[slim] Questions re: bridging with SBR

2008-06-07 Thread NathanielK

I uninstalled the distribution and installed

Now when I click on the udap_shell.pl, a command prompt window flashes
on the screen for a second and goes away.

Is there a different distribution of Active Perl I should look for?


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Re: [slim] SB3 spontaneously reboots itself

2008-06-07 Thread anvil

Update and problem solved(?).

I followed Mnybs and Sikes recommendations and my Squeezebox haven´t
rebooted itself since (knock on wood!).

Thanks for the help guys!


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[slim] SC crashes as a service

2008-06-07 Thread jep76

I'd really like to run SqueezeCenter as a service, since my wife has her
own Windows account, but would like to listen to music while I'm away.

Unfortunately, when SqueezeCenter is set to start as a service, it
crashes on system startup:
Application popup: squeezecenter.exe - Application Error : The
instruction at "0x0012e83d" referenced memory at "0x". The
memory could not be "written".

Looking at the logs, SqueezeCenter appears to fail connecting to MySQL,
so I believe this is some kind of dependency issue. I've modified the
service to depend on SqueezeMySQL, without success.

Has anyone else encountered this? Has anyone had any luck fixing it?


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Re: [slim] Trojoan in scanner.exe?!

2008-06-07 Thread Peter
auronthas wrote:
> SamS;309519 Wrote: 
>> I downloaded the standard 7.0.1 when I couldn't get 7.0 to work, and it
>> still doesn't work.  So.. I can download the nightly 7.0.1, but then do
>> I run an AVG scan?  Or just try to rescan SC?  And when I get the AVG
>> error, what do I do?  Ignore, Heal or something else?
> I completely deleted the infected scanner.exe in c:/program
> files/slimserver/server as well as recycle bin. 

There is no infected scanner.exe. It's a false alarm. Do you trust your 
virus scanner more than your own common sense?


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread Patrick Dixon

egd;309565 Wrote: 
> Do you have '*ia32-libs*' (http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ia32-libs)
> installed?  I understand it needs to be installed to run 32 bit progs
> under 64 bit.

I do now ... and MiP Server runs!

Many thanks for all your help.

Patrick Dixon


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[slim] Artwork resizing - could it be managed better?

2008-06-07 Thread cwinson

Bit of a long one this I'm afraid

I've been doing some investigation into artwork resizing and caching in
7.01, prompted by the fact that it takes 30 secs to resample a 500x500
image on my RadyNAS NV+ to each required size, which means teh
interface runs like a dog

Note: I have tried reducing the size of my standard artwork files to
see if it helps - it does reduce the resample time (to 15 secs), but
it's still not manageable

Having turned on logging in the server, I've seen the following:

1) Artwork is cached on a per song basis, rather than a per-album

2) The initial scan creates and caches some artwork sizes (see below)
but only for the first song in the album

3) There are 7 different representations of artwork that I've seen:

50x50 (pad) - Created and cached for each album during initial scan.
Used for web interface album thumbnails

100x100 (pad) - Created and cached for each album during initial scan.
Used for web interface 'now playing' thumbnails

56x56 (original) - Created and cached for each album during initial
scan. Used in controller interface for album thumbnail

96x96 (pad) - Not created during initial scan. Used for 'now playing'
thumbnail in web interface. Gets created and cached when a song is
first played via controller, causing delay in now playing artwork to

154x154 (original) - Not created during initial scan. Used for smaller
'now playing' thumbnail in controller. Gets created and cached when a
song is first played via controller, causing delay in now playing
artwork to appear

186x186 (original) - Not created during initial scan. Used for larger
'now playing' thumbnail in controller. Gets created and cached when a
song is first played via controller, causing delay in now playing
artwork to appear

240x240 (original) - Not created during initial scan. Used for 'show
artwork' screen in controller. Gets created and cached on first
request, causing delay in artwork to appear

25x25 - Not created during initial scan. Used for small non-artwork
thumbnails in the web interface. Gets created and cached on first
request, causing delay in the web interface to work first time

3) Most of the standard icons which sit alongside the cover art (e.g.
'no cover art' logo, favourites logo, genre logo etc.) come in a
standard jpg size (336x336) and have to be resampled on first use in
the interfaces (web and/or controller). This causes delays in first use
of either interface - particularly when using readyNas server

Some observations:

1) The initial scan doesn't do much to help the controller interface in
terms of resizing and caching artwork. Only the 56x56 image is used by
the controller

2) There is no sharing of cached cover art for different songs in the
same album. I understand that some people may have embedded artwork
which can vary by song, but if folder.jpg is used, the cached versions
should be re-used where possible

3) More could/should be done during the initial scan to help out those
of us who predominantly use the controller interface as opposed to the
web interface. Perhaps this could be made configurable so that I could
get all resizing and caching requirements done up front as opposed to
on first use.

4) If nothing can be done around point 2 (different songs, same album),
getting the initial scan to create artwork for all of the songs would be
useful - at least as an option

5) The standard logos used in the interfaces should be pre-prepared and
cached to meet requirements rather than on first use.

Overall, I think there a lots of things that can be done around the
management of artwork which would make the interfaces run much better.
It's particularly bad with ReadyNas, but would help across the board.
It may take some more programming and/or config options, but I think
it's worthwhile.

If all I had was my readynas nv+ to run the server, I would have given
up on the duet and returned it. At the moment, I'm using another
machine to run the server and it's useable - but has other issues.
Ideally I would migrate back to readynas as it's the only always-on
machine in the house.


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Re: [slim] New Wiki Open for Editing!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

found the solution. Install openoffice.org-java-common and the
OpenOffice extension will work.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

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[slim] Buffering problem

2008-06-07 Thread Tom18

I have been using Slimserver successfully for a number of years and
recently upgraded to Sqeezecenter. I am now experiencing buffering
problems, basically music plays but fades then starts again etc. I have
not changed any connections and my Slimserver is connected by Cat 5
cable. I recorded my music recorded as .wma (lossless) but now shows up
as wm(TM)audio don’t know what the difference is and I have searched the
net for the answer. Can anybody help with this?

I have downloaded Switch Sound file converter and have converted some
to .wma at 128kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR, 160kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR,
192kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR, 256kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR and
320kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR and these have played. I have also converted
two albums to OGG Vorbis at level 6 and 8 and both play without a
problem. So it looks like I need to convert all my files.? However this
leaves me with the problem of converting each album individually and I
have over 900 albums stored. Does anyone know of any software that will
covert batches of albums? Also what would be the best audio file to
covert to .wma at 320kpps,44kHz,stereoCBR or OGG Vorbis at level 8?


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Re: [slim] Buffering problem

2008-06-07 Thread andynormancx

I think it would be best to find the source of your problem rather than
to convert all your files.

However if you do go down the route of converting then the best format
to convert to would be FLAC. FLAC is a lossless format, so you'll keep
the full quality of your lossless WMA files.

The best batch converter that I have used is dbPowerAmp.



Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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[slim] Problem with accented characters in playlists

2008-06-07 Thread Nostromo

Not sure if this a known issue or not. I searched and I only found
pre-7.0 threads. 

When I create a playlist with accented characters in SqueezeCenter, it
frequently changes the accented character with another one. For
example, the last time it happened, it changed "quatuors à cordes" to
"quatuors à cordes". 

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0.1 - 19705 @ Wed May 14 19:43:37 PDT 2008 -
Windows Vista - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


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Re: [slim] MusicIP causes to become Miscellaneous

2008-06-07 Thread whicken

Philip Meyer;308314 Wrote: 
> >I can't see any options in MusicIP to turn off this effect.  Anyone
> know of a work around?
> >
> I've patched the MusicIP plugin to avoid this issue, until a fix is
> available in MusicIP.
> MusicIP assumes that if an album or genre tag is blank, the name should
> be "Miscellaneous".  A blank artist tag becomes "Various Artists" (which
> is also a very bad/wrong thing to do).  Blank track names become "Track
> n".
> ...
> I should do a better patch for the MusicIP plugin, such that if the
> music file is already in the SC library, it will only set the mixable
> flag for the song, artist, album and genre.  If the file doesn't exist
> in the library, then it could read the tags from MusicIP and add them
> to the SC library.  Generally, I don't ever want to take any tags from
> MusicIP, because it would probably be wrong and cause inconsistencies
> in the music library (i.e. not follow the same rules for compilations,
> album artists, artist sort, etc).
> So essentially, I think it should not take tags from MusicIP, just find
> tracks that are mixable.

As of MusicIP Mixer 1.9 beta 5 (released yesterday), the HTTP API will
no longer send the default values for missing metadata (they still show
up in the UI, but that shouldn't be an issue for SC).  The beta is only
available for Windows at the moment, but we will be doing a linux
release in the future.

Anyways, if someone could test the Windows version to make sure it's
giving correct results with SC, that would be fantastic.

Also - note that the metadata mixer sends over the API is only the
metadata from the files.  We do not use the "suggested tag fixes" from
MusicDNS unless a user specifically applies those to their files.  So
any other issues reported here about strange metadata are probably
likely to issues such as album artist not being consistent with track
artist in the file.  Those are things you might want to fix in your
files independent of the mixer.  If someone has concrete examples, or
info to the contrary, I'd be happy to investigate to make sure things
are working as smoothly as possible.


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Re: [slim] Somebody has to say it.

2008-06-07 Thread gutted

I found this thread through a search.  I'm considering upgrading to a
newer version, and wanted to see if the system will keep my settings or
whether I'll have to reconfigure everything again.  (Again).  And you
know what?  I can 100% sympathise with the OP on virtually all points
raised.  I, personally, am not so worked up about it - but that's
because some other poor soul has already gone through the effort of
upgrading and has encountered all these problems that would otherwise
have hit me too.

I love these forums.  This community has always been extremely helpful
when I've had questions, even when I've had stupid questions where the
answers were just a search away...  But seriously though - for the most
part, I feel the responses have been pretty hard on the OP which I find
surprising.  So - the OP is more or less letting off steam.  He/She has
had problems, and isn't describing them with an end to fixing them - OP
is just being angry about basically feeling let down about a couple of
things.  I can *completely* see what they mean!  That's why I actually
found this thread in the first place!  If I didn't know how much of a
hassle it was to upgrade (from experience going back several years of
SB ownership) then I would have blindly went ahead with new version and
- most likely - got myself in same situation as OP.

Here's a list of OP frustrations that I can completely understand: 

-Software reliability...
I can't remember a SS upgrade that has gone 100% without problems.  A
noteable one in my case was due to a brand new bug that actually made
listening to music impossible until I rolled back the changes.  So I
can understand when someone gets annoyed that they've upgraded and hit
several problems and has had to downgrade again.  Because I've been

-Effects and animation...
Ok - so OP and myself have a different opinion on this, I guess.  Sure,
animations don't impress me that much but it's not something that cause
me to be annoyed.

Heh.  I am *so* with the OP on this.  This is such a valid point, and
is the ENTIRE REASON I even found this thread and have felt motivated
to respond.  This has been a hassle every single upgrade (for me). 
Reading that the system would keep current settings and then finding
that some were still missing would annoy the hell out of me, too.  Are
there caveats to this?  Are they documented?  I'd like to avoid this
frustration too, please.

-Slim Network requirement...
If the system requires SN to be up and running, then I'm again with OP
on this.

-tray icon...
You've got to admit - it's fairly pointless, no?  And just because OP
(and a considerable percentage of other customers) are on Windows isn't
a reason to be facetious.

-Slim/Logitech: You guys/gals...
The point here?  Squeezebox is awesome.  It requires SS, which in turn
means that -once you've installed and configured it- (typically a
couple of hours to get it exactly right, in my experience) then SS is
awesome too.  I think OP is trying to say that it would be great if you
could download SS/SC, install it, then be up and running in 5 minutes
without the (frequent) hassle of tinkering to get it set up properly. 
It doesn't work straight of of the box.  I've been using it for 5+
years and it's NEVER been right straight out of the box.  I would
challenge anyone who says otherwise. 

-Me: I'm dumb for wasting my time writing this...
Sadly there was not enough info on any of the issues to know what
caused them (and therefore they can't be fixed).  And original poster
now has downgraded again.  But I honestly was pretty shocked at the
tone of some of the responses.  He got no empathy.  He ranted (which
wasn't cool) but he had valid points.  And yet the majority of the
responses were either along the lines of "well it worked for me" or
even derogatory.

-Me again: I'm also dumb for "upgrading" to 7...
Once again - I know exactly what this guy means.  That's why I'm being
really cautious about upgrading.  And you know what?  It's scary that
people have to be so cautious before even considering an upgrade.  It's
-sensible- to have an element of caution - but you need to be almost
paranoid when considering an upgrade or SS/SC.  That can't be right,

I feel like I've gone on a whole rant myself, which freaks me out a
bit.  Sorry for that.  I just felt (and continue to feel) complete and
utter understanding of the frustrations of OP and I was quite shocked
by what seems (to me) to be such an unsympathetic attitude that seems
to have been adopted in response to those frustrations.

When did things all get so unfriendly?



Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 9000 tracks (70% FLAC, 30% MP3)

gutted's Profile: http://

Re: [slim] 7.0.1 does not scan library at all

2008-06-07 Thread Nostromo

I have a similar problem on Windows Vista machine. Scan doesn't work at
all. It used to work in 7.0.1, but now it doesn't anymore. Not sure
what triggered it. Here's a part of the scan log:

> [08-05-27 23:22:59.1560]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Tyner,%20McCoy/Extensions/His%20Blessings.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:22:59.1565]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Air/Pocket%20Symphony/Space%20Maker.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:29:34.2103]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Tyner,%20McCoy/Extensions/Message%20from%20the%20Nile.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:29:34.2110]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Tyner,%20McCoy/Extensions/The%20Wanderer.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:29:34.2115]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Tyner,%20McCoy/Extensions/Survival%20Blues.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:29:34.2121]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Tyner,%20McCoy/Extensions/His%20Blessings.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!
> [08-05-27 23:29:34.2126]
> Slim::Formats::Playlists::Base::playlistEntryIsValid (122) Warning:
> file:///E:/Ma%20musique/Musique/Air/Pocket%20Symphony/Space%20Maker.flac
> found in playlist:
> file:///F:/Squeezebox/Listes%20de%20lecture%20Squeezebox/Zapped%20Songs.m3u
> doesn't exist on disk - skipping!

I don't understand why its referring to tracks that are on E, my
external hard drive. My music folder is in F:\Squeezebox\Musique and my
playlists are in F:\Squeezebox\Listes de lecture Squeezebox. 

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0.1 - 19705 @ Wed May 14 19:43:37 PDT 2008 -
Windows Vista - EN - cp1252
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt


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Re: [slim] Questions re: bridging with SBR

2008-06-07 Thread Robin Bowes
NathanielK wrote:

> in the shell window, I can execute the help and list commands, but when
> I try discover I get a huge amount of text. I copied it to notepad and
> it seems to be this, repeated over and over:
> Use of uninitialized value $rawstr in length at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/Net
> -UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP/Util.pm line 57.
> Use of uninitialized value $rawstr in length at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/Net
> -UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP/Util.pm line 67.
> Supplied string has length0(expected length: 6) at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/
> Net-UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP.pm line 296
> Use of uninitialized value $mac in concatenation (.) or string at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/
> scripts/../src/Net-UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP.pm line 297.
> info:   adv_discovery response received from
> Use of uninitialized value $rawstr in length at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/Net
> -UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP/Util.pm line 57.
> Use of uninitialized value $rawstr in length at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/Net
> -UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP/Util.pm line 67.
> Supplied string has length0(expected length: 6) at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/
> Net-UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP.pm line 358
> mac not found in msg at
> C:/UDAP_Thing/scripts/../src/Net-UDAP/lib/Net/UDAP/Shell
> .pm line 156
> I tried with the red light blinking on the SBR, and I also tried
> setting up the SBR from the SBC and then plugging the SBR into my
> router directly. I assume I'm missing some compile step or something?

Nope, you're doing everything right, as far as I can tell. I'm not sure 
what's going on there. The code works fine with perl 5.10.

Can you modify line 38 of Log.pm to:

level => 'debug',

and re-run the discover?

Please create a ticket at http://projects.robinbowes.com/Net-UDAP/trac 
and paste the output. You'll need to register first.

Please include details of what platform you're running on, your network 
  topology, and configuration.



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Re: [slim] Slacker error -- account suspended

2008-06-07 Thread StAlphonzo

Thanks for the replies. I didn't think to log out because I had never
visited their website prior to this problem. I actually logged in to
see if I could reset it. However, after logging in and then logging out
again the problem seems to have cleared. Weird.


StAlphonzo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13700
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Re: [slim] Somebody has to say it.

2008-06-07 Thread toby10

Upgrading and keeping settings:
I don't know if SS settings would be migrated as there are
new/different folder locations in SC7 for favorites, settings, etc... 
I started from scratch.  Even in SC7 there are at least three different
folders to back up (settings, favorites, plugins).  I'm guessing
(hoping) SD's or a third party plugin writer will eventually introduce
a backup/restore routine that will grab/install all such files.

SN is only required for certain Internet Radio services like Sirius,
Live365, Pandora, etc...  It is not required for other services in SC7
like favorites, ShoutCast, etc...  
I suppose a published list of SN dependant services might help.


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Re: [slim] Please help - Duet PIN not working, i've tried it all

2008-06-07 Thread blberenb

andyg;288367 Wrote: 
> Forgot to say, if you really want to see the PIN, change the music
> source of your Receiver to SN, and it will show you the PIN.

How can I generate a new PIN or reset the SN configuration. I first
configured the duet to connect to my wife's account, now I want to
change it to mine, but this does not seem to be an option.


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Re: [slim] Slacker error -- account suspended

2008-06-07 Thread toby10

StAlphonzo;309651 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies. I didn't think to log out because I had never
> visited their website prior to this problem. I actually logged in to
> see if I could reset it. However, after logging in and then logging out
> again the problem seems to have cleared. Weird.

I know for a while Slacker would count the SB3 and your login to SN web
site as two different players, resulting in kicking you off of Slacker
until one or the other logged out of Slacker.


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[slim] Squeezenetwork PIN problems

2008-06-07 Thread StAlphonzo

Most of the information on these forums suggest that you need to connect
to SN first in order to see your PIN.

How can you connect to SN if you don't have a PIN to begin with!?
Looking at the error logs it basically says "player not found" but I'm
not seeing a PIN number on the display of the Slimserver so I can
validate on SN. 

Is it the chicken or the egg?


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Re: [slim] Trojoan in scanner.exe?!

2008-06-07 Thread auronthas

peter;309616 Wrote: 
> auronthas wrote:
> > SamS;309519 Wrote: 
> >   
> >> I downloaded the standard 7.0.1 when I couldn't get 7.0 to work, and
> it
> >> still doesn't work.  So.. I can download the nightly 7.0.1, but then
> do
> >> I run an AVG scan?  Or just try to rescan SC?  And when I get the
> >> error, what do I do?  Ignore, Heal or something else?
> >> 
> >
> > I completely deleted the infected scanner.exe in c:/program
> > files/slimserver/server as well as recycle bin. 
> >   
> There is no infected scanner.exe. It's a false alarm. Do you trust your
> virus scanner more than your own common sense?
> Regards,
> Peter

Yes, it may be uncommon to me. Therefore i take some precaution to
remove them while waiting AVG to confirm.  Meanwhile i reintall SC and
it works. End of story.



Tajima Power Conditioner  Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2  Van den Hul The Source  Cambridge Audio 540A
 Chord Carnival Silver Plus (current) / Van den Hul Goldwater
 Sonus Faber Concertino Domus

Dell Inspiron 640m  Window Vista  SC 7.0.1 - 20455 (07
June 08) Firmware: 88  Aztech DSL600EW 

iPod Touch 16GB fw 1.1.4

Last.FM : http://www.last.fm/user/auronthas
Last.FM group I lead :

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Re: [slim] Somebody has to say it.

2008-06-07 Thread gutted

Thanks, dude.  I've got another thread started in "Beginners" about
keeping settings.  I'll add your response to there, if I may.

And I'm glad that SN doesn't need to be configured before I could use
my SB, becaue that would -utterly- wind me up!  Cheers for clearing
that up!



Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 9000 tracks (70% FLAC, 30% MP3)

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Re: [slim] Scanning problem 7.01 & 7.02

2008-06-07 Thread jimzak

I uploaded a lot of music today to my server.

7.01 refuses to scan the new music.


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[slim] Lost connections need frequent switchoff

2008-06-07 Thread bigstorr

Running v7.0 with SB3.  Have had no problems until recently.  Now the
SB3 frequently 'sticks' after a few minutes and the Squuezebox
interface says it cannot find my player.  It continues to display the
time (for the moment when it lost connection).  It does not respond to
restarting the software and if I disconnect the SB3 it nearly always
needs to be set up again and then reconnects but sometimes reaches end
of set-up and will not respond to > and doesn't play.  Any ideas?


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Re: [slim] Scanning problem 7.01 & 7.02

2008-06-07 Thread jimzak

I uninstalled 7.01 and reinstalled.

I disabled all antivirus (just in case) and have only Windows firewall

It is currently scanning my 18,000+ FLAC files!


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[slim] Problem SC in Ubuntu 8.04

2008-06-07 Thread badbob

deb http://debian.slimdevices.com stable main

in sources.list

when I run I get this message

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13
Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the list directory


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread technojunkie

Can anybody please advise what the MusicIP validation process actually
does ?

I ask because, having tried to finely tune the mix paramaters within SC
and the MusicMagicServer I'm still getting some very "odd" mixes.

Does the validation process flag tracks by genre, style of music,
feel/mood of music or some other method ?

The songs in my library have not been all correctly tagged for genre
but I was expecting the MusicIP validation process to log this

However if, for example, I select a rock ballad as the seed song, I get
a lot of songs in the mix that are not by rock artists and certainly not
rock ballads or anything similar in style or mood.

Am I expecting too much from MusicIp or do I need to do some more fine
tuning of the mix settings and, if so, which ones ?

I am using MIP headless, the Spicefly server UI and SC 7.01 with a Duet

Thankyou for any helpful advice.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

Sike;309324 Wrote: 
> Is it possible to get it to work when browsing the folders? (I don't
> browse by artist or album..)Not sure whether the MiP integration will show 
> itself if browsing
folders - there's only one way to find out.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
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Re: [slim] MusicIP causes to become Miscellaneous

2008-06-07 Thread Phil Meyer
>As of MusicIP Mixer 1.9 beta 5 (released yesterday), the HTTP API will
>no longer send the default values for missing metadata (they still show
>up in the UI, but that shouldn't be an issue for SC).  The beta is only
>available for Windows at the moment, but we will be doing a linux
>release in the future.
>Anyways, if someone could test the Windows version to make sure it's
>giving correct results with SC, that would be fantastic.
Hey, that's great.  I downloaded and installed 1.9 beta 5 this morning, so I'll 
undo my change to the MusicIP plugin, and give it a go.

>So any other issues reported here about strange metadata are probably
>likely to issues such as album artist not being consistent with track
>artist in the file.
I didn't think that MusicIP understood Album Artist.  Does it read TPE2 as 
Album Artist for Id3 tags?   It would be nice if it understood TXXX ALBUMARTIST 
and TXXX ARTISTSORT instead/too.  I saw that beta 5 reads ";" as dividers in 
artist tags - will it understand multiple tags (eg. artist and genre) as well 
as dividers, as this seems to used by many apps?

I also saw mention of a repeat flag in the API.  Does that mean that the SC 
MusicIP plugin could make a playlist continue, rather than stop after n tracks? 
 Is that only in the purchased version?

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

technojunkie;309692 Wrote: 
> Am I expecting too much from MusicIp or do I need to do some more fine
> tuning of the mix settings and, if so, which ones?I'd made reference earlier 
> to a post by Siduhe in another thread that I
found very useful.  There is additional fine tuning that can be done by
way of Mixes and Recipes but I've not looked at them yet so can't
comment on what to do/ how it works.  You should be able to pick up
useful info from the '*MusicIP Blog*' (http://blog.musicip.com/)


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

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[slim] SqueezeCenter shows Duet Receiver Off when it is On...

2008-06-07 Thread AndrewFG


I have a Transporter, a Duet Receiver and a Duet Controller to rule
them all.

When I go to bed I connect the Controller to the Transporter and
command it off (Transporter turns off); then I connect the Controller
to the Duet Receiver and command it off (Receiver turns off; LED off).
Then I turn off my PC.

But in the morning, when I turn on my PC again, the Transporter is
still off like it should be, but the Receiver is on (white LED), and
when I look in the SqueezeCenter web UI, it reports the Transporter as
off (correct) and it also reports the Receiver as off (which is untrue,
since it is on, with white LED).

Am I missing something here? Or is this a bug?



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Re: [slim] Who are you on LastFM?

2008-06-07 Thread DickSpittle


You can call me Dick.


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Re: [slim] Who are you on LastFM?

2008-06-07 Thread gutted


Anything remotely dodgy (including Dodgy) belongs to my wife.  Unless
it becomes cool in a few years, in which case it was mine all along.



Slimserver 6.5.4 +MusicIP Mixer 1.7.1 +AlienBBC 1.06 +Slimscrobbler
Windows 2000 Professional sp4
Intel Celeron 1.4GHz
Squeezebox 3 wireless (Player Firmware Version: 55)
Library of approx 9000 tracks (70% FLAC, 30% MP3)

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread tamanaco

egd;309702 Wrote: 
> One thing you may want to check in the meantime is where MiP headless
> is taking its cue from - the mix settings in mmm.ini or that in the SC
> Plugins/MiP settings area.  On my setup it's definitely taking its cue
> from mmm.ini which I control via the HTTP API.  I'm not sure what
> setting in SC needs to be tweaked to have it take its cue from SC. 
> There are aspects of the integration that are still a mystery to me and
> this is one of them.

Mystery... Integration...? For me it is still a bit too painful to
manipulate the characteristics of the MusicIP mixes because of the
plethora of interfaces I have to master. I change the mix settings
today and four days later I need a refresh course on the interfaces and
settings before I can deal with them again. As I mentioned in post #96,
I would like to see the headless HTTP API included as part of the
MusicIP settings in the Web interface of SC. To begin, let the settings
applied in this page be the default for the MusicIP mixes generated
using the Web interface and all the player that connect to the specific
SC server. Later, an enhancement could be to have a per player settings
page to allow mix characteristics to be different from player to
player. I understand that this is not and easy task, but maybe someone
in the community would be willing to do it. I'd do it myself, but my
days as a developer are long gone and my programming skills are going
the way of the Dodo.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread technojunkie

egd;309702 Wrote: 
> One thing you may want to check in the meantime is where MiP headless is
> taking its cue from - the mix settings in mmm.ini or that in the SC
> Plugins/MiP settings area.  On my setup it's definitely taking its cue
> from mmm.ini which I control via the HTTP API.  I'm not sure what
> setting in SC needs to be tweaked to have it take its cue from SC. 
> There are aspects of the integration that are still a mystery to me and
> this is one of them.

Thanks again for the post egd. Thats just the problem ! I don't know if
the Duet controller (via SC) is taking its mix settings from MIP, the
HTTP AP or SC. Every tweak I make seems to have no real effect on the
outcome of the mix. 

Is there any way to find out which mix settings are determining the
outcome of a mix from a seed track requested from the Duet controller ?


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[slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread 2string

I am trying to download slim device. Can someone point me in the right


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Re: [slim] Who are you on LastFM?

2008-06-07 Thread upstateaudio



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Re: [slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread radish

What exactly are you trying to download? SqueezeCenter?



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Re: [slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread 2string

Well it's been quite a while since I used my SB3 to play music off my
hard drive. I think it was called slim server but can't find it.


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Re: [slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread Pat Farrell
2string wrote:
>I think it was called slim server but can't find it.

It was renamed as SqueezeCenter. Radish posted the proper URL

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 rebooting - warranty status?

2008-06-07 Thread cord

After a few emails to Logitech support, I am now waiting for a brand new
Squeezebox Classic in the post.  Very happy about that, since my current
broken one is just over 2 years old.  Amazing service, honestly
surprised me.

They asked for the PSU and remote battery cover back from my current
one, once I receive the new one.


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Re: [slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread Mnyb



or here:


SqueezeCenter is the new Slimserver, it has some improvements and
supports the new Reciever and Controller, and all the old players.

Slimserver only works with the old players but is still preferred by



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Re: [slim] MusicIP causes to become Miscellaneous

2008-06-07 Thread Phil Meyer
>>Anyways, if someone could test the Windows version to make sure it's
>>giving correct results with SC, that would be fantastic.
>Hey, that's great.  I downloaded and installed 1.9 beta 5 this morning, so 
>I'll undo my change to the MusicIP plugin, and give it a go.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work.  I reverted to the latest SVN version of 
the MusicIP plugin and triggered a full rescan of my SC music library, and now 
have hundreds of Miscellaneous albums again.

Has anyone else tried this yet?

BTW, a full rescan takes a long time now that I have MusicIP plugin enabled, 
irrespective of whether it does a full scan or new and changed files rescan.  
I'd prefer it if the plugin could just ask MusicIP about the new and changed 
files when it does a partial rescan.  I also see no benefit in the plugin 
reading tags from MusicIP and setting them within SC library, as my SC library 
tags are completely fine as they are.  I only need it to read the "is mixable" 
indicator for songs, and apply to artist, album and genre if necessary.
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Re: [slim] Controller Performance Problem

2008-06-07 Thread EliteAV

I just thought I would provide an update on some further investigation
work I have been doing today.

Listed below is another snippet from the SC logfile when I selected an
album by ABC on the controller (SBC):

[08-06-07 18:51:03.6787] Slim::Schema::Track::coverArt (271) Retrieving
artwork for:
[08-06-07 18:51:03.6794] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (220)
Looking for a cover art image in the tags of: [\\NAS600\media\my
music\ABC\Traffic\02 The Very First Time.wma]
[08-06-07 18:51:03.7951] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtFiles (264)
Looking for image files in \\NAS600\media\my music\ABC\Traffic
[08-06-07 18:51:04.5691] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtFiles (352)
Found image file: \\NAS600\media\my music\ABC\Traffic\folder.jpg
[08-06-07 18:51:04.5700] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (26) UPDATE
tracks SET cover = ? WHERE ( id = ? ): '\\NAS600\media\my
music\ABC\Traffic\folder.jpg', '5210'

The key bit is the last line where you can see that SqueezeCenter is
updating the COVER column in the TRACKS table (on the SLIMSERVER db)
with the location of the cover/album art for track ID 5210 ("The Very
First Time").

This suggested to me that it should be possible to create my own SQL
script that would set the cover art for every track where the cover art
was missing (in the db) i.e. TRACKS.COVER was NULL. This would then
avoid the performance hit of SqueezeCenter doing this every time I
selected an album on the controller (SBC).

As I wanted to have a look at the MySQL db schema, I used the MySQL
Query Browser tool (from
http://www.mysql.com/products/tools/query-browser/) and with this found
the column on the TRACKS table that I could use to derive the filepath
for the cover art:




As all of my album art is held in \\\folder.jpg files,
all I needed to do was to set the location of this file based on the
URL filepath for the track. After a bit of playing around, I came up
with the following SQL statement:


Basically all this is doing is working from the end of the URL to find
the lowest folder location, it then adds the "folder.jpg" to this
folder path, then strips out the URL encoding stuff. I am sure that
there are probably more elegant ways of doing this, but I hadnt used
MySQL until today, so apologies if the SQL offends any of you MySQL

Anyway, after I had run this against the database (it updated approx
4000+ records in about 2 seconds), I verified it by selecting a dozen
different albums on the controller and the track listing came back
virtually instantaneously. I have some further testing to do but am
very pleased with the results so far.

I will obviously need to run this whenever I add new music to the
library but as it executes so quickly, this isnt a problem.

I should add that this workaround wont necessarily work as is for
everyone who has the same performance issues (running SC on a separate
PC from a NAS) as your music library may be organised differently.
Plus, of course Logitech could change the db schema at any point
(although this is probably unlikely on any great scale). However
hopefully this may be of use to someone else.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

technojunkie;309717 Wrote: 
> Thanks again for the post egd. Thats just the problem ! I don't know if
> the Duet controller (via SC) is taking its mix settings from MIP, the
> HTTP AP or SC. Every tweak I make seems to have no real effect on the
> outcome of the mix. 
> Is there any way to find out which mix settings are determining the
> outcome of a mix from a seed track requested from the Duet controller ?

I'd think a simple way of determining where it's taking its cue from is
to change the number of tracks to be generated by the mix in SC Plugins
MiP settings and then generate a mix.  If the # of tracks changes you
know it's taking the cue from SC.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

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[slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Pete7874

I've got SB3 and

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0 - 17793 - Windows Vista - EN - cp1250
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 
Platform Architecture: 586

My player plays AAC streams fine (via mplayer), but it does not play
M4A files.  Whenever I press play on such a file, no sound is coming
out, but it does not show an error message either.

What do I need to modify?



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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

Ok, I've just run the test I referred to in my previous response - the
upshot is that MiP, when integrated with SC, takes its cue from SC's
SqueezeCenter Settings/Plugins/MusicIP.  So, unless I'm
misinterpreting, mmm.ini is in fact irrelevant in the SC integration
setup and that mmm.ini's settings are under this construct only loaded
as defaults, which are then promptly overridden by SC when it sends mix
instructions to MiP headless via the HTTP API.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
monkeys can be taught to cut code, and world peace is utterly

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[slim] How to verify sound output?

2008-06-07 Thread BrockStone

Just got a second receiver.  It's all setup, thinks it is playing...

I have the two receivers stacked on top of each other and set to
synchronize...can pull RCA cords back and forth.  The old one outputs
sound, the new one does not.  I do not have a digital or optical
capable stereo around to test them on, just RCA.

Seems the RCA output might be flawed right out of the box.

Any way for to verify/test this this weekend?  Going to phone support
Monday obviously but curious on everyone's thoughts.

No sound comes out when it's on non-synchronized mode and just that
player is playing either.



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Re: [slim] Receiver not finding server anymore

2008-06-07 Thread craigf

BrockStone;309242 Wrote: 
> I can log into my DHCP server, watch all the ips being handed out,
> everyone is getting the right IP (including the SBR) and everyone
> thinks they have the right IP.
> The SBR just doesn't know where the SC is.

I also developed this same problem sometime last week...am having a
devil of a time figuring out what's going wrong:

The SBC sees the wireless network and gets an IP
The SBR sees the wired network and gets an IP
SC is running on a Mac Mini (Tiger) and is fine except it can't see any
Going through setup on the SBC verifies that the Mini has SC running on
The SBR just can't get to the Mini (although both are on a wired
network and the Mini has no firewall running whatsoever).

Sounds pretty familiar, right?

The only cause I can think of is a power outage we had last week, so
I'm about to power cycle the router, switch, and SBR and restart the
Mini and see if that helps at all.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread bpa

Have you installed Quicktime ?


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[slim] Why SqueezeCenter is worse than Squeeze Server

2008-06-07 Thread lenehey

1.  Takes forever to load (may apply only to "default" skin)
2.  Unstable (causes browser--Firefox--to lock up repeatedly) -- (also
may apply only to "default" skin)
3.  Can't recognize m3u files.  Won't list them, can't see them, won't
play them.
5.  Always getting messages like this:

"403 Forbidden: settings/server/behavior.html

"In order to request this URL from a Bookmark/Favorite, or some means
other than following a link from the SqueezeCenter web interface, you
will need to use a URL with a \"cauth\" security parameter. If you
received this error when following a link from the SqueezeCenter web
interface, you will want to make sure your web browser software
(including proxy servers and spyware/privacy software) is allowing
\"Referer\" headers to be sent. Below is the appropriate URL for the
URL you attempted.


"Because your CSRF protection level is set at 'MEDIUM', you can use the
same ";cauth=" value for any URL; this means you should be more careful
who you share your URLs with."


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Re: [slim] Slim Device download

2008-06-07 Thread 2string

Thanks for the help,I got it and so far it work OK.


2string's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4989
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[slim] Can't see music source after downgrade

2008-06-07 Thread toml

Hi all,

I'm a new user of the Duet system, actually I'm setting it up for my
father-in-law who's music crazy (~50,000 mp3s!).

When I installed everything the 1st time I was using v7.0.1, but
nothing seemed to work correctly, the server would hang, the scanner
would crash, and the web interface would hang. 

So, after reading some posts here I downgraded the server to v6.5.4,
now the controller can't find any music sources apart from the
SqueezeNetwork. However it sees the Squeezebox OK, and I can ping the
controller and SB from the PC OK.

I've tried re-installing the server, I've tried updating the
controller's firmware (which doesn't seem to work either), I've tried
factory resetting the controller, I've tried inputting the server's IP
into the controller but when I select the IP in the music sources list
the interface just "jolts" (i.e. doesn't do anything).

Do I need to downgrade the controller to get it working with 6.5.4?



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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 3 rebooting - warranty status?

2008-06-07 Thread grein002

cord;309736 Wrote: 
> After a few emails to Logitech support, I am now waiting for a brand new
> Squeezebox Classic in the post.  Very happy about that, since my current
> broken one is just over 2 years old.  Amazing service, honestly
> surprised me.
> They asked for the PSU and remote battery cover back from my current
> one, once I receive the new one.

Wow, how did you manage that?? They only offered to repair mine, so I
have to send it to them and wait a couple of weeks without. And mine is
just over 1 year old...  :-(


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Re: [slim] Receiver not finding server anymore

2008-06-07 Thread YaHozna

Just installed SqueezeCenter v7.0.1 and firmware upgrade. Squeezebox
then doesn't find SqueezeCenter. 2 hours of serious frustration and
kicking the cat. Possible solution: clean uninstall and re-install.




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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Pete7874

Umm... no.  Is it mandatory?  I try to avoid everything Apple at all

Can I use something else for that purpose?


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Pat Farrell
Pete7874 wrote:
> Umm... no.  Is it mandatory?  I try to avoid everything Apple at all
> costs.

"The .M4P extension is AAC purchased from Apple's Music Store (iTune) 
and is protected by a Digital Rights Management scheme."

Doesn't seem like you are doing too well at that if you buy at the 
iTunes store. its owned by Apple.

DRM files are hard to play well on anything.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Eric Seaberg

pfarrell;309775 Wrote: 
> "The .M4P extension is AAC purchased from Apple's Music Store (iTune) 
> and is protected by a Digital Rights Management scheme."

Yes, but .m4a is different than .m4p (he said .M4A).  If you rip CDs
using iTunes as AAC it will tag them as .m4a.  You'll need to install
QuickTime to playback and/or transcode to FLAC or some other 'native'
format for the SB3 to play.

If you ARE trying to play purchased iTunes files, it won't work.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread ezkcdude

Dangit! I had everything working fine for a couple of days, and now I've
gone a lost the "M" again.


There are 10 kind of people in the world - those who understand binary
and those who don't.
'*Site*' (http://www.ezdiyaudio.com)| '*RSS*'
(http://www2.kumc.edu/students/ezamir/rss/ezdiyaudio.xml) |'*Forum*'

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

ezkcdude;309778 Wrote: 
> Dangit! I had everything working fine for a couple of days, and now I've
> gone a lost the "M" again.

You do/ change anything?


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Re: [slim] Can't see music source after downgrade

2008-06-07 Thread toml

Well, it appears I should have read the manual becaues the Duet won't
work with v6.5.4.

There are worse things I could have done on a Saturday evening.


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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

Folks, as Erland suggested, I've tried to capture the essence of getting
integration working in a '*Wiki entry based largely on this thread:
Integrating MusicIP with SqueezeCenter*'


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Nostromo

> If you ARE trying to play purchased iTunes files, it won't work.

There are workarounds, however. And the better quality iTunes files
come without DRM.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox not playing m4a files

2008-06-07 Thread Pete7874

pfarrell;309775 Wrote: 
> "The .M4P extension is AAC purchased from Apple's Music Store (iTune) 
> and is protected by a Digital Rights Management scheme."
> Doesn't seem like you are doing too well at that if you buy at the 
> iTunes store. its owned by Apple.

Who said anything about .M4P?


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Re: [slim] Can't see music source after downgrade

2008-06-07 Thread Nonreality

toml;309780 Wrote: 
> Well, it appears I should have read the manual becaues the Duet won't
> work with v6.5.4.
> There are worse things I could have done on a Saturday evening.
Just think on how much experience you are gaining. :)




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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread Nonreality

egd;309781 Wrote: 
> Folks, as Erland suggested, I've tried to capture the essence of getting
> integration working in a '*Wiki entry based largely on this thread:
> Integrating MusicIP with SqueezeCenter*'
> (http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Integrating_MusicIP_with_SqueezeCenter)

Very nicely done. I do have a couple of suggestions. Dumb it down just
a bit, it would scare me off I think if I hadn't already done it (us
dummies you know).  I think you need to point out a bit more that
people can use the GUI to do all the validating, just by reading it was
pretty focused on the Genpuid technique.  I think most beginners with
smaller collections would want to just use the GUI. Just a couple of
suggestions and I'm glad you did it because the info before seemed
spread all over the internet.  Oh you might want to mention spicefly's
tool to load in the right order on xp machines. Anyway good job.




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Re: [slim] Trojoan in scanner.exe?!

2008-06-07 Thread Nonreality

auronthas;309523 Wrote: 
> I completely deleted the infected scanner.exe in c:/program
> files/slimserver/server as well as recycle bin. 
> After installing nightly 7.0.1, i did another AVG scan only scanner.exe
> file, no more virus alarm. SC works fine, no problem with clear and
> rescan SC.

Did you email everyone you know about the "infected scanner.exe"?




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Re: [slim] Why SqueezeCenter is worse than Squeeze Server

2008-06-07 Thread ceejay

You might want to try a different title next time - how about "Having
problems with SqueezeCenter, please help".

There are lots of reasons why SC is better than older versions of SS,
but you're obviously not going to appreciate them if it won't even run
for you!

A couple of suggestions:

- you've not said which version of SC7 you are running.  The latest
7.0.1 released? Go to settings-status and report back the "SueezeCenter
Version" string

- when you say it won't recognise M3U files, what exactly do you mean?
Are you sure the M3U files are in the right folder you specified at
setup? Did they work in earlier versions of SS? Have a look in bugzilla
(bugs.slimdevices.com) : search for M3U, there are a few specific bugs
listed there, see if any seem to apply to your situation

- if you don't like the default skin you can always try another one.
But it shouldn't take for ever to load. What hardware setup do you



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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-06-07 Thread egd

Nonreality;309787 Wrote: 
> Very nicely done. I do have a couple of suggestions. Dumb it down just a
> bit, it would scare me off I think if I hadn't already done it (us
> dummies you know).  I think you need to point out a bit more that
> people can use the GUI to do all the validating, just by reading it was
> pretty focused on the Genpuid technique.  I think most beginners with
> smaller collections would want to just use the GUI. Just a couple of
> suggestions and I'm glad you did it because the info before seemed
> spread all over the internet.  Oh you might want to mention spicefly's
> tool to load in the right order on xp machines. Anyway good job.

Thx for the feedback, I've added a short piece on using MiP GUI to do
the analysis.  There's a reference to Spicefly's guidance under Quick
Tips - is that not the tool (registry entry) you're referring to?

If you've some ideas on other areas I should expand on to make it more
user friendly I'd be happy to hear them.


Internet forums: conclusive proof depth of gene pool is indeed variable,
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Re: [slim] Why SqueezeCenter is worse than Squeeze Server

2008-06-07 Thread Peter
lenehey wrote:
> 1.  Takes forever to load (may apply only to "default" skin)
Takes about 3 (s) on my setup (7.01). Not that fast, but good enough.

> 2.  Unstable (causes browser--Firefox--to lock up repeatedly) -- (also
> may apply only to "default" skin)
I only use FF and never had it lock up.

> 3.  Can't recognize m3u files.  Won't list them, can't see them, won't
> play them.
They're in my playlists folder and they work for me.

> 5.  Always getting messages like this:
> "403 Forbidden: settings/server/behavior.html
Never even seen that one.

> "In order to request this URL from a Bookmark/Favorite, or some means
> other than following a link from the SqueezeCenter web interface, you
> will need to use a URL with a \"cauth\" security parameter. If you
> received this error when following a link from the SqueezeCenter web
> interface, you will want to make sure your web browser software
> (including proxy servers and spyware/privacy software) is allowing
> \"Referer\" headers to be sent. Below is the appropriate URL for the
> URL you attempted.
> ";cauth=96f78357b68a0253937872c6d055b01b
> "Because your CSRF protection level is set at 'MEDIUM', you can use the
> same ";cauth=" value for any URL; this means you should be more careful
> who you share your URLs with."

Strange, do you have some FF extension enabled that could interfere here?
Do the same problems happen on IE?


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Re: [slim] How to verify sound output?

2008-06-07 Thread sebp

Sorry if that sounds silly : isn't your receiver volume set at zero ?
Have a look at
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/SBRFrontButtonAndLED, otherwise.
There are hints on how to check sound of a SBR.


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