Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 23:26:51 UTC, Tobi G. wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:19:50 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

Sheesh, why is it so hard to do simple stuff?

1) Have you tryed passing --arch=x86_64 to dub?

2) > "versions-x86_64": ["XYZ"]

This is like a architecture dependent condition for version 

So if your project will be compiled for the architecture x86_64 
the version XYZ will be defined in your code.


Yeah, I realized that after the fact. I saw that in some post and 
tried it. couldn't find anything in the dub docs that explain how 
to compile for x64... I want to specify in the json. I don't want 
to have to remember a command to compile for the same arch every 
time. In fact, I'd like to have two profiles for dub...

one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit.

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 01:26:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:19:50 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:17:23 UTC, Jason Jeffory 
Any ideas? Happens when I do a very simple dub project and 
try to compile using the MS linker(x86 but set in sc.ini or 
64). I'm linking in glfw(using correct arch of course)

"name": "Test",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2016, Jason",
"authors": ["Jason"],
"lflags" : ["+C:\\Dlang\\Libs\\glfw3.lib"],
"dflags-dmd": [""],
"versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],
"dependencies": {

seems "versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],

doesn't actually make it 64

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86.
midimonitor ~master: building configuration "application"...
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.23506.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE'
--- errorlevel 1104
dmd failed with exit code 1104.

Sheesh, why is it so hard to do simple stuff?

There's nothing hard about it. It's just a matter of learning 
what's what.

Um, if there was proper documentation, this wouldn't be a problem.

First, don't set 32/64-bit compilation in sc.ini. In fact, you 
should generally never touch sc.ini (more on that below). If 
you are calling DMD directly, just pass -m64 on the command 
line. If you are using DUB, pass -ax86_64 on the command line.

I don't set that in sc.ini, but you have to set the correct 
paths. It works fine with VS/VD.

I also don't want to pass a command line to dub. Too much work. 
What if I forget? What about the correct libs?  What if I forget 
to type dub -ax86_64 and it tries to compile in the 64-bit lib in 
the lib's path in sc.ini?(yes, it needs to be edited for global 
library locations).

Second, you don't need to set your own version flag for 64-bit. 
Both x86_64 and Win64 are already predefined [1]. The latter is 
only defined on when compiling for 64-bit Windows (Win32 is 
only defined when compiling for 32-bit Windows, unlike in the C 
world where the #defined _WIN32 means the Win32 API is 
available). Should you need to, you can also distinguish 
between the two Windows runtimes via the CRuntime_DigitalMars 
and CRuntime_Microsoft versions.

This was a mistake, because I got the wrong info from some forum 
post that was wrong.

So, how do I set the json to compile for x64?

Error in 'The D Programming Language' (2010)?

2016-01-11 Thread asdfa via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have copied more or less verbatim an example from The D 
Programming Language, under 1.4.3 Counting Frequencies. Lambda 

This is the code

import std.stdio,

void main()
  uint[string] freqs;
  // Compute counts
  foreach (line; stdin.byLine())
foreach (word; split(strip(line)))

  // Print counts
  string[] words = freqs.keys;
  sort!((a, b) { return freqs[a] > freqs[b]; })(words); // won't 

  foreach (word; words)
writefln("%6u\t%s", freqs[word], words);

Both DMD and GDC complain, saying
Error: template instance sort!((a, b)
return freqs[a] > freqs[b];
) template 'sort' is not defined

Have I made a mistake, or has the D syntax perhaps changed since 
the book was published?
I don't understand this functional voodoo stuff, so I don't have 
the faintest clue how to fix it myself

Anyone know how to fix this?

Re: Error in 'The D Programming Language' (2010)?

2016-01-11 Thread asdfa via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 00:36:15 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/11/2016 04:28 PM, asdfa wrote:

> Both DMD and GDC complain, saying
> Error: template instance sort!((a, b)
> {
> return freqs[a] > freqs[b];
> }
> ) template 'sort' is not defined

That issue is already in the errata:

Add the following line to fix:

import std.algorithm;


Thank you so much! It works now

well it does after I changed
writefln("%6u\t%s", freqs[word], words);

writefln("%6u\t%s", freqs[word], word);

(stupid mistake I made copying)

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Tobi G. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:19:50 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

Sheesh, why is it so hard to do simple stuff?

1) Have you tryed passing --arch=x86_64 to dub?

2) > "versions-x86_64": ["XYZ"]

This is like a architecture dependent condition for version 

So if your project will be compiled for the architecture x86_64 
the version XYZ will be defined in your code.


Re: issue porting C++/glm/openGL to D/gl3n/openGL

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 05:47:01 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Thanks. Bummer. I really like gl3n, but glm/opengl is used 
almost exclusively in all the modern opengl code (tutorials) 
I've seen, so this might be a deal breaker.  As the author of 
Derelict do you have any ideas of how much work is involved 
with getting glm to work with D?

Want to do a DerelictGLM :)

AFAIK, glm is a header-only library, so there's nothing to bind 
to. And if it did have binaries, I don't think the current state 
of D's C++ support could handle it. Binding to C is easy, binding 
to C++ is hit or miss.

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:19:50 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:17:23 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
Any ideas? Happens when I do a very simple dub project and try 
to compile using the MS linker(x86 but set in sc.ini or 64). 
I'm linking in glfw(using correct arch of course)

"name": "Test",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2016, Jason",
"authors": ["Jason"],
"lflags" : ["+C:\\Dlang\\Libs\\glfw3.lib"],
"dflags-dmd": [""],
"versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],
"dependencies": {

seems "versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],

doesn't actually make it 64

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86.
midimonitor ~master: building configuration "application"...
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.23506.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE'
--- errorlevel 1104
dmd failed with exit code 1104.

Sheesh, why is it so hard to do simple stuff?

There's nothing hard about it. It's just a matter of learning 
what's what.

First, don't set 32/64-bit compilation in sc.ini. In fact, you 
should generally never touch sc.ini (more on that below). If you 
are calling DMD directly, just pass -m64 on the command line. If 
you are using DUB, pass -ax86_64 on the command line.

Second, you don't need to set your own version flag for 64-bit. 
Both x86_64 and Win64 are already predefined [1]. The latter is 
only defined on when compiling for 64-bit Windows (Win32 is only 
defined when compiling for 32-bit Windows, unlike in the C world 
where the #defined _WIN32 means the Win32 API is available). 
Should you need to, you can also distinguish between the two 
Windows runtimes via the CRuntime_DigitalMars and 
CRuntime_Microsoft versions.

The only time you should need to configure sc.ini is when you are 
setting up DMD manually for 64-bit compilation. If you are using 
the installer and already have the Microsoft toolchain installed, 
the DMD installer will find it and configure sc.ini 
appropriately. And while it may be tempting to add a custom 
library path to sc.ini, it's probably easier not to if you only 
are using one path. Then you don't have to worry about updating 
it every time you install a new copy of DMD and you can use 
multple DMD installations (useful for testing and maintaining 
backward compatibility) without keeping all of the sc.ini files 
up to date. If you don't want to configure the lib path per 
project, IIRC you should be able to set the library path as an 
environment variable and the linker will pick it up. I've never 
tried that, as I tend to store any static libraries I need in the 
source tree of each project and configure the path in my dub.sdl, 
but I believe it should work.


Re: Error in 'The D Programming Language' (2010)?

2016-01-11 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 01/11/2016 04:28 PM, asdfa wrote:

> Both DMD and GDC complain, saying
> Error: template instance sort!((a, b)
> {
> return freqs[a] > freqs[b];
> }
> ) template 'sort' is not defined

That issue is already in the errata:

Add the following line to fix:

import std.algorithm;


Re: cairo(D) / x64 / unresolved externals / don't know why

2016-01-11 Thread Luis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 06:53:51 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Out of curiosity, why do you pass "-m64" 6 times to dmd? Once 
would be enough.

I saw VisualD (dub generated project file) doing that with the 
latest version of Visual Studio comunnity, when I change to 64 
bit building.

Re: Bug in csv or byLine ?

2016-01-11 Thread Guillaume Chatelet via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 19:50:15 UTC, Tobi G. wrote:
On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 19:07:52 UTC, Jesse Phillips 

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 18:09:23 UTC, Tobi G. wrote:

The bug has been fixed...

Do you have a link for the fix? Is there a BugZilla entry?

Yes sure..

and the fix at github


Thx for the fix !

Re: Anyone using glad?

2016-01-11 Thread Dav1d via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 00:46:38 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 23:14:33 UTC, Dav1d wrote:


OK, I'll give it a try. What about GLUT and WGL? Whats the 
difference between them all and glfw? Are all these just OS 
helpers to reduce the boilerplate code?

Also, how hard would it be to support cgl? (mac bindings)


GLUT ist dead and WGL is the windows API which you could use but 
is relativly low level. glfw is a cross platform toolkit (kinda 
like GLUT) which takes care of WGL (and other platforms) and 
gives you a nice API.

Re: issue porting C++/glm/openGL to D/gl3n/openGL

2016-01-11 Thread Luis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 06:35:34 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 02:51:57 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Just translating some simple C++/glm/opengl tutorial code to 
D/gl3n/opengl and I'm coming across more friction than I 
expected.  I've got a square centered at my window which is 
rotated by 45 degrees (counter clockwise) and then moved to 
the lower right quadrant.


iirc, gl3n uses row major and glm uses column major ordering
just pass GL_TRUE to the transpose argument in 

If you like to check an D lib for vector/matrix/quaterntion 
operations that uses column major ordering (ie, not need to 
transpose), see this :

Was just my D2 learning pet project... I never checked if it was 
math correct, and I don't updated in a lot of time (5 years ago), 
plus there isn't documentation beyond comments and a few 
unit-tests, so use at your risk.
But at least I know that was working correctly with Derelict2 
when I wrote it.

Perhaps I should retake this...

Re: Anyone using glad?

2016-01-11 Thread Dav1d via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 01:46:11 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
Ok. So I tried it out and having some issues ;/ got it 
basically to compile but 2 problems:

1. I have to get dub to include the lib, not a big deal, 
shouldn't be issue if I can get the right lib in. (not sure if 
I have to do all that conversion just or not, and glfw has 
several libs for different VS versions and such... not sure 
what that's all about).

I don't remember what lib you need, there were some linking 
issues on windows iirc, if it doesn't work using Derelict for 
glfw might be easier (another possible issue: the deimos bindings 
are outdated).

alternate thing I tried but gladLoadGL undefined
	//(gladLoadGL()); // optionally you can pass a loader to this 
	//writefln("OpenGL Version %d.%d loaded", GLVersion.major, 

gladLoadGLLoader does not exist in the D version, the D thing 
would be gladLoadGL(myLoaderHere), this function takes a delegate 
not a function as argument!

Using with std.typecons.Typedef

2016-01-11 Thread Saurabh Das via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to create 2 types which contain integral values but 
should not be compatible with each other. std.typecons.Typedef 
seems perfect for this:

alias QuestionId = Typedef!(long, long.init, "QuestionId");
alias StudentId = Typedef!(long, long.init, "StudentId");

However I'm failing to use using
QuestionId q = to!QuestionId("34"); <-- gives compile errors

(This is a reduced example, the actual use case is to use std.csv 
to read in a structure from file, which in turn calls to!xyz)

How can I get std.conv to understand std.typecons.Typedef? In 
general, is there a better solution to orthogonal types than 


Re: issue porting C++/glm/openGL to D/gl3n/openGL

2016-01-11 Thread rsw0x via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 01:00:30 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 05:47:01 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Thanks. Bummer. I really like gl3n, but glm/opengl is used 
almost exclusively in all the modern opengl code (tutorials) 
I've seen, so this might be a deal breaker.  As the author of 
Derelict do you have any ideas of how much work is involved 
with getting glm to work with D?

Want to do a DerelictGLM :)

AFAIK, glm is a header-only library, so there's nothing to bind 
to. And if it did have binaries, I don't think the current 
state of D's C++ support could handle it. Binding to C is easy, 
binding to C++ is hit or miss.

the performance would also be terrible because AFAIK nothing 
could be inlined(outside of LTO, maybe)

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 01:44:17 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

So, how do I set the json to compile for x64?

You don't. You pass -ax86_64 (or --arch=x86_64) on the command 
line. If you find that inconvenient, just make a batch file to do 
it for you.

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 12/01/16 4:53 PM, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 03:52:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Actually, you could add -m64 in a dflags field (see [1]), but then
you're in a situation where DUB thinks you're compiling in 32-bit, so
configuration fields that are architecture-dependent will be off.


If you really must default dub to it, just build a custom dub build.
Its not all that hard.

Re: Setting up dmd properly

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 16:27:54 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

Anyway, regarding the static libs. I used this on a Win64 
project and it works:

   "lflags" : [


Thanks, that works but

lflags is probably not the best way to do it. The "libs" field is 
better. This will guarantee that the library is passed in a 
compiler-appropriate manner across platforms. lflags is 

1. *not a valid lib file* (glfw3.lib) ;/ Ok,

It's likely a COFF vs OMF issue.

2. What about 64? Does one have to maintain two branches for 

No. You might keep the libraries in separate directories or use a 
naming convention (like appending -32 or -64 on the library 
names) to distinguish them. Using DUB, you could then add 
something like the following:

"libs-windows-dmd-x86": ["myWinLib-32"],
"libs-windows-dmd-x86_64": ["myWinLib-64"]

Drop the "windows" bit for cross-platform stuff. Of course, this 
is dependent upon you passing -ax86_64 to DUB when you want to 
compile for 64-bit

1. Trying windows link instead, remember having problems like 
this in the past with optlink.

"LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE'"


tried converting with coffimplib, not an import library. 
Another rabbit hole to go down ;/ (Why do programmers make 
programmers life hell?)

coffimplib [1] is for converting import libraries, not static 
libraries. You can also use implib (part of the basic utilities 
package [2]) to generate an import library if you have a DLL. You 
should use coff2omf [3] to convert static libraries and object 

You can avoid all of these headaches by using dynamic bindings 
like those at DerelictOrg [4] if they are available for the 
libraries you use. Then the compile-time dependency on the C 
library goes away and all you need is the DLL at runtime.


Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 03:52:33 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Actually, you could add -m64 in a dflags field (see [1]), but 
then you're in a situation where DUB thinks you're compiling in 
32-bit, so configuration fields that are architecture-dependent 
will be off.


Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 03:47:35 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 01:44:17 UTC, Jason Jeffory 

So, how do I set the json to compile for x64?

You don't. You pass -ax86_64 (or --arch=x86_64) on the command 
line. If you find that inconvenient, just make a batch file to 
do it for you.

Actually, you could add -m64 in a dflags field (see [1]), but 
then you're in a situation where DUB thinks you're compiling in 
32-bit, so configuration fields that are architecture-dependent 
will be off.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn
Any ideas? Happens when I do a very simple dub project and try to 
compile using the MS linker(x86 but set in sc.ini or 64). I'm 
linking in glfw(using correct arch of course)

"name": "Test",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2016, Jason",
"authors": ["Jason"],
"lflags" : ["+C:\\Dlang\\Libs\\glfw3.lib"],
"dflags-dmd": [""],
"versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],
"dependencies": {

Re: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE' --- errorlevel 1104

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:17:23 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
Any ideas? Happens when I do a very simple dub project and try 
to compile using the MS linker(x86 but set in sc.ini or 64). 
I'm linking in glfw(using correct arch of course)

"name": "Test",
"description": "A minimal D application.",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2016, Jason",
"authors": ["Jason"],
"lflags" : ["+C:\\Dlang\\Libs\\glfw3.lib"],
"dflags-dmd": [""],
"versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],
"dependencies": {

seems "versions-x86_64": ["UseAmd64Impl"],

doesn't actually make it 64

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86.
midimonitor ~master: building configuration "application"...
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.23506.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE'
--- errorlevel 1104
dmd failed with exit code 1104.

Sheesh, why is it so hard to do simple stuff?

Re: Anyone using glad?

2016-01-11 Thread Dav1d via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 16:30:58 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 10:01:11 UTC, Dav1d wrote:


but as I said,

source\app.d(35,3): Error: undefined identifier 'gladLoadGL'
source\app.d(36,42): Error: undefined identifier 'GLVersion'
source\app.d(36,59): Error: undefined identifier 'GLVersion'
dmd failed with exit code 1.

I'm using deimos, but is that a glad function or some other 
function supposedly by deimos?

Looks like a minor issue, just import

Re: issue porting C++/glm/openGL to D/gl3n/openGL

2016-01-11 Thread Luis via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 10:04:29 UTC, Luis wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 06:35:34 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 02:51:57 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Just translating some simple C++/glm/opengl tutorial code to 
D/gl3n/opengl and I'm coming across more friction than I 
expected.  I've got a square centered at my window which is 
rotated by 45 degrees (counter clockwise) and then moved to 
the lower right quadrant.


iirc, gl3n uses row major and glm uses column major ordering
just pass GL_TRUE to the transpose argument in 

If you like to check an D lib for vector/matrix/quaterntion 
operations that uses column major ordering (ie, not need to 
transpose), see this :

Was just my D2 learning pet project... I never checked if it 
was math correct, and I don't updated in a lot of time (5 years 
ago), plus there isn't documentation beyond comments and a few 
unit-tests, so use at your risk.
But at least I know that was working correctly with Derelict2 
when I wrote it.

Perhaps I should retake this...

I just remember why I never retake this ... Use gl3n, row-major 
math operations outperforms a lot, if you are doing any matrix 
multiplication on CPU side ( )

Re: Using with std.typecons.Typedef

2016-01-11 Thread Tobi G. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 08:03:19 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

How can I get std.conv to understand std.typecons.Typedef?

You can do something like this:

QuestionId q = to!(TypedefType!QuestionId)("43");

In general, is there a better solution to orthogonal types than 

Typedef is a reasonably solution, for this in my opinion.


Re: Using with std.typecons.Typedef

2016-01-11 Thread Tobi G. via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 12:15:55 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

Any ideas?

Yes. Because Typedef is introducing new Types, which csvReader 
doesn't know what they are,

you'll need a little workaround and cast the values yourself.

import std.csv, std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

enum csvTxt = "10, 20
30, 40
50, 50";

myStuff = csvTxt.csvReader!(Tuple!(long, long))
.map!(a => MyStuff(cast(QuestionId)a[0], cast(StudentId) a[1]))

The .map does nothing other as getting the information out of the 
Tuple 'a' and constructing a struct of the type MyStuff.


Re: Using with std.typecons.Typedef

2016-01-11 Thread Saurabh Das via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 12:01:30 UTC, Tobi G. wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 08:03:19 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

How can I get std.conv to understand std.typecons.Typedef?

You can do something like this:

QuestionId q = to!(TypedefType!QuestionId)("43");

In general, is there a better solution to orthogonal types 
than Typedef?

Typedef is a reasonably solution, for this in my opinion.


Oh excellent. Yes that works for a standalone conversion.  Do you 
know how I can use this with std.csv?

import std.typecons;
alias QuestionId = Typedef!(long, long.init, "QuestionId");
alias StudentId = Typedef!(long, long.init, "StudentId");

struct MyStuff
QuestionId q;
StudentId s;

void main()
import std.csv, std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;



This doesn't work. But if MyStuff is defined as: struct MyStuff { 
int q, s; }, then it works.

Any ideas?

Re: Using with std.typecons.Typedef

2016-01-11 Thread Saurabh Das via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 12:59:05 UTC, Tobi G. wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 12:15:55 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

Any ideas?

Yes. Because Typedef is introducing new Types, which csvReader 
doesn't know what they are,

you'll need a little workaround and cast the values yourself.

import std.csv, std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range;

enum csvTxt = "10, 20
30, 40
50, 50";

myStuff = csvTxt.csvReader!(Tuple!(long, long))
.map!(a => MyStuff(cast(QuestionId)a[0], cast(StudentId) a[1]))

The .map does nothing other as getting the information out of 
the Tuple 'a' and constructing a struct of the type MyStuff.


Yes that does make sense. I could read in a POD struct and 
convert it to a typed one.

Though I was hoping for a more elegant solution... This'll have 
to do I guess.


Re: issue porting C++/glm/openGL to D/gl3n/openGL

2016-01-11 Thread Dav1d via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 05:47:01 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 04:37:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 02:51:57 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:

Is gl3n not a direct replacement for glm?

From the very top of the gl3n github page:

"OpenGL Maths for D (not glm for D)."

So, no, it is not. You might want to start with the glm 
documentaion [1].


Thanks. Bummer. I really like gl3n, but glm/opengl is used 
almost exclusively in all the modern opengl code (tutorials) 
I've seen, so this might be a deal breaker.  As the author of 
Derelict do you have any ideas of how much work is involved 
with getting glm to work with D?

Want to do a DerelictGLM :)

I bought your excellent book as a xmas present for myself so 
looks like I'll be reading chapter 9.

gl3n has most features of GLM just the syntax is different and a 
few other things.

gl3n then operates on row-major matrices only (Extrawurst wanted 
to work on a column-major version), which isn't a big issue for 
your usual GL, you just need to tell OpenGL that it is in 
row-major format when uploading it.

iirc GLM is a header only library so you can't simply interface 
it from D you would need to port every function, that's what I 
basically did in gl3n only that I started from scratch and made 
my own API etc. So you can use gl3n as a glm replacement it just 
has a different syntax and a few semantics are different.


Regarding some functions not showing up on the website, that's 
because the ddoc generator doesn't want to go into some static 
if() or version() blocks. A known bug.

Re: Setting up dmd properly

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 05:46:11 UTC, Robert M. Münch wrote:

On 2016-01-11 01:47:54 +, Jason Jeffory said:

and how does one link in compiled static libraries into a dub 

I tried adding stuff like

"lflags" : ["+C:\\MyLibs\\"],

with the .lib file in it, but that doesn't work. (I'd expect 
to have to supply the file name somewhere, at least)


I agree with all your other points. Telling explicit what's 
going on would help a lot in daily business. Not only for D but 
all compiler stuff. But it seems to be tradition to not do this.

Anyway, regarding the static libs. I used this on a Win64 
project and it works:

   "lflags" : [


Thanks, that works but

1. *not a valid lib file* (glfw3.lib) ;/ Ok,
2. What about 64? Does one have to maintain two branches for that?

I don't understand why the trend is not to be verbose but to hide 
details ;/ It's simply the wrong way.

1. Trying windows link instead, remember having problems like 
this in the past with optlink.

"LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '_CMDLINE'"


tried converting with coffimplib, not an import library. Another 
rabbit hole to go down ;/ (Why do programmers make programmers 
life hell?)

After trying other various things that didn't work, I'm done for 
today... too frustrating. Hopefully I'll come back tomorrow with 
a nice surprise.

Re: Anyone using glad?

2016-01-11 Thread Jason Jeffory via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 10:01:11 UTC, Dav1d wrote:

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 01:46:11 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
Ok. So I tried it out and having some issues ;/ got it 
basically to compile but 2 problems:

1. I have to get dub to include the lib, not a big deal, 
shouldn't be issue if I can get the right lib in. (not sure if 
I have to do all that conversion just or not, and glfw has 
several libs for different VS versions and such... not sure 
what that's all about).

I don't remember what lib you need, there were some linking 
issues on windows iirc, if it doesn't work using Derelict for 
glfw might be easier (another possible issue: the deimos 
bindings are outdated).

alternate thing I tried but gladLoadGL undefined
	//(gladLoadGL()); // optionally you can pass a loader to this 
	//writefln("OpenGL Version %d.%d loaded", GLVersion.major, 

gladLoadGLLoader does not exist in the D version, the D thing 
would be gladLoadGL(myLoaderHere), this function takes a 
delegate not a function as argument!

but as I said,

source\app.d(35,3): Error: undefined identifier 'gladLoadGL'
source\app.d(36,42): Error: undefined identifier 'GLVersion'
source\app.d(36,59): Error: undefined identifier 'GLVersion'
dmd failed with exit code 1.

I'm using deimos, but is that a glad function or some other 
function supposedly by deimos?

Re: cairo(D) / x64 / unresolved externals / don't know why

2016-01-11 Thread Robert M. Münch via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2016-01-11 06:53:51 +, Benjamin Thaut said:

You should not need to link manually against msvcrt, dmd does this for you.

Ok, that was what I expected.

You can view the linker commands that are stored inside a object file 
via microsoft dumpbin tool "dumpbin /DIRECTIVES your.obj".

Great, thanks for this.

You should check the declarations of the functions that cause a 
unresolved external error. If they have a "export" in front of them, 
remove the export. I can not think of any other reason why dmd would 
otherwise reference a import symbol.

Ah, good point. I didn't see the link to the DLL import stuff. I can't 
/ shouldn't remove them because these are coming from  It looks 
like my project is mixing up static and dynamic linked runtime libs.

Import symbols are symbols used for dll linking and start with "__imp_"

Is this a DMD convention or a general one? Never heard about this.

Out of curiosity, why do you pass "-m64" 6 times to dmd? Once would be enough.

I don't have a clue where these come from. I just use DUB to compile my 
D project.

For debug builds targeting windows 64 I would also highly recommend 
using "-gc -op" instead of "-g". This will give a much better debugging 
experience in Visual Studio.

Ok, will see how to get this in. Thanks so far for all the hints.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

Re: cairo(D) / x64 / unresolved externals / don't know why

2016-01-11 Thread Benjamin Thaut via Digitalmars-d-learn

Am 11.01.2016 um 18:27 schrieb Robert M. Münch:

Import symbols are symbols used for dll linking and start with "__imp_"

Is this a DMD convention or a general one? Never heard about this.

This seems to be a general convetion on windows. All c++ compilers I've 
seen on windows so far emit so called import symbols using the "__imp_" 
prefix. Basically its just another level of indirection during a 
function call to be able to resolve function addresses at runtime, e.g. 
implement dynamic linking. Its kind of a implementation detail, so in 
theory you don't have to know about it. But it helps when reading linker 
errors. In case my talk gets accepted for dconf 2016 I'm going to cover 
this there in more detail.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut