Re: [SailfishDevel] Update previous page

2015-03-17 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 17 March 2015, Chris Walker escribió:
 The problems for me are 1) I need to attach models to lots of the
 tables in the CAMRA database file and I struggle with models, and 2) I
 cannot make the app connect to two databases. In doing item 1, I would
 also want the app to update a previous page, much as Florian does.

There are some Sailfish specific issues that you might have. I struggled a bit 
in making Page navigation more or less elegant, since drilling down some 
structure and pushing and popping pages is not that declarative, and I wasn't 
that experienced with QML. Here, I would not mind extra documentation about 
the Sailfish components (although isn't that necessary, I think it is well 
documented in general, provided that you know Qt, or course).

But for 1, you should just search about it in the Qt normal sources. The Model 
View Framework is extensively documented, and there are videos with full 
training sessions recorded:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Roadmap for Qt 5.4 support?

2015-01-14 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 13 January 2015, Daniel Beck escribió:
 Qt 5.4 introduces the new Qt Webengine. This an essencial feature because
 Qt Webkit lacks many features and has many bugs that makes it quite
 impossible to publish good HTML5 apps on Jolla. In my case, I'm looking
 forward to it to make my game Green Mahjong work better on Jolla. (For
 the moment, it sucks a lot because of QtWebkit).
 My question is: when will jolla support Qt 5.4?

I would not hold my breath. Think of this: QtWebkit is a browser engine 
wrapped in Qt. Qt WebEngine is another one (Blink). Jolla has their browser 
based on a third browser engine. Linux distributions are not specially happy 
with Qt WebEngine:

I would expect Jolla to be at the same level of discomfort, or more. :-(

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Build with sailfish latest on mer-obs fails, QVariant, double (?)

2015-01-11 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Thursday 08 January 2015, Kimmo Lindholm escribió:
 i had made a bad thing: (or bad copypaste)
 #define pi (3.14159)
 in some other place someone else;
 QtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl pi
 =  v.valueQtMetaTypePrivate::QPairVariantInterfaceImpl();
 And seems that my #define messed things up.
 Now it builds correctly.

This is why #defines are a terrible idea when there are alternatives. First, 
the pi number is already defined as M_PI in math.h. Second, if you have to do 
that, and specify constants, use a const double foo =  The compile 
errors (if any) will be much more meaningful.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] App fails to start with Assertion `wayland_ok = 0' failed

2014-12-26 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Thursday 25 December 2014, escribió:
 Still, I'd like to understand what is going wrong, and whether there is 
 an issue in my code or somewhere else.
 I have been able to extract and reproduce this behavior in an otherwise 
 empty new SailfishOS Qt Quick Application.
 I am using the simple piece of code below to invoke the process, the 
 execute method has been called in Component.onCompleted of my cover 
 page. Btw, the process called is df, but other commands like ls gave 
 the same results.
 If you have an idea about this, I'd be happy to hear from you

Huge disclaimer: writing about things that I'm not fully sure, but writing 
them anyway because nobody else replied yet.

If I'm not mistaken or confusing it with kdeinit, the booster that your 
application is likely using (because is the recommended way) does some 
improvements on start up by linking to all usual libraries, and launching your 
process afterwards. If you are launching an additional process, it might be 
linking again with GUI libraries, and the system might be trying to make 
another GUI of it. This is just a guess, but it makes some sense given the 
Wayland assertion that you are having. Is it completely gone if you don't 
launch a process?

Possible solutions might be cleaning the environment where you launch the 
process, launching it some other way (it's been a while since I last used 
QProcess, but I recall different ways), or just not launching it at all.

If you want to get the output of df, think to yourself how does df get that 
information in the first place?. Launching a process for getting that data is 
a resource waste, and as you've experienced, can be brittle and not 
necessarily less work.

Qt 5.4 includes QStorageInfo, but you can look at an addon developed by the 
same person some time before:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Mapping project and library (was: (no subject))

2014-12-17 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Wednesday 17 December 2014, David van rijn escribió:
- Can it, at some point, become a library for others to use?

Yes, of course.

- What is the best way to implement offline maps/routing?

OpenStreetMaps and the associated projects. Google Maps AFAIK doesn't allow 
you to save their maps for offline usage.

- Is anyone eager to join the project?
- any other feedback?

Have you reserached a bit first? There are projects already trying to do that, 
of course:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-07 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 06 December 2014, Luciano Montanaro escribió:
 Actually, no, you want to detect features at runtime, not at build time.

That's the opposite of what most people are trying to do.

If the overhead is negligible, you may not care much of shipping all the 
assets in one binary package, of which the user will only see a part, but 
other applications might prefer to save some space if they contain many 

However, the main thing that motivated me to dig into the issue and send the 
mail was libsailfishapp. That library is, AFAIK, only relevant on Sailfish, 
and also requires one to add special code in main(). That can't be done at 
runtime (well, you could do it I think, but you really don't want to, given 
that you already have to set a special binary name, for example, and it 
complicates things for no reason).

Other features like screen size, language, etc. Of course you want to do it at 
runtime. But note that the default +android, +blackberry directories that 
QFileSelector knows about should work out of the box with plain Qt. See for 

This can still be added to the QQmlFileSelector of the engine through 
libsailfishapp, so I think I'll send a pull request anyways.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-07 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 06 December 2014, Lorn Potter escribió:
 Tizen also and their own branch even.
 There are also quite a few other devices that have their own mkspec, so
 there is precedence for supporting a sailfish/jolla platform mkspec. 

Oh, true, I forgot them.

 Well, this one is easy. Tablet isn't arm based. :)
 So far, I don't think Jolla has actually needed it's own mkspec, and using
 the defaults is working ok.
 I'm not against the idea and would probably +2 any qt-project MR's, but
 then Jolla would have to use it in their builds.

That's what I wanted to know. :)

If there is not interest, well, I'll forget it and maybe propose a pull 
request for QFileSelector in libsailfishapp as I mentioned in the other mail.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-07 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Sunday 07 December 2014, Luciano Montanaro escribió:
 On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
  That's the opposite of what most people are trying to do.
  If the overhead is negligible, you may not care much of shipping all the
  assets in one binary package, of which the user will only see a part, but
  other applications might prefer to save some space if they contain many
 The problem is that this model does not scale. Now there is one device
 using SailfishOS, next June there will be two...
 Hopefully there will be more in one year.
 So you want to make one build for each model that will use SailfishOS
 in the future?

I did nowhere say that. I say that MAYBE you want to trim some assets if you 
have OS specific assets (and you have a non-negligible gain). And for that you 
need to know the OS you are building for. As I explained, other systems have 
built in support in Qt for knowing the OS.

 I think Jolla hopes to license the OS to other vendors. If they
 succeed, optimization s targeted to single devices will not be
 The best option is to build the asset in a scalable format (or ship it
 at high res) and then render it at install time...
 Like what has been proposed for the icon scaling.

Exactly what I said: Other features like screen size, language, etc. Of 
course you want to do it at runtime.

  However, the main thing that motivated me to dig into the issue and send
  the mail was libsailfishapp. That library is, AFAIK, only relevant on
  Sailfish, and also requires one to add special code in main(). That
  can't be done at runtime (well, you could do it I think, but you really
  don't want to, given that you already have to set a special binary name,
  for example, and it complicates things for no reason).
 Well, I think the easiest thing to do is do out-of source builds, and
 since the target configuration
 qmake -config sailfishos
 qmake -config blackberry

I don't follow you here. What's that qmake flag?
 Then if you want to have different assets, you can do this as well...
 But it makes no sense to ask for a generic way to do that.
 In the end, the Qt platform for sailfish os is indeed simply Linux, or
 if you want Linux+Wayland.
 The rest of the dependencies should be checked package for package:
 So on linux, check if there is libsailfishapp, and build the sailfish
 version. Check for... Mir, and build for Ubuntu.
 Or build for a desktop Linux if you do not find mobile specific libraries.

I also explained the problem with the tooling that a library check has. And 
that is not only about the library.

But well, if so many people disagree, I'll just give up. Only one more thing 
so I don't need to add more traffic to the mailing list:

El Sunday 07 December 2014, Attila Csipa escribió:
 On 12/7/2014 11:33 AM, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
  However, the main thing that motivated me to dig into the issue and 
  send the mail was libsailfishapp. That library is, AFAIK, only 
  relevant on Sailfish, and also requires one to add special code in 
  main(). That can't be done at 
 There, you said it yourself - if what you want is to detect a library, 
 then that's what
 you should be doing.

I did not say that. You even quoted what I said. Read it again please. :)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-05 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 05 December 2014, Attila Csipa escribió:
 I would rather have packagesExist fixed (I also ran into this one, see :)

Didn't know that. I found this instead:

This isn't going to be fixed because is by design that Creator is not going to 
execute things that could have side effects:

suy Why the project file evaluation can't run a separate process? 
Performance? Thinking how to workaround https://bugreports.qt-
qt_gerrit Qt Creator treats packagesExist incorrectly -
dt|tt suy: what does your question have to do with that bug report?
suy dt|tt: you said in the bug report packagesExists is implemented via a 
$system call. Since we don't want to run arbitrary processes while parsing the 
project (...)
dt|tt suy: right, it should be self-evident why we don't want to run 
arbitrary processes while parsing a .pro file
dt|tt suy: we don't know what side effects there are
suy dt|tt: not to me, that's why I'm asking. :)  I'm not a creator 
developer. I was thinking if qmake can do it, creator can do it, unless the 
trouble is of course that it has to do it again
dt|tt suy: not while parsing the project
dt|tt suy: that would be insane
suy Yes, I though its a security risk. But, well, somebody can still add a 
system() call in a pro file and do nasty things when running qmake, isn't it?
dt|tt suy: parsing needs to be side effect free
andre_ suy: it's not just a security risk, it's also executing stuff more 
often and/or at other times than a regular qmake run would. so lots of fancy 
mechanism set up in the .pro are likely to break in that situation.

 A (philosophical?) problem is that from Qt's perspective, Sailfish is 
 not really an
 OS - that would be Linux - but merely a distro. Once you start down this 
 path of
 Q_OS_..., one could argue for Q_OS_DEBIAN and Q_OS_REDHAT, etc. What is
 (from a developer's perspective) special about SailfishOS is how it is 
 different from
 other Linuxes, hence the package detection being the right way.

Yes, I've given it some thought, and is not an easy to draw line. There is 
certainly a distinction, but one could defend that such detection has to be 
done at runtime instead. For example, a dialog in KDE has a different 
OK/Cancel ordering than in GNOME (and different look, etc.). The binary might 
be the same, but the application chooses behaviour at runtime.

I thought that Sailfish might be a different than a simple environment where 
the app might be executed in that it has some platform specific libraries 
(libsailfishapp, booster). Also, the fact that Blackberry 10 is treated 
different than QNX, so they have the boilerplate set up. I'll see what the 
Ubuntu Touch people do.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-05 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 05 December 2014, Franck Routier (perso) escribió:
 There is probably an interesting paper here
 (but I did not take the time to dig into yet...)

That looks a bit dated (Symbian! :) ). From a quick look, everything could be 
done with QFileSelector (supported out of the box by the QML engine since 

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] What processor do you have in your SailfishOS SDK machine?

2014-12-04 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 02 December 2014, Carsten Munk escribió:
 Because that may have implications on what machines the SailfishOS SDK 
 emulator will run on and build engine, we'd like to know what kind of 
 setups you have running SailfishOS SDK.

I've sent the mail with my details to Carsten already, but a question here for 
the broad public. Why this has any implications? Isn't the point of having the 
emulator and the build engine in virtual machines to not depend at all on the 
host of said virtual machines?
 2) VT virtualization technology or not?

One more thing: I answered yes to this because I understood it as does your 
CPU have support for virtualization instructions? (VT-x / AMD-V), not wether 
I have VirtualBox available.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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[SailfishDevel] SailfishOS as an OS/platform in Qt

2014-12-04 Thread Alejandro Exojo

I've asked this a couple of times on IRC, but I haven't found a fully 
satisfying answer. I want to see SailfishOS as any other OS/platform is 
featured in Qt: by having some qmake support to detect wheter I'm compiling 
for SailfishOS or not. 

Once that is done, having a Q_OS_SAILFISH preprocessor macro that can also 
choose different paths in C++ and adding support in QFileSelector is trivial.

The big question is: do you want such thing in Qt? If yes, I would gladly do 
it myself, since I have some time available and I'm looking for ways to 
contribute to Qt, learn, etc.


Right now everyone is baking its own way, with varying degrees of success. ;-)

I looked at it a year ago when I started writing my Sailfish application, and 
I was pointed to puzzle-master's sources, where a simple 
packagesExist(sailfishapp) did the trick... or so I thought. Since I wasn't 
testing the non-Sailfish branch much, I didn't realize Creator always returns 
true on this condition (by design: not allowed to fork a process when parsing 
.pro files). Seems a petty complaint (who cares about Creator that much? it 
works for qmake just fine), but with harbour requiring a harbour- prefix in 
the name of the executable, Creator might not even be able to start the 
application because it doesn't find it if you use a different value for 

Lately I've been finding time for the app again and I finally noticed the 
problem, so I asked on IRC again. I was pointed at other application, and the 
check used was even worse. :-)

Then I searched a bit in the branch of the mer-qt/qtbase repo. I see you don't 
use any mkspec for SailfishOS or Jolla, right? That's where I thought you 
might have it, and where I think it could be. Blackberry sets there the 

Yes, yes. I know there is a solution: pass a parameter to the qmake 
invocation. Store the invocation flag on the RPM packaging for final 
deployment, and maybe a .pro.shared file for development. That's what Puzzle 
Master has now too. Still I think there is some value in having this sorted 
out in a more general way, specially given that you'll want people to also 
distinguish a build for the Jolla phone or the Jolla tablet.


Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SDK installation error on Debian stable (VirtualBox 4.1.18)

2014-11-29 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 28 November 2014, Jarkko Lehtoranta escribió:
 Looks like sataportcount was used in vbox 4.3 and it was renamed to
 portcount in newer versions.

Damn backwards incompatible changes for little or no gain. :(

 I'll add to the todo list to fix the
 handling of this among different vbox versions.

Thank you!

 Btw. oracle's vbox 4.3 is available for debian squeeze and wheezy via
 their own repos:

Thank you again. I try to avoid repositories outside, so I didn't 
notice. But if you raise the version requirements at some time I'll have no 
choice. :)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] [Minutes] SailfishOS community meeting 25.11 + planning for next one 16.12

2014-11-29 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Wednesday 26 November 2014, Carol Chen escribió:
 0.html Minutes (text):
 0.txt Log:

For the record, this is a more permanent URL to the changes on the
rpmvalidator that were relevant when the meeting happened (IOW, the packages
that will be available in Harbour soon):


Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SDK installation error on Debian stable (VirtualBox 4.1.18)

2014-11-26 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 25 November 2014, Alejandro Exojo escribió:
 El Tuesday 25 November 2014, Alejandro Exojo escribió:
  Error during installation process (org.merproject.mersdk):
  Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 1): /usr/bin/VBoxManage
  storagectl MerSDK --name SATA --add sata --controller IntelAhci
  --portcount 1 --bootable  on
  In the console I get:
  VBoxManage: error: Unknown option: --portcount
 I worked around it simply running the command without said options. Seems
 to work just as well (I got to compile and run on the emulator), but I'll
 have to test the SDK more throughly.

I forgot to add one more thing: this all applies to the latest, Beta1 SDK. 
Previous versions worked out of the box. With the workaround, on Debian stable 
works fine. In other distro with a newer VirtualBox I didn't get the error, 
and worked fine as well.

Are the sources for the installer online? I couldn't find them in 
github/sailfish-sdk. It would be a trivial patch, and a pull request would be 
harder to get lost.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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[SailfishDevel] SDK installation error on Debian stable (VirtualBox 4.1.18)

2014-11-25 Thread Alejandro Exojo

Debian stable (7, wheezy) has VirtualBox 4.1.18, the one that the release 
notes claim is supported. However, running the installer I get this from the 

Error during installation process (org.merproject.mersdk):
Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 1): /usr/bin/VBoxManage storagectl 
MerSDK --name SATA --add sata --controller IntelAhci --portcount 1 --bootable 

In the console I get:

VBoxManage: error: Unknown option: --portcount

I assume that's an option not available on VirtualBox 4.1.18. :-(

Unfortunately I don't have an easy way to upgrade.

I've searched TJC, and the website suggests this list anyway. Any hints?

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SDK installation error on Debian stable (VirtualBox 4.1.18)

2014-11-25 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 25 November 2014, Alejandro Exojo escribió:
 Error during installation process (org.merproject.mersdk):
 Execution failed(Unexpected exit code: 1): /usr/bin/VBoxManage storagectl 
 MerSDK --name SATA --add sata --controller IntelAhci --portcount 1
 --bootable  on
 In the console I get:
 VBoxManage: error: Unknown option: --portcount

I worked around it simply running the command without said options. Seems to 
work just as well (I got to compile and run on the emulator), but I'll have to 
test the SDK more throughly.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Use of other aspects of Qt

2014-11-23 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 22 November 2014, Chris Sparks escribió:
 Hi everyone,
 I have been playing with the demos and was wondering am I only allowed
 to use QML?
 I am most familiar with using Qt classes directly and I don't see the UI
 editor so
 I am guessing that it is not available for use with Sailfish.  Sure I
 can learn QML
 but I'd rather use tools I already have experience with to save time.

QtWidgets work on SailfishOS... for an arguable definition of work. You can 
compile, link and execute an application based on widgets, but you'll soon 
notice that you don't want to. Widgets require code to display themselves as 
the platform they are running on, and that code is not there on Sailfish. Even 
if this code could be added (it seems on Android is), that will only give you 
buttons that are of a reasonable size and of a reasonable color. Not much 
more. You'll soon to make a list, and notice that users will hate to have a 
list with a scrollbar instead of being flickable.

If you skip the predefined widgets and you want to do your own, then can be 
fine, but only if you have some legacy code that you need to keep.

 What I am trying to work on is an embedded linux app, using Qt, that is
 fast to boot
 and runs only one app, mine.  I am wanting to retrofit a classic car I
 have with
 modern technology but I need the software/hardware to be operational as
 quick as
 possible.  How many folks would tolerate if your gauges became
 operational after 19

Why are you asuming that Widgets will be fast and QML will be slow? QtQuick is 
designed from the ground up to be extremely fast will all the eye candy. This 
example is from qtquick1 (which is still slower than QtQuick2 on Qt5):

Doing that with QGraphicsView is doable, but much harder than this:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] This is a test email

2014-11-22 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 22 November 2014, Chris Sparks escribió:
 Hi everyone,
 I have now received two messages about thread hijacking, a term that I
 am NOT familiar with so I went to
 and saw the email to send a fresh email to
 the list (not a reply).
 I want to know if this is hijacking anything because I don't get it.
 I went to:
 And saw that all of my posts are top level ones.  So where am I hijacking?

Yes, I was going to send a link to the archives, too, since I guess your MUA 
doesn't have threads enabled. I guess that the mailman version on has a feature to reparent the message properly based on the 
subject. GMail skips completely the headers, I think, when displaying. My MUA 
(KMail) shows the threads like Andrey showed.

Yet still your previous messages (not this one) had the In-Reply-To header, 
so I guess you did somethingn different this time.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] This is a test email

2014-11-22 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 22 November 2014, Dmitriy Purgin escribió:
 I'm using GMail and also don't understand what Chris does wrong --
 looks okay to me, all of the threads he started with replies are
 grouped together.

Because as I said, GMail skips completely the other headers and uses the 
subject alone, which is wrong given than one might want to change the subject 
to fix it, but the topic of the conversation is the same.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] This is a test email

2014-11-22 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 22 November 2014, Chris Sparks escribió:
 My email tool only has compose, reply and reply-all.  So my choices are 

Yes, that's the point. When you compose a message, you start fresh. You fill 
the subject and the body.

When you reply (to all, to list, or just reply), even if you remove everything 
from the body and the subject to fill it from scratch, the MUA still adds the 
headers that I mentioned.
 What is an MUA?

Mail User Agent. That's a fancy way to say the program that you use to send 
emails. But it has a purpose, since for people using a webmail, the browser 
is not the culprit for those extra headers. :)

Now I'll stop here my lessons on netiquette and Internet, because Sailfish OS 
is much more fun. ;-)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] New to SailFish

2014-11-21 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 21 November 2014, Chris Sparks escribió:
 1) Is Sailfish an Android based OS?  Or is like QtEmbedded which 
 bootstraps itself off of a linux based kernel?

Neither. It uses pure Linux (in the sense that is more aligned with 
upstream, instead of based on patches not merged, like binder on Android).

For the GUI it uses Wayland, a protocol that, in a sense, it replaces the QWS 
protocol that Qt for Linux embedded had, and that is gone in Qt5.

 2) I have a galaxy tab 3 which I have rooted, would I be able to replace 
 the OS on this device for Sailfish?

No idea, but what I've normally read is if it works with CyanogenMod is 
likely to work.

Oh, and, please, don't reply to a message, replace the subject and delete the 
body to send a *new* message. Is not the same as a new message because the 
mail program (Seamonkey in your case?) adds new headers that break how the 
mails are displayed. Is thread hijacking and is pretty bad netiquette.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] core dump location

2014-09-03 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 30 August 2014, Krisztian Olah escribió:
 Hi all,
 just a quick question. Where does Sailfish dump cores? I checked (as root)
 sydtemd-coredumpctl, but it seems empty. According to
 /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern the name should be core so I did a find,
 but that came up short as well. While it is entierly possible that I don't
 have a core file although I crashed a few days ago, I wouldn't know because
 I'm not quite sure where I'm supposed to look for it.

AFAIK, core dumps are disabled by default in most systems.

$ ulimit -c

See /etc/security/limits.conf.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Debug issue from inside the QtCreator IDE

2014-07-09 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Wednesday 09 July 2014, Iosif Hamlatzis escribió:
 I had seen the supported environments but as I cannot afford to buy a new
 PC just to run Windows 7 just to be able to develop for SailfishOS a mobile
 environment with no market share I just ignored it. There are no words to
 express my disappointment though.

I understand your situation. I've been a Linux user since too long to rember, 
and it's not comfortable when your OS or software stack is not properly 
working well with others.

I hope you understand too, thath for any company without a huge amount of 
resources, adding support for Windows XP right now, unless is easy, is an 
ineffective use of resources. Its market share isn't insignificant, but is 
amongst developers (who tend to like having latest versions of applications), 
and is not even officially supported in the standard way by Microsoft.

 In my current setup I easily develop and debug on both emulator and device
 for webOS (native c/c++), BadaOS and TizenOS, BlackBerry (both PlayBook and

Some of them probably started a bit before, and had to consider XP more 
seriously because at that time the support and the market share was good. But 
yeah, it's quite disturbing seeing others having the level of support you 

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Follow up on faenil's topics in Community meeting 24.04.2014 @ 10:00 UTC

2014-06-27 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 27 June 2014, Thomas Tanghus escribió:
 Eric, you really need to use a MUA that can do proper quoting. I have no 
 idea what was you answer here.

FWIW, you can activate the HTML view in KMail (can be done for that message 
only), and see the response properly. The problem is that you can't do such 
thing in the mailing list archives:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt 5.2 in devel

2014-06-22 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 21 June 2014, Gunnar Sletta escribió:
 Very true, an we've taken steps to get away from that situation. For our Qt
 5.2 branch, we still have a lot of patches, but all of these patches were
 upstreamed to 5.3 and 5.4 before they were back-ported into our 5.2
 branch, so we're converging rather than diverging. 

Awesome, that's what I wanted to read. :-)
 It is a valid point, and do we want to stay fairly close to the latest
 released Qt, preferably without patches. But since we also have a platform
 on top of Qt, there is some latency in getting there.

Yes, I completely understand, it also happened to me. I have a couple of 
projects at work where we use 5.2, and I had to override Qt's behaviour (for 
simple stuff like logging to the journal and configuring logging categories in 
file) using the public API. That was simple, but the cool, mantainable way is 
of course adding the feature in Qt itself so all applications have it 
automatically. We didn't had the time, but luckily Robin and Kai added those 
exact two features to 5.3, so we can get rid of our custom code.

 Hope that answers your question.

Definetely. And let us know if there is some way to help with these kind of 


Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] FTP download with qtquick possible ?

2014-06-21 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 20 June 2014, Matthias Barmeier escribió:
 is it possible to download a file via qml(JS) from a server and store 
 the file on the sdcard ?

It is possible in the same degree that almost everything is possible. That 
doesn't mean you can do absolutely everything in the QML/JS side of things, 
because you rarely should do it. You should limit yourself to the UI in QML, 
and couple the UI with a more powerful logic in C++ (or in Python, if you give 
PyOtherSide a try).

With Qt/C++, it was possible to use the QFtp, but is no longer available in 
Qt5. You can find some solutions, though:

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Qt 5.2 in devel

2014-06-21 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Wednesday 18 June 2014, Robin Burchell escribió:
 Sorry folks. This wasn’t intended to be posted here, but, have a slight
 visual on what’s going on behind the curtain anyway. :)

I hope everything went well and nobody phoned you in the middle of sleep. :)
 tl;dr: Qt 5.2 upgrade is on the way in the nearish (but not immediate)

How come that you are not skipping 5.2 and going straight to 5.3? IIRC, you 
had some patches on top of 5.1, so I understand that rebasing them is a lot of 
work. Skipping a release might be harder now, but maybe is worth it later on.

I'm pretty sure you know what you are doing, but I fear you might end up with 
non-upstreamed things and end up with the problem the SDK has, that is some 
releases behind what Qt Creator is upstream, for example.


Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla release plan for high-level features - update 6 / 7

2014-05-15 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Thursday 15 May 2014, Iosif Hamlatzis escribió:
 Since you mention changes/additions in the BT stack what about the profiles
 A2DP for listening music through the hands-free headset and SPP for
 connecting maybe an external GPS receiver for better performance?

I play music with a headset with microphone, and the buttons control the 
music, and the microphone works with phone calls. The buttons don't work with 
Gpodder yet, though. Isn't this the A2DP profile?

Note also that, AFAIK, Jolla will probably be stuck with BlueZ 4.x for some 
time. The migration to BlueZ means using better but incompatible APIs. Linux 
desktops weren't quite up to date with porting either last time I checked.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] No QSerialPort

2014-03-24 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Sunday 23 March 2014, Wim de Vries escribió:
 So, it should be available in Sailfish.

No, is available inside Qt, not necessarily provided for Sailfish.

 Have to recheck the errors, but it looked like the libs and headers were 
 not there (QtSerialPort/QtSerialPort no such file).

I already told you that you might consider copying the module to your 
application and bundle it. Or see if Qt Serial port is packaged for mer, and 
ask for inclusion (or package if is not). Any Qt addon is a safe bet since qt-
project has some serious commitment to ABI/API stability.

Or just explain what serial port you want to use and for what reason, so 
Sailors see the need to do the work themselves... and satisfy my curiosity. 

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] SMS for m2m communication

2014-03-24 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Monday 24 March 2014, Pasi Patama escribió:
 If this is indeed possible, is there any other documentation available than
 'Google' ? I think you should re-evaluate this possibility and not to
 follow Apple's footsteps blindly, because there are tons of applications
 which would benefit for this possibility.

There are also trillions of users who might not be that interested in the most 
expensive contemporary form of communication ever. Is the only system where 
calculating the amount of cents per *byte* transferred is not a an exercise 
for fun.

Also, I doubt Jolla simply wants to close things down. Be aware that all 
resources are limited, and Jolla spends them on what they think is more 
appropiate. Hint: there is a way to convince them that your idea is more 
appropiate. And a simple mail here is not the way. Post a nice write up on that convinces people to vote your idea.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] No QSerialPort

2014-03-19 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Wednesday 19 March 2014, Wim de Vries escribió:
 My app cannot work without Q(t)SerialPort.
 Is there a plan to upgrade to Qt5.2, or a way to add the Qt5.1 (beta) 
 QtSerial libs and headers?

I use QtSerialPort daily, so this mail puzzles me a bit:

- Why 5.2 is involved? QtSerialPort is in 5.1 too. And why beta?? The 5.1 
branch is on 5.1.2, and 5.2 in 5.2.1.
- Why do you want QtSerialPort? Want to plug a CP2102 or similar? Only serial 
that I see on a quick check seems to be /dev/ttyHSL*, and some searching 
reveals is some Qualcomm UART. Is this for the-other-half? That seems to speak 
I2C according to the docs, so no serial port, isn't it?
- QtSerialPort is quite small (just two classes, IIRC). Is the classic example 
where copying it to your project might be the best approach. Specially if its 
license is open source.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] [RFC] Well known map data path

2014-03-18 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Tuesday 18 March 2014, Martin Kolman escribió:
 This common location is the .maps directory in the MyDocs folder, giving 
 the /home/user/.maps path.

Are you aware that this is against what is already explained in the Harbour 
FAQs? I have 60 files or directories directly under $HOME in my computer, and 
is quite inelegant. At least now applications try to follow XDG 
conventions/specifications and things are somewhat ordered under ~/.config.

Jolla wants to be able to tell how much space an application might be 
consuming (and freeing that space upon application removal), so you should 
take that into account too.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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[SailfishDevel] Want to meet at Barcelona this week?

2014-02-22 Thread Alejandro Exojo
Hi there.

I live in Barcelona, and I can't attend the MWC (pass is too expensive for 
just popping the last hours of the day, and I'm no press), but I would love to 
take the oportunity of meeting Jolla sailors or fellow Jolla owners! I've 
found this TJC question:

However, nothing has happened to organize something. I'm quite busy, but I'll 
try to do it nonetheless. :-)  I think the first step is thinking when. I've 
proposed the whole range of days since tomorrow Sunday to Friday (MWC ends 
Thursday, but some people might stay a bit longer to wrap up or have meetings 
outside the congress, I don't know what you visitors plan on doing).

I'm not sure that the voting system of Askbot is appropiate for that kind of 
stuff, so I'm proposing this doodle:

Just add your name, and vote the days you can and prefer with Yes, the days 
that you can't with No, and the days you don't prefer but you could attend 
if needed with (Yes), the option in the middle.

Later the locals can discuss the details and propose places, e.g., if a dinner 
is decided, what suggestions for a restaurant, etc.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Scriptlets in RPM hot allowed to Harbour

2014-01-11 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Saturday 11 January 2014, Andrey Kozhevnikov escribió:
 There are reasons for chmod 666 in /usr/share/appname

There are reasons for being 666 permissions, I got that, but isn't it possible 
the make that directory with such permissions as default?

Sorry, I'm trying to understand the problem. :)
 Also i'm using scriptlets for closing my applications before 
 installation new version/remove and so on

That's a neat feature, indeed!

How are you doing it, by the way? I'm still looking at how the packaging 
works, and in general the internals of Sailfish, but it might be possible that 
you could subscribe to some signal D-Bus signal from PackageKit to know when 
the application is upgraded. You can easily (but probably inefficiently) listen 
to the Changed signal, and then check if your application has changed. There 
has to be a better way, so I'll try to investigate.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 license and copyrights

2014-01-09 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Thursday 09 January 2014, Andrey Kozhevnikov escribió:
 1. Jolla making fix for supporting non-portrait framebuffers in lipstick.
 2. I'm releasing patched lipstick with patched resources inside, if 
 distribution of internal qml resources of lipstick is permitted.

I imagine jolla will explain the licensing issues when they can. I suppose 
that since this is under the name lipstick, it follow the one from lipstick 
repos that are available under the LGPL. Unless the name is a generic brand, 
not fully linked with the lipstick repo.

Meanwhile, why not a mix of 1 and 2?

You explain the changes that you made to Jolla, not sending them the changes, 
or at least not to the people who will have to do the coding, so they are not 
tainted and copyright doesn't apply (assuming the changes are significant).

Then the changes could be in next version.

The only problem is that then you are a bit like working a little bit for a 
company that doesn't pay you. :-)  But you get karma points to be the first 
one receiving a TOH with a keyboard and solar charger! (Just kidding)


Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] D-Bus viewer touch

2014-01-09 Thread Alejandro Exojo

During this holidays I did an attempt at a port to Silica and SailfishOS the 
qdbusviewer. Is a really nice tool for learning how your system works, 
specially on a platform like this.

By this time I would have expected to have something a bit more meaningful to 
announce, but the holidays are over and I will have less time the next 

I wanted the code to be open since the beginning, but you know the usual 
problem with open projects: it doesn't cause a splash when you got to some 
cool point because everybody knew it since a long time ago.

Anyway, here is the source:

I'm not publishing binaries at this point, since I've found at least one bug, 
and I'm not fully sure I got the dynamic object creation (for the model of the 
pages) right, so it might be a leak.

I'll try to make it at least as featureful as the qdbusviewer on the desktop, 
but meanwhile you have read only capabilities to satisfy some curiosity. 
Please don't look much at the inside. The design needs a lot of cleanup once I 
learn how to do it properly. :)


Oh, and the original qdbusviewer on the phone:

Not very finger friendly. ;-)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] File not found errors while generating rpms: how can I fix them?

2014-01-05 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Sunday 05 January 2014, escribió:
 oma.yaml -

Have you fixed that already? Because those URLs are 404 now. You deleted the 
 I've tried to give a look around to other projects but I cannot understand
 the differences (or better... ALL projects seem to be different from each
 other and use different conventions... 

Because not all projects are the same, and because not all projects are 
developed by the same people.

 it would not be better to use all
 the same convention and having QtC to check what's missing in .pro and
 .yaml for us?).

That's even harder, and worse. You could define some high level project that 
would generate a .pro file, but once you generate the project file, you would 
end up needing to modify the .pro anyways. And you would need extra 
documentation for the added layer.

I suggest you that you try to be patient, and don't try to learn all it at the 
same time. QMake is not awesome, and is not the best documented thing in the 
world, but is manageable, and for the use case of the majority of Sailfish 
developers, is not harder that doing the application itself.

The problem is that one very quickly wants to do that, and at the same time do 
the packaging, which is another step, and is not necessarily well documented 
(IMHO) compared to qmake.

If you can, try making your application work on the desktop as well. At least 
make it compile and install, so you can try simply if all files get copied to 
where you want. Then you can start blaming RPM or the packaging infrastructure 
if something doesn't work. Otherwise, without good knowledge of any of the two 
sides (building and packaging), you are shooting with your eyes closed.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour: Allow more libraries to link against

2014-01-04 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Thursday 02 January 2014, Ville Ranki escribió:
 On 2013-12-27 22:16, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
  In the meantime, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that one
  can ship libraries in the package, as long as you care about
  setting RPATH (and other packaging issues) yourself.
 Can you recommend a tutorial or example on how to do this properly on

Is a matter of playing with settings in the build system (qmake's *.pro files, 
most likely).

If you started with the suggested template, you have a project configured for 
creating one executable alone. You will have to convert it to a SUBDIRS type, 
so qmake generates two subprojects (at least), one for the program, and other 
for the library. Copy the library in its subdirectory, and build it with a 
library template (check the qmake docs).

All that is the normal procedure.

Now make the library install in the path allowed by harbour, and use 
QMAKE_RPATHDIR to add that additional directory on the executable.

That's more or less it. I can't say if I missed something, but that's more or 
less the gist of it.

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour: Allow more libraries to link against

2013-12-27 Thread Alejandro Exojo
El Friday 27 December 2013, Reto Zingg escribió:
 for once a nice request and not just ranting :-)

I can fix that!


 this is the right 
 channel. We heard you and will look into it, but I can't promise any 
 time frame when will finally decide whenever we will allow it or not.

In the meantime, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understood that one can ship 
libraries in the package, as long as you care about setting RPATH (and other 
packaging issues) yourself.

Is definitely not the optimal solution that we, Linux enthusiasts like, but is 
what Windows and Android developers do, and look at their marketshare! A 
trillion flies can't be wrong! :-)

Alex (a.k.a. suy) | GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2 |
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