Re: [l10n-dev] updated

2005-01-20 Thread Robert Ludvik
Pavel Janík wrote:
I have just updated the page
according to latest info I have received. If you have any new data 
for the table of supported languages, please let me know.
me too, me too :-)
Slovenian team started to work on 2.0 PO files.
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2005-01-27 Thread Robert Ludvik
I run to migrate 1.x Online help translations to 2.0 and I
have some questions:
$perl sl sl-SI > log.txt

After that I read log.txt and found:
All lines in log file: 2548 (2551-3 in log file 'header')
ERRORS: 1283 and of that:
"Files do not match for": 790
"Inline Elements do not match for": 450
"No English file for": 43
ERROR Files do not match for /simpress/main0113.xml (en=11 sl=9)
ERROR Inline Elements do not match for /simpress/main0104.xml Ref 5 (en=4 sl=1)
ERROR No English file for /simpress/01/1311.xml

Can any of this errors be solved and migration script re-run so there can be
migrated as many translations as possible? I'm not sure what
script actualy compare (I'm a bad Perl reader :-)

In 2.0/sl folder after migration there are only translated help files. Can these
files be copied to 2.0/01 folder and existing files in 2.0/01 overwriten?  What
tools can be used to translate these files? Will 'PO system' be used too?
Robert Ludvik

AUFBIX:  "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...)

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Re: [l10n-dev] General l10n question

2005-01-27 Thread Robert Ludvik
Anton I. Danilov pravi:
Hi all,
I've got two questions about the localization tools.
First, what editor is the best suitable for UTF-8 encoded files, like sdf-files 
from the OpenOffice UI?
In Linux vim, Emacs, Kate (if you use KDE)...
In Windows UniRed (check§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0)

Are there any tools to count words a) in a UTF-8, tab-delimited files, b) a pack of XML files, 
> stored in a directory structure
wc. If you use Windows, you can get 
with many great tools from *nix :-)

I need to count unique words, omitting the words from XML-tags, preferably omitting words in 
> specific language and counting only the specified language.
cat, wc, uniq, grep -v (for omitting), | for piping :-)
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] General l10n question

2005-01-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Anton I. Danilov pravi:
Thanks a lot, I'll try playing around with these tools. I used wc, but didn't know about uniq.
Everybody should read poems :-)
I've found this rime once in "ABC's of UNIX":
U is for uniq which is used after sort, and
V is for vi which is hard to abort.
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[l10n-dev] OOo 2.0 PO and helpcontent2

2005-02-03 Thread Robert Ludvik
Our team member Urska has done some analysis about translation of OOo
2.0 PO and we have some questions:
In 2.0 there is app. 58.000 msgids. If Kbabel is run with 100%
matching on PO files from 1.1.4, app. 22.000 msgids are translated
automaticlly. From 36.000 untranslated msgids, 32.000 are from 
helpcontent2 module.
Is it enough to translate everything *except* helpcontent2 module to 
get tanslated GUI? Are in helpcontent2 'only' messages for Online help?
This way (translation of 4.000 messages) the 2.0 GUI is relatively 
quickly translated and help can be translated afterwards.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] add-ins and add-ons

2005-02-06 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi all,
I wonder about the translation of "add-in" and "add-on".
What is the difference, if any? And what is the difference with a plug-in?
Wikipedia doesn't make difference between 'add-on' and 'plug-in'. I 
belive that 'add-in' can be understand the same way. Firefox uses 
'extensions' - it is translated different but allow the same: extend, 
upgrade... the basic funcionality.
Are all these strings in OOo sources?

Vriendelijke groet,
Simon Brouwer
--> <--
Robert Ludvik
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[l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-02-26 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi again
migratel10nhelp README says:
# What you will get:
# --
# A directory with the localized help files in 2.0 format.
# But please note:
# The files only contain elements that could be
# migrated and that need localization. So you will end
# up with _incomplete_ help files. You will need to merge
# those file with the English 2.0 files. After merging
# you should have mixed language help files containing
# English and localized content as well as the structural
# elements that do not need localization
After I run I get .xhp files in 2.0/sl/ folder. Did 
anyone merge these files with 2.0/01/ XML files? How?
And after files are merged - can POT/PO files be created with "English 
and localized content as well as the structural elements that do not 
need localization" in helpcontent2 folder?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Serbian Localization

2005-04-06 Thread Robert Ludvik
A. Prusac wrote:
Hello World!
Did anybody have any information about Serbian localization
of 2.0?
Branko Tanovic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) was active on OOo1.x...
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] OOo 2.0 localization timeline

2005-04-14 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
again we want to release OOo 2.0 in as many languages as possible, so 
please provide me with your latest translated GSI / SDF file. Your file 
will be merged into our translation database and reflected into the 
source code by a l10n childworkspace.

 >>> The deadline for providing GSI / SDF files is 2005/5/20 <<<
What to do:
We would like to have all strings translated until 20.5. but...
I still didn't get any answer about migration of localized help from 
1.x to 2.0 so we'll start to translate PO files in helpcontent2 module 
from begining and will copy/paste as much as posible. This is the only 
way we see.
Until 20.5. I guess we can provide everything (all other modules) but 
helpcontent2, which is not what we want but what we can achieve (we 
are aware that this mean that some pieces like Extended tips and Tools 
- ... will not be localized).
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-15 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
Hi Robert,
Robert Ludvik wrote:
After I run I get .xhp files in 2.0/sl/ folder. Did 
anyone merge these files with 2.0/01/ XML files? How?
Copy those generated files into a helpcontent2 directory ( over the 
English ones ), run an extract and generate a sdf file like:

localize_sl -e -l en-US -f /tmp/myfile
After that grep in your sdf file for all ^helpcontent2 strings and 
rename 'en-US' to 'sl'
You can generate from your sdf file the POT/PO files, see Pavels blog 
entry regarding this.
Hope that helps,
Thanks a lot Ivo. I'll give it a try.
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-19 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
Hi Robert,
Copy those generated files into a helpcontent2 directory ( over the 
English ones ), run an extract and generate a sdf file like:

localize_sl -e -l en-US -f /tmp/myfile
OK, before this one I had to replace sl-SI with en-US in generated 
.xhp files, otherwise localize_sl didn't put translated strings from 
.xhp in /tmp/myfile.

After that grep in your sdf file for all ^helpcontent2 strings and 
rename 'en-US' to 'sl'
OK, now I have all strings (english and translated) for helpcontent2 
module in myfile-hc2.sdf, replaced en-US with sl-SI.

You can generate from your sdf file the POT/PO files, see Pavels blog 
entry regarding this.
If I use oo2po on myfile-hc2.sdf like
oo2po -imyfile-hc2.sdf -opot_dir -lsl_SI -P
I get translated strings in msgid but I'd like them in msgstr with 
english strings in msgid :-) How can I get this?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] l10n without helpcontent?

2005-04-19 Thread Robert Ludvik
Yury Tarasievich wrote:
Is it acceptable to submit GSI/SDF for the *new* language, not having the 
helpcontent part? I've seen the deadline is May 20, is it right? So I'm 
fairly confident that the main content (Belarusian) would be ready, however 
helpcontent is quite another story.
I guess it is acceptable (I was asking this before too :-) but you 
should be aware that some things seen in GUI (I think in Tools - ...) 
will not be localized since some strings that are used there are in 
helpcontent2 module. And Extended tips too.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-20 Thread Robert Ludvik
David Fraser wrote:
The -l option takes two languages, the source and target language.
So try:
oo2po -i myfile-hc2.sdf -o po_dir -l en-US,sl_SL
Note that you don't want -P as these won't be POT files but will have 

Hope that helps, let me know if it doesn't work...
oo2po -i myfile-hc2.sdf -o po_dir -l en-US,sl-SI
gives errors "language not found: en-US".
Probably because I have only sl-SI in a SDF file.
If I run localize_sl like this:
localize_sl -e -l en-US,sl-SI -f /tmp/myfile
I get two lines (for en-US and sl-SI) but strings are in *both* cases 
either in english or in slovenian language.
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in slovenian
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in slovenian

grep ^helpcontet2 to myfile-hc2.sdf
and oo2po -i myfile-hc2.sdf -o po_dir -l en-US,sl-SI
puts "String_in slovenian" in msgid and msgstr (which means that oo2po 
runs OK :-)

How can I get a SDF file in format:
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in slovenian
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-20 Thread Robert Ludvik
David Fraser wrote:
Robert Ludvik wrote:
How can I get a SDF file in format:
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in slovenian
This is a good question!
> I think it would be better to enable localize to leave out the
> language in the output if the translation is not present.
> Then oo2po will pick up that no translation is present and will 
give > a blank msgstr.
I agree with this one.

But given the current situation, I presume it is producing English in 
the sl-SL lines because your translations haven't been merged.
You could merge the sl-SL sdf into the source using localize -m and then 
extract it again using localize -e, but this will still give you some 
English strings.
I'll try this. If I get it right:
localize -m -l sl-SI
localize -e -l en-US,sl-SI
and this results in SDF format like:
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in slovenian
if it was migrated translation from 1.x .xhp and
helpcontent2 ... en-US ... String_in english
helpcontent2 ... sl-SI ... String_in english
if it was *not* migrated translation from 1.x .xhp.
After oo2po there would be PO file:
msgid "String_in english"
msgstr "String_in slovenian"
msgid "String_in english"
msgstr "String_in english"
First pair of msgid/msgstr is a charm and second is OK - we'll have to 
check and translate all entries but we should do it anyway.

Or you could cat the plain English and plain Slovenian (your version) 
SDF files together and sort the result, which oo2po should then be able 
to handle. Note that this may confuse the current release, so please let 
me know how this works. (It should be OK if you specify the languages on 
the command line).
I'll try this one too.
Hope that helps
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] l10n without helpcontent?

2005-04-20 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
Robert , Yury
I recommend to concentrate on a perfect consistent GUI first instead of 
having 80 % GUI / 60 % help translated, but this is up to you. So yes it 
is acceptable to submit GSI/SDF without helpcontent2 !
Sure, GUI is no. 1 but we'd like to have help translated ASAP since 
last year we got some money (well, hardware) from our state 
institutions :-)
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-21 Thread Robert Ludvik
David Fraser wrote:
I'll try this. If I get it right:
localize -m -l sl-SI
localize -e -l en-US,sl-SI
and this results in SDF format like:
localize -m -l sl-SI -f /tmp/myfile-sl-SI.sdf
printed only a few lines ('header' of localize_sl with basic 
information) occupated CPU with 99% and nothing happend for 20 mins 
:-) I use SRC680_m94.
I also tried
localize -m -l sl -f /tmp/myfile-sl-SI.sdf
(myfile-sl-SI.sdf is SDF file, got with localize_sl -e -l en-US -f 
/tmp/myfile-sl-SI.sdf and then I replaced en-US with sl-SI and has 
66365 lines - basicly original extracted file, just with replaced lang.)

Or you could cat the plain English and plain Slovenian (your version) 
SDF files together and sort the result, which oo2po should then be 
able to handle. Note that this may confuse the current release, so 
please let me know how this works. (It should be OK if you specify 
the languages on the command line).
Another problem.
If I run localize_sl -e on original OOo source (with original 
helpcontent2 folder) I get 43039 ^helpcontent2 lines.
If I run localize_sl -e on merged helpcontent2 folder (copied .xhp 
files from migration process over .xhp files in original folder and 
delete some files (some .xhp were in 1.x and are not any more in 2.0)) 
I get 41018 ^helpcontent2 lines.
So I didn't even try to cat those two files and sort etc. The result 
probably wouldn't be OK.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-21 Thread Robert Ludvik
I don't know what heppened to my previous message (lost in space)
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
information) occupated CPU with 99% and nothing happend for 20 mins 
:-) I use SRC680_m94.
Uff ... don't know what happens there. Do you have a file like 
myfile-sl-SI.sdf_err writen by the build in gsicheck tool ? But normaly 
you don't see those "localize_sl" header info by calling the perl 
"" variant.
I'l check it out.
I get 41018 ^helpcontent2 lines.
hmm ... 43039 helpcontent2 m92 , 41018 helpcontent2 mXX ( first checkin 
of the new help ) is the difference I guess
So if I use mXX OOo source (XX < 92) with cat+sort thing it might 
work. I'll try (and report follows, of course :-)
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migrate l10nhelp

2005-04-22 Thread Robert Ludvik
hmm ... 43039 helpcontent2 m92 , 41018 helpcontent2 mXX ( first 
checkin of the new help ) is the difference I guess
So if I use mXX OOo source (XX < 92) with cat+sort thing it might work. 
I'll try (and report follows, of course :-)
Not right. In m63 there is helpcontent2 41253 lines.
Where can I find mXX (first checkin of the new help)? I was looking in 
documentation CVS but there's a million thingh up there.
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Re: [OOoCon] OOoCon 2005

2005-04-26 Thread Robert Ludvik
(sorry for crosspost but I thought that folks on these lists should 
know about this...)
Robert Ludvik

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OOoCon] OOoCon 2005
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 08:24:09 +0200
From: Erwin Tenhumberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oops, sorry, apparently the word "Deadline" got cut off!?
Yes, please vote and invite others to participate, too!
Robert Ludvik wrote:
Is this post relavant?
There was no other message regarding OOoCon2005 on the other lists and 
there's no link on the main Ooo page and even in the maillist archives 
there's subject:
"Subject [OOoCon] Conference 2005 - Please vote for the 
location! - Dead"
that I first understood like this message is 'dead' and should ignore it 
:-) But is it realy or should we announce it around?
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Re: [l10n-dev] Would some one be kind to merge our old Serbian GSI into 2.0 OOo

2005-05-10 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi Branko
Quoting Tanovic Branko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Serbian Native language needs help,
I currently did not have time to setup build envoriment for OOo 2.0. 
So I am Asking some one on the
list could help as to merge our old 1.1.2 GSI , so community could 
start translation for OOo 2.0.
I think that you should go this way:
- create PO files from 1.1.2 GSI
- create compendium from these PO files (Kbabel can do this for you)
- download 2.0 POT files and POT2PO script from
- use Kbabel or POEdit (or some similar program) and automaticly translate 2.0
PO files using the compendium with 100% match
- translate the rest that was not automaticly translated
From our experiences numbers are something like:
- 2.0 PO has cca 58.000 strings
- after running Kbabel with compendium and 100% match, 36.000 untranslated
strings left (32.000 in helpcontent2, 4.000 in the rest modules - I guess that
mostly in Base)
So, as many have already asked (like me ;-) for the localized OOo 2.0,
translation ver. 1.0 you can translate 4.000 strings in the GUI and after that
get on helpcontent.
Robert Ludvik
AUFBIX:  "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...)
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Re: [l10n-dev] OOo 2.0 l10n reminder

2005-05-18 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
-->>> Reminder OOo 2.0 translation deadline is 2005 / 5 / 20 <<<--
Languages in l10n queue till now:
Estonian , Punjabi , Dutch , Khmer , Bulgarian , British , Croatian
more ?
Slovenian team is working on m?? and will try to get GUI done.
Please take care of the slightly readme changed by Robert in upcoming 
milestone m103. Don't forget to incorparate the change in your OOo 2.0 
Robert Ludvik
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Re: [l10n-dev] migratel10nhelp?

2005-06-02 Thread Robert Ludvik

Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes wrote:

Den 3. jun 2005 kl. 01:28 skrev Young Song:

Is it this one that you're looking for? ooohelpmigration.tar.gz

Thank you, that's it.

 Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes

... but it's not working as it should.

Hi Robert
As Ivo pointed out, the real issue seems to be with the help migration 
which is generating the English texts. So I think we will need Frank 
Peters help on this...


(follow the subject "migrate l10nhelp" in l10n maillist archive.

I haven't been working on this problem further.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] migratel10nhelp?

2005-07-13 Thread Robert Ludvik

Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes wrote:
A few months ago, I read something about a script called which is supposed to help migrating old 1.x help  
files to the new 2.0 format. I can't find this script anywhere. Where  
is it?

 Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes
Gaute, do you have any news on this one? Did you manage to migrate any 
help files from 1.x to 2.0?

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] POT2PO for upgrading PO files

2005-11-02 Thread Robert Ludvik
ອານຸສັກ Anousak Souphavanh wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone been using POT2PO to merge to old, e.g. M100, to newer files, e.g. 
> M137? I have heard it has some bugs. Please clarify, if so. 
> Is this right syntax ‘ pot2po –i pot-direcotory –o –po-output –t 
> en-US-latestversion.sdf’?

I used this to migrate translations from m136 to m137:

pot2po -i pot-m137 -o po2-m137 -t po2-m136

- pot-m137 is folder with new POT files
- po2-m137 is folder for new PO files, which will keep the translated
- po2-m136 is folder with translated PO files (previous version)

pot2po has problems with "messages that break lines", like Dwayne said.

I use Kbabel and CatalogManager and I run "automated translation" (I
have localized version so this is a wild guess :-) command from Tools
menu and for translation source I use folder po2-m136 with all
translated files. This way I get translations that were not transfered
from old version.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Error 65280 while building OOo

2005-11-18 Thread Robert Ludvik
Eike Rathke wrote:
> Hi Farzaneh,
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 17:45:56 +0330, Farzaneh Sarafraz wrote:
>>While building ooo (either by dmake or build --all) I get the following
>>error. I am trying to build milestone 130 on Linux (Fedora Core 4).
> Which probably uses NPTL instead of LinuxThreads. _If_ that is the case,
> this patch might help:
> Btw, such build problems related questions are better handled on the
> general list, as it isn't l10n related and most
> developers are on that list.
>   Eike

I tried this patch but still got error building sal.
I found
and commented call of pthread_kill_other_threads_np in
sal/osl/unx/process.c and it worked.

Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Empty string in en-US.sdf

2005-11-23 Thread Robert Ludvik
There is an empty string in en-US.sdf and every time I run po2oo it
could not switch language code on   instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice\windows\

When I run
$gsicheck -c -l sl GSI-m142.sdf
I get strange error
Error: File format, Line 242711: No source language entry defined!  ""
(there is only 130682 lines in GSI)

And after I copy/paste inc_openoffice\windows\msi_languages\Control.ulf
line in GSI-m142.sdf and change en-US to sl in the 2nd line, gsicheck
doesn't complain anymore.

Empty string in en-US.sdf:
   0   LngText OOO_CONTROL_243 0
en-US   20051120 17:50:58

Why is there an empty string in en-US.sdf?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] m148

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ludvik
Vladimir Stefanov wrote:
> Hi
> I merged m147 with m148 and to my surprise I found 2327 new untranslated
> messages (in UI only, not in help content)! Is this true or something
> has gone wrong during merging, because in m147 UI was 100% translated?

Maybe this has something to do with 'new format' (see
I ran oo2po from new translate-toolkit-0.8rc5 last day and found out
that there were many untranslated strings in m148 but didn't analyse yet...
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] m148

2006-01-05 Thread Robert Ludvik
Robert Ludvik wrote:
> I ran oo2po from new translate-toolkit-0.8rc5 last day and found out
pot2po, sorry.

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Re: [l10n-dev] m148

2006-01-06 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula wrote:
> Following steps are needed when migrating to UI strings with no duplicates:
> - install updated toolkit
> - generate sdf file from your existing translated or half-translated
> po-s with new toolkit (to avoid english strings in untranslated
> entries)
> - backup old po-s somewhere
> - generate new set of po-files from just generated sdf-file for your language
> - update generated po-files with latest pot-files.
> Now every duplicated string in one file has unique identifier, but
> string itself is translated as it was in your old po-file.
> Note that:
> - When you do not regenerate po files, all duplicate entries will be
> untranslated.
> - When you use sdf file, generated with old toolkit, for regenerating,
> untranslated entries will be filled with english strings
> ain

thanks Ain, this procedure works like a charm :-)
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Localizing Help images

2006-02-18 Thread Robert Ludvik
Acording to
there are only 11 pictures to localize for Help content, which can be found in
one of the language folders on
Is this true? It seems very little.

Robert Ludvik
AUFBIX:  "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...)

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Re: [l10n-dev] script convert old Helpcontent's XML to XHP

2006-04-10 Thread Robert Ludvik

Quoting Ivo Hinkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi dooteo,

there is a migration script on the webpage
But please do not ask me how it works or what to do if conversion fails...

This script is more or less useless. See
I don't know if someone found it useful. We started translation of OOo 2 Help
from scratch and used copy/paste (I have a little longer finger range since
then ;-)
Robert Ludvik
AUFBIX:  "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...)

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[l10n-dev] Minor corrections in PO msgstrs

2006-06-06 Thread Robert Ludvik

Hi all
When updating PO files from mN to mN+1 a problem arises with msgstrs  
when there are only minor changes in them. For example, if there is  
one space less in msgstr, the pot2po utility will not transfer msgid  
to new PO set.

Can this be 'solved' in any way?
Robert Ludvik
AUFBIX:  "bojni vzklik, poziv na boj" (battle cry...)

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Re: [l10n-dev] Deadline for OOo 2.0.4 translations

2006-07-10 Thread Robert Ludvik

Vladimir Glazounov pravi:

- Please take care that the GSI / SDF file format is not violated (
format errors like wrong amount of tabs, shifted columns, ... ). You can
use the tool "gsicheck" to perform basic checks on your file. "gsicheck"
is located in the transex3 module.

usage: gsicheck -c -l "" myfile.sdf

Maybe you should outline that the latest gsicheck can be downloaded from

Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Easier debugging of online help translation

2006-09-05 Thread Robert Ludvik

I followed instructions on
but I do not get file names (.xhp) in the left window.
Any idea?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Easier debugging of online help translation

2006-09-05 Thread Robert Ludvik

Hi Ain

Ain Vagula pravi:

Allfiles.tree is provided for every milestone separately, eg. for m181

Yes, I know.

Dont use old ones, this thing was a bit broken in the time Pavel wrote
the blog entry.

I tried it on OOC680_m7 Build-1 from Jun 28th 2006 
Same OOo package and allfiles.tre (from the same build). Is this one 
too old?


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[l10n-dev] Translating extras

2006-09-06 Thread Robert Ludvik

Hi all
How can I translate files, listed on

We have already translated templates, but still missing Autotext.
What are things in
How can these be translated?
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Assigning issue

2006-09-07 Thread Robert Ludvik

To which module and Subcomponent and to whom should I assign issue for 
localized images in helpcontent2. Is this part of l10n or documentation?

Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] starmath01.sms and labels.ini

2006-09-29 Thread Robert Ludvik
What is starmath01.sms from extras/source/misc_config/lang/en-US used
for? Where can I see its contents (in GUI)? How can I localize it?
Is it OK to localize Name field in labels.ini (in
extras/source/misc_config/lang/en-US)? There is only en or de version in
the language folders.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] starmath01.sms and labels.ini

2006-09-30 Thread Robert Ludvik

Thomas Lange pravi:

Hi Robert,

What is starmath01.sms from extras/source/misc_config/lang/en-US used
for? Where can I see its contents (in GUI)? How can I localize it?

You don't need to care about it at all.
The starmathXY.sms files are way outdated files that were used in
StarOffice 5.x and likely 6.x as well. But already since at least
StarOffice 7pp3 and likely already from the start of OpenOffice
they are not used anymore.
The data those files once held is now part of the configuration,
and the localized version of those symbol names are part of the
current Math resources that are already localized.

The UI it relates to are all the symbols names available in Math's
"Tools/Catalog" dialog.


Thank you Thomas. So these files could be removed from CVS?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] starmath01.sms and labels.ini

2006-10-02 Thread Robert Ludvik
Pavel Janík pravi:
>> Basically: No!!
>> I was once told that we (StarOffice at Sun) are required to be able
>> to build any product version ever released and thus we will still
>> need them in the (probably unlikely) case that we have to build
>> e.g. StarOffice 5.2 again.
> sure, thus it is still tagged for older releases. We want to remove it for
> SRC680 from now on. Robert: please file an issue for this.

Sure, no problem. Which component/sub (framework?, l10n?) assign to whom
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] starmath01.sms and labels.ini

2006-10-02 Thread Robert Ludvik

Pavel Janík pravi:

   From: Robert Ludvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 10:25:20 +0200

   > Sure, no problem. Which component/sub (framework?, l10n?) assign to
   > whom (Ingo?)?

installation, assign it to me. No need to bother and slow down Ingo with
such straight stuff.


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Re: [l10n-dev] New lead of l10n project

2006-10-02 Thread Robert Ludvik

Pavel Janík pravi:

So: lets start with voting.

+1 for Rafaella to be new lead of l10n.

Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Fax icon not shown in wizard and in AutoText

2006-10-06 Thread Robert Ludvik
When I run File - Wizards - Letter... - Elegant and click Finish button,
there is the phone icon but fax icon is missing (instead, I see only a
square) - see attached picture (if the mail server will let is trough
:-). To whom can I assign this issue?
The same problem is in AutoText (extras) (see

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Fax icon not shown in wizard and in AutoText

2006-10-06 Thread Robert Ludvik
> see attached picture (if the mail server will let is trough

OK, see

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-10-31 Thread Robert Ludvik

Alex Thurgood pravi:

Dan Ohnesorg a écrit :

>> The most complete description of project is in Vojta's blog
> >
> >


So please check it out, diskuss it and help to make decision, if it 
will be

official OOo project included in some future version like DicOOo and

I contacted Robert Volja this year and he told me that no one was 
interested in this approach.
However, Slovenian team will use this 'system' to update our spellcheck 
From my point of view it is terrific idea. I know doctors and lawyers 
who are creating their own small dictionaries and would really like to 
contribute words into the official spellcheck dictionary. Many small 
dictionaries means one big dictionary ;-)
We must find people, who will review all words and approve/reject them - 
this is the biggest issue we have now.

+1 for this project

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-11-01 Thread Robert Ludvik

Alex Thurgood pravi:

We must find people, who will review all words and approve/reject them 
- this is the biggest issue we have now.

Well, you can count me in.


If you speak Slovenian, I'd be honoured ;-)
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-11-01 Thread Robert Ludvik

Dan Ohnesorg pravi:

We can also ask for the language upon submitting the entry.

But if people should use it, the submission should be easy and fast.

By default the OOo language should be checked, but if user wants to, 
he/she can change the language of submission.
What about macros/whatever for other programs like Koffice, Abiword ...? 
 There are a lot of people using some other tool and we could give them 
a chance to help updating spell check dic.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-11-02 Thread Robert Ludvik

Rafaella Braconi pravi:


referring to the below:

We must find people, who will review all words and approve/reject them 
- this is the biggest issue we have now.

can you please be more specific? Who would be entitled to approve/reject 


People, working in linguistic area - in our example someone like people, 
who were working on ver 1.0 of Slovenian spell check dictionary (beside 
a company that opensourced quite a large spell check dictionary) but are 
now occupied with other projects (like
People, who you can trust and who can give arguments why some entry is 
approved or rejected.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-11-02 Thread Robert Ludvik

Dan Ohnesorg pravi:

Dne Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 08:27:07PM +0100, Simon Brouwer napsal:

I have some thoughts on the technology preview. First, I'm not sure if 
anonymous contributions should be allowed. Without a real name and 
contact information it may be too difficult to establish if the 
information is properly contributed according to the license agreement.

Many people are affraid about their privacy and won't probably contribute
under real name. Generaly the contents of private dictionary can be
sensitive information. In wikipedia You also don't know real names of
articles and it works.

If anonymous user sends his data and agrees with licence, it's OK with me.
About the licence - if a dictionary is licensed under GNU/LGPL + MPL 
this means that it can be used in any other project, beside OOo and 
Mozilla (maybe the licence agreement in the macro should be more 
specific or maybe there could be a link to the (localized) version of 
all mentioned licences).

What kind of software do you use on the server, can we have a look at it?

In fact is is not software ;-) its just very short script, which only
implements procol, which have been chosen for communication between macro
and web. Its written in PHP, for final version I will prefer python, in
case, that I won't find someone to write it and I will continue to
develop the backend. But I am also sysadmin, I am not programmer.

What will be the result of this project?
a) a service, hosted on some server, where a group can apply, get one 
admin access for her language, who can than arrange other people in her 
group? Something like TCM 

Who will run/arrange/admin it?

b) sources (database definitions, PHP/Python scripts ...) for setting up 
your own project on your own server? (create a central project somewhere 
(like, language groups developers download the sources, install 
on some local server, extend the functionalities and contribute the code 

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Accessing Pavel's builds

2006-11-09 Thread Robert Ludvik
Aiet Kolkhi pravi:
> Yes, the server seems to be unreachable.

Why don't you take look at the new HTTP look?
It is working from there :-)


Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Untranslated strings in OOE680_m3 Help

2006-11-18 Thread Robert Ludvik

I 've just noticed that there are untranslated strings in Slovenian 
OOE680_m3 Help when I select Index tab. I checked it out and the 
problematic file seems to be shared/guide.po.

I run po2oo like:

po2oo --progress verbose --errorlevel traceback -i po -t en-US.sdf -o 
GSI_sl_m191.sdf -l sl > errors-m191.txt 2>&1

I checked errors-m191.txt file and found this:

po2oo: warning: Error processing: input 
po/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po, output 
helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.oo, template 
helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.oo: Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/misc/", 
line 425, in recursiveprocess
success = self.processfile(fileprocessor, options, fullinputpath, 
fulloutputpath, fulltemplatepath)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/convert/", 
line 357, in processfile
if fileprocessor(inputfile, outputfile, templatefile, 

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/convert/", 
line 221, in convertoo

outputoo = convertor.convertfile(inputpo)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/convert/", 
line 161, in convertfile

if filter.validelement(thepo, self.p.filename, self.filteraction):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/convert/", 
line 179, in validelement
print >> sys.stderr, "Error at %s::%s: %s" % (filename, 
thepo.getlocations()[0], filtermessage)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 
115: ordinal not in range(128)


In this case po2oo leaves shared/guide.po and starts with a new PO file 
so many strings from shared/guide.po don't come to the GSI file and the 
gsicheck does not report any error (since there is no error :-) so I did 
not investigate GSI further before submitting it :-(

Does anyone else have this problem?

Can someone tell me, what should I look for, regarding above error? Some 
special character in the file?
I put my shared/guide.po to if 
someone would like to look at it.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Untranslated strings in OOE680_m3 Help

2006-11-18 Thread Robert Ludvik

Robert Ludvik pravi:

I 've just noticed that there are untranslated strings in Slovenian 
OOE680_m3 Help when I select Index tab. I checked it out and the 
problematic file seems to be shared/guide.po.

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/convert/", 
line 179, in validelement
print >> sys.stderr, "Error at %s::%s: %s" % (filename, 
thepo.getlocations()[0], filtermessage)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 
115: ordinal not in range(128)


I found it. Missing "\\" in front of :
\\Ustvari primarni ključ.
instead of
\\Ustvari primarni ključ\\.

In other cases, po2oo just skip an entry like this and report "escapes 
in original ('\Create', 'key\') don't match escapes in 
translation ..." but in this case, where our language "special character 
(c with a caret)" was inolved, po2oo failed with mentioned error.

Pavel, is there a chance to update our GSI before 2.1 release?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Collection user additons to spell check dictionary

2006-11-27 Thread Robert Ludvik


Dan Ohnesorg pravi:

OK, I will try to open it as official project, probably it will make more
people aware of this.

Any news on this?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] New l10n co-lead for i18n

2006-12-07 Thread Robert Ludvik

Quoting Rafaella Braconi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Please let me and the other l10n project members know by end of next 
week if you support this nomination.

+1 for Eike
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Translation Statistics

2006-12-14 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula pravi:
> On 12/14/06, Rafaella Braconi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ain,
>> thank you for the feedack. Please feel free to update the wiki page with
>> the more accurate numbers you have ... as you know ... this is a first
>> attempt to get some translation statistics ... hope we'll get more
>> accurate numbers next time
> I thought, that stats was created usings some automation which may not
> work as expected.
> ain

Me to, like i.e.
We use a simple (and clumsy) script for 'tracking' Help translation (and
I'll extend it to include POs from GUI, too, when I find some time ;-)
that generates
It is available here, if someone finds it useful:

Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] New strings in scp2\source\ooo.po

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Ludvik
In m199 there are many new strings - language names in
cp2\source\ooo.po. I miss Slovenian language. What is this file/strings
used for?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] New strings in scp2\source\ooo.po

2007-01-16 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula pravi:
> On 1/16/07, Robert Ludvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi
>> In m199 there are many new strings - language names in
>> cp2\source\ooo.po. I miss Slovenian language. What is this file/strings
>> used for?
>> Regards
>> Robert Ludvik
> It is explained in last comment of
> Please file an issue about missing language, as this languages list
> will be the main one in future.

Do you have any idea where strings from scp2\source\ooo.po are used? How
does missing language impact on our 2.2 build? Can I expect that
Slovenian language will be added for 2.2 release?

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[l10n-dev] Pentaho

2007-05-10 Thread Robert Ludvik
Will the integration of Pentaho reporting engine ('news' on add any new
strings in OOo GUI? If it will, when can we expect them (in which mABC)?
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Alphabetical order in Writer

2007-06-03 Thread Robert Ludvik

In Slovenian version of OOo I have a messed order in alphabetical 
index. I get the following order, when I insert it via Insert - 
Indexes and Tables - Indexes and Tables - Type Alphabetical index:

Alphabetical Index
ana 1
breza   2

but it should be:

Alphabetical Index
ana 1
breza   2

Where/how can I fix this?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Alphabetical order in Writer

2007-06-03 Thread Robert Ludvik

Rail Aliev pravi:
See here:*checkout*/l10n/i18npool/source/localedata/data/sl_SI.xml?content-type=text%2Fplain&rev=1.9

or i18npool/source/localedata/data/sl_SI.xml in OOo sources.

Search for "IndexKey". It looks like "A-P R-V Z Č Š Ž" now, so Č Š Ž letters 
go to the end of the index. Arrange the IndexKey according to Slovenian rules 
and file an issue (PATCH) with your changes and assign it to Eike (er).

Rail, thanks for a quick response!

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Re: [l10n-dev] Coordinating work on Translation

2007-06-10 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi Sophie

sophie pravi:
> We use Sungloss for the glossary (on line mode or local mode). It's a
> great help to find the good words and be consistent upon your team. You
> should also find a guide for translation and a style guide.

Can Sungloss be downloaded and installed localy?
Can terms be imported from PO files?
I already have access to
but I don't find a download link.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Coordinating work on Translation

2007-06-10 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi Alessandro

Alessandro Cattelan pravi:
> I don't think SunGloss can be installed locally and I doubt that would
> be useful. What you can do, though, is export a glossary from it and use
> it as a reference. I don't know how you can use it with a PO editor but
> I'm using it as a glossary for OmegaT (after converting it to a suitable
> format with Calc) and also as a TM (I've converted the CSV file to TMX
> with a tool called CSVConverter).

> I would be very interested in understanding if and how the exported
> glossary can be used with a PO editor.

Sorry, I meant if I can import terms from PO files to SunGloss somehow.
Then I could export from SunGloss ... etc.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] strings changed in help section

2007-07-23 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ivo Hinkelmann pravi:
> Hi,
> please update your translation to the latest SRC680 milestone!!!
> Cheers,
> Ivo

Does this mean update to
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updating the language lists

2007-08-11 Thread Robert Ludvik

Pavel Janík pravi:

Was this list updated?

Pavel did that, the latest revisions of /cvs/l10n/www/languages.* are of

I update it in batches - there is what I have received in the past.

Update for Slovenian language: just state "Supported" since we 
guarantee all versions to be 100% translated.

Should I open a new issue or is this message enough?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] strings changed in help section

2007-08-11 Thread Robert Ludvik
Pavel Janík pravi:
> Hi,
>>> please update your translation to the latest SRC680 milestone!!!
>> Does this mean update to
> yes, right now, the latest milestone to update to is SRC680_m222.
> Once OOG680_ POTs will pop up, switch to them.
was created on August 10th. Does this mean that a translation update
is/will be extended? There are some new strings in helpcontent.

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[l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-15 Thread Robert Ludvik

When I run po2oo on PO files for SRC_G680, I get the following error:

po2oo: warning: Error processing: input 
po/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po, output 
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo, template 
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo: IndexError: list index out 
of range

guide.po seems OK, it is translated 100%, I can open it with Kbabel. 
po2oo don't put any string from guide.po in output GSI. What can be wrong?

And I just noticed the same for 
po/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po and 

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-15 Thread Robert Ludvik

Quoting Ain Vagula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Robert Ludvik kirjutas:

po2oo: warning: Error processing: input
po/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po, output
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo, template
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo: IndexError: list index out of

guide.po seems OK, it is translated 100%, I can open it with Kbabel.
po2oo don't put any string from guide.po in output GSI. What can be wrong?

wrong en-us.sdf probably... not this one on whick po-files base.


But I downloaded POT tgz again, deleted pot folder and en-US.sdf file, unpack
tgz, run POT2PO and the result is the same.
I'll try to delete mentioned 3 POs from the po folder, run POT2PO again and do
automatic translation with Kbabel on these 3 files. Hope this will solve the
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-16 Thread Robert Ludvik

Quoting Ain Vagula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

gsicheck doesnt find errors too?

no, because po2oo doesn't include the whole files in the output GSI file :-)
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-16 Thread Robert Ludvik

F Wolff pravi:

Op Donderdag 2007-08-16 skryf Robert Ludvik:

When I run po2oo on PO files for SRC_G680, I get the following error:

po2oo: warning: Error processing: input 
po/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po, output 
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo, template 
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.oo: IndexError: list index out 
of range

guide.po seems OK, it is translated 100%, I can open it with Kbabel. 
po2oo don't put any string from guide.po in output GSI. What can be wrong?

And I just noticed the same for 
po/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/02.po and 

Robert Ludvik

Hi Robert

Can you please try to obtain some extra information with the
--error=traceback parameter with po2oo? This will hopefully give some
more information to help us solve the problem. This page explains some
more about the parameter:

In the meanwhile, if you can see if your problem is the same as the one
that Clytie explained, that could also help. I hope we can sort this out

Keep well

I did like I said (remove 3 POs from original location, run POT2PO 
again, Kbabel and automatic translation) and po2oo returns no errors 
and I get strings from these files in the final GSI (which is now 300k 
I did a diff of those files and the only difference is that the 'bad' 
ones have msgids in one row and the 'good' ones in more rows, like:

msgid "Use the tools to draw a new contour, and then click the 
\\Apply \\icon (green check mark)."

msgid ""
"Use the tools to draw a new contour, and then click the 
\\Apply \\
"emph\\>icon (green check mark)."

If someone is interested in these files, I can send them.

In the future I'll have to be careful for "list index out
of range" string in the output of po2oo!

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-16 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula pravi:
> which pot2po do you use? from toolkit or from Pavel's repository?
> I just converted m225 to oog_m1 and didnt encount any errors.

I use POT2PO from Pavel's site for updating POs to a new version.
After, I use po2oo (to generate a GSI file) from translate-toolkit,
version 0.10.1 (I didn't update for a while, I've just saw that there is
1.0.1 available). I had no problems liike this before.
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Alphanumerical sorting CE charachetrs Đ

2007-08-17 Thread Robert Ludvik
markomb assigned this issue to me:
I was looking at localedata file (sl_SI.xml) but I didn't find any part
that could be responsible for this issue. Can you please advise me where
to look at?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po2oo error on SRC_G680

2007-08-17 Thread Robert Ludvik

Robert Ludvik pravi:

Ain Vagula pravi:

which pot2po do you use? from toolkit or from Pavel's repository?
I just converted m225 to oog_m1 and didnt encount any errors.

I use POT2PO from Pavel's site for updating POs to a new version.
After, I use po2oo (to generate a GSI file) from translate-toolkit,
version 0.10.1 (I didn't update for a while, I've just saw that there is
1.0.1 available). I had no problems liike this before.

I installed the latest translate-toolkit (1.0.1) and tried again po2oo 
with the 3 'bad' helpcontent files and all went OK. Sorry for confusion.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-27 Thread Robert Ludvik
Pavel Janík pravi:
> Hi,
> I think it is time to move this table to the wiki...
> Any volunteer for migration?

I could do it until Monday, September 1st, if it is OK.

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-29 Thread Robert Ludvik
Pavel Janík pravi:
>> I could do it until Monday, September 1st, if it is OK.
> Sure, thank you!

Inside the L10N category:

there is a wiki page with table of supported languages:

BTW, MediaWiki filter (odt2mediawiki in File - Export) works nice. It
only missed table border.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Yury Tarasievich pravi:
> On 30/08/2007, Robert Ludvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>> BTW, MediaWiki filter (odt2mediawiki in File - Export) works nice. It
>> only missed table border.
> Bit of off-topic, what's this odt2mediawiki extension? Where's it
> located (can't find it)?

In Writer select "File - Export ..." and in the "File type" you'll find
"MediaWiki (txt)".
You can view the settings for filters in "Tools - XML filter settings" menu.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Rafaella Braconi pravi:
> Great work! Thank you, Robert :-)

If there are more copy+paste things from html to wiki maybe we could set
up a TODO wiki page and list them. And then once a month remind people
that they can apply for task :-)

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Charles-H. Schulz pravi:
> Robert,
> thank you a lot. From what I can see though, very few things have been
> updated. The issue with the updated entries is here: # 79332

OK, I downloaded the L10n_languages_list2_bs_updated.ods from and generate a
new wiki page. Please check if all is OK.

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Re: [l10n-dev] Updates to

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Robert Ludvik pravi:
> Charles-H. Schulz pravi:
>> Robert,
>> thank you a lot. From what I can see though, very few things have been
>> updated. The issue with the updated entries is here: # 79332
> OK, I downloaded the L10n_languages_list2_bs_updated.ods from
> and generate a
> new wiki page. Please check if all is OK.
> Regards

Oops, Khirano, Timarandras, Icobgr, please sorry for overwriting your
Clytie, I haven't overwritten your changes AFAICS.

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[l10n-dev] Spell check dictionary update

2007-09-29 Thread Robert Ludvik
Hi all
In March 2006, Robert Vojta from Czech team sent some mails about
spell check dictionaries upgrade (I found just this one in archives:
I got some time, asked Dan from Czech team to send me what Robert left
behind, put all together and talked about this with Daniel and Simon
in Barcelona.
In just a few words: people can send words, that are not yet in spell
check dictionary trough a web form or with a help of a macro, which is
for now only available for OOo but could be ported to MSO, KOffice(?).
Relevant people (linguists) would then review sent words and accept
them for inclusion in dictionaries or reject them.
Dictionaries are in form that can be used for Mozilla and KOffice
products as well.
I'd like to open a discussion about this. If you are interested, you
can read some more at, especially a *draft*
of proposal how this could be done
( or, if you prefer)

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Spell check dictionary update

2007-09-30 Thread Robert Ludvik
Laurent Godard pravi:
> Hi Robert
> May be join the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> I'll relay on the french team

I forgot to write "sorry for cross posting" :-)
I sent this mail to lingu and CC to l10n since there may be some lang
groups that do not have members subscribed to lingu maillists.
Robert Ludvik

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[l10n-dev] Translation tip

2007-12-02 Thread Robert Ludvik
can someone give me a tip about a translation?

in sdext/source/minimizer/.../extension.po
shoud this be translated or not?
how did you translate it?

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] Translation tip

2007-12-02 Thread Robert Ludvik
KAMI pravi:
> Hi!
> I am not sure but, %origin% is a variable (in extensions), so do not touch.
> I think the correct tarnslation is:
> "%origin%/../../../../../../help/help_hu-HU.odt"
> in my case. I am Hungarian (hu-HU). Do not forget to translate
> help_hu-HU.odt in the extension file.

Thank you, KAMI.
Where can I find help_hu-HU.odt file and where can I send translated and
renamed file?

Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] 2.4 submission

2007-12-21 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula pravi:
> Hristo Simenov Hristov kirjutas:
>> On 21.12.2007, Clytie Siddall wrote:
>>> I have updated our translation to m241. Interface is 100%, Help is 40%.
>> From where you got the m241 strings?
>> I get for m240 from Pavel's server. There is no m241.
> As Pavel didnt upload pot files, I think there wasnt any changes
> comparing to m239 (in m240 there also wasnt any changes). Its normal,
> because UI freeze was long time ago. Maybe we are not just used to fact
> that some developers may take UI freeze seriously ;)

You can find it here, but as Ain said, there are no changes, so ... for
next time, if you'll search for it again, look under the /680/... folder:


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Re: [l10n-dev] Purpose of < ... name= ... >

2008-03-03 Thread Robert Ludvik
Olivier Hallot pravi:
> Hello
> I am not sure if we have to translate the content of the "name= "
> attribute such as in the example below. Samples in the French and
> Italian language seems to indicate a translation, but the Spanish has
> both english and spanish content. Can someone shed some light on that
> matter?
> Example:
> If you switch off the \\ name=\\\"Design Mode\\\"\\>Design Mode\\, you can see that
> $[officename]
> adds a labeled input field for every inserted database field.

Yes, you have to translate it.

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[l10n-dev] Translating wiki pages

2008-05-04 Thread Robert Ludvik

I was looking at 
- this is a wiki page that helpcontent is referring to and we'd like to 
translate it (and others, too) and I have some questions:
1. is there any rule (written or unwritten) on how/where to create 
localized pages? I saw that FR NL group uses 
and in some occasions there is a module name between FR and page name 
(like /FR/Calc/Page_name)
2. how do I achieve that "Slovenian" is displayed in the left menu "in 
other languages"? I saw that wiki has a tag 
[[fr:Documentation/FR/Expressions_Regulieres_dans_Calc]] on the top. 
Should I create "sl" category? or something?

Thank you
Robert Ludvik
Slovenian OOo

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Re: [l10n-dev] Translating wiki pages

2008-05-11 Thread Robert Ludvik

Alexandro Colorado pravi:
hi Robert, there are no strict rules so far as long as you follow the 
categories  to wrap the content up.

In spanish I put most of the content under the OOoES folder and also add 
the OOoES category to most of the pages.

Remember you can always 'move' the page later on.

Yes, wiki is great. Thank you all for your answers.


You can also get this answer ...
And also your NLC lead for Slovenia.

I somehow hate to speak to myself ;-)

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Re: [l10n-dev] pot files for dev300_m25

2008-07-14 Thread Robert Ludvik

Ain Vagula pravi:

One new module: scp2/source/sdkoo, contains 2 strings, one of them very ugly.
"The SDK provides all necessary tools, examples and documentation to
program with and for the office."
Interesting, is this "office" some office room or some (unknown)
office software?


Which m will be for 3.0 stable? m21, which is BEB based on?
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] po file translation tool on Windows

2008-07-24 Thread Robert Ludvik

Hung Nguyen Vu pravi:

Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a .po file translation tool on Windows XP that supports
# I am sorry if this was a FAQ

poedit maybe?

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Re: [l10n-dev] Help for German strings

2008-12-01 Thread Robert Ludvik
Ain Vagula pravi:
> Are you sure, you have to translate it? Looks like someone merged all paper
> and label formats into translatable strings not thinking at all (or not
> much). Maybe there is an issue about that or should we file one? About 2000
> strings, where some hundreds are in German, is a piece of cake. ;)
> ain is the source of
this evil :-)

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Re: [l10n-dev] Proposal for issue

2008-12-10 Thread Robert Ludvik
Rafaella Braconi pravi:
> Dear All,
> with issue a
> number of strings which mainly include German *product names* in the
> source have been introduced as to be translated. Honestly, I don't
> think that it make much sense to consider this file as to be
> translated, but this is my opinion and would like your help to look
> into this issue and find a solution.
> Option 1)
> close this issue and set the file as not to translate
> Option 2)
> translate and maintain the translation of the product names in all
> languages going forward.
Robert Ludvik

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Re: [l10n-dev] OOo 3.0.1 translation round

2009-01-04 Thread Robert Ludvik

Goran Rakic pravi:

Is it possible to send updated translations for 3.0.1?

Updated Serbian translations are available online at (Cyrillic) and (Latin).

Best regards,
Goran Rakic
native-lang project lead

Are these really strings from m14 or is it just a name? Because for 
3.0.1 m39 will be used, AFAIK.
Look at 
for the package, when it will be available (now it is m38)


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Re: [l10n-dev] String in English in 3.0.1

2009-01-04 Thread Robert Ludvik

André Schnabel pravi:


sophie schrieb:

The FR team has open an issue (3) addressed to me but I will change it
for the writer team.
What do we do about this issue?

If other language teams can confirm the issue (I cannot - it's ok in 
German) I'd consider this as stopper for 3.0.1.


I can confirm this - I just downloaded Slovenian m38 from 
and there is "Spelling and Grammar ..."


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Re: [l10n-dev] OOo 3.0.1 translation round

2009-01-04 Thread Robert Ludvik

Goran Rakic pravi:

У нед, 04. 01 2009. у 18:28 +0100, Robert Ludvik пише:
Are these really strings from m14 or is it just a name? Because for 
3.0.1 m39 will be used, AFAIK.
Look at 
for the package, when it will be available (now it is m38)


Are you sure?

I understood that 3.0.1 will be based on OOO300_mX and 3.1 will be based
on DEV300_mY.

OOo 3.0.1 RC1 was released from OOO300_m14 on December 22



oh, yes, sorry! lost in numbers.

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Re: [l10n-dev] quick question on translating help

2009-02-09 Thread Robert Ludvik
Branislav Klocok pravi:
> Hello,
> Sorry for asking stupid questions, but i have returned to translating 
> help files and I don't remember anymore how to translate following 
> type of strings:
>  Interaction\">Allow Interaction
> Should both texts "Allow Interaction\">Allow Interaction be 
> translated or just the second one.
> Thanks for the quick answer.

Yes, both of them should be translated.

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Re: [l10n-dev] in Bulgarian translated at 100%

2009-04-28 Thread Robert Ludvik

Nguyen Vu Hung pravi:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Hristo Hristov  wrote:

Hello people,
I'm proud to announce that after four year of hard and continuous work, now
the suite are 100% translated in Bulgarian :)
Now on we can concentrate on clearing of mistakes in the translation as syntax
or translation errors and long truncated strings.

Translating is the first step which is simple and straightforward.
The next step is review the translation and correct all the translation errors
(I consider it translation bug).

We, Vietnamese team performs it in several manners

1. Directly review the .po file (by a translator other than the one
who translates it)
2a. Load OOo, read all menus, dialogues, online helps and capture screenshots
in case we find translation bugs.
2b. Find error strings in the po files and fix them.

Step 2 is done by OOo vi translator members, normal users or linguistic experts
( if you have any).

Please comment on how your teams improve translation quality.

Thank you,


First, congratulation to Bulgarian team!

Slovenian team is using poconflicts  (from which can 
find different translations for the same original string or/and the same 
translations for different original string (-v switch):

$poconflicts --accelerator=~  po conflict

We cut these anomalies from 1067/45870 in OOo 2.3 to 126/50117 in OOo DEVm39

Robert Ludvik

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