI or whatever you choose to name the part of the resource 
one the physical matters of protocol, server and port are sorted out

uri = req.uri

Note that this uri can in turn be splitted in something which is lost by 
the publisher and the req.path_info field, that is IIRC that we can 
assert(req.uri.endswith(req.path_info)). I don't know what req.path_info 
is before the publisher kicks in, though.

I'm not sure I understand what is being lost since publisher does not 
modify req.uri. Something that I've found useful but which seems to be 
missing is the idea of a base_uri, where

uri = base_uri + path_info

Or maybe the base_uri part is what you mean when you say something is lost?

Anyway, the length of this thread shows that a bit of clarification is 
required. A page named something like What's in an URL ? and 
explaining the client-side and server-side view of the various 
components of a URL are would be great. I'll try to write a draft this 


The corollary of this discussion is putting the parsed_uri back together 
again. Is there any support for exposing apr_uri_unparse()?


Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On November 29, 2005 3:40:11 PM -0500 Paul A Houle [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

* prefork and worker seem to be about equally fast on linux?

* MacOS X?

fork() is *painfully* slow on the darwin kernel, I haven't tested but can't
imagine that threading isn't a huge win here.

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jorey Bump

Daniel J. Popowich wrote:

Jorey Bump writes:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Perhaps we can add something to the docs that says this attribute gets 
its data from the argument to the HTTP GET method, which is usually just 
the path in the URL and does not include the protocol, hostname and 
port. It is only filled in completely when the server is used as a 

How about: This attribute gets its data from the client-supplied 

I'd prefer something more explicit (because I'm dense and need 2x4s
about the head).  I humbly offer the following to the editorial board:

String.  The URI without any parsing performed. This is the
argument passed to, e.g., the HTTP GET method, and so is
completely dependent on the value submitted by the client; you
have been warned.  Clients typically send a partial uri containing
only the path and query with no hostinfo, e.g.:
GET /path/to/handler?query=value HTTP/1.1.  (Read-Only)

Tuple. The value of unparsed_uri broken down into pieces. (scheme,
hostinfo, user, password, hostname, port, path, query,
fragment). The apache module defines a set of URI_* constants that
should be used to access elements of this tuple. Example:

fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]

Please note: as stated for unparsed_uri, the value is completely
dependent on the uri submitted by the client.  Since it is typical
for clients to only submit the path and query components the rest
of the elements in the tuple will often be None.  This is not a
bug.  (Read-Only)

String. Same as parsed_uri[apache.URI_QUERY] (and CGI
QUERY_ARGS). (Read-Only)

String.  The path portion of the URI. Same as
parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH].  (Read-Only)

String. Host, as set by a full URI from, e.g., the HTTP GET
method, or in absence of a full URI, the value of the Host header.
In either case, the value is provided by the client; you have been
warned.  Note: when set by the Host header (which is typical) this
value will differ from parsed_uri[apache.URI_HOSTNAME] (which will
be None).  See unparsed_uri and parsed_uri.  Also, in rare cases
(no full URI, no Host header) this value can be None.  (Read-Only)

+1 on your definitions, but I have another issue, related to this thread...

This discussion leads me to believe that req.hostname, in its current 
implementation, is hopelessly ambiguous. It is already doing what we've 
concluded in this thread to be a Bad Thing(TM) by automagically 
interposing two completely unrelated values simply to avoid returning None.

Can anyone conceive of a use case where it would be alright to rely on 
this value, even when it's been arbitrarily populated by a 
client-supplied absoluteURI (via a proxy, for example)? What would a 
developer expect to be contained in this value? For myself, I would 
prefer it to be a high-level interface to req.headers_in['Host'], in 
which case, None would be somewhat meaningful.

Even better, deprecate req.hostname in 3.2, where we can add to 
contain the value in req.headers_in['Host']. Then drop req.hostname in 
3.3 completely. This will give developers some time to adapt.

Finally, I'm getting the impression that most developers are looking for 
a portable way to get the ServerName, as defined in the Apache 
configuration. This may currently be achieved in a variety of ways, 

servername = req.server.server_hostname


servername = req.subprocess_env['SERVER_NAME']

So, getting back to Nicolas' original post, and reaffirming Grisha's 
point that req.hostname isn't appropriate in his script, maybe 
req.server.server_hostname will work, in that it allows one to construct 
an URL that gets the user back to the site, even if it doesn't  exactly 
match the URL displayed in the browser during the original request.

Does the fact that this is a difficult discovery warrant the addition of 
another high-level attribute, req.servername?

Re: OT: performance FUD

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Brian Akins wrote:

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

  I've never put a worker Apache into production because most of our 
systems depend on PHP or something else which I wouldn't trust 100% 
in a threaded configuration.

Is there anything we can do in 2.4/3.0 that will help gain that trust?

PHP, or it's extensions or whatever they call them, are not thread safe. 
So until that's fixed, nothing we can do.  Probably the same with other 

I don't suppose we should respond to the fud that PHP is 20th century
technology that isn't compatible with 21st century high-availablity
operating systems?  Seems like it would be in poor taste :)

Someone once suggested a list of the 'minimum library versions' for
thread safety and reentrant support (note the 2nd may be required as
the async httpd server evolves.)  Essentially without that knowledge,
although PHP is mostly thread safe, the extentions are unknowns.


Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On November 30, 2005 7:39:08 PM + Colm MacCarthaigh 

Figures that it'd take us 10 years to go from 1.0-2.2.  ;-)  -- justin

Good point, I propose we call this coming release 3.0 :)

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Jess Holle
Once 2.2 is released we'll be working to use it -- and distribute it 
with our products -- on Windows, Solaris, and AIX.

I throw in patches relevant to these platforms when possible, but I 
don't have the time or interest in native (non-Java) code anymore to 
help out more.

Jess Holle

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Jim Jagielski wrote:

Joe Orton wrote:

Win32 is not special.  It's a second-class citizen if anything 
because it gets so little developer attention.

Now *that's* a statement for the Release Notes :)

Absolutely, add to this list AIX, OS2, Netware, BeOS, HPUX and many 
Not to mention OS/390, BS2000 and several others I don't think we can 

on since 1.3.

Perhaps the Apache HTTP Server for Linux 2.6/Solaris 10/BSD 4 would be 
a more
appropriate name for this project, based on the current community 

as long as we are going for Truth in Advertising.

Of course there are maintainers for each of those 'others', but since 
development has become nothing but Linux/Solaris/BSD we should specify 
platforms, not bother to list the dozens of platforms that are not as 



Re: Press release for httpd 2.2 (was Re: OT: performance FUD)

2005-11-30 Thread Brian Akins

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Good point, I propose we call this coming release 3.0 :)

No It should be Apache HTTP X (ten).  All the other cool things are at 
10 (or close). Mac OS, Solaris, Suse, Redhat, Mandrake

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Jorey Bump wrote:

Can anyone conceive of a use case where it would be alright to rely on this 
value, even when it's been arbitrarily populated by a client-supplied 
absoluteURI (via a proxy, for example)? What would a developer expect to be 
contained in this value? For myself, I would prefer it to be a high-level 
interface to req.headers_in['Host'], in which case, None would be somewhat 

req.hostname is the value of hostname in httpd's req_rec structure.

Even better, deprecate req.hostname

well... this is the wrong list for this - req.hostname just reflects the 
value of req_rec-hostname, you'd have to suggest the deprecation to :)

in 3.2, where we can add to contain the value in 

The only value I see in this is saving 14 keystrokes.

Finally, I'm getting the impression that most developers are looking for a 
portable way to get the ServerName

Keep in mind that ServerName doesn't always exist, but 
req.server.server_hostname is the right place to get it.

   servername = req.subprocess_env['SERVER_NAME']

That's a waste of CPU cycles, since add_common_vars() copies it from 
req.server.server_hostname (most likely, haven't check for sure)

So, getting back to Nicolas' original post, and reaffirming Grisha's 
point that req.hostname isn't appropriate in his script, maybe 
req.server.server_hostname will work, in that it allows one to construct 
an URL that gets the user back to the site, even if it doesn't exactly 
match the URL displayed in the browser during the original request.

Good point... I won't comment on this since I believe that URL-deduction 
is the wrong approach to begin with ;-)

Does the fact that this is a difficult discovery warrant the addition of 
another high-level attribute, req.servername?

Why introduce redundancy if there already is req.server.server_hostname?


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:22:58PM +, Nick Kew wrote:
 Can someone clarify: what happens *by default* if APR 1.0/1.1 is
 found on a target machine?  If it tries to build against that, I'd
 support a -1.  If it does something sensible - which could be emitting
 an error message and refusing to build - I'd not worry.

It refuses to configure, you need to go build apr/apu 1.2 somewhere and
reconfig with the --with-apr(-util) options.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Jorey Bump wrote:

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:

2) Server name

Thanks to Daniel's excellent posts, I can see that req.hostname is the 
best way to get the server name so far. Unfortunately, it depends on data 
sent by the client, but hey, so does the rest of the request handling ;).

req.server.server_hostname is unambiguous, and I can't think of a real-world 
situation in which it would be None. It matches the ServerName in your Apache 
configuration, so won't this be a reliable value to use when reconstructing 
an URL?

To add just a tad more confusion here - don't forget ServerAlias, which is 
also a perfectly valid value for the deduced URL. ;-)


Re: httpd-2.1.7 Connection-pooling Problem w/ ReverseProxy, Loadbalancer

2005-11-30 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 11/30/2005 08:38 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 On Nov 29, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:


 Has someone found out out why we close the connection if
 r-proxyreq == PROXYREQ_PROXY || r-proxyreq == PROXYREQ_REVERSE?

 I fear that this is something that has survived from 2.0.x.
 I am also wondering why mod_proxy_http is storing the connection
 in the module config. Is this something from 2.0.x days where we  had
 no connection
 pool or is it a security problem to share one keepalive http  backend
 connections across
 different client connections and vice versa?

 Doubtful, since this aspect of the code didn't exist
 in 2.0. IIRC, it had to do with some aspects of
 pooling and threads, but it's been awhile since it
 was folded in. Likely it has to do with AJPs connection
 pool, but that's a wag.

Ok, regarding the PROXYREQ_REVERSE issue you are right. I had a look at the 
code meanwhile (sorry been too lazy for that before) and found no signs for 
Regarding the storage of the backend connection in the module config I found
very similar code pieces in the old 2.0.x sources so I think it is an heritage 
from 2.0.x.

I believe the clearer approach would be to fetch the connection from the 
connection pool
each time and do not use this module config method any longer. This would also 
resolve the
problem of Hans-Joerg which you fixed with your recent patches as we would get 
the correct
connection then anyway.
From a first quick view the whole infrastructure for doing this seems to be 
pretty well already.

 Anyway, I'm likely going to rework that area a bit and move
 some things around to try to optimize the flow a bit...

I also hope to have some time on the weekend to make some thoughts.
As soon as they are made I'll let you and everyone know :-).



Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Nick Kew wrote:

I diskile bundling APR, and dislike even more bundling third-party libs
like expat and pcre.  But I thought I/we had just lost that argument
with louder voices.

We lost the argument over pcre; our requirement is apparently just a little
to particular to have the user obtain any distro of pcre, since it would not
work out of the box.

Not true, apparently, of expat, zlib, openssl, openldap, apr or apr-util.

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jorey Bump

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Jorey Bump wrote:

   servername = req.subprocess_env['SERVER_NAME']

That's a waste of CPU cycles, since add_common_vars() copies it from 
req.server.server_hostname (most likely, haven't check for sure)

It may be wasteful for fetching a single environment value, but 
add_common_vars() gathers all sorts of disparate information into one 
interface, subprocess_env, for those with a CGI bent.

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 02:43:24PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Exactly.  I've stopped testing httpd-2.1.x because there was nobody
 interested in testing apr-iconv 1.1.1, a prereq to httpd-2.1/2.2.
 Without any community interest, httpd on Win32 is clearly my toy, not
 a project port.

It was hardly nobody, I may be shoddily inexperienced with the win32
port, but I did go to the trouble of testing apr-iconv on win32 and have
been regularly building 2.1/2.2 on win32 to make sure it builds/works
for me. And we've heard from others doing the same.

dbd slipped through because it wasn't included in the build environment,
and hence did not affect the process.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
2005/11/30, Jim Gallacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Nicolas Lehuen wrote: Ah, while I'm at it, knowing the DocumentRoot of the current VirtualHost
 would be great, too. But that's another story.I don't know that story. Is there a problem with req.document_root()?
Well, I think I'm doing a bad thing, and I have to stop doing it. I'm
using mod_vhost_alias, which is a way to implement mass virtual
hosting. It's kind of neat, since you get one document root per virtual
host, all document roots are subdirs of a common parent directory,
without the hassle of using mod_rewrite. However, it seems a bit
unfinished on the edges since req.document_root() returns the common
parent directory instead of the true, per-virtual host document root.

Also, I don't know if using mod_rewrite to implement mass virtual
hosting can change the document root accordingly. So the only way to
know my document root is to compute it from the common parent directory
and the virtual host name, and bam, we're back on our track of how do
I get the current virtual host name ?.
 4) URL or URI or whatever you choose to name the part of the resource one the physical matters of protocol, server and port are sorted out
 uri = req.uri Note that this uri can in turn be splitted in something which is lost by the publisher and the req.path_info field, that is IIRC that we can assert(req.uri.endswith
(req.path_info)). I don't know what req.path_info is before the publisher kicks in, though.I'm not sure I understand what is being lost since publisher does notmodify req.uri. Something that I've found useful but which seems to be
missing is the idea of a base_uri, whereuri = base_uri + path_infoOr maybe the base_uri part is what you mean when you say something is lost?
Using the enclosed file, which is both a test handler and a page that can be published, I got those results :

1) Using as a handler

req.unparsed_uri: '/test.handler/subpath#toto'
req.parsed_uri: (None, None, None, None, None, None, '/test.handler/subpath', None, 'toto')
req.uri: '/test.handler/subpath'
req.path_info: '/subpath'
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_NAME): '/test.handler'
req.subprocess_env.get(PATH_INFO): '/subpath'
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_URL): None
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_URI): None

2) Using the publisher handler to publish 

req.unparsed_uri: '/'
req.parsed_uri: (None, None, None, None, None, None, '/', None, 'toto')
req.uri: '/'
req.path_info: '/subpath'
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_NAME): '/'
req.subprocess_env.get(PATH_INFO): '/subpath'
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_URL): None
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_URI): None

I must confess I'm completely at a loss here...

a) Handlers and published modules seem to behave the same way, so the
computation of path_info must come from above, i.e. either from
mod_python or from Apache.

b) We've gotreq.uri == req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_NAME) + 
Cool, but who does the split ? I'm guessing that it's Apache who does
it thanks to the AddHandler directives ; it knows that the .py
extension must be served by mod_python, hence it deduces that /
must be the script name and /subpath some path info to provide the
script with.

c) We don't have a req.base_uri (to follow Jim's naming suggestion) or req.script_name that would be equivalent to 
req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_NAME), but we have a req.path_info... Why is this missing ?

I'm beginning to think that all this feels highly un-pythonic. There
are a lot more than one way to get some data (the host name is a good
example). You get to use req.foobar or req.subprocess_env['FOOBAR'] or 
req.server.foobar (and feel happy if there is only one FOOBAR which gives you the data you need). subprocess_env
is a very ugly name which doesn't seem to be related to mod_python at
all (I'm using the multi-threaded MPM and I don't have subprocesses).
For some data, there is no way to get it (where is the current virtual
host name, as determined by Apache ?).

One thing I'll try to do is to write a kind of Rosetta Stone with all
the data you can find in a URL, how to get it from the
request/connection/server object, how to get it from subprocess_env
(i.e. how you would get it in a CGI), and what is missing or duplicated.

This way we'll be able to decide if we
should deprecate some paths to those data and remove them in a later
release (3.3 or 3.4). The end result would be a series of statements
like If you want to get the virtual host name, then use XYZ, don't use
ABC which is deprecated. Be aware though that it's not 100%
efficient, blah blah.


 Anyway, the length of this thread shows that a bit of clarification is required. A page named something like What's in an URL ? and
 explaining the client-side and server-side view of the various components of a URL are would be great. I'll try to write a draft this week-end.Excellent.The corollary of 

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Steffen

Build the php5apache2.dll ( php 5.1.1 apache2handler) with 2.2.0 on Win32.

No issues.


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Gallacher

Daniel J. Popowich wrote:

Jim Gallacher writes:

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Using an internal_redirect messes with some of these attributes but not 
others. Those that change get their new values from the new_uri used in 
the redirect. Unchanged values are from the initial request.


unparsed_uri   new
parsed_uri new
args   new

  urinew (oops - wee typo there)

hostname   unchanged


Really, I don't mean to be obtuse, but I'm not groking your point.
Are you clarifying that for internal redirects the *source* for these
attributes is different than what I was saying in my documentation

Exactly. The documentation needs to account for the different behaviour 
after an internal_redirect. I'll let the code talk for me as I can't 
come up with adequate text. Assume you are using publisher with the 
following code.

Client request:

def index(req):
req.content_type = 'text/plain'
# I'm sorry about the look of the next statement -
# thunderbird line wrapping issues

def redirect(req):

def stuff(req):
req.write('req.the_request: %s\n' % req.the_request)
req.write('req.uri: %s\n' % req.uri)
req.write('req.unparsed_uri: %s\n' % str(req.unparsed_uri))
req.write('req.parsed_uri: %s\n' % str(req.parsed_uri))
req.write('req.hostname: %s\n' % req.hostname)
req.write('req.args: %s\n' % req.args)


req.the_request: GET /mod_python/parsed_uri/mptest?blah=de-blah HTTP/1.1
req.uri: /mod_python/parsed_uri/
req.unparsed_uri: /mod_python/parsed_uri/mptest
req.parsed_uri: (None, None, None, None, None, None, 
'/mod_python/parsed_uri/mptest', 'blah=de-blah', None)


req.args: blah=de-blah


req.the_request: GET /mod_python/parsed_uri/mptest HTTP/1.1
req.uri: /mod_python/parsed_uri/
req.parsed_uri: ('http', '', None, None, 
'', 666, '/mod_python/parsed_uri/mptest/redirect', 
'inquisition=spanish', 'foo')

req.args: inquisition=spanish


Re: svn commit: r349582 - /httpd/httpd/tags/2.2.0/

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Roy T.Fielding wrote:

This is exactly what I said I would do in the [vote] thread for  2.1.10.

No, it isn't -- you said that it was a vote to release 2.1.10.  I  assumed
that meant you were going to bump the version number in CVS.  There were
several people who said they were +1 on 2.1.10 and NOT 2.2.0, and our
voting guidelines have never allowed a release vote to take place before
the release was even prepared.

Well, there were enough votes that 2.1.10 was GA quality, and 2.1.x will never
be GA, I believe most of the community understood that as 'graduating' 2.1 to
2.2 (with the appropriate patches and vote on the final 2.2.0 package).

The transition to 2.2.0 couldn't happen without a vote, and I believe that Paul
called for that vote close-to-properly.

Those of us voting against 2.2.0 from his 2.1.10 tag were, I believe, outvoted,
and new version/releases can't be vetoed.

But if 2.2.0 fails to pass muster, note that the next package will be 2.2.1,
with 2.2.0 unreleased (perhaps a good thing for folks who avoid .zeros.)


Fwd: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
2005/11/30, Jorey Bump [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Finally, I'm getting the impression that most developers are looking fora portable way to get the ServerName, as defined in the Apacheconfiguration. This may currently be achieved in a variety of ways,including:
 servername = req.server.server_hostnameor: req.add_common_vars() servername = req.subprocess_env['SERVER_NAME']So, getting back to Nicolas' original post, and reaffirming Grisha's
point that req.hostname isn't appropriate in his script, maybereq.server.server_hostname will work, in that it allows one to constructan URL that gets the user back to the site, even if it doesn'texactly

match the URL displayed in the browser during the original request.Does the fact that this is a difficult discovery warrant the addition ofanother high-level attribute, req.servername?

The problem, as I've mentioned in my previous post, is that ServerName
does not mean anything in mass virtual hosting environments, at least
in my current settings (I don't exclude the fact that I've done
something wrong). Using the test script provided in my previous post,
the ServerName value is consistently wrong, always being equal to
'localhost' even if it's not the virtual host that was requested and

Anyway, like I've wrote, maybe mass virtual hosting is a stupid idea,
all the more since my production server only has 30 or so virtual
hosts, so I could manage them all by traditional VirtualHost
directives... At least with true VirtualHost directives it's easy to
set and use the ServerName value.

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 02:43:24PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

It was hardly nobody, I may be shoddily inexperienced with the win32
port, but I did go to the trouble of testing apr-iconv on win32 and have
been regularly building 2.1/2.2 on win32 to make sure it builds/works
for me. And we've heard from others doing the same.

It was close to nobody, the only reason it is released is that yourself,
and Garrett both stepped up.  But I posted far more pings than I received
in testers, and it took two months :)

Thank you two for the review, no slight intended.


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
2005/11/30, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Jorey Bump wrote: Nicolas Lehuen wrote: 2) Server name Thanks to Daniel's excellent posts, I can see that req.hostname is the best way to get the server name so far. Unfortunately, it depends on data
 sent by the client, but hey, so does the rest of the request handling ;). req.server.server_hostname is unambiguous, and I can't think of a real-world situation in which it would be None. It matches the ServerName in your Apache
 configuration, so won't this be a reliable value to use when reconstructing an URL?To add just a tad more confusion here - don't forget ServerAlias, which isalso a perfectly valid value for the deduced URL. ;-)
Exactly ! I was beginning to feel cornered into abandoning my mass
virtual hosting setup, but it's clear that whenever anyone uses
ServerAlias, he'll have the same problem, namely knowing what the
request was in the first time. So I'll stick with req.hostname for now.


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich

  Note that this uri can in turn be splitted in something which is lost by 
  the publisher and the req.path_info field, that is IIRC that we can 
  assert(req.uri.endswith(req.path_info)). I don't know what req.path_info 
  is before the publisher kicks in, though.
 I'm not sure I understand what is being lost since publisher does not 
 modify req.uri. Something that I've found useful but which seems to be 
 missing is the idea of a base_uri, where
 uri = base_uri + path_info
 Or maybe the base_uri part is what you mean when you say something is lost?

THIS is what has driven me batty...if someone could write the concise
description of the relationship between req.uri and req.path_info with
no ifs-ands-or-buts, exclusionary clauses and definitely no footnotes,
I can stop my drinking habit. :-)  Having base_uri would be heaven.

Daniel Popowich

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Olaf van der Spek
On 11/30/05, William A. Rowe, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
  On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 02:43:24PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
  It was hardly nobody, I may be shoddily inexperienced with the win32
  port, but I did go to the trouble of testing apr-iconv on win32 and have
  been regularly building 2.1/2.2 on win32 to make sure it builds/works
  for me. And we've heard from others doing the same.

 It was close to nobody, the only reason it is released is that yourself,
 and Garrett both stepped up.  But I posted far more pings than I received
 in testers, and it took two months :)

 Thank you two for the review, no slight intended.

Wouldn't it help if (beta) binaries are posted to

Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Jim Gallacher

Jorey Bump wrote:
Even better, deprecate req.hostname in 3.2, where we can add to 
contain the value in req.headers_in['Host']. Then drop req.hostname in 
3.3 completely. This will give developers some time to adapt.

It's too late to be deprecating anything in 3.2. I know it seems like 
3.2 is a codeword for some far-off future release, but we really are 
close to 3.2 *final*. There has been no negative feedback on 3.2.5b, so 
unless something bad happens we hope to have an official release in 
mid-December. Of 2005. :)


Re: Various musings about the request URL / URI / whatever

2005-11-30 Thread Daniel J. Popowich

Nicolas Lehuen writes:
 a) Handlers and published modules seem to behave the same way, so the
 computation of path_info must come from above, i.e. either from mod_python
 or from Apache.
 b) We've got req.uri == req.subprocess_env.get(SCRIPT_NAME) +
 req.subprocess_env.get(PATH_INFO). Cool, but who does the split ? I'm
 guessing that it's Apache who does it thanks to the AddHandler directives ;
 it knows that the .py extension must be served by mod_python, hence it
 deduces that / must be the script name and /subpath some path info to
 provide the script with.

This is how I conceptualize what apache does: apache takes the PATH
component from the uri and appends it to DocumentRoot, it then
searches down this path, starting with the first path component after
DocumentRoot, testing to see if it exists on the filesystem.  If it
exists it continues to the next path component.  If it doesn't exist
and the previous component was a file, then PATH up to, but not
including the current component is the script and this component to
the end of PATH is the path_info.  If the previous component was a
directory, however, then the script goes up to and including the
current component, the path_info starting with the next component
ending with the end of the PATH.  Confused?  I was and still am, but
that was what I discovered.


With the above, /dir1/dir2/dir3/file would be the base_uri and
/some/thing/else would be the path_info...but...


will have /dir1/dir2/dir3/some as the script (yes, even though no
such thing exists on the filesystem) and /thing/else becomes the

Odd behaviour, no?  It just about killed me discovering it, but it's
what allows some handlers to work with clean urls (no file
extensions), so I'm not complaining.  :-)

Daniel Popowich

Re: AW: problems with ssl in balance/proxy mode

2005-11-30 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 11/30/2005 11:53 AM, Matthias Behrens wrote:
 this seems to be the proper fix, but
 how do i apply it? which tool do i need for patching the sourcecode?
 sorry for asking such newby questions. i am new to opensourcedevelopment.

Ok. Let me summarize: You found the reason for the problem (which was really 
not easy in this case)
but you do not know how to apply a patch to the source code. You are using 
Outlook for your mail
and runs on a Windows version of httpd. So you must be a Windows 
developer :-).
Jokes aside. I am working on Unix where patches are applied with patch / 
gpatch. I really do not
know how to do this on Windows, except with cygwin :-). So some Windows 
developers to the rescue please!

 alos: can u tell me if my way of fixing the problem was wrong and why? 
 what is it with brigades and buckets anyway?

Please have a look at

 they seem to be pretty unrelieable since it is possible to make a bucket that 
 contains a pointer to your local char variable and pass it to another 
 function which gives the pointer to another bucket in another brigade! 
 thats very dangerous - especially since the guy who programmed the code 
 responsible for this bug, used the proper functions which indicate proper use 
 of his data.


No, this is neither unreliable nor really dangerous provided that you have a 
better knowledge of the concept of brigades
and buckets. Brigades and buckets are passed thru filter chains. The filters do 
whatever work needs to be done (maybe
even no work at all) on the buckets and pass them to the next filter in the 
chain. In the case of output filters they
get finally written to the client, in the case of input filters they normally 
get consumed by the handler. From the call
stack perspective the whole filter chain is done during one pass so pointers to 
local variables of functions deeper in
the call stack are still valid.
Sometimes a filter cannot work on the data contained in the buckets right now 
during this call, but it can do on one
of the next calls to it when the unconsumed buckets fly by again. In this case 
the filter typically sets these buckets
aside. For (nearly?) all bucket types there is a setaside operation defined 
to do just that. In the case of a
transient bucket the bucket is transformed into a heap bucket, which means that 
the data from the transient buffer
(local char in our case) is copied to a buffer on the heap and thus is still 
valid (provided the pool from which the
heap buffer was aquired survived) during the next call of the filter.

The problem you faced here, was caused by the situation that mod_proxy did not 
set aside the buckets it did not want to
work on immediately (it tries to get enough data to make a good and safe 
decision on how to handle
request bodies regarding content-length and transfer-encoding: chunked. See 
also CVE-2005-2088 on



Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Olaf van der Spek wrote:

Wouldn't it help if (beta) binaries are posted to

In general yes.  In the case I mentioned, NO - you cannot post a candidate
which hasn't received 3 +1's, and you certainly cannot push it out to the

But our alphas/betas have been pushed out to download.cgi ...
Apache HTTP Server 2.1.9-beta is also available
although the apr-iconv-1.x component hadn't been released in time
for any beta binaries from Win32.


Re: AW: problems with ssl in balance/proxy mode

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:54:19PM +0100, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
 Ok. Let me summarize: You found the reason for the problem (which was
 really not easy in this case) but you do not know how to apply a patch
 to the source code. You are using Outlook for your mail and runs on a Windows version of httpd. So you must be a
 Windows developer :-).  Jokes aside. I am working on Unix where
 patches are applied with patch / gpatch. I really do not know how to
 do this on Windows, except with cygwin :-). So some Windows developers
 to the rescue please!

Insall TortoiseSVN and use its Apply Patch feature is good, it's
usually much better than the command line versions of patch that are
available, and understands svn to boot.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

httpd 2.2 ./buildconf in the future-imperfect tense

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2]$ ./buildconf

You don't have a copy of the apr source in srclib/apr.
Please get the source using the following instructions,
or specify the location of the source with
--with-apr=[path to apr] :

   svn co srclib/apr

You don't have a copy of the apr-util source in srclib/apr-util.
Please get one the source using the following instructions,
or specify the location of the source with
--with-apr-util=[path to apr-util]:

   svn co srclib/apr-util

This seems odd in production, especially if apr trunk might be bumped to 2.0
and we still use apr-1.x for httpd.

It seems the message should recommend they obtain the appropriate tarball,
or by tag.

Yes, we run ./buildconf for our tarball, but it doesn't prevent the user from
re-running ./buildconf and becoming confused, especially if they installed apr
without a source apr tree handy anymore.


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:22:58PM +, Nick Kew wrote:

Can someone clarify: what happens *by default* if APR 1.0/1.1 is
found on a target machine?  If it tries to build against that, I'd
support a -1.  If it does something sensible - which could be emitting
an error message and refusing to build - I'd not worry.

It refuses to configure, you need to go build apr/apu 1.2 somewhere and
reconfig with the --with-apr(-util) options.

Ok, so explain to me why we wasted a MB or two distributing srclib/apr/
and srclib/apr-util/ when the result is;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2]$ ./configure
checking for chosen layout... Apache
checking for working mkdir -p... yes
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu

Configuring Apache Portable Runtime library ...

checking for APR... yes
  setting CC to gcc
  setting CPP to gcc -E
  setting CFLAGS to  -g -O2 -pthread
  setting LDFLAGS to  

Configuring Apache Portable Runtime Utility library...

checking for APR-util... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
configure: Configuring PCRE regular expression library
configuring package in srclib/pcre now
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking limits.h usability... yes
checking limits.h presence... yes
checking for limits.h... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for size_t... yes
checking for bcopy... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking for strerror... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating pcre.h
config.status: creating pcre-config
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing default commands
srclib/pcre configured properly
  setting AP_LIBS to /local0/asf/httpd-2.2/srclib/pcre/
  setting INCLUDES to -I$(top_builddir)/srclib/pcre

Configuring Apache httpd ...

  adding -I. to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/os/$(OS_DIR) to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/server/mpm/$(MPM_SUBDIR_NAME) to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/http to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/filters to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/proxy to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/include to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/generators to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/mappers to INCLUDES
  adding -I$(top_srcdir)/modules/database to INCLUDES
  adding -I/usr/local/include/apr-1 to INCLUDES

Applying OS-specific hints for httpd ...

checking for rm... /bin/rm
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking for rsync... /usr/bin/rsync
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for lynx... lynx
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for AIX... no
checking for library containing strerror... none required
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking minix/config.h usability... no
checking minix/config.h presence... no
checking for minix/config.h... no
checking for APR version 1.2.0 or later... no
configure: error: APR version 1.2.0 or later is required

This appears to be the worst of both worlds.  -1 for release of the proposed
tarball in this state.  Drop the srclib's or make the srclib's work, it doesn't
that much matter to me.  But the above is sillyness at it's worst.


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:22:58PM +, Nick Kew wrote:

Can someone clarify: what happens *by default* if APR 1.0/1.1 is
found on a target machine?  If it tries to build against that, I'd
support a -1.  If it does something sensible - which could be emitting
an error message and refusing to build - I'd not worry.

It refuses to configure, you need to go build apr/apu 1.2 somewhere and
reconfig with the --with-apr(-util) options.

Ok, now what the heck?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2]$ configure: error: APR-util version 1.2.0 or later is 
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-apr=srclib/apr 

checking for chosen layout... Apache
checking for APR version 1.2.0 or later... yes
checking for APR-util version 1.2.0 or later... no
configure: error: APR-util version 1.2.0 or later is required

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2]$ ls -al srclib total 48
drwxrwxr-x   4 wrowe wrowe 4096 Nov 30 18:32 .
drwxrwxr-x  12 wrowe wrowe 4096 Nov 30 18:34 ..
lrwxrwxrwx   1 wrowe wrowe   19 Nov 30 18:32 apr - /local0/asf/apr-1.2
lrwxrwxrwx   1 wrowe wrowe   24 Nov 30 18:32 apr-util - 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.2]$ grep VERSION srclib/apr-util/apu-1-config


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 06:33:51PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Ok, so explain to me why we wasted a MB or two distributing srclib/apr/
 and srclib/apr-util/ when the result is;

That's not the result when you don't have apr/apu 1.x [x:2] installed.
apr and apr-util 1.2 are bundled for reasons of pragmatic convienence,
recognising that the vast majority of people don't have these already.

If apr 1.0 or 1.1 happen to be installed, I don't see why it's not
reasonable to fail to configure. The administrator may intend to link
against the system version, they may not want httpd having its own
libapr. And they're the only people capable of making that decision and
hence resolving the conflict. They can decide to install over their
existing apr, or to install a new one just for httpd.

I brought this exact issue up weeks ago, and it didn't go very far. I
was originally -1, for the very same reasons you are, but having thought
about it decided that yes, while the present system introduces some
inconvienence for a small fraction of users, it doesn't try to second
guess them either, and unbundling apr/apr-util would represent a huge
inconvienence to a large fraction of users.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 06:39:30PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Ok, now what the heck?

Looks like you've pointed the --with-apr options at trees which have
been built, but arn't installed targets. find_apr.m4 tests for

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 12:59:12AM +, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 06:39:30PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
  Ok, now what the heck?
 Looks like you've pointed the --with-apr options at trees which have
 been built, but arn't installed targets. find_apr.m4 tests for

Actually no, sorry, it should test for both. configuring the bundled
apr, apr-util and then using the --with-apr and --with-apr-util options
works for me.

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

If apr 1.0 or 1.1 happen to be installed, I don't see why it's not
reasonable to fail to configure. The administrator may intend to link
against the system version, they may not want httpd having its own
libapr. And they're the only people capable of making that decision and
hence resolving the conflict. They can decide to install over their
existing apr, or to install a new one just for httpd.

I brought this exact issue up weeks ago, and it didn't go very far. I
was originally -1, for the very same reasons you are, but having thought
about it decided that yes, while the present system introduces some
inconvienence for a small fraction of users, it doesn't try to second
guess them either, and unbundling apr/apr-util would represent a huge
inconvienence to a large fraction of users.

I read this a bit backwards of your interpretation;

 * admins who install 1.1 for some specific reason are responsible to
   ensure they deal with the new package correctly (e.g., we give them
   a message upon configure Found old APR 1.1.0, installing APR 1.2.2
   for you and let them decide what to do.  99% of the time, they must
   follow our advise and install 1.2.2 in the same prefix/ as httpd.)

 * the vast majority of users, who only have apr 1.0/1.1 due to svn or
   other intrapackage dependencies, get a free apr 1.2 without having
   to think about it.  Make this whole headache a noop for them.

And I for one don't want the headaches of the users@ trouble reports.  I'd
really prefer to see those who help out on users@ answering this objection,
as opposed to the hackers who are detached from the user community pushing
this out +1 over those user-supporters objections.


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Colm MacCarthaigh
On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 07:10:37PM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
  * admins who install 1.1 for some specific reason are responsible to
ensure they deal with the new package correctly (e.g., we give them
a message upon configure Found old APR 1.1.0, installing APR 1.2.2
for you and let them decide what to do.  99% of the time, they must
follow our advise and install 1.2.2 in the same prefix/ as httpd.)
  * the vast majority of users, who only have apr 1.0/1.1 due to svn or
other intrapackage dependencies, get a free apr 1.2 without having
to think about it.  Make this whole headache a noop for them.
 And I for one don't want the headaches of the users@ trouble reports.  I'd
 really prefer to see those who help out on users@ answering this objection,
 as opposed to the hackers who are detached from the user community pushing
 this out +1 over those user-supporters objections.

User trouble reports can be easily mitigated by including the

  If you are installing on a system with apr/apr-util 1.0 or 1.1
  installed, you must provide apr 1.2 manually. You can decide to
  upgrade your existing apr/apr-util installation(s) to 1.2, or
  may use the bundled versions like so;
cd srclib/apr ; ./configure 
cd srclib/apr-util ; ./configure --with-apr=../apr
./configure --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr-util=srclib/apr-util

in the release notes.

There's no reason why this can't be fixed during 2.2, but with a months
old issue, and no sign of a patch, should it hold up a GA?

Colm MacCárthaighPublic Key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 30, 2005, at 4:39 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr- 

checking for chosen layout... Apache
checking for APR version 1.2.0 or later... yes
checking for APR-util version 1.2.0 or later... no
configure: error: APR-util version 1.2.0 or later is required

Heh. apr-util checks for apr in ../apr, which is broken behaviour.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 01:25:38AM +, Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:
 There's no reason why this can't be fixed during 2.2, but with a months
 old issue, and no sign of a patch, should it hold up a GA?

No way.  -- justin

[STATUS] (httpd-2.0) Wed Nov 30 23:49:14 2005

2005-11-30 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
APACHE 2.0 STATUS:  -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2005-11-21 15:22:22 -0500 (Mon, 21 Nov 2005) $]

The current version of this file can be found at:


Documentation status is maintained seperately and can be found at:

  * docs/STATUS in this source tree, or

Consult the following STATUS files for information on related projects:


Consult the trunk/ for all new development and documentation efforts:


Release history:

2.0.56  : in development
2.0.55  : released October 16, 2005 as GA.
2.0.54  : released April 17, 2005 as GA.
2.0.53  : released February 7, 2005 as GA.
2.0.52  : released September 28, 2004 as GA.
2.0.51  : released September 15, 2004 as GA.
2.0.50  : released June 30, 2004 as GA.
2.0.49  : released March 19, 2004 as GA.
2.0.48  : released October 29, 2003 as GA.
2.0.47  : released July 09, 2003 as GA.
2.0.46  : released May 28, 2003 as GA.
2.0.45  : released April 1, 2003 as GA.
2.0.44  : released January 20, 2003 as GA.
2.0.43  : released October 3, 2002 as GA.
2.0.42  : released September 24, 2002 as GA.
2.0.41  : rolled September 16, 2002.  not released.
2.0.40  : released August 9, 2002 as GA.
2.0.39  : released June 17, 2002 as GA.
2.0.38  : rolled June 16, 2002.  not released.
2.0.37  : rolled June 11, 2002.  not released.
2.0.36  : released May 6, 2002 as GA.
2.0.35  : released April 5, 2002 as GA.
2.0.34  : tagged March 26, 2002.
2.0.33  : tagged March 6, 2002.  not released.
2.0.32  : released Feburary 16, 2002 as beta.
2.0.31  : rolled Feburary 1, 2002.  not released.
2.0.30  : tagged January 8, 2002.  not rolled.
2.0.29  : tagged November 27, 2001.  not rolled.
2.0.28  : released November 13, 2001 as beta.
2.0.27  : rolled November 6, 2001
2.0.26  : tagged October 16, 2001.  not rolled.
2.0.25  : rolled August 29, 2001
2.0.24  : rolled August 18, 2001
2.0.23  : rolled August 9, 2001
2.0.22  : rolled July 29, 2001
2.0.21  : rolled July 20, 2001
2.0.20  : rolled July 8, 2001
2.0.19  : rolled June 27, 2001
2.0.18  : rolled May 18, 2001
2.0.17  : rolled April 17, 2001
2.0.16  : rolled April 4, 2001
2.0.15  : rolled March 21, 2001
2.0.14  : rolled March 7, 2001
2.0a9   : released December 12, 2000
2.0a8   : released November 20, 2000
2.0a7   : released October 8, 2000
2.0a6   : released August 18, 2000
2.0a5   : released August 4, 2000
2.0a4   : released June 7, 2000
2.0a3   : released April 28, 2000
2.0a2   : released March 31, 2000
2.0a1   : released March 10, 2000

Contributors looking for a mission:

* Just do an egrep on TODO or XXX in the source.

* Review the bug database at:

* Review the PatchAvailable bugs in the bug database:

  After testing, you can append a comment saying Reviewed and tested.

* Open bugs in the bug database.


* Forward binary compatibility is expected of Apache 2.0.x releases, such
  that no MMN major number changes will occur.  Such changes can only be
  made in the trunk.

* All commits to branches/2.0.x must be reflected in SVN trunk,
  as well, if they apply.  Logical progression is commit to trunk,
  get feedback and votes on list or in STATUS, then merge into 
  branches/2.2.x, and finally merge into branches/2.0.x, as applicable.


  [ start all new proposals below, under PATCHES PROPOSED. ]

*) mod_actions: Regression from 1.3: the file referred to must exist.
   Solve this by introducing the virtual modifier to the Action
   directive. PR 28553.
 modules/mappers/mod_actions.c: r1.32, r1.34
   jerenkrantz: Icky side-effect of the *t == '0' check.
   +1: nd, jerenkrantz, wrowe, jim
   -0: by rbb (inconsistent to 1.3, discussion on dev@)
  nd: I'm going to reverse the default
  jerenkrantz, striker: I'm confused as to the status of this backport.

*) support/check_forensic: Fix tempfile usage
   svn rev 125495, 126224
   jerenkrantz says: r126224 fixes brokenness with r125495 on Solaris.
   +1: thommay, jerenkrantz, trawick
   trawick: which isn't portable; I've suggested a work-around on dev@

[STATUS] (httpd-2.1) Wed Nov 30 23:50:36 2005

2005-11-30 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
APACHE 2.3 STATUS:  -*-text-*-
Last modified at [$Date: 2005-11-13 02:22:18 -0500 (Sun, 13 Nov 2005) $]

The current version of this file can be found at:


Documentation status is maintained seperately and can be found at:

  * docs/STATUS in this source tree, or

Consult the following STATUS files for information on related projects:


Patches considered for backport are noted in their branches' STATUS:


Release history:
[NOTE that only Alpha/Beta releases occur in 2.3 development]

2.3.0   : in development

Contributors looking for a mission:

* Just do an egrep on TODO or XXX in the source.

* Review the bug database at:

* Review the PatchAvailable bugs in the bug database:

  After testing, you can append a comment saying Reviewed and tested.

* Open bugs in the bug database.



* Handling of non-trailing / config by non-default handler is broken
  jerenkrantz asks: Why should this block a release?
  wsanchez agrees: this may be a change in behavior, but isn't
clearly wrong, and even if so, it doesn't seem like a

* the edge connection filter cannot be removed

  jerenkrantz asks: Why should this block a release?

  stas replies: because it requires a rewrite of the filters stack
implementation (you have suggested that) and once 2.2 is
released you can't do that anymore. 


* httpd-std.conf and friends

  a) httpd-std.conf should be tailored by install (from src or
 binbuild) even if user has existing httpd.conf
 +1:   trawick, slive, gregames, ianh, Ken, wrowe, jwoolley, jim, nd,
   wrowe - prefer httpd.default.conf to avoid ambiguity with cvs

  b) tailored httpd-std.conf should be copied by install to
 -0:   striker

  c) tailored httpd-std.conf should be installed to
 sysconfdir/examples or manualdir/exampleconf/
 +1:   slive, trawick, Ken, nd (prefer the latter), erikabele
 +1:   wsanchez (propose sysconfdir/examples/version for diffiness)

  d) Installing a set of default config files when upgrading a server
 doesn't make ANY sense at all.
 +1:   ianh - medium/big sites don't use 'standard config' anyway, as it
  usually needs major customizations
 -1:   Ken, wrowe, jwoolley, jim, nd, erikabele
   wrowe - diff is wonderful when comparing old/new default configs,
   even for customized sites that ianh mentions
   jim - ... assuming that the default configs have been updated
 with the required inline docs to explain the

* If the parent process dies, should the remaining child processes
  gracefully self-terminate. Or maybe we should make it a runtime
  option, or have a concept of 2 parent processes (one being a 
  hot spare).
  See: Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Self-destruct: Ken, Martin, Lars
  Not self-destruct: BrianP, Ian, Cliff, BillS
  Make it runtime configurable: Aaron, jim, Justin, wrowe, rederpj, nd

  /* The below was a concept on *how* to handle the problem */
  Have 2 parents: +1: jim
  -1: Justin, wrowe, rederpj, nd
  +0: Lars, Martin (while standing by, could it do
something useful?)

* Make the worker MPM the default MPM for threaded Unix boxes.
  +1:   Justin, Ian, Cliff, BillS, striker, wrowe, nd
  +0:   BrianP, Aaron (mutex contention is looking better with the
latest code, let's continue tuning and testing), rederpj, jim
  -0:   Lars

  pquerna: Do we want to change this for 2.2?


* Patches submitted to the bug database:

* Filter stacks and subrequests, 

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Sander Temme wrote:

On Nov 30, 2005, at 4:39 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr- 

checking for chosen layout... Apache
checking for APR version 1.2.0 or later... yes
checking for APR-util version 1.2.0 or later... no
configure: error: APR-util version 1.2.0 or later is required

Heh. apr-util checks for apr in ../apr, which is broken behaviour.

I'm seeing this too...

 ./buildconf --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr-util=srclib/apr-util
found apr source: srclib/apr
found apr-util source: srclib/apr-util
rebuilding srclib/apr/configure
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: python version 2.3.4 (ok)
buildconf: autoconf version 2.59 (ok)
buildconf: libtool version 1.5.20 (ok)
Copying libtool helper files ...
buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at /usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4.
Creating include/arch/unix/ ...
Creating configure ...
Generating 'make' outputs ...
rebuilding rpm spec file
rebuilding srclib/apr-util/configure

Problem finding apr source in ../apr.
./buildconf failed for apr-util

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Colm MacCarthaigh wrote:

There's no reason why this can't be fixed during 2.2, but with a months
old issue, and no sign of a patch, should it hold up a GA?

I'm 100% conviced next to nobody on this list has been developing and testing
httpd-2.2/apr-1.2 without their own in-tree tweaks.  I'm as guilty as anyone.

So we've been compiling and improving the code, but the build/install status
is -worse- than httpd-2.0, ergo this is not the best version of apache now
available and is -not- ready for GA.

Those hyper to release, why not make it usable by Joe anybody instead of only
httpd-dev hacker who's used to 'fudging the build'?


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 30, 2005, at 10:10 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Sander Temme wrote:

On Nov 30, 2005, at 4:39 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr-  

checking for chosen layout... Apache
checking for APR version 1.2.0 or later... yes
checking for APR-util version 1.2.0 or later... no
configure: error: APR-util version 1.2.0 or later is required

Heh. apr-util checks for apr in ../apr, which is broken behaviour.

I'm seeing this too...

 ./buildconf --with-apr=srclib/apr --with-apr-util=srclib/apr-util
found apr source: srclib/apr
found apr-util source: srclib/apr-util
rebuilding srclib/apr/configure
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: python version 2.3.4 (ok)
buildconf: autoconf version 2.59 (ok)
buildconf: libtool version 1.5.20 (ok)
Copying libtool helper files ...
buildconf: Using libtool.m4 at /usr/local/share/aclocal/libtool.m4.
Creating include/arch/unix/ ...
Creating configure ...
Generating 'make' outputs ...
rebuilding rpm spec file
rebuilding srclib/apr-util/configure

Problem finding apr source in ../apr.
./buildconf failed for apr-util

I'm looking at this. If you give that apu buildconf the right --with- 
apr parameter, buildconf completes. The problem is, if the  
apr_src_dir is relative, when we call buildconf we have already  
descended into srclib/apr-util so the relative reference is broken.

I'm trying to wrap my common cold-addled brain around this and hope  
to have a patch by the time this episode of Law  Order is over.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Roy T. Fielding

On Nov 30, 2005, at 10:12 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

I'm 100% conviced next to nobody on this list has been developing  
and testing
httpd-2.2/apr-1.2 without their own in-tree tweaks.  I'm as guilty  
as anyone.

So we've been compiling and improving the code, but the build/ 
install status
is -worse- than httpd-2.0, ergo this is not the best version of  
apache now

available and is -not- ready for GA.

I just built from scratch using the tarball and the same options
that any typical user would set: i.e.,

  ./configure --prefix=/dist/test22 --enable-modules=all

Zero problems.

I don't understand what you are talking about -- developers don't
run ./buildconf on the source package.  Only we do that.  Even after
I do a

  make extraclean
  ./configure --prefix=/dist/test22 --enable-modules=most

again I have zero problems.  The included versions of apr and apr-util
are used in all of my tests.  I've never installed apr-1.x in the OS
system libraries.  Why would anyone outside this list do that?

Those hyper to release, why not make it usable by Joe anybody  
instead of only

httpd-dev hacker who's used to 'fudging the build'?

Whatever problem you are encountering, please fix it on trunk.

I see no evidence that it will cause people outside the APR core
development group any grief for httpd-2.2, and even then a workaround
can be described on the website.


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:35:07PM -0800, Sander Temme wrote:

I'm looking at this. If you give that apu buildconf the right --with- 
apr parameter, buildconf completes. The problem is, if the  

Just to reiterate - buildconf is not necessary for users to run.

Therefore, if it's broken for 2.2.0, it's not a showstopper.  -- justin

Is buildconf present?  If the user runs it, does it corrupt the unpacked tree?

If this is so, and it's broken, then perhaps remove buildconf throughout the
tree, and the autoconf source files, resulting in a vanilla ./configure for
the resulting distribution package?

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 30, 2005, at 10:53 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:35:07PM -0800, Sander Temme wrote:
I'm looking at this. If you give that apu buildconf the right -- 
with- apr parameter, buildconf completes. The problem is, if the

Just to reiterate - buildconf is not necessary for users to run.
Therefore, if it's broken for 2.2.0, it's not a showstopper.  --  

Is buildconf present?  If the user runs it, does it corrupt the  
unpacked tree?

If this is so, and it's broken, then perhaps remove buildconf  
throughout the
tree, and the autoconf source files, resulting in a vanilla ./ 
configure for

the resulting distribution package?

Hm... you kinda need it if you drop in a custom module with its  
config5.m4 foo. Or if you want to build with a different libtool than  
httpd came with. I agree that's kinda deep though.

I wouldn't hold up the release for it.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Roy T. Fielding

Hash: SHA1

On Nov 28, 2005, at 11:55 PM, Paul Querna wrote:

Available from:

Please vote on releasing as GA/Stable.

+1 for release as 2.2.0.  I have verified the signatures, compared
the contents, diffed versus the post-tarball httpd-2.2 changes,
and tested on OS X 10.4.3 using Xcode 2.2.  You can add the following
signatures to the asc files if you like, minus the indent, assuming
you can verify them afterward).

  Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)


  Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)



Roy T. Fielding
Chief Scientist, Day Software

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)


Re: [vote] 2.2.0 tarballs

2005-11-30 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 12:53:22AM -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Is buildconf present?  If the user runs it, does it corrupt the unpacked 


Have you even *tried* to run './buildconf' in an extracted httpd 2.2.0
tarball?  I have - guess what?  It works just fine.  Therefore, there is no

The default case with no arguments works exactly as expected.  It only goes
wonky if you give it bad arguments.  It might not be as robust as we might
like (the fact that it switches directories means passing --with-apr
doesn't work as expected - yawn - don't specify the args!).

The case remains that the default arguments (i.e. none) to buildconf work.
If this particular corner case bugs you so much, you can go and commit a
fix yourself - I'll even vote for it to be backported for 2.2.1.

Still, I've yet to see a single issue - including this one - raised that
would cause to me to even consider changing my +1 vote for GA.  -- justin