Re: [board-discuss] TDF Advisory Board Members

2021-03-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Michael, Simon,

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 11:59:27PM +, Simon Phipps wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 11:16 PM Michael Meeks 
> wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps more measured than:

Which shows that there are some measured and uncontroversial things that
_need_ to be said in this situation and others that might be not
universially shared. Given the urgency and ease of consensus in the
first, TDF should focus on those in a timely manner.

> Instead, I am asking the Board to suspend FSF's membership of TDF's
> Advisory Board until such time as they regain the authority that led to
> them being freely offered the role in the first place and which they have
> squandered by their recent actions. I suggest the Board simply vote on this
> action directly, in the light of all the available public information.

I join Simons call here: for TDF to clearly act and do what is
necessary. Given that some members already publicly put their
association with the foundation on the line and more likely have done
the same without going public, as a former director I ask the board to
clearly show the colors of the foundation in the next 48 hours for the
members it is representing to prevent further damage to its projects and



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Re: [board-discuss] TDF Advisory Board Members

2021-03-23 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 05:46:18PM +, Simon Phipps wrote:
> I'll be more direct than Andreas in this matter. Given the FSF Board has
> demonstrated[1] that it is aware that reappointing RMS would be regarded as
> bad judgement by everyone at LibrePlanet, and given other organisations[2]
> are choosing to disconnect FSF from their governance, TDF's Board should
> also consider removal of FSF from their advisory board, at least
> temporarily until it has achieved representative governance.

Given recent events, I support this proposal by Simon for TDF to:

- distance itself from FSF at minimum
- and also consider removing FSF from TDFs advisory board immediately

Any entity to make such a deliberate, yet ill-advised, self-defeating
decision that sabotages its own stated goals should not be given a
priviledged position in providing advise to the Document Foundation.



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Re: [board-discuss] Project vs product (and some comments to product itself)

2020-09-26 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:47:50AM +0200, Telesto wrote:
> And how does this differ from the development teams behind MSO, OnlyOffice?

If you cant see how setting up a project where contributors work according to
their own agenda, motivation, goals and ambitions compared to being directed by
a centralized management which is not even contributing themselves is very
different, I dont know how to help you. The first is the promise and hope of
multi-agent open source.

> I proposed already something about pay you're price. So prefilled 5 euro (my
> adjust by income of the country); which can be adjusted by the customer.  So
> we get also an impression what people are willing to pay (for better
> support/more bug fixes etc).

Sure it would be nice if users would donate more. However, even if donations to
TDF would increase by a factor of ten it would barely be enough to sustain the
status quo from that alone without ecosystem and unpayed volunteer 
That is, if TDF would even be suited to effectively spend that money. The
progress on tenders this year continues to show that to be challenging.

So donations alone are unlikely to have an significant impact on the projects
health now or in the near future.

> is LibreOffice in such a bad shape? Based on your assessment I would expect
> the user base to be larger ;-).

You for some reason seem to still measure the success of LibreOffice by the
size of its userbase. The LibreOffice project and TDF are the wrong place to
discuss that, here it is all about contributors. _If_ you really want to
eagerly talk about the size of a user base, I suggest you apply for a job in
marketing at one of the ecosystem companies. Because unlike here, that is where
that is where the number of users are relevant.

> In a project you're allowed to break things and keep it that way for a
> while, this bad for reputation for commercial product.

LibreOffice is no commercial product and it has to take care about motivating
its contributors. Case in point, that was one of the reason I created bibisect
for LibreOffice QA back in the days. It was not primarily for users, but to
keep the balance between different active contributors: With bibisect, each
contributor was owning up responsibility for the impact of their contributions
and made those transparent to the rest. But the forum that decided what is
acceptable and what is not are the active contributors -- and nobody else.



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Re: [board-discuss] Project vs product (and some comments to product itself)

2020-09-25 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 06:10:51PM +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Telesto wrote:
> > From internal perspective (so within the organization of TDF)
> > LibreOffice is viewed, managed, and functioning as a project.
> >
> and
> > LibreOffice for the end-user is pretty often associated with a
> > product.
> >
> True, that is a good description of the status quo.

Quite. A notable distinction is that the first reflects mostly a reality, while
the second is only a perception that has no base in reality. Therefore one
shouldnt build strategy on or conclusions from the latter, and focus on the 

And yes, the latter might be a hugely _popular_ perception in a specific
audience. That still doesnt make it one bit true.

Telestro wrote:
> If I get beer for free from the brewery ...

Software and beer markets are not acting the same. If I give away one beer for
free, that leaves still a lot of beer of the same quality to be sold even in
the same town. If I give away one specific software for free, nobody will buy
software of the same quality anywhere on the world anymore.

So lets not do beer analogies, please.

Thorsten wrote:
> I cannot speak for Bjoern, but what resonated well with me is the
> "project over product" (or also called "community over code"
> elsewhere) line.
> Which says, to be successful in the long term, the advise is to
> generally favour community needs over user needs (and as a corollary,
> also focus marketing on attracting more contributors, rather than more
> users).

That is a very good summary of the guidance I tried to express, thanks!



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Re: [board-discuss] Drafting "Tender for implementing support for a dedicated, built-in UNO object,inspection tool (Xray-built-in debugger)"

2020-07-22 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Florian, all,

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 04:58:40PM +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> I'd like to collect further feedback on this tender this week, and if there
> is nothing controversial, move to publication afterwards.

I wonder if it would make sense to link this old talk of mine in the tender or
supporting material, as it provides code hints to some core components that
might be helpful for this:



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Re: [board-discuss] Personal Edition label and define is wrong.

2020-07-20 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 11:04:08AM +, toki wrote:
> It might be useful to create a White Paper on migration to LibO
> specifically for each size/class of potential user:
> Either the same, or a different White Paper could go into the virtues
> and vices of ongoing paid support, for each business size/class.

Maybe. OTOH, adoption without contribution is of no benefit to the project and
as such the foundation should take a very close look if a bigger investment in
an area really will yield contributions.
> There is no might about those items.

"might" might have been a bit of hyperbole, but only slightly: Im not aware of
anyone trying to do a migration with 10 core developers and no trainers. On the
other hand there have been way too many migration attempts with 10 trainers and
no dev support (either from an ecosystem company or inhouse). All of those have
hurt LibreOffice ultimately and were inresponsible by those involved with them.

> One of the more frequent criticisms of LibreOffice, is that it does not
> include an email client/communication centre. 

You call it the "one of the most frequent criticism of LibreoOffice", but its
really one of the most fundamental misunderstandings about LibreOffice.
LibreOffice is not a product -- its a project. As such it would have to be
considered a tradegy, if there was possible set of contributors -- individual
or institutional -- that the project could tap into, but failed to. For better
or worse, that is not what happened wrt email.

As a project, LibreOffice has to invest in areas where there is an opportunity
for growth on _both_ sides of the project: need for a feature by users AND
interest in contribution by contributors. Only then there can be a virtous
circle of growth on both sides: contributions and adaption.

Areas where there might be adoption, but little to no contribution are not
sustainable and will become a burden to the project faster than a blink of an
eye. At best, these areas are ignored by the project -- and there is absolutely
no shame in that at all.



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Re: [board-discuss] Personal Edition label and define is wrong.

2020-07-16 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:53:54AM +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> What would be missing - as a value-proposition, or via TDF marketing -
> to make it compelling for enterprises not to deploy LibreOffice
> without support?

I think TDF marketing should provide guidance on how running a successful major
LibreOffice deployment without external support is set up, and what benefits 
this yields.

This could be something along the lines of the following bulletpoints:

To be successful:

* You need approximately 1 experienced C++ developer per 2000 seats.
* You need at least one certified core developer to onboard the others into the
  upstream project.
* You need approximately one QA person per five developers.
* Depending on circumstances, you might need ressources to support with
  documentation, translation and training.

The benefits are -- if you have the experience and resources of leading such a
team -- that you have a local team that will learn about your specific
requirements, can solve the issues and even might spot and fix them before they
impact your workforce.

I would assume Munich (just before it was killed politically) is the most
successful example of that and starting from scratch, it took them
approximately a decade to get there. So anyone considering a major deployment
of LibreOffice should wonder:

* Does the experience of running such software development teams exist inhouse?
* Does the entity have a decade to get the deployment and support team to run

If not, however, that is not the end of the story: In those cases there are
ecosystem companies that are able to significantly help speeding up the
bootstrap, so you dont have to wait ten years to get your return on investment.



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Re: [board-discuss] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-09 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Alex,

I wanted to limit myself to those four tweets on this discussion, but this
one really rattles my bones, so here we go:

On Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 04:30:51PM +0200, Alexander Werner wrote:
> I want to remind all of you what The Document Foundation is all about,
> as stated in the *unalterable* statutes
> (
> "The objective of  the foundation is the promotion and development of
> office software available for use by anyone free of charge." - this does
> not restrict the target audience.
> "This software will be openly available for free use by anyone for their
> own files, including companies and public authorities, ensuring full
> participation in a digital society and without detriment to intellectual
> property."
> I would like to remind all members of the board of directors that first
> and foremost you are obliged to pursue these statutes. As a consequence
> you must not restrict the target audience of LibreOffice to a specific
> user group in any way.

While we go into full language lawyering here, The Document Foundation is a
gemeinnuetzige Stiftung first and foremost. The "Gemeinnuetzig" in results in
certain limits on what the goals of the Stiftung are and nothing in the statues
can overrule that.

Being a commercial grade service or support provider to random companies or
public entities using productivity software is clearly NOT within these limits,
and no motte and bailey sophistication about the implied interpretation of the
foundations statues will change that or can make it the Document Foundations

There is quite a bit of excusable naivete going round in this discussion,
which is understandable given that TDF needs to finally adapt to the changes
that happened in the last decade, so there are a lot of fundamentals
reevaluated here. Its not even wrong, as we need to find new ways, because the
ones that worked a decade ago dont work anymore or will be failing soon.

The above on the other hand overconfidently states implications that dont even
stand basic scrutiny and deliver them as an argumentum ab auctoritate. As such,
it should be ignored at best -- however, given the international community, not
everyone might be comfortable in judging the core of that German legalese
argument on their own. Worse than that, it doesnt even provide a constructive
proposal on which way to develop the foundation and the community -- away from
a status quo that is clearly less and less working.

I am very happy that the new board attacks these hard challenges and am open
and eager to hear each and every constuctive proposal on how to bring the
projects and the community forward. I am also happy if fellow members of the
community reread the statues to find guidance and ideas to find ways to make
them work in the now.

So in order for this project and this community to not die it first needs
constructive proposals. Those can then be refined, improved and adjusted using
institutional learnings we made over the last two decades. But it needs a
constuctive proposal FIRST, because without it, there is nothing to refine or
improve by our learnings.

/end rant



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[board-discuss] Feedback "Personal Edition"

2020-07-08 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hello TDF board, all,

since the board asked for feedback on the "Personal Edition" tagline and it was
already amply provided by others, allow me to add my old contributor voice to
this choir of opinions:

Its short and fits in four tweets, so it wont steal much of your time.

Thanks for your consideration.



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[board-discuss] Quarterly TDF 2020 Key Goals update

2020-05-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Board, Hello fellow TDF members,

the new TDF board is in office now for a quarter already. At the last in person
meeting (FOSDEM, Bruessels), the board agreed to a set of seven goals for the
next year, each with one to four key results attached to them. I wonder if the
TDF membership can get an update by the board on these?

On a casual search, I could not find these publicly on this list, so I am not
copying them in here in case that is intentional(*).

I am kindly asking the board to consider:

1/ publishing these goals and their key results either here (or if that is "too
   public", at least to the TDF membership) if that hasnt happened yet and
   clarify the audience it is intended for.
2/ Give the membership an update on each goal and key result after 3 months,
   a/ reconfirmation:
  Is the goal/result still viable and agreed upon in the board? If not, why
  and how was it modified, replaced or dropped? What were the external 
  leading to this?
   b/ status:
  Are we still "on-track" for the goal or result? Or is there significant
  risk of missing it? While most goals were set for a time horizon of ~one
  year, some intermediate results had explicit (or implicit a la "at
  LibreOffice conference") shorter timeframes of approximately 6 months
  set. Those should be easy to judge on their process as at least much of 
  preparation should be finished by now.
   c/ adjustments:
  If goals are confirmed, but not on-track, what changes can and will be
  attempted to rectify this. Who will take the lead on the specific topic?

I understand from various smoke signs that the current board is in a stressful
situation right now. However, I hope looking back at the original goals of the
board at the start of this term might also help to focus its effort back on its
shared mission: Things to be remembered for.

I guess providing these updates as part of the next board meeting is reasonable
-- esp. if the minutes are published in due time. Otherwise communicating this
out-of-turn is fine for me too, if the board can agree on a position that way

Thanks and best regards,


(*) Which I would consider a bug.

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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] public vote resolution on TDC (The Document Collective)

2019-10-04 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 12:12:16PM +0200, Marina Latini wrote:
> -
>   The Board RESOLVES to start creation of The Document Collective (TDC)
> by taking the following acts:
>   - Broadly, to implement the concepts in the Board's Document "The
> Document Collective" version 0.4
> (
>   - Appoint a transitional leadership Group comprising Nicolas
> Christener, Eike Rathke, Michael Meeks, Thorsten Behrens, Uwe Altmann
>   - Direct the Group to sign an agreement with Public Software CIC
> hosting TDC as an unincorporated association
>   - Allocate a line of credit of €5 to be requested incrementally as
> needed by Public Software CIC for TDC when the Group so directs,
> to be returned once a surplus is available and at the Group's
> discretion concerning timing and portioning, with the addition of 3% annual
> interest.
>   - Grant Public Software CIC a trademark license for "LibreOffice" when
> used in the context of an online application software store
>   - Direct the Group to initiate availability of LibreOffice for Mac OS
> and Windows through the appropriate app stores for an appropriate fee
>   - Request the Group to take over making available Impress Remote and
> LibreOffice Viewer if each or either proves appropriate for TDC
>   - Direct the Group to commission a mechanism to spend TDC's income
> surplus in the manner agreed by the Board's Document
>   - Direct the Group to plan for the transfer of all TDC activities and
> liabilities to an independent legal entity as soon as practical,
> with governance implementing the concepts in the Board's Document.
> -

+1, supporting this.



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Re: [board-discuss] Plone site & grief

2018-11-10 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

On Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 03:47:50PM +0100, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> I think this might be a good occasion to ask our CoC volunteers for
> help (in Cc) - some sort of moderation is perhaps possible?

FWIW: I, for one, would appreciate such mediation.



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[board-discuss] Representation statement - Bjoern Michaelsen

2018-03-05 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

please find below my statement on representation by deputies for this term.



I, Björn Michaelsen, elected member of the board of directors of The
Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the
following deputies to represent me during board calls and meetings, in
the order set forth below:

1. Jan Holešovský
2. Simon Phipps
3. Osvaldo Gervasi

Bjoern Michaelsen
Deputy Chairman, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [board-discuss] Acceptance of BoD role

2017-12-21 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Dear Gabriele, all,

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 10:57:52PM +0100, Gabriele Ponzo wrote:
> Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate with you for
> your election as member of the Board.
> Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the Board by
> answering to this message with a "Reply all".

Thank you for all the excellent work executing this election! Im happy to

I, Bjoern Michaelsen, elected Director of the Board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts "The Document Foundation". My term will start February 18, 2018.

Signed: Bjoern Michaelsen

Ich, Bjoern Michaelsen, gewähltes Vorstandsmitglied der The Document
Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts "The
Document Foundation" an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2018.

Unterzeichnet: Bjoern Michaelsen



Description: PGP signature

[board-discuss] Candidacy: Bjoern Michaelsen

2017-11-23 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

I hereby state that I will be running again for a Board of Directors seat with
The Document Foundation.

Im Bjoern Michaelsen and I am currently serving on the Board of Directors as an
unaffilated individual. Before that I ensured LibreOffice to be properly
released and maintained through half an alphabet on Ubuntu: from the first
LibreOffice release (3.3) on Ubuntu Natty to LibreOffice 5.3 on Ubuntu Zesty.

My current job is unrelated to LibreOffice. This unfortunately also limits the
time I can donate to the project in various roles: as a developer, as a member
of the ESC, as an organizer of events or fullfilling an administrative on the
Board of Directors. But it also allows me to claim to be a truly independent 

I spare you providing a long list of my prior contributors to the project, as
they are a bad prediction of those in the future. Instead I will try to provide
you with what I can bring to the role on the Board and what goals I am going to
aim for:

I served as a Director or Deputy on the Board of Directors of TDF since it was
first incorporated, and along the way I learned insights in the finer details 
of the
decisions and experiences made by TDFs Board of Directors. The hard core of
these involve the allocation of the foundations resources: Its brands and
donations. But I also understand and contributed to the softer points: TDF
carefully using its public voice as a NGO for the greater good and its stated

I hope I will be able to bring this experience into the next term of the Board
of Directors. I am encouraged to see strong contributors to the project as
new candidates in this election and hope to share the duty of serving with
them, together providing a strong and reasonable voice of independent and
unaffiliated input in the Board.

Ultimately, I hope after this one last term can confidently leave TDFs Board
with many new diverse and independent voices in all parts of the project anf
foundation and retire back to spend my contributions more on e.g. the code of
the project again.

Beyond that my goals for the TDF projects, LibreOffice and the Document 
Project are:

- focus on growth for the whole project cycle:
  The project obviously provides a product (releases of software). Those
  products in turn need to provide the project -- esp. with contributors as
  more helping hands are always needed in all areas of the project
- growth and diversity:
  The project should continue to grow and diversify: geographically, socially
  and by affiliations. Both will help hardening the project against external
- experience is key:
  Product and project need to come closer, and using the former should be a
  temptation to also take part in the latter wherever possible. We should
  2always look for opportunities to improve here.
- sharing knowledge:
  LibreOffice/DLP have grown to use more and more bleeding edge development and
  project tools and proccesses. We should offer to showcase and make them
  accessible to observers, researchers and teachers in education and elsewhere.
  Those learning from us might very well benefit us with their contributions.

75-words version:
I bring lot of experience from prior work on TDFs governance and am an
unaffiliated contributor to LibreOffice. I think the key to the success of
LibreOffice is in the project and seeking growth for it by improving the
experience for contributors and raising the visibility of our community and the
opportunities for contribution.



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Re: [board-discuss] Hackfests, the next generation: A Call To Action

2017-10-25 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Regina,

first off: Sorry for taking so long to reply.

On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 03:16:04PM +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
> I would like to participate in such a Hackfest. I know, I do not belong to
> the targeted category of persons, but I want to code, and I could help in
> testing, whether a tutorial is really suitable for a beginner.

Actually I think you are a perfect candidates for the new Hackfest! Why 
you be?

- have a topic that, if we pursue it, benefits the foundations goals
  and the community of LibreOffice as a whole.
- are an enthusiastic independant volunteer with no CoI.
- are qualified and motivated to verify that someone TDF hires to put by your
  side to attack your topics, did their duty to proceed the topic.

Your suggested topics:

> As example I suggest layer handling in Draw, e.g these issues
> ODF  as a child element of  not supported
> FILEOPEN Layer with reserved name vanishes when changing UI language
> DRAW: Layout, Controls and Dimension Lines need improvement
> ODF draw:display and draw:protected attributes of  not 
> supported
as thus duely noted to be topic for the Hackfest and TDF will try to hire a
certified developer to help support you with these issues.

As a note to the wider TDF/LibreOffice community: What Regina did here is 
awesome and
exactly what we are looking for. In fact, Eike and me still have a workitem to
pick out some of the more challenging EasyHacks to find something that:

- would benefit from an certified developer supporting the topic
- is roughly in scope for the Hackfest (plus some preparation and aftermath)
- meets the goals of the foundation and the LibreOffice community at large (not
  a special interest)
- will find an enthusiastic volunteer willing to learn more and able broadly
  verify the certified developer did indeed push the topic forward in the time

So if you are an enthusiastic volunteer (like Regina) willing to come to a next
generation Hackfest and have such a topic that you care about and which would
benefit from support LET US KNOW. A hard part for Eike and me finding topics is
actually second-guessing where we might find interested volunteers attending
the Hackfest for the topic. Someone stepping up "I care about this and would go
to a Hackfest" like Regina just did is a huge help.



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Re: [board-discuss] 2017-09-17 14:30 UTC: HackfestTNG, next call

2017-09-07 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 08:55:07AM +0100, Shinnok wrote:
> I think I should be in the next one?

Please do! ;)



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[board-discuss] 2017-09-17 14:30 UTC: HackfestTNG, next call

2017-09-05 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 12:26:47AM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> This is date & time:
>  - Sunday September 3rd, 2017 16:30 CEST/Berlin time (14:30 UTC)
>  - Dial-in worldwide as per 
>Room number to type after dial in: 21 24 86 #
> Please join. ;)

thanks for everyone participating. We will repeat the call same time, 14 days

 - Sunday, September 17th, 2017 16:30 CEST Berlin time (14:30 UTC)



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[board-discuss] 2017-09-03 14:30 UTC: HackfestTNG, first call

2017-08-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

This is the agenda:

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 12:32:44PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
>   I hope to be able to set up a conference call on next Sunday (September
>   3rd, 2017) european afternoon. Sunday afternoon as it should allow as many
>   interested volunteer community members to join as possible. I (or Florian)
>   will announce the time here[1].
> - We will also talk about topics for the Hackfest during the call, but it wont
>   be as urgent as time and location right now.

This is date & time:

 - Sunday September 3rd, 2017 16:30 CEST/Berlin time (14:30 UTC)
 - Dial-in worldwide as per
   Room number to type after dial in: 21 24 86 #

> If you are interested in any of these topics, please feel most invited to join
> the call!

Please join. ;)



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[board-discuss] Re: Hackfests, the next generation: A Call To Action

2017-08-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 10:30:58PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> If you are interested in helping with this, either as:
> - someone on the ground helping to organize the Hackfest
> - someone who wants to pair program with a hired certified developer at a
>   Hackfest
> - someone who is just interested in joining the Hackfest in general
> - someone who helps fleshing out the details of this idea
> feel free to contact me. I will try to set up a team of people interested in
> getting this off the ground. As noted above, if this proves to be successful,
> this might be the start of something excited and big bringing this community
> and project to a new level!

The initial feedback here on and off board-discuss@ is encouraging, so here are
the next steps:

- I created a wiki-page to collect ideas on this:
  Please feel free to contribute ideas, hints and comments there!
- The next task is to nail down a date and location for the event. There is
  already some interest from some local communities on this (see wiki). I hope
  to be able to set up a conference call on next Sunday (September 3rd, 2017)
  european afternoon. Sunday afternoon as it should allow as many interested
  volunteer community members to join as possible. I (or Florian) will announce
  the time here[1].
- We will also talk about topics for the Hackfest during the call, but it wont
  be as urgent as time and location right now.

If you are interested in any of these topics, please feel most invited to join
the call!



[1] I'll ask Florian to setup the details.

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[board-discuss] Hackfests, the next generation: A Call To Action

2017-08-22 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

I recently had a look at a variety of challenges the LibreOffice community is
facing wrt Hackfests and especially also tenders:

Status Quo

- due to a set of reasons based in the size of the project, the scope and
  selection of tender topics, the rules of properly running an NGO and the
  distibution of skilsets and available time in the BoD it is a lot harder to
  oversee the tenders for TDF than it would be for a for-profit organization.
- also, for historic reasons mostly, these tasks have been limited to the BoD
  mostly, while as an open disttributed and tranmsparent community we should not
  needlessly concentrate this work: rather the challenges and solutions should
  be shared as widely as possible in the community (and beyond).
- the waterfall modelled tenders have no iterative approach. Because of this
  they also tend to be mostly quite small, leading to significant overhead
  at both TDF and for the business implementing the tender.
- contracting out tender in bulk in a blackbox fashion naturally limits the
  ressources spend on documentation of discovered challenges. It thereby also
  needlessly limits the educational output to the community. There is such
  output, but it clearly could be better.
- beyond that we reduced doing Hackfests ~2 years ago, limiting the exchange
  of knowledge they provide.
- Unlike in the good old days, we dont have urgent infrastructual problems and
  the like to solve that would rally developers around topics. So motivation
  for certified devs to attend has shrunk. And those that do attend usually use
  the facetime for syncing on various issues, while the actual work on the code
  is somewhat limited. Even more when there is an emergency at the 
  developers employer (Unfortunately, there often is.)

Suggested new format

So everyone hip in the last decade would see the words "waterfall",
"non-iterative", "controlling overhead" would scream "get agile" from the top
of their lungs. In general that might solve the practical problems, but as
agile is essentially a way to move the customer in close enough to create the
trust and bond allowing the overhead to go away, that is exactly what we need
to watch out for and avoid: the foundation should not bind itself too close to
any single commercial provider of services in its core operations.

But maybe revitalizing Hackfests are an opportunity here. Here is a suggested
new format:

- TDF selects a small of the tenderable topics (6 man days)
- TDF selects a "product owner" for the topic (could be an TDF employee or a
  qualified and motivated TDF member)
- TDF hires 2 certified developers from LibreOffices companies for 3 days each
- TDF offers 2 days "development training" to its members, but also to the
  general community: ideally we select four people for this.
- All are invited to a two day Hackfest.
- Hired consultants are expect to pair program with one of the volunteers on
  each day, with the hired person not distracted by other business and doing
  the main effort with the paired volunteer focusing on learning.
- On each day, one of the hired developers works on the projector of the room,
  allowing other partcipants to the Hackfest to observe and learn.
- Closing the day, each paired team will give a 5-15 minutes lightning talk on
  their progress and challenges over the day. This presentation should be done
  by the paired volunteer to the best of their ability and recorded e.g. by
  TDF staff for publication.
- Rest of the extra booked day should be used for a 1-hour prep Hangouts,
  follow ups and overtime.
- Selected paired volunteers should ideally be 50% certified or uncertified
  developers and at least 25% volunteers active in non-development areas (e.g.
  documentation, l10n ...).
- Beyond this, it will be a "normal" Hackfest allowing others to mix an mingle.

What this might solve (hopefully)
- Controlling and the need to proof due diligence going away as it is performed
  right in the open and self-documented, reducing the vast redtape needed to
  set up and run tenders in the first place
- the involving the broader community is much more involved in this major
  aspect of the foundations work
- the community gets a much better transparency on the real cost and challenges
  of development
- we approach a more iterative/agile approach without being hit by the
  challenges this usually implies for an NGO
- we provide clear and visible progress and effort on education for the
  community and the general public
- we might help onboarding of new developers and make LibreOffice more
  interesting for contribution
- if this works on this 4-6 man day scale, we might consider extending it (e.g.
  a three developer week[1] with prep is already a 21 man day project)

There has already been some internal feedback from a smaller circle I shared
this with first: There was some concern (one pointing out this new format 

Re: [board-discuss] Harassment and lack of code of conduct

2017-01-18 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Michael, Bubli,

Im late to this discussion, sorry.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 01:28:11PM +, Michael Meeks wrote:
>   I'm aware of some sensitive situations in the past that have been
> handled adroitly by some community members. At some conference or other
> we had had a: "If you have any concerns talk to Bubli or Michael"
> announcement early at the beginning - I forget the language; that seems
> entirely appropriate for the project as a whole.

That was LibreOffice conference 2012 Berlin, mostly on my initiative.

Bubli wrote:
> The most frequent (and in fact the only) argument I hear when mentioning code
> of conduct, or the fact that TDF has no code of conduct to be precise, is "but
> but but, we're such a bunch of nice guys, nothing bad has ever happened here,
> nobody has ever been harassed, so why bother, why restrict freedom of speech
> preemptively etc."

FWIW, I certainly considered asking to implement a CoC for TDF. The reason for
not doing so was not the above, but that I feared a community with a CoC that
is not acted upon is even worse off than one without a CoC[1]. Seeing that we 
even repeated the basic announce of contact persons that we did at the Berlin
conference made me somewhat reluctant to push the topic.

Seeing the discussion here, it seems though there apparently now is wider 
for a CoC now that will not only be rubberstamped, but also acted upon -- which
is encouraging. So yes, this really should be a topic at FOSDEM.



[1] Because you can only introduce a CoC that is trusted by those that need it
once. Trust is an account that you cannot deposit to once it got sour.

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Re: [board-discuss] 3 proposed items for the Agenda of the BoD Call of Feb 29

2016-02-26 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 07:40:44PM +0100, Osvaldo Gervasi wrote:
> I'm confident such information will be tremendously useful in the future.

So the MC is tasked with tracking this and not every member is eager to share
all achievements in widely public. So how will such information -- beyond what
will/should be provided by preexisting work on the "All about LibreOffice"
Dashboard[1] using existing public sources be useful in the future?

Also note that maybe we should get the work on the Dashboard finished, before
we extend the scope even further. ;)

> ---
> (Ian involved)
> I propose to set up a training environment from where a newbie eager to
> contribute to LibreOffice can practice,
> without getting lost in the series of steps required to activate a local
> environment from where the source
> code can be compiled.
> The proper environment will be set up later, once the newbie got to know how
> developers of LibreOffice are
> used to work.

So this is also trying to revitalize prior work, I assume?

Apparently the task was closed due to lack of interest[2] for now, which might
change now that we have a Development mentor. Great to see initiative there, but
what exactly is there to discuss from on the Board?


On this, we should also build on prior work, namely our cooperations with:

- ULPGC, Gran Canaria, Spain (2 Hackfests, one upcoming)
- TU Dresden, Germany (1 Hackfest)
- Scientific and Technological Research Council, Turkey (one upcoming Hackfest)

Getting them involved in those developments would be wise. More maybe in the




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[board-discuss] Re: Accepting my position in the Board (Bjoern Michaelsen)

2016-01-01 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

I, Bjoern Michaelsen, elected Deputy Director of the Board of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts "The Document Foundation". My term will start
February 18, 2016.

Signed: Bjoern Michaelsen

Ich, Bjoern Michaelsen, gewähltes Ersatz-Vorstandsmitglied der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts "The Document Foundation" an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18.
Februar 2016.

Signed: Bjoern Michaelsen

Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Preliminary results 2015 Elections TDF Board of Directors

2015-12-14 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 02:18:26AM +, Michael Meeks wrote:
>   This piece matches my pocket calculation too =) and FWIW; I think it's
> good to have Marina at the top of the list for several reasons; though
> personally I'm not a fan of any special difference between elected
> Directors based on ordering.

Yes, I think for future elections we should publish the elected candidates in
alphabetical order only. If we want to give hints to the upcoming board who is
a good candidate to become Chairwomen/Chairman, we should list the first rank
votes after the name, but not the "order" of elected candidates from a voting
system that was never designed to provide a preference between the elected
candidates. For the selection of the Chairwomen/Chairman -- where there is only
one seat -- this vote actually makes a lot of sense.



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Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Preliminary results 2015 Elections TDF Board of Directors

2015-12-14 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 03:26:31PM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> To choose a chairperson from the votes, we could pick the Condorcet
> winner as Chairperson :) (there usually is one, even though not
> mathematically guaranteed).

Note that we are not even using Condorcet voting for electing the directors and 

> (Unless the elected body chooses its own chairperson which seems to be the
> case here.)

Indeed they do.



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Re: [board-discuss] Questions for the candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation

2015-11-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
ime. Both LibreOffice and the Document
Foundation grew through both skill and also a fair share of luck. Yet our
current position isnt something that can not be taken as a given: A lot will
change over the upcoming two years. Without getting reckless, we need to stay
hungry and stay foolish. As we continue to grow, the biggest challenge will be
to adapt the project to scale along. As for opportunities: The LibreOffice 5.0
release finally established us a strong and unchallenged fundament to grow our
user share and by extension the numbers of contributors and contributions we
will need to accommodate for making open source productivity the default for
everyone. I am looking forward to face these challenges.



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Candidacy: Bjoern Michaelsen

2015-11-25 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

I hereby state that I will be running again for a Board of Directors seat with
The Document Foundation.

Im Bjoern Michaelsen, the Ubuntu maintainer for LibreOffice and am working for
Canonical. I have been elected to be a deputy to the board of directors of the
Document Foundation in the first election, and am serving as a
full member of the board since November 2013.

I have been a contributor to LibreOffice since long before the Document
Foundation became incorporated to be its steward and a contributor to this
codebase even longer. While I do work in quite a few of TDFs formal and informal
bodies (the Board of Directors, the Engieering Steering Committee, the
Certification Committee) I try to keep up at least casual code contributions to
LibreOffice itself. OpenHub tells me that -- at least by commit count as of
today -- I continue to be in the Top Twenty of code contributors over the last
12 months. Beyond coding I had a role in a wide set of efforts and projects in
LibreOffice, for example:

- I helped LibreOffice getting rid of the old OOo build system
- I started bibisect to allow QA to pinpoint regressions more quickly
- I helped with administrative task needed for the Document Foundation, e.g.
  interacting with authorities, representing the Stiftung and boring
  banking administration
- I helped kickstarting the LibreOffice QA community that these days thankfully
  going strong all by itself
- I helped organize and coordinate LibreOffice events, from conferences to
- represented and advertised LibreOffice at a wide range of events
- steamlined EasyHacks to be easily found and maintained and kept up-to-date
  for mentors via Bugzilla
- helped the execution of tendering the Android work from the foundations side,
  navigating quite a few challenges this posts to an NGO
- helped setting up other tenders and job positions, interviewing candidates
- contributed in kickstarting some of TDFs employees into the crazy world of our
- encouraged, supported and pushed to get LibreOffice to use tools and means to
  improve the onboarding for newcomers: e.g. the recent TDF hiring of a mentor, 
  also gerrit code-review and CI

To biggest challenge for LibreOffice as a project continues to be bridging the
gaps from end users and enterprise users over casual contributors to core
developers and helping everyone to strive towards our common goals. As
LibreOffice grows, I will continue to support efforts to bring together
contributors from different backgrounds to ensure we push LibreOffice, the
product and the project, to new heights.

75-words version:
Im a longtime contributor to the LibreOffice codebase and maintain LibreOffice
packages on Ubuntu. While I do work in quite a few of TDFs formal and informal
bodies, I am still regulary active on the code. Beyond that I did take part and
led various efforts beyond pure code at both TDF and for LibreOffice:
from administration, training to organization and coordination. I aim to help
LibreOffice to continue to grow organically.



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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Grant Request: Madrid Hackfest, December 2015

2015-11-13 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 12:27:59AM +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 08:30:55PM -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
> > Could you point me to details of the hackfest? I would like to add it to our
> > events calendar.
> Ill pop up a wiki page once the funding is approved.

Page is created at:



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Re: [board-discuss] Re: Grant Request: Madrid Hackfest, December 2015

2015-11-08 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Sat, Nov 07, 2015 at 08:30:55PM -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
> Could you point me to details of the hackfest? I would like to add it to our
> events calendar.

Ill pop up a wiki page once the funding is approved.



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[board-discuss] Grant Request: Madrid Hackfest, December 2015

2015-11-04 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

please find attached the grant request for a Hackfest in December in Madrid
shared with GNOME as discussed during the ESC calls. Thank you for your



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Proposal for Budget Process

2015-08-02 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 02:12:41PM +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 I ask the board to vote on this, so we can formalize the process.

Approving this.



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Re: [board-discuss] cooperation with Do-FOSS?

2015-07-14 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 01:38:40AM +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
 this looks rather supportable to me.

Same here. Do-FOSS does quite some good noise about OSS including us, which is
well appreciated.



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[board-discuss] Board report 1st quarter 2015: events

2015-04-17 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

In the first quarter of 2015 the following events took place with TDF 

- LibreOffice was present at FOSDEM 2015 with many presentations in a dev room:

- There where two european Hackfests:
  - Bruessels:
  - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria:

In the U.S. TDF/LibreOffice was present at two open source events:

  - Scale:
  - LibrePlanet:



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Board report 1st quarter 2015: development

2015-04-17 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

Here is a summary what happened in development in quarter 1 of 2015:

- three parts of the Android tender have been implemented by contractors of TDF:
  - work packages 1 and 2 were implemented by Collabora
  - work package 4 was implemented by Igalia
- development of LibreOffice towards the next major release after 4.4 continues
  at a steady pace:
- LibreOffice takes part at GSoC and has received a good load of applications
- quite a few new GSoC students have been working on EasyHacks
- continued work towards a native 64-bit Windows version
- preparations for google phasing out OpenID (for gerrit)
- Bugzilla migration
- continued supervision of master branch with crash testing and document
  validation, thanks to Markus
- Improved CI and testing of sumbitted changes with gerrit/Jenkins, thanks to
- good stats on branch health, thanks to Norbert
- a push to create more EasyHacks for newcomer onboarding
- discussions on the technical implication of changing versioning schemes
- a tentative attempt at advertizing tasks in LibreOffice beyond EasyHacks,
  thanks to Markus
- ongoing work on refactoring Vcls resource management on a separate branch 
- cleanup of old unmaintained change proposals from gerrit patch review



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Board report 1st quarter 2015: releases schedules

2015-04-17 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

During the first quarter of 2015:

- there had been no changes to releases schedules
- a different versioning scheme for the next major release has been discussed
- LibreOffice 4.3.6 has been released (with two release candidates)
- LibreOffice 4.4.0 has been released (with two release candidates in addition 
to the RC1 from 2014-Q4)
- LibreOffice 4.4.1 has been released (with two release candidates)
- LibreOffice 4.4.2 has been prepared for release with two release candidates
- there had been no major unpunctualities or deviations from train-model
  release schedule



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Vote on changed rules of procedure

2014-07-17 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

Florian Effenberger wrote:
 based on an offlist discussion, I hereby propose the board to vote on
 changing the rules of procedure.
 § 3, the internal delegation of responsibilites, should be adapted.
 Andreas Mantke, so far listed for contracts, taxes, legal compliance,
 trademarks and brands, currently lacks time for this area, and
 therefore wants to be removed from this particular item.
 I personally would like to thank him for his hard and good work on this
 topic, which - knowing from my own experiences - can be quite tedious
 and hard at times.
 So far, no other takers have shown up, so unless one board member or
 deputy shows up in this thread and takes over responsibility, the
 proposal is to rephrase § 3 as follows:
 §3. Internal delegation of responsibilities - Internally, the board has
 decided on the following split of responsibilities:
 employees: Andreas Mantke, Thorsten Behrens
 infrastructure: Andreas Mantke, Norbert Thiebaud
 QA: Joel Madero, Eliane Domingos de Sousa
 documentation: Eliane Domingos de Sousa
 native language projects, translation, marketing, non-English QA
 activities etc: Fridrich Štrba, Adam Fyne
 certifications and other business development activities: Eliane
 Domingos de Sousa, Joel Madero
 development: Björn Michaelsen, Eike Rathke
 license: Michael Meeks, Fridrich Štrba
 releases including schedules: Michael Meeks, Björn Michaelsen
 events: Björn Michaelsen, Fridrich Štrba
 affiliations, e.g. advisory board, peer foundations, politics:
 Michael Meeks, Andreas Mantke, Björn Michaelsen
 marketing, communication  design: Eliane Domingos de Sousa, Adam Fyne
 assets, finance: Thorsten Behrens, Norbert Thiebaud
 contracts, taxes, legal compliance, trademarks and brands: Thorsten
 For comparison, the current effective version of the rules of procedure
 is available at

+1 from me. 

Thanks for your work, Andreas.



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Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [tdf-discuss] Intervention

2014-07-14 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

just to quickly expand on that:

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 02:35:43PM +0200, Sophie wrote:
  I believe it is always possible for the checkers to trust the
  reporters and follow the steps to reproduce on their own material
  first; if they can't do that, they probably should ask
  themselves about their true motivations in this forum. 
 I found what you say not fair for our QA members, they are doing their
 best to triage hundreds or reports each week.
 It is rare that
  the reporters use tricky configurations with tricky files and so on.
 Each way of work is different, each configuration may have their own
 settings depending on the company or the work.

Pragmatically, if the bug is not reproducable by a QA triager (that is: someone
else than the reporter), it will also not be reproducable by a developer.
Without that, the bug cant be fixed really (for a fix also cannot be verified).
A bug report that is not fixable is by itself unfortunately not of much value
to the project.

As such, we need the reporter to find a way to create a confirmed reproduction
scenario. In fact, this is the small contribution (by the reporter) that helps
enabling a much bigger contribution (the fix, done by a developer).

With development resource being limited (they always are), they will -- all
other things being equal -- naturally and effectively be used on the most
well-triaged issues.



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Re: [board-discuss] Design team leads

2014-06-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Mirek,

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 05:56:35PM +0200, Mirek M. wrote:
 Astron told me that the idea to have positions within the design team was
 not well-received and that I should discuss it with you. What do you find
 problematic about having positions within the team?
 To be clear, leads would be there to make sure that things get done, that
 the process by which they get done produces the best results, and to
 resolve controversial issues if they arise.

as others have aleady expressed, electing such titles and granting them on
extended timeframes has historically proven to be a hazard.

I believe in With great power comes great responsibility, or corollary: power
should always be based on current resposibilities.

To give you an example, Ubuntu has the concept of a patch pilot:

whos prime responsibility is to welcome newcomers over a certain timeframe (a
day/a week). There is a natural authority derived from those doing duty on
those, without any need for granting titles or elections. It also usually keeps
those most involved with growing and progressing the team by doing onboarding
work -- which admittedly often is not the most attractive task -- in high
regard and prevents title-envy as everyone knows the work attached to the

Now, I dont know if and how that can be translated to the design team. One
(likely stupid) idea would be to have an email alias for onboarding newcomers
and anyone decently skilled(*) can join that alias and help newcomers asking
questions to it. In general, if things are not completely broken in the
project, those who do the most work there in helping others should naturally
grow authority in the design project. Then again, the same thing should work on
a mailing list -- but a onboarding mail alias _might_ make more obvious who is
doing most in onboarding newcomers and who is mostly following his or her own

Just my two eurocents -- I admittedly dont have to deep an insight into the 
team structure.



(*) use common sense here, like for direct commit access for developers
(**) which might be perfectly fine, but isnt the best prerequisite for
 leadership work

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[board-discuss] Representation in my absence

2014-02-21 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
I, Bjoern Michaelsen, elected member of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the following
deputies to represent me during board calls, in the order set forth

 1. Deputy Andreas Mantke
 2. Deputy Eike Rathke
 3. Deputy Norbert Thiebaud



Bjoern Michaelsen
Member, Board of Directors
Key fingerprint = C8BE 3F1F 92CB 2646 17FE  361D DCD9 C191 E48D BF5F
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Description: Digital signature

[tdf-discuss] Re: Hackfest kit ?

2013-06-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Immanuel, Eike,

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:30:43PM +0200, Eike Rathke wrote:
 Obviously you need a room capable to hold the expected number of people
 with tables and proper seating. We were ~20 people on the Hamburg
 Hackfest last weekend, ~25-30 in Munich last year, but these numbers are
 probably higher than what can be expected for Montreal because Germany
 is somewhat the home play for LibreOffice and within good reach for
 European hackers.

For Montreal, promoting the event locally would be even more important. It
would be highly helpful to find some connection to a local computer science
department (maybe even get the support of a professor), to get some students on
board. Print flyers and posters.[1]

With regard to missing home play, you likely need to sponsor to fly in some
some experienced hackers to bootstrap the event. I would even consider calling
them speakers -- it suggests a shy interested reader that he can come by and
can passively consume a talk. Depending on the audience that may be the start,
but in the long run, we ideally want to do an introduction and then move on to
a more workshop-like feeling to get things done.

 Last but not least, have fun and hack :-)

One more organizational thing: Offer distibuted couchsurfing in some kind or
way -- not only is it a cheap accomodation, it also helps creating social



[1] template:
[2] Im saying that as someone being told You should call your mother more
often! on the Hackfest. ;)

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[board-discuss] Hackfest Hamburg 2013 budget estimates

2013-06-13 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

Id like to raise the totral budget for the Hackfest in Hamburg 2013 (from the
Hackfests part of the development budget) to 1500EUR.

@Caolan, Michael: Could you sign this off?



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[board-discuss] Adjustments to the QA budget usage: netbooks, contest budget

2013-06-11 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

Recent developments have caused me and Norbert to adjust the use of the QA 
budget as follows:

- we will only buy three netbooks for QA triagers now (at 300EUR each)
- we reserve up to 200 EUR for the top five contributors during the contest
- we reserve addditional up to 200 EUR for swag for the first 10 newcomers
  reaching 10 contributed bug triages

With this we still are in the total QA budget of 1800 EUR. I have updated:



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Re: [tdf-discuss] Dual licensing of patches and code

2013-03-08 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Jim,

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 12:42:26PM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:
 Just so I'm clear: If a company wishes to contribute code
 to TDF/LO, but wants their contributions to be triple-licensed
 (alv2-mpl-lgplv3), they would be refused. Is that correct?

That was not what either Florian or the policy said. This is a matter of
community, not just of license. Such combinations of licenses do not lead to a
contribution being automatically accepted or rejected, either at Apache or at
TDF, we look at each case on its merits.

The anonymous contacts you claim to represent should step forward and work on
the dev list where I am sure their genuine needs will be accommodated flexibly.



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Re: [board-discuss] Re: 2013 budget draft - TDF Budget as of 2013-01-14

2013-01-17 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 02:06:19PM +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
 The QA netbooks have already been discussed on QA Call. The idea is to have a
 budget for a set of netbooks that we can give publically as prizes to our most
 active QA contributors in QA marathons and triage contests.

A few addition given the discussion:
We will likely lend the netbooks to a set of QA volunteers. And those machines
are not intended to let our QA volunteers play Starcraft, but to be able to
triage -- possibly on multiple platforms -- without busting their usual work

Why only QA? Because QA did organize quite a few events (Bug Hunting Sessions,
QA Marathons, QA Wochenende) making me confident they have the manpower to
organize this. I did hard work to support Rainer, Joel, Florian and other to
get QA rolling over the last year. Once other parts of the project get there,
the same applies to them -- I am confident at that point they will file their
own budget requests.

Note also this is an opportunity that presented itself: E.g. for developers we
cant easily do this as a developer machine for LibreOffice is quite a bit more



Re: [board-discuss] Re: 2013 budget draft - TDF Budget as of 2013-01-14

2013-01-15 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 01:48:31PM +0100, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 QA netbooks (Björn)
 I'm Cc'ing those three. We have been working internally on the
 budget first, to have some starting point, and those three requests
 came in. These requests have not been decided on yet (on purpose, so
 the board has no advantage over the public lists), we want to
 discuss this here in public, so Olivier, Björn and Charles should
 elaborate on the plans. ;-)

The QA netbooks have already been discussed on QA Call. The idea is to have a
budget for a set of netbooks that we can give publically as prizes to our most
active QA contributors in QA marathons and triage contests.

The idea is that this will:
- motivate our current volunteers
- growth our triager community
- allow triagers who have been using one platform only to have a dedicated
  system for dual-boot Windows and Linux without any interruption of their
  daily work
- same for versions

As netbooks for testing and triaging are available now for 200-300EUR this IMHO
something well worth it. There are still some tricky details to work out
and discuss like:
- how to get them to the volunteers without too much extra cost
  (shipping/handing them over at HackFests)
- how to set the rules on 'winning' one of these without making it too complex
  or to easy to game the system

Proposals on how to fix this for the next bug triage contest/QA marathon are
most appreciated of course!



[tdf-discuss] Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Forums Proposal

2012-10-07 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 06:42:42PM -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
 Le 2012-10-06 17:20, Bjoern Michaelsen a écrit :
  On Sat, Oct 06, 2012 at 04:26:18PM -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
  No sure if we were talking about empty hall, I am hoping to help
  fill them. :-)
  Yes, just like a night club opening with fewer floors in the early
 evening, so
  that they are not that empty -- and open more floors later. ;)
 Sorry, doesn't work for me. If the place is too full with noise, I
 can't hear myself think and I go elsewhere where people like me
 congregate ... in this case the AOO forums.

_If_ the place is too full with noise, we will quickly be able to split out
forums. My suggestion is just not to do that earlier. ;)

  Do you think we will have some 3-5 regulars in a templates forum?
 If not, I
  would postpone separating those out until such a group condesates
 and asks for
 Well, I would rather give it a try, we do have a template site that
 we should be supporting with a forums. This would give us a chance
 to get more traction right from the start.

I dont believe that a separate forum gives you more traction, if you do not
have 3-5 regulars in it -- rather the opposite. As both closing forums and
underpopulated/abandoned forums are demotivational and unhelpful, I am stand by
my opinion that not having one at the start is better. Once 3-5 regulars for
that topic are around and ask for it, we can add that forum -- which is
motivating as it suggests growth and gives the forum a better kickstart (esp.
since we can make an announcement for the start of that forum on its own then).

 All in all I can't say I agree on your approach to forums. You seem
 to expect the brunt of all activity on a forums to come from the
 participants. More of a let's wait for them to come approach.
 Hence, the lets start with few categories and break out later. This
 is more of a passive approach to running a forums
 I, however, think that a good categorization of a forums will have a
 better appeal to our users and with good moderation will fill. I
 also think that we should not only moderate, but also create buzz
 on our forums. Moderators are not only there to help direct traffic
 (un-obtrusively) but also create buzz and discussion. If
 moderators sign up for the job, then they should commit to grow
 their forums and make them attractive for user appeal. If a forum
 has become silent, then it would be up to the forums admins to sit
 and determine the actions to market and help popularize it. This is
 more of an aggressive approach to growing a forums.

You currently have 5 forum coordinators, which is a very good size to start
off (a bigger group will only lead to more communication overhead). If you want
to actively vitalize the forums, you should not start with much more than ~2 
per coordinator, otherwise you stretch yourself too thin.

As you grow the team, win more regulars, admins and coordinators, you can
easily add categories. You will do anyway -- no matter what initial
categorization you setup. Thus the _initial_ categorization is important to be
optimized to generate growth in the first 2-3 month, it should not be the
'final' or 'perfect' categorization for a huge board system (because the first
is the precondition for the second).

You should also make sure to empower those joining you as forum regulars and
coordinators and there is no easier way to archive that than by letting them
take part of the growth by creating 'their' additional forum.

Linus Torvalds said on 2004-10-25:
 Nobody should start to undertake a large project. You start with a small
 trivial project, and you should never expect it to get large. If you do, 
 just overdesign and generally think it is more important than it likely is at
 that stage. Or worse, you might be scared away by the sheer size of the work
 you envision. So start small, and think about the details. Don't think about
 some big picture and fancy design. If it doesn't solve some fairly immediate
 need, it's almost certainly over-designed. And don't expect people to jump in
 and help you. That's not how these things work. You need to get something
 half-way useful first, and then others will say hey, that almost works for
 me, and they'll get involved in the project. 

^- THAT is critical advise here.

 We should also keep in mind that some of our long-time users are on
 the AOO forums being helped and the categorization there seems to
 work quite well. You only need to look at their numbers to realize
 that common sense categorization works[1] and where new forums
 appear these are more of a targeted and deliberate choice (as in the
 case of the US marketing forums, this is more of a concerted group
 effort from the part of the whole TDF/LibreOffice team).

The best way to involve them then is to invite them to take part in the organic
growth of the forums. The best way to do that, is to start with a small and
minimal set of forums, be open to change

[tdf-discuss] Invitation to the LibreOffice Hackfest 2012 in Hamburg

2012-03-23 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

Let me take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the LibreOffice Hamburg
Hackfest 2012. The city of Hamburg has throughout history taken its freedom and
independence as a high treasure -- as can be seen from its motto: Libertatem
quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas. Thus it is a great
place for an event of a project that takes freedom as serious as LibreOffice

As a proud local, I also decided to guide some sightseeing on Friday afternoon
for people interested, so if you arrive early you might get to see some of the
beautiful corners of Hamburg. After that we will meet up with everyone in the
Schachcafe close to the Hackfest location for a beer event.

Saturday and Sunday then will be two days of hacking, learning, teaching,
connecting and implementing great ideas at the Attaktor, one of the homebases
of the Chaos Computer Club, which has an interesting history starting with
tales of international spionage during the cold war and much more (see
Wikipedia and links on the Hackfest page). They have become older, wiser and
tamer at least a bit since then, but still originate cool projects like Project
Blinkenlights. kindly sponsors us ten T-shirts for the participants. We just
decided to give those to the first ten people, who added themselves to the
participant list completely with their name and shirtsize(*). First come, first
serve here as is with travel bursaries and couch surfing, which is kindly
provided by some of the Hamburg Hackers.

So please add yourself as a participant to the Hackfest at:

and add topics that you would like to discuss or work on -- we will try to find
a mentor for you then.

Looking forward to see you all in Hamburg!


(*) If you think this is some evil plot to get you to register early, you might 
onto something, but please do not tell anybody!

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[steering-discuss] Re: confcall tomorrow

2011-10-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 12:45:38PM +0200, Italo Vignoli wrote:
 On 10/28/2011 12:05 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 tomorrow, at 1400 UTC, the next conference call takes place. Right now,
 we are in a transition phase from the Steering Committee to the Board of
 Directors, so I would like to explicitly invite those who are new with
 us to join this call. It would be ideal if we had most SC and BoD
 members to hand over the duties.
 I might have REAL problems in getting a connection, as I am in
 Prague and I definitely cannot use my mobile to make the call (as it
 will cost a fortune). I will try to find a place with a free wifi
 connection, to use either skype or my voip provider to make the

Also being on the road, I just installed the google-talk plugin for Firefox and
could dial into the US confcall number for free, so if you have wifi, that
might also be an option.



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[steering-discuss] Re: confcall tomorrow

2011-10-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Florian Effenberger floeff at writes:

 tomorrow, at 1400 UTC, the next conference call takes place. Right now, 
 we are in a transition phase from the Steering Committee to the Board of 
 Directors, so I would like to explicitly invite those who are new with 
 us to join this call. It would be ideal if we had most SC and BoD 
 members to hand over the duties.

I just arrived in Orlando, got setup in the Hotel, so I should be able to join.
If not, I have just been to optimistic wrt to the infrastructure here. ;)



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[tdf-discuss] Re: Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen [UPDATE]

2011-09-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 11:55:00 +0200
Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

 What will I be doing, should I get elected?
 TDF and the Libreoffice project have already come a long way since
 their birth less than a year ago. As a developer I will represent
 that part of the community, but I will also try to help grow the
 channels of communication between developers and other parts of the
 project. Being responsible for the complete product on the Ubuntu
 platform, I firmly believe all parts of the project are not only
 important, but also need a shared vision of what needs to be
 accomplished to create an even better product.

As it is always hard to put such abstract topics down in a few
sentences, the above is just a short overview. However, just two days
ago, somebody who I highly regard for his skills in open source software
project management put in words most of what I was trying to say -- as
bluntly as usual.

Here is the interview (with Linus Torvalds):




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[tdf-discuss] Re: Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen [UPDATE]

2011-09-28 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Henri,

On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 15:50:06 +0200
M Henri Day wrote:

 Bjørn, the following is not  intended as a swipe at you personally,
 but I must say that the introduction of the Unity UI on Ubuntu has
 not been the sort of thing that I should like to see occur on
 LibreOffice. My impression is that objections from users have been
 disregarded in a cavalier manner, and that we were faced with an
 attitude of my way or the highway. Not encouraging

No need to assume I would take this personal. Although I did some
technical work on integrating Libreoffice into Unity as well as in other
desktops, I have not been involved at all with the decision to make
Unity the default desktop (you can actually easily confirm that from
the date when I joined Canonical).

Aside from that: I am running for the seat personally, not to represent
my employer. The initiative for this came from me alone(*). 



(*) Although I of course asked my employer if there were any objections
before announcing my candidacy.


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[tdf-discuss] Candidacy for Board of Directors seat -- Bjoern Michaelsen

2011-09-27 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Dear all,

after formally announcing my candidacy on the steering-discuss mailing
list, here are a few more details about me to give you a better picture.

Who am I?

I am Bjoern Michaelsen, and have been working on the codebase of
Libreoffice since 2008. I started as a developer on the
team of Sun/Oracle, and switched sides in February 2011 by joining
Canonical. Since then I am responsible for the Libreoffice releases on
Ubuntu (actually right from the first official release of Libreoffice
with Ubuntu on Natty) and in addition do my part on the Libreoffice
project by both being a member of the engineering steering commitee and
by code contributions.

What motivates me to work for TDF?

I made an active choice to join Libreoffice and TDF when
was still around at Oracle. I believe Libreoffice is the most promising
effort in challenging the status quo of desktop market shares [1] and a
vital part of a full open source desktop that does not need to shy from
any competition.

What will I be doing, should I get elected?

TDF and the Libreoffice project have already come a long way since their
birth less than a year ago. As a developer I will represent that part
of the community, but I will also try to help grow the channels of
communication between developers and other parts of the project. Being
responsible for the complete product on the Ubuntu platform, I firmly
believe all parts of the project are not only important, but also need
a shared vision of what needs to be accomplished to create an even
better product.

If there are any questions, dont hesitate to ask!





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[steering-discuss] Candidacy for a Board of Directors seat

2011-09-27 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Dear Members of the TDF,

I'd like to hereby announce my candidacy for a Board of Directors seat
with The Document Foundation.

My name is Bjoern Michaelsen, my email address is and I am employed by Canonical.

Why am I running?

I believe Libreoffice is the most promising effort in challenging the
status quo of desktop market shares and a vital part of a full open
source desktop that does not need to shy from any competition.

A more complete statement of who I am, what motivates me and what I
intend to focus on should I get elected will be posted to the mailinglist in a few minutes.




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[tdf-discuss] Re: Java Support to Stay or Not?

2011-05-19 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Thu, 19 May 2011 16:29:35 +0530
Marc-André Laverdière wrote:

 I've read somewhere that there is discussion on ditching support for
 Java in LO. Is this true?

Absolutely not. There is an effort to get rid of the dependence on Java
for core components, but dropping the support for Java via the UNO-API
is not discussed or even thought about. Java is still one of the
easiest ways to extend LO or to control it remotely.




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[tdf-discuss] Re: desktop integration

2011-05-15 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Bernhard,

On Sun, 15 May 2011 02:57:51 +0200
Bernhard Dippold wrote:

 If so, we could ask the developers to have a look at the code and
 find the relevant string to replace the image (if it is an image - if
 it's just a gradient, we might not be able to modify it easily more
 than just in the colors of the end points).

This is not a development issue, but one of the used theme. For Ubuntus
Humanity theme, please coordinate with Sergey:




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[tdf-discuss] Re: EasyHack on EasyHacks

2011-03-29 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Nuno,

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 19:43:27 +0100 (Nuno J. Silva) wrote:

 Bjoern Michaelsen writes:
  Our EasyHacks page here:
  is quite a mess by now as we have so many of them. [...]
  Any volunteers?
 I made an attempt to split it under my user pages,

Looking great IMHO! 

 It is based on the Easy Hacks page as of 2011-03-29T13:52:51
 It needs some cleanup (empty lines and empty sections), which I'll now
 do. I should also change heading levels so that the root ones are the
 top level, but for now I didn't change that, to keep the text blocks
 Although it lists these skill sets you pointed out, some tasks (maybe
 most of them?) require other skills -- I tried to group tasks based on
 what each list is about, but there's probably some room for

Sure, that was just a very rough proposal. Improvements are much

 I hope this is helpful.

It is. Anyone vetoing Nunos great work? Opinions?
(I am hoping for a lot of +1s here for your effort.)

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] EasyHack on EasyHacks

2011-03-26 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi all,

Our EasyHacks page here:

is quite a mess by now as we have so many of them. Also I dont think it
is very inviting to newcomers. An really important EasyHack -- that
does not even require elite programming skills would be to split that
page into multiple topics, so that contributors can find something for
their skillset. A possible splitup would be:

- Infrastructure (skills: bug trackers, mailinglists, web stuff)
- build system (skills: perl, scripting, building)
- testing (skill: build, tools like valgrind)
- code cleanup (skills: beginners C++)
- UI improvements (skills: C++)

Any volunteers?

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] Re: missing debs on ppa

2011-02-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 06:54:33 -0600
Sonic4Spuds wrote:

 Just checked synaptic and all of the files in the ppa are listed as 
 version rc4. Also made sure that it is getting the latest
 list from the ppa.

There are natty versions for 3.3.1. Beware of partial updates
however: Currently there is amd64 build for 3.3.1~rc2-1ubuntu2
fnished in the ppa, while the i386 build (which also builds the arch
independant stuff like libreoffice-java-common) is not finished yet.

Backports for maverick will be added later.

 The ppa name is listed as lp-ppa-libreoffice/maverick   if there is a 
 different ppa that is official and the one I have is not then let me

just to clarify: there is nothing official about a ppa by definition.
If it is official, it is in the main repository.

Best Regards,



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[tdf-discuss] Re: missing debs on ppa

2011-02-24 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Jaime, Hi all,

On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:33:23 +0100
Jaime R. Garza wrote:

 I think a lot of people though it was an official LibreOffice PPA for
 Ubuntu, not an official Canonical package:

well, the ppa is different from most other ppas as it is the ppa of the
libreoffice packaging team at Ubuntu. That is: it is the stuff we as a
team intend to put in the main repositories in the end.

However: As

itself describes it best: LibreOffice test builds and backports.
Thats pretty clear. Please do not hold me accountable for any
journalist calling it different to make a good headline.

Yes, Canonical and Ubuntu will support Libreoffice, but we will not
race out a release to the main repositories, just so that we can claim
to be first(*).

Best Regards,


(*) If you dont care about the final stabilization fixes, you could
build an rc1 yourself and you will have your (almost) release a week
earlier. But if you wait for the final for a week, you should also wait
another day or two for the distribution adjustments.


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