Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-09 Thread Wade Chandler
--- Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Again, the main question is which target you are
 trying to hit.
 Are you aiming at Java web hosting where a hosting
 service would offer Java
 to *all* their customers?
 Are you aiming at Java web hosting for any (or
 nearly any) existing Java web
 In the first case you are aiming at the niche where
 PHP has found great
 success.  On a purely theoretical level, PHP as a
 solution should not
 exist.  On a practical level, there are all sorts of
 reasons why (at
 present) Java is a PITA for web hosting services,
 and PHP is easy to
 accomodate.  In this problem domain the vast
 majority of sites are very low
 In the second case you are aiming at a much smaller
 niche.  Playing games to
 keep a pool of JVMs with per-user-application
 in-memory state makes sense.
 This is almost certainly going to translate to
 greater trouble and
 complexity for the hosting service.  More trouble
 means a higher priced
 service offered less often.
 If your aim to make Java ubiquitous (which I believe
 possible) then you want
 to target the first case.
 For low-traffic websites the probability of a GC
 during the process of a
 single request is low.  Also - though I can't say
 I've looked at the latest
 GC implementations in detail, the trend (starting
 with generational GC) in
 algorithms was to not move long-lived stuff around. 
 Taken together, it is
 reasonable to assume that GC is not going to have
 much (or any) impact.
 This is aiming at the niche where PHP is popular - a
 rather large niche.
 What you are looking for is the simplest thing that
 can possibly work.  You
 don't need JVM enhancements.  You don't need to add
 complexity in terms of
 managing pools (always fun).  You don't need to
 worry about leaky
 abstractions.  Odds are you end up with something
 simple and dead reliable
 for a hosting service to deploy.

A hosting service I use has a good scheme with using
multiple workers.  Each Tomcat is it's own instance,
and points to the domain folder where we have the
common files and places for
classes...shared...commonthe config files.  They
then have rules we have to follow as far as
developing, or they'll let you know you need to change
somethingsame would happen for PHP...some page
using all the processor.  But, other than that, we
have our own directory, our own process for the JVM,
and we have ssh shell access to the things we need,
but overall nothing that could not be handled through
a web interface.  It works out really well, and we
have several domains we support on it.  Doesn't seem
any more difficult than anything I've done with PHP
other than the classes and folder and things and every
now and then restarting the TC instance.


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-08 Thread Rainer Jung
Some hints, although I didn't go deeper into it and most of it might 
still be experimental:

1) Java Isolate API JSP-221

2) Building on top Java Resource Consumption Management API JSR-284

3) Sun's experimental JVM, implementing parts of it:

[you'll need to get the JDK Researcher role for that last one via]

4) Maybe 1) and 2) are things to discuss with project Harmony?

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-08 Thread Darryl Miles

Interesting discussion.

Ideas?  Yes, and it's very simple - use fork()!
The problem with fork() in the way you propose is Garbage Collection.  A 
JVM can move objects and compact heap space during GC, this presents a 
problem that moving data unshare's that page.  For a native executable 
Copy-on-Write provides an improvement on resource usage as memory 
allocation is static once allocated, but between two long running JVMs 
trying to share pages its not so attractive.

The other problem of course is the amount of work a JVM does to load 
byte code, interpret it and ultimately optimize/compile it into machine 
code.  This has additional memory overhead a native executable just does 
not have. The only thing in the data segment of the address space is data.

With linux (maybe others) the native program (and shared libs) is demand 
page loaded from the EXE file on the system, the OS can just drop little 
used code pages knowing it can reload them from a file.  While the 
concept is partially possible with a JVM its just not done.

Any solution on this level is only going to be possible through major 
enhancements at the JVM level against what traditionally Java has been 
about.  ByteCode and GarbageCollection really inhibit traditional 
approaches to the problem, maybe the GCJ project in the not to distant 
will be a faster moving more innovative vehicle for a Java like language 
than Sun Microsystems.

So from that standpoint of throwing away ByteCode for CompiledCode, the 
dynamics of your multiple JVMs become much more like a traditional EXEs.

I would envisage an ideal solution not too different from what you are 
saying.  Java code compiled into fully native code and stored on disk, 
you can then properly share the classes as nature intended between 
multiple JVMs.  Then exactly as you say you have a master JVM in control 
and could dynamically put web-apps into other JVM processes which could 
each dynamically tune their thread and memory usage (on the fly) and as 
a last resort shut down the process to cut it away when its been bad, 
without disrupting the container environment as a whole.  This leads on 
to pooling JVMs to recycle the process to walk around memory leak problems.

With your problem web-app you could make sure he always got his own JVM 
to run in, for the nicer web-apps you could put more than one into a 
slave JVM.  You could make use of shared mapped pages between processes 
and file descriptor passing  to hand off incoming connections.  There is 
no reason the above can't be implemented on both Win32 and Linux in due 

There are no new ideas here.


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-08 Thread Wade Chandler
Just some thoughts based on what Tim has mentioned.

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was thinking that too. A big problem with JVM's is
 memory leaks. 
I would say a big problem any application is memory
leaks.  C and C++ have the same types of issues...just
a little different along with cleaned up pointers
being referenced from other objects no causing access
violations as they are now null(0) or junk.  
Profilers can be ran against both types of projects as
long as you can find one for the given platform.  Java
is a little easier per the profiler interface.
The easy 
 solution is to restart tomcat. But that causes a
 period of downtime due to 
 waiting for a restart.
 Why not make mod_ajp smarter or create a tomcat
 launcher where some parent 
 process (apache, or the launcher) listens for
 requests from the public and 
 uses AJP to have tomcat serve the requests. [The
 downside is added latenency]
I like this idea.  Something like this:
   allowWebApplicationContextVM=false means
META-INF/Context.xml vm attributes will be ignored or
an error raised
  vmpath=...could allow different JVMs other than
the Tomcat one to be used for a given Host..obviously
the Tomcat version would have to support it 
  Context vm=true vmpath=...could allow
different JVMs other than the Tomcat one to be used
for a given Context/
  !-- default to false --
  Context vm=false/

 The parent process can spawn a new tomcat after some
 configurable time and 
 kill the old one. By using the cluster code - the
 sessions can be synced 
 before the old tomcat goes away.
With the XML scheme above it would watch each JVM
process and restart it after some time.

 This mechanism could also be used as a way to
 perform graceful restarts too 
 where an web app upgrade is done and reloading
 webapps will cause memory leaks.
Yes each process could then be killed off regardless
of worrying about threads.  JVM hooks can be used to
start shutting down the process and the admin can give
the shutdown/restart command of a given context or
host a time limit and if the shutdown fails to take
=X amount of time then the process will be killed. 
The developer will be responsible for only using
daemon threads if they spawn their own threads.

 [Disclaimer: the above ramblings may not be based in
I think it is realistic...obviously it would take some
reworking and a good amount of timeI mean this may
not even be realistic, but it would certainly be more
inline with a good hosting solution and make it more

I think using a Tomcat launcher would be best and then
filter AJP through the front process like happens now,
and that process filter to it's sub processes using
AJP because IMO one should be able to only use Tomcat
and not have to use both httpd and Tomcat unless they
just really want to ,and I think localhost TCP/IP
loopback with AJP would be fine as it doesn't have the
same overhead as TCP/IP over a network interface and
will be handled in memory buffers, but being able to
have the Tomcat front end communicate with other
Tomcat front ends over AJP so one could define a host
be ported through this instance to another instance on
another machine would be nice as well so it's all
clustered from the Tomcat configuration and all Tomcat
basedworkers could be defined in the server
configuration for a Host or down to the
Context/Application level.

I think it would make sense to have AJP not pool local
loopback connections, and only pool Network interface
connections because they are software based
connections anyways and don't really have anything to
do with an Ethernet (or what ever HW scheme)
connection and a real network connection...they are
much fastermaybe only reuse them if they reach a
certain count as to help avoid running out of TCP/IP
connections on the computer, but reduce that level and
not reuse them unless traffic is very heavy.  This way
local loopback AJP can support more connections...and
really how much overhead is avoided by pooling the
local loopback connections (obviously it makes a huge
difference for real connections)?



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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Peter Rossbach


Java/JSP and Tomcat for german hoster is a very bad story.  For two  
year we
start a tomcat 5.0 based spezial tomcat distibution for hosting. The  
Centaurus Platform
has show that effectiv hosting is possible. Problem is to find hoster  
that use that package.
Look at and see that we have create  
a very cool tomcat bundle.

Centaurus features:

Used a patched tomcat 5.0.27
full graphical and console installer package for LINUX/Windows
You can have multiple installation profiles
Very nice html admin/manager console for one instance
Loading new Security Policy on demand without downtime
	every webapp can register there own policy part (admin can control  
this integration with rules)

Integrate new host from templates without downtime
Native Iintegration at os services with Java Service Wrapper
Plugin concept for people to extends tomcat core functionality
use of Mx4J Http adaptor with authorisation for remote control.

At cvs head exist a not final tomcat 5.5 version.

- Documentation only exist in german language.

Am 06.04.2006 um 23:48 schrieb Leon Rosenberg:

On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Define lightweight. :)

only the basics you need for a webapp. no admin/manager, no
clustering, no gadgets.
To explain it:
Besides large portals with own server farms and millions of hits, I
often have small customers which get a dynamical website with some cms
etc. The problem I had and still have, is that typical hosting
providers (at least in germany) don't offer any support for java
webapps, best you can get is support for jsps only which sucks. This
is ugly, since the customer pays money for the webapp and asks me
afterwards, why should he rent a complete server to host it. Therefore
I started to rent servers myself, and re-rent it to the customer. The
customer gets the complete package, mail, backup, ftp/ssh access and
the webapp. To ensure this, each server has an apache running with two
jsp container instances on it, one for production, one for testing
versions. The customer pays less than he would pay for professional
hosting, and I can refinance the server with 3-4 customers. However,
having all test-webapps in one server, and needing to restart it from
time to time isn't really cool. I'd prefer to give each customer two
instances, which consumes low resources, maybe even multiple tomcat
instances in one jvm (is that possible?), and keep them independent
from each other. Therefore lightweight. And therefore pre-configured


If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
utilization, this might be a good solution.  In fact this is  
similar in

resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.

For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the average
utilization is low.  In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per  
user is

somewhat expensive.

Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using  
a fork()
of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the  

memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).

Depends on what target you are trying to hit.  The hosting world  
(by numbers

of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
Java/Tomcat hosting?  If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in  
and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling  
solution.  If you

are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of hosting

Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does  
not do
copy-on-write with fork().  This was a big deal back in the late  
1980's (big
Lisp apps forking vi).  Don't know if this made it's way into  
Linux.  I'm
pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know  


On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight  
but own



On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are  

definitions.  :)

On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister  

You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running

threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use  
the JVM

(whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is

debatable).  The


isn't going to be optimizing code.

The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP)  
is that
it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork 
(). So

not going to work at all for real applications since your  

returns to it's previous state after every request.

Bye, Tino.


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Bill Barker

Henri Gomez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
2006/4/6, Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This thread started (for whatever reason) on the private list as part of
 an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what could be improved to
 make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which is a very nice goal,
 but unfortunately with very serious issues.

 I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I consider the following
 solutions and problems (where each user would at least need its own 

I see vhost as a client virtual server, where the 'client' is not a
real / human end user but someone who ask you to host its applications
with one or many webapps in it.

 - Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder. Having its own folder
 for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able to use the shared
 folder successfully, which I doubt).

What do you mean ? Did we have actually such own folder of vhosts jars
with its own classloader ?  If not could it be done easily ?

In theory, it should be possible to inject a parentClassLoader into the 
StandardHost to do this.  I don't believe that StandardHost exposes this to 
JMX, so at the moment, you'd need to use introspection.  And, I've never 
actually tried to do this myself ;-).  Of course, the patch to enable doing 
it with JMX is trivial.

Actually a client application get its classes from :

- jars in common [lib, endorsed, i18n] and webapps lib directory

- classes from common [ classes ] and webapps classes directory.

Could we have instead a by vhost supplemental directory to get its own jar 

example :

vhosta will grab in jars in /home/vhostsa/lib and common [lib,
endorsed, i18n] and webapps lib directory

vhostb will grab in jars in /home/vhostsb/lib and common [lib,
endorsed, i18n] and webapps lib directory.

In such case did the classloader for vhosta should be different from
the one for vhostb.

If you use the
 TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its own shared folder.

 - There are still tons of JVMs to manage and monitor, which may be a

Why did there should be tons of JVM ? Couldn't we use a single JVM for
each vhosts ? As many I prefer give more power and resource to a
single JVM that spread thread and memory to many JVM where some could
be at some time very less used than others.

 - If the connector should be shared, with the servlet containers running
 in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the process barrier
 except by going back to square one (httpd in front, with AJP and many
 JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).

That's the current situation now, one Apache 2.x with multiples
virtuals servers, each virtual server with its own JK/AJP worker to
reach a specific Tomcat.

 Some general problems for production are:

 - No self tuning of the JVM.

Of course but it's not better to have may JVM present in system with
memory and thread/system resources use when for exemple users are only
using one of the multiples JVM.

Imagine for example users for differents country, said asia, europe and 

You setup one JVM / Application for ASIA users, one for Europeans
users and the third for US users.

During the day, you'll see activity on Asian JVM, then European JVM
and then on US JVM, but even when only one is really used, the 2
others are still in machine and consume memory and resources. Sad,
this power could be better used for the really active JVM.

 - No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc, provided by the JVM.

JVM or OS ?

 - Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible to force discarding
 classloaders and all associated class defs and instances, for example).

What do you means ?

 - Hard to do thread management (by that I mean, monitor and recover for
 threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).

Well it's also hard today with a 'dedicated' JVM, the only solution
may be to restart the JVM ...

 Any ideas ?

Well if it could be done, I'm sure you're probably the best to imagine
such solution.

 I suppose native code could be used to improve the situation in some
 areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).

Native code ? Do you imagine some sort of sub-JVM launching ?


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Tim Funk
I was thinking that too. A big problem with JVM's is memory leaks. The easy 
solution is to restart tomcat. But that causes a period of downtime due to 
waiting for a restart.

Why not make mod_ajp smarter or create a tomcat launcher where some parent 
process (apache, or the launcher) listens for requests from the public and 
uses AJP to have tomcat serve the requests. [The downside is added latenency]

The parent process can spawn a new tomcat after some configurable time and 
kill the old one. By using the cluster code - the sessions can be synced 
before the old tomcat goes away.

This mechanism could also be used as a way to perform graceful restarts too 
where an web app upgrade is done and reloading webapps will cause memory leaks.

[Disclaimer: the above ramblings may not be based in reality]


Henri Gomez wrote:

I suppose native code could be used to improve the situation in some
areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).

Native code ? Do you imagine some sort of sub-JVM launching ?

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Henri Gomez
Very interesting stuff

My german is too bad but from what I could see it seems a good candidate.

Could this works be ported back into ASF Tomcat 5.5.x ? Or better
included in ASF Tomcat ?

2006/4/7, Peter Rossbach [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Java/JSP and Tomcat for german hoster is a very bad story.  For two
 year we
 start a tomcat 5.0 based spezial tomcat distibution for hosting. The
 Centaurus Platform
 has show that effectiv hosting is possible. Problem is to find hoster
 that use that package.
 Look at and see that we have create
 a very cool tomcat bundle.

 Centaurus features:

 Used a patched tomcat 5.0.27
 full graphical and console installer package for LINUX/Windows
 You can have multiple installation profiles
 Very nice html admin/manager console for one instance
 Loading new Security Policy on demand without downtime
 every webapp can register there own policy part (admin can control
 this integration with rules)
 Integrate new host from templates without downtime
 Native Iintegration at os services with Java Service Wrapper
 Plugin concept for people to extends tomcat core functionality
 use of Mx4J Http adaptor with authorisation for remote control.

 At cvs head exist a not final tomcat 5.5 version.

 - Documentation only exist in german language.

 Am 06.04.2006 um 23:48 schrieb Leon Rosenberg:

  On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Define lightweight. :)
  only the basics you need for a webapp. no admin/manager, no
  clustering, no gadgets.
  To explain it:
  Besides large portals with own server farms and millions of hits, I
  often have small customers which get a dynamical website with some cms
  etc. The problem I had and still have, is that typical hosting
  providers (at least in germany) don't offer any support for java
  webapps, best you can get is support for jsps only which sucks. This
  is ugly, since the customer pays money for the webapp and asks me
  afterwards, why should he rent a complete server to host it. Therefore
  I started to rent servers myself, and re-rent it to the customer. The
  customer gets the complete package, mail, backup, ftp/ssh access and
  the webapp. To ensure this, each server has an apache running with two
  jsp container instances on it, one for production, one for testing
  versions. The customer pays less than he would pay for professional
  hosting, and I can refinance the server with 3-4 customers. However,
  having all test-webapps in one server, and needing to restart it from
  time to time isn't really cool. I'd prefer to give each customer two
  instances, which consumes low resources, maybe even multiple tomcat
  instances in one jvm (is that possible?), and keep them independent
  from each other. Therefore lightweight. And therefore pre-configured
  If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
  utilization, this might be a good solution.  In fact this is
  similar in
  resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.
  For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the average
  utilization is low.  In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per
  user is
  somewhat expensive.
  Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using
  a fork()
  of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the
  memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).
  Depends on what target you are trying to hit.  The hosting world
  (by numbers
  of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
  Java/Tomcat hosting?  If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in
  and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling
  solution.  If you
  are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of hosting
  Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does
  not do
  copy-on-write with fork().  This was a big deal back in the late
  1980's (big
  Lisp apps forking vi).  Don't know if this made it's way into
  Linux.  I'm
  pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know
  On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight
  but own
  On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are
  definitions.  :)
  On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister
  You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running
  threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use
  the JVM
  (whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is
  debatable).  The
  isn't going to be optimizing code.
  The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP)
  is that
  it maintains 

Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Henri Gomez
2006/4/7, Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Henri Gomez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 2006/4/6, Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  This thread started (for whatever reason) on the private list as part of
  an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what could be improved to
  make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which is a very nice goal,
  but unfortunately with very serious issues.
  I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I consider the following
  solutions and problems (where each user would at least need its own
 I see vhost as a client virtual server, where the 'client' is not a
 real / human end user but someone who ask you to host its applications
 with one or many webapps in it.
  - Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder. Having its own folder
  for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able to use the shared
  folder successfully, which I doubt).
 What do you mean ? Did we have actually such own folder of vhosts jars
 with its own classloader ?  If not could it be done easily ?

 In theory, it should be possible to inject a parentClassLoader into the
 StandardHost to do this.  I don't believe that StandardHost exposes this to
 JMX, so at the moment, you'd need to use introspection.  And, I've never
 actually tried to do this myself ;-).  Of course, the patch to enable doing
 it with JMX is trivial.

Good to see it could be possible.

Next question will be could we have such functionality added in future
5.5.x versions ?

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Peter Rossbach

Hey Henri,

no problem. I have talk with Thorsten Kamann the other author and
we are happy to contribute the code. Then we can translate the  
complete docs

and finish the tomcat 5.5 integration.

Peter  Thorsten

Am 07.04.2006 um 13:16 schrieb Henri Gomez:

Very interesting stuff

My german is too bad but from what I could see it seems a good  

Could this works be ported back into ASF Tomcat 5.5.x ? Or better
included in ASF Tomcat ?

2006/4/7, Peter Rossbach [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Java/JSP and Tomcat for german hoster is a very bad story.  For two
year we
start a tomcat 5.0 based spezial tomcat distibution for hosting. The
Centaurus Platform
has show that effectiv hosting is possible. Problem is to find hoster
that use that package.
Look at and see that we have create
a very cool tomcat bundle.

Centaurus features:

Used a patched tomcat 5.0.27
full graphical and console installer package for LINUX/Windows
You can have multiple installation profiles
Very nice html admin/manager console for one instance
Loading new Security Policy on demand without downtime
every webapp can register there own policy part (admin can  

this integration with rules)
Integrate new host from templates without downtime
Native Iintegration at os services with Java Service Wrapper
Plugin concept for people to extends tomcat core functionality
use of Mx4J Http adaptor with authorisation for remote control.

At cvs head exist a not final tomcat 5.5 version.

- Documentation only exist in german language.

Am 06.04.2006 um 23:48 schrieb Leon Rosenberg:

On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Define lightweight. :)

only the basics you need for a webapp. no admin/manager, no
clustering, no gadgets.
To explain it:
Besides large portals with own server farms and millions of hits, I
often have small customers which get a dynamical website with  
some cms

etc. The problem I had and still have, is that typical hosting
providers (at least in germany) don't offer any support for java
webapps, best you can get is support for jsps only which sucks. This
is ugly, since the customer pays money for the webapp and asks me
afterwards, why should he rent a complete server to host it.  
I started to rent servers myself, and re-rent it to the customer.  

customer gets the complete package, mail, backup, ftp/ssh access and
the webapp. To ensure this, each server has an apache running  
with two

jsp container instances on it, one for production, one for testing
versions. The customer pays less than he would pay for  

hosting, and I can refinance the server with 3-4 customers. However,
having all test-webapps in one server, and needing to restart it  

time to time isn't really cool. I'd prefer to give each customer two
instances, which consumes low resources, maybe even multiple tomcat
instances in one jvm (is that possible?), and keep them independent
from each other. Therefore lightweight. And therefore pre-configured


If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
utilization, this might be a good solution.  In fact this is
similar in
resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.

For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the  

utilization is low.  In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per
user is
somewhat expensive.

Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using
a fork()
of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the
memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).

Depends on what target you are trying to hit.  The hosting world
(by numbers
of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
Java/Tomcat hosting?  If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in
and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling
solution.  If you
are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of  


Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does
not do
copy-on-write with fork().  This was a big deal back in the late
1980's (big
Lisp apps forking vi).  Don't know if this made it's way into
Linux.  I'm
pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know

On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight
but own


On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are
definitions.  :)

On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister

You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running


threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use
the JVM
(whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is

debatable).  The



Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Reinhard Moosauer
Hi List,

good that you brought up this point. 
IMHO many people underestimated this subject in both  importance _and_ 
We know, shared java hosting can be done in 2 ways:
a) one JVM per host
b) many hosts in one JVM

As Remy noted, the java machine does not provide the necessary isolation 
for solution (b). Security Managers do their work for security, but not for 
stabilty. Solution (a) is expensive.
These fact facts have been standing for many years.

But now, the situation is slightly different!
In my opinion, we can use solution (a), if we utilize clustering.
The PHP folks say, simply make the server stateless and everything is easy. 
True, but tomcat does not work that way.

Now, with clustering, we could combine both. Consider the following:
1. Set up a couple of tomcat servers (at least 2). I call them 'node'
These can sit on a single server
2. Cluster and load-balance these nodes. They should been seen as a single
   tomcat server .
3. Now use this cluster a in solution (b) above.
4. Each node should be monitored and if a situation arises, that 
compromises the node's stability, restart that node.
(Memory nearly exhausted; endless looping threads; ...) 
5. Another node should have the complete state of all applications on the 
failing node, so no interrupt occurs.
6. precondition: n-1 nodes must be able to operate all vhosts

I see one only one enhancement, that must be done before:
The cluster _and_ the load-balancer must be vhost-aware. With this, you could 
achive a RAID-like situation.
It's an array of inexpensive tomcats :-)

just my two cents


Am Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 16:12 schrieb Remy Maucherat:

 This thread started (for whatever reason) on the private list as part of
 an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what could be improved to
 make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which is a very nice goal,
 but unfortunately with very serious issues.

 I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I consider the following
 solutions and problems (where each user would at least need its own vhost):
 - Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder. Having its own folder
 for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able to use the shared
 folder successfully, which I doubt). If you use the
 TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its own shared folder.
 - There are still tons of JVMs to manage and monitor, which may be a
 - If the connector should be shared, with the servlet containers running
 in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the process barrier
 except by going back to square one (httpd in front, with AJP and many
 JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).

 Some general problems for production are:
 - No self tuning of the JVM.
 - No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc, provided by the JVM.
 - Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible to force discarding
 classloaders and all associated class defs and instances, for example).
 - Hard to do thread management (by that I mean, monitor and recover for
 threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).

 Any ideas ?

 I suppose native code could be used to improve the situation in some
 areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).


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Reinhard Moosauer
IT Beratung

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Remy Maucherat

Reinhard Moosauer wrote:

Now, with clustering, we could combine both. Consider the following:
1. Set up a couple of tomcat servers (at least 2). I call them 'node'
These can sit on a single server
2. Cluster and load-balance these nodes. They should been seen as a single
   tomcat server .
3. Now use this cluster a in solution (b) above.
4. Each node should be monitored and if a situation arises, that 
compromises the node's stability, restart that node.
(Memory nearly exhausted; endless looping threads; ...) 
5. Another node should have the complete state of all applications on the 
failing node, so no interrupt occurs.

6. precondition: n-1 nodes must be able to operate all vhosts

I had thought about this solution.

However, there are issues, as clustering is quite expensive (if there is 
more than one node, lol), and is incompatible with many applications. So 
for starters, clustering should be updated to add an option to not yell 
when a non-serializable attribute is added to a session, it should only 
operate with one node and then periodically (not too often, so that 
applications with do-it-yourself state will not break too often) start a 
second node, switch the traffic to it, and stop the first one. A similar 
process could also be done when redeploying things, etc. For regular 
hosting, this should provide good enough reliability (some state loss, 
but very decent availability).

I don't think it's actually doable to host Java webapps which break 
every 3 requests (going into infinite loops or deadlocking, etc), however.

Another downside is that the server needs to have CPU and memory 
headroom, since there will be a lot of full replication of sessions 
(during a node transition).

Note: Tim stated the same concept earlier too.


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Reinhard Moosauer
Am Freitag, 7. April 2006 15:12 schrieb Remy Maucherat:
 Reinhard Moosauer wrote:
  Now, with clustering, we could combine both. Consider the following:
  1. Set up a couple of tomcat servers (at least 2). I call them 'node'
  These can sit on a single server
  2. Cluster and load-balance these nodes. They should been seen as a
  single tomcat server .
  3. Now use this cluster a in solution (b) above.
  4. Each node should be monitored and if a situation arises, that
  compromises the node's stability, restart that node.
  (Memory nearly exhausted; endless looping threads; ...)
  5. Another node should have the complete state of all applications on the
  failing node, so no interrupt occurs.
  6. precondition: n-1 nodes must be able to operate all vhosts

 I had thought about this solution.

 However, there are issues, as clustering is quite expensive (if there is
 more than one node, lol), and is incompatible with many applications. So
 for starters, clustering should be updated to add an option to not yell
 when a non-serializable attribute is added to a session, it should only
 operate with one node and then periodically (not too often, so that
 applications with do-it-yourself state will not break too often) start a
 second node, switch the traffic to it, and stop the first one. A similar
 process could also be done when redeploying things, etc. For regular
 hosting, this should provide good enough reliability (some state loss,
 but very decent availability).

 I don't think it's actually doable to host Java webapps which break
 every 3 requests (going into infinite loops or deadlocking, etc), however.

Ok. But you can kill the webapp with the amok-thread. So we will not have a 
break every 3 requests. (the thread can be tracked down to the failing 
webapp. Send a mail with the thread-stack-dump)
The ignore-not-serializable-sessions-objects thing would be very nice! 

 Another downside is that the server needs to have CPU and memory
 headroom, since there will be a lot of full replication of sessions
 (during a node transition).

Maybe it is still much better than the one-vhost-per-vm solution.
I think for hosters with thousands of vhosts, this would be quite interesting.

 Note: Tim stated the same concept earlier too.


What do you think about my suggestion to enhance the cluster?
(vhost-node would no more be all-to-all, so you can optimize clusters with 
more than 2 nodes, which also reduces replication overhead)

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-07 Thread Paul Speed

Reinhard Moosauer wrote:

Ok. But you can kill the webapp with the amok-thread. So we will not have a 
break every 3 requests. (the thread can be tracked down to the failing 
webapp. Send a mail with the thread-stack-dump)

You can't really kill a thread in Java.  We used to have a joke at a 
previous job that the only safe way to kill a thread in Java is 

And as I recall, while the javadocs for Thread.stop() detail some of the 
reasons, there is much more badness possible than even what it states.


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Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Remy Maucherat


This thread started (for whatever reason) on the private list as part of 
an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what could be improved to 
make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which is a very nice goal, 
but unfortunately with very serious issues.

I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I consider the following 
solutions and problems (where each user would at least need its own vhost):
- Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder. Having its own folder 
for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able to use the shared 
folder successfully, which I doubt). If you use the 
TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its own shared folder.
- There are still tons of JVMs to manage and monitor, which may be a 
- If the connector should be shared, with the servlet containers running 
in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the process barrier 
except by going back to square one (httpd in front, with AJP and many 
JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).

Some general problems for production are:
- No self tuning of the JVM.
- No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc, provided by the JVM.
- Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible to force discarding 
classloaders and all associated class defs and instances, for example).
- Hard to do thread management (by that I mean, monitor and recover for 
threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).

Any ideas ?

I suppose native code could be used to improve the situation in some 
areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Ideas?  Yes, and it's very simple - use fork()!

Obviously this is not going to work on Windows, but for the case of Java
hosting, we largely don't care.

Let's put this in perspective.  Quite a few hosting providors (mine
included) run PHP in CGI mode.  Any less expensive solution is competitive.

The notion is very simple.  Load a single master instance of the JVM.
Pre-load lots of common classes (a list customized by the hosting service).
Pre-initialize lots of classes (again a customized list).  When a user
request comes in, fork() a copy of the master instance (including possibly a
chroot()).  The child then processes the request and exits.

The master instance basically does nothing but sit around and wait for
fork() requests.  Assuming that fork() on your version of Unix has a good
implementation of copy-on-write (something I have not been able to verify
easily), then the incremental real memory use should be *very* small.

You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running background
threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
(whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is debatable).  The JVM
isn't going to be optimizing code.

But you get excellent isolation, no concern over memory leaks (and other
left-over cruft), and you should (vastly) out-perform PHP in CGI mode.

On 4/6/06, Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This thread started (for whatever reason) on the private list as part of
 an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what could be improved to
 make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which is a very nice goal,
 but unfortunately with very serious issues.

 I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I consider the following
 solutions and problems (where each user would at least need its own
 - Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder. Having its own folder
 for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able to use the shared
 folder successfully, which I doubt). If you use the
 TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its own shared folder.
 - There are still tons of JVMs to manage and monitor, which may be a
 - If the connector should be shared, with the servlet containers running
 in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the process barrier
 except by going back to square one (httpd in front, with AJP and many
 JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).

 Some general problems for production are:
 - No self tuning of the JVM.
 - No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc, provided by the JVM.
 - Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible to force discarding
 classloaders and all associated class defs and instances, for example).
 - Hard to do thread management (by that I mean, monitor and recover for
 threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).

 Any ideas ?

 I suppose native code could be used to improve the situation in some
 areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).


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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Tino Schwarze
On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:

 You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running background
 threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
 (whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is debatable).  The JVM
 isn't going to be optimizing code.

The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that
it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork(). So it's
not going to work at all for real applications since your application
returns to it's previous state after every request.

Bye, Tino.

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are other
definitions.  :)

On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:

  You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running background
  threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
  (whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is debatable).  The
  isn't going to be optimizing code.

 The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that
 it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork(). So it's
 not going to work at all for real applications since your application
 returns to it's previous state after every request.

 Bye, Tino.

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Leon Rosenberg
isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight but own tomcat?


On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are other
 definitions.  :)

 On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:
   You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running background
   threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
   (whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is debatable).  The
   isn't going to be optimizing code.
  The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that
  it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork(). So it's
  not going to work at all for real applications since your application
  returns to it's previous state after every request.
  Bye, Tino.
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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Renato
I have one suggestion regarding tomcat and security
manager, but I don´t know if it fits here. We have a
huge problem managing security configuration (i.e.
catalina.policy). We have a common base policy and an
entry for each virtual host. Sometimes clients put
unmanaged libraries that require special permissions.
We have to reinitialize the JVM to make these
permissions take effect.


--- Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This thread started (for whatever reason) on the
 private list as part of 
 an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what
 could be improved to 
 make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which
 is a very nice goal, 
 but unfortunately with very serious issues.
 I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I
 consider the following 
 solutions and problems (where each user would at
 least need its own vhost):
 - Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder.
 Having its own folder 
 for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able
 to use the shared 
 folder successfully, which I doubt). If you use the 
 TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its
 own shared folder.
 - There are still tons of JVMs to manage and
 monitor, which may be a 
 - If the connector should be shared, with the
 servlet containers running 
 in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the
 process barrier 
 except by going back to square one (httpd in front,
 with AJP and many 
 JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).
 Some general problems for production are:
 - No self tuning of the JVM.
 - No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc,
 provided by the JVM.
 - Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible
 to force discarding 
 classloaders and all associated class defs and
 instances, for example).
 - Hard to do thread management (by that I mean,
 monitor and recover for 
 threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).
 Any ideas ?
 I suppose native code could be used to improve the
 situation in some 
 areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Preston L. Bannister
Define lightweight. :)

If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
utilization, this might be a good solution.  In fact this is similar in
resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.

For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the average
utilization is low.  In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per user is
somewhat expensive.

Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using a fork()
of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the real
memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).

Depends on what target you are trying to hit.  The hosting world (by numbers
of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
Java/Tomcat hosting?  If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in performance
and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling solution.  If you
are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of hosting

Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does not do
copy-on-write with fork().  This was a big deal back in the late 1980's (big
Lisp apps forking vi).  Don't know if this made it's way into Linux.  I'm
pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know about

On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight but own


 On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are other
  definitions.  :)
  On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:
You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running
threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
(whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is
 debatable).  The
isn't going to be optimizing code.
   The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that
   it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork(). So
   not going to work at all for real applications since your application
   returns to it's previous state after every request.
   Bye, Tino.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Leon Rosenberg
On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Define lightweight. :)

only the basics you need for a webapp. no admin/manager, no
clustering, no gadgets.
To explain it:
Besides large portals with own server farms and millions of hits, I
often have small customers which get a dynamical website with some cms
etc. The problem I had and still have, is that typical hosting
providers (at least in germany) don't offer any support for java
webapps, best you can get is support for jsps only which sucks. This
is ugly, since the customer pays money for the webapp and asks me
afterwards, why should he rent a complete server to host it. Therefore
I started to rent servers myself, and re-rent it to the customer. The
customer gets the complete package, mail, backup, ftp/ssh access and
the webapp. To ensure this, each server has an apache running with two
jsp container instances on it, one for production, one for testing
versions. The customer pays less than he would pay for professional
hosting, and I can refinance the server with 3-4 customers. However,
having all test-webapps in one server, and needing to restart it from
time to time isn't really cool. I'd prefer to give each customer two
instances, which consumes low resources, maybe even multiple tomcat
instances in one jvm (is that possible?), and keep them independent
from each other. Therefore lightweight. And therefore pre-configured


 If we are talking about a small number of users, with high average
 utilization, this might be a good solution.  In fact this is similar in
 resource usage to the virtual hosting (i.e. Xen) solutions.

 For more typical usage, the number of users is large, and the average
 utilization is low.  In this case one (very rarely used) JVM per user is
 somewhat expensive.

 Note you could reduce the expense with the same approach of using a fork()
 of a single image, expecting copy-on-write to radically reduce the real
 memory use (virtual memory use would be larger).

 Depends on what target you are trying to hit.  The hosting world (by numbers
 of users) is dominated by very low usage sites.  Is this a goal for
 Java/Tomcat hosting?  If you can beat PHP in CGI mode *both* in performance
 and in resource usage, then you have a pretty compelling solution.  If you
 are fatter or slower - this is going to disinterest a lot of hosting

 Note that this notion is pretty much a non-starter if Linux does not do
 copy-on-write with fork().  This was a big deal back in the late 1980's (big
 Lisp apps forking vi).  Don't know if this made it's way into Linux.  I'm
 pretty sure copy-on-write in fork() was in SunOS, but I don't know about

 On 4/6/06, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  isn't it easier to give each user a pre-configured lightweight but own
  On 4/6/06, Preston L. Bannister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Well, that is one definition of real applications.   There are other
   definitions.  :)
   On 4/6/06, Tino Schwarze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 09:15:17AM -0700, Preston L. Bannister wrote:
 You have to consider how (or if) to allow for long-running
 threads.  Successive requests for the same user will not use the JVM
 (whether this counts as an advantage or disadvantage is
  debatable).  The
 isn't going to be optimizing code.
The point of using an application server (instead of e.g. PHP) is that
it maintains state on the server. You lose this by using fork(). So
not going to work at all for real applications since your application
returns to it's previous state after every request.
Bye, Tino.
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  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Challenges for Java hosting

2006-04-06 Thread Alexander Panzhin

Write you own SecurityManager.

I have one suggestion regarding tomcat and security
manager, but I don´t know if it fits here. We have a
huge problem managing security configuration (i.e.
catalina.policy). We have a common base policy and an
entry for each virtual host. Sometimes clients put
unmanaged libraries that require special permissions.
We have to reinitialize the JVM to make these
permissions take effect.


--- Remy Maucherat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



This thread started (for whatever reason) on the
private list as part of 
an unrelated discussion. The point is to see what
could be improved to 
make Tomcat more suitable for shared hosting, which
is a very nice goal, 
but unfortunately with very serious issues.

I don't see many improvements possibilities, as I
consider the following 
solutions and problems (where each user would at

least need its own vhost):
- Every virtual host gets its own appBase folder.
Having its own folder 
for JARs just won't work (or it means you were able
to use the shared 
folder successfully, which I doubt). If you use the 
TOMCAT_HOME/TOMCAT_BASE stuff, each user can get its

own shared folder.
- There are still tons of JVMs to manage and
monitor, which may be a 

- If the connector should be shared, with the
servlet containers running 
in separate processes, I don't see how to cross the
process barrier 
except by going back to square one (httpd in front,
with AJP and many 
JVMs/Tomcats, each with its own vhost).

Some general problems for production are:
- No self tuning of the JVM.
- No actual isolation, throttling capabilities, etc,
provided by the JVM.
- Impossibility to control memory leaks (impossible
to force discarding 
classloaders and all associated class defs and

instances, for example).
- Hard to do thread management (by that I mean,
monitor and recover for 
threads stuck in loops or deadlocked).

Any ideas ?

I suppose native code could be used to improve the
situation in some 
areas (although I don't know how to do it ;) ).



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