Re: grep library?

2013-10-26 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 27 October 2013 at 02:59:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu


A coworker implemented a system that spawns grep to rummage 
through a large log file. Apparently doing so is quite a bit 
faster than using a regex.

This is because grep is highly specialized and optimized. I was 
wondering if we could implement a grepping library that builds 
on regex's strengths and also grep's many optimization tricks:


Great idea,

The author of The Silver Searcher, a similar text search tool,
has also posted some information on how to make a fast search
tool. It seems to use Boyer-Moore-Horspool for literal searches
(similar to grep); however, regex searches are done using PCRE.

Re: dmd 2.065 - Agenda

2013-11-09 Thread Kelet

Are there any plans for adding compile-time checking or recursive
data types to std.variant's Algebraic? I think algebraic data
types are important and the current implementation is not
suitable to solve a good portion of problems that the intended
implementation could.

Could this be a possible goal for 2.065? If not, are we lacking
demand? Lacking someone willing to work on it?

Re: [RFC] ∅MQD, a ∅MQ wrapper for D

2013-12-21 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 00:18:51 UTC, Lars T. Kyllingstad
I've been working on a D wrapper for the ∅MQ (aka. ZMQ/ZeroMQ) 
messaging library, and I think it's nearly ready for an 
"official release".  However, I would immensely appreciate some 
feedback on the API first.


I've tried to stay as close as possible to the design of the C 
library, while adding a distinct D "feel".  Details are in the 

Note that my library is different from the ZeroMQ bindings in 
Deimos, which are simple D bindings to the C API.  (In fact, 
∅MQD depends on the Deimos bindings.)


Hi Lars, I've actually never used ZeroMQ but it seems
interesting. There exists a binding called dzmq[1], but there are
no immediate examples.

Anyhow, if I may, I'd like to suggest a few things:

* Add a license file to your repository. I see that it's under
the Boost Software License from the documentation, though.

* Create a package.json and add it to the DUB registry[2]. I have
taken the liberty at making a simple package.json that may work
but is untested[3].

[3]: $ cat package.json
   "name": "zmqd",
   "targetType": "sourceLibrary",
   "description": "a ZeroMQ wrapper for the D programming
   "homepage": "";,
   "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2013, Lars Kyllingstad",
   "license": "Boost Software License, version 1.0",
   "authors": [ "Lars Kyllingstad" ],
   "importPaths": ["."],
   "sourcePaths": ["."],
   "excludedSourceFiles": ["examples/*"],
   "dependencies": {
 "zeromq": "~master"


Re: [RFC] ∅MQD, a ∅MQ wrapper for D

2013-12-21 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 00:18:51 UTC, Lars T. Kyllingstad
I've tried to stay as close as possible to the design of the C 
library, while adding a distinct D "feel".  Details are in the 

After reviewing the API and comparing it to the C API, I think
you did a fine job accomplishing this.


Re: UniquePtr in D

2013-12-22 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 13:19:48 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
When working with C-libraries in D I often wish for a 
equivalent of the C++11 unique_ptr. Unfortunately this is not 
possible in D. Consider the following source code:

Is error 1 a bug? Because there should cleary not be any copy 
at this point.

Should we implement moving of u so that error 2 goes away? The 
compiler could move u into the function and move back out 
afterwards, but that would mean that the contents of u would be 
invalid for the duration of the function call (unsafe?)

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Is std.typecons.Unique[1] not the equivalent of unique_ptr?



Re: D - Unsafe and doomed

2014-01-03 Thread Kelet

On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 02:09:51 UTC, NoUseForAName wrote:

This piece (recently seen on the Hacker News front page):

.. includes a pretty damning assessment of D as "unsafe" 
(compared to Rust) and generally doomed. I remember hearing 
Walter Bright talking a lot about "safe code" during a D 
presentation. Was that about a different kind of safety? Is the 
author just wrong? Basically I want to hear the counterargument 
(if there is one).

Disclaimer: I only have a cursory understanding of the subject.

With Rust, there are no dangling or null pointers. This means 
that if a pointer exists, it points to a valid object of the 
appropriate type. When a pointer does not point to a valid object 
of the appropriate type, accessing the content at the pointer 
results in undefined behavior or an error in languages that allow 
it. Rust implements all of these pointer safety checks at compile 
time, so they do not incur a performance penalty. While `@safe` 
helps reduce this class of logic errors, it does not go so far as 
Rust -- you can still have null and dangling pointers, hence it 
is usually considered inferior with regards to safety. There was 
a SafeD[1] subset of D being worked on, but I'm not sure if it is 
active anymore.

As for D slowly dying, I would say it is not true. It has been 
growing by all measures lately. With projects like DUB and 
Derelict making progress, the ecosystem is more inviting to 
users. I think a lot of people have a bad taste in their mouth 
from D1 with Phobos/Tango. D exceeds Rust in some aspects, but my 
understanding is that Rust is a more safe language.

Anyhow, my analysis may be wrong, so I expect that someone may 
correct it.


Re: D - Unsafe and doomed

2014-01-03 Thread Kelet
On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 04:20:30 UTC, David Nadlinger 

On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 02:27:24 UTC, Kelet wrote:

While `@safe` helps reduce this class of logic errors […]
you can still have […] dangling pointers, hence it is
usually considered inferior with regards to safety.

This is not true. While it _is_ possible to get null pointers 
in @safe code, they are not a safety problem, as the first page 
is never mapped in any D processes (yes, I'm aware of the 
subtle issues w.r.t. object size here, c.f. Bugzilla). And if 
you find a way to obtain a dangling pointer in @safe code, 
please report it to the bug tracker, this is not supposed to 

There was a SafeD[1] subset of D being worked on, but I'm not 
sure if it is active anymore.

SafeD is D in @safe mode.


Thanks for the corrections.

Ultimately, it sounds like Rust primarily takes the 'default on' 
approach for things like safety and immutability, whereas D takes 
the 'default off' approach.


Re: Is it possible for the deimos repositories to be added to the dub registry please?

2014-01-05 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 5 January 2014 at 20:48:00 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
Is it possible for the deimos[1] repositories to be added to 
the dub registry[2] please?

I'm working on a project that uses the deimos x11 bindings and 
it would be nice to handle building the project using dub. 
Also, i won't have to distribute the x11 bindings with my 



A lot of Deimos repositories are already in the DUB registry. I 
think they are handled individually and not collectively. I would 
imagine forking the repository, creating a DUB package 
configuration, and submitting a pull request would be the best 
course of action here. If the pull request is not accepted in a 
reasonable and timely manner I don't think anyone would object to 
you adding the forked repository to the DUB registry.


Re: Is it possible for the deimos repositories to be added to the dub registry please?

2014-01-05 Thread Kelet
It is also worth noting that specifying git repository URLs 
rather than being locked into the registry should be added to DUB 
eventually[1]. Until then, you can always fork it, add a DUB 
package configuration, and install the package locally or use the 
"complex variant"[2] of DUB version specifications to use a local 

[2]: Search for "complex 


Re: Where is contribution most needed to the D community?

2014-01-09 Thread Kelet

On Thursday, 9 January 2014 at 07:45:09 UTC, Kira Backes wrote:
So, what I actually wanted to ask, which part/project do you 
think mostly needs contribution?


Given the low frequency of issue reports on some projects, I've 
definitely noticed a new face in the D ecosystem. I've thought 
about this problem a little bit as well.

The D documentation on this page?

For the most part, I've been satisfied with D documentation on 
the official website. My only general gripe is that there are 
many outdated pages – sometimes to the point of irrelevance. This 
can confuse people, given it is on the official website and not 
marked as outdated. For example: 
confused me the other day. I did not know it had evolved into 

Mono-D (I’ll be using that, already contributed to an issue)?

Mono-D is by far my favorite IDE for D. It is cross-platform, 
free as in speech/beer, and supports DUB package files. 
Unfortunately, there are a lot of unreported issues or 
non-reproducable issues which tends to happen when a development 
team is small. I believe Mono-D and D_Parser are written in C# 
and not D though. One thing that may be possible and worth doing 
in the future is using DCD (mentioned later) with Mono-D and 
combining efforts. Though that is more of a major undertaking.


Sönke is moving along pretty quickly with DUB. I would say having 
a well fleshed out tutorial or more examples could do it well 

More tutorials on a seperate blog?

A lot of D language tutorials and informational resources pander 
to C++ programmers. I think that we should be more focused on 
attracting new users or perhaps people who tend to use 
interpreted languages. See: A 
lot of people would like a more performant, statically checked, 
compiled language. D is expressive enough to intersect with a lot 
of the use cases of a scripting language.

Re: Where is contribution most needed to the D community?

2014-01-09 Thread Kelet
And to expand a bit on my previous post with things I personally 
thing are important and rather low hanging:

- Create style and layout templates for ddox to help us 
- Make DCD plugins for editors so they can autocomplete, go to 
definition, etc.
- Create idiomatic D wrappers around deimos/derelict or any other 
direct C bindings

But most of all, the D ecosystem simply needs users who are 
willing to generate activity in the form of:

- Usage of D libraries
- Willingness to file issues and follow up on them should a 
problem arise

- Release of software built using D
- Discussion within (mailing list, IRC) and beyond (reddit, HN) 
the D community

- Documenting your experiences and creating said discussion
- Openness to test drive prospective "big players" in the 

To expand on that last point: I mean using things like DUB, ddox, 
Mono-D or Pegged early on if possible. This makes them viable 
that much faster, and we need an ecosystem that makes it simple 
for a new user to come in and set up a project.


Re: Idiomatic D

2014-01-10 Thread Kelet

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 22:52:36 UTC, NoUseForAName wrote:
I want to implement a small program in D for a personal 
comparison of various programming languages. Given that I am 
already quite familiar with C/C++ (from K&R C to C++11) I could 
probably start write working D code right away by just looking 
up a few basic syntax/standard library things.

However, I would like to write idiomatic D code, not "C++ in 
D". Is there any guide for this? If not, I would like to say 
that I think having one would be very useful.

Assuming a lack of an extensive guide could someone please just 
give me the cliff notes on how to D properly?

I'm pretty new to D myself, but I always strive to write 
reasonably idiomatic code. So here's more or less what I've 
picked up:

- Use type inference (auto) when possible
- Use variable, function, and parameter qualifiers[1]
- Use compile time function execution[2]
- Constrain templates as much as possible
- foreach or higher-order functions are preferred over for/while 

- Do not overuse OOP[4]
- Use uniform function call syntax when it makes sense to chain 
calls or increase readability

- Know `alias this` and operator overloads
- Put unit tests under each function if you choose to make them
- Use Ddoc-style documentation
- Many of the examples on Rosetta Code are well-written I think bearophile did 
many of them.

Some Qualifiers to note -
  - auto: infer return type
  - ref: returns a reference, not a value
  - inout: Deduce immutability (mutable, const, immutability) by 

  - pure: does not modify or use global state or impure functions
  - nothrow: No possibility to throw an exception
  - @safe: No operation may corrupt memory
  - @trusted – consider function safe, even if it cannot be 
verified so
  - @system – default, all @safe and @trusted functions are also 

  - const: this reference to the variable is unchangeable
- const is nice in function parameters because it can accept 
mutable, const,

  and immutable parameters
  - immutable: all references to the variable are unchangeable
  - shared: requires that variable is sharable between threads
  - scope: no reference to variable can be leaked outside of 

  - in: equivalent to const scope
  - out: like ref, but gives default value, can be used for 
multiple returns

  - inout: see function qualifier definition
  - lazy: calculate only on usage (can duplicate calculations)

Mostly, I find myself trying to use `pure @safe nothrow` in 
functions, `immutable` in variables, and `in` in parameters as 
much as possible without modifying semantics too much.

[2]: See last example here

for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) =>
foreach(immutable i = 0; 0..20) OR
Use some higher-order function from std.algorithm or whatnot 

D is not Java. Modules can have their own constructors and 
private variables and such.


Re: Idiomatic D

2014-01-10 Thread Kelet

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 23:16:10 UTC, Kelet wrote:

foreach(immutable i = 0; 0..20) OR

Oops, meant
foreach(immutable i; 0..20)

Re: Aurora Graphics Library Initial Design Discussion

2014-01-19 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 06:02:13 UTC, Kelet wrote:

My thoughts:

ARM support is abysmal in D, IIRC.

Realized I may have used strong wording here when a lot of fine 
work is currently being done. My apologizes, I'm not 
well-researched into this area of D.


Re: Aurora Graphics Library Initial Design Discussion

2014-01-19 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 05:23:24 UTC, Elvis Zhou wrote:
Oops, I thought this is the official repo!! It's a new package 
added to yesterday.

Doh, I made the same mistake.

On Sunday, 19 January 2014 at 03:38:30 UTC, Adam Wilson wrote:

System  2D API   / 3D API
Linux   X11  / OpenGL 4.3
Android Canvas   / OpenGL ES 3.0
OSX Quartz2D / OpenGL 4.3
iOS Quartz2D / OpenGL ES 3.0
Windows Direct2D / Direct3D 11
Windows RT  Direct2D / Direct3D 11

My thoughts:

ARM support is abysmal in D, IIRC. This rules out most of the 
mobile devices until that situation is relieved. In the meantime, 
the code should be tested on LDC and GDC regularly. Once ARM 
support is mature on one of the aforementioned backend, it 
shouldn't be difficult to finalize support.

I'm not convinced of two things:
- OpenGL should not be used for the 2D API
- Direct3D should be a backend

Ideally, 2D and 3D graphics should be a specific case of a 
generalized system which utilizes OpenGL. Thus, there is no need 
for a separate backend API for 2D graphics. I've done 2D in 
OpenGL and it was not very painful, although it was not a 
substantial project.

I've used a ton of OpenGL software on a lot of hardware running 
Windows and never encountered a problem or major deficiency which 
is not present in Direct3D, hence I don't know why extra effort 
should be expended to support it as a backend.

Backends in order of importance, IMO:
- OpenGL 2.0
- OpenGL 2.0 ES
- OpenGL 1.1
- Software
- OpenGL 4.3

There are a surprising amount of people still on OpenGL 2.0 and 
1.1. For everything else: Software backend. It wouldn't hurt to 
have a 'state of the art' OpenGL 4.3 backend either, but only 
after all else is done.

However, my forays into graphics are mainly hobby game 
development so I may be missing some elements here.


Re: Two Questions

2014-02-04 Thread Kelet

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:18:24 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:

Popped into my head today.

What proportion of the D community develops on Linux of some 
sort, and what proportion works with a 64 bit OS?

And why?

My main development platform is x86_64 Linux, because it was free 
and well-supported so I downloaded it for my laptop which is my 
main development machine. My laptop has an AMD64 processor, so 
why not use the proper OS architecture for it?

I use Windows 7 on my Desktop, which I do a fair amount of 
development on, and have a few OSes set up in VirtualBox (a VM) 
to ensure my software works on most major operating system setups 
if necessary.


Re: RFC: Units of measurement for D (Phobos?)

2014-02-26 Thread Kelet

Tangentially related:

A minor mention of D

2014-03-17 Thread Kelet
Was watching a YouTube video, and was pleasantly surprised when 
Minecraft's lead developer and designer made a (albeit small) 
mention of D as a possible language for game development.

Re: A simple sieve in Phobos?

2014-03-18 Thread Kelet
I've had good luck with Stephan Brumme's block-wise sieve[1], 
also based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes. It's best when 
calculating several blocks in parallel, of course. But it's still 
pretty fast even when used sequentially.


Re: Typo in Types page

2014-04-06 Thread Kelet

On Sunday, 6 April 2014 at 09:30:47 UTC, Gustavo wrote:
In the page I believe there is a 
typo stating that bool is 1 byte instead of 1 bit.

I don't think it's a typo. Memory is typically byte-addressable 
and thus data types are either a byte or larger. Having a data 
type smaller than a byte means reading or writing to that 
variable will have to involve bit-twiddling operations which can 
make operations more expensive.

There are bitfields[1] and BitArrays[2] if you really need 
control of a data type on the bit level.


Re: Why aren't you using D at work?

2015-06-02 Thread Kelet via Digitalmars-d
For a small amount of software at work I'm able to use D. Most 
recently, I used D & vibe.d to communicate with a conveyor belt 
system for a warehouse. I'd use it more but most of our code and 
data is tied into a proprietary ecosystem (language, database, 
etc.). Slowly, we're moving away from this ecosystem toward the 
JVM, but I will use D where native code makes sense.


Re: Why aren't you using D at work?

2015-06-02 Thread Kelet via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 3 June 2015 at 03:47:00 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 3/06/2015 3:35 p.m., Kelet wrote:
For a small amount of software at work I'm able to use D. Most 
I used D & vibe.d to communicate with a conveyor belt system 
for a
warehouse. I'd use it more but most of our code and data is 
tied into a
proprietary ecosystem (language, database, etc.). Slowly, 
we're moving
away from this ecosystem toward the JVM, but I will use D 
where native

code makes sense.


Okay, just so I know you haven't had to deal with one of the 
worst languages ever. It's not jade is it?

No, our ecosystem revolves around a proprietary and archaic 
dialect of COBOL.


Re: Naming things

2015-06-22 Thread Kelet via Digitalmars-d

I agree with Vladimir --

There should be a naming convention for identifying whether a 
function is eager or lazy. Learning a naming convention once and 
applying it repeatedly is a better process than repeatedly 
referencing documentation.

A programming language should have built-in functionality that is 
named in such a way that it clearly expresses its intent. For 
newbies, it can be very off-putting to be introduced to a 
language where this is not the case. Perhaps some veterans of the 
D language can't clearly see this.

There is no good reason that the new introduction of built-ins 
should not follow a well-defined naming scheme. I'd actually go a 
bit further and deprecate old functions that do not meet the 
scheme and phase them out over time.

Bikeshedding is arguing over trivial naming schemes. Choosing to 
adhere to a naming scheme is not bikeshedding, IMHO.


Re: I released my first library!

2015-06-25 Thread Kelet via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 25 June 2015 at 14:56:34 UTC, Vladde Nordholm wrote:
For the past week I've been working on my first small 
cross-platform gamedev-ish console rendering library for d, and 
I call it clayers. It has been a fun learning process, as I've 
used many new programs and features.

The whole thing is written in vim, which I've never used until 
now. I got a better understanding of how git works by using the 
terminal, instead of a GUI. For the first time I used version() 
for different functions. Finally, I added a releasetag, and 
then registered it to dub.

While I didn't think about it while writing the code, I've 
gotten a better knowledge of how all of these things work. And 
this extra stuff I learnt without even thinking about it. GC is 
something I've never though about before, but thanks to people 
from #d I now have a better understanding of how it works. 

As for actually writing code: I've gotten to design the library 
myself, debugged it, and everything that comes with making an 
library. I've had discussions with people about the rendering 
and generally come to good terms with many in the #d channel. 
Thanks to the whole D community it became more fun than I'd 
ever imagine.

Thanks for being here D-people!


The dub package:

Awesome, congrats on releasing your first library. If you intend 
to work on it further, I'd like to see:
- A way to call a function when a specific key is pressed (key 
- More portability, better support for other terminals; see 
termbox source code for a reasonable level of portability
- Colors! But I guess we could probably combine your library with 
the "color" library for that, right?

I do enjoy the gif that shows the functionality. I bet using 
Unicode characters for borders and such would look nice.