Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu


One topic of interest is Open Source Programming Languages. If someone 
could explain to me the various subtle nuances of what an open source 
programming language is, I'll try to make a D-related submission and of 
course I recommend anyone else to do the same.


Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 One topic of interest is Open Source Programming Languages. If someone
 could explain to me the various subtle nuances of what an open source
 programming language is, I'll try to make a D-related submission and of
 course I recommend anyone else to do the same.

This is a matter of perspective, I think these are the possibly interesting  
angles and issues for D:

- availability and development of Open Source compilers (OSI compatible 

- cross-platform design, this extends beyond linux but is often a concern 
and goal in the Open Source world

- development process of the language (and std lib) itself: here the 
community participation is important. For D it's an interesting (and 
ongoing) story to tell.

- usefulness and place in the open source ecosystem: I believe D has a 
potential here as a serious alternative for both mono and java. Mono, the 
open source implementation of .net, has loads of potential patent issues and 
for this reason is not supported by some distro's. Java also has it's 
issues. Positioning D as a solution to those problems (rather than an 
alternative for C++ or dynamic languages) will please the crowd, for sure :) 
Interoperability with C is also important here.

Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Akakima

Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org


 One topic of interest is Open Source Programming Languages. If someone 
 could explain to me the various subtle nuances of what an open source 
 programming language is, I'll try to make a D-related submission and of 
 course I recommend anyone else to do the same.



Some may considers D is Open Source. Some others may consider it's not. Many 
uses the following definition for Open Source.

I think it means that DMD (the reference implementation) would not be 
considered as Open Source.

The Open Source Definition is used by the Open Source Initiative to 
determine whether or not a software license can be considered open source.
The definition was based on the Debian Free Software Guidelines, written and 
adapted primarily by Bruce Perens. They are by no means definitive even as 
applied to software. Clause 3 is the primary legal difference between free 
software and open source software as such, free software is stricter in 
interpreting 3. Clauses 5 and 6 are not a condition of any major open 
content license regimes, which commonly do restrict types of uses and users; 
for instance, Creative Commons has open content licenses that explicitly 
forbid commercial use.


  Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code.
  The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the 
following criteria:
1. Free Redistribution

  The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the 
software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing 
programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a 
royalty or other fee for such sale.
2. Source Code

  The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in 
source code as well as compiled form. Where some form of a product is not 
distributed with source code, there must be a well-publicized means of 
obtaining the source code for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost 
preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code 
must be the preferred form in which a programmer would modify the program. 
Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed. Intermediate forms such 
as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.
3. Derived Works

  The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow 
them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original 
4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code

  The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified 
form only if the license allows the distribution of patch files with the 
source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The 
license must explicitly permit distribution of software built from modified 
source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name 
or version number from the original software.
5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

  The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.
6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor.

  The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a 
specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program 
from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.
7. Distribution of License

  The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program 
is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by 
those parties.
8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product

  The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being 
part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from 
that distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program's 
license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the 
same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original 
software distribution.
9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software

  The license must not place restrictions on other software that is 
distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must 
not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be 
open-source software.
10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

  No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology 
or style of interface.

Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Daniel Gibson

Am 20.01.2011 19:58, schrieb Lutger Blijdestijn:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


One topic of interest is Open Source Programming Languages. If someone
could explain to me the various subtle nuances of what an open source
programming language is, I'll try to make a D-related submission and of
course I recommend anyone else to do the same.


This is a matter of perspective, I think these are the possibly interesting
angles and issues for D:

- availability and development of Open Source compilers (OSI compatible

(x) we have gdc and ldc (check how well current versions with D2 work before 
talking about them, though ;))

- cross-platform design, this extends beyond linux but is often a concern
and goal in the Open Source world

(x) Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD are supported, with gdc/ldc probably more

- development process of the language (and std lib) itself: here the
community participation is important. For D it's an interesting (and
ongoing) story to tell.

(x) agree.
Also: The std lib is under a very free license (unlike for example suns/oracles 
classpath.. OpenJDK seems to be GPLed, but that still sucks for a std lib)

- usefulness and place in the open source ecosystem: I believe D has a
potential here as a serious alternative for both mono and java. Mono, the
open source implementation of .net, has loads of potential patent issues and
for this reason is not supported by some distro's. Java also has it's
issues. Positioning D as a solution to those problems (rather than an
alternative for C++ or dynamic languages) will please the crowd, for sure :)

You can never be sure with patents, as someone else in another thread already 
pointed out: it's virtually impossible to write a piece of software that doesn't 
infringe patents.
Of course, the situation is worse with Java (as seen in Oracle suing Google for 
using a Java-derivate in Android) and Mono (you never know if Microsoft will 
tolerate this forever. Even if they promised not to sue for current .net related 
patents, you never know about patents applying to features in future versions of 
With D at least people still would have to find patents that are infringed - and 
even then the case isn't as clear as with Java/mono, where it's obvious that the 
Java/.net related patents are infringed.

So yes, the point that D may cause less trouble than Java/.net can be made, but 
you probably shouldn't claim that D doesn't infringe any patents, because you 
can't possibly know (nobody can, there are just too many software patents to 
check, even for big companies).

Interoperability with C is also important here.

Yeah, it's a killer-feature. Being able to just call C functions and link 
objects produced by gcc objects (foo.o) is *really* helpful, especially in the 
Linux world.

I think D (with gdc/ldc) qualifies as an Open Source Programming Language, but 
you should probably ask the texaslinuxfest guys for their personal definition.

- Daniel

Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Daniel Gibson wrote:

 You can never be sure with patents, as someone else in another thread
 already pointed out: it's virtually impossible to write a piece of
 software that doesn't infringe patents.

Yes, it's like bugs: you can tell when you found one, but never know your 
software is free of it. (well, that is almost true)

 Of course, the situation is worse with Java (as seen in Oracle suing
 Google for using a Java-derivate in Android) and Mono (you never know if
 Microsoft will tolerate this forever. Even if they promised not to sue for
 current .net related patents, you never know about patents applying to
 features in future versions of .net).
 With D at least people still would have to find patents that are infringed
 - and even then the case isn't as clear as with Java/mono, where it's
 obvious that the Java/.net related patents are infringed.
 So yes, the point that D may cause less trouble than Java/.net can be
 made, but you probably shouldn't claim that D doesn't infringe any
 patents, because you can't possibly know (nobody can, there are just too
 many software patents to check, even for big companies).

Technically that is right, but I find it a bit of an understatement because 
every non trival software project has potential issues. With .NET and Java 
you *know* you have patent issues, with D any potential patent issue is a 
tragic mistake that still has to be proven to exist. Those are not on the 
same scale, so I wouldn't use the term 'less trouble' You also have 
ownership to take into account, I would rather trust Walter Bright not using 
submarine patent traps than MS or Oracle :) 

Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Daniel Gibson wrote:

 So yes, the point that D may cause less trouble than Java/.net can be
 made, but you probably shouldn't claim that D doesn't infringe any
 patents, because you can't possibly know (nobody can, there are just too
 many software patents to check, even for big companies).

Perhaps I should elaborate a bit. mono is simply out of the question in a 
large part of linux. Fedora for example, has D as a feature for its 14 
release but doesn't support mono. Java is more complex, but if we take it 
out of the picture it leaves (some of) linux with C / C++ on the one hand 
and a lot of higher level dynamic languages on the other. In between are 
some more 'exotic' languages such as haskell. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I see a 
big void there where D can step in, mostly because of its set of features. 
In the non-open-source world, Java and .NET are already taking care of much 
of this void. 

Re: Texas LinuxFest 2011 call for papers now open

2011-01-20 Thread Daniel Gibson

Am 20.01.2011 21:15, schrieb Lutger Blijdestijn:

Daniel Gibson wrote:

So yes, the point that D may cause less trouble than Java/.net can be
made, but you probably shouldn't claim that D doesn't infringe any
patents, because you can't possibly know (nobody can, there are just too
many software patents to check, even for big companies).

 Technically that is right, but I find it a bit of an understatement because
 every non trival software project has potential issues. With .NET and Java
 you *know* you have patent issues, with D any potential patent issue is a
 tragic mistake that still has to be proven to exist. Those are not on the
 same scale, so I wouldn't use the term 'less trouble' You also have
 ownership to take into account, I would rather trust Walter Bright not using
 submarine patent traps than MS or Oracle :)

I mostly agree with you :-)
Maybe less trouble is not the right word.. my point is: I guess Walter did not 
explicitly try to avoid patents when developing D (and, as mentioned before, you 
can't be sure anyway), so you probably can't advertise D as a patent-free 
language (like ogg vorbis is claimed to be a patent-free audio codec).
And I don't believe Walter is using any patent traps (Does he hold any patents? 
I wouldn't be surprised, and I don't really care because I don't believe he'd 
use it offensively) - but once D is popular you never know if a third party 
starts trolling. But of course, this may happen with any language or software in 
general. Furthermore, there was this thread in d.D about two Borland patents 
that are now owned by M$ that *may* be infringed by D...

Perhaps I should elaborate a bit. mono is simply out of the question in a
large part of linux. Fedora for example, has D as a feature for its 14
release but doesn't support mono. Java is more complex, but if we take it
out of the picture it leaves (some of) linux with C / C++ on the one hand
and a lot of higher level dynamic languages on the other. In between are
some more 'exotic' languages such as haskell. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I see a
big void there where D can step in, mostly because of its set of features.
In the non-open-source world, Java and .NET are already taking care of much
of this void.

I agree.
A free language that works well with C and is at least as user-friendly as 
Java definitely has a lot of potential in the open source and esp. Linux/*BSD 
world. Many Open Source developers will prefer it to Java/Mono, because it 
doesn't use a VM (some may still complain about the garbage collector, though, 
but in the end they'd benefit from it, because it mostly prevents the quite 
common memory leaks).

Another thing that should be considered: For D2 to be really interesting in the 
Linux world, stream and socket handling needs to improve.
But it seems like this will happen, Andrei started a discussion about a new 
std.stream in d.D recently.

- Daniel

Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r
Why is there no advertisement for D, the MagicCounter page lists C# right  
at the top ;)
The directory tree sorts everything by name, would be cool if listing  
directories first was possible as well.

It really needs a proper icon, looks shitty in the taskbar ;)

Nice tool!

Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Michael Mittner
Oh, I forgot to mention D! I'll edit it in ASAP :)

And you're right about the directory thing, I'll put it on my TODO
list. Thanks!

Re: boxen - an audio player written in D

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r

Also playback stops when a directory is reached in the list.

Re: Potential patent issues

2011-01-20 Thread Russel Winder
On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 22:37 +0100, Simen kjaeraas wrote:
 Nick Sabalausky a@a.a wrote:
  retard r...@tard.com.invalid wrote in message
  Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:44:38 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
  Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com wrote in message
  Or pack your bags and move to Europe. :p
  I thought Europe was getting software patents?
  It's the US intellectual property mafia pushing software patents to EU
  via WIPO, bribes, and extortion.
  Well yea, but whatever the source of it, I was under the impression that  
  was succeeding, or had already succeeded.
 In the EU, it is succeeding at least to an extent. However, many EU members
 do not want software patents, and few European countries outside EU would
 consider it. (about half of Europe is not part of the EU)

The EU Patent Office is trying hard to succumb to the US pressure to
start issuing software patents in the same way USPTO does.  It will be a
disaster if they are allowed to get away with this.  So anyone in the
EU, make sure your MEP (or whatever you label your elected
representative) knows what is going on, knows that this is a land grab
by the US corporates to stiffle competition and innovation in EU.

The problem here is ACTA.  The software patents advocates (via USTR)
have managed to infiltrate this global agreement so as to force all
signatories to follow US rules on software patents.  This will force EU
members to do the unthinkable and honour all US software patents.

If this happens we might all as well give up writing software unless we
work for a huge corporation who can play the patent cross-licencing

If the populace doesn't act, they will be shafted.

PS  Read the relevant articles at http://webmink.com/ especially
http://webmink.com/?s=ACTA.  Simon Phipps is 110% correct on the issues
associated with ACTA.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-01-19 21:13, Adam Ruppe wrote:

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

Your tool will just download the latest version of Y and the
whole thing crashes and burns.

My problem is I don't see how that'd happen in the first place. Who
would distribute something they've never compiled?

If they compiled it, it would have downloaded the other libs
already, so any sane distribution *already* has the dependent
libraries, making this whole thing moot.

The build tool is meant to help the developer, not the user. If
the user needs help, it means the developer didn't do his job

I would say it's for the user of the library. He only cares about the 
library he wants to use and not its dependencies.

That said, the configuration file, as described in my last post,
seems like it can solve this easily enough.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Brad
In digitalmars.D, you wrote:
 The two most frustrating aspects were documentation and deployment.
 The documents were sparse and useless and deployment was the
 hugest headache I've ever experienced, in great part due to Rubygems
 not working properly!

 They've probably improved it a lot since then, but it reinforced
 my long-standing belief that third party libraries are, more often
 than not, more trouble than they're worth anyway.

I only poked into RubyGems briefly and I had the same impression
at the time.  Perl's CPAN is much more mature.

Much of the time, I feel as you do about 3rd party libraries.  They
try to do too much, are inflexible and not customizable.  But many
of the perl packages on CPAN are written to address a single task,
are flexible and easy to use.
I use several and have my favorites.  Others are not worth the trouble.

But this problem is going to happen to any system.
Some of the packages are simply useless, poorly
designed, too specific, not supported, out of date, etc.

But other packages are well designed, well supported, work great.
Some haven't changed in ages and work well.

I think counters can help -- how many downloads, indicating popularity.
How many _recent_ downloads, or a histogram of downloads by month
so the user can tell if the package is out of date.

Don't like the rating systems much, but that's also a possibility.

An integrated bug database and forums similar to sourceforge would be very
useful.   You can check activity and see if the author of the package
is active and keeps on top of problems.


Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Gour
On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:40:49 +0100
Jacob Carlborg d...@me.com wrote:

 1. it uses python, yet another dependency

True, but it brings more features over e.g. cmake 'cause you have full
language on disposal.

 2. it seems complicated

Well, build systems are complex... ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Russel Winder
I missed a lot of this thread and coming in part way through may miss
lots of past nuances, or even major facts.

On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 10:19 +0100, Gour wrote:
 On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:40:49 +0100
 Jacob Carlborg d...@me.com wrote:
  1. it uses python, yet another dependency
 True, but it brings more features over e.g. cmake 'cause you have full
 language on disposal.

Waf and SCons (both Python based) are top of the pile in the C/C
++/Fortran/LaTeX build game, with CMake a far back third and everything
else failing to finish.

In the Java/Scala/Groovy/Clojure build game Gradle beats Maven beats
Gant beats Ant, for the reason that Groovy beats XML as a build
specification language.

Internal DSLs using dynamic languages just win in this game.

(Though the Scala crew are trying to convince people that SBT, a build
tool written such that you use Scala code to specify the build is good.
It is a priori but it has some really critical negative design issues.)

  2. it seems complicated
 Well, build systems are complex... ;)

Definitely.  Well at least for anything other than trivial projects
anyway.  The trick is to make it as easy as possible to specify the
complexity easily and comprehensibly.  Make did this in 1978, but is not
now the tool of choice.  Autotools was an heroic attempt to do something
based on Make.  CMake likewise.  SCons, Waf, and Gradle are currently
the tools of choice.
Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Another task

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
Simen kjaeraas:

 byKey is essentially an opApply. You have to wrap it in a fiber to make it
 work with the range interface:

Thank you for all your code and work.
I have found a bug (it's not a bug of yours): if I compile your code with 
-release, DMD prints:
test.d(45): Error: function D main is a nested function and cannot be accessed 
from array
test.d(45): Error: function D main is a nested function and cannot be accessed 
from array

Where the line 45 is the one that starts with: auto o = map!(...

I use D associative arrays often (it comes from my Python practice), I suggest 
to modify AAs to change byKey() and byValue() into ranges usable with 
AAs may become iterable with zero method calls too (this is equivalent to byKey 
or byValue):
map!q{a*10}([1:2, 3:4])

And I suggest to add a third associative array member function that returns a 
range of key,value tuples, as in Python3. This allows to solve the task like 
auto r = map!q{ tuple(a[0]*10, a[1]~a[1]) }(aa.byPair());


Re: Potential patent issues

2011-01-20 Thread spir

On 01/19/2011 10:09 PM, retard wrote:

Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:44:38 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Andrej Mitrovicandrej.mitrov...@gmail.com  wrote in message

Or pack your bags and move to Europe. :p

I thought Europe was getting software patents?

It's the US intellectual property mafia pushing software patents to EU
via WIPO, bribes, and extortion.

Don't put everything on the back of the US ;-)
We in Europe have our own financial mafia pushing for the same kind of 
extortion system as in the US!

vita es estrany

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
Andrej Mitrovic:

 I think what might help out in D is if we had a way to mark some
 functions so the compiler guarantees that their return values *are
 not* to be discarded. For example, this code will compile:
 import std.stdio;
 import std.string;
 void main()
 string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
 replace(s, lil, li'l);  // returns a copy, but discards it
 If the replace function is marked with some kind of @nodiscard
 annotation, then his would be a compile error since it doesn't make
 sense to construct a new string, return it, and discard it.
 But maybe that's going overboard. How often do these kinds of bugs creep in?

Such bugs are common enough. GNU C has the warn_unused_result attribute (that 
is like your @nodiscard if you use -Werror to turn warnings into errors):

Some C lints require a void cast where you don't want to use a function result:
cast(void)replace(s, lil, li'l);

In a language the default is different and where you don't want to use a 
function result you have to add an annotation:
unused replace(s, lil, li'l);

Something like @nodiscard is more useful in C than D because in C there are no 
true built-in exceptions, so error return values are common, and ignoring them 
is a mistake. In some cases like replace() or the C realloc() ignoring a result 
is always a programmer error. So something like @nodiscard is useful in D too.


Re: Potential patent issues

2011-01-20 Thread Daniel Gibson

Am 20.01.2011 11:19, schrieb spir:

On 01/19/2011 10:09 PM, retard wrote:

Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:44:38 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Andrej Mitrovicandrej.mitrov...@gmail.com wrote in message

Or pack your bags and move to Europe. :p

I thought Europe was getting software patents?

It's the US intellectual property mafia pushing software patents to EU
via WIPO, bribes, and extortion.

Don't put everything on the back of the US ;-)
We in Europe have our own financial mafia pushing for the same kind of extortion
system as in the US!

vita es estrany

Of course it's also US companies like Microsoft who want software patents here - 
but we've got a few ones ourselves, for example SAP and Siemens. Don't know if 
there are many more european companies who want this, though.

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Gour
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:13:00 +
Russel Winder rus...@russel.org.uk wrote:

 SCons, Waf, and Gradle are currently the tools of choice.

Gradle is (mostly) for Java-based projects, afaict?



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature


2011-01-20 Thread Jeff Nowakowski

On 01/20/2011 12:24 AM, Gour wrote:

I've feeling that you just copied the above from FAQ and never
actually tried Archlinux.

No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down 
the pike. If the FAQ says that you're going to have to be more of an 
expert with your system, then I believe it. If it's wrong, then maybe 
you can push them to update it.

The do-it-yourself from the above means that in Arch user is not
forced to use specific DE, WM etc., can choose whether he prefers WiCD
over NM etc.

So instead of giving you a bunch of sane defaults, you have to make a 
bunch of choices up front. That's a heavy investment of time, especially 
for somebody unfamiliar with Linux.

That's not true...In Arch there is simply no Arch-8.10 or Arch-10.10
which means that whenever you update your system package manager will
simply pull all the packages which are required for desired kernel,
gcc version etc.

The upgrade problems are still there. *Every package* you upgrade has a 
chance to be incompatible with the previous version. The longer you 
wait, the more incompatibilities there will be.

Otoh, with Ubuntu, upgrade from 8.10 to 10.10 is always a major
undertaking (I'm familiar with it since  '99 when I used SuSE and had
experience with deps hell.)

Highlighting the problem of waiting too long to upgrade. You're skipping 
an entire release. I'd like to see you take a snapshot of Arch from 
2008, use the system for 2 years without updating, and then upgrade to 
the latest packages. Do you think Arch is going to magically have no 

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r
 If you have replace(str, hello, world);
 you don't know whether it's changed the value in place or if you're
throwing away a return value. However, if you have
 auto newStr = replace(str, hello, world);
 replaceInPlace(newStr, world, hello);
 it's quite clear that the first one returns a value and the the
second one does it in place.

Very true. Imho function names would also be more understandable this
way cause xInPlace is unambiguous while xCopy might lead to confusion
(at least I could imagine a stranger misinterpreting replaceCopy etc.)

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r
If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way around.
But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
the function returns something for a reason.

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:51:48 Trass3r wrote:
 If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way around.
 But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
 the function returns something for a reason.

Actually, there are plenty of cases where you throw away the return value. A 
number of overloaded operators are prime examples - such as opAssign. 
std.algorithm.sort both sorts in place _and_ returns a sorted range (so that 
other algorithms can then know that the range is sorted). It's really quite 
to get legitimate cases where throwing away the return value makes perfect 
sense. Now, if you're dealing with a strongly pure function which throws away 
its return value, then yes, that's definitely bug, since the only effect of the 
function is its return value. Frequently however, that's not the case.

Yes, you can have bugs because you didn't actually use the return value of a 
function, but it's that necessarily uncommon to have function calls which 
legitimately throw away their return value.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Russel Winder
On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 12:32 +0100, Gour wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:13:00 +
 Russel Winder rus...@russel.org.uk wrote:
  SCons, Waf, and Gradle are currently the tools of choice.
 Gradle is (mostly) for Java-based projects, afaict?

It is the case that there are two more or less distinct domains of build
-- JVM-oriented, and everything else.  There is though nothing stopping
a single build system from trying to be more universal.  Sadly every
attempt to date has failed for one reason or another (not necessarily

Basically there seems to be a positive feedback loop in action keeping
the two domains separate:  basically the tools from one domain don't
work well on the opposite domain and so no-one uses them there, so no
evolution happens to improve things.

In this particular case, Gradle has great support for everything
JVM-related and no real support for C, C++, Fortran, etc.  All attempts
to raise the profile of the Ant C/C++ compilation tasks, which Gradle
could use trivially, have come to nothing.  

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Description: This is a digitally signed message part


2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:39:08 Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
 On 01/20/2011 12:24 AM, Gour wrote:
  I've feeling that you just copied the above from FAQ and never
  actually tried Archlinux.
 No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down
 the pike. If the FAQ says that you're going to have to be more of an
 expert with your system, then I believe it. If it's wrong, then maybe
 you can push them to update it.
  The do-it-yourself from the above means that in Arch user is not
  forced to use specific DE, WM etc., can choose whether he prefers WiCD
  over NM etc.
 So instead of giving you a bunch of sane defaults, you have to make a
 bunch of choices up front. That's a heavy investment of time, especially
 for somebody unfamiliar with Linux.
  That's not true...In Arch there is simply no Arch-8.10 or Arch-10.10
  which means that whenever you update your system package manager will
  simply pull all the packages which are required for desired kernel,
  gcc version etc.
 The upgrade problems are still there. *Every package* you upgrade has a
 chance to be incompatible with the previous version. The longer you
 wait, the more incompatibilities there will be.
  Otoh, with Ubuntu, upgrade from 8.10 to 10.10 is always a major
  undertaking (I'm familiar with it since  '99 when I used SuSE and had
  experience with deps hell.)
 Highlighting the problem of waiting too long to upgrade. You're skipping
 an entire release. I'd like to see you take a snapshot of Arch from
 2008, use the system for 2 years without updating, and then upgrade to
 the latest packages. Do you think Arch is going to magically have no

There is no question that Arch takes more to manage than a number of other 
distros. However, it takes _far_ less than Gentoo. Things generally just work 
Arch, whereas you often have to figure out how to fix problems when updating on 
Gentoo. I wouldn't suggest Arch to a beginner, but I'd be _far_ more likely to 
suggest it to someone than Gentoo.

Arch really doesn't take all that much to maintain, but it does have a higher 
setup cost than your average distro, and you do have to do some level of manual 
configuration that I'd expect a more typical distro like OpenSuSE or Ubuntu to 
take care of for you.

So, I'd say that your view of Arch is likely a bit skewed, because you haven't 
actually used it, but it still definitely isn't a distro where you just stick 
the install disk, install it, and then go on your merry way either.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Daniel Gibson

Am 20.01.2011 00:54, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe:

Jesse Phillips wrote:

You can have the author release packaged libraries for developers
to use and the author should do this. So this begs the question of
what is the repository for?

It's so you have a variety of libraries available at once with
minimal hassle when you are originally writing something.

I really don't care about those libraries' implementation details.
I just want it so when I type import something.lib; in my
program it actually works. If something.lib's author wants to
use other.thing, great, I just don't want to think about it
anymore than I think about his private classes or functions.

Why is the tool going out to different URLs and downloading files
when you are supposed to use the pre-built lib?

Pre-built libs aren't all that useful anyway, for several reasons:
1. Templates
2. different operating systems: there would have to be pre-built libs 
for Windows, OSX, Linux and FreeBSD (if not even more)
3. different architectures: there would have to be pre-built libs for 
x86, AMD64 and, thanks to GDC and LDC, for about any platform supported 
by Linux..

Just provide source, so people can build their own libs from it or just 
compile the sources like their own source files. This can still be done 
automagically by the build-tool/package management.

- Daniel

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
Andrej Mitrovic:

 If the replace function is marked with some kind of @nodiscard
 annotation, then his would be a compile error since it doesn't make
 sense to construct a new string, return it, and discard it.




2011-01-20 Thread Gour
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:39:08 -0500
Jeff Nowakowski j...@dilacero.org wrote:

 No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down 
 the pike. 

Then please, without any offense, do not give advises about something
which you did not try. I did use Ubuntu...

 So instead of giving you a bunch of sane defaults, you have to make a 
 bunch of choices up front. 

Right. That's why there is no need for separate distro based on DE
user wants to have, iow, by simple: pacman -Sy xfce4 you get XFCE
environment installed...same wit GNOME  KDE.

 That's a heavy investment of time, especially for somebody
 unfamiliar with Linux.

Again, you're speaking without personal experience...

Moreover, in TDPL's foreword, Walter speaks about himself as ..of an
engineer.., so I'm sure he is capable to handle The Arch Way (see
section Simplicity at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux)
which says: The Arch Way is a philosophy aimed at keeping it
simple. The Arch Linux base system is quite simply the minimal, yet
functional GNU/Linux environment; the Linux kernel, GNU toolchain, and
a handful of optional, extra command line utilities like links and
Vi. This clean and simple starting point provides the foundation for
expanding the system into whatever the user requires. and from there
install one of the major DEs (GNOME, KDE or XFCE) to name a few.

 The upgrade problems are still there. *Every package* you upgrade has
 a chance to be incompatible with the previous version. The longer you 
 wait, the more incompatibilities there will be.

There are no incompatibilities...if I upgrade kernel, it means that
package manager will figure out what components has to be updated...

Remember: there are no packages 'tagged' for any specific release!

 Highlighting the problem of waiting too long to upgrade. You're
 skipping an entire release. I'd like to see you take a snapshot of
 Arch from 2008, use the system for 2 years without updating, and then
 upgrade to the latest packages. Do you think Arch is going to
 magically have no problems?

I did upgrade on my father-in-law's machine which was more then 1yr
old without any problem.

You think there must be some magic to handle it...ask some FreeBSD
user how they do it. ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature


2011-01-20 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 5:39 AM, Jeff Nowakowski j...@dilacero.org wrote:

 On 01/20/2011 12:24 AM, Gour wrote:

 Otoh, with Ubuntu, upgrade from 8.10 to 10.10 is always a major
 undertaking (I'm familiar with it since  '99 when I used SuSE and had
 experience with deps hell.)

 Highlighting the problem of waiting too long to upgrade. You're skipping an
 entire release. I'd like to see you take a snapshot of Arch from 2008, use
 the system for 2 years without updating, and then upgrade to the latest
 packages. Do you think Arch is going to magically have no problems?

Ironically, I did this a few years back with an Arch box that was setup,
then banished to the TV room as a gaming system, then reconnected to the
internet about two years later (I didn't have wifi at the time, and I still
haven't put a wifi dongle on the box). It updated with no problems and is
still operating happily.
Now, I was expecting problems, but on the other hand, since *all* packages
are in the rolling release model and individual packages contain specific
version dependencies, problems are harder to find than you'd think.

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread so

auto newStr = replace(str, hello, world);
replaceInPlace(newStr, world, hello);

it's quite clear that the first one returns a value and the the second  
one does

it in place. Whereas if you have

auto newStr = replaceCopy(str, hello, world);
replace(newStr, world, hello);

the first one is clear, but the second one is only clear because seeing  
the first
one makes it obvious that the second one must be doing something  

I don't understand how the first two are clear and the last two are not so.
Where both have the name replace for different things, and replace to me  
means replace in place.

With this in hand, how is the first replace is quite clear?

I am sure this is the case for many people. Problem is the naming here.
If you have named it something like replaced and return a copy, it would  
be obvious and clear.
Here, aren't you just dictating functional language rules to a  
multi-paradigm language, implicitly?
In a fully functional language replace(something) might mean replace  
and give me a copy, but it is not what we have.

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Adam Ruppe
 Pre-built libs aren't all that useful anyway, for several reasons:

By pre-built I mean all the source is in one place, so the
compile Just Works, not necessarily being pre-compiled.

So if you downloaded mylib.zip, every file it needs is in there. No
need to separately hunt down random.garbage. as well.

Bascially, the developer can compile it on his machine. He sends
me the files he used to build it all in one place. That way, it
is guaranteed to work - everything needed is right there.

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Daniel Gibson

Am 20.01.2011 14:48, schrieb Adam Ruppe:

Pre-built libs aren't all that useful anyway, for several reasons:

By pre-built I mean all the source is in one place, so the
compile Just Works, not necessarily being pre-compiled.

So if you downloaded mylib.zip, every file it needs is in there. No
need to separately hunt down random.garbage. as well.

Bascially, the developer can compile it on his machine. He sends
me the files he used to build it all in one place. That way, it
is guaranteed to work - everything needed is right there.

Ah, ok.
I'd prefer a dependency-system though, so if mylib needs 
random.garbage.0.5.etc it should fetch it from the repository as well.
So when there's a non-breaking security update to random.garbage, mylib 
automatically gets it upon rebuild.

However, when there are breaking changes, random.garbage needs a new 
version (e.g. 0.6.etc instead of 0.5.etc).

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread so
You have to think of the normal sort as a performance hack, something  
that is good because copying data wastes a lot of time, if the array is  
large or if you have to sort an many small arrays. Normally in Python  
you prefer sorted(), that returns a sorted copy, unless performance is  
important. I'd like something like sorted() in D too.

I didn't know that, this solution is what i meant.
So, they didn't blindly enforce functional language rules to a  
non-functional language.


2011-01-20 Thread Jeff Nowakowski

On 01/20/2011 07:33 AM, Gour wrote:

On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:39:08 -0500
Jeff Nowakowskij...@dilacero.org  wrote:

No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down
the pike.

Then please, without any offense, do not give advises about something
which you did not try. I did use Ubuntu...

Please yourself. I quoted from the FAQ from the distribution's main 
site. If that's wrong, then Arch has a big public relations problem. I 
can make rational arguments without having used a system.

That's a heavy investment of time, especially for somebody
unfamiliar with Linux.

Again, you're speaking without personal experience...

From Jonathan M Davis in this thread:

There is no question that Arch takes more to manage than a number of 
other distros. [..] Arch really doesn't take all that much to maintain, 
but it does have a higher setup cost than your average distro, and you 
do have to do some level of manual configuration that I'd expect a more 
typical distro like OpenSuSE or Ubuntu to take care of for you.

Moreover, in TDPL's foreword, Walter speaks about himself as ..of an
engineer.., so I'm sure he is capable to handle The Arch Way

You're talking about somebody who is running a nearly 3 year old version 
of Ubuntu because he had one bad upgrade experience, and is probably 
running software full of security holes. If he can't spend a day a year 
to upgrade his OS, what makes you think he wants to spend time on a more 
demanding distro?

There are no incompatibilities...if I upgrade kernel, it means that
package manager will figure out what components has to be updated...

And what happens when the kernel, as it often does, changes the way it 
handles things like devices, and expects the administrator to do some 
tweaking to handle the upgrade? What happens when you upgrade X and it 
no longer supports your video chipset? What happens when you upgrade 
something as basic as the DNS library, and it reacts badly with your router?

Is Arch going to maintain your config files for you? Is it going to 
handle jumping 2 or 3 versions for software that can only upgrade from 
one version ago?

These are real world examples. Arch is not some magic distribution that 
will make upgrade problems go away.

Remember: there are no packages 'tagged' for any specific release!

Yeah, I know. I also run Debian Testing, which is a rolling release. 
I'm not some Ubuntu noob.

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Justin Johansson

On 20/01/11 10:33, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I'm consolidating some routines from std.string into std.array. They are
specialized for operating on arrays, and include the likes of insert,
remove, replace.

One question is whether operations should be performed in place or on a
copy. For example:

Though your question has already prompted a number of answers, are you 
sure that your question *saliently* poses the problem to be answered?

In short, work on stating the problem as succinctly as you can, rather 
than asking for answers that shoot from the hip.

Justin Johansson

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread so

In the meantime the world is going more functional... :-)

I love how they solve this problem, but if you go on that path while  
ignoring the reality there wouldn't be much of a reason using D, no? :)

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Adam Ruppe
 However, when there are breaking changes, random.garbage needs a new
version (e.g. 0.6.etc instead of 0.5.etc).

IMO the best way to do that would be to get everyone in the habit
of including the version in their modules.

module random.garbage.0.6;

import random.garbage.0.6;

That way, it is explicit, in the code itself, what you need and what
the library provides. This also lets the two versions reside next to
each other.

Say I import cool.stuff.1.0. cool.stuff imports useless.crap.0.4.

But I want useless.crap.1.0 in my main app. If they were both called
just plain old useless.crap, the two imports will probably break
something when we build the whole application.

But if the version is part of the module name, we can both import
what we need and use it at the same time. There would be no
import useless.crap module provided that actually does work. At
best, it'd say pragma(msg, useless.crap.1.0 is the most recent, please use 

If the thing without version annotation actually compiles, it'll
break eventually anyway, so forcing something there ensures long
term usefulness.

The bug fix version wouldn't need to be in the module name, since
they are (ideally) forward and backward compatible. Unit tests could
probably confirm that automatically.

Re: Another task

2011-01-20 Thread spir

On 01/20/2011 11:12 AM, bearophile wrote:
 And I suggest to add a third associative array member function that 
returns a range of key,value tuples, as in Python3. This allows to solve 
the task like this:

 auto r = map!q{ tuple(a[0]*10, a[1]~a[1]) }(aa.byPair());

Yes, this is the only nice looking, high-level, and D-style solution. 
While I by far prefer avoiding stringcode:

auto r = map!((p) (tuple(p[0]*10, p[1]~p[1])) (aa.byPair());
where p means pair; should be correct, should'nt it?

I think for a newcomer the most difficult part is related to tuples:
* find them (in std.typecons!!!)
* catch after much time, pains, research, they should not even try to 
construct a tuple using Tuple!, but using the convenience tuple() func 

And also that map expects a range, which an AA is not according to my 
trials (code rejected at link time until I used byKey). Or am I wrong?

PS: sh*t, I cannot have this work, what's wrong?

auto pairs = map!
((int i) {return tuple(10*i, aa[i]~aa[i]);})

vita es estrany

Re: filter!(not!(predicate))(someInputRange) does not compile

2011-01-20 Thread spir

On 01/20/2011 02:19 AM, Jens Mueller wrote:

Thanks. Can you elaborate a bit please? I wonder why the alias won't

Because in your original version the alias line does not define a func, 
but a kind of constant symbol. A higher order func like filter expects a 
func as first arg, not a constant. (my 2 c)

vita es estrany

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread so
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 16:30:40 +0200, Adam Ruppe destructiona...@gmail.com  

IMO the best way to do that would be to get everyone in the habit
of including the version in their modules.

module random.garbage.0.6;

import random.garbage.0.6;

Even better, we could enforce this to only module writers.

module random.garbage.0.6;
import random.garbage;

When you compile, you have to provide a path anyhow, less hostile to user  
and you don't have to change the code.


2011-01-20 Thread Gour
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:19:54 -0500
Jeff Nowakowski j...@dilacero.org wrote:

 Please yourself. I quoted from the FAQ from the distribution's main 
 site. If that's wrong, then Arch has a big public relations problem.

Arch simply does not offer false promises that system will Just
work. Still, I see the number of users has rapidly increased in last
year or so...mostly Ubuntu 'refugees'.

 You're talking about somebody who is running a nearly 3 year old
 version of Ubuntu because he had one bad upgrade experience, and is
 probably running software full of security holes. If he can't spend a
 day a year to upgrade his OS, what makes you think he wants to spend
 time on a more demanding distro?

My point is that due to rolling-release nature, distro like Archlinux
require less work in the case when one 'forgets' to update OS and has
to do 'major upgrade'. It was my experience with both SuSE and Ubuntu.

 And what happens when the kernel, as it often does, changes the way
 it handles things like devices, and expects the administrator to do
 some tweaking to handle the upgrade? What happens when you upgrade X
 and it no longer supports your video chipset? What happens when you
 upgrade something as basic as the DNS library, and it reacts badly
 with your router?

In the above cases, there is no distro which can save you from some
admin work...and the problem is that people expect such system where,
often, the only admin work is re-install. :-)

 These are real world examples. Arch is not some magic distribution
 that will make upgrade problems go away.

Sure. But upgrade in rolling-release distro is simpler than in
Ubuntu-like one.

 Yeah, I know. I also run Debian Testing, which is a rolling
 release. I'm not some Ubuntu noob.

Heh, I could imagine you like 'bleeding edge' considering you lived
with ~x86 and 'unstable' repos. ;)

Now we may close this thread...at least, I do not have anything more
to say. :-D



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

Description: PGP signature

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Adam Ruppe
 When you compile, you have to provide a path anyhow, less hostile to
 user and you don't have to change the code.

One of the things implicit in the thread now is removing the
need to provide a path - the compiler can (usually) figure it
out on its own. Try dmd -v and search for import lines.

But requiring it on the user side just makes sense if versioning
is important. Your program won't compile with a different version -
you aren't importing a generic thing, you're depending on something
specific. It should be explicit.

(Btw, this is the big failure of Linux dynamic libraries. They
started with a decent idea of having version numbers in the filename.
But then they ruined it by having generic symlinks that people can
use. They start using libwhatever.so when they really wanted
libwhatever.so.4.2. It's a symlink on their system, so Works for Me,
but if they give that binary to someone with a different symlink, it
won't work. Gah.)

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 09:58:17 -0500, Adam Ruppe destructiona...@gmail.com  

When you compile, you have to provide a path anyhow, less hostile to
user and you don't have to change the code.

One of the things implicit in the thread now is removing the
need to provide a path - the compiler can (usually) figure it
out on its own. Try dmd -v and search for import lines.

But requiring it on the user side just makes sense if versioning
is important. Your program won't compile with a different version -
you aren't importing a generic thing, you're depending on something
specific. It should be explicit.

(Btw, this is the big failure of Linux dynamic libraries. They
started with a decent idea of having version numbers in the filename.
But then they ruined it by having generic symlinks that people can
use. They start using libwhatever.so when they really wanted
libwhatever.so.4.2. It's a symlink on their system, so Works for Me,
but if they give that binary to someone with a different symlink, it
won't work. Gah.)

Hm... I thought the symlink was meant to point to binary-compatible  
bug-fix releases.  So for example, if you need libwhatever.so.4.2, you  
have a symlink called libwhatever.so.4 which points to the latest point  
revision that is binary compatible with all 4.x versions.  I think you  
still simply link with -lwhatever, but the binary requires the .so.4  
version.  I have seen a lot of libs where the symlink version seems to  
have nothing to do with the linked-to version (e.g. /lib/libc.so.6 -  
libc-2.12.1.so), that doesn't really help matters.

Given that almost all Linux releases are compiled from source, it's quite  
possible that one OS' libwhatever.so.4 is not compiled exactly the same as  
your libwhatever.so.4 (and might be binary incompatible).  This is  
definitely an issue among linuxen.


Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread foobar
Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

 On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:51:48 Trass3r wrote:
  If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way around.
  But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
  the function returns something for a reason.
 Actually, there are plenty of cases where you throw away the return value. A 
 number of overloaded operators are prime examples - such as opAssign. 
 std.algorithm.sort both sorts in place _and_ returns a sorted range (so that 
 other algorithms can then know that the range is sorted). It's really quite 
 to get legitimate cases where throwing away the return value makes perfect 
 sense. Now, if you're dealing with a strongly pure function which throws away 
 its return value, then yes, that's definitely bug, since the only effect of 
 function is its return value. Frequently however, that's not the case.
 Yes, you can have bugs because you didn't actually use the return value of a 
 function, but it's that necessarily uncommon to have function calls which 
 legitimately throw away their return value.
 - Jonathan M Davis

You brought up an interesting idea:
D already supports purity and as you said it doesn't make sense to discard 
return values of such functions. 
Therefore, it makes sense that for pure functions, this would result in a 
compile time error.

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:36:00 -0500, foobar f...@bar.com wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:51:48 Trass3r wrote:
 If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way  

 But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
 the function returns something for a reason.

Actually, there are plenty of cases where you throw away the return  
value. A

number of overloaded operators are prime examples - such as opAssign.
std.algorithm.sort both sorts in place _and_ returns a sorted range (so  
other algorithms can then know that the range is sorted). It's really  
quite easy
to get legitimate cases where throwing away the return value makes  
sense. Now, if you're dealing with a strongly pure function which  
throws away
its return value, then yes, that's definitely bug, since the only  
effect of the

function is its return value. Frequently however, that's not the case.

Yes, you can have bugs because you didn't actually use the return value  
of a
function, but it's that necessarily uncommon to have function calls  

legitimately throw away their return value.

- Jonathan M Davis

You brought up an interesting idea:
D already supports purity and as you said it doesn't make sense to  
discard return values of such functions.
Therefore, it makes sense that for pure functions, this would result in  
a compile time error.

Pure functions no longer have that requirement.  You can pass mutable  
references to pure functions, which makes them weak-pure.


Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Don

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:36:00 -0500, foobar f...@bar.com wrote:

Jonathan M Davis Wrote:

On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:51:48 Trass3r wrote:
 If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way 

 But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
 the function returns something for a reason.

Actually, there are plenty of cases where you throw away the return 
value. A

number of overloaded operators are prime examples - such as opAssign.
std.algorithm.sort both sorts in place _and_ returns a sorted range 
(so that
other algorithms can then know that the range is sorted). It's really 
quite easy
to get legitimate cases where throwing away the return value makes 
sense. Now, if you're dealing with a strongly pure function which 
throws away
its return value, then yes, that's definitely bug, since the only 
effect of the

function is its return value. Frequently however, that's not the case.

Yes, you can have bugs because you didn't actually use the return 
value of a
function, but it's that necessarily uncommon to have function calls 

legitimately throw away their return value.

- Jonathan M Davis

You brought up an interesting idea:
D already supports purity and as you said it doesn't make sense to 
discard return values of such functions.
Therefore, it makes sense that for pure functions, this would result 
in a compile time error.

Pure functions no longer have that requirement.  You can pass mutable 
references to pure functions, which makes them weak-pure.


If you don't use the return value of a strongly pure, nothrow function, 
you could be given a 'expression has no effect' error.

Currently the function call is silently dropped.

Casting between delegates with qualified value type parameters

2011-01-20 Thread Sean Eskapp
Delegates cannot be cast from one type to another, even if the only difference
in type is the qualifiers on value type parameters. However, the same code
works fine with functions instead of delegates, as such:

import std.stdio;

void foo(void function(int) bar)

void foobar(void delegate(int) bar)

void main()
foo   (function(int i)   { writeln(i); }); // OK
foo   (function(immutable int i) { writeln(i); }); // OK
foobar(delegate(int i)   { writeln(i); }); // OK
foobar(delegate(immutable int i) { writeln(i); }); // error

Is there a reason for this, or is it a bug?

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile

 If you don't use the return value of a strongly pure, nothrow function, 
 you could be given a 'expression has no effect' error.
 Currently the function call is silently dropped.

I have added this at the end of the enhancement request 5464 (but the error 
message is different).


Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile

 I didn't know that, this solution is what i meant.
 So, they didn't blindly enforce functional language rules to a  
 non-functional language.

Python was designed lot of time ago by Guido that I think didn't know much 
about functional programming. So they have first added an in-place sort() and 
later they have added a more functional sorted(). D2 is more functional than 
Python2, and I think the behaviour of sorted() is better to be the default one 
in D2 :-)


Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile

 I don't understand how the first two are clear and the last two are not so.
 Where both have the name replace for different things, and replace to me  
 means replace in place.
 With this in hand, how is the first replace is quite clear?

In Python I am used to immutable strings, so string methods like replace return 
a modified copy. D1 string functions are similar. I'd like D2 to be like Python 
here, but in practice an in-place replace procedure and a strongly-pure replace 
function that returns a modified copy are about equally clear :-) Yet, if you 
perform many in-place operations on strings you may get confused (it happened 
to me), such confusion is less common with functional-style string functions.


Re: Another task

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile

 Yes, this is the only nice looking, high-level, and D-style solution. 

I have added:

 While I by far prefer avoiding stringcode:
   auto r = map!((p) (tuple(p[0]*10, p[1]~p[1])) (aa.byPair());
 where p means pair; should be correct, should'nt it?

If you use a lambda template you need braces and the return statement:
auto r = map!((p){ return tuple(p[0]*10, p[1]~p[1]); })(aa.byPair());

 I think for a newcomer the most difficult part is related to tuples:
 * find them (in std.typecons!!!)
 * catch after much time, pains, research, they should not even try to 
 construct a tuple using Tuple!, but using the convenience tuple() func 

I agree that like dynamic arrays, tuples are better as built-ins, in D too. 
Another very useful thing is tuple unpacking syntax:

 And also that map expects a range, which an AA is not according to my 
 trials (code rejected at link time until I used byKey). Or am I wrong?

You aren't wrong.

 PS: sh*t, I cannot have this work, what's wrong?
 auto pairs = map!
  ((int i) {return tuple(10*i, aa[i]~aa[i]);})

Look at the answers by Simen kjaeraas in this thread, he has explained the 


Build tools (was: What Makes A Programming Language Good)

2011-01-20 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Russel Winder wrote:

 On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 12:32 +0100, Gour wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:13:00 +
 Russel Winder rus...@russel.org.uk wrote:
  SCons, Waf, and Gradle are currently the tools of choice.
 Gradle is (mostly) for Java-based projects, afaict?
 It is the case that there are two more or less distinct domains of build
 -- JVM-oriented, and everything else.  There is though nothing stopping
 a single build system from trying to be more universal.  Sadly every
 attempt to date has failed for one reason or another (not necessarily
 Basically there seems to be a positive feedback loop in action keeping
 the two domains separate:  basically the tools from one domain don't
 work well on the opposite domain and so no-one uses them there, so no
 evolution happens to improve things.
 In this particular case, Gradle has great support for everything
 JVM-related and no real support for C, C++, Fortran, etc.  All attempts
 to raise the profile of the Ant C/C++ compilation tasks, which Gradle
 could use trivially, have come to nothing.

Do you have an opinion for the .NET world? I'm currently just using MSBuild, 
but know just enough to get it working. It sucks. 


2011-01-20 Thread retard
Thu, 20 Jan 2011 13:33:58 +0100, Gour wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:39:08 -0500
 Jeff Nowakowski j...@dilacero.org wrote:
 No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down
 the pike.
 Then please, without any offense, do not give advises about something
 which you did not try. I did use Ubuntu...
 So instead of giving you a bunch of sane defaults, you have to make a
 bunch of choices up front.
 Right. That's why there is no need for separate distro based on DE user
 wants to have, iow, by simple: pacman -Sy xfce4 you get XFCE environment
 installed...same wit GNOME  KDE.

It's the same in Ubuntu. You can install the minimal server build and 
install the DE of your choice in similar way. The prebuilt images 
(Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, ...) are for those who can't decide 
and don't want to fire up a terminal for writing down bash code. In 
Ubuntu you have even more choice. The huge metapackage or just the DE 
packages, with or without recommendations. A similar system just doesn't 
exist for Arch. For the lazy user Ubuntu is a dream come true - you never 
need to launch xterm if you don't want. There's a GUI for almost 

 That's a heavy investment of time, especially for somebody unfamiliar
 with Linux.
 Again, you're speaking without personal experience...

You're apparently a Linux fan, but have you got any idea which BSD or 
Solaris distro to choose? The choice isn't as simple if you have zero 
experience with the system. 

 Moreover, in TDPL's foreword, Walter speaks about himself as ..of an
 engineer.., so I'm sure he is capable to handle The Arch Way (see
 section Simplicity at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux)
 which says: The Arch Way is a philosophy aimed at keeping it simple.

I think Walter's system isn't up to date because he is a lazy bitch. Has 
all the required competence but never bothers to update if it just works 
(tm). The same philosophy can be found in dmd/dmc. The code is sometimes 
hard to read and hard to maintain and buggy, but if it works, why fix it?

 The Arch Linux base system is quite simply the minimal, yet functional
 GNU/Linux environment; the Linux kernel, GNU toolchain, and a handful of
 optional, extra command line utilities like links and Vi. This clean and
 simple starting point provides the foundation for expanding the system
 into whatever the user requires. and from there install one of the
 major DEs (GNOME, KDE or XFCE) to name a few.

I'd give my vote for LFS. It's quite minimal.

 The upgrade problems are still there. *Every package* you upgrade has a
 chance to be incompatible with the previous version. The longer you
 wait, the more incompatibilities there will be.
 There are no incompatibilities...if I upgrade kernel, it means that
 package manager will figure out what components has to be updated...
 Remember: there are no packages 'tagged' for any specific release!

Even if the package manager works perfectly, the repositories have bugs 
in their dependencies and other metadata.

 Highlighting the problem of waiting too long to upgrade. You're
 skipping an entire release. I'd like to see you take a snapshot of Arch
 from 2008, use the system for 2 years without updating, and then
 upgrade to the latest packages. Do you think Arch is going to magically
 have no problems?
 I did upgrade on my father-in-law's machine which was more then 1yr old
 without any problem.
 You think there must be some magic to handle it...ask some FreeBSD user
 how they do it. ;)

There's usually a safe upgrade period. If you wait too much, package 
conflicts will appear. It's simply too much work to keep rules for all 
possible package transitions. For example libc update breaks kde, but 
it's now called kde4. The system needs to know how to first remove all 
kde4 packages and update them. Chromium was previously a game, but now 
it's a browser, the game becomes chromium-bsu or something. I have hard 
time believing the minimal Arch does all this.

Struct constructors

2011-01-20 Thread Sean Eskapp
In code like this:

import std.stdio;

struct foo
int val;

static immutable bar = foo(1);

this(int val)
this.val = 50;

void main()

The user-defined struct constructor is not called, because it's overridden by
a built-in constructor which treats it like an initializer list. Shouldn't
constructors in structs either generate errors/warnings, or work as they would
appear to?

Re: filter!(not!(predicate))(someInputRange) does not compile

2011-01-20 Thread Jens Mueller
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 1/19/11 7:19 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Place the call to not!alwaysTrue in a local function inside main:
  bool alwaysFalse(uint a) { return not!alwaysTrue(a); }
 Thanks. Can you elaborate a bit please? I wonder why the alias won't
 I thought of it for a bit. It's a limitation of the compiler that's
 worth a bug report. The explanation is a bit involved. Let me start
 by remarking that if you prepend static to alwaysTrue, the alias
 works as expected:
 static bool alwaysTrue(uint a) { return true; }
 alias not!(alwaysTrue) alwaysFalse;
 Without static, alwaysTrue has access to a hidden pointer to the
 stack frame of the function is in.

Yeah. That makes sense.
It has this hidden pointer to access variables from the function it is
defined in.

 In theory a template should be unable to manipulate alwaysTrue
 because of that frame pointer. But Walter has had this great idea of
 instantiating templates in the context of the function they're in,
 so they gain access to the frame pointer too. However, that
 instantiation mechanism still has a few limitations. I think the
 code above runs into one of them.

I see.
I can file a bug report if it is considered important and should not be


Re: Struct constructors

2011-01-20 Thread Sönke Ludwig

Am 20.01.2011 19:42, schrieb Sean Eskapp:

In code like this:

import std.stdio;

struct foo
int val;

static immutable bar = foo(1);

this(int val)
this.val = 50;

void main()

The user-defined struct constructor is not called, because it's overridden by
a built-in constructor which treats it like an initializer list. Shouldn't
constructors in structs either generate errors/warnings, or work as they would
appear to?

See http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3863.

Re: Another task

2011-01-20 Thread Simen kjaeraas

bearophile bearophileh...@lycos.com wrote:

I think for a newcomer the most difficult part is related to tuples:
* find them (in std.typecons!!!)
* catch after much time, pains, research, they should not even try to
construct a tuple using Tuple!, but using the convenience tuple() func

I agree that like dynamic arrays, tuples are better as built-ins, in D  
too. Another very useful thing is tuple unpacking syntax:


And if not necessarily being built-ins, they are useful enough to warrant
inclusion in object.d rather than std.typecons.


Re: Struct constructors

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r

Probably related to http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5460

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-01-20 10:19, Gour wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:40:49 +0100
Jacob Carlborgd...@me.com  wrote:

1. it uses python, yet another dependency

True, but it brings more features over e.g. cmake 'cause you have full
language on disposal.

I would go with a tool that uses a dynamic language as a DSL. I'm 
assuming you can embed the the dynamic language completely without the 
need for external dependencies.

2. it seems complicated

Well, build systems are complex... ;)


Hm, right. I was actually kind of thinking about a build tool, not a 
package system/tool. But it seemed complex anyway, it should be able to 
be quite simple.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-01-20 13:12, Daniel Gibson wrote:

Am 20.01.2011 00:54, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe:

Jesse Phillips wrote:

You can have the author release packaged libraries for developers
to use and the author should do this. So this begs the question of
what is the repository for?

It's so you have a variety of libraries available at once with
minimal hassle when you are originally writing something.

I really don't care about those libraries' implementation details.
I just want it so when I type import something.lib; in my
program it actually works. If something.lib's author wants to
use other.thing, great, I just don't want to think about it
anymore than I think about his private classes or functions.

Why is the tool going out to different URLs and downloading files
when you are supposed to use the pre-built lib?

Pre-built libs aren't all that useful anyway, for several reasons:
1. Templates
2. different operating systems: there would have to be pre-built libs
for Windows, OSX, Linux and FreeBSD (if not even more)
3. different architectures: there would have to be pre-built libs for
x86, AMD64 and, thanks to GDC and LDC, for about any platform supported
by Linux..

And then one library for each of the compilers (ldc, gdc and dmd), do 
the math and one will soon realize that this won't work. Although 
pre-built libraries that only work for a given platform might work.

Just provide source, so people can build their own libs from it or just
compile the sources like their own source files. This can still be done
automagically by the build-tool/package management.

- Daniel

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: What Makes A Programming Language Good

2011-01-20 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-01-20 15:58, Adam Ruppe wrote:

When you compile, you have to provide a path anyhow, less hostile to
user and you don't have to change the code.

One of the things implicit in the thread now is removing the
need to provide a path - the compiler can (usually) figure it
out on its own. Try dmd -v and search for import lines.

But requiring it on the user side just makes sense if versioning
is important. Your program won't compile with a different version -
you aren't importing a generic thing, you're depending on something
specific. It should be explicit.

(Btw, this is the big failure of Linux dynamic libraries. They
started with a decent idea of having version numbers in the filename.
But then they ruined it by having generic symlinks that people can
use. They start using libwhatever.so when they really wanted
libwhatever.so.4.2. It's a symlink on their system, so Works for Me,
but if they give that binary to someone with a different symlink, it
won't work. Gah.)

This is where the bundle tool (often used together with rails) shines. 
It's basically a dependency tool on top of rubygems which creates like a 
bubble for your application.

* You specify, in a in a gemfile, all the package/libraries your 
application depends on, if you want to can also specify a specific 
version of a package.

* Then when you want to deploy your application (deploy your rails site 
to the server) you lock the gemfile and it will create a new locked 
gemfile. The locked gemfile specifies the exact version of all the 
packages (even those you never specified a version for).

* Later on the server you run bundle install and it will use the 
locked gemfile and it will install the exact same versions of the 
packages you had on your developer machine.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Learning D

2011-01-20 Thread Adrian Mercieca
Hi guys,

Ok - thanks for your answers.

So, I will get TDPL book - all reviewers on amazon are raving about it.

As for the Phobos class library (coz that is the D2 standard lib no?), how 
can I get to grips with that? Does the book cover that? Or does the book 
just cover the core language?
Is there some online material for Phobos?


Re: Learning D

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
Adrian Mercieca:

 As for the Phobos class library (coz that is the D2 standard lib no?), how 
 can I get to grips with that? Does the book cover that? Or does the book 
 just cover the core language?
 Is there some online material for Phobos?

Phobos is a work in progress, TDPL doesn't cover it. You need to read the 
online docs and practice :-) Currently Phobos2 is not huge, so it doesn't take 
too much time to study it. Maybe Andrei is writing a book about Phobos2 too.


Re: filter!(not!(predicate))(someInputRange) does not compile

2011-01-20 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 1/20/11 12:47 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 1/19/11 7:19 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Place the call to not!alwaysTrue in a local function inside main:

 bool alwaysFalse(uint a) { return not!alwaysTrue(a); }

Thanks. Can you elaborate a bit please? I wonder why the alias won't

I thought of it for a bit. It's a limitation of the compiler that's
worth a bug report. The explanation is a bit involved. Let me start
by remarking that if you prepend static to alwaysTrue, the alias
works as expected:

static bool alwaysTrue(uint a) { return true; }
alias not!(alwaysTrue) alwaysFalse;

Without static, alwaysTrue has access to a hidden pointer to the
stack frame of the function is in.

Yeah. That makes sense.
It has this hidden pointer to access variables from the function it is
defined in.

In theory a template should be unable to manipulate alwaysTrue
because of that frame pointer. But Walter has had this great idea of
instantiating templates in the context of the function they're in,
so they gain access to the frame pointer too. However, that
instantiation mechanism still has a few limitations. I think the
code above runs into one of them.

I see.
I can file a bug report if it is considered important and should not be


Yes please. Make it an enhancement as it would remove a limitation of an 
otherwise little explored feature. Thanks!


Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 05:48:12 so wrote:
  auto newStr = replace(str, hello, world);
  replaceInPlace(newStr, world, hello);
  it's quite clear that the first one returns a value and the the second
  one does
  it in place. Whereas if you have
  auto newStr = replaceCopy(str, hello, world);
  replace(newStr, world, hello);
  the first one is clear, but the second one is only clear because seeing
  the first
  one makes it obvious that the second one must be doing something
 I don't understand how the first two are clear and the last two are not so.
 Where both have the name replace for different things, and replace to me
 means replace in place.
 With this in hand, how is the first replace is quite clear?
 I am sure this is the case for many people. Problem is the naming here.
 If you have named it something like replaced and return a copy, it would
 be obvious and clear.
 Here, aren't you just dictating functional language rules to a
 multi-paradigm language, implicitly?
 In a fully functional language replace(something) might mean replace
 and give me a copy, but it is not what we have.

replace is clearer in the first case, because you're getting the return value. 
you don't get the return value, then it's not immediately clear whether it's 
replacing world with hello in the return value or whether the function is 
void and world is being replaced in the original string (though they fact 
we're dealing with strings here means that it _can't_ alter the original string 
- it's more of a question when dealing with arrays with mutable elements).

Also, replaced would just be downright confusing to me, since it's not a verb. 
I'd expect it to be some sort of boolean test for whether something had been 
replaced, though that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the context. I 
functions to be verbs unless checking state. Now, as I understdand it, python 
uses past participles such as replaced and sorted, but having never programmed 
in python, I'm not particularly familiar with that naming scheme and it wouild 
really throw me off at first.

Regardless, I don't see anything wrong with naming functions in a manner that 
implies that a functional style is the default - particularly when we're 
about arrays, and they pretty much _have_ to be used in a functional style, 
because their elements are immutable.

Andrei is essentially asking us whether the default behavior of an array 
function should typically be to return the changed value or to change it in 
place, with the longer name going to the function which has the other behavior. 
And since strings _have_ to be copied/sliced, and strings are generally going 
be the most common type of array used, then it would make sense to make the 
default behavior be copying/slicing, making the functions which alter arrays in 
place have InPlace in their name.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Learning D

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 11:33:38 Adrian Mercieca wrote:
 Hi guys,
 Ok - thanks for your answers.
 So, I will get TDPL book - all reviewers on amazon are raving about it.
 As for the Phobos class library (coz that is the D2 standard lib no?), how
 can I get to grips with that? Does the book cover that? Or does the book
 just cover the core language?
 Is there some online material for Phobos?

TDPL mentions a little about Phobos but specifically avoids it on the whole, 
because Phobos is still very much a work in progress, and the intent of TDPL 
to teach the language, not the library. The online docs for Phobos can be found 
here: http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/phobos/phobos.html

They're really the only way to learn Phobos at this point other than reading 
source code, which is included in the zip file for the compiler. Overall, the 
documentation is fairly good though. The fact that the code can be documented 
place (similar to javadoc or doxygen) makes it much easier to have good 

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Struct constructors

2011-01-20 Thread Sean Eskapp
That looks like a similar issue. Thanks!

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 1/20/11, Jonathan M Davis jmdavisp...@gmx.com wrote:
 On Thursday 20 January 2011 03:51:48 Trass3r wrote:
 If such an annotation was introduced, it should be the other way around.
 But imo discarding a return value should always result in a warning,
 the function returns something for a reason.

 Actually, there are plenty of cases where you throw away the return value.

Yeah. There are functions that can return a value that also have
side-effects. An example might be a class method that modifies it's
private fields and might return the number of fields that were
affected. While you might not need the return value in most cases, you
do want the side-effects to happen. That's why forcing an error on
functions that return values which aren't used would not be a good
idea, and where the annotation idea comes from.

Re: filter!(not!(predicate))(someInputRange) does not compile

2011-01-20 Thread Jens K. Mueller
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 1/20/11 12:47 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 1/19/11 7:19 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:
 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Place the call to not!alwaysTrue in a local function inside main:
  bool alwaysFalse(uint a) { return not!alwaysTrue(a); }
 Thanks. Can you elaborate a bit please? I wonder why the alias won't
 I thought of it for a bit. It's a limitation of the compiler that's
 worth a bug report. The explanation is a bit involved. Let me start
 by remarking that if you prepend static to alwaysTrue, the alias
 works as expected:
 static bool alwaysTrue(uint a) { return true; }
 alias not!(alwaysTrue) alwaysFalse;
 Without static, alwaysTrue has access to a hidden pointer to the
 stack frame of the function is in.
 Yeah. That makes sense.
 It has this hidden pointer to access variables from the function it is
 defined in.
 In theory a template should be unable to manipulate alwaysTrue
 because of that frame pointer. But Walter has had this great idea of
 instantiating templates in the context of the function they're in,
 so they gain access to the frame pointer too. However, that
 instantiation mechanism still has a few limitations. I think the
 code above runs into one of them.
 I see.
 I can file a bug report if it is considered important and should not be
 Yes please. Make it an enhancement as it would remove a limitation
 of an otherwise little explored feature. Thanks!



2011-01-20 Thread arch 4 ever
Jeff Nowakowski Wrote:

 On 01/20/2011 07:33 AM, Gour wrote:
  On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 06:39:08 -0500
  Jeff Nowakowskij...@dilacero.org  wrote:
  No, I haven't tried it. I'm not going to try every OS that comes down
  the pike.
  Then please, without any offense, do not give advises about something
  which you did not try. I did use Ubuntu...
 Please yourself. I quoted from the FAQ from the distribution's main 
 site. If that's wrong, then Arch has a big public relations problem. I 
 can make rational arguments without having used a system.

Listen you haven't used Arch so u don't know a shit. Stop bashing other distros 
and stick with your Noobuntu. You suck

  That's a heavy investment of time, especially for somebody
  unfamiliar with Linux.
  Again, you're speaking without personal experience...
  From Jonathan M Davis in this thread:
 There is no question that Arch takes more to manage than a number of 
 other distros. [..] Arch really doesn't take all that much to maintain, 
 but it does have a higher setup cost than your average distro, and you 
 do have to do some level of manual configuration that I'd expect a more 
 typical distro like OpenSuSE or Ubuntu to take care of for you.

That was just bullshit. Gour said Arch is easier to administrate and it's true. 
Pacman creates new conf files in /etc. Use meld to fix them. Much easier than 
  Moreover, in TDPL's foreword, Walter speaks about himself as ..of an
  engineer.., so I'm sure he is capable to handle The Arch Way
 You're talking about somebody who is running a nearly 3 year old version 
 of Ubuntu because he had one bad upgrade experience, and is probably 
 running software full of security holes. If he can't spend a day a year 
 to upgrade his OS, what makes you think he wants to spend time on a more 
 demanding distro?

Once he learns the Linux way or the Arch way, he starts to suffer from sleep 
deprivation because the administration is so fun. 

  There are no incompatibilities...if I upgrade kernel, it means that
  package manager will figure out what components has to be updated...
 And what happens when the kernel, as it often does, changes the way it 
 handles things like devices, and expects the administrator to do some 
 tweaking to handle the upgrade? What happens when you upgrade X and it 
 no longer supports your video chipset? What happens when you upgrade 
 something as basic as the DNS library, and it reacts badly with your router?

It just manages it. Try it.

 Is Arch going to maintain your config files for you? Is it going to 
 handle jumping 2 or 3 versions for software that can only upgrade from 
 one version ago?


 These are real world examples. Arch is not some magic distribution that 
 will make upgrade problems go away.

The point is, it's better than Nooobuntu or Gentoo. It doesn't need more merits.

  Remember: there are no packages 'tagged' for any specific release!
 Yeah, I know. I also run Debian Testing, which is a rolling release. 
 I'm not some Ubuntu noob.

It's GNU/Debian Linux, not just Debian, you insensitive clod! Debian only 
contains ancient packages like kde 3 in their stable. It's for old bearded 

Re: Redux on either [was: either]

2011-01-20 Thread Peter Alexander

On 17/01/11 6:18 PM, Ary Manzana wrote:

Thanks. I searched it in wordrefence and define:redux and what is redux in 
Google with no luck.

The definition is the first answer on Google for both those searches :-)

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread spir

On 01/20/2011 11:31 AM, bearophile wrote:
 Andrej Mitrovic:

 I think what might help out in D is if we had a way to mark some
 functions so the compiler guarantees that their return values *are
 not* to be discarded. For example, this code will compile:

 import std.stdio;
 import std.string;
 void main()
  string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
  replace(s, lil, li'l);  // returns a copy, but discards it

 If the replace function is marked with some kind of @nodiscard
 annotation, then his would be a compile error since it doesn't make
 sense to construct a new string, return it, and discard it.

 But maybe that's going overboard. How often do these kinds of bugs 
creep in?

 Such bugs are common enough. GNU C has the warn_unused_result 
attribute (that is like your @nodiscard if you use -Werror to turn 
warnings into errors):


 Some C lints require a void cast where you don't want to use a 
function result:

 cast(void)replace(s, lil, li'l);

 In a language the default is different and where you don't want to 
use a function result you have to add an annotation:

 unused replace(s, lil, li'l);

 Something like @nodiscard is more useful in C than D because in C 
there are no true built-in exceptions, so error return values are 
common, and ignoring them is a mistake. In some cases like replace() or 
the C realloc() ignoring a result is always a programmer error. So 
something like @nodiscard is useful in D too.

But I thought D had such a feature already. Probably I'm confusing, but 
I think I've had compiler warning in such cases, procisely (ingoring a 
func result).

vita es estrany

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread spir

On 01/20/2011 12:33 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I'm consolidating some routines from std.string into std.array. They are
specialized for operating on arrays, and include the likes of insert,
remove, replace.

One question is whether operations should be performed in place or on a
copy. For example:

string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
// Implicit copy
auto s1 = replace(s, lil, li'l);
assert(s == Mary has a lil lamb.);
// Explicit in-place
replaceInPlace(s, lil, li'l);
assert(s == Mary has a li'l lamb.);

So that would make copying the default behavior. Alternatively, we could
make in-place the default behavior and ask for the Copy suffix:

string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
// Explicit copy
auto s1 = replaceCopy(s, lil, li'l);
assert(s == Mary has a lil lamb.);
// Implicit in-place
replace(s, lil, li'l);
assert(s == Mary has a li'l lamb.);


I have thought at these issues (there are several playing together) in 
other languages.

The first problem is indeed that both operations may often be useful. If 
you define it to operate in-place, then when the user instead wants a 
new element, they need copy first:

col2 = col1;
If instead you define it to create a new element, then conversely when 
the user wants it to operate in-place, they need to reassign:

col1 = col.sorted;

The second point is how to hint the user to the actual semantics, and 
avoid possibly naughty bugs. It's mainly a question of naming. I have 
decided to follow once and for all the below guideline:
* In-place modification is an action, thus it's name is an action verb, 
like sort (indeed, english is very often ambiguous; in such cases, 
verbal sense take precedence, else add some more word).
* Creating a new is a function in the pure, math, sense of the word (not 
the C sense); name after what it creates. Usually, a simple adjective 
does the job, else add a noun: sorted, sortedTable, sortedList.
* Never mix both action  function in the same routine (except for 
signaling error in language without any exception system).

It is often worth having both operations; difference of naming makes 
this easy to manage. When having both is overkill, I decided to return a 
new element for methods operating globally, and modify in-place for 
methods operating at the level of element(s). The reason is the first 
ones are usually costly, so it's worth using the safer functional scheme 
(and copying sometimes allows faster algo). While creating a whole new 
collection after any minimal change on element(s) is obviously not very 

These questions, as taken implicitely in this thread, mostly concern 
collections. Now, the case of string chosen as initial example is as 
always very particular. I'm not fan for this reason of the politics of 
using the same methods as for (other) arrays, except in cases where it's 
obvious. D strings are even more particular by having immutable 
elements. Well...

My 2 cents.

vita es estrany

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread Akakima
Is it ok to use:

In place:

trim( string )
replace( string, from, to )

or Copy:

trim( string, outstring )
replace( string, from, to, outstring )

Re: xxxInPlace or xxxCopy?

2011-01-20 Thread foobar
Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

 I'm consolidating some routines from std.string into std.array. They are 
 specialized for operating on arrays, and include the likes of insert, 
 remove, replace.
 One question is whether operations should be performed in place or on a 
 copy. For example:
 string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
 // Implicit copy
 auto s1 = replace(s, lil, li'l);
 assert(s == Mary has a lil lamb.);
 // Explicit in-place
 replaceInPlace(s, lil, li'l);
 assert(s == Mary has a li'l lamb.);
 So that would make copying the default behavior. Alternatively, we could 
 make in-place the default behavior and ask for the Copy suffix:
 string s = Mary has a lil lamb.;
 // Explicit copy
 auto s1 = replaceCopy(s, lil, li'l);
 assert(s == Mary has a lil lamb.);
 // Implicit in-place
 replace(s, lil, li'l);
 assert(s == Mary has a li'l lamb.);

Like bearophile and others, I too would prefer the default behavior to be the 
functional option and return a copy by default. As already mentioned this 
agrees with the immutable d string types.

Regarding the naming scheme we have several options:
1. overload based on immutability. The type system will do the right thing for 
you but this may be confusing to read, especially if one uses auto frequently.
2. Use past tense a-la python (sort vs. sorted). This reads more naturally for 
native English speakers but has the same issues as English itself (all those 
language exceptions such as split). 
3. use artificial scheme such as Ruby's bang (sort vs. sort!). This is my 
preferred option. Benefits are consistency and is easier for for non native 
English speakers.
Unfortunately, D doesn't allow '!' in function names. __InPlace is clear but 
also verbose. Perhaps we could use some other, more terse, notion? 
something like:
sort vs. sort@ OR sort vs. sort# ?

My two cents...

Stack-allocared linear closures in ATS

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
The ATS language contains a metric ton of nice ideas. ATS programs are 
sometimes faster than C ones (because its type system allows to avoid some 
runtime tests done in C programs, allows some higher order optimizations, etc) 
despite the programmer has ways to write them in much safer way than C ones. 
ATS faces this mix of so strong design requirements with a very complex type 
system that's hard to use. So it's not a normal language, you need to think of 
it as something else, more like a theorem proving language like Agda that also 
produces very efficient binaries.

This is a little example of a safer usage of a C library from ATS:

Recently I have found that ATS has two main kinds of closures, normal 
heap-allocated ones managed by the GC (as D2 ones), and linear closures that 
require manual freeing of their memory. Linear closure may also allocated on 
the stack, avoiding the need of the free, and making them quite efficient:

Being D2 a language that looks for performance too, the idea of stack closures 
may be of interest.


Ad hoc ranges

2011-01-20 Thread Tomek Sowiński
Doing my own deeds, I often found myself in need of writing up a range just to 
e.g. feed it into an algorithm. Problem is, defining even the simplest range -- 
one-pass forward -- is verbose enough to render this (correct) approach 

This is how I went about the problem:

auto range(T, Whatever)(lazy bool _empty, lazy Whatever _popFront, lazy T 
_front) {
struct AdHocRange {
@property bool empty() { return _empty(); }
void popFront() { _popFront(); }
@property T front() { return _front(); }
return AdHocRange();

--- example ---

try { ... }
catch(Throwable t)
auto r = range(t is null, t = t.next, t);

// process exception chain...

I don't know a terser way to get a full-fledged range. It comes at a cost, 
though. Lazy parameters are just sugar over delegates, so it's not exactly 
Usain Bolt**... And you can't return it because by bug or by design lazy 
parameters (unlike vanilla delegates) don't work like closures. Still, even 
with the overhead and limitations the idiom is remarkably useful, especially in 
face of range-unfriendly libraries from outside D realm.



** Of course, there exists a somewhat more verbose compile-time variant of the 
idiom I presented.

Re: Ad hoc ranges

2011-01-20 Thread bearophile
Tomek Sowiñski:

 auto range(T, Whatever)(lazy bool _empty, lazy Whatever _popFront, lazy T 
 _front) {

I am not sure, but I think Andrei has deprecated the lazy attribute.


Re: Ad hoc ranges

2011-01-20 Thread Tomek Sowiński
bearophile napisał:

 I am not sure, but I think Andrei has deprecated the lazy attribute.

Yes, but AFAIR in favor of implicit conversions of expressions to parameterless 
delegates, which strengthens my little idiom.


Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Luke J. West
Hi to all from a total noob.

first of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with D. In fact, I keep
pinching myself. Have I *really* found a language worth leaving C++ for
after two decades? It's beginning to look that way. Obviously I'm
devouring the 2.0 documentation right now, but have not yet found out
how to create a new instance of an existing class object. What I mean
is, given...

auto a = new A;

how do I, in c++ speak, do the D for...

A  b(a); // or if you prefer...
A* b = new A(a);

I'm sure this must be trivial.

Many many thanks,


Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Ellery Newcomer


On 01/20/2011 07:18 PM, Luke J. West wrote:

how do I, in c++ speak, do the D for...

A  b(a); // or if you prefer...
A* b = new A(a);


A b = new A(a);

I'm sure this must be trivial.

Many many thanks,


Re: Potential patent issues

2011-01-20 Thread Don

BlazingWhitester wrote:

I spotted some patents that can theaten current DMD implementation.
Wanted to clarify things.

http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6185728.pdf - this patent describes 
method pointers implementation (delegates)

This was obviously a patent aimed at protecting Delphi from VB. It's all 
about the RAD designer: visual connections between GUI elements and 
events has a 1:1 correspondence with code; delegates are used to achieve 

D delegates can store a data pointer to a nested function, or to an 
object. This is rather more general (not an object-oriented feature), 
and doesn't provide a 1:1 correspondence to visuals.
I presume they were only able to satisfy the requirements for novelty 
and non-obviousness, because of the RAD usage. In fact, there doesn't 
seem to be any suggestion that delegates would be used for anything else.
The more general idea of storing a data pointer and a function pointer 
together is simple and obvious, and surely has prior art.

Re: Ad hoc ranges

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 16:19:54 bearophile wrote:
 Tomek Sowiñski:
  auto range(T, Whatever)(lazy bool _empty, lazy Whatever _popFront, lazy T
  _front) {
 I am not sure, but I think Andrei has deprecated the lazy attribute.

In general or on a specific function? I'm pretty sure that lazy isn't going 
anywhere as far as the language goes. It's used on enforce, and Andrei hasn't 
wanted to make enforce take a non-lazy attribute. Also, for cases like the unit 
testing functions that I've been working on to get into Phobos, the loss of 
would be pretty devastating. You could still do the, but it would be much 

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Ad hoc ranges

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 16:12:58 Tomek Sowiński wrote:
 Doing my own deeds, I often found myself in need of writing up a range just
 to e.g. feed it into an algorithm. Problem is, defining even the simplest
 range -- one-pass forward -- is verbose enough to render this (correct)
 approach unprofitable.
 This is how I went about the problem:
 auto range(T, Whatever)(lazy bool _empty, lazy Whatever _popFront, lazy T
 _front) { struct AdHocRange {
 @property bool empty() { return _empty(); }
 void popFront() { _popFront(); }
 @property T front() { return _front(); }
 return AdHocRange();
 --- example ---
 try { ... }
 catch(Throwable t)
 auto r = range(t is null, t = t.next, t);
 // process exception chain...
 I don't know a terser way to get a full-fledged range. It comes at a cost,
 though. Lazy parameters are just sugar over delegates, so it's not exactly
 Usain Bolt**... And you can't return it because by bug or by design lazy
 parameters (unlike vanilla delegates) don't work like closures. Still,
 even with the overhead and limitations the idiom is remarkably useful,
 especially in face of range-unfriendly libraries from outside D realm.

What types of stuff do you need ad-hoc ranges for? What's the use case? I've 
never actually needed such a thing. I'm curious. If it's really something 
likely to be generally useful, then a function similar to what you're 
probably should be added to std.range.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 17:18:48 Luke J. West wrote:
 Hi to all from a total noob.
 first of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with D. In fact, I keep
 pinching myself. Have I *really* found a language worth leaving C++ for
 after two decades? It's beginning to look that way. Obviously I'm
 devouring the 2.0 documentation right now, but have not yet found out
 how to create a new instance of an existing class object. What I mean
 is, given...
 auto a = new A;
 how do I, in c++ speak, do the D for...
 A  b(a); // or if you prefer...
 A* b = new A(a);
 I'm sure this must be trivial.
 Many many thanks,

Well, you could create a constructor which is effectively a copy constructor. 
There has been talk of a general cloning mechanism which would give you a 
correct clone method essentially for free, but it hasn't been done yet (not 
why; I don't recall exactly where the last discussion on that went other than 
was generally accepted that we wanted something like that). However, at the 
moment, I'm not aware of any general way to copy a class instance like you're 
trying to do.

Structs have postblit constructors:


where a shallow copy of the struct is made prior to entering this(this), and 
then you do whatever you need to do inside it to make it a deep copy (or just 
don't have a postblit constructor if you don't need a deep copy). However, 
classes are reference types and don't have anything like that.

So, we need to add a means to generate clone methods for classes so that 
classes will be easy, but we haven't done it yet. I'm not sure what the current 
obstacles to doing it are.

- Jonathan M Davis

Why is the in storage class missing from the ParameterStorageClass enum?

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

alias ParameterStorageClassTuple STCTuple;
alias ParameterStorageClass STC;

void foo(in int[] x) { /*x[0] = 5; // This would be a compile-time error*/ }
void bar(int[] x) { x[0] = 5; }

void main()
assert(STCTuple!foo[0] == STC.NONE);
assert(STCTuple!bar[0] == STC.NONE);

Someone said that in was the default storage class when there is no storage 
class specified for a parameter. But if that is true then how come bar can 
modify the contents of the x parameter? If parameters really have in as the 
default storage class, bar's function body would be a compile time error, just 
like foo's is if you uncomment its code. (Yes, I know a fat pointer is passed 
in with both functions. But in is supposed to give some guarantees as to what 
you can do with a parameter.)

So, which part of this am I misunderstanding here?

Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 1/20/11 7:18 PM, Luke J. West wrote:

Hi to all from a total noob.

first of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with D. In fact, I keep
pinching myself. Have I *really* found a language worth leaving C++ for
after two decades? It's beginning to look that way. Obviously I'm
devouring the 2.0 documentation right now, but have not yet found out
how to create a new instance of an existing class object. What I mean
is, given...

auto a = new A;

how do I, in c++ speak, do the D for...

A  b(a); // or if you prefer...
A* b = new A(a);

I'm sure this must be trivial.

Many many thanks,


Hopefully this won't mark a demise of your newfound interest :o). If A 
were a struct, auto b = new A(*a) would do. For classes, D does not 
provide automatic copy constructors; you need to define and follow a 
sort of cloning protocol.

That being said, it's not difficult to define a generic function that 
copies fields over from one class object to another. Here's a start:

import std.stdio;

void copyMembers(A)(A src, A tgt) if (is(A == class)) {
foreach (e; __traits(allMembers, A)) {
static if (!is(typeof(__traits(getMember, src, e)) == function)
e != Monitor)
__traits(getMember, tgt, e) = __traits(getMember, src, e);

class A {
int x = 42;
string y = hello;
final void fun1() {}
void fun2() {}
static void fun3(){}

void main() {
auto a = new A;
a.x = 43;
auto b = new A;
copyMembers(a, b);
assert(b.x == 43);

I think copyMembers belongs to the standard library. I wanted to define 
a family of functions like it but never got around to it.


Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Be afraid.. be very afraid!

import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

enum fields = [__traits(allMembers, Foo)];

string populateFields(string[] haystack)
string result;
while (haystack.length  0)
switch (haystack[0])
case __ctor:
case __dtor:
haystack = haystack[1 .. $];  // skip ctors, dtors,
can't assign those..

result ~= this.
   ~ haystack[0]
   ~  = foo.
   ~ haystack[0]
   ~ ;;

haystack = haystack[1 .. $];
return result;

class Foo
int x;
int y;
this(Foo foo)



void main()
auto foo = new Foo();
foo.x = 1;
foo.y = 2;

auto bar = new Foo(foo);

assert(foo !is bar);
assert(bar.x == 1);
assert(bar.y == 2);

There's a ton of nonsensical compile errors if I try to use
[__traits(allMembers, Foo)] inside the mixin call itself btw.

Okay, this really is just a silly example, but I like having fun with
string mixins. :-)

Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
Ah, damnit, Andrei beat me to the punch!

Well, at least his methods make much more sense than my little hacks.

Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 1/21/11, Andrei Alexandrescu seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org wrote:
 I think copyMembers belongs to the standard library. I wanted to define
 a family of functions like it but never got around to it.

It's a shame we can't use .dup. It would look really nice in code.

Re: Why is the in storage class missing from the ParameterStorageClass enum?

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Thursday, January 20, 2011 19:03:09 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 import std.stdio;
 import std.traits;
 alias ParameterStorageClassTuple STCTuple;
 alias ParameterStorageClass STC;
 void foo(in int[] x) { /*x[0] = 5; // This would be a compile-time error*/
 } void bar(int[] x) { x[0] = 5; }
 void main()
 assert(STCTuple!foo[0] == STC.NONE);
 assert(STCTuple!bar[0] == STC.NONE);
 Someone said that in was the default storage class when there is no
 storage class specified for a parameter. But if that is true then how come
 bar can modify the contents of the x parameter? If parameters really have
 in as the default storage class, bar's function body would be a compile
 time error, just like foo's is if you uncomment its code. (Yes, I know a
 fat pointer is passed in with both functions. But in is supposed to give
 some guarantees as to what you can do with a parameter.)
 So, which part of this am I misunderstanding here?

Umm. in is never the default. in is essentially an alias for const scope. The 
default is non-shared and mutable.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why is the in storage class missing from the ParameterStorageClass enum?

2011-01-20 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 1/21/11, Jonathan M Davis jmdavisp...@gmx.com wrote:
 Umm. in is never the default. in is essentially an alias for const scope.
 default is non-shared and mutable.

 - Jonathan M Davis

That's what I thought. But I did saw it mentioned in this NG a couple
of times, I can't remember by who though.

In any case, in seems to be missing from that enum definition. So
unless there's a specific reason for its absence, I'd file an
enhancement request.

Re: Constructors (starstruck noob from C++)

2011-01-20 Thread Robert Jacques
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 22:02:42 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu  
seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org wrote:

On 1/20/11 7:18 PM, Luke J. West wrote:

Hi to all from a total noob.

first of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with D. In fact, I keep
pinching myself. Have I *really* found a language worth leaving C++ for
after two decades? It's beginning to look that way. Obviously I'm
devouring the 2.0 documentation right now, but have not yet found out
how to create a new instance of an existing class object. What I mean
is, given...

auto a = new A;

how do I, in c++ speak, do the D for...

A  b(a); // or if you prefer...
A* b = new A(a);

I'm sure this must be trivial.

Many many thanks,


Hopefully this won't mark a demise of your newfound interest :o). If A  
were a struct, auto b = new A(*a) would do. For classes, D does not  
provide automatic copy constructors; you need to define and follow a  
sort of cloning protocol.

That being said, it's not difficult to define a generic function that  
copies fields over from one class object to another. Here's a start:

import std.stdio;

void copyMembers(A)(A src, A tgt) if (is(A == class)) {
 foreach (e; __traits(allMembers, A)) {
 static if (!is(typeof(__traits(getMember, src, e)) == function)
 e != Monitor)
 __traits(getMember, tgt, e) = __traits(getMember, src, e);

class A {
 int x = 42;
 string y = hello;
 final void fun1() {}
 void fun2() {}
 static void fun3(){}

void main() {
 auto a = new A;
 a.x = 43;
 auto b = new A;
 copyMembers(a, b);
 assert(b.x == 43);

I think copyMembers belongs to the standard library. I wanted to define  
a family of functions like it but never got around to it.


First, why not use tupleof? b.tupleof = a.tupleof; works perfectly fine,  
simpler and ahem, actually works. __traits(getMember, ...) has to obey  
scoping rules, so using it with a class that defines private variables  
results in a message like class hello.A member x is not accessible.  
Furthermore, you need to filter allMembers by a lot more than just  
function and Monitor as it also includes enum constants, etc. Having  
tried using it for serialization, I know it's non-trivial to use  
correctly, if you only want the actual data fields.


void copyMembers(A)(A src, A tgt) if (is(A == class)) { tgt.tupleof =  
src.tupleof; }

Re: Why is the in storage class missing from the ParameterStorageClass enum?

2011-01-20 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

 On 1/21/11, Jonathan M Davis jmdavisp...@gmx.com wrote:
 Umm. in is never the default. in is essentially an alias for const scope.
 default is non-shared and mutable.

 - Jonathan M Davis

 That's what I thought. But I did saw it mentioned in this NG a couple
 of times, I can't remember by who though.
 In any case, in seems to be missing from that enum definition. So
 unless there's a specific reason for its absence, I'd file an
 enhancement request.

It's not needed because it should resolve to SCOPE for ParameterStorageClass 
and const is not a storage class, but a type constructor.

Re: Assigning Interface to Object

2011-01-20 Thread Trass3r
 Object is only the base class for all D classes. Interfaces may also
 represent COM objects or C++ classes, which are not subclasses of

Can't the compiler check if it is a normal D interface and then allow
(implicit) casts to Object?

Re: Assigning Interface to Object

2011-01-20 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 02:01:26 -0500, Mandeep Singh Brar  
mand...@brars.co.in wrote:

This would be easily resolved if interfaces were known to be Objects. 

But shouldnt this be the case, because there would be nothing called as  
Interface which can be pointed to; it would be an Object which is  
implementing an
interface which is being pointed to. So shouldnt Interfaces be Objects  
Otherwise, wouldnt it defeat the purpose of having Object as the base  
class for


The issue is COM interfaces.  What bugs me about it is, whether an  
interface derives from IUnknown is known at compile time.  I don't think  
it's possible to define an interface that *doesn't* derive from IUnknown  
that is not a D Object.  I believe the compiler even handles IUnknown  
interfaces differently.

I think the problem is that COM support was added when compile-time  
functionality was in its infancy.  There are quite a few legacy problems  
due to that.  For instance, the builtin array sort routine does not use  
compile-time information.

It would be nice to fix this problem, but I'm not sure how willing Walter  
is to do it.  For sure, we need a solution to the opEquals problem.


Re: Detecting at compile time if a string is zero terminated

2011-01-20 Thread Johannes Pfau
Jesse Phillips wrote:
First off no. Second, is their really going to be a performance gain
from this. I wouldn't expect static strings to be converted very
often. And last I will copy and past a comment from the source code:

Thanks for your reply.
In case you don't know: gettext is used to translate strings.
You call gettext(english string) and it returns the translated
string. Gettext might be the only corner case, but the strings gettext
returns are usually not cached and big projects could translate many
strings, so I thought it could be an issue. But maybe I'm
overestimating that.
I had a look at the source code of toStringz and found the comment you
mentioned. The comment is for toStringz(const(char)[] s)
toStringz(string s) is even more interesting in this case as it does do
that optimization in most cases. I think that's good enough ;-)

Johannes Pfau

Description: PGP signature

Source code annotations alla Java

2011-01-20 Thread Justin Johansson
Not long ago the Java Language people introduced the idea of annotations 
together with an annotation processing tool (apt).

Now perhaps the idea of source code annotations is not actually a Java 
invention per se, however for someone learning D is there any equivalent 
idiom [of Java annotations] in the D language?

Re: Source code annotations alla Java

2011-01-20 Thread Justin Johansson

On 21/01/11 00:47, Justin Johansson wrote:

Not long ago the Java Language people introduced the idea of annotations
together with an annotation processing tool (apt).

Now perhaps the idea of source code annotations is not actually a Java
invention per se, however for someone learning D is there any equivalent
idiom [of Java annotations] in the D language?

Fair to add that while finding the Java Language annotation concept 
interesting I am not entirely sure as to its usefulness.

Thanks for answers,
Justin Johansson

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