Re: [slim] Accelerated audio increment/decrement rate functionality

2008-04-27 Thread bhaagensen

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
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Question: What should the -opposite- button do in fast-forward etc.?

- REW when in 8x-forward jumps to 2x-rewind (current behaviour)
- REW when in 8x-forward jumps to 4x-forward

I'm surprised how little traffic this thread generates. Previous threads
indicate many opinions on the behavior of ffwd frew.

Anyway, I voted for the first option. FYI this is also the behavior in


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Re: [slim] artwork from itunes?

2008-04-27 Thread Kim . T

Or you could take a look at the program iArt. Se my answer in this
thread :


HP T5700 Thin Client running FreeNAS + SqueezeCenter 7.0.1
Synology DS-101j / Samsung SpinPoint T133 HD400LD 400 GB - now with 92
mm fan 
TViX HD M-4000PA / Samsung SpinPoint T133 HD400LD 400 GB
Sony HX750 HDD recorder

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Re: [slim] Spare cradle?

2008-04-27 Thread ModelCitizen

It'd be useful to have confirmation of availability of both the
individual products (Receiver and Controller) and also the batteries
(i.e. parts).

I am concerned by the fact that it is not possible to buy a new battery
in Europe or the States for the Receiver or the much longer-established
Harmony 1000 remote (both devices share the same battery). It hasn't
been possible to buy a replacement battery in either continents for
well over a month.

This is not a good thing.



Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

It's the music, stupid.

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[slim] European prices coming down?

2008-04-27 Thread Peter
I see a Dutch dealer selling SB3's for 186 EUR (222 incl VAT), which is
only 8 EUR more than the SD direct price of 179 EUR (279 USD). Another
place is selling controllers for 200 EUR and receivers for 100 EUR (all
excl. VAT).

Are European prices finally starting to approach American prices?

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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread danco

autodiskmount does exist on my Mac but the manual for it says that it is
deprecated and only present for backward compatibility. There are mount
and umount commands. Issuing the mount command lists the mounted
volumes and the line relevant to the CD is

/dev/disk1 on /Volumes/The Visit (cddafs, local, nodev, nosuid,
read-only, noowners)

I tried using umount to unmount the CD, but I evidently did not have
the correct syntax.

I am now pretty certain that this remounting is the issue.

I did the following. Insert disk and unmount it.

From the Terminal, type

cdda2wav dev=IODVDServices -verbose-level=toc -N -g -J

This produces sensible output.

Then did the same thing again. This time I got the complaint, similar
to the one in the last log.


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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread bpa

The autodiskmount command may be deprecated but the process may still be
in use and running (i.e. control is through another application).  

Can you check if the process is running ?


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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread danco

As I said, Activity Monitor (which lists all processes) did not show

Anyway, after a fair bit of Google search, I have found a syntax to
unmount the CD )I am not sure if /dev/disk1 would be correct if the CD
is in an external drive, but we can try that later).

diskutil umount /dev/disk1

did it.


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[slim] SqueezeCenter slow; drops out; Time to return my duet?

2008-04-27 Thread rickoleum

I recently installed Squeezecenter 7.0 (to go with my new duet).  

Previously I had been running slimserver 6.5.4 with my Squeezebox and
the whole system worked perfectly w/ no issues and minimal fuss.   

Immediately after installation, I noticed that the response time for
Squeezecenter was very slow; Squeezecenter froze and hung up; songs cut
in and out; the duet seemed to lose its connection; the duet would
report that the player couldn't find the squeezecenter.  (This happened
with both my new receiver and my old squeezebox.)

I uninstalled Squeezecenter, reinstalled 6.5.4 and my old Squeezebox
worked once again like a charm.  

I have read through a number of posts involving folks with similar
issues (I am running slimserver on windows xp, wired ethernet
connection, relatively new belkin router).  What I took from the posts
is that there doesn't appear to be any clear fix.  The various
suggestions are either beyond my modest computer abilities or look like
they'll take too much time.  

I'm nearing the end of the 30-day return period for the duet and I have
concluded that I will just have to send the duet back.  This is
disappointing because I am a huge fan of the squeezebox and was looking
forward to being able to use (and my wife using) the small controller. 

Am I missing something?  

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter slow; drops out; Time to return my duet?

2008-04-27 Thread Mnyb

Try the latest 7.01 instead of 7.0

It's a little contradictory that Logitech claims that 7.0 is the safe
and stable and supported option.

The 7.0.1 wil in most cases be better, and i think they are very close
to a final release of 7.01 .

If this wont work send it back and try again when things looks more
stable :-)

I've only had my duet this weekend and it works really good :-)

On the other hand i've been on 7.01 for far longer with my SB3 without

Maybe your main problem is getting 7.0 to work, if you send the duet
back try the latest 7.1 or 7.01 from time to time to see if a stable
and working version apears (by that i mean a version that works for
I've remember 7.01 to be a little messy on my XP i had to straighten
out some firewall issues before it was OK (getting rid of Norton and
install ESET).

Maybe you should investigate why 7.0 wont work on your XP, have you
been in contact with the support ?


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Re: [slim] European prices coming down?

2008-04-27 Thread Mnyb

As an relatively early adopter i bought mine from ripcaster, which was
cheaper than from a Swedish retailer, with postage and packaging it
costed about the same in the end DHL made a buck out of it.

But I wanted to vote with my wallet so i choosed ripcaster out of

I'm a little suspicious as the Receiver or Controller's are not aviable
as separate items yet ? (maybe in US )

Any tip of where to get it at good price would help others


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Re: [slim] Unable to get new SqueezeCenter Software to work

2008-04-27 Thread ceejay


Old versions are archived here
but I really wouldn't go that far back if I were you... much better, if
you can, to figure out what it is that is stopping SC7 from starting

If you want to try a different version then actually going to a later
one might be better - try a 7.0.1 nightly (here: )

Could you say some more about how you were trying to start it?



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[slim] Turn off motion sensor in controller?

2008-04-27 Thread funkahdafi


while the motion sensor in the Duet controller is nice in certain
scenarios, it doesn't make much sense if you tend to carry the
controller around with you in the house. I tend to have it in one of my
pockets to always be able to control my system, no matter where I am.

So what happens? The motion sensor is triggered by each and every move
I make, preventing the controller to dim down it's screen or go into
sleep mode. Result: Battery is dead after only a couple of hours.

Can the motion sensor in any way be configured or turned off?



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Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-27 Thread Zaragon

Not a comment on PeterDB's experience just a general on on antenna
length. Small doesn't necessarily mean bad, increasing the length could
actually make the signal worse.

Antenna length is determined by wavelength and the circuitry it is
connected to. Changing its length changes the balance between the
design parameters.


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Re: [slim] European prices coming down?

2008-04-27 Thread Peter
Mnyb wrote:
 I'm a little suspicious as the Receiver or Controller's are not aviable
 as separate items yet ? (maybe in US )

They were pre-orders.


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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread bpa


I can't think of a reason why cdda2wav won't work on your system but it
may need some tests to find the correct settings.

First - you need to be able to reproduce the fault at will. Then it can
be determined what settings work.

I found that if I started cdda2wav ripping a track midway through CD,
interrupted it and started cdda2wav again this time ripping an earlier
track - usually the CDROM went crazy. It would be interested to see if
your system does the same.  Try the following assuming you have done
cdda2wav -scanbus and found the triplet for your drive.

1. Eject CD and re-insert CD. This resets internal CDROM firmware. Make
sure it is a CD without any data track and you acknowledge windows
prompt about what to do with CD - choose no action.

2. Issue the following command (with your tripplet and not 0,0,0
cdda2wav -S 4 --output-format raw -gui output-endianess=little -device
0,0,0 -track 6

3. CTRL/C when about 20% has been reached.

4. At the prompt with no delay, issue the following command (with your
tripplet and not 0,0,0
cdda2wav -S 4 --output-format raw -gui output-endianess=little -device
0,0,0 -track 2


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Meyer
At the moment I leave my server on all night, so that the SB3 in the bedroom 
can wake me up in the morning.  I'd love to help save the environment by 
putting my server to sleep overnight.

I don't like using SN as an alarm clock - I prefer to wake up to music in my 
local lbrary.

It would be nice if a SB could be configured to automatically switch to SN when 
the local server goes down, and use the internet time to send a WOL packet 
locally a minute or so before the alarm time is met.  eg. provide a menu 
SqueezeCenter Sleep that would connect to SqueezeNetwork, passing the time 
that the SqueezeCenter server should be reconnected to, and then send the local 
server to sleep.

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[slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Leigh

My Web GUI has gone...
SqueezeCenter 7.0 is running - remote works fine, music plays etc.
When I load I get nothing! The password alert box pops
up...I click OK as usual ...and nothing. No web page. Just a blank
Internet Explorer panel. Same thing with FireFox...
Anyone seen this before?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Energy saving thoughts and tips

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Meyer
Does anyone know what the power usage is in power off state for each SB 
model?  I tend to leave my SB3 and Transporter permanently plugged in.

What is the best plugin to install to enable a command to be sent to put the 
local server to sleep/hibernate?  I'd like to do it as a manual action (select 
a menu option on the SB), or when using the Sleep button.

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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread bpa

 Anyway, after a fair bit of Google search, I have found a syntax to
 unmount the CD )I am not sure if /dev/disk1 would be correct if the CD
 is in an external drive, but we can try that later).
 diskutil umount /dev/disk1
 did it.

Does this mean you can do consecutive cdda2wav commands without no
matching device errors ?


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[slim] Different stream file types for different players?

2008-04-27 Thread JayNYC

Is there a way to accomplish the following:

for my Transporter: stream FLAC as WAV, ALAC as AIFF, and WAV as WAV.

for my Duet: stream FLAC as FLAC, ALAC as FLAC, and WAV as FLAC.


WHY would I want to do this?  My Transporter uses wired ethernet in a
very high resolution stereo system and I prefer the sound of streaming
audio as WAV rather than FLAC (please don't crucify me here, I can hear
a difference like many others have in the Audiophile forum) vs. my Duet
which is connected via wireless into a lower resolution bedroom system.

In other words... the Settings/Advanced/File Types preferences panel...
is there a way to make those settings *Player* specific rather than
server/system wide?

Thank you.


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[slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread gutted

So - this isn't SB related, but wondering if anyone can give me some
advice on how to efficiently backup my music drive?

My music is on a Windows (2k) file server, but I recently bought a
cheap NAS with a Linux OS.  I'd like to use rsync to check for changes
on the Windows file system, and then make any changes as required on
the NAS.  (Until now I've been using MS Synctoy, but Synctoy doesn't
delete folders that have moved or been renamed - and you end up with
loads of empty folders in the backup destination).

Anyway - rsync looks good, but I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to
Linux.  I guess that the Linux OS can't read the Windows filesystem at
the moment, and I'm expecting to have to mount the music drive within

I've done some googling, but now yet found anything all that helpful. 
Can anyone give me a couple of pointers (e.g. a link to a tutorial, or
even just general info)?

Cheers in advance! (and sorry for asking such a blatantly non-SB
question :)


Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 8800 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread danco

Yes, that's what I meant. I've only done a quick check.

But trying

cdda2wav dev=IODVDServices -verbose-level=toc -N -g -J

followed by the same command again produced sensible output the first
time and a complaint the second (plus I could see the CD on my desktop
after the first command)

whereas giving the command 

diskutil umount /dev/disk1

followed by the cdda2wav command a second time worked with no errors.

The diskutil command has to be issued between the two cdda2wav
commands, not at the beginning.


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Re: [slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread nolan

I've done something similar in the past to back up the Music directory
on my Linux based server (which I use to run SqueezeCenter) to the
external USB drive connected to my Windows desktop.

1. Share the folder from your Windows machine.
2. Mount this to your Linux box

mount.cifs // /homerdrive/Slimserver -o

3. Perform the rsync. The --delete flag also replicates deletions from
the source.

rsync -ar /home2/Slimserver/* /homerdrive/Slimserver --modify-window=10
--delete --progress is my Windows machine and /homerdrive/Slimserver is the
mount point for the Windows share I have created on my Linux machine.

I'm doing something sightly different now as I bought a 1TB WD Netbook
(as sold by PC World for £150) which after a few simple hacks turns
into a tiny Linux server so my Windows box isn't involved any more but
this backup method worked fine when I was doing it.


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-27 Thread Mnyb

My via mother board offers some crude scheduling in bios, so that i can
booth my server for example every morning ?
(I think its even possible to schedule shutdown )

Would it matter of the server is on half an hour before wakeup time ?
You could set the server to wake at the same time every day, and then
use the alarm function's i SC to a more fine schedule.

i would use 1/2 hour instead of one minute because my Linux server
might want to run a disc check on my 1TB drive its scheduled ever 50
boot and my system drive is scheduled for check every 25 boot (it's
much smaller would be muck quicker).

I second your wish for a more intelligent SC/SN behavior, this could be
improved in many other aspects.


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Re: [slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread gutted

nolan;296013 Wrote: 
 I've done something similar in the past to back up the Music directory
 on my Linux based server (which I use to run SqueezeCenter) to the
 external USB drive connected to my Windows desktop.
 1. Share the folder from your Windows machine.
 2. Mount this to your Linux box
 mount.cifs // /homerdrive/Slimserver -o
 3. Perform the rsync. The --delete flag also replicates deletions from
 the source.
 rsync -ar /home2/Slimserver/* /homerdrive/Slimserver --modify-window=10
 --delete --progress is my Windows machine and /homerdrive/Slimserver is the
 mount point for the Windows share I have created on my Linux machine.
 I'm doing something sightly different now as I bought a 1TB WD Netbook
 (as sold by PC World for £150) which after a few simple hacks turns
 into a tiny Linux server so my Windows box isn't involved any more but
 this backup method worked fine when I was doing it.

Dude - you rule :)  Thanks, man.

And yep - I've done exactly same thing as you: I bought a WD MyBook
World Edition (MBWE) 1TB drive for £150...  I've already done the same
as you and SSH'd into it and added Optware and then rsync (and a couple
of other bits).  Even after a firmware upgrade, the transfer speed is
hellishly slow :(  I'm hoping rsync might be a bit more efficient in
backing up my music...

Cheers again for your advice - I'll get onto that now.

EDIT: I see that you've also decided to ditch compression...  Me too :)
It's one of the first things I read about when trying to reduce CPU
usage on the MBWE, given that the transfer speed is already so poor. 
It's such a shame that the hardware can't actually cope with gigabit
Ethernet speeds - but I guess at £150 I can't really complain...


Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 8800 tracks (MP3 and FLAC)

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Re: [slim] All settings lost after installing SC7

2008-04-27 Thread lugnutz

Did you ever find a solution?

I just discovered the same feature... wish I would have known before
upgrading to 7.0.



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Re: [slim] European prices coming down?

2008-04-27 Thread Mnyb

Swedish prices are also on a slope now the prisjakt site shows the
lowest price for duet at 3485:- SEK which is lower the 3995:- which was
the starting point on this market.

This is god news :-)


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Re: [slim] Unable to play any playlists through Squeezebox/Slimserver 6.5.4

2008-04-27 Thread lugnutz

My Winamp-created m3u playlists worked great in 6.5.4 and previous
versions, but now disappeared when I upgrade to 7.0.  Dang!

Now I'm wondering if going back to 6.5.4 will work again.



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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread bonze

Phil Leigh;295999 Wrote: 
 My Web GUI has gone...
 SqueezeCenter 7.0 is running - remote works fine, music plays etc.
 When I load I get nothing! The password alert box pops
 up...I click OK as usual ...and nothing. No web page. Just a blank
 Internet Explorer panel. Same thing with FireFox...
 Anyone seen this before?
Is this an existing install or a nightly update?


TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3 - SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 19009 - Windows
Server 2003 - EN - cp1252
3 x wireless SB3 + a Duet

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[slim] Attention D-Link Users! (performance)

2008-04-27 Thread dmross

A few weeks ago I purchased a Dlink DIR-655 router to upgrade my home
network to wireless-N.  Around the same time I began to configure a few
machines in my house to use SoftSqueeze and had upgraded SqueezeCenter
to version 7.  I also began using WPA2 for security.

Performance was terrible.  Music would cut out, the web interface was
terribly sluggish and I was nearing my wits end trying to make it run
right.  However there was a catch - for some reason I had no problems
streaming through my SSH tunnel across the internet.  SoftSqueeze ran
great at work and the web interface was snappy, it was just unusable at
home over the wireless LAN.

I had changed a good number of variables so troubleshooting was no fun.
I tried changing SqueezeCenter to the text only interface, turning off
security, etc.  After fiddling with multiple router settings I have
finally narrowed it down to the WISH  QoS features in the router. 
There are features that are designed to prioritize wireless  internet
traffic and they are turned on by default.  As soon as I disabled these
features performance skyrocketed!  There are no more delays and I can
stream to 3 separate SoftSqueeze clients as well as over my SSH tunnel
with no delay!

After reading about the WISH feature some more I think I can enable it
again with some SqueezeCenter specific ports and make it work, but for
now I am leaving it off.  I don't really think QoS is responsible but I
am leaving it off anyway as I don't have any need for it.

I just wanted to share this as I assume there are plenty of folks with
D-Link routers with these features and it was no fun troubleshooting. 
I don't know if my situation is unique based on my system
architecture/encryption/etc. but hopefully it can help someone out
there suffering.  ;)


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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Leigh

bonze;296023 Wrote: 
 Is this an existing install or a nightly update?

7.0.1 - 19177...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [slim] SC 7.0 wireless is less tolerant of noise

2008-04-27 Thread jimj

No, I hadn't downgraded back to 6.5.3.  Since the time that my problems
started coincided so nicely with the upgrade to SC7 I just assumed that
upgrade had to be the related to my problems.  Of course we all know
what assuming does.

I thought that unplugging my 2.4Ghz phone had resolved the issue, but I
then started having drop outs even with my phone unplugged.  I then
downgraded to 6.5.3 and 6.5.4, but they both continued to have the same

At this point I started grabbing at straws and changed my Dlink to
802.11b only mode and that fixed my SB problem.  I have now upgraded
back up to SqueezeCenter-7.0.1-19177 and I even have my wireless
unfriendly phone plugged back in.  I.e. I'm back to my original setup,
except that I'm running 802.11b instead of 802.11g and I haven't missed
a single ping to my SB in over 40 hours!

From my Squeezebox's streaming test I get 100% all the way up to 4Mb. 
At 5 Mb I get 93%.  By my math 4Mb should be fast enough to handle
anything I throw at the SB, so I'm happy with my workaround.

I still don't understand why I started having wireless problems in the
first place and why does changing to 802.11b fix it?  Is my Dlink 4300
simply going bad, or is there something inherently more robust about
802.11b versus 802.11g?


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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Leigh

tried going back to 7.0...still no gui!!!
I'm guessing I need to delete something...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread raven22

maybe this can help?


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Re: [slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread nolan

If you are going straight between two Linux machines you can do the
rsync direct and forget about using shares

To begin with I added the netbook into the /etc/hosts file on my
Squeezecenter box netbook

I then added my own squeezebackup directory in the /shares/internal
directory on the netbook:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] internal]# pwd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] internal]# ls -l
total 40
drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data root  4096 Mar 24 15:26 BETH
drwxr-xr-x  5 nolanroot  4096 Mar 27  2008 NOLAN
drwxr-xr-x 11 nolanroot  4096 Mar 27  2008 PICTURES
drwxrwxr-x  2 root www-data  4096 Dec  1  2006 PUBLIC
drwx--  2 root root 16384 Nov 12 14:14 lost+found
drwxrwxr-x  6 nolannolan 4096 Apr 25  2008 squeezebackup

Then I performed the rsync:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home2# rsync -ar /home2/Slimserver/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/shares/internal/squeezebackup --delete --progress
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
Could not chdir to home directory /home/nolan: No such file or
building file list ...
10297 files to consider
deleting Media/Compilations/Clerks 2 Soundtrack/.02 - Talking Heads -
Nothing But Flowers.flac.5k2Ux5
Media/Compilations/Clerks 2 Soundtrack/
Media/Compilations/Clerks 2 Soundtrack/02 - Talking Heads - Nothing But
. and so on 

It is pretty slow but it's fine for a backup device and especially for
1TB at that price :)
Let me know if you have any problems...

cheers, Nolan


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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread autopilot

When downgrading its best to fully uninstall first. Also try clearing
your browser cache.


*SlimServer:* 7.0 (Windows XP)
*Players:* Squeezebox 3 (main room) / Squeezebox Receiver (bedroom) /
Softsqueeze (home office).
*Amps:* Cambridge Audio 640a (main room) / Denon MD30 (bedroom) /
Logitech 5.1.
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom) /
Logitech 5.1's.
*Remotes:* Harmony 525 (IR) / 1 Beta SB Controller / 1 Official Sb


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[slim] Anyone know when the duet player alone will be available?

2008-04-27 Thread chadr

I ordered 2 full systems and 3 additional players from JR back in
February - well my 2 full systems have arrived but the players are
still shown as not available (anywhere, I have checked all the sales

Anyone have an idea of when they might be available?  I am really
looking forward to being able to use all 5 zones in my house vs. only
have the 2 online presently.


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Re: [slim] An alternative to Look for new and changed music...?

2008-04-27 Thread slimkid

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Would you like to see SC7 enhanced to include quot;Scan/
Rescan this folder and its conte

- Yes, I'd love to see this enhancement implemented
- No, don't see any point, I watch TV between updates

Craig;295849 Wrote: 
 My file date changer, available from the link below (scroll to the
 bottom of the page) was designed to over come this exact problem.

I'm afraid we are not talking about the same things:

- if updating the tags don't change last update (configurable in mp3tag
or using the script to change them back to original), then 'New music'
works fine, but the scanner won't pick up the track on partial re-scan.

- if updating the tags do change the last update date, then partial
scan picks it up, but 'New music' shows them also, which is not what is
desired (by me),

The solution is either to make scanner recognize changed files in some
other way than using 'changed date' or enable 'full scan' on the subset
of the library or make some kind of real time monitor for any activity
on the files in library or ...



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [slim] Attention D-Link Users! (performance)

2008-04-27 Thread Jeff Flowerday

I've got a DIR-655 and the first thing I did was turn that stuff so mine
has worked perfectly from the beginning.

Jeff Flowerday

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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread bpa

I can create a shell script so that when playing a track diskutil umount
is always run before playing cdda2wav but that would be a stopgap.

The ideal situation is to find out how to tell OSX to leave the CDROM
drive alone.


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Re: [slim] Duet and Favorites

2008-04-27 Thread casperse

Has anybody found a solution to this problem?
There must be many with this problem out there?


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Re: [slim] European prices coming down?

2008-04-27 Thread Kim . T

In Denmark the price for the first batch was as low as DKK 2795,- €370.
Stock is empty and prices has gone up to DKK 3.195,- €423 which I guess
is the recommended pricetag here in Denmark. But I guess that you will
be able to buy it from most internet shop's just below €400 when stock
is filled again.

The current price for a SB3 is €265


HP T5700 Thin Client running FreeNAS + SqueezeCenter 7.0.1
Synology DS-101j / Samsung SpinPoint T133 HD400LD 400 GB - now with 92
mm fan 
TViX HD M-4000PA / Samsung SpinPoint T133 HD400LD 400 GB
Sony HX750 HDD recorder

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Re: [slim] Biogrpahy and Album Review Display on Duet Controller?

2008-04-27 Thread Charles Stanton

thanks for the instructions and files.  I got the directory and its files
(AlbumReviewApplet.lua, AlbumReviewMeta.lua and  strings.txt) copied and
they show up when i use putty to navigate to the directory (
/usr/share/jive/applets/AlbumrRview) and list the files using ls.  Also both
AlbumReview and Biogrpahy show up under Extras.  They just don't work.  When
I click on AlbumReview nothing happens; with Biogrpahy it goes to a blank

I checked to make sure there was content available via the SC web interface
for the currently playing song for both.  I also checked to make sure that i
was connecting to other services from the controller (like the RSS feeds).

One note for the pscp command under windows: you must specify -scp otherwise
it defaults to using -sftp which errors out.

Anything you can think of that I may be doing wrong? Do I need to do
something in the web interface settings (I looked around and did not see
anything obvious)  Thanks for all your trouble!  Charles

On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 8:12 AM, bhaagensen 

 Strange, I've never had problems with those files. Anyway, I unzipped
 and zipped them again and sent you an email. Hope they work.

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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-27 Thread illis102

We have a home network and an XP desktop with the SlimServer software
installed and working with our SqueezeBox.

I just installed SqueezeCenter 7.0 on my Vista laptop and it can't find
my SqueezeBox.  Do I need to stop SlimServer on the XP machine before I
can connect to the SqueezeBox from my Vista machine?



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[slim] 20% off Duet prices from Logitech UK

2008-04-27 Thread NigelC

Anyone in the UK interested in the Duet should take a look at Logitech's
UK website.,en

Once you've added it to the cart, just enter the voucher code
jellybattle2a and they knock 20% off the standard price of £279. I
haven't seen a better price than this anywhere. I ordered mine last
weekend and it arrived from Germany on Friday. 

I cant claim the credit for finding this - see



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Re: [slim] Linux help... using rsync

2008-04-27 Thread SuperQ

Another good backup application to use is BackupPC.  You simply run this
on your linux machine and it will backup all of your machines via CIFS
or rsync.  (Will backup windows, mac, linux)

It does a copule of nice things that a simple rsync won't do:
1: If you have the same file on 2 computers, it only keeps one copy.
2: If you have a laptop, it will ping to know when it's back online,
and start backups.
3: It keeps daily changes so you can restore files from a few days ago
if you need them back.

I use backuppc to backup my girlfriend's laptop, and in a colo space to
backup linux servers.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter slow; drops out; Time to return my duet?

2008-04-27 Thread MickeyG

Rickoleum -- I would agree with Mnyb on all of his points. 7.01 has a
bunch of changes that should help general wireless connectivity issues
with the Duet and some wireless routers and access points. Please try
installing the latest nightly and see if it helps. Make sure the
firmware on the Squeezebox Controller is updated.

BTW, could you describe your situation further? Which Belkin router are
you using? What country/wireless channel are you on? Does your
connectivity situation become more stable the closer your Squeezebox
Controller gets to the access point? Are you in an area with lots of
other wireless networks?

If 7.01 does help, this info would be interesting. If 7.01 does not
help, then please contact technical support to help resolve this issue.
Our technical support team in Mt. View has years of experience helping
customers with wireless issues.



Transporter  Classé Audio DR6  Mark Levinson 23  Wilson Watt 3/Puppy

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Re: [slim] SBC Acceleration enhancement proposal

2008-04-27 Thread adrianr

This is certainly a good idea, although there may be other ways to make
the wheel more practical.

Personally, I have far more than 100 artists. The current result is
that to get to Z I need to spin my finger-tip like crazy for quite a
while, and if I slip (must be getting old:-) ), I have to wait for it
to speed up again. For me, a simple solution would be to have a small
range of speed increments for slow browsing, with faster 'wheeling'
simply advancing one letter of the alphabet every quarter second. I
would then quickly be able to advance to the start letter, and use the
slow mode to find my target. Pretty much the way we use one of those
dictionaries with tabbed pages.

Any one else have better ideas?


Former Roku owner (SB died!), now a very happy Duet user, Musical
Fidelity X-DAC v3  X-PSU

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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread Phil Leigh

autopilot;296057 Wrote: 
 When downgrading its best to fully uninstall first. Also try clearing
 your browser cache.

Yes - an uninstall sorted the problem out. Deleting the browser cache
sadly didn't work.
Thanks everyone!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT RCS 2.2X with Good Vibrations S/W - MF X-DAC
V3/X-PSU/X-10 buffer (Audiocomm full mods)- Linn 5103 - Linn Aktiv 5.1
system (6x LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend
Supertweeters, Kimber  Chord cables

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Re: [slim] Stops between tracks with Rhapsody while trying to sync

2008-04-27 Thread diamar

Wow, that's a great fix! I've been struggling with the synch problems
and Rhapsody for a couple months now. Seems to work perfectly. Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Does SB3 send out ir while left in standby?

2008-04-27 Thread HCNinDK

Thanks again for input!

When I write lock up, I mean that the amp is completely irresponsive –
No reaction from the remote nor the front controls. The solution is the
main switch on/off… not good!

The SB3 display cannot “see” the amp.

Last night, I disconnected the toslink from the SB, and so far, the amp
is still responsive…

Is it in any way possible to turn of the digital outputs while the SB
is in standby?



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Re: [slim] SBC Acceleration enhancement proposal

2008-04-27 Thread Peter

On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:36:42 -0700, adrianr
 Personally, I have far more than 100 artists. The current result is
 that to get to Z I need to spin my finger-tip like crazy for quite a
 Any one else have better ideas?

Yeah, scroll the other way around and get to Z almost instantly. ;)

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Re: [slim] Attention D-Link Users! (performance)

2008-04-27 Thread ncarver

I also have a DIR-655, but I also turned all the QoS, etc. stuff off
immediately (am using it as just an access point rather than a router,
so had to initially do several configuration steps).  Have never
dropped any connections, and Duet works great with it, even from one
downstairs corner of the house to the opposite upstairs corner, with
not that strong a signal.  Using it merely in g mode, but it works
much better than standard g routers.


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Re: [slim] Does SB3 send out ir while left in standby?

2008-04-27 Thread radish

HCNinDK;296115 Wrote: 
 Is it in any way possible to turn of the digital outputs while the SB
 is in standby?
Settings/Players/Audio/Turn Off Audio.


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Re: [slim] SC 7.0 wireless is less tolerant of noise

2008-04-27 Thread ncarver

jimj;296039 Wrote: 
 Is my Dlink 4300 simply going bad, or is there something inherently more
 robust about 802.11b versus 802.11g?

We started having trouble with our Dlink-based wireless network at one
point, and after lots of frustration and swapping boxes around (was
using 3 Dlink 2100/2200 access points both as access point and as 2
clients), traced it to a problem with the power supply (wall wart)
with the access point unit.  It was apparently working well enough to
have it appear to be powered up, but not well enough to function
reliably.  Was able to get a replacement power supply from a friend,
and that fixed it.  Not sure the Dlink power supplies are really
adequate.  Something to consider if it gets flaky!


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[slim] Hybrid vs Wireless setups

2008-04-27 Thread RonM

I have a choice to make, and that is whether to use a hybrid setup (my
original intent) or a pure wireless setup.  My house is wired with
ethernet jacks available in various places.  I also have a D-Link (g)
wireless router.  My computer is hard-wired to the router, so music
will be passed via ethernet to the router, and then on to the SD
apparatus.  We have a couple of cordless phones (2.4g and 900m), and,
of course, a microwave.  Signal strength on the wireless is high in
most locations in the house (full bars).

I live in the country;  there are no other wireless devices remotely in
range, and hence I haven't even bothered to set security on the
wireless. As there are no other choices, my high speed internet
connection is via a line-of-sight microwave service (from an antenna on
my roof, to an antenna a few miles away on top of a ski hill).  It's not
as fast as I'd like, but fast enough for most music services, and I
could upgrade speed if I wanted to.  But that all has nothing to do
with my setup decision.

So, the question is, if I can do either, am I better off going
all-wireless, or a hybrid setup?  I had thought the latter, but am now
not so sure.



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Re: [slim] Hybrid vs Wireless setups

2008-04-27 Thread Pat Farrell
RonM wrote:
 So, the question is, if I can do either, am I better off going
 all-wireless, or a hybrid setup?  I had thought the latter, but am now
 not so sure.

I would recommend doing the easiest one first. Try it, see if you like 
it. If it works great, you are done, and can listen to music and drink 
beer. If there are problems, then work to eliminate them.

In my house, my Transporter is connected to Ethernet to a switch that is 
connected with Ethernet to my SqueezeCenter. My SqueezeBoxen and Duet 
are wireless.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] SC 7.0 wireless is less tolerant of noise

2008-04-27 Thread JimC

jimj;296039 Wrote: 
 I still don't understand why I started having wireless problems in the
 first place and why does changing to 802.11b fix it?  Is my Dlink 4300
 simply going bad, or is there something inherently more robust about
 802.11b versus 802.11g?

Two ideas:

Could a neighbor have added a 2.4GHz device (phone, wireless router/AP,
etc)?  802.11b occupies fewer channels than 802.11g, so switching may
have moved your channel uses far enough from the offending device's use
of the spectrum to eliminate the interference.

As SuperQ pointed out, there were changes to WPA encryption.  Were you
using WPA?  Switching to B would've forced a change to WEP, bypassing
another possible cause for your problem.

-= Jim


well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that.  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Display problems

2008-04-27 Thread radish

Sounds like hardware to me. By all means try 7.0.1 but I doubt it will
make any difference. Get in touch with support and see what they can


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Re: [slim] Hybrid vs Wireless setups

2008-04-27 Thread JimC

RonM;296123 Wrote: 
 So, the question is, if I can do either, am I better off going
 all-wireless, or a hybrid setup?  I had thought the latter, but am now
 not so sure.

You should have enough bandwidth to work wirelessly, but if I had wire
everywhere, I'd use the hybrid mode.

As the professionals say: use wire whenever you can.

-= Jim


well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that.  --
BKlaas' college buddy

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Re: [slim] Does SB3 send out ir while left in standby?

2008-04-27 Thread HCNinDK

I tried that, however the toslink output is still emitting red light
indicating that the output is still active.. - Further, the turn off
audio feature is stated as terminating the internal DAC only.

I would like to kill the digital output while the SB is in



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[slim] FR plug for AC block?

2008-04-27 Thread Louis-David Mitterrand

I just got my Duet from an Ebay US merchant with both AC power supply 
blocks having a US-type plug. I am using US-FR adapters for the time 
being for the transmitter and receiver. But since the plug itself is a 
simple slide-on part on the AC block it should be relatively easy to 
find FR-type ones. Or is it? The part I am looking for (found on my 
french-bought classic SB3) is labelled 0703A1.

Does anyone know where these plugs can be obtained from?

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Re: [slim] Hybrid vs Wireless setups

2008-04-27 Thread Peter
On Sun, 27 Apr 2008 12:14:52 -0700, RonM
 I have a choice to make, and that is whether to use a hybrid setup (my
 original intent) or a pure wireless setup.  My house is wired with
 ethernet jacks available in various places.  I also have a D-Link (g)
 wireless router.  My computer is hard-wired to the router, so music
 will be passed via ethernet to the router, and then on to the SD
 apparatus.  We have a couple of cordless phones (2.4g and 900m), and,
 of course, a microwave.  Signal strength on the wireless is high in
 most locations in the house (full bars).
 I live in the country;  there are no other wireless devices remotely in
 range, and hence I haven't even bothered to set security on the
 wireless. As there are no other choices, my high speed internet
 connection is via a line-of-sight microwave service (from an antenna on
 my roof, to an antenna a few miles away on top of a ski hill).  It's not
 as fast as I'd like, but fast enough for most music services, and I
 could upgrade speed if I wanted to.  But that all has nothing to do
 with my setup decision.
 So, the question is, if I can do either, am I better off going
 all-wireless, or a hybrid setup?  I had thought the latter, but am now
 not so sure.

I have a similar situation. The house has ethernet in many places but
the wifi signal is not strong enough to cover the whole house. Even if
it was, I'd prefer to use wired where I can. Using wired where possible
takes the load of your wireless network. If you can, go wired all the
way. That's always best.

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Re: [slim] Duet and Favorites

2008-04-27 Thread Millwood

The workaround is to set the favorite with the web interface - which is
itself dodgy at the moment but can be made to work.


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Re: [slim] Anyone know when the duet player alone will be available?

2008-04-27 Thread funkstar

Latest indication is the end of the month.


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Re: [slim] Poor streaming performance

2008-04-27 Thread pajamabama

So I found a way to connect a Cat-5 cable to the SB.  So it's not really
an issue anymore.  It was Wild West Radio specifically that was having
trouble with yesterday.  But it tended to happen on just about any
stream I was listening to, even low quality talk radio (~20kbps).  If
it becomes a problem again, I'll give the buffer time option a try. 
Thanks anyway for all your ideas.



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Re: [slim] My Web GUI has vanished!

2008-04-27 Thread bonze

Phil Leigh;296033 Wrote: 
 7.0.1 - 19177...I had this recently with 7.1 - not quite sure what happened 
 although I
think it had failed to install.
A couple of times it's had problems deleting the previous update before
installing the new (SqueezeTray.exe) and I haven't been able to figure
out what happens.  Possibly not sucessfully stopping the service.

If it happens again - check on your squeezebox to see what version it
is running on.  It may still be the previous version :)


TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3 - SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 19185 - Windows
Server 2003 - EN - cp1252
3 x wireless SB3 + a Duet

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[slim] Shortcut loops - No means to disable scanning in V7?

2008-04-27 Thread Richard Boyce

My music folders have lots of shortcuts, created for manual use. These
have triggered CPU-bound scanning loops when I was using V6 on my SB3,
but I managed to disable the scanning with V6. I can't remember exactly
what I did to achieve that; I may have just renamed the scanner exe.

I recently upgraded to V7 and hoped this problem was solved, but now it
seems to be the main exe that's looping. There still seems to be no
ability to disable scanning. There is an option to scan playlists only,
but that option doesn't stick for some reason.

I just want to be able to follow the Music Folder menu entry in my SB
to my music folders; to browse through folder shortcuts, and select
what I want to play. That's all I require. No indexing and cataloguing
or other automation needed.

If SqueezeCenter detects changes since I last browsed (which seems to
be daily), it will go into a CPU-bound loop with no HDD activity. I
have to terminate SC in Windows Task Manager, and then restart SC. Then
I can browse with no problem until SC next decides it needs to scan.

I'm surprised that the server software has reach V7 without some means
to disable this troublesome scanning. I don't require it to be smart
enough to avoid shortcut loops, though that would be very useful; I
just want an option to turn the scanning off, allowing me to browse my
music folders in my Squeezebox and play the music.

Is there some hack of a configuration file, or a command line option
that I can use to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

Richard Boyce

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Re: [slim] FR plug for AC block?

2008-04-27 Thread bonze

Ask anyone who just bought a Duet in the UK ;)


TranquilPC T2-WHS-A3 - SqueezeCenter Version: 7.1 - 19185 - Windows
Server 2003 - EN - cp1252
3 x wireless SB3 + a Duet

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[slim] SSH Connection Trouble..

2008-04-27 Thread UGADawg

I'm sure this is a common problem with a quick answer, but I've been
looking and cannot find it.. sorry if this gets posted all the time.

I have openSSH configured on my home machine through Cygwin.  I can
access it using it remotely Putty, and UltraVNC connects fine.  

I just installed squeeze center on the home machine, and installed
SoftSqueeze on my laptop.  I have access to my neighbors wifi
connections here in my apartment complex, so that's how I test my
connection from an outside source.

Anyway, I cannot get SoftSqueeze to tunnel to my home computer.  I am
guessing I don't have the tunneling set up correctly.  Do I need to
connect to cygwin using Putty first, and then start up SoftSqueeze, or
just use SoftSqueeze?

I have a DynDNS account set up.  I just to know what ports and
addresses to put in what box!  



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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread danco

bpa;296066 Wrote: 
 The ideal situation is to find out how to tell OSX to leave the CDROM
 drive alone.

I could ask around, but I am not sure exactly what I would need to ask.
I looked in the manual pages for diskutil, but did not see anything


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Re: [slim] SSH Connection Trouble..

2008-04-27 Thread UGADawg

Ok, I got SoftSqueeze up and running.  For some reason, when I hovered
over it in my tray, it said it was stopped and the option to start it
was greyed out.  I had to restart my computer; didn't know how to fix

Now, I have a new question.  In SoftSqueeze, I clicked the 4th button
the top right to bring up the WebInterface.

The address is  It won't connect (as I suspected).

Do I need to forward that port in my putty tunnel config to get it to

Right now, I have to have a forward the UltraVNC port, so I suspect
this might be the case.

The reason, I would rather have the web interface than the player
interface.. I just want it to all be tunneled through SSH!  And if that
is the case, I would just need to open the page in Firefox and not open
the player, correct?


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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-27 Thread bpa

It looks like autodiskmount has been replaced by diskarbitrationd to
which diskutil talks. diskarbitrationd seems to manage
mounts/dismounts of volumes/disk through diskutil - this prevent users
doing umount on a drive if others areusing it. 

diskarbitrationd uses the file /etc/fstab.  Can you post a copy of your
fstab to see if this is basis of auto setting or perhaps something
else such as 

Can you also check the file /etc/hostconfig for entries which are
similar to the following:


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Re: [slim] FR plug for AC block?

2008-04-27 Thread Mnyb

or order a spare part ;)


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Re: [slim] Anyone know when the duet player alone will be available?

2008-04-27 Thread chadr

Thanks - by the end of the month do you mean April or May?


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Re: [slim] Shortcut loops - No means to disable scanning in V7?

2008-04-27 Thread JJZolx

Richard Boyce;296154 Wrote: 
 My music folders have lots of shortcuts, created for manual use. These
 have triggered CPU-bound scanning loops when I was using V6 on my SB3,
 but I managed to disable the scanning with V6. I can't remember exactly
 what I did to achieve that; I may have just renamed the scanner exe.

I suppose you could always try that again.

 I recently upgraded to V7 and hoped this problem was solved, but now it
 seems to be the main exe that's looping. There still seems to be no
 ability to disable scanning. There is an option to scan playlists only,
 but that option doesn't stick for some reason.

Scanning is't a continuous or automatic function - it must be initiated
by the user.  The 'Only rescan playlists' setting that you're trying to
make stick is not a setting.  It's an action.  You select one of the
rescan actions and click the 'Rescan' button.

The exception to this is the first time you start the server, if the
database is empty then a scan will be initiated.

 I just want to be able to follow the Music Folder menu entry in my SB to
 my music folders; to browse through folder shortcuts, and select what I
 want to play. That's all I require. No indexing and cataloguing or
 other automation needed.

I'm afraid SqueezeCenter doesn't work like this.  Anything you play
from your library must first be scanned and catalogued in the database.
When you browse through your music folders the music files are scanned
as you browse.

 If SqueezeCenter detects changes since I last browsed (which seems to be
 daily), it will go into a CPU-bound loop with no HDD activity. I have to
 terminate SC in Windows Task Manager, and then restart SC. Then I can
 browse with no problem until SC next decides it needs to scan.

The browsing is obviously tripping it and starting a scan of some
new/changed content.  Apparently it's getting caught up by your
circular shortcuts.

The only thing I can think of is to hack the code and get the server
not to follow shortcuts.  I don't think this can be done through the
configuration.  It might make an interesting enhancment request.



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[slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread GA . DE .

Hi, does anyone know if there is any difference between SD version and
LT version? Is that correct that the SD version is made in USA but the
LT version is made in China? thanks.


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Re: [slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread JJZolx

GA.DE.;296185 Wrote: 
 Hi, does anyone know if there is any difference between SD version and
 LT version? Is that correct that the SD version is made in USA but the
 LT version is made in China? thanks.

The Slim Devices ones have nicer looking logos.

They're all made in China, although I think the SD ones might have been
assembled in the US from mostly Chinese parts.



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Re: [slim] Shortcut loops - No means to disable scanning in V7?

2008-04-27 Thread JJZolx

Another question that comes to mind... Are you sure the scanner is
stuck in a loop?  Scanning a complete library isn't a fast process,
particulary on a slow system.  People have reported some systems taking
many hours, even days, to scan a moderately sized library.



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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter 7 fails to start on XP

2008-04-27 Thread ianto39

The wife's laptop is running all the same stuff including Adobe CS3
(with Bridge) installed and SC7 runs fine on that, so I dont think it's
the Bridge. I may try uninstalling the Bridge to test it next time I'm
at the PC in a week or so but you only want to spend just so much time
uninstalling  reinstalling stuff that you do need just to try and make
something work that you don't.


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Re: [slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread GA . DE .

Thanks Jim. I found it is written 'made in china' outside the packing of
LT version here. But according the the data sheet of SB3 on this website
it said 'Designed and assembled in California, USA'. That's why I came
up the question.


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Re: [slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread Pat Farrell
GA.DE. wrote:
  I found it is written 'made in china' outside the packing of
 LT version here. But according the the data sheet of SB3 on this website
 it said 'Designed and assembled in California, USA'. That's why I came
 up the question.

They all are designed in California. By Sean and company.

Some of the earlier versions were assembled in the US from parts built 
in China. Nearly everything electronic in mass volumes these days is 
made in Asia, its a matter of cost.

Perhaps the early SliMP3 were made in the US, but even with automated 
assembly of the surface mount parts, its hard to beat the Asian prices.

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Re: [slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread seanadams

Only final assembly was done in California by Slim. The innards are all
the same. The only difference between Logi and Slim ones is that the
Logi ones have a new external power supply.


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-27 Thread MrSinatra

will it give me the choice by just putting it in?

i haven't done this way before...

btw, as of now it still isn't offering me an update from 2287.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-27 Thread aubuti

MrSinatra;296201 Wrote: 
 will it give me the choice by just putting it in?
It should, as long as the firmware file is on the SD card.


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Re: [slim] SB3, slimdevice version VS. logitech version

2008-04-27 Thread GA . DE .

Thanks for all the above clarification. 

And for Sean, thanks you for all your efforts on such amazing product.


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-27 Thread MrSinatra


so, i DL'd sc7 19177 and still no newer version.

then i did a factory reset, still nothing newer than 2287.

then i did the SD card, and it did give me the choice.  i told it to
use it and it seemed to work.  its now at 2354 according to the about

however, upon rebooting, i checked software update again.

it says NEW software is available, guess which one?


so it seems i am at 2354, but it still even at 2354 is unaware that
nothing is newer then 2287.

i assume slim is aware of this?

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] SC 7.0 wireless is less tolerant of noise

2008-04-27 Thread jimj

Thanks ncarver, I never thought about swapping out the power adapter.
I'll have to see if I can find a friend with one to borrow.

JimC, yes I eliminated other 2.4HHz devices as the source of the
problem with Airmagnet's Laptop Analyzer and Spectrum Analyzer.  My
channel one is clean (asides from my own 2.4GHz phone).  You must be
thinking of 802.11a which adds 5GHz channels.  802.11g uses the exact
same frequency/channels as 802.11b, so that's not it.

I did fail to point out that I use WEP encryption, so changing to
802.11b wouldn't change that either.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox v3 spontaneously reboots

2008-04-27 Thread oasisbob

Secret Squirrel;293997 Wrote: 
 You picked a rather old thread to tag onto, and development work has
 past even SC 7.0 (it seems like 7.0.1 is about to be officially
 released soon), and you really haven't given any detail information to
 your exact problem. 
 I'm certainly not an expert here, but it seems you either need to give
 much more information about your system, operating system, exact
 version of SC your having problems with, and anything else you can
 think of that one of the forum experts might need. That said, I would
 recommend that you download the latest version of 7.0.1 and see if/how
 it works for you. That's where the development team is working now, so
 they're more likely to pick it up.
 OH...BTW, you might need to compose a bug report if you have no success
 to get the SD/Logitech team to look at what's going on.

Indeed, this thread is old. From my (perhaps limited) searches, it
seemed the most relevant. Mainly I just wanted to toss out a quick me
too before going back to 6.5.0. If someone has better/newer links to
bugs or forum threads to get me up to speed with this issue, I'd
appreciate it. I'm not the only person who is flummoxed by this one.

I just reformatted my computer and switched to Ubuntu (8.04). I took
the opportunity to start with Squeezecenter 7.0, and the problem
returned with a vengeance. It seems to be hardware rev/firmware

I'm going to start using 7.0.1 and see if it fixes it. If not, I'll
followup with support and/or a bug report


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Re: [slim] Turn off motion sensor in controller?

2008-04-27 Thread dean

Yes, use the key lock feature, pressing the ADD and PLAY buttons
together. It won't wake up until another button is pressed.


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