Re: [IxDA Discuss] A minor follow-up on identifying credit cards' types

2009-10-20 Thread Calum Benson
However, this still doesn't solve the issue of being able to tell
whether your credit/debit card type is supported, before you start
typing.  (Unless they all are anyway, which is very rare.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] A minor follow-up on identifying credit cards'types

2009-10-20 Thread William Hudson
Calum -

You really want to know before your start shopping, let alone typing!



> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:discuss-
>] On Behalf Of Calum Benson
> Sent: 20 October 2009 6:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] A minor follow-up on identifying credit
> cards'types
> However, this still doesn't solve the issue of being able to tell
> whether your credit/debit card type is supported, before you start
> typing.  (Unless they all are anyway, which is very rare.)
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] Last FM iPhone app sketches

2009-10-20 Thread Joe Lanman
Nice collection of wireframes for Last FM's iPhone app:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] A minor follow-up on identifying credit cards' types

2009-10-20 Thread Amy Silvers
I saw a rather neat implementation related to credit card type when I
was buying some tickets recently on Ticket Web. As I was checking
out, I noticed that there was a reference to the security code number
being a four-digit number above the credit card number, and there was
an accompanying image showing where the number was located. 

This caught my eye, because my card's security code isn't four
digits, and it's not positioned above the card number. And sure
enough, when I selected my credit card type, the copy and image
changed to reflect the correct information for my card type. It's
just a small detail, but I've observed users having trouble
remembering where to look for their card ID number, especially if
they routinely use more than one type of card, so I thought this was
a nice solution to a fairly common problem.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] New Redesign! Looking for feedback!

2009-10-20 Thread Jake Trimble
I won't make it long...the site in my opinion is awesome! Not only is
it well designed it is extremely useful. The content is well placed
and robust. I have no wife or kids, but I am going to recommend it to
people that do. In an era where print is dying, this website is going
to go a long way in saving the FamilyFun magazine brand name. I feel
like the user research went a long way and the content is targeted
wonderfully. I would say it's a "seasonal" website that keeps
in-line with the magazine...which I think is brilliant for many

I have one gripe and one suggestion. The gripe is that for a Disney
site, the accessibility seems to be a little "low". The suggestion
would be to do reassess your "Share" functionality. Not only do you
have to "step through" to another page to Share, but the only way to
Share is through "copy and paste". If possible, I would suggest
expanding the "avenues" in which a user can Share your content and
also take away the redirection to another page to do so.

Great site on the whole wrt User Experience.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] [Reminder] Wednesday, October 21 - Real-World Research with Gist Design

2009-10-20 Thread Jack Moffett
This is the final reminder for tomorrow's event at Gist Design. Learn  
by doing while having fun and networking with other designers in the  
Pittsburgh area. I'll see you there!

Real-World Research

Designers know the benefits that design research provides in shaping  
good user experiences for products and services. But practicing  
effective design research for technology products  in the corporate  
environment (whether for start-ups or for international  
corporations), requires ingenuity, flexibility, and a sense of  
humor. Want to try your hand at it? Join Gist Design and other  
design colleagues for a collaborative game of "Real-World Research."

Date: Wednesday, October 21.
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Gist Design
33 Terminal Street, Suite 425B
(South Side)

Jack L. Moffett
Senior Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

There is no good design that is not
based on the understanding of people.

- Stefano Marzano
  CEO of Philips Design

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Golden oldies: pre-web-era book recommendations

2009-10-20 Thread Will Hacker
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the classic Design of Everyday
Things by Don Norman.  Published in 1988 and updated in 2002.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] National Design Week in NYC is October 18-24, Objectified Film screenings & The Biz of Design w/ Bill Moggridge (FREE), who\'s in?

2009-10-20 Thread Jonathan Abbett
It's upsetting that the National Design Week website has such a terrible
event listing design:

You have to click your city on a tiny US map... try distinguishing between
the Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut cities.

A simple list would have been sufficient. :(


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Fritz Desir  wrote:

> Just received this in email newsletter and it looks quite interesting.
> I'd like to rally up some IxDA'ers to go not necessarily as an
> official meeting but to represent and possibly chat afterwards.
> October 20, 2009, 8:30 – 10:00am
> Business leaders discuss how design impacts their overall strategy
> and affects their bottom line. Moderated by Daniel H. Pink, the
> panelists will discuss the role of design thinking in the workplace
> as it relates to consumer goods as well as overall company vision.
> At The Times Center (242 W 41st Street, NY, NY)  Continental
> breakfast buffet from 8:00 – 8:30am.
> Moderator: Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why
> Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
> Panelists include:
> Bill Moggridge, Lifetime Achievement Award Winner, co-founder of
> Sam Lucente, Vice President of Design, Hewlett-Packard Company
> Jeanne Liedtka, Professor, University of Virginia's Darden Graduate
> School of Business
> OBJECTIFIED: Film Screenings
> October 21, 2009 1:30 & 3:30pm
> Anybody in NYC interested? Let me know, looking forward to hearing
> from you guys. Thx.  - Fritz
> More info & to register here:
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] National Design Week in NYC is October 18-24, Objectified Film screenings & The Biz of Design w/ Bill Moggridge (FREE), who's in?

2009-10-20 Thread Fritz Desir
Yep you're right. There's still work to do there for sure. The event
this morning with Moggridge & Sam Lucente was GREAT btw. Lots of good

Objectified screens (for FREE) t'mrrw at 1:30 & 3:30, I know crappy
hrs but I'll try to swing through for the 3:30. Hopefully someone
else can as well.- F

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[IxDA Discuss] How are you changing the (design) process?

2009-10-20 Thread Jay Morgan
Hey IxDA'ers,
This quote was influential and inspiring when I first encountered HCI in

"Usability is not only about improving the quality of the products, but also
improving the quality of the process by which products are made."
- Rough quote from _A Practical Guide to Usability Testing_ by Ginny Redish
& Joseph Dumas, 1999

What have you all done to improve the quality of the process?
Were you successful? How do you gauge that success?
How did you get into making that improvement? With whom did you partner?

Personally, I've taken on a few demons of corporate culture to make such
improvements. They were at times torturous, at times primally exhilarating.
I've done enterprise personas, built a digital (Morae-based) usability lab
in corporate HQ, launched a design pattern library for an enterprise and
their external agency partners. Not chest-pounding, but sharing my
experience because I know - and still am haunted by? - the mistakes,
mis-steps, and compromises made along the way.

Success? ... I know most of those tools and others I've done far undershoot
my expectations for success. Some of this because no one took them on as
life-long causes (myself included), and because in many ways the host wasn't
ready for the transplant, so to speak.

How? What partners? ... In almost all cases, I picked up the ball and
started running with it to start the game. In each case, I had to abide by,
bend, break, or disregard rules, norms, limits, constraints and other
bureaucratic barriers. In each case, I had to partner with or work with many
other players and win the favor of an executive.

I think I'll always pursue big projects like this - whether for my employer
or our clients - and I'm looking for other stories.

Many thanks,


Jay A. Morgan
Director, UX at Gage

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[IxDA Discuss] Let's stay in touch on LinkedIn

2009-10-20 Thread Pedro Soares Neves

Pedro Soares Neves requested to add you as a connection on LinkedIn:


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Pedro

Accept invitation from Pedro Soares Neves

View invitation from Pedro Soares Neves


Why might connecting with Pedro Soares Neves be a good idea?

Have a question? Pedro Soares Neves's network will probably have an answer:
You can use LinkedIn Answers to distribute your professional questions to Pedro 
Soares Neves and your extended network. You can get high-quality answers from 
experienced professionals.

(c) 2009, LinkedIn Corporation

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[IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread Bruno Figueiredo
I'm setting up a 3-day UX conference in Lisbon, Portugal next year,
where many topics such as IA, Usability and IxD will be covered and I
would welcome your feedback on the following:

- What would make you travel to Portugal for such a conference?
- Is the ticket price a decisive factor? If yes, what's the maximum
price you would pay?
- Is including the plane ticket and accommodation on the conference
ticket price something that would help you decide to come?
- Who would you like to see as a speaker?
- Do you prefer to listen to talks or attend workshops or both? If
both, should it have more workshops or more talks?

Thank you. Your answers would help a lot.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread dave malouf
*What would get me there*
1) Compelling content, especially content I feel I can't get
2) A local experience integrated into the conference that exends my
conference experience.
3) Something for "the family". If I'm going far away, bringing the
family is a killer card.

1) Well, yea! it's a factor, but only 1. I think a 3day conference
between $700-$1000 (US)

*more costs*
1) I'm not sure a package makes sense unless it is undeniably
2) One reason for this is that many corp folks in order t get
"reimbursed" for travel have to use their corporate travel agents,
so be careful there. Easier w/ hotels than airfare.
3) For me personally, cheaper is key, so make sure the package is a

I want chances to be inspired AND I want chances to make stuff! I
need advanced thinking, but about here & now thinking

So I don't have names, but a tightly curated conference is key.

Balance is key and one should flow to the other and back again.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread Bruno Figueiredo
Thanks Dave! Can you elaborate on this "A local experience integrated
into the conference that extends my conference experience"? Not sure
what you meant.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread Alan Salmoni
Being able to make good contacts always attracts me. It makes a
difference to be able to 'press the flesh' with people I've only
met electronically before, to renew old acquaintances, and make new
ones. Content is useful but comes after networking for me. The
promise of lively and intelligent discussion and pointers to new
directions that I have not considered before is probably the king of
content for me. I like taking new views at old problems (an example:
getting a good landscape gardener in to talk about their design
principles and processes).

The alternative is to make a conference compelling to employers: if
they're paying for me to attend, then I'll be even happier, but
that may take convincing in some cases. The easier you can show value
to my work, the easier a job I'll have.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Setting up a UX conference in Lisbon - need advice and ideas

2009-10-20 Thread dave malouf
I think it is an extension of the give me something I can't get here
comment, but extending it beyond people to an experience. 

Ok, here's an example. For CSCW (and maybe for IxDA) my students are
creating a social game that gets people exploring what is special
about Savannah: It's history, architecture, food, and culture. The
game itself could possibly be ported to another city, but the point
is to make something different. Last time the IxDA conference was
here we had a historic architecture tour guided by the expert faculty
of SCAD's historical preservation department.

So for example ... if I was in Lisbon ... A bullfight (you guys still
do it right, but on horses, no?). Or maybe it is integrated into the
content. The big loss of the 2006 IA Summit in Las Vegas was that
Dan, Bill & Steve didn't do their workshop on the design of Las
Vegas' experience. That would have been incredible.

In Miami Beach this past september the IDSA conference had a couple
of sections of discussions on the beach with "sand between your
toes" and a great party at a beach club.

I don't know Lisbon (well at all) so it is hard for me to speculate
what would be good and what borders on kitsch, but what's most
important is be unique.

Also, and this is just for me ... it is always easier if it works
within my calendar. I teach Sep-Nov and Jan-May. So Dec and Summer
are easy for me. Just sayin'. ;-)

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] National Design Week in NYC is October 18-24, Objectified Film screenings & The Biz of Design w/ Bill Moggridge (FREE), who's in?

2009-10-20 Thread Dan Saffer
Tomorrow (Wednesday) night the 21st is also the Masters of Design  
exhibit at the Chelsea Art Museum, if you want to try to crash. :)


Dan Saffer
Principal, Kicker Studio

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] To spec or not to spec?

2009-10-20 Thread Navid Sadikali
I can't believe some of the commentary on this thread.  The overwhelming
problems of software in the modern world are as a result of whats going on
in this thread!  Specifically the problems are

1) *There are many people (product managers) writing functional specs where
the contents are disconnected pieces of "abstract feature stuff."*  For
example, the user says "I need to do xyz so that i can meet this goal" and
the product manager says ok "let's add a button that let's the user do xyz."
  XYZ is never really designed, with more than a casual thought.   Whether
XYZ is the best way to meet the users goal is only mildly considered, maybe
there was a UVW way to do it which wasnt a button at all.  Neither XYZ nor
UVW are really drawn out visually, nor tied together in an end to end
scenario, and without that even nobody internally really knows how XYZ will
behave in the milliseconds after you click it, nor think through how xyz and
abc - an older feature- or zyx another new feature -  may conflict.  If a
user was consulted ("is that what you said? you wanted a button for xyz?")
they will nod their head, because at no point in time is the experience
actually illustrated to the user!  So they are imagining something that
doesn't even exist, which ding ding ding, they can't do and neither can
anyone else!   This is the most dangerous product design process known to
man!   There is no design!  Just features!   We all march along in
agreement, but we all are almost 100% imaging different physical

2) *There aren't actual trained interaction designers researching,
prototyping and detailing the interaction design of the product!  * Without
people who can do this, and yes these people must understand how to help
dovetail with dev constraints, many projects fail to deliver an experience.
 They may make the check on the functional spec, but they aren't designed
for all of the soft qualities of experience - learnability, findability,
discoverability, usability, pleasure, beauty!

If the world is going to see that design means something - and that there
are people who do it and have skill in it - we have to deconstruct the
mythology around this.

*> In the end, all that matters is an effective product. *

True but this seems to suggest there is no connection between the process
and the result.  How many bad mp3 player companies after their functional
spec was written and dev started rolling forward were suddenly going to push
out an iPod?   What if all that matters is having a design that people love
and then going to the ends of the earth executing on it.  Ya of course we
will have to make hard decisions along the way because of technology and

*- Responding to change over following a plan*

Absolutely worthless statement.   If you had an abstract non specific plan
then it is going to change because it isn't a fleshed out plan (only a rough
suggestion), and the statement is tautological.  But if your plan was
something marvelous and very tangible, then changes are just what you have
to do to achieve that marvelous outcome.

*I just discovered some behaviors this past week...there were no "artifacts"
discussing them.*

That is normal for most companies.  Things get built haphazard and you hope
for the best.  Some of what gets built is useful but is impossible for users
to find it, so those code paths never get tested and of course in the
abstract functional spec its not there.  I assure you interaction designers
do need to exist to focus on the behaviors across the feature set, across
all the buttons, across all of the user paths.

Finally, I know this is a big leap of faith because many have not seen a
good interaction design process in action, so you're used to walking along a
vague set of inputs and then waiting for unknown outputs of the process.
 Inevitably though, these people are all in agreement that if* they were
funding* the project out of pocket they would expect to see a specific plan
on what the product is going to look like and how users will use it *before
*the development started.


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:52 PM, ambrose little <> wrote:

> Despite protestations to the contrary, nobody--certainly not I--would
> advocate that you don't need to communicate what needs to be implemented.
>  It's a question of how it is done, and traditional func specs are but one,
> very poor (IMO) way to do so.
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:12 AM, paul bryan  wrote:
> > I think the
> > dimension that segments the responders is the degree to which the
> > people writing the code are separated from decisions about design, in
> > a physical distance, process, or organizational sense.
> >
> This can be true, but Scott
> Amblerhas been
> researching, thinking about, and writing about the different
> contexts in which Agile plays, and specifically distributed and large teams
> via his agil...@scale
> blog<
> https

[IxDA Discuss] [JOB] - Senior interaction Designer - San Jose, California - recruiter for CISCO - Permanent

2009-10-20 Thread breroger
Please post job listed below. Thanks, Brent

(Contact Brent at if you are interested in the job
posting listed below.)

Location: San Jose, California

Job Description:
The Cisco Security Management User Experience team helps design elegant,
powerful, useful, and intuitive interfaces to Cisco security products to
help customers manage, configure, and maintain Cisco Security solutions. The
role of the interaction designer is to design, test, and specify
requirements for user interfaces and user interaction models.
Design work will focus on (but is not limited to) graphical user interfaces
for client applications.
Primary Responsibilities:
. Prepare user interface specification documents consisting of wireframes,
conceptual models, process flows, navigational maps, mockups, and/or
interaction flow diagrams.
. Synthesize input from product management, engineering, quality assurance,
customer support, systems engineers, customers, and other interaction
designers to design new features and refine and extend existing features.
. Provide design leadership for one of Cisco's Security Management products
including the development of design specifications for complex feature
. Contribute to, define, and enforce a user interface style guide that will
be the foundation for all future security management products.
. The ideal candidate will have strong visual design skills and experience
rapidly prototyping visual designs for products that implement complex
. 3+ years in a senior interaction design, user interface design, human
factors engineering, or information architect position.
. Proven track record developing, delivering, and documenting high-quality
user interface designs for technically complex applications. Knowledge of
security management and system administration tools is a definite plus.
. Exceptional writing and communication skills.
. An understanding of network security products, Internet standards and
enterprise networking topologies is highly desirable.

Requisition #: R854258 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Golden oldies: pre-web-era book recommendations

2009-10-20 Thread Isabel Ancona
One of my favorites is: 

Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques, by
Kevin Mullet and Darrell Sano

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Choosing the right university

2009-10-20 Thread peterpixel
I just started at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, MA
Interface Design. Highly recommended. From what I have hard, it is
similar to Umeå. The group is fairly small. 

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[IxDA Discuss] Appropriate use of \'i\' information messages

2009-10-20 Thread Melinda Anderson
A colleague has asked for some best practice guidelines around the use
of 'information' ('i') messasges.

My advice has been to carefully consider the appropriateness of
including 'information' messages, so that they're only used where
they add real value; and to ensure that the tone, wording, and
appearance makes them easily distinguishable from error messages.

I'd like to provide some generic, good examples of where information
messages work well to help illustrate the guideline.

I've already suggested that they could be used as a 'success'
message at the end of an action, but other than that I've drawn a
blank.  Does anyone else have some good examples of where they might
be appropriate?  

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms: Asking for email first during registration?

2009-10-20 Thread Vinay
Another site that asks e-mail first during registration:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] To spec or not to spec?

2009-10-20 Thread Dan Reneer
Not sure if anyone else has run into this but a culture of exhaustive
specifications for me is usually the result of a very unhealthy
relationship between product management, design, and engineering.
I've seen PM's try to out-document each other in order to impress
management, as well as engineering resources demand more and more
granularity to design specifications as a way to buy time. In the
end, Design ends up dealing with a 120 page document that no one
really ends up reading, other than as a CYA action. Documentation as
a weapon, I kid you not.

The solution? First, hire people that use technology, that love
technology. You don't know how many times I've asked someone in an
interview what websites, apps or designs inspire them and I get a
blank stare in return (or even better, the "I really don't mess
with technology outside of work" response!). Many design efforts
could be streamlined if there was common awareness of ubiquitous

Second, hire folks that can think visually. I've learned that a
picture is NOT worth a thousand words. If a picture was worth a
thousand words, why do I always have to pair visuals with thousands
of words for anyone to understand the design? No amount of spec
writing can compensate for staffing an abundance of non-visual
engineers and product managers (or God forbid, non-visual designers).

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Last FM iPhone app sketches

2009-10-20 Thread stacy felish
Love this...makes me realize that not carrying a camera with me back in the
day was a missed opportunities to capture work in progress. Lesson
Learned!!! It tells an impressive story.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Joe Lanman  wrote:

> Nice collection of wireframes for Last FM's iPhone app:
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[IxDA Discuss] Different navigation for the About Us section of a corporate website

2009-10-20 Thread Kristy Hanson

My company is doing a redesign of the careers and sustainability
sections of a corporate website.
Does anyone know of any best practices (or advice against) around
changing the navigation for the About Us section of a website?  For
example, on the homepage we have main navigation that is related to
the products and offerings, along with an About Us.  Once you get in
the About Us, would it be ok to show new primary navigation in these
sections?  There is a lot of content in these sections and the users
in there sections have very different needs than the prospective

Example with new navigation (microsite):

Example without:

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[IxDA Discuss] CfP: Brain Body and Bytes: Psychophysiological User Interaction

2009-10-20 Thread Lennart Nacke
Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP

Call for paper

Brain Body and Bytes: Psychophysiological User Interaction

Workshop at CHI2010
April 11, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The human brain and body are prolific signal generators. Recent
technologies and computing techniques allow us to measure, process
and interpret these signals. We can now infer such things as
cognitive and emotional states, to create adaptive systems and gain
an understanding of user experience. In this workshop, we aim to
bring together researchers from fields such as HCI, interaction
design, cognitive science, psychology, psychophysiology, game
research, neural or bio-engineering, and BCI.

The workshop will feature small group brainstorming sessions.
Participants will discuss situations that arise when researchers
attempt to understand requirements for sensors and devices that
measure psychophysiological signals; brainstorm how the data may be
processed; but perhaps most importantly evaluate the scenarios and
applications that the technologies enable.


To participate, please submit position papers (3-4 pages in extended
abstract format) to by 6 Jan, 2010 with
"CHI2010 Workshop" in the subject. Papers may describe ongoing
work, recent results, or opinions and approaches related to the
workshop topic. Papers should include a short biography of the
author(s) wishing to attend the workshop (100-150 words).

Papers will be peer-reviewed and the organizing committee will select
15-20 participants according to relevance, quality of reported
results, diversity of research area and experience, and likelihood
that they will stimulate and contribute to the discussion. If
accepted, at least one author must register for the workshop and for
one or more days of the conference.

Important dates

Paper submission: January 6, 2010
Acceptance notification: February 1st, 2010
Final paper submission: March 1st, 2010
Brain Body and Bytes Workshop @ CHI 2010: 11 April 2010

Further information can be found on the workshop website:

If you're interested in the workshop topic, follow us on Twitter or on Facebook. We post links and cool
research about this theme.

Organizing committee

* Audrey Girouard, Tufts University
* Erin Treacy Solovey, Tufts University
* Regan Mandryk, University of Saskatchewan
* Robert Jacob, Tufts University
* Desney Tan, Microsoft Research
* Lennart Nacke, Blekinge Institute of Technology

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] To spec or not to spec?

2009-10-20 Thread Mary Connor
Agile. Specs have no place in our Scrum environment.
1. Stories (and daily discussions with product owners) drive the plan.
2. Stakeholders (and invited customers) approve/criticize/reject the work done 
every other week, at our reviews -- they don't approve descriptions about what 
to code, they approve functionality as demonstrated.
3. Testers use their product knowledge to help shape the development decisions 
throughout the sprint, so they're not passively waiting for direction.

I'm very grateful our days of coding by specs are over. We just jump in and do 
it, and fix it if we get it wrong. 
Mary Connor

PS: For environments where specifications work, I feel strongly that they 
belong in a wiki or web CMS (like Drupal) for collaboration, rather than 
standalone Office documents. Takes a while to wean folks from that.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of siegy 

I can't think of a good reason not to spec. Can you?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] National Design Week in NYC is October 18-24, Objectified Film screenings & The Biz of Design w/ Bill Moggridge (FREE), who's in?

2009-10-20 Thread Sourabh

Looking for best colleges to continue studies in information
architecture, interaction design, usability and user research.


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[IxDA Discuss] Looking for great User Experience talent

2009-10-20 Thread Vidli
We at Vidli are trying to find a well rounded User Experience
contractor for our new video licensing system.

In short, what we are looking for is someone who knows how AJAX
works, can build some intuitive wireframes that designers and
developers can understand and take lead from.

We have a far more in depth job posting on our site at

Please do take a look and even if you don't have all the
qualifications, we may in the end find you are perfect for the gig.


Nathaniel Brown

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Golden oldies: pre-web-era book recommendations

2009-10-20 Thread Murray Thompson
Thanks for the references so far, everyone.

Some are a bit newer than what I was thinking, but I'm sure are good
nonetheless. (If we run up to the early '90s, I'd add books by
Stewart Brand, Edward Tufte, Scott McCloud, Henry Petroski, and Peter
Senge to the list, too.)

I forgot to mention another book who's original content's from 30 
years ago I read through:

Change:Principles of Problem Formulation and Problem Resolution by
Paul Watzlawick et al. 
Published first in 1974, and is more from a clinical counseling
perspective, but I think the discussions on paradox and second-order
change still apply quite well to business/design problems as well.

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