Re: String Comparison Operator

2017-04-30 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 April 2017 at 19:05:18 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Sunday, 30 April 2017 at 16:15:41 UTC, Xinok wrote:

On Sunday, 30 April 2017 at 15:31:39 UTC, Jolly James wrote:

Is there a String Comparison Operator in D?

Yeah, just the usual comparison operators:

"abc" == "abc"
"abc" != "ABC"

~ is for string concatenation, i.e.:

"abc" ~ "def" == "abcdef"

Just to clarify.

It's not actually a string concatenation operator, it's an 
array appending operator.

Strings are just an alias for immutable(char)[] and not 
actually a type unlike other languages like C#, Java etc. where 
strings are objects.

In fact it doesn't have any operators that doesn't work with 
any other type of arrays. Just like functions such as replace 
etc. aren't necessarily string functions, but works with any 
type of arrays.

Regarding concatenation vs appending, it's kind of both depending 
on the type of the operands. What I mean is all of the following 
are valid:

[10, 20] ~ [30, 40] == [10, 20, 30, 40]  // Concatenation
[10, 20] ~ 30   == [10, 20, 30]  // Appending
10 ~ [20, 30]   == [10, 20, 30]  // Prepending

Re: String Comparison Operator

2017-04-30 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 30 April 2017 at 15:31:39 UTC, Jolly James wrote:

Is there a String Comparison Operator in D?

Yeah, just the usual comparison operators:

"abc" == "abc"
"abc" != "ABC"

~ is for string concatenation, i.e.:

"abc" ~ "def" == "abcdef"

Re: Why double not? (!!)

2016-11-18 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 19 November 2016 at 03:52:02 UTC, Ryan wrote:
Why do I see double `not` operators sometimes in D code? An 
example it the last post of this thread.

import : GetConsoleCP;
bool hasConsole = !!GetConsoleCP();


It's a more concise way of writing:
GetConsoleCP() != 0

You can do this in C/C++ as well (and presumably some other 

Re: Setting a list of values

2016-05-01 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 1 May 2016 at 05:42:00 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 04/30/2016 10:05 PM, Joel wrote:
> This has no effect:
> _bars.each!(a => { a._plots.fillColor = Color(255, 180, 0);

This is a common issue especially for people who know lambdas 
from other languages. :)

Your lambda does not do any work. Rather, your lambda returns 
another lambda, which is promptly ignored:

Those are some discrete semantics. I know D pretty well and even 
I didn't see the problem initially. Anybody else think it's worth 
adding a warning to the compiler for this specific case? If this 
is the user's intended behavior, then they can rewrite it like 
this to be explicit and disable the warning:

_bars.each!(a => (){ a._plots.fillColor = Color(255, 180, 0); });
//   ^^ add empty parenthesis before the curly brace

Re: @nogc inconsistent for array comparison depending on mutability of elements

2016-04-08 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 April 2016 at 10:15:10 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Friday, 8 April 2016 at 09:56:41 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
Semantically, array literals are always allocated on the 
heap. In this case, the optimizer can obviously place the 
array on the stack or even make it static/global.

So @nogc is enforced by the optimizer?

Yes, sadly.

What? O_o  I stated that it's not and explained why doing so 
would be a bad idea.

To make it sane one would need to make a list of all 
optimization DMD makes in that regard and put them into spec as 
mandatory for all compilers.

Re: @nogc inconsistent for array comparison depending on mutability of elements

2016-04-07 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 8 April 2016 at 01:36:18 UTC, rcorre wrote:

@nogc unittest {
int[2] a = [1, 2];
assert(a == [1, 2]); // OK

immutable(int)[2] b = [1, 2];
assert(b == [1, 2]); // fail: array literal may cause 


Is there any logic behind allowing the comparison with `a` but 
not `b`, or is this a compiler bug?

Semantically, array literals are always allocated on the heap. In 
this case, the optimizer can obviously place the array on the 
stack or even make it static/global. However, it would be in poor 
design to rely on the optimizer to satisfy @nogc. It comes down 
to portability; if the code compiles successfully with one 
compiler, then it should compile successfully in any other 

Also, the way that compilers are typically built is that semantic 
analysis is done in the frontend and optimization is done in the 
backend. Trying to build a bridge between these two would be 
incredibly difficult and make implementing the compiler much more 
complex with little gain.

Re: How to sort a range

2016-03-09 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 9 March 2016 at 15:39:55 UTC, rcorre wrote:
Still curious as to why it fails; maybe the range is getting 
copied at some point? I guess I need to step through it.

That's my suspicion as well. It seems that OnlyResult is 
pass-by-value so every time it gets passed to another function, 
it creates a copy of all the elements. A simple solution is to 
provide a wrapper type which refers to the elements in the 
original container.

However, I'm going to argue that the sort function is fine but 
the modifications you made to OnlyResult are incorrect. I tried 
running your example of only(...).sort but got a compilation 
error. Similarly, trying to sort a static array also gives a 
compilation error. However, if I slice the static array before 
passing it to sort (thus passing by reference), then it works 
just fine.

Re: How to force evaluation of range?

2016-02-12 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 February 2016 at 03:16:09 UTC, cym13 wrote:

On Saturday, 13 February 2016 at 02:17:17 UTC, Xinok wrote:
On Friday, 12 February 2016 at 20:43:24 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 

So I have this code and I have to add the element
.each!(a => a.each!("a"));
to the end in order for it to evaluate the range completely 
and act like I expect it too. Is there a  better thing to put 
in the place of

.each!(a => a.each!("a"));?


The following combination might work:


Why not just  .each;   ?

The thing he's trying to iterate over is a range of ranges. A 
single .each will only iterate over the outermost range so you 
need .joiner first to "flatten" the range, then you can use .each 
on that result.

Re: How to force evaluation of range?

2016-02-12 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 12 February 2016 at 20:43:24 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist 

So I have this code and I have to add the element
.each!(a => a.each!("a"));
to the end in order for it to evaluate the range completely and 
act like I expect it too. Is there a  better thing to put in 
the place of

.each!(a => a.each!("a"));?


The following combination might work:


Re: How to force evaluation of range?

2016-02-12 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 13 February 2016 at 01:11:53 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 


If you just want the range evaluated use walkLength

It might work in this case, but in general this won't work for 
any range which defines .length as a member. In that case, 
walkLength will simply return .length of that range.

Re: Collapsing n-dimensional array to linear (1 dimensional)

2016-01-22 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 12:07:11 UTC, abad wrote:

Let's say I have an array like this:

int[][][] array;

And I want to generate a linear int[] based on its data. Is 
there a standard library method for achieving this, or must I 
iterate over the array manually?

What I'm thinking of is something like this:

int[] onedim = std.array.collapse(array);

You can use std.algorithm.joiner but you have to call it twice to 
flatten a 3D array to a 1D array.

import std.algorithm, std.stdio, std.array;

void main()
int[][][] arr = [[[1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8], 
[9, 10], [11]]];

int[] arr2 = arr.joiner.joiner.array;

Re: Balanced match with std.regex

2015-12-14 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at 01:29:39 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:

Thanks, that makes sense.

String manipulation in D without regex is pretty nice anyway, 
so it's not a big loss.

There is a library named Pegged which can match against balanced 

Re: D programming video tutorial

2015-12-13 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 13 December 2015 at 20:29:47 UTC, Pederator wrote:
Hi. Does anybody who is familair with D consider to make a 
comprehensive D programming video tutorial / training / course? 
This could be encouraging and helpful for people to start with 
D. It could also help in promoting D programming language. This 
is a question for all the community, please comment what do you 
think about this idea, we will know if there is an interest in 
such a training video, or is it just me.

It's almost two years old now but I found this series of videos 
on D:

Re: functional way doing array stuff/ lambda functions

2015-12-12 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 12 December 2015 at 23:36:43 UTC, cym13 wrote:

So, in your example:

int product(const ref int[] arr) {
import std.array: array;
import std.algorithm: reduce;

arr = arr.reduce!((p, i) => p*i).array;

A good post overall but you got reduce wrong. In D, reduce 
computes and returns the result immediately, not a lazy range. 
The following code is correct:

int product(const ref int[] arr) {
import std.array: array;
import std.algorithm: reduce;

return arr.reduce!((p, i) => p*i)();


Re: Purity of!string

2015-09-26 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 September 2015 at 17:08:00 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

Why is the following code not pure:

float x = 3.14;
import std.conv : to;
auto y =!string;


Is there a reason for it not being pure? If not, this is a 
serious problem as this is such a fundamental function.

I don't know the exact reason but I found a couple of functions 
which could be marked pure which are not, including 
strippedOctalLiteral and isOctalLiteralString. It's possible that 
some function was simply overlooked and needs to be marked pure 
or infer purity.

The larger issue at hand is that the compiler doesn't tell you 
where an impurity lies, merely that it exists. I mentioned this 
issue not too long ago while experiencing my own difficulties 
respecting purity.

Re: foreach multiple loop sugar

2015-08-18 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 August 2015 at 15:51:55 UTC, ixid wrote:
Though sugar seems to be somewhat looked down upon I thought 
I'd suggest this- having seen the cartesianProduct function 
from std.algorithm in another thread I thought it would be an 
excellent piece of sugar in the language. It's not an earth 
shattering change but it makes something very common more 
elegant and reduces indentation significantly for multiple 
nested loops. Braces make nested loops very messy and any 
significant quantity of code in the loop body benefits from not 
being in a messy nesting.


What's wrong with just putting all the foreach statements on a 
single line?

foreach(i; 0..10) foreach(j; 0..10) foreach(k; 0..10)
writeln(i, j, k);

Re: Does D have syntax for adding subscopes to classes?

2015-08-12 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 August 2015 at 15:47:37 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Example with them:

That's the idea I had except I would use a struct instead because 
using a class requires a second allocation.

Is Key Type?

2015-08-02 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
is there a trait in D or Phobos which will tell you if a type can 
be used as a key for an associative array? For example, where T 
is some type:

static assert(isKeyType!T)
int[T] hashTable = ...

Re: Map Purity

2015-06-30 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 15:55:51 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
My understanding of pure is that a function labeled pure can 
only include pure functions. I've been confused by the fact 
that a function calling map (like below) can be labeled pure 
without any problems. The only way I can rationalize it is that 
map really isn't a function, it's (if I'm understanding it 
correctly) a template that creates a template function that 
calls a struct template.

auto test_map(T)(T x) pure
return!(a => a + a);

This is related to
but maybe my question is more basic.

Map isn't explicitly marked as pure. D can infer purity for 
templated functions, so as long as you give it a pure predicate, 
map can be inferred as pure. This only works for templated 
functions; non-templated functions must be explicitly marked as 

Re: Associative array on the heap

2015-05-18 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 May 2015 at 00:31:50 UTC, Freddy wrote:

Sorry mis-phrased my question,
 Who do you allocate a pointer to an associative 

Ignoring the why for a moment, one trick is to place it in an 
array literal so it's heap allocated. This requires writing an 
associative array literal with a single key-element pair though.

int[string]* a = [["zero":0]].ptr;

Another trick is to initially define the associative array in a 
class. Since classes are heap allocated, you can allocate an 
instance of the class and grab a pointer to the associative array.

class HeapAA
int[string] a;

int[string]*b = &(new HeapAA).a;

Re: Purity not enforced for default arguments?

2015-03-10 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 March 2015 at 22:00:29 UTC, safety0ff wrote:

On Tuesday, 10 March 2015 at 21:56:39 UTC, Xinok wrote:

I'm inclined to believe this is a bug.

Thanks for the link, and I didn't mean to post this in D.learn. 

Purity not enforced for default arguments?

2015-03-10 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
The following code fails to compile because unpredictableSeed is 

void main()
foreach(i; 0..10) writeln(pureRandom);

pure uint pureRandom()
auto r = Random(unpredictableSeed);
return r.front;

However, make unpredictableSeed a default argument, wrap the call 
in another pure function, and it compiles:

void main()
foreach(i; 0..10) writeln(pureRandom2);

pure uint pureRandom2()
return pureRandom;

pure uint pureRandom(uint seed = unpredictableSeed)
auto r = Random(seed);
return r.front;

I'm inclined to believe this is a bug. While pureRandom could be 
considered weakly pure, pureRandom2 has no arguments so it should 
be strongly pure. Yet, it yields a different value on every call.

Re: Sorted Array Wrapper Range

2014-12-03 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 at 21:02:05 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Have anybody written a generic automatically sorted range 
wrapper for RandomAccessRanges?

I guess

should play a key role.

I see two typical variants:

- Direct: Always sorts on write() and modify()
- Lazy: Sorts lazily on read()

read() of course uses binarySearch

There was a relevant discussion about a month ago here:

Otherwise, there's RedBlackTree, but I'm not aware of anything 
that works over any random-access range.

Re: How to initialise array of ubytes?

2014-11-30 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 20:47:09 UTC, Paul wrote:

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 20:22:40 UTC, bearophile wrote:

This works:

enum MAPSIZE = 3;
void main() {
   ubyte[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE] map2 = 1;

This doesn't work:

enum MAPSIZE = 3;
ubyte[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE] map1 = ubyte(1);
void main() {}

Why isn't this working?

I'm afraid I don't know. I would guess it's something to do 
with trying to initialise the array in the global scope but 
you've also changed the expression in the non-working example. 
I don't have access to my machine at present so I can't 

More generally, it's because one is static (as in global / 
thread-local) and the other is not. Take the working example, put 
"static" in front of the declaration, and you'll get the same 

There are different rules regarding the initialization of static 
and non-static variables. My guess, they're implemented as 
separate features in the compiler, so when vector operations were 
introduced, nobody thought to implement this feature as a way to 
initialize static arrays as well.

Why the DMD Backend?

2014-11-28 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
Given that we have GDC with the GCC backend and LDC with the LLVM 
backend, what are the benefits of keeping the DMD compiler 
backend? It seems to me that GCC and LLVM are far more developed 
and better supported by their respective communities. They have 
superior optimizers and are better equipped for migrating D to 
new platforms. On the other hand, from what I gather, there's 
lots of work to be done on DMD on improving support for x64 
Windows and ARM.

It's a genuine question, which is why I posted this to D.learn. I 
don't follow development on the backend and overall I'm 
unfamiliar with compilers, so I'm not sure what the benefits are 
of the D community continuing to maintain it's own backend.

Re: More flexible sorted ranges?

2014-11-02 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 20:19:12 UTC, bearophile wrote:


My concern is that SortedRange only accepts a range which is 
random-access and limits its functionality to those 
primitives. Concatenation is not required for random-access 
ranges, so should we expect SortedRange to overload this 

I understand, that's why I am asking this here...
I think the desire to keep a sorted range around and grow it 
keeping its invariant is a common enough need for my code. 
Currently I keep an array then I use assumeSorted + upperBound, 
but this is not safe nor nice.

Perhaps sorted ranges should become more transparent in Phobos.

There are other invariants beside sortness that can be useful 
to carry around, like set-ness (every item is unique inside 
this collection) and few more.


I take back my original argument. As of 2.066, the requirements 
for SortedRange have been relaxed so it now accepts input ranges. 
The documentation needs to be updated to reflect this change.

Still, I'm not comfortable to adding concatenation to 
SortedRange. I would prefer named functions which append / 
prepend elements with the guarantee that it preserves the 

In general, I don't feel that SortedRange is an ideal solution 
anyways. Wrapping ranges in a struct adds too much overhead and 
we can't extend the functionality of it. Would it be possible to 
replace SortedRange with a @sorted attribute or something?

Re: More flexible sorted ranges?

2014-11-02 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 20:06:51 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 19:54:38 UTC, Xinok wrote:
D got it right. C++ returns an iterator which can be a bit 
confusing. D returns a slice so it's meaning is much clearer.

No, according to docs D has defined the lower bound to be the 
negation of the lower bound…

Sorry, you're right, it's not an "upper bound". I read that 
definition a few times over and still got it wrong. O_o

In terms of what to call it, perhaps what you're looking for is 
"upper set"?

Re: More flexible sorted ranges?

2014-11-02 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 15:13:37 UTC, bearophile wrote:
I have often arrays that are sorted, and sometimes I'd like to 
append items to them. So I'd like to write something like:

SortedRange!(Foo[], q{ a.x < b.x }) data;
data ~= Foo(5);
immutable n = data.upperBound(Foo(2)).length;

This means having an array of Foos as sorted range, and 
appending an item to it keeping the sorting invariant (so in 
non-release mode the append verifies the array is empty or the 
last two items satisfy the sorting invariant), and this allows 
me to call functions like upperBound any time I want on 'data' 
without using any unsafe and unclean assumeSorted.

Is this possible and a good idea to do?


My concern is that SortedRange only accepts a range which is 
random-access and limits its functionality to those primitives. 
Concatenation is not required for random-access ranges, so should 
we expect SortedRange to overload this operator?

Re: More flexible sorted ranges?

2014-11-02 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 17:21:04 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Sunday, 2 November 2014 at 16:59:30 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Ola Fosheim Grøstad:

Shouldn't sorted range maintain the invariant automatically 
in order to remain typesafe?

Yes, of course.

If SortedRange is fixed, please also switch the names of 
upperBound and lowerBound… They are currently wrong. An 
upperBound on something should return the values lower than it 
and a lowerBound should return values larger…

(C++ got it right).

D got it right. C++ returns an iterator which can be a bit 
confusing. D returns a slice so it's meaning is much clearer.

Re: Trouble reproducing compilation error

2014-08-21 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn

This is the full compiler output:

combsort.d(90): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argument
  types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(81): Error: template instance
combsort.combSortLinear!(pred, uint[])
  error instantiating
combsort.d(135): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
combsort.d(151): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(82): Error: template instance
combsort.combSortGallop!(pred, uint[])
  error instantiating
forwardsort.d(218): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argu
ment types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
forwardsort.d(138): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argu
ment types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
forwardsort.d(52): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argum
ent types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(84): Error: template instance
forwardsort.forwardSort!(pred, uint[])
  error instantiating
heapsort.d(119): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
heapsort.d(102): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(99): Error: template instance
heapsort.heapSort!(pred, false, uint[]
) error instantiating
heapsort.d(119): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
heapsort.d(102): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(101): Error: template instance
heapsort.heapSort!(pred, true, uint[]
) error instantiating
heapsort.d(221): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(103): Error: template instance
heapsort.bottomUpHeapSort!(pred, fals
e, uint[]) error instantiating
heapsort.d(221): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from argumen
t types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(104): Error: template instance
heapsort.bottomUpHeapSort!(pred, true
, uint[]) error instantiating
insertionsort.d(45): Error: template D main.pred cannot deduce
function from arg
ument types !()(uint, uint), candidates are:
benchsort.d(37):benchsort.main.pred(T)(T a, T b)
benchsort.d(108): Error: template instance
insertionsort.insertionSort!(pred, ui
nt[]) error instantiating

Trouble reproducing compilation error

2014-08-21 Thread Xinok via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm currently receiving several errors when trying to compile 
this code with DMD 2.066 (beginning with RC1):

The compiler throws an error because it's unable to deduce a type 
for the predicate in a few places. This repository compiles just 
fine in DMD 2.065 and earlier (more specifically, 2.066 beta 5 
and earlier). I'm very certain that this is a bug given that I 
never experienced this issue before.

However, I'm finding it impossible to reproduce the bug so I can 
file a bug report. I'm not sure what exactly is causing it or if 
there's something specific in the context of this code that's 
triggering it. The only thing that I can deduce is that, in each 
case, an instance variable is being compared to an array element, 

int[] arr = [10, 20, 30];
int value = arr[0];
pred(value, arr[1]); // Instance variable compared to array 

This one is stumping me and I could use some help in tracking 
down this bug.