Re: the disadvantage of D currently

2009-05-15 Thread Robert M . Münch

On Fri, 15 May 2009 04:13:06 +0200, zsxxsz wrote:

Of course, all the disadvantages above may be solved in future, these  
are just the time problems.

Well, and what do you do to help to solve these?

Robert M. Münch
Management  IT Freelancer

Re: Split digitalmars.D newsgroup into .D and .D2 newsgroups?

2009-05-15 Thread BLS

BCS wrote:

Hello BLS,

(I think it is not really top secret to talk about what is in use.
1) OCAML, 2) C and 3) ADA ... )

The only surprise there (if any) is OCAML. *Everyone* uses C and, last I 
heard, Ada is still the #1 choice for Bugs==DeadBodiesOrWorse 
development. From what I've heard, it's actually a darn nice language to 
work in if you are going to be doing all the engineering process stuff 

Hello BCS :)
This is something Walter definitely should read too.

What's the story :

ASTRÉE is written in Objective Caml and is about 44000 lines long (plus 
external libraries). We needed a language with good performance (speed 
and memory usage) on reasonable equipment, easy support for advanced 
data structures, and type and memory safety. OCaml also allows for 
modular, clear and compact source code and makes it easy to work with 
recursive structures such as syntax trees


Re: Split digitalmars.D newsgroup into .D and .D2 newsgroups?

2009-05-15 Thread BLS

Georg Wrede wrote:

It'd be nice if some of them came to this NG.

will meet one of the leading guys this summer, let's see.

(FWIW, I'd sure prefer to fly with ADA or D, than with C.) :-)

So you better fly with Boeing !

ASTREE is a static analyzer for C programs that proves the absence of 
run-time errors in critical embedded software.
It has been applied to the flight control software of the Airbus 340 and 
380 airplanes. 

ASTREE is written in OCAML.  //


Re: Split digitalmars.D newsgroup into .D and .D2 newsgroups?

2009-05-15 Thread BCS

Hello BLS,

Georg Wrede wrote:

(FWIW, I'd sure prefer to fly with ADA or D, than with C.) :-)

So you better fly with Boeing !

ASTREE is a static analyzer for C programs that proves the absence of
run-time errors in critical embedded software.
It has been applied to the flight control software of the Airbus 340
380 airplanes. 
ASTREE is written in OCAML.  //

If you can *prove* it's correct, I don't care if it's in BF I'll fly on it 
over something you can't. OTOH I /think/ Ada programs can be written so they 
won't compile if they can't be proven to be correct, at some level. 

Re: Split digitalmars.D newsgroup into .D and .D2 newsgroups?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

BLS wrote:

Georg Wrede wrote:

It'd be nice if some of them came to this NG.

will meet one of the leading guys this summer, let's see.


(FWIW, I'd sure prefer to fly with ADA or D, than with C.) :-)

So you better fly with Boeing !


ASTREE is a static analyzer for C programs that proves the absence of 
run-time errors in critical embedded software.
It has been applied to the flight control software of the Airbus 340 and 
380 airplanes. 

ASTREE is written in OCAML.  //

Yeah. In the old days there was an entire industry selling lint programs 
for C coders, and some of them cost more than a mid-size car.

Then came C++, and the number of code lines written (in several 
languages) for the sole purpose of checking that the C++ program even 
remotely tries to do what it's supposed to, is simply disgusting.

A programming language should make it possible to write code where the 
immediate purpose is clearly visible at a glance. I believe D is such a 
language. A professional programmer who /wants/ to code clearly, can do 
it. But with C++, I really don't think so.

Re: project oriented

2009-05-15 Thread Graham St Jack
On Tue, 12 May 2009 21:12:51 +, BCS wrote:

 Hello davidl,
 The module package system still stays in the state of the C age. It's
 file  oriented. I think there's no more sound package system than C#
 one. The  namespace and distributed packaging is a must nowadays and
 the compiler  should be project oriented and take project information
 as the compiling  base. Also an IDE is quite useful for providing
 project templates.
 The up side to file based packaging is that the compiler can find the
 files without needing extra information. There are several tools that
 can build a project from nothing but a set of .d files. With the c# type
 of system, the compiler/build system needs to have a metadata file that
 list all the .d files to be built adding yet another piece of redundant
 The c# solution works well if you will *only* develop from the IDE but
 is a total pain as soon as you need to work with non-language aware

Good point. I like the current system's simplicity, and changing it as 
suggested would add a lot of hassle.

Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread grauzone

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Daniel Keep wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 14 May 2009 09:55:08 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Also, I dislike the signature int find() that returns -1 if not found.
Time and again experience shows that find() returning a range is much
better in real code because it works seamlessly when the
substring/element was not found (no more need for an extra test!)

Ech, returning -1 is the bane of Java and C#.  The return value should
be the end of the string, regardless of whether it is a range or 
index. I could never understand the mentality of returning -1 versus 
end of



int idx = find(str);
if( idx == -1 ) doStuff;

- or -

if( idx == str.length ) doStuff;

I think Steve's point is that often you want to do something like:

auto before = str[0 .. find(str, something)];


auto after = str[find(str, something) .. $];

which behave nicely at limit conditions (when something isn't found). In 
contrast, the version with -1 needs a separate varible and a test - a mess.

But most time, you want to know both _if_ something was found, and 
where. Returning the length of the string makes checking if something 
was found harder. That's also quite a mess.

Maybe a good way would be to return a pair of slices, before and after 
something was found (ignoring that there are no MRVs):

(char[], char[]) myfind(char[] str, char[] tofind) {
int index = find(str, tofind); //returns str.length if not found
return str[0..index], str[index..$];

This would give the user lots of flexibility, without having to declare 
useless temporaries, especially not for the first argument passed to 

For example: was something found?
bool found = myfind(bla, blubb)[1].length;

(That's still more elegant than to compare lengths.)


Re: bmp/png libs?

2009-05-15 Thread div0
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 div0 wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Can anyone suggest good up-to-date D libs or bindings for loading/saving 
 and png files?

 Import is for d2, but changing it for d1 would be trivial.

 Ah, cool.
 My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.
 Heh, I'm gonna have to steal that line, but slightly changed (disclaimer: 
 this is not intended as an insult to you (only an insult to me ;) )): My 
 enormous talent is exceeded only by my sheer arrogance. (Again, that's not 
 intended as a jab at you, I just think that line would be hilarious :) ) 

:) share and enjoy.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

Re: bmp/png libs?

2009-05-15 Thread Rainer Deyke
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 au was lossy? 

Yes, to the extend that it was compressed at all.  Each 16 bit sample
was independently reduced to 8 bits using a logarithmic scale.

Rainer Deyke -

Re: bmp/png libs?

2009-05-15 Thread div0
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 div0 wrote in message 
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Can anyone suggest good up-to-date D libs or bindings for loading/saving 
 and png files?

 Import is for d2, but changing it for d1 would be trivial.

 Ah, cool.

Thinking about it, if you do modify it for d1, send me the changed
version and I'll merge it with a version block.

Got a version of jpeg6b  freeType as well. I'll upload them later once
ftp access stops being a pig.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Lutger
Sean Kelly wrote:

 I never bother to solve the exercises either, but then I've read most 
 tech books on my own time.  I think if you're hoping this might be used 
 in an academic setting at some point (and I have no idea what the 
 requirements are for that) then it would be good to have exercises.  By 
 the way, does TCPL have them?  I'm pretty sure TC++PL doesn't.

That's a good point, it will be helpful for courses. (but not a requirement)

TC++PL does have exercises - at least the 3rd edition does, although they are 
not so prominent. 

I like to use exercises as review questions or summary, looking at them helps 
to get a feel
for how much you've understood. Also, fun or really good exercises I will take, 
like the ones in SICP. 

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Lutger
Brad Roberts wrote:

 BCS wrote:
 Hello Nick,
 (and double the
 price (or more) from what would typically be reasonable)
 I have been told (without supporting evidence) that the price of text
 books is so high because about 10 times as many are printed as sold.
 This is because they don't have time between when they know what they
 need and when they need it, to print what they need. The other 90% of
 the books you end up paying for get pulped. (That and the fact most
 profs never worry about what a book costs when they spend your money)
 The cost of printing, shipping, etc.. on a per-book basis is actually very 
 low.  In the neighborhood of a few dollars.  No where near the around $100 
 a lot of textbooks sell for.  One of the reasons they cost so much is that 
 of them are rev'ed every couple years, meaning that they have to make whatever
 profit they want to make _fast_.  They're rev'ed so fast at least in part to
 kill off the used market.
 There's also an awful lot of effort that goes into producing them.  Authors,
 Editors, fact checking, copy setting, etc.
 Anyway, it's an ugly cycle that's bound to implode eventually.

Another contributing factor is that experts typically not want to write 
textbooks (boring), so they get paid very well to do it. 

Re: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D

2009-05-15 Thread Lars T. Kyllingstad

Don wrote:

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

Don wrote:

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

Don wrote:

Lu’ís Marques wrote:
A naive binary chop doesn't work correctly. The fact that there 
are hundreds or thousands of times as many representable numbers 
between 0 and 1, as there are between 1 and 2, is problematic for 
divide-and-conquer algorithms. A naive binary chop would divide 
the interval [0 .. 2] into [0 .. 1] and [1 .. 2]. Unfortunately, 
this is not a true binary chop, because the interval [0 .. 1] 
contains more than 99% of the representable numbers from the 
original interval!

How about adding a template to do a binary chop (binary search?) 
to std.algorithm?

findRoot() (which needs to be updated to take advantage of compiler 
improvements) does the job in the most important case. I'm quite 
proud of it; as far as I know, it's uses a better algorithm than 
anything else on the planet. g

Awesome! I hadn't even noticed the std.numeric module before. :)

Just a small comment: I think that the type of the function 
parameter should be templated as well, so that one can pass both 
functions, delegates and functors to it.

Just now I tried to apply findRoot to an actual problem I'm working 
on, and immediately failed because I tried to pass a free function 
to it. A trivial thing to work around, but annoying nevertheless.

How do you choose/limit what to put in std.numeric? I don't suppose 
you're going to put all of NETLIB in there... ;) Already, it seems 
to me that findRoot is somewhat niche for a standard library.

I think it's one of a very small number of primitive math algorithms. 
It shows up _very_ frequently.

In Tango, it's in tango.math.Bracket, along with a 1-D maximizer. 
(math.Bracket isn't a name I like very much).
There's definitely an issue with Phobos' flat module organisation; 
it's not clear that Phobos can sensibly grow to be much more 
extensive than (say) the C standard library or the STL with that kind 
of structure.
I'm convinced that implementation modules, at least, will need to go 
somewhere else.

In my numerics library (which I've, in all modesty, named SciD) I'm 
converging on a package structure I'm fairly pleased with:

Internal modules, such as scid.core.traits, scid.core.tests,
scid.core.exception, etc.

Here I put ports of various packages from NETLIB and other
sources. Examples of subpackages are scid.minpack,
scid.quadpack, etc. These have, for the most part, rather
nasty APIs, and should normally not be used directly.

In the root package I've placed the most ubiquitous modules,
i.e. scid.vector, scid.transformation, etc.

Specific problem areas get their own subpackages. At the moment
these mostly just contain nicer interfaces to the routines in
scid.ports -- drivers, if you will.

I've tried a lot of setups, and this is the one I've found most 
flexible. The hierarchy isn't as shallow (and inextensible) as 
Phobos', nor is it as deep (and unwieldly) as Tango's.

That sounds about right. But you might even consider dropping it down 
one level. For example, everyone knows that differentiation is 
calculus.differentiation; I think you only need a level when the module 
name is ambiguous on its own. (std.integration might be about Product 
Integration or something; but math.integration is unambiguous).

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. At one point I had to use several levels 
because I kept interfaces and implementations in the same modules, and 
the source files quickly became very large. Now that I've put the 
implementations in scid.ports, using one level is a lot more manageable.

Whether I choose to use one or two levels, the idea is to mimic the 
structure of the GAMS classification tree.


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread BCS

Hello Nick,

BCS wrote in message

Hello Nick,

(and double the
price (or more) from what would typically be reasonable)

I have been told (without supporting evidence) that the price of text
books is so high because about 10 times as many are printed as sold.
This is because they don't have time between when they know what they
need and when they need it, to print what they need. The other 90% of
the books you end up paying for get pulped.

I find that difficult (though not impossible) to believe. Most of the
academic texts out there are just new editions that have barely
anything changed, and not much content that really needs to be
particularly timely either

I'm referring to it going the other way, that the printing houses can't print 
and ship enough books between the time they known how many of what books 
they need and the start of classes to fill all the orders they get. So they 
have to have already printed and stocked everything before the orders come 

(Because of that, BTW, I'm convinced the
updates are primarily done to curb the second-hand market. I've had
plenty of profs require the latest edition when the last few editions
turned out to be nearly identical). And even those updates don't
happen every single school year. The same edition is usually still the
newest for at least a couple years in a row, usually more. If they're
ending up with so much extra stock, why not just sell that stock in
the following years instead of pulping and printing new?

It's not the ones that sell that they pulp, it the flops that no one would 
buy. Given than many (most?) books sold are sure things, that paints a 
very sad picture regarding the failure rate of new textbooks. If my numbers 
are correct, then each year (or three) 9 times as many new text book offerings 
flop as the number of books that sell, new and old. 

Or, if they
really are ending up with 90% extra on such a regular basis,
mabb it's time to re-evaluate how many they choose to
print? It just doesn't seem to add up. But then again, nether do most
things regarding academia.

I'm probably repeating my self but, it's not that 90% of each title doesn't 
sell, it 90% of the titles offered don't sell and the rest sell out. Now 
if someone could find a better way to guess what new offerings would be flops

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread BCS

Hello Sean,

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Cons: I've never been much of a fan of them. Rarely look at them, and
never do them. But more than that, I find opening a book and seeing
of bunch of exercises and end of chapter quizzes rather

I have a few books I bought largely for reference material where stuff
was omitted and left as an exercise to the reader (I'm looking at you,
Sedgewick!)  Regardless of how easy some of these exercises may be for
me to solve, it isn't something I'm generally in the mood for when I
pick up the book at work to check something.  However, this isn't a
book about algorithms so perhaps this isn't an issue really.

If the book has solutions, then they can server double duty as code examples.

Re: Migrating to Shared

2009-05-15 Thread Don

Walter Bright wrote:

bobef wrote:

__gshared, __etc. These look ugly IMHO. :)

They're only allowed in safe mode, and are meant to inspire people to 
use them only when there's no other choice. Hence the unattractiveness g

Agreed. Yet as others have said, __traits deserves a beautiful keyword.

Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread Michiel Helvensteijn
Daniel Keep wrote:

Heh, that's a funny story. I didn't know that one. (I do think the sensible
developer was a bit of a killjoy, though.)

But how about coming up with some actual arguments here? What are the
`gloves' in this situation? Don't say `modules' without explaining how they
offer the same advantages as tags.

I can imagine a similar discussion having taken place when someone thought
of higher-level control-flow constructs (you know, `if' and `while'). I
imagine most people were perfectly happy with goto's and conditional jumps.

Michiel Helvensteijn

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
You know, you've consistently been getting me impressed with your school ;) 
Caltech was it? I've been to a big public state university, a small 
supposedly well-respected private university, and a community college (that 
was highly-regarded, at least for a community college). I had many major 
issues with all of them (of course, I had major issues with K-12 as well 
;) ). But, tech schools, I've never been to one (never got in, and they tend 
to be expensive anyway). I wonder if these things are specific to Caltech or 
if they tend to be typical of tech schools?

I don't know if Caltech is typical or not. I went there kind of by 
happenstance, and was very lucky because their style suited my personality.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Anders F Björklund

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

By the way. Is d2 focused? is it like a textbook or a reference book?

D2 exclusively. Textbook modeled after KR.

Will there be any GUI sections in D2 ?

(or is that why they call it a textbook)


Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread Daniel Keep

Michiel Helvensteijn wrote:
 Daniel Keep wrote:
 Heh, that's a funny story. I didn't know that one. (I do think the sensible
 developer was a bit of a killjoy, though.)
 But how about coming up with some actual arguments here? What are the
 `gloves' in this situation? Don't say `modules' without explaining how they
 offer the same advantages as tags.

You're proposing taking a simple, easy to understand module system and
replacing it with a poor version of Google.  Your idea requires that all
modules be registered with the compiler somehow since there's now no
correlation between module and file.

Then you go on to suggest that you could use the filesystem, something
which is blatantly not possible: WinXP doesn't support symbolic links.
And this still means you can't simply drop a folder with source files
into a project: you've got to screw around setting up symbolic links.

Even then, what exactly does this get you?  The ability to say:

import std  string;

Now you have absolutely NO idea what you've just imported.  You can't
possibly look it up because anything could silently be included in that.
 And what happens when two libraries define two conflicting symbols?
Now you've got to have some sort of disambiguation system.

The tag system is the complicator's gloves: you're solving a problem
which already has a simple working solution with the most complex system
possible for no discernible benefit.

Tags are great for when you have only a vague idea of what you're
looking for.  This might be pretty useful for searching docs, but it's
completely unsuitable for actual code: you have to know what a function
is called and what its arguments are before you call it.  In order to
find that out, you look up its documentation which ALSO tells you what
module its in.

And once you know what module a function's in, the tag system becomes
completely superfluous and counter-productive.

 I can imagine a similar discussion having taken place when someone
 thought of higher-level control-flow constructs (you know, `if' and
 `while'). I imagine most people were perfectly happy with goto's and
 conditional jumps.

You must be joking.  Unstructured programming was a complete mess.
You're actually proposing taking a structured system and replacing it
with an unstructured one... the complete opposite of the introduction of
flow control structures.

  -- Daniel

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Nick Sabalausky
BCS wrote in message
 Hello Nick,
 Or, if they
 really are ending up with 90% extra on such a regular basis,
 mabb it's time to re-evaluate how many they choose to
 print? It just doesn't seem to add up. But then again, nether do most
 things regarding academia.

 I'm probably repeating my self but, it's not that 90% of each title 
 doesn't sell, it 90% of the titles offered don't sell and the rest sell 
 out. Now if someone could find a better way to guess what new offerings 
 would be flops

Ahh, I see what you're saying. In that case, that (and the well-being of 
student's backs/spines everywhere) would be good reason for school textbooks 
to finally move to an electronic format (but of course, that has plenty of 
other downsides...) 

Re: D1 and Phobos Fixes

2009-05-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

Walter Bright wrote:

Spacen Jasset wrote:
This goes for the compiler too, but presumably a lot of the the code 
is shared and it isn't so easy.

Many compiler patches get posted to bugzilla. About half of them are 
correct, the other half aren't (often fixing the symptom rather than the 
cause of the problem).

Essentially, the compiler is fairly complicated and not well commented; 
I want to review any changes before they're committed. Otherwise I'll 
lose track of how it works and how it's supposed to work.

Yes fair enough. What about phobos? Do many patches for phobos come in?

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Sean Kelly wrote:
 Brad Roberts wrote:

 There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 
 on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

 For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 
 recommend it.

 Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
 authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.

 So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you cracked 
 that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)

Looks like I'm not the only one that gets those books confused :). When 
Exceptional C++ was mentioned, I thought it was that C++ book you wrote.

I think I breifly browsed through one or two of those E* C++ books before. 
Was very impressed with them (and also a similar book from a different 
publisher geared towards game dev), but I think my biggest take-away from 
all of them was, Alright, that's it, screw C++. ;) Then I found D. Not 
that the books were difficult or anything, in fact they did a great job of 
making an extremely complicated language as easy as possible. But they just 
made it finally click in my mind just what a PITA/POS C++ had become. Shit, 
I'm rambling again... ;)

A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread downs
Consider this type:

struct StringPosition {
  size_t pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out size_t sz) {
sz = pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out bool b) {
b = pos != -1;

Wouldn't that effectively sidestep most problems people have with find 
returning -1?

Or am I missing something?

Of course, this would require a way to resolve ambiguities, i.e. 
functions/statements with preferences - for instance, if() would prefer bool 
over int. I don't know if this is possible.

Re: Wrt. threadlocal by default: shared module constructors

2009-05-15 Thread downs
Christopher Wright wrote:
 Brad Roberts wrote:
 An interesting side effect of these changes is that thread startup
 cost is going to increase.  Yet more reasons to avoid globals and
 global initialization.

 -- Brad
 It'll further promote use of threadpools. This isn't terribly safe
 because the globals for that thread are left in some arbitrary state --
 yet more reason to avoid globals.

Introspection would solve this.

Just define a function initThread(), then use introspection to iterate over the 
module graph, find all static functions by that name, and call them whenever a 
thread needs to be cleaned up.

asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Vladimir A. Reznichenko
I have a function:

void test (inout uint a)
mov a, 0x25;

The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
Any ideas?

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Robert Fraser

Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

I have a function:

void test (inout uint a)
mov a, 0x25;

The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
Any ideas?

Inout variables are pointers.

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Tim Matthews
On Fri, 15 May 2009 22:29:07 +1200, Robert Fraser wrote:

Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

I have a function:
 void test (inout uint a)
mov a, 0x25;
 The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
Any ideas?

Inout variables are pointers.

Why is it 'inout' and not 'ref' ?

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:24:16 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

 I have a function:

 void test (inout uint a)
   mov a, 0x25;

 The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
 Any ideas?

I believe your code is incorrect. This is how it should be done:

import std.stdio;

void test (out uint a)
mov EDX, a;
mov [EDX], 0x25;

void main()
uint a = 0;

writefln(0x%x, a);

Perhaps, errors like yours could be flagged at compile time? If so, an 
enhancement request would be nice.

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Vladimir A. Reznichenko
Denis Koroskin Wrote:

 On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:24:16 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:
  I have a function:
  void test (inout uint a)
  mov a, 0x25;
  The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
  Any ideas?
 I believe your code is incorrect. This is how it should be done:
 import std.stdio;
 void test (out uint a)
 mov EDX, a;
 mov [EDX], 0x25;
 void main()
 uint a = 0;
 writefln(0x%x, a);
 Perhaps, errors like yours could be flagged at compile time? If so, an 
 enhancement request would be nice.

Thank you, Denis.

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Vladimir A. Reznichenko
Tim Matthews Wrote:

 On Fri, 15 May 2009 22:29:07 +1200, Robert Fraser wrote:
  Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:
  I have a function:
   void test (inout uint a)
 mov a, 0x25;
   The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
  Any ideas?
  Inout variables are pointers.
 Why is it 'inout' and not 'ref' ?

Aren't they the same? 

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering 
whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them, 
some don't.

Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise 

Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved 
the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

Well, you're not the average reader. :-)

Reasons for including excercises

  o they're really needed for those who actually /study/ the stuff
  o KR, Stroustrup, Knuth had them!! Nobody's ever complained
  o when reading stuff /new/ to you, they're needed
  o the only way to get schools and unviersities to use the book
  o make them well, and it'll double the value of the book
  o increases sales and revenue
  o some learn by doing, especially the not-supertalented
  o no excercises is an obvious omission, attracts competitors

Reasons against excercises

  o they take longer to write, if done well
  o you may need to test some of the excercises on people
  o done sloppily they'll reduce the value of the book
  o the answers need to explain stuff, not only be a listing

The more people buy the book, the more money you get. And for us, the 
more D gets recognition inside and outside the academia, the better!!

As a teacher, I'd never choose one without excercises. (Hell, then I'd 
have to invent them all, not just some. If that's a chore to you, it 
sure is a drag for the teacher!)

IMO, it is *utterly* important that the book is usable in universities. 
The better universities pick it up, the others follow, and eventually we 
may have a chance of having D taught as the first computing language. 
(It certainly is better for that than the others, IMNSHO.)

People also tend to have a mother tongue, even with computer languages.

In 5..10 years, we want D to be *The* language, right?

PS: write in the preface that you'd love teacher comments. You won't 
regret it, come time for the second edition!! You'll want to /maintain/ 
the head start you got, by refining the quality.

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:41:35 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

 Denis Koroskin Wrote:

 On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:24:16 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

  I have a function:
  void test (inout uint a)
 mov a, 0x25;
  The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
  Any ideas?

 I believe your code is incorrect. This is how it should be done:

 import std.stdio;

 void test (out uint a)
 mov EDX, a;
 mov [EDX], 0x25;

 void main()
 uint a = 0;

 writefln(0x%x, a);

 Perhaps, errors like yours could be flagged at compile time? If so, an  
 enhancement request would be nice.

 Thank you, Denis.

You are wellcome.

But I stand corrected - your original code was correct, it just didn't do what 
you expected (I replaced inout with pointer for clarity):

void test (uint* a)
writefln(0x%x, a); // prints 0x12FE88, may differ
asm {
mov a, 0x25;
writefln(0x%x, a); // prints 0x25, i.e. you were modifying 'a', not '*a'

The following would be correct, but it is disallowed and silently ignored:
void test (uint* a)
asm {
mov [a], 0x25; // no warning is issued, works as if there were no 
brackets around a, is that correct behavior?

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Sean Kelly wrote:

Brad Roberts wrote:

There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 

on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 

recommend it.

Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.

So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you 
cracked that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)


I confused Herb Sutter with Herbert Schildt, and thought you were using 

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Vladimir A. Reznichenko
Denis Koroskin Wrote:

 On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:41:35 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:
  Denis Koroskin Wrote:
  On Fri, 15 May 2009 14:24:16 +0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:
   I have a function:
   void test (inout uint a)
mov a, 0x25;
   The trouble is that the function's call doesn't change the a variable.
   Any ideas?
  I believe your code is incorrect. This is how it should be done:
  import std.stdio;
  void test (out uint a)
  mov EDX, a;
  mov [EDX], 0x25;
  void main()
  uint a = 0;
  writefln(0x%x, a);
  Perhaps, errors like yours could be flagged at compile time? If so, an  
  enhancement request would be nice.
  Thank you, Denis.
 You are wellcome.
 But I stand corrected - your original code was correct, it just didn't do 
 what you expected (I replaced inout with pointer for clarity):
 void test (uint* a)
 writefln(0x%x, a); // prints 0x12FE88, may differ
 asm {
 mov a, 0x25;
 writefln(0x%x, a); // prints 0x25, i.e. you were modifying 'a', not '*a'
 The following would be correct, but it is disallowed and silently ignored:
 void test (uint* a)
 asm {
 mov [a], 0x25; // no warning is issued, works as if there were no 
 brackets around a, is that correct behavior?

It looks like inout/ref uint a is equal to uint* a but the situation when 
we write D's code a = 5 means *a = 5. This is not obvious, at all. So when 
I wrote asm code, it wouldn't work.

Interesting implementation of inout arguments )
What's more interesting is that it wasn't reflected in inline asm documentation.

Re: D1 and Phobos Fixes

2009-05-15 Thread Don

Spacen Jasset wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Spacen Jasset wrote:
This goes for the compiler too, but presumably a lot of the the code 
is shared and it isn't so easy.

Many compiler patches get posted to bugzilla. About half of them are 
correct, the other half aren't (often fixing the symptom rather than 
the cause of the problem).

Essentially, the compiler is fairly complicated and not well 
commented; I want to review any changes before they're committed. 
Otherwise I'll lose track of how it works and how it's supposed to work.

Yes fair enough. What about phobos? Do many patches for phobos come in?

Not many Phobos patches have been posted. Phobos is quite different to 
the compiler, several of us have write access to it. It's well worth 
submitting patches for it.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Don

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering 
whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them, 
some don't.

Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise 

Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved 
the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

What do you think?

Depends on the exercise.

In Knuth, some of the best bits are in the exercises. But I think he was 
using them as a form of compression, reducing the size of the book to 
reasonable length g. I don't think I've bothered trying to solve the 
exercises in any other textbook, except in some rare cases where the 
exercise was so interesting that I really wanted to know what the answer 
was. I've never done an exercise for the sake of doing an exercise. But 
I'm weirder than you.

Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 14 May 2009 18:15:01 -0400, Derek Parnell de...@psych.ward wrote:

On Thu, 14 May 2009 17:33:40 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 14 May 2009 17:21:02 -0400, Derek Parnell de...@psych.ward  

Not really.  What could funcA possibly do with the index without the
string itself?  If it's just a flag (uint.max or not), then funcA should

funcA(bool found, ...)

and you call it with

funcA(find(needle, haystack)  haystack.length, xyzzy)

This doesn't cause any problems with people who use Tango, which returns
the length if not found.  In other words, if you find yourself writing
code to morph the length into uint.max or -1, you are thinking about  

problem incorrectly.

Who said that I had control of how funcA() was implemented?

Then I guess the rebuttal to that is, why should we make the design of  
std.string suffer to support a poorly designed legacy function?

It's easy enough to write a wrapper around the properly designed string  
function to return what you wish.


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 14 May 2009 20:05:04 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering  
whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them,  
some don't.

Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise  

Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved  
the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

What do you think?

I personally never did exercises unless they were assigned.  Generally  
when I'm reading a text book on my own, it's to get going on a project.   
So I'm not interested in solving puzzles :)

But examples are good to help with understanding, so as long as you put  
the answers in the book, I think it's a good idea.


Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread grauzone

downs wrote:

Consider this type:

struct StringPosition {
  size_t pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out size_t sz) {
sz = pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out bool b) {
b = pos != -1;

Wouldn't that effectively sidestep most problems people have with find 
returning -1?

Or am I missing something?

Could work, but it looks overcomplicated. It could be intuitive, but 
even then someone new would not be able to figure out what is actually 
going on, without digging deep into the internals of the library (or the 
D language).

I like my way better (returning two slices for search). Also, it 
wouldn't require this:

Of course, this would require a way to resolve ambiguities, i.e. functions/statements 
with preferences - for instance, if() would prefer bool over int. I don't 
know if this is possible.

...and with my way, it's very simple to check if the search was successful.


void myfind(char[] text, char[] search_for, out char[] before, char[] 

char[] before, after;
myfind(text, something, before, after);

//was it found?
bool was_found = !!after.length;
//where was it found?
int at = before.length;

Both operations are frequently needed and don't require you to reference 
text or something again, which means they can be returned by other 
functions, and you don't need to break the flow by putting them into 
temporary variables.

With multiple return values, the signature of myfind() could become 
nicer, too:

auto before, after = myfind(text, something);

(Or at least allow static arrays as return values for functions.)

Am _I_ missing something?

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 15 May 2009 17:13:40 +0400, Steven Schveighoffer 

 On Thu, 14 May 2009 20:05:04 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm  
 pondering whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books  
 have them, some don't.

 Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise  

 Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved  
 the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

 What do you think?

 I personally never did exercises unless they were assigned.  Generally  
 when I'm reading a text book on my own, it's to get going on a project.   
 So I'm not interested in solving puzzles :)

 But examples are good to help with understanding, so as long as you put  
 the answers in the book, I think it's a good idea.


Well, I'd wouldn't recommend putting solutions into a book for a couple of 

1) Most people would jump to answers right after reading the question, without 
caring to thing a little
2) Good questions deserve good answers (with explanation etc), but it takes 
time and books size grows significantly
3) Teachers won't be able to use these exercises to teach D in the classes 
because everyone can cheat by looking at answers

But I do believe that answers are very useful (unless they are no-brainers). I 
great solution to the problem would be to provide answers on a dedicated 
web-site. This way you can keep them comprehensive, they won't take up any 
space in the book, you may even write (and update) them *after* book is shipped.

Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 15 May 2009 09:36:51 -0400, grauzone wrote:

downs wrote:

Consider this type:
 struct StringPosition {
  size_t pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out size_t sz) {
sz = pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out bool b) {
b = pos != -1;
 Wouldn't that effectively sidestep most problems people have with find  
returning -1?

 Or am I missing something?

Could work, but it looks overcomplicated. It could be intuitive, but  
even then someone new would not be able to figure out what is actually  
going on, without digging deep into the internals of the library (or the  
D language).

I like my way better (returning two slices for search). Also, it  
wouldn't require this:

Of course, this would require a way to resolve ambiguities, i.e.  
functions/statements with preferences - for instance, if() would  
prefer bool over int. I don't know if this is possible.

...and with my way, it's very simple to check if the search was  


void myfind(char[] text, char[] search_for, out char[] before, char[]  

char[] before, after;
myfind(text, something, before, after);

//was it found?
bool was_found = !!after.length;
//where was it found?
int at = before.length;

Both operations are frequently needed and don't require you to reference  
text or something again, which means they can be returned by other  
functions, and you don't need to break the flow by putting them into  
temporary variables.

With multiple return values, the signature of myfind() could become  
nicer, too:

auto before, after = myfind(text, something);

(Or at least allow static arrays as return values for functions.)

Am _I_ missing something?

Your solution actually goes the opposite direction than I'd like.  That  
is, it looks more complicated than simply returning an index or a slice.   
I don't want to have to declare return values ahead of time and I'm not  
holding my breath for multiple return values.  You may be able to return a  
pair struct, but still, what could be simpler than returning an index?   
It's easy to construct the value you want (before or after), and if you  
both multiple values, that is also possible (and probably results in  
simpler code).


Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread grauzone
to return a pair struct, but still, what could be simpler than returning 
an index?  It's easy to construct the value you want (before or after), 
and if you both multiple values, that is also possible (and probably 
results in simpler code).

All what you can do with the index is
1. compare it against the length of the searched string to test if the 
search was successful

2. slice the searched string
3. do something rather special

What else would you do? You'd just have to store the searched string as 
a temporary, and then you'd slice the searched string (for 2.), or 
compare it against the length of the searched string. You always have to 
keep the searched string in a temporary. That's rather unpractical. Oh 
sure, if you _really_ need the index (for 3.), then directly returning 
an index is of course the best way.

With my approach, you don't need to grab the passed searched string 
again. All of these can be done in a single, trivial expression (for 3. 
getting the index only). Actually, compared to your approach, this would 
just eliminate the trivial but annoying slicing code after the search 
call, that'd you'd type in... what, 90% of all cases?

The thing about multiple return values is true (sadly), but in this 
case, you could simply return a static array (char[][2]). At least that 
should be possible in D2 at some point.

Maybe a struct would work fine too. But I don't like it, because the 
programmer had to look up the struct members first. He had to memorize 
the struct members, and couldn't tell what the function returns just by 
looking at the function signature.

(Yay bikeshed issues.)

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Kelly

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 

Sean Kelly wrote:

Brad Roberts wrote:
There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 

on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 

recommend it.
Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.
So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you cracked 
that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)

Looks like I'm not the only one that gets those books confused :). When 
Exceptional C++ was mentioned, I thought it was that C++ book you wrote.

Oh... oops!  The Scott Meyers titles are really similar!  *blush*

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Kelly

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Sean Kelly wrote:

Brad Roberts wrote:

There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 

on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 

recommend it.

Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.

So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you 
cracked that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)

Ouch!  I think I actually have both Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional 
C++ around somewhere, though I think a lot of the same stuff can be 
found in his GOTW archives.  And these days I'm using C at work, so... :-p

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Jesse Phillips
On Fri, 15 May 2009 07:14:50 -0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

 It looks like inout/ref uint a is equal to uint* a but the situation
 when we write D's code a = 5 means *a = 5. This is not obvious, at
 all. So when I wrote asm code, it wouldn't work.

Isn't that the point of a reference, that you don't have to dereference 
it? In fact I believe *a = 5 would be an error when using references.

Re: asm code and an inout function argument

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 15 May 2009 19:11:55 +0400, Jesse Phillips 

 On Fri, 15 May 2009 07:14:50 -0400, Vladimir A. Reznichenko wrote:

 It looks like inout/ref uint a is equal to uint* a but the situation
 when we write D's code a = 5 means *a = 5. This is not obvious, at
 all. So when I wrote asm code, it wouldn't work.

 Isn't that the point of a reference, that you don't have to dereference
 it? In fact I believe *a = 5 would be an error when using references.

Isn't it an error right now?

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Anders F Björklund wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

By the way. Is d2 focused? is it like a textbook or a reference book?

D2 exclusively. Textbook modeled after KR.

Will there be any GUI sections in D2 ?

(or is that why they call it a textbook)

If you're asking whether TDPL will contain discussions on GUIs, it 
won't. The hope is that it will teach one D well enough to write 
programs effectively using any library, GUI or otherwise.


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread BCS

Hello Nick,

Ahh, I see what you're saying. In that case, that (and the well-being
of student's backs/spines everywhere) would be good reason for school
textbooks to finally move to an electronic format (but of course, that
has plenty of other downsides...)

what I want to see (as a first step) is a printing press build to be installed 
at the schools. Then they just need to get a PDF and a license to print X 
copies: Oh we ran out of that title, but we'll have a batch hot off the 
press in 10 minuets. 

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Brad Roberts
Nick Sabalausky wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Sean Kelly wrote:
 Brad Roberts wrote:
 There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 
 on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

 For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 
 recommend it.
 Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
 authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.
 So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you cracked 
 that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)

 Looks like I'm not the only one that gets those books confused :). When 
 Exceptional C++ was mentioned, I thought it was that C++ book you wrote.
 I think I breifly browsed through one or two of those E* C++ books before. 
 Was very impressed with them (and also a similar book from a different 
 publisher geared towards game dev), but I think my biggest take-away from 
 all of them was, Alright, that's it, screw C++. ;) Then I found D. Not 
 that the books were difficult or anything, in fact they did a great job of 
 making an extremely complicated language as easy as possible. But they just 
 made it finally click in my mind just what a PITA/POS C++ had become. Shit, 
 I'm rambling again... ;)

One reason I like Exceptional C++ is that most of the points made in it
transcend the language and are just good programming tips.  It also does a good
job of presenting complex topics as well as basic topics.  Additionally, the
'exceptional' part isn't just about using exceptions in the language. :)


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Steve Teale
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering 
 whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them, 
 some don't.
 Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise 
 Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved 
 the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.
 What do you think?


Do you have a publisher yet? They will probably give you quite a definitive 
answer. They usually have quite strong ideas about the market they are aiming 

If is is to be a university text book, then Yes!

I realize that doing it is a pain in the ass. You have to test every little 
thing to the limit, which takes forever. But if you do it you will sort out 
bugs in the book.

Don't envy you, especially given the moving target of D2 ;=)

But the best of luck.


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Denis Koroskin
On Fri, 15 May 2009 22:09:17 +0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 Steve Teale wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm  
 pondering whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books  
 have them, some don't.

 Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise  

 Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved  
 the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

 What do you think?


  Do you have a publisher yet? They will probably give you quite a  
 definitive answer. They usually have quite strong ideas about the  
 market they are aiming for.

 The publisher, Addison-Wesley, is leaving such details to me.

 If is is to be a university text book, then Yes!
  I realize that doing it is a pain in the ass. You have to test every  
 little thing to the limit, which takes forever. But if you do it you  
 will sort out bugs in the book.
  Don't envy you, especially given the moving target of D2 ;=)
  But the best of luck.

 Thanks! One nice thing is I've written (in D!) a little script that  
 extracts the code from all of my examples, compiles it, and runs it  
 comparing the output with the expected output. The book will definitely  
 have a number of faults, but code that doesn't work will not be one of  

 It's amazing how much I need to rewrite in wake of recent improvements  
 to D and Phobos. My initial draft of Chapter 1 used char[] for strings!  
 I think D couldn't have claimed being much more than a step forward from  
 C if it stayed with that approach to strings. There's still stuff that  
 doesn't compile (Walter is working on that), and looking forward I'm so  
 excited about the forgotten __traits(allMembers) and the reflection  
 capabilities it begets, I can't stand myself.


Will you mention __traits as a __traits keyword, or it will be renamed (or, 
better, the whole feature re-implemented) to something better-looking one, by 
the time TDPL is ready? I really hope it will be fixed in one way or another 

We need a better compile-time introspection and I assume __traits is just a 
starting point. It is too hack-ish and there is definitely a room for 

Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Fri, 15 May 2009 10:30:17 -0400, grauzone wrote:

to return a pair struct, but still, what could be simpler than  
returning an index?  It's easy to construct the value you want (before  
or after), and if you both multiple values, that is also possible (and  
probably results in simpler code).

All what you can do with the index is
1. compare it against the length of the searched string to test if the  
search was successful

2. slice the searched string
3. do something rather special

What else would you do? You'd just have to store the searched string as  
a temporary, and then you'd slice the searched string (for 2.), or  
compare it against the length of the searched string. You always have to  
keep the searched string in a temporary. That's rather unpractical. Oh  
sure, if you _really_ need the index (for 3.), then directly returning  
an index is of course the best way.

With my approach, you don't need to grab the passed searched string  
again. All of these can be done in a single, trivial expression (for 3.  
getting the index only). Actually, compared to your approach, this would  
just eliminate the trivial but annoying slicing code after the search  
call, that'd you'd type in... what, 90% of all cases?

I hadn't thought of the case where you are calling *on* a temporary, I  
always had in mind that the source string was already declared, this is a  
good point.  The only drawback in this case is you are constructing  
information you sometimes do not need or care about.  If all you want is  
whether it succeeded or not, then you don't need two ranges constructed  
and returned.  But therein lies a fundamental tradeoff that cannot be  
avoided.  The very basic information you get is the index, and with that,  
you can construct any larger pieces from the pieces you have, but not  
always easily, and not without repeating identifiers.

I like your approach, but with the single return type, not out  
parameters.  Having out parameters would be a deal breaker.

I'd prefer not to have two strings but a string that has an identified  
pivot point.  You could generate the desired left and right hand sides  
dynamically, and it would work without any changes to the current syntax.

for example:

struct partition(R)
   R range;
   uint pivot;

   R lhs() {return range[0..pivot];}
   R rhs() {return range[pivot..$];}
   bool found() {return pivot  range.length;}

partition!string indexOf(string haystack, dchar needle);


string s = str.find(hi).rhs; // or .lhs or .found or .pivot

Maybe a struct would work fine too. But I don't like it, because the  
programmer had to look up the struct members first. He had to memorize  
the struct members, and couldn't tell what the function returns just by  
looking at the function signature.

If this were implemented, the return type would be very common.  At some  
point you have to look up everything (what's a range?).


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Steve Teale
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 Steve Teale wrote:
  Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
  A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering 
  whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them, 
  some don't.
  Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise 
  Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved 
  the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.
  What do you think?
  Do you have a publisher yet? They will probably give you quite a definitive 
  answer. They usually have quite strong ideas about the market they are 
  aiming for.
 The publisher, Addison-Wesley, is leaving such details to me.
  If is is to be a university text book, then Yes!
  I realize that doing it is a pain in the ass. You have to test every little 
  thing to the limit, which takes forever. But if you do it you will sort out 
  bugs in the book.
  Don't envy you, especially given the moving target of D2 ;=)
  But the best of luck.
 Thanks! One nice thing is I've written (in D!) a little script that 
 extracts the code from all of my examples, compiles it, and runs it 
 comparing the output with the expected output. The book will definitely 
 have a number of faults, but code that doesn't work will not be one of them.
 It's amazing how much I need to rewrite in wake of recent improvements 
 to D and Phobos. My initial draft of Chapter 1 used char[] for strings! 
 I think D couldn't have claimed being much more than a step forward from 
 C if it stayed with that approach to strings. There's still stuff that 
 doesn't compile (Walter is working on that), and looking forward I'm so 
 excited about the forgotten __traits(allMembers) and the reflection 
 capabilities it begets, I can't stand myself.

Not being able to stand yourself goes with the job - there's worse to come.

Addison-Wesley must have got more relaxed since I dealt with them, or possibly 
you are better known than I was at the time.

Can I review? Even if only on an informal basis - I do speak the language from 
both sides of the pond, have some experience of the process, and I can be a 
real pain in the ass ;=)



2009-05-15 Thread Steve Teale
I'm trying to write a JSON parser/generator. If anyone else is doing the same, 
can we collaborate?



2009-05-15 Thread Steve
Perl 6 is completely redesigning the regex syntax. It's now a lot clearer, more 
flexible and more optimizable. Can we use (a subset of) this in the std.regex 

For an overview, see
is more up-to-date, but it has less rationale and fewer examples.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Denis Koroskin wrote:

Well, I'd wouldn't recommend putting solutions into a book for a
couple of reasons:

1) Most people would jump to answers right after reading the
question, without caring to thing a little

2) Good questions deserve good answers (with explanation etc), but it
takes time and books size grows significantly

3) Teachers won't be able to use these exercises to teach D in the
classes because everyone can cheat by looking at answers

Many books have answers only to the odd numbered excercises.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Sean Kelly wrote:

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 

Sean Kelly wrote:

Brad Roberts wrote:
There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 

on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

For any of you that develop c++ code and haven't read that book.. I 

recommend it.
Scott Meyers is an excellent technical writer--he's one of the few 
authors whose books I'd pick up without ever cracking the cover.
So is Herb Sutter, the author of Exceptional C++. Are you sure you 
cracked that one even after you bought it? Nyuk, nyuk... :o)

Looks like I'm not the only one that gets those books confused :). 
When Exceptional C++ was mentioned, I thought it was that C++ book 
you wrote.

Oh... oops!  The Scott Meyers titles are really similar!  *blush*

Well, anyhow, reading a couple fo Scott Meyers books really kills the 
last inch of even trying to start coping with C++. They really make you 
see what a piece of manure the language is. Without even trying.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Kagamin
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise 
 Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved 
 the exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

If they're so cool, I think, they are worth adding. May be you didn't solve 
exercises because they were boring?

Re: std.regex

2009-05-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Steve wrote:

Perl 6 is completely redesigning the regex syntax. It's now a lot clearer, more 
flexible and more optimizable. Can we use (a subset of) this in the std.regex 

For an overview, see
is more up-to-date, but it has less rationale and fewer examples.

Sure, go ahead and implement it :o).


Re: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

Specific problem areas get their own subpackages. At the moment
these mostly just contain nicer interfaces to the routines in
scid.ports -- drivers, if you will.

I've tried a lot of setups, and this is the one I've found most 

That's what I call user friendly.

Of course, that way several (small things) things may end up being in 
more than one package, but that should be okay.

Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
2. I have to figure out some licensing issues. Some algorithms are 
clearly public domain, while some things -- like code I've ripped off 
Numerical Recipes, for instance -- is more questionable. (Although the 
NR guys do quite a lot of off-ripping themselves. ;)

If you're talking about any one of the books that come up when entering 
Numerical Recipes in the Amazon search box, I'd say that those recipes 
are freely usable. That's why they're in the books.

Checking, of course may be good, but if anyone publishes recipes in a 
book and then sues people for actually using them, I'd sue *them* for 

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Steve Teale wrote:

Can I review? Even if only on an informal basis - I do speak the
language from both sides of the pond, have some experience of the
process, and I can be a real pain in the ass ;=)

Steve, I've known you for what, 20+ years? and you've never been a pain 
the ass.

I hope you can come to our (as yet theoretical) next D conference so we 
can heft a pint!

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Kelly
== Quote from Georg Wrede ('s article

 Well, anyhow, reading a couple fo Scott Meyers books really kills the
 last inch of even trying to start coping with C++. They really make you
 see what a piece of manure the language is. Without even trying.

I have a lot of issues with C++, but I find C to be positively maddening.
If there were a version of D that didn't contain a GC and ran on SPARC
I'd jump for joy right about now.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Walter Bright

Brad Roberts wrote:

There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the exercises
on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

The short attention span version of Exceptional C++:

int main()
*(char*)0 = 0;
return 0;

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Nick Sabalausky
BCS wrote in message
 Hello Nick,

 Ahh, I see what you're saying. In that case, that (and the well-being
 of student's backs/spines everywhere) would be good reason for school
 textbooks to finally move to an electronic format (but of course, that
 has plenty of other downsides...)

 what I want to see (as a first step) is a printing press build to be 
 installed at the schools. Then they just need to get a PDF and a license 
 to print X copies: Oh we ran out of that title, but we'll have a batch 
 hot off the press in 10 minuets.

There are some schools that already either have or have access to a local 
print shop. I know of at least a couple schools where a few of the classes 
have books (usually small ones) that were written by the instructor or by 
the department and printed by the local/official/semi-official school print 
shop. What you suggest would be a great next step.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Brad Roberts wrote in message
 Nick Sabalausky wrote:

 Looks like I'm not the only one that gets those books confused :). When
 Exceptional C++ was mentioned, I thought it was that C++ book you 

 I think I breifly browsed through one or two of those E* C++ books 
 Was very impressed with them (and also a similar book from a different
 publisher geared towards game dev), but I think my biggest take-away from
 all of them was, Alright, that's it, screw C++. ;) Then I found D. Not
 that the books were difficult or anything, in fact they did a great job 
 making an extremely complicated language as easy as possible. But they 
 made it finally click in my mind just what a PITA/POS C++ had become. 
 I'm rambling again... ;)

 One reason I like Exceptional C++ is that most of the points made in it
 transcend the language and are just good programming tips.  It also does a 
 job of presenting complex topics as well as basic topics.  Additionally, 
 'exceptional' part isn't just about using exceptions in the language. :)

I guess I didn't get too good of a look at that particular one then. There 
are number of other great books though that transcend the language and are 
just good programming tips.  The Pragmatic Programmer, Code Craft, and 
Writing Solid Code. The other one I mentioned above was C++ for Game 
Programmers. That's one that anyone who writes videogames in C++ should 

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Walter Bright wrote in message 
 Brad Roberts wrote:
 There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 
 on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

 The short attention span version of Exceptional C++:

 int main()
 *(char*)0 = 0;
 return 0;

I went through a phase where I was really big on making custom sound schemes 
for my system. I loved the clip I had picked for program crash so much, I 
wrote a program where the entire intent was to dereference null, just so I 
could listen to my nifty error sound whenever I wanted. 

Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Baxter
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Georg Wrede wrote:
 Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

 2. I have to figure out some licensing issues. Some algorithms are clearly
 public domain, while some things -- like code I've ripped off Numerical
 Recipes, for instance -- is more questionable. (Although the NR guys do
 quite a lot of off-ripping themselves. ;)

 If you're talking about any one of the books that come up when entering
 Numerical Recipes in the Amazon search box, I'd say that those recipes are
 freely usable. That's why they're in the books.

 Checking, of course may be good, but if anyone publishes recipes in a book
 and then sues people for actually using them, I'd sue *them* for entrapment.

Well you'd better call your lawyer then. :-)

The usage terms on the classic Numerical Recipes are terrible.
Basically you're only allowed to use their code if you purchased a
copy of the book.  Which basically means if you use their code, then
you are not allowed to share the NR portion of your code with anyone
who does not own the book.

Their code is not so pretty anyway, so much better to just read the
ideas and implement it yourself, thus avoiding any potential legal

SciPy has recently done a sweep through their code purging anything
that looks like it was derived from NR code for this reason.  They
also went through and made it clear in all comments which refer to NR
for explanations of algorithms that they did NOT use NR code as a
basis for the code in SciPy.


Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Georg Wrede wrote:

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
2. I have to figure out some licensing issues. Some algorithms are 
clearly public domain, while some things -- like code I've ripped off 
Numerical Recipes, for instance -- is more questionable. (Although the 
NR guys do quite a lot of off-ripping themselves. ;)

If you're talking about any one of the books that come up when entering 
Numerical Recipes in the Amazon search box, I'd say that those recipes 
are freely usable. That's why they're in the books.

Checking, of course may be good, but if anyone publishes recipes in a 
book and then sues people for actually using them, I'd sue *them* for 

Actually I seem to remember that Numerical recipes in C was widely 
criticized for having incredibly strong restrictions on the published code.


Re: JSON in D

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Kelly
== Quote from Steve Teale ('s article
 I'm trying to write a JSON parser/generator. If anyone else is doing the 
 same, can we collaborate?

I've got one, but I wrote it for work so I'm not sure if I can release
it.  I'd be happy to offer suggestions though :-/

Inlining Ref Functions

2009-05-15 Thread dsimcha
The fact that DMD does not inline functions with ref parameters has come up
several times deep in threads on this NG before, but it's never really
received proper attention.  After changing a few swaps in performance-critical
areas of my code to manually inlined swaps and seeing significant speedups,
I'm kind of curious what the rationale is for not inlining functions w/ ref
params.  Is there a good technical reason for this or is it simply a matter of
having higher priorities?  Is inlining functions w/ ref params on the to do
eventually list?

Re: Inlining Ref Functions

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Baxter
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:36 PM, dsimcha wrote:
 The fact that DMD does not inline functions with ref parameters has come up
 several times deep in threads on this NG before, but it's never really
 received proper attention.  After changing a few swaps in performance-critical
 areas of my code to manually inlined swaps and seeing significant speedups,
 I'm kind of curious what the rationale is for not inlining functions w/ ref
 params.  Is there a good technical reason for this or is it simply a matter of
 having higher priorities?  Is inlining functions w/ ref params on the to do
 eventually list?

+1 on bumping up the priority on it.
Even if it it can't be made to work in every case, if it could at
least be made to work in simple cases like swap() then it would be
great boon for DMD benchmarks.


Re: Inlining Ref Functions

2009-05-15 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Bill Baxter ('s article
 On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:36 PM, dsimcha wrote:
  The fact that DMD does not inline functions with ref parameters has come
  several times deep in threads on this NG before, but it's never really
  received proper attention.  After changing a few swaps in performance-c
  areas of my code to manually inlined swaps and seeing significant speed
  I'm kind of curious what the rationale is for not inlining functions w/ r
  params.  Is there a good technical reason for this or is it simply a ma
 tter of
  having higher priorities?  Is inlining functions w/ ref params on the 
 to do
  eventually list?
 +1 on bumping up the priority on it.
 Even if it it can't be made to work in every case, if it could at
 least be made to work in simple cases like swap() then it would be
 great boon for DMD benchmarks.

Just to clarify:  I actually don't think this is a terribly high priority item.
Now that D2 is apparently pretty much feature complete, I'd rather bug fixes for
functionality bugs than relatively mild performance bugs.  My question was 
out of curiosity.

Dual D2/D1 code base

2009-05-15 Thread Jason House
I don't know what made me think of it, but could a feature very similar to 
Descent's compile-time view be used for generating D1 code from D2 code? It 
should allow striping of const, immutable, nothrow, shared, and pure from D2 
code with relative ease. It obviously would not solve everything, but I think 
it could allow Tango to use a single code base... Several Tango-based D1 
libraries could then follow and support both D1 and D2. 


Re: Inlining Ref Functions

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Baxter
Well it was shown before in a demo ray-tracer that the inability to
inline funcs with refs caused a significant speed hit under DMD.  And
now we're seeing it's causing a significant speed hit for sorting
because of swap routines.

There may be some thorny issues regarding inlining with refs in the
general case but with code like this:

float lengthSqr(const ref vec3 v) { return v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z; }

 it really should be trivial for the compiler to figure out that
direct substitution is possible in a simple case like:

   vec3 w;
   auto len2 = lengthSqr(w);

Maybe I'm missing something, but that looks pretty darn straightforward.


On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 2:01 PM, dsimcha wrote:
 == Quote from Bill Baxter ('s article
 On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:36 PM, dsimcha wrote:
  The fact that DMD does not inline functions with ref parameters has come
  several times deep in threads on this NG before, but it's never really
  received proper attention.  After changing a few swaps in performance-c
  areas of my code to manually inlined swaps and seeing significant speed
  I'm kind of curious what the rationale is for not inlining functions w/ r
  params.  Is there a good technical reason for this or is it simply a ma
 tter of
  having higher priorities?  Is inlining functions w/ ref params on the 
 to do
  eventually list?
 +1 on bumping up the priority on it.
 Even if it it can't be made to work in every case, if it could at
 least be made to work in simple cases like swap() then it would be
 great boon for DMD benchmarks.

 Just to clarify:  I actually don't think this is a terribly high priority 
 Now that D2 is apparently pretty much feature complete, I'd rather bug fixes 
 functionality bugs than relatively mild performance bugs.  My question was 
 out of curiosity.

Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread Christopher Wright

downs wrote:

Consider this type:

struct StringPosition {
  size_t pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out size_t sz) {
sz = pos;
  void opImplicitCast(out bool b) {
b = pos != -1;

Wouldn't that effectively sidestep most problems people have with find 
returning -1?

Or am I missing something?

Of course, this would require a way to resolve ambiguities, i.e. functions/statements 
with preferences - for instance, if() would prefer bool over int. I don't 
know if this is possible.

Just use two functions: find and contains.

Re: JSON in D

2009-05-15 Thread Christopher Wright

Sean Kelly wrote:

== Quote from Steve Teale ('s article

I'm trying to write a JSON parser/generator. If anyone else is doing the same, 
can we collaborate?

I've got one, but I wrote it for work so I'm not sure if I can release
it.  I'd be happy to offer suggestions though :-/

Dude, tango.text.json?

Re: A case for opImplicitCast: making string search work better

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Christopher Wright:
 Just use two functions: find and contains.

Or better, define a built in operator, you may call it in :-)

'e' in hello = true
(The compiler may even cache the resulting position somewhere, so a successive 
find can be very fast).


Re: Fun with allMembers

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Shin Fujishiro:

For example, using allMembers with enums, I could implement enumToString and 
enumFromString without defineEnum. Code: 

Nice. With better unit testing, and docs this seems good to go into Phobos.


Re: std.partition is fucked

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Sean Kelly:

The built-in sort uses an internal stack rather than recursion, which makes 
its performance on a best-case dataset hard to beat.

The built-in sort is snail slow, and its stack overflows if your array isn't 

void main() {
auto a = new uint[0x8F_];

So the current built-in sort is bad, and it must be fixed or removed.

(Sorry for the answering delay, I was busy for about a week. Tons of posts to 
catch up!)

Re: project oriented

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
 The c# solution works well if you will *only* develop from the IDE but is 
 a total pain as soon as you need to work with non-language aware tools.

I think Microsoft thinks that an IDE is a part of a modern language. So they 
have tried to design a language that almost needs an IDE. Fortress language 
looks to need an IDE even more. There are languages (most Smalltalk, and some 
Forth and some Logo) that are merged with their development environment.


Re: What's the current state of D?

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Leandro Lucarella:

I think this is another problem with D, version naming is really confusing and 
lame. You can't know anything from a D version number.

Yes, improving such small things is positive.
So I suggest to start using a language.version.releaseStatus numbering scheme 
for D2 (and maybe for D2 too).

So the current D2 becomes:

and the current D1 becomes:

Once D2 gets out of alpha it may become:


Re: assignment: left-to-right or right-to-left evaluation?

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Georg Wrede:

 arra[i] = arrb[i++];
 arra[i++] = arrb[i];
 I'm not sure that such dependences are good code.
 By stating a definite order between lvalue and rvalue, you
 would actually encourage this kind of code.

I agree that putting such things in code is bad, but nowadays the solution 
adopted by C is Just Wrong. To help avoid bugs from your programs the language 
has to avoid undefined behaviors (this is one of the lessons of Java).
So the solutions are to define such behaviors as Andrei suggests, or to forbid 
such code. I can accept both ways.
I am used to Python and I think I can appreciate the Python solution better, 
but the Java solution too is better than having undefined behavior in a modern 
So thank you Andrei for this work.


Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Christopher Wright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Sean Kelly wrote in message 
I also don't understand why professors seem to always choose academic 
textbooks on the subject when I know there are infinitely better trade 
books available (which I generally already own).

Hear hear!!

There's also another phenomenon I've noticed: Classes that never use the 
book, *except* for heavy use of it during the first two weeks. Call me 
paranoid, but I can't imagine any realistic explanation for that other than 
trying to trick students who have learned not to buy books until they see 
the class *really does* require it (as opposed to the classes that merely 
claim to require it.)

It could also be that the professor is new to teaching and wanted to try 
out the book, but did not end up liking it.

Heck, one of the schools I went to, I know for a fact that the instructors 
were *required* to choose a required book for their course and have the 
bookstore order it. A handful of instructors would say on the first day of 
class Did you get the required book for this course? No? Good. Don't. And 
if you have, go take it back. They just required me to pick one. We won't 
use it, so don't get it. 

My university's bookstore refused to accept returns without proof that 
you dropped the course.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Baxter
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 A chunky fragment of TDPL will hit Rough Cuts soon enough. I'm pondering
 whether I should be adding exercises to the book. Some books have them, some

 Pros: As I'm writing, I've come up with some pretty darn cool exercise

 Cons: The book gets larger, takes longer to write, and I never solved the
 exercises in the books I've read, but then I'm just weird.

 What do you think?

I learned Scheme on my own using SICP and I found the exercises there
to be quite valuable in verifying that I actually understood* what was
going on.

[*] or didn't understand, as was frequently the case. :-)

Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Georg Wrede wrote:

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
2. I have to figure out some licensing issues. Some algorithms are 
clearly public domain, while some things -- like code I've ripped off 
Numerical Recipes, for instance -- is more questionable. (Although 
the NR guys do quite a lot of off-ripping themselves. ;)

If you're talking about any one of the books that come up when 
entering Numerical Recipes in the Amazon search box, I'd say that 
those recipes are freely usable. That's why they're in the books.

Checking, of course may be good, but if anyone publishes recipes in a 
book and then sues people for actually using them, I'd sue *them* for 

Actually I seem to remember that Numerical recipes in C was widely 
criticized for having incredibly strong restrictions on the published code.


So, what's the point? Here's a bone, widely available on the sidewalk!!! 
But my god, just try to chew on it, and I'll sue your [butt].

And that's one more reason to lose respect for a certain judicial system.

The mere hint of such practices, really should make the law makers take 
a serious look at themselves. (But then again, to even become a law 
maker in such a system, you'd have gone throug such a chewing that the 
last bit of decency, sense of right, fairness, and a few other 
characteristics, simply have to have been erased from your mind. Heck, 
lawyers in even honest countries aren't respected for righteousness, 
fairness, integrity, or respect.)

I've seen software houses in America publish their library code. And 
that code contained passages like this is the unpublished source code 
[...] copyright witheld [...] all rights reserved.

Publishing freaking Unpublished can only happen in the New World.

Re: What's the current state of D?

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Walter Bright:

As far as I can tell, nobody cared about array ops.

So that leaves contract inheritance. I find it hard to see how not having it 
is a showstopper for using D1. Contracts in D haven't been the big win I 
thought they might be at first. They aren't use much at all. There are a lot 
of other issues that do make a big difference, and those are the issues that 
get attention.

This is interesting.

Some features are a failure because they need to be tried and tested before 
knowing they are not good, because you can't tell everything from theory. Once 
you know they aren't good you can remove them.

Other features are good, but in practice they aren't much used. Such low usage 
may come from various sources:
- They aren't part of the culture of most D programmers (I am thinking about 
useful things like typedef, nested functions and closures). This can be 
partially solved adding the D site tutorial pages about the usefulness  
purposes  several usage examples of typedef, nested functions and closures.
- They are clumsy to use, maybe because their syntax is long, ugly or not easy 
to understand. This can be solved with a better design, like asking the 
community to design the syntax of a feature before implementing it. And before 
that, asking people what features they want/need more in the first place. We'll 
have to create another thread of the most wanted things.
- They aren't well integrated with other features of the D language, so such 
features become like islands, so they can't become much useful, and in the D 
body such feature-transplant has a reject. In a language like Chapel array 
operations are natural, and in a language like Eiffel contracts are natural, 
because in both language such features are well integrated with other features 
of the language. This can be solved adding more bridges from such features to 
other parts of the language and making the syntax of the new features better 
merged with the other parts of the language.

I have never used array ops yet, but for example I'd like to have array 
comprehensions (lazy too), they are something I'd use every day in D (Walter is 
currently focused in adding features that allow to write big programs with D. 
But it's good to also improve the language to make it fitter for small things 
too. It's the difference between scaling up and scaling down. Both directions 
are useful, because big programs are written of small chunks of code. And an 
array comprehension allows you to write smaller class methods/functions, 
reducing the overall line count of the program).


Few more mixed things that I'd like to see done regarding D:
- A simpler, cleaner and easier to use site. The current site is a mess. I am 
able to list where I think it needs to be improved.
- Having dmd source code online on Git.
- Remove some things that are less useful from D2.
- To give more attention to what D programmers want and ask for. From what I 
have seen the community here is quite smart, so it's often better to implement 
what many of them ask for, instead of other things few/none ask for. Often 
smart people are right in asking for faster horses instead of a car.
- Having an official D front-end written in D is something good, but now it's 
too much early, I think.
- Reducing the number of D newsgroups, and renaming few of them can be good.


Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Bill Baxter wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Georg Wrede wrote:

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

2. I have to figure out some licensing issues. Some algorithms are clearly
public domain, while some things -- like code I've ripped off Numerical
Recipes, for instance -- is more questionable. (Although the NR guys do
quite a lot of off-ripping themselves. ;)

If you're talking about any one of the books that come up when entering
Numerical Recipes in the Amazon search box, I'd say that those recipes are
freely usable. That's why they're in the books.

Checking, of course may be good, but if anyone publishes recipes in a book
and then sues people for actually using them, I'd sue *them* for entrapment.

Well you'd better call your lawyer then. :-)

The usage terms on the classic Numerical Recipes are terrible.
Basically you're only allowed to use their code if you purchased a
copy of the book.  Which basically means if you use their code, then
you are not allowed to share the NR portion of your code with anyone
who does not own the book.

Damn. It's a shame that I currently don't have a company of, say, 20 
coders. Then I'd have enough slack in my turnover to take on issues like 
this. Here in Europe, some of those things aren't all too favorably 
looked upon. Just last week I read that Intel had got a fine of millions 
of dollars, just because they had twisted the arm of some wholeseller so 
that they entirely excluded AMD.

Their code is not so pretty anyway, so much better to just read the
ideas and implement it yourself, thus avoiding any potential legal

Yes, if the algorithm is published in a book, then it's a lot easier for 
us to implement it, instead of translating /their/ C[++] implementation.

SciPy has recently done a sweep through their code purging anything
that looks like it was derived from NR code for this reason.  They
also went through and made it clear in all comments which refer to NR
for explanations of algorithms that they did NOT use NR code as a
basis for the code in SciPy.

The *first* half of this century belongs to the RIAA, and their friends. 
And similarily, like the Soviet Union thought socialism /everywhere/ is 
the answer, seems like some other countries think free market 
/everywhere/, unhindered, is the answer. For example, TV was originally 
thought of as a superior medium to educate the masses, to bring equality 
to citizens by enabling everyone access to the same education. Today, 
one watches Oprah, Dr Phil, etc. and sees 3 minutes of programming, 6 
minutes of commercials, and the same all over again. Watching those 
shows overseas, makes one cry of compassion. Here we see the shows at 
least a half hour at a time, interspersed (sometimes) with brief 
flashes, saying put commercial here. And we have jingles between 
programming and commercials.

During the *second* half of this century, most countries and continents 
have adopted a more pragmatical way. (Just as in programming languages, 
full OOP sucks, full Purely Functional sucks, etc.) The entities will 
have adopted a pragmatic mix of state controlled, free market, branch 
cooperated, and third sector, economic systems. For example, deciding 
what should be showed to kids before 9am, is not a choice left to who 
makes programming that the average 2-second channel hopper sticks to, 
or who is audacious enough to have 95% of an hour commercials and only 
5% programming because the audience seems to cope. That decision has 
to be with the FCC, or some other authority, not guided by quartal revenue.

Just yesterday I watched a documentary from China. Seems like the 
Central Government (or whatever they're called) have adopted a way of 
thinking about economical issues, that kind-of strides the socialist and 
the market economy. Most things are according to market economy, but 
some things are tightly controlled. (Yes, I know, they censor the 
Internet heavily, but the commentators and the interviewees (some of 
which were economics students at regular Chinese, Shanhai, or Hong Kong 
universities) seemed to think that some censorship is a small price to 
pay for economic stability, long-term predictability, and reason in 
administration. Which they (according to them) couldn't have with a 
revolution or a shift of power.)

We don't need to copy NR. All we need is to glipse at their algorithms. 
And anyway, D is so much more powerful that those algorithms would be, 
implemented in another way, anyhow.

Re: JSON in D

2009-05-15 Thread Sean Kelly
== Quote from Christopher Wright ('s article
 Sean Kelly wrote:
  == Quote from Steve Teale ('s article
  I'm trying to write a JSON parser/generator. If anyone else is doing the 
  same, can we collaborate?
  I've got one, but I wrote it for work so I'm not sure if I can release
  it.  I'd be happy to offer suggestions though :-/
 Dude, tango.text.json?

That's a decent option if you aren't inclined to write one.

Re: assignment: left-to-right or right-to-left evaluation?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

bearophile wrote:

Georg Wrede:

arra[i] = arrb[i++];
arra[i++] = arrb[i];
I'm not sure that such dependences are good code.
By stating a definite order between lvalue and rvalue, you
would actually encourage this kind of code.

I agree that putting such things in code is bad, but nowadays the
solution adopted by C is Just Wrong. To help avoid bugs from your
programs the language has to avoid undefined behaviors (this is one of
the lessons of Java).

If Walter had ulimited time, the of course I'd favor either defining the 
precedence, or then enforcing errors on them, and not leaving them 
undefined. Or, probably, with Walter's unlimited time, I'd vote for a 
system that is the Theoretically Best mix of programming praxis and 
compiler enforcement.

So the solutions are to define such behaviors as Andrei suggests, or
to forbid such code. I can accept both ways.

I am used to Python and I think I can appreciate the Python solution
better, but the Java solution too is better than having undefined
behavior in a modern language.

Re: SciD (Was: Real Close to the Machine: Floating Point in D )

2009-05-15 Thread Bill Baxter
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Georg Wrede wrote:

 We don't need to copy NR. All we need is to glipse at their algorithms. And
 anyway, D is so much more powerful that those algorithms would be,
 implemented in another way, anyhow.

THe NR in C code is basically a translated version of the NR in
Fortran code.  Right down to using 1-based indexing.

THe NR in C++ code is the C code with a few token classes thrown in
for vectors.  Still using 1-based indexing.

It's not something you'd really want to emulate, especially not in D.
Unless you just happen to love Fortran-style code. :-)


Re: assignment: left-to-right or right-to-left evaluation?

2009-05-15 Thread bearophile
Georg Wrede:
 If Walter had ulimited time, the of course I'd favor either defining the 
 precedence, or then enforcing errors on them, and not leaving them 
 undefined. Or, probably, with Walter's unlimited time, I'd vote for a 
 system that is the Theoretically Best mix of programming praxis and 
 compiler enforcement.

Java is currently the most used language because it gives a big help in 
avoiding bugs or fixing them. And today Java is not a slow language. Java shows 
why having undefined things is bad for productivity and doesn't give much 
performance or portability.


OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

bearophile wrote:

The c# solution works well if you will *only* develop from the IDE but is 
a total pain as soon as you need to work with non-language aware tools.

I think Microsoft thinks that an IDE is a part of a modern language.
So they have tried to design a language that almost needs an IDE.
Fortress language looks to need an IDE even more. There are languages
(most Smalltalk, and some Forth and some Logo) that are merged with
their development environment.

Hmm. Come to think of it, that's not totally unreasonable. One might 
even admit, it's modern.

In the Good Old Days (when it was usual for an average programmer to 
write parts of the code in ASM (that was the time before the late 
eighties -- be it Basic, Pascal, or even C, some parts had to be done in 
ASM to help a bearable user experience when the mainframes had less 
power than today's MP3 players), the ASM programing was very different 
on, say, Zilog, MOS, or Motorola processors. The rumor was that the 6502 
was made for hand coded ASM, whereas the 8088 was more geared towards 
automatic code generation (as in C commpilers, etc.). My experiences of 
both certainly seemed to support this.

Precisely the same thinking can be applied to programming languages and 
whether one should use them with an IDE or independent tools.

(At the risk of flame wars, opinion storms, etc.) I'd venture to say, 
that the D programming language is created for the Hand Coder. (Meaning 
somebody with an independent text editor (Notepad, vi, Emacs, or 
whatever), and a command line compile invocation.

The opposite might be C# (if I understand the rumors here correctly, I'm 
not familiar with the language itself), or Java, as an even better example.

Java, as a language, is astonishingly trivial to learn. IMHO, it should 
take at most half the time that D1 does. The book The Java Programming 
Language (by Arnold and Gosling, 3p 1996), is a mere 300 pages, printed 
in a huge font, with plenty of space before and after subheadings, on 
thick paper (as opposed to the 4 other books published at the same time, 
that Sun presumed (quite right) folks would order together, so it 
wouldn't look inferior in the book shelf.

But, to use Java at any productive rate, you simply have to have an IDE 
that helps with class and method completion, class tree inspection, and 
preferably two-way UML-tools.

So, in a way, Microsoft may be right in assuming that (especially when 
their thinking anyway is that everybody sits at a computer that's 
totally dedicated to the user's current activity anyhow) preposterous 
horse power is (or, should be) available at the code editor.

It's not unthinkable that this actually is The Way of The Future.

If we were smart with D, we'd find out a way of leapfrogging this 
thinking. We have a language that's more powerful than any of C#, Java 
or C++, more practical than Haskell, Scheme, Ruby, co, and more 
maintainable than C or Perl, but which *still* is Human Writable. All we 
need is some outside-of-the-box thinking, and we might reap some 
overwhelming advantages when we combine *this* language with the IDEs 
and the horsepower that the modern drone takes for granted.

Easier parsing, CTFE, actually usable templates, practical mixins, pure 
functions, safe code, you name it! We have all the bits and pieces to 
really make writing + IDE assisted program authoring, a superior reality.

Ain't nobody gonna catch us never!

Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Derek Parnell wrote:

On Thu, 14 May 2009 17:33:40 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 14 May 2009 17:21:02 -0400, Derek Parnell de...@psych.ward wrote:
Not really.  What could funcA possibly do with the index without the  
string itself?  If it's just a flag (uint.max or not), then funcA should  

funcA(bool found, ...)

and you call it with

funcA(find(needle, haystack)  haystack.length, xyzzy)

This doesn't cause any problems with people who use Tango, which returns  
the length if not found.  In other words, if you find yourself writing  
code to morph the length into uint.max or -1, you are thinking about the  
problem incorrectly.

Who said that I had control of how funcA() was implemented?

Well, if you wrote

  funcA(find(needle, haystack)  haystack.length, xyzzy)

then it is you, who decided to use funcA. Now, if that wasn't to your 
liking, you'd of course write your own funcA (or use another function), 
that works as you want.

Therefore, you're in control of funcA() here.

asm trouble

2009-05-15 Thread Vladimir A. Reznichenko
Asm trouble, again. There is a function in a programm.

void test (inout uint a, uint sh, uint b)
version (X86)
{asm {
mov EAX, a;
mov EBX, sh;
mov ECX, b;

push EAX; //a adress saved

//EAX = rotateLeft (a, sh) + b 
push [EAX];
push EBX;
call rotateLeft;
add EAX, ECX;

pop EDX; //a adress restored

mov [EDX], EAX;

void main ()
uint a = 1;
test (a, 5, 25);
writeln (a);

When launched the executable,got this: Error: Access Violation

What's intresting, if i change asm code to
(save a address in the stack removed, forcing register values after the call 
instraction), it works just fine

call rotateLeft;

//force registers values
mov EDX, a;
mov ECX, b;

So the question is why the call instruction drops register values?
It have to save registers state and restore it after the rotateLeft finished 
(EAX of course will store a function call result).

Re: std.string and std.algorithm: what to do?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Michiel Helvensteijn wrote:

Daniel Keep wrote:

Heh, that's a funny story. I didn't know that one. (I do think the sensible
developer was a bit of a killjoy, though.)

But how about coming up with some actual arguments here? What are the
`gloves' in this situation? Don't say `modules' without explaining how they
offer the same advantages as tags.

I can imagine a similar discussion having taken place when someone thought
of higher-level control-flow constructs (you know, `if' and `while'). I
imagine most people were perfectly happy with goto's and conditional jumps.

I used to work in a software house where half of the projects contained 
at least one sub project, of the Glove kind.

The funniest thing is, these folks didn't understand the notion of 
Gloves, even when explained about it. (Of course, at the time I didn't 
have the word Gloves, nor Wikipedia or to help me.)

Re: Inlining Ref Functions

2009-05-15 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Michel Fortin ('s article
 Which makes me think: now that this in structs is now a ref
 parameter, does that mean that all non-static member functions of a
 struct won't be inlined?

Oddly enough, based on looking at some disassembly, DMD apparently inlines ref 
this special case.  Go figure.  If there are any explicit parameters that are 
though, it doesn't inline.

Re: Please Vote: Exercises in TDPL?

2009-05-15 Thread Georg Wrede

Walter Bright wrote:

Brad Roberts wrote:
There's only one book that I can remember ever working through the 

on.. and that's even a stretch of the term exercise:  Exceptional C++.

The short attention span version of Exceptional C++:

int main()
*(char*)0 = 0;
return 0;

Sometimes I fear my C[++] bashing is grossly insufficient. I feel I'm 
crying wolf all over town, when I should cry crocodile.

(I'm not scared of wolves. We actually have wolves around here. But in 
1973 I was in Konstanz, Germany, studying the language, and somebody had 
an 18 inch baby crocodile on the campus lawn, tethered to a tree. You'd 
never guess what scare and panic the reptile caused. It could run as 
fast as a human, and its jaws were half its length. And it sure wasn't 
waiting for people to come and cuddle it.)

Re: std.partition is fucked

2009-05-15 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

bearophile wrote:

Sean Kelly:

The built-in sort uses an internal stack rather than recursion, which makes its 
performance on a best-case dataset hard to beat.

The built-in sort is snail slow, and its stack overflows if your array isn't 

void main() {
auto a = new uint[0x8F_];

So the current built-in sort is bad, and it must be fixed or removed.

That pretty much settles it. Seeing sort's fixed stack, I had this 
feeling for a while, but only now I saw the proof :o).


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