[IxDA Discuss] UX Brighton event: Finding your way in wayfinding

2010-01-31 Thread Danny Hope
(cross posted)

What: an opportunity to learn about various aspects of wayfinding
Where: Brighton, UK
When: Tuesday, February 9th, 2010, 6:30pm (talks start at 7:00)
Cost: free

For more info and to *book your place*, go to

We have 3 talks so far (with 1 to be confirmed)
* Malcolm Barclay – iPhone Travel Apps UX Challenges
* Ben Sauer – How usability testing wins contracts
* Peter Stoner – Opening-up the UK’s public transport data

We’ve been listening to your feedback, and in the spirit of iterative
design, this event will consist of a series of short “bite sized”
talks with more time for Q&A.

Be quick – 3 5ths of places are booked.

Danny Hope
User Experience Design, Brighton UK
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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[IxDA Discuss] UX Brighton Event: September Special on Gameplay Research & Design

2009-09-01 Thread Danny Hope

When: September 8th, 2009
Where: iCrossing, Black Lion Street, Brighton (Map)
Time: 6:30 pm -
Cost: £ free
Details: http://uxbrighton.org.uk/gameplay-research-and-design

Talk descriptions will follow, but we've got *2 great speakers so book quickly*.

*GiGi Demming* (User Testing Manager at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) &
*Gareth White* (Co-director of Vertical Slice and ex-Rockstar Games developer)

We may also have one or two other *mystery guests(!)* and possibly a demo.

After the talks, we’ll continue the conversation over a drink at The
Black Lion (next door to iCrossing).

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Masking research

2009-06-25 Thread Danny Hope
2009/6/25 Yohan Creemers :
> Shouldn't browser vendors have interaction designers in their
> development team?
> Designers should not wait for market or technology to improve user
> experience.

Are you saying that this is or is not a browser problem?

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Password Masking research

2009-06-25 Thread Danny Hope
> In light of Nielsen's new article seen here:
> http://www.useit.com/alertbox/passwords.html along with other user
> frustration feedback, my team and I started looking at other
> solutions to masking passwords on creation. Although I know the
> simplest and best answer is probably not to mask the password at all,
> it is highly doubtful that that answer will fly with our client.

Does anyone else suspect that this might be *an issue for browser
vendors* not designers?

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices for Online Chat

2009-05-24 Thread Danny Hope
2009/5/19 Vicki Splaine :
> Thanks for your responses.  Yes, the business unit would like to
> implement the type of chat that engages the user after a certain
> amount of clicks, or if they abandon the shopping cart, etc.
> I am pushing for something more subtle and unobtrusive, but wanted to
> provide them with research/Best Practices documentation to help plead
> the case.

Did you recieve any responses? Did you get all of the answers you were after?

I'm interested because I'm hopefully about to start consulting on a
web-based chat system.

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Double search boxes? Best practices?

2009-05-14 Thread Danny Hope
2009/5/14 Erin Lynn Young :
> …categorize
> the results in a visually prominent manner and allow the user to
> refine their search more precisely from this level.


Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] [Job] Software Tutorial Video Production, McGraw-Hill NYC, Contract

2009-05-07 Thread Danny Hope
2009/5/6 news :
> Our UX team is looking for someone to create some short
> tutorial videos for an online application that we have developed.
> I'm hoping someone here is interested in the gig or can refer someone good 
> that they've used.

I recommend Ian Ozsvald: http://procasts.co.uk/

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who codes your production HTML/CSS/JS?

2009-04-28 Thread Danny Hope
2009/4/24 Adrian Howard :
> I worked with one guy who did some great work and had a rather interesting
> technique. He jumped straight from fairly detailed sketches to XHTML/CSS. He
> obviously used Photoshop et al to produce graphical assets - but he never
> did a "full page" with them - just fragments needed for the XHTML/CSS page
> he was working on. His argument was basically that the constraints of the
> medium helped him create.

I am a fan of this technique.

I often go from paper/stickies to HTML. One cavaet: I don't care about
standards at this stage and will happily use tables etc to quickly get
a result.

Sometimes I get a coder to knock-up a bit of Javascript if I need to
demonstrate certain interactions. I'm planning to get my head around
jQuery in order to remove this dependancy though.

I then pass this to a front-end coder (XHTML/CSS/JS).

I don't expect my code to ever published. One exception to this is the
calss names I have chosen, which are human readable, semantically rich
and enter into a shared product vocabulary between all stakeholders.

To speed things up I have a small set of simple snippets which make
HTML prototyping more efficient.

I feel a blog post coming on :)

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
07595 226 792

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[IxDA Discuss] [event] A Journey from Ethnography to Design

2009-04-28 Thread Danny Hope
(cross posted)

Where: Brighton, UK
When: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 6:45pm

Info and booking: http://uxbrighton.org.uk/from-ethnography-to-design

If you are interested in using ethnography to improve design, this
event is definitely for you.

Simon Johnson & Miles Rochford will provide two perspectives on
ethnography, from client and agency points of view.


1. Simon Johnson: Bridging the Ethnography/Design Gap

Simon is a user experience consultant working with Flow Interactive.
He has worked for clients such as Reuters, Nokia and the Environment

Simon has recently completed an research project for the Environment
Agency that has involved a mix of ethnography, user testing with
Silverback, depth interviews, war rooms, and design. Normally such
projects have tight NDAs, which stop the wider UX community from
learning about them. However, in this special case, the environment
agency has given the all clear, making this a great opportunity to
learn about a project that would normally be kept behind closed doors.

Some of the talk’s highlights:

* Learn how street research can be translated into a final design
– that is so challenging it changes the mind of the Secretary of State
for Environment.
* Get the ‘heads up’ on a national project that will affect 2.1
million houses on the coast, yes that includes Brighton.
* Hear how Silverback software fared in dated 1970 seedy hotels.
* Learn how to be jabbed in the chest by irate ‘users’ from
Norfolk and take it like a man.
* Marvel how simple ethnographic research can put the government
machine onto a different track.

2. Miles Rochford: [subject TBA]

Miles is a Design Specialist at Nokia Design, based in London, England.

He has been an information architect and user experience specialist
for more than six years, working on a range of projects for
government, non-profit, corporate and startup clients based in the
United States, Europe and Australia.

He has experience in a range of different areas, including interaction
design, spatial data, health informatics, social networking, media
sharing, mobile devices, and service delivery.

[talk description to follow. Updates via http://twitter.com/uxbri .]

After the talks, we’ll continue the conversation over a drink at The
Greenhouse Effect.

Danny Hope
User Experience Consultant, Brighton (UK)
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The role of detailed footers

2009-04-24 Thread Danny Hope
2009/4/22 Erin Lynn Young :
> - www.target.com uses this type of footer
> - www.solarwinds.com does as well.

More examples: http://www.flickr.com/photos/factoryjoe/sets/72157594487444992/

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The role of detailed footers

2009-04-24 Thread Danny Hope
2009/4/22 Jeff Geurts :
> If it were indeed a site map, then I would suggest linking to it from
> a top-level navigation area. There are more users familiar with a
> typical site map link than with scrolling to the bottom of the screen
> to find it there.

Can you point to evidence of this?

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Avoid self-fulfilling prophecies in Most Popular lists

2009-03-23 Thread Danny Hope
2009/3/23 Bryan J Busch :

> If so, are there any best practices (or even anything you've used
> successfully) for building an algorithm that will make sure the top 5
> list isn't just a self-fulfilling prophecy?

archive.org uses 'batting average' for judging popularity of files:


Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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[IxDA Discuss] [EVENT] [UK] UX Brighton: Mental Models, Service Design & Problems with Convergence

2009-03-16 Thread Danny Hope
Cross Posted.

When: Tuesday April 14, 2009  at 6:45pm
Where: The Werks, 45 Church Road, Hove, UK, BN3 2BE
Info: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/2137111

This looks like it's going to be a thought-provoking session with lots
of issues to discuss.

Speakers: Filip Healy & GiGi Demming from Amberlight

Filip and GiGi are both principals at Amberlight Partners. Amberlight
is a London based User Experience Consultancy. Clients include Apple,
Microsoft, Sony and O2.

* It’s becoming increasingly popular for large companies to bundle
together a range of services such as broadband, mobile and TV. While
this can result in lower prices for customers, how does it really
impact the customer experience?

* Amberlight has engaged in a number of service design projects that
have looked at this very problem – how can these bundled but disparate
services be aligned in a manner that presents a coherent, ‘joined up’
feel for the customer?

* In this presentation, Amberlight will talk about their learnings,
and will lay bare some of the key questions that you need to think
about when dealing with this tricky service design problem.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Working group for psychology & social media

2009-03-02 Thread Danny Hope
2009/2/24 Robert Hoekman Jr :
> Why limit it to psychologists?

That was my question too. I might not have much to contribute, but I
would love to lurk and dip into some of the conversations that others
are having.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wireframes, supporting documentation, and software choices

2009-02-20 Thread Danny Hope
2009/2/20 Adrian Howard :
> Paper. Pens. Whiteboards. Sticky notes. Being in the same room as the
> developers. Talking.

I completely agree with this.

Also, if it's an existing app, you might find it useful to start a
pattern library wiki. This would house all interface elements that get
reused in your wireframes.

So I would add Google Sites to the list of tools, as it has easy to
use wiki features.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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[IxDA Discuss] Events iCalendar/Goocal?

2009-02-20 Thread Danny Hope
Can anybody point to a feed of UX events (worldwide) to which one can
subscribe using Google Calendar?

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Visibility of action - what is the best practice?

2009-02-06 Thread Danny Hope
2009/2/6 Robert Douglas :
> Questions:
> - How many items in the hierarchical menu?
> - Is the menu completely open? Or partly collapsed?
> - How many items do you expect users to drag to the workspace?

- How big do items become once dragged into the workspace?
- Do they stack in the workspace or land in the spot when you release them?

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Visibility of action - what is the best practice?

2009-02-05 Thread Danny Hope
2009/2/5 Alan Wexelblat :
> A while back I asked about affordances related to drag-and-drop.
> Here's more of me trying to figure out the right ways to cue users for
> certain operations that could work for drag and drop.
> The interface in question has a hierarchical tree on the left.  On the
> right is a details area.
> Because the user's tasks may require comparing details of several
> items at once I want to enable people to move more than one item from
> the left tree to the details area simultaneously.  In effect the right
> side is a "details workspace" that the person populates by selecting
> one or more names from the tree view and somehow getting them to the
> details area.
> Now drag-and-drop is one option.  As is a context menu.  But both are
> somewhat hidden.  The question is do i want to also add visible
> affordances such as << and >> buttons between the two parts of the
> display to indicate that people can select things and move them back
> and forth?
> What's the best practice for this kind of thing, if there is one?

It's really hard to answer this without seeing what you've got and
knowing more about what people are trying to acheive.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] URL Guidelines

2009-01-27 Thread Danny Hope
2009/1/26 Jeremy :
> Go for consistency

I agree with Jeremy here – keep the conceptual model simple and have
one rule with no conditions.

What about long titles? Same thing again – don't be tempted to
truncate the url – leave this under the users control.

Danny Hope
Twitter: yandle
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Outstanding examples of permission management UIs

2009-01-15 Thread Danny Hope
2009/1/12 Harry :
> Thanks very much to Fred, James and William for their input.
> The CMS I'm working on involves administering users' abilities to use
> credits and raise invoices, as well as to draft / publish content in various
> areas of the site. It looks like a classic power/complexity trade off. Fine
> grained controls might be useful for a minority of user groups, at the
> expense of the majority who instead would prefer simple functionality with a
> simple UI...

It might be a good idea to get a whole bunch of content management
systems together and look at all of their user management interfaces –
I find bad interfaces can provide inspiration too (of what not to do,

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] question about data loads

2009-01-14 Thread Danny Hope
2009/1/14  :
> Thank you to everyone who responded for the feedback.
> It has been insightful.
> Yes, there is a need for both the "offline" and "live/current" data.
> The tricky bit is that the data considered live is actually also
> downloaded locally and stored on a user's machine. It gets updated live,
> but then is stored once again locally.
> I kept the question generic to see what all would come back as questions
> and answers and it has been really helpful.
> Thank you very much.

One last idea; you could refer to the remote location by the product
name and the local data as being 'on your computer', e.g.

Download from Widgetr

Load from your computer.

Hope this helps.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ux Trends to watch out for in 2009

2009-01-13 Thread Danny Hope
2009/1/13 Jared Spool :
> Jet Packs!
> Flying cars!
> Online Banking that doesn't frustrate!

The first two are more likely than the third.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] question about data loads

2009-01-13 Thread Danny Hope
Hi Jennifer,

2009/1/13  :
> I have a question regarding your experience with the loading of a local
> database (saved to a user's own drive or a shared drive) and current data
> that is accessed from the server.
> What term is more universally understood for the data  when the user is
> logging in and has to select the saved/local/offline data:
> [  ]   Use local data
> or simply:
> [  ]  Offline

Not knowing much about your users or their tasks, this may be misguided but…

It might be better to avoid the concept of local/remote live/cached
data and instead choose terms that refer to more familiar models like
syncing and refreshing.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Peer Review in User Experience Design

2009-01-12 Thread Danny Hope
On 06/01/2009, Robert Powers  wrote:
> Anyone have a set of guidelines or suggested best practices with peer review
> in UXD?

The UX Brighton group has used Scott Berkun's 'How to Run a Design
Critique' as a basis for several crit session meetups:


Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Public Transportation Experiences

2008-12-05 Thread Danny Hope
On 04/12/2008, Jennifer Hoppenrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm researching options for improving public transportation websites,
> particularly bus transportation.  I've found most city sites to be
> lacking, but have found some nice mapping, real-time route information
> on the Chicago CTA site and onebusaway.org for the Seattle Metro area.
> Google maps integrates well with mobile, particularly the iPhone and
> has a bus routing feature for many cities.
> Has anyone found anything they feel has been a great experience that they
> can share?

The BART widget is pertty exceptional in terms of interaction design
(although not specifically a website feature).

Bret Victor (the app's creator) talks about aspecdts of it's
development in this article:


Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to cue people for drag and drop

2008-12-02 Thread Danny Hope
2008/12/2 Alan Wexelblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The question is - how do I give people reasonable visual cues that
> drag-and-drop are acceptable actions here?
> Given that there are a large number of drop targets, I can't think of
> a good design pattern other than drag-drop for this but I'm open to
> suggestions on that as well.

Some ideas:
* Add a small area to one side of the row with a rough texture.
Personally I hate having to roll over the row for this to appear.
* Add drop-shadows to rows as they become active, in other words when
the user presses.
* Change the mouse pointer to a hand when hovering over a movable part.
* Move other rows aside leaving an area where the active one can be
dropped. Shade the gap so that it's darker than the row.

OS 7 provides some inspiration in this area:

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google SearchWiki

2008-11-24 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/24 Jarod Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> …i"m not sure it's in user's mental
> flow while HE/SHE searches for something (cause modify the rank is not
> naturally in a seacher's mind…

I agree – for me the extra controls distract from the task in hand.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] petition to Omni: graffle based prototyping tool

2008-11-21 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/20 Henning Grote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> - pattern library

This is the only part of you idea which I don't like.

I would not want to start a pattern library in a mac-only, non-web
based format. It's vital to me that people can get to their pattern
libraries easily and without special reader software.

Objects in OmniPrototype would have a link attribute (like Graffle
objects do) to your pattern library (which in turn could provide
Prototype templates for you to use).

If these prototype files could be nested dynamically inside other
prototype files then, when one gets updates, the others do too.

Certainly an inspiring idea.

Off to add my name to the petition.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Alternative to Word w/ Track Changes?

2008-11-18 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/18 Janet M. Six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Does anybody know of a good -- and free! -- alternative to using Word with
> Track Changes?


Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Any thoughts on placement of company contact information?

2008-11-18 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/18 Anthony Zeoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Over the past few years, I¹ve been imploring smaller companies who have
> brochure-ware sites or have a limited product offering to put their contact
> information (address, tel, email, fax) and if need by, their support
> telephone and email on the homepage. Usually, in the header or footer
> depending on the overall site design. I feel hiding this information behind
> a click just leads to frustration.
> Any thoughts?

It depends on whether your clients want more people to make contact
via phone/email/fax. Personally I wouldn't want to clutter up a
website with the addition of a fax number.

Danny Hope
07595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dialog Position

2008-11-17 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/17 Maxim Soloviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm working on UI for web application and I need to show several
> dialogs, one of them is confirmation of deleting the file.
> So I'm wondering -- what is the best position for modal dialog:
> A. Center of screen
> B. Near control that caused dialog appearance
> C. Near mouse cursor position (in most cases it will be equal to B
> since there is very little delay between action and showing dialog).

Option B – place the control *within the users locus of attention*.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices for Mouseover Layers

2008-11-13 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/13 Jackson Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> …Netflix's
> movie info boxes.

Can you give me a URL please?

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices for Mouseover Layers

2008-11-13 Thread Danny Hope
Hey Jack,

2008/11/13 Jack Moffett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Nov 13, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Danny Hope wrote:
>> Arguably, best practice says: don't initiate layers on rollover, but
>> rather to require a click.
> Danny, I can't agree with you here. Displaying new information on rollover
> has been a widely used and accepted practice for over 16 years.

I suppose tool tips are an example, can you reference other examples please?

> You could
> certainly point out situations where it is inappropriate,

Here are 3:
- where the new layer obscures information or other controls
- on devices which do not have a hover state, e.g. touchscreens
- where the interface is to be used by someone with visual or motor disabilities

> but I don't see
> how you can argue that best practice is to not use this technique.

I've only found one source to back up my position (anyone know any others?):

http://www.nngroup.com/reports/accessibility/ (p57-64)

I'm not saying that "Displaying new information on rollover" is bad
practice. For example, I think that having the browser display the URL
of links in it's status bar is good.

I am saying that:
- rollovers should not be counted as a declaration
- the system should not obscure content or interface elements that the
user may be trying to see.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices for Mouseover Layers

2008-11-13 Thread Danny Hope
Hi Hacqueline,

2008/11/12 Jacqueline Stetson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> …your thoughts on:
> 1. Are there any best practices around where the layer should open and how
> it is tied to the object? (Like should the header of the layer be beneath or
> to the right of the link? Should the stem be in the side middle? top left?
> ...)

Jeep changes within the users' locus of attention (i.e. the area of
the screen on which they're focussing).

> 4. What else should I be concerned about that I'm not thinking of yet?

Many users are irritated by things that popup without them asking.

Clicking is a declaration, hovering is not.

Arguably, best practice says: don't initiate layers on rollover, but
rather to require a click.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Gmail Labs: Mark as Read Button

2008-11-11 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/10 Loren Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> You're right Alvin, my recommendation is specific to a certain context of
> use.  I set up a filter to have IXDA messages bypass my inbox, and view them
> only via the label archive.  So, they're already archived - marking as
> "Read" and "Unread" is the main way that I keep track of the crazy amount of
> messages.

I mentioned Gmail's mute feature this in another thread recently, but
it seems pertinent here…

>From http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47787 :

"If you're subscribed to a mailing list, you've no doubt been
subjected to the 'thread that just won't die!' If you're part of a
long message conversation that isn't relevant, you can 'mute' the
conversation to keep all future additions out of your inbox."

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting drag interface

2008-11-07 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/7 John Gibbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have no idea what this site is selling/promoting/describing/explaining as
> it's in Dutch and more than a little weird but I love the exploratory
> interface. Highly playable for a Friday, ultimately pointless but shows me a
> new executional approach.

Nice. The thing I like about this is it ignores so many usability
principals and still creates an interesting (if useless) experience.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Multi-select on the web

2008-11-07 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/6 Cyrus Karbassiyoon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Explorer Paradigm:
> Our first thought is to recreate the explorer paradigm on the web.  In order
> to select the pictures, the user could rubber band select the 100 pictures
> or press [ctrl + a].  The user could then [ctrl + click] to deselect
> pictures.
> Check box paradigm:
> Another option would be to turn the thumbnails into "checkboxes" such that
> if the thumbnail was clicked, it would be selected.  If the thumbnail was in
> a selected state and then clicked, it would be deselected.  This is somewhat
> similar to what SmugMug does at their buy pictures page:
> https://secure.smugmug.com/cart/batchadd.mg?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.moonriverphotography.com%2Fgallery%2F634937_G88Gj%23104246074_2sxSN

Another one to consider…

Winnowing Paradigm:
Users click the ones they don't want.
The 100 thumbnails are presented as you've described.
When a thumbnail is clicked, it leaves a gap where the picture was.
To help them recover from errors, you could display:
* An 'undo' button
* A 'show all' button
* A 'reinstate' button inside every gap that's left behind.

If you don't find any helpful research, you could use a GOMS (Goals,
Operators, Methods, and Selection rules) analysis to guide your


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Kohl's Checkout

2008-11-04 Thread Danny Hope
2008/11/3 Vicki Splaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2) "Switch to High Contrast Style" in the top right corner - Assuming
> that this is for accessibility, is this a best practice?

a) This is not well implemented – see how illegible the graphical text
becomes in the high contrast version.
b) Content rendering should be left to the user agent/assistive technologies.

In other words there's no point in implementing this feature unless
you're prepared to spend time testing/improving it.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Scrolling list view vs. "More" links

2008-10-03 Thread Danny Hope
2008/10/2 David Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> … I am curious as to what
> guidelines others use to determine when a list is too long and when the
> 'view more' link should be implemented within these two different
> applications.

As a side-issue you might want to consider using a link title like
'Events' – this might make more sense when used out of context than
'view more' does.

Danny Hope
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[IxDA Discuss] Collaborative HTML Prototyping

2008-08-26 Thread Danny Hope
I looking for a way of collaborating with a team on producing HTML prototypes.

I'm after something fairly lightweight.

I'd like there to be only a single instance of the prototype (i.e. no
emailing it to eachother).

Anyone got any advice?


Danny Hope
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[IxDA Discuss] [event] UX Brighton: Local & Remote Usability Testing

2008-08-18 Thread Danny Hope
(Apologies for the cross-post.)

Tomorrow night, Brighton, UK:



This sessions focusses on 2 new products for 2 types of usability testing:

1) Guerilla Usability Testing with Silverback (Andy Budd)

Usability tests are an excellent way of discovering problems with a
product or service. However commissioning a dedicated usability lab
can be costly and time consuming. Instead of a single academic
evaluation, why not bring your usability testing in-house and run it
alongside your design and development process?

Usability testing needn't cost the Earth. It's entirely possible to
run a test at your own office, a cafe or even your subject's home.
This is why we created Silverback, a low cost usability testing
application that turns your Mac into a portable testing suite. We
wanted to break the shackles of usability testing and put it back in
the hands of designers and developers.

In this session Andy will give you a quick demo of Silverback and show
you how to plan, set-up and run your own guerilla usability tests.

Andy Budd is an author, blogger and user experience director at
Clearleft. He most recently featured as Gwyneth Paltrow's body double
in the hit Movie, Iron Man.

2) Webnographer: a web app for remote testing (James Page)

This will be the first public demo of Webnographer, which will be
launched in late September.

His short talk will show how Webnographer can offer fast insight into
Usablity issues. He will show how Webnographer enables the collection
of user behavioural data. He will also demonstrate how to gain quick
insight into the user data, through Webnographer's visual
representation. Finally James will give a brief overview of the
academic research that Webnographer is based on, such as the link
between the eye and the mouse movements.

Webnographer: Is a new service for Asynchronous Remote User Testing.
Webnographer enables faster and cheaper user testing outside of the
labs. The services has been designed so that a team can get results
back in hours using more than the normal number of participants.
Webnographer has been developed by FeraLabs, a new start-up based in
Berlin and Hastings, founded by Sabrina Mach and James Page.

Danny Hope
+44 (0)845 230 3760

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] I love the "cloud," but...

2008-07-25 Thread Danny Hope
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Sachendra Yadav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Down times of Amazon and Google's cloud computing platforms have been
> an issue lately, but I believe the benefits far outweigh the
> disadvantages.

We gain much in the long run from a risk-benefit analysis.

It's important to apply pressure to system vendors to adopt open standards
so that we can create a distributed, more stable overall system.

Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] I love the "cloud," but...

2008-07-21 Thread Danny Hope
On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Kim Bieler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... when Google Docs goes down, you can almost hear the collective moan
> around the world.

Nearly forgot, this is my response to your point:



Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ubicomp Reading List

2008-07-18 Thread Danny Hope
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 5:50 PM, Jeff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nice overview of Ubiquitous Computing (with PDFs).
> http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jpd/ubicomp/
> From the list description:
>> The goal of the reading list is to ensure that Ubicomp students are
>> familiar with a broad body of work in ubiquitous computing. It does not
>> constitute "everything you need to know," but rather provides an overview of
>> those perspectives that will allow students to critically engage with the
>> research literature, and position their own work within it. It is selective
>> and representative rather than exhaustive.
> What else should be on this list?



Danny Hope
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[IxDA Discuss] Next UX Brighton Event: Objects & Play

2008-07-07 Thread Danny Hope
[apologies for cross-posting]

Incase you weren't aware, the next UX Brighton talk—A serious talk about
"the importance of being playful" by Thomas Forsyth—has been announced:

How can it help you?
Find out how being 'playful' can help you develop creative products,
companies and relationships whoever you are online, or offline.

Come along and explore your inner child (sensibly) and go away with fresh
creative ideas for building products, business and creative strategies.
Google's success is built around a sense of play...so yours could be too.


Danny Hope

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Zoomii: Google Maps -like interaction in a bookstore

2008-07-07 Thread Danny Hope
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Petteri Hiisilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I just stumbled upon something pretty impressing:
> Zoomii's bookstore uses a Google Maps -like interaction design pattern to
> display Amazon's books in an impossibly big bookshelf that can be zoomed in
> and out. You can fly to any shelf and pick a book. It works inside a browser
> without plugins.
> It's made by an individual called Chris Thiessen and funded by his spouse.
> It's his "attempt to bring online as much of the real bookstore experience
> as possible". To me his early attempt qualifies as indistinguishable from
> magic.
> http://zoomii.com/
> What do you think?

Rather than showing book details in a pop-up, it should be possible to
simply zoom closer for this information.


Danny Hope
+44 (0)845 230 3760

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Pie Menu Spotted on the Web

2008-06-30 Thread Danny Hope
Another good example is Gmail's experimental 'Mouse gestures' feature.
Unfortunately the way it's been implemented means the browser's
contextual menu can no longer be used – hopefully they'll fix this.


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Which is a better Navigation Structure

2008-06-16 Thread Danny Hope
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Rony Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Alphabetical Navigation

"Alphabetical order is obsolete"



Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA Twitter Stream

2008-06-11 Thread Danny Hope
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 5:47 PM, John Gibbard
> A few of us have been using the Twitter stream [1] for IxDA. It's kinda nice
> (and less noisy than the list :-/ ). This visualisation [2] shows who post
> the most . stand-up Mr. D. Malouf!
> [1] http://www.twitter.com/IxDA
> [2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/smorgasbord-design/2570905384/

A while age there was talk [1] about showing a feed on the IxDA site -
anyone got any views on this?

[1] http://www.ixda.org/discuss.php?post=29042


Danny Hope
+44 (0)845 230 3760

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usage Of Print Friendly Functionality

2008-06-11 Thread Danny Hope
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Sean Landry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Probably the best solution is to create a smart print stylesheet. The
> CSS should strip out all the unnecessary graphics etc and allow the
> user to print ONLY what's needed. You could also switch fonts to a
> serif. That way ALL pages print gracefully and you're not using any
> unnecessary ink or paper.

I agree.

'Printer friendly' should be an attribute *not a function*.


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] From Personal Computers to Personal Information Environments: Apple's "MobileMe"?

2008-06-10 Thread Danny Hope
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:23 PM, Itamar Medeiros

> Question is: did Apple hit the nail on the head? What features are
> missing to accomplish Pierce's vision?

For me, it completely misses the point, there are two things I want to
sync between my various machines:
1) preferences
2) documents
MobileMe doesn't do either.

3) I also want to access Gmail's address book via my desktop (but
that's not something Apple can fix - Gmail needs LDAP support).


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adaptive UIs (web or otherwise)

2008-06-09 Thread Danny Hope
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 4:37 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it might be useful to ask the user before modules of content were
> moved, switched, auto-populated, etc. before actually doing so in an
> interface.
> Perhaps a feature where such a thing could be turned on or off, along the
> lines or "Don't show this to me again" or "Remind/Ask me later" adapted to
> suit this need.
> Perhaps also a single click to return to a default view so the user could
> escape the changing environment and revisit missed items.

I think, if you're going to ask the user about their preference, you
may as well just give the user buttons to declare their view.


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adaptive UIs (web or otherwise)

2008-06-09 Thread Danny Hope
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:12 PM, David Malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Technology Review (MIT's innovation rag) has an article on Adaptive
> UIs for the web.
> http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/20872/
> What do people think about this? Does it scale?
> from an IxD perspective?

It does not scale and I expect a better experience could be arrived-at
through application of traditional usability techniques.

While I think the tool should remember the preference, does the user
know they've expressed a preference?

There are potential problems in showing the site to a friend (who
might have a different "style of thinking").


Danny Hope
+44 (0)845 230 3760

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ability to Adjust Font Sizes on Web Pages

2008-06-05 Thread Danny Hope
On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:41 AM, Don Habas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I used to see more sites that would allow a user to click icons on  a web 
> page to adjust font size through the stylesheet.  Now I'm not  seeing that as 
> much...even AARP got rid of it and their audience is  generally older, and 
> they would prefer larger font.  Is it best to  just let a user adjust the 
> size within their browser if needed?

My 2 Cents:
1) If an audience need a larger font – design in a larger font, don't
make them modify your design
2) Do over 65s know what 'fonts' are or what a row of 3 'A's means?


Danny Hope
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] adding the twitter badge to the IxDA site?

2008-05-15 Thread Danny Hope
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:46 PM, David Malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know if the quality of the twitter group is going to be high or low,
> but it is happening and I wonder if people might want to see what is
> happening on it.
> Anyone can see what is posted to the group here: http://twitter.com/ixda
> But I also wonder if we want to somehow incorporate this into the main
> ixda.org site.
> there is the concept of a Twitter badge that can be embedded into any web
> page.

A FriendFeed widget might be the way to go:

1) Setup a FriendFeed account
2) Add any IxDA related feed to that
3) Place a FriendFeed widget on the IxDA site

The FriendFeed approach has the advantage that, later on, more
services can be incorporated, thus appearing in the feed.

I'm happy to do this if people think it's a good idea.

We can always try it and get rid of it if should the benefits not
outweigh the visual noise.


Danny Hope
+44 (0)845 230 3760

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Navigation Schemas

2008-05-06 Thread Danny Hope
On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Mike Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a site that blows out different kinda of navigation
>  schemas?  Sort of like a pattern library, but just for various navigation
>  layouts?

Peter Morville's 'Search Patterns' collection may be of interest:



Danny Hope
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