Re: UI Library

2022-05-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 20 May 2022 at 02:37:48 UTC, harakim wrote:
I need to write a piece of software to track and categorize 
some purchases. It's the kind of thing I could probably write 
in a couple of hours in C#/Java + html/css/javascript. However, 
something keeps drawing me to D and as this is a simple 
application, it would be a good one to get back in after almost 
a year hiatus.


Maybe you can use minigui from arsd

Re: Bug in std.json or my problem

2020-04-22 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 18:35:49 UTC, CraigDillabaugh 

On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 18:23:48 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 17:48:18 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 


File an issue if you have the time, maybe it will get 
attention. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.

I thought it might be worth filing a bug, but wanted to confirm 
if others thought this was actually a bug.  I had encountered 
an identical issue with vibe-d years ago.

Thanks for the feedback.

After some digging it appears there is already a fix for this 
(though a bit old) … maybe I am the only person who cares about 
std.json after all :o)

Bug in std.json or my problem

2020-04-22 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
So perhaps I am the only person in the world using std.json, but 
I was wondering

if the following code should work.

import std.json;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;

struct Person {
string name;
float income;

this (string name, float income) { = name;
this.income = income;

this(JSONValue js) { = to!string(js["name"]);
/* This next line crashes with .. JSONValue is not 
floating type.

 *  to!float( js["income"].toString()) works.
this.income = js["income"].floating;

JSONValue toJSON() {
JSONValue json;
json["name"] = JSONValue(;
json["income"] = JSONValue(this.income);
return json;

int main(string[] argv) {
Person bob = Person("Bob", 0.0);

string bob_json = bob.toJSON().toString();

Person sonofbob = Person(parseJSON(bob_json));


return 0;

The crash is caused because the 'income' field with value 0.0 is
output as 0 (rather than 0.0) and when it is read this is 

as an integer.

Shouldn't this work?

Re: How the hell to split multiple delims?

2020-02-15 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 15 February 2020 at 11:32:42 UTC, AlphaPurned wrote:
I've tried 10 different ways with split and splitter, I've used 
all the stuff that people have said online but nothing works. I 
always get a template mismatch error.

Why is something so easy to do so hard in D?

auto toks = std.regex.split(l, Regex("s"));
auto toks = std.regex.splitter(l, Regex("s"));
auto toks = std.regex.splitter(l, ctRegex!r"\.");

I had the same problem myself recently, and almost ended up here 
to ask the same question as you but stumbled across the following 
(ugly) solution without using regexs.

char[] line = "Split this by#space or#sign."

auto parts = line.splitter!(a => a=='#' | a==' ').array;

Re: To learn D

2019-07-05 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 5 July 2019 at 12:00:15 UTC, Binarydepth wrote:
I've considering learning full D. I remembered that D is not 
recommended as a first language, So I read time ago.

So my question, is learning C and Python a good intro before 
learning D?


Ali's book is targeted at beginners (see link below).  I don't 
see why D wouldn't make a good first language.  If your objective 
is to learn D, then I don't think learning C or Python is going 
to be help that much.  Obviously if you know C/Python you can 
learn D more quickly, but I doubt the effort is worth it if D is 
the ultimate goal.

Re: more OO way to do hex string to bytes conversion

2018-02-06 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 03:25:05 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 06/02/2018 8:46 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 18:46:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:






Wouldn't it be more accurate to say OO is not the correct tool 
for every job rather than it is "outdated".  How would one 
write a GUI library with chains and CTFE?

But you could with signatures and structs instead ;)

I am not sure how this would work ... would this actually be a 
good idea, or are you just saying that technically it would be 

Re: more OO way to do hex string to bytes conversion

2018-02-06 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 18:46:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 06:33:02PM +, Ralph Doncaster via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:


OO is outdated.  D uses the range-based idiom with UFCS for 
chaining operations in a way that doesn't require you to write 
loops yourself. For example:

import std.array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.range;

// No need to use .toStringz unless you're interfacing with C
auto hex = "deadbeef";// let compiler infer the type for you

	auto bytes = hex.chunks(2)	// lazily iterate over `hex` by 
digit pairs

   .map!(s =>!ubyte(16))// convert each pair to a ubyte
   .array;  // make an array out of it

// Do whatever you wish with the ubyte[] array.
writefln("%(%02X %)", bytes);



Wouldn't it be more accurate to say OO is not the correct tool 
for every job rather than it is "outdated".  How would one write 
a GUI library with chains and CTFE?

Second, while 'auto' is nice, for learning examples I think 
putting the type there is actually more helpful to someone trying 
to understand what is happening. If you know the type why not 
just write it ... its not like using auto saves you any work in 
most cases. I understand that its nice in templates and for 
ranges and the like, but for basic types I don't see any 
advantage to using it.

Re: Object oriented programming and interfaces

2017-12-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 20:43:27 UTC, Dirk wrote:


I defined an interface:

interface Medoid {
float distance( Medoid other );
uint id() const @property;

and a class implementing that interface:

class Item : Medoid {
float distance( Item i ) {...}
uint id() const @property {...}

The compiler says:
Error: class Item interface function 'float distance(Medoid 
other)' is not implemented

Is there a way to implement the Item.distance() member function 
taking any object whose class is Item?

Interfaces are expected to implement static or final functions. 
See #6 at:

interface Medoid {
static float distance( Medoid other );
uint id() const @property;

class Item : Medoid {
static float distance( Item i ) { return 0.0f; }
uint id() const @property { return 1; }

Re: Help with an algorithm!

2017-06-15 Thread CRAIG DILLABAUGH via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 13:41:07 UTC, MGW wrote:
On Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 13:16:24 UTC, CRAIG DILLABAUGH 

The purpose - search of changes in file system.
Sorting is a slow operation as well as hashing. Creation of a 
tree, is equally in sorting.

So far the best result:

string[] rez;

foreach(str; m2) {
bool fFind; int j;
foreach(int i, s; m1) {
if(str == s) { fFind = true; j = i; break; }
if(!fFind) { rez ~= str; }
else   {m1[j] = m1[$-1]; m1.length = m1.length - 1; }

//  rez => rezult

How to parallel on thred?

radix sort is O(N) time, which is as fast as you can hope. But 
given your specific problem domain (the strings are paths) an 
initial radix sort step likely won't gain you much, as everything 
is going to be sorted into a small subset of the buckets. So I 
guess you can scrap that idea.

Knowing that your strings are actually file paths I think 
building some sort of tree structure over M1 wouldn't be 
unreasonable. You say go two or three levels deep on your 
directory structure (ie nodes are labelled with directory name) 
and use that to split M1 into buckets. If some bucket has too 
many entries you could apply this recursively. Since you are only 
building a constant number of levels and the number of nodes is 
not likely to be too large you should do much better than N log N 
* c time for this step.

Then you search with the elements of M2. You should be able to do 
this in a multi-threaded way since once built, your data 
structure on M1 is read-only you could just split M2 over X 
threads and search. I am not an expert in this regard though, so 
perhaps someone better informed than I can chime in.

Since strings will tend to have long common prefix's Ivan's Trie 
idea would also work well.

Re: Help with an algorithm!

2017-06-15 Thread CRAIG DILLABAUGH via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 11:48:54 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:

On Thursday, 15 June 2017 at 06:06:01 UTC, MGW wrote:
There are two arrays of string [] mas1, mas2; Size of each 
about 5M lines. By the size they different, but lines in both 
match for 95%. It is necessary to find all lines in an array 
of mas2 which differ from mas1. The principal criterion - 
speed. There are the 8th core processor and it is good to 
involve a multithreading.

The approaches which come to mind are:


taking constant time.

Ivan Kazmenko.

As a follow up to this, if your alphabet is reasonably small 
perhaps could run radix sort based on the first few characters to 
split your arrays up into smaller subsets, and then use one of 
Ivan's suggestions within each subset.  Subset searches could be 
easily run in parallel.

Re: Check of point inside/outside polygon

2016-07-27 Thread CRAIG DILLABAUGH via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 14:56:13 UTC, Suliman wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 12:47:14 UTC, chmike wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 09:39:18 UTC, Suliman wrote:


Sorry, its my issue I am thinging about polygons, but for me 
would be enought points.
The problem is next. I am writhing geo portal where user can 
draw shape. I need to get users images that user shape cross. 
But as temporal solution it would be enough to detect if image 
central point inside this polygon (I know its coordinates).

I can do its on DB level, but I would like to use SQLite that 
do bot have geometry support. So i am looking for any solution. 
I can use gdal but its _very_ heavy

So when you say you want polygon intersection, is one of the 
polygons you are interested in the shape of the images (ie. 
roughly a rectangle)?

If this is the case then you can likely just take the bounding 
rectangle (easily calculated) of your polygon and check if that 
intersects the bounding rectangle for the the image and that 
should work 95% of the time.

Re: Check of point inside/outside polygon

2016-07-27 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 09:39:18 UTC, Suliman wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 08:40:15 UTC, chmike wrote:
The algorithm is to draw a horizontal (or vertical) half line 
starting at your point and count the number of polygon edges 
crossed by the line. If that number is even, the point is 
outside the polygon, if it's odd, the point is inside.

Let (x,y) be the point to test and (x1,y1)(x2,y2) the end 
points on each segment. Let n be the number of crossing that 
you initialize to 0. (x1,y1)(x2,y2) are also the corners of 
the rectangle enclosing the segment.

You then have to examine each segment one after the other. The 
nice thing is that there are only two cases to consider.
1. When the point is on the left side of the rectangle 
enclosing the segment.

2. When the point is inside the rectangle enclosing

if (y1 <= y2)
if ((y1 <= y) && (y2 >= y))
   if ((x1 < x) && (x2 < x))
  // case 1 : point on the left of the rectangle
   else if (((x1 <= x) && (x2 >= x)) || ((x1 >= x) && (x2 
<= x)))

  // case 2 : point is inside of the rectangle
  if ((x2 - x1)*(y - y1) >= (y2 - y1)*(x - x1))
  ++n; // Increment n because point is on the 
segment or on its left

if ((y1 >= y) && (y2 <= y))
   if ((x1 < x) && (x2 < x))
  // case 1 : point on the left of the rectangle
   else if (((x1 <= x) && (x2 >= x)) || ((x1 => x) && (x2 
<= x)))

  // case 2 : point is inside of the rectangle
  if ((x2 - x1)*(y - y2) >= (y1 - y2)*(x - x1))
  ++n; // Increment n because point is on the 
segment or on its left


This algorithm is very fast.

I didn't tested the above code. You might have to massage it a 
bit for corner cases. It should give you a good push to start.

Big thanks!
Ehm... Now I should add iteration on array of points in first 
and second polygon? If it's not hard for you could you show how 
it should look please.

Easiest solution (if you don't care about performance) is to 
pairwise compare every segment of both polygons to see if they 
intersect, and if that fails, then run point-in-polygon algorithm 
with one vertex from each polygon and the other (catches the case 
where one polygon is entirely contained within the other).

Now you have the point in polygon algorithm (kindly provided by 
chmike) and testing for segment intersection is a basic primitive 
geometric operation, so there are lots of examples on the web.  
You should certainly be able to find working C code for this 
without much trouble.

Re: AA with dynamic array value

2016-07-05 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 02:33:02 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 02:19:47 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 


this is true for any dynamic array, including AAs. until 
something is added to array, it actually a `null` pointer. i.e. 
arrays (and AAs) generally consisting of pointer to data and 
some length/info field. while array is empty, pointer to data 
is `null`. and when you passing your dynamic array slice/AA to 
function, it makes a copy of those internal fields. reallocing 
`null` doesn't affect the original variable.

generally speaking, you should use `ref` if you plan to make 
your dynamic array/AA grow. i.e.

 void insertValue (ref int[][string]aa, string key, int value)

Thanks for giving me the correct solution, and for the 


Re: AA with dynamic array value

2016-07-05 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 02:03:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 at 01:58:31 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

*(keyvalue) ~ value;   // This line fails.

That should prolly be ~= instead of ~.

Ahh, I was so close.  Thank you that seems to do the trick.

However, now I have another issue.

For the following main function:

int main( string[] args) {

int[][string] myAA;

//int[] tmp;
//tmp ~= 7;
//myAA["world"] = tmp;

insertValue( myAA, "hello", 1 );
insertValue( myAA, "goodbye", 2 );
insertValue( myAA, "hello", 3 );

foreach (k; myAA.keys.sort)
writefln("%3s %d", k, myAA[k].length);

return 0;

If I run this, it prints out nothing.  However, if I uncomment 
adding an element for 'world' then it prints (as expected):

goodbye 1
hello 2
world 1

Why doesn't my function allow me to insert elements into an empty 
associative array, but succeeds for an AA with some element in it?

AA with dynamic array value

2016-07-05 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
How can I create (and update) and associative array where the key 
is a string, and the value is a dynamic array of integers?

For example:

void insertValue( int[][string]aa, string key, int value )
int[]* keyvalue;

keyvalue = ( key in aa );
if ( keyvalue !is null )
*(keyvalue) ~ value;   // This line fails.
else {
int[] tmp;
tmp ~= value;
aa[key] = tmp;

int main( string[] args) {

int[][string] myAA;

insertValue( myAA, "hello", 1 );
insertValue( myAA, "goodbye", 2 );
insertValue( myAA, "hello", 3 );

return 0;

Fails with:
...(16): Error: ~ has no effect in expression (*keyvalue ~ value)

Thanks for any help.

Re: Issue with 2.071: Regression or valid error?

2016-04-06 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 19:01:58 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 15:10:45 UTC, Andre wrote:


Not so up to date on D's OOP stuff, but don't you want create() 
to be protected, not private.  You can typically access a 
private method through a base class, which is what you are 
doing with cat.create().

You CAN'T typically access a private ...

Re: Issue with 2.071: Regression or valid error?

2016-04-06 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 April 2016 at 15:10:45 UTC, Andre wrote:


With 2.071 following coding does not compile anymore and 
somehow I feel it should compile.

The issue is with line "cat.create();".
Cat is a sub type of Animal. Animal "owns" method create and I 
want to call the method

create within the class Animal for cat.

Is the error message "no property create for type ''" 
valid or not?

Kind regards

module a;
import b;

class Animal
private void create() {}

void foo(Cat cat)
cat.create(); // >> no property create for type ''

void main() {}


module b;
import a;

class Cat: Animal {};

compile with

rdmd a b

Not so up to date on D's OOP stuff, but don't you want create() 
to be protected, not private.  You can typically access a private 
method through a base class, which is what you are doing with 

Re: How is D doing?

2015-12-23 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 00:16:16 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 December 2015 at 21:38:22 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 December 2015 at 17:49:34 UTC, Jakob Jenkov 


removed C++ because it just dwarfs the others.
D, as I expected, has a massive following in Japan. I'm still 
not quite sure why.

Hey, this can be D's theme song:

Re: DUB linking to local library

2015-08-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 08:18:58 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 03:20:38 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

I can now run it with:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64 ./gdaltest

But it appears the LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack is causing havoc with 
other libraries, as I get errors loading other shared 
libraries when I do that.

At the very least you want to do:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./gdaltest


Re: DUB linking to local library

2015-08-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 04:21:27 UTC, Joakim Brännström 
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 03:20:38 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 


Linkers, so fun they are...

As you can see in the search order RPATH takes precedence over 
If we assume that you want LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be able to 
override the lib you could use the following flags.

lflags : [ --enable-new-dtags, 
-L/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64/ ]

you can see what it is in the binary with: readelf --dynamic 
gdaltest|grep PATH

This should make LD_LIBRARY_PATH redundant.


I knew using LD_LIBRARY_PATH was frowned upon, thanks for 
enlightening me on the correct way to handle this.  Works 
beautifully now.

DUB linking to local library

2015-08-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have been writing bindings for the GDAL library ( 
  I recently updated my bindings to the latest release of GDAL 

Before adding my bindings to I want to run some 
tests.  I've built GDAL2 locally and want to link my bindings to 
this library.  However, I also have the older GDAL libraries 
(1.11) installed system wide on my machine.

My GDAL bindings have the following dub.json file:

name: gdald,
	description: D bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction 
Library (GDAL).,

license: MIT,
authors: [
Craig Dillabaugh
libs : [gdal]

While my test program appears as follows:

name: gdaltest,
description: Test cases for GDAL D.,
copyright: Copyright © 2014, Craig Dilladub bubaugh.,
authors: [
Craig R. Dillabaugh
dependencies: {
gdald : {version: ~master}
	lflags : [ 
-L/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64/ ],

libs : [gdal],
targetPath : .,
targetType : executable

I used add-local so that my test program could see my bindings.

My issue is that while everything compiles OK (with dub build) 
the resulting executable gdaltest seems to be linked with the 
system file and not the file I 
specified with lflags.

ldd prints out:

ldd gdaltest (0x7ffe417e2000) = /usr/lib64/ 

So how can I force my application to link to my local copy of 
GDAL2 at /home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64.  Any help is 


Re: DUB linking to local library

2015-08-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 02:45:21 UTC, Joakim Brännström 
On Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 02:26:17 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
So how can I force my application to link to my local copy of 
GDAL2 at /home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64.  Any help is 


I recently ran into similare problems, different lib.
Try changing:
lflags : 
[-L/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64/ ]

libs : [gdal]
lflags : [-L/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64/ ]
libs : []

observe the flags dub passes on to dmd by using --vverbose


Thanks.  Everything compile perfectly, and now the correct libs 
are linked it seems, but I still have an issue with the 

ldd gdaltest (0x7ffe63381000) = not found

I can now run it with:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/craig2/code/gdal-2.0.0/lib64 ./gdaltest

But it appears the LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack is causing havoc with 
other libraries, as I get errors loading other shared libraries 
when I do that.

Re: Binding Nested C Structs

2015-07-09 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 July 2015 at 03:38:49 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
I am trying to bind to a C union with a number of nested 
structs declared as follows:

typedef union {
int Integer;

struct {
int nCount;
int *paList;
} IntegerList;

struct {
int nCount;
GIntBig *paList;
} Integer64List;

} OGRField;

According to

I should attempt to write something like (last example shown):

extern(C) union OGRField
   int Integer;
   struct {
  int  nCount;
  int* paList;

   struct {
  int  nCount;
  GIntBig* paList;

But that is obviously not going to work.  Does anyone know the 
right way

to handle nested C structs of that form.

OK Found the answer elsewhere on the same page:

extern(C) union OGRField
   int Integer;
   struct _IntegerList
  int  nCount;
  int* paList;
   _IntegerList IntegerList;

   struct _Integer64List
  int  nCount;
  GIntBig* paList;
   _Integer64List Integer64List;

Binding Nested C Structs

2015-07-09 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to bind to a C union with a number of nested structs 
declared as follows:

typedef union {
int Integer;

struct {
int nCount;
int *paList;
} IntegerList;

struct {
int nCount;
GIntBig *paList;
} Integer64List;

} OGRField;

According to
I should attempt to write something like (last example shown):

extern(C) union OGRField
   int Integer;
   struct {
  int  nCount;
  int* paList;

   struct {
  int  nCount;
  GIntBig* paList;

But that is obviously not going to work.  Does anyone know the 
right way

to handle nested C structs of that form.

Re: Converting void* to D array

2015-04-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 04:43:39 UTC, Daniel Kozák wrote:

On Wed, 15 Apr 2015 04:24:20 +
Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

I want to call a C library function that returns a data buffer 
as a void*.  How do I convert the resulting void* into 
something I can process in D?

//I have the following function from the GDAL C library.
extern(C) CPLErr GDALReadBlock( GDALRasterBandH, int, int, 
void* );

So I have (GByte is defined in the GDAL library):

void* buffer = malloc( GByte.sizeof * x_block_size * 
y_block_size );

I fill the buffer (and ignore any errors :o)

GDALReadBlock( AGDALRasterBandHInstance, xblock, yblock, 
buffer );

Now, how can I access the data in buffer?

Or you probably can do it like this:

auto buffer = new GByte[xblock*yblock];

GDALReadBlock( AGDALRasterBandHInstance, xblock, yblock,
(cast void*)buffer.ptr );

Thank you very much. Works like a charm.

Make that last line:
GDALReadBlock( AGDALRasterBandHInstance, xblock, yblock,

cast(void*)buffer.ptr );

Converting void* to D array

2015-04-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

I want to call a C library function that returns a data buffer as 
a void*.  How do I convert the resulting void* into something I 
can process in D?

//I have the following function from the GDAL C library.
extern(C) CPLErr GDALReadBlock( GDALRasterBandH, int, int, void* 

So I have (GByte is defined in the GDAL library):

void* buffer = malloc( GByte.sizeof * x_block_size * y_block_size 

I fill the buffer (and ignore any errors :o)

GDALReadBlock( AGDALRasterBandHInstance, xblock, yblock, buffer );

Now, how can I access the data in buffer?

Contributing to Phobos Documentation

2015-03-21 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

Motivated by this thread:$qic$

I was hoping to see if I could do some work on the Phobos 
documentation, but I am curious to know what the easiest way for 
someone with limited/no ddoc experience to get involved in this 
would be.  I checked the file in phobos and it is 
a bit on the 'light' side.

I assume just fixing stuff in my local repo and sending PRs would 
be insufficient, as I should be 'testing' my documentation 
changes.  Is there a resource where I can learn how to generate 
the phobos documentation for phobos locally.

Second question, can I generate documentation for a single module 
rather than all of phobos each time I try to update something.


Re: Contributing to Phobos Documentation

2015-03-21 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 March 2015 at 21:53:00 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 05:48:40PM +, Craig Dillabaugh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Motivated by this thread:$qic$

I was hoping to see if I could do some work on the Phobos
documentation, but I am curious to know what the easiest way 
someone with limited/no ddoc experience to get involved in 
this would
be.  I checked the file in phobos and it is a 
bit on

the 'light' side.

I assume just fixing stuff in my local repo and sending PRs 
would be
insufficient, as I should be 'testing' my documentation 
changes.  Is

there a resource where I can learn how to generate the phobos
documentation for phobos locally.

On Posix:

git clone
make -f posix.mak phobos-prerelease
cd ..
ln -s .
cd ../phobos
make -f posix.mak html

You should now be able to point your browser at
web/phobos-prerelease/index.html and see the generated docs.

Or copy web/* into your web folder of your local webserver and 

your browser to the appropriate URL.

Note that for this to work, the and phobos repos must 
share a
common parent directory, as the makefiles currently make a lot 
assumptions about your directory layout, and may die horribly 
if you use

a non-standard layout.

Second question, can I generate documentation for a single 

rather than all of phobos each time I try to update something.


You could just run `make -f posix.mak html` and it should only 
those files that changed since you last ran it. (In theory, 
anyway. Make
is unreliable and sometimes you have to delete the generated 
files in

order to refresh them, but hopefully this will be rare.)


Thanks very much.

Re: Dlang seems like java now,but why not let d more like C# Style?

2015-03-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 09:59:05 UTC, dnewer wrote:
yes,java is good lang,but i dont think it's better than c#,if 
no oracle or google support java will less and less.

C# is a good and easy lang.
i like C# .
but,C# cant compiled to native code.

So far, I have been searching for a language, like c # write 
efficiency, but more secure than that of c #, more efficient 
(runs), stronger (system-level, driving level)

What has led you to this conclusion?  I don't personally find D 
very much like Java.  It definitely doesn't push OO design on you 
like Java (even where it isn't needed), and code is much more 
concise in my experience. I also find D very much more flexible.

I don't have any C# experience so I can't compare those languages 
much, but I've heard people say their are D / C# similarities.

Anyway, this isn't a criticism of your comment, I was just 
curious what (other than the shared C++ syntax heritage) you find 
so Java-like in D?



Re: Getting started with vibe.d

2014-06-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 June 2014 at 16:16:10 UTC, Chris Saunders wrote:
I've made my first attempt to use dub/vibe.d and I'm running 
into some issues I can't find on the list.

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04/x86_64, using the latest stable dub 
(0.9.21). I can create a new dub project:

$ dub init test vibe.d
Successfully created an empty project in 


...but then I'm having trouble building:

$ cd test
$ dub build --compiler=ldc2
vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
test: [test, vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
Building vibe-d configuration libevent, build type debug.
vibe-d staticLibrary

Error executing command build: No LDC static libraries supported

...I've tried a few variations on this but haven't had any 
luck. This is using the latest ldc:

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (0.12.1):
  based on DMD v2.063.2 and LLVM 3.3.1
  Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  Host CPU: corei7 -

  Registered Targets:
x86- 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64

Any pointers?

Just curious, can you get it to work with DMD?

Also, you might consider posting on the Rejected Software forums 
(although this forum isn't a bad idea).

Re: Getting started with vibe.d

2014-06-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 June 2014 at 17:41:27 UTC, Chris Saunders wrote:

Thanks, I somehow missed the vibe.d forums...

I'd need an ldc solution in the end, but trying dmd is a good 
idea. The result is some kind of link error to libevent?:

 dub build
vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
test: [test, vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
Target is up to date. Using existing build in 
Use --force to force a rebuild.

Building test configuration application, build type debug.
undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
test executable
Error executing command build: Link command failed with exit 
code 1

Just a guess, but do you have the dev libraries for libevent 

Re: D Newbie Trying to Use D with Major C Libraries

2014-05-15 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 22:25:47 UTC, Tom Browder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I am a volunteer developer with the well-known 3D CAD FOSS 
project BRL-CAD:

I have wanted to use D for a long time but I hadn't taken the 
Yesterday I advertised to the BRL-CAD community my new project 
attempt to create D bindings for BRL-CAD's C libraries, and I 

a branch for the project.

I have been looking for specific information on creating D 
from C headers for which there seems to be sufficient 

available, but I would appreciate recommendations as to the best
method.  I have successfully built my first pure D program but 

need to test the feasibility of my project.

What I have not seen yet is the exact way to build a D program 
uses D bindings and its matching C library.  I have just 
created a
Cookbook page on the D Wiki where I show my first attempt for a 
GNU Makefile as an example for the project.  The page link is 

I would appreciate it if an experienced D user would correct 

recipe so it should compile the desired binary source correctly
(assuming no errors in the  input files).

Thanks for any help.

Best regards,


Hi Tom,
Sadly, I lack the expertise to give you much advice.  I did read 
through your Wiki posting though.  One thing that came to mind 
was you used GMake.  Perhaps you should consider using DUB.  For 
example here is the DUB config file for one of my library 
bindings (in my case I used a static library though):

name: shplib,
description: D bindings for Shapelib. Shapefile 

targetType: sourceLibrary,
authors: [
Craig Dillabaugh
sourcePaths: [./source],
libs-posix : [libshp]

A little nicer that GMake, more the D way, and cross platform 
... I think.

Not sure exactly how you change that for linking to a .so lib.



Re: D Newbie Trying to Use D with Major C Libraries

2014-05-15 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 May 2014 at 01:16:46 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 22:25:47 UTC, Tom Browder via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I am a volunteer developer with the well-known 3D CAD FOSS 
project BRL-CAD:

I have wanted to use D for a long time but I hadn't taken the 
Yesterday I advertised to the BRL-CAD community my new project 
attempt to create D bindings for BRL-CAD's C libraries, and I 

a branch for the project.

I have been looking for specific information on creating D 
from C headers for which there seems to be sufficient 
available, but I would appreciate recommendations as to the 
method.  I have successfully built my first pure D program but 

need to test the feasibility of my project.

What I have not seen yet is the exact way to build a D program 
uses D bindings and its matching C library.  I have just 
created a
Cookbook page on the D Wiki where I show my first attempt for 
a real
GNU Makefile as an example for the project.  The page link is 

I would appreciate it if an experienced D user would correct 

recipe so it should compile the desired binary source correctly
(assuming no errors in the  input files).

Thanks for any help.

Best regards,


Hi Tom,
Sadly, I lack the expertise to give you much advice.  I did 
read through your Wiki posting though.  One thing that came to 
mind was you used GMake.  Perhaps you should consider using 
DUB.  For example here is the DUB config file for one of my 
library bindings (in my case I used a static library though):

name: shplib,
description: D bindings for Shapelib. Shapefile 

targetType: sourceLibrary,
authors: [
Craig Dillabaugh
sourcePaths: [./source],
libs-posix : [libshp]

A little nicer that GMake, more the D way, and cross platform 
... I think.

Not sure exactly how you change that for linking to a .so lib.



Some info on DUB can be found at:

Writing to stdin of a process

2014-04-26 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn
I want to be able to write to the stdin stream of an external 
process using std.process.  I have the following small test app.


import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
  foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) {


If I call this from the command line, it echo's back whatever I 

to it.

Then I have the following program.

import std.process;
import std.stdio;

void main( string[] args ) {

auto pipes = pipeProcess(./myecho, Redirect.stdin );
scope(exit) wait(;

pipes.stdin().writeln(Hello world);

If I compile and run testpipes.d, nothing happens.  I was 

it to echo back Hello world to me.

Can anyone tell me what I am dong wrong.

Re: Writing to stdin of a process

2014-04-26 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 April 2014 at 13:30:41 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Saturday, 26 April 2014 at 08:45:59 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

Can anyone tell me what I am dong wrong.

In this case, I'd close the pipe when you're done.

pipes.stdin().writeln(Hello world);

myecho loops on stdin until it receives everything; until the 
pipe is closed.

testpipes waits for myecho to complete before termination.

The two processes are waiting on each other: testpipes won't 
close the file until it exits, and myecho won't exit until 
testpipes closes the file.

an explicit call to close breaks the deadlock.

In this case, flushing would cause the one line to appear, 
because of the buffering yazd talked about, but the program 
still wouldn't terminate since a flushed buffer still 
potentially has more coming so echo would see that line, then 
wait for  more..

Thank you Adam, and yazd for your responses, now it works.  
Thanks also for the explanations, I was wondering how myecho.d 
would know when the input was finished so it could terminate.

Re: Example of parse whole json answer.

2014-04-24 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 April 2014 at 12:17:42 UTC, Nicolas wrote:
I have a json string saved in a file ( example of json tweeter 
). I am trying to read the whole json answer and print specific 
data (created_at, retweet_count, ..) . I am new at D 
Programming language and i was wondering if someone can help me 
or post some example that show how to parse json strings using 
std.json library. Thanks in advance.

Here is something to get you started.  The initial version of 
this code was from Ali Cehreli, I can't remember what 
modifications are mine, or if this is all straight form Ali.

If you intend to do any serious work with Json, I highly 
recommend you check out Vibe.d ( - more stuff to 
learn but its JSON capabilities are awesome compared to what 
std.json gives you.

import std.stdio;
import std.json;
import std.conv;
import std.file;

  Ali's example.
struct Employee
string firstName;
string lastName;

void readEmployees( string employee_json_string )

	JSONValue[string] document = 

JSONValue[] employees = document[employees].array;

foreach (employeeJson; employees) {
JSONValue[string] employee = employeeJson.object;

string firstName = employee[firstName].str;
string lastName = employee[lastName].str;

auto e = Employee(firstName, lastName);
writeln(Constructed: , e);

void main()
// Assumes UTF-8 file
auto content =
  employees: [
{ firstName:Walter , lastName:Bright },
{ firstName:Andrei , lastName:Alexandrescu },
{ firstName:Celine , lastName:Dion }

readEmployees( content );

//Or to read the same thing from a file
readEmployees( readText( employees.json ) );


Re: Improving IO Speed

2014-03-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 14 March 2014 at 18:00:58 UTC, TJB wrote:
I have a program in C++ that I am translating to D as a way to 
investigate and learn D. The program is used to process 
potentially hundreds of TB's of financial transactions data so 
it is crucial that it be performant. Right now the C++ version 
is orders of magnitude faster.

Here is a simple example of what I am doing in D:

import std.stdio : writefln;

align(1) struct TaqIdx
  align(1) char[10] symbol;
  align(1) int tdate;
  align(1) int begrec;
  align(1) int endrec;

void main()
  auto input = new File(T201212A.IDX);
  TaqIdx tmp;
  int count;

input.readExact(tmp, TaqIdx.sizeof);
   // Do something with the data

Do you have any suggestions for improving the speed in this 

Thank you!


I am not sure how buffers data (the library has been 
marked for removal, so perhaps not very efficiently), but what 
happens if you read in a large array of your TaqIdx structs with 
each read.

Re: DMD exit code -9

2014-02-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 08:10:06 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 22:15:47 UTC, Craig 
Dillabaugh wrote:

I just realized that I tried to build this on my Linode, where 
DMD tends to choke and die with anything Vibe-d related (basic 
Linodes have very little RAM).  To many terminals open!  Same 
code/build config work fine at my workstation.


Just a little heads up in case you begin experiencing the same 
issues as me.
I've also choked my Linode and found out it's better to compile 
from my desktop.
One problem though is that I'm running x86_64 on my desktop and 
x86 on my Linode.
The compiled x86 program crashes on my desktop, but runs fine 
in my Linode.
Took some time before I actually tried running the crashing 
program on Linode...

Thanks for the tip.  My Host OS and my Linode are identical 
OpenSuse 13.1 (x86_64) and I did as you did (compile on my PC  
then copy the executable to the Linode).  So far, so good for me.

Re: DMD exit code -9

2014-02-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 23:45:12 UTC, Etienne Cimon

On 2014-02-19 17:15, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
However, I would still be interested in finding out where I 
could get a
listing of what the various exit codes mean ... or do I need 
to delve

into the DMD source code?

That seems to be the SIGKILL signal from linux kernel (-9). DMD 
didn't have a chance to react when the OOME occured.


Re: [video tutorial] Defensive programming with Design By Contract basics

2014-02-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 20 February 2014 at 10:28:45 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

Thanks for posting these.  They are well done. What text editor 
are you using, emacs?

DMD exit code -9

2014-02-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
I am trying to build a small application (I am using DUB) and 
when I try to build, I get the following output:

dub build
dub: /usr/lib64/ no version information available 
(required by dub)

vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
libd: [libd, vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
classify: [classify, vibe-d, libevent, openssl, libd, 
vibe-d, libevent, openssl]

Building vibe-d configuration libevent, build type debug.
Running dmd...
vibe-d staticLibrary
Error executing command build: DMD compile run failed with exit 
code -9

Does anyone know what 'exit code -9' means, or where I could even 
go to find a listing of what the various exit codes for DMD mean. 
 I've searched around the WWW a bit and can't find any such list.

Re: DMD exit code -9

2014-02-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 22:07:55 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
I am trying to build a small application (I am using DUB) and 
when I try to build, I get the following output:

dub build
dub: /usr/lib64/ no version information available 
(required by dub)

vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
vibe-d: [vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
libd: [libd, vibe-d, libevent, openssl]
classify: [classify, vibe-d, libevent, openssl, libd, 
vibe-d, libevent, openssl]

Building vibe-d configuration libevent, build type debug.
Running dmd...
vibe-d staticLibrary
Error executing command build: DMD compile run failed with exit 
code -9

Does anyone know what 'exit code -9' means, or where I could 
even go to find a listing of what the various exit codes for 
DMD mean.
 I've searched around the WWW a bit and can't find any such 

I just realized that I tried to build this on my Linode, where 
DMD tends to choke and die with anything Vibe-d related (basic 
Linodes have very little RAM).  To many terminals open!  Same 
code/build config work fine at my workstation.

However, I would still be interested in finding out where I could 
get a listing of what the various exit codes mean ... or do I 
need to delve into the DMD source code?

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

I am no expert at optimizing D code, so this is a bit of a shot 
in the dark, but does your speed improve at all if you replace: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

Re: Optimize my code =)

2014-02-14 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:47:32 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:40:31 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Friday, 14 February 2014 at 16:00:09 UTC, Robin wrote:

this(size_t rows, size_t cols) {
this.dim = Dimension(rows, cols); = new T[this.dim.size];
enum nil = to!T(0);
foreach(ref T element; element = nil;

I am no expert at optimizing D code, so this is a bit of a 
shot in the dark, but does your speed improve at all if you 
replace: = new T[this.dim.size];

with: = this.dim.size

Why would that make a difference here? They're (almost) 
identical are they not? Certainly the body of the work, the 
allocation itself, is the same.

Well, in my defense I did start with a disclaimer.  For some 
reason I thought using .length was the proper way to size arrays. 
  It is likely faster if you are resizing an existing array 
(especially downward), but in this case new memory is being 
allocated anyway.

In fact I ran some tests (just allocating a matrix over and over) 
and it seems using new is consistently faster than using .length 
(by about a second for 5 matrices).  Shows how much I know.

Re: How can i find my LAN IP Address using std.socket?

2014-02-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 15:48:50 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 13:02:26 UTC, TheFlyingFiddle 
I'm trying to find my own ip address using std.socket with 
little success. How would i go about doing this? (It should be 
a AddressFamily.INET socket)

This program will print all of your computer's IP addresses:

import std.socket;
import std.stdio;

void main()
foreach (addr; getAddress(Socket.hostName))

This includes IPv6 addresses. You can filter the address family 
by checking addr's addressFamily property.

I am a bit lost in anything networking related, so I ran this on 
my machine just for fun and it printed:

which based on my understanding is the local loopback address (I 
am not completely, 100% ignorant).

However if I run /sbin/ifconfig I get:

enp7s0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 50:E5:49:9B:29:49
  inet addr:  Bcast:  

  inet6 addr: fe80::52e5:49ff:fe9b:2949/64 Scope:Link

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

This computer is on a network with dynamically assigned IP 
address (DHCP).

So shouldn't the address have been reported?

Re: How can i find my LAN IP Address using std.socket?

2014-02-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:13:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 February 2014 at 16:02:33 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

However if I run /sbin/ifconfig I get:

enp7s0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 50:E5:49:9B:29:49
 inet addr:  Bcast:  

 inet6 addr: fe80::52e5:49ff:fe9b:2949/64 Scope:Link

loLink encap:Local Loopback
 inet addr:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

This computer is on a network with dynamically assigned IP 
address (DHCP).

So shouldn't the address have been reported?

It results in all addresses you hostname resolvs to. On all 
desktop linux machines /etc/hosts is configured to resolve 
hostname to localhost by default. On servers it usually 
resolves to externally accessible one.


Re: 3d vector struct

2014-02-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
5) I notice that a lot of other people online prefer using 
fixed arrays not structs for Vectors in D, why?

It does make some calculations more straightforward. For example 
I have code that calculates distance between points as follows:

double euclideanDistance( double[] pt1, double[] pt2 ) in {
assert( pt1.length == pt2.length );
  } body {
  return sqrt(
  0.0.reduce!( (sum,pair) = sum + 
(pair[0]-pair[1])^^2)(zip(pt1, pt2))


Now a point is not a vector, but they are similar in many 
respects.  That fact that I use an array for my points makes such 
calculations possible. Furthermore you can always add methods to 
your struct that let users access the appropriate indices as x, y 
and z.  If you use UFCS (I haven't yet) you could make these 
appear to user code just as if you had named your variables x, y, 
and z.

Finally, maybe as some point you want to support vectors of 
varied dimension ... it then becomes easier to port your struct.

6) Any other comments or suggestions?

Once you have your design more or less settled you should make it 
generic (if not for practical reasons just for fun and 
experience).  You likely want your type to support only 
floating-point values, so you can see here how types can be 
restricted to FP (see line 50).

Thats my fork of the Phobos libraries, likely a bit out of date, 
but I was too lazy to look up the prope URL.

Re: core.stdc.config

2014-01-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 07:26:51 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2014-01-30 05:42, Mike Parker wrote:

All of the core.* modules are part of DRuntime, not Phobos.

Unfortunately none of the core.stdc.* modules are documented. 
It's understandable that duplicating the documentation of the C 
library is not done since that would require extra work. But it 
would be nice to at least see which modules and declarations 
are available.

I agree.  Even if they are part of DRuntime, and even if there is 
no desire to write full documentation for them, people looking 
through the D site's Library Reference should at least be made 
aware of their existence.

Re: core.stdc.config

2014-01-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 09:03:47 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 03:28:57 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

So, there is a module core.stdc.config (referenced here):

That is presumably part of the D Standard library.  I am 
curious to know why no mention of this library is included at:

Is it not part of Phobos? Are there standard modules in D that 
are not included in Phobos?  If so, where would one find the 
list of these modules.

The way i see what's available is to take a look at the files 
installed by the compiler. The directory is different for all 
operating systems but it's great to look at the source code of 
all the different modules.

For example on Mac OSX 10.8.5 'core.stdc.config' is located at 
'/usr/share/dmd/src/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d'. There you 
can see how the types are constructed and what they represent. 
For Linux just type 'locate config.d' in the terminal. For 
Windows it's all in 'C:\d' i think.

I did as you suggested and had a look through what was on my 
system.  Having done so I now think that the documentation at:

is out of date.

If you look at the section under Imports, this appears to be 
describing what is available under from C, but it appears to 
suggest that you use std.c.config - or at least that is how I 
would have read it.


2014-01-29 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

So, there is a module core.stdc.config (referenced here):

That is presumably part of the D Standard library.  I am curious 
to know why no mention of this library is included at:

Is it not part of Phobos? Are there standard modules in D that 
are not included in Phobos?  If so, where would one find the list 
of these modules.

Re: Simplest way to create an array from an associative array which its contains keys and values?

2014-01-07 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 3 January 2014 at 17:38:16 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
Simplest way to create an array from an associative array which 
its contains keys and values?

For example if i have an associative array like this:

[one:1, two:2]

What's the easiest way to create a dynamic array that looks 
like this:

[one, 1, two, 2]

I know it can be done via a loop, but is there a more idiomatic 
way to achieve this?

As someone with little experience with functional programming, I 
am just curious - having browsed through the thread - if the 
various solutions proposed here would really be considered more 
'idiomatic' D. Or if they were posted because the OP asked about 
avoiding the foreach() loop.

In other words while:

auto range =!(a = chain(a.only, aa[a].only));
string[] array = range.join;

Saves a few lines of code, and looks cooler, it seems that the 
trivial foreach loop version is very easy:

string[] array;

foreach (key, value; aa) {
array ~= key;
array ~= value;

Re: Simplest way to create an array from an associative array which its contains keys and values?

2014-01-07 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Tuesday, 7 January 2014 at 20:52:40 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 08:38:10PM +, Craig Dillabaugh 

As someone with little experience with functional programming, 
I am
just curious - having browsed through the thread - if the 
solutions proposed here would really be considered more 
D. Or if they were posted because the OP asked about avoiding 

foreach() loop.

In other words while:

auto range =!(a = chain(a.only, aa[a].only));
string[] array = range.join;

Saves a few lines of code, and looks cooler, it seems that the
trivial foreach loop version is very easy:

string[] array;

foreach (key, value; aa) {
array ~= key;
array ~= value;


Even better, encapsulate this in a function:

CommonType!(K,V)[] aaToArray(K,V)(V[K] aa)
if (is(CommonType!(V, K)))
typeof(return) result;
foreach (key, value; aa) {
result ~= key;
result ~= value;
return result;

Then you can use it in a single line next time:

string[] arr = aaToArray([a: aa, b : bb]);
int[] arr = aaToArray([1: 2, 3: 4]);
... // etc.


Yes, I would imagine if this was not a 'one off' operation, you 
would likely want to create a function. That one looks nice.

I posted my question mainly because D advertises itself as a 
'multi-paradigm' language. It seems that a number of the more 
experienced posters on here seem to like functional approaches 
using the algorithms in std.algorithm.

However, it seems to me sometimes the obvious/simple solution 
that avoids using std.algorithm results in more readable code. So 
I was curious to know if using std.algorithm functions are 
generally considered preferable for simple cases like this, or if 
it is simply a matter of taste.

As an aside, the trade-off is even more blatant in C++ where a 
simple hand-rolled solution often comes out looking so much nicer 
than the STL algorithm alternative.

A good advertisement for 'static if'

2013-12-12 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
I am not sure if this belongs in D.learn, but it might be of 
interest.  I was writing some C++ code for a project at work and 
have a class that stores image data from a file.  The image data 
can be in just about any numeric (int/float/complex) type, so I 
wanted a 'wrapper' class/struct that could hold any type of data 
without being 'parameterized' (we use templates for image access).

My class contains a union ( called 'data') with every possible 
type of pointer and parameter for indicating the data type. 
However, at some point code eventually needs to get at the data, 
so I have the following beauty of a template method, (calling the 
image structure RAWImageDataStore was a bad design decision on my 
part, need to change that soon, its very Java-esque):

template class T 
RAWImageDataStoreT* getBandData( )
   T t;

   //Check struct data type vs template type.
   if( datatype == TYPE_8u  typeid(t) == typeid(uint8_t) ) {
  return reinterpret_cast RAWImageDataStoreT* ( data.t8u 

   else if ( datatype == TYPE_16s  typeid(t) == typeid(int16_t) 
) {
  return reinterpret_cast RAWImageDataStoreT* ( data.t16s 

   //a number of types left out, I am sure you get the idea.
   //but you need to see the complex types, they are beautiful.
   else if ( datatype == TYPE_C16s 
 typeid(t) ==  typeid(std::complexint16_t) )
   return reinterpret_cast RAWImageDataStoreT* ( 
data.tC16s );

   \\OK, you only really needed to see one of the complex types 

   else if( datatype == TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
std::cerr  Cannot access band with unknown data type.
   return 0;
   } //+ a bit more error handling code.

Initially this didn't compile because I was missing the 
reinterpret_cast statements.  They effectively do nothing. If 
the template type is int8_t then I return the data.t8u pointer, 
which is a RAWImageDataStoreint8_t*, but have to cast it to  
RAWImageDataStoreint8_t*.  I must do this because when I call 
the method type int16_t my return data.t8u returns the wrong 
type of pointer for the method, even though I know that if the 
type is int16_t this statement can never be reached.

I know there was some debate in the C++ community about whether 
they should adopt D-like static if, which would have solved 
this problem, since it would compile the illegal code right out 
of existence.

Maybe there is a better way to do this in C++, but I thought I 
would post here as a case-study in the usefulness of 'static if'.


Re: A good advertisement for 'static if'

2013-12-12 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 17:34:13 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
On Thursday, 12 December 2013 at 14:55:28 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
I am not sure if this belongs in D.learn, but it might be of 
interest.  I was writing some C++ code for a project at work 
and have a class that stores image data from a file.  The 
image data can be in just about any numeric 
(int/float/complex) type, so I wanted a 'wrapper' class/struct 
that could hold any type of data without being 'parameterized' 
(we use templates for image access).


Maybe there is a better way to do this in C++, but I thought I 
would post here as a case-study in the usefulness of 'static 


In C++ you can use partial specialization to achieve what you 

class Storage
union {
float* fdata;
int* idata;
} data;

templatetypename T
T* get(Storage stor)
return 0; //or throw exception

float* getfloat(Storage stor)

int* getint(Storage stor)

int main()
Storage stor;
float* fdata = getfloat(stor);
return 0;

Thanks for this suggestion, it avoids the reinterpret cast 
nicely.  I've used template specialization in other cases, but it 
didn't occur to me in this case (plus adding the 
'reinterpret_cast' required less refactoring on my part at the 
time). However, I may switch my code to use this method since the 
resulting executable should be smaller/faster since the big if 
... else statement isn't inserted with every template 

However neither solution is as nice as 'static if' in D.  The 
benefits of having all my type checks in one space, and the 
'dead' code is eliminated in the instantiations.

Cheers, Craig

Re: Help Finding Strange Memory Bug (Code linked to C library)

2013-12-08 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 23:11:39 UTC, Rémy Mouëza wrote:

My strategy here would be to:
A.  run the program in a debugger, say GDB, to get a exhaustive 
stacktrace for hints about where to look at.
B. have a quick look at the library directly (the Use the 
Source Luke strategy).

Since I was curious about your problem (you had everything 
correct - this should not fail), and have no access to your 
code, I checked out the shapelib code from its cvs public 
repository and found out that the last pointer, `double * 
padfMaxBound` is actually a pointer to an array of 4 elements: 
in shapelib/shpopen.c: SHPGetInfo: starting line 823:

for( i = 0; i  4; i++ )
if( padfMinBound != NULL )
padfMinBound[i] = psSHP-adBoundsMin[i];
if( padfMaxBound != NULL )
padfMaxBound[i] = psSHP-adBoundsMax[i];

This also explains why it does not segfault when you pass a 
null pointer: no array out of bounds happen then.

padfMaxBound should point to a `double []` or `double [4]` 
instead of a mere `double`.

I also ended checking the API documentation 
( and they do 
document that padfMinBound and padfMaxbound are pointers to 4 
values X, Y, Z and M in a four entry array.
You may want to check if there isn't any other of those C 
tricks hiding in your D bindings.

Good catch.  Now that you pointed it out I cannot for the life of
me figure out why I didn't think to check that!  To make matters
worse I didn't even have to go check the CVS, because I compiled
the library from source and had all the C code sitting just a
couple of 'cd's away.  For some reason it never occurred to me
that it might be expecting an array - even though one might
reasonably assume that the bounds on a multidimensional dataset
would have more than one dimension.

Thank you.

On 12/07/2013 04:29 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I recently wrote bindings to the C-library Shapelib (it 
reads/writes a

common file format used in Geographic Information Systems).

I've been trying to write a small test program to make sure my 

'work' and I've come across a bizarre memory bug.  I THINK I've
identified the code that causes the problem, but I have no 
idea why.

My test-suite includes this function:

void shapeRead(string filename) {
  SHPHandle hShp = SHPOpen( std.string.toStringz( filename ), 
rb );

  int n, shp_type;
  double pad_min_bound, pad_max_bound;

  SHPGetInfo( hShp, n, shp_type, pad_min_bound, 

  SHPClose( hShp );

If I comment out the SHPGetInfo call, then the segmentation 
doesn't happen, but if its there then the program segfaults 

shapeRead function exits (eg. SHPClose runs fine) ).

In fact if I call SHPGetInfo as follows, the crash doesn't 
SHPGetInfo( hShp, n, shp_type, pad_min_bound, null); //NULL 

last arg.

So in C the function SHPGetInfo is:

  SHPGetInfo( SHPHandle hSHP, int * pnEntities, int * 
  double * padfMinBound, double * padfMaxBound 

While my D binding is (pretty much the same):

extern( C ) void SHPGetInfo( SHPHandle hSHP, int* pnEntities,
  int* pnShapeType, double* padfMinBound, double* 
padfMaxBound );

I have no idea what is going on.  The sizes of ints and 
doubles are 4
and 8 bytes using gcc on my system (which is how I compiled my 
library) so those match the sizes of the corresponding D types 
thought maybe there was a type-size mismatch and that was 

something to be overwritten, but it doesn't appear that way].

Any hints on where to look next would be appreciated.


Re: Help Finding Strange Memory Bug (Code linked to C library)

2013-12-08 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 23:35:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/07/2013 03:11 PM, Rémy Mouëza wrote:

 the last pointer, `double * padfMaxBound` is actually a
pointer to an array
 of 4 elements:

Great sleuthing! :)

This thread is a good example of C's Biggest Mistake:


If by C's Biggest Mistake you mean Craig's Biggest Mistake
you are incorrect. As hard as it may be to imagine I've done even
dumber things:o)

It is too bad that when I do do something dumb I tend to post 
about it on the internet!


Help Finding Strange Memory Bug (Code linked to C library)

2013-12-07 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I recently wrote bindings to the C-library Shapelib (it 
reads/writes a common file format used in Geographic Information 

I've been trying to write a small test program to make sure my 
bindings 'work' and I've come across a bizarre memory bug.  I  
THINK I've identified the code that causes the problem, but I 
have no idea why.

My test-suite includes this function:

void shapeRead(string filename) {
  SHPHandle hShp = SHPOpen( std.string.toStringz( filename ), 
rb );

  int n, shp_type;
  double pad_min_bound, pad_max_bound;

  SHPGetInfo( hShp, n, shp_type, pad_min_bound, 

  SHPClose( hShp );

If I comment out the SHPGetInfo call, then the segmentation fault 
doesn't happen, but if its there then the program segfaults AFTER 
the shapeRead function exits (eg. SHPClose runs fine) ).

In fact if I call SHPGetInfo as follows, the crash doesn't occur:
SHPGetInfo( hShp, n, shp_type, pad_min_bound, null); //NULL 
pointer last arg.

So in C the function SHPGetInfo is:

  SHPGetInfo( SHPHandle hSHP, int * pnEntities, int * 

  double * padfMinBound, double * padfMaxBound );

While my D binding is (pretty much the same):

extern( C ) void SHPGetInfo( SHPHandle hSHP, int* pnEntities,
  int* pnShapeType, double* padfMinBound, double* padfMaxBound );

I have no idea what is going on.  The sizes of ints and doubles 
are 4 and 8 bytes using gcc on my system (which is how I compiled 
my C library) so those match the sizes of the corresponding D 
types [I thought maybe there was a type-size mismatch and that 
was causing something to be overwritten, but it doesn't appear 
that way].

Any hints on where to look next would be appreciated.


Re: How to convert these constructs to D?

2013-12-01 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Sunday, 1 December 2013 at 18:51:51 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
On Sunday, 1 December 2013 at 03:20:49 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
On Saturday, 30 November 2013 at 14:53:35 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I'm porting some C headers and wondered how would i convert 
the following to D:

#define pthread_self() GetCurrentThreadId()

#define pthread_handler_t void * __cdecl

typedef void * (__cdecl *pthread_handler)(void *);

#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) { \
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(((ABSTIME).tv.ft)); \
(ABSTIME).tv.i64+= (__int64)(NSEC)/100; \
(ABSTIME).max_timeout_msec= (long)((NSEC)/100); \

Maybe you have already solved all your problems, but have you 
tried DStep with this header?  I used it on FFTW3, which is 
basically one GIANT C 100 line macro, and it 'seems' to have 
done a great job on that. However, in other cases it just 
seems to have dropped some defines altogether, so your mileage 
may vary.


To be honest i didn't. The last time i tried DStep i had 
problems with compilation. I'll take another look though. I'm 
basically porting all the mysql-client headers which i thought 
would be pretty straight forward but it's taking a little more 
thought than i anticipated.

I think you end up with a bit nicer interface if you hand role 
your own, but at least DStep can take care of a good bit of the 
grunt work for you.  I had some trouble getting it running the 
first time (mostly my own fault), but am now glad I made the 

Re: How to convert these constructs to D?

2013-11-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Saturday, 30 November 2013 at 14:53:35 UTC, Gary Willoughby 
I'm porting some C headers and wondered how would i convert the 
following to D:

#define pthread_self() GetCurrentThreadId()

#define pthread_handler_t void * __cdecl

typedef void * (__cdecl *pthread_handler)(void *);

#define set_timespec_nsec(ABSTIME,NSEC) { \
  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(((ABSTIME).tv.ft)); \
  (ABSTIME).tv.i64+= (__int64)(NSEC)/100; \
  (ABSTIME).max_timeout_msec= (long)((NSEC)/100); \

Maybe you have already solved all your problems, but have you 
tried DStep with this header?  I used it on FFTW3, which is 
basically one GIANT C 100 line macro, and it 'seems' to have done 
a great job on that. However, in other cases it just seems to 
have dropped some defines altogether, so your mileage may vary.


How to pass a null pointer to a C function

2013-11-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
Since questions about calling C from D seem to be popular today, 
I thought I would throw this one out there.

I am trying to call a C function which takes as parameters 
several arrays of doubles.  It is valid to have some arrays 
passed a NULL pointers in the C code.
To call this from D I've come up with the following, but it seems 
like a bit of a hack.

double[] x1 = [ 2.4, 3.7, 9.7, 4.5 ];
double[] y1 = [ 2.4, 9.8, 9.1, 3.4 ];
double[] empty;

SHPObject*[] shape_ptrs;
shape_ptrs ~= SHPCreateSimpleObject( SHPT_POLYGON, 

   x1.ptr, y1.ptr, empty.ptr );

It should be clear what is going on.  A POLYGON is defined as a 
set of
points (provided as arrays of doubles), with X,Y and optional Z 
In this case I want a 2D polygon, so I want the final Z array to 


I wanted to just write 0 as the final parameter, but that didn't 
work, so
I tried to!(double*)(0), and that didn't make the compiler happy 

I guess using the empty.ptr bit makes sense, in that the final 
array is meant to be empty, so pass it a pointer to an empty 
array.  But it seems a bit hackish that I need to declare an 
additional empty array just to call this function.

Is there an accepted 'proper' way of passing NULL pointers to C 
functions from D?

Re: How to pass a null pointer to a C function

2013-11-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Sunday, 1 December 2013 at 04:11:57 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

On 2013-12-01 04:46, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
Since questions about calling C from D seem to be popular 
today, I

thought I would throw this one out there.

I am trying to call a C function which takes as parameters 
arrays of doubles.  It is valid to have some arrays passed a 

pointers in the C code.
To call this from D I've come up with the following, but it 
seems like a

bit of a hack.

double[] x1 = [ 2.4, 3.7, 9.7, 4.5 ];
double[] y1 = [ 2.4, 9.8, 9.1, 3.4 ];
double[] empty;

SHPObject*[] shape_ptrs;
shape_ptrs ~= SHPCreateSimpleObject( SHPT_POLYGON, 

   x1.ptr, y1.ptr, empty.ptr );

It should be clear what is going on.  A POLYGON is defined as 
a set of

points (provided as arrays of doubles), with X,Y and optional Z
In this case I want a 2D polygon, so I want the final Z array 
to be


I wanted to just write 0 as the final parameter, but that 
didn't work, so
I tried to!(double*)(0), and that didn't make the compiler 
happy either.

I guess using the empty.ptr bit makes sense, in that the final 
array is
meant to be empty, so pass it a pointer to an empty array.  
But it seems
a bit hackish that I need to declare an additional empty array 
just to

call this function.

Is there an accepted 'proper' way of passing NULL pointers to C
functions from D?

Well, there is null.


Simen and Mike. Thanks!

Now I feel stupid.

Re: Two Questions about Linking to C libraries

2013-11-27 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 07:30:58 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2013-11-27 02:26, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

2. Once I think my bindings are stable I would like to add 
them to
Deimos or DUB registries.  Are there any recommendations for 
bindings? I checked through some other bindings on GitHub and 
didn't see
any unit tests or the like. Are there any 'best practices' out 
there for

testing bindings?

I don't think there's an easy way to do unit testing for 
bindings. What you could do is port the original unit tests if 
available. Or create some new unit tests if none exists.

Thanks.  There were no unit tests with the original code. I will 
take a shot at it.

Two Questions about Linking to C libraries

2013-11-26 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I recently created bindings to the C libary shapelib.

I generated my own bindings by hand, and another set of bindings 
with DStep.

I created a small test program to test my bindings.  My current 
test program in its entirety is:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;

import shapefil;

int main( string args[] )
  const char* filename = std.string.toStringz( args[1] );

  SHPHandle hShp = SHPOpen(filename, rb);

  int num_entities;
  int shp_type;
  double pad_min_bound;
  double pad_max_bound;

  SHPGetInfo( hShp, num_entities, shp_type,
  pad_min_bound, pad_max_bound);

  writeln(Shapefile contains  ~ to!string(num_entities) ~  

  writeln(Of type  ~ to!string( SHPTypeName( shp_type) ));
  writeln(Bounds = [ ~to!string(pad_min_bound) ~ ,
   ~ to!string(pad_max_bound) ~ ]);

   SHPClose( hShp );
   return 0;

It simply reads a Shape File, the name for which is passed from 
the command line.

When I execute this I get the following message:

./shapetest data/dresden/gis.osm_water_v06.shp
Shapefile contains 799 entities.
Of type Polygon
Bounds = [13.5274,50.9632]
Segmentation fault

The first three lines output are what I expected, but then it 
segfaults on exit.

Running it in GDB I get the following error message:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00443fc7 in rt.dmain2._d_run_main() ()

Printing the backtrace provides no additional information.  The 
same problem occurs whether I used my hand-rolled binds or the 
DStep version.

So my two questions are:

1. Does anyone have any idea why my program is segfaulting. It 
seems to crash at exit and I read somewhere (can't recall where) 
that uncollected C style strings may cause the GC to fail.  
Perhaps this is my problem.  I tried commenting out some of the 
statements (eg. the SHPTypeName( shp_type) line, which returns a 
const char *, but I still get a segfault.  Any ideas on how to 
find the root cause?

2. Once I think my bindings are stable I would like to add them 
to Deimos or DUB registries.  Are there any recommendations for 
testing bindings? I checked through some other bindings on GitHub 
and didn't see any unit tests or the like. Are there any 'best 
practices' out there for testing bindings?

Re: Two Questions about Linking to C libraries

2013-11-26 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 02:36:01 UTC, Jesse Phillips 
Don't have answers. Do you still get segfault removing 
SHPClose( hShp );


Other comment:

 writeln(Bounds = [ ~to!string(pad_min_bound) ~ ,
  ~ to!string(pad_max_bound) ~ ]);

writeln(Bounds = [, pad_min_bound, ,, pad_max_bound, 

Thanks, thats look a bit nicer.

Re: Immutable Red-Black trees

2013-11-25 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 00:28:34 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Bartosz Milewski has written the second article about immutable 
data structures in C++11, this time about Red-Black trees:

The C++11 code with few small changes (like using enum class 
instead of enum):

D has GC and transitive immutability, so I have tried a D 
translation, a first draft:

In the D code there are some problems with C++ lines as:
return RBTree(Color::R, RBTree(), x, RBTree());

And I don't know if this is public:
Color rootColor() const {


What do you mean by an 'immutable' data structure.  The linked 
article talks about Persistent data structures.  Are these the 
same thing?

When I saw Immutable I figured it didn't support 
insertion/deletion - which would sort eliminate the need for a 
Red-Black tree anyways.

Re: Immutable Red-Black trees

2013-11-25 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 01:21:49 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 00:28:34 UTC, bearophile wrote:



What do you mean by an 'immutable' data structure.  The linked 
article talks about Persistent data structures.  Are these the 
same thing?

When I saw Immutable I figured it didn't support 
insertion/deletion - which would sort eliminate the need for a 
Red-Black tree anyways.

While I am at it, I might as well ask another question.  How is 
it that your 'insert' function is const?  I thought I understood 
const, but apparently not!


Re: Immutable Red-Black trees

2013-11-25 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 at 01:31:11 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Craig Dillabaugh:

What do you mean by an 'immutable' data structure.  The linked 
article talks about Persistent data structures.  Are these the 
same thing?

When I saw Immutable I figured it didn't support 
insertion/deletion - which would sort eliminate the need for a 
Red-Black tree anyways.

In those articles Bartosz is implementing in C++11 the 
immutable data structures from the book by Okasaki. Immutable 
doesn't mean you can't change them :-) It means you can't 
modify the single data items, and you have referential 


Ok, that make sense.

Re: DStep

2013-11-24 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 13:05:04 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-11-24 06:37, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

Thanks.  That is how I started out trying to fix it (Well, I 
symlinks rather than copy the files, but basically the same).  
I got it
to stop complaining about stddef.h and stdarg.h, but at the 
third header
(can't recall something obscure though) I gave up because I 
figured I
was going to be adding symlinks to half the headers on my 
system! Thats

when I decided to try compiling from scratch.

You need some kind of hearers, either system headers or headers 
from Clang. stddef.h and stdarg.h are somewhat special headers, 
they're builtin includes and you need to get them from Clang.

I have clang installed on my machine.  Is there anyway to point 
dstep to the right headers when I invoke it?

Is this issue supposed to be fixed with new versions of clang?

I don't know, I don't think so.

No I hadn't tried that.  I will give it a shot.

You will need Tango as well. All this is in the readme. Please 
let me know if there's something that is not clear in the 

I already got Tango working - that was clear from your docs.  At 
first I resisted, figuring I was sure to have problems getting 
Tango to work (Murphy's Law seems to apply strongly for me), but 
Tango turned out to be a piece of cake.  I will give compiling 
DStep another shot in the next day or two and report back!

Re: DStep

2013-11-24 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 14:04:32 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-11-24 14:58, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I have clang installed on my machine.  Is there anyway to 
point dstep to

the right headers when I invoke it?

Yes, use the -I flag. In addition to the listed flags, DStep 
accept all flags Clang accepts.

I already got Tango working - that was clear from your docs.  
At first I
resisted, figuring I was sure to have problems getting Tango 
to work
(Murphy's Law seems to apply strongly for me), but Tango 
turned out to
be a piece of cake.  I will give compiling DStep another shot 
in the

next day or two and report back!

I plan to use dub to compile DStep.

So the following command works (at least on my system):
dstep -I/usr/lib64/clang/3.2/include shapefil.h

Thanks for your help.

Re: DStep

2013-11-23 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Saturday, 23 November 2013 at 20:16:32 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

On 2013-11-22 15:35, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I am trying to use DStep on OpenSuse 12.3.  I downloaded one of
the binaries (it was for Debian, so I guess that is my 

and when I run DStep I get the following error:

craigkris@linux-s9qf:~/code/DShape/D dstep shapefil.h
File(850DF8, )/usr/include/stdio.h:33:11: fatal error:
'stddef.h' file not found

Unfortunately this is a known issue. What I did is was to place 
stddef.h and stdarg.h (shipped with Clang) into /use/include. 
Please see the readme for more info.

Thanks.  That is how I started out trying to fix it (Well, I used 
symlinks rather than copy the files, but basically the same).  I 
got it to stop complaining about stddef.h and stdarg.h, but at 
the third header (can't recall something obscure though) I gave 
up because I figured I was going to be adding symlinks to half 
the headers on my system! Thats when I decided to try compiling 
from scratch.

Is this issue supposed to be fixed with new versions of clang?

dstep/driver/Application.d(13): Error: module Application is in
file 'dstack/application/Application.d' which cannot be read

Did you clone the submodules? Run:

$ git clone --recursive

No I hadn't tried that.  I will give it a shot.

I am actually not urgently in need of DStep for my current 
project anymore, since my hand-written bindings seem to be doing 
the trick.  However, as this was my first bind D to C attempt, I 
wanted to run DStep and see how close my bindings come to its 

Once I have my small initial project working though I am hoping 
to write bindings to a much larger library, and DStep would 
certainly come in handy there :o)


Re: Optimization tips for alpha blending / rasterization loop

2013-11-22 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 22 November 2013 at 10:27:12 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Craig Dillabaugh:

Do you want to use a ubyte instead of a byte here?



Yes it is pretty easy to mix that up.  A lot of my work is with
images with single byte pixels, so I am pretty used to using
ubyte now.  I can't remember if I ever used byte, and if I did I
was likely a bug.



2013-11-22 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I am trying to use DStep on OpenSuse 12.3.  I downloaded one of
the binaries (it was for Debian, so I guess that is my problem),
and when I run DStep I get the following error:

craigkris@linux-s9qf:~/code/DShape/D dstep shapefil.h
File(850DF8, )/usr/include/stdio.h:33:11: fatal error:
'stddef.h' file not found

This seems to be some problem with clang (when I googled around I
found similar errors).

I actually started trying to fix this by adding symlinks to the
offending header files in my /usr/include folder, but that is
looking like a losing proposition. Has anyone successfully
overcome this before.

I also tried downloading dstep from gitHub and building from
scratch, but I am getting all sort of errors there (eg.)

dstep/driver/Application.d(13): Error: module Application is in
file 'dstack/application/Application.d' which cannot be read

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: std.json

2013-11-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Monday, 26 March 2012 at 07:14:50 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/25/2012 08:26 AM, AaronP wrote:
Could I get a hello, world example of parsing json? The docs 

simple enough, but I could still use an example.

For what it's worth, I've just sent the following program to a 
friend before seeing this thread.

1) Save this sample text to a file named json_file

  employees: [
 { firstName:John , lastName:Doe },
 { firstName:Anna , lastName:Smith },
 { firstName:Peter , lastName:Jones }

2) The following program makes struct Employee objects from 
that file:

import std.stdio;
import std.json;
import std.conv;
import std.file;

struct Employee
string firstName;
string lastName;

void main()
// Assumes UTF-8 file
auto content = to!string(read(json_file));

JSONValue[string] document = parseJSON(content).object;
JSONValue[] employees = document[employees].array;

foreach (employeeJson; employees) {
JSONValue[string] employee = employeeJson.object;

string firstName = employee[firstName].str;
string lastName = employee[lastName].str;

auto e = Employee(firstName, lastName);
writeln(Constructed: , e);

The output of the program:

Constructed: Employee(John, Doe)
Constructed: Employee(Anna, Smith)
Constructed: Employee(Peter, Jones)


So I was thinking of adding an example to the std.json documents,
and was going to ask to rip-off Ali's example here.  However, I
thought I would be nice to have an example going the other way
(ie. taking some data structure and converting to JSON format).
I came up with the following using Ali's Employee struct:

  * Generate a JSON string from an array of employees using
  * even though the code to generate the same by hand would be
  * and easier to follow :o)
string employeesToJSON( Employee[] employees )
 JSONValue emp_array;
 emp_array.type = JSON_TYPE.ARRAY;
 emp_array.array = [];

 foreach( e; employees ) {
JSONValue emp_object;
emp_object.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
emp_object.object = null;

JSONValue first_name;
first_name.str = e.firstName;
first_name.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;

JSONValue last_name;
last_name.str = e.lastName;
last_name.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;

emp_object.object[firstName] = first_name;
emp_object.object[lastName] = last_name;

emp_array.array ~= emp_object;

 JSONValue root;
 root.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
 root.object[] = emp_array;

 return toJSON( root );

Then if I call it using the following code:

Employee[] employees =  [ { Walter, Bright },
  { Andrei, Alexandrescu},
  { Celine, Dion } ];

writeln( employeesToJSON( employees ) );

It prints out:


Which isn't exactly what I want as I have the extra  at the

So I have two questions:

1. Is there a nicer way to generate my JSONValue tree.

2. How do I insert my JSONValue.array of employees into my root
I tried:
   root.object[] = emp_array; // generates { : [ ... }
   root.object[null] = emp_array; // generates { : [ ... }
   root.object = emp_array; //Syntax error
 //Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
 //(emp_array) of type JSONValue to JSONValue[string]
I want my returned string as { [ ... ] }



Re: std.json

2013-11-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 13:20:48 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
For tasks that imply conversion between D types and JSON text 
(alike to serialization), vibe.d module is really much superior 
because it provides functions like which just 
work on many user types.

I absolutely agree.  However, I wanted to come up with an example
for std.json, and this mess was the best I could do.  I was
curious if someone could come up with a nicer mess than mine.

Also for small jobs it might be preferable to use std.json - if
you don't want the vibe.d dependency.

Re: std.json

2013-11-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 13:29:54 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
What I mean is that std.json does not seem to be written with 
such usage mode in mind, it is more about direct DOM 
manipulation/construction. So probably examples should probably 
not highlight how bad it is at tasks it is really bad at :P

So I was basically wasting my time trying to figure out how to
drive a nail with a screwdriver :o)

Re: std.json

2013-11-20 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 13:48:37 UTC, Orvid King wrote:
On 11/20/13, Craig Dillabaugh 

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013 at 13:29:54 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

What I mean is that std.json does not seem to be written with
such usage mode in mind, it is more about direct DOM
manipulation/construction. So probably examples should 

not highlight how bad it is at tasks it is really bad at :P

So I was basically wasting my time trying to figure out how to
drive a nail with a screwdriver :o)

But driving a nail with a screwdriver works very well! Or at 
least it

does if you have a large enough screwdriver :P

Regardless, if your looking to avoid the vibe.d dependency, my
serialization framework does support JSON, and still has the 

API that vibe.d's module does.

Thanks, I may have a look.


Re: T[] (array of generic type)

2013-11-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Monday, 18 November 2013 at 20:32:25 UTC, Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:20 PM, seany 
I read that book, but dont find this constructtion, that is 
why the


IIRC I talk a bit about function templates in my tutorial. JR 
gave the
link (thanks!), another, more direct way is to directly 
download the


(click on `view raw` to download)
Try p. 28 and following.

And I really should take the time to write this thing again...

 From scratch?  :0)

Instantiating templates where type is known only at run time

2013-11-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

this question came up in some C++ work I am doing, but since the
solutions are likely nicer in D, I wanted to ask how it could be
solved in D.

First for some motivation.  I am doing image processing work
where the images are simply an array of data, where the data type
can be any numeric type. The data is stored as binary files and
assume I have some way of figuring out the data type for an image.

Say I want to implement the function along the following lines,
and imagine I have a sane reason for wanting to do such a thing:

//  Assume images are of the same dimensions. Result is
//  saved in Out.
void add(T,U,V)(Image!T A, Image!U B, Image!V Out) {

Now assume I have three variables ImgAType, ImgBType, and
ImgCType (I refer to these variables without specifying their
type, but hopefully it is clear what is going on) then to
implement add() I end up with a lengthy if..else statement or
nasty nested switch ... case statements to handle all the
possible combinations of ubyte, short, uint, float, double for
each of the three image types.  I will use an if() version

if( ImgAType == SHT  ImgBType == UINT  ImgCType == DBL ) {
 Image!short A = new Image!short( filename_of_A );
 Image!uint  B = new Image!uint( filename_of_B );
 Image!double Out = new Image!double( filename_of_Out );
} else { //next case and so on  }

Since the types can be any numeric type there are a lot of
'combinations' of images. I won't add a float and double together
and generate a ubyte image, but there are still many valid
combinations.  However, any way you slice it you end up with a
very long, repetitive bunch of code.

A co-worker of mine came up with (or found) the following
solution. I thought is was clever. It cuts down on repetitive
code, but man is it ugly:

void add( ImgAType, ImgBType, ImgCType, //File names  ) {
if( ImgAType == UBYTE) AddStep1!ubyte(ImgBType, ImgCType,
//Files );
else if( ImgAType == SHT) AddStep1!short(ImgBType, ImgCType,
//Files );
//and so on

void AddStep1(T)(ImgBType, ImgCType, //File names ) {
if( ImgBType == UBYTE) AddStep2!(T,ubyte)(ImgCType, //Files );
else if( ImgBType == SHT) AddStep2!(T,short)(ImgCType, //Files
//and so on.

void AddStep2(T,U)(ImgCType, //File names ) {
if( ImgCType == UBYTE) AddStep3!(T,U,ubyte)( //Files );
else if(ImgCType == SHT) AddStep3!(T,U,short)( //Files );
//and so on

void AddStep3(T,U,V)( //File names ) {
//Do the actual work!

Anyway, I hope that is clear what we are trying to do.  So my
question is, is there a nice way in D to instantiate all the
necessary templated functions, and call the correct version at
run time, without resorting one of the methods above.

Anyway, thanks to whoever takes the time to read all that, let
alone come up with an answer.

Re: Instantiating templates where type is known only at run time

2013-11-19 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Tuesday, 19 November 2013 at 12:53:50 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Craig Dillabaugh:

//  Assume images are of the same dimensions. Result is
//  saved in Out.
void add(T,U,V)(Image!T A, Image!U B, Image!V Out) {

Take a look at the out annotation in D.

Anyway, thanks to whoever takes the time to read all that, let
alone come up with an answer.

In D there is no type switch but there are type tuples, where 
you can put a sequence of all your types, and you can iterate 
on them statically with a foreach, to instantiate your 
templates. So your C++ code probably becomes nicer in D.


Thanks very much.

Re: Using reduce() with tuples created by zip()

2013-11-02 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 1 November 2013 at 20:08:15 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
What I'm trying to explain is that reduce takes two arguments: 
the growing
value and the current front. In your case, the current front is 
indeed a

2-tuple, but that's an unrelated issue.

You're trying to get:

reduce!( (firstElemOfPair, secondElemOfPair) = ...) (range)

to work, whereas reduce signature is:

reduce!( (onGoingValue, elem) = ...) (range)

OK, NOW I understand what you were trying to point out. The
function has to take the running sum (in my case) as one of the

Thanks for your patience.

Re: Using reduce() with tuples created by zip()

2013-11-01 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 1 November 2013 at 09:31:41 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

Thanks, I will try both your, and Bearophile's ideas and see 
if I

can figure out how they work.

reduce takes a range and eagerly (that is, not lazily) builds a 
value from
it. In your case, it builds the squared distance between two 
points.  The
returned value can be anything: a numerical value, but also 
another range,
a complex object,  an so on. As long as it can be built 

you're good.

Given a range [a,b,c,..., z] and a binary function f,
reduce!(f)([a,b,c,...]) calculates f(a,b), then f(f(a,b), c), 
up to f(...

f( f( f(a,b),c), d), ...,z).

The only question is whether you give it a seed value, or if it 
takes the
first range element as seed  (f(seed, a), f(f(seed,a),b) and 
son on).

std.algorithm.reduce provides both overloads.

Note the only thing you get is the final result, not the 
internal f(f(...'s


If you want a sum:

reduce!( (result,elem) = result + elem )(range)


reduce!( (result,elem) = result + elem )(range, 0)

Sum of squares:

reduce!( (result, elem) = result + elem^^2 )(range, 0)

In your case, the basic element is a tuple, coming from zip. 
Access to the

two elements is done with [0] or [1]. So:

reduce!( (result, elem) = result + (elem[0]-elem[1])^^2 
)(zippedRange, 0)

This is really where my problem arose. I understood everything up
to here, but I sort of had this idea, hey zip returns a tuple so
that somehow the compiler
was going to figure out for me that function(e) has two values
and is thus
a binary function so this should work (the 0.0 on the end was my
start value):

reduce!(function(e) { return (e[1]-e[0])*(e[1]-e[0]); })(0.0)

However, of course the compiler see's the tuple as just one value
- which is where I made my mistake.

Of course, it would be easy to write a small n-range reduce 

function, that takes n ranges and reduces them in parallel:

reduce!( (result, a, b) = result + (a-b)^^2 )(rangeA, rangeB, 

Note that reduce is a versatile function: you can duplicate 
filter and map
functionalities with it. The only thing to remember is that, 
compared to
other iteration algorithm/ranges, it's eager. Don't use it on 
an infinite


We could also have a slightly different version that lazily 
produces the
intermediate results as a range. IIRC, it's called 'scan' in 
Haskell. It's
sometimes interesting to have it: you can interrupt the ongoing 
when the result is 'good enough', not waiting for the entire 
input range to

be consumed.

Re: Using reduce() with tuples created by zip()

2013-11-01 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Friday, 1 November 2013 at 18:44:23 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
reduce!( (result, elem) = result + (elem[0]-elem[1])^^2 
)(zippedRange, 0)

This is really where my problem arose. I understood everything 
to here, but I sort of had this idea, hey zip returns a tuple 

that somehow the compiler
was going to figure out for me that function(e) has two values
and is thus
a binary function so this should work (the 0.0 on the end was 

start value):

reduce!(function(e) { return (e[1]-e[0])*(e[1]-e[0]); })(0.0)

However, of course the compiler see's the tuple as just one 

- which is where I made my mistake.

The problem is not tuple, it's that reduce needs a binary 
function to work.

Yes, that is more or less what I was trying to say. I was
figuring that the compiler could figure out that 'e' was really a
pair of values, thus making function(e) binary.  Of course, that
is asking too much from the compiler.

Using reduce() with tuples created by zip()

2013-10-31 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I am trying to calculate the Euclidean Distance between two
points. I currently have the following function (that doesn't

double euclid_dist( double[] pt1, double[] pt2 ) {
   assert( pt1.length == pt2.length );

   return sqrt(
 zip(pt1, pt2).reduce!(function(e) { return
(e[1]-e[0])*(e[1]-e[0]); })(0.0)

Hopefully it is clear what I am trying to do.  I want zip to
create a range that is a tuple of the point's coordinate pairs,
and then use reduce to sum the squared differences.  I get the
following error but can't figure out how to fix my syntax:

euclid.d(13): Error: template
euclid.euclid_dist.reduce!(__funcliteral2).reduce does not match
any function template declaration. Candidates are:
args) if (Args.length  0  Args.length = 2 
isIterable!(Args[__dollar - 1]))
euclid.d(13): Error: template
args) if (Args.length  0  Args.length = 2 
isIterable!(Args[__dollar - 1])) cannot deduce template function
from argument types !()(Zip!(double[], double[]), double)
Failed: 'dmd' '-v' '-o-' 'euclid.d' '-I.'

I know I could use a simple foreach loop with my zip command, or
even std.numeric.euclidean( ... ), but I am trying to be cute


Re: Using reduce() with tuples created by zip()

2013-10-31 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 at 19:23:56 UTC, Philippe Sigaud
I think reduce takes two arguments: the growing seed and the 
current front.
You're trying to get (a[0]-b[0])^^2 + (a[1]-b[1])^^2 + ..., 

Yep. The (e[1]-e[0])*(e[1]-e[0]) bit was, I supposed was
calculating (a[0]-b[0])^^2 and so on.  I forgot about the ^^2 in

Try this:

module euclid;

import std.stdio;

double euclid_dist( double[] pt1, double[] pt2 ) {
assert( pt1.length == pt2.length );
import std.algorithm;
import std.math;
import std.range;

return sqrt(0.0.reduce!( (sum,pair) = sum + 

)(zip(pt1, pt2)));

void main()
double[] arr1 = [0.0, 1.0, 0.1];
double[] arr2 = [1.0, -1.0, 0.0];

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:12 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:



Thanks, I will try both your, and Bearophile's ideas and see if I
can figure out how they work.

Set variable at compile time

2013-10-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh


I am writing code that uses a structure containing an array of
points where the points may be of arbitrary dimension (though
generally small).  I would like to be able to pass the point
dimension to my structure as a template parameter.

One solution is to create instances of these structures for all
reasonable dimensions and then select the correct instance at run
time I suppose. However, I don't really want to set a limit on
the point dimension.

Since the actual program is quite small, and the datasets I want
to apply it to are generally going to be large, I thought it
would make sense to generate the program from source for each
'run' and simply specify the dimension at compile time.  But that
is where I am stuck.

I looked at the compiler switches
( but if there is a compiler
switch to do this I missed it.  I suppose I could use version()
statements, but that seems like a bit of a hack.

So my question is, is there some straightforward way of doing
what I want here.



Re: Set variable at compile time

2013-10-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 20:19:11 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe
It won't really work on the command line alone, but the way I 
do it is a two step thing. First, make the thing use a config 

import myproject.config;

alias Thing Thing_Impl!dim;

then you go ahead and use Thing, which is instantiated with the 
dimension. Then the user makes a file:

module myproject.config;

enum dim = 10; // or whatever

and compiles it all:

dmd main.d yourlib.d config.d

and it works out. They can swap out config.d for other files 
with other values and definitions on the command line to 
customize it.

It would also be possible to provide a default if you go with 
the whole library route, compiling the default into the .lib 
and giving the default in the project include path, both of 
which would be overridden by the user's explicit config source 
file on the command line.

So not as simple as -Ddim=10, but gets the job done. You can 
also use this technique with static if to version stuff out 
they don't want and other similar tasks; I actually like it 
better than -version for the most part.

This should work for what I want, and I was thinking of something
along these lines, but was hoping there might be a simpler


Re: Set variable at compile time

2013-10-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 at 20:23:58 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/30/2013 01:11 PM, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

 I am writing code that uses a structure containing an array of
 points where the points may be of arbitrary dimension (though
 generally small).  I would like to be able to pass the point
 dimension to my structure as a template parameter.

struct Point

struct S(size_t N)
Point[N] points;

alias S2D = S!2;
alias S3D = S!3;

void main()

 One solution is to create instances of these structures for
 reasonable dimensions and then select the correct instance at
 time I suppose.

Do you need a common interface, or all of the algoritms will be 
templatized as well? In other words, what is the type that the 
following function returns?

??? selectInstance(size_t N)
// return S2D or S3D?

You can have an interface that the template implements:

interface SInterface
void foo();

class S(size_t N) : SInterface
Point[N] points;

void foo() { /* implementation for N */ }

Now selectInstance() returns SInterface:

SInterface selectInstance(size_t N)
// ...

 However, I don't really want to set a limit on
 the point dimension.

All of the instances must be known at compile time. So, your 
program is always limited with the number of actual instances 
that the program is using.


Ali thanks.

The algorithms will be templatized as well.  As you point out, I
need to know all instances at compile time, but want to 'get
around' this, thus my idea of compiling the specific instance I
need.  Adam's idea should work.

I like the interface idea, but just to make sure I understand the
purpose - you use the interface to provide a common interface so
that the instantiated objects can be used by algorithms which do
not have any knowledge of the particular dimension of a given
point.  Is that correct?


Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-05 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Saturday, 5 October 2013 at 02:42:54 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

On Friday, October 04, 2013 16:12:14 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
I guess the more fundamental question is, what is the purpose 
the documentation? Is it a quick reference for D users, or is 

a resource for people trying to learn the language? I learned
C++ using Qt, largely from their online docs. The Qt
documentation is a reference, but it also tends to provide lots
of explanation.

It would never have occurred to me that API documentation would 
be use for
teaching the language - even documentation for the standard 
library. I would
expect people to learn the language first. Yes, the standard 
documentation needs to be reasonably accessible to newbies, but 
I would not
expect it to be used as a teaching tool for the language. The 
documentation on
a type or function is there to teach you about how to use that 
particular type

or function, not how to use the language.

Of course, I'm also the sort of person who thinks that people 
are nuts to just

jump into a game without reading the entire manual first.

- Jonathan M Davis

Yes, but the manual (Andrei's book?) barely touches on the
standard library (ranges are not even covered).  Things are
getting better now that Ali's book is getting closer to having a
complete English translation.  For whatever reason, when I first
started trying to use Phobos, I found that the knowledge I had
gathered from Andrei's book still left me dazed and confused at


Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-04 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 21:58:18 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 22:57:22 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 19:49:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

 On Thursday, October 03, 2013 20:57:20 Craig Dillabaugh 
 On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 18:12:01 UTC, Jonathan M 


  - Jonathan M Davis
 Fair enough. As you point out the fix is pretty simple.
 However, I can't seem to remember in C++ or any other 
 (not that I know all that many other languages) coming 
 across a
 function in the standard library that conflicted with 

 function in the standard library in this way. I am likely to
 corrected on that claim though :o)
 I'm sure that it could be found somewhere, but C++ avoids it

 for two reasons:
 1. As good as the STL is, it's pathetically small.
 2. It only uses one namespace, so it _has_ to avoid 

 even if that
 means using uglier names.
 Java or C# might have some conflicts (I'm not sure - they

 certainly have much
 richer standard libraries than C++ does), but they almost
 always avoid it,
 because they're don't even allow free functions, so you only
 end up having to
 worry about class names conflicting. Their module systems are
 also different
 from D's (particularly C#'s), which changes things a bit.
 Other languages like python tend to force you to give the 

 path anyway,
 which avoids conflicts.
 The reason that D runs into them is because the default is to

 pull everything
 into the current module when you import it. If we'd taken the
 approach of
 making you give the full import path by default or forcing 

 to explicitly
 import each symbol, then it wouldn't be a problem (though 

 would obviously
 cause other problems).
 And we'll definitely pick different names where appropriate,

 but if the best
 names for two different functions in two different modules
 happen to be the same
 name, then we're going to use it. And in same cases, we very
 purposely picked
 the same name, because the functions did the same type of 

 (e.g. the
 functions in std.ascii and std.uni which do the same thing 

 for ASCII and
 Unicode respectively).
 - Jonathan M Davis

That is an excellent explanation. Thank you.

Do you think it would be worth noting the conflict in the
documentation for readText()/write()?

I should have mentioned in my original post that I likely could
have figured out the workaround for this, and I posted here 
because I was surprised that std.stdio and std.file would have 

conflict! It seems like something folks new to D might run into
with some frequency, and be thinking whats up with that!.

If others think it is a good idea, maybe I will head over to
gitHub and try to add something.

I'm inclined to think that there's no need, since people 
learning D should
know how the module system works, and I'd prefer not to clutter 
documentation, but I also haven't been a newbie for a very long 

- Jonathan M Davis

There are two problems with this for newbies:

1. They may not understand the module system well.
2. The may not know that a string = char array, and that as such 
it may not even occur to them that write() will accept a string. 
Now a careful reading of the docs for readText() should clue them 
in that string = char array, but when you are new to a language 
and trying to absorb the new syntax it is something that can 
easily be overlooked.

I have just enough D experience now that for the most part I 
don't struggle to follow the documentation, but I remember when I 
was new to D I found it very frustrating. That is even after 
reading Anderi's book (maybe I am a slow learner, but I am likely 
fairly representative of the average coder!) Now part of that is 
the known shortage of documentation, but often example code can 
be hard to follow, for example, from write:

   int[] a = [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ];
   write(filename, a);
   assert(cast(int[]) read(filename) == a);

Consider the final 'assert' line.  On the one hand, it shows how 
to concisely use language features and good D coding practices, 
however, on the other hand  there is an awful lot going on in a 
single line of code. To someone who knows the language it looks 
trivial, but it can be a bit overwhelming to a newbie who wants 
to see if they can use this new language to write some text to a 

I guess the more fundamental question is, what is the purpose of 
the documentation?  Is it a quick reference for D users, or is it 
a resource for people trying to learn the language?  I learned 
C++ using Qt, largely from their online docs. The Qt 
documentation is a reference, but it also tends to provide lots 
of explanation.

I've seen both, documentation strictly as a reference for those 
who already know how to use it, and docs with more focus on 
explaining how things work to the uninitiated.  I tend to like 
the later approach

Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 02:57:50 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic
On 10/3/13, Craig Dillabaugh 

void main( string[] args ) {
string str = Hello;
write( file.txt, str );

string hello_file = readText(file.txt);

writeln( hello_file );

You can also disambiguate by preferring one symbol over another 
with an alias:

alias write = std.file.write;

void main( string[] args ) {
string str = Hello;
write( file.txt, str );

You can also put the alias inside the function.


It seems that std.file should include a writeText() function for
the sake of consistency that is the above alias.  When you come
across readText() in the documentation you sort of expect that
such a function would exist, and then you spot write() below it,
and think hey that does what I need.  Then you hit upon the
syntax error if you are also using std.stdio (which is a very
commonly used module).

Adding writeText() doesn't really add much to the library, but
having to jump through hoops (as minor as they may be) to perform
such a simple op is a bit of a pain for people new to the


Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 18:12:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 15:22:28 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
It seems that std.file should include a writeText() function 

the sake of consistency that is the above alias. When you come
across readText() in the documentation you sort of expect that
such a function would exist, and then you spot write() below 

and think hey that does what I need. Then you hit upon the
syntax error if you are also using std.stdio (which is a very
commonly used module).

Adding writeText() doesn't really add much to the library, but
having to jump through hoops (as minor as they may be) to 

such a simple op is a bit of a pain for people new to the

writeText would be redundant. write will already write 
arbitrary data to a file
- including strings. writeText would add no functionality. 
Functions should

add actual value, or they just clutter up the library.

Conflicting functions is just part of life. The module system 
is designed to
let you disambiguate them. We're not going to try and make all 
of the function
names unique just because you might import a module with a 
function. If write is the best name for the function, then 
that's what we'll
use, even if it conflicts with a function in another module. To 
do otherwise
would be to ignore the features of the module system and force 
us to come up

with worse names just to avoid conflicts.

- Jonathan M Davis

Fair enough. As you point out the fix is pretty simple.

However, I can't seem to remember in C++ or any other language 
(not that I know all that many other languages) coming across a 
function in the standard library that conflicted with another 
function in the standard library in this way.  I am likely to get 
corrected on that claim though :o)

Maybe it would be worth noting this conflict in the 
documentations for newbies.


Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-03 Thread Craig Dillabaugh
On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 19:49:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 20:57:20 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 18:12:01 UTC, Jonathan M Davis


 - Jonathan M Davis

Fair enough. As you point out the fix is pretty simple.

However, I can't seem to remember in C++ or any other language
(not that I know all that many other languages) coming across a
function in the standard library that conflicted with another
function in the standard library in this way. I am likely to 

corrected on that claim though :o)

I'm sure that it could be found somewhere, but C++ avoids it 
for two reasons:

1. As good as the STL is, it's pathetically small.
2. It only uses one namespace, so it _has_ to avoid conflicts, 
even if that

means using uglier names.

Java or C# might have some conflicts (I'm not sure - they 
certainly have much
richer standard libraries than C++ does), but they almost 
always avoid it,
because they're don't even allow free functions, so you only 
end up having to
worry about class names conflicting. Their module systems are 
also different

from D's (particularly C#'s), which changes things a bit.

Other languages like python tend to force you to give the full 
path anyway,

which avoids conflicts.

The reason that D runs into them is because the default is to 
pull everything
into the current module when you import it. If we'd taken the 
approach of
making you give the full import path by default or forcing you 
to explicitly
import each symbol, then it wouldn't be a problem (though that 
would obviously

cause other problems).

And we'll definitely pick different names where appropriate, 
but if the best
names for two different functions in two different modules 
happen to be the same
name, then we're going to use it. And in same cases, we very 
purposely picked
the same name, because the functions did the same type of thing 
(e.g. the
functions in std.ascii and std.uni which do the same thing but 
for ASCII and

Unicode respectively).

- Jonathan M Davis

That is an excellent explanation.  Thank you.

Do you think it would be worth noting the conflict in the 
documentation for readText()/write()?

I should have mentioned in my original post that I likely could 
have figured out the workaround for this, and I posted here more 
because I was surprised that std.stdio and std.file would have a 
conflict!  It seems like something folks new to D might run into 
with some frequency, and be thinking whats up with that!.

If others think it is a good idea, maybe I will head over to 
gitHub and try to add something.


Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-02 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I have the following program:

import std.file;
import std.stdio;

void main( string[] args ) {
   string str = Hello;
   write( file.txt, str );

   string hello_file = readText(file.txt);

   writeln( hello_file );

When I try to compile this I get:

test.d(6): Error: std.stdio.write!(string, string).write at
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(1656) conflicts with
std.file.write at /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/file.d(318)

I think this should work.  The example at the end of (D file I/0):

Uses write() exactly the way I am using it here.



Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-02 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Wednesday, 2 October 2013 at 23:39:39 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh

I have the following program:

import std.file;
import std.stdio;

void main( string[] args ) {
   string str = Hello;
   write( file.txt, str );

   string hello_file = readText(file.txt);

   writeln( hello_file );

When I try to compile this I get:

test.d(6): Error: std.stdio.write!(string, string).write at
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(1656) conflicts with
std.file.write at /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/file.d(318)

I think this should work.  The example at the end of (D file 

Uses write() exactly the way I am using it here.



D compiler DMD 2.063.2

Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-02 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 00:04:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 01:39:38 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I have the following program:

import std.file;
import std.stdio;

void main( string[] args ) {
string str = Hello;
write( file.txt, str );

string hello_file = readText(file.txt);

writeln( hello_file );

When I try to compile this I get:

test.d(6): Error: std.stdio.write!(string, string).write at
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(1656) conflicts with
std.file.write at /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/file.d(318)

I think this should work. The example at the end of (D file 

Uses write() exactly the way I am using it here.

You have to give the full path - std.file.write. As both 
functions can take the
same arguments, and you've imported both, the compiler has no 
way of knowing
which you mean. So, you have to disambiguate for it. It's only 
a problem

because you imported both modules.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks.  Seems kind of an odd design decision (or oversight) that
two commonly used functions in the standard library would clash
in this manner, but I guess it is no big deal.



Re: Conflict between std.file write() and std.stdio write()

2013-10-02 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 00:04:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis

On Thursday, October 03, 2013 01:39:38 Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I have the following program:

import std.file;
import std.stdio;

void main( string[] args ) {
string str = Hello;
write( file.txt, str );

string hello_file = readText(file.txt);

writeln( hello_file );

When I try to compile this I get:

test.d(6): Error: std.stdio.write!(string, string).write at
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d(1656) conflicts with
std.file.write at /usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/file.d(318)

I think this should work. The example at the end of (D file 

Uses write() exactly the way I am using it here.

You have to give the full path - std.file.write. As both 
functions can take the
same arguments, and you've imported both, the compiler has no 
way of knowing
which you mean. So, you have to disambiguate for it. It's only 
a problem

because you imported both modules.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks.  Seems kind of an odd design decision (or oversight) that
two commonly used functions in the standard library would clash
in this manner, but I guess it is no big deal.



Re: Linking Trouble (Linux)

2013-09-30 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Sunday, 29 September 2013 at 14:16:21 UTC, 1100110 wrote:

Please.  You are somebodies hero.

Did you actually run into the same problem?  If so, glad I could 

Re: Linking Trouble (Linux)

2013-09-13 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 20:47:46 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh

For anyone who runs into a similar problem using DUB the
following package.json files solves the problem:

name: vibe,
description: My first vibe project.,
copyright: Me,
authors: [
Craig Dillabaugh
dependencies: {
vibe-d: ~master
libs: [dl, z]

Hopefully starting a thread on a forum and then repeatedly
answering yourself isn't a sign of insanity, but I've found the
ultimate source of my problems and wanted to post back here in
case it might help someone else (myself?) in the future.

Anyway my suggested hacks above got my D programs to compile, but
when I tried to run anything, I would get seg faults along the
following lines:

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x004547b9 in std.stdio.__T7writelnTAyaZ.writeln() ()
#1  0x00454301 in D main ()
#2  0x00460958 in rt.dmain2._d_run_main() ()
#3  0x0046048a in rt.dmain2._d_run_main() ()
#4  0x004609a8 in rt.dmain2._d_run_main() ()
#5  0x0046048a in rt.dmain2._d_run_main() ()
#6  0x00460446 in _d_run_main ()
#7  0x00460293 in main ()

It seems the source of my troubles was a broken binutils install
by openSuse. So I re-installed binutils and now everything purrs

Thanks to everyone for your help :o)

Re: Linking Trouble (Linux)

2013-09-12 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 19:46:21 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh
I just upgraded my Linux distro (openSuse) and now when trying 

compile a project with dub I am getting linking errors.

Compilation goes OK until the linking stage, when I get the

dmd -of/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/vibe
/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/temp.o -L-levent_pthreads -L-levent
-L-lssl -L-lcrypto -g


Strangely, and are both there and libcrypto
is linked to them.



OK, so I solved my compilation problem by passing the following
as the linker command (added -L-ldl and -L-lz):

dmd -of/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/vibe
/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/temp.o -L-levent_pthreads -L-levent
-L-lssl -L-ldl -L-lz -L-lcrypto -g

How the GCC linker decides which libraries I need to explicitly
specify is indeed a mystery to me.


Linking Trouble (Linux)

2013-09-12 Thread Craig Dillabaugh

I just upgraded my Linux distro (openSuse) and now when trying to
compile a project with dub I am getting linking errors.

Compilation goes OK until the linking stage, when I get the

dmd -of/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/vibe
/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/temp.o -L-levent_pthreads -L-levent
-L-lssl -L-lcrypto -g
warning:, needed by /usr/lib64/, not found
(try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
warning:, needed by /usr/lib64/, not found
(try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to

Strangely, and are both there and libcrypto
is linked to them.

$ ldd /usr/lib64/ (0x7fff7d52) = /lib64/ (0x7f3b2ef98000) = /lib64/ (0x7f3b2ed8) = /lib64/ (0x7f3b2e9d)
 /lib64/ (0x7f3b2f5a8000)

I've surfed around quite a bit and can't seem to find anything.
I solved a similar problem in the past by reinstalling glibc, but
that hasn't helped in this case. Any hints on where to look would
be appreciated.


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