Problem and Solution to svn import

2003-01-13 Thread rbb

I had a brief conversation with some people on IRC tonight because my svn
import was failing.  The error was:

subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:358: (apr_err=175002)
svn: RA layer request failed
svn: OPTIONS request failed on /foobar
subversion/libsvn_ra_dav/util.c:343: (apr_err=175002)
svn: The OPTIONS request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse
error at line 1: Extra content at the end of the document
.. (/foobar)

Notice that a 301 request is a permanent redirect, and the reason for this
redirect is that I requested /foobar, not /foobar/.  There are a couple of
problems with this.

1)  The error message isn't very good.

2)  I got this even if I put /foobar/ in my request.  I haven't done
enough research to determine if my shell or the svn client was stripping
off the trailing slash, but something is.  I tend to think it is the

3)  This is a DAV resource and an OPTIONS request, thus it shouldn't be
subject to mod_dir's redirection.

The solution, luckily, is simple.  Add the following to your Apache config

BrowserMatch SVN redirect-carefully

This instructs mod_dir to only do the redirect on GET requests.  That
should be mentioned in the docs somewhere.

I have copied the httpd development mailing list, because this bug was
specifically addressed over a year ago.  I know, because I am the person
who brought it to Greg's attention last time too.  Mod_dir should not be
redirecting non-GET requests by default.


Re: Problem and Solution to svn import

2003-01-13 Thread rbb

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Aaron Bannert wrote:

 On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 02:40  AM, Greg Stein wrote:
  2)  I got this even if I put /foobar/ in my request.  I haven't done
  enough research to determine if my shell or the svn client was
  off the trailing slash, but something is.  I tend to think it is the
  I don't think the shell would do that. It could be some
  happening in the client, or something in Apache. Hard to know offhand.

 Zsh has been known to do things like this, and I bet Ryan is using zsh.

Guilty as charged.   :-)


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-21 Thread rbb
On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Cliff Woolley wrote:

 On Fri, 20 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  apr_brigade_create(bb, ...);
  fill_brigade_with_data(bb, ...);
  ap_pass_brigade(bb, ...)
  ap_clean_brigade(bb, ...);
  fill_brigade_with_more_data(bb, ...);
  ap_pass_brigade(bb, ...);
  This is perfectly legal for a handler to do.

 No it isn't, because if ap_pass_brigade() makes it all the way down to the
 core_output_filter, then after ap_pass_brigade_() returns, bb will have
 been destroyed by the core_output_filter.  I'm not necessarily saying
 that's *right*, just that that's the case today.

That would be a pretty massive bug.  I have both handlers and filters that
follow this pattern because it is supposed to work.  The reason it works
in my testing, is that _most_ of the time the core_output_filter doesn't
destroy that brigade.

if (ctx-b) {
b = ctx-b;
ctx-b = NULL;

This is where the magic happens.  If the filter has already saved aside a
brigade for this request (or a previous request in this connection), we
merge the two and drop the new one (a potential memory leak if not for

As I have said all day, a filter cannot keep or destroy a brigade that it
didn't create.  The creator of the brigade owns the brigade, and no other
filter can modify the brigade.  They can modify the buckets in the
brigade, but they can't do anything to the brigade itself.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-21 Thread rbb
On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 21:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:
   On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 13:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Basically, if you received a brigade from a higher filter, you can only
 assume that it will survive a single trip down the filter stack.
   Right.  And you also can't assume that the context that passed
   the brigade down the filter stack still exists by the time the
   brigade reaches the last filter.  It's a safe assumption in
   httpd-2.0, where the brigade is passed as a synchronous function
   call, but it's not valid for apps in general (potentially including
   future Apache versions) where the brigade may be queued up for
   asynchronous processing by an I/O completion thread.
  Actually, it's not even a safe assumption in httpd-2.0.  You have data
  from requests that originally lived in brigades allocated out of the
  request pool moved to brigades allocated out of the connection pool
  because the request pool is going away.  But that just proves the point,
  the data must be moved from one brigade to another to change it's
  lifetime.  That is part of the design of buckets and brigades.  It is why
  the concat and split operations were written for maximum performance.
  We are talking about a couple of pointer assignments for the concatenation
  and a malloc and some pointer assignments for the split.

 And you're also talking about needing a pool from which you
 can do the alloc.  With pool-based brigade allocation, there
 are two basic choices when allocating a new brigade during
 the split, and they both have problems:

Um, you need a pool that lives at least as long as your filter.  But that
should make sense, because if you are going to do any memory allocation,
you will need a pool in your filter.

- Allocate from a connection pool.  This is what httpd-2.0
  does, but it's not a robust solution, given that connections
  can be very long-lived.  And for non-http connections, like
  an app server connector, connections may live forever, so
  doing per-request allocations from a connection-level pool
  guarantees a memory leak.

No, httpd-2.0 only uses the connection pool in filters that live as long
as the connection.  If that scope doesn't make sense, then you have to
clear the brigade when you are done with it.  Remember, we are talking
about a couple of bytes for the size of the brigade.  Even if it does leak
until the end of the connection, it isn't a very big leak.  It is a huge
leak if you don't clear the brigade, but that is why we have

 Pools just aren't a good match for the allocation needs of
 brigades.  We happen to have been able to hack around many
 of the problems through liberal use of the copy the brigade
 into another pool with a more appropriate scope technique
 in httpd-2.0, but that's not a solution for apps in general.

I'm really sorry, but I am sick of hearing this isn't a solution for apps
in general.  This is now the fourth time that I have asked for a clear
description of _why_.  I helped to design and write buckets and
bucket_brigades.  I understand them incredibly well.  You seem to be
unable or unwilling to give a clear description of the problem you are
having.  All you are doing is hand-waving saying that this might be a
problem for some apps.  Give a clear description please.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-21 Thread rbb
On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 22:03, Cliff Woolley wrote:

  Can we at least agree to do one thing:
  release 2.0.44 *without* Brian's change.

 Okay with me.

I am vetoing this change until I get a clear description of the problem it
is solving.  I have explained multiple times why it is a bad change, but I
can't offer any other solutions until I know why it is needed.

Then we can sort out the best
  course of action without delaying the entire release process on the stable
  branch.  It might well be that the best course of action is to just fix
  the places in httpd that abuse brigades.  But as Bill pointed out, what
  about third party modules?  Ay caramba.

 FirstBill's patch should allow third party 2.0.x modules to work.

It will not.  If you _ever_ create a brigade with a NULL pool, you will
have memory leaks.  I dare say that every filter ever written will leak
if the feature implemented with this patch is ever used.  I have already
posted one code segment in the core_output_filter that proves the memory
leak exists.  Trust me when I tell you that there are hundreds more, and
some of them are in 3rd party modules that you don't control.

  +1 to moving brigades back into httpd, fwiw.


++1, but they should go into an external library so that projects like
serf have access to them.  Happily, I don't have to worry about that.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-21 Thread rbb

On 21 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Sat, 2002-12-21 at 07:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm really sorry, but I am sick of hearing this isn't a solution for apps
  in general.  This is now the fourth time that I have asked for a clear
  description of _why_.  I helped to design and write buckets and
  bucket_brigades.  I understand them incredibly well.  You seem to be
  unable or unwilling to give a clear description of the problem you are
  having.  All you are doing is hand-waving saying that this might be a
  problem for some apps.  Give a clear description please.

 Sorry, but that's just bogus.  I've described repeatedly, and in
 detail, the reasons why we can't make bucket allocation dependent
 on pools.  You keep posting objections along the lines of but we
 can just move a brigade into a pool of appropriate scope, when
 you know that's not a solution.

No, that is a solution, in fact, it was part of the original design.  What
you've done is said The brigade may not live long enough, but you
haven't explained how that is the case.  You also haven't explained why
moving the buckets to another brigade won't work.  Which I have a very
hard time believing, because that is how Apache works today.  You also
haven't answered the problem that even _WITH_ this change, you still need
to move the buckets to a new brigade.  At the end of the day, this change
doesn't get you anything, because you _still_ have to do the brigade
migration that you say you can't do.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-21 Thread rbb

  you've done is said The brigade may not live long enough, but you
  haven't explained how that is the case.

 This, too, is something that we've discussed already.  Request
 cleanups can happen asynchronously relative to transmission of
 brigades created from the request.  Having a pool cleanup
 trigger the destruction of a brigade in another thread is
 dangerous.  The canonical solution is to migrate the data to
 a new brigade outside the pool before handing it off to another
 thread, which is fine as long as that doesn't create a need for
 another pool in the application (for the reasons noted above).

You are talking about an application that is built around pools.  If you
want an async MPM that uses a single thread to write data to the network
and multiple threads to generate the data, then your network I/O thread
will need to have a pool.  This pool will be very long lived (as long as
the process is alive).  You can allocate the brigade when the server
starts, and just re-use it forever.  You can have a pool of brigades that
are continuosly re-used, or you can create a sub-pool for each call into
your network write function.  But, moving brigade allocation outside of
pools isn't solving your problem and it is opening huge holes in the
abstraction that was created.

Screw it.  Buckets and bucket brigades are being moved into a project that
I no longer have any desire to work on.  My veto stands for as long as the
code is in an APR project.  The change is wrong and it is dangerous.  I
have explained why in detail.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb

I am actually pretty sure that allocating brigades out of the
bucket_allocator is a VERY big mistake.  In fact, I am close to asking
that change to be backed out because it is too dangerous.

When we first designed buckets and bucket brigades, we made one VERY clear
distinction.  Bucket_brigades are allocated out of a pool, because that
stops us from leaking memory.  Buckets shouldn't be allocated out of a
pool, because nobody knows which pool to allocate them from.  Basically,
we said that in Apache, it is safe to just drop a bucket briade because
the pool cleanups will free the memory.  It is not safe to just drop a
bucket, it must either be left on the brigade to be cleaned up by the
brigade_cleanup function, or it must be destroyed when it is removed from
the brigade.

By allocating bucket_brigades out of the bucket_allocator, we have removed
the protection that the pool cleanups used to give us.  I may be wrong
about how the bucket_allocator works, but I don't believe I am.
Basically, this change will make Apache leak memory on some requests, and
it goes against the original design of buckets and bucket brigades.  In
fact, allocating the brigades out of a pool was a requirement, because
some people at the meeting were afraid of memory leaks with bucket


On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Bill Stoddard wrote:

 If a pool is passed to apr_brigade_create, the brigade is allocated out of the
 pool. If the pool is NULL, the brigade is allocated out of the bucket allocator.
 We don't want a pool pointer hanging around in a brigade allocated out of the
 bucket allocator. That's just asking for trouble.  This patch makes how the
 brigade is allocated, either out of the pool or out of the allocator, explicit.

 Index: apr_brigade.c
 RCS file: /home/cvs/apr-util/buckets/apr_brigade.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.55
 diff -u -r1.55 apr_brigade.c
 --- apr_brigade.c 17 Dec 2002 19:16:39 -  1.55
 +++ apr_brigade.c 20 Dec 2002 15:17:58 -
 @@ -95,7 +95,9 @@
  apr_pool_cleanup_kill(b-p, b, brigade_cleanup);
  rv = apr_brigade_cleanup(b);
 +if (!b-p) {
  return rv;

 @@ -104,7 +106,12 @@
  apr_bucket_brigade *b;

 -b = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*b), list);
 +if (p) {
 +b = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(*b));
 +else {
 +b = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*b), list);
  b-p = p;
  b-bucket_alloc = list;

Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb
On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 08:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am actually pretty sure that allocating brigades out of the
  bucket_allocator is a VERY big mistake.  In fact, I am close to asking
  that change to be backed out because it is too dangerous.
  When we first designed buckets and bucket brigades, we made one VERY clear
  distinction.  Bucket_brigades are allocated out of a pool, because that
  stops us from leaking memory.

 Allocating brigades from a pool is often a design mistake.
 Brigades tend to outlive the transactions that produce
 them (especially in apps like http servers), and having a
 brigade disappear as a side-effect of a transaction pool's
 cleanup will cause problems elsewhere in the code.

U, I don't believe that it is possible for a brigade to outlive the
transaction that created it, especially not when you look at how brigades
are used in the web server.  Basically, a handler creates a brigade and
passes it down the filter stack.  Each filter in the line is then allowed
to either concatenate that brigade to it's own brigade or keep sending it
down the stack.  At the bottom of the stack, the brigade must have been
generated out of the connection pool, which by definition lives as long as
the transaction that created it.

Basically, if you received a brigade from a higher filter, you can only
assume that it will survive a single trip down the filter stack.  That is
why all filters must create their own brigade to save data between calls.

  By allocating bucket_brigades out of the bucket_allocator, we have removed
  the protection that the pool cleanups used to give us.

 It's important to keep in mind just what sort of protection
 the pool-based brigade allocation offered.  It allowed code
 that did this:

 bb = apr_brigade_create(...);

 to work accidentally.  I'm hesitant to call that protection.

Give it up, that is a side-effect of pools, and it isn't the protection
that we discussed when designing buckets and brigades.  The protection
that we are talking about is against memory leaks, which this change
almost definately opened up in the web server.  There is at least one
place in the code where we drop a bucket brigade on the floor without
cleaning it up, because we rely on the pool_cleanup to do it for us.  This
change removes that ability.  Of course, you won't see that memory leak
unless you make the correct request, but at some point, it will show up
and you will have a hell of a time tracking it down.  I can gaurantee that
this change caused a memory leak.  I know it did because Greg Stein and I
argued over leaving a comment in the code that said essentially This
would be a memory leak if the brigade were allocated out of a pool, but it
is, so it is safe.  We removed the comment, because the bucket_brigade
design requires that all brigades are allocated out of pools.

As for the bogus psuedo-code that you have above, that is pools for you.
The same thing could be said for _ANY_ apr type.  Try this sometime:

apr_file_open(f, .);
apr_file_name_get(fname, f);

You will get the correct value for fname without a segfault, and this will
work on all platforms.  The only way to fix that type of problem would be
to make all destroy/close functions accept a pointer to the object that
they are destroying/closing.  Then, we could set the pointer to NULL, and
the code above wouldn't work.

We don't try to protect people from doing bone-headed things like using a
structure after it has been destroyed, that is just a programmer not
paying attention.  However, the code that you have added removes the
memory leak protection that brigades were supposed to provide for buckets.
That is wrong, and thus the change should be removed.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb

 and you will have a hell of a time tracking it down.  I can gaurantee that
 this change caused a memory leak.  I know it did because Greg Stein and I
 argued over leaving a comment in the code that said essentially This
 would be a memory leak if the brigade were allocated out of a pool, but it

oops:  s/were/weren't/

 is, so it is safe.  We removed the comment, because the bucket_brigade
 design requires that all brigades are allocated out of pools.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb

On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 12:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As for this not working when the filter and handler are in different
  threads, of course it will.  As long as the buckets are copied into a
  brigade that was allocated out of a pool that will still be alive when the
  filter is called, this will work just fine.

 In practice, it's not feasible to copy the buckets into a brigade
 allocated from a new pool.  The connection pool isn't generally
 suitable, as it may be a long time before it is cleaned up,
 especially in the case of a proxy.  Creating a response pool
 will work, but that doubles the amount of memory that the server
 must devote to a given request (one pool for request, one for

That is why the core_output_filter destroys the bucket_brigade, cleaning
up 90% of the memory used by the brigade (all the buckets) as soon as the
data is written to the network.  It is feasible to do the copy, because
nothing else works.  Regardless of how the brigade is allocated, the
brigade that is passed to you doesn't belong to you.  It belongs to the
filter/handler that originally allocated it, and you can't gaurantee that
it will still be around the next time your filter is called.  It is very
simple.  If you are going to set-aside data in a filter, you _must_ copy
the data to a brigade that you allocated.  Nothing else is gauranteed to
work.  That is why copying/merging brigades was made so cheap.  It is also
why buckets aren't allocated out of pools.

   The change doesn't remove that ability at all.  Both my patch
   and Bill's variant allow for a pool cleanup to destroy a brigade.
  Yes, but before it was mandatory, not it is optional.  It can't be
  optional, it will cause a memory leak.

 It's wildly inaccurate to say it will cause a memory leak.  A
 more correct characterization is, if the brigade is not allocated
 from a pool, its deallocation is the responsibility of the
 application.  Same semantics as every other non-pool-based
 allocation API ever developed.

It is not inaccurate at all.  The current code has a memory leak if you
don't pass a pool to the brigade_create function.  You may not see it, but
it is there.  Apache is built around pools to remove these types of memory
leaks.  Filters, buckets, and bucket_brigades were designed to use pools
to remove these kinds of memory leaks.  Your change allows a brigade to be
created that removes this protection.  Because the rest of the server
expects brigades to be allocated out of pools, you have created a memory
leak.  This isn't hand-waving.  As soon as Bill's patch is committed, if
you _ever_ pass NULL into the brigade_create function for the pool
variable, you will have a memory leak.  You can fix the leaks, but you
have removed a the memory protection that the filters were designed

  The change isn't buying you anything at all, especially with Bill's
  proposed patch.  All filters must assume that the bucket_brigade was
  allocated out of a pool, because otherwise they will be broken if it

 That's only true for Apache 2.0.  For later releases, it may
 be not only unnecessary but inadvisable to have brigades allocated
 from pools.  Once you've allocated a brigade from a pool, for
 example, any subsequent split of that brigade will alloc from
 the same pool.  If the split happens in a filter that's running
 in thread 2 while the request's handler is still running in thread
 1, the colliding apr_pallocs will segfault.  We almost certainly
 won't want to add a mutex to apr_palloc, because it would ruin
 the performance of lots of apps.  But if the brigade allocations
 are done from a bucket allocator, it's quite feasible to add a
 mutex (or possibly a spinlock) into the bucket allocator without
 compromising performance.

There are a lot of solutions to the problem you have described above.  The
easiest is to actually pass a pool to the brigade_split function, so that
you know which pool is used to allocate the new brigade.  Yes, using the
bucket_allocator is another solution, but it is currently causing seg
faults, and when that problem is fixed it will cause memory leaks.  To fix
the memory leaks, you will need to ensure that all brigades are destroyed,
which means that the code will become more complex (if only to track when
brigades are created and destroyed).  The pools are used so that we don't
have to track resources this closely, that is, in fact, their main

Again, please explain the problem that you are trying to solve in detail
instead of describing your solution.  It is just possible that other
people on this list will have an idea that will solve your problem while
not causing the side-effects that the current change will cause.

In the mean-time, I am -0. leaning towards -1 for this change, because of
the side-effects that it has already demonstrated and those that I have
detailed as lurking around the corner.  This change actually makes it
harder to 

Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

  On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 08:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am actually pretty sure that allocating brigades out of the
   bucket_allocator is a VERY big mistake.  In fact, I am close to asking
   that change to be backed out because it is too dangerous.
   When we first designed buckets and bucket brigades, we made one VERY clear
   distinction.  Bucket_brigades are allocated out of a pool, because that
   stops us from leaking memory.
  Allocating brigades from a pool is often a design mistake.
  Brigades tend to outlive the transactions that produce
  them (especially in apps like http servers), and having a
  brigade disappear as a side-effect of a transaction pool's
  cleanup will cause problems elsewhere in the code.

 U, I don't believe that it is possible for a brigade to outlive the
 transaction that created it, especially not when you look at how brigades
 are used in the web server.  Basically, a handler creates a brigade and
 passes it down the filter stack.  Each filter in the line is then allowed
 to either concatenate that brigade to it's own brigade or keep sending it
 down the stack.  At the bottom of the stack, the brigade must have been
 generated out of the connection pool, which by definition lives as long as
 the transaction that created it.

 Basically, if you received a brigade from a higher filter, you can only
 assume that it will survive a single trip down the filter stack.  That is
 why all filters must create their own brigade to save data between calls.

Just to be very clear about why this true.  Imagine a handler that does

apr_brigade_create(bb, ...);
fill_brigade_with_data(bb, ...);
ap_pass_brigade(bb, ...)

ap_clean_brigade(bb, ...);
fill_brigade_with_more_data(bb, ...);
ap_pass_brigade(bb, ...);

This is perfectly legal for a handler to do.  However, this means that any
filter that wants to save the data in this brigade for use later, must
copy the buckets to their own brigade.  If they try to just save a pointer
to the brigade, they won't have the data they expect on the second call.
The brigade will still exist, but the data will be wrong.

For this reason, all filters must move the buckets to their own brigade,
which means that a brigade cannot outlive the transaction that it was
created for.  Essentially, the filters mitigate the brigade lifetimes.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:

 On Friday, December 20, 2002, at 01:26  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The pools are used so that we don't
  have to track resources this closely, that is, in fact, their main

 They were also added for performance reasons, but I don't know if
 this was a side effect or the main reason. Delaying freelist management
 until after a response gives a huge performance gain from the
 of an http client.

yes, performance was a reason in httpd, but in APR, it really came down to


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out of thebucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb
On 20 Dec 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 13:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Basically, if you received a brigade from a higher filter, you can only
   assume that it will survive a single trip down the filter stack.

 Right.  And you also can't assume that the context that passed
 the brigade down the filter stack still exists by the time the
 brigade reaches the last filter.  It's a safe assumption in
 httpd-2.0, where the brigade is passed as a synchronous function
 call, but it's not valid for apps in general (potentially including
 future Apache versions) where the brigade may be queued up for
 asynchronous processing by an I/O completion thread.

Actually, it's not even a safe assumption in httpd-2.0.  You have data
from requests that originally lived in brigades allocated out of the
request pool moved to brigades allocated out of the connection pool
because the request pool is going away.  But that just proves the point,
the data must be moved from one brigade to another to change it's
lifetime.  That is part of the design of buckets and brigades.  It is why
the concat and split operations were written for maximum performance.

We are talking about a couple of pointer assignments for the concatenation
and a malloc and some pointer assignments for the split.

The change to stop allocating the brigade out of a pool is a mistake and I
am asking for it to be reverted, or for a clear description of the problem
that it is solving.  I have asked for this description three times now,
and I still don't understand what exactly you are trying to achieve and
why it can't be achieved with the old code.


Re: [PATCH] Update to Brian's patch to allocate brigades out ofthe bucket allocator

2002-12-20 Thread rbb
On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 08:33 PM 12/20/2002, Brian Pane wrote:
 On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 13:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Basically, if you received a brigade from a higher filter, you can only
   assume that it will survive a single trip down the filter stack.
 Right.  And you also can't assume that the context that passed
 the brigade down the filter stack still exists by the time the
 brigade reaches the last filter.  It's a safe assumption in
 httpd-2.0, where the brigade is passed as a synchronous function
 call, but it's not valid for apps in general (potentially including
 future Apache versions) where the brigade may be queued up for
 asynchronous processing by an I/O completion thread.

 No, it simply will have to be valid.  Not that the context will be
 bound to a specific thread (it won't), and not that the content will
 be living in a given context.

Please read my response to Brian, it isn't a valid assumption in

 Bottom line, we can't break it till we push out APR 1.0.  This leaves
 a very useful question.  Do buckets/brigades remain in apr-util with
 the release of 1.0?  We've just proven that the concept is both very
 apr and very httpd centric.  There is no reason we should burden
 apr with the 'learning curve' of redesigning this code.

 I suggest we consider the benefits of pulling buckets/brigades from
 apr-util with the 1.0 release of the apr library, and move that code
 back into httpd if we plan to keep abusing it this way.

 apr and apr-util should be repositories for proven concepts, if not
 always proven code.  If we are still redesigning, something is wrong.

I consider this an incorrect statement.  New concepts should be welcome
anywhere.  My question is more basic.  Is the bucket/brigade concept
useful outside of the web server/web client libraries that are being
discussed?  If so, then they should stay where they are.  If not, then
move 'em back into the httpd project.

Of course, I don't believe that apr-util is a useful library currently, so
that could be why I am against keeping buckets and brigades in it.  That
library won't be useful until it has more holding it together than These
are concepts that were useful in Apache, so we exported them.


[PATCH] new include in mod_include.h

2002-12-18 Thread rbb

mod_include.h requires util_filter.h, but it doesn't include it.  This is
fine for Apache itself, because everywhere that mod_include is used,
util_filter is already included.  However, for people extending
mod_include, this means that they must include util_filter.  Here is a
patch to fix it.

Index: modules/filters/mod_include.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/modules/filters/mod_include.h,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -d -b -w -u -r1.33 mod_include.h
--- modules/filters/mod_include.h   6 Jun 2002 04:58:43 -
+++ modules/filters/mod_include.h   18 Dec 2002 16:30:14 -
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 #ifndef _MOD_INCLUDE_H
 #define _MOD_INCLUDE_H 1

+#include util_filter.h
 #include apr_pools.h
 #include apr_optional.h


Re: [patch] perchild MPM bug fixes (+ open problem)

2002-10-21 Thread rbb

  Consider the case where an admin configures the server to listen on, but he never assigns a child process to listen to that
  port.  If you just don't accept the connections, the user will hang
  forever.  If every child process, however, actively closes the sockets
  that it can't serve, then the client won't even be able to connect.
 That's a good point too.
   What I was thinking was to add an artificial limitation that you can't
   share an IP:port pair across two different uid/gid's since that's the
   only case you want to pass a connection.
  That limitation should already exist, although it may not.
 That limitation doesn't exist either in the documentation or in the
 I figured that was part of the point of connection passing. I know it's
 also useful for passing between the siblings for a particular uid/gid
 also, but why not just require 1 child per uid/gid and then not worry
 about connection passing at all?

A couple of reasons.  Remember first of all that the more threads per
process, the less stable your server.  This is because if a module
seg-faults, the whole process dies.  For that reason, many admins will
want to have multiple child processes with the same uid/gid to create some

The second reason, however, is that the file descriptor passing is meant
to solve the case of multiple Name-based Vhosts on the same ip:port all
with different uid/gid requirements.  In that case, you will have multiple
child processes all listening to the same ip:port, but you will need to do
the file descriptor passing.

Closing the file descriptors of ip:port combinations that can't be served
is a great optimization, but that is all it is, an optimization for the
non-Name-based vhost case.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [patch] perchild MPM bug fixes (+ open problem)

2002-10-21 Thread rbb
On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Johannes Erdfelt wrote:

 Ryan, I've CC'd you on this just to let you see the patch. If you don't
 want me to involve you in this, please accept my apologies and let me
 know and I won't CC you in any further patches.

I have no problem being CC'ed on patches, although for the most part, I am
unlikely to respond.  In this case however, I will.  I want to say that
this is great.  I have reviewed the patch and the logic, and it all looks
fantastic.  I'm really glad that the MPM is making progress.  I will also
provide a possible solution to the one problem that you were unable to
solve.  :-)

 Problem 4:
 Occasionally, when a request needs to be passed to another process, it will
 hang until another connection is accepted. perchild uses the same process
 accept mutex that the other MPM's seem to need. This results in
 serialization of all accept() calls as is the intent of the mutex. The
 problem is that another process might have acquired the mutex from the
 process that actually needs the mutex to hit accept() and see the passed
 request. This isn't normally a problem because all processes accept
 connections on all listening ports. The problem in this case is the fact
 not all processes accept connections on the per process unix domain socket
 to pass connections around, for obvious reasons.
 I don't have one :) I'm not sure what the best way of solving this is. I
 don't fully understand the semantics of the process accept mutex yet. Any

There is only one solution that I can see for this, unfortunately, it is a
rather big change.  :-(  The first step, is to migrate the perchild MPM to
the same model as the worker MPM, where one thread accepts requests and
puts them in a queue, and the rest of the threads remove the requests from
the queue, and actually serve them.  I've been meaning to do this for a
long time, but I never got around to it.

Once that is done, the solution to this problem is easy.  Every child
process needs to have two acceptor threads.  The first accepts on the TCP
socket, and the second accepts on the Unix Domain Socket.  For the TCP
socket, the thread should just use the same accept_mutex that it is using
now.  However for the Unix Domain Socket, each thread that is accepting on
the socket should just use apr_file_lock to lock the socket before
accepting.  This should remove the starvation that you are seeing, because
each socket will have it's own lock.

This is really great work, I hope that it gets applied ASAP.


Re: [patch] perchild MPM bug fixes (+ open problem)

2002-10-21 Thread rbb

  As long as you are doing all this work, there is one more thought that I
  have been meaning to implement, but that I never got around to.  Currently
  perchild doesn't work with SSL, because of when the request is passed off,
  and how SSL works.  The easy solution to this, is to have the child
  processes close the sockets for any requests that they cannot
  handle.  This will also improve the chance that a request won't be passed
  if you have vhosts with different ports.  Consider the following:
  AssignChildPerUidGid  rbb rbb
  AssignChildPerUidGid  foo foo
  There is no reason for the foo/foo child process to be listening on port
  Just a thought for how to get SSL to work.
 I actually have a patch for this already :) Although I implemented it
 only as an optimization and not because of the issue with SSL. I hadn't
 tried to do SSL yet.
 I'd imagine this SSL limitation will have to be clearly documented since
 it may not be obvious to everyone.

Actually, as long as you have a patch to do this, then SSL should just
work, and no docs should be necessary.   :-)


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [patch] perchild MPM bug fixes (+ open problem)

2002-10-21 Thread rbb
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Johannes Erdfelt wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 21, 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I was thinking was to add an artificial limitation that you can't
 share an IP:port pair across two different uid/gid's since that's the
 only case you want to pass a connection.

That limitation should already exist, although it may not.
   That limitation doesn't exist either in the documentation or in the
   I figured that was part of the point of connection passing. I know it's
   also useful for passing between the siblings for a particular uid/gid
   also, but why not just require 1 child per uid/gid and then not worry
   about connection passing at all?
  A couple of reasons.  Remember first of all that the more threads per
  process, the less stable your server.  This is because if a module
  seg-faults, the whole process dies.  For that reason, many admins will
  want to have multiple child processes with the same uid/gid to create some
  The second reason, however, is that the file descriptor passing is meant
  to solve the case of multiple Name-based Vhosts on the same ip:port all
  with different uid/gid requirements.  In that case, you will have multiple
  child processes all listening to the same ip:port, but you will need to do
  the file descriptor passing.
 Well, that's what I said before, but you implied that the limitations
 should prevent this. :)

yeah, you're right, I wasn't thinking when I wrote that.  Sorry.

  Closing the file descriptors of ip:port combinations that can't be served
  is a great optimization, but that is all it is, an optimization for the
  non-Name-based vhost case.
 This brings it back to what I was saying before, you can't pass SSL
 connections, so as a result, you can't share an SSL port across two
 uid/gid's. So this should be documented somewhere, or enforced in the
 server (which may be difficult because of the layering), so people don't
 do that :)

You don't need that doc.  In order to share an ip:port combination across
child processes, you need to be using name-based vhosts.  SSL doesn't
support name-based vhosts today, so there is no new docs required.  Of
course, if my patch to provide Upgrade support goes in, then you will be
able to share ip:port combinations that support SSL across child
processes.  So, the docs really aren't necessary.

 Anyway, I think I understand the path to follow now. I'm going to
 implement the necessary fixes to make perchild finally usable.



550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Final patch for a long time.

2002-10-15 Thread rbb

The recent conversations on this list have made me finally realize that I
have been here too long.  I need a project that is not the Apache web
server.  So, this is my good-bye.  I will be unsubscribing from the Apache
web server development lists in the next day or two.  I will still be
involved in APR development work, so I will still be reachable at

There are two projects that I started that have not been finished.  I
would hope that one of two things would happen to both of them.  Either
somebody else should pick them up and run with them, or they should be
removed from the server.

The first project is the Perchild MPM.  It basically works, but there are

The second is SSL upgrade.  I have the patches, they haven't been
committed yet.  I have attached them at the bottom of this message.  The
reason they haven't been committed, is that I don't have a client to test
them with, and I haven't had time to create one.  The responses are
correct I have checked them in plain text.  The place that bugs most
likely exist, is the actual upgrade code that does the handshake.  This is
an important feature, and I would really like to see it in 2.0.

It has been a lot of fun the last four years working on Apache, but I have
been here too long, and it isn't fun anymore.  It isn't worth doing if it
isn't fun.

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

? build.err
? build.log
? output.log
? sslupgrade.patch
? modules/new
? srclib/apr/APRVARS
? srclib/apr/build.err
? srclib/apr/build.log
? srclib/apr/newpoll2.tar.gz
? srclib/apr/i18n/unix/Makefile
? srclib/apr/test/build.err
? srclib/apr/test/build.log
? srclib/apr/test/garg
? srclib/apr/test/testall
Index: modules/ssl/mod_ssl.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/modules/ssl/mod_ssl.c,v
retrieving revision 1.72
diff -u -d -b -w -r1.72 mod_ssl.c
--- modules/ssl/mod_ssl.c   14 Oct 2002 04:15:57 -  1.72
+++ modules/ssl/mod_ssl.c   15 Oct 2002 16:49:07 -
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
  * Per-server context configuration directives
 SSL switch for the protocol engine 
 (`on', `off'))
 SSL_CMD_ALL(CipherSuite, TAKE1,
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
 return 1;
-static int ssl_hook_pre_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
+int ssl_init_ssl_connection(conn_rec *c)
 SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = mySrvConfig(c-base_server);
 SSL *ssl;
@@ -283,40 +283,14 @@
 modssl_ctx_t *mctx;
- * Immediately stop processing if SSL is disabled for this connection
+ * Seed the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)
-if (!(sc  (sc-enabled ||
- (sslconn  sslconn-is_proxy
-return DECLINED;
+ssl_rand_seed(c-base_server, c-pool, SSL_RSCTX_CONNECT, );
- * Create SSL context
- */
 if (!sslconn) {
 sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);
-if (sslconn-disabled) {
-return DECLINED;
- * Remember the connection information for
- * later access inside callback functions
- */
-ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, c-base_server,
- Connection to child %ld established 
- (server %s, client %s), c-id, sc-vhost_id, 
- c-remote_ip ? c-remote_ip : unknown);
- * Seed the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)
- */
-ssl_rand_seed(c-base_server, c-pool, SSL_RSCTX_CONNECT, );
 mctx = sslconn-is_proxy ? sc-proxy : sc-server;
@@ -368,6 +342,44 @@
 return APR_SUCCESS;
+static int ssl_hook_pre_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
+SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = mySrvConfig(c-base_server);
+SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);
+ * Immediately stop processing if SSL is disabled for this connection
+ */
+if (!(sc  (sc-enabled == TRUE ||
+ (sslconn  sslconn-is_proxy
+return DECLINED;
+ * Create SSL context
+ */
+if (!sslconn) {
+sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);
+if (sslconn-disabled) {
+return DECLINED;
+ * Remember the connection information for
+ * later access inside callback functions
+ */
+ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, c-base_server,
+ Connection to child %ld established 
+ (server %s, client %s), c-id, sc-vhost_id, 
+ c-remote_ip ? c-remote_ip : unknown);
+return ssl_init_ssl_connection(c);
 static apr_status_t ssl_abort(SSLFilterRec *filter, conn_rec *c)
 SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);
@@ -572,6 +584,15 @@

Re: apache test suite?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

look at httpd-test.


On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, David Burry wrote:

 Has anyone worked on an Apache test suite?  You know, like how many things
 have a make test that runs all sorts of tests... or perhaps a separate
 package that runs tests...  I might be interested in starting one but would
 rather build upon other's work if some of it has already been done...


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Glenn wrote:

Glenn, thanks I had deleted Jim's message and I was re-creating it.  You
made it so I didn't have to.   :-)

 On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 05:11:29PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
  This is going to sound like a grumpy old man talking, but it's sounding
  more and more like that 2.0 tree is considered, by many of the
  developers, little more than a playground to hack around in. There
  seems very little regard for end users or developers (API changes
  with every release... yeah, so what.). Are people hacking 2.0
  (or 2.1) because it's fun to do and a neat project, or is there
  a desire that *people actually use the code*?
  I'm certainly not saying that we ship broken or stupid code simply
  to get it out, but certainly people should be aware that, when all
  is said and done, isn't the whole idea of ASF projects is that
  people are encouraged to use them? Yeah, we should allow the API
  to grow and mature, but having it constantly change means, at
  a very core level, we have no idea what it should be doing or
  how it should be doing it.  [...]

I think there is a much easier way to satisfy everybody and stay in the
2.0 tree.  The problem right now, is that the MMN isn't granular
enough.  All we know, is that we broke binary compatibility.  But, we
don't know where it was broken, which means that all modules must be
re-compiled.  But, let's take the auth changes as an example.  We had to
bump the MMN with these changes, because of what was done.  But, the only
modules that were affected, were auth modules.  That means that anybody
who has a filter oesn't need to re-compile.

If we modularize the MMN, and provide a way for module authors to query
the MMN at a granular level, most of the MMN bumps become much more
trivial.  Let me explain what I mean.

#define MAJOR_MMN 0
#define AUTH_MMN  000
#deifne FILTER_MMN 000


int check_auth_api(int module_number)
if GET_AUTH_MMN(module_number)  AUTH_MMN) {
return false;  /* May want to just exit with an error here */
return true;

Now, and auth module just needs to call check_auth_api() in
register_hooks.  If it returns false, the module needs to exit, or things
will fail.  If it returns true, then all is good.

If the module doesn't call any of the individual check_*_aupi() functions,
then the best we can do is to check the whole thing the way we do now.

The advantage to this, is that it allows us to bump the MMN when we need
to, but that bump is less likely to affect as many people.

I see how to implement the whole thing if this will satisfy people.


Re: segfault in mod_negotiation.c

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On 12 Oct 2002, Jeff Trawick wrote:

 Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  --- mod_negotiation.c   Fri Aug  9 15:21:57 2002
  +++   Sat Oct 12 15:47:36 2002
  @@ -2881,7 +2881,7 @@
   int res;
   int j;
  -if (r-finfo.filetype != APR_NOFILE
  +if (!r-finfo || r-finfo.filetype != APR_NOFILE
   || !(ap_allow_options(r)  OPT_MULTI)) {
   return DECLINED;
 what does it mean to say !r-finfo when finfo is a structure, not a pointer?

Better question, how in the world is this seg faulting?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server log.c

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On 13 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wrowe   2002/10/12 20:25:04
   Modified:server   log.c
 Some errors are impossible to fathom, without the user knowing certain
 base numbers.  This patch introduces (EAP ##): Eap message for the EAP
 errors, (OS ##): Message for modestly numbered os errors (under 10)
 and hex (OS 0x): Message for huge errors, which generally have
 bit-flag meanings and are usually represented in hex.

What in the world is an EAP error?  Rather than do this, I would much
rather have the OS errors normalized, and all other erros retain their
original values.


Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:

  In all of these cases, there was a developer or three, who created a CVS
  tree either in their home directories, or in the main CVS area.  They made
  the major changes that they wanted to see made, and then they announced
  the changes to the list, and invited people to help them make the projects
 Except for the fact that in all the above cases, the branch being deviated
 from was a solid, robust and reliable codebase. It was *time* to start
 a new branch, knowing that the current codebase was, at a very deep
 level, very robust and baked.
 Is 2.0?
 *That* is my only concern regarding a 2.1 branch. It leaves 2.0 in
 a not-quite-there state. It's the idea that 2.0 is dropped so work
 can progress on 2.1.
 PS: I don't see this as another Shambhala situation, by the way.

I am less concerned about *if* we should do a 2.1 branch, and more
concerned with *how* it is being done.  In the message above, I don't
think you are advocating a 2.1 branch.  It sounds like you believe that
we should take the time to finish 2.0 before moving on.  Am I right in
interpreting it that way?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

I finally figured out why a 2.1 branch bothers me so much.  It isn't being
done the way it should be done.  When apache-nspr was created, it wasn't
because there was a big discussion on-list and Dean decided to go do the
work.  When apache-apr was created, it wasn't because Bill, Manoj, and I
started a big discussion and then did the work.  When apache-2.0 was
created, it wasn't becasue Dean explained what he wanted to do to
apache-apr and then did the work.  When httpd-2.0 was created, Roy didn't
explain what he was going to do, and then go do the work.

In all of these cases, there was a developer or three, who created a CVS
tree either in their home directories, or in the main CVS area.  They made
the major changes that they wanted to see made, and then they announced
the changes to the list, and invited people to help them make the projects

One of three things happened with these trees.  Either they were picked up
as the new development tree and the old tree was lost.  Or, they were
completely ignored.  Or, they were tried and rejected for specific

With the fabled 2.1 branch, people want to have a discussion about what is
going to go into it, then they want to fork, and then they want to start
writing code.  That is a completely backwards approach.  If you have a
major change that you want to make to 2.0, make the change, either in a
sandbox, or in a copy of the current tree.  Then, invite people to look at
what you did.  Once we see how big the change is, we can decided if 1)  We
like the change to you made, and 2) if it is big enough to warrant a bump
to 2.1.

There is no push to branch 2.1, becasue there is no code that warrants a
branch.  Personally, if you are going to write cod, I suggest just
creating a CVS repository in your home directory, and allowing people to
collaborate there.  If the code is accepted, it is easy to move it into
the main CVS area.  In fact, of all of the examples above, I don't thik
anybody started working in the main CVS area.  I know Dean didn't with
either apache-nspr or apache-2.0.  I think Roy had a basically working
copy before httpd-2.0 was created, and Billo and I worked without CVS
until Manoj started helping us.

Bottom-line:  Talking about a branch before there is any code is
completely bogus.  None of us know what is going to be in 2.1.  I know I
have some ideas for how to do the filesystem abstraction that I want to
play around with.  But I also know that a bunch of other people have ideas
too.  Which one will be the foundation for the work?  I don't know, and I
can't until we see some actual code.  Why should one person be allowed to
put their code in the httpd-2.1 branch?  They shouldn't.  I will
personally be doing some pwork in /home/rbb/cvs either on
or in the next few weeks.  Once I have a working
prototype, I will open it up to people to look at and play with.  Only
then can we decide if it belongs in 2.1 or 2.0.

As for the Auth patches, BTW, the code was created first, and then it was
decided to put it in 2.0.  That was the way it should be done.  However,
Justin, it would be really cool if you could create a simple Perl script
that takes an old config and updates it to a new one.  It may just be the
LoadModule lines, but automating that work would be really nice for our
users.  That idea was thrown out in a conversation I had with Will.  I
think it was his idea, but I honestly can't remember.


On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 --On Friday, October 11, 2002 10:59 PM -0500 William A. Rowe, Jr. 
  I'm calling for a consensus opinion that the mod_auth changes
  are simply too radical to introduce into a current version.  We keep
  treating the GA tree as a development branch.  Many newcomers
  (with less than a couple of years here in httpd land) and a very
  few  old timers persist in doing so.
 We had a vote before the changes were checked in.  I don't know what 
 else you'd like to have done.  It was the stated consensus of the 
 group that these changes go into 2.0 not a 2.1 - knowing full well 
 that it could break directive compatibility.  So, I think the notion 
 that some rule was violated is absurd - I believe everything was done 
 in the mystical 'Apache way.'
 The one thing that I dislike about a 2.1 is that we've stated that we 
 can't force any developer to go to the new version.  Other committers 
 have stated that they won't develop or forward-port fixes to 2.1. 
 And, some developers might not back-port fixes from a 2.1 to 2.0. 
 That's not going to be helpful to our users.
 My hope is that when we go to a 2.1, all developers believe it is 
 time and 2.0 should be closed.  Right now, I don't believe that is 
 the case.  -- justin


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sat, 12 Oct 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 --On Friday, October 11, 2002 10:00 PM -0700 Brian Pane 
  I don't have a strong opinion about the authn redesign,
  but I do have one change in mind that would fit well in
  2.1: async write support.  And async read support, but
  that may take a lot longer.
 My belief is that you should design and code up the async support and 
 then we can deliberate about where it should go.  These changes 
 shouldn't be held up by the fact that we don't have a 2.1 yet.
 Lead with the code - once the code is written or we have a plan of 
 attack, we can find a home for it.  IMHO, that's the only way things 
 happen around here.  -- justin

Damn Justin, I just spent three pages saying this exactly.  Run for the
hills everybody, Justin and I agree.  There is bound to be a flood
or some event of biblical proportions somewhere.  :-)

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

I am so sick of this conversation.  2.0 isn't done yet.  It won't be done
until it is actually stable, and it isn't currently stable.

But, you have worn me down.  Create a new fscking tree, populate it and
begin working on it.  I will be finishing 2.0.

And yes, this is very harshly worded.  We have had this conversation
multiple times, and everytime, the same people want to branch, and the
same people want to stabilize the server.  If you can't deal with taking
the time to stabilize the server, then branch the tree.  But, do not even
think of saying that the MMN of 2.0 can't change just because you have
created a new tree.


Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 11:21 PM 10/11/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am so sick of this conversation.  2.0 isn't done yet.  It won't be done
 until it is actually stable, and it isn't currently stable.
 Fine.  That's no reason to deprecate modules mid-stream.  Was it a good
 choice to rename mod_access to mod_auth_host?  Well, I suppose it
 makes much more sense, from our view.  But from a common sense
 administrators view, that's OS Coders fsking around with naming for
 the sake of changing the names.  And it does them no practical good.

Then put the old modules back in.  They still work, they just don't work
as well.

 But, you have worn me down.  Create a new fscking tree, populate it and
 begin working on it.  I will be finishing 2.0.
 My analogy was bad.  Let me rephrase.
 1.3 is mixed, baked and now cooling down.
 2.0 is mixed, still baking and won't cool down for a while.
 I'm asking that we move Justin's changes to 2.1 and start mixing
 the danged thing already.
 And let that not stop anyone from fixing bugs!!!  When the right fix is a 
straightforward change to some borked code, apply it to both trees at once.
 If the right fix is to redesign the server, axe a module, or whatever, then lets
 do that in a 2.1 tree.

In other words, stop all new development in 2.0.  Nope.  It's bogus, the
server is ready for it.

 And yes, this is very harshly worded.  We have had this conversation
 multiple times, and everytime, the same people want to branch, and the
 same people want to stabilize the server.  If you can't deal with taking
 the time to stabilize the server, then branch the tree.  But, do not even
 think of saying that the MMN of 2.0 can't change just because you have
 created a new tree.
 Of course the httpd project will always have cross purposes by the coders
 and other contributors.  Everyone here has itches to scratch.  That's GOOD!  
 If we didn't, this project would be dead long ago.
 I'm asking for Justin''s revamp to come out of 2.0.  I'm suggesting it go 
 immediately into a new tree.  If that is reasonable to people, please say so.
 If I'm being unreasonable, please point that out.
 I'm suggesting that Justin's change doesn't stabilize the tree.  You want
 us all rowing with you in the same direction.  That isn't open source
 development within the Apache framework.  That's Joes' Project on
 sourceforge, or the Linux model.  It's not the Apache way.

I absolutely hate the phrase the Apache way.  I hate it for a simple
reason.  Nobody knows what the hell it is.  HAve you noticed yet that
people throw it around when they want things to work their way?  I haven't
asked everybody to do what I say.  I personally have a couple of projects
that I care about, and I am ignoring the rest of the BS.  But I worked too
damned hard, as did a lot of other people, to move on to 2.1 just when
people are starting to port their modules to 2.0.  You are being
unreasonable.  This was disucsssed, you were a part of the discussion.  It
was decided to put this stuff into the 2.0 tree.  Justin updated the docs,
there was some small discussion over how to deal with having docs for both
sets of modules.  That hasn't been resolved yet.

 So rather than argue, let's provide the tree for folks to explore their new
 efforts.  Won't be in anyone's way.  In fact, it will improve the stability
 of the GA branch, which is something I believe ALL of us desire.

Because it won't have an impact on the 2.0 tree.  I and others will
continue to improve Apache 2.0 to solve people's problems.  All it will
do, is confuse users, and make it harder to fix problems.

Like I said, feel free to branch, but nobody should even try to state that
becasue 2.1 was started 2.0 can't have an MMN bump.  2.0 is in it's
infancy as a GA server.  There are still a lot of changes that can and
should happen to it.  That is a part of the product lifecycle.  deal with


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Greg Stein wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 12, 2002 at 06:18:41PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I think there is a much easier way to satisfy everybody and stay in the
  2.0 tree.  The problem right now, is that the MMN isn't granular
  enough.  All we know, is that we broke binary compatibility.  But, we
  don't know where it was broken, which means that all modules must be
  re-compiled.  But, let's take the auth changes as an example.  We had to
  bump the MMN with these changes, because of what was done.  But, the only
  modules that were affected, were auth modules.  That means that anybody
 Woah!  Totally not true.
 The auth changes DID NOT affect MMN. And they DID NOT affect other auth
 All the focus around this stuff is a sensitive issue. Let's not make it
 worse with misinformation. I know it wasn't intentional, but let's not let
 it spread.
 The auth change *added* stuff. It absolutely did not change any APIs, so
 there was no need for an MMN bump.
 That said, there probably should have been a minor bump so that code can
 test whether an API is present. But minor bumps are totally righteous. No
 problem with those.

OK.  My bad.  I am completely incorrect, and I take the blame for
that.  Sorry.

  If we modularize the MMN, and provide a way for module authors to query
  the MMN at a granular level, most of the MMN bumps become much more
  trivial.  Let me explain what I mean.
 +1 on the concept.
 Along these lines, I've wanted to go into the new provider stuff that Justin
 added and add a provider-version number. That would allow a person to
 register a particular version of a provider. This is especially important
 because I want to make big changes to the mod_dav API, but (today) that
 would imply an MMN bump. If I can introduce a provider API version, then
 changes to the mod_dav interface would not kill the whole server -- just DAV

I would prefer one API for the provider/MMN check, so I will try to throw
something together this week.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 11:40 AM 10/13/2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:
  In the message above, I don't
  think you are advocating a 2.1 branch.  It sounds like you believe that
  we should take the time to finish 2.0 before moving on.  Am I right in
  interpreting it that way?
 Then I want to clarify ... you both object to the statement that developers
 within HTTP should be free to work on what they want.  Obviously, you are
 both stating that we should not introduce 2.1 anytime real soon now.
 Therefore, you are stating that developers are not free to introduce radical
 new code at the present moment, and only things that fit within Apache 2.0
 [subject to perpetual debate over what exactly what fits within 2.0] are open
 for community development efforts.

Bill, I'm sorry, but you aren't reading the e-mails that have been
sent.  You want to branch 2.1 so that people can make radical changes.  We
are saying feel free to create patches with radical changes.  Once people
can see the patches, we can decide if they belong in 2.1, 2.0, or if we
don't want them in Apache at all.

If you want to create the patches in a community, then create a CVS
repository in your home directory.  Please don't call it httpd-2.1,
because you don't get to decide that your efforts are 2.1, that is for the
group to decide.

We are stating quite clearly, that you are free to branch and show us what
you want to do in 2.1.  What we aren't willing to do, is create a 2.1 tree
where everybody is supposed to do their work.  There is a good chance that
the first few attempts at a 2.1 tree will fail and won't ever see the
light of day.

Please finally go back and read the messages where people have explained
why they don't want to branch.  Also, as for the auth stuff, you seem to
have completely ignored that Greg has offered a solution that might create
backwards compat for the users with the new auth work.  You are so focused
on getting a 2.1 branch, that you are ignoring any other solutions to the
problem that you have raised.


 Please see my other post about offering a 2.1 working branch within the 
 httpd-2.0 tree, maintained only by the 2.1 contributors, and please offer 
 your opinions of that solution.
 This would apply to docs as well, since folks interested in documenting
 the demise of mod_access and introduction of mod_authn/authz_foo
 modules would be free to proceed, while not interfering with the primary
 httpd-2.0 docs, and picking up revisions and changes by merging the
 ongoing activity within the httpd-2.0 tree.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 03:33 PM 10/13/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
  At 11:40 AM 10/13/2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:
   In the message above, I don't
   think you are advocating a 2.1 branch.  It sounds like you believe that
   we should take the time to finish 2.0 before moving on.  Am I right in
   interpreting it that way?
  Then I want to clarify ... you both object to the statement that developers
  within HTTP should be free to work on what they want.  Obviously, you are
  both stating that we should not introduce 2.1 anytime real soon now.
  Therefore, you are stating that developers are not free to introduce radical
  new code at the present moment, and only things that fit within Apache 2.0
  [subject to perpetual debate over what exactly what fits within 2.0] are open
  for community development efforts.
 Bill, I'm sorry, but you aren't reading the e-mails that have been
 sent.  You want to branch 2.1 so that people can make radical changes.  We
 are saying feel free to create patches with radical changes.  Once people
 can see the patches, we can decide if they belong in 2.1, 2.0, or if we
 don't want them in Apache at all.
 You haven't read a single email on this thread.  The ENTIRE POINT of this
 thread is that we have a radical change.  Auth.  Two Bills and who knows
 whom all else may concur that we can't reasonably force this change 
 into 2.0 for docs and upgrade reasons.
 So we have a radical change.  I proposed we create 2.1 to incorporate auth.

I've read them all.  We discussed this before the patch was incorporated
into the release.  The majority do NOT believe it is radical enough to
warrant 2.1.  No matter how many times you ask for 2.1 for the auth work,
the majority don't believe it warrants it.

 Please finally go back and read the messages where people have explained
 why they don't want to branch.  Also, as for the auth stuff, you seem to
 have completely ignored that Greg has offered a solution that might create
 backwards compat for the users with the new auth work.
 Greg's post does not address the Docs issue.  I'm waiting for someone
 to offer constructive feedback.  As I wrote in my response to Justin, I did
 try to wrap my brain around documenting both pre and post auth in the
 same /docs-2.0/ tree.  It didn't make any sense.  Perhaps someone else
 can do better.

I will write the docs to handle both.  I commit to having them done by the
end of the week.

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Auth: Start the httpd-2.1 branch finally?

2002-10-13 Thread rbb

On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 --On Sunday, October 13, 2002 9:36 PM -0400 Joshua Slive 
  One more note: I'd like to see the rename of mod_access reversed.
  That just seems like a gratuitous change that hurts users and
  doesn't really help developers.
 Could you please explain why breaking out the authorization (authz) 
 components in a similar fashion to authentication (authn) is a 
 gratuitous change?

Justin, he said the name change was gratuitous, not the change itself.

 I believe mod_authz_host is a much better name for mod_access.  It
 indicates that this module is only dealing with authorization based on
 the remote host components.  mod_access can mean lots of things, but
 the fact that it was solely restricted to hostnames wasn't obvious to
 me from the original module name.  -- justin

It may not have been obvious to you, but anybody who has been using Apache
for the last few years has always known this.  I happen to agree, the name
change does make more sense, but it wasn't necessary for the
patch.  Please change the name back.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: apache 2.0.43: %b not showing bytes sent but bytes requested

2002-10-12 Thread rbb

On 12 Oct 2002, Bojan Smojver wrote:

 On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 18:58, David Burry wrote:
  This should also be a concern for anyone who's using mod_logio to charge for
  bandwidth, because customers should be concerned about some serious
  overcharging going on here!
 Only if you charge for outgoing bandwidth. On incoming bandwidth, I
 think it should be pretty accurate because it won't count what wasn't
 Anyway, I think what's causing this problem is the fact that mod_logio
 calculates the length of all brigades that are ready to be sent out. If
 the sending gets interrupted in the middle, the whole thing gets
 reported, instead of just the buckets/brigades that were actually sent
 out. Maybe I should use (AP_FTYPE_NETWORK + 1) instead of
 (AP_FTYPE_NETWORK - 1) for the output filter (i.e. count after the
 sending, not before). I'll give it a try...

That won't work.  The core_filter will return without calling your


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: apache 2.0.43: %b not showing bytes sent but bytes requested

2002-10-12 Thread rbb

What we are learning here is simple.  We need to do the counting in the
core_output_filter.  If that means adding a field to the conn_rec, or
somehow getting the request_rec in the core_output_filter doesn't
matter.  The count needs to be done in the core_output_filter, by tallying
the amount of data actually written.


On 12 Oct 2002, Bojan Smojver wrote:

 Nope, that doesn't work. The number is always zero.
 On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 12:22, Bojan Smojver wrote:
  Anyway, I think what's causing this problem is the fact that mod_logio
  calculates the length of all brigades that are ready to be sent out. If
  the sending gets interrupted in the middle, the whole thing gets
  reported, instead of just the buckets/brigades that were actually sent
  out. Maybe I should use (AP_FTYPE_NETWORK + 1) instead of
  (AP_FTYPE_NETWORK - 1) for the output filter (i.e. count after the
  sending, not before). I'll give it a try...


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Closing bugs.

2002-10-11 Thread rbb

Please do not mark bugs FIXED unless the problem is actually solved.  I
have noticed that bugs against experimental modules are often being closed
with the explanation that the module isn't really ready for production use
yet.  That isn't a good reason to close a bug.  The bug still exists, but
people trying to fix the modules won't find the bug if it is marked

Bugs should only be marked FIXED if there is code or docs committed that
actually resolved the problem.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: sockets and such

2002-10-10 Thread rbb

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Randall Stewart wrote:

 I am working on getting apache2 (2.0.43) to be able
 to listen on SCTP sockets as well as TCP.
 This involves a small amount of work expanding the
 socket_t to have a protocol field.

It should be possible to do this without any core changes, as an initial
implementation.  One of the goals for Apache 2.0, was to allow the socket
to be abstracted out of the server by a module.  If you create your own
module, that implements listening for an SCTP socket, everything should
just work.

For an example of how to do this, take a look at perchild and how I
inserted the Unix domain socket into the listen_rec list.

 /* XXX this REALLY needs to be uncommnted, but it is causing problems */
 right before a
 in pass_request()
 Now in my poking around I found what the problem was..
 on the recvmsg() side of the socket  in receive_from_other_child()
 the iov[] addresses were all
 set to 0.
 iov[0].iov_base = headers;
 iov[0].iov_base = request_body;
 This is most likely the problem.. I have uncommented the line and fixed
 the above.. Not sure how to test it yet...  but I will let you know if I
 see any problems from it..

THANK YOU!  I forgot about that bug, but this does look like the
problem.  I spent all of my time looking at pass_request(), and completely
ignored receive_from_other_child().   :-(

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Apache and Unix domain sockets

2002-10-10 Thread rbb

uOn Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Bojan Smojver wrote:

 This might sound silly, but can one make Apache 2.0 listen to a Unix domain
 socket instead of a TCP socket?
 I looked through the code that has to do with sockets and it seemed as if that
 was not possible at this point. But I might have missed something...

It is possible.  You will need to use connection-oriented UDP sockets, but
it can be done.  For an example of how to make the server listen on
non-TCP sockets, look at the perchild MPM, and how it deals with Unix
Domain sockets.

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: sockets and such

2002-10-10 Thread rbb

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Randall Stewart wrote:

  On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Randall Stewart wrote:
 I am working on getting apache2 (2.0.43) to be able
 to listen on SCTP sockets as well as TCP.
 This involves a small amount of work expanding the
 socket_t to have a protocol field.
  It should be possible to do this without any core changes, as an initial
  implementation.  One of the goals for Apache 2.0, was to allow the socket
  to be abstracted out of the server by a module.  If you create your own
  module, that implements listening for an SCTP socket, everything should
  just work.
  For an example of how to do this, take a look at perchild and how I
  inserted the Unix domain socket into the listen_rec list.
 Hmm. yes this was one of the things I have looked at.. it is not
 quite as easy as that though..
 The problem is in the fact that SCTP and TCP both use SOCK_STREAM :
 The TCP-Style interface (which is prefered here since apache expects the
 listen/accept model) uses the same type. The only difference is
 the protocol type (third argument to socket()). Now of course
 all socket calls in apache2 use a ,0); as the last arg.. this is
 a base problem. I think the right  fix is to add a protocol type
 and maintain this...

I'm sorry, I wasn't clear.  Because the server only opens the listening
socket in one place, the easiest way to do this, is to completely ignore
Apache.  Just write a module that opens the SCTP socket, and add it to the
listen_rec list.  From that point on, whenever Apache receives a request
over an SCTP socket, it will just use it.

A more long-term approach, is to integrate SCTP into APR, but I don't
really know how prevalent SCTP is.  If it only works on a small set of
platforms, then we are less likely to integrate it into APR, because by
it's very definition, it isn't portable.  There is also the problem that
the only source I have found for SCTP is under the GPL.

 I am getting there.. but I still have a problem.. and this may
 be a config issue.. drats that I did not compile it unchanged first :-0
 I suppose I will have to go re-download a clean copy..
 I get everything working.. the TCP and SCTP sockets open up to
 listen for HTTP requests.. but then somewhere along the line
 the server does its exit.. I guess after forking its children.. but
 at that point the SCTP socket closes.. so do the TCP ones as well :-0
 Thus I suspect a problem in my config...

This doesn't sound like a config problem.  The Apache parent process
starts, and then forks to make itself a daemon.  The forked process then
reads the config, and sets itself and the children up.  That first child
should never die, and that is where the socket is opened.  It sounds like
there is some other problem here.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Whopsie on Darwin/Mac OS X 10.2.1... :-(

2002-10-07 Thread rbb

On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Pier Fumagalli wrote:

 On 7/10/02 21:45, William A. Rowe, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 03:27 PM 10/7/2002, Sander Temme wrote:
  Your HEAD probably uses the glibtool(ize) installation on your local box,
  which on 10.2 by default is 1.4.2. The tarball was built using the FreeBSD
  libtool, which is 1.3.4. This version did not know about Darwin yet and will
  not create any sort of shared library on this platform. The solution is
  building the tarball with a more recent version of libtool.
  Maybe Apache should fail more conclusively if the user wants .so modules and
  the build system can't do them, but that's a different question from getting
  the functionality to work.
  I think the ASF roll environment should bump its libtool. I doubt Darwin is
  the only platform that would benefit from that.
  This is my doing.
  Suggestion; could you offer a patch to build/httpd_roll_release that warns
  the RM that the version of buildconf is too stale?
 Checking against 1.4.2 would be a good-thing(TM) indeed, but doesn't
 guarantee that on certain platforms (such as darwin, where the mainstream
 libtool port doesn't work) this will not break things again...
 We've been playing the libtool game since I started building 2.0. At one
 point or another, it broke things (I remember AIX as well), and as far as I
 know, noone has ever been able to get a patch incorporated into the main
 tree (I mean, removing a couple of  is not a big deal, right?)...
 We can't keep libtool on our CVS as it's GPLed, let's just keep it off
 somewhere, apply the patches _we_ need, and keep our machines updated with
 _our_ version which works _for_us_... Right?

I've got a better idea.  Let's just get jlibtool doing enough so that we
can use it everywhere.   :-)


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

SSL Upgrade support.

2002-10-06 Thread rbb

Just a heads up.  I wrote SSL Upgrade support this weekend for Apache
2.0.  In my (currently) limited testing, things look pretty good.  We
currently respond to all requests correctly, and I think I have the SSL
filters being inserted properly.  However, there are no clients that I
know of that support this feature yet.  My hope was to have time to add it
to Neon this weekend, but it didn't happen.  I won't commit the Apache
code until I can test it with a client, so if anybody wants to
help me implement the client side, or if anybody knows of any clients that
already support this, please let me know.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 9181] - Unable to set headers on non-2XXresponses.

2002-10-04 Thread rbb

Please do not close bug reports without entering some kind of information
about why it is being closed.


On 4 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Unable to set headers on non-2XX responses.
What|Removed |Added
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server core.c

2002-10-01 Thread rbb

On 1 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gstein  2002/10/01 09:24:41
   Modified:server   core.c
   Fix bug in the default handler. POST is not allowed on regular files.
   The resource must be handled by something *other* than the default

-1.  This is going to break PHP.  PHP is a filter now, which means that
the page is served by the default_handler.  Since PHP requests are allowed
to use POST, this is now broken.

As I said before, the bug is in mod_dav, and must be fixed there.


   Revision  ChangesPath
   1.207 +8 -0  httpd-2.0/server/core.c
   Index: core.c
   RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/server/core.c,v
   retrieving revision 1.206
   retrieving revision 1.207
   diff -u -r1.206 -r1.207
   --- core.c  30 Sep 2002 23:43:18 -  1.206
   +++ core.c  1 Oct 2002 16:24:41 -   1.207
   @@ -3259,6 +3259,14 @@

   +/* we understood the POST method, but it isn't legal for this
   +   particular resource. */
   +if (r-method_number == M_POST) {
   +ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
   +  This resource does not accept the POST method.);
if ((status = apr_file_open(fd, r-filename, APR_READ | APR_BINARY, 0,
r-pool)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r,


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

SSL tests failing.

2002-09-30 Thread rbb

I just tried to make a minor change to the server, and test it to ensure
that it didn't break anything.  Unfortunately, the test suite is currently
broken with regard to SSL.

I haven't had time to look into this yet, and probably won't until Tuesday
at the earliest.



550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: SSL tests failing.

2002-09-30 Thread rbb

On Mon, 30 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 --On Monday, September 30, 2002 4:43 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I just tried to make a minor change to the server, and test it to ensure
  that it didn't break anything.  Unfortunately, the test suite is currently
  broken with regard to SSL.
  I haven't had time to look into this yet, and probably won't until Tuesday
  at the earliest.
 Do you have any details?
 The SSL tests pass here.  ssl/basicauth is skipped because it doesn't know 
 about the new auth modules - that's easy enough to fix - will change that 
 now.  -- justin

Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed

ssl/env.t 28   14  50.00%  15-28
ssl/require.t  52  40.00%  2, 5
ssl/varlookup.t   72   72 100.00%  1-72
ssl/verify.t   31  33.33%  2
8 tests and 6 subtests skipped.
*** server localhost:8529 shutdown
!!! error running tests (please examine t/logs/error_log)


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH] add simple ${ENV} substitution during config file read

2002-09-26 Thread rbb

On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

 In the department of scratching old itches - any strong objections to me
 adding the following patch which allows one to do things like
   # httpd.conf
   ServerRoot ${HOME}/apache
   Port ${PORT:=80}
   ErrorDocument 500 Please contact ${CUSTOMER}
 and then
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] PORT=1234 ./apachectl start
 as few, if any, people use ${FOO} constructs in their configuration files
 today - the change is rather harmless.
 But I've found this useful (since 1.3.9 :-).
 Objections ?

Just the one that Dean has been harping on for years.  The config file is
not a language, nor should it be.  If you want things like macro
substitution or env variable substitution, then use a pre-processor.  The
web server shouldn't have to worry about stuff like this.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: UDP ?

2002-09-26 Thread rbb

Serving content over UDP does work with 2.0.  It takes some work, but all
of the required features are there.  However, I modified Apache a couple
of years ago to serve HTTP over UDP, it doesn't work.  The only reason to
serve over UDP with Apache, is to serve a different protocol.

IF you would like a quick little module that creates UDP sockets, and gets
us serving over UDP, I could probably hack something together in a day or
two.  Of course, it will be a couple of months before I get to it.  I just
don't have the time for programming that I used to.  :-(


On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

 Has there been any consideration given to supporting UDP, to allow things
 like HTTP over UDP as described here:
 The idea of HTTP over UDP may seem irrational, but UPnP (which is the
 protocol that is supposed to let your microwave oven discover and control
 your dvd player) relies on exclusively on HTTPU, and I was curious whether
 httpd could be rigged to be upnp capable.
 I saw an earlier short thread about UDP, but could quite figure out where
 it ended.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: How Do I Create A Per-Worker Pool?

2002-09-25 Thread rbb

On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Ian Holsman wrote:

 Leonardo Javier Belén wrote:
  I think I have a question to ask associated to this thread: How can I
  implement a global pool of objects. Let me say it better, I want a global
  pool of database connection, first because I have a limited number of
  connections and second, because I want to be able to dominate the dbms
  accesses. All developed as an ansi C apache module, but I thing is the
  same. I'm running Apache 1.3. Is this the same thing? Leonardo Javier Belen.
 Have a look at apr_reslist.c in the apr-util/misc directory.

apr_reslist.c actually won't work in this case.  He is trying to use
Apache 1.3, which means that the connections would need to be shared
across processes.  In general, it just isn't worth doing a connection pool
with 1.3, because of the overhead of the process model.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: - basename confusion

2002-09-24 Thread rbb

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

   And then try to install (on Solaris) a module as a .so:
 ../a2/bin/apxs -i -n mod_foo
  I would suggest looking at HEAD rather than 2.0.40 as I made changes
  to to explicitly handle this case. will now
  emit a warning rather than error out if you pass it a
  file.  -- justin
 Nice ! Any way of -not- making it need the .la; or being able to do
 without it if it is lost ?

If you already have the .so, why would you use apxs?  The whole point of
apxs, is to build the module, and get it into the source tree.  If all you
are using apxs for, is to edit the config file, I would suggest that there
are better tools available for that job.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH] core_output_filter

2002-09-21 Thread rbb

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Ryan Morgan wrote:

 Thats a good point, I didn't think about that case.  Maybe the safe way is
 to just add a check for APR_TIMEUP?

I would much rather check for EAGAIN than continue to add more codes that
could mean failure.  Or put more succinctly, there are far more ways that
this could fail than there are ways it could succeed.  Call out the
success cases, not the failure cases.


Re: Seg fault in mod_dav.

2002-09-19 Thread rbb

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 07:47:14PM -0700, Greg Stein wrote:
  Okay... I've checked in the change. I'd suggest tossing 2.0.41 and roll this
  fix into a 2.0.42. (I'm not suggesting using HEAD for 2.0.42)
  Something like:
  $ cvs tag -r APACHE_2_0_41 APACHE_2_0_42   # copy the tag
  $ cvs tag -F APACHE_2_0_42 modules/dav/main/mod_dav.c
  Then roll and release 2.0.42.
 Yeah, the only other gotcha I've seen with 2.0.41 is that the CHANGES
 file is wholly incorrect.  Namely that the aaa rewrite isn't in .41.
 +1 for including the mod_dav fix and calling it 2.0.42.  -- justin

+1 for .42

And to make it official, .41 should be classified as an alpha release.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Seg fault in mod_dav.

2002-09-19 Thread rbb

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 10:05 AM 9/19/2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 +1 for .42
 Agreed here, no signs of trouble.
 And to make it official, .41 should be classified as an alpha release.
 All tarballs rolled are Alpha until otherwise released as Beta candidates,
 which remain Beta candidates until they are released as GA code.

yes, and I was stating my desire that .41 never move beyond alpha.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: hep

2002-09-19 Thread rbb



On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Jon Travis wrote:

 Hep pease unscripe !!


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Seg fault in mod_dav.

2002-09-18 Thread rbb

More details.  YAY

First, a stack trace:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 18642)]
0x403cf42f in dav_method_options (r=0x8123470) at mod_dav.c:1762
1762if ((err = (*vsn_hooks-get_option)(resource, elem,
(gdb) where
#0  0x403cf42f in dav_method_options (r=0x8123470) at mod_dav.c:1762
#1  0x403d3424 in dav_handler (r=0x8123470) at mod_dav.c:4507
#2  0x08064db8 in ap_run_handler (r=0x8123470) at config.c:194
#3  0x0806533d in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x8123470) at config.c:401
#4  0x080624c6 in ap_process_request (r=0x8123470) at http_request.c:288
#5  0x0805e28b in ap_process_http_connection (c=0x811d528) at
#6  0x0806d138 in ap_run_process_connection (c=0x811d528) at
#7  0x0806d3e3 in ap_process_connection (c=0x811d528, csd=0x811d458)
at connection.c:207
#8  0x08063a4a in child_main (child_num_arg=0) at prefork.c:696
#9  0x08063b08 in make_child (s=0x80996f0, slot=0) at prefork.c:736
#10 0x08063bfe in startup_children (number_to_start=5) at prefork.c:808
#11 0x08063f0c in ap_mpm_run (_pconf=0x8097950, plog=0x80c19f8,
at prefork.c:1024
#12 0x0806958c in main (argc=4, argv=0xbba4) at main.c:643
#13 0x402943c1 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/

Next, the value of vsn_hooks:

gdb) p vsn_hooks
$1 = (dav_hooks_vsn *) 0x0

Finally, the config and the problem:

Location /svn/repos
Dav svn
SVNPath /svn
# snipped for brevity, not the cuase

The problem is that I was requesting:

svn import mumble

Notice that the config is /svn/repos, but the command is /svn.  There is
no /svn, so I should have gotten a 404 back.


On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Greg Stein wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 06:49:48PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't know if this is in .41 because I haven't had time to test it
  yet.  But, HEAD of mod_dav has an annoying seg fault.  Basically, if you
  send an OPTIONS request for a location that isn't configured for DAV, the
  module seg faults.  I have traced it far enough to know where it is
  happening, but the fix shouldn't require that information.
  Basically, the mod_dav handler should be ensuring that Dav has been given
  a provider for the current location before it tries to handle the request.
  If this bug exists in 2.0.41, then -1 for GA.  I will try to test .41
  later tonight, and to create a patch at the same time.
 I'm not seeing that problem:
 [gstein@roshi test]$ telnet localhost 8080
 Connected to localhost.localdomain (
 Escape character is '^]'.
 OPTIONS /icons/ HTTP/1.0
 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 23:26:28 GMT
 Server: Apache/2.0.41 (Unix) DAV/2
 Content-Length: 0
 Connection: close
 Content-Type: httpd/unix-directory
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 [gstein@roshi test]$
 (I'm not sure that the above code is exactly 2.0.41, but something close)
 I'm updating to HEAD to check this out some more. Can you provide a
 backtrace for what you're seeing?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: mod_custom_log exits too late?

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

On 17 Sep 2002, Brian Pane wrote:

 On Mon, 2002-09-16 at 23:32, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 09:46:47AM -0700, Brian Pane wrote:
   I disagree entirely.  There's no need to let the API keep changing
   continuously, especially not for the sake of correctness.  All of
   our competitors provide API stability.  And as a result, people who
   develop modules for, say, IIS or IPlanet don't need to worry about
   their code breaking with every maintenance release.
  I think you're missing a huge point here.
  You *cannot* tell IIS or iPlanet that their APIs suck.
 Of course you can.  And if you're a big enough customer, your
 server vendor will take your comments seriously enough to improve
 APIs in the next major release.  What a responsible vendor will
 not do, however, is break all their other customers' systems in
 the next maintenance release just because one customer didn't like
 the function signatures.
  You probably
  can't even fix problems in their servers.  You're stuck.
  You *can* tell us that our APIs suck and provide patches on ways to
  improve - especially for 2.0.
 Sure.  And we have an obligation to users and third party developers
 to take constructive input and work it in to future releases in a
 manner that won't break people's systems.

I don't think we are going to end up agreeing.  I also don't think it
matters.  The reality is that you can't get to binary compat without doing
1 of two things.

1)  Wait until the API is ready.
2)  Litter the API with multiple functions that all do the same thing in
slightly different ways.

#2 is bogus, and all it does is to make the API harder to understand.  If
you can somehow manage to acheive binary compat without doing either of
these, then cool.  Otherwise, I would much rather see us choose option #1,
becuause it is less detrimental in the long run.

The example that has been given so far, is the ap_filter_*_register
functions, which had a function pointer added.  The suggestion was that
this could have been done by adding another function.  Yes, it could
have.  But, you wouldn't be able to get rid of those functions until
3.0.  As proof, we had functions from 1.2 that weren't removed until the
2.0 release.  Sorry, but API pollution doesn't excite me.  Between API
pollution and breaking binary compat, I choose the latter.  

Commercial companies can't do this, because users don't have the
source.  Our users do, and we can do this.  If a commercial company wants
to modify Apache to provide binary backwards compat, they can do that, and
as long as they remain within a single major version, the work shouldn't
even be that hard.

The other option, is for us to create an ap_compat.h header again.  This
would provide us with a level of source compat.  I don't know why we
haven't been keeping that file up to date.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: auth stuff still broken

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 I was thinking about this.  What about -eliminating- the mod_authn_default
 and mod_authz_default, merging them into mod_auth, and moving the
 directives from mod_auth_basic and mod_auth_digest into the common
 Mod_auth would further include all of the hooks, and be the common
 module that all other mod_auth_foo, authn and authz modules require.
 Does that make any sense?  I'm certain you will have users misconfigure
 the 'backstop' modules (_default flavors) resulting in insecure servers.
 If the 'backstop' _default auth handlers are always loaded as part of the
 core mod_auth, users will have far fewer problems.

I almost like this, but I wouldn't put it mod_auth.  I would put them in
the core.  The core server has always been the location for our default


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: auth stuff still broken

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Greg Stein wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 10:26:02AM -0700, Aaron Bannert wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 17, 2002 at 01:00:44PM -0400, Ryan Bloom wrote:
Does that make any sense?  I'm certain you will have users misconfigure
the 'backstop' modules (_default flavors) resulting in insecure servers.
If the 'backstop' _default auth handlers are always loaded as part of the
core mod_auth, users will have far fewer problems.
   I almost like this, but I wouldn't put it mod_auth.  I would put them in
   the core.  The core server has always been the location for our default
  +1 for the core, or at least a module that's always statically compiled
  (which is easy to do with the .m4 macros we have).
 Well... as long as core means modules/http/.
 But since our running of auth hooks comes from server/, then this stuff
 could prolly go there as well. IMO, it sucks that our core server knows
 about HTTP authentication and authorization.
 In general: sure, this stuff makes some sense in the core rather than
 default modules.

It should be in server, please.  Remember that many protocol modules use
those same hooks to do their authentication.  Perhaps this re-org should
also try to abstract that stuff out.  But, regardless of whether the
HTTP-part of the authenticatio is abstracted, please leave the hooks in
the /server directory.  At some point, it would be really nice to be able
to build Apache without the /http module.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

RE: Tagged and rolled 2.0.41

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

  I would also recommend a new tarball with the timestamp tweaked. Something
  like so:
  $ tar xzf httpd-tar.gz
  $ touch .../ssl_expr_parse.c
  $ tar czf httpd-tar.gz httpd-...
  That's gonna affect the tarball's MD5 signature tho.
 And the PGP signatures.  Do I hear objections against that?

Just on the basic premise that the tarball has been released.  At this
point, it is available for users.  If we are going to create new tarballs,
then must have a new name.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH]: Update request in connection based filters

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

You don't want to do this.  A connection based filter is connection
oriented.  By definition, it has no concept of a request.  While this
might make sense for HTTP, other protocol modules will have a much harder
time with this change.


On 18 Sep 2002, Bojan Smojver wrote:

 After mucking around a bit with what you suggested, this seemed like the
 straightforward thing to do. Not sure how things would work on internal
 redirects etc. Can you please have a look. I'm sure it's naive, but so
 am I (for now :-)


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH]: Update request in connection based filters

2002-09-17 Thread rbb

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Bojan Smojver wrote:

 I understand. But isn't the ap_read_request HTTP specific given it's creating
 the request and all? In other words, if protocol is HTTP, we let connection
 filter know about the request. If not, we don't. That to me sounds exactly the
 same as your suggestion.
 I must be missing something...

The problem is that the filters aren't HTTP specific.  If you make this
change, then the filters will be written to take advantage of the f-r
field in connection level filters.  Since that field doesn't make sense in
non-HTTP requests, modifying the filter_rec so that it is there is a

Think about it this way.  If you add the request_rec to the
core_output_filter, and that filter is modified to use it, then all
protocol modules must ensure that the request_rec is added to the filter,
even if it doesn't make sense.

If you make it optional to put the request_rec in the filter_rec, then you
will be making it much harder to write filters.


  You don't want to do this.  A connection based filter is connection
  oriented.  By definition, it has no concept of a request.  While this
  might make sense for HTTP, other protocol modules will have a much harder
  time with this change.
 This mail sent through IMP:


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/support htpasswd.c

2002-09-10 Thread rbb

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 01:36 AM 9/10/2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 03:00:51AM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   jerenkrantz2002/09/09 20:00:50
  support  htpasswd.c
 Add ability to htpasswd (via -5) to produce non-obfuscated MD5 hashes.
 mod_auth_digest's passwords can not be obfuscated by the APR magic
 sequence (as we don't call apr_password_validate on them), therefore we
 need a tool to produce true MD5 hex hashes.
 Well, obviously, I needed to go back to mod_auth_digest school as
 htpasswd has nothing to do with mod_auth_digest which uses a
 completely different format.  (I somehow forgot about htdigest.)
 But, I still think producing unobfuscated md5 hashes is a useful
 option, so I'll leave this commit in.  -- justin
 Can it be parsed by mod_auth from an .htpasswd file?
 If not, please revert the commit.

I agree with Bill.  Please revert this commit.  The problem is that
mod_auth can't tell the difference between crypt() and MD5 without the
string, which is why it was added in the first place.  Also, MD5 isn't as
portable as we had originally hoped.  Some of the BSDs have modified their
crypt() algorithm, which uses MD5, to use a slightly incompatible
MD5.  This means that if you try to take a crypt() password file to from a
BSD machine, and move it to another box and try to make it use our MD5
algorithm, it won't work.

550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-10 Thread rbb

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:

 Can we settle down? A donation of code was being offered, and there was
 discussion within the ASF about it, but the status of those discussions
 weren't being folded back to the donator.
 Before we veer off on yet another tangent, can we address the core
 issue? Should the ASF accept the code donation? I believe Greg has
 done a review of said code.

This has been decided already.  It was discussed in the APR PMC, and we
decided to accept the code.  We even decided where to put it.  I
personally disagree with the decision, but it was made by a majority of
the voters, so I will stand by it.  The code has been accepted by the APR
PMC, and it is going into apr-util/html (I believe).


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/support htpasswd.c

2002-09-10 Thread rbb

This message is complete hand-waving.  The point of htpasswd is to create
password files for mod_auth.  It doesn't create password files for use
with other authentication schemes.  More to the point, if anybody ever
uses this option, it will FAIL with mod_auth.  That violates the principle
of least astonishment.  If you don't document it, then it might as well
not be there.


On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 11:57:08AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I agree with Bill.  Please revert this commit.  The problem is that
 And, I think there is power in giving the user the choice to have
 correct MD5 hashes produced.  Not every use of htpasswd is going to
 be fed into apr_password_validate().  If I were to write a new
 auth scheme or a CGI script where the client sends a correct MD5
 hash of their password and I needed to verify that hash, this
 option would be essential.
 It isn't the default (heck, we could remove the option from the
 help or rot13 the option description), but even if it produces
 something not portable with apr_password_validate() but is a correct
 MD5 hash, I think we should allow users to produce it.  -- justin


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: perchild under Solaris 8

2002-09-10 Thread rbb

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:

 At 11:07 AM -0700 9/10/02, Aaron Bannert wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:07:30PM -0400, Jim Jagielski wrote:
  If '-D_XPG4_2 -D__EXTENSIONS__' are added to CPPFLAGS during the configure
  process, perchild will compile relatively cleanly under Solaris 8 and
  result in a binary that actually serves content!! Haven't yet
  playing with using the actual uid/gid aspects of perchild yet.
  I'm looking to see what affects, if any, adding these by default to
  APR and httpd will be... If anyone has some better experience with
  these, please let me know :)
 If that combo works, great, but I have a feeling it will break some
 other things. I have a combo somewhere around here that I am using on
 another module that allows solaris to expose the same file descriptor
 passing semantics, let me see if I can find it.
 I'm also concerned about breakage... Thing is, we're using msghdr for
 the recvmsg() calls.

Yeah, I don't think Solaris uses the same structure/functions for passing
fd's between processes.  I had originally planned to use a Solaris box for
the second port, but I don't have access to one yet.  I keep looking on
e-bay  for a good x86 box though.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Tagged the tree

2002-09-08 Thread rbb

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Chris Taylor wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 - - Original Message - 
 From: Aaron Bannert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 11:22 PM
 Subject: Re: Tagged the tree
  If there are enough people like Chris who want snapshot-like
  tarballs of development tags that we are making, I'd be happy to
  roll unofficial tarballs and stick them up on my site for a few
 +1 :)
 It would be very helpful for me, as I don't currently use CVS at all,
 and I'm not familiar with it. I can't say for sure, but I would think
 that by making tarballs of the tags available, it would encourage
 more people to get involved in testing each tag? After all, the more
 the merrier

Um, the point is we don't want people testing the tags until they have
been blessed as an alpha.  Once it is an actual alpha release, there will
be a tarball for testing.  Te reason we don't want people testing (other
than developers), is that the initial tag is a tool for the developers to
make sure we have a viable tag.  Remember, we used to create tarballs as
soon as things were tagged, and then when we tried to push tags, we would
create a new tarball.

We shouldn't be pushing tags anymore.  The reason we lay an initial tag
(with the developers name, BTW), is so that if we have to change things,
we can just lay another tag with their name and a new number.  The goal
for these releases, is to keep the barrier high, and ensure that
developers have access to what we are going to release soon.  Once the
developers decide the tag is viable, the final tag is laid, and a tarball
is created.  This is when the barrier to entry is low, so that users can
download and test.  Then we vote on quality.

The point is that the tags are cheap, and there should be more tags than
tarballs.  If we make it too easy to get the tags, then we won't be able
to track what people have.  By providing tarballs, we will be going back
to what didn't work months ago.  If you don't or can't use CVS, then you
have to wait for the final tag and roll.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Is it time to split the APR/HTTPD releases ?

2002-09-08 Thread rbb

+1, as soon as both APR and APR-util have a release.


On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Ian Holsman wrote:

 APR now has version management.
 is it time to stop just tagging the HEAD of the apr/apr-util trees
 when we make a release and just use the offically released ones?
 ie.. we would bundle apr 0.9.1 with httpd 2.0.41,
 and possibly further on, not bundle apr in the httpd-tar ball, and
 just document/check the minimum version required?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Tagged the tree

2002-09-07 Thread rbb

Generally, we do not create tarballs of tags, because the tags are meant
to be used by developers before the release is rolled.  The problem with
tarballs, is that once they are created, they can be downloaded, and then
it is very difficult to determine which version of the tarball a user
has.  By restricting things to just CVS tags, we can be sure that only
developers or users who REALLY understad that they aren't getting a
release get the code.  Then, once it has been well tested, we can roll a
tarball for general release.

If you must have a tarball, your best bet is to use the snapshots.  You
won't always get the exact tag, but since there hasn't been any commits
since the tag, you will for this release.


On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Chris Taylor wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is it possible to get this
 tag as a .tar.gz somewhere on
 Downloading the tree via CVS is a slow task for my poor modem :)
 Chris Taylor - The guy with the PS2 WebServer
 - - Original Message - 
 From: Sander Striker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 4:12 PM
 Subject: Tagged the tree
  I tagged the tree today as STRIKER_2_0_41_PRE1.  I'll do some
  testing this weekend myself and will retag for release after
  I get some positive feedback on this tag.
  Greg, could you bump daedalus to this tag next week to see how
  it holds?
 Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: compatibility with C++ modules

2002-09-06 Thread rbb

So I haven't really looked into how it works, but have you looked at


On 6 Sep 2002, Jeff Trawick wrote:

 At about the same time recently that I was doing horrible,
 uncommittable hacks to the build to get Apache 2.0 to support C++
 modules on HP-UX, somebody wrote a PR against Apache 1.3 pointing out
 the same issue I encountered: If httpd is to properly support C++
 modules, it may need to be linked with something other than the C
 compiler front-end, depending on the compiler and the platform.
 Though we probably don't want to be in the business of pretending to
 support C++ modules in general, they certainly work with Apache on
 some platforms and we could at least make it simple for the user to
 specify the command to invoke to link httpd.  This would default to
 the C compiler, but could be forced by the user to be g++ or aCC or
 ?  --with-httpd-linker=g++  ?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Releasing 2.0.41

2002-09-06 Thread rbb

On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Dale Ghent wrote:

 On Fri, 6 Sep 2002, Greg Stein wrote:
 | On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 02:12:10PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 | ...
 |  There are a few other little bugs that I'd like to fix so that 2.0.41
 |  holds most folks for a month or few.  I have no objection if you simply
 |  want to use an interim tag so we consume only the bug fixes.  But it's
 |  possibly easier just to hold off till Monday, if you wouldn't mind.
 | People usually have free time on the weekend, so the release is more easily
 | done then.
 | You can always do a 2.0.42 next week if you'd like.
 argh, we have to remember... Apache 2.0 is GA, not beta!

No, it is not.  Apache 2.0.40 is GA.  Apache 2.0 is a nonentity.  2.0.41
will start out as alpha, then be moved to beta, and finally to GA when and
if we believe it is GA quality.  Do NOT believe that just because 2.0.40
was GA, 2.0.41 will be too.  We specifically said that wasn't true for


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: mod_mime on virtual requests?

2002-09-04 Thread rbb

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 Someone recently brought up the fact that they couldn't add a PHP
 filter to a SVN-served repository via AddOutputFilter.
 I think this is due to the following issues:
 1) type_checker is a run_first rather than run_all.
Any reason why this isn't run_all?  Switching it would allow
mod_dav's hook and mod_mime's hook to run.  I'm not sure what
the reason is for run_first.
 2) mod_mime only looks at the r-filename in find_ct.
What would be nice is if there were a way for mod_mime to
also look at path_info as well.  That may or may not be
wise in all situations but for the SVN case where the resource
isn't file-backed and the rest of the file info is stored in
path-info, that should happen.  (Smells like a config directive.)
 Thoughts?  And I wonder how the hypothetical ap_resource_t would
 play into this.  -- justin 

It is run_first because each response can only have a single content-type,
and the only reason to use that hook is to get the content-type.  This is
also a performance issue.  If mod_mime finds the c-t, then mod_mime_magic
shouldn't be run.

What is mod_dav doing in the find_type hook?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Filters question

2002-09-04 Thread rbb

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Graham Leggett wrote:

 Hi all,
 Is it possible to read brigades from two filter stacks simultaneously?

Yes and no.  The two filter stacks share no data at all, so it is
perfectly safe to call ap_get_brigade on both filter stacks.  However, we
can't poll based on filter stacks (while it is technically possible, it is
VERY difficult to do, and nobody has bothered to implement it yet).  This
means that you will really be calling one filter stack and then the other
until you have all of the data.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: mod_mime on virtual requests?

2002-09-04 Thread rbb

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 09:45:47AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It is run_first because each response can only have a single content-type,
  and the only reason to use that hook is to get the content-type.  This is
  also a performance issue.  If mod_mime finds the c-t, then mod_mime_magic
  shouldn't be run.
  What is mod_dav doing in the find_type hook?
 Actually, all it is doing is setting up the handler based on the
 method.  It doesn't actually do anything with the content-type.
 What would be a better hook then?  -- justin

fixups, that is actually what the fixups phase is designed for.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-09-03 Thread rbb

There are currently two possible avenues.

1)  The code goes into apr-util.
2)  The code goes into a sandbox project.

The APR option is faster, but there is some misgivings about whether it
belongs in apr-util.  The vote was done, and it seems to be accepted, but
Greg was keeping tally, so I don't have the exact numbers about where it
would go.  I _think_, and I could be wrong, that it would be put in
apr-util/html as a separate piece of apr-util.

The second option will take a bit longer, because the sandbox project will
need to be created first.

I have tried to answer without letting any of my personal opinions show in
the message, because that has caused some problems before.  The real
question now, is given those two options, which would you prefer.  Not
saying that your preference is the only factor i the decision, but it
should be taken into account.

There are also some people questioning why we are moving so quickly on
this.  The general feeling is that we should find the best fit before
taking the code.  If you are in a rush, then that would change things, but
the understanding was just that you wanted to be kept in the loop about
what is happening.

Keep pinging, but the conversation is on-going, and very active, so there
is little chance that it won't happen.  It is really just a matter of time


On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Jon Travis wrote:

 Any word on this?  (take 2)
 -- Jon
 On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 08:32:16PM -0700, Jon Travis wrote:
  Hi all...
  Jon Travis here...
  Covalent has written a pretty keen HTML parser (called el-kabong) 
  which we'd like to offer to the ASF for inclusion in APR-util (or
  whichever other umbrella it fits under.)  It's faster than 
  anything I can find, provides a SAX stylee interface, uses
  APR for most of its operations (hash tables, etc.), and has a
  pretty nice testsuite.  We use it in our code to re-write HTML on 
  the fly.  I would be the initial maintainer of the code.
  Please voice any interest, thanks.
  -- Jon


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [VOTE] Location of aaa rewrite

2002-09-03 Thread rbb

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 Please vote:
 [X] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.0.
 [ ] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.1.


Re: [VOTE] Location of aaa rewrite

2002-09-03 Thread rbb

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Chris Taylor wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
  [ ] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.0.
  [X] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.1.
 My view is that it's important to keep 2.0 stable to attract new
 users, and breaking things all the time won't help :)

Can I ask a stupid question?  What have we actually broken since Apache
2.0 went GA?  Binary compatibility?  How many functions?  How many of
those were APR and not Apache?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [VOTE] Location of aaa rewrite

2002-09-03 Thread rbb

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

  On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Chris Taylor wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
[ ] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.0.
[X] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.1.
   My view is that it's important to keep 2.0 stable to attract new
   users, and breaking things all the time won't help :)
  Can I ask a stupid question?  What have we actually broken since Apache
  2.0 went GA?  Binary compatibility?  How many functions?  How many of
  those were APR and not Apache?
 Sure, both source and binary compatibility were broken numerous times.
 Check the PHP bug database for umpteen reports on each breakage.

Okay, but how is that different from early releases of 1.3?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [VOTE] Location of aaa rewrite

2002-09-03 Thread rbb

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

  On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Chris Taylor wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

  [ ] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.0.
  [X] Check in aaa rewrite to 2.1.

 My view is that it's important to keep 2.0 stable to attract new
 users, and breaking things all the time won't help :)
Can I ask a stupid question?  What have we actually broken since Apache
2.0 went GA?  Binary compatibility?  How many functions?  How many of
those were APR and not Apache?
   Sure, both source and binary compatibility were broken numerous times.
   Check the PHP bug database for umpteen reports on each breakage.
  Okay, but how is that different from early releases of 1.3?
 I don't know, but you asked the question which sort of implied that
 nothing had been broken.

Okay, I was actually trying to imply that while we had broken stuff, we
hadn't broken that much, and that some modules would actually still work
(Except for the MMN).


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: authn/authz split

2002-08-30 Thread rbb

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 At 01:48 AM 8/30/2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
 Since no one had any feedback to the earlier posts about splitting
 the auth modules into authn/authz, I decided to just call it authn
 (old auth) and authz (what Dirk called access). (expanded)
 This is an extension over Dirk's aaa.tar.gz that he posted.  It
 does *not* add the provider API.
 - apr_lib.h isn't where apr_password_validate is, it's apr_md5.h.
 - renamed mod_access* to mod_authz*
 - mod_access.c-mod_authz_default.c
 - mod_auth.c-mod_auth_basic.c
 - removed all internal prefixes on the config_recs
 - style cleanup
 - AuthUserFile will be a bit wonky until mod_auth_basic is refactored with
provider support.
 My plan is to commit this tomorrow AM and then add in the provider
 support shortly thereafter.  Any new files will be created from
 scratch rather than try to keep revision history.  When we get
 done with this, the code won't look anything like what it was before.
 Any objections?
 Only one veto here.  If it destabilizes the server, and we cannot react
 to new security incidents, that's not acceptable.  Your next comment...
 I imagine auth may be a little wonky until this settles down, but
 once it settles down, we can ensure we're backwards-compat with the
 old aaa system.  No one other than Aaron and myself seem interested
 in calling this 2.1, so we stay at 2.0 with this and potentially not
 having directive back-compat if it doesn't shake out.  -- justin
 ...scares me.  Now that it's GA, we should really be treating the 2.0 tree
 with the same respect and caution we use on the 1.3 tree.
 It's time for a 2.1-dev tree, if we want to be playing with new ideas, guys.
 If they test out clean and don't break compatibility [in any significant way]
 then they can be backported to 2.0.

The 1.3 tree didn't become stable for many releases after the initial
release.  We definately didn't treat it with the respect and caution that
we now use until well after the first alphas for 2.0 came out, which was
years after the first 1.3 release.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: 2.1 repository?

2002-08-30 Thread rbb

  Look at all of the repositories we created that are still left
  The apache-apr and apache-nspr repositories were fairly short-lived.
  I wasn't around when they were created, so perhaps the intention
  really was that they would be the 'next big thing.'
 Not sure about apache-apr, but IIRC apache-nspr was a combination of
 next big thing and sandbox for trying out this fancy styff.

apache-nspr was Dean's attept at Apache 2.0, but it was corrupted by the
NSPR license.  Apache-apr was Manoj, Bill, and my first attempt at Apache
2.0 with APR.  Both repositories were meant to become Apache 2.0, and both
include MANY lessons learned while introducing threads into Apache.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: what's the hubbub? (was: Re: 2.0/2.1 split)

2002-08-30 Thread rbb



On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:

 Ian Holsman wrote:
  what we need most is a stable tree for a couple of months not spliting 
  out to a 2.1 tree


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: perchild on Darwin, hmmm

2002-08-30 Thread rbb

That is awesome!  The code is REALLY crufty still, but it would be great
to get more eys on it.  Fair warning, it is REALLY fragile still.   Happy
hacking.  :-)


On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Jim Jagielski wrote:

 Except for the poll.h header line, perchild compiled quite nicely on
 Darwin (Jaguar - 10.2). Also confirmed that it serves pages. Have *NOT*
 yet checked to see if the perchild specific goodies actually work yet.
 Next on the list :)
 Wish there were at least 5 hours more per day...  ;)


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: El-Kabong -- HTML Parser

2002-08-29 Thread rbb

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:

   Justin and I have both given our thumbs up. The question is now where to put
   the thing. A few people say APR, and few don't like that. A few say httpd,
   and a few don't like that. Bleh :-)
  I'm 100% comfy with the landing spot being in APR, as a compliment to
  the XML routines.
 +1 from me, I prefer APR actually.

I am really uncomfortable with this going under the APR project.  As
things stand right now, it just doesn't fit with what we have stated our
goals to be.

If you want to change our stated goals, then go ahead and do it.  Just
committing code that doesn't fit with our goals isn't the way to do that.

I will make one exception to that statement.  If it lands inside of
APR-util, under the XML directory, and it is made to work with the XML
parser, I can accept that landing spot.  As it fits in closer with our
goals (I think).  Jim, I can't decide if this is what you meant or not.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Going to 2.1? was Re: authentication rewrite

2002-08-28 Thread rbb

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Aaron Bannert wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 12:25:36PM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
  branches in CVS are awful (perhaps not so with SVN though).
 I have only heard anecdotal evidence for this, but have actually
 used cvs branches on other large and very successful projects
 before. (*cough* PHP! *ahem*). I'd rather see a cvs branch than
 a whole new copy of the repository. We can wait until the 3.0
 cycle to switch to SVN or start a new repository if we want.
  Not to mention our repository is httpd-2.0 - I don't think it makes
  sense to have a 2.1 in there.  
  I'm not entirely sold on splitting off to a 2.1 yet, but I think we
  now have something where it is worth discussing it.  -- justin
 I'd really like to see us start attacking smaller-grain problems
 and releasing those features more often, rather than lining up years
 and years of ooh me too and this too until we've got bugs coming
 out of our ears and nothing stable out the door for our users and
 testers. IMHO, a new auth framework is a *perfect* target for the
 next milestone, and it makes sense to call it 2.1.
 Any other opinions?

Just the same one I've had all along.  Fix it in 2.0.  If it is a major
config change, then we document it.  We have made changes like this


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Is anybody getting CVS commit messages?

2002-08-27 Thread rbb

I realized earlier today that I haven't been seeing commit messages.

Is anybody getting these messages?



550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Counting bytes_sent in core output_filter Re: [PATCH: Apache2.0] mod_log_config: input/output bytes

2002-08-21 Thread rbb

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 12:27:29AM -0700, Brian Pane wrote:
  The remaining problem is: how can we identify the request_rec from
  within core_output_filter()?  Within that filter, f-r is NULL.  I
  have some ideas for solving this by putting some metadata in the
  brigade to associate each EOS with the corresponding request.
  But is there a better solution that already exists for getting
  the request_rec?
 Actually, I thought it was already fixed, but you're right the
 connection filters don't yet have access to f-r.
 My thought would be when we create the request, we go through the
 filter stack and 'fixup' all filters in the output_filters chain
 to point at the right request_rec.  Seems easy enough, but I'm not
 100% sure that is clean enough.  -- justin

You don't really want to do that.  The problem is that a connection can
have multiple requests, which means that if you have a CONNECTION_FILTER
with access to the request_rec, at some point, it will have invalid
information about the current request (i.e. in between requests).

The CONNECTION filters specifically do not have access to the request_rec,
because they shouldn't be doing anything with the requests.

To solve the original problem, just look for ap_check_pipeline_flush, and
around that function (or in the core's log_transaction phase), just reset
c-bytes_sent to 0.  If you do it in the core's log_transaction phase,
just make sure that the function is registered AP_HOOK_REALLY_LAST.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Adding apreq-2 to httpd-2.0

2002-08-21 Thread rbb

On 21 Aug 2002, Jeff Trawick wrote:

 Joe Schaefer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The apreq developers would like to see apreq-2 [*] 
  make its way into the apache 2 distribution.  Here's why:
 Did you consider adding it to apr-util? (probably a dumb idea, but I'm
 interested in what other people think)

I would think that this would be a better match for apr-serf.


Re: reading post data

2002-08-19 Thread rbb


I already answered your question through Jim Harter at Covalent.   You
cannot pass information from an input filter to the access checker,
because the input filter runs during the handler phase, and the
access_checker function runs long before that.

You will need to do your access checking as a part of the input filter,
and deny access within the access checker.  As I told you, the HTTP_IN
filter has a couple of examples of how to do this.

While it is true that there isn't much information available for writing
input filters, the best source currently available is the filters used in
Apache itself.


On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Arliss, Noah wrote:

 I have been working on a port to Apache 2.0 for some time now and have run
 into a road block that I would like to get feedback on. I need to run my
 module in the access_checker hook with the ability to read in Post data in a
 non-destructive manor. In apache 1.3 this was possible by hacking the
 request structure and putting the post data back for ap_get_client_block to
 read again. In Apache 2.0 this does not appear possible and I've been told
 to look at input filters. So I was wondering if it would be possible to
 somehow read data in my input filter and then pass it along to the
 access_checker phase? When are input filters executed? I'm hoping this will
 spark a discussion on the new apache 2.0 architecture here, since there is
 not a lot of information out there about filters yet and I'm sure others
 will benifit from this discussion.
 Thanks in advance for the help,
 Noah Arliss


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Question about command parsing in mod_ext_filter.

2002-08-19 Thread rbb

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

 Don't we -already- have some argv parsing code in either proc.c or the mod_cgi
 that could be used for this purpose???  Let's make that exported, accessible
 code from apr itself.

We already have it, and it is exported from APR.  Look in
strings/apr_cpystrn.c for apr_tokenize_to_argv.


 At 03:31 PM 8/19/2002, Paul J. Reder wrote:
 After fixing the parse_cmd code to be able to handle escaped quotes (so that
 it would process the full
   /bin/awk '{print NR\: \ $N}'
 instead of just
   /bin/awk '{print NR\
 (and then an error for the : \ $N}' part)) I ran into what appears to be
 the next problem.
 In parse_cmd it runs
  /* parms now has the command-line to parse */
  while (filter-numArgs  30 
 strlen(filter-args[filter-numArgs] = 
  ap_getword_white_nc(p, parms))) {
 to break the command string into an args list of tokens. This code uses 
 *only* white
 space as delimeters. Thus the input command string
   /bin/awk '{print NR\: \ $N}'
 gets broken into
 The question I have is, shouldn't this break down into either
'{print NR\: \ $N}'
'{print NR\
: \
 The above listed pieces end up as the args list passed on the apr_proc_create
 Paul J. Reder
 The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each
 citizen to defend it.  Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do
 his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.
 -- Albert Einstein


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH] UDP support

2002-08-14 Thread rbb

On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Ian Holsman wrote:

 Ryan Bloom wrote:
  I don't believe that this should be incorporated into the core
  server.  The core of Apache is an HTTP server, which means that it should
  only know how to listen on TCP sockets.  The support is there however, for
  other socket types to be added to the server.  For the UDP case, your
  protocol module should implement it's own listen directive, to allow
  people to add UDP sockets for your protocol module.  Then, the protocol
  module can set the accept_function pointer in the listen_rec, which in
  this case should be set to unixd_udp_connect.  Now, when the server
  returns from apr_poll, it will automatically call the correct function for
  the current socket type. 
 I think we should get the patches that affect APR in the codebase as 
 currently I don't think we can create a udp socket properly, and then we 
 can discuss how http should listen on a UDP port.
 ryan.. are you happy with the changes to APR that this patch provides?

Definately not in favor of the bucket changes.  A UDP bucket should have
it's own bucket type IMHO.  As for the APR-proper changes, I need to look
at them in more detail before I can give an educated opinion.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: daedalus is running httpd-2.0.pre40

2002-07-21 Thread rbb

 I guess I wasn't clear.  I have automation that creates a new conf/, then copies
 in httpd.conf* from the production conf/ with appropriate edits.  So my conf/
 directory exists, but doesn't contain mime.types (or several other files which
 aren't relevant on daedalus).
 make install runs after that.  It used to copy in everything except the
 httpd.conf file, which worked perfectly for me.  Now it doesn't copy *any* of
 the conf/* files because the directory exists.  It would be better if we did
 this on a more granular level, i.e. check to see if the individual file exists
 in the target dir, then copy/don't copy as appropriate.
 If we had a customized mime.types, I wouldn't want it to get clobbered.  I think
 the old code would have done that.  

The old code was blowing away everything in the directory on my
machine.  BTW, the current logic is precisely what 1.3 does, which is why
I added it.  If you have an existing conf/ directory, the assumption is
that you have been using it to run Apache.

The situation that you are trying to protect against is most likely not
standard.  My question, is why isn't your automation just copying the
whole conf/ directory?


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0

2002-07-21 Thread rbb

On 19 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 gregames2002/07/19 08:11:58
   Install mime.types and magic in conf/ if they don't already exist.
   This also re-enables existing logic to always install *-std.conf with
   substitutions made.  These are then copied into *.conf (without the -std) if
   that file doesn't already exist.

This is completely bogus IMO.  You are working around a problem with your
automation script in Apache.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0 STATUS

2002-07-17 Thread rbb

On 17 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 trawick 2002/07/17 15:15:01
   somebody please tell me I don't know how to read C code anymore
   (I guess the pool for an Apache socket will grow on every read/write
   operation that would block.)

   +* apr_poll() grows the pool (e.g., pchild or the thread's pool) on
   +  each call...  Apache MPMs don't have logic to work around this
   +  issue.

Well the goal was to optimize out that palloc over time, which just
requires some profiling to find the most likely cases.  Also, on platforms
with alloca, we can allocate the pollset on the stack.  All of this has
been spelled out on the list, but I haven't had the time to do it yet.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610


2002-07-06 Thread rbb

On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

   What is a dynamic page if not a PHP page?
  Like I said, Apache doesn't know if a file on disk is meant for PHP or
  not.  The best way to fix this would be for mod_php to set the value if
  the filter is added for the request.
  I agree, it would be cool if Apache could set this correctly based on
  the filters that have been added for the request.
 Seems like there should be an API call where a filter can specify whether
 it is a dynamic one or not as opposed to specifically flipping the
 acceptpathinfo bit.

We just added a new function for all input filters to allow this to be
done (Justin referenced it in his reply).  However, that function doesn't
solve the problem, because there should be an ap_filter_is_dynamic(r) that
hides the implementation details for all filters.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server core.c

2002-06-14 Thread rbb

On 15 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rbb 2002/06/14 22:49:06
server   core.c
   Make the default_handler catch all requests that aren't served by
   another handler.  This also gets us to return a 404 if a directory
   is requested, there is no DirectoryIndex, and mod_autoindex isn't
   PR: 8045
   Submitted by:   Justin Erenkrantz

Just to clarify.  There was a comment in PR 8045 that returning 500 was
better than 404 if a directory exists, but there is no index.  I
completely disagree.  Users see a 500, and they get scared.  IMO, a 404
means that we could not find a valid response, which is this case
exactly.  Plus, this matches what we did in 1.3, and users expect it.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: HEAD of a CGI script returning Content-Length?

2002-06-12 Thread rbb

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 I noticed that when issuing a HEAD request on a CGI page (trying
 unsuccessfully to reproduce the showstopper), the Content-Length is
 not returned.
 RFC 2616 Section 9.4:
 The metainformation contained in the HTTP headers in response to a
 HEAD request SHOULD be identical to the information sent in response
 to a GET request.
 Obviously, there's wiggle-room here, but we could be nice and send
 the Content-Length.  This does make the cost of a HEAD be equivalent
 to a GET (except for network I/O), but it ensures identical headers
 returned to the client.  (Apache 1.3 doesn't send C-L either...)
 Thoughts?  -- justin

This has been discussed before, and every time it is, we state
unequivicably that we need to return the C-L.  Not because the spec says
we need to, but because it is the correct thing to do.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: [PATCH] Switch DAV PUT to use brigades

2002-06-04 Thread rbb

   +if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
   +seen_eos = 1;
   +/* Ahem, what to do? */
   +if (APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(bucket)) {
  No need to test for this. You'll just get zero-length buckets. If an
  important metadata bucket *does* get generated in the future, then we'd want
  to be explicitly testing for and handling it (like what is being done for
  the EOS bucket). Until then, we don't have to worry about them.
 Um, I think the approach has been that you can't read from
 metadata buckets.  That they may give you data back or they may
 not, but they certainly shouldn't be handled if you don't know
 what to do with them.  This comes out of what little I've seen
 of the conversation with Cliff and Ryan.  I may have it wrong,
 but I think someone said at some point that metadata may indeed
 respond to bucket_read with data, but that data shouldn't be
 construed as part of the input stream.  I'm thoroughly confused
 at this point about what metadata buckets are.

No, currently o metadata bucket responds to a read with data, and the way
the metadata flag was implemented, it isn't possible for a metadata bucket
to have data.

I don't know the code well enough to know if this is implemented
correctly, but the rule follows:

All filters must make sure that all metadata buckets that they do not
handle are sent to the next filter. If a previous filter created an error
bucket, then that bucket must be sent to the next level. 


Re: Stripping Content-Length headers

2002-05-05 Thread rbb

On Sun, 5 May 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

 On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 06:26:53PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The filter should remain regardless of whether there is a C-L, because we
  use that filter to determine exactly how much data was sent through the
  filter stack.  That is useful information, and it doesn't hurt performance
  in any meaningful way (We are just looping through the brigade).  However,
  the filter should be smart enought to leave the C-L alone, unless it is
 Okay, I guess.  I do think it'd cause a performance hit though.
 But, I won't push it.  I don't see the need for it though.
 However, I'm more concerned that we'll be buffering data on
 HTTP/1.0 requests that already have a C-L.  This would be
 enormously expensive when we could have streamed the data
 to the network rather than holding on to it until EOS is
 seen.  -- justin

Take a closer look at the filter.  We almost never actually buffer data in
the C-L filter.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: Official Release: Apache 2.0.35 is now GA

2002-04-07 Thread rbb

Congrat's on the baby.  :-)


On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Ian Holsman wrote:

 Greg Stein wrote:
  It's my pleasure to announce that the Apache Software Foundation's Apache
  HTTP Server, version 2.0.35, has now been released for General Availability.
 Gees guys..
 you leave for a couple of days to have a baby and all hell
 breaks loose
 Congrats to all!
  The Apache 2.0 project has been in-the-works for nearly three years.  It has
  been a long and sometimes arduous process to reach this point.  Many, many
  people have contributed their time and effort to bring us to this point.
  The HTTPD Project signed off today on the 2.0.35 release, and recommends it
  for use on production websites.  2.0.35 is now considered our best release
  and should be used in preference to all older versions (including the 1.3
  The Apache 2.0 series brings new features to the ASF's HTTP server:
- higher performance over 1.3
- multiple operational models: threaded, hybrid processes/threads, and
  specific request processing for Windows, Netware, BeOS, and OS/2
- integrated SSL and WebDAV support
- improved HTTP proxy support
- I/O layering and filtering
  You can find more information, and download the server, from our website:
  On behalf of all the current and past developers, we'd like to thank all
  those involved with the project, and the millions(!) of users out there.
  The Apache HTTP server wouldn't enjoy its popularity without all of you!
  Greg Stein
  Director of the ASF


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/server/mpm/winnt mpm_winnt.c

2002-03-19 Thread rbb

On 20 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wrowe   02/03/19 20:29:55
   Modified:server/mpm/winnt mpm_winnt.c
 When restarting [always graceful on Win32], we don't repeat pre_mpm
 (Unix doesn't, we shouldn't either.)  [Ryan Bloom]

   -if ((parent_pid == my_pid) || one_process) {
   +/* ### If non-graceful restarts are ever introduced - we need to rerun 
   + * the pre_mpm hook on subsequent non-graceful restarts.  But Win32 
   + * has only graceful style restarts - and we need this hook to act 
   + * the same on Win32 as on Unix.
   + */
   +if (!restart  ((parent_pid == my_pid) || one_process)) {
/* Set up the scoreboard. */
if (ap_run_pre_mpm(pconf, SB_SHARED) != OK) {
return 1;

While I agree with this patch, you also need to kill the cleanup on the
scoreboard, so that it isn't set to NULL when pconf is cleared.  And, you
need to find some way to pass the scoreboard back to the child process
because you are about to start a new one.


550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

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