Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token

2009-07-03 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
On 2009-07-03 04:33 PDT, Udo Puetz wrote:

> What we've found out now is this: there is no CA certificate on the
> token. And it seems that firefox needs the CA and the user certificate
> from the same place:

I don't believe it is true that Firefox requires both to be in the same

> If I import a CA cert only into the authorities tab and plug in the token
> I (naturally) have both, the CA and the user cert BUT in the details pane
> there is still only the user cert there, it's NOT below the
> corresponding CA cert. That's the problem.

Agreed that the problem is that Firefox does not find the CA cert, but I
think more investigation is needed.  I highly doubt that the matter is
purely one of where the cert is loaded (though it may seem that way).
I have some ideas for more tests below.

> That's why I reason that the CA and user cert have to come from the same
> source, either the software storage or the token. But mixing the stores
> doesn't seem possible.

Except that I do that all the time.

> My colleague is now trying to import the CA onto the token. As seen above
> the p12 file includes both the CA cert and the user cert. 

Actually, I haven't seen evidence of that, although you did claim that when
you imported the PKCS#12 file into the software token, that the missing CA
cert was then found present.

> But if one imports it with the safenet ikey token utility the CA cert
> file seems to get lost.

Seems to.  I have a hunch that the CA certificate may have some issues that
cause it to not be recognized as a CA cert.

If you have a certificate that does not appear on its face to be a CA
certificate, when you store it in Firefox's soft token, it can be marked
with a flag that says "treat this like a CA cert, even if it's not a CA
cert".  This flag is known as the "Valid CA" flag.  One possible explanation
for what you're seeing is that that the CA cert is being marked with this
flag when it is imported into the softoken from the PKCS#12 file, but is not
being marked with that flag when it is imported into the hardware
token.  Consequently, it is not seen in the Authorities tab when it is in
the token.  It may be in one of the other tabs.

> This seems now to be a problem with the token import utility. Do you 
> agree? 

Not necessarily, but perhaps.  I can think of at least two explanations for
the behavior you're seeing that do not imply that there is a problem with
the token import utility. I can think of numerous tests that you could
perform to better diagnose the problems, some of which use NSS utility
programs that are not distributed with Firefox.

Here are some tests you can try.

1a. Remove the token with the EE (SSL client authentication) cert.
1b. Import the PKCS#12 file into the software token again.
1c. Verify that this works (can client auth).
1d. Exit Firefox.  Make sure that it's not running any more.
1e. Make a copy of cert8.db and key3.db in another folder.
Let's call that folder "Pair1".

1f. Restart Firefox.
1g. Using Firefox's certificate manager, delete the EE certificate from
"Your certificates" tab, but leave the CA certificate in place.
1e. Shut down and Restart Firefox, again.
1f. Insert the Token and authenticate to it (enter the token PIN).
1g. Now view the EE cert in the cert manager and see if Firefox finds
the EE cert beneath the CA cert in the cert hierarchy pane.
1h. See if you can do client authentication there.

Now, most of the rest of the diagnostics steps that occur to me involve
using NSS command line tools that you probably don't have and with which
you probably aren't familiar.  So, rather than telling you how to get them,
how to install them and how to use them, I'm going to suggest that you
email me one file, namely the cert8.db file that you saved in "Pair1".
I want only the cert8.db file, which contains only the public certificates,
and not the key3.db file that contains your private keys, or any other DB
files.  I don't need any private keys to do this analysis I want to do.
You can email it to the address from which this email comes.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
On 2009-07-03 05:29 PDT, Ian G wrote:
> We desperately need some form of whitelisting in Firefox so that each site 
> always gets presented the same cert.  If browsers can remember cookies 
> and username/passwords, then they can remember cert/domain combinations.

This goes double for Thunderbird and mail servers, which are configured,
not browsed.

Bug 155089: Need a better way to associate a certificate to a mail account
for authentication

just had its 7th birthday.

> As an aside, does anyone have any stats about how many people use these 
> non-Firefox security devices?  

I don't have numeric statistics.  Users in certain countries, and users
who are customers of certain banks, use them a lot.  Banks in some countries
give them away to customers. But elsewhere they're mostly used in "closed"
corporate or governmental environments.  (I guess banks and their customers
are "closed" environments, too.)

> It is somewhat clear that most end-users can't use these things, only
> corporates can.  So Mozilla priority for these things might be lacking.

The average browser user doesn't even set/use a "master password".  So,
the site passwords that his browser remembers are stored "in the clear".
The reason is not that the user doesn't know about master passwords.
It's that users don't want to be bothered with a password request, EVER,
not even once per browser process lifetime.

These same users complain that Firefox has a dialog that will show them
their saved web site passwords.  They're (rightly) afraid that others will
use this feature to steal their passwords when they're not looking.  (Of
course, they could also set their screen savers to require a password to
unlock, but they don't do that, either.)  When told that setting a master
password will prevent Firefox's passwords from ever being shown without
entering it immediately before the display, they balk at having to set a
master password.  They don't understand that, as long as the passwords are
stored "in the clear", they're vulnerable, whether FF displays them in a
dialog or not.

My point is that I think the relevant questions are:
- how many end users who *want* to use them can do so?  and
- What are the reasons they don't?

I think we'll need something that is as widely accepted as a credit card
before this takes off. But that by itself won't suffice.  It will also
require identity theft to get a LOT WORSE before the average consumer
decides that having to lift a finger to protect himself isn't such a bad idea.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
On 2009-07-03 00:30 PDT, Martin Paljak wrote:

> Some constructive suggestions; mostly for Firefox:
> 1. Use platform API-s where appropriate: cryptoapi (and basecsp via  
> this) on windows; cdsa/keychain on macosx. 

Regardless of who does it, this triples/quadruples the amount of work
to be done and code to be supported.  Google did that.  I'm not opposed
to it, if Mozilla wants to fund it.

> FYI, to make sense to users of eID cards currently one has to embed  
> the word PIN into the token description as well, so that the prompt  
> that Firefox displays would make sense: "Please enter password for:  
> MARTIN PALJAK (PIN1)" GUI hints would be useful...

Please elaborate.

> 2. Fix Firefox/NSS - Firefox still thinks that you should be able to  
> authenticate to websites with certificates *without* TLS client  
> authentication extension. Add automatic certificate selection, and you  
> get trouble.

Extended Key Usages do not ADD to a cert's capabilities. They take way from
it.  A cert with no EKU extension is valid for all EKUsages (with very few
exceptions - only one comes to mind).

But it's certainly true that if Firefox will take a cert with an EKU
extension that does NOT include TLS client auth and use that for TLS client
auth, that's a bug, pure and simple.  File a bug on it if you have a
working example.

> 2a. I don't know if the defaults have changed lately, but allow the  
> end user to define the "friendly certs" option for PKCS#11 tokens,  
> which currently has no UI except the Javascript loading function which  
> got removed from UI land and moved to XPI land in FF 3.5. There are  
> tokens that require this feature, but some PKCS#11 providers like  
> OpenSC which support many different tokens have no easy way to work in  
> both ways.

I agree that one way to fix this is to provide some UI by which the PKCS#11
module can be configured as friendly when it is added.  but I think we can
probably just figure it out with s simple run time test, and then ignore
the configuration bit.  That's a better solution, if we can make it work.
Please file an RFE about this.

> 3. For Firefox only: provide a useful JS interface to allow access to  
> keys which are not used for web authentication but present under "my  
> certificates" for real-life online signing procedures. 

Are you aware of crypto.signtext?  (Please, No ranting!)
If you are aware of it, please write specifics about what else you need
that's not there.  It produces a full CMS (PKCS#7) signature.

Be aware that any proposed signature method that doesn't show the user
what he's signing will probably not be allowed.  So, a method to sign
a bare hash, without knowing where it came from is a non-starter.
A method to take data and hash it, and then sign that could be made to
work, but that's what crypto.signtext does.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: client certificate JSS keystore

2009-07-03 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
On 2009-07-03 10:52 PDT, Dmitriy Varnavskiy wrote:
> I have run several tests of JSS on Linux - they all worked fine so seems
> JSS is correctly installed. But when I am launching my app java for some
> reason is not using certificates in firefox keystore.

Thanks for being patient.  Our JSS expert will be back from vacation
next week.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: W3C Terminates XHTML2

2009-07-03 Thread Nelson B Bolyard
On 2009-07-03 08:39 PDT, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> This demonstrates that standardization is an option but an increasingly
> difficult option as well in an ever faster-moving world:

Does it?

It appears to me that this is the standards body pruning the tree of
html offshoots, recognizing a single standard for the "XML serialization
of HTML".  Now, I seem to recall that one of your complaints about the
world of crypto is the lack of standardization of methods (e.g. scripting)
for certain functions.  I would think that you would see this effort to
consolidate on a single standard to be aligned with your objectives.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: client certificate JSS keystore

2009-07-03 Thread Dmitriy Varnavskiy
I have run several tests of JSS on Linux - they all worked fine so seems JSS
is correctly installed. But when I am launching my app java for some reason
is not using certificates in firefox keystore.

2009/6/27 Dmitriy Varnavskiy 

> Fail means that window with prompt to select certificate appears. And list
> of certificates in it is empty.
> I believe that first request comes from java to jnlp file on server. I am
> able to press cancel, closing appearing cert promts till application
> loads(from cache actually, if not cached it fails to load), then comes first
> request from application that results in 403 from server, cause certificate
> is not present at request. I have found some info saying that binary
> releases of JSS on mozilla ftp are not suitable for firefox use and I should
> rebuild them manually with some other options(TARGET_OS=WIN95). Not sure is
> it so or not - compiler fails with some errors on build. Maybe there are
> binaries already builded this way available to download?
> 2009/6/26 Nelson B Bolyard 
> On 2009-06-26 04:13 PDT, Dmitriy Varnavskiy wrote:
>> > I am deploying javaws application that uses client certificate for
>> > authentication. It is starting with jnlp ref from web page that also
>> uses
>> > client certificate. So, nedeed certificate presents in browser on client
>> > machine. For application I first tried to import certificate through
>> java
>> > control panel. It generally worked ok, but asked user keystore
>> > (trusted.clientcerts) password on every launch even if password was
>> > initially set empty. Is there any way to eleminate this prompt?
>> Someone here may be able to help you with that question, but it's not a
>> JSS
>> question.
>> > I have not found it and started trying to get certificate from browser
>> > keystore. Ok with IE. But as documented for Firefox JSS is nedeed. I
>> > have downloaded last 2 versions of JSS binaries and jar from ftp and
>> > tried to make it working with Firefox 3 and 2. All failed.
>> Describe the failures.
>> > I have tried to put jar in jre/lib/ext/, firefox/ firefox/jss, tried
>> just
>> > separate folder with specifying classpath env variable. I have tried to
>> > put dll in /firefox, system32, and separate folder, copying dependencies
>> > (nss etc.) with it and setting PATH. All failed.
>> Again, describe the failures.  When you say all your attempts failed, do
>> you
>> mean simply that none of the things you tried had any effect on the
>> appearance of the prompt for a user keystore password?
>> > Just after starting jnlp with javaws window "Select certificate to
>> > auth." appears and its empty.  [...] This time it just uses HTTPRequest
>> > and no SSL related code. Even more - I believe first certificate request
>> > comes not from my HTTPRequest, cause when it appears my app is not
>> loaded
>> > yet. I spent few weeks on this. Anything will be helpful.
>> If your application is not yet loaded, and is only using http, not https,
>> then clearly your application cannot be causing the prompt to select a
>> client certificate.
>> > Should I modify source of my app or jnlp for using JSS?
>> Well, you have to do *something* to get javaws to use JSS.  If may be a
>> configuration change rather than an application change.  I'm not sure.
>> Our JSS expert is on vacation.  Others here may be able to help you.
>> --
>> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
>> 0112233445566778
>> --
>> dev-tech-crypto mailing list
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: W3C Terminates XHTML2

2009-07-03 Thread Anders Rundgren
Ian G wrote:
>> I'm sure that (for example) a signature scheme done by a handful of 
>> committed people
>> as a Firefox extension would likely do much better than a W3C or OASIS WG 
>> could
>> even dream of.

>No doubt there whatsoever.  The notion that W3C or any of the other 
>acronyms can do a signature scheme would have to face the tough test 
>unravelling the 2 decades of mistakes in electronic signing.  No chance 

That is exactly my thought.

>The only way it can be done is a small dedicated team, but even that is 
>necessary not sufficient.

That may be true but I see some steps here that could be needed and
that may even include creating something BAD so that we can move
forward and maybe come up with something that a majority think is
GOOD.  The German speaking countries will never accept anything
of the kind I work with (simple, not trying to solve things that doesn't
really have a solution), but they should be able to use an XML extension
protocol scheme at least.


dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: W3C Terminates XHTML2

2009-07-03 Thread Ian G

On 3/7/09 17:39, Anders Rundgren wrote:

This demonstrates that standardization is an option but an increasingly 
option as well in an ever faster-moving world:

I'm sure that (for example) a signature scheme done by a handful of committed 
as a Firefox extension would likely do much better than a W3C or OASIS WG could
even dream of.

No doubt there whatsoever.  The notion that W3C or any of the other 
acronyms can do a signature scheme would have to face the tough test 
unravelling the 2 decades of mistakes in electronic signing.  No chance 

The only way it can be done is a small dedicated team, but even that is 
necessary not sufficient.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

W3C Terminates XHTML2

2009-07-03 Thread Anders Rundgren
This demonstrates that standardization is an option but an increasingly 
option as well in an ever faster-moving world:

I'm sure that (for example) a signature scheme done by a handful of committed 
as a Firefox extension would likely do much better than a W3C or OASIS WG could
even dream of.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

CEN TS 15480 (Re: USB device profile for smart-card readers)

2009-07-03 Thread Anders Rundgren
The URLs didn't work so I repost it and this time with a correct subject line...

This is something I really hate:

Paying for *open* standards!

Anyway, this scheme will get hard competition from a lot of places including
the token vendors who certainly do not want to become replaceable like USB
memory sticks.

The IAS scheme also fails to address other important things like:
- Questionable support for other providers.  How many credentials don't we have 
these days?
- Card readers are still not a standard facility
- And of course; how does this relate to "iPhone" et al? Like this?
- Probably cannot be on-line provisioned in a credible way

This is the reason (shameless plug) why I still believe that an Open Hardware
project based on  and
in fact may turn out as a viable concept.  It's not rocket science,
it is just plain old-fashioned engineering :-)


Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
Kyle Hamilton wrote:

I'm not aware of any such profile.  There is smart card profile
>  but I doubt it has much to do with PKCS #11, it is rather about
>  7816.

You're right, PKCS#11.

But what is "7861"?

He's refering to ISO7816, the set of smart card standards :

But I didn't see even a reference to that in the document you refer, thought 
USB smart card reader 
seem to be quite properly standardized, so it certainly does exist.

The trouble is that each smart card uses specific commands, which makes it 
impossible to go from 
ISO7816 to a universal pkcs#11 driver.

In Europe, we see the start of going out of that through the European Citizen 
Card (ECC) standard 
"CEN TS 15480" and the IAS (Identification Authentication Signature) service 
based on it that enable 
this time to have a universal middleware, up to the pkcs#11 signature service 
layer. Unfortunately, 
very few cards comply to this standard.

In case you are interested in some details about this IAS ECC thing, here's a 
few pointers :

dev-tech-crypto mailing list 

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Ian G

On 3/7/09 09:30, Martin Paljak wrote:

2. Fix Firefox/NSS - Firefox still thinks that you should be able to
authenticate to websites with certificates *without* TLS client
authentication extension. Add automatic certificate selection, and you
get trouble.

Yes, this makes cert login as bad as other forms of login.  We 
desperately need some form of whitelisting in Firefox so that each site 
always gets presented the same cert.  If browsers can remember cookies 
and username/passwords, then they can remember cert/domain combinations.

2a. I don't know if the defaults have changed lately, but allow the end
user to define the "friendly certs" option for PKCS#11 tokens, which
currently has no UI except the Javascript loading function which got
removed from UI land and moved to XPI land in FF 3.5. There are tokens
that require this feature, but some PKCS#11 providers like OpenSC which
support many different tokens have no easy way to work in both ways.

As an aside, does anyone have any stats about how many people use these 
non-Firefox security devices?  It is somewhat clear that most end-users 
can't use these things, only corporates can.  So Mozilla priority for 
these things might be lacking.

Whereas, end users can use browser-embedded certificates.

3. For Firefox only: provide a useful JS interface to allow access to
keys which are not used for web authentication but present under "my
certificates" for real-life online signing procedures. I know that here
the vision of a polished solution differs between people but I also
second Anders that there are many (tens?) custom built modules here in
EU which re-implement at least the minimal part: signing a hash.

Are these easy-to-deploy open source plugins of some form?

requirements (like displaying the title of a document, displaying a
legal warning, displaying the whole document to be signed) could be
worked upon in a common way once the basics are agreed upon to be useful.

Right, digital signing would be a good application.  But can't be done 
properly without the browsers accepting a common protocol.

For now, I think the reason why there is so little interest for this
field is that it is really hard to market such features. The reason why
Apple has very low prirorities for smart card related fixes is that it
is really hard for Steve to demo this on the big stage. Same goes with
Firefox. And "those who really want it, can in theory achieve their
goals with extras and extensions" works as well.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: USB device profile for smart-card readers

2009-07-03 Thread Anders Rundgren

This is something I really hate:

Paying for *open* standards!

Anyway, this scheme will get hard competition from a lot of places including
the token vendors who certainly do not want to become replaceable like USB
memory sticks.

The IAS scheme also fails to address other important things like:
- Questionable support for other providers. How many credentials don't 
we have these days?

- Card readers are still not a standard facility
- And of course; how does this relate to "iPhone" et al? Like this? 

- Probably cannot be on-line provisioned in a credible way

This is the reason (shameless plug) why I still believe that an Open 

project based on and
in fact may turn out as a viable concept. It's not rocket science,
it is just plain old-fashioned engineering :-)


Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:

Kyle Hamilton wrote:

I'm not aware of any such profile. There is smart card profile
> but I doubt it has much to do with PKCS #11, it is rather about
> 7816.

You're right, PKCS#11.

But what is "7861"?

He's refering to ISO7816, the set of smart card standards :

But I didn't see even a reference to that in the document you refer, 
thought USB smart card reader seem to be quite properly standardized, 
so it certainly does exist.

The trouble is that each smart card uses specific commands, which 
makes it impossible to go from ISO7816 to a universal pkcs#11 driver.

In Europe, we see the start of going out of that through the European 
Citizen Card (ECC) standard "CEN TS 15480" and the IAS (Identification 
Authentication Signature) service based on it that enable this time to 
have a universal middleware, up to the pkcs#11 signature service 
layer. Unfortunately, very few cards comply to this standard.

In case you are interested in some details about this IAS ECC thing, 
here's a few pointers :

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token

2009-07-03 Thread Udo Puetz
On Jul 2, 7:28 pm, Nelson B Bolyard  wrote:
Hi all,

I'll answer Mr. Bolyards questions briefly because I think we found
the culprid. See at the bottom.

> > I have a safenet iKey 1032 token where I imported the p12 certificate.
> > In firefox (tried 2.0.x, 3.0.x and 3.5.x) I imported the safenet
> > K1PK112.DLL PKCS#11 module. In the firefox cryptography module manager I
> > now see the token and can (after entering the pin) see the certificate.
> > So firefox _can_ read the certificate off of the token.
> While in this state, go into Firefox's certificate manager, and look through
> the tabs to find the cert.  Tell us in which tab(s) the cert
> appears.  In particular, does it appear in the "Your Certificates" tab?

Yes it does.

> Also, in that tab, note the value in the "Security Device" column in the
> row for your certificate.

There it lists the ikey device

> Then, Select your certificate and click the "View" button.  A Certificate
> Viewer Dialog will appear.  In that Dialog, select the "Details" tab.
> In that tab are 3 boxes or "panes", the top one of which is labeled
> "Certificate Hierarchy".  That box will contain some number of lines.
> Please copy the contents of that box (you may have to retype it by hand).
> I will explain below what to do with this information.

There is only one line, that of the user certificate.

> > But when I go to the juniper firewall website I get the error message
> > that the certificate can't be found.
> Where do you see this message?  Is it in a Juniper log file? Or Firefox?
> If it is a Juniper log file, can you tell from the message whether it is 
> saying:
> a) That it received no certificate from the browser, or


> b) That it cannot validate the certificate chain received, or
> b) That it does not recognize the validated cert as being authorized?
> > When I (for testing) take out the token and import the p12 certificate
> > directly into the firefox certificate store I can authenticate against
> > the juniper firewall website with user and pass and the certificate.
> > So the problem seems to be that in the cyrpto module manager firefox can
> > read a certificate off of a token and can't read it off when queried by a
> > website.
> While in this state, please repeat the steps I gave above, noting the tab of
> the certificate manager in which your certificate appears, the security
> device associated with your certificate, and the contents of the Certificate
> Hierarchy pane in the Certificate Viewer.

The difference to the above is that in the pane view it now shows the
CA and
below that the user certificate.

> Then compare these two sets of results.  I suspect they will differ.
> It may be that, in one case the certificate appears in "Your Certificates"
> tab, and in the other case, it does not appear in that tab, but appears
> in some other tab.  Or, it may be that in one case the Certificate Hierarchy
> contains multiple lines (corresponding to multiple certificates) and in the
> other case, it contains fewer lines (perhaps only one).
> Or perhaps you will find both of these differences.  Or perhaps neither.


> 2) It may be that your certificate has a hierarchy with more than two
> certificates in it, and all of those certificates are stored in Firefox's
> software token when you import the PKCS#12 file there, but not all those
> certificates are being stored on the token when you import the PKCS#12 file
> there.  In order to be able to successfully do client cert authentication,
> Firefox needs access to the entire correct certificate hierarchy.  It cannot
> succeed if certs are missing from the hierarchy.  If you find that
> the two hierarchies seen in the steps above are different, that is the
> likely cause.  In that case, you really should try to import the missing
> certs into the token.  If you cannot do that, that is a bug in the token
> or PKCS#11 module, however, there is a workaround.  You can import the
> missing CA certs into Firefox's software token instead.

What we've found out now is this:
there is no CA certificate on the token. And it seems that firefox
needs the CA
and the user certificate from the same place:
Test: we unplug the token, clean up so that no user cert and CA cert
is there. Import the p12 file.
Then we have a CA cert in the authorities tab, a user cert in the
"your certificates" tab with software
store as device and in the details pane the CA with the user cert
below it. Then the authentication works.

If I clean up again (no user cert and CA cert there), plug in the
token I only get the user cert, no CA cert.

If I import a CA cert only into the authorities tab and plug in the
token I (naturally) have both, the CA and
the user cert BUT in the details pane there is still only the user
cert there, it's NOT below the corresponding
CA cert. That's the problem.
That's why I reason that the CA and user cert have to come from the
same source, either the software storage
or the token. But mixing the st

Re: USB device profile for smart-card readers (was: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier

Kyle Hamilton wrote:

I'm not aware of any such profile.  There is smart card profile
>  but I doubt it has much to do with PKCS #11, it is rather about
>  7816.

You're right, PKCS#11.

But what is "7861"?

He's refering to ISO7816, the set of smart card standards :

But I didn't see even a reference to that in the document you refer, 
thought USB smart card reader seem to be quite properly standardized, so 
it certainly does exist.

The trouble is that each smart card uses specific commands, which makes 
it impossible to go from ISO7816 to a universal pkcs#11 driver.

In Europe, we see the start of going out of that through the European 
Citizen Card (ECC) standard "CEN TS 15480" and the IAS (Identification 
Authentication Signature) service based on it that enable this time to 
have a universal middleware, up to the pkcs#11 signature service layer. 
Unfortunately, very few cards comply to this standard.

In case you are interested in some details about this IAS ECC thing, 
here's a few pointers :

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Ian G

On 3/7/09 07:15, Anders Rundgren wrote:

Nelson B Bolyard wrote:

but please don't take it out on us.  Please refrain from further sniping
in this mailing list and newsgroup.  Constructive contributions are welcome.

I'm sorry about that.  Is there any other place where Mozilla people hang
out where there is an interest in trying to understand why and what is
happening on the PKI side for consumers?

No, there is none as far as I know.  Mozilla outsources the security 
architecture, partly because it subscribes to standards, partly because 
it is really interested in browsers and users rather than security and 
protocols, and partly because it (Netscape) tried it once in 1994, and 
got slapped down.

As a historical legacy, Mozilla has chosen the 1980s design of PKI, and 
that's that.  This isn't going to change any time soon.  We, the 
industry, are locked in a deadly embrace on security.

I admit to being fooled by this, and it took me years to figure out why 
people here didn't respond.  Basically, Mozilla doesn't do security 
architecure.  They just do security programming.  They'll take whatever 
standard comes out of the standards groups, and implement them if and 
when they become necessary.

Which means as an unfortunate side effect.  When there is a bug in that 
architecture, Mozilla is powerless to fix it.  Even if liable!  It's not 
their fault, and there isn't much use in railing against it.

(Mind you, it would help if Mozilla people also realised their position, 
and didn't encourage false expectations based on some sort of claim to 
security leadership.)

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Anders Rundgren

>Anders, I think you must take your ideas to a standards body

Eddy, this is exactly what I believed/hoped/craved for.

Unfortunately, the people who represent "stake holders" like EU 
governments and banks do participate in International foras like OASIS 
and IETF, nor fund such developments. It also seems that 
browser-standards are difficult to get anywhere with even if you are W3C.

So for good or worse, I have come to the conclusion that Open Source and 
to some extent also Open Hardware (new tokens) is *my* way forward.

I don't expect or need a Mozilla endorsement, but it would be awfully 
nice if we could get an XML protocol extension scheme running and then 
let Mr. Darwin figure who's extensions are the best! There are tons of 
stuff waiting for such a facility but instead of fixing it, everybody is 
trying their own scheme leading to miserable stability and very slow 

NSAPI isn't really cutting it, because it is is for people doing web 

It would cost a week or two of Mozilla R&D but I am sure it would be 
worth it. I would do it myself but a Mozilla spokesman said that it 
would fail for every marginal revision and that put me down :-(


Eddy Nigg wrote:

On 07/03/2009 08:15 AM, Anders Rundgren:

I'm sorry about that. Is there any other place where Mozilla people hang
out where there is an interest in trying to understand why and what is
happening on the PKI side for consumers?

Anders, I think you must take your ideas to a standards body - I think 
that's the only way to move it forward. I highly suspect that Mozilla 
will not adopt something which isn't more or less universally 
recognized, specially in this field.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Eddy Nigg

On 07/03/2009 08:15 AM, Anders Rundgren:

I'm sorry about that.  Is there any other place where Mozilla people hang
out where there is an interest in trying to understand why and what is
happening on the PKI side for consumers?

Anders, I think you must take your ideas to a standards body - I think 
that's the only way to move it forward. I highly suspect that Mozilla 
will not adopt something which isn't more or less universally 
recognized, specially in this field.


Signer: Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.

dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token

2009-07-03 Thread Udo Puetz
my colleague has run off with the test token so I can only show you
some screenshots I made for the german support of safenet. These show
roughly what you requested. When my colleague returns I'll make new
screenshots (in english if I manage somehow). Here are the shots:
The last one is made with firefox 2, but like I said also FF3 and
FF3.5 exhibit the same problem. We also looked with livehttp-headers
what get's to and fro, maybe I can dig out a log or something there
Thanks a lot,
Udo Puetz
P.s.: I normally use linux systems and OS X, but from what I saw till
now I think ALL OSs suck when dealing with cryto tokens and such. And
don't get me started on RSA SecurID tokens and vista...But let's
please stick to the matter at hand.
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

Re: Moving browser PKI forward (Re: Problem reading certificate from hardware token)

2009-07-03 Thread Martin Paljak

On 03.07.2009, at 8:15, Anders Rundgren wrote:

According to most people who are into consumer PKI, Java applets is  
best solution for cross-browser PKI. I think Java applets suck but  

that's really all we got.

but please don't take it out on us.  Please refrain from further  
in this mailing list and newsgroup.  Constructive contributions are  

Some constructive suggestions; mostly for Firefox:

1. Use platform API-s where appropriate: cryptoapi (and basecsp via  
this) on windows; cdsa/keychain on macosx. Yell at both companies at  
the same time to fix their API-s as well (pinpad support, multiple PIN  
support, GUI hints (PIN vs password) etc). IIRC 
 was the thing that should enable this, it dates back to 2005, why  
this has not been polished and included with latest releases? Linux is  
the spaghetti mix where PKCS#11 indeed might be the best option, but  
once the big desktop players (KDE, GNOME) (re-)implement the relevant  
(bicycle/)API-s, there might be QCA ( 
) and something similar for GNOME as well. Should they be below NSS or  
above it in the software stack? Hard to say.

FYI, to make sense to users of eID cards currently one has to embed  
the word PIN into the token description as well, so that the prompt  
that Firefox displays would make sense: "Please enter password for:  
MARTIN PALJAK (PIN1)" GUI hints would be useful...

2. Fix Firefox/NSS - Firefox still thinks that you should be able to  
authenticate to websites with certificates *without* TLS client  
authentication extension. Add automatic certificate selection, and you  
get trouble.

2a. I don't know if the defaults have changed lately, but allow the  
end user to define the "friendly certs" option for PKCS#11 tokens,  
which currently has no UI except the Javascript loading function which  
got removed from UI land and moved to XPI land in FF 3.5. There are  
tokens that require this feature, but some PKCS#11 providers like  
OpenSC which support many different tokens have no easy way to work in  
both ways.

3. For Firefox only: provide a useful JS interface to allow access to  
keys which are not used for web authentication but present under "my  
certificates" for real-life online signing procedures. I know that  
here the vision of a polished solution differs between people but I  
also second Anders that there are many (tens?) custom built modules  
here in EU which re-implement at least the minimal part: signing a  
hash. GUI requirements (like displaying the title of a document,  
displaying a legal warning, displaying the whole document to be  
signed) could be worked upon in a common way once the basics are  
agreed upon to be useful.

For now, I think the reason why there is so little interest for this  
field is that it is really hard to market such features. The reason  
why Apple has very low prirorities for smart card related fixes is  
that it is really hard for Steve to demo this on the big stage. Same  
goes with Firefox. And "those who really want it, can in theory  
achieve their goals with extras and extensions"  works as well.

Martin Paljak

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