Re: [dev] OO 3.0, COM, loadComponentFromURL, readOnly ever .... :-(

2008-12-16 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:

On 12/15/08 20:44, Marten Feldtmann wrote:

| writerDocument |
writerDocument := aMSKOO desktop
loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: Array new.

The only thing that catches my eye is the wrong \ (vs. /) in the 
file URL (but I doubt that is of relevance here).

Wooow ! Amazing ! That was it !

Using 'file:///c:\test.odt' and it is opened readonly. Using 
'file:///c:/test.odt' and its working without problems !! I knew 
that it was not following the standard, but 2.4.x accepted it ...

Congratulations and many thanks !

On the other side: It works now but actually it seems a little suspect, 
that such a difference has such a strange impact on the working model 
... perhaps it would be better so throw an exception ..

But ok it's working now  and I updated my issue

Marten Feldtmann

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Re: [dev] OO 3.0, COM, loadComponentFromURL, readOnly ever .... :-(

2008-12-15 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Mikhail Voitenko schrieb:

Hi Marten,

As Mathias has written it would really help if you provide the code 
snippet related to parameters generation of the call. There is 
currently no known problem in this area, thus the scenario you are 
using should have a specific that let the problem be reproducible. And 
to detect what goes wrong we need a possibility to reproduce the problem.

Ok, here is the Smalltalk code I execute. The smallest code I can 
execute on the Smalltalk

side to get the error is:

| writerDocument |

writerDocument := 
	aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: Array new.

This code returns a valid OLE object (and opens a document), but the document is read-only. The file is 
indeed opened readonly - because not lock files are shown in this directory and I can open the file 
without problems via OpenOffice-application.

I could change the code to:

| writerDocument |

writerDocument := 
	aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:|test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: Array new.

and I get an exception with content URL seems to be an unsupported one.

This shows, that the stuff is at least something doing.

Then I changed the code to actually use parameters: In this document I used the attribute 
and I set it to true and this also worked very well. I get a valid OLE object 
back and the file seems
to be opened readonly but hidden:

| writerDocument aProperty  |

aProperty := OOBeansPropertyValue ooNew: aMSKOO.
name: 'Hidden' ;
value: true.

	writerDocument := 
		aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: (Array with: aProperty).


To verify that the boolean parameters are evaluated I change the last code to:

| writerDocument aProperty  |

aProperty := OOBeansPropertyValue ooNew: aMSKOO.
name: 'Hidden' ;
value: false.

	writerDocument := 
		aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: (Array with: aProperty).


and the document is opened visible again (readonly). Then I change the code 
(now we are coming to the ReadOnly
attribute) to:

| writerDocument aProperty  |

aProperty := OOBeansPropertyValue ooNew: aMSKOO.
name: 'READONLY' ;
value: false.

	writerDocument := 
		aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: (Array with: aProperty).


and the document is again opened visible readonly. The system does not 
recognize the 'READONLY' parameter - fine.Therefore
I change it to:

| writerDocument aProperty  |

aProperty := OOBeansPropertyValue ooNew: aMSKOO.
name: 'ReadOnly' ;
value: false.

	writerDocument := 
		aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: (Array with: aProperty).


On the lowest level side i get an object

*OSVariantarg {
vt: 13
wReserved1: 0
wReserved2: 0
wReserved3: 0

which is an pointer to an OSVariantarg structure. The 13 means VtUnknown. If I change the code to 

| writerDocument aProperty  |

aProperty := OOBeansPropertyValue ooNew: aMSKOO.
name: 'ReadOnly' ;
value: true

	writerDocument := 
		aMSKOO desktop

loadComponentFromURL: 'file:///c:\test.odt' string
TargetFrameName: '_blank' string
SearchFlags: 0 long
Arguments: (Array with: aProperty).

Re: [dev] OO 3.0, COM, loadComponentFromURL, readOnly ever .... :-(

2008-12-13 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Ok, I did some further tests:

a) deinstalled the 3.0.0 and installed the newest developer
   build - same error.

b) deinstalled the developer build and installed OO 2.4.1
   and my software worked without problems 

It's not a feature ... perhaps just a nasty little bug in the
OLE bridge ???


Mathias Bauer schrieb:

Marten Feldtmann wrote:

I did some tests with that API call and whatever I do: the document is 
always opened readOnly.

- when I open the document using OpenOffice 3.0 via dialog, the document 
opens the normal way: writeable

- when using the API call I always get a write protected document
- when I use the property ReadOnly and do set it to true I get a write 
protected document (thats ok ...)
- when I use the property ReadOnly and do set it to false I get a 
VT_UNKNOWN value from the loadComponentFromURL call.

Then I thought, that perhaps the parameter handling was wrong and 
created an empty document (via factory) and used the attribute Hidden 
and that work well. Therefore I think, that my parameter handling seems 
to be correct.

Any idea ???

It would perhaps help if you posted a code snippet showing the
parameters you use and the call itself. Besides that the only idea I
have is that the document might be open already.



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Re: [dev] getTextFields() - where to get additional infos

2008-12-02 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Nice, but this was NOT my question. If you get the information, that
the resulting object is of kind , then
I'm also fine, because my code also gives me all the needed information
I wanted to have.

The question was: how do I find out this information, that the returned
object is of that kind and I tried to show, that this information seems
to be not available by reading the IDL reference documentation.

Regarding the Smalltalk interface: though I generated code for nearly
the whole office suite I concentrate on the Writer part now trying to
find an easy programming model. The good thing is, that I do not
have to convert or request all these interfaces - the methods are there
point. I'm actually using my Smalltalk code to find out how it works,
write small programs and then reused this knowledge when doing C#

Actually I'm fine tuning the code generator now and some stuff is still
missing - due to lack of knowledge regarding OLE stuff. Some points:

* I'm able to convert a sequence (from OLE objects) to Smalltalk objects,
 bit I have not found out the other way. That means, that some of the
 generated code having sequences as parameters simply do not work

* Who is responsible for the memory management. I expect to have
 memory leaks - but I do not know, how to fix them right now.

The best thing would be to have a native UNO C bridge I could use, but
this area seems to be very limited documented.


rony schrieb:

Hi Marten,

Yes, these are hints, but you do not get this information from the IDL
and it seems to be impossible to get this information via reflection.

I created now around 3000 classes from doing reflection of the whole
system and
can't get this information.

The following is an interactive session (starting ooRexx in a command
line window, loading the uno/OOo support by calling the module uno.cls
and then querying the definition of the service using the IDL name) on Windows XP:

REXX-ooRexx_3.2.0(MT) 6.02 16 Jun 2008
  rexxtry.rex lets you interactively try REXX statements.
Each string is executed when you hit Enter.
Enter 'call tell' for a description of the features.
  Go on - try a few...Enter 'exit' to end.
call uno.cls
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say ppd(uno.getDefinition(str))
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT

So the XRefreshable interface gets listed, and very easily so...


Behind the curtains the UNO reflection mechanism is used to get to the
information. Wrote a Java wrapper for it, which encodes the results in
form of a string, that can be easily parsed according to p.2. on,
right-most column, section entitled Table “UNOIDL String Encodings”.

If you can interface with Java behind the curtain from Smalltalk then
please say so and I will direct you to where to get that Java wrapper
class (it took me *quite* some efforts to create it, but it works on all
platforms: Linux, Macs, and Windows), which may help you as well in your


P.S.: Of course I am always interested in seeing the Smalltalk snippets
from time to time to relate to another posting of yours...


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Re: [dev] getTextFields() - where to get additional infos

2008-12-01 Thread Marten Feldtmann
Yes, these are hints, but you do not get this information from the IDL 

and it seems to be impossible to get this information via reflection.

I created now around 3000 classes from doing reflection of the whole 
system and

can't get this information.


rony schrieb:

Hi Marten,

just guessing.

Marten Feldtmann wrote:

How can this code run:

((mxDocument as XTextFieldsSupplier).getTextFields() as

getTextFields() (by interface XTextFieldsSupplier) delivers
and this interface does not understand refresh.

Where in the idl reference do I get the information, that
getTextFields() actually delivers an instance of ?

I do not get this information via the idl reference, nor by reflection

Going to
and choosing Use in the top menu, you get to,
where you see a reference to

it seems that XEnumerationAccess is a subclass of XContainer and as
such possesses the XRefreshableInterface, which you then would neet to
query explicitly from the XEnumerationAcess object.



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[dev] getTextFields() - where to get additional infos

2008-11-27 Thread Marten Feldtmann

How can this code run:

((mxDocument as XTextFieldsSupplier).getTextFields() as 

getTextFields() (by interface XTextFieldsSupplier) delivers

and this interface does not understand refresh.

Where in the idl reference do I get the information, that 
getTextFields() actually delivers an instance of ?

I do not get this information via the idl reference, nor by reflection 

Marten Feldtmann

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[dev] OO 3.0, COM, loadComponentFromURL, readOnly ever .... :-(

2008-11-21 Thread Marten Feldtmann
I did some tests with that API call and whatever I do: the document is 
always opened readOnly.

- when I open the document using OpenOffice 3.0 via dialog, the document 
opens the normal way: writeable

- when using the API call I always get a write protected document
- when I use the property ReadOnly and do set it to true I get a write 
protected document (thats ok ...)
- when I use the property ReadOnly and do set it to false I get a 
VT_UNKNOWN value from the loadComponentFromURL call.

Then I thought, that perhaps the parameter handling was wrong and 
created an empty document (via factory) and used the attribute Hidden 
and that work well. Therefore I think, that my parameter handling seems 
to be correct.

Any idea ???

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Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, hoe does it works ?

2007-12-22 Thread Marten Feldtmann

The first problem is the loading of libraries via .NET. This happens on
a lazy base - when calling


On some machines I get errors (FileNotFound exceptions), some are working
without problems. This can be solved by adding the installation path to the
PATH variable. This must be done by the application program.

UNO_PATH does not help, because setting this will add the content of 

to PATH, but AFTER .NET has loaded all libraries needed.

The other problems are based on wrong registry entries (some from old
installations). To reduce these problems, one may set UNO_PATH, which 
that OO looks into the registry at all. On the other hand you may end up 

two OO paths in your PATH variable.

I've written a small console based program, which connects to OpenOffice 
in six
different way - nice program to check a computer very fast, if the OO 
works using .NET. The project (including binary) can be downloaded from and is about 30K small.

I now only have to solve the problem with a new XP installation on a 
laptop, where

2.3.0 is installed, but when bootstrap that it does not find the specific


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Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, hoe does it works ?

2007-12-20 Thread Marten Feldtmann


this is a total mess. I've got now three additional machine (older W2000 
and one brand new XP installation) to get
the software to work and on none of these machine did the software work. 
On one W2000 machine I've found
an old OO 1.1.4 installation (which was not able to uninstall itself) 
and manually deleting lots of OpenOffice regitry

entries I managed to get my 2.3.0 OO to run with my software.

The other W2000 machine is still not working and the XP-SP2 machine, I 
do not know - this is a total unstable way

to do programming with .NET and OpenOffice.

The only reliable way to get it all working is to start my application 
within the OO program directory (which is not a nice


Pretty bad ...

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Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, how does it works ?

2007-11-28 Thread Marten Feldtmann
 Could you delete the key and run the test again? (Assuming that you 
have uninstalled your user - only office anyway)

Well done - that was it ! Thank you very much !


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Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, hoe does it works ?

2007-11-27 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Hello Joachim,

I've already found and looked at the policy files. They are all there 
and they seem to work as expected. All libraries
are in the GAC  And in my last posting I also did all the other attempts 
to make it
work: I also tried NOT to deliver the libraries with my applications. 
But from your answer I get several results:

* do not deliver new OO libraries with own application

But - I'm not totally sure about that - my application tried to start 
and asked the .NET framework about
(as an example), which is delivered with OO 2.3 - but the target machine 
has only OO 2.2 and therefore only AND rebinding instructions for - to What is happing in case of such a request ?

Within VS2005 I told the application not to use strict versions - but 
this does not seem to help.

Please read my posting again - I've tried several cases and even the OO 
2.3 (source) - OO 2.3 (target) ONLY
works, when I change the PATH variable and OO 2.3 (source) - OO 2.2 
(target) does not work at all.

That it works on my (office) machine is perhaps pure luck, because it 
has the oldest installation and there was so
much work done with .NET configuration - but all other machines I tried 
out are fresh installed machines where

nothing has been changed in the .NET configuration.

I'm now at home (using VISTA) trying to get my own application to run - 
but no chance - always getting a

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: Eine externe Komponente hat 
eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.

 bei cppu.bootstrap(Referencecom::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext* )
 bei uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap()
 bei OpenOffice.GeneralDocHelper.connect(String[] args) in

But now looking again at this code (while writing this) I get another 
idea - this is a security exception ! Some
code is executed, which does not allowed things - I got this exception 
(as an example) when trying to read
the registry keys values from the registry (as a normal user under 
windows): to find out, where OO
is installed. Remember: my applications are only some files within a 
directory. They are not installed using
some kind of installer or stuff like this - I'm not an expert in this 
security area.

But this does not answer my other question: interoperability with OO 2.3 
development and OO 2.2 runtime.


Joachim Lingner schrieb:

Hi Marten,

Marten Feldtmann wrote:


I try to give some more information. On my development machine I have
.NET 1.1, .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0 installed. On this machine I use OO 
2.3 and all development is done using OO 2.3. I use OO to create 
documents on demand and on my machine everything is working as expected.

Original on the target machine was only .NET 2.0 but I also installed 
.NET 1.1 on that machine. Installed was also OO 2.2. I've several 
machines like this in our network ... and all have the same behaviour.

If I deploy my application I've learned, that I have to deliver my
versions of (based on OO 2.3) the following four libraries:

* cli_basetypes.dll (, * cli_cppuhelper.dll (, * 
cli_types.dll (, * cli_ure.dll (

I have a very simple deployment - I put all my files into a single
directory and add these four libraries to this directory.

This should not be necessary since  OOo installs the libraries into 
the GAC. This is also dangerous because  a new OOo version typically 
brings new types in cli_types.dll. When these are transferred to the 
client which uses an old cli_types.dll then the CLI-UNO bridge 
certainly terminates.

If I do NOT add these libraries, the .NET (e.g.) gets a request to 
bind version of cli_types.dll and it fails, because it has only
version (the version from from OO 2.2) and there are no 
rebinding instructions to rebind all the stuff to version x (based on 
OO 2.3). 

With every new version of OOo the assembly versions are incremented. 
Nowclient programs build with previous programs would not run 
anymore. Therefore OOo also installs a policy assembly for each 
assembly, for example policy.1.1.cli_types.dll which does a binding 
redirect for the assembly. That is, the runtime is told to use version 
1.1.10 although your assembly was build with 1.1.7. Here is an example 
of a policy configuration file:

?xml version=1.0?
assemblyBinding xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1
assemblyIdentity name=cli_types 
bindingRedirect oldVersion= 
newVersion= /


Please look in your GAC if all four policy assemblies are available. 
The policy configuration files can be found as plain text in the GAC, 
for example

CLI programs can be configured to use or not use publisher policy files.
This can be done

Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, hoe does it works ?

2007-11-27 Thread Marten Feldtmann

I did an uninstallation and then:

I've installed OO 2.3 for the current user (which is always admin - 
because one needs to have administration right) and

then it works (under admin) without further work.

I've installed OO 2.3 for all users and it does not work (wether admin 
nor me) and generates the Context error message

I mentioned in the earlier postings.

By the way - here is another person having this problem (posted 


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Re: [dev] CLI - how to deploy, hoe does it works ?

2007-11-26 Thread Marten Feldtmann


I try to give some more information. On my development machine I have
.NET 1.1, .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.0 installed. On this machine I use 
OO 2.3 and all development is done using OO 2.3. I use OO to create 
documents on demand and on my machine everything is working as expected.

Original on the target machine was only .NET 2.0 but I also installed 
.NET 1.1 on that machine. Installed was also OO 2.2. I've several 
machines like this in our network ... and all have the same behaviour.

If I deploy my application I've learned, that I have to deliver my
versions of (based on OO 2.3) the following four libraries:

* cli_basetypes.dll (, 
* cli_cppuhelper.dll (, 
* cli_types.dll (, 
* cli_ure.dll (

I have a very simple deployment - I put all my files into a single
directory and add these four libraries to this directory.

If I do NOT add these libraries, the .NET (e.g.) gets a request to bind 
version of cli_types.dll and it fails, because it has only
version (the version from from OO 2.2) and there are no rebinding 
instructions to rebind all the stuff to version x (based on OO 2.3). The 
result is a simple error message on the target machine:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei oder Assembly cli_types, 
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ce2cb7e279207b9e oder eine 
Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei 
nicht finden.
Dateiname: cli_types, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
  bei OpenOffice.TextDocHelper..ctor(Boolean hiddenFlag)


If I add these libraries the .NET framework searches in the executing
directory and find my deployed versions of these dll's and seems to 
bind them but errors come later on the target machine:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: Eine externe Komponente hat eine 
Ausnahme ausgelöst.
  bei cppu.bootstrap(Referencecom::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext* )
  bei uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap()
  bei OpenOffice.GeneralDocHelper.connect(String[] args) in 
  bei OpenOffice.GeneralDocHelper..ctor(Boolean hiddenFlag) in 
  bei OpenOffice.TextDocHelper..ctor(Boolean hiddenFlag) in 

(does not matter if admin or normal user)
If I add the OpenOffice 2.2 installation path (...\program) to PATH I get a 
different error on the target machine: 
[map_to_uno():[]] conversion failed
[map_to_uno() [map_to_uno():any] 
could not convert type!

Server stack trace: 

Exception rethrown at [0]: 
  bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

  bei System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData 
msgData, Int32 type)
URL, String TargetFrameName, Int32 SearchFlags, PropertyValue[] Arguments)
  bei OpenOffice.TextDocHelper.initDocument(Boolean hiddenFlag) in 
  bei OpenOffice.TextDocHelper..ctor(Boolean hiddenFlag) in 

Then I installed OO 2.3 on the target machine (changed the PATH variable to the
original content - this means: NO OO 2.3 in the path) and get the same 
XComponentContext exception as mentioned above.


Then I change the PATH variable to point to the OO 2.3 directory (..\program\)
all is working.


Following my experience on some other machines here I have to make sure, that
ALL machines have OO 2.3 and PATH must include the OO2.3 program directory
and then the stuff may work. Another problem here is, that it is not possible
to retrieve the installation path of OO 2.3 when working as a normal user -
the security issues with that simple deployment do not allow this.

After all I would say, that the whole deployment for .NET based system 
OpenOffice simply does not work.

But perhaps you have some hints to make this work ...


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[dev] CLI, TextTable and Cells - why can I not set property values ?

2007-11-08 Thread Marten Feldtmann

This is an extract of my code - I do not know, why the last code line
always fails  any ideas ? propSet = null;

// We get a single cell  which works without problems ... cell = 

// THis property value setting (based on tables) works also  

new uno.Any(0xAA));

// Now we try to work based on cells ...
propSet = ( cell;

// This always breaks and raises UnknownPropertyException
// ... but single cells should have this property ...
   new uno.Any((ushort);

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Re: [dev] OLE, data type hyper and returned vt value !?

2007-10-17 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Joachim Lingner schrieb:
In case there are no 100% equivalent types in two different type 
systems (oleautomation  UNO) one has to tweak a little. The Decimal 
should cover the value space of a hyper and can therefore be used on 
the oleautomation side when calling an UNO method which requires an 
hyper argument.

And yes, I noticed my fault again ... the returned 14 value IS 
VT_DECIMAL ... apologize for my misunderstanding


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Re: [dev] OLE, data type hyper and returned vt value !?

2007-10-16 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Joachim Lingner schrieb:

Hi Marten,

Marten Feldtmann wrote:

When running around in the reflection system of OpenOffice 2.x I came
across the following problem:

Some constants have adefined data type hyper, which means signed 64 
bit values. When I query the value for that constant I get a dispatched

(is this the right name) with a vt type = 14.

I ran around and looked for that definition: 14 and found in my 
development tool and some texts from Microsoft, that the value for

signed 64-bit values is 0x14 - which means 20 and not 14.

Int 64 is no valid automation type:

Therefor Decimal should be used. See
Developers Guide: 

paragraph: Mapping of hyper and Decimal.

Since automation bridge converts the arguments to the expected type it 
should also be possible to provide 16 or 32 bit integers where a hyper 
is expected.

Then it is a bug within the automation bridge ... as an example:


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Re: [dev] Custom data inside OpenDocument

2007-10-15 Thread Marten Feldtmann
The method metioned below is part of the beansXPropertyContainer 
interface and should

be available under DocumentInfo 


Robert Vojta schrieb:

On 10/15/07, Mathias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



You have to add the property before you can assign it a value:

So, when I call setPropertyValue in Java and property wasn't added
previously, it should raise UnknownPropertyException exception. If
yes, this exception isn't raised here on my computer and I assume it's
a bug.


ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.AddProperty(aCustomProperty,, defaultval)
ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.SetPropertyValue(aCustomProperty, a Custom Value)

It's important to use the REMOVABLE attribute so that it is
immediately discernible that this property is not a built-in one.

It works in StarBasic, thanks. But where I can found addProperty in
Java? I can't find similiar method in XDocumentInfo, XPropertySet, ...


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[dev] OLE, data type hyper and returned vt value !?

2007-10-15 Thread Marten Feldtmann

When running around in the reflection system of OpenOffice 2.x I came
across the following problem:

Some constants have adefined data type hyper, which means signed 64 
bit values. When I query the value for that constant I get a dispatched

(is this the right name) with a vt type = 14.

I ran around and looked for that definition: 14 and found in my 
development tool and some texts from Microsoft, that the value for

signed 64-bit values is 0x14 - which means 20 and not 14.

And by the way this is only supported by XP and later  ...

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[dev] How to get the supported interfaces of an unknown object ?

2007-10-11 Thread Marten Feldtmann

All I would like to have is a way to implement:


which may returns true or false  and this via UNO calls and not via
BASIC special calls (to use it under OLE).

I thought, that perhaps queryInterface might help me, but I do not
understand type and how to get the type for a name like ?


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Re: [dev] How to get the supported interfaces of an unknown object ?

2007-10-11 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:

Marten Feldtmann wrote:

All I would like to have is a way to implement:


See, which should be implemented by 
every UNO object (but probably isn't for some).
Then we are in a circle :-) - XTypeProvider may return you some 
information about an
object and returns an instance, which supports at least -
but how is it going on then ? I want to query the returned instance, if 
it implements additional

interfaces - just to know how to react - therefore the example above ...

To summarize - in the example above anObject is an object which at 
least implements - but does it also implements 

interfaces ?

This problem arrises, if you work with the enumeration you may receive 


* You may work around this particular problem, by querying the typeClass 
- but I do not

see a general solution for this problem ...

 In StarBasic this feature seems to be called: HasUnoInterface(object, 
string) ..


which may returns true or false  and this via UNO calls and not via
BASIC special calls (to use it under OLE).

I thought, that perhaps queryInterface might help me, but I do not
understand type and how to get the type for a name like ?

queryInterface (although erroneously mentioned in the 
language-independent XInterface.idl) is language-binding--specific 
functionality.  Which language are you talking about (Java, C++, etc.)?

I'm looking for OLE ...


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Re: [dev] OLE, Source code generation and reflection ... the boring story ...

2007-10-09 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:

Marten Feldtmann wrote:
What a nonsense ... the BASIC program is the following and I think, 
that it

does pretty much the same as done in climaker 

IIRC, at least a long time ago there were problems with 
createTypeDescriptionEnumeration and particular arguments to it.  Did 
you experiment whether using other arguments (an explicit module name, 
an empty valueArray, 1 instead of -1) helps?  Sorry I cannot remember 
more details, or even an issue ID.

After asking google I found out, that such a discussion was hold around 
Juli 2005 with the same content between you and Arnulf Wiedemann. I'm just

reading it, what that all means ...


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Re: [dev] OLE, Source code generation and reflection ... the boring story ...

2007-10-09 Thread Marten Feldtmann
And Jürgen Schmidt answered this question around August-2005. Here is 
the corrected code

for the problem ..

Sub MyReflectionTest
 Dim enumeration as Object
 Dim typeDescription as object
 dim valueArray(0) 
 dim level

 valueArray(0) =

 servicemgr = getProcessServiceManager()
 tdmgr = 

 if not IsNull(tdmgr) then
   enumeration = 
valueArray,  1)

   if not isNull(enumeration) then
 do while (enumeration.hasMoreElements)
   typeDescription = enumeration.nextTypeDescription


End Sub

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Re: [dev] OLE, Source code generation and reflection ... the boring story ...

2007-10-07 Thread Marten Feldtmann

What a nonsense ... the BASIC program is the following and I think, that it
does pretty much the same as done in climaker 

REM  *  BASIC  *

Sub Main
End Sub

Sub MyReflectionTest
 Dim oTypeDescriptionProvider as Object
 Dim enumeration as Object
 Dim typeDescription as object
 dim valueArray(0) 
 dim level

 valueArray(0) =

 oTypeDescriptionProvider = CreateUnoService( )

 if not IsNull(oTypeDescriptionProvider) then
   enumeration = 
valueArray,  -1)

   if not isNull(enumeration) then
 do while (enumeration.hasMoreElements)
   typeDescription = enumeration.nextTypeDescription
   MsgBox typeDescription.dbg_methods   


End Sub

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Re: [dev] OLE, Source code generation and reflection ... the boring story ...

2007-10-06 Thread Marten Feldtmann

if you want to programmatically determine all types, you could use the service.

For example the climaker uses it to create all cli types from UNO 
types. Have a look at cli_ure/source/climaker/climaker_app.cxx.


is used to iterate over all available types.

Yes, I tried that - but all I get are empty enumerations ... as an 
example an OOBASIC code trying to get

all services from the reflection module ...

REM Smalltalk Source code example 
REM typeCollection := OrderedCollection new.
REMtypeCollection add: OOCSSUnoTypeClass::SERVICE.
REMenumeration := anInstance
REMtypes: (OSVariantarg 
fromIntegerCollection: typeCollection)
OOCSSReflectionTypeDescriptionSearchDepth::INFINITE .

REMaCollection := OrderedCollection new.
REM[ enumeration hasMoreElements ] whileTrue:[
REMaCollection add: enumeration nextTypeDescription   


Sub MyReflectionTest
 Dim oTypeDescriptionProvider as Object
 Dim enumeration as Object
 Dim typeDescription as object
 dim valueArray(0) 

 valueArray(0) =

 oTypeDescriptionProvider = CreateUnoService( )

 if not IsNull(oTypeDescriptionProvider) then
   enumeration = 
valueArray, -1)

   if not isNull(enumeration) then
 do while (enumeration.hasMoreElements)
   typeDescription = enumeration.nextTypeDescription
   MsgBox typeDescription.dbg_methods   


End Sub


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[dev] OLE, Source code generation and reflection ... the boring story ...

2007-10-01 Thread Marten Feldtmann
I'm still on a rather boring project here (actually I worked for this 
last year
also but stopped that working and now I'm looking at that problem again) 

I try to connect VASmalltalk to OpenOffice via OLE. My approach was to get
all the information from OpenOffice via reflection and then I try to 
produce Smalltalk
code, which can be pretty nice used to do OpenOffice programming at 
least under

Windows using OLE.

One of my first problems to get a list of all services, constants, enum 
etc ... there is
simply no way to get this via software control. Therefore I installed 
the SDK and
parsed all files below the directory classes and I got a list with 
more than 3000
items - fine. Via this method and some reflection I get around 176 
definitions for

enums, constants and so on.

Then I tried to get information about services and interfaces, but this 

has success (e.g ''), but sometimes not a single
information can be retrieved (e.g. ''''). 
In the

later case I always get VtUnknown error from the OLE subsystem.

My attempts to get more meta information is either via the core reflection
service or via an instance via beans.introspection  but both classes 
can not

deliver valid informations on most interfaces and services.

Any idea how what the problem can be 


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Re: [dev] UNO, URP, IIOP, etc.

2007-05-06 Thread Marten Feldtmann
It would be pretty interesting to see your discussion in the public, 
because I tried to
write a language wrapper for Smalltalk in the past (but only via OLE) 
and I did

not finished it. Therefore I'm really interested in this area.


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Re: [dev] 2.0.4 : Help-About shows 2.0.3

2006-10-14 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Werner Schulte schrieb:

Hello all.

Downloaded and installed 2.0.4 this morning (Windows and Linux) and

Help-About shows 2.0.3

Opening the dialog via HilfeInfo über shows me: 2.0.4


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Re: [dev] How to get ALL interfaces, ALL services, ALL enums, ALL ...

2006-04-26 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Marten Feldtmann schrieb:

Is there any support to get ALL available definitions
within OpenOffice:

* all interfaces
* all enums
* all structs
* all services

Well, the answer was simple: install the SDK ( I had this already) and
find all files ending up with idl and then let code generator fly over
these names, do reflection and the results are around 1600 classes 

I still can not get the definitions (name/Value) of the constants  :-(


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Re: [dev] OLE Access to structure components ... how ??

2006-04-25 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Marten Feldtmann schrieb:

As an example here is my Smalltalk method for getting aName.

   invoke: 'aName' name of the method I have to invoke
   withArguments: Array newno arguments
   returnType: trueyes I want to have the return values

I've found the answer for myself: in this case this is not a method invoke,
but a property invoke  and then one gets the values of a struct.


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[dev] How to get ALL interfaces, ALL services, ALL enums, ALL ...

2006-04-25 Thread Marten Feldtmann

Is there any support to get ALL available definitions
within OpenOffice:

* all interfaces
* all enums
* all structs
* all services


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[dev] OLE Access to structure components ... how ??

2006-04-20 Thread Marten Feldtmann

I again try to connect Smalltalk (IBM VisualAge Smalltalk) to
OpenOffice and I start doing this via OLE/COM.

I'm actually not that good in OLE, but I managed to query interfaces
for their methods and properties and this works quite well - from
these informations I would like to create source code compiled
into Smalltalk.

To build the method signatures I came across structures and nwo
I'm lost ...

One of these structures I have is
and I try to get the values of the components aName, aMode and

As an example here is my Smalltalk method for getting aName.

   invoke: 'aName' name of the method I have to invoke
   withArguments: Array newno arguments
   returnType: trueyes I want to have the return values

I would assume to get a String - but whatever I do: I get a low

It even finds a dispid for the method above (I think it was the 3),
but calling it simply fails and returns this error.

Any idea ???


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