Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-29 Thread Phil Meyer
>WinOFF - - sends it to
>hibernate at a set time each night and Wakeuponstandby -
> - wakes it in
>the morning
Thanks for those links.  I tried Wakeuponstandby and that's working great.

I currently hit my Sleep button on the keyboard when I'm done with the box.

What I'd really like though is to send the server into standby from a 

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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Herger
> It fails. It's on the context menu and when you click it, the flag that
> says it's stopping pops up, then fades. But it never stops. And the time
> I tried, killing the process in the task manager would not work. In all
> cases, rebooting works, obviously.

Are you logged in as a non-privileged user?

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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Peter
Pat Farrell wrote:
> The problem is always social engineering, humans simply can't remember 
> strong random things. We have not evolved to do so. So we either use 
> something not random, like the phrase about Transporters in my posting 
> up thread, or we write it down on yellow sticky pads and past them to 
> the monitor.

We're talking about a home network here. It's perfectly acceptable to 
create a random key with lots of entropy and put it in a file on a USB 
key from where you can easily copy & paste it when you want to add a new 
machine. WPA-AES can only be brute forced AFAIK and with a random enough 
key that's practically impossible. With WPA you use a stream cipher and 
the keys are constantly changed so that should be fairly secure, bugs in 
the implementation not withstanding.

The new controller is of interest here, because if I understand it 
correctly, during the initialization process the device transmits your 
home WPA key over an unencrypted wifi link (or encrypted with a 
fixed/guessable WEP key, I forget which). Any NSA agents in your garden 
may steal it. So be particularly vigilant for black vans just after 
ordering your Duet.


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Re: [slim] Wi-Fi Internet Clock Radio?

2008-04-29 Thread SuperQ

A couple friends have chumbys.  It should be reasonably easy to port
squeezeslave, but I wonder how much work it would take to make a
softsqueeze client for the chumby.

The chumby widgets are flash-based, so I suppose you could do something
like connect the squeezeslave, and the use flash UI to http to push the
control buttons.  Since the chumby is also running linux on arm, you
could in theory port the Jive framework to it.


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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Herger
> Now I can get Squeezecenter to run only if I diasble Trend Micro
> Internet Security 14. Frankly, I am just not willing to run my computer
> without virus protection just to use my Squeezebox.

And you shouldn't. Did you try configuring your AV product to ignore *.my*  
files? I asked your for log files, but you didn't answer. Hard for us to  
help you without any more information.

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Re: [slim] Duet Controller will not update beyond 2097

2008-04-29 Thread Sqeze

bklaas;296981 Wrote: 
> Are you using SqueezeCenter? If so, I'd suggest installing version 7.0.1
> and see if that clears up your issue.
> cheers,
> #!/ben

Ben, Thanks! that allowed the update to download and now everything
seems to be working fine!! As a new user, I am really impressed by how
quickly the user community was able to help me. 
Cheers, John


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Re: [slim] Repost - Power Supply

2008-04-29 Thread Mnyb

I have the CIA supply. it's a quality piece and the company is nice and
deliver's their stuff.
Good guys.

I would not say that anything has gotten substantially better as i use
the digital out.

But the old European supply was a nasty plastic thing that emitted a
burning smell ?
Did I say plastic as in probably unshielded and the wallwart was laying
close to my cabling.

So i bought it to limit possible interference sources in my systems at
least 3 other components has switchmode supplies, buts thats inside
metalcases with grounding.
I don't think switchers are bad in general.
It was just that the old SB3 wallwart was not oozzing quality :-)
I just thougth it would do some indirect harm to system not change the
audio quality of my SB3's digital out, that would be almost

whatever you do never ever "buy" the Wellborne Labs supply. that
company has gone bad.
You can give him money but he will never deliver and you will not be
able to contact them again

btw should not this tread be moved to diy third party or audiphile ?


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Re: [slim] Wi-Fi Internet Clock Radio?

2008-04-29 Thread appeal2

I love my Squeezebox, probably more so than the Duet. However, it just
cannot be trusted as an alarm clock. I have installed extended alarm
and have used the alarm on the squeezenetwork as well. It seems there
is routinely a mess up once or twice per week. I have taken to setting
an alarm on my cellphone as a backup, but what is really the point of
this? You don't have a backup for your clock radio. I have examined the
Chumby. It has the ability to stream radio stations, you can hookup your
non Ipod Touch as a music source. You can set as many alarms as you like
per day. It has a touch screen and can put flickr and other image files
through the screen as well as rss feeds, stock tickers, etc. It has a
button that can be assigned the snooze bar function. I am about ready
to give it a try.


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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-29 Thread stevie

After trying for days, I am ready to throw my Squeezebox in the garbage
and go back to burning CD's. I want to play high quality lossless music
through my good amp and seakers using squeezebox.
Under Windows XP and Slimserver 6.5 everything was great.
Got a new PC with Vista Ultimate and decided to get the latest greatest
version of Squeezecenter. Since then I have barely heard any music and
spent countless hours getting nowhere.

Logitech has got to be able to support people who want to run
Squeezecenter on Vista. Maybe Vista is a pig but it's still an
important pig and most new computers are shipping with it - especially
home systems where people are likely to use a Squeezebox or

I managed to get the pig Squeezecenter to scan my music on my Buffalo
NAS which was a lot more cumbersome than it should have been for a
mapped network drive.

Now I can get Squeezecenter to run only if I diasble Trend Micro
Internet Security 14. Frankly, I am just not willing to run my computer
without virus protection just to use my Squeezebox.


I already got rid of my Transporter since I was so frustrated and soon
I will do the same with Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Pat Farrell
Mnyb wrote:
> Interesting responses, some of you must be in to encryption and such ?
> this has gone very off topic but interesting.

Yes, way OT.

> On the same tangent, the SBC has a limited charset, so all phassprases
> are not possible to type with the controller, the same applies to the
> SB

Which in the grand scheme of things is not terribly important. And 
inside the SqueezeBox is just a commodity WiFi card, so there are hidden 
  weak links in the chain, if you are NSA class paranoid.

To secure music, its not really an issue.

> How do you check your passphrase if it's good ?
> To be more specific mine is 15 letters and one number. the words used
> comes from rather obscure literature.

What is obscure in Swedish may be off the chart in America.

The real answer is that you can not tell. There are good rules of thumb, 
such as this:

> there my pass is judged as "resonable" with "Entropy: 48.9 bits "

There is a fundamental flaw in measuring entropy in this context.
The definition comes from Claude Shannon's work, which is also the basis 
for PCM audio, so I can make a tenuous connection back to audio, 
squeezeboxen, etc. and is based on probability.

The usual measure is based on characters. So in theory, the information 
value of an eight bit character is 1/256. But in English, we use far 
fewer characters in "words". And as pointed out above, the character set 
may have other limitations. So the values may be radically different in 

Most folks use something close to words in their native language. This 
is the basis for all dictionary attacks. The Microsoft paper cited 
above, talks about how conversions to EleetSpeak, or similar things are 
weak. They specifically say that "M1cr0$0ft" is not much more 'random' 
than "Microsoft".

As the Microsoft paper says: "Avoid dictionary words in any language. 
Criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly guess passwords that 
are based on words in multiple dictionaries, including words spelled 
backwards, common misspellings, and substitutions. This includes all 
sorts of profanity and any word you would not say in front of your 

The problem is always social engineering, humans simply can't remember 
strong random things. We have not evolved to do so. So we either use 
something not random, like the phrase about Transporters in my posting 
up thread, or we write it down on yellow sticky pads and past them to 
the monitor.

> All music in the world is aviable on any torrent tracker.

The primary rule of serious security is to make the cost of the attack 
higher than the value of the target. So if all that is in the target is 
music, which is all over the torrent world, then there is little value 
in the attack.

This could change if your music is flac and all the torrents have is 
over compressed MP3.

Realistically, the primary value in attacks on home servers is either:
1) access to bank accounts, brokerage accounts, or identity theft enablers
2) hosts for botnets to attack other systems.

What is interesting to me is that nearly all of the information for this 
stuff is ancient. I wrote Towards a Model of Computer Security October 
1992 National Computer Security Conference, Fort Meade, MD, with William 
H Murray. That was nearly 15 years ago. We modeled how a machine can be 
used as a resource for attacks on other systems.

Some folks might notice how close "Fort Meade, MD" is to a agency of 

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread mvalera

Was just poking around in the admin screen, Verdana is still the default
Font, and I don't think Matthew changed the size.

Our email is down but I txt'd him about the nav bar issues.



Michael Valera
Online Communities Manager
Logitech Streaming Media Business Unit

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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Mnyb

Interesting responses, some of you must be in to encryption and such ?
this has gone very off topic but interesting.

On the same tangent, the SBC has a limited charset, so all phassprases
are not possible to type with the controller, the same applies to the

I see that tomato has got to 1.19 ill have a look at that.

If you look at the serious research, you find that even folks using
they think are good passphrases use the same, weak ones. There are
30,000 words in a typical college educated English speaker's
That is a trivial number to push through a dictionary attack. Even if
you change from Englist to LeetSpeak, its still a fairly small number
crypto terms.

How do you check your passphrase if it's good ?
To be more specific mine is 15 letters and one number. the words used
comes from rather obscure literature.

I found this test online

there my pass is judged as "resonable" with "Entropy: 48.9 bits "

and it flunks completely, according to

But my real security is that my desktop computer is off when i'm not at
home and not able to wol
My server contains only music (with its own firewall and passw).
Thats the equivalent off putting a class off water or a wiff of fresh
air in a safe.
All music in the world is aviable on any torrent tracker.

the router also has passw and i use the https:/ variant off admin

The only concern is if some hack use's my server as a spambot or

Thank you for the replys, I don't think i have the energy to write that
bug report now.
My concern was realy that i had to alter perfectly functional router
settings to connect the duet.

Good Morning (it's 6:22 in sweden)


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread radish

All very truebut I don't see anything suggesting a particularly good
KPT attack on RC4. There's one paper I read suggesting a way to reduce
the search space a little, but TKIP solves the major problem with WEP.

> If you look at the serious research, you find that even folks using what
> they think are good passphrases use the same, weak ones. There are
> about 
> 30,000 words in a typical college educated English speaker's
> vocabulary. 
> That is a trivial number to push through a dictionary attack. Even if
> you change from Englist to LeetSpeak, its still a fairly small number
> in 
> crypto terms.
Obviously, anything which is in a dictionary is as good as broken, but
that's not really what I'm talking about. Once you get out of the realm
of anything in a reasonable dictionary (i.e. random chars) you start
getting into _how_ random it is (like your comment about an MD5 hash
not being random enough). My point is that whilst good randomness is
needed to implement an algo, it's not needed to generate a key,
provided the attacker doesn't have access to or knowledge of how you
did it. 

Anyway, this is, as you say, way off topic. I'm off to bed with my old
copy of Applied Crypto :)


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Re: [slim] More reasons to love DRM

2008-04-29 Thread Josh Coalson

peter;294975 Wrote: 
> Eric Seaberg wrote:
> > tyler_durden;294822 Wrote: 
> >   
> >> As for Apple- they have a "lossless" compression format that is
> >> proprietary.  Why would they develop their own when open source
> >> compression formats exist?  Because they want control.
> >> 
> >
> > This isn't totally accurate... Apple's lossless CODEC was
> co-authored
> > with Dolby Labs and others, and is capable of carrying up to
> 8-channels
> > of interleved audio.  I don't think FLAC can do that.
> >   
> Don't think, check:
> FLAC allows for Rice parameter between 0-16, and up to 8 channels of 
> audio and a wide range of sampling rates up to 192 kHz, in various 
> bits-per-sample width.more correctly, FLAC supports up to 8 chanels and 
> sample rates over
600kHz.  FLAC in some other container like Ogg can support more than 8
channels but nobody has needed that.

SuperQ;294970 Wrote: 
> The other one I heard (from a reputable portable mp3 player developer at
> empeg/rio) was that ALAC has a lower decoding overhead which would allow
> it to be played back on the low powered CPU in the iPod.  Where as the
> RIO Karma had the next level up in CPU, which had enough power to
> decode FLAC.that is worse than just false, it's backwards, but this rumor will
probably never die.  FLAC decoding has lower complexity than ALAC and
was running on ipods since the beginning of 2005 if not earlier.

Josh Coalson

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Re: [slim] Repost - Power Supply

2008-04-29 Thread iPhone

audio53;297058 Wrote: 
> Hmmm...seems the post I made yesterday disappeared. Anyway, here goes
> again-
> Has anybody bought the Channel Islands Audio VDC-SB power supply for
> the SB3? I would be interested in your experience/comments. Also, are
> there other alternatives like this out there?
> Thanks,
> Bob

Just my opinion, but it is a good supply that is well thought out. Now
having said that, the SB3 still has a switcher inside the case so in
the end, why bother?

Do I think there is a benefit from the extra available current over the
OEM supply, personally I do. I had a regulated HP supply on my SB3 for
over a week and had it set to save the peak amp draw. My SB3 will use
more then 2 amps if it is available, YMMV. So yes I like the CI VDC-SB
for the current overhead, but there is still that internal switcher. If
it were me, I would just get a $30 supply that has 3 to 5 amps output.




Media Room:
Transporter, Vandersteen Quatro Signature, Ayre MX-R Mono Blocks, VTL
TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, VCC-5 Reference Center Channel, four VSM-1
Signatures, Runco 710, RAM Oppo DV970HD, VeraStarr 6.4SE  

Living Room:
SqueezeBox Duet, Vandersteen Model 3A Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2,
Two VSM-1, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold 

Squeezebox 3, Thiel 2.3, NAD C370

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread JJZolx

Forum issues.

As I mentioned before, I'm pretty certain that the font within text
areas ("Message" boxes) is being affected by the surrounding skin.  The
previous font was probably Verdana, or maybe a fixed width, now it's the
much more difficult to read Arial.

Another thing is that the popup boxes in the forums (Search, Quick
Links, Forum Tools) are misplaced and now appear about 50-70 pixels
below where they should.



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[slim] upgraded from xp pro to vister business

2008-04-29 Thread pski

Since my SC box had my only spare sata and I need vister to use my blu
ray drive, I decided to upgrade it to vister business.

The good news: 

Everything except the HP 5500 (all-in-one) did not complain. I did use
the vister upgrade adviser and it complained about a couple of other
issues, but they were not a problem after install. The all-in-one
reinstalls after each reboot... I'll reinstall later.

Performance seems as good. This was a real surprise. This is a
Dimension 5150 (2.8Ghz dual-core/1.5Gb/120Gb/X300 graphics.) Re-scan
after clear all is within 1 minute of xp pro. Service to the players
only stutters as the SC box comes out of sleep.

The bad news:

It took 6+ hours. Unlike my numerous other winders upgrades, this one
did not take any input after the first 20 minutes (including the
license number, etc.)

The system did correctly indicate that ('this could take hours)


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Pat Farrell
radish wrote:
> How does the amount of entropy affect the crack time for brute force,
> provided there's a trivial amount so the key isn't in a dictionary?

This is getting OT, and complicated.

First, it depends on the cipher and the amount of ciphertext you have 
access to. With WiFi, its easy to get huge amounts of cipher text and 
you can get some known clear text. For example, if the user checks his 
email every 10 minutes, you can see traffic, which will have known text 
as he does the POP3 access to the ISP.

With better ciphers, every bit in the key changes every byte of output.
But you don't know, without doing a lot of serious post-doc-level 
analysis, if changing the key from "Bonjour" to "Bonj0ur" changes it 
completely, or if you can do partial attacks.

Birthday paradox become a big deal with sufficient amounts of ciphertext.

You also don't know how the attack works. For example, with a cable 
modem or DSL line, a little work wearing all black can let you plug in a 
'butt set' to pick up the clear text. With both clear text and cipher 
text, a lot of attacks are much easier.

Its all about how paranoid you want to be. Remember, just because you 
are paranoid, it doesn't mean that they are not out to get you.

> in so he has to test those all the same. Now he may be smart and think
> that I'm probably an idiot and have a really small character set, so
> statistically he's better off hitting the lower-case-only keys first,
> but you get my point.

If you look at the serious research, you find that even folks using what 
they think are good passphrases use the same, weak ones. There are about 
30,000 words in a typical college educated English speaker's vocabulary. 
  That is a trivial number to push through a dictionary attack. Even if 
you change from Englist to LeetSpeak, its still a fairly small number in 
crypto terms.

Check out the reference to a CERT advisory (Cert advisory CA-2003-08)
on lame passwords. Its sad.

> Agreed. The easiest way to break into WPA is probably to attack a node
> on the network directly (via a trojan for example) and get the PSK from
> an OS vulnerability.

Social engineering is how most cracks are done. With the popularity of 
wireless keyboards, it doesn't take much to just capture the key strokes 
and skip all the WiFi stuff complete.

Pat Farrell

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[slim] Repost - Power Supply

2008-04-29 Thread audio53

Hmmm...seems the post I made yesterday disappeared. Anyway, here goes

Has anybody bought the Channel Islands Audio VDC-SB power supply for
the SB3? I would be interested in your experience/comments. Also, are
there other alternatives like this out there?



FLAC or WAV->SB3 w/SqueezeCenter v7.0.1->Yamaha RX-595->Cambridge
Soundworks Ensemble

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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread radish

pfarrell;297026 Wrote: 
> This is much too strong of a statement without some qualifications.
> WPA with AES-CCMP is strong, WPA with RC4 is substantially weaker, and
> is used in many (most?) places.
True, but I haven't found any evidence for a better attack than brute
force. Provided your key isn't in the dictionary, you're looking at a
pretty long search time. The examples I've seen indicate around
20keys/sec. Assuming I have hardware 10 times faster than that and a 10
character random key (using a-zA-Z0-9) I get a max search time of approx
4e15 seconds. Half that for an average hit time (assuming random
searching) and we're still looking at 6e7 years. (Apologies for any
math errors, corrections welcome!)

> To be 'decent' a password has to have a lot of entropy, which means
> true 
> random values. Just being long is not sufficient. A passphrase of:
> "A SlimDevices Transporter is a great audiophile component" is long,
> but 
> has trivial amounts of entropy, especially among folks on this forum.
How does the amount of entropy affect the crack time for brute force,
provided there's a trivial amount so the key isn't in a dictionary?
Let's say, for an example, that I have a really lame dict file that
only includes english words. In this situation "Bonjour" is just as
hard to crack as "aX2*i9:", and in fact "111" isn't any easier.  Of
course in real life Bonjour and 111 would be in the dictionary, so
the random-ish key is better. I guess I'm just not understanding your
comment on an MD5 hash not being good enough. Provided the attacker
doesn't know you make a habit of using MD5 to generate your keys I
think you're fine.

Of course there's another issue for the attacker once he's done with
the dictionary, and that's that he doesn't know how much entropy is in
my key, so he has to assume the maximum. I may have chosen to only use
upper case letters, but he has no idea that my key doesn't have numbers
in so he has to test those all the same. Now he may be smart and think
that I'm probably an idiot and have a really small character set, so
statistically he's better off hitting the lower-case-only keys first,
but you get my point.

> A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Agreed. The easiest way to break into WPA is probably to attack a node
on the network directly (via a trojan for example) and get the PSK from
an OS vulnerability.


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread slimpy

MrSinatra;296910 Wrote: 
> i understand what you (and he) are saying, but if i have a newer
> version, 2354, why would it tell me that 2287 is newer?  its different,
> its not newer.
> also, i was under the impression that all my updates were coming from
> either new SC7 nightlies, or the nightlies jive bin, not from the link
> he provided.
> in other words, from here:
> (and of course, at the moment no jive bin is available)
None of the SC downloads contain the jive firmware. SC always downloads
the firmware (bin) and version file from the link I provided in my
previous post.
Here's an excerpt from my server log if you don't believe me:


[08-04-30 01:54:05.3063] Slim::Utils::Firmware::init_jive_version_done 
(214) Downloading Jive firmware to: 
  [08-04-30 01:54:05.3066] Slim::Utils::Firmware::downloadAsync (410) 
Downloading in the background:
  [08-04-30 01:54:05.3069] 
Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP::_createHTTPRequest (105) GETing
  [08-04-30 01:54:05.3078] Slim::Networking::Async::connect (117) Connecting to
  [08-04-30 01:54:05.3089] Slim::Utils::Firmware::init_jive_version_done (228) 
Scheduling next jive.version check in 12 hours

This is a fresh install of SC 7.0.1 - 19242.
The downloaded bin and version file will remain in the Cache folder and
SC will check for updates every 12 hours (last line in the log above).
Now if you install a different firmware manually SC still thinks it has
the latest firmware in the Cache folder, recognizes the version mismatch
and pushes the firmware update to the controller.
If you don't want SC to mess with the jive firmware simply disable
automatic software updates in server settings, delete the jive firmware
bin file and the version file from the Cache folder and restart SC.
Then you can install any firmware you like on the controller and SC
will not complain.



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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-29 Thread bpa

A simple approach to test use of shell script.

cdda2wav is called many times so rather than edit the source files do
the following.

1. rename the current /usr/local/bin/cdda2wav to
/usr/local/bin/cdda2wavreal.  Check that it still runs with new name.
(I have assumed cdda2wav is in /usr/local/bin )
2. Copy code below into a file called cdda2wav in Plugins/CDplayer/Bin.
Make it executable.
3. Edit the script file to make the diskutil command run on your
4. Test script with the same params as previous runs of cdda2wav. 
There should be no difference in output.
5. If all OK - try with CDplayer plugin with SC.  If SC is run from
Terminal - when script is run the echo message will be displayed.


  if [ -x /usr/local/bin/$app ] ; then
  # Next line is only a guess - needs to be edited but redirection of stdout 
(1) is essential
  echo "cdda2wav script running " 1>&2
  diskutil unmount /dev/disk1 1>&2
  "$app" $*


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Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-29 Thread scottwmackey

JimC;291466 Wrote: 
> Having gone through lots of problems like this--most recently with an
> utterly awful experience with a 2wire residential gateway I got as part
> of my AT&T U-verse service--I know that it can be frustrating.-=> Jim

That's what I am using and it is totally hosed. Whenever I am connected
to SqueezeCenter, my Squeezebox will completely freeze within minutes.
It work flawless, however, through SqueezeNetwork. What did you do to
fix whatever your problem was?


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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread Triode

I notice text is smaller on a Nokia tablet with the new skin - could we
have an option to use the default skin or minimise the border for small


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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread bpa

How to access the old wiki ?  wikiradio is now broken.

Also other wiki pages with attachment (e.g. Infobrowser)  are not
available in new wiki.


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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread Fleury

The Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 is also a great PC system for a little less


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Re: [slim] Radio Canada Espace Musique ogg stream broken?

2008-04-29 Thread jaybo

So after some experimentation, I found an alternative stream that



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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Pat Farrell
radish wrote:
> 2. Break the WPA encryption
> decent password is basically impossible unless (and possibly even if)
> you're the NSA. 

This is much too strong of a statement without some qualifications.
WPA with AES-CCMP is strong, WPA with RC4 is substantially weaker, and 
is used in many (most?) places.

And the requirement for "decent password" is not often met. Weak 
passphrases can be detected and cracked with widely available and easy 
to use tools such as kismet.

To be 'decent' a password has to have a lot of entropy, which means true 
random values. Just being long is not sufficient. A passphrase of:
"A SlimDevices Transporter is a great audiophile component" is long, but 
has trivial amounts of entropy, especially among folks on this forum.

A good password looks like:
and this is actually a bad example, as it is not at all random, rather 
its the md5 checksum of a common file.

I generally do not make casual comments about NSA's code breaking 
ability. They are very good. If they want to break in, they probably will.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-29 Thread bpa

See post #76.(  )

The issues I have with unmounted before playing a track is there may be
a delay before starting to play a track also delays may result in SC
closing pipe.  Also the script will have to be edited by the user to
provide the right disk to unmount (e.g. disk1).  If the user gives
wrong disk then strange errors may happen.  I would prefer to minimise
user config that cannot be controlled.  As I said in post #76 - it
would be a stopgap.

The fact that Automount=Yes in Hostconfig - means there is some process
automounting and it should be possible to stop it. However without a Mac
onhand I was going through Apple developer reference (

I hadn't got around to writing the script but this is roughly how it
would be 
1. change in custom-convert.conf [cdda2wav] to []
2. In Plugins/CDplayer/Bin create an executable shell script called
3. I need to think a bit about the script as cdda2wav
can be badly behaved.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller will not update beyond 2097

2008-04-29 Thread bklaas

Sqeze;296899 Wrote: 
> I just bought a Duet yesterday and after setting it up, the remote
> wanted to update to r2097. I told it to go ahead, and it downloaded an
> update and rebooted. Now it is stuck in an endless loop. Every time it
> restarts, it tells me there is an update to download. The only option
> is to click "Begin Update". ("Back" doesn't allow me to exit). If I
> accept the message it says "Copying Update" for about 15 seconds (no
> progress display like the first time when it showed x% during the
> download) and it reboots again and shows the same message as before.).
> Right now the Duet is an expensive doorstop, as I can't use the remote
> at all.
> How can I reset it to an earlier, presumably working, firmware
> version?? Or a later version, if it works???

Are you using SqueezeCenter? If so, I'd suggest installing version
7.0.1 and see if that clears up your issue.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread ceejay

matmar10;296878 Wrote: 
> Good catch! Thanks -- should be fixed, now.

Sorry, no. Only fixed one out of three (wiki)



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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread bpa

How can we get at the old wiki radio pages  to move content - I'd like
to copy the Infobrowser stuff but I can't access old wiki ?

For wikiradio users -the wikireadio page also has disappeared - it was
supposed to stay until equivalent functionality was provided.


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Re: [slim] Playing cd's

2008-04-29 Thread danco

I have done a little bit of asking around (I could do more). One answer
I got seems so obvious that you must have thought of it and rejected

"Just replace all the calls to cdda2wav with calls to a procedure which

unmounts first then calls cdda2wav"


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Re: [slim] Duet and Favorites

2008-04-29 Thread Siduhe

Don't think the change has made it through to the nightly builds yet -
only to the svn version.  It should appear in the next couple of days.


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Re: [slim] Wallpapers on Duet

2008-04-29 Thread Siduhe

You need the plugin discussed in the above thread.  Be aware that some
people have experienced problems downloading the plugin via IE; Firefox
or Opera work best.


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread jth

My SBC works fine with SSID broadcast turned off. There were some
problems very early on in the
beta test but it has been fine for several months.

I have a similar setup to yours (WRT54GL, Tomato 1.19), but I don't
have any encryption turned on.


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread bhaagensen

Nonetheless I agree that it is a bug if the SBC cannot handle hidden
SSID, so if it is not working a bug report should be filed (if one does
not already exist). Of course it might not get very high priority.


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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread brawny

I've got these Klipsch computer speakers, and they sound quite good for
the price, IMHO.  They're powered, and include a fairly substantial

Hope this helps!


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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread radish

So to get into your network you would have to do the following:

1. Find the network (given that SSID beacon is off)
2. Break the WPA encryption
3. Grab a valid MAC to associate with the AP
4. Select an unused IP (no spoofing required)

Of these, all are trivially easy to do except step 2, which given a
decent password is basically impossible unless (and possibly even if)
you're the NSA. Hence, you could switch on the SSID and switch off the
MAC filtering and still be just as secure as you were before. However
now you wouldn't have all those niggly little issues with devices which
like to see the SSID or which have a new MAC to add to the router. More
convenience, more compatibility, same security.


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Re: [slim] The duet is a "Top Ten" Gadget (According to Cnet & myself)

2008-04-29 Thread maggior

But the Sonos didn't make the top 10!! :-).

I agree that there should be more user comments.  I''d provide one, but
I don't have the new Duet - I have the "old" SB3.

The CNet reviewer gave it a pretty good review.


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread rtitmuss

Lets get the debug from SqueezeCenter to see what is happening here, in
the SqueezeCenter web interface open the settings window (in the bottom
left corner of the default skin), then select the Advanced tab. Select
Logging in the drop down menu, then change player.firmware to Debug and
click on Apply. The log files are linked at the top of that page. Once
logging is enabled, restart your Controller then post the contents of
the log.



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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread Anne

bbaraniec;296895 Wrote: 
> Hey,
> Thanks for reply, no they are not powered. 
> Im looking for 2+1 with cinch (or how is it called that whit/red analog
> plug) but I can't find any.

You just need active speaker, not the normal ones. Active speakers have
built-in amplifiers, they work like your computer speakers. (if you have
Search for Audioengine A2, Quad 12L or Martin Logan Purity to
familiarize yourself with active speakers.


Squeezebox 3 > Stereovox XV2 > Bryston B100-DA SST > Carlsson OA50.2 >
Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread Mnyb

I have couple of small powered Fostex PM04 these can be paired with a
They sound surprisingly good for such a small system almost like real
speakers ( i've got bitten by the audiophile bug, many years ago ).

I use these in my kitchen I don't feel that i actually need the sub, my
0.02$ is that a sub only complicate things in a budget system 2
reasonable good speakers usually gets you more bang for the buck.

Or you can buy one of those horrible plastic 5.1 computer speaker
systems for the same $ with matching craptastic sound

Btw i think speaker questions are better asked in the audiophile
You will get more answers i can guarantee that ;-)

good luck , a good place for powered speakers is your local hobby music
store they usually have some speakers to cater all these  hobby
musicians that DIY there own recordings, they don't like to pay $$$ so
theres often a wide selection of small monitor speakers for a good


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread MrSinatra

Mitch Harding;296902 Wrote: 
> Actually, based on that last response, I am not sure it is broken.  If
> you
> go to the link he mentioned, the latest level for 7.0.1 is r2287.  I
> thought
> it was weird that I had a lot of updates prior to that, and none since
> r2287, but if that is indeed the latest for 7.0.1, then I guess my SBC
> is
> doing what it's supposed to -- the previous update/reboot problem
> notwithstanding.

i understand what you (and he) are saying, but if i have a newer
version, 2354, why would it tell me that 2287 is newer?  its different,
its not newer.

also, i was under the impression that all my updates were coming from
either new SC7 nightlies, or the nightlies jive bin, not from the link
he provided.

in other words, from here:

(and of course, at the moment no jive bin is available)

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] Hide SSID ?

2008-04-29 Thread Mnyb

Well I can see that MAC filtering can be cracked.

Does it not do any good as my filtered devices SB SBR and SBC are on
the net all the time.
and the only Mac's the router lets through is these  3 adresses.
So any hack has to compete with these for bandwith.
The Mac filterings works without any problems, I don't see why it would
be bad, my setups rarely changes.
So i don't see it as a hustle to alter the router settings once or
twice a year.
My network is so static that it is in fact completely static, no DCHP

I do use WPA2 AES but i'm not so paranoid that i have an completely
randomized code... yet.
it's 15 characters long. And i skipped the most obvious traps and did 
not use a pass based on family names, pets etc or common language.

So what would happen's if someone did crac my  security you have to
spoof 1 mac adress crac my WPA2 code spoof an IP nr, would not
something crash if 2 devices had the same MAC and IP or same MAC and 2
different IP's. What would the router do ?

I could change my code to something random but then i have to setup the
receiver again, ouch !

btw why would an hidden SSID invite haxx0rs ? how fun can a 4port
router at a private home be ?
I just don't want to invite the local kids to do something.

A real hacker would probably crac it instantly. but who would want to
get me ?


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Re: [slim] Connection issue to Mac

2008-04-29 Thread eddie


server 6.5.4 works flawlessly

7 ad 71 huge connection issues :-(


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[slim] Wallpapers on Duet

2008-04-29 Thread bbaraniec


Sorry for lame questions I got my duet since 2h :P

1. I saw somewhere on forum collection of wallpapers for duet but can't
find it right now.
2. How can I upload wallpapers to controller?


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller will not update beyond 2097

2008-04-29 Thread Sqeze

I just bought a Duet yesterday and after setting it up, the remote
wanted to update to r2097. I told it to go ahead, and it downloaded an
update and rebooted. Now it is stuck in an endless loop. Every time it
restarts, it tells me there is an update to download. The only option
is to click "Begin Update". ("Back" doesn't allow me to exit). If I
accept the message it says "Copying Update" for about 15 seconds (no
progress display like the first time when it showed x% during the
download) and it reboots again and shows the same message as before.).

Right now the Duet is an expensive doorstop, as I can't use the remote
at all.

How can I reset it to an earlier, presumably working, firmware
version?? Or a later version, if it works???



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Re: [slim] Connection issue to Mac

2008-04-29 Thread eddie

I'm seeing this in the mac log:-

Its changing its local hostname now there is only a mac and the sqyeeze
box on the network both dhcp

any ideas??


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread Mitch Harding
Actually, based on that last response, I am not sure it is broken.  If you
go to the link he mentioned, the latest level for 7.0.1 is r2287.  I thought
it was weird that I had a lot of updates prior to that, and none since
r2287, but if that is indeed the latest for 7.0.1, then I guess my SBC is
doing what it's supposed to -- the previous update/reboot problem

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 1:29 PM, MrSinatra <

> of course, the problem with that is twofold...
> first, there have been numerous times the SBC would not let me do
> ANYTHING other than apply an update.
> and second, regardless of whether i need it or not, the functionality
> to get a proper update is currently broken (for Mitch and myself) and
> needs fixed.
> i'm willing to do whatever, i just need some help or direction from
> slim as to what to do.  i can't find what i think is the proper cache
> file, and i need richard or someone to tell me where to look.
> if after clearing out all possible remnants i still have the issue,
> it'll be up to slim to tell me what to do next.  i know how to factory
> reset, but i haven't "debug'd" before, so i could use some expounding
> by richard/slim.
> --
> MrSinatra
> Using:
> Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
> Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
> MrSinatra's Profile:
> View this thread:
> ___
> discuss mailing list
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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread MrSinatra

of course, the problem with that is twofold...

first, there have been numerous times the SBC would not let me do
ANYTHING other than apply an update.

and second, regardless of whether i need it or not, the functionality
to get a proper update is currently broken (for Mitch and myself) and
needs fixed.

i'm willing to do whatever, i just need some help or direction from
slim as to what to do.  i can't find what i think is the proper cache
file, and i need richard or someone to tell me where to look.

if after clearing out all possible remnants i still have the issue,
it'll be up to slim to tell me what to do next.  i know how to factory
reset, but i haven't "debug'd" before, so i could use some expounding
by richard/slim.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread bbaraniec


Thanks for reply, no they are not powered. 
Im looking for 2+1 with cinch (or how is it called that whit/red analog
plug) but I can't find any.


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Re: [slim] UK Power Supply Spares

2008-04-29 Thread DaveWr

mr-b;294010 Wrote: 
> The CPC Stontronics PSU is "heftier" in that it is bulkier and heavier
> than the SB3 PSU.
> Re: the rating, the Slimdevices site says that the SB3 needs just 1A:
> I know current delivery headroom is good for amps but is it that
> necessary on digital/line-level kit?
> Either way, to me it sounded like an improvement on the original PSU
> and has been working fine for a few months.

I bought the Stontronics unit.  I agree it is at least comparable if
not better.  Also told the European helpdesk that they are not exactly
following UK Sale of Goods act.  EU power supplies with adaptors don't
meet UK wiring requirements.  Fused plugs and all that.  But I am
working again.  

Thanks for everybodies help - except Slim Devices / Logitech !


SB3 > Lavry DA10 > Cyrus 8VS > Acapella SE (troels Gravesen Dipole)
SB3 > Leak Stereo 20 (old old valve amplifier) > Mission 781


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Re: [slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread sc53

Are your Cambridge speakers powered? If not that's why they're so quiet,
they aren't being amped. People speak highly of the Audioengine line of
powered speakers, and some even like the tiny powered Bose 2.1 powered
systems. And then there's my old fashioned friend who just upgraded his
system after about 35 years to a $100 set of Logitech 2.1 powered
speakers and is literally blown away by the sound compared to what he's
used to.


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Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-29 Thread C_Swe

I just wanted to let you know how my connection problem was resolved. I
used to have a problem choosing music source from the controller. The
screen would show the name of my computer running SqueezeCenter (SC) as
well as SqueezeNetwork (SN), but trying to select SC only showed the
"connecting" screen for a long time (every time) before finally saying
that the connection failed. This issued was solved either by upgrading
my Linksys WRT54G router firmware to DD-WRT v23, by the latest software
upgrade on the controller, or both (I did not have time to try just the
new router firmware because the controller auto-updated). I suspect the
problem was the router firmware, since I saw a comment about my old
third-party (Satori) firmware causing similar problems with other

My only problem now is that the SC default skin is very slow in
Firefox, but selecting the "classic" skin solves that.

SqueezeCenter: 7.0.1 - 19133
Controller software version: 7.1 r2349 [EMAIL PROTECTED] #53
Firmware: 23 (as stated on controller when it is connected to receiver)


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-29 Thread gwnzen

jeremy;296757 Wrote: 
> I use 2 small XP utilities to hibernate and wake my PC each day.
> WinOFF - - sends it to
> hibernate at a set time each night and Wakeuponstandby -
> - wakes it in
> the morning
> I save 8 hours power per day and seems pretty reliable although I do a
> full reboot every now and then to pick up windows updates etc
> Jeremy

I use WIndows Power management to hibernate my pc when idle for 10
minutes, so at night when i finish listening,(e.g sb3 sleep after 60
minutes) 10 minutes later my pc automaticly hibernate while i'm on
slumberland. In the morning my windows' scheduled task run
spidersolitaire (any program will do) with 'wake the computer to run
this task' ticked which wake my pc a minute before sb3 alarm me. I also
ticked 'stop the task if the computer ceases to be idle' and 'stop the
task if it runs for 1 minute', to decaf the computer so it can
hibernate again after running the task and after the sb3 sleep.
hope this help
wuntoro nitiatmodjo


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Re: [slim] WOL for Duet and XP?

2008-04-29 Thread MadScientist

WoL won't work under all conditions.   If you power up the Controller
and Receiver from cold, there's no means to wake SqueezeCenter in
standby. Once powered up (and SG woken by other means the first
time) the Controller will retain it's capacity for WoL provided the
network connection isn't lost etc.(whereupon it loses most of it menu

The above assumes that you bios settings and NIC have been
appropriately configured for WoL.



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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread matmar10

ceejay;296732 Wrote: 
> Not entirely.  From the "buttons" at the top, while in the Forum,
> Community->Forums and Community->Wiki are broken.
> Edit: And Support -> Forums, though not exactly broken, is incorrect
> Ceejay

Good catch! Thanks -- should be fixed, now.


|\/|atthew J |\/|artin

"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in
a narrow field." - Niels Bohr

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread matmar10

autopilot;296697 Wrote: 
> This is all very odd. I suspect there must be more going on behind the
> scenes, maybe some disagreements about branding.
> Why? That makes no sense. Simply redirect all traffic that head for the
> old URL to a new one. 
> "Slim" has been killed everywhere, the software, the marketing, the
> hardware. Why confuse matters by keeping it on the website. New
> (potential) customers will be confused. 
> And why -EVENTUALLY-? Where has the uncertainty come from now? I
> thought it was pretty clear cut, the decision was made and you wasted
> no time in it getting rid of the name elsewhere. Now the decision is to
> stall it for some reason?
> Could this be indication that you are starting to realise what an
> absolutely HUGE mistake killing the Slim Devices brand is? 
> For what its worth i am not that bothered really, but it's a shame to
> lose Slim Devices. I know this discussion have been done to death and i
> will still buy your products. It just makes no sense to do this!
> Cheers for all the work, i think the new site is much nicer :)

All good questions that I unfortunately don't have the answers to.
These are decisions for much higher-ups with a great breadth of
branding expertise than myself =) "Stay Tuned".


|\/|atthew J |\/|artin

"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in
a narrow field." - Niels Bohr

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread matmar10

Sike;296873 Wrote: 
> Is there no link to or can i just not find it?

Are you using IE6? The drop downs are broken in IE6 -- I'm currently
working on getting a fix for this rolled out. 

An alternative (in the meantime before the menu is fixed in IE6) you
can click on "Support" and click the link in the 3rd paragraph.


|\/|atthew J |\/|artin

"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in
a narrow field." - Niels Bohr

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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread erland

ceejay;296865 Wrote: 
> I did really mean "parent", yes. There is a certain amount of inline
> navigation amongst the various pages, and being able to go up a level
> seems like a good idea.  For the moment I've just added a fixed link at
> the top of each page, until someone has a better idea.
I think the correct way to do is is through sub pages, but that is
disabled by default as JimC said a few posts back in this thread.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread Sike

Is there no link to or can i just not find it?


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[slim] What speakers?

2008-04-29 Thread bbaraniec


I just got duet installed and connected two old speakers from cambridge
soundworks but they are insane quiet.
What kida 2+1 speaker would you recommend?


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Re: [slim] what ever happened to the bug-tracker?

2008-04-29 Thread kdf



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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread kdf
> peter;296735 Wrote:
>> autopilot wrote:
>> > "Slim" has been killed everywhere, the software, the marketing, the
>> > hardware. Why confuse matters by keeping it on the website. New
>> > (potential) customers will be confused.
>> >
>> The Transporter is still marketed under the SD name IIRC.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
> In the aptly-named graphic on the site "knobdetail-full-withlogo" it
> seems SD branding on the TP is being dropped . . . (but not in favour
> of Logitech?)

I believe that this is what was stated a while back in the unreadably long
logo threads.


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[slim] what ever happened to the bug-tracker?

2008-04-29 Thread Maditude

Haven't been here in ages, and I got to thinking to myself, I wonder if
I should update my old 6.3 SlimServer (running on an old freebsd 5.5). 
Looks like there's been lotsa changes!  Anyways, is the old bug tracker
still around?  I thought I'd check on a couple of old issues that I was
interested in, but I can't seem to find it.


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[slim] The duet is a "Top Ten" Gadget (According to Cnet & myself)

2008-04-29 Thread Sike

It's right up there with the WII ;) If you look at the review the Duet
needs some user comments in there, the Sonos has far better user


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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread ceejay

erland;296850 Wrote: 
> Just to be sure, with "parent" page I suppose you mean the parent page
> and not the page you came from ? 
> The reason I'm asking is because "the page you came from" is probably
> easiest accessed by just hitting the "back" button in the web browser.

I did really mean "parent", yes. There is a certain amount of inline
navigation amongst the various pages, and being able to go up a level
seems like a good idea.  For the moment I've just added a fixed link at
the top of each page, until someone has a better idea.

Thanks also for the pointer on "discussion" pages. I guess all we need
now is for people to start using them!



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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread slimpy

Jive firmware updates are not downloaded from the nightlies folder but
from this location:
The subdirectory is chosen based on the SC version you're running.
The latest update for 7.0.1 is r2287.

I can't spreak for Slimdevices but I think the intention is to only
provide the minimal and to some extent reliable firmware version needed
to run the beta versions of the software.
Just like the nightly builds of SC the Jive nightly builds can
introduce bugs at any time.

Don't run the betas (and don't run Jive betas from the nightlies!) if
you don't have a specific reason to do so.



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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread morris_minor

peter;296735 Wrote: 
> autopilot wrote:
> > "Slim" has been killed everywhere, the software, the marketing, the
> > hardware. Why confuse matters by keeping it on the website. New
> > (potential) customers will be confused. 
> >   
> The Transporter is still marketed under the SD name IIRC.
> Regards,
> Peter

In the aptly-named graphic on the site "knobdetail-full-withlogo" it
seems SD branding on the TP is being dropped . . . (but not in favour
of Logitech?)

|Filename: knobdetail-full-withlogo.jpg |


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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread erland

matmar10;296616 Wrote: 
> For example, I'd like to include a module to track user contributed
> plug-ins similar to what Mozilla Firefox does so everyone can vote,
> rank, comment etc. Others could be something daily 'tip', background
> img, SC/SN skin, etc ... There's many exciting possibilities, this is
> just one example. 
I suppose you have already done so, but if you haven't, make sure to
integrate this with SqueezeCenter as a plugin download/install manager
for third party plugins has been planned for a future SqueezeCenter


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Persnickety Pandora

2008-04-29 Thread SadieKate

I'm going to move this to the SqueezeNetwork forum because I'm narrowing
it down.  I opened SN to see what it said was happening and it showed
that the player was stopped.  I choose a Pandora personal station and
started it.  The Duet started up immediately.   Somehow, SN isn't
sync-ing Pandora with the Duet.


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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread erland

ceejay;296658 Wrote: 
> Ah, ok, see what you've done now.  I found it confusing at first as when
> you click one of the category links you get taken to a page that doesn't
> exist (the page for that category). I can see that being useful for
> someone like you editing some pages and wanting to keep track, but you
> weren't planning on leaving it like that, were you?
It wasn't me, I just found that page and listed it as an example. 
Someone else had already added the categories.

ceejay;296658 Wrote: 
> As a trial of the concept I've created a category for "Beginners Guide
> Pages" with some simple content so its more user friendly.
> I think I still want a link to the "parent" page from each child -
> otherwise its two clicks to get back, which is a bit annoying.
Just to be sure, with "parent" page I suppose you mean the parent page
and not the page you came from ? 
The reason I'm asking is because "the page you came from" is probably
easiest accessed by just hitting the "back" button in the web browser.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread erland

ceejay;296836 Wrote: 
> On a separate matter, I've popped a couple of notes in "discussion"
> pages but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to go to pages where
> there is discussion present? 
This should find all talk pages available:

I'm not sure if you somehow can combine this search with the "Edit
Needed" category.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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[slim] Persnickety Pandora

2008-04-29 Thread SadieKate

Is Pandora very inconsistent in its operations?  When I play internet
radio, player operation seems to be consistent and doesn't drop, but
the player frequently stops when I use a Pandora station and the only
way to get Pandora back is to keep revert to an internet radio station
and then go back to Pandora.  As of this morning, I can't get anything
from Pandora.  The receiver shows that the station is playing but there
is no sound or artwork.

Is this Pandora or last night's SW update?


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Re: [slim] SBC major software update bug?

2008-04-29 Thread Mitch Harding
I am having this problem also.  For a while my SBC was telling me every day
about an update, which I would dutifully apply.  Then one day I hit the
update which would crash the SBC whenever I tried to auto-update to it.  I
did the manual update workaround, and that resolved the problem.

Recently I noticed that it had not asked me to update in quite some time.  I
checked and saw that, sure enough, it was at r2287.  I downloaded the latest
jive bin file from here:

I renamed it to jive.bin, put it on an SD card, and applied it to the SBC
manually.  Worked fine, now I'm at r2354.  However, when I check the
software update menu from the SBC, it still says there is an update
available to r2287.  Odd!

I looked on my Squeezecenter system to find any old jive binaries lying
$ find / -name *jive*.bin -print

I deleted all of those, but still the SBC reported that r2287 update was
available.  That got me thinking that probably there was some data file
which told it when an update was available...

$ sudo find / -name *jive* -print
$ cat /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache/jive.version
7.0.1 r2287
[EMAIL PROTECTED] #48 Sat Apr 19 01:23:24 PDT 2008

Aha!  So why does that file still list r2287?  Anyway, I deleted all of
those files, rebooted the SBC, but *still* it insists that r2287 update is
available.  At this point I am guessing this information must also be cached
somewhere on the SBC itself.  I'm wondering if a factory reset is the way to
clear that out.


On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 4:04 PM, MrSinatra <

> rtitmuss;296258 Wrote:
> > No, I've never heard of this problem before. I would suggest stopping
> > your SqueezeCenter, removing any files that include with in the jive
> > filename from your SqueezeCenter Cache folder, and restarting
> > SqueezeCenter.
> where exactly is this folder?  i can't find it.
> when i find it, is it safe to just delete all contents in it?
> --
> MrSinatra
> Using:
> Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
> Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
> MrSinatra's Profile:
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> ___
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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-04-29 Thread ceejay

On a separate matter, I've popped a couple of notes in "discussion"
pages but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to go to pages where
there is discussion present? Which isn't making this an effective means
of provoking one!  Any comments on a better way to do this would be

Also - there is a problem on the "Squeezebox" page, of all places: my
comment in "discussion" is


  The content of this page clearly relates to the specific SB1 model ... yet 
there are dozens of pages
  that link to "Squeezebox" meaning the whole family of players. I suggest that 
this content be 
  moved to a new "SB1" page and that some new content be created here. Any 



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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread JJZolx

peter;296735 Wrote: 
> The Transporter is still marketed under the SD name IIRC.

They probably made one production run of the faceplates.



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Re: [slim] New Slim Website

2008-04-29 Thread FredFredrickson

I'm using Opera 9.10 in windows, design looks good for me. Must be a

Opera users UNITE!


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Re: [slim] WOL for Duet and XP?

2008-04-29 Thread oreillymj

You'll need to provide more info on your OS and perhaps NIC to be given
precise instructions.


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[slim] Duet Remote and Connecting

2008-04-29 Thread elziko

I'm thinking of getting a Duet remote & receiver. I will place the
receiver at one end of my kitchen where I know that it will get a
sufficiently strong connection to my router so that it can connect to
my Slimsever.

However, as I walk to the other end of my kitchen I know that the Wi-Fi
signal drops quite a lot. If I take the remote to that end of the room I
don't think it would get a reliable connection to my router.

Obviously the remote will still be very close to the actual receiver so
will it be able to connect directly to the receiver, missing out my
wireless router and still be able to control the receiver as well as
all the other SB3s in the house that are connected through my wireless



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[slim] WOL for Duet and XP?

2008-04-29 Thread kimballhouse

Computer, router (Linksys) and Squeezebox are cabled together with Cat5
based on posts at this site to avoid two wireless loops and enable

I cannot figure out how to WOL.  
If someone could provide very specific directions how to configure the
computer I would be most appreciative.

Separate question:
Is there a way to tell whether the Squeezebox is using the ethernet
cable or the wireless function?


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Re: [slim] SC 7 playing tracks in alpha betical order

2008-04-29 Thread der_max

..thanks for that hint! I'll check that!


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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-29 Thread jstraw

mherger;296754 Wrote: 
> > The application cannot be stopped using the tray icon, a reboot of the
> > computer is required.
> Is there no option to do this or does it fail? If there's no option,
> then SC is being run as a background service - user Windows service
> manager to start/stop it.
> -- 
> Michael

It fails. It's on the context menu and when you click it, the flag that
says it's stopping pops up, then fades. But it never stops. And the time
I tried, killing the process in the task manager would not work. In all
cases, rebooting works, obviously.

I have no objection to running it as a service. How complicated is that
to set up? I don't know if that would solve my problems, no nothing for
them or add new problems though. For me, having it launch at startup as
an application is just as long as it works. 

Is 7.0  17793 the proper version for 32 bit Vista?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2008-04-29 Thread Rick B .

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel

- 2-channel system
- 5.1/6.1/7.1-channel system

I listen to my SB 100% in a 4.1 setup (phantom center channel). I've
been listening in surround-only now for more than 30 years (early
quadraphonic user) and find that my ears just can't go back to
2-channel. I do understand why purists do it. To each his own.

Rick B.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2008-04-29 Thread ncarver

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel

- 2-channel system
- 5.1/6.1/7.1-channel system

I recently got a duet to use with our "home theater" setup based on an
NAD 7.1 receiver.  Run the SR into the receiver via coax.  Generally
prefer plain stereo playback for music.  Keep trying the surround sound
modes, and occasionally like one with certain music, but they all have
negative effects as well.  Actually, the NAD has a "surround" mode
where it just duplicates the stereo to the rear channels, and if you
turn those channels way down, it does add a bit of "space" without any
corruption, so often do that.

Am planning on getting a second duet for the "real audio system" (as
the duet has spoiled me for changing CDs), but that is pure stereo (of


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Re: [slim] Caller ID and Slimserver

2008-04-29 Thread the cosmic gate

update the reg ?(i never read about it)

The log :
04-29-2008 13:31:05.562 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\tapisrv.dll,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.562 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdm.tsp, Version
04-29-2008 13:31:05.562 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\unimdmat.dll,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.562 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\uniplat.dll,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\modem.sys,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\modemui.dll,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - File: C:\WINDOWS\system32\mdminst.dll,
Version 5.2.3790 
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - Modem type: Creative Modem Blaster V.92
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - Modem inf path: oem10.inf
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - Modem inf section: ModemX
04-29-2008 13:31:05.578 - Matching hardware ID:
04-29-2008 13:31:05.781 - Opening Modem
04-29-2008 13:31:05.781 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
04-29-2008 13:31:05.781 - Initializing modem.
04-29-2008 13:31:05.781 - DSR is low while initializing the modem.
Verify modem is turned on.
04-29-2008 13:31:05.796 - Send: AT
04-29-2008 13:31:05.796 - Recv: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.796 - Interpreted response: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.812 - Send:
04-29-2008 13:31:05.953 - Recv: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.953 - Interpreted response: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.968 - Send:
04-29-2008 13:31:05.968 - Recv: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.968 - Interpreted response: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.968 - Sending user initialization commands.
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Send: AT+VCID=1
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Recv: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Interpreted response: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Waiting for a call.
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Send: ATS0=0
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Recv: OK
04-29-2008 13:31:05.984 - Interpreted response: OK

the cosmic gate

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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN before alarm occurs

2008-04-29 Thread jeremy

I use 2 small XP utilities to hibernate and wake my PC each day.

WinOFF - - sends it to
hibernate at a set time each night and Wakeuponstandby - - wakes it in
the morning

I save 8 hours power per day and seems pretty reliable although I do a
full reboot every now and then to pick up windows updates etc




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Re: [slim] New Slim Website

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Herger
> Out of interest, do you know if web stats are collected on the site?
> How many visitors, where from, etc

I think marketing does so. Matthew mentioned the new layout being based on some 
number saying that >9x% were using scrrens larger than 800x600. They must be 
collecting more information than just this. But I don't know the details.


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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Herger
> The application cannot be stopped using the tray icon, a reboot of the
> computer is required.

Is there no option to do this or does it fail? If there's no option, then SC is 
being run as a background service - user Windows service manager to start/stop 


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Re: [slim] 20% off Duet prices from Logitech UK

2008-04-29 Thread chipbutty

I ordered Sunday night and it's currently winging its way over from
Germany. Should be here tomorrow. What a bargain.


SB3 > Beresford TC-7510 MK6/3 > Rega Brio > Rega Jura

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Re: [slim] New Slim Website

2008-04-29 Thread morris_minor

mherger;296743 Wrote: 
> >
> You not only need to be in the minority of Opera users, but Opera on
> Mac, too...
> -- 
> Michael

I feel very special . . .   :o)

Out of interest, do you know if web stats are collected on the site?
How many visitors, where from, etc



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Re: [slim] Slimserver won't scan through a shortcut!

2008-04-29 Thread roll - gybe

Thanks Ben, I found that one on the internet and I tried for an hour to
make it work.  The "run as administrator" box was greyed out.  I think
I might have to set up an admin account or something.  Who knows.

roll - gybe

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Re: [slim] Caller ID and Slimserver

2008-04-29 Thread Duman

It seems like the caller ID string is correct, if your other caller ID
programs are working correctly.  You can confirm this by viewing your
modem log.

Also, have you updated your registry according to the YAC instructions?


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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-29 Thread jstraw

I'm running 7.0 on Home Premium

The application cannot be stopped using the tray icon, a reboot of the
computer is required.

The application fails with some frequency and again, it cannot be
stopped and started from the tray icon and cannot be killed from task
manager either.

It's important for Squeezecenter to not die and it's important to be
able to stop and start it when I wish too.

Are there solutions for these issues?


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Re: [slim] New Slim Website

2008-04-29 Thread Michael Herger
> Version 9.27
> But - I still get the same problem (and I've cleared the browser cache,
> too).

I would have been surprised if the version had fixed the issue :-). But I can 
confirm that Opera on Mac does show this odd behaviour. You not only need to be 
in the minority of Opera users, but Opera on Mac, too...


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[slim] squeezecenter and slimp3slave volume control

2008-04-29 Thread jeepcook


I'm french so excuse me by advance for my bad english language.

I installed on a nas cs-406 (synology power pc like ds-101) ssods ans
squeezecenter 7.

I plugged on a usb port an audio card to deliver sound.

I launched slimp3slave -b to play mp3 tracks.

>From the squeezecenter web interface I play music and sound is OK. 

My problem is that I can't control sound volume level. Volume don't
increase or deacrease when I move the sound bar.

I tried squeezesoft, so the sound is very bad, I have very big latency
and this soft seem to use high memory or cpu usage... I would like to
try squeezeslave but I'm not sure that it's possible to control the
volume sound, and compilation failed for this soft in my nas.

Is there a solution, a parameter to change to enable sound control on
slimp3slave, or a patch to enable this function ? I want for the moment
control my server from the web interface, after when all will be ok, I
want to control the music server with a psp or nokia 770. So for that I
need a full working solution.

Thanks for your help.



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Re: [slim] Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2008-04-29 Thread getprogs

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel

- 2-channel system
- 5.1/6.1/7.1-channel system

Limited by (in no particular order):

Speaker price (costly*2,5/*3,5 just does not cut it with my salary)
Electricity cost (I am a class-A fan)
the missys (married)

So it is a 2 channel setup, and if she had the deciding vote it would
all be B&O :-/


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Re: [slim] view pictures on SBController

2008-04-29 Thread Peter

Michael Herger wrote:

It would be nice to be able to view pictures on the SBController. Did
anyone develop a plugin that does this ?

There's a Flickr plugin doing this.

Not everyone has or wants his pix on Flickr.
A plugin that browses pictures on the server could be very nice.

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Re: [slim] New site design

2008-04-29 Thread Peter
autopilot wrote:
> "Slim" has been killed everywhere, the software, the marketing, the
> hardware. Why confuse matters by keeping it on the website. New
> (potential) customers will be confused. 

The Transporter is still marketed under the SD name IIRC.


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