Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-22 Thread Rich Feit
I consider the JSF-is-hopeless megaphone to be hype also.  :)  I 
really do think JSF has great potential, especially as tools vendors 
latch onto it.  What I object to is the JSF-is-here-Struts-is-dead 
hype.  My personal belief is that JSF itself -- the technology that was 
described in David's article -- will succeed mainly in the view tier.  
In my opinion, it is not the best option for a comprehensive app 
framework... but then again, a benefit of it being consummately 
pluggable is that it can integrate with other technologies.  Including 
Struts or other controller frameworks.

...Classic and Shale can be healthier together than apart.


BTW, there's been some blurring of the distinction between Shale and JSF 
(a distinction which does exist for now ;) ).  I'm talking about JSF 
alone here, as was the Top Ten Reasons... article.  I think that 
Shale, while it can't be trumpeted as a Standard the way JSF is, adds 
enormous value to JSF.


p.s. In some ways, JSF is a direct competitor to ASPX in ASP.NET, which 
is still figuring out the whole navigational-controller thing.  In the 
rare event that I imagine myself to be on a side, in a battle, I 
consider myself to be on the side that contains JSF+Struts+Shale, 
looking across the field at ASP.NET.  :)  And even then, I'm only on 
that side because I want the more community-driven ecosystem to prevail.

Ted Husted wrote:

On 8/15/05, Rich Feit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In general, I agree with the sentiment that there's a lot of hype in
this arena, and not all of it is easily backed up.  But the Struts
community has always been a bit hype-adverse, no?

Once upon a time, people were saying the same sort of things about
custom tags that people now say about JSF. It's too new, it's too fat,
scriplets are faster. We already know how to use scriptlets, why fuss
with tags?

And, all of those statements were true. In the beginning, custom tags
were slower than scriplets. Five years ago, custom tag compilers were
naive and generated sad, bloated code. But, many of us saw the
potential in custom tags, and we bit the bullet and took the hit.
Sure, the code was sad, but in the greater scheme of things, the tags
are lost in the rounding, and such things are easily fixed by
improving the compiler. The long-term architectural gains custom tags
provided, many of us believed, were worth the short-term code bloat.
Compilers did improve, and all the work we did with custom tag
suddenly became more valuable.

Custom tags were a pardigm shift for many teams then, and components
are a paradigm shift for many teams today. From experience, many of us
know that custom tags provide many benefits in terms of fast
deployment and easy maintenance. And, from experience, many of us
already know that components provide benefits in terms of fast

Over time, will components also provide the benefits of easy
maintenance? Hmmm, probably. Check back in 2010, and then we'll know
for sure :)

In the meantime, those of us interested in Struts Classic will
continue to work on Struts Classic, and those of us interested in
Struts Shale can spend our volunteer hours there.

Like two flowers planted in the same bed, Classic and Shale can be
healthier together than apart. Synergistically, roots can intertwine
and reinforce each other, making two together stronger than either


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-22 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/22/05, Rich Feit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 p.s. In some ways, JSF is a direct competitor to ASPX in ASP.NET, which
 is still figuring out the whole navigational-controller thing.  In the
 rare event that I imagine myself to be on a side, in a battle, I
 consider myself to be on the side that contains JSF+Struts+Shale,
 looking across the field at ASP.NET.  :)  And even then, I'm only on
 that side because I want the more community-driven ecosystem to prevail.

Yep, in much that same way that JSP was a direct corollary to ASP
Classic. I'm studying JSF and working in ASPX full time now. From what
I can see, JSF does do ASPX one-better in some places.

Out of the box, ASPX is still missing a few critical pieces, as is
JSF. On the .NET side, Spring.Web is starting to patch those hole
(thanks guys!), and on the JSF side, Shale is trying to do the same.

But, none of this is news. We've always said that platforms like ASPX
and JSF are never complete out of the box, no more than JSP or ASP
were. Back in 2000, the Struts community stepped up and provided the
missing pieces for JSP, and now we're doing the same thing for JSF.

But not because we're trying to fill some marketing niche. We need
this stuff to ship our own applications, and we know from experience
that we get better stuff when we share :)


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-22 Thread Rich Feit

Ted Husted wrote:

On 8/22/05, Rich Feit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

p.s. In some ways, JSF is a direct competitor to ASPX in ASP.NET, which
is still figuring out the whole navigational-controller thing.  In the
rare event that I imagine myself to be on a side, in a battle, I
consider myself to be on the side that contains JSF+Struts+Shale,
looking across the field at ASP.NET.  :)  And even then, I'm only on
that side because I want the more community-driven ecosystem to prevail.

Yep, in much that same way that JSP was a direct corollary to ASP
Classic. I'm studying JSF and working in ASPX full time now. From what
I can see, JSF does do ASPX one-better in some places.

Out of the box, ASPX is still missing a few critical pieces, as is
JSF. On the .NET side, Spring.Web is starting to patch those hole
(thanks guys!), and on the JSF side, Shale is trying to do the same.

But, none of this is news. We've always said that platforms like ASPX
and JSF are never complete out of the box, no more than JSP or ASP
were. Back in 2000, the Struts community stepped up and provided the
missing pieces for JSP, and now we're doing the same thing for JSF.

But not because we're trying to fill some marketing niche. We need
this stuff to ship our own applications, and we know from experience
that we get better stuff when we share :)

Totally.  This is basically the opposite of hype-driven-development.  :D


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-21 Thread netsql

Ted Husted wrote:

Once upon a time, people were saying the same sort of things about
custom tags that people now say about JSF. It's too new, it's too fat,
scriplets are faster.

I've started coming arround, due to Faclets and some other minor 
improvments (if I was ever to do an HTML site again, doubtfull). But 
Faclets look ok to me.

Like two flowers planted in the same bed, Classic and Shale can be
healthier together than apart. Synergistically, roots can intertwine
and reinforce each other, making two together stronger than either

And pick each others brain and cross polinate for a superior gene.


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-21 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/15/05, Rich Feit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In general, I agree with the sentiment that there's a lot of hype in
 this arena, and not all of it is easily backed up.  But the Struts
 community has always been a bit hype-adverse, no?

Once upon a time, people were saying the same sort of things about
custom tags that people now say about JSF. It's too new, it's too fat,
scriplets are faster. We already know how to use scriptlets, why fuss
with tags?

And, all of those statements were true. In the beginning, custom tags
were slower than scriplets. Five years ago, custom tag compilers were
naive and generated sad, bloated code. But, many of us saw the
potential in custom tags, and we bit the bullet and took the hit.
Sure, the code was sad, but in the greater scheme of things, the tags
are lost in the rounding, and such things are easily fixed by
improving the compiler. The long-term architectural gains custom tags
provided, many of us believed, were worth the short-term code bloat.
Compilers did improve, and all the work we did with custom tag
suddenly became more valuable.

Custom tags were a pardigm shift for many teams then, and components
are a paradigm shift for many teams today. From experience, many of us
know that custom tags provide many benefits in terms of fast
deployment and easy maintenance. And, from experience, many of us
already know that components provide benefits in terms of fast

Over time, will components also provide the benefits of easy
maintenance? Hmmm, probably. Check back in 2010, and then we'll know
for sure :)

In the meantime, those of us interested in Struts Classic will
continue to work on Struts Classic, and those of us interested in
Struts Shale can spend our volunteer hours there.

Like two flowers planted in the same bed, Classic and Shale can be
healthier together than apart. Synergistically, roots can intertwine
and reinforce each other, making two together stronger than either


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-20 Thread Dakota Jack

On 8/15/05, Rich Feit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm... I'm just about to post a reply to that entry.  Basically, I feel
 that although JSF itself can be great view-tier technology, it isn't
 really a full replacement for Struts.  JSF+Shale *is* a replacement for
 Struts, but I think that's a point which is often lost.  An interesting
 thing about Struts Ti is that it would treat JSF as a first-class view
 tier without depending on it for anything else.  That may or may not
 turn out to be important, but it does keep JSF as a peer to other view
 technologies, rather than at the core.
 I don't think JSF and Struts are incompatible, as long as JSF is being
 used as a (powerful) view.  Intra-page event handling works fine with
 something like Struts.  When the other more general-framework-type
 functionality is used, there's a conflict.
 In general, I agree with the sentiment that there's a lot of hype in
 this arena, and not all of it is easily backed up.  But the Struts
 community has always been a bit hype-adverse, no?
 Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:44 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts
 I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good
 Thing(tm).  There
 are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern
 application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been
 made over the
 years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the
 mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to
 anyone, it
 isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy
 debate and
 ultimately progress is made.
 At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options
 that don't
 quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the
 market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't
 think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.
 I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than
 another... I
 regret having done that in the past prematurely, and
 certainly not in a
 manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going
 to make the
 same mistake twice.
 I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however
 think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is
 also the case
 for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so
 JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is
 probably not fair
 either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a
 while and
 not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that
 doesn't mean
 it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than
 hoped.  My take
 on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm
 not willing
 to say I never will be.
 As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that
 Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that
 the result
 will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I
 suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible
 though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of
 Struts, I can
 conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a
 chance to
 get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many
 more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I
 just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no
 matter how
 well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples
 before I'm convinced.
 Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were
 described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.
 Should it be
 the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those
 developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's
 another possible path, another exploration of possibilities,
 and that's
 One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed
 applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did
 things that
 way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in
 another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but
 promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a
 compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell
 people about it
 and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always
 be helpful,
 but it's perfectly natural :)
 Dakota Jack wrote:
 I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
 Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale
 is merely a
 stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply
 incompatible with JSF.
  That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
 familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I personally
 would not hire anyone would thought

Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-15 Thread Rich Feit
Hmm... I'm just about to post a reply to that entry.  Basically, I feel 
that although JSF itself can be great view-tier technology, it isn't 
really a full replacement for Struts.  JSF+Shale *is* a replacement for 
Struts, but I think that's a point which is often lost.  An interesting 
thing about Struts Ti is that it would treat JSF as a first-class view 
tier without depending on it for anything else.  That may or may not 
turn out to be important, but it does keep JSF as a peer to other view 
technologies, rather than at the core.

I don't think JSF and Struts are incompatible, as long as JSF is being 
used as a (powerful) view.  Intra-page event handling works fine with 
something like Struts.  When the other more general-framework-type 
functionality is used, there's a conflict.

In general, I agree with the sentiment that there's a lot of hype in 
this arena, and not all of it is easily backed up.  But the Struts 
community has always been a bit hype-adverse, no?


Matthias Wessendorf wrote:



-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:44 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts

I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good 
Thing(tm).  There 
are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern 
application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been 
made over the 
years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the 
mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to 
anyone, it 
isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy 
debate and 
ultimately progress is made.

At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options 
that don't 
quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the 
market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't 
think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.

I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than 
another... I 
regret having done that in the past prematurely, and 
certainly not in a 
manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going 
to make the 
same mistake twice.

I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however 
think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is 
also the case 
for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so 
JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is 
probably not fair 
either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a 
while and 
not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that 
doesn't mean 
it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than 
hoped.  My take 
on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm 
not willing 
to say I never will be.

As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that 
Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that 
the result 
will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I 
suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible 
though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of 
Struts, I can 
conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a 
chance to 
get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many 
more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I 
just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no 
matter how 
well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples 
before I'm convinced.

Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were 
described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.  
Should it be 
the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those 
developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's 
another possible path, another exploration of possibilities, 
and that's 

One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed 
applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did 
things that 
way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in 
another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but 
promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a 
compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell 
people about it 
and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always 
be helpful, 
but it's perfectly natural :)


Dakota Jack wrote:

I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale 

is merely a

stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply 

incompatible with JSF.

That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I personally
would not hire anyone would thought differently, whether 

they like JSF

or not.

JSF is not new.  JSF

Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
 way when it comes to web
development.  If a particular project or approach interests you, join
in.  Personally, I think shale will be a great success building on the
strong JSF framework, and if it meets your needs, give it a shot.
Just as not every web application is the same, neither is their needs
for a framework.


On 8/10/05, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Those of you on the Struts Developers list.  Would you like to comment on

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: jmitchtx

- Original Message -
From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts

currently the are *forking* :)

Struts Ti

see here:

and Shale (aka Struts 2.0) is build on top of JSF.

It is a framework for JSF ...

On 8/10/05, Werner Punz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doing both, I only can recommend, if you can omit struts and go
directly for MyFaces (not the JSF RI, it lacks severely)

Struts feels somewhat dated in many areas compared to JSF.


Aleksei Valikov wrote:


Could anyone post a good link on Struts vs. JSF comparison? I have a
meeting in 40 minutes where I need to push through my decision on using
JSF for a large project (GIS/Map Viewers). Seems like I can argument my
decision, but some additional support material would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.


Matthias Wessendorf

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:44 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts
 I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good 
 Thing(tm).  There 
 are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern 
 application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been 
 made over the 
 years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the 
 mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to 
 anyone, it 
 isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy 
 debate and 
 ultimately progress is made.
 At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options 
 that don't 
 quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the 
 market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't 
 think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.
 I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than 
 another... I 
 regret having done that in the past prematurely, and 
 certainly not in a 
 manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going 
 to make the 
 same mistake twice.
 I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however 
 think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is 
 also the case 
 for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so 
 JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is 
 probably not fair 
 either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a 
 while and 
 not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that 
 doesn't mean 
 it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than 
 hoped.  My take 
 on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm 
 not willing 
 to say I never will be.
 As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that 
 Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that 
 the result 
 will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I 
 suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible 
 though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of 
 Struts, I can 
 conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a 
 chance to 
 get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many 
 more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I 
 just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no 
 matter how 
 well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples 
 before I'm convinced.
 Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were 
 described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.  
 Should it be 
 the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those 
 developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's 
 another possible path, another exploration of possibilities, 
 and that's 
 One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed 
 applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did 
 things that 
 way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in 
 another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but 
 promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a 
 compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell 
 people about it 
 and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always 
 be helpful, 
 but it's perfectly natural :)
 Dakota Jack wrote:
  I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
  Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale 
 is merely a
  stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply 
 incompatible with JSF.
   That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
  familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I personally
  would not hire anyone would thought differently, whether 
 they like JSF
  or not.
  JSF is not new.  JSF has been around forever, so it cannot be the
  cutting edge.  If it is cutting, it is the cutting middle 
 and almost
  the cutting tailend.  The JSF idea has been around even 
 longer with
  all sorts of frameworks which I personally think do it better. 
  Indeed, I think it fair to say that one of the main 
 architects of the
  JSF framework has said as much but has to feed his family.
  Certainly, if you like JSF, knock yourself out.  Love it to 
 death.  I
  don't care.  I only care about giving people that ask a fair
  evaluation of the product without the hype.
  On 8/10/05, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick correction: Struts is _not_ forking in any sense of the word.
 Struts Ti is a sandbox project several of us are working on as an
 exploration of a simplified framework more like Ruby on Rails than
 JSF.  It has not been accepted as a Struts subproject, just as Shale
 has not been accepted as Struts 2.0.
 The Struts project

Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Dakota Jack
  would not hire anyone would thought differently, whether they like JSF
  or not.
  JSF is not new.  JSF has been around forever, so it cannot be the
  cutting edge.  If it is cutting, it is the cutting middle and almost
  the cutting tailend.  The JSF idea has been around even longer with
  all sorts of frameworks which I personally think do it better.
  Indeed, I think it fair to say that one of the main architects of the
  JSF framework has said as much but has to feed his family.
  Certainly, if you like JSF, knock yourself out.  Love it to death.  I
  don't care.  I only care about giving people that ask a fair
  evaluation of the product without the hype.
  On 8/10/05, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick correction: Struts is _not_ forking in any sense of the word.
 Struts Ti is a sandbox project several of us are working on as an
 exploration of a simplified framework more like Ruby on Rails than
 JSF.  It has not been accepted as a Struts subproject, just as Shale
 has not been accepted as Struts 2.0.
 The Struts project is currently in, what I would call, a state of
 exploration.  In addition to Shale and Ti, there are other projects
 like Struts Overdrive, Struts Flow, etc., which are also exploring
 different aspects of web development.  Of course, there will be Struts
 classic still for a long time to come which will continue to forego
 active development.
 I think Struts is realizing there is no one way when it comes to web
 development.  If a particular project or approach interests you, join
 in.  Personally, I think shale will be a great success building on the
 strong JSF framework, and if it meets your needs, give it a shot.
 Just as not every web application is the same, neither is their needs
 for a framework.
 On 8/10/05, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those of you on the Struts Developers list.  Would you like to comment on
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM:   jmitchtx
 Skype: jmitchtx
 - Original Message -
 From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:29 AM
 Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts
 currently the are *forking* :)
 Struts Ti
 see here:
 and Shale (aka Struts 2.0) is build on top of JSF.
 It is a framework for JSF ...
 On 8/10/05, Werner Punz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Doing both, I only can recommend, if you can omit struts and go
 directly for MyFaces (not the JSF RI, it lacks severely)
 Struts feels somewhat dated in many areas compared to JSF.
 Aleksei Valikov wrote:
 Could anyone post a good link on Struts vs. JSF comparison? I have a
 meeting in 40 minutes where I need to push through my decision on using
 JSF for a large project (GIS/Map Viewers). Seems like I can argument my
 decision, but some additional support material would be helpful.
 Thanks in advance.
 Matthias Wessendorf
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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-10 Thread James Mitchell
Those of you on the Struts Developers list.  Would you like to comment on 

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM:   jmitchtx
Skype: jmitchtx

- Original Message - 
From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts

currently the are *forking* :)

Struts Ti

see here:

and Shale (aka Struts 2.0) is build on top of JSF.

It is a framework for JSF ...

On 8/10/05, Werner Punz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Doing both, I only can recommend, if you can omit struts and go
directly for MyFaces (not the JSF RI, it lacks severely)

Struts feels somewhat dated in many areas compared to JSF.


Aleksei Valikov wrote:

 Could anyone post a good link on Struts vs. JSF comparison? I have a
 meeting in 40 minutes where I need to push through my decision on using
 JSF for a large project (GIS/Map Viewers). Seems like I can argument my
 decision, but some additional support material would be helpful.

 Thanks in advance.


Matthias Wessendorf

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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-10 Thread Don Brown
Quick correction: Struts is _not_ forking in any sense of the word. 
Struts Ti is a sandbox project several of us are working on as an
exploration of a simplified framework more like Ruby on Rails than
JSF.  It has not been accepted as a Struts subproject, just as Shale
has not been accepted as Struts 2.0.

The Struts project is currently in, what I would call, a state of
exploration.  In addition to Shale and Ti, there are other projects
like Struts Overdrive, Struts Flow, etc., which are also exploring
different aspects of web development.  Of course, there will be Struts
classic still for a long time to come which will continue to forego
active development.

I think Struts is realizing there is no one way when it comes to web
development.  If a particular project or approach interests you, join
in.  Personally, I think shale will be a great success building on the
strong JSF framework, and if it meets your needs, give it a shot. 
Just as not every web application is the same, neither is their needs
for a framework.


On 8/10/05, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those of you on the Struts Developers list.  Would you like to comment on
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM:   jmitchtx
 Skype: jmitchtx
 - Original Message -
 From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: MyFaces Discussion; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 7:29 AM
 Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts
 currently the are *forking* :)
 Struts Ti
 see here:
 and Shale (aka Struts 2.0) is build on top of JSF.
 It is a framework for JSF ...
 On 8/10/05, Werner Punz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Doing both, I only can recommend, if you can omit struts and go
  directly for MyFaces (not the JSF RI, it lacks severely)
  Struts feels somewhat dated in many areas compared to JSF.
  Aleksei Valikov wrote:
   Could anyone post a good link on Struts vs. JSF comparison? I have a
   meeting in 40 minutes where I need to push through my decision on using
   JSF for a large project (GIS/Map Viewers). Seems like I can argument my
   decision, but some additional support material would be helpful.
   Thanks in advance.
 Matthias Wessendorf
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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-10 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Don Brown wrote:

Of course, there will be Struts
classic still for a long time to come which will continue to forego
active development.

Is that actually what you meant to say Don?  Isn't that saying that 
Struts Classic is in maintenance mode only from here on out?

I understand people are exploring different possibilities for the 
future, and at some point peoples' efforts are going to naturally 
migrate away from Struts Classic (in all likelihood), but I wouldn't 
have thought that would be declared now...


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Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-10 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I figured it was something like that :)  Would have been a bit of a 
bombshell to drop matter-of-factly otherwise :)

I'm reminded of a scene from Babylon 5 where Londo and Vir are 
conspiring to kill the emperor and they are talking about after they 
poison him, depending on how fast the poison acts, he might have time to 
stumble into his guards and say Londo killed me!... then again, he 
might be all delirious and yell out KILL LONDO! instead :)

So, forgo vs. undergo... not QUITE as big a mistake :)


Don Brown wrote:

Haha, no I meant undergo, darn it :)


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Don Brown wrote:

Of course, there will be Struts
classic still for a long time to come which will continue to forego
active development.

Is that actually what you meant to say Don?  Isn't that saying that 
Struts Classic is in maintenance mode only from here on out?

I understand people are exploring different possibilities for the 
future, and at some point peoples' efforts are going to naturally 
migrate away from Struts Classic (in all likelihood), but I wouldn't 
have thought that would be declared now...


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-21 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

perhaps you remember,
we mailed on JSF-EL...

however, some minutes ago, i mailed your mail to myfaces-develop-list.
since it was deep in my incoming-mail-folder... :-)

have you checked out MyFaces-CVS-Head yet?
so perhaps you can do some performance-issue there too.

btw. does yours support portlet?
myfaces doesn't - for now -

btw. since some days there is tiles-support and so on,
with a special, optional TilesViewHandlerImpl.clazz

see more on


 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:28 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: JSF vs Struts
 The MyFaces open source project is currently becoming an 
 official Apache project through the Apache Incubator.  
 MyFaces has some custom components along with its full 
 implementation of the JSF spec.  Perhaps you could contribute 
 to that project??
 -Original Message-
 From: Hookom, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 10:27 AM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: JSF vs Struts
 Would there be any interest in starting an Apache JSF 
 implementation with a component repository for the open 
 source community?  I have about 80% of an implementation written...
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:13 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts
 On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:25:13 -0400, Rick Reumann 
  We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they 
  plugin nicely to JSF?
 Hooking up the output side of that should be a piece of cake 
 ... write some components that render the necessary markup to 
 embed the Flash stuff in the generated page.  I'm not 
 familiar with the input side of using Flash for this, but in 
 principle it should still just be a matter of having your 
 component (or renderer) decode() method parse the appropriate 
 request parameters and store the values, just as the standard 
 HTML components do.
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Re: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-21 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 10:27:29 -0500, Hookom, Jacob
 Would there be any interest in starting an Apache JSF implementation with a
 component repository for the open source community?  I have about 80% of an
 implementation written...

That sounds a lot like the MyFaces project, which just got accepted in
to the Apache incubator.



 -Original Message-
 From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:13 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts
 On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:25:13 -0400, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they plugin
  nicely to JSF?
 Hooking up the output side of that should be a piece of cake ... write
 some components that render the necessary markup to embed the Flash
 stuff in the generated page.  I'm not familiar with the input side of
 using Flash for this, but in principle it should still just be a
 matter of having your component (or renderer) decode() method parse
 the appropriate request parameters and store the values, just as the
 standard HTML components do.
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RE: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-21 Thread Amanpreet Singh
Hello Jacob,
i am working in J2EE technology from last 2 and half years.
I would like to join the open spurce and do the develop
Please let me know when can we go ahead.
Thanks and regards

Hookom, Jacob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Would there be any interest in starting an Apache JSF implementation with a
component repository for the open source community? I have about 80% of an
implementation written...


-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:13 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:25:13 -0400, Rick Reumann 

 We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they plugin
 nicely to JSF?

Hooking up the output side of that should be a piece of cake ... write
some components that render the necessary markup to embed the Flash
stuff in the generated page. I'm not familiar with the input side of
using Flash for this, but in principle it should still just be a
matter of having your component (or renderer) decode() method parse
the appropriate request parameters and store the values, just as the
standard HTML components do.


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