[dev] drawing with Java2D inside Openoffice

2005-09-07 Thread Daniel Beck


  I began an internship for my university. I have to start a new 
project from scratch.  My Project is about "drawing rdf-document as easy 
understandable graphs". :  RDF (Ressorce Description Framework) is a 
standard for representing metadata (for example in XML format).

People from university wants me to do draw the graphs inside 
openoffice.  (I don't know why they choose openoffice for it, thought...).
  I began to read the Developer Guide, but after searching a lot, I'm 
really not sure. Can I  really draw _with_java_ inside of openoffice. 
So, My questions are :
* Is it possible to draw with java inside openoffice ?  (If yes, can you 
give me an hint, how to do it? Where should I begin too look at ?)
* Is it possible easily ? (Where should I begin to look? Are there some 
demos, or some small applications demonstrating how I can do that?)
* What should I use to draw, swing, swt, awt? I would like to use jgraph 
later in my project.

I hope I can got some help here. Thank you in advance!


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Re: [dev] drawing with Java2D inside Openoffice

2005-09-07 Thread Daniel Beck

Bernhard Haumacher wrote:


that's not an answer, but an additional question.


* Is it possible to draw with java inside openoffice ?  (If yes, can you
give me an hint, how to do it? Where should I begin too look at ?)

I'd like to concretize "draw with java inside openoffice":

Is it possible to write a Java component, that is responsible for
painting (and getting events for) some area of a document. E.g. a
(hypothetical) component that displays a geometric construction
(almost like an image) but is able to respond to user input to make
the construction interactive?

Therefore, my (and possibly Daniel's) question is not about creating
OpenDocument content by means of some API calls, but about a component
that plugs into the document and takes responsibility for some part

Best regards


Yes, that is exactely my problem :). Can someone help  us ?


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[dev] inserting graphicObject under a XTextViewCursor

2005-10-09 Thread Daniel Beck


Im trying to insert an image (a Gif image) under the cursor (the visual 
one, which the user uses for editing) inside the Writer of 
OpenOffice.org, but it seems to not  work.
Instead, the image is always pasted at the top of the Frame of 
OpenWriter.  And, despite alle my investigation how to change it, I 
could archive to paste the image under the cursor .

Even if I try to change the values inside of :



it also changes nothing. I don't know how to solve it. What am I doing 
wrong here ?

Tank you a lot in advance !

- Daniel

Here my code :

//Creating GraphicObject

Object oGraphic =  

//getting actual Cursor
 XModel xModel = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, 

 XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();

XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier = 
(XTextViewCursorSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

   XTextViewCursorSupplier.class, xController);

   XTextViewCursor xTextViewCursor = 

// Getting the text
   com.sun.star.text.XText xText = xTextDocument.getText();

// Querying for the interface XTextContent on the GraphicObject
   com.sun.star.text.XTextContent xTextContent = 
(com.sun.star.text.XTextContent) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

   com.sun.star.text.XTextContent.class, oGraphic);

// Inserting the content
   xText.insertTextContent(xTextViewCursor, xTextContent, true);

// Querying for the interface XPropertySet on GraphicObject
   com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet xPropSet =

  java.io.File sourceFile = new java.io.File("src/data/picture.gif");

   // Setting the graphic url
   xPropSet.setPropertyValue("GraphicURL", sUrl.toString());

   System.out.println("(x,y): (" + 
xTextViewCursor.getPosition().X + "," + xTextViewCursor.getPosition().Y 
+ ")");

   // Setting the horizontal position
   xPropSet.setPropertyValue("HoriOrientPosition", new 

   // Setting the vertical position
   xPropSet.setPropertyValue("VertOrientPosition", new 

xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Width", new 
Integer(8000));xPropSet.setPropertyValue("Height", new Integer(4000));

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Re: [dev] inserting graphicObject under a XTextViewCursor

2005-10-09 Thread Daniel Beck


First thank  you Matt  for your fast answer!

I changed : 


It works much better now.
But then I insert an image now, it will be inserted at the beginning of 
the curently edited line.

It looks as if the "X Coordinates" are ignored.
I would like it to be inserted exactely at the point, where the user has 
got is cursor... thats much more natural.


On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 16:34 +, Daniel Beck wrote:


Im trying to insert an image (a Gif image) under the cursor (the visual 
one, which the user uses for editing) inside the Writer of 
OpenOffice.org, but it seems to not  work.
Instead, the image is always pasted at the top of the Frame of 
OpenWriter.  And, despite alle my investigation how to change it, I 
could archive to paste the image under the cursor .

Just a thought:  What is the Anchor for the oGraphic set to?  To achieve
your desire, you probably need to set it to "as Character" or "to


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[dev] Calling function from ContextMenu

2005-10-24 Thread Daniel Beck

Hello ,

* I'm using Java, to access openOffice 2 UNO component. I'm trying to 
add items to the contextMenu inside OpenOffice - I used the example from 
sdk for that.

*Then the user choses the Item "Search Word" from the contextMenu, I 
want my own function to be called. The problem is : I don't know how to 
do that.
As I understand it, I have to use 
xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("CommandURL", String). But which String to 
pass? Do I have to make an UNO component to call my own function from 

Thanks in advance ,


*this is the example I took from sdk. It calls the help navigator. How 
to modify it, to call my own function, e.g.  void foo() ?

// intialize help/content menu entry

XPropertySet xMenuEntry = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("Text", "Search Word");
xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("CommandURL", "slot:5401");
xMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("HelpURL", "5401");


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[dev] inserting text in current Frame

2005-10-31 Thread Daniel Beck


I'm developping a java application, and I extended it (or at least tried 
to extend it) so that it can interpolate with openoffice.

I can now insert text, image, diagrams and links inside openoffice, all 
that from my external java-programm. Thats really nice:)
The strange thing is that it does that only on the Writer-frame that I 
opened first.
I would like to also be able to insert things in a new opened docuemnt. 
And I would like to allow the user to edit several document with 
OpenOffice.org, and only operate (i.e. : insert Tex, images, diagramms 
or links) on the the frame, that is currently on top.
so... What I am doing wrong ? Why can I only use the first opened frame 
? (i.e.: How to get the frame that is currently "in use"?)

I pasted the code in the Email. Thanks a lot for the answer in advance.



//here is the code I used to open the first new writer frame :
   try {
   xComponent = 

   "_blank", 0, new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue[0]);
   xTextDocument = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
   XTextDocument.class, xComponent);
   } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {
   System.out.println("uno Error!");

//here is the code I use to insert text :
void insertTest(String word){
  xTextDocument = (XTextDocument) 
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, xComponent);
   XModel xModel = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, 

   // the controller gives us the TextViewCursor
   XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();
   XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier = 
(XTextViewCursorSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

   XTextViewCursorSupplier.class, xController);

   // create a model cursor from the viewcursor
   XTextViewCursor xViewCursor = xViewCursorSupplier.getViewCursor();
   XText xDocumentText = xViewCursor.getText();
   XTextCursor xModelCursor = xDocumentText.createTextCursorByRange(

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Re: [dev] Saving the state of a component with a document

2005-11-01 Thread Daniel Beck


Sorry, I don't know the answer. What I wanted to say :

I have a similar Problem. I want to tag some words (I'm Tagging Named 
Entities, e.g. person name, states, time...), and store these 
information in the XML stucture. What would fit  best for me would be 
alternative 1. So, I'm also interested on opinions/hints about it.


Hi all,

I am developing a UNO component which needs to store its state, such
as the values of input fields, radio boxes, list boxes etc. into a
current document so that it can be saved with that file, and carried
with that file.  My question is, is there an elegant way of doing it?

What I have in mind are:

1) Put the values into some type of a XML structure, and inject it
into the zipped file structure (if that's even possible).

2) Put them as a macro basic comment (dunno if this is also possible)

3) Put them into the document itself as a content.

3 is the easiest, but I prefer not to alter the content of a current
document.  2 may be better, but then the next time the user opens the
document, s/he will get that macro security dialog (undesired effect).
1 is perfect, but I don't even know if it's possible.

Has anybody done anything like this?  Any opinions?


Kohei Yoshida
OpenOffice.org Calc contributor

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Re: [dev] inserting text in current Frame

2005-11-02 Thread Daniel Beck

Hello Stephan,

The problem is that I want to insert text in the document the user is 
actually editing, and not in the Frame the programm opened.
Imagine the user opens an already existent file. This would open a new 
frame. Then inserting text from my java application, the text will 
appear in  the Frame he opened first, and not in the frame he is 
actually editing - which is not the expected behaviour.

So, I wanted to now how to get the current frame ...


Hi Daniel,

I can now insert text, image, diagrams and links inside openoffice, 
all that from my external java-programm. Thats really nice:)
The strange thing is that it does that only on the Writer-frame that 
I opened first.
I would like to also be able to insert things in a new opened 
docuemnt. And I would like to allow the user to edit several document 
with OpenOffice.org, and only operate (i.e. : insert Tex, images, 
diagramms or links) on the the frame, that is currently on top.
so... What I am doing wrong ? Why can I only use the first opened 
frame ? (i.e.: How to get the frame that is currently "in use"?)

mmm ... not sure what you try to achieve ... your code opens a text
document and then inserts a text in this just opened document.

Looks to me like the expected behaviour.



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Re: [dev] inserting text in current Frame

2005-11-08 Thread Daniel Beck

Hi Stephan,

First thanks - your solution worked beautifully! Danke!
Everytime I want to insert text into StarOffice writer, I search now for 
the  currently active StarOffice component. With it, I can just insert 
text, images, graphics into the right Frame.

I have now a problem, that is very similar to the this one.
I want to add now an item to the StarOffice context menu. I also, of 
course, want this context menu to be available from all openoffice 
windows/frame the user opened.
But I were not able to do it. You see, then inserting text, it was 
easier, because I search for the currently active StarOffice component 
before inserting text.

I created a ContextMenuInterceptorClass, that registers once, then 
starting openoffice, to the current frame.
But then, it doesn't work then I opens a new frame, because I is 
registered, from the beginning on, at the first active StarOffice component.

So ... Either 
1)I register the ContextMenuInterceptor so that his 
notifyContextMenuExecute method will be called from what either frame a 
contextMenuEvent came from (Is that possible?), or
2) I have to register a new ContextMenuInterceptor each time I open a 
new Document, or change the current edited document.

Can you perhaps give me an hint ?

Here, this is how I'm doing to register the Context Menu
*  Registration of the context menu interceptor by using the current 
*  This is done once, then openOffice 

  XModel xModel = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, 
  com.sun.star.frame.XFrame xFrame = 

  XController xController = xModel.getCurrentController();
  //intercepts the XContextMenu, to add items in it

  com.sun.star.ui.XContextMenuInterception xContextMenuInterception =
com.sun.star.ui.XContextMenuInterception.class, xController);
  ContextMenuInterceptor aContextMenuInterceptor = new 

  com.sun.star.ui.XContextMenuInterceptor xContextMenuInterceptor =
com.sun.star.ui.XContextMenuInterceptor.class, aContextMenuInterceptor);

and here, a part of my ContextMenuInterceptor class, which adds items to 
a contextMenu.

* ContextMenuInterceptor, adds item to the openOffice contextMenu
public class ContextMenuInterceptor implements XContextMenuInterceptor {

public ContextMenuInterceptorAction notifyContextMenuExecute(
   com.sun.star.ui.ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent) throws 
RuntimeException {


com.sun.star.container.XIndexContainer xContextMenu = 

com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory xMenuElementFactory =
com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory.class, xContextMenu);

   if (xMenuElementFactory != null) {
   // create root menu entry and sub menu
   com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet xRootMenuEntry =
   (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

xRootMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("Text", "Ontology");
xRootMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("CommandURL", "slot:5410");
xRootMenuEntry.setPropertyValue("HelpURL", "5410");

Hi Daniel

The problem is that I want to insert text in the document the user is 
actually editing, and not in the Frame the programm opened.
Imagine the user opens an already existent file. This would open a 
new frame. Then inserting text from my java application, the text 
will appear in  the Frame he opened first, and not in the frame he is 
actually editing - which is not the expected behaviour.

So, I wanted to now how to get the current frame ...

h, now the shades of confusion lift :-)

You can query the XDesktop interface from an instance of the service
"com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", which you can create at the
MultiServiceFactory of the office.

The interface XDesktop has a method "getCurrentComponent()" which should
return the currently active StarOffice component.
To ensure that the com

[dev] OOo developers guide

2006-08-05 Thread Daniel Beck

I would like to have the openoffice developers guide (i.e., the one 
found at http://api.openoffice.org/DevelopersGuide/DevelopersGuide.html 
) as a textbook. I googled for it, and also looked at amazone, but 
apparently it is only possible to have it in electronical form.

I write this email to ask if someone know if it is possible to buy it 
somewhere as textbook.


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[dev] how to catch events everytime a character is entered into the Wordprocessor?

2006-08-13 Thread Daniel Beck


I want to catch events from openoffice everytime someone enters a 
character in the Worprocessor text area, or everytime someone selects an 
element from the context menu (The one obtained then doing right-mouse 
click on the edited document)

I think that I have to get the "XMenu" and the "XTextComponent" from 
some service from the Wordprocessor to register my XMenuListener and my 
XTextListener. I found no such services.

My Question is: how to do to capture events from the wordprocessor 
everytime a user enters a carachter into the wordprocessor?

I didn't found the answer, nether by googling for it, nor by looking 
into the examples from the Developer Guide, nor by reading hald of the 
Developer Guide (Btw, its really to long!)


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Re: [dev] Can I listen for changes of the view cursor?

2006-08-14 Thread Daniel Beck

Hello OpenOffice Maillinglist.

I'm forwarding my email contact with Matthias in the hope that someone 
can help us.

There also exists the com.sun.star.awt.XMouseListener, which not only 
listens to mouseclicks events, but also to events like mouseEntered, 
mouseExited, mousePressed, mouseReleased

But here I have a problem too: where must I register the 
XMouseHandler?/XMouseClickHandler? I tried to register it to the frame 
of the TextDocument, but that didn't do the Trick.

currenActiveOfficeComponent = newDocComponent("swriter");

XTextDocument xTextDocument = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime

XFrame textDocumentFrame= 

XWindow textFrameWindow = textDocumentFrame.getComponentWindow()
testFrameWindow.addFrameActionListener(new MyMouseListener());

and this one doesn't work either:
textDocumentFrame.addFrameActionListener(new MyFrameListener());

MyMouseListener and MyFrameListener only implements the method from 
the interface by adding System.out.println("some string") into each 

Sorry, no one has replied yet and I haven't found a solution myself. I
guess I will use an XMouseClickHandler. That doesn't tell me when the
user moved the cursor with the keyboard but it's better than nothing.

I have a problem similar to your problem. Did you find out 
meanwhile  how to get informed whenever the user moved the view cursor?
I'm trying myself to declare listener and register them, but until 
now, nothing works.


I'd like to know if there's a way to get informed whenever the user
has moved the view cursor. I've looked at the IDL and the dev guide
but I can't seem to find a function/interface for this.


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Re: [dev] OOo developers guide

2006-08-17 Thread Daniel Beck

Cool, I buy it...NOW! :-)


Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Daniel Beck wrote:

I would like to have the openoffice developers guide (i.e., the one 
found at 
http://api.openoffice.org/DevelopersGuide/DevelopersGuide.html ) as a 
textbook. I googled for it, and also looked at amazone, but 
apparently it is only possible to have it in electronical form.

I write this email to ask if someone know if it is possible to buy it 
somewhere as textbook.

Because the Developer's Guide is a Sun product and it is part of the 
StarOffice SDK as well it is available online and you can buy a 
printed version 

For selling a printed version of the Developer's Guide you need the 
permission of Sun yet, it is only allowed for private usage. But we 
are thinking about open sourcing the guide completely and not only to 
provide a free version.



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Re: [dev] Re: Can I listen for changes of the view cursor?

2006-08-21 Thread Daniel Beck


I think adding the SelectionChangeListener ist done as follow:

This is how you got you XTextViewCursor:

XTextViewCursorSupplier xViewCursorSupplier = (XTextViewCursorSupplier) 


It is the case that the xViewCursorSupplier supports the Service 
"TextDocumentView", which include the service "OfficeDocumentView". 
OfficeDocumentView exports the interface "XSelectionSupplier". (Cf to 
the idl documentation). XSelection is the interface we need, since it 
defines  the method addSelectionChangeListener()

Thus, querying for XSelectionSupplier is done as follow:
XSelectionSupplier xSelectionSupplier = (XSelectionSupplier) UnoRuntime

Eventually add to the retrieved XSelectionSupplier your own 

(MySelectionChangeListener is a class that implements 

I hope I made no mistakes.


p.s.: On Staroffice  8, an event is catched then I press the keys "up 
arrow" or the "down arrow", but *not* then I press the "left" or the 
"right arrow". This is a bug, isn't it ?

Matthias Benkmann wrote:

On 8/18/06, Mathias Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the view cursor is moved the selection also changes, so registering
as a SelectionChangedListener should be sufficient.

Thanks. That works nicely.

Can I ask where and how you add the listener? A few lines of code maybe?


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Re: [dev] XTextRange Diff

2007-03-07 Thread Daniel Beck


I remember that I had once a similar problem. I solved it by creating a 
XTextRange ranging from "start" to "end" and then by getting the size of 
the text of that XTextRange.

Here some pseudo code (I cannot post real code since I have no Java 
environment here)

//Creates the XTextRange ranging from start to end

//Returns the size of the XTextRange in number of characters:

I'm not sure if the returned size does match the number of characters 
under the windows OS if a line break happens to be in that XTextRange. A 
trick like this should solve the problem:

String text =xtextRange.getText().getString().length();
if (System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows"))
text = text.replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"), "\n");
return text.length()

I sadly found no easier way to count characters in a XTextRange.


Hello Guys !!!

I need some help... i have two XTextRange ... the Start and The END... 
exist way to return a position in the of this ranges ?


XTextRangeEND - XTextRangeSTART = 13

The Range have a 13 chars...

exists way ?

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