Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Mike James
Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I like 
the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL 
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still 
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have 
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000 
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Alix Pexton

On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:

Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I like
the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


Andrei  wrote in message

Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL
will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
appears on the back cover and the spine.)

The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Mine arrived today too, yay, very pleasant reading so far.

Bit confused abgout the free online edition though, does it go *poof* 
after 45 days?


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Mike James
I wondered that too - looking at the footer thats added to the PDF file it 
doesn't mention that it timeouts after 45 days.

I guess only Andrei can tell us for sure ;-)


Alix Pexton wrote in message 
 On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:
 Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I 
 the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

 Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


 Andrei  wrote in message
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of 
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


 Mine arrived today too, yay, very pleasant reading so far.

 Bit confused abgout the free online edition though, does it go *poof* 
 after 45 days?


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Adrian Matoga

Alix Pexton pisze:

On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:
Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. 
I like

the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Where to find this PDF version? I can only see the contents, excerpt 
from first chapter, and the index. And I can't stand waiting for my 
paper copy in its long way to PL.

Re: Where will D be in 2015 in the programming language ecosphere?

2010-06-21 Thread Rory McGuire

On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 15:04:21 +0200, Justin Johansson wrote:

Me thinks this both a polite question and a question due of realistic  

How doth thou respond?

Not sure, but what I do think is:

If D ran on ARM it would be a favorite for mobile devices, often programs  
are just too slow when done in Java/C# on a phone.

People then have to port to C/C++ to get their app running smoothly again.

Javascript programmers could very likely pick up D as their compiled  
language of choice because it allows them to program

in a similar way (closures, maps, delegates).

PHP programmers could also pick up D, again because it allows them to  
program in a similar way (mixing functional and OOP, maps, strings, ...).

Both javascript and PHP developers are abundant, which is partly why  
Facebook use PHP so much.

Re: A web server with D

2010-06-21 Thread Rory McGuire

On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 13:54:26 +0200, Mengu wrote:


I have been interested in and learning D for a while and currently  
a web development IDE with it. I can say that I have a middle level  
that I have been trying to increase. Anyway. I want to develop a web  

for Python and Ruby web applications some months later from now,
after completing the IDE. But until then I want all my research to be
completed and I have enough knowledge that I need to develop this web  

in addition to D and within D.

So, my two questions are these:

  1) What do I need to know in order to develop a web server, generally?
  2) What do I need to know within D to make this good enough?

Thanks everyone in advance.

read the web server related RFCs, not just HTTP (e.g. also MIME).
try to keep everthing re-usable, e.g. make a library and a web server.
make sure you allow re-writing of urls according to rules (see apache mod  
rewrite) and:

Virtual hosts (both named and IP based) (ssl doesn't support name based  
virtual hosts),

access control.
Logging is also very important.

Re: main.d(61): Error: temp_[i_] isn't mutable

2010-06-21 Thread Ben Hanson
Hi Andrei,

== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu ('s article
 On 06/20/2010 12:56 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:
  Ben Hanson wrote:
  == Quote from Justin Spahr-Summers ('s
  string is actually an alias for immutable(char)[] (and
  similarly for
  the other string types), so its contents are not modifiable, though
  length can be adjusted and contents appended. If you need to be
  able to
  modify the characters, just use char[] instead. You can then use the
  .idup property to get a string afterward.
  I'm converted temp_ to CharT[] as suggested, but the conversion back
  to a string is failing:
  _charset = temp_.idup;
  main.d(76): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (_adDupT((
  (string)temp_)) of type immutable(CharT)[] to string
  Would it work for you if the regex template took the character type
  instead of the string type?
  The relevant lines:
  template regex(CharT)
  // ...
  alias CharT[] StringT;
  StringT _charset;
  enum size_t MAX_CHARS = CharT.max + 1;
  // ...
  _charset = squeeze(_charset.idup).dup;
  And then, in main:
  regex!(char).basic_string_token token_;
 IMHO it's more general if the regexp took the string type as a
 parameter. This is because later that is easier generalizable to
 accepting a range that's different from an array.
 My dream: to have a compile-time-generated regex engine that can operate
 on any input stream.

I'm currently using strings for the regex strings themselves. In lexertl, I use
templated free functions what work with iterators, which means input can come
from different sources. This sounds like the kind of thing you are talking



Re: Improving std.regex(p)

2010-06-21 Thread Ben Hanson
== Quote from Ellery Newcomer ('s article
 On 06/19/2010 03:35 AM, Ben Hanson wrote:
  I can't prove what the comlexity is for DFA compilation, but instead, I
  challenge anyone to show slow compilation times with any DFA compatible 
  As I don't have some D code yet, you could try the current lexertl code 
  add a single rule). Compile as Release if using Visual C++, as the iterator
  debugging kills performance in VC++ 8 or above (one problem I guess wouldn't
  exist with a D codebase).
  As I say, the only obvious area for me that hammers compilation times is 
  repeats. If you repeat an expression 50, times or something, then yes, 
  will get a huge machine and it will take time to construct! :-)
 et unicode?
  There are papers on tackling this with counting repeats, even for DFAs. If 
  area interests anyone, please let me know.
 it does
Try this link:

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile

The intent is to only require a control flow transfer if there is at least one 
statement after the label.

The current switch syntax is already very hairy (even lot of people on this 
newsgroup are ignorant about some parts of it!) and it contains one or more 
special cases. So I suggest to avoid adding one more special case. Special 
cases are bad.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread Don

bearophile wrote:


The intent is to only require a control flow transfer if there is at least one 
statement after the label.

The current switch syntax is already very hairy (even lot of people on this 
newsgroup are ignorant about some parts of it!) and it contains one or more 
special cases. So I suggest to avoid adding one more special case. Special 
cases are bad.

You seem to be doing the best you can to torpedo this proposal by adding 
an extra requirement to it, which is both painful and useless.

Please stop now.

Re: Using Classes as the KeyType (from the Docs)

2010-06-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:50:04 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Notice I've replaced foo with f

Foo is the class, but there's no mention of foo. I'm guessing it was a  
typo, unless I'm missunderstanding something.

Yes, it's a typo.  You should file a bug.


How to erase chars from char[]?

2010-06-21 Thread Ben Hanson
I've changed the code to use CharT[] again, which simplified things
substantially. However, I can't find a way to erase characters from a char[].
Can anyone help?

See the current code below.



module main;

import std.algorithm;
import std.string;

template regex(CharT)
struct basic_string_token
bool _negated = false;
CharT[] _charset;
enum size_t MAX_CHARS = CharT.max + 1;
enum size_t START_CHAR = cast(CharT) 0x80  0 ? 0x80 : 0;

this(const bool negated_, ref CharT[] charset_)
_negated = negated_;
_charset = charset_;

void remove_duplicates()
_charset = squeeze(_charset.idup).dup;

void normalise()
if (_charset.length == MAX_CHARS)
_negated = !_negated;
else if (_charset.length  MAX_CHARS / 2)

void negate()
CharT curr_char_ = START_CHAR;
CharT[] temp_;
CharT *ptr_;
CharT *curr_ = _charset.ptr;
CharT *end_ = curr_ + _charset.length;
size_t i_ = 0;

_negated = !_negated;
temp_.length = MAX_CHARS - _charset.length;
ptr_ = temp_.ptr;

while (curr_  end_)
while (*curr_  curr_char_)
*ptr_ = curr_char_;


for (; i_  MAX_CHARS; ++i_)
*ptr_ = curr_char_;

_charset = temp_;

bool empty()
return _charset.length == 0  !_negated;

bool any()
return _charset.length == 0  _negated;

void clear()
_negated = false;
_charset.length = 0;

void intersect(ref basic_string_token rhs_,
ref basic_string_token overlap_)
if ((any ()  rhs_.any ()) || (_negated == rhs_._negated 
!any ()  !rhs_.any ()))
intersect_same_types (rhs_, overlap_);
intersect_diff_types (rhs_, overlap_);

void intersect_same_types (ref basic_string_token rhs_,
ref basic_string_token overlap_)
if (any ())
clear ();
overlap_._negated = true;
rhs_.clear ();
CharT *iter_ = _charset.ptr;
CharT *end_ = iter_ + _charset.length;
CharT *rhs_iter_ = rhs_._charset.ptr;
CharT *rhs_end_ = rhs_iter_ + rhs_._charset.length;

overlap_._negated = _negated;

while (iter_ != end_  rhs_iter_ != rhs_end_)
if (*iter_  *rhs_iter_)
else if (*iter_  *rhs_iter_)
overlap_._charset ~= *iter_;
iter_ = _charset.ptr;
end_ = iter_ + _charset.length;
rhs_iter_ = rhs_._charset.ptr;
rhs_end_ = rhs_iter_ + 

if (_negated)
else if (!overlap_._charset.length == 0)
normalise ();

Re: How to erase chars from char[]?

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Ben Hanson:
 However, I can't find a way to erase characters from a char[].
 Can anyone help?

If you need to delete the last chars you can just decrease the length. If you 
need to delete chars in the middle you can copy items with memmove() and then 
decrease the length. You can also write a function to do it, this is just a 
rough starting point for such function:

import std.range: hasAssignableElements;
import std.c.string: memmove;

this doesn't work with user-defined arrays
it can be made more general, able to work on
Random Access Ranges can can shrink
It can contain a static if that tells apart true D arrays, and uses
memmove() on them, from generic Random Access Ranges, that need a for
loop to copy items.
void remove(T)(ref R[] items, size_t start, size_t stop)
if (hasAssignableElements!R)
in {
assert(stop = start);
assert(items.length = start);
assert(items.length = stop);
} out {
// assert(items.length = old.items.length); // not doable yet
} body {
if (stop == items.length)
items.length = start;
else {
items.length = ...

void main() {
char[] s = 012345678.dup;
s.remove(2, 4);
assert(s == ...);


Stack info

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Is is possible to add to Phobos standard functions (intrinsics, if necessary) 
that give some information about the C stack? Things like:

- Available space left on the stack (for a thread)
- Total size of the stack at program start
- The direction of stack growth (see for example ).
- Starting address of the stack

Probably on some systems/situations such information is not available, for 
example the stack can be implemented on a heap, so the function that tells the 
direction of stack growth can return an enum with three values: UP, DOWN, 

Similar information can be used for low-level programming.

I am not expert about this, so maybe this can't be done.

For example I've added a small enhancement request for performance that can get 
better if it knows the available free stack space left (but this is not an 
usage case, because it's meant to be a feature implemented by the compiler):


Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/20/2010 11:08 PM, Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Walter Bright, el 20 de junio a las 19:32 me escribiste:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Why will you assume I'm so dumb that I won't use your
interface correctly?

Windows has had major legacy compatibility issues because critical
third party applications misused the APIs.

People *will* misuse your API, and you will get blamed for it. It's
unfair, but that's how it works.

Luckily I haven't used Windows for about 10 years now =)

It's really a shame that D will take the stupidity route.

PS: I don't know how windows work, but if calling the Windows API is
 like going into kernel mode, and you can mess other processes, it
 seems reasonable to do check every API call as if it were user
 input, but if you're confined to your process, is really stupid.

Why is it stupid?


Re: main.d(61): Error: temp_[i_] isn't mutable

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 03:37 AM, Ben Hanson wrote:

I'm currently using strings for the regex strings themselves. In lexertl, I use
templated free functions what work with iterators, which means input can come
from different sources. This sounds like the kind of thing you are talking



Sounds about right!


Re: How to erase chars from char[]?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 06:43 AM, Ben Hanson wrote:

I've changed the code to use CharT[] again, which simplified things
substantially. However, I can't find a way to erase characters from a char[].
Can anyone help?


Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Rory McGuire
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 06:08:01 +0200, Leandro Lucarella  

Walter Bright, el 20 de junio a las 19:32 me escribiste:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Why will you assume I'm so dumb that I won't use your
interface correctly?

Windows has had major legacy compatibility issues because critical
third party applications misused the APIs.

People *will* misuse your API, and you will get blamed for it. It's
unfair, but that's how it works.

Luckily I haven't used Windows for about 10 years now =)

It's really a shame that D will take the stupidity route.

PS: I don't know how windows work, but if calling the Windows API is
like going into kernel mode, and you can mess other processes, it
seems reasonable to do check every API call as if it were user
input, but if you're confined to your process, is really stupid.

I think perhaps you mis-understood, it is mostly not stupidity that causes  
people to use
undocumented features of an API but rather, it is people being overly  

Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Andrei Alexandrescu, el 21 de junio a las 08:02 me escribiste:
 On 06/20/2010 11:08 PM, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
 Walter Bright, el 20 de junio a las 19:32 me escribiste:
 Leandro Lucarella wrote:
 Why will you assume I'm so dumb that I won't use your
 interface correctly?
 Windows has had major legacy compatibility issues because critical
 third party applications misused the APIs.
 People *will* misuse your API, and you will get blamed for it. It's
 unfair, but that's how it works.
 Luckily I haven't used Windows for about 10 years now =)
 It's really a shame that D will take the stupidity route.
 PS: I don't know how windows work, but if calling the Windows API is
  like going into kernel mode, and you can mess other processes, it
  seems reasonable to do check every API call as if it were user
  input, but if you're confined to your process, is really stupid.
 Why is it stupid?

Because you're adding unnecessary extra checks, just based on
(Windows?) programmer's stupidity.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
-- Casino de Mar del Plata

Re: Improving std.regex(p)

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/19/2010 11:27 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/19/2010 10:55 PM, BCS wrote:

Hello Nick,

BCS wrote in message

Hello Ellery,

Generally I think D's CT capabilities have a way to go yet before
this would be worth tackling. E.g. how do you build a parse tree if
pointers and classes aren't allowed in CT code?

You use the type system. I can say from experience that (memory
issues aside) it works.

Trivial example?

Building an arbitrary tree:

Okay, you use structs without indirection. I guess that works. How much
copying does that entail when you e.g. pass your tree in a function call?

Nevermind, I see what you're doing now.

Re: Improving std.regex(p)

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/21/2010 04:07 AM, Ben Hanson wrote:

== Quote from Ellery Newcomer ('s article

On 06/19/2010 03:35 AM, Ben Hanson wrote:

I can't prove what the comlexity is for DFA compilation, but instead, I
challenge anyone to show slow compilation times with any DFA compatible regex.
As I don't have some D code yet, you could try the current lexertl code (just
add a single rule). Compile as Release if using Visual C++, as the iterator
debugging kills performance in VC++ 8 or above (one problem I guess wouldn't
exist with a D codebase).

As I say, the only obvious area for me that hammers compilation times is huge
repeats. If you repeat an expression 50, times or something, then yes, you
will get a huge machine and it will take time to construct! :-)

et unicode?

There are papers on tackling this with counting repeats, even for DFAs. If this
area interests anyone, please let me know.

it does

Try this link:


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread KennyTM~

On Jun 21, 10 17:52, bearophile wrote:


The intent is to only require a control flow transfer if there is at least one 
statement after the label.

The current switch syntax is already very hairy (even lot of people on this 
newsgroup are ignorant about some parts of it!) and it contains one or more 
special cases. So I suggest to avoid adding one more special case. Special 
cases are bad.


That is just C#'s switch syntax. And I don't see how the current switch 
syntax is hairy.

Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
dsimcha wrote:
 What is the long-term plan for the current DMD backend?  I've noticed
 first steps towards 64-bit support were just checked in today
 (excitement to
 the extreme).  However, the backend is under such a restrictive
 license (which
 I understand Walter is not free to change) that it has a bus factor
 of 1.
 If Walter were to stop maintaining it, noone else would be able to, if
 understand the licensing issues correctly.
 Is there a chance of these licensing issues being cleared up so that
 backend can be released under a more permissive license?  If not,
 while I
 understand Walter's decision to use a backend he was familiar with in
 beginning, it seems like we should abandon such a heavily encumbered
 now that it needs serious work.

I think it makes complete sense for the DigitalMars D compiler to use
the DigitalMars backend. What we really need is more community work on
compilers using other backends (GDC, LLVMDC) as well.  The language can
only benefit from having more than one compiler available.

Re: Using Classes as the KeyType (from the Docs)

2010-06-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:

 On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:50:04 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
  Notice I've replaced foo with f
  Foo is the class, but there's no mention of foo. I'm guessing it was a  
  typo, unless I'm missunderstanding something.
 Yes, it's a typo.  You should file a bug.

Will do. But I think I've noticed some more errors in other places, maybe I 
should try catching as many of them and then do a single report so they all get 
fixed in a single run.

Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Eldar Insafutdinov
== Quote from dsimcha ('s article
 What is the long-term plan for the current DMD backend?  I've noticed the
 first steps towards 64-bit support were just checked in today (excitement to
 the extreme).  However, the backend is under such a restrictive license (which
 I understand Walter is not free to change) that it has a bus factor of 1.
 If Walter were to stop maintaining it, noone else would be able to, if I
 understand the licensing issues correctly.
 Is there a chance of these licensing issues being cleared up so that the
 backend can be released under a more permissive license?  If not, while I
 understand Walter's decision to use a backend he was familiar with in the
 beginning, it seems like we should abandon such a heavily encumbered backend
 now that it needs serious work.


I agree with what Sean says. Even more, DMD backend is good for development
process, because it is very fast as opposed to more popular ones like llvm or 
What really worries me is what is going to happen on Windows. We have the burden
which is old file format and optlink. There are still big problems with the
linker, it has random problems on big projects, building them with debug info is
even more problematic. As far as I understood that linker is being rewritten to 
but the process is very slow. It may take years to complete the port, and then 
make it 64bit capable, isn't it? All existing problems would be propagated
further. I would suggest(again and again) to add a new Windows backend targeting
MinGW or MSVC toolchain. It should not necessarily replace the existing one, but
people would at least have freedom and there wouldn't be situation that you are
stuck in development when linker fails. Also those toolchain support 64bit, so 
is another advantage. For those who still wants digital mars toolchain - there
will be an old one. Remembering that it took Walter about 6 weeks to implement
MacOS backend, that doesn't seem too bad. In the end, Windows is the most 
OS despite our personal preferences, and it's worth spending some time for it.


Re: Using Classes as the KeyType (from the Docs)

2010-06-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:18:47 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:50:04 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

 Notice I've replaced foo with f

 Foo is the class, but there's no mention of foo. I'm guessing it  
was a

 typo, unless I'm missunderstanding something.

Yes, it's a typo.  You should file a bug.


Will do. But I think I've noticed some more errors in other places,  
maybe I should try catching as many of them and then do a single report  
so they all get fixed in a single run.

That would be great thanks!


Re: Using Classes as the KeyType (from the Docs)

2010-06-21 Thread Brad Roberts
On 6/21/2010 9:18 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:
 On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:50:04 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

 Notice I've replaced foo with f

 Foo is the class, but there's no mention of foo. I'm guessing it was a  
 typo, unless I'm missunderstanding something.

 Yes, it's a typo.  You should file a bug.

 Will do. But I think I've noticed some more errors in other places, maybe I 
 should try catching as many of them and then do a single report so they all 
 get fixed in a single run.

More small reports would be better than delayed big reports.  Just file as you
find 'em.

Re: Using Classes as the KeyType (from the Docs)

2010-06-21 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Brad Roberts Wrote:

 On 6/21/2010 9:18 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
  Steven Schveighoffer Wrote:
  On Sun, 20 Jun 2010 16:50:04 -0400, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
  Notice I've replaced foo with f
  Foo is the class, but there's no mention of foo. I'm guessing it was a  
  typo, unless I'm missunderstanding something.
  Yes, it's a typo.  You should file a bug.
  Will do. But I think I've noticed some more errors in other places, maybe I 
  should try catching as many of them and then do a single report so they all 
  get fixed in a single run.
 More small reports would be better than delayed big reports.  Just file as you
 find 'em.

It shouldn't take long, maybe a few days or so (and there's probably not *that* 
many errors, but I have noticed some).

Anyways I'll start hunting.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
KennyTM~ wrote:

 On Jun 19, 10 07:17, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 bearophile wrote:

 2) switch cases that don't end with goto or break:

 void main() {
  int x, y;
  switch (x) {
  case 0: y++;
  default: y--;

 I, for one, _want_ case statements to be able to fall through. It would
 be horribly painful in many cases if they couldn't. Now, requiring a
 separate statement like fallthrough or somesuch instead of break might
 not be a bad idea, but requiring that each case end with a break would
 seriously restrict the usefulness of switch statements.

 - Jonathan M Davis
 This fallthrough statement already exists.
  switch (x) {
 case 0:
   goto case;
 case 1:
   goto case;
 case 2:

I forgot about that one. *Sigh* D has so many cool little features that 
sometimes it feels like I'm forgetting at least half of them. Oh well. It's 
silly to complain that D has too much cool stuff.

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control 
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific 
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over goto 
case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's no doubt 
that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use 
continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination). But we do 
have enough to make a control statement required without adding anything 
else to the language.

Thanks for pointing out that little detail of goto.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Eldar Insafutdinov wrote in message 

 In the end, Windows is the most popular
 OS despite our personal preferences, and it's worth spending some time for 

I wish someone could convince LLVM of that...

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
 That is just C#'s switch syntax.

Some of the C# designers are people with a long experience in implementing 
(Pascal-like) programming languages. Convergent evolution is a way to confirm 
my idea was good, then :-)

And I don't see how the current switch syntax is hairy.

Even if you aren't able to see it, it doesn't change the fact that D switch 
syntax is made by several enhancements (or even fixes, like the one currently 
discussed, and time ago in bugzilla I have asked for another fix to the switch 
syntax) over the C switch syntax that is quite unclean and unsafe to start with 
(see Duff's device for an example of how unclean it is, or the recently 
introduced static switch of D that patches a common bug source).
After about three years of using D I am able to forget that goto case; is a 
valid syntax. In another answer Jonathan M Davis says something similar:
I forgot about that one. *Sigh* D has so many cool little features that 
sometimes it feels like I'm forgetting at least half of them. Oh well. It's 
silly to complain that D has too much cool stuff.
When normal people forget or ignore parts of a basic language construct it 
means the language is very complex.
The recently introduced ranged case syntax can be handy, but it's not a clean 
So D switches are quite hairy. Somewhere we'll have to write a short list of 
the differences between D and C switches.


Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 On 06/20/2010 06:18 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
  On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 00:17:28 +0300, Walter Bright wrote:
  An input to a dll is user input, and should be validated (for the sake
  of security, and other reasons). Validating it is not debugging.
  I don't understand why you're saying this. Security checks in DLL
  functions are pointless, for the reasons I already outlined:
 I think the matter is simpler than that. Essentially DbC is modular 
 integrity checking. If Phobos enforce()s parameters in calls, then it 
 considers its own integrity a different matter than the integrity of the 
 application it's used with.
 If Phobos used contracts to validate parameters, it would directly share 
 responsibility for the integrity of the entire application. That way, 
 users will not be sure whether the failure is a bug in Phobos or one in 
 their own code.

If a unrecoverable failure occurs within the process, does it matter where the 
error originated?

I've been thinking about this a bit and am starting to wonder about the benefit 
of distinguishing API boundary integrity checking vs. internal integrity 
checking.  First, what if a library eats its own dogfood?  If my library 
provides a public method to spawn threads and the library itself uses threads 
internally then I have two different methods of checking the integrity of my 
own library, each possibly throwing different exceptions (enforce throws 
Exception while assert throws AssertError).  At the very least, this seems like 
it could cause maintenance issues because a logic change deep within the 
library may require additional exception handling to deal with what are 
intended to be user-facing errors.

In a similar vein, if contracts are used within an API but a different mode of 
checking is used at the API boundary, when contracts are enabled in that API 
the user is faced with the bizarre issue of receiving AssertErrors from 
internal API logic errors but only Exceptions from his own logic errors for API 
boundary calls.  When you say that DbC is modular I'd presume that means it's 
encapsulated within each distinct subsystem, but it seems like this isn't true 
at all.  The alternative is to turn DbC off in the library and either live with 
undefined behavior or a hard crash if there's a bug in the library, a 
circumstance which is again forced upon the user.

Regarding DbC, I can't say that I've ever worked on a system where lives hung 
in the balance (an admittedly extreme example of where DbC is useful), but if I 
were sufficiently concerned about process integrity that I had contracts 
enabled then I don't think I would trust that a third-party library was 
bug-free and therefore didn't need its own contract checking in place.  Once 
I've accepted the cost of integrity checking I want it everywhere, not just in 
my own code.  It makes for consistent error checking behavior (I'd assume there 
is a system in place to trap DbC errors specifically) and provides full-process 
integrity checking.

I think the only boundary that really matters is the process boundary.  Any 
error within a process has the same effect regardless of whether it's in user 
code or library code--corrupted memory, segfaults, etc--so why make a 
distinction between code I wrote and code someone else wrote?  By the same 
token, if the user chooses to disable contracts then why force them upon him 
for some errors but not others?  The user is making the explicit choice to run 
his process through a meat-grinder if something unexpected happens, he's 
effectively asserting that his code is perfect, so why tell him that no, it's 
actually not.

For me, the more difficult issue is how much integrity checking should be done. 
 For example, I created an AVL tree a while back that verified that the tree 
was still properly balanced after every API call.  This was great from a code 
verification standpoint, but the check completely violated the complexity 
guarantees and ultimately checked something that could have been proven to a 
reasonable degree of confidence through code reviews and unit testing.  Should 
checks like this be enabled automatically when DbC is turned on?  Should there 
be different levels of DbC?  In some respects I feel like there's a difference 
between in/out contracts and invariants, but even that doesn't seem completely 
right.  Thoughts?

Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Adrian Matoga

Leandro Lucarella pisze:

Walter Bright, el 20 de junio a las 19:32 me escribiste:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Why will you assume I'm so dumb that I won't use your
interface correctly?

Windows has had major legacy compatibility issues because critical
third party applications misused the APIs.

People *will* misuse your API, and you will get blamed for it. It's
unfair, but that's how it works.

Luckily I haven't used Windows for about 10 years now =)

It's really a shame that D will take the stupidity route.

PS: I don't know how windows work, but if calling the Windows API is
like going into kernel mode, and you can mess other processes, it
seems reasonable to do check every API call as if it were user
input, but if you're confined to your process, is really stupid.

It was 15 years ago, at the times of 3.x and 95, when Windows behaved 
like that.

The problem applies not only to Windows, but any API you would imagine.
A common situation is when you need to do your job quickly using only 
some part of a library which otherwise you aren't going to study 
thoroughly, or you want only a proof-of-concept. And if your attempting 
to use something new to you, you do make mistakes, no matter how you are 
convinced yo do not.
If the API is defined not by documentation (which is often a tissue of 
lies, and hardly ever it's unambiguous), but by means of input checking, 
you have benefits in two fields: 1) developers of library had to think 
what they wanted to do, so library probably works, and it's less 
probable that its new versions will break the compatiblity, and 2) users 
of the library will be warned quickly, saving their time.

It's not about messing other processes. It's about saving your time, 
otherwise consumed by effects of common mistakes, misunderstanding the 
documentation, or working in a hurry. And your time costs much more than 
the time of bazillion argument checks.

Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Rory McGuire Wrote:
 I think perhaps you mis-understood, it is mostly not stupidity that causes  
 people to use
 undocumented features of an API but rather, it is people being overly  

Or sometimes simply desperation.  There are some classes of apps that require 
the use of undocumented API calls to operate on Windows--I believe disk 
defragmenters are one example.  Microsoft rightly didn't document these calls 
because it wasn't prepared to support them long-term, but in doing so they also 
prevented users from doing necessary work and effectively forced them into 
using API calls that might change unexpectedly.  I think these users accept 
this problem and do the necessary verification and updating when new OS 
revisions are released however.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Jonathan M Davis Wrote:
 In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control 
 statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific 
 destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over goto 
 case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's no doubt 
 that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use 
 continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).

It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading.  
Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of this 

Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Robert Clipsham

On 21/06/10 16:07, dsimcha wrote:

What is the long-term plan for the current DMD backend?  I've noticed the
first steps towards 64-bit support were just checked in today (excitement to
the extreme).  However, the backend is under such a restrictive license (which
I understand Walter is not free to change) that it has a bus factor of 1.
If Walter were to stop maintaining it, noone else would be able to, if I
understand the licensing issues correctly.

Is there a chance of these licensing issues being cleared up so that the
backend can be released under a more permissive license?  If not, while I
understand Walter's decision to use a backend he was familiar with in the
beginning, it seems like we should abandon such a heavily encumbered backend
now that it needs serious work.

Perhaps the 64bit backend could be written in such a way that it doesn't 
have the licensing issues? I have no idea what the specifics are to say 
if this is possible, it'd be good to not have the 64 bit backend under 
the current backend license though.

Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Sean Kelly:

First, what if a library eats its own dogfood?  If my library provides a 
public method to spawn threads and the library itself uses threads internally 
then I have two different methods of checking the integrity of my own library, 
each possibly throwing different exceptions (enforce throws Exception while 
assert throws AssertError).

I think that Design by contract, to be useful, needs to be embraced. You need 
to trust it and use it everywhere. Now I use DbC quite often in my D code and I 
appreciate it. The DbC feature I miss mostly is the old (view of the original 
input data).

For example, I created an AVL tree a while back that verified that the tree 
was still properly balanced after every API call.  This was great from a code 
verification standpoint, but the check completely violated the complexity 
guarantees and ultimately checked something that could have been proven to a 
reasonable degree of confidence through code reviews and unit testing.  Should 
checks like this be enabled automatically when DbC is turned on?  Should there 
be different levels of DbC?  In some respects I feel like there's a difference 
between in/out contracts and invariants, but even that doesn't seem completely 
right.  Thoughts?

Using Design by Contract is not easy, you need to train yourself to use it 
well. A problem is that DbC is uncommon, only Eiffel and few other languages 
use it seriously, so lot of D users have to learn DbC on D itself.

I face your problem putting inside the contracts code that doesn't change the 
complexity of the code it guards (so for example if the code is O(n^2) I don't 
add contracts that perform O(n^3) computations).

Then where it's useful I add stronger tests (that can be slower) inside 
debug{}. You can see it here too:

Inside the invariant there is O(1) test code, and it also contains inside a 
debug{} O(n) test code (that is .

In debug mode I want to test the code very well, while in normal nonrelease 
mode I can accept less stringent tests that make the code usable.

Unittests and DbC (and integration tests, functional tests, smoke tests, etc) 
are both useful, they do different things :-) For example an unittest can tell 
me a function is wrong, but a loop invariant can tell me where the bug is and 
when it happens inside the function :-)


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Sean Kelly:
 Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of this 

Unfortunately the continue case; syntax looks about equally unintuitive to me 


finding a circular dependency

2010-06-21 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
I've been trying to get a modified version of std.process to compile (with  
Lars K's changes) for windows, and phobos finally compiled.

So I built a little test program, compiled it, and I get the following  
error message:

object.Exception: circular dependency in module std.stdio.

Great.  How did that happen?  Being that I didn't write std.stdio, only  
modified it slightly (and certainly didn't change any imports), I haven't  
the foggiest where this problem is.  Given that the runtime can prove  
there is a circular dependency, and apparently knows the names of the  
modules, how about showing me the cycle?


I do not look forward to tracking this one down...


Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Okay. I am in no way trying to say anything negative about TDPL. In fact, 
from what I've read so far, it's absolutely fantastic and quite possibly the 
most entertaining programming book that I've read in addition to being quite 
informative about D. However, no one's perfect (Andrei included), and there 
are bound to be errors in the book which didn't get caught.

My thought was that we could point out any errors that we've found so that 
Andrei can get them fixed in future printings and/or we can find out that 
they aren't actually errors.

The only errors that I've found so far have been omissions in the list of 
keywords on page 31. I'm listing them according to my understanding of 
whether they're still keywords, since I think that some have been removed as 
keywords or at least are no longer supposed to be keywords.

Definitely should be there

I _think_ that it's supposed to be there


I think that they might not supposed to be keywords anymore

Everything under definitely appears to be used in TDPL as keywords but not 
listed as them. cent and ucent aren't listed, but as far as I know are still 
keywords (albeit not implemented yet). The ones that are missing which I 
think have been removed are still listed in the online docs' list of 
keywards but not in the book. IIRC, the c/i floating points got moved to 
phobos; according to TDPL, delete was deprecated (though I hadn't picked up 
on that); and I believe that foreach_reverse has been deprecated in favor of 
using the combination of foreach and retro. So, TDPL is missing at least 
some keywords in its list, and the online docs have too many.

In any case, I figured that it would be helpful if any errors in TDPL could 
be pointed out, since it could be helpful to Andrei and could be helpful to 
those reading it if the error isn't obvious. However, I certainly do _not_ 
want to in any way indicate displeasure with the book. It's quite good. It's 
just that it does appear to have some errors in it that snuck through.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: String Literal Docs

2010-06-21 Thread Alix Pexton

On 20/06/2010 22:46, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 20/06/2010 21:37, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/20/2010 03:01 PM, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 19/06/2010 21:12, Alix Pexton wrote:

I've been sketching some grammar diagrams for D2.0, a little like those
on, and of course I didn't get far before I ran into something

I think I will take the plunge and base my diagrams on the source of
DMD. After looking at the code in lexer.c, it does not seem as far
beyond my rusty old c++ parsing skills as I had expected! Massive credit
to Walter for having a codebase that is as mature as DMD without it
turning into a labyrinth of preprocessor macros and cryptic comefroms.

This will mean however that my little project may take a little longer,


Do share. I've always been too lazy to read lexer.c, and from this
discussion, it sounds like there are a few spots where my own lexer
grammar is incorrect (or at least differs from dmd).

of course ^^


Well, I think I have got my head around lexer.c now, and its various 
peculiarities, like 000377. being a valid float (although not 
according to my shiny new, limited edition copy of tDPL (fig2.2 p35)^^).

The weirdness occurs because some of some corner cases are handled not 
by the neat little state state machine that validates reals, but in the 
scanner at the point where it recognises a number beginning with a zero. 
The productions in lex.html represent the range of inputs that are 
accepted by the state machine without taking into account that the 
scanner rejects the sequence ._ (which makes sense as that is the 
identifier _ in the outer scope).

Andrei's analysis in tDPL also points out that 0xp0 is a valid hexfloat, 
but a strict reading of lex.html would not allow it.

Overall the diagram for hexfloat is much simpler than the one for 
decimalfloat, which I think will have to be split into 3 


PS, octal must die!

Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Mike James
Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I like 
the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message 
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL 
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still 
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have 
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000 
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Alix Pexton

On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:

Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I like
the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


Andrei  wrote in message

Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL
will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
appears on the back cover and the spine.)

The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Mine arrived today too, yay, very pleasant reading so far.

Bit confused abgout the free online edition though, does it go *poof* 
after 45 days?


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Jonathan M Davis:

An online Errata Corrige will be very useful.

 and I believe that foreach_reverse has been deprecated in favor of 
 using the combination of foreach and retro.

How do you write this?
foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 10)


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Mike James
I wondered that too - looking at the footer thats added to the PDF file it 
doesn't mention that it timeouts after 45 days.

I guess only Andrei can tell us for sure ;-)


Alix Pexton wrote in message 
 On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:
 Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I 
 the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

 Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


 Andrei  wrote in message
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of 
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


 Mine arrived today too, yay, very pleasant reading so far.

 Bit confused abgout the free online edition though, does it go *poof* 
 after 45 days?


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Alix Pexton

On 21/06/2010 20:09, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Okay. I am in no way trying to say anything negative about TDPL. In fact,
from what I've read so far, it's absolutely fantastic and quite possibly the
most entertaining programming book that I've read in addition to being quite
informative about D. However, no one's perfect (Andrei included), and there
are bound to be errors in the book which didn't get caught.

My thought was that we could point out any errors that we've found so that
Andrei can get them fixed in future printings and/or we can find out that
they aren't actually errors.

The only errors that I've found so far have been omissions in the list of
keywords on page 31. I'm listing them according to my understanding of
whether they're still keywords, since I think that some have been removed as
keywords or at least are no longer supposed to be keywords.

Definitely should be there

I _think_ that it's supposed to be there


I think that they might not supposed to be keywords anymore

Everything under definitely appears to be used in TDPL as keywords but not
listed as them. cent and ucent aren't listed, but as far as I know are still
keywords (albeit not implemented yet). The ones that are missing which I
think have been removed are still listed in the online docs' list of
keywards but not in the book. IIRC, the c/i floating points got moved to
phobos; according to TDPL, delete was deprecated (though I hadn't picked up
on that); and I believe that foreach_reverse has been deprecated in favor of
using the combination of foreach and retro. So, TDPL is missing at least
some keywords in its list, and the online docs have too many.

In any case, I figured that it would be helpful if any errors in TDPL could
be pointed out, since it could be helpful to Andrei and could be helpful to
those reading it if the error isn't obvious. However, I certainly do _not_
want to in any way indicate displeasure with the book. It's quite good. It's
just that it does appear to have some errors in it that snuck through.

- Jonathan M Davis

Good Idea!

I must admit I skipped over that table, didn't look overly interesting 
as tables go () but good catch!

There is only one mention of lazy evaluation in the index and it doesn't 
mention the lazy k/w at all. I seem to remember Andrei dislikes it, but 
also that there is another way to get function params to be evaluated 
lazily without using it.

immutable, nothrow, pure and shared are definitely oversights though.

I've not spotted anything D-specific myself yet, I'm not a particularly 
speedy reader ^^


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Adam Ruppe
On 6/21/10, bearophile wrote:
 How do you write this?
 foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. 10)

foreach(i; retro(iota(0, 10))) { }


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Don

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 06/19/2010 06:58 AM, Don wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Don wrote:

Or is too late to break backwards compatibility with B ?

We can and should do it. It won't impact TDPL adversely.

Excellent! I'll make a patch for it when I have time.

Walter just gave the green light, so Don - it's up to you.

I patched my DMD. Quite successful. It caught 8 bugs in Phobos, in code 
written by at least 4 different people. I think everyone gets stung by 
that B.

Re: String Literal Docs

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/21/2010 02:21 PM, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 20/06/2010 22:46, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 20/06/2010 21:37, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/20/2010 03:01 PM, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 19/06/2010 21:12, Alix Pexton wrote:

I've been sketching some grammar diagrams for D2.0, a little like
on, and of course I didn't get far before I ran into

I think I will take the plunge and base my diagrams on the source of
DMD. After looking at the code in lexer.c, it does not seem as far
beyond my rusty old c++ parsing skills as I had expected! Massive
to Walter for having a codebase that is as mature as DMD without it
turning into a labyrinth of preprocessor macros and cryptic

This will mean however that my little project may take a little longer,


Do share. I've always been too lazy to read lexer.c, and from this
discussion, it sounds like there are a few spots where my own lexer
grammar is incorrect (or at least differs from dmd).

of course ^^


Well, I think I have got my head around lexer.c now, and its various
peculiarities, like 000377. being a valid float (although not
according to my shiny new, limited edition copy of tDPL (fig2.2 p35)^^).

Oh wow. That's a sweet little diagram. Those dots are hard to see though.

The weirdness occurs because some of some corner cases are handled not
by the neat little state state machine that validates reals, but in the
scanner at the point where it recognises a number beginning with a zero.
The productions in lex.html represent the range of inputs that are
accepted by the state machine without taking into account that the
scanner rejects the sequence ._ (which makes sense as that is the
identifier _ in the outer scope).

to hell with lexer.c. I'm not changing anything.

Andrei's analysis in tDPL also points out that 0xp0 is a valid hexfloat,
but a strict reading of lex.html would not allow it.

Overall the diagram for hexfloat is much simpler than the one for
decimalfloat, which I think will have to be split into 3 


PS, octal must die!

I'll settle for modified syntax 0c123. But yeah.

Are your diagrams solely concerned with the lexer? Because I have a 
(messy) parser grammar which I'm a bit more confident about if you're 

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 01:27 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over goto
case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's no doubt
that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use
continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).

It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading.  
Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
 continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
 writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of this 

Well looks pretty good to me to be honest.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 03:08 PM, Don wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 06/19/2010 06:58 AM, Don wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Don wrote:

Or is too late to break backwards compatibility with B ?

We can and should do it. It won't impact TDPL adversely.

Excellent! I'll make a patch for it when I have time.

Walter just gave the green light, so Don - it's up to you.

I patched my DMD. Quite successful. It caught 8 bugs in Phobos, in code
written by at least 4 different people. I think everyone gets stung by
that B.

This is pretty amazing. Can't wait to see the checkin!

It might be interesting to see how many bugs are caught by restricting 
the switch statement.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer
I was biting my tongue on the subject, but on page 73 the grammar for 
the do while loop has a semicolon at the end. AAH 

Wow. Sorry. This is a pet peeve of mine.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
 I patched my DMD. Quite successful. It caught 8 bugs in Phobos, in code 
 written by at least 4 different people. I think everyone gets stung by 
 that B.

Thank you Don.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 06/21/2010 01:27 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:
 Jonathan M Davis Wrote:
 In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a
 statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a
 destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch
   over goto
 case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's
   no doubt
 that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use
 continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).
 It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be
  misleading.  Consider this:
 switch (getState()) {
 case X:
  continue switch;
 case Y:
 case Z:
  writeln( done! );
 Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation
  of this code?
 Well looks pretty good to me to be honest.

So would you say done! is printed or not?

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Dnia 21-06-2010 o 21:57:49 Alix Pexton  

There is only one mention of lazy evaluation in the index and it doesn't  
mention the lazy k/w at all. I seem to remember Andrei dislikes it, but  
also that there is another way to get function params to be evaluated  
lazily without using it.

Yeah, speaking of which - what happened to that proposal*?

*The proposal AFAIR was (correct me if wrong): if a function has a  
parameterless delegate as a parameter, then on the call site any  
expression in the delegate slot is implicitly turned into a delegate. I  
think the delegate ought to be pure to make the magic happen.

Yeah, speaking of which - do/will we have pure delegates?


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/21/2010 03:46 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Andrei  wrote:

On 06/21/2010 01:27 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch
over goto
case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's
no doubt
that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use
continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).

It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be
misleading.  Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
  continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
  writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation
of this code?

Well looks pretty good to me to be honest.

So would you say done! is printed or not?

I say it isn't because the switch predicate is only evaluated once and 
if you change it after evaluation it doesn't matter.

*Placing bet of 5 pixels*

Oh, wait, does 'continue switch' go back up to the top like what 
continue does in a loop?

*quietly withdraws bet*

Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Nick Sabalausky, el 21 de junio a las 13:40 me escribiste:
 Eldar Insafutdinov wrote in message 
  In the end, Windows is the most popular
  OS despite our personal preferences, and it's worth spending some time for 
 I wish someone could convince LLVM of that...

Maybe it should be the other way around. Someone who cares about Windows
should give some love to LLVM =)

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Es mucho mas probable que el salchichón sea primavera a que la primavera
sea salchichón.
-- Peperino Pómoro

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Adam Ruppe:
 foreach(i; retro(iota(0, 10))) { }

Oh, right! Or even just:

foreach (i; retro(iota(10))) {}

But abstraction has a cost, see below. I have written three test programs.

// test1
import std.c.stdio: printf;
void main() {
enum int N = 100_000_000;
int count;
for (int i; i  N; i++)
printf(%d\n, count);

Asm of the inner code of the test1, opt version:

5:  inc ECX
inc EAX
cmp EAX,05F5E100h
jb  L5

// test2
import std.c.stdio: printf;
void main() {
enum int N = 100_000_000;
int count;
foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. N)
printf(%d\n, count);

Asm of the inner code of the test2, opt version:

LF: dec ECX
inc EDX
inc EAX
jg  LF

// test3
import std.c.stdio: printf;
import std.range: iota, retro;
void main() {
enum int N = 100_000_000;
int count;
foreach (i; retro(iota(N)))
printf(%d\n, count);

Asm of the inner code of the test3, opt version:

L6A:inc EBX
lea EAX,010h[ESP]
callnear ptr 
cmp dword ptr 020h[ESP],0
jne L6A

L0: sub ESP,01Ch
mov ECX,offset 
mov EDX,010h[ESI]
mov 0Ch[ESP],EAX
neg EDX
neg EDX
xor DL,1
mov 010h[ESP],ECX
je  L46
pushdword ptr FLAT:_DATA[064h]
pushdword ptr FLAT:_DATA[060h]
mov EAX,018h[ESP]
mov EBX,018h[ESP]
callnear ptr _D3std9contracts7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
L46:dec dword ptr 010h[ESI]
pop ESI
pop EBX
add ESP,01Ch

_D3std9contracts7bailOutFAyaixAaZv is extern.


Running time, best of 3, seconds:
  test1: 0.31
  test1 opt: 0.07
  test2: 0.31
  test2 opt: 0.12
  test3: 6.38
  test3 opt: 0.52

not opt version = dmd (no other option)
opt version = dmd -O -release -inline

Compile times opt version, seconds:
  test1: 0.05
  test2: 0.05
  test3: 0.28

So with the current dmd compiler in the inner loop in a performance-critical 
routine you can't use foreach(retro(iota(N))).

In future a D compiler can recognize and optimize such usage of foreach(iota()) 
and foreach(retro(iota())) as ShedSkin does with usage of xrange()/range() in a 


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Sean Kelly wrote:

 Jonathan M Davis Wrote:
 In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control
 statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific
 destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over
 goto case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's
 no doubt that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you
 use continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).
 It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading. 
 Consider this:
 switch (getState()) {
 case X:
 continue switch;
 case Y:
 case Z:
 writeln( done! );
 Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of
 this code?

I hadn't thought of that. That could be a source of confusion. However, 
since a switch statement isn't a loop, and it's not a construct in any other 
language AFAIK, the person will look it up. Once you've looked it up, I 
don't think that it would be particularly hard to remember what it actually 
does. It's quite clear what's going once you've become familiar with the 
construct and is quite unambiguous in comparison to goto case which could 
easily be missing the target case rather than being meant for fallthrough.

So, perhaps it's not immediately intuitive, but many language constructs 
are, and I think that it's fairly clear once you've looked it up. Having 
something like fallthrough or goto next case would of course be even 
clearer, but those would require new keywords. I still think that continue 
switch would be clearer than goto case as well as less error prone. 
Personally, I think that the fact that it's less error prone alone makes it 
a better choice even if it were somewhat less clear.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: enforce()?

2010-06-21 Thread Don

Sean Kelly wrote:

Rory McGuire Wrote:
I think perhaps you mis-understood, it is mostly not stupidity that causes  
people to use
undocumented features of an API but rather, it is people being overly  

Or sometimes simply desperation.  There are some classes of apps that require 
the use of undocumented API calls to operate on Windows--I believe disk 
defragmenters are one example.  Microsoft rightly didn't document these calls 
because it wasn't prepared to support them long-term, but in doing so they also 
prevented users from doing necessary work and effectively forced them into 
using API calls that might change unexpectedly.  I think these users accept 
this problem and do the necessary verification and updating when new OS 
revisions are released however.

Remember Windows 3.0? File handling involved undocumented API calls!

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 03:46 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Andrei  wrote:

On 06/21/2010 01:27 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch
over goto
case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's
no doubt
that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use
continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).

It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be
misleading.  Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
  continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
  writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation
of this code?

Well looks pretty good to me to be honest.

So would you say done! is printed or not?

I'd say continue switch does not reevaluate getState() because switch 
is not a looping statement. So I'd think it simply continues down, so 
writeln is not printed.

But I realize I am biased.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Don

Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Sean Kelly wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over
goto case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's
no doubt that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you
use continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).
It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading. 
Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of
this code?

I hadn't thought of that. That could be a source of confusion. However, 
since a switch statement isn't a loop, and it's not a construct in any other 
language AFAIK, the person will look it up. Once you've looked it up, I 
don't think that it would be particularly hard to remember what it actually 
does. It's quite clear what's going once you've become familiar with the 
construct and is quite unambiguous in comparison to goto case which could 
easily be missing the target case rather than being meant for fallthrough.

So, perhaps it's not immediately intuitive, but many language constructs 
are, and I think that it's fairly clear once you've looked it up. Having 
something like fallthrough or goto next case would of course be even 
clearer, but those would require new keywords. I still think that continue 
switch would be clearer than goto case as well as less error prone. 
Personally, I think that the fact that it's less error prone alone makes it 
a better choice even if it were somewhat less clear.

- Jonathan M Davis

But 'goto case XXX' is an extremely rarely encountered construct, that 
screams 'Examine this code closely'. So I don't think it needs extra 
error checking.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Don wrote:
 But 'goto case XXX' is an extremely rarely encountered construct, that
 screams 'Examine this code closely'. So I don't think it needs extra
 error checking.

Oh, I don't think that it's a big issue. We have goto case XXX and goto 
case, so we could use them to enforce flow control statements at the end of 
case blocks without changing anything other than what the compiler complains 
about. I definitely think that continue switch is less error prone than 
goto case, and I'd prefer continue switch, but goto case XXX is indeed 
rare enough that the frequency of screwing up and using goto case instead 
of goto case XXX would be quite small. So, I definitely find continue 
switch to be preferable, but it's not a big deal.

- Jonathan M Davis

Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread mwarning

I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function.
Looks like the array is passed by values as expected,
but the length and pointer are prepended, too.
Is this intentional or a bug?

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 On 06/21/2010 01:27 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:
  Jonathan M Davis Wrote:
  In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a control
  statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a specific
  destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over 
  case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since there's no doubt
  that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if you use
  continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).
  It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading.  
  Consider this:
  switch (getState()) {
  case X:
   continue switch;
  case Y:
  case Z:
   writeln( done! );
  Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of 
  this code?
 Well looks pretty good to me to be honest.

So if the initial state is X, is done! printed or not?

Re: Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread Ali Çehreli

mwarning wrote:


I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function.
Looks like the array is passed by values as expected,
but the length and pointer are prepended, too.
Is this intentional or a bug?

Fixed sized arrays don't have ptr and length members:

import std.stdio;

void main()
int[5] array;
writeln(array.sizeof);   // prints 20
writeln(array.ptr, ' ', array); // prints the save value

The code you've pasted has this:

extern(C) void* foo(uint x, ...)
Stdout(x: )(x).nl;
Stdout(y: )(*(x + 1)).nl; //outputs 64!
return null;

The expression *(x + 1) is undefined behavior, because (x + 1) is not 
valid, i.e. not specified to be accessible by the language.


Re: DMD Backend Long-term

2010-06-21 Thread Long Chang
In windows if you want use some lib that is not provide dynamic dll support,
you need compile it with dmc. In this case your need deal a lot problem with
lack of c head file . if there is a vc++ version backend will be big help
for a lot of people who is not familiarity with c/c++ .

2010/6/22 Eldar Insafutdinov

 == Quote from dsimcha ('s article
  What is the long-term plan for the current DMD backend?  I've noticed the
  first steps towards 64-bit support were just checked in today (excitement
  the extreme).  However, the backend is under such a restrictive license
  I understand Walter is not free to change) that it has a bus factor of
  If Walter were to stop maintaining it, noone else would be able to, if I
  understand the licensing issues correctly.
  Is there a chance of these licensing issues being cleared up so that the
  backend can be released under a more permissive license?  If not, while I
  understand Walter's decision to use a backend he was familiar with in the
  beginning, it seems like we should abandon such a heavily encumbered
  now that it needs serious work.


 I agree with what Sean says. Even more, DMD backend is good for development
 process, because it is very fast as opposed to more popular ones like llvm
 or gcc.
 What really worries me is what is going to happen on Windows. We have the
 which is old file format and optlink. There are still big problems with the
 linker, it has random problems on big projects, building them with debug
 info is
 even more problematic. As far as I understood that linker is being
 rewritten to C,
 but the process is very slow. It may take years to complete the port, and
 then to
 make it 64bit capable, isn't it? All existing problems would be propagated
 further. I would suggest(again and again) to add a new Windows backend
 MinGW or MSVC toolchain. It should not necessarily replace the existing
 one, but
 people would at least have freedom and there wouldn't be situation that you
 stuck in development when linker fails. Also those toolchain support 64bit,
 so it
 is another advantage. For those who still wants digital mars toolchain -
 will be an old one. Remembering that it took Walter about 6 weeks to
 MacOS backend, that doesn't seem too bad. In the end, Windows is the most
 OS despite our personal preferences, and it's worth spending some time for


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Sean Kelly
Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

 Sean Kelly wrote:
  It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be misleading. 
  Consider this:
  switch (getState()) {
  case X:
  continue switch;
  case Y:
  case Z:
  writeln( done! );
  Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of
  this code?
 I hadn't thought of that. That could be a source of confusion. However, 
 since a switch statement isn't a loop, and it's not a construct in any other 
 language AFAIK, the person will look it up
 Personally, I think that the fact that it's less error prone alone makes it 
 a better choice even if it were somewhat less clear.

I'm inclined to agree.  This is just the first thing that popped into my mind 
when I saw continue switch and I figured I'd bring it up.

Re: Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread mwarning
On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:38:50 -0700, Ali Çehreli wrote:

 mwarning wrote:
 I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function. Looks like the
 array is passed by values as expected, but the length and pointer are
 prepended, too. Is this intentional or a bug?
 Fixed sized arrays don't have ptr and length members:
 import std.stdio;
 void main()
  int[5] array;
  writeln(array.sizeof);   // prints 20 writeln(array.ptr, '
  ', array); // prints the save value
Hm? You just have proved that they have. :
But those are not members of a struct/pair instance (as for dynamic 
arrays). They are compile time values.
Whatever, it's me nitpicking. :)

 The code you've pasted has this:
 extern(C) void* foo(uint x, ...)
  Stdout(x: )(x).nl;
  Stdout(y: )(*(x + 1)).nl; //outputs 64! return null;
 The expression *(x + 1) is undefined behavior, because (x + 1) is not
 valid, i.e. not specified to be accessible by the language.
True, the D spec doesn't specify the memory layout.
But the C calling convention does (depending on the platform).

Anyway, the D spec says:
Static arrays are value types, but as in C static arrays are passed to 
functions by reference and cannot be returned from functions.

It seems that D does a little more then just pass by value. It includes 
the pointer and length value as well.

Btw.: smth. told me workaround/solution: wrap the static array in a 

Re: Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread torhu

On 21.06.2010 23:30, mwarning wrote:


I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function.
Looks like the array is passed by values as expected,
but the length and pointer are prepended, too.
Is this intentional or a bug?

I believe this works as intended.  And arrays in D 1 are *not* passed by 
value, ie. the data is not copied.


a string literal is passed as a (length,pointer) combination to 
variadic parameters

In other words, use stack.ptr if you want just the pointer.

Re: Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread mwarning
On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 00:00:27 +0200, torhu wrote:

 On 21.06.2010 23:30, mwarning wrote:

 I try to pass a static array to a variadic C function. Looks like the
 array is passed by values as expected, but the length and pointer are
 prepended, too. Is this intentional or a bug?
 I believe this works as intended.  And arrays in D 1 are *not* passed by
 value, ie. the data is not copied.
 a string literal is passed as a (length,pointer) combination to
 variadic parameters
Thanks, I missed that section!

 In other words, use stack.ptr if you want just the pointer.
I wrap it into a struct, that will do it.

Re: String Literal Docs

2010-06-21 Thread Alix Pexton

On 21/06/2010 21:20, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

Are your diagrams solely concerned with the lexer? Because I have a
(messy) parser grammar which I'm a bit more confident about if you're

So far I have only covered the lexer, but most of it needs redoing in 
light of the errors in the DMD docs, but I am hoping to cover the whole 
spec, eventually...

The more I do the quicker I'm able to make them as my workflow evolves, 
so its hard to say how long it will take...


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Spacen Jasset
I am only on page ten, I believe I saw a minor typo somewhere in the 
preface, that's all so far. I look forward to pondering the rest in the 
coming days.

oh yes.

D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within 
the constraints it choose: sys etc

missing s, I gues.

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 02:09 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Okay. I am in no way trying to say anything negative about TDPL.


You are being too kind about this :o). Of course we need an errata list. 
I was hoping I'd need to set it up later, but hey, that's a sign people 
actually are reading the book and care about keeping everything in check.

I started an errata list in form of a community wiki at

and primed the errata with your report.

Thanks very much! I'll see to it that future printings fix the issues in 
the errata list.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 04:15 PM, Don wrote:

Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Sean Kelly wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

In any case, that means that it could be made required to have a
statement at the end of a case block without having to specify a
destination for fallthrough - though I'd prefer continue switch over
goto case since it's more explicit and less error prone (since
no doubt that you didn't intend to put a destination for the goto if
use continue switch instead of a goto case without a destination).

It's a small thing, but I think continue switch could be
misleading. Consider this:

switch (getState()) {
case X:
continue switch;
case Y:
case Z:
writeln( done! );

Having never encountered D before, what would be your interpretation of
this code?

I hadn't thought of that. That could be a source of confusion.
However, since a switch statement isn't a loop, and it's not a
construct in any other language AFAIK, the person will look it up.
Once you've looked it up, I don't think that it would be particularly
hard to remember what it actually does. It's quite clear what's going
once you've become familiar with the construct and is quite
unambiguous in comparison to goto case which could easily be missing
the target case rather than being meant for fallthrough.

So, perhaps it's not immediately intuitive, but many language
constructs are, and I think that it's fairly clear once you've looked
it up. Having something like fallthrough or goto next case would
of course be even clearer, but those would require new keywords. I
still think that continue switch would be clearer than goto case
as well as less error prone. Personally, I think that the fact that
it's less error prone alone makes it a better choice even if it were
somewhat less clear.

- Jonathan M Davis

But 'goto case XXX' is an extremely rarely encountered construct, that
screams 'Examine this code closely'. So I don't think it needs extra
error checking.

After Sean's example, goto case XXX is my fave for fallthrough. I don't 
like unlabeled goto case to mean fall through, it's one of those need 
to look in the manual features. goto case XXX is generalized fall through.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 04:06 PM, bearophile wrote:

Adam Ruppe:

foreach(i; retro(iota(0, 10))) { }

Oh, right! Or even just:

foreach (i; retro(iota(10))) {}

But abstraction has a cost, see below. I have written three test programs.

Nice work.

iota() currently uses the formula initial + i * step to compute the ith 
element. This is to make sure that iota works properly with floating 
point numbers as well as integers.

We should specialize iota for integrals to use increment, which should 
count for some efficiency gains (currently the optimizer cannot figure 
out the equivalence, so it generates the multiply and add in the loop).

If efficiency is still sub-par, retro could detect that it's working 
with iota and generate specialized code. That's not too difficult; for 
integers, retro(iota(a, b)) could actually be a rewrite to iota(b - 1, 
a, -1). Figuring out all corner cases, steps greater than 1, and what to 
do for floating point numbers is doable but not trivial either, and 
works against modularity. Anyway, it does look like it's all about an 
implementation matter.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 03:32 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I was biting my tongue on the subject, but on page 73 the grammar for
the do while loop has a semicolon at the end. AAH

Wow. Sorry. This is a pet peeve of mine.

Can't help that, sorry...


Re: Calling C function with static array includes length and pointer

2010-06-21 Thread Ali Çehreli

mwarning wrote:

 Anyway, the D spec says:
 Static arrays are value types, but as in C static arrays are passed to
 functions by reference and cannot be returned from functions.

I've been thinking D2. :) In D2, fixed-sized arrays are value types and 
copied to and from functions:

import std.stdio;

int[2] foo(int[2] array)
writeln(in foo   : , (array[0]));
return array;

void main()
int[2] array;
writeln(in main 1: , (array[0]));
int[2] result = foo(array);
writeln(in main 2: , (result[0]));

All three addresses are separate in D2.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 02:57 PM, Alix Pexton wrote:

There is only one mention of lazy evaluation in the index and it doesn't
mention the lazy k/w at all. I seem to remember Andrei dislikes it, but
also that there is another way to get function params to be evaluated
lazily without using it.

lazy is quite, no, _very_ ill-defined. Walter and I decided to not 
mention it in the book and leave room for either a better definition of 
lazy or a feature that obviates it.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 05:35 PM, Spacen Jasset wrote:

I am only on page ten, I believe I saw a minor typo somewhere in the
preface, that's all so far. I look forward to pondering the rest in the
coming days.

oh yes.

D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within
the constraints it choose: sys etc

missing s, I gues.

Thanks for your note. The current text uses chose, i.e. the past tense 
of to choose, so I think it is correct.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Spacen Jasset

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 06/21/2010 05:35 PM, Spacen Jasset wrote:

I am only on page ten, I believe I saw a minor typo somewhere in the
preface, that's all so far. I look forward to pondering the rest in the
coming days.

oh yes.

D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within
the constraints it choose: sys etc

missing s, I gues.

Thanks for your note. The current text uses chose, i.e. the past tense 
of to choose, so I think it is correct.


heh. I can't read. I loose a cookie.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 After Sean's example, goto case XXX is my fave for fallthrough. I don't
 like unlabeled goto case to mean fall through, it's one of those need
 to look in the manual features. goto case XXX is generalized fall

Well, it definitely works, but then you run into the issue of whether you 
used the right XXX. That's the kind of place that rearranging code is likely 
to run into bugs whereas goto case by itself or continue switch would 
just fall through. It also makes it less obvious when you have errors with 
goto case XXX being intended to jump somewhere other than the next case. 
If you're using a statement that is explicitly for falling through, then 
it's clearly differentiated from a statement where you're jumping to a case 
other than the next one. I can't say that I'm terribly found of goto case 
by itself, but at least it would be less likely to cause bugs when 
rearranging code and more clearly indicates the intention to fall through. 
It still isn't as good a statement which can only be used for fallthrough 
(and therefore couldn't be a goto case where you were supposed to put a 
target but didn't), but I see no advantage in using goto case XXX for 
fallthrough instead of goto case.

goto case does seem a bit silly, but I think that it's clearer and less 
error prone for anyone who understands goto case. The only issue is the 
fact that it would be odd for someone who didn't know that you could do 
that, but there's plenty of that to go around already, and it's not like it 
would be hard to remember when you see it if you've already looked it up.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: finding a circular dependency

2010-06-21 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/21/2010 01:51 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I've been trying to get a modified version of std.process to compile
(with Lars K's changes) for windows, and phobos finally compiled.

So I built a little test program, compiled it, and I get the following
error message:

object.Exception: circular dependency in module std.stdio.

Great. How did that happen? Being that I didn't write std.stdio, only
modified it slightly (and certainly didn't change any imports), I
haven't the foggiest where this problem is. Given that the runtime can
prove there is a circular dependency, and apparently knows the names of
the modules, how about showing me the cycle?


I do not look forward to tracking this one down...


A long time ago I wrote a utility that finds these cycles. I'll see if I 
can't kick-start it for D2.

Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Guillaume B.

 Got mine today from Amazon Canada: collector's edition too. I'll start 
reading it soon!


Mike James wrote:

 Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I
 like the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.
 Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Adrian Matoga

Alix Pexton pisze:

On 21/06/2010 20:23, Mike James wrote:
Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. 
I like

the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

Where to find this PDF version? I can only see the contents, excerpt 
from first chapter, and the index. And I can't stand waiting for my 
paper copy in its long way to PL.

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 On 06/21/2010 02:09 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 Okay. I am in no way trying to say anything negative about TDPL.
 You are being too kind about this :o).

Well, I didn't want to post on the main D list and come across as saying 
that the new book is full of errors and sucks. wIt really is quite an 
entertaining read (for a programming book anyway) with talk of jumping 
through rings of syntactic fire, describing casts as well-intended genies, 
and plenty of other humourous descriptions. And, of course, it's quite 
instructive along the way. Now if I can only get my co-workers to read it...

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: This just in: authorless TDPL becomes collector's edition

2010-06-21 Thread Bill Baxter
I got my collectors edition from Amazon US a few days ago.
I browsed it a bit and it looks like an interesting read even for
someone who basically knows D already.  Which is good, because anyone
who knows C or Java basically does already know most of D.  I liked
that about Stroustrup's book on C++, too, when I read it many moons
ago.  It had meaty examples that taught me something interesting, even
when that wasn't the main language instruction point.  For instance,
Stroustrup uses a recursive descent parser introduce some mundane
aspect of C++ -- statements, I think it was.   This book looks like it
might have some of that to it.

Anyway, thanks for the ack in the preface, Andrei!


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Guillaume B. wrote:

  Got mine today from Amazon Canada: collector's edition too. I'll start
 reading it soon!


 Mike James wrote:

 Got my collectors item  delivered today from Amazon UK. Looks good. I
 like the bonus of being able to download a PDF version of TDPL.

 Thanks for all the hard work Andrei.


 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message
 Due to a pretty odd mistake at the printer, the first 1000 copies of TDPL
 will not have the name of the author on their cover. (The name still
 appears on the back cover and the spine.)

 The history of printing is rife with rare printing mistakes that have
 become collector's editions. Preorder now to be among the first 1000
 readers who get the authorless TDPL edition.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread torhu

On 22.06.2010 00:39, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I started an errata list in form of a community wiki at

For those of us who have still only got the pdf version, is that the 
same text as the printed one?  Should we report errors in the pdf 
version, or wait until we get the printed edition?

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 06:01 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

After Sean's example, goto case XXX is my fave for fallthrough. I don't
like unlabeled goto case to mean fall through, it's one of those need
to look in the manual features. goto case XXX is generalized fall


Well, it definitely works, but then you run into the issue of whether you
used the right XXX. That's the kind of place that rearranging code is likely
to run into bugs whereas goto case by itself or continue switch would
just fall through.

Here's where statistics come forward:

- code that uses fall through: rare

- code that uses fall through and needs to be rearranged: rare * rare

- code that uses fall through, needs to be rearranged, and the 
rearranger doesn't even look at the statement IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING the 
moved case label: rare * rare * rare

We're looking at three orders of magnitude here. I think it's reasonable 
to not dedicate too much language design to this case.

It also makes it less obvious when you have errors with
goto case XXX being intended to jump somewhere other than the next case.

Example that may actually refer to real-world code?

Even Duff's device will have a sensible definition, albeit more verbose 
(which is GOOD): each label action will end with goto case that_label-1.

If you're using a statement that is explicitly for falling through, then
it's clearly differentiated from a statement where you're jumping to a case
other than the next one.

I have zero empathy with that distinction. On the contrary, I think code 
should be written in terms of going from one label handler to another, 
instead of falling into whatever comes next.

I can't say that I'm terribly found of goto case
by itself, but at least it would be less likely to cause bugs when
rearranging code and more clearly indicates the intention to fall through.


It still isn't as good a statement which can only be used for fallthrough
(and therefore couldn't be a goto case where you were supposed to put a
target but didn't), but I see no advantage in using goto case XXX for
fallthrough instead of goto case.

I see no disadvantage, and on the contrary, many disadvantages for the 
cryptic goto case. (What if it means go again to the current case?)

The problem is, if Walter sees us bickering too much, he'll use that as 
pretext to veto out any improvement.

goto case does seem a bit silly, but I think that it's clearer

No clarity for me.

and less
error prone for anyone who understands goto case.

I don't see that.

The only issue is the
fact that it would be odd for someone who didn't know that you could do
that, but there's plenty of that to go around already, and it's not like it
would be hard to remember when you see it if you've already looked it up.

Yeah, but it's not like we want to add such cases without necessity.


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 06:30 PM, torhu wrote:

On 22.06.2010 00:39, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I started an errata list in form of a community wiki at

For those of us who have still only got the pdf version, is that the
same text as the printed one? Should we report errors in the pdf
version, or wait until we get the printed edition?

The PDF on Rough Cuts is identical to the printed book. Please report 
straight in the errata.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jeff Nowakowski

On 06/21/2010 05:11 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Having something like fallthrough or goto next case would of
course be even clearer, but those would require new keywords.

I think fallthrough would be a perfect keyword to add here. C 
programmers will immediately recognize it. Switch/case are already 
specialized keywords, and fallthrough can complete the set. It's 
unlikely to conflict with existing source, and this is one case where 
having a conspicuously long keyword is a good thing.

Finally, goto is ugly and continue is strongly associated with looping.

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


Well, goto case and goto case XXX both already exist. Both get the job 
done. So, regardless of which would be better for fallthrough, we can choose 
to use whichever we want in our code. As it stands, it becomes a matter of 
preference. I'd love something like continue switch or fallthrough to 
indicate explicit fallthrough, but it isn't at all necessary, so it's not 
worth trying to get Walter to add anything like that.

At this point, if Walter makes it so that case blocks must end with a flow 
control statement of some kind, we're free to use either goto case or 
goto case XXX for fallthrough, so unless goto case is so bad that we 
should try to get Walter to get rid of it, I don't think that it's really an 
issue. We can use whichever one we want and not worry about it. The language 
is complete enough to require case statements to end with a control 
statement without losing any flexibility, so I think that we can agree to 
disagree on which statement is better and/or clearer and try and get Walter 
to add the compiler error for naked fallthrough.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread bearophile
Andrei Alexandrescu:
 The problem is, if Walter sees us bickering too much, he'll use that as 
 pretext to veto out any improvement.

You are wrong, Walter is an adult able to understand discussions, not a 
capricious dictator :-)
Syntax and other things require discussions, sometimes even longish ones.


Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Bill Baxter
Did anyone suggest continue case instead of continue switch?  That
sounds less ambiguous to me.


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:



 Well, goto case and goto case XXX both already exist. Both get the job
 done. So, regardless of which would be better for fallthrough, we can choose
 to use whichever we want in our code. As it stands, it becomes a matter of
 preference. I'd love something like continue switch or fallthrough to
 indicate explicit fallthrough, but it isn't at all necessary, so it's not
 worth trying to get Walter to add anything like that.

 At this point, if Walter makes it so that case blocks must end with a flow
 control statement of some kind, we're free to use either goto case or
 goto case XXX for fallthrough, so unless goto case is so bad that we
 should try to get Walter to get rid of it, I don't think that it's really an
 issue. We can use whichever one we want and not worry about it. The language
 is complete enough to require case statements to end with a control
 statement without losing any flexibility, so I think that we can agree to
 disagree on which statement is better and/or clearer and try and get Walter
 to add the compiler error for naked fallthrough.

 - Jonathan M Davis

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
bearophile wrote:

 Andrei Alexandrescu:
 The problem is, if Walter sees us bickering too much, he'll use that as
 pretext to veto out any improvement.
 You are wrong, Walter is an adult able to understand discussions, not a
 capricious dictator :-) Syntax and other things require discussions,
 sometimes even longish ones.

Yes, he's an adult, but if he's not particularly interested in the change to 
begin with, and the folks who want the change can't agree on what the change 
should be, he could easily choose to leave things as they are - especially 
because things work just fine as they are. We'd like to be able to make a 
particular error harder to make, but it's not exactly a groundbreaking 
change. Walter could decide to work on more important things rather than 
worrying about this one. There's nothing childish about that.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 06/21/2010 06:56 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:



Well, goto case and goto case XXX both already exist. Both get the job
done. So, regardless of which would be better for fallthrough, we can choose
to use whichever we want in our code. As it stands, it becomes a matter of
preference. I'd love something like continue switch or fallthrough to
indicate explicit fallthrough, but it isn't at all necessary, so it's not
worth trying to get Walter to add anything like that.

At this point, if Walter makes it so that case blocks must end with a flow
control statement of some kind, we're free to use either goto case or
goto case XXX for fallthrough, so unless goto case is so bad that we
should try to get Walter to get rid of it, I don't think that it's really an
issue. We can use whichever one we want and not worry about it. The language
is complete enough to require case statements to end with a control
statement without losing any flexibility, so I think that we can agree to
disagree on which statement is better and/or clearer and try and get Walter
to add the compiler error for naked fallthrough.

I think that's fair enough. It's really Walter's decision now, and Don's 
too (because with Walter busy with the 64-bit implementation, it's 
likely Don is the one to volunteer to implement the thing).


Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Andrei Alexandrescu, el 21 de junio a las 17:43 me escribiste:
 If efficiency is still sub-par, retro could detect that it's working
 with iota and generate specialized code. That's not too difficult;
 for integers, retro(iota(a, b)) could actually be a rewrite to
 iota(b - 1, a, -1). Figuring out all corner cases, steps greater
 than 1, and what to do for floating point numbers is doable but not
 trivial either, and works against modularity. Anyway, it does look
 like it's all about an implementation matter.

I'm scared, I've heard that in C++ so many times... =)

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
-- Crónica TV

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Andrei Alexandrescu, el 21 de junio a las 15:31 me escribiste:
 On 06/21/2010 03:08 PM, Don wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 06/19/2010 06:58 AM, Don wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Don wrote:
 Or is too late to break backwards compatibility with B ?
 We can and should do it. It won't impact TDPL adversely.
 Excellent! I'll make a patch for it when I have time.
 Walter just gave the green light, so Don - it's up to you.
 I patched my DMD. Quite successful. It caught 8 bugs in Phobos, in code
 written by at least 4 different people. I think everyone gets stung by
 that B.
 This is pretty amazing. Can't wait to see the checkin!
 It might be interesting to see how many bugs are caught by
 restricting the switch statement.

There is already a patch for that:

Maybe is not perfect (it adds a new flavour of case to allow implicit
fall-through), but it's something =). And just to experiment with, it
should be good enough, since it makes the default case syntax forbids
implicit fall-through, so it's not necessary to change any code to try
it (if it still applies to trunk, which probably is not the case

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Ya ni el cielo me quiere, ya ni la muerte me visita
Ya ni el sol me calienta, ya ni el viento me acaricia

Re: Is there ANY chance we can fix the bitwise operator precedence rules?

2010-06-21 Thread Bill Baxter
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
 goto next case; is a little more verbose but very clear to me :)

 Maybe just next case; is a shorter alternative...

That would be great if next were a D keyword.  But I don't think
you're going to get Walter to add a keyword just for this.


Operator Precedence Table in Online Docs

2010-06-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis
There is not currently an explicit operator precedence table in the online 
docs. While C/C++ is close enough that you can generally look at a C/C++ 
operator precedence table and figure it out if you need to, there are 
definitely folks who would like a D precedence table to look at (the 
question has come up on StackOverflow at least once). If nothing else, D 
does add some operators, and being able to see where they fit in at a quick 
glance would be useful. Not to mention, ideally, we wouldn't rely on C/C++ 
documentation to figure out D.

In any case, there is a fairly good operator precedence table (well, 
expression precedence table) in TDPL on pages 61 - 63, and I was thinking 
that it would be useful if some form of that table ended up in the online 
documentation at some point. It's something that some folks will definitely 
be looking for, and while I, personally, wouldn't look at all that often, it 
is the sort of thing that I'd expect in good online docs for a language.

So, anyway, this overly windy post was just to say that we should add an 
operator precedence table to the online docs. And there's already a good one 
to work with in TDPL.

- Jonathan M Davis

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