Re: Is D a good choice for embedding python/octave/julia

2016-03-15 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 03/13/2016 02:36 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

InterpContext context = new InterpContext();

 import numpy
 a = numpy.eye(2, dtype='complex128')

 context.a.to_d!(Complex!double[][] )();

nitpicking, but the outdent is unnecessary, py_stmts calls it.

hm. maybe that should be documented..

Re: Calling python code from D

2016-02-27 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 February 2016 at 21:40:45 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
I have a project I started in Python before I realised I really 
don't enjoy Python.  It's been on the back-burner for a few 
years and I'd like to start again in D, but there's a 
particular python module (Mutagen) that I outright refuse to 
reimplement.  What's the state of the art in calling Python 
code from D?

I have a hunch PyD fits somewhere in this equation, but the 
documentation is pretty sparse, and what little I can find 
about this area makes it seem like a fairly tedious manual 
process.  Is there a less-painful and intensive way to truss 
things up?  Something to generate a simple D wrapper from a 
python module?


If you want to call python from D, you should be able to install 
pyd with dub. Depending on your python setup, it should Just 
Work. If python is set up weird (ubuntu), you will need to 
generate some custom dub config and insert it in your dub.json. 
look for on github for the generation 
part. or install pyd with pip and run python -m 

after that, you should be good to go. some example usage off the 
top of my head that probably doesn't compile:

InterpContext context = new InterpContext();
  from mutagen.flac import FLAC
  audio = FLAC("example.flac")
  audio["title"] = "An example"
auto audio =;

Re: Future(s) for D.

2015-06-20 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d

On 06/20/2015 07:00 AM, Etienne wrote:

On Saturday, 20 June 2015 at 13:33:34 UTC, Dragos Carp wrote:

On Saturday, 20 June 2015 at 12:35:11 UTC, weaselcat wrote:

I recently read this facebook post on their future implementation in
their Folly library.

This made me slightly envious. Thoughts on a D implementation?

Even if the callbacks are sequentially listed, the callback hell is
still there.

A better solution is to use fibers. You can take a look at a fibers[1]
and tasks[2] implementation in asynchronous library[3].

[1] -

[2] -

[3] -

Yep, looks like we already have better. I don't understand how D hasn't
fully picked up in Web Dev at this point. Are they expecting an
e-commerce/blogging/cms platform to go with it?

A while back I was bored and curious to see how vibe would fare in the 
web framework benchmarks ( so I 
started adding vibe to it 

Chose to go with ddb. Postgresql+asynchronous, sounds great. It didn't 
compile with the latest dmd at the time. So I fixed it up, made a PR, 
and it worked fine.

It looked like I was getting results close to netty (in json 
serialization) without much effort, but ultimately, I set it aside to 
wait for my PR to be merged.

what is the deal with ddb, anyways? Is it dead?

Re: Dlang seems like java now,but why not let d more like C# Style?

2015-03-16 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 14:58:54 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:

Even if we can't get the lambdas as syntax tress, the fact that 
we can send whatever types we want to the delegates and 
overload operators and stuff means we can still convert the 
lambdas into SQL.

There are limitations on operator overloading that make it much 
less likely you can use the exact same lambdas for collections 
and sql. Bad for testability.

At any rate, I really don't like what C# did with LINQ-to-SQL. 
The whole special-syntax to functional-style to syntax-tree to 
SQL is too overcomplicated - a simply lisp-style macro 
system(like what they have in Scala or Rust) could have done 
the trick in a simpler and faster way.

overcomplicated? probably - it's microsoft. And any time I have 
to manipulate the ASTs I find myself wishing for a language with 
pattern matching. I wonder if F# offers anything in that regards..

Re: Dlang seems like java now,but why not let d more like C# Style?

2015-03-14 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 23:57:33 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 23:46:28 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 
And C# has LINQ, which when combined with the last point is 
fricken awesome.

what does LINQ offer that UFCS-style functional programming 
does not?

LINQ basically is a UFCS-style api. AST reflection is what makes 
it nice.


X.Where(x = x.Members.Count() == x.Admins.Count())

straightforward in both D and C# when X is an array or container 

When X is a table in a database, things get tricky for D.

C# can interpret the lambda as an ExpressionFunc (an AST type), 
so the implementation of X can reflect over the body of the 
lambda and use it to generate the appropriate SQL. ORMs such as 
entity framework and nhibernate do this now.

Re: Dlang seems like java now,but why not let d more like C# Style?

2015-03-14 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 13:52:13 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

I don't have any C# experience so I can't compare those 
languages much, but I've heard people say their are D / C# 

Anyway, this isn't a criticism of your comment, I was just 
curious what (other than the shared C++ syntax heritage) you 
find so Java-like in D?



I've been using C# pretty extensively for the last year or so. 
Superficially, at least, C# and D are pretty similar, eg auto 
(var), foreach, lambdas, classes and structs. C# is more biased 
towards OO than D.

Metaprogramming is significantly weaker in C#. This is probably 
the one area where I've wished for some of D's functionality.

Reflection is all runtime.

C# has some AST capabilities that D doesn't. This is probably the 
main area where I envy C# when using D.

And C# has LINQ, which when combined with the last point is 
fricken awesome.

Re: embedding Pyd in Windows program

2015-03-14 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 07:28:04 UTC, Matt wrote:

Yeah, dub is what I'm using. Actually, I made a mistake 
regarding the py_eval. I'm including the pyd modules in a 
module other than the one that has my main() function, so they 
weren't visible. I feel like a proper idiot for that one..

So I set up a separate project to test the samples exactly. The 
simple_embedded sample seems to work no problem.

I haven't gotten round to trying the shared_embedded, yet, but 
I will do at some point.

Does pyd have any documentation, or are we working from the 
source for understanding the functions?

there is readthedocs:

there is [old] ddoc:
which I've been meaning to figure out how to get into readthedocs.

there is a confluence space:

where I occasionally log tidbits that might be of value

Re: embedding Pyd in Windows program

2015-03-13 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 March 2015 at 19:05:59 UTC, Matt wrote:

example code, see if I can figure it out, but if you can 
advise, that would be fantastic. Thank you for all the help so 
far, it's really been appreciated

My penitence for not putting this information on readthedocs.

I've tried the hello.d example from GitHub, and get the error 
   Error: template instance py_eval!string template 'py_eval' 
is not defined

Unfortunately, that's all I seem to get. Is py_eval not 
deprecated in 0.9.4?

hmm. that's odd. are you trying to build with dub? the only 
examples that build with dub are in examples/dub. the rest use 

Re: embedding Pyd in Windows program

2015-03-13 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 March 2015 at 09:38:45 UTC, Matt wrote:

I used the ~0.9.4 branch in dub, and I'm not sure how to 
change configuration. Do you mean I should be using ~master 
or ~develop?

nope. configurations are a different thing.

you can set them in your project's dub.json. example:

for your project, I think you'd want

subConfigurations: {
  pyd: python34,

as for the transferring the python3.dll, I downloaded and 
installed a fresh copy of the latest Python build, version 3.4, 
and copied the libraries from there. Even so, I had to add 
PYD_PACKAGE_DIR manually to get it to work.

PYD_PACKAGE_DIR is necessary for linking the OMF files found in 
infrastructure/windows. hmm. why did it not Just Work?

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to run the python snippet you 
sent, since my program, which currently opens a window for 
three seconds before closing again, doesn't even get that far, 
and chokes when I run py_init().

you can put it in the top of

Re: embedding Pyd in Windows program

2015-03-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 03/11/2015 07:59 PM, Matt wrote:

Right, copying into my program's working dir sorts out the
missing module error, but I now get a syntax error:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Error executing command run: Program exited with code 1

I googled this, and apparently it's caused by an older interpreter. The
only files I have transferred over are:

Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong, or how I can fix

I'm guessing your python path is screwed up. In your embedded python,

import sys
print (sys.path)

make sure everything is pointing where it should.

Failing that,

are you using the correct dub configuration? without checking, I believe 
it defaults to python 2.7.

Failing that,

you transferred python3.dll from somewhere to somewhere? I believe pyd 
links to \windows\system32\python3.dll or some such. At least, I think 
that's where those lib files point to. not sure. If that is an issue and 
you want to use your own lib files, you will need to generate OMF files 
from them.

Re: PyD-like wrapping for Excel/VBA and Julia?

2014-12-18 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/18/2014 12:41 PM, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

I have a bunch of D functions I would like to make available to Excel
(and possibly Julia) without having to write wrappers for each function

I've thought about refactoring the reflection parts of pyd into a 
reusable library for e.g. resurrecting RuD. Come to think of it, that 
would probably be necessary for supporting pypy.

It'd be a heck of a lot of work, though.

For your wrapper, you can probably do something like

extern(Windows) double vbwrap_test(double* inp,size_t num_inp,double* 
oup,size_t num_oup)

return test(inp[0 .. num_inp], arg_oup[0 .. num_oup]);

with .dup sprinkled in as you see fit. And you don't need to explicitly 
copy the results back! Might need to take the ref off oup in test..

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/07/2014 03:12 PM, Michael wrote:

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able to try the
finished result.

My build servers are broken at the moment, but I think I have this 
fixed, on linux at least.

Re: detaching a thread from druntime 2.067

2014-12-16 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/16/2014 10:41 AM, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 December 2014 at 04:56:10 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

If I have a thread that I need to detach from druntime, I can call
thread_detachInstance, but for 2.066, this function does not exist. Is
there any way to do this in 2.066? I notice there is a
thread_detachByAddr, but I'm not sure how to get a ThreadAddr out of a


the thread I want to detach isn't currently running.

Re: Travis-CI support for D

2014-12-15 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/14/2014 03:03 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 12/10/2014 08:50 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.

trying it out with pyd, and I'm getting

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory

are shared libraries supported?

.. I'll take that as a no, then.

detaching a thread from druntime 2.067

2014-12-15 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I have a thread that I need to detach from druntime, I can call 
thread_detachInstance, but for 2.066, this function does not exist. Is 
there any way to do this in 2.066? I notice there is a 
thread_detachByAddr, but I'm not sure how to get a ThreadAddr out of a 

Re: Travis-CI support for D

2014-12-14 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/10/2014 08:50 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.

trying it out with pyd, and I'm getting

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory

are shared libraries supported?

Re: Travis-CI support for D

2014-12-13 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12/10/2014 08:50 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce that D support on Travis-CI was launched today.

I'm a noob when it comes to travis, so it isn't readily apparent to me, 
but given this, would travis support a build that installs a d compiler 
and also some version of python?

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-07 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/07/2014 03:12 PM, Michael wrote:

On Saturday, 6 December 2014 at 00:40:49 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

This is great.. Thank you. I'm looking forward to being able to try the
finished result.

It would be great if there were some convenient hook in python to stick 
these calls. Near as I can tell, there isn't. That leaves you with 
either explicitly calling attach and detach with an exposed api, or pyd 
obsessively checking whether the current thread is registered.

Actually, I suppose with a thread local flag the latter wouldn't be too bad.

Mind if I incorporate your example into pyd's test suite?

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/04/2014 10:55 PM, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

by gum, thread_attachThis and thread_detachThis fix the issue!

now to figure out how to use them in the general case.

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/04/2014 02:11 PM, Michael wrote:

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 03:22:05 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:


Not sure what went wrong with dustmite, but every time I tried it it
just started deleting all the files in the directory and would
give errors. I manually deleted a reasonable chunk of the code and I'm
left with these files which still seem to cause segfaults:

Main code:
PyD definitions:
test code that causes segfaults:


hmm.. looks like here it originates in python when it tries to acquire 
the GIL. specifically, pthread_cond_timedwait is segfaulting.

in your code, execution inside a python thread makes it to 
receiveTimeout in get_image. it made it past receiveTimeout in acquire.

then I guess there is a context switch. the main python thread throws an 
exception, but a number of things trigger the segfault. I think it's 
just the interpreter loop calling RestoreThread. backtrace looks like

#0  pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_timedwait.S:238
#1  0x003799d07bb3 in PyCOND_TIMEDWAIT (cond=0x379a063220 gil_cond,
mut=0x379a0631e0 gil_mutex, us=5000)
at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.3.2/Python/condvar.h:103
#2  take_gil (tstate=tstate@entry=0x604410)
at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.3.2/Python/ceval_gil.h:224
#3  0x003799d081fb in PyEval_RestoreThread 


It looks like this is the python main thread.

I see two other threads. (i took out one of your python spawns) #2 looks 
to be your listener thread. std.concurrency.send seems to have gotten it 
into a gc_malloc, but it looks like it's just waiting. it's currently in 
sem_wait. this one would have been spawned in D code by #3

#3 is your other python thread. it is also in pthread_cond_timedwait. by 
its stack trace, receiveTimeout is just waiting.

I guess tomorrow I can try messing around with thread_attachThis, as the 
fullcollect happening in #2 might be screwing with python data. But you 
aren't really passing anything from python to d or vice versa, so I'm 
not sure why the gc would need to know about the python threads.

not exactly my area of expertise, this.

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-03 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/03/2014 04:43 PM, Michael wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 21:35:48 UTC, ketmar via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

ah, dsource strikes back! that vile site keep biting us again and
again. let's hope that new admins will kill it for good.

Yeah. I've got the new PyD and it compiles and does everything I want
much nicer, but it appears to have the exact same problems. When calling
a python thread to my code, it can cause segfaults and hanging issues.


okay. that's not too surprising.

If you can get me a minimal example, I'd be happy to have a look since 
pyd should probably support this case.

Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-03 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/03/2014 06:56 PM, Michael wrote:

On Thursday, 4 December 2014 at 02:31:51 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

okay. that's not too surprising.

If you can get me a minimal example, I'd be happy to have a look since
pyd should probably support this case.

Cool. Unfortunately most of the times I've attempted to reduce this down
it always seems to work, but I think that's because I often did the
example code in D. I'll play around with it and try to send you an example.



Re: threading issues with D - C - Python

2014-12-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/02/2014 05:07 PM, Michael wrote:

Hi. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm not sure this is the
right subforum for it, but wasn't sure where else to put it either.

I've written a library to talk to some external hardware using a socket.
It uses the std.concurrency threads to send messages between the main
D-object for the hardware and the D-object for the sockets. I then
wanted to be able to call these functions from Python. PyD appeared to
be out of date, so I've been using a D - C interface, and a C - Python
interface. The python code will often run from different python threads,
so I then added yet another message-passing layer between the D-C
interface and the D-hardware interface.

are you looking at this pyd:

Re: building shared library from D code to import into cython

2014-10-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 October 2014 at 16:07:19 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Any thoughts on speed in 2014  of pyd vs using cython to talk 
to D directly via C/C++ interface?  I saw this old coment here:

pyd is basically just a convenience layer on top of the C 
interface. The part that would most likely screw with performance 
would be conversion from D objects to python objects and vice 
versa since that normally does a value copy. At the time of that 
comment, pyd's strategy for arrays was just iterate and convert 
each element. Now pyd can take advantage of the buffer protocol 
if it is exposed (2.7+), so converting e.g. numpy arrays should 
be just a memcopy.

If you want by ref semantics instead of by value, use PydObject 
instead of a D type in your function signature. You can also turn 
off all conveniences and just use the C api with raw_only 

Re: building shared library from D code to import into cython

2014-10-09 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 00:25:57 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:


Thanks for the quick response.

The -defaultlib was left around from trying all kinds of 
combinations of dmd and gcc.  I am not used to gcc, and it will 
take me some time to become properly acquainted with all the 

I managed to get it to compile with default dmd rpm:

fedora 20, x86_64

Are you aware of pyd? (

It knows how to build shared libraries, so I recommend you play 
with it, if only to watch how it does that. Biggest gotcha is 
starting up druntime.

how to tell if a thing is a template

2014-08-23 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Can't think off the top of my head how you do this

template IsTemplate(alias t) {

static assert(IsTemplate!IsTemplate)

Re: Something like Python's psutils for D?

2014-07-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 08:34:41 UTC, Thomas Mader wrote:
The Subject says it all, is something like psutils available in 

would psutils itself be acceptable?

Re: readln for tango with d2?

2014-06-23 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 10:52:32 UTC, seany wrote:

Doese tango come with a readline fucntion for d2?

from this site, i was unable to find anything in my search :, maybe?

Re: C++'s defaulted comparison operators proposal

2014-06-18 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 05:49:30 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Can you come up with a D library solution to the following 
C++11 proposal:

did this years ago (or something similar, at least):


Re: pyd - continuous integration

2014-06-10 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at 14:39:25 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
If you can spare the time / HW resources, I'd probably go with 
Vagrant and Buildbot, but then again I would since I'm familiar 
with both.


I stumbled on vagrant a few months ago but haven't had a chance 
to play with it yet. I take it you need a pretty beefy box to use 

Another thing I was envisioning is a web page that shows test 
results for each combination so that it is easy for a casual user 
to determine pyd's status. Does buildbot have this sort of thing?

pyd - continuous integration

2014-06-09 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d
So pyd is at the point where it really needs some sort of test 
suite runner. It's kind of complicated since I need to test 

* multiple versions of dmd/ldc/gdc
* multiple versions of python (2.4 - 3.4, but I'm thinking of 
dropping 2.4 and 2.5 this year)

* redhat, ubuntu, osx, windows, etc

Does anyone have any suggestions on how or where to set this up? 
I had a peek at atlassian bamboo, but it looks like it only plays 
with ec2, which I don't know anything about.

Re: Fedora DMD package

2014-06-06 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 15:24:20 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

OK, I can perhaps see why glibc-devel, but the rest? And why 

packages on an x86_64 machine?


to support -m32, probably

cannot allocate memory in static TLS block

2014-06-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d

I have a ubuntu 12.04 spin in which I am running

dmd hello.d -shared

on an empty hello.d. attempting to use it (python) results in

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 1, in module
import hello
ImportError: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ cannot 
allocate memory in static TLS block

anyone else seeing this?

dmd 2.065, deb package from

Re: Linking with C on Windows

2014-06-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 23:12:56 UTC, Mark Isaacson wrote:

I need to eventually be able to export a
dll that can talk with anything.

how would using dmc conflict with this goal?

dmd/dmc output omf object files, windows infrastructure is all 
coff object files. linux/mingw/etc are.. something else..

your options are

1. use dmd/dmc, and if you need to link to windows api dlls or 
others, use coffimplib (here - to convert 
the appropriate lib files.

2. if you can stomach the loss of generality, use dmd -m64, which 
does output coff object files and go your merry way with vc++. (I 
don't do this, so don't quote me on this)

3. use the mingw builds of ldc/gcc (I don't do this either and 
can't comment on how much fun you'll have getting dlls out of 
them/linking to other dlls)

Re: Using D static library from C

2014-06-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 18:51:25 UTC, George Sapkin wrote:
I'm trying to link a simple D static library to C code, but I'm 
can't figure out how to do it properly without getting a 
segfault when running it.

try this:

dmd -lib test.d -defaultlib=libphobos2.a -oflibtest.a
gcc main.c libtest.a -l:libphobos2.a -lpthread -lm -lrt

Re: Using D static library from C

2014-06-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 02:17:50 UTC, George Sapkin wrote:

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 02:13:08 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 18:51:25 UTC, George Sapkin wrote:
I'm trying to link a simple D static library to C code, but 
I'm can't figure out how to do it properly without getting a 
segfault when running it.

try this:

dmd -lib test.d -defaultlib=libphobos2.a -oflibtest.a
gcc main.c libtest.a -l:libphobos2.a -lpthread -lm -lrt

Awesome! That works! Thanks.
So is dmd linking to shared/different phobos2 by default or 

yeah, is the other option, I guess it's 
default now.

Re: dxl (the d port of jexcelapi)

2014-05-22 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 20:57:08 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:
So i was thinking i wonder if anyone has a d library for excel 
and behold there it was. however, it seems like d has grown 
since this was written.

I'm getting bunches of errors telling me that i can't override 
a function without the override keyword. which is not a big 
deal, however I seem to be missing libraries.; cannot be found :(
is this equivalent to std.datetime?

dcollections.LinkList; I found it but should i use It? is there 
not something in std.containers; that would replace it?

Last I used std.containers (which admittedly has been a few 
years), I developed a pretty deep distrust of DList. Personally, 
I would use multi_index, but you are probably better off sticking 
with dcollections. unless steve hasn't been maintaining it..

Also, I'm the author/porter of dxl. I think I quit maintaining it 
because I was waiting for the new io api, which I guess still 
hasn't happened. I don't really have time to work on it right 
now, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.

string - string literal

2014-04-20 Thread Ellery Newcomer via Digitalmars-d-learn
is there a function in phobos anywhere that takes a string and 
escapes it into a string literal suitable for string mixins? 
something like

assert (f(abc\ndef) == \abc\\ndef\);

on interfacing w/C++

2014-04-13 Thread Ellery Newcomer
(Putting this out there because it sounds like I'm going to get 
scooped in the near future)

So last week I was dinking around with the idea of a library to 
support calling C++ functions. So I wrote some ct code to emulate 
g++ 4.8.2's mangling scheme, and wrote a bit more code to wrap 
it, and calling conventions seemed to work out, and this is what 
I got:

for the C++:

class X {
int i;

int y();
void z(int j);

static int abu(int j);

do this:

mixin CppClass!(X,
typeof(new class {
int i;
int y();
void z(int j);

static int abu(int j);
mixin(X.Externs); // waa, issue 12575

it generates something like

struct X {
int i;
int y() {
return _ZN1X1yEv(this);
void z(int j) {
_ZN1X1zEi(this, j);
static int abu(int j) {
return _ZN1X3abuEi(j);
extern(C) int _ZN1X1yEv(X*);
extern(C) void _ZN1X1zEi(X*,int);
extern(C) int _ZN1X3abuEi(int);

And it all seems to work. pointer params, reference params, 
variadic params, operators, templates all seem within ready reach.

virtual functions are going to be difficult - I guess you'd have 
to have a complete and accurate list of all fields in the class 
and all its superclasses. And all virtual functions. But g++ 
inserts a vtable symbol for classes with virtual functions - does 
anyone know what the heck that is?

Same for constructing a C++ object from within D - you need a 
valid sizeof.

other compilers won't work as above, the mangling scheme used by 
eg DMC doesn't produce valid D identifiers. Is there a pragma or 
anything to get around this?

And I totally spaced on exceptions until I looked on this forum a 
few minutes ago.

So my plan is to get all these bits implemented, then build a 
tool to validate the C++ and D sides match up, then build a tool 
to generate the D side from C++ headers. And then start expanding 
the list of supported C++ compilers.

Does this sound like a reasonable project? The points of concern 
I am worried about most are:

safety associated with supporting virtual functions
if a c++ mangler is stateful, that would shut me down pretty 
it requires the C++ compiler/version be specified at a library 

exceptions probably won't work

Re: GDC ARM beta #1 (with binary releases!)

2014-04-01 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Monday, 17 March 2014 at 14:07:13 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:
I'm happy to announce the first GDC ARM beta on behalf of the 

team :)


Just tried building it with crosstools-ng on my poor old laptop, 
and 90 minutes in it gives me

Error: selected processor does not support ARM mode `vpop 

Any thoughts? My guesses are 1. set Default Instruction Set to 
thumb (?) or 2. the submodules didn't update on git pull. But 
I've gotten a working compiler out of this config before, from 
Mr. Pfau's fork a few months ago, so prolly not 1.

I'd test these myself, but I don't have a spare 180 minutes 

gdc-4.8 branch; gcc-4.8.1, should be the linaro source, but not 

Re: Interface D with other languages

2014-03-29 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Wednesday, 26 March 2014 at 14:52:56 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

This seems to be a D - python !

a D - python even!

annotations would be a nifty enhancement, something like

class Foo {
public void bar() {

// no expose
public Fizz baz() {



Re: Python calling D

2014-02-06 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:17:30 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

On Tue, 2014-02-04 at 12:45 +, Artem Tarasov wrote:

But it does lead to a working system :-)

Any particular reason you aren't using CeleriD to build this 
shared lib? CeleriD uses some hooks to call rt_init when the 
library loads.

see so_ctor.c and python_so_linux_boilerplate.d

Also, note however you do it, if you have multiple shared libs, 
don't call initialize/term more than once. segfaults happen.

Re: Python calling D

2014-02-01 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Sunday, 26 January 2014 at 14:17:18 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2014-01-26 at 12:11 +, Russel Winder wrote:

However with Python 2 the example from:

leads to:

This all sounds suspiciously like stuff I thought I'd already 
fixed. see

Re: Python calling D

2014-02-01 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Saturday, 1 February 2014 at 22:02:24 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

My problem of the moment is segmentation faults during 
execution, and I

have no model of how to go about providing useful data to debug
this :-((

It wouldn't by any chance be related to

would it?

Re: GDC and Fedora 20

2014-01-25 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Wednesday, 15 January 2014 at 18:34:41 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

Russel Winder wrote:

2) As Iain noted, I have made GCC SPEC which basically builds 
what I call
system GCC - a set of GCC packages that are installed in /usr 
. This package
is for those brave enough to replace GCC RPMs with my GCC RPMs. 
I use this for
years, however I did not have time to work on 4.8 RPMs. It 
should not take long
for me to provide SPEC for 4.8.x, but what will take long is to 
provide support
for various Fedora versions (check , 
search for gcc). I
do not have time for this, as I have more important projects I 
work on, that is
why I never announced availability of Fedora GCC SPEC file 
which builds GDC as


When I made my gdc rpms I had it build the entire gcc and then 
just pull out the ~ 10 new files and install those on top of gcc

Re: Python calling D

2014-01-25 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Friday, 24 January 2014 at 10:55:34 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Probably want to use a virtualenv for this rather than install 
into the

base installation

you can also do

python build
python -b hello

It needs to work for Python 3.3 as well!

try the latest commit

Re: Shared library: loading doesn't call shared static this

2013-12-08 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 10:31:32 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:

Thank you, and yazd, it did the trick.
May I ask why I don't want to call it multiple time though ?
From the sentence If the runtime was already successfully 
initialized this returns true., I though this was handled in 
some way. Or do you mean, multiple time in case of multiple 
libraries ?

rt_term at least will [did] segfault when you call it a second 
time. So just don't have N shared libs each with a ctor calling 
rt_init and dtor calling rt_term.

Re: how to compose delegate type

2013-12-08 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Sunday, 8 December 2013 at 00:43:51 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:

What is wrong with the current template which returns an 
immutable delegate type? It still store you're immutable member 

It composes the wrong type. It composes a type that has different 
constness than the target type, which will likely cause problems 
due to transitive const.

Anyways, I'm trying to find a workaround to

Re: Shared library: loading doesn't call shared static this

2013-12-07 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 20:11:15 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:

afaik, druntime does not officially support the C main, D shared 
library use case yet.

If you have only 1 D shared library, you can insert calls to 
rt_init and rt_term into shared lib constructors/dtors with gcc. 
This has worked for me in pyd:

You don't want to be calling rt_init or rt_term multiple times, 

Re: how to compose delegate type

2013-12-07 Thread Ellery Newcomer
On Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 19:36:50 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

This declaration doesn't make sense to me:

string a() immutable {
return  1;

Re: how to compose delegate type

2013-12-06 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 12/05/2013 09:33 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

I don't think I understand what you mean:

this code illustrates it:

class Z {
string a() immutable {
return  1;
string b() {
return 2;

template F(t) {
alias immutable(t) F;
alias typeof(Z.init.a) Texpected;
alias typeof(Z.init.a) T;

static assert(is(F!(T) == Texpected));

void main() {}

above F doesn't work; immutable(void delegate()) and void delegate() 
immutable are different types (I think the latter means 'this' is 
If t were a function pointer, you would apply the immutable to the 
pointer target like so:

alias immutable(pointerTarget!t)* F

how to compose delegate type

2013-12-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer

how do I construct F!(T) to yield

void delegate() immutable

when T is void delegate()


[its been a long day]

Re: PyD status on fedora 19?

2013-11-29 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 16:37:36 UTC, Neal Becker wrote:

Just trying PyD on fedora 19 x86_64.

I install ldc (and friends) using yum.

Then I did hg clone

Now after python install --user, I go to try hello: 

[nbecker@nbecker7 hello]$ python build --compiler=ldc

use dmd. ldc doesn't support building shared libraries.

Re: PyD status on fedora 19?

2013-11-29 Thread Ellery Newcomer
On Saturday, 30 November 2013 at 05:51:43 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

use dmd. ldc doesn't support building shared libraries.

also, use 2.063. I think compilation broke in 2.064 for some 
reason. I plan on fixing this next week.

Re: Need help making minimal bare metal ARM Cortex-M D program

2013-11-24 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/24/2013 06:21 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:19:43 +0100
schrieb Mike

On Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 12:53:42 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

On Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 12:43:01 UTC, Mike wrote:

I am very new to D, but I finally got my toolchain compiled
and working.  I'm using LDC.  I failed with GDC and eventually
gave up.

I know Johannes has some patches yet to trickle down into gdc.
And druntime is does not support ARM fully in 2.063, but it
would be helpful if you could take some time to let people know
what went wrong when you tried things, rather than just giving
up.  Otherwise, nothing will get fixed.

Cortex-M is the 'bare metal' branch of ARM where you usually don't run
linux so druntime won't work anyway. There are some compiler fixes in
my branch that could be interesting though:

BTW: I'll start merging back the fixes to gdc master this week. Some
fixes have to be merged into phobos upstream though so it might take
some time.

I actually tried to get a gdc build a week or two ago for a cortex-a8 
using ng-crosstools-linaro. I managed to get up to compiling druntime, 
which then was pointing to a commit prior to

so it failed. Then I figured I'd wait for your fixes.


2013-11-23 Thread Ellery Newcomer

is there any particular reason it is missing


and friends?

Re: Red-Black tree storing color without additional memory requirements

2013-11-20 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/20/2013 06:50 AM, bearophile wrote:


Since the GC supports interior pointers, I think you can justify using
the least significant bits as long as the size and alignment of the
pointed object guarantee that the pointer + tag will always lie inside
the memory block.


Do not take advantage of alignment of pointers to store bit flags in
the low order bits:


ha. I did this with steve's rb tree. hasn't bit me yet.

Re: bitwise operation and type

2013-11-20 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/20/2013 11:21 PM, bioinfornatics wrote:

why this fail

as with c, most of the integer operators return int for integral types 
smaller than int. also, this is a case where

a += b

does something different than

a = a + b

i guess the former automatically inserts a cast or something.

I want to works with ubyte -  
i do not want use int for manipulating these byte and consume more
memory as need!

tough. use a cast.

Re: Fedora RPMs

2013-11-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/19/2013 12:14 AM, Dejan Lekic wrote:

by gum, I think you did it right too. I can build a shared lib straight
out of the box. Well, unittests seem not to be running, and I'm sure
they were a release or two ago. we'll see.

I did not check unittests to be honest, will do that later.

Well, don't worry too much; I'm doing Unsupported Things:

But I checked, the unittest definitely ran in dmd 2.063.2 with my build 
at least.

I also noticed some odd compilation failures so had to revert to above 
build. When I get done with my custodial work on pyd (which might take a 
while), I'll switch back to your rpms and poke around more.

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-19 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/18/2013 11:21 AM, Kapps wrote:

On Monday, 18 November 2013 at 16:03:54 UTC, IgorStepanov wrote:
it can't be
used to generate new code.

Sure it can. Generate lambda expression tree; invoke Compile(). You just 
can't rewrite existing code.

Re: Fedora RPMs

2013-11-18 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/18/2013 05:11 PM, Dejan Lekic wrote:

Hello everybody.

I have just committed few changes to
fedora that allow you to build functional RPMs on your Fedora 19 systems.
I will aim for now to support F19, F20, EL5 and EL6. If someone needs
support for something else, please send patches or just simply come to IRC
and let me know what is the problem. :)

this is pretty nice setup you got here.

Few remarks - SPEC file expects source files to be on
files/ . I hope our release manager, or so-called build master will
make sure provides source tarballs of dmd, phobos, druntime and
tools the same or similar way I have them on (btw,
you can't browse it yet, but you can download files).

would it be possible to link to appropriate github repo changesets using 
git submodule, and then generate the tarballs from those?

I use the simple (located in the dmd directory in the dejan-
fedora repo) to get those release tarballs from GitHub.

Finally, I decided to be little bit adventurous and made the SPEC file
generate dmd.conf with flag in DFLAGS.

by gum, I think you did it right too. I can build a shared lib straight 
out of the box. Well, unittests seem not to be running, and I'm sure 
they were a release or two ago. we'll see.

Following Fedora package guidelines, I provide static library in the
libphobos-static package instead.

lovely. wait, 42 megabytes? there's one file in that package.. wow.

So far it all works fine. I did not test the i686 packages yet, they
should work. :)

Kind regards, and I hope you find this useful as much as I do.

Me too, I'm sick of maintaining my own buildscripts.

A few suggestions:

/usr/share/d/samples is in dmd-...-{architecture???}, shouldn't they be 
in a noarch package, like libphobos-devel?

shouldn't dmd require libphobos-devel rather than libphobos?

libphobos installs; shouldn't it have also installed, cuz you know, this is dmd 2.064.2, and also most 
libs in my /usr/lib seem to follow the format

no dustmite? waaa.. ok fine.

From my own experience, I believe you are going to want

Requires:   glibc-devel(x86-32)
Requires:   glibc-devel(x86-64)

in the dmd package to ensure -m32/-m64 work properly

feel free to take any more from

I don't know if those Provides are necessary, but I do remember it took 
me a frustrating amount of time to get the 64 bit one right.

Re: (Linux) Which compilers should be working now with shared libraries?

2013-11-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/16/2013 02:40 PM, qznc wrote:

On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 13:00:54 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On Friday, 15 November 2013 at 20:17:38 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Oops, this was answered with not ready yet a few topics
earlier. Ok, then static D libs only for now.

That applies only to loading, linking shared libraries works.

I think telling anybody shared libraries do (not) work is too
simplistic. Is there an overview, what does and what does not work with
shared libraries? I envision a matrix with one axis dmd, gdc, ldc and
one axis linking shared C library, loading/unloading shared C
libraries, link shared D library into D, link shared D library into C, ...

and then another axis for dmdfe/druntime release, and then another axis 
for platform, and then another axis for architecture

and then this becomes maybe a bit much for a wiki system to handle.

But I would like something like this too.

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/17/2013 11:41 AM, Simen Kjærås wrote:

Source is attached. I hope God forgives me.

I suppose you'd have to do something like

x.Where(OR( NOT(Args.thing = thing), Args.sing = sing))

for nesting and negation and all that.

I'd wait for walter to relax the restrictions on ==, , etc operator 
overloading. Then you probably could do

x.Where(X = X.thing != thing || X.sing == sing)

let's see here. If X's type is QueryExp!Entity and the return type is 
SomeRange!Entity then querying looks doable.

how about composing expressions? take the result of that lambda EXP,
EXP = EXP  X.cling == 1; // should work fine?

how about decomposing expressions?
EXP = EXP.lhs; // should work fine?

EXP.rhs.rhs.value // returns sing - should work fine? the lambda 
should create a closure, so we should be able to get out any value we put in

you won't be able to do

x.Where(X = upper(X.thing) == THING)

without ast macros but will have to be satisfied with

x.Where(X = X.thing.upper() == THING)

will you be able to do

x.Where(X = X.thing == THING  x.Any(X2 = X2.thing == X.thing !=


either Any would have to be only for template expressions, or X would 
have to be an outer context like so:

x.Where(X = == THING  X.x.Any(X2 = == !=

because x.Any(...) should return bool, but inside the query expression 
it should return QueryExp. In both cases it would take a param of

QueryExp delegate(QueryExp)

Anybody else have any other ideas?

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-13 Thread Ellery Newcomer
On Wednesday, 13 November 2013 at 10:51:48 UTC, Simen Kjærås 

On 12.11.2013 18:53, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

It's perfectly possible in D to make this work:

hey, cool impl

*comprehends code*

I mean Ewww

I *can* make that work. I'm not going to.


I concur with the second part.

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/12/2013 06:38 AM, John Colvin wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 13:50:49 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

auto person = Person.where(e = == John);

Translates to:

select * from person where name = 'John'

for those of us entirely unfamiliar with linq, what is this supposed to
do? Select people with name John from a collection of people, like in
sql? It seems trivial to do this using filter, or am I missing

linq provides an interface to query any collection, but what is 
interesting in this case is

Person.where(e = == John)

invokes an engine that builds the necessary sql to issue an equivalent 
query to your sql database and assembles the results into a range of 
Person. And it can do this for any arbitrary predicate (well, almost. It 
doesn't handle function calls to arbitrary code too well).

the .NET framework can do this because it exposes an api for querying, 
building, and compiling asts.

D cannot do this because it doesn't. (and I have tried to make it work)

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 16:14:57 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 15:21:16 UTC, Ellery Newcomer 

On 11/12/2013 06:38 AM, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 November 2013 at 13:50:49 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

auto person = Person.where(e = == John);

Translates to:

select * from person where name = 'John'

for those of us entirely unfamiliar with linq, what is this 
supposed to
do? Select people with name John from a collection of 
people, like in

sql? It seems trivial to do this using filter, or am I missing

linq provides an interface to query any collection, but what 
is interesting in this case is

Person.where(e = == John)

invokes an engine that builds the necessary sql to issue an 
equivalent query to your sql database and assembles the 
results into a range of Person. And it can do this for any 
arbitrary predicate (well, almost. It doesn't handle function 
calls to arbitrary code too well).

the .NET framework can do this because it exposes an api for 
querying, building, and compiling asts.

D cannot do this because it doesn't. (and I have tried to make 
it work)

oh, I see. Would AST macros really be enough to make this work 
in D? Arbitrary code is a huge feature space in D, including 
much that doesn't map well to anything outside of a relatively 
low-level language, let alone SQL.
I can see it quickly becoming a nightmare that would be worse 
than just issuing the predicate as an sql string or some 
generic equivalent.


s/arbitrary code/simple to moderately complex expressions that 
don't call functions that aren't explicitly handled by the 
translation engine/

and this is a better representation of what linq can do in e.g. 
entity framework.

and you could go the route of django models, e.g.

Place.objects.filter(name=Bob's Cafe)

as long as you had enough metadata set up. you could probably get 
this to work in D, but

A. it looks like crap
B. it in no way resembles sql
C. it would look like even worse crap in D (no named parameters!)
D. it doesn't readily permit you to make queries with complex 
expression trees (idk, maybe something like linq's

Places.Where(p = p.Elev  200  Addresses.Any(a = a.State == 

why am I arguing against this? nobody wants this, nobody asked 
for this.

Also, sql is to databases what assembly is to cpus. It's low 
level, [moderately] untyped, and it differs on every single 
platform. provide access to it, sure, but please don't use it to 
build your abstractions.

Re: bidirectional map

2013-11-12 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/11/2013 05:14 PM, bioinfornatics wrote:

I am looking for a bidirectional map i.e

My seach into D documentation seem to said to me that this structure is
not implemented.

Something like (for primary idea):

struct BidirectionalMap(T,U){
 T[U] _forwardHash;
 U[T] _reverseHash;


 void opIndeyAssign( T k, U v){ // pure?
 _forwardHash[k] = v;
 _reverseHash[v] = k;

 BidirectionalMap!(T,U) dup(){
 return BidirectionalMap!(T,U)( this );

you could build one using multi_index.

at least, that is how boost::bimap was done. I always assumed it would 
be trivial in D, but I haven't tried doing it. Something like

alias MultiIndexContainer!(Tuple!(T,t,U,u), 
IndexedBy!(HashedUnique!(a.t), HashedUnique!(a.u))) BiMap;

and then wrap as you see fit.

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-11 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/10/2013 01:20 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I've been thinking quite long of how AST macros could look like in D.
I've been posting my vision of AST macros here in the newsgroup a couple
of times already. I've now been asked to create a DIP out of it, so here
it is:

For macros that generate macros, I think you need a way to escape the 
splicing and maybe define how splicing works in an inner quasi quote.

I guess you want [ [ $exp ] ] to turn into the ast [ 1 ]

Then if you wanted ast [ [ $exp ] ] with the splice associated with 
the inner quasi quote, you'd have to do something like

[ [ [ \\\$exp ] ] ]

maybe a way to associate a splice with a quasi quote?

a[ b[ c[ $(a, exp) + $(b, exp) + $(c, exp)  ] ] ]

a's exp is A
b's exp is B
c's exp is C

then splice the quasi quote N times:

1: ast b[ c[ A + $(b, exp) + $(c, exp) ] ]
2: ast c[ A + B + $(c, exp) ]
3: ast A + B + C

just dinking around here

Re: DIP 50 - AST macros

2013-11-11 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/11/2013 12:06 PM, deadalnix wrote:

On Monday, 11 November 2013 at 19:23:21 UTC, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 11/10/2013 01:20 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I've been thinking quite long of how AST macros could look like in D.
I've been posting my vision of AST macros here in the newsgroup a couple
of times already. I've now been asked to create a DIP out of it, so here
it is:

For macros that generate macros, I think you need a way to escape the
splicing and maybe define how splicing works in an inner quasi quote.

I guess you want [ [ $exp ] ] to turn into the ast [ 1 ]

Then if you wanted ast [ [ $exp ] ] with the splice associated
with the inner quasi quote, you'd have to do something like

[ [ [ \\\$exp ] ] ]

maybe a way to associate a splice with a quasi quote?

a[ b[ c[ $(a, exp) + $(b, exp) + $(c, exp)  ] ] ]

a's exp is A
b's exp is B
c's exp is C

then splice the quasi quote N times:

1: ast b[ c[ A + $(b, exp) + $(c, exp) ] ]
2: ast c[ A + B + $(c, exp) ]
3: ast A + B + C

just dinking around here

$ refers to the enclosing scope. so $$foo should refers to $foo in the
enclosing scope. No need for special rule or label.

so if I have to splice my ast N times, then I have to generate M $'s 
depending on when I want it to expand?

Re: spurious gc allocation

2013-11-09 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/09/2013 12:35 AM, lomereiter wrote:

Indeed, disassembly reveals an allocation (with all three compilers =
it's the front-end which generates this crap).


I guess the compiler incorrectly treats { node.value; } as a delegate
and copies the node to GC heap.

void foo() {
 int* node = null;
 enum mutable = __traits(compiles, {node.value ;});

void main() {

oh, I see, it's the delegate doing that. that's helpful.

Re: spurious gc allocation

2013-11-08 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 11/08/2013 06:19 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 11/08/2013 07:12 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

The problem is that you define the struct Thing as a inner struct.

struct Thing only exists in the decompiled version, not in the original
source. So far it looks like a bug to me.

I've reduced it to the following:

class C
void _InsertAllBut(int v) {
int* node = null;
enum mutable = __traits(compiles, {node.value ;});


import a;

void main () {
C c = new C();


dmd test.d a.d

order doesn't seem to matter, works with -m32 and -m64, apparently I am 
running dmd v2.063-devel-e23c785

objdump -d --disassembler-options=intel test | ddemangle

shows me

00417888 void a.C._InsertAllBut(int):
  417888:   55  push   rbp
  417889:   48 8b ecmovrbp,rsp
  41788c:   48 83 ec 38 subrsp,0x38
  417890:   53  push   rbx
  417891:   48 89 7d f0 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],rdi
  417895:   48 bf 10 00 00 00 00movabs rdi,0x10
  41789c:   00 00 00
  41789f:   e8 10 22 00 00  call   419ab4 _d_allocmemory
  4178a4:   48 89 45 e0 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x20],rax
  4178a8:   48 8b 4d f0 movrcx,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x10]
  4178ac:   48 89 08movQWORD PTR [rax],rcx
  4178af:   48 85 c9test   rcx,rcx

can anyone confirm?

spurious gc allocation

2013-11-07 Thread Ellery Newcomer

hello all.

I have a class member function that essentially looks like this:

ThisNode* _InsertAllBut(int value) {
ThisNode* node = MallocAllocator.allocate!(ThisNode)(1);
node.value = value;
return node;

I compile it on x86_64 and the compiler inserts a gc allocation.

I decompiled it, and it looks like it does this:

  ThisNode* _InsertAllBut(int value) {
  struct Thing {
  typeof(this) thing1;
  ThisNode* thing2;
  int thing3;
  Thing* rbp28 = _d_allocmemory(0x14);
  rbp28.thing1 = this;
  rbp28.thing3 = value;
  if (this == 0) {
  // not wasting my time figuring out _d_assert_msg's calling 

  r8d = 0x137c;
  rcx = something pointing to src/multi_index.d;
  rdi = {length associated with rsi};
  rsi = something pointing to null this;
  rdx = {length associated with rcx};
  rbp28.thing2 = MallocAllocator.allocate(1);
  rbp28.thing2.value = rbp28.thing3;
  this.nodecount ++;
  return rbp28.thing2;

So. Why the heck is it using heap space for stack space? How the heck am 
I supposed to call this from within a destructor?

Re: GCD and Fedora

2013-11-06 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 09/29/2013 01:46 AM, Russel Winder wrote:

Is anyone else interested in getting D technologies into Fedora 19

I am

Re: PyD status and tutorials

2013-09-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On Saturday, 31 August 2013 at 15:44:03 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sat, 2013-08-31 at 12:56 +0200, Larry wrote:

Ok python3-dev was missing.

Are you using Python 3.3?

Are you using SCons or Tup for the build?

I just tried the SCons build OOTB and it fails to build PyD 
with DMD :-(

Ehh, yeah. I gave up on build systems a while back because it 
made it unnecessarily complicated to set up test vms for more 
exotic systems. Now we use

python [build|install]

because python's always there. OP has that right.

Since I've been out of the loop for a while, can gdc build shared 
libraries yet? That's what OP's build command is trying to do.

Re: DLLs: Cleaning up

2013-07-17 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 07/17/2013 08:13 AM, Chris wrote:

with some nasty surprises as regards obtaining
(valid) paths on Windows as opposed to Linux / Mac.

Do tell.

(Any time and life saving advice about linking to other libraries / DLLs?)

Thanks everyone!

celerid should be up to the task.

Re: DLLs: Cleaning up

2013-07-15 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 07/15/2013 07:18 AM, Chris wrote:

doesn't work with newer versions of dmd

does too. (I'm the maintainer)

getter/setter in one function (almost)

2013-07-15 Thread Ellery Newcomer

unfortunately, dmd doesn't accept the signature as a valid property.

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

struct T {
int _i;

@property int i(Nullable!int derp = Nullable!int.init) {
return _i = derp.isNull ? _i : derp.get;
void main () {
T t;
t.i = 1;

Re: DLLs: Cleaning up

2013-07-14 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 07/11/2013 05:58 AM, Chris wrote:

I have a DLL written in D I load into a Python application via ctypes
like so:

lib = CDLL(mydll)

The DLL loads and can be used no problem. However, once the DLL is
discarded of by the program, the program either doesn't react or
crashes. I still haven't worked out how to clean up the DLL correctly
before it is unloaded / detached (from Python). I guess it's the GC
and/or some C stuff I've overlooked. I have tried both approaches
described on this page:

Maybe someone of yous once had a similar problem and found a solution.
Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

hmm. pyd uses the example under 'DLLs with a C Interface' for its 
windows dll code and it seems pretty stable, but then it doesn't use 
ctypes. It doesn't look like you need to be mucking with rt_init and 
rt_term, so maybe the garbage collector is trying to collect something 
that python still has a reference to?

Also, if you can finagle a dll out of gdc I would love to hear about it. 
I have not used it on windows, though.

Re: How can i increase max number recursive template expansions?

2013-07-10 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 07/07/2013 01:22 PM, John Colvin wrote:

On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 19:55:26 UTC, QAston wrote:

I have a large enum in my code (opcodes for a protocol) - using
std.traits.EnumMembers gives me a recursive template error.

How can i increase max number recursive template expansions?

I don't think you can. Please file a bug report: even though it might
not get fixed any time soon (other than maybe just upping the
threshold), there is talk of enabling more imperative-style programming
in templates at the moment, and this would be a good case for it.

or feel free to commandeer this one

Re: [Question] Could a function return a list of arguments to call another function?

2013-06-28 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/28/2013 11:07 AM, MattCoder wrote:


I would like to know if it's possible to pass the return of a function
as argument to another function as below:

import std.stdio;

auto foo(int x, int y){
 writeln(x, y);
 return 3, 4;

void main(){

I would like to print:
1 2
3 4

PS: I tried return a tuple but it doesn't works.



No, functions cannot return tuples.

However, they can return std.typecons.Tuple, so you could do this:

auto foo(int i, int j) {
writeln(i,  , j);
return tuple(3,4);
void main() {

Re: how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-05 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/05/2013 12:02 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Wednesday, June 05, 2013 08:52:35 lomereiter wrote:

This doesn't work when the method is marked as @property. Any
idea why is that so?

On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 02:19:38 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

is(typeof(A.func) == const)

- Jonathan M Davis

I don't know. My first guess would be that it thought that it was calling it
except that it's being referenced by the type, not by an instance, so that
doesn't really make sense.

- Jonathan M Davis

P.S. Please don't top-post. It makes it harder to follow posts and is
generally considered bad newsgroup etiquette.

pragma(msg, is(FunctionTypeOf!(A.func) == const));

how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer

specifically, const, eg.

class A { void func() const { blah } }

std.traits.FunctionAttributes makes no mention of it

Re: how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/04/2013 07:19 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 19:03:47 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

specifically, const, eg.

class A { void func() const { blah } }

std.traits.FunctionAttributes makes no mention of it

is(typeof(A.func) == const)

- Jonathan M Davis

I think that is for type only. It returns false for me.

Re: how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/04/2013 07:43 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 19:23:45 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/04/2013 07:19 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Tuesday, June 04, 2013 19:03:47 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

specifically, const, eg.

class A { void func() const { blah } }

std.traits.FunctionAttributes makes no mention of it

is(typeof(A.func) == const)

- Jonathan M Davis

I think that is for type only. It returns false for me.

What do you mean for type only? const is part of the type. What else would it
be part of? For the code example that you gave (minus the blah in the middle),
it returns true.

- Jonathan M Davis

Ah, you're right. don't know how I screwed that up.

Re: how to reflect on function attributes

2013-06-04 Thread Ellery Newcomer

Ah, you're right. don't know how I screwed that up.

Yes I do. I was trying to use typeof(A.func)

Re: dmd 2.063 released with 260 bugfixes and enhancements

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 11:48 AM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 11:23 -0700, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

who packages your dmd?

Normally I would use the one from APT-D, but as this not at 2.063 as yet
I used the deb downloaded from the D download page. This necessitates
removing all packages from APT-D since they depend on exactly a given
DMD version. I have this installed GtkD from master/HEAD and not got
Vibe.d just at the minute.

so we are using the same package.


oh. dpkg -L just doesn't list it.

but it's definitely missing from the rpm.

Re: dmd 2.063 released with 260 bugfixes and enhancements

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 12:56 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 12:48 -0700, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

so we are using the same package.


oh. dpkg -L just doesn't list it.

Symbolic links aren't in the deb, they are created by the post install
script once the shared library is installed.

but it's definitely missing from the rpm.

Perhaps RPMs should have a post install script?

you can package relative links in rpm.

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 06:47 AM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

I've just run:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

for now but i've never had to do that before. Is this a problem with the

same problem with rpm installer.

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 02:00 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

is non-standard and not compliant. The standard structure should be: the file a symbolic link to a symbolic link to

what is libphobos2.0

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 02:20 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

he was talking about making
it up to the maintainers to create the various symlinks, which IMHO is
unacceptable long term


Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 02:51 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 14:13 -0700, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/02/2013 02:00 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

is non-standard and not compliant. The standard structure should be: the file a symbolic link to a symbolic link to

what is libphobos2.0

It is the soname concept. A soname specifies the number of API
compatible versions. Basically it relates to the major version of an

cf. for example:

$ objdump -p | grep SONAME

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 04:12 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 16:03 -0700, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

$ objdump -p | grep SONAME

Exactly, the actual file should have the fully qualified soname and all
other filenames should be symbolic links to that file. Currently the DMD
deb reverses this and therefore violates the standard for deb

actually, your resource above says that the soname should have the format


and the real name should have the format



X = version number
Y = minor version number
Z = release number

so the generated .so itself violates the standard.

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 03:05 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 22:52:59 Russel Winder wrote:

On Sun, 2013-06-02 at 14:20 -0700, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Create a bug report for it. I don't think that Walter realizes what's
standard. And this whole problem probably stems from the fact that he
put symlinks in the zip file that he generates, so he was talking about
making it up to the maintainers to create the various symlinks, which
IMHO is unacceptable long term, but it seems to require either changing
the main release from a zip to something like 7zip or breaking it up per
OS like a number of people have been asking for for ages. Regardless, the
fact that the installer and rpm and whatnot are broken is unacceptable.

Not being able to put symlinks in a zipfile has nothing to do with
getting deb files and RPM files correct since they should be built from

Sounds like the system for creating distributions is broken.

It's done entirely by Walter on his own systems, and I suspect that the deb
and rpm files are created from the zip file (though I'm not sure if he creates
those or someone else does). We need to change it so that the process for
generating them is automated and does not rely on Walter. Work is being done
in that area, but it does not appear to be a priority for Walter.

- Jonathan M Davis

I thought the packages were generated using the scripts at

which pull the zip files from

What would an automated process look like? I would think something like 
a script which makes a tarball out of the git repos and then some more 
which turn the tarball into rpm or deb or what have you?

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 04:50 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 16:42:12 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I thought the packages were generated using the scripts at

which pull the zip files from

They may. I don't know what the current process is with regards to the rpms
and debs, but that would mean that they are indeed using the zips, which is
why you're having the problems that you're having.

What would an automated process look like? I would think something like
a script which makes a tarball out of the git repos and then some more
which turn the tarball into rpm or deb or what have you?

Something like that. The autotester is already doing that sort of thing for
building and running the unit tests. It shouldn't be that hard to make it then
generate the correct packages as part of that for the cases where we want it,
and if done right, the same process could be used on other boxes.

- Jonathan M Davis

where is this mythical autotester, anyways?

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 05:08 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 16:57:08 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

where is this mythical autotester, anyways?

Mythical? Oh ye of little faith:

dmd, druntime, and Phobos are built are their unit tests run after every
commit. And the pull tester ( ) tests every pull 
request the same way (if
the submitter is on the whitelist anyway). The code for the auto tester can be
found here:

- Jonathan M Davis

what distro are those linux tests performed on?

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 05:15 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:08:41 Walter Bright wrote:

Regardless, the symlink issue alone shows that using the zip file format for
*nix is a mistake. Any packages released for *nix needs to support symlinks

- Jonathan M Davis

Is it so hard to convert the zip to tarball in the installer scripts?

(hint: no)

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 05:29 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:20:37 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

what distro are those linux tests performed on?

I don't know. You'd probably have to ask Brad Roberts.

- Jonathan M Davis

just asking because the rpm script in installer is set up to only run on 

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 05:29 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:24:47 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/02/2013 05:15 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:08:41 Walter Bright wrote:

Regardless, the symlink issue alone shows that using the zip file format
for *nix is a mistake. Any packages released for *nix needs to support
symlinks correctly.

- Jonathan M Davis

Is it so hard to convert the zip to tarball in the installer scripts?

(hint: no)

But unless the zip itself is fixed, then anyone downloading it is going to end
up with a screwed up *nix setup unless they fix it themselves. It would be far
better to just fix the zip.

- Jonathan M Davis

wouldn't they have a screwed up setup with a tarball as well? They'd 
still need to fix $PATH and whatever you need to fix to make -lphobos2 work.

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 05:47 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:43:20 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/02/2013 05:29 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:24:47 Ellery Newcomer wrote:

On 06/02/2013 05:15 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 17:08:41 Walter Bright wrote:

Regardless, the symlink issue alone shows that using the zip file format
for *nix is a mistake. Any packages released for *nix needs to support
symlinks correctly.

- Jonathan M Davis

Is it so hard to convert the zip to tarball in the installer scripts?

(hint: no)

But unless the zip itself is fixed, then anyone downloading it is going to
end up with a screwed up *nix setup unless they fix it themselves. It
would be far better to just fix the zip.

- Jonathan M Davis

wouldn't they have a screwed up setup with a tarball as well? They'd
still need to fix $PATH and whatever you need to fix to make -lphobos2 work.

All you should have to do is set the PATH so that it has dmd in it. Everything
else should just work.

- Jonathan M Davis

Okay, so I unzip to /home/ellery/Downloads/dmd2, add 
~/Downloads/dmd2/linux/bin64 to PATH, and try to build a shared library. 
At runtime, it gives me

./test1.x: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

And I don't even remember how to fix this. You have to muck around with 
ldconfig, which requires root, or something. Maybe there is a way to 
make the compiler point the shared lib dependency to 
/home/ellery/Downloads/linux/lib64/ ? But yuck.

Re: Error after installing DMD v2.063

2013-06-02 Thread Ellery Newcomer

On 06/02/2013 03:25 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

On Sun, 02 Jun 2013 22:52:59 +0100
Russel Winder wrote:

Sounds like the system for creating distributions is broken.

Yea, I'm working on a replacement.

do tell

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