Re: Are there any containers that go with allocators?

2021-02-09 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 9 February 2021 at 12:23:52 UTC, rikki cattermole 

It uses the older design for allocators (dependency).

Looks good, thank you

Are there any containers that go with allocators?

2021-02-09 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
Normally I'm happy with the GC containers in D, they work well 
and suit my use.

I have a few uses that would benefit from allocation in memory 
arenas or local stack based allocation. Looks like 
std.experimental has allocators for those use cases.

But I can't find any containers to make use of those allocators. 
The built in ones use GC managed memory, there are std.container 
but they appear to use malloc/free which again is useful but not 
what I'm looking for.

I'd like resizeable arrays, hashmaps and strings that I can 
allocate using an allocator?
Am I missing something in the standard library, or a way to use 
the existing ones, or is it just that nobody has implemented this 
kind of thing yet?

Re: Contributing to D wiki

2020-07-30 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 July 2020 at 16:58:13 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 11:39:32AM +, John Burton via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
I tried looking there for information and examples of getting 
glfw3 statically linked into my program using LDC and didn't 
really find anything.

I wonder if adding a page for static linking tips would be 
useful as it seems to be problematic and compiler and 
environment dependent? Perhaps I should go ahead and see if I 
can make a page and see if anyone objects :P

Yes, please go ahead.  I don't think there's a need to ask. :-)


I will try to add something in the coming days

Re: Contributing to D wiki

2020-07-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 July 2020 at 22:18:47 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 09:27:22PM +, tastyminerals via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
D wiki is badly outdated. This is not a fact but a gut feeling 
after reading through some of its pages. I was wondering who's 
owning it myself but never actually dared to just go and 

Why not?  It's a *wiki*.  Wikis are intended for the user 
community (i.e. you & me) to go and edit.  That's the whole 
point of a wiki.  If that wasn't the intention we wouldn't have 
set up a wiki in the first place.

I tried looking there for information and examples of getting 
statically linked into my program using LDC and didn't really 
find anything.

I wonder if adding a page for static linking tips would be useful 
as it seems to be problematic and compiler and environment 
dependent? Perhaps I should go ahead and see if I can make a page 
and see if anyone objects :P

Re: Static link of glfw3 library fails for me

2020-07-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 27 July 2020 at 08:53:25 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 27 July 2020 at 07:30:42 UTC, John Burton wrote:

For reference I got this to work by doing the following :-

1) Installed visual studio build tools. I could not get this 
to work at all with the linker etc that comes with ldc2.
2) Copied the glfw3.lib vs2019 version file into my build 
directory (obviously could point the linker at it too which 
would be better)

3) Used the following dub.sdl

name "game"
description "Test Project"
authors "Me"
copyright "Copyright ┬® 2020, Me"
license "proprietary"
dependency "bindbc-glfw" version="~>0.10.0"
dflags "-mscrtlib=ucrt"
libs "glfw3"
versions "BindGLFW_Static"

The key seems to be using the dflags line to make it link with 
the "modern" C libraries, and using the microsoft linker.

I appear to have glfw3 statically linked and working :)

Cool. To be clear, you're still compiling with LDC, correct? 
I'm pretty sure DMD is using the universal C runtime out of the 
box when VS is installed.

yes compiling with LDC (Installed via "scoop" (see but I don't think that matter where it came 

I got it previously to work with DMD with no issue, my issue was 
with LDC only.
I was using DMD for my project previously but started doing 
something where performance mattered so thought to use LDC 

Re: Static link of glfw3 library fails for me

2020-07-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 26 July 2020 at 12:24:06 UTC, John Burton wrote:

On Sunday, 26 July 2020 at 10:41:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 26 July 2020 at 08:28:29 UTC, John Burton wrote:

And I get the following errors from the link :-

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __GSHandlerCheck
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_check_cookie
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_cookie

I believe that's because the GLFW library was compiled with 
the Microsoft compiler's /GS option:

For reference I got this to work by doing the following :-

1) Installed visual studio build tools. I could not get this to 
work at all with the linker etc that comes with ldc2.
2) Copied the glfw3.lib vs2019 version file into my build 
directory (obviously could point the linker at it too which would 
be better)

3) Used the following dub.sdl

name "game"
description "Test Project"
authors "Me"
copyright "Copyright ┬® 2020, Me"
license "proprietary"
dependency "bindbc-glfw" version="~>0.10.0"
dflags "-mscrtlib=ucrt"
libs "glfw3"
versions "BindGLFW_Static"

The key seems to be using the dflags line to make it link with 
the "modern" C libraries, and using the microsoft linker.

I appear to have glfw3 statically linked and working :)

Re: Static link of glfw3 library fails for me

2020-07-26 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 26 July 2020 at 10:41:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Sunday, 26 July 2020 at 08:28:29 UTC, John Burton wrote:

And I get the following errors from the link :-

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __GSHandlerCheck
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_check_cookie
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_cookie

I believe that's because the GLFW library was compiled with the 
Microsoft compiler's /GS option:

The __security_* functions are MS extensions to the C standard 
library. A quick search suggests you should try linking with 
bufferoverflowU.lib. Either that or compile GLFW with /GS- to 
turn off the security checks.

This is one reason I gave on on static linking pre-built C 
binaries long ago. I use the static bindings with import 
libraries, but I don't touch static libs unless I compile them 

Thank you. I'll look into this.
I wanted a single statically linked binary for an application I 
had in mind so thought I'd try this out. It's nice just to be 
able to send a single binary without needing to have an installer 
or copy multiple files for some use cases. This is the main 
reason I quite like go, not so much for the language but that 
things like "gitea" can be just one single binary and nothing 

I can rebuild glfw I guess, that's not a problem (but makes it 
harder for people if I want to share my code of course). Perhaps 
I ought to try this.

I understand, as mentioned in your other reply, that I'll have to 
link with all the other dependencies of glfw too. I 
oversimplified my example a bit too much :)

Static link of glfw3 library fails for me

2020-07-26 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm trying to replicate a program I make in C++ using D.
I am using the ldc2 compiler and want to *static* link in the 
glfw library.
Following the docs I have an dub.sdl file that looks like the one 

The library I'm linking with is the vs2019 one from the GLFW zip 
file from
their website. My program isn't work showing, it just calls 
glfwInit, creates a
windows, and does a basic event loop. (This is a simplified test 
made when

I couldn't get my real program to link)

However I get link errors shown below.

Am I doing this wrong?
Am I using the wrong library to link with? (And if so which 
should I use).

Am I missing any options etc?
Or will this just not work with ldc2?

Thanks for any help!

My dub.sdl file looks like this :-

name "game"
description "Test Project"
authors "Me"
copyright "Copyright © 2020, Me"
license "proprietary"
dependency "bindbc-glfw" version="~>0.10.0"
versions "BindGLFW_Static"
libs "glfw3"
lflags "-L..\\work\\3rdparty\\lib"

And I get the following errors from the link :-

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __GSHandlerCheck
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_check_cookie
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: __security_cookie

Re: How to get the pointer of "this" ?

2020-05-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 16:39:30 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 08:39:23 UTC, John Burton wrote:

I believe that in D *this* is a reference to the
object and not a pointer like in C++.
So I think that writing &this might be what you need?

No. A class reference is a pointer under the hood. Getting its 
address will result in a pointer to the reference variable 
itself, not to the class instance. When passing a reference to 
a C API, casting it directly to the C type is correct.

Ah I see.
In that case I have some code I need to investigate as it's 
probably only working by accident!

Re: How to get the pointer of "this" ?

2020-05-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 17:40:10 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Sunday, 24 May 2020 at 17:05:16 UTC, Vinod K Chandran wrote:


I think your issue might be elsewhere because casting this 
should be fine and it should not complain about that in your 
given code.

At least you should be able to pass this to another function or 
even cast it.

Please show the full code and the full error which gives you 
the stacktrace of where it's called and from where.

I believe that in D *this* is a reference to the
object and not a pointer like in C++.
So I think that writing &this might be what you need?

Is it safe in D to cast pointers to structures like this?

2020-01-14 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
After years of C++ I have become paranoid about any casting of 
pointers being undefined behavior due to aliasing so want to see 
if :-

1) This is safe to do in D.
2) If not is there anything I can do to make it safe.
3) If not, what is the best approach?

I have a void* pointing to a block of allocated memory. In that 
memory I have a header struct at the start, and some of the 
members of that struct are offsets into the memory of other 

Can I do this? It appears to compile and "work" in dmd 64 bit but 
I need to make sure it's valid and reliable code. (This is a 
minimal example without any error checking etc)

import std.stdio;

// getMemory is just an example to make this compile...
void* getMemory()
static byte[100] someData;
// Something fills in the data here

struct Header
ulong data1;
ulong data2;

struct Data1
int a;

struct Data2
int b;
float[10] d;

void main()
void* memory = getMemory();
auto header = cast(Header*)memory;
auto data1 = cast(Data1*)(memory + header.data1);
auto data2 = cast(Data2*)(memory + header.data2);

writeln(data1.a, " ", data2.b);


Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-21 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 January 2019 at 07:57:58 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

On Saturday, 19 January 2019 at 14:26:31 UTC, Zenw wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:14:54 UTC, John Burton wrote:


how about this

auto With(string code,T)(T value)
mixin(code ~";");
return value;

auto window = Window().With!q{title = "My window",width = 
800,fullscreen = true};

The problem with using string mixins like that is when you want 
to use some local variable:

int width = getWidth();
auto window = Window().With!q{width = width};

This would work:

struct Window {
string title;
int width;
bool fullscreen;

auto With(T, Args...)(T ctx, Args args) {
static foreach (i; 0..Args.length) {
mixin("ctx."~Args[i].name~" = args[i].value;");
return ctx;

struct args {
static opDispatch(string _name, T)(T value) {
struct Result {
enum name = _name;
T value;
return Result(value);

unittest {
auto window = Window().With(args.title = "My window", 
args.width = 800, args.fullscreen = true);

assert(window.title == "My window");
assert(window.width == 800);
assert(window.fullscreen == true);

However, I don't see that there's all that much gain compared 
to just assigning the fields the normal way.


Thanks everyone for your advice on this.
I'm decided to just use a parameter structure to pass in. Works 
well and everyone can understand it. The question was really just 
does D offer a nicer way and the answer appears to be "not 
really". But the original approach isn't bad anyway.

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-18 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 01:43:42 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

struct Config
string title;
int width;

struct Window
this(Config config)

It likely is a bad idea for a small struct like this but if it 
was much bigger would it makes sense to write this as :-

this(const ref Config config)

Which is what you might do in C++ or does D handle this 

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-17 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 16 January 2019 at 14:59:01 UTC, Kagamin wrote:> On 
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:14:54 UTC, John Burton wrote:
auto window = Window(title = "My Window", width = 1000, 
fullscreen = true);

In this particular case I would make the constructor take 3 
parameters - title, width and height. Full screen is a rare 
functionality and shouldn't clutter the constructor, can it be 
set after the window is created?

Well window was just an example really, my real use case is a 
object that needs a lot of configuration where mostly the default 
but you might want to override, and the config is needed to 
create the

object in the first place.

For this example you are right though, and it may be that I'm 

the whole thing.

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-17 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 17 January 2019 at 01:43:42 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:14:54 UTC, John Burton wrote:


Let me throw this idea here:

struct Config
string title;
int width;

struct Window
this(Config config)
//use static foreach magic to set everything :P

auto NewWindow( alias code )()
mixin("Config config = {"~code~"};");
return Window(config);

auto a = NewWindow!q{ title : "MainTitle" };
auto b = NewWindow!q{ title : "MainTitle", width : 800 };
auto c = NewWindow!q{ width : 1000 };
auto d = NewWindow!q{};


Oh that's interesting!

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-16 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 16 January 2019 at 11:21:53 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:14:54 UTC, John Burton wrote:
This is ok, but I'm not so keen on separating the creation and 
construction like this.

Is there a better way that's not ugly?

You can make the constructor a template that takes a single 
struct of arbitrary, and inspects (at compile time) if it has 
fields with certain names and types. Then, when constructing, 
you feed that constructor a std.typecons.Tuple with named 
fields. Or alternatively, use a separate builder type that 
makes a good struct to feed for the window constructor.

The disadvantage is that you cannot link the constructor 
template directly for external programs. But for that, you 
define some sort of wrapper function that always takes all the 
parameters and then calls the template.

Thanks, I tried out the tuple approach and it works very well.
Constructing a tuple at the point of call with named fields works 
well, but looks a bit "ugly" to me but I might use it.
I think on balance that creating a separate builder struct that I 
can set the fields in and pass to the "real" constructor might be 
the way to go though for me.

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-15 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 12:15:41 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 16/01/2019 1:05 AM, John Burton wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:26:50 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Longer term, you're better off with the builder.

Thanks for your reply. But what is the builder?

One of the few OOP design patterns that I can agree with.

Ah right, that.
Thank you.
Hmm that would work.

Re: Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-15 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 15 January 2019 at 11:26:50 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Longer term, you're better off with the builder.

Thanks for your reply. But what is the builder?

Creating windows is a very complex task that can balloon in 

Well that was mostly just an example that I thought people could 
relate to more than my obscure real case :) But the principle is 
the same so the answer is likely too

Is there a nice syntax to achieve optional named parameters?

2019-01-15 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
As an example let's say I have a type 'Window' that represents a 
win32 window. I'd like to be able to construct an instance of the 
type with some optional parameters that default to some 
reasonable settings and create the underlying win32 window.

I'd ideally like some syntax like this :-

auto window = Window(title = "My Window", width = 1000, 
fullscreen = true);

Assume that title, width, fullscreen are optional and if not 
specified there are defaults to use. And that there are many 
other settings than just these 3 that I've chosen to just use the 
default here.

I know that I can't do it like this is D but what is the best way 
to achieve this kind of thing? I can add properties and then do a 
specific "create" function to create the underlying win32 window 
once I'm done but that seems ugly.

auto window = Window();
window.title = "My Window";
window.width = 1000;

This is ok, but I'm not so keen on separating the creation and 
construction like this.

Is there a better way that's not ugly?

Re: DirectXMath alternative

2018-12-05 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 10:52:44 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 01:57:53 UTC, evilrat wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 20:41:54 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 


I was using gl3n then switched to gfm math. Try gfm, IIRC it 
should work without much PITA because it stores matrices 
row-major way, so you don't have to transpose it like with 
OpenGL. Can't say anything about dlib though, I tried it a bit 
with dagon engine, but just didn't stick for long.

I think you are mistaken, gfm:math also stores matrices 
line-major so you _have_ to transpose them.

The problem with row-major is it makes matrix literals read 
transposed vs the math notation.

I think in hlsl shader language you can declare your matrices to 
be either way anyway can't you? It's just the default that is 
this way around?

Re: DirectXMath alternative

2018-12-04 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 01:57:53 UTC, evilrat wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 20:41:54 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 20:33:07 UTC, John Burton wrote:
What is the best alternative for D, assuming there is 
(I want vector, matrix math for use in D3, things like 
inverting a matrix, getting perspective matrices etc)
I can program something myself if necessary but I'd prefer 

You have the choice between the following packages:
- dlib
- gfm:math
- gl3n

I was using gl3n then switched to gfm math. Try gfm, IIRC it 
should work without much PITA because it stores matrices 
row-major way, so you don't have to transpose it like with 
OpenGL. Can't say anything about dlib though, I tried it a bit 
with dagon engine, but just didn't stick for long.

These all look good, thank you.
Although the first two bring in additional modules I don't want I 
guess I can just ignore them

DirectXMath alternative

2018-12-04 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
There is a directx-d library which seems to work nicely for d3d11 
but it doesn't include anything like DirectXMath.h presumably 
because it's all implemented as inline intrinsics and very visual 
c++ specific.

What is the best alternative for D, assuming there is anything?
(I want vector, matrix math for use in D3, things like inverting 
a matrix, getting perspective matrices etc)

I can program something myself if necessary but I'd prefer notto

Re: DirectX bindings

2018-10-30 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 30 October 2018 at 10:46:35 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 30 October 2018 at 10:30:48 UTC, John Burton wrote:

I want to do some graphics using direct3d11 on windows.
There are some bindings that I used once before

However they are marked as [discontinued]
While I'm sure they will continue to work so wouldn't worry 
about using this I wonder if there are any other options?

Thank you, I don't know why my search of the repository didn't 
find this. I think I was searching for direct3d perhaps :)

DirectX bindings

2018-10-30 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

I want to do some graphics using direct3d11 on windows.
There are some bindings that I used once before

However they are marked as [discontinued]
While I'm sure they will continue to work so wouldn't worry about 
using this I wonder if there are any other options?

When does GC run?

2018-10-16 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there any documentation or information about the specifics of 
the garbage collector?

The information I have found indicates that it runs to free 
memory when the system runs out of memory to allocate. But will 
this try to use all the system memory or some other amount before 
trying to garbage collect? If I have a _lot_ of garbage, will it 
try to collect that before allocating any more system memory? Is 
this configurable in any way?

Any information or just pointer to information that I've somehow 
failed to find would be appreciated.

Re: Is there an efficient byte buffer queue?

2018-10-16 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 13:07:30 UTC, Heromyth wrote:

On Monday, 8 October 2018 at 09:39:55 UTC, John Burton wrote:

My use case is sending data to a socket.

We have ported some containers from JAVA.

ByteBuffer is a basic container interface and widely used in 

See also:

Thanks for this, and everyone elses comments. This looks to be 
close to what I need.

Is there an efficient byte buffer queue?

2018-10-08 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

My use case is sending data to a socket.

One part of my program generates blocks of bytes, and the socket 
part tries to send them to the socket and then removes from the 
queue the number that got sent.

I am currently using a byte[] and using concatenation and slicing 
to maintain the queue but this seems like it will do many 
unnecessary copies, allocations etc. than are needed. I would do 
much better to maintain a fixed size buffer and maintain read and 
write positions etc.

I'm happy to write my own fixed sized buffer queue for this, but 
just wanted to ask if there was anything in the standard library 
that could be used to do this so I'm not reinventing it all? I 
don't need thread safety for this case. (I know i could probably 
use vibe-d to implement my whole socket sender but don't want to 
in this case for  reasons)

Re: Can I create static c callable library?

2018-09-26 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 12:05:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 


Thanks everyone.

Is there any documentation anywhere that deals with calling D 
from C? I could find plenty the other way round. I think I'll 
give up on the idea though, and rewrite the whole thing in D :)

Can I create static c callable library?

2018-09-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

I need to write a library to statically link into a c program.
Can I write this library in D?
Will I be able to use proper D abilities like gc? Obviously the 
public interface will need to be basic c callable functions...

I 'main' is a c program will this work?

Re: Cross compile windows programs on linux

2018-08-24 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 15:26:30 UTC, kinke wrote:

On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 13:10:40 UTC, John Burton wrote:
Is in the subject. Are there any cross compilers that will run 
on a linux system but compile D code using Win32 into a 
windows .exe file, preferably 64 bit? I can find hints of 
cross compilers but not really seen anything packaged up?


Oh thank you.
I did a search but somehow missed that

Cross compile windows programs on linux

2018-08-24 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is in the subject. Are there any cross compilers that will run on 
a linux system but compile D code using Win32 into a windows .exe 
file, preferably 64 bit? I can find hints of cross compilers but 
not really seen anything packaged up?

Re: Garbage collected pointers?

2018-03-01 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 1 March 2018 at 12:20:08 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 3/1/18 7:05 AM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Thursday, 1 March 2018 at 10:10:27 UTC, John Burton wrote:
My question is how do I tell if a pointer is "garbage 
collected" or not?

You could try `GC.addrOf()` or `GC.query()` in core.memory.

I was going to say this, but then I realized, it's not that the 
pointer points at GC-allocated memory, but that the pointer 
itself is stored in a location that is scanned by the GC. 
That's not as easy to figure out, as you have to look at 
stacks, added ranges, etc.


Ah it's where the pointer is stored. That makes some sense.

Garbage collected pointers?

2018-03-01 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

In the language spec here :-

It refers to a distinction between pointers to garbage collected 
memory and pointers that are not. In particular it says that with 
a non garbage collected pointer you can do anything  that is 
legal in C but with a garbage collected pointer there are a lot 
of undefined behaviors if you don't follow some restrictions.

My question is how do I tell if a pointer is "garbage collected" 
or not?

For example :-
* Do not store magic values into pointers, other than null.

So how do I tell if it's safe to do this for any individual 
pointer? What makes a pointer "garbage collected"?

Re: Temporary objects as function parameters or when-is-this-shit-going-to-end?

2017-10-17 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 October 2017 at 10:35:56 UTC, Jack Applegame wrote:
If you don't want to get the great PITA, never create temporary 
objects in function parameters.
I recently spent a whole day digging through my reference 
counted containers library. But nasty bug was not there, but in 
the compiler.

Look at this:


Bar.this(int): 7FFD3D60CD38
fun: 7FFD3D60CD20
Bar.~this(): 7FFD3D60CD20

Compiler creates struct on the stack and silently (without 
postblitting and destruction old object) moves it to another 
address. Is it normal? I don't think so.

But that's not the most fun.

Look at this:


Bar.this(int): 7FFF87DD2D31
fun: 7FFF87DD2CE0
Bar.~this(): 7FFF87DD2CE0
Bar.~this(): 7FFF87DD2D31

WAT??? Compiler creates struct on the stack copies it without 
postblitting and destructs both objects.

But if you create the structure before calling the function, 
then all will be well:

All this greatly angered me because there are several issues 
related wrong struct construction and destruction in the 
bugtracker. Because of these bugs my low level libraries full 
of strange hacks.

I want to ask. How you guys are going to create a reliable RC 
library, if such fundamental bugs hang in the issue tracker for 
months and years. And instead of fixing them, you develop new 
minor bells and whistles.


Since I myself can't fix such bugs (my knowledge in this area 
are extremely small), I have a question to Andrei Alexandrescu:
Can I donate to the D Foundation and that my donations would be 
aimed at fixing exactly these bugs?

Is this a bug?
Reading the chapter " They Whys of this(this)" in my D 
Programming Language book it says that the compiler is free to 
elide the call to this(this) when it can prove that the source of 
the copy will not be used after the call.

The explanations there make some sense to me.

Is this actually working as intended? (Just not how you'd hope it 

Re: Assert and undefined behavior

2017-10-12 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 October 2017 at 14:22:43 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 11.10.2017 11:27, John Burton wrote:

Yes, that's what it is saying. (The other answers, that say or 
try to imply that this is not true or true but not a bad thing, 
are wrong.)


However, in practice, I think none of the current compiler 
implementations actually uses assert expressions for 

This is an example of what I mean :-

import std.stdio;

extern void control_nuclear_reactor(int[] data);

void test(int[] data)
if (data.length == 0) {
writeln("Not enough data!");
} else {

assert(data.length > 0);

So according to the spec, if data is size zero then the assert 
fails and therefore the code has **undefined behavour**. What 
this means in practice is that the compiler decides that it 
doesn't matter what code is generated for that case as it 
undefined what it is meant to do anyway, so the compiler can 
"optimize" out the if condition as it only affects the case where 
the language doesn't define what it's supposed to do anyway, and 
compiles the code as if it was :-

void test(int[] data)

Which obviously could have very bad results if the test mattered.

Yes my program is invalid because I violated it's assumptions but 
I find it very hard to argue that including the assert should 
"break" the code before it.

C++ compilers can and do perform such optimizations so I was 
wondering if assert in D could cause such behavior according to 
the spec.

Assert and undefined behavior

2017-10-11 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

The spec says this :-

"As a contract, an assert represents a guarantee that the code 
must uphold. Any failure of this expression represents a logic 
error in the code that must be fixed in the source code. A 
program for which the assert contract is false is, by definition, 
invalid, and therefore has undefined behaviour."

Now I worry about the words "undefined behavior" because in C++ 
compiler writers seem to have decided that these words mean that 
it's ok for the compiler to generate code to do whatever it feels 
like even in unconnected code and even before the undefined 
behavior is invoked because some subsequent code has undefined 

From my C++ experience this paragraph tells me that if I use 
"assert" to check my assumptions, and the assertion is false, 
then this could lead to my program failing in unpredictable ways 
unconnected with the actual assertion.

I therefore feel like I ought to not use assert and should 
instead validate my assumptions with an if statement and a throw 
or exit or something.

I feel like a failing assertion should not cause "undefined 
behavior" in the sense it is commonly used in C++ programming 
these days but should have exactly defined behavior that it will 
do nothing if the assert passes and throw the specified exception 
if it fails. Can I safely assume this despite the wording?

I know this might seem like a small or pedantic point, but C++ 
compilers can and do use invoking undefined behavior as an excuse 
to do all kinds of unexpected things in generated code these days 
and I want to write safe code :) I feel that if D is specified in 
the same way then assert is not safe for me to use in a real 

Is this defined behaviour in D?

2017-09-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I have a int* pointer for example, that points to the start of 
an int array and step through the array until I get the value 
123, is it defined in D what happens if you step off the end of 
the array?

What I might expect to happen is for the code to just keep 
stepping through sequential memory locations until it finds one 
that happens to have a 123 in it, until it gets a memory 
protection fault of some kind, or failing that wrap around memory 
and go into an infinite loop.

The options are really
1) I can rely on the compiler consistently doing what I'd 
"expect" on a specific platform.

2) There is some other defined behaviour
3) The compiler can do whatever crazy thing it feels like as this 
is considered broken code.

I'm not for a moment suggesting this is a good idea, but what I'm 
really asking is does the D language say anything about this? C++ 
seems to have chosen (3). Personally I'd prefer (1) but it's most 
to know if the "standard" such as it is has anything to say on 
such matters.

Re: Is there any threadsafe queue?

2017-09-13 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 13 September 2017 at 09:49:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 07:51:19 John Burton via 
Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:


You could probably do what you want with std.concurrency, since 
most of what it does is deal with sending and receiving data 
across threads, and that should be queuing up messages as part 
of what it does. But if you're looking for a data structure 
that you can mark as shared and have it handle all of the 
locking for you so that it will work safely across threads, 
then no, the standard library does not currently have anything 
like that. It's rather lacking in containers in general at this 
point, let alone ones designed with concurrency in mind. There 
may be something on, but I don't know. 
Regardless, I'd suggest that you first try and see if you can 
get std.concurrency to work for your use case rather than 
jumping into implementing any containers yourself.

Thanks, I took a better look. I was wanting to port some c++ code 
which is why I was looking for this. Actually it looks like 
"send" and "receive" functions from this package do exactly what 
I need (and are in fact exactly a thread safe queue...) :)

Is there any threadsafe queue?

2017-09-13 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there any threadsafe queue in the standard library?
I've not been able to find anything but thought I'd check before 
making my own.

I want to be able to assemble messages (Which are just streams of 
bytes) in one thread into a struct and push them to the queue, 
and then have a another thread be able to read and process the 
messages. Single producer and consumer.

Re: Address of data that is static, be it shared or tls or __gshared or immutable on o/s

2017-09-11 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 September 2017 at 21:38:03 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
On Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at 15:55:35 UTC, Ali Çehreli 


Ali, I have worked on operating systems' development in r+d. My 
definitions of terms are hopefully the same as yours. If we 
refer to two threads, if they both belong to the same process, 
then they share a common address space, by my definition of the 
terms 'thread' and 'process'. I use thread to mean basically a 
stack, plus register set, a cpu execution context, but has 
nothing to do with virtual memory spaces or o/s ownership of 
resources, the one exception being a tls space, which by 
definition is one-per-thread. A process is one or more threads 
plus an address space and a set of all the resources owned by 
the process according to the o/s. I'm just saying this so you 
know how I'm used to approving this.


I wrote this program :-

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

int data;

void display()
writeln("Address is ", &data);

void main()
auto tid1 = spawn(&display);
auto tid2 = spawn(&display);
auto tid3 = spawn(&display);

It displayed :-

Address is 51AD20
Address is 51AD20
Address is 51F6D0
Address is 521AC0

This indicated to me that a thread local variable does in fact 
have a different address to other thread's instances of the same 
thread so you can in fact pass the address to another thread and 
access it from there via pointer, which is what I'd hope.

Interesting it also (sometimes) prints one of the lines twice 
quite often.
I wonder if this is the same "bug" as that doesnt even 
require any reading? (platform is windows 7 DMD32 D Compiler 

Understanding gc memory profile report

2017-09-08 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
I wrote this simple program to test out my understanding of 
memory allocation :-

import std.stdio;

void main()
int [] array = new int[250];

writeln(array.length, " elements ", array);

// Append one value to the array
array ~= 123;
writeln(array.length, " elements ", array);

I compiled it with 'dmd test.d -profile=gc'

After running it, the profile report was :-

bytes allocated, allocations, type, function, file:line
   2000   1 int[] D main test.d:5
  4   1 int[] D main test.d:10

This is not how I expected it to be. I would have expected that 
the runtime either did not have to allocate at all at line 10 to 
add a new element because there was already space or it would 
have to allocate space for the new enlarged array and copy the 
array to it, in which case I'd expect it to allocate 2004 bytes 
(or more) to copy the enlarged array in to.

I would not expect that it could have allocated 4 bytes to add an 
item separably from the original 2000. Is there some way that the 
runtime can grown the original allocation by 4 bytes and that's 
what I'm seeing? If so, is there a limit to how much it can do 

Can anyone help me understand what is going on here?

Re: writeln() sometimes double prints from main() if I run a thread checking for input?

2017-09-05 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 31 August 2017 at 21:06:17 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
On Thursday, 31 August 2017 at 14:43:39 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
Just a thought, but the "double printing" could be a 
misunderstanding. It could be printing Output\nOutput2, but 
not getting the 2 out there.

Just to say that I can reproduce this on my system. Newly 
downloaded copy of v2.076.0

Window 7 "enterprise" 64 bit. Standard command shell.

I get Output2 duplicated most of the time. Occasionally I get 
Output duplicated. Occasionally Output2 is out of order...

Re: fromStringz for wide characters

2017-09-05 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 08:39:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Tuesday, September 05, 2017 08:15:04 John Burton via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
std.string.fromStringz will create me a string from a null 
terminated array of characters. But I have a zero terminated 
array of "short"s (from a win32 api call) which I'd like to 
turn into a wstring. But there doesn't seem to be a function 
to do this.

Do I need to write my own, or am I missing something?

I'm fairly certain that to!wstring will do it, but it will 
definitely allocate, whereas fromStringz just slices what it's 
given. I don't think that there's currently a wchar equivalent 
to fromStringz, but it would be pretty trivial to write if you 
didn't want to use to!wstring. fromStringz is just

return cString ? cString[0 .. strlen(cString)] : null;

and all you'd have to do would be to replace strlen with wcslen 
from core.stdc.wchar_. There's a decent chance that you'll want 
to allocate the string though, in which case to!wstring would 
be the right choice.

Thank you. I wanted something that didn't allocate in this case. 
The underlying storage will be kept for other reasons so I might 
as well have a string that just refers to the data contained in 
I had done something like you suggested, but wondered if I'd 
missed something given the existence of a function for byte 

fromStringz for wide characters

2017-09-05 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
std.string.fromStringz will create me a string from a null 
terminated array of characters. But I have a zero terminated 
array of "short"s (from a win32 api call) which I'd like to turn 
into a wstring. But there doesn't seem to be a function to do 

Do I need to write my own, or am I missing something?

Re: Append to dynamic array that was allocated via calloc

2017-07-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 at 13:24:36 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 at 12:40:13 UTC, John Burton wrote:


This should give you the answer:

writefln("Before: ptr = %s capacity = %s", slice.ptr, 

slice ~= 1;
writefln("After: ptr = %s capacity = %s", slice.ptr, 

It shows that before the append, the capacity is 0. That 
indicates that any append will cause a new allocation -- from 
the GC. The next writefln verifies this by showing a different 
value for ptr and a new capacity of 15.

In order for this to work, you'll need to manually manage the 
length and track the capacity yourself. If all you want is to 
allocate space for 10 ints, but not 10 actual ints, then 
something like this:

size_t capacity = 10;
int* ints = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * capacity);
int[] slice = ints[0 .. 10];
slice.length = 0;
slice ~= 1;

Then reallocate the array when capacity reaches 0. Or just use 
std.container.array.Array which does all this for you.

Ok so it sounds like this is "safe" in that it will copy my data 
into GC memory and all work safely. I'll need to somehow keep 
track of my original memory and free it to avoid a memory leak...

(I don't plan to do any of this, but I wanted to understand)(

Append to dynamic array that was allocated via calloc

2017-07-25 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

I can create a "slice" using non-gc allocated memory.

int* ptr = cast(int*)calloc(int.sizeof, 10);
int[] data = ptr[0..10];

If I don't want a memory leak I have to call free(ptr) somewhere 
as it won't be GC collected when data or ptr go out of scope. I 
presume there is nothing wrong with doing the above, other than 
perhaps there being better ways (and the memory leak if not 

If I then write this :-

data ~= 1;

What happens? It seems to successfully append an extra value to 
the array. It appears to "work" when I try it in my compiler but 
I don't understand how. Will this be trying to write beyond the 
memory I calloc'ed?

Re: C style 'static' functions

2017-07-19 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 12:15:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 12:11:38 UTC, John Burton wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 12:05:09 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Try a newer compiler, this was fixed recently.

Hmm it turns out this machine has 2.0.65 on which is fairly 
ancient. I'd not realized this machine had not been updated.

Sorry for wasting everyones' time if that's so, and thanks for 
the help.

Ah, great!

Looks like it's that changed this

Re: C style 'static' functions

2017-07-19 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 12:05:09 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

Try a newer compiler, this was fixed recently.

Hmm it turns out this machine has 2.0.65 on which is fairly 
ancient. I'd not realized this machine had not been updated.

Sorry for wasting everyones' time if that's so, and thanks for 
the help.

Re: C style 'static' functions

2017-07-19 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 11:31:32 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2017-07-19 09:22, John Burton wrote:
In C I can declare a function 'static' and it's only visible 
from within that implementation file. So I can have a static 
function 'test' in code1.c and another non static function 
'test' in utils.c and assuming a suitable prototype I can use 
'test' in my program and the one in code1.c will not interfere.

In D it seems that declaring functions as static in a module 
does not affect visibility outside of a module. So if I 
declare a static function in one module with a specific name 
that is just used in internally for the implementation, and 
then define a function with the same name in another module 
that is intended to by 'exported' then in my main program they 
still conflict and I have to take steps to avoid this.

It looked as if I could use 'private' instead of static but 
although this prevents me from calling the "private" function, 
it still conflicts with the one I want to call.

In C++ I could use static or an anonymous namespace for 
implementation functions, but there doesn't seem to be 
anything similar in D.
Is there any way to achieve what I want in D (Private 
implementation functions)

I think it would be easier if you provide a small code example 
of what you want to achieve.

Here is an artificial example of what I mean. The point is that I 
can break main.d from compiling by adding what is meant to be a 
purely internal implementation detail inside  of lib1. - In C I 
can make internal functions static to avoid this... Im D, none of 
static, package, private etc seem to do this. They prevent it 
from being called but don't hide the existence of the function 
from the module importing it.

If there is no way to achieve this it's not a big problem, I'm 
just curious now :)


private void init()
// init function used only as an implementation detail

void mything()

 lib2.d -

void init()
// init function meant to be used as part of the module 



import lib1;
import lib2;

void main()
init();  // This is meant to call lib2.init because it's the 
 // function of that name. lib1.init() is supposed to 

 // an entirely internal implementation detail of lib1
 // Even though I can't call lib1.init() because it's 

 // this call still shows up as ambigous.
 // In C I'd write "static void init()" in lib1.d to 
 // that the function was entirely local to that 
file. However static

 // does not appear to have that same effect in D

Re: C style 'static' functions

2017-07-19 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 07:51:11 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 07:22:48 UTC, John Burton wrote:
In C++ I could use static or an anonymous namespace for 
implementation functions, but there doesn't seem to be 
anything similar in D.
Is there any way to achieve what I want in D (Private 
implementation functions)

Try the package keyword:

This appears to still have the same issue. I can't use the 
"package" function in the main program but it still conflicts 
with the one I can use from a different module. Unless I'm doing 
it wrong...

C style 'static' functions

2017-07-19 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
In C I can declare a function 'static' and it's only visible from 
within that implementation file. So I can have a static function 
'test' in code1.c and another non static function 'test' in 
utils.c and assuming a suitable prototype I can use 'test' in my 
program and the one in code1.c will not interfere.

In D it seems that declaring functions as static in a module does 
not affect visibility outside of a module. So if I declare a 
static function in one module with a specific name that is just 
used in internally for the implementation, and then define a 
function with the same name in another module that is intended to 
by 'exported' then in my main program they still conflict and I 
have to take steps to avoid this.

It looked as if I could use 'private' instead of static but 
although this prevents me from calling the "private" function, it 
still conflicts with the one I want to call.

In C++ I could use static or an anonymous namespace for 
implementation functions, but there doesn't seem to be anything 
similar in D.
Is there any way to achieve what I want in D (Private 
implementation functions)

Re: Advice wanted on garbage collection of sockets for c++ programmer using D

2017-06-28 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 at 09:54:19 UTC, John Burton wrote:
I'm coming from a C++ background so I'm not too used to garbage 
collection and it's implications. I have a function that 
creates a std.socket.Socket using new and connects to a tcp 
server, and writes some stuff to it. I then explicitly close 
the socket, and the socket object goes out of scope.

Am I doing this right? Or is there a better way to do this in D?


For my use case here, I'm increasingly thinking that just calling 
the underlying 'C' socket and send calls is better. No need for 
anything complicated at all for my actual program :)

Re: Advice wanted on garbage collection of sockets for c++ programmer using D

2017-06-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 at 10:14:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, June 27, 2017 09:54:19 John Burton via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I'm coming from a C++ background so I'm not too used to 
garbage collection and it's implications. I have a function 
that creates a std.socket.Socket using new and connects to a 
tcp server, and writes some stuff to it. I then explicitly 
close the socket, and the socket object goes out of scope.

Thank you for the advice everyone.

The hardest part about learning D isn't the language, or how to 
program, it's unlearning what you know from C++ and learning the 
proper way to do things in D. I've tried D several times before 
and eventually stopped when I get to the stage of "how do I do 
this c++ thing in d" proves to be hard.

Instead this time, I've started writing D programs as "better C" 
and then slowly started adding in higher level d features. It's 
going much better as I'm no longer trying so hard to write bad 
C++ in D :)

Advice wanted on garbage collection of sockets for c++ programmer using D

2017-06-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm coming from a C++ background so I'm not too used to garbage 
collection and it's implications. I have a function that creates 
a std.socket.Socket using new and connects to a tcp server, and 
writes some stuff to it. I then explicitly close the socket, and 
the socket object goes out of scope.

I assume that I do need to explicitly call close on the socket as 
there is no deterministic destructor for class objects. I further 
assume that the runtime will garbage collect any memory allocated 
to the socket object at a later time.

Am I doing this right with GC? In C++ I'd ensure that the Socket 
class had a destructor that closed the socket and I'd also assume 
that once it went out of scope there was no memory left 
allocated. In D am I right to assume I need to manually close the 
socket but there is no need to worry about the memory?

Now the issue is that I now need to call this function more than 
once every second. I worry that it will create large amounts of 
uncollected "garbage" which will eventually lead to problems.

Am I doing this right? Or is there a better way to do this in D?


Re: Arrays of structs

2015-08-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks again for the updates. I've experimented some more and 
believe I understand.

To be honest I'm finding it very hard to find the right idioms in 
D for safe and efficient programming when I'm so used to C++ / 
RAII everywhere. I'll adapt though :P

Re: Arrays of structs

2015-08-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

Ok that's great thank you.

It's quite hard trying to get a proper understanding of memory 
allocation in D after years of C++ / RAII / unique_ptr / 
shared_ptr . I understand the details of course but it's going to 
take a while to really know it.

Is there any way to explicitly free a dynamic array when I am 
done with it?
(I'm more interested in the contained items destructors being 
called than in the memory / gc aspects)

I fear I'm trying to write C++ in D and need to get my mind 
around different ways to do things...

Arrays of structs

2015-08-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm a c++ programmer trying to understand how memory allocation 
works in D.

I created a struct and added a destructor to it. My understanding 
is that structs have deterministic destructors - they are called 
when the struct goes out of scope (unless it is allocated with 

Now if I put instances of the struct in a fixed size array

data[6] d;
d[3] = data(1, 2, 3);

then the destructor on all the contents is called when the array 
goes out of scope.

However if I add them to a dynamic array...

data[] d;
d ~= data(1, 2, 3)

Then the destructor appears to be called at some random time 
later. So it looks like it's the garbage collection that is doing 
this. That seems to go against the specification of how struct 
works... I'm not creating the item with "new" and as far as I can 
tell the array is storing instances of objects, not pointers to 

Is my understanding correct?
Is it documented anywhere how memory allocation works for this?

Is a dynamic array in fact storing an array of GC'd pointers to 
the structs? Or something else...

Re: Casting pointers

2015-08-27 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn

Ok thank you.

Seems to me that there is enough doubt that this is "supported" 
that I'd be best to avoid relying on it, or at least ensure that 
it's all encapsulated in something I can easily change.

Casting pointers

2015-08-26 Thread John Burton via Digitalmars-d-learn
This would be undefined behavior in c++ due to aliasing rules on 
pointers. It appears to "work" reliably in D when I try it, but 
that's obviously no guarantee that it's correct or will continue 
to do so.

Is this correct code in D? And if not, what should I do instead 
to cleanly and efficiently extract structured data from a 
sequence of bytes?

import std.stdio;

struct data
int a;
int b;

void main()
byte[] x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

data* ptr = cast(data*)(x);
printf("%x %x\n", ptr.a, ptr.b);
