Re: [dev] OOo 3.0 crashes on Mac

2009-02-24 Thread Robert Vojta
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Karthik Sudarshan wrote:


 The bug is in the way OpenOffice port of MacOS, inits the JVM. Is this a
 known issue? Should I file a bug for the same?

it's a known bug and issue was already reported.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Listening for document events.

2008-07-11 Thread Robert Vojta
Hi Andrew,

 I'd like it to be attached automatically when the office is started in
 order to capture events throughout the session.

I assume from this part that you would like to listen for events from
all documents. My recommendation is ...

 - write Job [1] and assign it to event OnAppStart [2]
 - register your listener in GlobalEventBroadcaster [3]

... GlobalEventBroadcaster includes XEventBroadcaster as
OfficeDocument. The only difference is that XEventBroadcaster in
OfficeDocument broadcasts events for one document and
XEventBroadcaster in GlobalEventBroadcaster broadcasts events for all
documents. AFAIK you can use protocol handler instead of job with
OnAppStart event too.


You can find examples in SDK directory tree ...

Job - [SDK]/examples/DevelopersGuide/Components/Addons/JobsAddon
ProtocolHandler -

Protocol handler in Java can be generated by the
plug-in in the NetBeans for you. Create new project
Addon ...

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Proposal : tar.gz packages for Linux as default for CWS builds

2008-07-02 Thread Robert Vojta
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Rail Aliev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From QA POV it will be very useful. You can install (unpack) more than 1
 version of OOo.

Just a side note ... You can install more than one version of OOo today too.

a) Unpack RPM packages with rpm2cpio

Usage: rpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -idv

b) Use install script from Pavel Janik's builds [1]

Install script is included in each OO.o release tar.gz file.

Usage: install ./RPMS ~/Applications/my-ooo


You have to take care about configuration directories otherwise you
can rewrite your production environment settings. It's enough to use
-env:UserInstallation switch when starting OO.o.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Who draws the gray area around text documents?

2008-06-23 Thread Robert Vojta
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Aaron Digulla [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way to access the context menu, too? I'd like to display my own
 context menu. Maybe it would be enough to disable it completely; I could
 then listen for the right mouse button and display my own menu.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] problem with exe installing oxt

2008-05-28 Thread Robert Vojta
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Dinesh Chothe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Dinesh,

 How do I achieve this?

you should use unopkg in your installer (it's located in OO.o/program
directory).  For example ...

  unopkg add -f myextension.oxt

... this command installs your extension (-f means force). Run unopkg
without arguments to get more info about arguments.

 Can anybody guide me how do I solve this problem?

My recommendation is NSIS. You can write install scripts easily and
then generate exe installation file. You should do it in this way ...

 - get info from registry, where OO.o is installed
 - run OO.o install path/program/unopkg add -f yourextension.oxt
 - copy additional files somewhere

... this can be done in several minutes. I've never saw NSIS few weeks
ago and I was able to write installation program very quickly.

Question is - why are these files outside .oxt? There is API, which
gives you a possibility to access files in .oxt, so, you can easily
include them in .oxt too.

P.S. Do not cross post you questions to dev and dev-api mailing lists, thanks.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Data from cell of xTexttable

2008-05-14 Thread Robert Vojta
On 5/14/08, Dinesh Chothe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

do  I get  text data  from cell?

interface css.table.XCell

 - getValue(), getType(), getError(), getFormula()

interface css.text.XText

 - getString()

Both interfaces are exported, so, you have to queryInterface() from Cell object.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Portable + PE + unattended version for OpenOffice

2008-04-25 Thread Robert Vojta
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:17 AM, Xtreme Sony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hallo Ahmed,

  Portable version: which will let OpenOffice to be portal and can be run from 
 any USB so that i can get it with me anywhere to be able to use it on any PC. 
 Also all the settings you make are saved.

it's already done. You can download portable at:

Robert Vojta

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[dev] TextTable structure

2008-04-17 Thread Robert Vojta

I tried to consult my work with the Developer's Guide (Text tables
section), but I'm not 100 % sure that everything is clear to me.
Imagine that I have a special extension with JTable component, which
is capable to merge, split cells too. I want to load selected text
table into this JTable component = I have to reconstruct text table
structure. Are the following premises correct?

o Vertical cell merging

I assume that if there are cells A1, A2, A3 and A5 (A4 is missing)
that the cell A3 is merged (A3:A4 in a simple table).

o Horizontal cell merging

It's more complicated. If I have cells in a first row A1, ..., D1 and
cells in a second row A2, ..., C2, there is merged cell in a second
row. The problem is how to decide which cells are merged (A2:B2,
B2:C2, C2:D2 in a simple table)? Should I use TableColumnSeparators?
It means, get TableColumnSeparators[] from TextTable, get
TableColumnSeparators[] from TextTableRow and compare where they are
placed? Or they are same for all rows but IsVisible property is used
for merged cells?

o Nested cells

I assume that the upper premises are valid for nested cells, ie. cells
like A1.1.1, A1.1.2, ...

Or should I use completely different approach?

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Extension not working with open office separately

2008-03-07 Thread Robert Vojta
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Juergen Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It sounds definitely strange and i assume i problem with your office

I was thinking about this yesterday and I probably saw this too. It
has something to do with extension debugging, quick starter and
friends. I can't reproduce the problem now, but it was something like
this ...

 - no instance of running, quick starter disabled
 - extension debug starts own OO.o instance with new settings (with enabled QS)
 - extension debug ends
 - new instance of OO.o started (without NetBeans) and it has crippled
Java - because debug instance of OO.o has enabled QS, still in memory,
and I don't know how, but it affects normal OO.o instance too (QS
enabled even if it was disabled, Java, ...)

I already described this behavior in this issue


Maybe it has something to do with this issue, because this is the case
when I saw the same error message (about wrong configured Java).

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] how to use ClassLoader.getSystemResource(file) inside an extension ?

2008-03-07 Thread Robert Vojta
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:14 PM, Oliver Brinzing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  anyway, i still do not understand why ClassLoader.getSystemResource(file);
  does not work inside an extension ...

Search [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list, for example thread
[api-dev] Classpath in OO Extensions on Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 2:13
PM. Or just search for Classpath in this mailing list.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] GoOOoCon2008 / Prague ...

2008-03-07 Thread Robert Vojta
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Marcus Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What do I think???
  Novell is tring to break OOo apart. It was predictable.
  -1 to Novell

This is what? Do you want to start some flamewar again? Or what? Just
to refresh your memory, mailing list description:

This list provides a general entry point for developers; it is also
strongly urged that all developers subscribe to this list for
announcements, etc. If you are unsure which project fits your needs
best, ask for redirection here. But do not expect user discussions or
support. Rather, discussions are focused on the development of the

Do you like this event? Come, meet people and be happy. Don't you? Stay at home.

I don't like these stupid emails about nothing. Do you want to say
something like this to Michael / Novell? Say it, but off-list,
directly to Michael, Novell, in your blog, ...

Anyone else wants to start virtual fight against Sun, Novell, SCA,
JCA, LGPL, GPL, ... for whatever reason here? Me not, so, please, try
to resolve these things off-list. Thanks!

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Extension not working with open office separately

2008-03-06 Thread Robert Vojta
On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Dinesh Chothe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have created one oo extension project using Netbeans.
 When  I build and run this extension through Netbeans
 it works fine

Does this mean that you click on Deploy and Run Extension in

 but after creating its   .oxt   file  through
 Netbeans  and  building  it through tools--Extension Manager in open 
 not working.

How did you create your extension (.oxt file)? Create OXT in project
context menu?

These steps are equivalent (in extension create  install view) ...

a) Create OXT and manual installation ( Tools - Extension Manager )
b) Deploy Extension
c) Deploy and Run Extension in

... if not, it is probably a bug and should be reported.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] how to use ClassLoader.getSystemResource(file) inside an extension ?

2008-03-06 Thread Robert Vojta
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 8:07 PM, Oliver Brinzing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  i try to load some *.xsd files for schema validation out of a jar file.

.xsd is in the same .jar file as your extension? If yes,
getClass().getResource( /path/in/my/jar/something.xsd ) should work.

Robert Vojta

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[dev] Java - Lock part of the table

2007-10-18 Thread Robert Vojta
Hallo all,

Is there a way how to lock ( = make read only ) part of the table? I
mean table in the Writer.

I would like to achieve this functionality. User can freely edit table
headings and row names (first table column). Remaining part of the
table should be readonly and editable by special component (new
dialog) only.

To achieve this, I need to make part of the table read only. I was
thinking about sections, but as far as I know, it's not possible to
create section with selected cells.

Or I could intercept user's input within selected cells and start my own dialog.

Is this possible?


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Custom data inside OpenDocument

2007-10-15 Thread Robert Vojta
On 10/15/07, Mathias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 You have to add the property before you can assign it a value:

So, when I call setPropertyValue in Java and property wasn't added
previously, it should raise UnknownPropertyException exception. If
yes, this exception isn't raised here on my computer and I assume it's
a bug.

  ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.AddProperty(aCustomProperty,, defaultval)
  ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.SetPropertyValue(aCustomProperty, a Custom 

 It's important to use the REMOVABLE attribute so that it is
 immediately discernible that this property is not a built-in one.

It works in StarBasic, thanks. But where I can found addProperty in
Java? I can't find similiar method in XDocumentInfo, XPropertySet, ...

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Custom data inside OpenDocument

2007-10-14 Thread Robert Vojta
On 10/12/07, ashok _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 to set a custom property :
 ThisComponent.DocumentInfo.SetPropertyValue(aCustomProperty, a Custom 

This doesn't work in 2.2.1 version (I forgot to mention
version in my previous email). I tried this in StarBasic and in Java
before I sent my mail, but no success. Interesting thing is that no
exception is raised in Java.


Robert Vojta

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[dev] Custom data inside OpenDocument

2007-10-12 Thread Robert Vojta

I would like to store custom data inside OpenDocument, in Writer
documents (ODT) in this case. These data should be document specific
and table specific. Why this?

I have the extension, which handles special formatting of tables
inside the Writer document like display currency symbol before / after
number, ... Lot of these things can be done directly with, but few of them needs special handling. And I would
like to store these settings inside Writer's document.

I need to store custom data within OpenDocument (default values for
new tables) and modified data for each  table inside OpenDocument. So,
when I reopen this OpenDocument on another computer with same
extension, this extension can read these meta data and re-format table
properly when user changes it, creates new table, etc.

I found few solutions like custom shape inside document, which is
invisible (special position, special color, ...). You can assign
custom attributes to this shape to store your data. But I don't like
this solution.

Is there a generic way how to store custom data within a document and
within an object (like table) inside document?

Best regards,
Robert Vojta

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] BASIC and SOAP

2007-09-06 Thread Robert Vojta
On 9/6/07, Juergen Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hallo Juergen,

 what is the reason to switch from Java to Basic?

it's very simple - my customer's wish. But I still hope I can convince
them to stay with Java.

Anyway, even if this extension will be delivered as Java extension, is
there a way how to call SOAP functions from Basic?


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] BASIC and SOAP

2007-09-06 Thread Robert Vojta
On 9/6/07, Cedric Bosdonnat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hallo Cedric,

 The best way to convince him: calling SOAP methods from Basic is
 impossible unless you develop an UNO API for this... in Java or
 something else.

look at this ...

... it was possible to call SOAP functions from Basic. I tried to call ...

proxyFac = createUNOService(

... but proxyFac object was null. I tried to search for ProxyFactory
description, but no success. So, I assumed it was renamed, moved or
completely removed.

As I said, this example is from year 2003, more than 4 years old.

 As long as the Java extension provides a correct UNO API (beware of the
 traps with Basic use of UNO).

I know this, but my first question was wrong. OKay, my new question is
- following piece of code / API ...

... is still alive somewhere inside OO.o or it was completely removed?


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] BASIC and SOAP

2007-09-06 Thread Robert Vojta
On 9/6/07, Cedric Bosdonnat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hallo Cedric,

 Have you installed the extension at the end of the page ? This is not
 shipped with OOo by default, but there is a package to install.

ops ... It's a shame ... I completely missed this extension. I'm
sorry for this useless thread.

Robert Vojta

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[dev] BASIC and SOAP

2007-09-05 Thread Robert Vojta

is there a way how to work with SOAP from BASIC code? I
would like to rewrite one extension from Java to OO.o BASIC, but I
can't until I find how to call SOAP functions.

I found one question from Laurent about SOAP and OO.o, but the answer
isn't useful today, because this question is from year 2004. All these
ProxyFactory, ... classes are missing.

Any idea?


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Registry cache - Recent documents list

2007-03-27 Thread Robert Vojta

On 3/27/07, Carsten Driesner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hallo Carsten,

You should wait for 2.2 where this problem has been fixed.

do you know which CWS contains this fix? So I can backport it to my
2.1? Or this a big change, so it is not recommend to backport this


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Registry cache - Recent documents list

2007-03-27 Thread Robert Vojta

On 3/27/07, Robert Vojta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

do you know which CWS contains this fix? So I can backport it to my
2.1? Or this a big change, so it is not recommend to backport this

I just found it ... The change is diffed here ...

... and it is issue #i72396#.


Robert Vojta

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[dev] Internal neon and SSL/TLS support

2006-11-23 Thread Robert Vojta

Hallo all,

I'm working on WebDAV content provider now and I'm focused on HTTPS
support. There is no problem on platforms like Linux, where I can use
system neon library (--with-system-neon), which is obviously compiled
with SSL support. I tested this and HTTPS support for WebDAV works

But what should I do for remaining platforms? Windows, Solaris, Mac OS
X? Do these platforms have SSL libraries like openssl? Or should I
make new top level project from openssl (internal openssl)? What about
openssl's Apache license?

I do not want to connect SSL support with neon only, because I can
imagine that we can use SSL layer somewhere else too. Any comments?

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Internal neon and SSL/TLS support

2006-11-23 Thread Robert Vojta

On 11/23/06, Kai Sommerfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Kai,

 We already talked about this on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your work is greatly
appreciated. I (as the author of the original WebDAV content provider
code) offer you my full assistance with this project.

yes, we did. I just want to hear more opinions about new external
openssl project. Next thing is, that I'm looking for people to test
this change - at least for Solaris and Mac OS X platforms. Volunteers?

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Integration of the page into the Firefox browser

2006-11-07 Thread Robert Vojta

On 11/3/06, Kay Koll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am planning to publish the extension on the Mozilla Extension page in
the next couple of weeks.

Nice one. I use simple IssueZilla search engine for Firefox for fast IZ access.|png)

Robert Vojta

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[dev] Help icons - dynamic change

2006-11-02 Thread Robert Vojta

Hallo all, supports icons theme switching. Is there anything
(issue, idea, plan, implementation, ...) which describes dynamic icon
theme switching when viewing help content - show same icons as UI has?
I have big number of feedbacks on this topic - users are simply
confused, when help contains different icons than running


Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] How to store sensitive information

2006-11-01 Thread Robert Vojta

On 11/1/06, Mathias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To force the password container to store passwords one line of code must
be changed in uui/source/iahndl.cxx. In this case we should perhaps make
it configurable wether passwords are stored or not in the future.

Thanks for this hint ...

In what way is the Mozilla approach different to our current one?

As you wrote, there's no difference. I meant that it's better to use
Mozilla's approach, which is same as OO.o approach (didn't know this),
than to use different backends for different platforms ...

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] How to store sensitive information

2006-10-31 Thread Robert Vojta

Why not instead making OOo aware/a client of gnome-keyring manager?

What about KDE users? Other platforms - Windows, Mac OS X?

Answer is simple - I need to store passwords on all available
platforms - like Firefox does.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] How to store sensitive information

2006-10-31 Thread Robert Vojta

On 10/31/06, Mathias Bauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have a password container that can collect passwords at runtime and
keeps them. Currently we don't store passwords persistently (only in
memory), though the implementation would be there. It uses a
configuration backend and the passwords can be sealed with a master

Sounds like good news to me ... Can you tell me in which module is
this implementation? Is this implementation enabled by default and not
used or it's just there and nobody is using it? Are those passwords
(sealed with a master password) encrypted?

My first email was about WebDAV - it's an example from users RFEs. I
have few extensions and they need similar functionality in - ability to store encrypted passwords persistently
sealed with master password.

The whole implementation is encapsulated into a UNO service and if
somebody wanted we could show him the ropes and discuss possible ways to
integrate with other backends.

Hmm, I think that the Mozilla approach is better. Lot of backends on
all available platforms - never ending job. If persistently stored
passwords can be encrypted, configuration backend fits all needs for
this feature.

Robert Vojta

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[dev] How to store sensitive information

2006-10-30 Thread Robert Vojta


does provide a framework for storing sensitive
information? Like passwords? Anything like Gnome Keyring Manager, ...?

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] How to store sensitive information

2006-10-30 Thread Robert Vojta


That depends what you want to do. OOo can set a password on a document when
you save through File - Save As. Bear in mind that the encryption is strong,
so if you lose the password you lose the data. It is not practical to try to
break it with current technology, AIUI. There is only type of encryption
possible defined by OOo now.

this is misapprehension ... finally not for ...

Do you know Gnome Keyring Manager? Or do you know Firefox Password
Manager? Looks like not. I would like to do modify in
this way ...

- extend WebDAV support and modify file picker,
- provide password management for WebDAV (and others) accounts

... so, users can store their WebDAV passwords within
These passwords can be protected with Master password like in Firefox.
And I'm asking, if provides framework, has an API, to
store this kind of information. Safely.

Robert Vojta

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[dev] Toolbar add-ons - Text, Combo Box entries

2005-10-17 Thread Robert Vojta

  I know how to add a button to a new toolbar within my add-on. But is
there a way how can I add for example Text Entry or Combo Box entry to a
new toolbar? Something like font selection, font size, ...? I can't find
more and Addons.xcu documentation doesn't mention anything else than
buttons and menu entries. Is this possible?


Robert Vojta

Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux
(Unknown source)

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Re: [dev] Automate export to PDF

2005-10-04 Thread Robert Vojta
On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 11:34 +1000, Cameron Zemek wrote:

Hi Cameron,

 I want to be able to automate on a server the exporting of OpenDocuments 
 to PDF. Can someone point me to resources that would help me in doing so?

  I wrote a simple shell script with one BASIC macro for automated
conversion from all supported formats to PDF format.

  Old macro, shell script:

  Macro update:  

  Here you can learn how to do it with UNO API.

  Hmm, I saw some webpage few months ago with similiar thing, but I
can't find it now :( I tried Google and found this - ServOO It's written in Java, some conversion, maybe it
can help you too.

Robert Vojta

It's God. No, not Richard Stallman, or Linus Torvalds, but God.
(By Matt Welsh)

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[dev] Addons.xcu and the name of the OfficeToolBar

2005-05-23 Thread Robert Vojta
Hallo all,

  I wrote a simple extension for the Everything works
perfectly for me, but have no idea how to change name of the new
Toolbar. It's always named as 'Add-on 1'. Is there a way how to name
this new toolbar, which is created for my extension? The following part
of the Addons.xcu is responsible for the Toolbar:

node oor:name=OfficeToolBar
 node oor:name=org.openoffice.rvojta.Vlnka oor:op=replace
  node oor:name=m1 oor:op=replace
   prop oor:name=URL oor:type=xs:string  
   prop oor:name=ImageIdentifier oor:type=xs:string
   prop oor:name=Title oor:type=xs:string
value xml:lang=en-USWavelet/value
value xml:lang=csVlnka/value
   prop oor:name=Target oor:type=xs:string
   prop oor:name=Context oor:type=xs:string

  It seems that there is no word about toolbar name in the developer's
guide and google can't help me too ...


Robert Vojta

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RE: [dev] Wants a start in OpenOffice development.

2005-05-23 Thread Robert Vojta
On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 13:32 -0700, Steven Noonan wrote:

 If only compiling wasn't so slow (took 12 hours on my Linux
 box...), I'd love to be on the dev team ;)

  Use ccache - my 2GHz Centrino laptop with 1GB of RAM and quite slow
HDD builds OO.o in ~5 hours. You are modifying just few components when
you're developing, so, the rebuild time is very low. And you can save
another time with ooo-build and ooinstall -l, etc.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] loading documents

2005-05-11 Thread Robert Vojta
Mathias Bauer pe v t 10. 05. 2005 v 19:04 +0200:

 You should be more clear: do they get opened readonly *always*?
 If yes: it could be a problem in OOo.
 If no (means: only sometimes): I'm a little bit clueless.

  I was writing similiar macro in the Basic (m97, m100, ...) and have no
problems at all. Each document was opened in r/w mode (user/pass ftp)
and saved correctly to the same place.

 You don't need any special extension for this, OOo recognizes its own
 file types anyway. If you open an OOo file from the OOo file dialog it
 will be loaded correctly regardless which extension it has. Extensions
 are only a crutch for the Windows desktop.

  Yes, but from time to time the OO.o doesn't recognize other formats
(like CSV) and you should force the Filter. You can do this with
property FilterName and the correct filter name. But this is not the
OpenDocument format case.

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Future of source - OOo

2005-05-11 Thread Robert Vojta
Daniel Carrera pe v St 11. 05. 2005 v 07:57 -0400:

 I think it makes more sense for someone (you?) to make a Mono-UNO bridge 
 so people can write extensions in C#.

  Look at

Robert Vojta

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Re: [dev] Linux distros

2005-03-14 Thread Robert Vojta
Jacqueline McNally [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hallo Jacqueline,

 [snipped lots of good stuff]

 Thanks Robert, this is exactly the type of information I'm looking for
 and you have provided it very succintly.

  you're welcome. I made one small mistake which needs to be fixed,
  so everything should be clear. Please, send me this page when it
  will be ready and I'll review it for you. I'll add additional
  info if it will be neccessary too.

 So is this the list to ask?

  Maybe the [EMAIL PROTECTED] is better? Everything about installation
  (= supported platforms) is discussed there.


 Robert Vojta

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